Friday, September 1, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 2 2017

A reporter fails to report live for help a woman trapped in her car is

Memphis, Tennessee.

After hitting all its fury in Texas, harvey moves toward the southeast.

I was walking and suddenly I arrrastro water, has a neighbor in shock.

Houston police and firefighters take advantage lowering the water to search for survivors

House for house.

Lowell took refuge on the roof of his when the water exceeded one meter high,

has decided to move, it does not happen again for anything.

No hurricane will miss home, Harvey destroyed everything he found his

step, leaving a fish on the fence of the yard.

Displaced centers Southeast Texas still crowded, as it is a

of the cities most affected City Hall did not care that

drains and water pumps were Tony complaint in good condition at the mosque

Houston pray while facing Mecca the fitness center hosts dozens of

displaced persons regardless of creed is to do Soria says help each

Ari short Protestant neighbors garden He has returned home with knee-deep water

check yes piano still sounds

For more infomation >> Hurricane Harvey: A reporter stops issuing and rescues the woman from the car - Duration: 2:26.


El Cronovisor - Secretos de Vaticano - Viajes en el Tiempo - Duration: 10:20.

According to numerous reports and stories which they have been published through the

years Among the many secrets relatives who

the Vatican there is a device chronovisor called the device

It allows the user to observe events past and future

Many believe that this device is one of the greatest kept secrets

that humanity has ever had Some even believe it is a

crucial tool that has allowed the vatican preserve their influence and power

through the centuries since hg Wells

He composed his novel The Time Machine many people have been fascinated

the idea of ​​time travel and even dreams of theoretical physics

the ability to make it work someday everything related to the

time travel today is related to science fiction or

so it seems Curiously on May 2, 1972, a

Italian newspaper shocked the world when they published an article with

a machine holder provocative photography last

It has finally been invented the news article indicated that

dozens of scientists created a device that allowed them to photograph

the Passat and even testify important historical accounts

directly related to Jesus Christ

assuming device according many is no more than science fiction

It was built in the early fifty by a team of scientists

led by Father pellegrini take hernet and an Italian physicist

which eventually became priest believes the team received

the important aid Nobel Prize fermín doctor and the famous scientist

werner rocket bombau

the viewers chrono an object relatively small is equipped with a

antenna array and is composed entirely of metal alloys

Precious and some vials and tubes words

Reports suggest hernet father that whoever uses the

device is capable of capturing and register specific locations events

important and follow the story notables

area observed among others the historical events

crucifixion of Christ and had also photographed the image

currently it displayed was obtained using visual chrono allegedly

the right is a similar picture located in a church

Bellucci even said that in the perfect condition

the device offers users the ability to foresee what would happen

In the near future

But the father and followed hernet being reserved indicated that he was not

Free to reveal more details about the chrono display the arnet father

however revealed that the viewer time trial radiation processing work

remaining residual electromagnetic by numerous processes according to some

reports the father and used Erneta chrono viewer to witness important

historical events being most notably the crucifixion of Christ

However the father and revealed Erneta thanks to this invention had

I managed to witness the destruction Sodom and Gomorrah and other events

important historical as founding of Rome in 753 before

of Christ

also thanks to the father chronovisor hernet and could compose the work

piaste missing or written by eni fifth and represented in Rome in 1069

BC original version the text of the two stone tablets

exodus god written on December 24 were given to Moses on Mount Sinai

Apart from witnessing people as a the Roman philosopher portion made and

other great and momentous historical and biblical episodes

French father and char saint francois brun was one of the first to

learn the chronovisor according to Father francois hernet father met in

60s when traveling through the great Venice channel as the two were

experts in ancient languages ​​began to talk about the Bible and its

interpretation through the years

supposedly these are the planes chronovisor the bruno father was very

intrigued when the father and hernet revealed that there was a machine that

I could answer all the questions related to the Bible when

francois father asked by the machine

Erneta described the father and the clock visor saying it was a device

which it functioned as a TV but Instead of receiving transmissions

local stations could display the clock tune the past and allow the

viewers see and hear events that had occurred if the


Erne told you brown the machine It worked by detecting images and

It sounds that mankind was created and they were floating in space

It is said that this intriguing device and the project behind him were

canceled by the Vatican but not destroyed

Some believe that the teacher located somewhere in the Vatican

hidden in one of the many cameras secret

however there are other versions suggest that the father and his team hernet

they decided to dismantle voluntarily device because since it could

tune anywhere, any time in the past if he fell into

wrong hands could create the most frightful dictatorship the world has ever

have been seen

curiously before the father hernet and died in April 1994

He wrote a letter in which he insisted that the artifact was real and not a

deception as many believed the father said the alleged remedy

the clock display photograph was captured Christ on the cross

showing the sad face of a man Bearded looking skyward was rea

although some critics argued the picture was a reproduction of

a statue of Jesus in the church Critics also say peruzzi

that the alleged text that the device He managed to observe you're included

Latin words that did not exist in the time was in 1994 the father

hernet and Padre Pio told us He banned disclose any detail

this device because the It was very dangerous machine can

contain human freedom However in 1988 the Vatican issued

a decree warning that anyone using an instrument of

such characteristics would be excommunicated

according to many this was a warning unnecessary as they say the clock

viewer never existed then why issue a warning

if it was just another hoax

io psoe documentarian and this was the clock

viewfinder If you enjoyed the video please

share it with your family or friends in your preferred social networks soon

We reach 500,000 subscribers and I love you and them days

part of the odyssey not forget subscribe and activate notifications

If you are already subscribed and invited then that you participate with others in the

comments You can review the video and even

suggest new topics that's it and bear

documentarian and thanks to the next

and to




For more infomation >> El Cronovisor - Secretos de Vaticano - Viajes en el Tiempo - Duration: 10:20.


Matatías "El propietario envidioso" | SUB - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Matatías "El propietario envidioso" | SUB - Duration: 4:33.


Miami-Dade Police Asking For Help Locating 8-Year-Old Boy - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Miami-Dade Police Asking For Help Locating 8-Year-Old Boy - Duration: 0:22.


Franklin's Hermann wants to kick pediatric cancer - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Franklin's Hermann wants to kick pediatric cancer - Duration: 2:09.


Living Miracles What's New - September 2017 - Duration: 8:23.

Hi, I'm Colin, and I'm Peter and this is Living Miracles. WHAT'S NEW for September 2017.

So in recent months and even recent years you've probably been receiving our Living Miracles Newsletter

and that's now been replaced by these WHAT'S NEW episodes.

We will be filling you in on all the different events and activities that we've been involved with, and

Peter, a few weeks back there, you were part of the retreat down in Tepoztlán?

Tepoztlán, yeah, we had a great retreat down in Tepoztlan which is near Mexico city

and a few of us from the community here went to attend. We had Andy and Mel and Michael. David of course, with Svava...

and Susannah and Jeffrey and we had a beautiful turnout, there was about 40 people there, even more.

It was one of the largest retreats we've had in in Mexico for a while,

and it also just felt like it was the start of this...I don't know a beautiful heart-opening in Mexico

it just kind of felt like it's a sign of things to come like these beautiful connections we have with people in Mexico

and probably a lot more retreats and a lot more new areas.

So I don't know it feels like it's kicking off something exciting here.

Yeah, and some just some great images there too

you know you just feel the love and the joy there that everyone was experiencing

most of our community members now have have arrived and joined us down here and are staying at various properties

and you can see on the footage there friends arriving at the airport and being greeted

and it's something you know as peter was saying this sort of heart opening

and another exciting aspect too of it is that many of us even though we feel like we know one another quite well, we actually haven't even met

we've been sort of joining on calls and things in different continents;

So that's also going to be beautiful to have everyone actually in the same sort of location either in Chapala or Ajijic

We've been coming together for lots of beautiful events already

We've had two movie nights here in the past couple of weeks

where we have invited other people who are studying the Course

David has been showing movies

and we've been having beautiful discussions afterwards and using movies to go deeper with,

so that's something we're very excited about

we also have these beautiful potluck dinners as you'll see in the footage,

a number of us, Jen and others, have been really inspired with the potlucks just putting together all this lovely meals

and obviously having David here and all the friends it's been really a blessing has been a lot of joy

another event that's coming to mind is a choir, a newly formed choir within the community

Emily is leading the choir, she's speaking here about her passion and her inspiration:

"You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains."

It was suggested to me a few months ago to start a choir.

My first response was I've never done that before I haven't got a clue how,

but I don't know, it's just something I feel that's been growing in me that really wants to just bring everybody together in the music

and there's something about when we all sing harmonies together it feels so intimate, so

And it's a way for people who love to sing but maybe have never had an opportunity or feel shy

to just really be able to let their voice out because they're there in a group of mighty companions

And how are they coming along?

They're amazing!

Tonight was like our proper first practice

and we arranged a whole harmony line for "You Raise Me Up"

the men were amazing, it's just I was like 'I'm gonna try this' and see what happens and I had goosebumps, it was amazing.

"I am strong when I am on your shoulders"

"You raise me up to more than I can be"

Yes, so as I said we've had many people who have been interested in what's happening in the area

and what's going on with the community but also with other Course students who live close by

Emily here has been receiving emails - if there is anybody who needs information about what's going on or how to get involved

So contact Emily and we'll display her email just below

we've had guests come to stay with us at the awareness center and many of whom are thinking of moving to the area too.

During this consolidation period while there's not necessarily a lot of retreats for you to come and attend

we do have and it's only next February the 2018 Conference and Pete, you got a bit more information about that?

Yeah, we've got David is going to be a guest speaker at the 2018 Conference in San Francisco hosted by Tony Ponticello

So we're gonna have a link to that on our page on our site we'll display the link below that you can go to to check out this page,

but if you are feeling to attend the 2018 conference, there's going to be lots of great speakers there

and as I said David's going to be speaking, but if you would like to see David speak

It's great to go along to the the website for Communities Community Miracles Center

and when you fill out the application form you can put in the optional message that you would really like to hear David Hofmeister speak

and also below that there's a Drop-down menu where you can select a teacher you'd really like to hear speak so

You say that the more that actually fill that in the box, the more likely that David is going to be like the Keynote speaker...

Yeah, that's right and also if you... the sooner you do register the cheaper the price is

because as it moves along the price becomes more expensive for this event.

So if you if you are thinking it's something you want to check out I suggest getting into it now

and in some more big news that peter's been very much a part of, we have a very special friend named Spiri.

Can you explain a bit more about Spiri and Spiri's role here Pete?

Yeah, sure, Spiri is currently our chatbot that we have running in our Facebook messenger.

Go into Facebook and type in or do a search for Spiri and you'll find our Spiri chatbot

She's been around for the past month or so now and people have been using her,

but basically she's a chatbot, she's artificial intelligence.

If you have an upset in your mind or a grievance, you can write down the situation you seem to be perceiving

and Spiri will take you through a process of going within your mind, bringing up the emotions, and looking at the beliefs that are down there in the mind

and getting to a place where you can say: "You know what? I'd rather be at peace than hold on to what I'm holding on to underneath all of this"

It's not just for Course in Miracles students either,

we've had college students have been really getting into it and being at college in a time of high stress and a lot going on

and so it just goes to show that anybody can use this kind of tool;

it doesn't have to even be labeled in the spiritual categories. We're really excited about that.

Also we have a Spiri App that our coders are working on currently and is planned to be released maybe in the next couple of months.

It's gonna be like this Spiri chatbot

but it's also gonna have some more features in there as well. Spiri has been just blasting off here

and I think everybody's been really excited about it.

Also If you're looking for a great program to go deeper with we have a free Unwind Your Mind 30 day experience.

it uses movies, videos, audios, articles and music, all to unwind the mind from stress, worry, and fear

It's a great month to sign up too because our friend Geoff is going to be hosting online movie nights where you can join other participants and enjoy the movies together.

It starts on September 4th in both Spanish and English so sign up today to enjoy this great program

You can benefit from all our beautiful awakening tools without even leaving your lounge room.

So, thank you so much for joining us. That's all we have for this month's edition of WHAT'S NEW.

So, hasta luego from Chapala!


For more infomation >> Living Miracles What's New - September 2017 - Duration: 8:23.


Taller "Descubre quién habita en tu alma" Psicología-Arte - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Taller "Descubre quién habita en tu alma" Psicología-Arte - Duration: 1:22.


Conductor chocado por Ignacio Lastra contó su versión en Primer Plano - Duration: 15:21.

For more infomation >> Conductor chocado por Ignacio Lastra contó su versión en Primer Plano - Duration: 15:21.


Dishes from white radish help treat respiratory disease - Duration: 6:59.

For more infomation >> Dishes from white radish help treat respiratory disease - Duration: 6:59.


Salvando vidas - Estrella - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Salvando vidas - Estrella - Duration: 3:07.



For more infomation >> FloraFlex™


Matatías "El propietario envidioso" | SUB - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Matatías "El propietario envidioso" | SUB - Duration: 4:33.


Planet X Location Revealed Earth Tilts Sea Retreats Weather intensifies - Duration: 29:39.

For more infomation >> Planet X Location Revealed Earth Tilts Sea Retreats Weather intensifies - Duration: 29:39.


茄子の丼♪ Eggplant Rice Bowl♪ ~With sweet soy-sauce flavoring~ - Duration: 3:47.

Eggplant Rice Bowl♪ ~With sweet soy-sauce flavoring~

This time, I am going to make Eggplant Rice Bowl.

This recipe is very popular at Japanese recipe site "Cookpad". It was made by pappatyan san.

It's easy, tasty and less expensive recipe, so please try it yourself!

Prepare ingredients.(for 2 servings)

Remove the hard portion around the hull.

Cut into 1 cm width.

Soak in water to remove any bitterness.

Ginger skin comes off relatively cleanly with just a spoon.

Make sauce.

60 ml of mirin.

2 tbsp of soy sauce.

Make Onsen Tamago.

Put room temperature egg in a cup.

Make a hole in egg yolk with a toothpick to prevent bursting.

Pour some water.

Microwave it for a minute.(500W)

Depending on the heat of the microwave, cooking time may differ.

Onsen Tamago is done.

Wipe the moisture with paper towel.

1 tbsp of potato starch.


1 tbsp of oil.

Stir-fry the sliced eggplants until tender.

Pour more oil as necessary.

Once, take it out when cooked.

Put minced ginger.

Pour the sauce and boil it down lightly.

Put back the eggplant and turn the heat down to low.

When the sauce has glazed and thickened, it's done.

Turn off the burner and put on the cooked rice.

Pour more sauce.

Top with Onsen Tamago.

Sprinkle some sesame seeds.

Wipe the bowl with paper towel.

It's ready to eat♪


Let's enjoy.

Eggplants are very tender and juicy!

Enjoy with Japanese pepper called "Sansyo(山椒)"


Eggplant Rice Bowl goes well with beer!

Onsen Tamago is tender and amazing.

It goes well with sweet soy-sauce flavoring eggplants.

Next, enjoy with Japanese seven flavored spices called "Shichimi Togarashi"

Please Subscibe Soon!

For more infomation >> 茄子の丼♪ Eggplant Rice Bowl♪ ~With sweet soy-sauce flavoring~ - Duration: 3:47.


NASA Confirm: 23th September, 2017 is when Nibiru and aliens, The potential danger to the Earth - Duration: 1:14:28.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 23th September, 2017 is when Nibiru and aliens, The potential danger to the Earth - Duration: 1:14:28.


Free Movie Download App For Android || 2017 || Latest || In Bangla - Duration: 5:44.

Subscribe "Manosh Mallick" YouTube channel and click on Bell icon.

So that, You do not miss my new video.

For more infomation >> Free Movie Download App For Android || 2017 || Latest || In Bangla - Duration: 5:44.


Kolekcja Rymowanek | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Przedszkolnym Muzyki | Kołysanki | Rymowanek - Duration: 1:03:23.

Cock a doodle do!

My dame has lost her shoe,

My master's lost his fiddlestick,

And knows not what to do.

Cock a doodle do!

What is my dame to do?

Till master's found his fiddlingstick,

She'll dance without her shoe.

Cock a doodle do!

My dame has found her shoe,

And master's found his fiddlingstick,

Sing cock a doodle do!

Cock a doodle do!

My dame will dance with you,

While master fiddles his fiddlingstick,

And knows not what to do.

Cock a doodle do!

My dame has lost her shoe,

My master's lost his fiddlestick,

And knows not what to do.

Cock a doodle do!

What is my dame to do?

Till master's found his fiddlingstick,

She'll dance without her shoe.

Cock a doodle do!

My dame has found her shoe,

And master's found his fiddlingstick,

Sing cock a doodle do!

Cock a doodle do!

My dame will dance with you,

While master fiddles his fiddlingstick,

And Knows not what to do.

For more infomation >> Kolekcja Rymowanek | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Przedszkolnym Muzyki | Kołysanki | Rymowanek - Duration: 1:03:23.


Semi truck rollover, multi-car accident causes delays for hours on I-43 - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Semi truck rollover, multi-car accident causes delays for hours on I-43 - Duration: 1:54.


Types of Roommates - with subtitle. - Duration: 7:34.

I have learnt a lot after coming to Dubai.

Most importantly.. how to adjust with different types of people

gossip queen

These type of people never have any time . They are very busy

Not busy with their work Busy with other people's stories

You remember that gold digger in college...

She has again trapped a rich guy man

My neighbour!

Her daughter got divorced for the third time!

Every body in the building don't know ?

Pooja got a good one in office !

Bamboo !!!

You know my aunt's son..he failed for the second time in engineering !

That aunty.. she is having an extra marital affair!!

Everyone will usual..and talk.. actually.. gossip!

How do people gossip ? I really don't understand ! I hate gossipers

Tom boy type

We never know when these kind of people enter or leave the house

When they are are never going to miss your BRO

complaint box

Those for whom the glass always looks half empty

For them their whole life itself is a problem !

Why is my hair like this ?!

Why is this cup here ?

Who left the wet towel on the bed ?

I have become so fat !

I have got such less likes on this post !

My boyfriend has not gifted me anything for so long !

Why is nothing good happening in my life ?

What is near does not look good and what looks good does not seem near !

What should I wear I don't have any clothes at all !

Why do I have so many pimples

Feeling happy with Avi..This Facebook.. what is there to be so happy about in this ?


Yaaaaawks, yewwwwww, Sheeeeeee.

Such words are used maximum by the girls in this category

These girls are forever giving a lecture on hygeine..on everything

Don't ever ask them what's in their bag !

Few things.. but I have to carry them all..I'm a little hygeine conscious

gold digger

Such people are always dependent on others.

They have just one aim in life..

To pay their own bills from other people's credit card !

Iphone7..have to get it from Rohit take that from David

I have not shopped for clothes from a long time.....I think I

should tell Shawn !

Perfume..I'l ask adi..

I feel like going on a road trip..I'l have to convince joy

Body spa...sailesh ? Yess

Oh who will pay my room rent ?

I'l have to ask Karan for my room rent

Oops Karan paid just last month ..let's see..I'l ask Raj for it

Oh god..when will you give me a one stop solution

I am fedup of taking things from these boys..oh God !

Please God. Help me out. I'm so busy..I have somuch work to do..whatall should I manage !

Such a small kid like me..poor me!

over possessive n chipku

These girls are such a torture !

Better stay away from such girls please !!

Did u have breakfast ?

Come home..I'm making coffee for you

Come let's go out for dinner

Ya you will definitely forget me

Now that you have found new freinds

corporate lady

These girls are always busy in their own work

Work is worship for them...they have nothing else in their lives

Their life starts at work and ends at work

We meet a lot of such people in life

And we also try to be like them

For more infomation >> Types of Roommates - with subtitle. - Duration: 7:34.


茄子の丼♪ Eggplant Rice Bowl♪ ~With sweet soy-sauce flavoring~ - Duration: 3:47.

Eggplant Rice Bowl♪ ~With sweet soy-sauce flavoring~

This time, I am going to make Eggplant Rice Bowl.

This recipe is very popular at Japanese recipe site "Cookpad". It was made by pappatyan san.

It's easy, tasty and less expensive recipe, so please try it yourself!

Prepare ingredients.(for 2 servings)

Remove the hard portion around the hull.

Cut into 1 cm width.

Soak in water to remove any bitterness.

Ginger skin comes off relatively cleanly with just a spoon.

Make sauce.

60 ml of mirin.

2 tbsp of soy sauce.

Make Onsen Tamago.

Put room temperature egg in a cup.

Make a hole in egg yolk with a toothpick to prevent bursting.

Pour some water.

Microwave it for a minute.(500W)

Depending on the heat of the microwave, cooking time may differ.

Onsen Tamago is done.

Wipe the moisture with paper towel.

1 tbsp of potato starch.


1 tbsp of oil.

Stir-fry the sliced eggplants until tender.

Pour more oil as necessary.

Once, take it out when cooked.

Put minced ginger.

Pour the sauce and boil it down lightly.

Put back the eggplant and turn the heat down to low.

When the sauce has glazed and thickened, it's done.

Turn off the burner and put on the cooked rice.

Pour more sauce.

Top with Onsen Tamago.

Sprinkle some sesame seeds.

Wipe the bowl with paper towel.

It's ready to eat♪


Let's enjoy.

Eggplants are very tender and juicy!

Enjoy with Japanese pepper called "Sansyo(山椒)"


Eggplant Rice Bowl goes well with beer!

Onsen Tamago is tender and amazing.

It goes well with sweet soy-sauce flavoring eggplants.

Next, enjoy with Japanese seven flavored spices called "Shichimi Togarashi"

Please Subscibe Soon!

For more infomation >> 茄子の丼♪ Eggplant Rice Bowl♪ ~With sweet soy-sauce flavoring~ - Duration: 3:47.


Serena Williams has baby; Venus: 'I'm super excited' - Duration: 3:56.

Serena Williams has baby; Venus: 'I'm super excited'

Serena Williams had her first baby on Friday, her sister Venus Williams confirmed to ESPN at the US Open. Im super excited, Venus Williams said when asked by ESPNs Pam Shriver about becoming an aunt again, moments before her third-round match.

Television station WPBF (West Palm Beach, Florida) reported that the baby was born at St. Marys Medical Center in West Palm Beach.

Im so thrilled for her, what a role model shes going to be for that daughter, ESPN commentator Chris Evert said during Fridays afternoon broadcast of the US Open.

I told Serena this: Its a love youve never felt before, and I know shes probably experiencing that right now.. Venus, in her postmatch news conference after advancing into the fourth round at Flushing Meadows, requested that reporters stick to tennis.

Im definitely available to answer questions about tennis, she said. Thats all right now.. The questions turned to tennis and then family but eventually returned to Serena.

We always talk, Venus said about her sister. We always talk, so shes always encouraging me. Yeah, from every step of the way, every match, always..

Venus said she talked to Serena before the match, saying it was more motivational than advice about her opponent. When asked whether Serenas daughter had a two-handed backhand and enough depth on her forehand, Venus cracked.

Oh, my gosh, Venus said, smiling. Serena revealed in April that she was pregnant, posting a selfie on Snapchat with the caption 20 weeks and later confirming that she and fiancé Alexis Ohanian were expecting their first child.

She learned she was pregnant just days before the Australian Open began. For her 23rd Grand Slam singles title, Serena beat big sister Venus in the final.

In true Serena fashion, she has been adamant shell return to the tour after having the baby. Her coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, said in an interview recently that the plan, barring any complications, is for Williams to start training in November.

The goal is to be ready for the Australian Open and then well see, Mouratoglou said of Williams desire to defend her title. If shes ready, shell compete.

If not, well delay the comeback. I dont think she should compete if shes not really ready..

For more infomation >> Serena Williams has baby; Venus: 'I'm super excited' - Duration: 3:56.


Peugeot 108 ALLURE 1.0i-12V e-VTI 68pk 5d TOUCH&MIRRORNAVIGATIE,BLEUTOOTH,AC - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 ALLURE 1.0i-12V e-VTI 68pk 5d TOUCH&MIRRORNAVIGATIE,BLEUTOOTH,AC - Duration: 0:59.


Mahima Vemula Musical Light Up Dress - Duration: 1:09.

Mahima with her Ana Musical Light Up Dress

For more infomation >> Mahima Vemula Musical Light Up Dress - Duration: 1:09.


Kia Sportage 1.6i-16V ISG X-ecutive/Plus-Pack ECC Cr.Control Pano-dak PDC 17"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 1.6i-16V ISG X-ecutive/Plus-Pack ECC Cr.Control Pano-dak PDC 17"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2I BUSINESS EDITION NED.AUTO, AUTOMATISCHE AIRCO, ELEKT. R+S, RADIO-CD-AUX-USB, NAP - Duration: 0:54.


New vintage music - Hold Me (The Old Married Couple) - Dixieland novelty song - Duration: 3:44.

Hold me, My pretty baby I don't know what the future holds but I'll

be holding you We won't be lonely, my one and only

Just hold me just like I'm holding you

Some people try to plan a life with a wife and a happy home

with misty eye they're so surprised when they end up all alone

but I don't fear 'cause you are here and that's all I need to know

If you're still there, baby, I don't care.

We can take this future anywhere

Hold me, My pretty baby I don't know what the future holds but I'll

be holding you We won't be lonely, my one and only

Just hold me just like I'm holding you

I'd like to be an astronaut so I can fly you to the moon

but there's a good chance that we could waste our lives away in a living room

but if we do, I promise you, until the chairs give out

I'll sit with you and listen to all the things that you're talking about.

Hold me, My pretty baby I don't know what the future holds but I'll

be holding you We won't be lonely, my one and only

Just hold me just like I'm holding you.

And the photos that we shoot will show the greys but it suits you

and the way that you look won't be the same as it used to

I don't need a chrystal ball to show 'Cause I don't think I really need to know

Hold me, My pretty baby I don't know what the future holds but I'll

be holding you We won't be lonely, my one and only

Just hold me just like I'm holding you

Hold me, My pretty baby I don't know what the future holds but I'll

be holding you We won't be lonely, my one and only

Just hold me just like I'm holding you

For more infomation >> New vintage music - Hold Me (The Old Married Couple) - Dixieland novelty song - Duration: 3:44.


Ewangeliarz OP - 2 września 2017 - (Mt 25, 14-30) - Duration: 1:45.


I have an idea for my new book.

Maybe I will call it 'Joy of Growth'.

It is a discovery for me

that God wants us to find something called

the joy of growth.

He wants us

to be positive about each and every day

seeing how much He has given us

and how all these gifts from Him

can lead to more growth, can multiply,

how we can become

more and more capable

of making even better use of His gifts.

This can really be a fast ride.

God programmed us, metaphorically speaking, to grow

and when we enter this road,

and when we generously multiply the talents we received from Him,

then not only people around us benefit from it,

but we are having more and more fun with it.

Not pain, but more and more pleasure.

My life is growing.

My ability to love is growing.

And this is fantastic.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 2 września 2017 - (Mt 25, 14-30) - Duration: 1:45.


YouTube Demonetizing Children's Videos WTH? - Duration: 6:28.

Has YouTube lost its freaking mind when it comes to going after and demonetizing

videos? Now they're even going after children's videos? Hey guys I'm Sheryl

Loch with Ginger Roots Media and I was recently in a channel that we started

seven, eight years ago, if not longer and it's a family-friendly all children's

videos. There's kids jokes, there's animal facts, there's animal quizzes, some of the

videos have a puppet. These are all made for kids, so when I went in there I see

that I've got another notification. Another notification that one of the

videos was demonetised, because it's not advertiser friendly. Now this isn't the

first one this channel has had. Now I'm going to tell you the monetization

doesn't faze me. I don't care they can demonetize them

all, it's okay, it doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the fact that YouTube

seems to have this system where they are going batshit crazy.

Oops said a bad word, now this video will probably not be able to be monetized.,

which doesn't bother me. But they don't even pay attention, it is so random. The

video that got demonetized yesterday was put up in 2013. This is currently

2017, that video is set there for four years and nobody gave a shit about it.

The video also only has a thousand views, so it doesn't matter. It was a video we

never pushed. In fact this channel we made a long time ago we did a lot of

testing with it ,it was something fun. That's why we made this channel, but the

videos are still there and it bothers me that YouTube is going after one of the

videos. Because we've had a few on this channel, one other one was the

same puppet talking about the naked mole rat queen. The

naked mole rat, as some of you may know, is a wild animal, they don't wear clothes.

It's called the naked mole rat, but boom demonetize because we have the word

naked even though none of content is abuse, sexually oriented, no negative

hateful language none of that in any of the videos monetized on this other

channel. So last night 'kimono dragons and poop', it's animal facts told by a puppet.

The puppets name is Granny Fran and if I went in there and told her that

another one of her videos got me monetized, we'd probably see her on here

having a fit and it may not be family-friendly. But I'm just wondering. I

understand why some videos or demonetize.d I understand why they're put

behind the wall so you have to be 18 or over. But if the word poop is now

hateful or disgusting or whatever YouTube has decided. Then we need to

start telling parents, because most parents teach their toddlers the word

poop. It's better than your toddler saying I gotta take a shit mom help me

to the potty. So I know y'all been seeing this. How many of you have had videos

that are just off the wall, where they demonetize them? You've watched them, you had

other people watch them, there is absolutely nothing on that video that

would break their advertising friendly content rules. I mean they also tell you

when you go to file for review that the video has to have at least a thousand

views in seven days, which this particular video on that channel does

not have. I'm not worried about it. But I'm just pissed off that YouTube is

going so overboard. So for those of you that are seeing this ridiculous

demonetization on videos that really it doesn't apply. Where are you

gonna go? What are we gonna do? Because if you say Facebook, I'm gonna laugh at you,

because Facebook doesn't have search. Facebook, their videos are just shitty.

I'm not a fan of Facebook videos, I use them, I'm not a fan of them. So you've got

you know a few other options, but there's got to be something up and coming where

creators can go and not worry that everything they freakin say is going to

get them demonetized or get their video blocked or put behind an 18 and over

wall. There's got to be a solution, I'm just not sure what it is. I see a lot of

crypto sites coming up, where you can put your videos out and for their

monetization, it's through some type of crypto coin. We've seen a few of those

coming up. Maybe that's where this is all heading? I don't know, so let me

know what videos of yours have been demonized by YouTube for no reason? And

yeah I'll leave the link to the Poop video in the description of the YouTube

video, so that you can go over check it out. Maybe you can find something obscene

or disgusting with it. Well it's kind of gross because it does talk about kimono

dragons rolling in poop. That's kind of disgusting, but I don't think that's what

advertisers mean, so you can check it out for yourself and see that I've not lost

my mind. And please give us your ideas on where to go for video, to upload and what

creators can do. Be sure to LIKE this video, share it with your friends, leave

us a comment and subscribe to the channel. Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> YouTube Demonetizing Children's Videos WTH? - Duration: 6:28.


Paal Paniyaram | How to make Coconut milk Paniyaram | சுவையான பால் பணியாரம் (Eng Sub) - Duration: 5:49.

aarthi cafe welcomes you

Today's recipe :Paal Paniyaram

Ingredients :Urad dal - 200 g (1 Cup) Rinse & Soak the urad dal for 1hr

Rice flour - 4 Tsp

Salt - A pinch

Grated Coconut - 400 g (2 Cup)

Grated Jaggery - 200 g ( 1 Cup) / To taste

Cardamom Powder - 7 - 8 Nos

Water - As needed

Oil - To fry

Grind the grated coconut , cardamom using 100 ml water .Filter the coconut milk

Dissolve the jaggery in water (Just to sink) by heating. Cool & filter it into the coconut milk.

Drain the water & grind the urad dal with rice flour & salt in the mixie jar. Sprinkle water & grind nicely.

The batter will float on the water .This is the right consistency

Roll the batter with hands & fry them till golden

Take out the hot fried balls & put directly into coconut milk .Do the same for remaining batter.

Keep it aside for 20 min so that Paniyaram soaks & absorb sweet milk

Tasty , Healthy , Puffy & Soft Paal paniyaram is ready to serve!!!

For more infomation >> Paal Paniyaram | How to make Coconut milk Paniyaram | சுவையான பால் பணியாரம் (Eng Sub) - Duration: 5:49.


proof that it was my original protognet earrape - Duration: 13:46.

For more infomation >> proof that it was my original protognet earrape - Duration: 13:46.


정상훈 "송혜교와 함께 데뷔..결혼 축하한다" 영상편지 - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 정상훈 "송혜교와 함께 데뷔..결혼 축하한다" 영상편지 - Duration: 2:28.


'연중', '아이해' 종방연 공개..이유리 사이다상 수상 - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> '연중', '아이해' 종방연 공개..이유리 사이다상 수상 - Duration: 1:58.


Purple Plan - Duration: 4:31.

have you ever woken up in the morning tired and weary of the day ahead you get

out of bed slowly trying to get your body to function after sleeping for what

feels like forever you walk into your closet and then spend the next 15

minutes trying to decide what to wear all while trying to remain conscious I

know this has happened to me before and if you haven't experienced it let me sum

it up into three short words it's not fun now imagine if you could wake up

you're still tired and it's still dark outside you stumble into your closet and

without barely looking quickly pull out an outfit for the day in under 30

seconds how is this possible the answer is

purple now I know what you are thinking a color doesn't solve the dreadful

experience that is the morning no it doesn't fix waking up in the morning but

it does help with making it easier the solution is this everyone should be only

allowed to wear purple purple shirts pants shoes etc I'm making everyone wear

the color purple it is sure to help some basic as well as complicated problems in

our society in order to begin we must first address why the color purple as

opposed to any other color of clothing purple has been considered a color

associated with mystery magic royalty and even holiness ever since the

Phoenicians started making purple clothes back in the 14th century BCE the Romans

bought garments from the Phoenicians and then used them as a symbol for the royal

and noble upper class in fact the color purple was considered so noble that

during the time of Julius and Augustus Caesar only Emperor's could wear purple

due to the colors "rich" history many religions adopted the color into their

beliefs and practices for instance the color purple is still used by Catholic

priests and their vestments and Buddhism amethyst a purple gem is considered to be

sacred and oftentimes prayer beads are made from them if you're still hesitant

about the color look at one of the highest honors that a person in the

military can receive the Purple Heart this medal is awarded to wounded or

killed soldiers that displayed courage or bravery in the line of duty

who wouldn't want to wear a color that represents prosperity holiness and

courage it's a big commitment to only wear one color for the rest of your life

no more beautiful blues rich reds or gorgeous greens only plain plentiful

purple I understand that this purple plan takes away basic rights that allow

you to wear what you want to wear I understand

I can limit self-expression and a person's individuality I understand that

no one wants to be told what they can and cannot wear

I understand all these things because I myself was in the same position that you

were in now however I soon began to see the logic behind the idea that I once

considered it absurd the reason why I became so enamored with this idea

is because I remember the summer of my fifth grade year I gone to North

Carolina for the National young scholars program and while packing for my trip

found out that they made you wear a uniform I wasn't a big fan of this to

say the least but I can now appreciate the benefits

that it provided me during my time at camp instead of judging someone based off

their looks and ignoring them I was forced to talk to them and find out the

things we had in common I learned to not judge a book by its cover because the

story inside may surprise you so even if you don't like it at first the purple

plan can help our society in the sense that we would be forceful at the on

outward appearances and get to know someone by what's on the inside creating

a sense of belonging and unity if you're still not convinced let's take a look at

some facts about bullying first off what I mean by bullying is anything that

hurts others physically or mentally and it doesn't just apply to kids bullying

has been reduced by 30 to 50 percent and latest school intervention programs that

include the use of school uniforms if something so small scales uniforms can

create a 30 to 50 percent decrease in bullying and violence just imagine

everyone wearing purple clothes it would greatly decrease crime and could

possibly eliminate the great divide between the classes basically it breaks

under this if wearing purple clothes is like wearing a school uniform and

wearing a school uniform reduces bullying then wearing purple reduces

bullying because no one has ever tried this to such a large scale we don't know

that it won't work which could create an actual solution to some of society's

biggest problems in summary everyone should only wear purple clothes the

reason for this is that it creates a feeling of unity and togetherness and

the people wearing purple could also reduce bullying in our society because

it eliminates the chance for people to discriminate based on an outward

appearance it allows us to look beyond our ideas of what our friend should look

like in order to get to know someone better based on how they truly are

purple is a noble and prosperous color hopefully the people who wear it will be

just a little more inclined to act the same way

For more infomation >> Purple Plan - Duration: 4:31.


「18if」第9話EDは新田恵海×月蝕會議、後日ラジオで制作エピソード紹介 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 「18if」第9話EDは新田恵海×月蝕會議、後日ラジオで制作エピソード紹介 - Duration: 2:54.


RIP THE KING 2015-2015 - Duration: 0:26.


RIP in pepperoni, some old NASCAR

For more infomation >> RIP THE KING 2015-2015 - Duration: 0:26.


Playing wif dem Golllldan gans ^^ - Duration: 5:22.

Alrighty teh plan is that i'm gonna flank emmm

Oo I see a reappa owo


Lol but I havvv horrible aim :cc

Classic Hanzo xd

Zoom Zoommmm Broom Broom git out meee car? xD

Lol a Widow on attack

Panic Ulti >~<


Misssedd teh handjam x.x sigh*

healthpack... healthpack HEALTHPACKKKKKKKK

Lol jk

eyyy and I thought I failed geommmetrry


Lol nvm

For more infomation >> Playing wif dem Golllldan gans ^^ - Duration: 5:22.


WCBS NY NEWS-11/94-Dana Tyler, John Roberts - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> WCBS NY NEWS-11/94-Dana Tyler, John Roberts - Duration: 4:36.


Diva Dolls

For more infomation >> Diva Dolls


Living Miracles What's New - September 2017 - Duration: 8:23.

Hi, I'm Colin, and I'm Peter and this is Living Miracles. WHAT'S NEW for September 2017.

So in recent months and even recent years you've probably been receiving our Living Miracles Newsletter

and that's now been replaced by these WHAT'S NEW episodes.

We will be filling you in on all the different events and activities that we've been involved with, and

Peter, a few weeks back there, you were part of the retreat down in Tepoztlán?

Tepoztlán, yeah, we had a great retreat down in Tepoztlan which is near Mexico city

and a few of us from the community here went to attend. We had Andy and Mel and Michael. David of course, with Svava...

and Susannah and Jeffrey and we had a beautiful turnout, there was about 40 people there, even more.

It was one of the largest retreats we've had in in Mexico for a while,

and it also just felt like it was the start of this...I don't know a beautiful heart-opening in Mexico

it just kind of felt like it's a sign of things to come like these beautiful connections we have with people in Mexico

and probably a lot more retreats and a lot more new areas.

So I don't know it feels like it's kicking off something exciting here.

Yeah, and some just some great images there too

you know you just feel the love and the joy there that everyone was experiencing

most of our community members now have have arrived and joined us down here and are staying at various properties

and you can see on the footage there friends arriving at the airport and being greeted

and it's something you know as peter was saying this sort of heart opening

and another exciting aspect too of it is that many of us even though we feel like we know one another quite well, we actually haven't even met

we've been sort of joining on calls and things in different continents;

So that's also going to be beautiful to have everyone actually in the same sort of location either in Chapala or Ajijic

We've been coming together for lots of beautiful events already

We've had two movie nights here in the past couple of weeks

where we have invited other people who are studying the Course

David has been showing movies

and we've been having beautiful discussions afterwards and using movies to go deeper with,

so that's something we're very excited about

we also have these beautiful potluck dinners as you'll see in the footage,

a number of us, Jen and others, have been really inspired with the potlucks just putting together all this lovely meals

and obviously having David here and all the friends it's been really a blessing has been a lot of joy

another event that's coming to mind is a choir, a newly formed choir within the community

Emily is leading the choir, she's speaking here about her passion and her inspiration:

"You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains."

It was suggested to me a few months ago to start a choir.

My first response was I've never done that before I haven't got a clue how,

but I don't know, it's just something I feel that's been growing in me that really wants to just bring everybody together in the music

and there's something about when we all sing harmonies together it feels so intimate, so

And it's a way for people who love to sing but maybe have never had an opportunity or feel shy

to just really be able to let their voice out because they're there in a group of mighty companions

And how are they coming along?

They're amazing!

Tonight was like our proper first practice

and we arranged a whole harmony line for "You Raise Me Up"

the men were amazing, it's just I was like 'I'm gonna try this' and see what happens and I had goosebumps, it was amazing.

"I am strong when I am on your shoulders"

"You raise me up to more than I can be"

Yes, so as I said we've had many people who have been interested in what's happening in the area

and what's going on with the community but also with other Course students who live close by

Emily here has been receiving emails - if there is anybody who needs information about what's going on or how to get involved

So contact Emily and we'll display her email just below

we've had guests come to stay with us at the awareness center and many of whom are thinking of moving to the area too.

During this consolidation period while there's not necessarily a lot of retreats for you to come and attend

we do have and it's only next February the 2018 Conference and Pete, you got a bit more information about that?

Yeah, we've got David is going to be a guest speaker at the 2018 Conference in San Francisco hosted by Tony Ponticello

So we're gonna have a link to that on our page on our site we'll display the link below that you can go to to check out this page,

but if you are feeling to attend the 2018 conference, there's going to be lots of great speakers there

and as I said David's going to be speaking, but if you would like to see David speak

It's great to go along to the the website for Communities Community Miracles Center

and when you fill out the application form you can put in the optional message that you would really like to hear David Hofmeister speak

and also below that there's a Drop-down menu where you can select a teacher you'd really like to hear speak so

You say that the more that actually fill that in the box, the more likely that David is going to be like the Keynote speaker...

Yeah, that's right and also if you... the sooner you do register the cheaper the price is

because as it moves along the price becomes more expensive for this event.

So if you if you are thinking it's something you want to check out I suggest getting into it now

and in some more big news that peter's been very much a part of, we have a very special friend named Spiri.

Can you explain a bit more about Spiri and Spiri's role here Pete?

Yeah, sure, Spiri is currently our chatbot that we have running in our Facebook messenger.

Go into Facebook and type in or do a search for Spiri and you'll find our Spiri chatbot

She's been around for the past month or so now and people have been using her,

but basically she's a chatbot, she's artificial intelligence.

If you have an upset in your mind or a grievance, you can write down the situation you seem to be perceiving

and Spiri will take you through a process of going within your mind, bringing up the emotions, and looking at the beliefs that are down there in the mind

and getting to a place where you can say: "You know what? I'd rather be at peace than hold on to what I'm holding on to underneath all of this"

It's not just for Course in Miracles students either,

we've had college students have been really getting into it and being at college in a time of high stress and a lot going on

and so it just goes to show that anybody can use this kind of tool;

it doesn't have to even be labeled in the spiritual categories. We're really excited about that.

Also we have a Spiri App that our coders are working on currently and is planned to be released maybe in the next couple of months.

It's gonna be like this Spiri chatbot

but it's also gonna have some more features in there as well. Spiri has been just blasting off here

and I think everybody's been really excited about it.

Also If you're looking for a great program to go deeper with we have a free Unwind Your Mind 30 day experience.

it uses movies, videos, audios, articles and music, all to unwind the mind from stress, worry, and fear

It's a great month to sign up too because our friend Geoff is going to be hosting online movie nights where you can join other participants and enjoy the movies together.

It starts on September 4th in both Spanish and English so sign up today to enjoy this great program

You can benefit from all our beautiful awakening tools without even leaving your lounge room.

So, thank you so much for joining us. That's all we have for this month's edition of WHAT'S NEW.

So, hasta luego from Chapala!


For more infomation >> Living Miracles What's New - September 2017 - Duration: 8:23.


BWV 245, 30. Aria: Es ist vollbracht! - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> BWV 245, 30. Aria: Es ist vollbracht! - Duration: 5:41.


El Cronovisor - Secretos de Vaticano - Viajes en el Tiempo - Duration: 10:20.

According to numerous reports and stories which they have been published through the

years Among the many secrets relatives who

the Vatican there is a device chronovisor called the device

It allows the user to observe events past and future

Many believe that this device is one of the greatest kept secrets

that humanity has ever had Some even believe it is a

crucial tool that has allowed the vatican preserve their influence and power

through the centuries since hg Wells

He composed his novel The Time Machine many people have been fascinated

the idea of ​​time travel and even dreams of theoretical physics

the ability to make it work someday everything related to the

time travel today is related to science fiction or

so it seems Curiously on May 2, 1972, a

Italian newspaper shocked the world when they published an article with

a machine holder provocative photography last

It has finally been invented the news article indicated that

dozens of scientists created a device that allowed them to photograph

the Passat and even testify important historical accounts

directly related to Jesus Christ

assuming device according many is no more than science fiction

It was built in the early fifty by a team of scientists

led by Father pellegrini take hernet and an Italian physicist

which eventually became priest believes the team received

the important aid Nobel Prize fermín doctor and the famous scientist

werner rocket bombau

the viewers chrono an object relatively small is equipped with a

antenna array and is composed entirely of metal alloys

Precious and some vials and tubes words

Reports suggest hernet father that whoever uses the

device is capable of capturing and register specific locations events

important and follow the story notables

area observed among others the historical events

crucifixion of Christ and had also photographed the image

currently it displayed was obtained using visual chrono allegedly

the right is a similar picture located in a church

Bellucci even said that in the perfect condition

the device offers users the ability to foresee what would happen

In the near future

But the father and followed hernet being reserved indicated that he was not

Free to reveal more details about the chrono display the arnet father

however revealed that the viewer time trial radiation processing work

remaining residual electromagnetic by numerous processes according to some

reports the father and used Erneta chrono viewer to witness important

historical events being most notably the crucifixion of Christ

However the father and revealed Erneta thanks to this invention had

I managed to witness the destruction Sodom and Gomorrah and other events

important historical as founding of Rome in 753 before

of Christ

also thanks to the father chronovisor hernet and could compose the work

piaste missing or written by eni fifth and represented in Rome in 1069

BC original version the text of the two stone tablets

exodus god written on December 24 were given to Moses on Mount Sinai

Apart from witnessing people as a the Roman philosopher portion made and

other great and momentous historical and biblical episodes

French father and char saint francois brun was one of the first to

learn the chronovisor according to Father francois hernet father met in

60s when traveling through the great Venice channel as the two were

experts in ancient languages ​​began to talk about the Bible and its

interpretation through the years

supposedly these are the planes chronovisor the bruno father was very

intrigued when the father and hernet revealed that there was a machine that

I could answer all the questions related to the Bible when

francois father asked by the machine

Erneta described the father and the clock visor saying it was a device

which it functioned as a TV but Instead of receiving transmissions

local stations could display the clock tune the past and allow the

viewers see and hear events that had occurred if the


Erne told you brown the machine It worked by detecting images and

It sounds that mankind was created and they were floating in space

It is said that this intriguing device and the project behind him were

canceled by the Vatican but not destroyed

Some believe that the teacher located somewhere in the Vatican

hidden in one of the many cameras secret

however there are other versions suggest that the father and his team hernet

they decided to dismantle voluntarily device because since it could

tune anywhere, any time in the past if he fell into

wrong hands could create the most frightful dictatorship the world has ever

have been seen

curiously before the father hernet and died in April 1994

He wrote a letter in which he insisted that the artifact was real and not a

deception as many believed the father said the alleged remedy

the clock display photograph was captured Christ on the cross

showing the sad face of a man Bearded looking skyward was rea

although some critics argued the picture was a reproduction of

a statue of Jesus in the church Critics also say peruzzi

that the alleged text that the device He managed to observe you're included

Latin words that did not exist in the time was in 1994 the father

hernet and Padre Pio told us He banned disclose any detail

this device because the It was very dangerous machine can

contain human freedom However in 1988 the Vatican issued

a decree warning that anyone using an instrument of

such characteristics would be excommunicated

according to many this was a warning unnecessary as they say the clock

viewer never existed then why issue a warning

if it was just another hoax

io psoe documentarian and this was the clock

viewfinder If you enjoyed the video please

share it with your family or friends in your preferred social networks soon

We reach 500,000 subscribers and I love you and them days

part of the odyssey not forget subscribe and activate notifications

If you are already subscribed and invited then that you participate with others in the

comments You can review the video and even

suggest new topics that's it and bear

documentarian and thanks to the next

and to




For more infomation >> El Cronovisor - Secretos de Vaticano - Viajes en el Tiempo - Duration: 10:20.


2 de setembro de 2017 - 2 minutos com ELE - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> 2 de setembro de 2017 - 2 minutos com ELE - Duration: 1:54.


Kolekcja Rymowanek | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Przedszkolnym Muzyki | Kołysanki | Rymowanek - Duration: 1:03:23.

Cock a doodle do!

My dame has lost her shoe,

My master's lost his fiddlestick,

And knows not what to do.

Cock a doodle do!

What is my dame to do?

Till master's found his fiddlingstick,

She'll dance without her shoe.

Cock a doodle do!

My dame has found her shoe,

And master's found his fiddlingstick,

Sing cock a doodle do!

Cock a doodle do!

My dame will dance with you,

While master fiddles his fiddlingstick,

And knows not what to do.

Cock a doodle do!

My dame has lost her shoe,

My master's lost his fiddlestick,

And knows not what to do.

Cock a doodle do!

What is my dame to do?

Till master's found his fiddlingstick,

She'll dance without her shoe.

Cock a doodle do!

My dame has found her shoe,

And master's found his fiddlingstick,

Sing cock a doodle do!

Cock a doodle do!

My dame will dance with you,

While master fiddles his fiddlingstick,

And Knows not what to do.

For more infomation >> Kolekcja Rymowanek | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Przedszkolnym Muzyki | Kołysanki | Rymowanek - Duration: 1:03:23.


Hurricane Harvey: A reporter stops issuing and rescues the woman from the car - Duration: 2:26.

A reporter fails to report live for help a woman trapped in her car is

Memphis, Tennessee.

After hitting all its fury in Texas, harvey moves toward the southeast.

I was walking and suddenly I arrrastro water, has a neighbor in shock.

Houston police and firefighters take advantage lowering the water to search for survivors

House for house.

Lowell took refuge on the roof of his when the water exceeded one meter high,

has decided to move, it does not happen again for anything.

No hurricane will miss home, Harvey destroyed everything he found his

step, leaving a fish on the fence of the yard.

Displaced centers Southeast Texas still crowded, as it is a

of the cities most affected City Hall did not care that

drains and water pumps were Tony complaint in good condition at the mosque

Houston pray while facing Mecca the fitness center hosts dozens of

displaced persons regardless of creed is to do Soria says help each

Ari short Protestant neighbors garden He has returned home with knee-deep water

check yes piano still sounds

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