Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 19 2017

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For more infomation >> Login to E-Resources - Duration: 0:34.



For more infomation >> Citroën DS3 1.6 E-HDI AIRDREAM SO CHIC AC/CRUISE/AFN.TREKH/MIST.LAMP - Duration: 0:42.


Anticipazioni Beautiful America: Brooke delusa da Bill, Ridge la consola - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Beautiful America: Brooke delusa da Bill, Ridge la consola - Duration: 4:24.


Estudo de Light Novel no Japão por Rafael V. Martins (Parte 1) - Duration: 22:09.

My goal today...

As I said before, Light Novel Studies is still a new field in Japan

and I believe there is barely no one doing it here, in Brazil

During this period I have been in Japan I was contacted

by professors from here whose students

are interested in studying Light Novels

but they don't have access to sources here

So today I am gonna introduce you to some general knowledge

about the main research ways in Light Novel Studies

Then, I'm gonna try...

First, explain what is Light Novel

Why do we study Light Novel?

And how do we study Light Novel?

This is the summary...

This is the summary of today's lecture

First, in Introduction, I'm gonna talk about the story of Light Novel publishing

Then, I will talk about the difficulties in defining Light Novel

Later, I will explain some theories about

how to define Light Novel according to it's narrative style

not it's (publishing) form

I'll give details later

At last, I will introduce you to some of the main magazines and books used in Light Novel Studies


Nowadays, when we talk about Japanese culture

we cannot ignore the popular culture born mainly in the 70's

For more infomation >> Estudo de Light Novel no Japão por Rafael V. Martins (Parte 1) - Duration: 22:09.


Mummy's Cooking -Watermelon Seeds Peanuts Burfi in Tamil - Duration: 4:17.

Peanuts 1 Cup, Water Melon Seeds 1 Cup

Jaggery 1 and 1/2 Cups

Ghee 1 Tsp, 1/2 Cup Water

Water Melon Seeds are good for Prostate Gland and Bladder problem. This contains Nutrient such as vitamin B, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

Roast Water Melon Seeds

Meantime add 1/2 Cup to Jaggery. Let Jaggery dissolve completely

Roast Peanuts

Jaggery is dissolved. Strain this as to remove all impurities present in Jaggery

Peanuts are roasted and remove the skin and break it into half

Now prepare Jaggery syrup should become a small ball when you put few drops in water. This is an important step to make Burfi

Add 1/2 Tsp Ghee to the Syrup

Now mix Broken Peanuts and Water Melon Seeds and mix well

Grease a plate with Ghee and Pour the Peanuts and Water Melon mixture and spread it evenly

Now when it is warm cut pieces and let it cool

Watermelon Seeds Peanuts Burfit is ready. Enjoy a Healthy recipe. Subscribe for more

Thanks for Watching

For more infomation >> Mummy's Cooking -Watermelon Seeds Peanuts Burfi in Tamil - Duration: 4:17.


Paolo Fox, oroscopo del 19 settembre: previsioni del giorno - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Paolo Fox, oroscopo del 19 settembre: previsioni del giorno - Duration: 3:07.


Ilary Blasi ignora Cristiano Malgioglio: è polemica sui social - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Ilary Blasi ignora Cristiano Malgioglio: è polemica sui social - Duration: 3:54.


Your Personal Language Coach to Learn a Language : MosaLingua app - Duration: 1:29.

Frank, he's learning Spanish to spend 3 weeks in Argentina.

Gabriela is polishing her English to land her dream job at an international company.

and Daniel is finally realizing his dream to learn Italian and speak with

the Italian side of his family.

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For more infomation >> Your Personal Language Coach to Learn a Language : MosaLingua app - Duration: 1:29.


Enrique Peña Nieto toma la bandera y grita ¡Viva México! | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 7:06.

For more infomation >> Enrique Peña Nieto toma la bandera y grita ¡Viva México! | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 7:06.


Cecilia Rodriguez: il bidet in diretta al Grande Fratello Vip è servito - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Cecilia Rodriguez: il bidet in diretta al Grande Fratello Vip è servito - Duration: 3:27.


Indocumentado parapléjico demanda a la Casa Blanca | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Indocumentado parapléjico demanda a la Casa Blanca | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:47.


Policías y mariachis, el orgullo de cumplir dos sagradas misiones | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Policías y mariachis, el orgullo de cumplir dos sagradas misiones | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:07.


México celebra su grito de independencia con mucha fe | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> México celebra su grito de independencia con mucha fe | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:18.


Los Cueto, una familia dedicada a la magia de la pirotecnia | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> Los Cueto, una familia dedicada a la magia de la pirotecnia | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 7:26.


El buen arte mexicano: para estadounidenses y para inmigrantes | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> El buen arte mexicano: para estadounidenses y para inmigrantes | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:18.


Dolores Hidalgo, donde se gestó la independencia | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Dolores Hidalgo, donde se gestó la independencia | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:49.


Peña Nieto viaja a Chiapas para apoyar a los damnificados por el sismo - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Peña Nieto viaja a Chiapas para apoyar a los damnificados por el sismo - Duration: 0:42.


La parroquia de Dolores celebra su grito de independencia | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> La parroquia de Dolores celebra su grito de independencia | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:49.


Llegan a México los restos de rescatista muerto en Texas | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Llegan a México los restos de rescatista muerto en Texas | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:33.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


A Cohesive Nation Helps Its Countrymen Affected by Hurricanes (Harvey and Irma) - Duration: 15:15.

For more infomation >> A Cohesive Nation Helps Its Countrymen Affected by Hurricanes (Harvey and Irma) - Duration: 15:15.


Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Nissan X-Trail - Duration: 0:51.


DSEI 2017: MBDA o systemie Land Ceptor oferowanym w programie "Narew" - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> DSEI 2017: MBDA o systemie Land Ceptor oferowanym w programie "Narew" - Duration: 2:54.


Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Suzuki SX4 S-Cross - Duration: 1:01.


How to fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT) | Hindi - Duration: 7:58.

Hello friends, me (Atul Kumar Verma) welcomes you again on my youtube channel fitness rockers

In posture correction series we did a video for fix posture of shoulders

in this video will talk about how to fix lower back and anterior pelvic tilt or APT

For which Mr. Kumar Deobrat will help us

Let me introduce Kumar Deobrat

He is a star cricketer from Jharkhand. He was wise captain in under 19 world cup and

in Ranji we did captaincy for Jharkhand as well

These days I am working on his back and knee strengthening

so that his game can be improved

Lets understand the issue of anterior pelvic tilt (APT)

If you look at this portion carefully

you will be able to see an exaggerated arch or curve in lower back

This is actually anterior pelvic tilt and in long run it will give your pain in lower back

This problem is not only with cricketers but

it generally arise due to wrong exercise and bad life style

Anterior pelvic tilt is very common with the people who do bodybuilding as they dont do proper stretching after heavy weight workouts.

Other than these pregnant ladies are also very prone to anterior pelvic tilt

as they carry baby and due to lack of workout lower back take all the load of baby.

Now lets understand the main issues due to which anterior pelvic tilt arises.

If a person have issue of anterior pelvic tilt it means there is issue in life style or

strength of some muscles groups is less.

It means lower back muscles muscles are dense and contracted which need to be stretched

Core muscle is week and need to be strengthened

Like wise hip flexors and hamstrings are also tight and need to be stretched

So to fix anterior pelvic tilt we have to work on these 4 areas

In this video we will work on core and back

and in next video we will work on hip flexors and hamstring stretching...

Lets first start with core muscles

we all know that to give strengthening to the core the best exercise is plank

now we will see how to do plank with right technique

so that we can fix the issue of anterior pelvic tilt easily

Here you can see the arch or curve in lower back this is the tendency with the people with anterior pelvic tilt

we need to fix it

to fix this stretch the heel downward

then engage the core by rotating the hip downward

and release the chest a bit

now you can see the lower back is straight and there is no arch or curve there

now this plank will strengthen the core without hurting the lower back and will help in

fixing the anterior pelvic tilt

second core strengthening yoga exercise is uttanpasana variation 1

fir this lie down straight in supine position

shoulders should be relaxed on floor

just to start with this bend your knees and roll the buttocks downwards so that lower back rest on the floor

now straight your legs and stretch your toes toward you

now lift your legs upto 1 feet only and then raise your head up

and also stretch your hands like this

your toes and head should be in one line

this exercise or asana will give strength to the core while giving rest to your lower back

Third core strength yoga workout is Uttanpadasana variation 2.

Like the variation 1 here also roll your buttocks downward to bring your lower back on ground

then raise your legs up straight the way your lower back should rest on the floor

we need to use only core strength not our back for this

then stretch the toes towards you

contract your quads muscle and bring the leg to 70 degree angle and hold

shoulder should be rested on the floor

now stretch the toes outside

Keep this in mind that dont hold your breath. Breath should always be normal

after holding this posture for 15 - 20 mins bring your feet back on floor with control

Lets talk about back stretching to fix anterior pelvic tilt

be in supine position for the it and bring our feet together

now activate your both the legs by pulling the toes toward your

now bring one leg toward your chest and hold it from middle of the shin

and pull it toward you the way your buttock should not lift from the ground much

dont use the shoulders to pull the leg rather let them rest on the floor and use your elbows and arms to pull

and breath must be normal

now release it slowly

Now do the same with another leg

then bring both the leg together

and pull them toward you with both the hands

and lift your chin and chest up toward the knees while breathing normal

Next back stretch is Shashankasana or child pose

for that sit in vajrasana like this

now with straight back bend forward while stretching your spine

and try to touch your buttocks on your heels

and stretch your hands forward so that your spine can stretched

Next stretching will start from this position only

which is cat and cow pose

come on your knees without moving your hands

now lift your chest up, look up and roll your back inside while inhaling

then exhale and roll your back upward while contracting core muscles in

now do it 15 - 20 times like this

So friends in this video we talked about core strengthening and back stretching to fix anterior pelvic tilt issue

do all the mentioned yoga stretching exercises for atleast 15 - 20 seconds in beginning and repeat it twice or thrice

after some time increase the duration of hold upto 1 - 2 mins

and keep the repetition to 1 - 2

if you do regular practice of these yoga stretches exercises then you will see positive result in fixing anterior pelvic tilt in 6 - 8 weeks

In next video we will work on hip flexor and hamstring muscles stretch

so stay tuned with us. Like this video and share it as much as possible

Dont forget to subscribe our YouTube channel for regular updates

For more infomation >> How to fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT) | Hindi - Duration: 7:58.


Sadhguru On (Cow Meat) Beef Ban In India l Freedom In Hinduism l Important to Hindu's l Barkha Dutt - Duration: 27:32.

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we live in times when faith and spirituality have become very

inflammable don't put them in the same basket okay let's talk about faith first

we live in times when faith for certain has become a very inflammable easily

politicized conversation if faith should have been personal today it's not today

you actually have decisions taken in the name of somebody's faith being injured

so you mentioned food right now I read somewhere that you said there's nothing

religious about the act of food just eat what you like no no for you I said eat

what's good okay it was good feel very different things okay I can eat what's

good for you but today we have a highly politicized conversation around banning

beef in the name of faith it's definitely not good for you to eat it

beef or any meat I'll come to that I don't like this okay so I'm offering

that as one example of how I see a politicized conversation taking place

around faith how do you reconcile the faith of a large number of people with

questions of individual liberty I know I have read that you like books written by

Salman Rushdie we were the first country to ban him again in the name of faith

how do we reconcile faith with individual liberty say yeah it's always

been said faith moves mountains yes but it freezes your mind but the greatest

crime you can do on this planet is to move a mountain you should not more

mountain it should be where it is it is not just dropped from somewhere it's

grown because of various forces functioning in a particular way

phenomenal activity has happened to build a mountain you should never move a

mountain but people with frozen Minds always want to move a mountain having

said that when we say faith it's an import for this culture we have never

had faith in this culture you must look back little beyond thousand years since

we've been under occupation here we have been told always your life is your

karma means action whose action your action so what we are saying is your

life is entirely your making there is no someone sitting up there and managing

this for you this is entirely yours but for every action that you perform

whether physical mental emotional energy wise whatever kind of action you perform

there is bound to be a consequence if you ready for the consequence do

whatever if you going to cry about the consequence control the action right now

based on this now you came to food see the food consumption has been looked at

very carefully in this country if you just bring this back the world will be

healthy you understand here we have identified different type of people what

they should eat if you are doing menial jobs how you should eat if you are doing

trading how you should eat if you are in the spiritual process how you should eat

if you're into education how you should eat why this is ease each person needs a

different type of building of the body you want to run hundred meters next to

missile bolt what kind of food you should eat you just want to work in

Delhi what kind of food you should eat you want to think in a certain way what

kind of food you should eat for all these we have very clear prescriptions

now when it comes to food what it means is we are taking another life

whatever that is it may be plant life animal life whatever you taking another

life ingesting it and you have to make it your life that's the whole thing what

is your life what is that life if you look at it all life and this planet is

coming from the earth this body is also the same soil this is also same soil if

there is a earthworm that is also same soil but see how it has become how this

has become how that is become if I give you you like a mango or a banana I know

you're ruling the state right now if you eat a man a mango this mango

becomes a woman in you if I ate a mango the same mango becomes a man in me if a

cow eats a mango the same mango becomes a cow in the car why is this happening

there is a certain information or software in you whatever you eat it

transforms it into your woman if I eat it transforms it a man if a cow eats

that becomes a cow so every life is happening the way it is happening

because of a certain dimension of information or in modern terminology

let's call it software there is a certain software which is an arrangement

of information now the idea is to eat as simple a software as possible if you eat

that kind of life which is a very simple software your ability to override that

software and make it entirely a part of you is very good as that software gets

complex more and more complex your ability to integrate it goes down so

especially if it's a creature which has some sense of thought and emotion if it

has emotion then you should not eat it this is the understanding an animal

which has any emotion displays certain emotions especially if it displays

emotion which is near to human emotion you should not eat it because it will

not integrate itself that animal nature will start manifesting itself or in

other words in India today maybe in cities people do not know you see in the

villages people have very intimate relationship with a cow they have drunk

the milk of that cow their children are drinking the milk of that cow this is a

very deep relationship if you do not know this cow is one creature if

something happens to you and you are in some kind of grief or misery you don't

have to be near the car wherever the cow is in your house you to stir it will

start shedding tears for you you know I have seen this with my eyes I couldn't

believe when somebody is dead in the house he what does the cow know it is

somewhere simply tears flowing so when it has such deep emotions

if you kill it it's like killing a human being it's murder or it's cannibalism so

because of that this is not a faith thing this is not a religious thing we

thought this is a fundamental sense why is when we are hungry why can't I cut

you up and eat you what's wrong what's wrong but what you're saying should be

about many more animals than just that yes yes of course

you when it becomes about only the cow then there is a there is certainly a

perception it is not it is a political decision or a religious decision no no

I'm not talking about the whatever the law is not about people getting up and

saying it's cruel to be it to be a meat-eater that that would be a

different argument and not even talking about cruelty even cutting a plant is

cruel in my experience but you have to do it but if you're conscious of it you

will do it to the minimum possible extent and not do it wantonly that's the

whole thing now about this political ban about cow

slaughter or whatever this has many things one thing is there is a

sensitivity once you drink milk from the cow she's like your mother killing your

mother and eating her up is something people cannot digest in this country

still 80% of the people belong to that category and they're there hugely

there's a huge emotion such an emotion which because they've always been made

to be do silent a certain way they are not violently will act reacted to it but

in some places it has happened in villages and other places there is

already a beef ban in many villages just by a norm not by any law that you don't

bring this kind of thing things into the village I am NOT saying you must ban it

or not ban it I am saying the sensitivities of your population you

without considering you can't go do this blatant thing because it is growing it's

becoming a growing business India is becoming a major exporter of beef that's

not right even if somebody ate something it is up to them it's their personal

taste whatever but now you are promoting it and you're making it grow there is

serious concern but our people don't express it our people don't go out on

the street and not going to kill anybody because they killed a cow so man is not

what is needed more education was needed rather than banning but you haven't

spoken to what happens when faith faith repeatedly seems to come into conflict

with individual liberty but the banning of books there were people killed in

Paris because they were seen to have mocked and you know it of the Prophet

Muhammad and so on so where is this end where do we stop violence and politics

in the name if you religion if you wanted to stop you must understand this

you're saying today today it's not today in the last 2,000 years this is the

history of the world continuously it's happening all over the world suicide

bombers are a new phenomenon well you forgotten about the Crusades and other

things which have not been reported in history hundreds of millions of people

have been killed in the name of God all right it's new to us here but even here

thousands hundreds and thousands have been slaughtered in northern part of

India just because the faith that they belong to and the invasions happened

nobody writes about it because we never took the pen and wrote somebody wrote

history for us the way they like it because all history is sponsored by

kings they wrote the history the way they want and they said they're great

emperors but what they did was absolutely terrible so you need to

understand faith is a new thing to us when I say new in this country which has

twelve fifteen thousand years of history behind us thousand years is new for us

we've still not come to terms with it we're still struggling with it but

struggling within ourselves not creating a struggle on the street because that's

not our nature because here always we've been drilled into us whatever you do

there will be a consequence for you even if you come back another life another

life it won't leave usually come back to you this has been told this controls

people is it this is a tremendous technology please understand this and

it's not simply a fake thing it is a real thing everything that you think

feel act there is a consequence not because there is somebody thinking he

must give gift give you a reward or a punishment it

happens in your own chemistry how do we keep faith which you say is new to us

separate from politics you have you have in the past for example I remember when

Anna Hazare was launching his anti-corruption movement you did come

and and applaud it but you said that the Lokpal was not some magic wand I

remember you saying that do you believe that we are seeing a dangerous cocktail

of faith in politics getting more and more mixture you see yeah it is

happening I'm not saying no but it's much less than ever before really yes it

seems to be much more than you know that's because of you that's because

that's because if if 10 people get beheaded in some remote part of Iraq you

make sure the blood spills into my sitting room because of that otherwise

you are sitting here now today let's say thousand years ago we were sitting here

thousand people got killed in Iraq we will sit here peacefully thinking world

is going really great springtime everything is nice so this is because

the dissemination of information if ten people get killed somewhere it's a huge

thing because it comes into our sitting rooms bedrooms dining room everywhere is

a television so it pours into our homes so it is happening so this is good

because even a small thing looks magnified now in people's experience but

this has been happening always it's happening at its lowest level now here

and there it puts up which need to be controlled for sure but what I see is

for the first time for the very first time in the history of humanity even if

you and the numbers are not qualified because the population is increased even

in terms of percentages of people how many people can think for themselves

today is huge compared to what it was a hundred years ago or five hundred years

ago a thousand years ago or ten thousand years ago all these centuries

there would be one man in the village who thinks for you who reads for you who

writes for you you just have to do what you have to do simple things today

everybody is able to think for himself or herself now human intellect is

blossoming I do not say it is blossoming in the right direction with the right

sense no insanely it is blossoming it doesn't matter insanity will happen

for some time people will come to their senses when something is new they'll go

crazy after some time they'll come to senses once human intellect blossoms

sufficiently on the planet then this looking upward for wellbeing will not

make sense believe me right now from looking upward slowly the world is

tilting for in pursuit of human well-being people who are looking

heavenward still many are that's different but a whole lot of people have

started looking outward so if you look heavenward hallucinations will happen

Wars will happen because my heaven and you are having different you know none

of the heavens have anything for women you better know that I I'm I'm

definitely going to hell okay so you believe in heaven and hell I was being

facetious I was being facetious I was being facetious I don't know if there is

something up there that is is it a flower energy is that this this thing

about looking heavenward is slowly going away and in pursuit of well-being people

are looking outward this is ripping the planet apart human pursuit of well-being

is just destroying the planet now the fundamentals of what we are transmitting

the fundamentals of this culture which is essentially rooted in the yogic

culture what you call as Indian culture or Indu culture is essentially a pure

yogic science in the form of culture it finds many colors and distortions which

is what you are seeing is a Hindu culture or Indian culture whatever you

want to call it but they're not interchangeable terms what because we're

a multi-religious country with me I want you to understand the word Hindu

does not signify a religion you asked them do they worship one God if they're

Hindus in the same family they were singing 25 God's they don't they don't

know which is the core so making sure worship everything just in case

something will hit okay now the word Hindu means the land between Himalayas

and Hindu saagara this land this subcontinent is Hindu all people who are

born here a considered Hindu because he's a geographical identity I know this

whole political issue if I speak like this they say oh he's Hindu no I mean

people will tell you you are echoing the RSS trees I don't know what he said I am

NOT he said all Indians are Hindus and there was a huge okay all the Indians

live between Himalayas and Indian Ocean that's what those who want to jump into

the ocean if you live see this is a dialectical culture it expresses things

in a certain way between Himalayas and Indian Ocean if you live you are a Hindu

if you jump into the ocean and cross you're a Lanka

so I don't know what is the struggle about this this is because there is such

a narrow understanding of this this is the debate we have to change in the

country because somebody has absolute belief systems we are trying to compare

that to a culture where there is no such thing as belief we have not ever been

believers we've always been seekers this is a land

where the highest value has never been God always liberation Mukti freedom is

the highest goal God has never been our highest goal so you you put this in the

same box as something which just believes this is it or you're dead

unfortunate that's not the way to look at it this is what we have to bring back

if we really value human freedom you must bring back this seeking for

liberation I want to be free not just from others but from myself and my god

and my heaven and everything because God has never been the goal in this culture

God is just another tool when I have used the word tool for a god people get

very hurt this had guru don't say that it hurts us

so that's okay you come to the ashram I'll give you some plumbing job all

right no no no spanner no winch nothing use your fingers nails teeth whatever

three days later fingernails will be gone half the teeth

will be gone then I will give you a spanner will you worship the spanner or

no we are who we are as human beings we are who we are only because of our

ability to use a tool otherwise you have not even good as a dog you can't even

fight a dog isn't it so you're against organized religion quite clearly if God

is just a fool and they are not the same I'm not

I'm against this or that all I am saying is I want human beings to come to this

much if you know something you know it if you don't know something you don't

know it everything that you do not know you believe this a dangerous thing now

the fight on the planet is not between good and he will listen that no one

man's belief versus another man's belief I am saying why the hell do you believe

anything because you are essentially not straight enough to admit I really don't

know I don't know people can't fight I don't know you don't know can we fight I

know is a fight I do not know is never a fight I do not know is a way of seeking

if we do not establish this seeking in every human being that every human being

is longing to know whether outside or inside whatever you are because there's

a nature of human intelligence it can't sit quiet it can only sit quiet if you

freeze it with belief system if you seal it with belief system it can sit quiet

otherwise the very nature of this intelligence is it wants to know okay

we're almost at the end so I think I'm going to take a few questions just to

three minutes of questions seeing lots of hands go up the lady behind us please

one of your videos you say that the problem with the world is that most

people lack the intensity most people lack the necessary intensity and then

you see the ways they honor so intensity is more associated to

fierceness and personality and Donna is more associated to calmness so they are

somehow can't counterintuitive can you elaborate a little bit people think

peace means rest in peace

because their idea of peace is dead peace can be very intense peace can be

tremendously intense because peace means the reverberations of life have become

subtle in face and intense action means reverberations of life are not so subtle

it is at a certain level so peace happens not because peace may happen if

somebody is dead but to be alive and peaceful means you need to be highly

intense state of energy otherwise you can't be peaceful the reason why most

people who don't have any problems as such you know after all they're trying

to earn a living reproduce and bring up their children

and die one day just for that they're freaking simply because of a lack of

intensity because life is happening at a low ebb naturally everything is a

problem if it rises a little bit suddenly you have a little clearer view

of everything for this you need a higher intensity of energy within you and the

yogic system is essentially focused towards that diana does not mean no

let's take the next question here right here in the front row yeah what I get

from Isha's philosophy if I may say there is is that you need to see

internally in your impurity you need to fix it internally before fixing your

external situations but is it also not right is it also not very important to

do the right thing externally you know just to make myself more clear you know

if I be more clear I guess I do I look so down let's say you know have I got it

yeah if somebody is boy I got the question

easiest philosophy is not about looking internally or externally it is just that

if you are looking for mangoes you look up the tree you don't dig the earth all

right but if you're looking how to plant the mango tree then you take the earth

you're looking for mangoes if you dig the will you find it I am asking so if

you inner things you must look inward out of things you must look outward

there is no such philosophy look out or look in wherever the damn thing is look

they're like you know Shankaran Pillai went for a job interview and they asked

him which is further Mumbai or moon he thought profoundly and then said Mumbai

they said how do you say this he said I can see the moon I can't see Mumbai okay

last question yeah hold the mic close and I just want to ask you that

everybody's perception of good and bad is different and what do you think if we

start manifesting our own good and bad what will be the state of the society

maybe you won't have power tonight I think I already made this clear the

biggest problem in the world is there too many good people not enough sensible

people yeah sense is life specific okay goodness need not be life oriented

goodness maybe going to heaven and the moment I want you to understand this

dangerous concept people don't address this the moment you believe suppose I

believe there is heaven and it's a beautiful place and you can live in the

company of gods should I send you there today or no if I really care for you I'm

saying yes if I really care for you and if I believe there's a great place

should I send you there or not this is a dangerous thing

understand if you stretch it to its logical end it's a really dangerous

thing the moment I believe there is a fantastic place up there I really love

you and I want you to go there you know yes okay let me just end by asking you

something that we haven't spoken about and then I'll hand it over to chickie

you said you love machines I didn't say I love them okay you like a sheen so

they you say work have our lives been overtaken by gadgets not mine no

definitely not I use all the gadgets but they don't overtake me these are

fantastic things in our life things see in every way compared to how a human

being was let's say hundred years ago you're almost superhuman 100 years ago

if I could just pick up something from my pocket and talk to somebody in

America right now I would be superhuman why superhuman if I said I'm God people

would have believed me hundred years ago 500 years ago if I just had a light bulb

I would have become God on this planet I want you to know look at the things we

have today we are really superhuman once this kind of capability has come to us

little more sense has to rise little more awareness and consciousness just

has to arise if this doesn't happen this capability will turn against us this is

what you're saying now gadgets are freaking people why it's a simple thing

you could you want to use it you can use it or you can keep it aside because

you're in a compulsive state if you start using a cell phone you can't stop

it even in your sleep you're texting since the boys he's in he's not with me

he's in looking at me in the screen now this is the same thing if food is good

if you start eating you don't know when to stop if you start drinking you don't

know when to stop if you start doing something you don't know when to stop

the same thing it is not about the gadget it is not about the food it is

just that there is not enough consciousness there is compulsiveness

everything is happening compulsively instead of addressing the

you're trying to kill the gadget get it is a fantastic thing every damn gadget

is enhanced our life in a huge way isn't it don't curse the gadgets it is just

that compulsiveness has to go well on that note I will say thank you for

provoking us as always a pleasure let's have a big round of applause


For more infomation >> Sadhguru On (Cow Meat) Beef Ban In India l Freedom In Hinduism l Important to Hindu's l Barkha Dutt - Duration: 27:32.


【ナルト疾風伝】風影奪還任務 - カンクロウ Vs サソリ - アニメ アクション - 感動 - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> 【ナルト疾風伝】風影奪還任務 - カンクロウ Vs サソリ - アニメ アクション - 感動 - Duration: 7:30.


戀愛與謊言ED 空耳 (記得開字幕呦) - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> 戀愛與謊言ED 空耳 (記得開字幕呦) - Duration: 1:30.


Draw Tip Tuesday: 1 minute characters! - Duration: 3:22.

Welcome to Draw Tip Tuesday!

Here's your weekly dose of inspiration to build a creative habit

One drawing at a time Brought to you by Sketchbook Skool

Today we're using a waterproof fineliner, watercolors, a brush, water, and watercolor


To get some inspiration when you want to draw characters, you don't need to look far!

Let's start with a selfie.

Draw the head, then add the hair- this is often very characteristic for a person.

My bangs are great to recognise.

Now draw a nose.

It can be just a rectangular shape, to draw characters you don't need to draw realistically!

Add circles or dots for the eyes.

Add a mouth too.

Think about the characteristics of your own looks.

Do you often wear earrings for example?

Draw your favorite pair!

Then with another rectangular shape, give that face a neck and some shoulders.

Before you know it you drew a character version of yourself in just 1 minute!

Now that you drew yourself, think about your family and draw all of them!

Here, I'll draw my dad.

He has a great head of hair, a broad nose, and he wears glasses.

Now that I have drawn my dad, I want to draw my mom too.

She has short hair, her nose is a little smaller than mine and dad's, and a little pointier.

Often she wears small earrings, and she also wears glasses.

She often wears a nice necklace too, so I'll add one.

I'll draw my husband, with his curls, my nephew, who has quite a round shaped face…

and I can go on and on and on…

Go ahead and fill a page drawing your family or your friends or both!

It's really fun to picture them in your head and think about each individual's characteristics.

Don't worry about any likeness…

YOU will know who is who, and even if you don't, you will end up with a page full

of characters!

Let the characters overlap as you go.

This way you'll be less precious about each drawing.

Just try different shapes of faces and hair styles.

If you want, you can color your page.

I'll quickly put some watercolor on this and of course I am a little impatient so some

of the paint will bloom and colors bleed into each other, but I don't mind.

I still like the dash of color and the rosey cheeks!

Use your imagination to picture the people you know, and draw a simplistic version of

their characteristics.

Have fun!

And if you want more inspiration, head on over to SketchbookSkool.com and sign up for

a kourse today!

For more infomation >> Draw Tip Tuesday: 1 minute characters! - Duration: 3:22.


Silent Helicopters? Why Aircrafts aren't making any noise, Disguised UFOs? - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> Silent Helicopters? Why Aircrafts aren't making any noise, Disguised UFOs? - Duration: 11:15.


Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta Navi, Climate Control - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Nissan Pulsar 1.2 DIG-T N-Connecta Navi, Climate Control - Duration: 0:59.


How To Import Photos into Lightroom CC - Tutorial by Barry Callister Photography - Duration: 15:00.

Are you wondering how to import photos into Lightroom CC?

I thought you might be. Well, I'm about to show you how to do just that. Don't go away.

Hi there

Barry Callister for Barry Callister Photography, giving you hints, tips, and tricks for better nature photography.

On this channel, I do gear reviews, camera tutorials, Lightroom and Photoshop

Tutorials and a whole lot more. So if you're new - consider subscribing.

Make sure to check out my Lightroom cc keyboard shortcuts videos, too

I'll link to those in the video cards up in the right-hand corner of the screen here and

Also at the end of this video, so let's get started on how to import your photos into Lightroom cc.

We'll open our Lightroom here...

Now if this is the first time you're doing this of course you won't have any photos haven't

displayed in Lightroom, because you imported any yet

So it will say something like no photos to display or something similar to that effect so

If we go in up to the File menu here, click on file

And come down to Import Photos and Video, click on that, that will open your Import window.

You can of course do this also with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + I,

That's Command + Shift + I on a Mac. Now, I applaud Adobe for the design of this this import window, t's fantastic.

Super easy I love how it's set out, and it flows across the top. Let's have a look here.

So you've got...over here is where your photos are coming from,

in here is how they're going in and how you view them, and then over here is where they're going to on your computer

So let's have a look over here, if you've not

Connected a hard drive or a camera or an SD card you will not have anything displayed over here

So you'll want to click this arrow up here

This will bring out this little window where your devices

live you can


Photos from your desktop, your My Pictures folder or what have you. If you click Other Source, you can browse your computer to find

Your camera, or your hard drive, whatever you've connected that you're importing your photos from

So today, I'm going to choose this hard drive here, and we'll come down

To this photo this folder there say


Let's have a look at this middle section here

So you've got, up the top you've got some options. You've got Copy As DNG, Copy, Move, or Add now...

I shoot RAW

which is

in your

DSLRs, most DSLRs have the option to shoot RAW files. They're are larger file size

But what raw file does is it captures all the information that your sensor is receiving.

JPEGs compress everything, they take a lot of the information and throw it out so that the file size is much smaller

You still get really pretty pictures, but there's not as much information in them

and you're really limited with what you can do with them in editing so..

I suggest to always shoot raw yes the file sizes are larger

But you get more

Information, you can drag details out of your shadows and your highlights and just, you can do so much more with them

now DNG stands for Digital Negative

and it's a raw file. It's still a..it's a...it's a

a raw file

But it's not as large as an NEF for example, like I'm using a Nikon, so my RAW files are .nef

If your Canon it's .cr2, I think so...

A DNG is still a raw file all that information is still in there

But it throws out a little bit of the information so that the file size is a little bit smaller

But they're still a really good file, and they're compatible across a lot of platforms, so you can use them with Lightroom, Photoshop,

Whatever have you...they're universal file format.

so that's great so I

usually choose Copy As DNG

You can also choose to copy them, and leave them as they are so they would copy straight across as nef files

That's going to take up more disk space so

It's up to you

whether you want to do that or not. You can choose to just move them to a new location and

add them to a catalog.

Or you can choose to just add them to a catalogue without moving them

So I choose Copy As DNG most of the time

Works for me. Down here is how your photos are displayed here in the grid view, so if you select all photos

That will show you all the photos that are in this folder over here

Now this one here has been greyed out because I've imported that before if I select new photos

You'll see that one disappears, so these ones that are now selected are only the new photos from this folder that will be imported

This destination folders one is if I click and open the destination window here

This will show you how they're going to look once they've imported, so this is this is the folder name

and this is what they'll be like in there if I had if I select a different hard drive here for example this one and

Like this one here

This is got of this folder here has got a lot of separate sub folders in it

So you'll see here now we have them listed by date. They'll go into a folder with their date and

That's the amount of photos that will be in each separate folder

So if you choose to look at it that way you can, but I just choose all photos

Let's go back to our previous folder. We were working on here

Where were we? There we go, so I'm just going to choose to import new photos

And now we have to tell Light....oh, before we do this before we tell Lightroom where to put them

Let's have a look down here

You've got your option to check all or uncheck all so now if I click that

None of them are checked and none of them will be imported and I can just select individual photos

by just clicking the little box there and

Select whichever ones I want. I can also select a range if I just wanted these last

photos of the wattle flower here, I click the first one in the series that I want I

Hold shift and click the last one that will select them all then you just tick one box

It doesn't matter which one and they're all selected and they'll all be imported. But for now I'm just going to select

all photos and

Check them all so

This these two things down here. This is your grid view which we're currently in or you can select

Loupe view so if you've got one photo selected in your head loupe view

It'll bring up that photo in a larger size

And you can look at it, zoom in check, your focus and whatever so that's grid view and loop view down there

Here is how the photos are sorted in the grid window so you've got by capture time, which is how they're currently selected

Oh...it's off, but if I click capture time

You can see nothing happens because they're in the order that they were taken already. Checked state, if I click that

That is just the ones that have been checked so if you've got a large folder of photos, and you're just selecting a few

If you select checked state that will show you only the photos that have been checked first

And then the ones after it that haven't been checked so that's kind of handy

You can choose by filename or media type if you wish also there. This here, this slider

Just controls the size of your thumbnails as you can see larger or smaller

I just use that leave that to default usually

Over here is where our photos are going to up here under the

Minimize these ones here, so we'll just concentrate on this file handling one up here for starters

So this is what happens with your photos when they come in so

Build previews here the previews are what...are the thumbnails that you look at of your photographs when they're in the Lightroom

Window so you can choose to have Lightroom build minimal previews, which were obviously will be the smallest ones that it can possibly

Do there'll be a smaller file size, but they'll be not as good resolution

It's embedded in sidecar is something that is kind of for professional photographers a bit more than

Novice photographers as you've got in

embedded is where the

Preview will be embedded within the file, so if you're shooting

photos, and then you're sending them off to somebody else to edit if you choose embedded and sidecar so you import them into your

Lightroom catalog the embedded they will be embedded with a preview so that when you shoot them on to somebody else for editing

they'll be able to open the the previews quicker in their version of Lightroom and

sidecar is where

if you have

photos you're importing from an external hard drive you import them in the

Preview is not with the photograph

It's it's saved in Lightroom so that when the hard drive is not plugged into the computer

You can still see the preview of that image, so that's kind of good

It's a bit larger than minimal the file size is a bit larger than minimal. Standard is a bit larger again

But is really handy

This is what I use all the time your previews will load a bit faster

And you can zoom in to one to one you have to wait a couple of seconds for it to tick over to

Generate the one-to-one preview, but that's fine. I don't mind that and

The last option is of course one-to-one this will build the biggest preview it can possible

But of course it will take a lot more time to import

And it takes up a huge amount of disk space so unless you have a massive amount of disk space

I don't recommend that. I'm just going to choose standard today

build smart previews

It does pretty much what it says it builds a smart preview so that if you

make an edit to that preview when you don't have the the original hard drive or

SD card or whatever you've imported that photo from connected when you next connect the

That hard drive all the edits that you've done to the smart preview will be updated on the original file

So that's kind of handy to do that if you want

I never do that though

Don't support inspect suspected duplicates is great to tick because you see if I deselect that it's going to import this photo again

And I already have that in there so I choose don't support. Don't import suspected duplicates. I choose it, but I can't say it

So the next selection here we have is make a second copy to

This is just if you're super paranoid about backing up your photos

This is essentially just makes a back up to whatever place you choose it to backup to

You can choose to add your photos to a collection as you can see I have a lot of collections here a

collection is another way of

Of....organizing your photos in Lightroom you put say all your bird photos into a collection and then sub

Collections under that of what type of birds or you put wave

photos or ocean photos or buildings or and it just is another way of

Sorting your photos and being able to find them so you can choose to add your photos to a collection upon import there

Under this we have the file renaming menu. I don't normally rename my files, but you can choose to if you like

Under that we have the apply during import what this will do is

Apply certain develop settings to your photos as they go in so you've got a lot of presets here, Lightroom presets

And any user presets that you've saved I always choose to do lens Corrections

So that will apply the lens Corrections

Preset there to all the photos as they go in it does take a little bit longer on import

But saves you a bit of time later as well, so it's kind of good to do that the metadata drop down menu

here you can choose to

do what you wish with your meta data. Now the metadata is just the information that's contained with the file like your date and

Your camera settings and stuff like that and your copyright information

So you can choose to make presets there and add stuff and take stuff out if you like but I don't do that either

keywords very important. Keywords are another way of

Organizing your files and being able to find them quickly in Lightroom

They're kind of like a hash tag that goes on to your photo. So you can find it quickly

So for these photos, I might type


wattle and

Then I might type home because these photos were taken at home

And then of course that's going to apply those keywords to all the photographs

but you can go in later and take and

Go through each one and take away the keywords that you don't want it's better to do them now

Before important because if you import them without keywords you might have trouble finding your photos later

So we do that. Down here under destination this will default to your to a folder called Lightroom in your pictures folder


That is all we need to do and now we just click import and Lightroom will begin

Importing the files for us, and you can see the progress bar up here

So first of all it will copy them in then it will convert them to DNG, apply

the develop settings that I've asked it to apply and it will be done, and it will let me know when it's done as well

so it's just copying them in now and then it'll start doing the develop settings and

Changing them to DNG's and it will let me know when it's done

So I'll just skip ahead to when it's done, and we'll there's one more thing I wanted to let you know about

And you can see now it tells us 23 photos were converted to DNG

You can choose not to show this notification again. If you wish

I just wanted to say one more thing about your import window here

Down here in the middle you've got import preset what you can do is you can save certain

Presets of what you've set up in your import window so what...

What things you apply during import. How you rename the files,

et cetera, et cetera, where they go to you can save those as import presets, and then just select them from down here

That's really handy to do that. Over here

There's this little arrow in the bottom left hand corner if you click that you can see your import window

Minimizes down to its most basic format without thumbnails this can be a lot quicker

It'll save you a lot of time you don't have to sit there waiting for the previews to come up if you're not worried about seeing

Them before you import them just do that and away you go, it'll be much quicker for you

So there you go that is how you get your photos imported into Lightroom cc

I hope you found this video helpful if you did

Please leave me a comment down below

make sure you subscribe and share this video with your friends be sure to check out the

Keyboard shortcuts for Lightroom cc videos that I've done over here on the right hand side

They are linked up! I'm Barry Callister for Barry Callister Photography. Get out there and take some wicked shots, and I'll see you soon

For more infomation >> How To Import Photos into Lightroom CC - Tutorial by Barry Callister Photography - Duration: 15:00.


GTA 5 - Photoshop Action Tutorial - step by step - 2017 - Duration: 5:12.

Download ACTION link in description

Welcome to my channel

For more infomation >> GTA 5 - Photoshop Action Tutorial - step by step - 2017 - Duration: 5:12.


Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi side steps atrocity allegations in first address on Rohingya crisis - Duration: 8:20.

For more infomation >> Myanmar: Aung San Suu Kyi side steps atrocity allegations in first address on Rohingya crisis - Duration: 8:20.


New Nail Art 2017 Compilation | The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas | nail acrylic 2017 | Part 24 - Duration: 10:46.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2017 Compilation | The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas | nail acrylic 2017 | Part 24 - Duration: 10:46.


About my Coaching Business - Duration: 6:24.

hey guys it's another Monday and since I don't work on Mondays I decided that

would speak about my coaching business so this morning I got a bunch of new

business cards for myself and I realized you don't know nothing about my coaching

business so I decided to share a secret or two I mean there are no secrets

you know everything but as for the coaching people have a tendency to mix

it with consulting so let's first do this let's make a difference between

coaching and consulting so when you need when you have a problem your hire

consultant he solves a problem that's it but on the other hand if you hire a

coach coach you will teach you how to solve that problem so let's say some

other time you have the exact same problem or a similar problem if you

hired coach you already know how to solve it by yourself but if you hired

consultant you need to rehire him again so there's kind of the main difference

between coaching and consulting I know I know I know even before you see some

people just don't wanna learn new things they want their things to be done but

those people are not my focus group anyway my focus group are young

entrepreneurs small startups people who are just getting themselves in a

business world they need the mentor someone who teach them how to be like

shoulder to shoulder with adults adults in the industry you know so yeah I focus

on them and I help them by being a mentor by being the big brother being

someone who's already been there someone who's experienced that someone pull it

took the path so I can show them all the shortcuts and show them all the lock

doors that should be avoided don't try to find the key for that skip it go to

that door so that's what coach is doing I just realized the sequences you saw

before this one we're out of focus but since it's not working when the

well I'm not gonna reveal to them stay stay they stay let's speak about some

frequently asked questions about my coaching professional first and the most

asked question is zips you never ever studied anything business-related how

come you're working as business coach great question thank you for that so

yeah as I mentioned couple videos back when I was speaking about my first day

working as a professor theory is one thing and the practice is the whole

another thing so a couple years back I was an entrepreneur I was doing in a

small startups all was a small startup it and investment so I was a little

bigger startup so I was doing this I was in that startup I was in this startup

now some other startup even about shootin but yeah I've been there I've

had it all I know how people in business area think why they need what kind of

question will trigger them so I know all the paths all the shortcuts I

experienced it and that's why I have all the knowledge all the practice to teach

other people how to get their ways around business guys shark tanks

investors renting whatever you're renting renting an office or whatever so

that's how I can be able to do business coaching even though I never studied

anything business-related second most asked question is where do I get my

clients back since I was working as a freelancer on a website called up work I

got most of my clients through there so I was a freelancer people coming there

to find someone to do the services for them I was giving their services so

that's how I started getting my first clients after awhile I opened my

coaching business I started coaching on a really higher level so after one of

those people started recommending and they see it's really going on so I

started paying Google Adsense I was paying ads all around so people can

google me and that's how I get my clients through Google Adsense

through refers from the previous client third most asked question is how much

this charge for my services well that's easy because that depends on the client

it depends on the needs they have but really proud of the of the fact that

every first session with myself is free so no matter what kind of problem you

have the very first session is for free to get 45 minutes 101 session with me

for free and as I mentioned couple of weeks back when I'm speaking about my

coaching profession 80 percent of the clients that work with me they can solve

everything in the first session and how do I get paid well I don't get paid I

said that's a free service but they will recommend me they will recommend me to

their business partners to other people and that's how they will have maybe

possibly even have a bigger problem that cannot be solved within one session and

that's how I earn money from coaching sessions I did not give you the concrete

number cuz it depends as I said on the problem ethics on the client on how much

should we work is it a single session or we making a package so it all depends

and the fourth most asked question is how they work with my clients cuz most

of my clients are from state and I'm usually finding myself around Europe

well interest baby we live in a digital age so I have a laptop or I hook it up

on a Wi-Fi and we can Skype so most ninety-nine percent of my sessions are

happening through Skype I rarely visit my clients face-to-face I

got really good client from Mongolia who flew here to work with me face to face

but usually I work over Skype so we have one-on-one sessions over Skype and

that's how I get my clients to work with me I'm hoping I answered all your

questions guys if you have some more questions about my coaching profession

feel free to comment below and I will definitely answer all of your questions

suppose I got myself back in school they arrived all of a sudden so Jenny put

another professor keep call me Alexis can you come over so we could take the

furniture and yeah guys I'm gonna wrap it up here

it was hot day on Monday and as for working I guess I will be working this

Monday and about this is not them we're a very small pleasure so yeah guys make

sure to watch the previous video I introduced the 60 second Sunday it's

awesome trust me it's awesome make sure to subscribe and I will see you tomorrow

in the next episode bye

For more infomation >> About my Coaching Business - Duration: 6:24.


Roman Reigns Insults John Cena Monday Night Raw 18 September 2017 /muhammad tanzeel - Duration: 5:21.

Muhammad Tanzeel

Dog And he's coming to claim his yard

Dog And he's coming to claim his yard

Dog And he's coming to claim his yard

Dog And he's coming to claim his yard

I've said it before and i'll Say It again

I would loo this to John cena might be the

best talker ever

The guy can Run His mouth and he can

spin it but the thing is sometimes he say

s stupid

Like Like Trying to Say

That I'm the Next John cena i mean come on man do i Walk

Muhammd Tanzeel

Talk or even look like cena i mean dude i don't know i don't have a Mirror but

Do i look like a Jacked-Up White guy with a giant Head and a Military Crew cut

Now if i did i wouldn't have a Career Here?

You don't believe me ask ask Alex Riley

about That

You see i'm not like John i don't have to talk i let my actions

Talk For me that is why When i say

something it means

something Like When i said John cena Is

a Fake-Ass Little Bitch

it's because he is

But Not Only That

John Cena is the biggest hypocrite to ever step foot in a Wwe


and if You don't believe me there John Will tell you Himself i

Was Out Here to talk about Wrestlemania

Was Out Here to talk about the rock

you Know the guy Who's not here this week

you See Dwayne Is no longer the People's champion Dwayne Is a Champion With

People i

Have a legitimate Beef with Dwayne Johnson and it's Been the same problem i've had with him for Seven Years

Next Week he should show Up raise an Eyebrow hold the millions in the palm of His hand like Only he can and

Then Kick It back to Hollywood

Because i Got news for you that is Exactly

What's gonna Happen

Dwayne i want you to listen This is not a

movie promotion for me i

Always Showed Up and i never Left and When it comes down to 20

The first time you Got a taste to the bright lights of Hollywood he was out of her leaving again and then he laughs


I'm here i've been here i always be here you're gonna have to Kill me to beat me

the headline reads?

John cena to feast Dwayne Johnson in the biggest Match in history in his hometown

That Wrestlemania 28

I'll see you next week movie star

Should We Bring Seen Out Here San Jos


I'm afraid That's not gonna be loud enough Because John's not here

So everything he said was Just a lie Who's Just talking

And That's Why the result at no, Mercy is gonna be the same as It Was at that


Only This time he's gonna be beat By a different psalm on

so San Jose i'll see y'all Next time for sure and John

I'll see you Sunday

Movie star

Well They pulled those Punches

In the weeks leading Up to this Rivalry on Sunday But Guys i can tell You one Thing

John Cena Will be?

with all Mercy for This Class Which

This Sunday he it's stand the sight of One another well we don't see

Nonetheless This Is an important Match Up for John Cena's Legacy and of Course for Roman Reigns as Well As he

establishes Himself Here in Wwe Roman Reigns Defeated The undertaker at Wrestlemania

For more infomation >> Roman Reigns Insults John Cena Monday Night Raw 18 September 2017 /muhammad tanzeel - Duration: 5:21.


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MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer

For more infomation >> MSI GL62M 7RDX 1408 15 6 Full HD Thin and Light Performance Gaming Laptop Computer - Duration: 2:07.


Suhana Khan Lifestyle Cars, School, House, Boyfriend, Family, Biography 2017 - Duration: 3:11.

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Suhana Khan

Nickname : Suhana

Date of Birth ;'22 May 2000 , Age 17 Years

Birth Place Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Father : Shah Rukh Khan

Mother : Gauri Khan

Brothers Aryan khan

Brother' s Abram Khan






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