Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 19 2017

For those bodies watching time vanishing,

running away, slipping through their fingers.

For those souls now travelling swiftly,

after dropping ballast, fully knowing that there's...

There's a voice, there's a voice inside

saying I won't, saying I'm just sorry;

saying I'm not giving up, please place your bets

the game is on…

Saying I refuse just to sell you all my hope;


for without that weight there is no gravity,

and without gravity there is no hook…

Look at me, I'm floating, look at me I'm flying,

look at me, I'm floating, look at me I'm flying,

look at me coming forward, so brave, leaving all behind…

And it seems life wants to turn the pass of time

into a guillotine, or a dream-shredder.

And, for each year, an announcement of surrender without conditions,

a white flag for its army of zombies…

But there's a voice, there's a voice inside

saying I won't, saying I'm just sorry,

saying I'm not giving up, please place your bets

the game is on…

Saying I refuse just to sell you all my hope;


for without that weight there is no gravity,

and without gravity there is no hook…

Look at me, I'm floating, look at me I'm flying,

look at me, I'm floating, look at me I'm flying,

look at me coming forward, so brave, leaving all behind…

Look at me, I'm floating, look at me I'm flying,

look at me, I'm floating, look at me I'm flying,

look at me coming forward, so brave,

leaving all behind...

For more infomation >> FLM SCI DAY 2017... ¡Mirad cómo volamos! - Duration: 4:07.


Voluntariat i emprenedoria dins del col·lectiu LGTBI - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Voluntariat i emprenedoria dins del col·lectiu LGTBI - Duration: 6:01.


Dissidia Final Fantasy NT TGS 2017 Trailer - Duration: 1:54.

Thank you all for coming here. I am pleased that you have answered my call.

May you...


I am to deliver this world from the grip of the Void-

to prevent its destruction.

You speak of preventing destruction, but how will you do that?

The realm feeds off energy born of battle.

Despite my best efforts, I have yet to produce it myself. Thus-

Thus you gathered us here- against our will.


To fight each other?

Oh no...

Let us forget the means. You wish us to help you preserve harmony in this world, correct?


It is all for the sake of this world.

It's too late for mercy.

I'll destroy you.

Make it easy on yourselves and give up now.

A new ally, I see. Welcome to the fight.

For more infomation >> Dissidia Final Fantasy NT TGS 2017 Trailer - Duration: 1:54.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names – DIY Volcano Slime - NomNom TOYS - Duration: 7:49.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names – DIY Volcano Slime | NomNom TOYS

For more infomation >> Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names – DIY Volcano Slime - NomNom TOYS - Duration: 7:49.


Tutorial: Cómo aplicar una pipeta Advantix a tu perro - Dog Lovers - PETS CARE - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Tutorial: Cómo aplicar una pipeta Advantix a tu perro - Dog Lovers - PETS CARE - Duration: 0:51.


12 Amazing Hairstyles Tutorials Life Hacks for Girls🌸🌺❤ - Duration: 11:10.

12 Amazing Hairstyles Tutorials Life Hacks for Girls

For more infomation >> 12 Amazing Hairstyles Tutorials Life Hacks for Girls🌸🌺❤ - Duration: 11:10.


Learn to Draw Free lessons : How to draw Hands with Charcoal Drawing Techniques - Duration: 4:05.

we must first make a quick sketch with the main lines

The advantage of this step is that we can redo the drawing as many times as you want until it is to our liking

fingers are natural stump for charcoal, quite the opposite with graphite pencils, where it is forbidden to use

with kneaded eraser, "it will polish" the now blurry shapes of the drawing, as if it were a sculpture

a soft brush brings a unique softness to the drawing, and removes excess of our drawing charcoal

and with the base made, we will work to make a more accurate drawing and defined

charcoal is a "fragile" means once we finished our works "fix" it with fixative spray, or if we haven't, with hair spray

the stump, when saturated with soot, also leave a mark, so can be used to give some very gentle strokes

a common chalk tones help to melt and shed light

the shadow of our hand, gives volume and realism to the drawing

with carbon 2B pencil, mark lines, edges and details, but beware, do not re-draw the entire drawing, only some areas

the stump soften some of the pencil lines to make them more real

and there left only a few touches...

you like? then give him a thumbs up and share!

For more infomation >> Learn to Draw Free lessons : How to draw Hands with Charcoal Drawing Techniques - Duration: 4:05.


La meilleure position pour atteindre l'orgasme - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> La meilleure position pour atteindre l'orgasme - Duration: 4:24.


5 moyens surprenants d'atteindre l'orgasme - Duration: 5:28.

For more infomation >> 5 moyens surprenants d'atteindre l'orgasme - Duration: 5:28.


Synchronisatie van uw Wi-Fi Extender - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Synchronisatie van uw Wi-Fi Extender - Duration: 2:11.


Uw wifi- en tv-oplossing over het elektriciteitsnet/Wi-Fi Extender installeren - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Uw wifi- en tv-oplossing over het elektriciteitsnet/Wi-Fi Extender installeren - Duration: 3:02.


The Mummy 2017 - Duration: 1:50:58.




MAN 1: What the hell is this?

MAN 2: I don't know.

MAN 1: Whoa.

Bloody hell.

The Crossrail is the biggest construction project in Europe,

carving 26 miles of new commuter train tunnels beneath the surface of London.

But today, an ancient tomb filled with the coffins of Crusader knights...

ARCHAEOLOGIST: People don't realize that London is a giant graveyard.

A modern city built on centuries of death.

FEMALE REPORTER: Because of the tomb's proximity to the Thames,

half the space is flooded, is that right?

ARCHAEOLOGIST: There are even more coffins submerged underwater.

The tomb appears to have been built during the Second Crusade,

which means it's filled with the bodies

of Crusader knights who invaded Egypt before returning to England.

MALE REPORTER: It has also revealed a treasure trove

of secrets about London's history.



HENRY: Clear them out, please.

MALIK: Ladies and gentlemen, please stop what you're doing.

The train tunnel has been rerouted north of here.

We are now taking control of this site.

Please collect your tools and gear and exit immediately.


Excuse me. Excuse me!

This is my site. What do you think you're doing?

Evacuate your men.

We'll take it from here.

CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Who the hell are you people?

MALIK: This way, sir. Thank you very much.

HENRY: The past cannot remain buried forever.

In my lifetime, I have unearthed many ancient mysteries.

At last, this tomb reveals antiquity's darkest secret.

A secret erased from history and forgotten to time.

Princess Ahmanet.



and ruthless.

Sole heir to the throne of Egypt.

The pharaoh's kingdom would one day be hers to rule

without mercy or fear.

And Ahmanet would be worshipped as a living god.



But Pharaoh had a son.

The boy, now, would inherit her destiny.

And Ahmanet understood power was not given.

It had to be taken.

Vowing revenge, she made a choice to embrace evil.

Set. The god of death.


HENRY: They made a pact.


A pact that would unleash darkness itself.





Ahmanet was reborn

- a monster. - (GASPS)




Yet the pact was not complete.

She vowed to bring the demon into our world in the body of a mortal man.

Together, they would take their vengeance upon humanity.





For her sins, Ahmanet was mummified alive,


her body carried far from Egypt.


There she would remain, condemned to eternal darkness.

But death is a doorway, and the past cannot remain buried forever.



VAIL: Out of luck, huh, Sarge?

The civilians are gone.

It's filled with insurgents down there.

I guess we're too late.

We can do this.

VAIL: Oh, no, no, no! We are too late!

Command thinks we're doing advanced recon 100 miles from here.

Sarge, you're not going down there.

You're right, I'm not.

We are.

At least call in an airstrike.


Bad idea.

A little one. Just... Maybe they'll run off.

And then command will know where we are...

And we'll do 20 years in Leavenworth for looting.

Hey. What'd I tell you? We are not looters.

We are liberators of precious antiquities.

Liberators of precious antiquities.

- Right. - Right.

But we don't even know what's down there.

Haram. Haram is what's down there. Treasure.

No, the translator said "haram" means "forbidden knowledge."

Like a curse.

Around here, that's just another word for "treasure,"

and this guy, this Henry guy, he seems to want it pretty bad.

Well, now he's gonna have to pay double.

- Mount up. - No, sir, I ain't going on this one.

- What? - I'm not going.


What are you gonna do, stab me with that?

Oh, no, no, no!

You crazy bastard.

It's a full day's ride to the nearest water!

The nearest water is right down in that village.

Come on, Vail.

Where's your sense of adventure?

Well, that's just great, Nick. That's just great!

Come on, slip in, slip out, just like we always do.


VAIL: You son of a bitch!

NICK: Oh, my God!

VAIL: We're gonna die! We're gonna die!


NICK: Move! Move!

- Just run! Run, run! - (VAIL YELLING)


- (GUNFIRE) - NICK: Go, go, go!

VAIL: You kidding me?


"Slip in, slip out"?


VAIL: This is not like we always do!

NICK: Stairs! Just run! Run!

Run, run, run!




VAIL: I hate you! I hate you so much!

I never even wanted to come to this country!

NICK: Let me think. Just let me think.

If anyone is listening, this is L-26, urgent, hot!

Request dynamic precision strike at our mark!

You did not just call in an airstrike!

Oh, yes, I did!


Where are you going? Don't leave me!

Where do they keep coming from?


There's nowhere to go!

Oh, man! We're gonna die!

Just, please, Vail! Let me think!

- We're gonna die because of you! - Just let me think!

VAIL: Think about what? Think about what?

I'm thinking...



I'm thinking...

What are you thinking?

I'm thinking we're probably gonna die here.

I knew it!

I knew it!





I am still alive!






Nick! Nick!






I was told you boys were supposed to be 100 klicks from here!

Yes, sir!

But based on intelligence,

we had reason to believe the insurgents

were holding civilian hostages.

We had to make a call, wait for Delta to respond or go in alone!

It was Sergeant Morton's idea to go in, actually!


Only to find out that the villagers had long since evacuated.

Yeah, lucky for them, not for us.

Delta, south-side perimeter.

Sir, when we realized we were in the center of the insurgent stronghold,

it was too late.

We were discovered, we started taking on heavy fire.

Well, sir, Corporal Vail, here, is too humble to admit it,

but he risked his life to save mine.

He's a hero. In fact, I'd like to recommend him for a citation.

Let me run another scenario by you.


One in which two assholes from long-range reconnaissance,

that would be you, run all over northern Iraq just one step ahead of the enemy.

Except, instead of hunting for the enemy, you hunt for antiquities,

stealing whatever isn't nailed down and selling it on the black market.

Meanwhile, these fanatical insurgents trying to erase 5,000 years of history

unwittingly cover your tracks. It's a pretty good scam.

Sergeant Morton!

Where is it?

What? Where's what?

The letter, the map you stole from me.

- (SIGHS) - NICK: Map?

I don't know what you're talking about.

How would I have even had an opportunity to steal anything from you, Miss...


(CHUCKLES) Okay. Sergeant Morton, here, thinks that I'll be too embarrassed

to tell you that I had him in my hotel room three nights ago in Baghdad.

And whilst I was sleeping, he went through my things.

I'm not embarrassed, Nick.

Disgusted, yes.

Regretful? Certainly.

But mainly, just amazed at your ability

to mimic all the qualities of genuine human intimacy

if only for 15 seconds.

- (LAUGHS) - Where's the map, Morton?

(SIGHS) Okay. Sir, I admit that Miss Halsey and I did spend

a delightful evening in Baghdad.

A very long and satisfying evening,

if her reactions are to be considered sincere.

But, sir, I left with nothing more than fond memories.

Now, perhaps I may have neglected to say goodbye to her the next morning,

only because she was exhausted

- and I didn't wanna wake her. - Okay.

And the reward for my gracious consideration?

Well, sir, as you can see, hell hath no fury.

- NICK: Sir. - JENNY: Oh, my God!

It's Egyptian.

VAIL: Oh, is that unusual?

We're in the Persian Gulf, Vail.

Right, Egypt's 1,000 miles away, so it's unusual.

Put those down, hurry. Go get the rest.

MAN: Got it.

Colonel, this is a significant find.

I need your men to secure this village.

We're not even supposed to be here.

It is my job to make sure that anything of value stays out of enemy hands.

We have no idea what could be down there.

The contents of Tutankhamun's tomb alone

were valued at 650 million pounds sterling.


Oh. Um...

Colonel? If I may.

With a couple of shaped charges, we could just close this hole right up

and Miss Halsey can come back another day.

- Shut up. - Okay.

You got two hours, then we're moving out.

- You're getting in the hole with her. - Him?

- Me? - Yep.


You gear up. That's an order.

I'll be right here holding the rope, Sarge.

Get in the damn hole, Vail!

Oh, man!




I'm in a large antechamber of some kind.

There is an inscription on the northern wall,

- the Litany of Ra. - (RUMBLING)

VAIL: Are you kidding me?

Your fault, Nick. Your fault.

(WHISPERS) Do you see any treasure in here, Nick? 'Cause I don't.

You know what I see? I see statues that I can't carry out.

- Just keep it down. - You keep it down.

What are you doing?

It is definitely a tomb.


VAIL: What is that? Mercury?


The ancient Egyptians believed it weakened evil spirits.

Well, now we know better. Stuff will kill you.

Yeah, after it makes you crazy.

JENNY: There is mercury dripping from the ceiling into holes in the ground.

Possibly interconnected.

It's a canal system leading all the way to...

Get the lights!

Oh, my God.

Get everything out of the bags.

(WHISPERS) What did I tell you?

(WHISPERS) That's a lot of gold, Nick.

I'm in a large, man-made cavern adjoining the antechamber.

There are chiseled stairs descending from the ledge.

There is a canal at the center of them

that feeds a ritual well at the base, filled with mercury.

Pleated skirts, scarab signet rings.

This is a High Priest of Amun from the temple in Thebes.

There is a ritual barrier chain that surrounds the well

as a warning to intruders.

To keep people out.

There isn't a single provision

made for someone's journey into the underworld.

No canopic jars, no shabtis.

To be buried in a place like this

would have been a fate worse than death.


Don't even think about it.

There are six watchers around the well

facing inward instead of out.

Whatever's in there, those chains aren't for bringing it up.

They're for holding it down.



This is not a tomb.

It's a prison.

COLONEL GREENWAY: (ON RADIO) Lima 2-6, come in.

Copy, sir.

Get out now. We got reports of bogeys inbound.

We gotta take off.

Tell Greenway we have to notify DTRA.

- For what? - I need specialists

- from Cairo... - VAIL: Cairo?

...CBRN suits, and shielding casks.

VAIL: Jenny, we are out of time.

You better grab what you can now!

JENNY: I am not leaving until I see what's in that pool.

VAIL: You're leaving. We're leaving right now.

JENNY: I did not come this far just to leave with...








Hey! Hey!


Cease fire! Vail!

Vail, cease fire! Cease fire!

They're just camel spiders! They're not even poisonous!

Can we please leave?

- Are you out of your mind, Vail? - Please!

- What is wrong with you? - The thing bit me, Nick!

- Okay, okay. - It bit me!

Enough of this! I don't care!

I'm leaving! With or without you, I'm leaving!

It bit me! Please, Nick!




JENNY: Nick!



Tell Greenway he's gonna send a team to get this thing out of here,

or he's gonna have to explain why he left me behind.

Do it!


JENNY: Guidelines are manned!

PILOT: (ON RADIO) Guideline is steady.

Move more to your 9 o'clock!

Holding at 30 feet.

JENNY: A little more.




PILOT 1: Three-eight-Sierra- four-two-seven-niner-point-six-six-nine.


Go to the MSR, grid two-five-seven- seven-eight-eight-four.

PILOT 2: Bishop to Echo,

we have visual on a severe sandstorm heading west at angels 12.




Wait, wait, please be careful.

This is 5,000 years old.

Sixty seconds! In the air! Let's go!

Carefully. Very, very carefully.

COLONEL GREENWAY: Get us off the ground now!

Halsey, take a seat!





Need some help?


- You're welcome, by the way. - How's that?

Because I saved your whatever-it-is.

That was safely hidden for 5,000 years before you dropped a Hellfire missile on it.

And you might never have found it otherwise.

Again, you're welcome.


Do you have any idea what this is?

The significance of it?

An Egyptian sarcophagus in a tomb in Mesopotamia.

Why'd you say 15 seconds?

Why'd I what?

You told Greenway that I could mimic all the qualities of human intimacy

for 15 seconds.

I mean, let me tell you, it was not 15 seconds.

Well, however long it lasted, it wasn't real.

I never lied to you about my feelings.

You stole from me.

But I didn't lie.

Do you ever think of anyone but yourself?

This means something.

Something bigger than you can imagine.

My life's work.

And you were going to steal it.

How much do you figure that's worth on the black market?


This is Dr. Jennifer Halsey conducting a preliminary analysis

of an Egyptian sarcophagus

discovered in the Nineveh province, northern Iraq.

The hieroglyphs are definitely New Kingdom.

It appears that the wife of King Menehptre

died in childbirth,

leaving a sole heir to the throne,

a girl

called Ahmanet.





COLONEL GREENWAY: Corporal, what in the living hell are you doing, son?



Damn it.

Corporal Vail, do you hear me talking to you? I said what...


- (VAIL HISSING) - Vail, just...

Vail! Whoa, whoa!

- Vail! - Oh, my God. Vail!

- SOLDIER 1: Drop your weapon! - SOLDIER 2: Put it down!

- Drop it now! - Please! No, don't!

Drop it, now!

- Put the gun down! - SOLDIER 1: Drop it!

- Put down the weapon! Put it down! Back off! - JENNY: Wait, wait.

Stop! Do not shoot!

This is a pressurized aircraft! Nick.


- JENNY: Vail. - (HISSING)

- Vail, put the knife down. - Vail. Vail. Vail.

- Vail, no. No, no! - NICK: Vail! Vail! Vail!

Vail! Vail!


Okay, Vail, stop. Stop! Vail, Vail, Vail!


I'm sorry.



CO-PILOT: Pan, Pan, Pan!

This is November four-zero-niner-niner,

United States C-130 Hercules inbound 6 miles off the coast...

- What's happening? - Take your seat and strap in.

- ...of Dover, England. - England?

Ma'am, I don't know what's happening.

Take a seat!


CO-PILOT: We lost thrust in both engines.

No radar contact.

Dropping to 12,000, 280 on the heading.

What the hell is that?

Go, go, go!





I don't know how to do this!

Jenny, Jenny, you can do this. You can do this.





Give me your hand! Give me your hand!






HELEN: It's an awful thing to have to ask, I know.

DR. WHEMPLE: It's most irregular.

Noted, Doctor. Thank you.

We'll let Miss Halsey decide.

Miss Halsey?

Miss Halsey, do you think you're up to it?

I'm sorry, what?

We need your help identifying the bodies.




VAIL: Hey, buddy.

You scared the shit out of me.

We need to talk, Nick.

What's... What's happening?

You know what's happening.

Am I dead?


No, but you're gonna wish you were.

Right this way, please.

- Oh, my God! Nick. - HELEN: Oh!

Jen... Oh!

What's happening? Where am I?

Who's in charge here?


MR. BROOKE: (ON RADIO) Base, this is Search Team One.

Looks like the trail of wreckage

spread across two, two and a half miles through the forest.

Coming up on Aylesford Pier now.

Stand by.

Pier's a wreck.

Looks like part of the wing. A turbine.

Miles away from the primary crash site. Over.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: Copy, Search Team One.

Message received.

One body found, no obvious signs of life. Stand by.

Casualty confirmed, deceased.

Request attendance of ambulance personnel. Over.

FEMALE DISPATCHER: Copy, Search Team One.

Ambulance personnel en route. Over.

MR. BROOKE: We got aircraft debris scattered across the north side of the banks,

still alight, but no immediate danger or threat. Over.





What the hell?

Hey! You better come and look at... (GROANS)



You all right?









FEMALE REPORTER: (ON TV) A United States military plane

crash-landed in Surrey this evening, just missing Waverley Abbey.

How did you get out of that plane?

There's not a single scratch on your body.


Thank you.

For what?

You saved my life.

You'd have done the same for me.

VAIL: Nick.


JENNY: Listen, Nick.

I... (SIGHS)

I think you should know something.

You know I work with a group of archeologists.

- Yeah. - Well, we've developed this theory

that an Egyptian princess had been erased from the history books


We've been searching for something called the Dagger of Set.

A ceremonial knife with a large jewel at the hilt.

Set is the Egyptian god of death.

And legend has it that the dagger and the stone, together,

had the power to give Set physical form.

I'm convinced it was hidden here in Europe.

Stolen by Crusaders centuries ago.

I found reference to it in a manuscript written by a Crusader knight

that suggested the dagger was broken apart.

That the stone was buried with this knight somewhere here in England.

A massive Crusader tomb was recently discovered under London.

We believe that the stone is in there somewhere.

That tomb is what led us to Ahmanet.

I think she's the princess in the legend.

The hieroglyphs said she murdered her father.

- Murdered? - Along with his child.

She made some sort of pact with the god of death.

And then, when I saw those birds,

and that sandstorm... You know, I mean... something is happening.

You're alive and I don't know how.

(MOUTHING) You. Me. Go.

I'm sorry, Nick. I think we've angered the gods.

Would you excuse me?

I'll be right back.

MAN: (ON PHONE) Identify, please.

This is Jenny. Get me Henry.


This is a far more significant problem than we had ever imagined.

Something is happening, Henry. I'm worried about him.

Bring your soldier to London.

Do not discuss anything further with him.

- Understand? - (SIGHS)

What are you doing here?

Jenny looks good.

- Okay, this isn't happening. - I mean, really great.

Okay, really. Stop.

You know, I always thought I had a chance with her.

- What? - How do you squander that?

There was mercury in that tomb. The vapors were toxic.

I mean, how do you mess that up?

It's just in my head, it's in my head.

No, it's not.

You shot me.

Wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. You... You...


stabbed Greenway.

- I saved you... - You murdered him.

...and you shot me.

You tried to kill me. You even went after Jenny.

You shot me. Three times.

- Yes. - Three times, Nick.

Okay, the third one was unnecessary.

You freaked me out, I panicked.

- I'm sorry. Okay? - Not okay.

Look at me. Look at my face.

I'm cursed, Nick. And you're cursed.

And there's only one way to break it.

You are going to do exactly what she wants,

or this is gonna get a lot worse for both of us.

What do you mean, I'm cursed?


I'm sorry.

Just give me a minute. Thank you.

You walked into the chicks' bathroom, by the way.

WOMAN: Go to your own sodding loo!

- VAIL: Yeah, it's a ladies' room. - WOMAN: We just want to pee!

- What do you mean, I'm cursed? - (KNOCK ON DOOR)

How do you think you survived the crash?


- WOMAN: Bloody Yanks. Unbelievable. - WOMAN 2: Yeah!

VAIL: You know what it means.

She's got plans for you, Nick.

- Plans? - You can't run.

You can't escape.








Help me!

Help me!

- Setepa-i! - (SCREAMING)


- (SCREAMS) - DRIVER: Out of the road, wanker!

Nick! What the hell are you doing?

Okay, you were right.

- We've angered the gods. - Wait, what?

I saw her. The chick in the box.

- Ahmanet? - That one.

- Nick... - He said I'm cursed.

- Who said? - Vail.

- Vail? - The coffin we found.

- Sarcophagus. - Whatever.

- There was writing on it. - Hieroglyphics.

Jenny, respectfully, I'm not interested in archeological jargon right now.

The writing on the box that we took out of the hole.

Yes, sorry.

There was something about a curse on there, wasn't there?

Nick, you've had a concussion.

- Yes. - Toxic exposure.

How does that explain that I know that Setepa-i means "my chosen"?

- That's ancient Egyptian. - Ancient Egyptian.

How do I know that?

You've been in the Middle East for years.

- What? No! - You heard it, you forgot it.

Why are you backing off from this? I'm telling you.

She is real.

JENNY: Nick.

Nick, what is it?

I think you're right. I... (LAUGHS)

I think this is all in my head.

We should find the box, look inside, and when I see a 3,000-year-old prune in there...

- Nick. - ...no more curse.

You don't need a sarcophagus, you need a doctor.

I know someone.

A specialist in London.

Don't tell me that you don't wanna see it, too.

Your life's work.

Come on, Jenny.

I think I know where it is.

PILOT: (ON RADIO) Charlie 8-1. Charlie 8-1 to Base.

We are at the main crash site, 400 meters north of Waverley Abbey.

Firefighters are containing the wreckage, but the site is still hot.






JENNY: Nick.

Nick! Where are you going?

The crash site is up that way. Where are you going?

No. We're in the right place.



I don't know what we're doing here.

This isn't the right place.

Yes, it is.

No, it isn't.

The main crash site is up that way, and so is my artifact.

And that's where we're going.




What the hell?

How did I...











(GASPS) Okay.




No, seriously...


NICK: I'm sorry, what?


Oh, God.

No, no, no.


No, please.




(SOFTLY) Yeah?

Run! Run!








JENNY: Come on! Come on!

Nick! Nick!


Hey! Hey!

- No, no, no! Hey! - (ENGINE STARTS)

Hey! Nick! Stop!


Were you just gonna leave me?

- You saw that, right? - You were gonna leave me!

- You saw it, right? - I can't unsee it!


Where are we going?

Away from here. There's a highway up ahead.

- How do you know? - I know.

Oh, my God. Do you realize what this is?

NICK: It's the Dagger of Set.

She was gonna drive that thing right through me.

The stone, it is missing.

Yeah, that seemed to really piss her off.

It's real.

NICK: How was it in a statue?

That statue was a reliquary.

Crusaders would use them to hide holy relics.

But she knew it was there.

What... You're saying that she brought the plane down there?

On purpose?

That's why she wanted you to come to the church.

She wanted me to go to the church?

I told you that I wanted to go to the church.

I told you, I said I wanted to see...

- I wanted to see her corpse. - See her corpse.

Nick, she's in your head.

What are you talking about? That is ridiculous. Because I...


NICK: I drove right back to her.

Oh, my God, she's in my head.


- Go, go, go! - (MUMMY SNARLING)


Get it off me!

Son of a bitch!




That's my face! That's my face! That's my face!













Jenny. Jenny.

Nick! Nick!

NICK: Okay.

All right.

Get her, Nick!

Get her! Get her!

Kick her ass!




AGENT 1: Route is clear. Come on!



- AGENT 2: That's it, pull her back tight! - (AHMANET CONTINUES SCREAMING)

- AGENT 3: Delta Team, move! - AGENT 1: Bring target down!


Who are you...

Where are you taking me?

What's happening?





HENRY: Make yourself comfortable.

Who the hell are you?

Who am I?


The more relevant question, Mr. Morton,

is who exactly are you?

In theory, I know all about you.

Army reconnaissance, decorated soldier,

and page after page indicating a deep and troubling moral turpitude.

But, you see, this file contains nothing of any real value to me.

That's why I wanted to see you face-to-face.

Who are you?

I'm a doctor.

A doctor.

Chemical pathology, neurosurgery.

Fellow of the Royal Society.

I'm also a lawyer.

My name is Jekyll.

Dr. Henry Jekyll.


There you are.

These days, I specialize in immunology, perhaps.


Infectious disease, perhaps.

I would like, if I may, Mr. Morton,

to tell you a story.

A story about a patient of mine.

A man of promise.

A man who believed he was beyond reproach

until he got ill.

The disease manifested itself in subtle ways, at first.

And then it grew

into an overwhelming desire, an unquenchable thirst...


(IN COCKNEY ACCENT) ...for chaos.

For the suffering of others.


He was quite fortunate.

He himself was a physician.

And if evil were a pathogen, he reasoned,

then there must surely be a cure.

I would like, if I may, Mr. Morton,

to show you something.


Welcome to Prodigium, Mr. Morton.

From the Latin, monstrum vel prodigium.

"A warning of monsters."

Forgive the state of things.

We had very little time to prepare for our guest

and only the information Jennifer provided to go on.

In truth, she works for us.

It's not an exact science, this business.


And the business being?

Evil, Mr. Morton.

Recognize, contain, examine, destroy.

She is by far the most ancient we've ever encountered.

What are you doing to her?

HENRY: Embalming her with mercury.

At minus 38 degrees

the mercury in her veins will solidify, and she should be safe for dissection then.

Dissection? You said that we'd study her.

Yes, by dissection.

But she's a living witness to a history that we barely know.

HENRY: She's a threat, Jennifer.

Hold on, hold on. So, where does that leave me?

Cursed, Mr. Morton.

This is not some common cold you have.

Some chicken soup and a good night's sleep will not make it go away.

You have been selected as the vessel for the ultimate evil.

And we are the only ones who can rectify that.




AHMANET: (IN ENGLISH) I was going to give him eternal life.

Make him a living god.

You murdered your father.

AHMANET: I loved my father

with all my heart.

I only wanted his love in return.

You killed his wife.

Their child.


They were different times.

The Day of Awakening will soon be upon us.

You will become Set.

The world will fall to your desire.

You will have power of life over death.

And you will have me.

I will be your queen.

Just give in.

JENNY: Nick.

Nick. Wake up.

Wake up.

They will kill you, just as they killed my chosen before you.

It burns.


It burns! (SCREAMING)

Stop it!

Stop it! Stop!


- (GROANING) - Stop it!



What was I supposed to tell you?

Would you even have believed me

if I'd said this place was real?

When Henry came to me,

I took the job because we had a common interest.

So, you're using each other.

Now she's using you.



Despite what you might think,

despite my...

My better judgment,

I care about you.

Somewhere in there, fighting to get out,

is a good man.

You don't know that.

I do.


You saved my life on that plane.

You gave me the only parachute without hesitation.

I thought there was another one.

HENRY: Mr. Morton.




I think I've found something.





(IN ENGLISH) The "old" gods?

Your language is simple.

What you truly wish to know is

what lies beyond the veil of death.

To know what I have seen?


And you will,

when I

kill you.

They have found the stone.

You brought my chosen here.

What do you think they will do with him now?


Welcome to a new world of gods and monsters.

- Evil has many names, Mr. Morton. - Mmm.

Take Set, for example.

Known to Egyptians as the god of death.

- Mmm. - In the Old Testament, Satan, Lucifer.

- The devil. - Quite so.

Yeah. Bad... Badness. Got it.

So, you see, evil is the shadow

- that exists just outside our world... - Uh-huh.

...continuously searching for a way to come in.

For a way to become flesh and blood.



Either we wait for that day to arrive,

or we can fight it on our own terms.

Which brings me to you.

Me? Yeah, great. Yes, Doc.

You said you could cure me of this curse. Get rid of it.

So, let's do it, Doc.

What's your plan?

Mr. Morton, these things are complex.

Yeah. I bet, I bet.

When one is dealing with the salvation of humanity,

certain sacrifices must be made.

MALIK: Excuse me, sir.

They found it.

Found what?

JENNY: Henry.

Are you planning on killing him?

NICK: Kill?

- Jennifer... - Kill who?

Mr. Morton, here, essentially killed himself

when he severed the barrier chain

that had kept Ahmanet's power imprisoned for 5,000 years.


He was chosen as her ideal candidate.

A thief, physically capable, compulsively devious,

and utterly devoid of soul.

- What? - What?

That's insane.

You want to put the stone in the dagger and stab him with it?

Well, the dagger will allow Set to enter his body,

and then, we obliterate it.

Wait, wait, wait.

You wanna stab me with that thing?


Precisely what the Egyptians should have done.


HENRY: You see, they interrupted a ritual in process,

and that is a mistake we cannot...


...afford to repeat.


That's the plan?

Henry, you can't possibly do this.


That's your plan?

HENRY: The dominoes are already falling.

We haven't much time.

Unfortunately, it is a risk we must take.

That's really your plan?

You heard Ahmanet.

Your curse cannot be broken.

I am truly sorry, Mr. Morton.

No matter what I do, you are going to die.

Yes, evil is a disease.

A pestilent, pustulant infection

burrowing its way into our souls.

The world needs a cure.

- You can be that cure. - Stop.

- A sacrifice for the greater good! - Just stop.

I'm not interested in that at all.

- (GROANING) - Okay.

- Don't! - Give me the injector.

Okay, we're just gonna take a minute, and we're all gonna come up with a new plan.

- We have to go. - You don't know what you're doing.

Really? I know exactly what I'm doing.


(IN COCKNEY ACCENT) Oh, my dear Henry Jekyll,

if ever I've seen Satan's signature upon a face,

it is on that of your new friend.


Okay, hey, hey, hey! Take it!


- Run, Mr. Morton. - What?


Nick! Open the door!

You don't want that.

Stop! Jenny!





They won't let me out, Nicholas.

They never do.



Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's happening?

Did you just shut down the mercury?


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You are a younger man,

but you'd best learn to be wary of a man like me.





It's not me that wants to kill you, it's Henry.

I have something more collaborative in mind. (GROANS)

Oh, nice.




I'm offering you a partnership.

You, Evil Incarnate.

Me, your good friend, Eddie Hyde.

Think about it.

MALIK: Jenny!

HYDE: Oh, come on.




Jenny, stop!


Come on, son. Think about it.

Mayhem, chaos, destruction.

The ladies will love us.

Come here.


I do enjoy the countenance of pain.



(IN NORMAL ACCENT) Well done, Mr. Morton. Well done.




Come on. We have to destroy the stone.

- What? - No stone, no ritual.

No ritual...

- No curse. - Yes.

I know where it is.



Nick! Nick!





Just wait, wait. Which way out?

I don't know.







She's out! She has the dagger.

We think she's coming to you. So are we.

Lock your doors and secure that stone.





VAIL: Nick! Nick!

Let's go!

I know where the stone is!

Let's go!




Wow, that was intense!

Okay, follow me.

AGENT: (ON RADIO) We're heading to the Crusader burial chamber.

We'll make our entry through the northwest train tunnels. Over.

This is the moment, Nick.

This is the moment!

Yeah, you're damn right.

I'm gonna take you to that stone, deliver you to Ahmanet,

then my work here is done.




VAIL: Hey, buddy.

Ahmanet is never going to let her live.

You can't save her.



TECHNICIAN: Oh, no! Move!
















- You shouldn't be here. - I followed you!


NICK: Go, go, go!





Are you okay? Are you okay?

- Where are we? - I don't know.

I don't know.

Are you okay?

- I'm scared. - Just look at me.

We're gonna figure this out. Just...

You just stay with me, please.

We're gonna figure this out. Okay? You just stay with me.

Just stay with me. We'll figure this out.

Okay, it's gonna be okay...


Ah! No! Jenny!





Jenny! No! No!


Let go! (YELLING)



Jenny! Jenny!



AHMANET: Don't blame yourself.

She was always doomed.

There are worse fates than death.

Come to me.


It hurts.

I know.

Let me take the pain away.


Give in to me.

Oh. Uh...




Give in.

Give in.

When it's over,

you will thank me.

I promise.

I'm sorry.

We're just never gonna happen.

And it's not me.

It's you.





Destroy the stone and all is lost.

You will be a living god.

You will have power of life over death.

Give it to me,

my chosen.

Give it to me,

my love.







Somewhere in there, I know you're a good man.

HENRY: The world needs a cure.

You can be that cure.

A sacrifice for the greater good!









Wake up, wake up.

Wake up. Wake up.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Jenny.


Jenny, please, wake up.

I'm sorry.

I don't know what I'm doing.

Just, please, wake up.



Wake up, please.




Jenny, please, just wake up!



(SHIVERING) Nick? Nick.

Nick. Nick.

- Nick... - (RUSTLING)



Nick. Nick?

- NICK: Stop! - (GASPS)

Stop. Please.

I don't know what I am.

I don't want to hurt you, Jenny.

You're alive.

You're alive.

I'm so glad you're alive.

Oh, Nick.

You did this for me?


I have made so many, many mistakes.

But not this time.

Not you.

I don't want to hurt you.

I never wanted to hurt you.

You won't.

Didn't see this coming, did we?



They're coming for me.

I wish we had more time.

I'll find you.

Goodbye, Jenny.


JENNY: You were wrong about Nick.

He gave his life to save me.

To bring me back.

Yes, Jennifer.

He found his redemption, but at great cost.

He is a monster now.

JENNY: He is also still a man.

A good man.

HENRY: Perhaps.

Yet he has only begun to discover his power.

And we cannot know which side will win out.

Between darkness and light,

good or evil.

VAIL: Hey, Nick? Nick.

I'm really glad to be here.

I mean, thank you for bringing me back to life and everything, Nick.

But what are we even doing here?

Where are we going?

NICK: Come on, my friend.

Where's your sense of adventure?

Oh, no.

HENRY: Whatever human part of him remains

will search the world over for a way to break the curse.

To find a cure.

Yet evil never rests.

And it will call to him


JENNY: Henry, he used his power to stop Ahmanet.

You know more than anyone he could be our greatest ally.

HENRY: Perhaps.

Sometimes, it does take a monster to fight a monster.

For more infomation >> The Mummy 2017 - Duration: 1:50:58.


A bit about shoes in Belarusian stores "Marco", "Megatop", "Respect" - Duration: 4:25.


Today I want to show in the comparative review

how to pack the goods

sold in the shoe store

chain specifically

the manufacturer

is "Marco"

and "Megatop", but here already the brand

is "Go.Do."

Both products are of the same price category,

somewhere around $ 35 - $ 40.

If the product of the store "Marco", presented here,

it is made entirely of natural materials:

the top is embossed with genuine leather,

and the lining is genuine leather.

Well, the sole is similar, as in this box,

it's thermoplastic rubber.

Now this pair of shoes,

there is nothing natural there.

Everything is artificial here.

Specifically, here the material of the top is an artificial leather,

lining material - warmed textiles


thermoplastic rubber - this is the sole.

Well, and start with the usual packaging - this is a box.

This is so far away.

A pair of shoes.

There is such an artificial,

sporty such sole is flat.

By the way, here's the full amount of it - 79 rubles 95 kopecks, well,

it's around $ 40.

This price is in Belarusian rubles.

Well, what else do we have here?

Cardboard, wrapping paper and silica gel.

I will not say whose producer, which country,

but are sold in Belarusian stores,

and, in principle, it is possible to buy for $ 40.

Yes, in the chain of stores "Megatop" is currently holding an action

- the second pair is 50% cheaper,

so there is also some benefit.

I gave this pair of shoes about $ 30.

Well, we will remove

the import, foreign

and we will consider the Belarusian products.

Here we have shoes of the Belarusian manufacturer "Marco".

Specifically, the production is in Vitebsk.

The "Premier" series,

well, it's such a pretty prestigious series.

The box is similar.

And so I open it.

And the first thing that meets us, check.

Price 111.37 Bn.

A 30% discount was payable.

Total cost this at 80.96 Bn.

81 rubles.

And, as they say, about $ 40, too.

The second thing that meets us is that this

is a package of paper,

branded, MARKO.BY

- a link to the site. A series of "Premier".

In principle, this box can be put here

and on the ropes to carry.

Conveniently? - Conveniently!

Already a plus goes.

Further standard packaging and

such cloth covers


The second shoe is exactly the same

as "Premier".

At this time, I recall, for $ 40 we get a full

boot of natural materials.

Do you think that's all?

But no.

Now you will expect a surprise.

For this money you still get

individual such

a scoop for shoes

is also branded.

And plus the rules for using shoes.

Similar shoes were packed with

"Respect" shoes. This is a Russian manufacturer.

Here is her data.

Men's low shoes.

I took 2 pairs. They were made

of genuine leather.

What else? Lining - genuine leather.

The sole, sole is a polymer material.

Beautiful mens lacquer model shoes,

but I did not even include the 2 pairs for the season,

the sole burst with both, and the second literally one after another.


the footwear of this campaign "Respect"

I strongly do not recommend

to buy.

You know, it's nice, damn nice

to get the goods, like this, packed.

So buy Belarusian products.

It is natural, high-quality and well-packed.

On this I say goodbye to you. Good luck to all!

I love. Kisses. Till. See you.

For more infomation >> A bit about shoes in Belarusian stores "Marco", "Megatop", "Respect" - Duration: 4:25.


12 Amazing Hairstyles Tutorials Life Hacks for Girls🌸🌺❤ - Duration: 11:10.

12 Amazing Hairstyles Tutorials Life Hacks for Girls

For more infomation >> 12 Amazing Hairstyles Tutorials Life Hacks for Girls🌸🌺❤ - Duration: 11:10.


Otman Karmidi - Hobna Mektab (EXCLUSIVE Audio) | (عثمان القرميدي - حبنا مكتاب (حصرياً - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Otman Karmidi - Hobna Mektab (EXCLUSIVE Audio) | (عثمان القرميدي - حبنا مكتاب (حصرياً - Duration: 3:15.


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Hyundai i30 1.6 GDI i-Drive C.Pl - Duration: 0:54.

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Hyundai ix35 1.6I GDI BUSINESS EDITION / LEER / NAVI / PANORAMADAK !! - Duration: 1:00.

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Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration Automaat 5d Airco - Duration: 1:00.

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Hyundai ix20 1.4i i-Motion /Navig./Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 0:59.

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Voluntariat i emprenedoria dins del col·lectiu LGTBI - Duration: 6:01.

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Citroën C3 1.4I AARDGAS PRESTIGE (67pk) Airco/ Elek.pakket/ C.V. afstand/ Multie-stuur/ 5 Drs - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I AARDGAS PRESTIGE (67pk) Airco/ Elek.pakket/ C.V. afstand/ Multie-stuur/ 5 Drs - Duration: 0:51.


Opel Corsa 1.4I BUSINESS+ Airco, Cruise contr, Navi, 18.000 KM !! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.4I BUSINESS+ Airco, Cruise contr, Navi, 18.000 KM !! - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën C3 1.4I PRESTIGE CNG (74pk) Airco /CV. Afstand. /Elek. ramen /Isofix /Mistl. - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4I PRESTIGE CNG (74pk) Airco /CV. Afstand. /Elek. ramen /Isofix /Mistl. - Duration: 0:58.


Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-I TECH EDITION Airco ECC Cruise control Licht metaal Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Toyota Prius 1.5 VVT-I TECH EDITION Airco ECC Cruise control Licht metaal Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:03.


BTS (방탄소년단) - DNA MV REACTION - Duration: 6:22.

Well i haven't.. i just woke up (sorry bad pronunciation) and i haven't like even washed my face.. my face is like super

super bloated right now because i ate really late last night, but

BTS come back and..

yesterday was really hard because like I was at work and then the

notification from V Live suddenly like pops up so i didn't have any time so i keep it for now and then

Yeah.. i cannot.. i just cannot watch.. i just cannot wait to watch It and let's go!


Big Hit..

What's with this galaxy thing?

OH NO *CHOKED* Stop staring at.. omg..

Oh my god this is crazy. Oh, no no no oh

Oh my god no Jungkook fans mu st be..

bless all the Jungkook fans

Oh my God this is pure aesthetic


Why are you keep staring at me I'm so weak!

It's so beautiful

Oh my god oh my god oh, that hip thrust no no no

yeah blue hair Suga is super..

I really love his hair color right now

Oh Jungkook stop fhfuwfgdhsvchvfchzgf

Jungkook is rapping Jungkook is rapping!!

control your face oh my God..

That's hot Jin.. THAT'S HOT!


What puberty has done to Jungkook's life?

This is not expected at all.. Like from the teaser..

*distracted* When your fingers interlocked~~

Like they did a really different thing compared to the teaser

Aha.. this part only..

That mole

Son kisseu 손키스 <3


*Park Jimin the bias wrecker*


Oh my God the dance is super cool

I cannot believe..i can't imagine like they

when they perform this on stage

Must be super Cool

4 minutes And 16 seconds, the best thing ever happened in my life

It drives me crazy.. I'm crazy I'm Crazy Now oh my god oh my God

I'm a total mess right now

That's it

Actually for the songs itself like it's completely different from what they do in the teaser so


Whistling part in the beginning and then

Taehyung *why is it sounds like Taeyong tho* part in the middle.. I

Didn't expect the song to be turn out like this but it's a really good song and a pretty.. pretty nice lyric as well

mm-Hmm and yeah

I bet Jungkook fans must be

completely crazy Jungkook is super hot, V is super hot and


blue hair is like

blown away like everything.. Jimin's killing part.. Jin.. Rapmon..

J-hope dance

Hands Up

Okay so keep streaming Guys and Support for BTS

I'm going to hear another song.. I heard they have a lots of great song in the album because the genre is so

different everywhere so

Bye Bye see you on the next MV and

Keep Supporting BTS!

For more infomation >> BTS (방탄소년단) - DNA MV REACTION - Duration: 6:22.


Introducing Sarawak Specialty @ Tribal Stove - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Introducing Sarawak Specialty @ Tribal Stove - Duration: 4:03.


DSEI 2017: MBDA o systemie Land Ceptor oferowanym w programie "Narew" - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> DSEI 2017: MBDA o systemie Land Ceptor oferowanym w programie "Narew" - Duration: 2:54.


30 FUNNY Animals captions- Part 5 - - Duration: 4:17.

Thank for watching my video , Please help for 100.000 Subscribe :)

For more infomation >> 30 FUNNY Animals captions- Part 5 - - Duration: 4:17.


St. Bernadette new single

For more infomation >> St. Bernadette new single


Babar And The Adventures Of Badou Tunnels O' Fun Episode 4 - UAG MEDIA - Duration: 17:46.

♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!


Sorry Bad you

Sorry Ambassador Crocodylus

statue Looks Like

She was Just like you hoot

This high in a Once Helped me escape a Snake Pit and back into the sunlight if It Weren't for her help i might still

be stuck in that Snake Pit today

Ever since Then i always Plan our Way out

Sleep tight Children i'll be back for breakfast in the Morning Good night Pappy Making Bad by night sir Good Night

Don't Worry Jake we've Got a Flashlight see and you've Got the quillinator watching your back, oh?

no way hoot i Mean Abrupt is even Stinkier Than Gee

Come on sleeping Vienna style Will be fine?

Would You do you Hear that i don't Hear anything Jake?

What if it's the Hairy howler

We Should Go back Inside the new don't Worry Jake a Mister is Just What the best campout ever needs

Jake Give us a hand no purse padieu no Way

It's Kind of Cool down here come down this is our chance to explore nothing Doing

That's a nurse Stinkies boom Right back Where we started

These sneak Out Tunnels Must Be Amazed probably to confuse any Bad Guys who might find them so we could wander Around down Here Forever

We have to stick together don't leave me alone in the Dark

Look Guys we're all Scared That's Why who can't stop Laughing munroe i need the fulminate er to watch our backs That's an order

Jake You hold the flashlight Shine it Around so we can See that there's no Hairy howler Here Just Statues okay?

Remember My Pappy Story he held the Hyenas tail until she led Him out of the snake Pit?

Come on race The pack back home

and all Because i wanted to make This the best campout ever

you May have Gotten uS into the Tunnel Baidu but you got us out safe and sound - Thanks Tusk-Tastic

Wonderful i was worried all The activity in the palace might have Kept you awake It Seems

Ambassador Crocodylus had a nightmare about the Hairy howler

Cornelius are you alright i'm i'm fine great Heart You never told me you were a stunt driver

Cornelius Only Because i didn't realize It Until today

doctor's orders old Bones Need Careful care

Boys i appreciate your desire to help oh What's that?

They're making me feel very old

Oh, no are you ok Cornelius you Really Should be more Careful want me to get my mom to give you a Checkup

Cornelius and i have palace Business to discuss okay i guess but if you need us Just Holler

But Not to laugh You don't want. To hurt your Voice your pappy is sending them to the Jungle

boo all bones Need careful care especially There but cornelius doesn't want our Help It's okay he'll never even see him i

Must Have Gotten My Second Wind This old Pack Feels light as a feminine

Perfect My Pack i've Been Robbed This is Wonderful

Where cornelius Go can You Sniff Him out Jake

All i smell is mud leaves This Way

Three tame towners One ancient and two cubs

and it's

no sign of The bandits anywhere okay let's think This

Is stop them in their tracks Let's Get Out of sight Well They must think i was Born Yesterday

Prince Badou Jake

But Not so tender hey What you'll have to come closer Sleek?

Ancient God his precious Grandson

Ancient back you're a fine one to talk Just look at You all Wrinkled Your hair going gray

Cornelius Wants her on that log and i think i know Why

Oh yes i can see you quite Clearly Now

Return Visit

You Should Have Seen Him pappy cornelius could Have Escaped anytime but he was Just fooling Sleek so we could Get away

It Sounds Like Cornelius's old Bones Have some Moves in them yet They sure do i

Guess We Should Have Known that we're sorry Cornelius

How'd You stay i wouldn't dream of It my old Friend Pappy quite right Better i

Wouldn'T dream of It my Dear



Pleasure to see you both we yes this Hardly Treatment babar and that means Snacks

Why don't i make a quick trip to the Bazaar oh i better come with you to make sure you get it now Whoa

You're suspecting the pillar it's fine by the way you're welcome

And You'd be a Pair of Boots by now

Maybe We Shouldn't Touch It okay we'll Just look at it

King Dancing

Someone is playing Keep Dancing

I'm playing This Thing Makes Them dance They follow it too They were dancing right Towards us like They were

Puppets on a string

Puppets on the street

I could Read Taxes


Call me slime teal You think Dancer Doesn't

Belong to you you give King dancer to my pappy Rhino never Says Sorry

Hand it Over you slime tailed Mudskipper

Who's a Mudskipper Now


Never offend

Not so fast King Twinkle toes but what do i get in return

you went This helm can't take Any more Shit Surely You can't Be serious Great Heart What a brilliant idea i

Demand That You make me King of Celesteville

Very Soon

King This Calls for a Celebration Would Anyone care to dance

Lord Rataxes You Should Give them back

Without Asking Permission You're Not the only one Who learned that Lesson Today Padhu

no Lord Protects us about our meeting not so fast King Babar first ratty and Iyer

That's your Hangar fire oh? No no to the Road Gift tent bit bit

Darby Treasure Monkey mate

Only Bigger

okay this is the perfect present really Frazzled Babar


Decorations Dancing Fireworks a Blimpliner Fly Past Cornelius

Wouldn'T that Be Lovely Chiku i have a Tusk-Tastic idea for the perfect present

Miss Stretch The Royal Party Planner and You are not in my plans

Party Planners

Mistress Hired Us

Where is Mistress

She Busy

There's something odd about Those Party Planners Chiku i want to keep an Eye on them until miss stritch gets back

Wow could you Help US serve the food and Drinks before you go ah i mean our

Isn't this Romantic

Our Will serve him fast then scoot for the loot i do


Hmm i

Can't bother pappy a minute during Their Nice quiet picnic we'll be right back with the sandwiches

No Need to hurry Batter we're having a Lovely Time

We Needs to abandon this picnic and Get the loot afore he raises the alarm

yes Clever Plan As ever There was her we're not sneaking

We Just The Garden it yeah

Mistresses orders i she Was Fair and deluca the Gifts we don't want the loot or gifts to be plundered

There now you can Keep Helping us with the picnic the firewood Sounds Supposed to go up until me

Not if i can Help It preparing a Lunch Looky-Loo

Shall We Lend a Truck After you ah

The motor Be all Gummed up

Because You made them for us your gift came from Your Heart Badou That's What made It special

i'd Say It Was the most Perfect gift

Click Here to see more and subscribe our Channel

For more infomation >> Babar And The Adventures Of Badou Tunnels O' Fun Episode 4 - UAG MEDIA - Duration: 17:46.


DSEI 2017: MBDA o systemie Land Ceptor oferowanym w programie "Narew" - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> DSEI 2017: MBDA o systemie Land Ceptor oferowanym w programie "Narew" - Duration: 2:54.


Your Personal Language Coach to Learn a Language : MosaLingua app - Duration: 1:29.

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12 Amazing Hairstyles Tutorials Life Hacks for Girls

For more infomation >> 12 Amazing Hairstyles Tutorials Life Hacks for Girls🌸🌺❤ - Duration: 11:10.


cat Baby, kitten cat, rabbit, Buffy QUESTION ! WELL KA LET KA SHOWS FACE ! - Duration: 6:34.

Hello, you are on the channel Come on Let's go today

we answer the question heading.

And perhaps I'll start without preamble.

My name is Anna and I'm 25 years old.

Many people initially thought, I 12 years because of my


But this is not the case.

I am 25 years old and I have a husband, which many of you


His name is Andrew.


Andrew was not my father, not my brother and uncle.

Yes, he's my friend, I would say he's my best friend and

husband concurrently.

Children and we do not have yet not planned.

But we have our favorite You are a subscribers.

The animals we have only rabbit Buffy.

And the three of us, we live in the city Minsk Belarus.

Others shown zverushki at this point in our

channel live with my parents in Kobrin, it is also

in Belarus.

One of the very frequently asked questions - at opochil I

I not show his face.

Quite simply, I rented in the genre in which me more

just like to work.

I love to do something hands I love animals and a little

camera shy.

Of course I would like to overcome their shyness

and also appear in the video and I think it will happen

during this year.

More precisely until the summer of 2018.

Well, as the first step I will show you my photo,

I hope you will not be disappointed.

My hobby - this is what you You see in the channel Come

Let's, well, I also very like fishing.

And I love you for that you share my love

to animals.

You are very kind and sincere cute.

I love people, love gather more fun

companies and play a variety of games.

And you are the biggest for me cheerful company, I am pleased

to give you a pretty positive emotions.

And so the animals.

We have a channel, you can see the different animals

: Buffy - it's smooth and wool dwarf rabbit that

was born on February 3, 2017 which gave me Andrew.

Buffy is considered a member of our family, so no one had

It does not lock in the cell.

The room in which she lives specially equipped

for her safety.

Removed all the wires and glued over a two-way

tape surface which it can chew.

She has a cell in which always have water, hay and

Fillers for toilets.

She eats 2 times a day.

In the morning - a tablespoon of food and in the evening 2 spoons.

During the day we pamper its a small amount


Seals: my parents 4 seal.

First appeared MPD parents took her relatives.

Birthday June Murzi 2016.

After a couple of months for them came Ryzhulya.

She just came and stayed live there.

Its exact age is unknown, but she looked over the age of

equally with the MPD.

Therefore celebrate her birthday, we also

will be May 5th.

MPD RYzhulya not relative.

And so with that out Now kittens.

The first bore Ryzhulya. 7 May 2017 appeared in ryzhuli

3 kittens born, 2nd from They found a month later

new home of our neighbors and sometimes they go to visit

to his mother and little brother baby, who stayed with


Well, our beauty Murka.

As it is known MPD hid the birth of kittens and we do not know

whether they are more or was Only Murka.

And therefore we do not know when exactly Murka was born,

but we assume that in the beginning of August.

Therefore, we put the birthday August 1, as all seals

They live in the summerhouse with free access to the outside,

then of course the kittens father determine we can not, they may be

any neighborhood cat.

Murka And with kids can even be sister

and brother of my father's line.

But we certainly do not We know.

All our seals are not of elite species, but it is not

it does not prevent us to love their.

More dogs.

Some may remember Ainu, big white dog

- Swiss Shepherd Dog Breed mixed with malamute,

her age is now 4 years old.

Born on July 9, 2013.

And our little gift Mom Yorkshire Terrier


Pupsya born July 3, 2017 of the year.

That's probably all the main Animals at the moment

on our channel Come Let's go.

And now the question on the channel.

To create a single video It takes about 2 days.

The first day of the creation story and directly shooting.

The second day of the mount video, writing the dialogues,

voice and music added.

I voiced many characters I.

My voice means own imagination and

acceleration of sound on your computer.

For example the baby's voice turns if you close your nose and say

words and then accelerate sound by 45 percent.

Some heroes help me articulate relatives

Andrew, mom, dad, sister, uncle.

Making the video is not difficult, because I like it a lot.

Sometimes just hard to think an interesting topic for a video,

and sometimes comes topic by herself.

Well, something like this question - the answer we turned,

I hope you enjoyed this heading and you will support

Like it and subscription.

Write below the video of interest questions that you

I did not answer.

I hope so, we you become a little bit closer.

Well, you go in our group in Bk, where we spend little

games and publish your drawings and photos.

Good mood to you all and see you soon.

For more infomation >> cat Baby, kitten cat, rabbit, Buffy QUESTION ! WELL KA LET KA SHOWS FACE ! - Duration: 6:34.


Noteges, software inmobiliario y Big Data (Cloud Datacenter y Cloud Backup) - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Noteges, software inmobiliario y Big Data (Cloud Datacenter y Cloud Backup) - Duration: 4:38.


Tempestade Maria deve se tornar furacão neste domingo e atingir costa na semana - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Tempestade Maria deve se tornar furacão neste domingo e atingir costa na semana - Duration: 2:04.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names – DIY Volcano Slime - NomNom TOYS - Duration: 7:49.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names – DIY Volcano Slime | NomNom TOYS

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