Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 20 2017

About a month ago, I posted a video of my sisters and I playing with the Ouija Board

It was only on my channel for about an hour, then I put it private, but during that hour

It received so many negative comments, like never before

and many people didn't even finish watching the video, they just posted a comment

I'm going to give you my honest opinion, and I ask you to please watch this video until the end and listen to what I have to say

I wanted to post that video playing the Ouija board, because I saw other youtubers posting videos playing it

and they scare people, specially their younger viewers, and I don't think that's right

knowing that there is a logical explanation on why that thing moves

It's called Ideomotor effect. When your brain makes unconscious movements automatically.

Please take 5 min to read about it or watch videos on how the ouija board works (links in the description box)

There's thousands of people who play it and nothing at all happens to them

If someone plays with the ouija board with the mentality that it's real. Of course you're going to feel like it's working

you're even going to see things that aren't there, that's how our brain works.

I know sometimes I post videos that are just for entertainment,

but in many of my videos I try to also include something you guys can learn from,

or maybe something you can relate with, or just to make you smile

my intention with this video about the ouija board in particular, was so you can see that it's just a GAME

that you don't have to be scared. I didn't mean to insult anyone

Us Mexicans, and other hispanics

were raised with those beliefs, that the ouija board and those type of things are real

and I know that when you believe in something since you were little, it's almost impossible to stop believing

no matter how much evidence disproves it

and that's why I was going to keep receiving all that negativity more than any other youtuber that isn't hispanic

because most of my viewers are hispanics, so they believe in this

but go ahead and look at other blogs or videos that talk about this

or on Amazon, where I bought the ouija board

the majority of the comments are of people that know it's not real, that don't take it seriously

that has played for years, and there they are, healthy and alive

My mom also played when she was young, she thought it was real, but then she realized that it's not

nothing happened, she would scared on her own

I have never in my life heard someone who doesn't believe in those kind of things

Say, that they've seen a spirit or a ghost or whatever

only when you believe, is when you see things. Because that's how our mind works, it's very powerful

almost everything in this world has an explanation, and it's most likely not supernatural

I know a lot of young people watch me, and believe me, I take that into consideration when I upload my videos

Of course many people don't think I'm a good influence because they choose to see

the negative in every situation, or in what I say

but I know the majority of view understand what I'm trying to promote

and I'm always going to keep promoting, inner beauty

and outer beauty too, that's why I film makeup tutorials

but I also like to remind you that we only have this life, we have to enjoy it and be happy

no matter the circumstances

that we have to be good people, and always humble

and also that we have to be more OPEN MINDED

lets not believe in something because everybody else does

because that's how we were raised, cause it sounds nice, or because it's convenient

lets read more, do research, be more curious about life, question things

Knowledge is power. And that's what I try to promote in some of my videos

as you guys know, we played the Ouija board 1 month ago

It's still here in the house, and nothing weird has happened or unusual

none of us have seen anything, or had nightmares or anything of that sort

absolutely nothing! My sisters even watch a lot of scary movies still. They're crazy

Again, if I offended you with the video, that wasn't my intention.

But for those that criticize me, and say mean things to me.

If you don't want to take the time to research about your beliefs, then keep on believing

but don't worry about me, and my lack of beliefs, that doesn't effect you at all

It doesn't affect me! How would it affect you ?

Anyway, I'll let you guys know if a ghost scares me one day

I hope you guys take a few minutes to watch videos or read about how the ouija board really works

so you're not scared anymore

Thank you for listening and finishing my video, and for understanding and respecting my point of view.

before I finish, I want to give a shout out to all the people who shared my last video on Twitter

Thank you so much for your support, and don't forget to follow me on twitter and share this video

if you want me to give you a shout out on my next video

Love you! Until Next time! xoxo <333

For more infomation >> 1 mes despues de jugar la Ouija (No apto para sensibles) - Duration: 5:13.


Brutal terremoto magnitud 7,1 sacude a México | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Brutal terremoto magnitud 7,1 sacude a México | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:12.


Aseguran que marjorie de Sousa invierte en destruir a Julián Gil | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Aseguran que marjorie de Sousa invierte en destruir a Julián Gil | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:39.


🔈 Aviso Lideres de Telexfree 2017 - Invierte 0.014 bitcoins y Gana 0.24 btc en menos 90 dias - Duration: 44:10.

For more infomation >> 🔈 Aviso Lideres de Telexfree 2017 - Invierte 0.014 bitcoins y Gana 0.24 btc en menos 90 dias - Duration: 44:10.


Nominados a los Latin American Music Awards 2017 | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Nominados a los Latin American Music Awards 2017 | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 7:11.


¿Funcionó la alerta sísmica en Ciudad de México durante el terremoto de 7.1? - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> ¿Funcionó la alerta sísmica en Ciudad de México durante el terremoto de 7.1? - Duration: 0:44.


Eduardo Yáñez se expresó sobre los problemas con su hijo | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Eduardo Yáñez se expresó sobre los problemas con su hijo | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:50.


Dramáticos rescates entre los escombros en Ciudad de México | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Dramáticos rescates entre los escombros en Ciudad de México | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:33.


Christian Nodal habló sobre sus grandes logros a sus 18 años | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Christian Nodal habló sobre sus grandes logros a sus 18 años | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:53.


El terremoto de 1985 en México, una tragedia que se revive 32 años después - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> El terremoto de 1985 en México, una tragedia que se revive 32 años después - Duration: 2:41.



For more infomation >> EFFECTIVE REMEDIES TO REMOVE WHITE SPOTS ON THE SKIN - Duration: 3:18.


Quick Updates | Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Deck (SEPTEMBER/ Septiembre 2017) [Duels & Decklist] (Yu-Gi-Oh) - Duration: 13:06.

Presented by El Exordio del Duelista


Offensive 8 | Defense 7 | Consistency 6 | Versatility 8 | Recovery 7 | FINAL SCORE: 7.2 (Very Good!)

Approximate Deck Price: Main Deck $248 | Extra Deck $58 | Total Deck Price: $306. Currency: US Dollars. The prices could change.

Lowest approximate Deck price: $253 | Price estimated without the cards showed.

How does the Deck works? The Deck its focused on Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, which improve the offensive of the Deck and gives to the Deck better control because of it invulnerability effect.

The Deck also makes plays with the Graveyard thanks to Return of the Dragon Lords, which also helps you to protect from destruction your Dragons.

ADVANTAGES (Positive Aspects) - Not depend on the Extra Deck. - Chaos MAX is and excellent Boss Monster because of it invulnerability effect.

- Return of the Dragon Lords can be used such as an offensive as a defensive tactic.

-Spirt Dragon of white works as Backrow Removal.

DISADVANTAGES (Negative Aspects): - Can brick with so many Spells and High-Level Monsters.

- Too vulnerable to Droll & Lock bird and Ash Blossom & Joyou Spring. The Chaos MAX engine could brick very often.

TIP#1 Even is the Deck is focused on Chaos MAX is not recommended to play always around it, because sometimes you waste a lot of your resources to summoning it.

Also, there's some many Deck that can deal with it very easily.

TIP#2 Keep in mind that Chaos MAX it's an LV8 monster very easy to summon like Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon.

so, sometimes, you can summon it just to use it as Xyz material for yours Rank 8 Xyz.

RECOMMENDATIONS: You can include 3 Galaxy Soldier to summon with them Cyber Dragon Infinity. This way, you'll improve the Defenses of the Deck and

you will be able to send to the Graveyard from your hand your Blue-Eyes Monsters to summon them with Return of the Dragon Lords.

RECOMMENDATION: If you want to focus more the Deck to summon Chaos MAX, try with 2 Swords of Concealing Light.

This Spell can change Face-Down in Defense position every Monster on the opponent's field. This is useful because of the Piercing and Double Damage effect of Chaos MAX.

Exordio WALLPAPERS: Download this and a Pack with over 15 Wallpapers made by us in the description of the video!

DOWNLOAD the Ygopro with Links by Ygopro ESPAÑOL in the description of the video! Also follow them on Facebook and YouTube for more news, videos and more about their Ygopro with links version!

THANKS FOR WATCHING! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter as El Exordio del Duelista! Don't forget to leave a comment, like the video and Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> Quick Updates | Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Deck (SEPTEMBER/ Septiembre 2017) [Duels & Decklist] (Yu-Gi-Oh) - Duration: 13:06.


Socorristas trabajan para rescatar a quienes puedan estar bajo escombros tras el terremoto en México - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Socorristas trabajan para rescatar a quienes puedan estar bajo escombros tras el terremoto en México - Duration: 1:58.


Suárez, a punto de cumplir su centenario en Liga - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Suárez, a punto de cumplir su centenario en Liga - Duration: 2:21.


Familias mexicanas en Los Ángeles tratan de contactar a sus seres queridos en México tras terremoto - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Familias mexicanas en Los Ángeles tratan de contactar a sus seres queridos en México tras terremoto - Duration: 2:03.


Want Your Music To Change ...

For more infomation >> Want Your Music To Change ...


Trump Just Pissed Off Obama And Every Single Muslim In The World With What He Just Put In Israel - Duration: 4:22.

For the past 8 years, Barack Hussein Obama wiped his backside with our Constitution while

emboldening our enemies and alienating our allies.

With the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Obama made it no secret he was on the side

of the Palestinian terrorists, while concurrently working a backroom deal to put Iran on a path

to nuclear arms, siding with Iran who's vowed for decades to blow Israel to smithereens

if given half the chance.

But now Obama's plot to destroy Israel has been completely destroyed, after the incredible

thing that President Trump just sent to Israel this week, that's royally pissing off every

single Muslim around the world today.

Ever since President Trump got elected, he's been working to mend the relationship with

our most important ally in the east that Obama worked to tirelessly destroy while in office.

After Obama put Israel's most hated enemy of Iran onto a path for nuclear weapons, Prime

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been desperate to find a way to protect his country, as it's

just a matter of time before Iran's nukes are pointing in his direction.

After Netanyahu's desperate plea for Obama stop the nuclear deal fell on deaf ears after

Bibi made a public speech to Congress last February, President Trump has now done something

historic and unprecedented to undo Obama's legacy, while ensuring that the people of

Israel are always protected.

Breaking reports confirm that for the first time in United States history, there will

now be an American military base on Israel, that's sending Israel-hating Obama and every

Muslim in the world into a collective rage.

Dennis Michael Lynch reported on this incredible historic event, where the stars and stripes

will now be flying at an American military base in Israel:

For the first time in history, the U.S. Stars and Stripes are flying inside an American

military base in Israel.

Israel and the United States Army celebrated the opening of the brand new U.S. military

base in southern Israel in a ceremony Monday, which Israelis and Americans have been working

on for the past two years.

This move by our new Commander-in-Chief is sending a clear message to the world that

we stand with Israel, a gesture that's no doubt sending shock waves through the Muslim

community and infuriating our former terrorist-loving president.

Obama tried desperately to destroy Israel while in office, where we all can remember

the vile thing Obama did to Israel over Christmas last year, where he backed a Security Council

resolution that turned over Israel's most historic and holy sites to Palestinian Hamas

and Fatah terrorists.

Obama was also behind the taxpayer-funded campaign to oust Netanyahu from office back

in 2015, where the Washington Post exposed Obama's plot, going on to say that Obama

"had the worst relationship of any U.S. president with the elected prime minister

of the Jewish State."

This isn't the first time that President Trump has tried to make things right with

Israel following two presidential terms of Barack Hussein Obama treating the country

of Israel like absolute crap.

As Israel's land continues to be up for dispute by a coalition of Muslim terrorists

and nasty liberals around the world, President Trump finally put an end to the debate by

the single action he took at the West Wall earlier this year, solidifying once and for

all where America stands on this issue.

Meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu in a solemn act of solidarity, President Trump

donned a yarmulke, and prayed at the West Wall along with other Jewish leaders, in a

historic move that has never been done by a sitting president in our country's history.

The diplomatic nod not only bolstered Israel's claims to the holy site, but sent the silent

message to Muslims around the world that this area belongs to the Jews, and to keep their

grubby hands off of it.

This is such a drastic change from what we got used to under Barack Hussein Obama, who

did everything he could to stab Israel in the back during his tenure as president.

Now America finally has a president who represents the values and sentiments that most Americans

have towards Israel, who Christians revere as "God's chosen people."

You can be sure that liberal snowflakes everywhere are melting over President Trump sending our

military to Israel to protect our most cherished ally.

God bless President Trump and God bless Israel!

Share if you agree!

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Pissed Off Obama And Every Single Muslim In The World With What He Just Put In Israel - Duration: 4:22.


SẺ CHIA TỪNG KHOẢNH KHẮC - Tiết mục giao lưu cực vui nhộn Chung kết Tài năng học sinh sinh viên - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> SẺ CHIA TỪNG KHOẢNH KHẮC - Tiết mục giao lưu cực vui nhộn Chung kết Tài năng học sinh sinh viên - Duration: 4:43.


HN News - 【Jリーグ出場停止情報】J1は鹿島DF三竿健斗、浦和MF青木拓矢らが出場停止…J2は福岡FWウェリントンら9名が出場停止 - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> HN News - 【Jリーグ出場停止情報】J1は鹿島DF三竿健斗、浦和MF青木拓矢らが出場停止…J2は福岡FWウェリントンら9名が出場停止 - Duration: 6:45.


Executive Builds $3 Million A...

For more infomation >> Executive Builds $3 Million A...


Apple Music — Carpool Karaoke — Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, and will.i.am Preview - Duration: 0:32.

♪ One, two, three, get loose now. ♪

♪ Let's get it started. Ha! ♪

♪ Let's get it started in here. ♪

♪ Let's get it started. Ha! ♪

♪ Let's get it started in here. ♪

♪ Let's get it started. Ha! ♪

♪ We gotta rock, rock, rock, rock. ♪

♪ Easy come, easy go. ♪

♪ Now we on top, top, top, top. ♪

Gwyneth: We're going to a sweat lodge.

♪ It's getting hot in here. So hot! ♪

♪ So take off all your clothes. ♪

♪ I am getting so hot. ♪

For more infomation >> Apple Music — Carpool Karaoke — Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow, and will.i.am Preview - Duration: 0:32.


💛BACK TO UNI // settling in, dorm shopping + thrifting, etc - Duration: 13:10.

i've been driving in the car for the past 25 minutes,

and i didn't even notice this thing on my dash, ok

i make this right turn, something falls off-

and its- my sister's freaking hair

just said goodbye to one of my best friends

I'm gonna be so sad that I won't be seeing my friend Amanda

now I'm on the way to pick up my dad!

one thing after another

do you like?

---what is that??

--is that her hair??


--oh my god

on the way to the vet right now

this guy has a lot to say

our last stop of the day is to visit my grandfather

he hasn't been doing well. my mom thinks that

this is the last time we would really get to see him, but,

I'm hoping he will still be here at the end of the year.


we're gonna get breakfast at tropical smoothie cafe

we drove over to seekonk, where there are so many different stores

where we're gonna shop around, look for things for the dorm

but first of all we're super hungry so

it's not bad

look at that frankenstein, just shaking

it's not hard to tell that I'm tired

I haven't gotten good rest in a while, but

when school starts I'll get on a better schedule believe it or not

finally, half an hour later, the music stops

and i can go to sleep

im so excited to get into bed right now, it looks so comfortable

hello! so, we have a late start kind of,

we had some technical issues.. with... couldn't find the car key

but it's ok! we're gonna get food. food will make everything better

*friends theme song playing*

this find.



the view!



down, now!

hi. I have half an hour until my first class.

this is my first day!

of school, I guess officially

In my backpack, I am bringing two notebooks,

and one sketchbook. one of mine is actually

a half sketch- half binder paper notebook,

it's pretty cool. good for lectures

pencil pouch, gonna need my computer

this kanken is the regular size.

for the people who are wondering, it can actually fit a lot

so i recommend it.

it's the next day! I didn't vlog a lot this week, I'm really sorry

I had my first day of class yesterday and that was really exciting

I'm finally starting my specialization in textiles, so

LOOK how messy this room is.

im the kind of person that wants to sit down, clear my schedule,

and clean everything at once, and make it all good,

i don't like to clean as i go, i'm not very good at that,

so i haven't gotten around to this messy room

until today really. it's been a week

really just excuse this mess for now

there are no hooks in this room so. everything is staying on the ground until i finally install some.

some command removable hooks

ive only had one out of three classes for my textile studios

but i could show you my homework so far,

i have to set up my swatch kit, im really excited to learn about all types of fabrics,

and then practicing how to hand spin,



it's 11.

you need to eat.

i've been awake for a few hours. so i've been doing some reading homework.

i have a little bit of time until noon, when i have to go,

so i am very excited to toast some bread,

and eat my breakfast. it's really simple, but

honestly, peanut butter on toast is one of my favorite things

i don't have a toaster yet. so i'm using the pan

today is wednesday. it's one of my lighter classes, i just had a lecture today

so i took notes, and im gonna have lunch with my sister now

i think im gonna end the vlog here though. everything else is going really smoothly

this facility is really good. clean, and -the lighting is so perfect

-good lighting

and obviously us as roommates, is just like home, so

once we settle in there will be tours, and other apartment related videos

we're still gonna go to the container store to get organization supplies, cus we don't have that

anywhere. and we'll see you next time!


For more infomation >> 💛BACK TO UNI // settling in, dorm shopping + thrifting, etc - Duration: 13:10.


1 mes despues de jugar la Ouija (No apto para sensibles) - Duration: 5:13.

About a month ago, I posted a video of my sisters and I playing with the Ouija Board

It was only on my channel for about an hour, then I put it private, but during that hour

It received so many negative comments, like never before

and many people didn't even finish watching the video, they just posted a comment

I'm going to give you my honest opinion, and I ask you to please watch this video until the end and listen to what I have to say

I wanted to post that video playing the Ouija board, because I saw other youtubers posting videos playing it

and they scare people, specially their younger viewers, and I don't think that's right

knowing that there is a logical explanation on why that thing moves

It's called Ideomotor effect. When your brain makes unconscious movements automatically.

Please take 5 min to read about it or watch videos on how the ouija board works (links in the description box)

There's thousands of people who play it and nothing at all happens to them

If someone plays with the ouija board with the mentality that it's real. Of course you're going to feel like it's working

you're even going to see things that aren't there, that's how our brain works.

I know sometimes I post videos that are just for entertainment,

but in many of my videos I try to also include something you guys can learn from,

or maybe something you can relate with, or just to make you smile

my intention with this video about the ouija board in particular, was so you can see that it's just a GAME

that you don't have to be scared. I didn't mean to insult anyone

Us Mexicans, and other hispanics

were raised with those beliefs, that the ouija board and those type of things are real

and I know that when you believe in something since you were little, it's almost impossible to stop believing

no matter how much evidence disproves it

and that's why I was going to keep receiving all that negativity more than any other youtuber that isn't hispanic

because most of my viewers are hispanics, so they believe in this

but go ahead and look at other blogs or videos that talk about this

or on Amazon, where I bought the ouija board

the majority of the comments are of people that know it's not real, that don't take it seriously

that has played for years, and there they are, healthy and alive

My mom also played when she was young, she thought it was real, but then she realized that it's not

nothing happened, she would scared on her own

I have never in my life heard someone who doesn't believe in those kind of things

Say, that they've seen a spirit or a ghost or whatever

only when you believe, is when you see things. Because that's how our mind works, it's very powerful

almost everything in this world has an explanation, and it's most likely not supernatural

I know a lot of young people watch me, and believe me, I take that into consideration when I upload my videos

Of course many people don't think I'm a good influence because they choose to see

the negative in every situation, or in what I say

but I know the majority of view understand what I'm trying to promote

and I'm always going to keep promoting, inner beauty

and outer beauty too, that's why I film makeup tutorials

but I also like to remind you that we only have this life, we have to enjoy it and be happy

no matter the circumstances

that we have to be good people, and always humble

and also that we have to be more OPEN MINDED

lets not believe in something because everybody else does

because that's how we were raised, cause it sounds nice, or because it's convenient

lets read more, do research, be more curious about life, question things

Knowledge is power. And that's what I try to promote in some of my videos

as you guys know, we played the Ouija board 1 month ago

It's still here in the house, and nothing weird has happened or unusual

none of us have seen anything, or had nightmares or anything of that sort

absolutely nothing! My sisters even watch a lot of scary movies still. They're crazy

Again, if I offended you with the video, that wasn't my intention.

But for those that criticize me, and say mean things to me.

If you don't want to take the time to research about your beliefs, then keep on believing

but don't worry about me, and my lack of beliefs, that doesn't effect you at all

It doesn't affect me! How would it affect you ?

Anyway, I'll let you guys know if a ghost scares me one day

I hope you guys take a few minutes to watch videos or read about how the ouija board really works

so you're not scared anymore

Thank you for listening and finishing my video, and for understanding and respecting my point of view.

before I finish, I want to give a shout out to all the people who shared my last video on Twitter

Thank you so much for your support, and don't forget to follow me on twitter and share this video

if you want me to give you a shout out on my next video

Love you! Until Next time! xoxo <333

For more infomation >> 1 mes despues de jugar la Ouija (No apto para sensibles) - Duration: 5:13.


Alien: The Deleted Airlock Sequence - Explained - Duration: 14:04.

As the Nostromo crew fell victim to the alien one by one, the surviving members became increasingly

desperate in their attempts to destroy the creature.

One attempt, omitted from the final film, depicted the alien being spotted by the Nostromo's

airlock, and narrowly escaping being blown out into space, but losing a limb in the process

and creating further danger due to its acid blood.

Though some portions of this sequence were actually filmed, it was never completed and

ultimately scrapped from the final version, but it does remain in tact in certain drafts

of the film's screenplay, and in Alan Dean Foster's novelization.

The scene was meant to take place after Dallas' failed attempt to subdue the alien in the

air shaft, when Parker goes off to refuel the flame units.

What follows is a passage from the novelization, outlining what we may have seen if the sequence

had been finalized.

"Parker checked the level on the first methane cylinder, made sure the bottle of highly compressed

gas was full.

He did the same with a second, resting nearby.

Then he hefted the two heavy containers and started back up the companionway.

It was as lonely on B deck as it had been below.

The sooner he rejoined the others, the better he'd feel.

In fact, he wished now he'd let Ash accompany him.

He'd been an idiot to run off for the cylinders by himself.

Everyone who'd been taken by the alien had been alone.

He tried to jog a little faster, despite the awkward weight of the bottles.

He turned a bend in the corridor, stopped, nearly dropping one of the containers.

Ahead lay the main airlock.

Beyond it, but not far beyond, something had moved.

Or had it?

It was time for imagining things and he blinked, trying to clear mind and eyes.

He'd almost started ahead again when the shadow movement was repeated.

There was a vague suggestion of something tall and heavy.

Looking around, he located one of the ubiquitous wall 'coms.

Ripley and Lambert should still be on the bridge.

He thumbed the switch beneath the grid.

Something indecipherable drifted out from the speaker set in Ripley's console.

At first she thought it was only localized static, then decided she recognized a word

or two.

"Ripley here."

"Keep it down!" the engineer whispered urgently into the pickup.

Ahead of him, the movement in the corridor had suddenly ceased.

If the creature had heard him…

"I can't hear you" Ripley exchanged a puzzled look with Lambert, who looked blank.

But when she spoke into her pickup again, she kept her voice down as requested.

"Repeat… why the need for quiet?"

"The alien."

Parker whispered it, not daring to raise his voice.

"It's outside the starboard lock.

Yes, right now!"

Open the door slowly.

When I give the word, close it fast and blow the outer hatch.

"Are you sure…

?" He interrupted her quickly.

"I tell you, we've got it!

Just do as I tell you."

He forced himself to calm down.

"Now open it.


Ripley hesitated, started to say something, then saw Lambert nodding vigorously.

If Parker was wrong, they had nothing to lose but a minuscule amount of air.

If he knew what he was doing, on the other hand…

She threw a switch.

The inner airlock door moved aside.

The creature came out of the shadows and moved toward it.

Several lights were flashing inside the lock.

One was an especially bright emerald green.

The alien regarded it with interest, moved to stand on the threshold of the lock.

Come on, damn you, the engineer thought frantically.

Look at the pretty green light!

That's right.

Wouldn't you like to have the pretty green light all to yourself?

Sure you would.

Just step inside and take the beautiful greenness.

Just a couple of steps inside and it can be yours forever.

Just a couple of steps, God, just a couple of steps.

Fascinated by the steadily pulsing indicator, the alien stepped into the lock.

It was completely inside.

Not by much, but who could tell when it might suddenly grow bored, or suspicious?

"Now," he husked into the pickup, "now."

Ripley prepared to throw the emergency close.

Her hand was halfway to the toggle when the Nostromo's emergency Klaxon wailed for attention.

She and Lambert froze.

Each looked to the other, saw only her own personal shock mirrored in her companion's


Ripley threw the toggle over.

The alien heard the Klaxon too.

Muscles contracted and it sprang backward, clearing the threshold of the lock in a single

incredible leap.

The hatch door slammed shut just a fraction faster.

One appendage was pinned between wall and door.

Liquid boiled out of the crushed member.

The alien made a noise, like a moan or bellow made underwater.

It wrenched itself backward, leaving the trapped limb pinned between metal.

Then it turned and rushed down the corridor, blind with pain, hardly seeing the paralyzed

engineer as it lifted and threw him aside before vanishing around the nearest corner.

Above the crumpled Parker a green light was flashing and the words INNER HATCH CLOSED

showed on a readout.

The metal of the lock continued to bubble and melt as the outer hatch swung open.

A puff of frozen air appeared outside the lock as the atmosphere that had been contained

within rushed into space.


Ripley spoke anxiously into the pickup, jabbed a switch, adjusted a slide.


What's happening down there?"

Her attention was caught by a green light winking steadily on her console.

"What's going on?"

Lambert leaned out of her seat.

"Did it work?"

"I'm not sure.

The inner hatch is scaled and the outer hatch has been popped."

"That should do it.

But what about Parker?"

"I don't know.

I can't get a response out of him.

If it worked, he should be screaming fit to bust the speakers."

She made a decision.

"I'm going down to see.

Take over."

She slipped out of her chair, raced for B corridor.

She nearly fell a couple of times.

Once she stumbled into a bulkhead and nearly knocked herself out.

Somehow she kept her balance and staggered on.

The alien was not uppermost in her mind.

It was Parker, another human being.

A rare enough commodity on board the Nostromo now.

She raced down the companionway onto B corridor, headed up toward the airlock.

It was empty, except for a limp form sprawled across the deck: Parker.

She bent over him.

He was groggy and half conscious.

"What happened?

You look like hell.


The engineer was trying to form words, had to settle for gesturing feebly toward the


Ripley shut up, looked in the indicated direction, saw the bubbling hole in the lock door.

The outer hatch was still open, ostensibly after blowing the alien out into nothingness.

She started to rise.

The acid ate completely through.

There was a bang of departing air, and a small hurricane enveloped them.

Air screamed as it was sucked into a vacuum.

A flashing red sign appeared in several recesses in the corridor walls.


The Klaxon was sounding again, more hysterically now and with better reason.

Emergency doors slammed shut all over the ship, beginning with the breached section.

Parker and Ripley should have been safely sealed in a section of corridor… except

that the airtight door separating them from the airlock vestibule had jammed on one of

the methane cylinders.

Wind continued to tear at her as she hunted for something, anything, to fight with.

There was only the remaining tank.

She raised it, used it to hammer at the jammed cylinder.

If either one of them cracked, a slight spark from metal banging on metal could set off

the contents of both bottles.

But if she didn't knock it free, quickly, the complete depressurization would kill them


Lack of air was already weakening her.

Blood frothed at her nose and ears.

The fall in pressure made Parker's existing wounds bleed afresh.

She heaved the bottle at the trapped cylinder a last time.

It popped free as easily as a clean birth.

The door slammed the rest of the way shut behind it, and the howl of disappearing wind


Confused air continued to swirl around them for several minutes more.

On the bridge, Lambert had seen the ominous readouts appear on her console: HULL BREACHED–-EMERGENCY


She hit the 'com.

"Ash, get some oxygen.

Meet me at the main lock by the last of the sealed doors."


Be right there."

Ripley staggered to her feet, fighting for every breath in the atmosphere-depleted chamber.

She headed for the emergency release set inside every bulkhead door.

There was a stud there that would slide the door back, opening onto the next sealed section

and fresh air.

At the last instant, as she was about to depress the red button, she saw to her horror that

she was fumbling against the door leading not down B corridor, but to the empty vestibule

outside the lock.

She turned, tried to aim herself, and fell as much as walked to the opposite door.

It took precious minutes to locate the panel on it.

Thoughts swam in her brain, broke apart like oil on water.

The air around her was turning foggy, full of the smell of roses and lilac.

She thumbed the stud.

The door didn't move.

Then she saw she was pushing the wrong control.

Sagging against the door for support, trying to give her rubbery legs some badly needed

assistance, she fought to gather her strength for another try.

There wasn't much air left worth breathing.

A face appeared at the port set in the door.

It was distorted, bloated, yet somehow familiar.

It seemed that she knew that face from sometime long ago.

Someone named Lambert lived behind that face.

She was very tired now and started to slide slowly down the door.

She thought distant, angry thoughts as her last support was taken away.

The door slid into the roof and her head struck the deck.

A rush of clean air, ineffably sweet and refreshing, swept over her face.

The mist began to fade from her eyes, though not yet from her starved brain.

A horn sounded the return of full internal pressurization as Lambert and Ash joined them.

The science officer hurried to administer to Parker, who had collapsed again from lack

of oxygen and was only now beginning to regain consciousness.

Ripley's eyes were open and working, but the rest of her body was dysfunctional.

Hands and feet, legs and arms were sprawled in ungainly positions across her body and

the deck, like the limbs of a slim, not particularly well-crafted doll.

Her breath came in labored, shallow gasps.

Lambert set one of the oxygen tanks down next to her friend.

She placed the transparent mask over Ripley's mouth and nose, opened the valve.

Ripley inhaled.

A wonderful perfume filled her lungs.

Her eyes closed from sheer pleasure.

She stayed that way, unmoving, sucking in long, deep draughts of pure oxygen.

The only shock to her system was of delight.

Finally she moved the respirator aside, lay for a moment breathing normally.

Full pressure had been restored, she noted.

The bulkhead doors had automatically retracted with the return of standard atmosphere.

To replenish that atmosphere,, she knew, the ship had been forced to bleed their storage


They'd deal with that new problem when they were forced to, she thought.

"Are you all right?"

Ash was querying Parker.

"What finally happened here?"

Parker wiped a crust of dried blood from his upper mouth, tried to shake the webs from

his brain.

"I'll live."

For the moment, he ignored the science officer's last question.

"What about the alien?"

Ash tried again.

Parker shook his head, wincing at some sudden pain.

"We didn't get it.

The warning Klaxon went off and it jumped back into the corridor.

It caught an arm, or whatever you'd like to call it, in the closing inner door.

Just pulled itself free like a lizard shedding its tail."

"Why not," commented Ash, "with its inbuilt talent for regeneration?"

The engineer continued, sounding every bit as disappointed as he felt.

"We had the bastard.

We had him."

He paused, added, "When it pulled free of its limb, it bled all over the place.

The limb did.

I guess the stump healed over fast, lucky for us.

The acid ate right through the hatch.

That's what caused the depressurization."

He pointed shakily toward the door sealing off the airlock vestibule from the rest of

the corridor.

The moments following this ommitted scene lead into another deleted scene, in which

Ripley, growing all the more suspicious of Ash's intentions regarding the Alien, questions

Lambert about her relationship with him, asking the curious question if they had ever slept

together, finally leading into Ripley accessing MOTHER and discovering the truth behind Special

Order 937.

One thing worth noting about the deleted airlock sequence, and the events that followed it,

is that Ripley's nosebleed during her confrontation with Ash, would have a little bit more context,

appearing in the aftermath of her injuries instead of happening out of nowwhere- though

it still of course works as an eerie occuronce in a tense scene in the final film.

The Airlock scene was deleted, most likely, for budgetary reason, and while it certainly

doesn't interfere with the pace of the film, it would have been nice to see a completed

version of this sequence restored into the film.

Above all else, it creates a fascinating element to the alien's abilities, displaying regenerative

properties in the creature's biology.

Considering the fact that some parts of the sequence were filmed, and that Ridley Scott

has already tweaked his original version in 2003 with a director's cut including new footage,

do you think it would be worthwhile to make an attempt to bring this scene back?

Scott himself has said in interviews that he's considered bringing Ripley back into

his Alien series using motion facial capture and CGI technology, and whatever went unfilmed

here could be filled in using such special effects.

I think the 1979 version is great as is, but I also feel the director's cut is a compelling

alternate version.

The original isn't going anywhere, of course, so I'm always welcome slightly alternate versions,

as long as the original version is still available *ahem* George Lucas.

Anyway, I may be alone in this, but let me know your thoughts?

Would you like to scene the scene restored in some way?

Comment below and share what you think.

As always, thank you very much for watching.

If you enjoyed this video, please make sure to hit the like button, and you can also subscribe

for all the latest videos from the channel.

If you have a suggestion for a video, please feel free to comment below, I'm always curious

about the topics you want to see covered and always eager to get to them.

In the meantime you can catch up with Alien Theory over social media- follow @Alien_Theory

on Twitter, and @AlienTheoryYT on Facebook and Instagram for more.

And until next time, this is Alien Theory, signing off.

For more infomation >> Alien: The Deleted Airlock Sequence - Explained - Duration: 14:04.


Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Motion | Automaat | Climate | - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.6i i-Motion | Automaat | Climate | - Duration: 0:59.


[2X FASTER] EXO (엑소) - Power (파워) - Dance Cover? by Frost - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> [2X FASTER] EXO (엑소) - Power (파워) - Dance Cover? by Frost - Duration: 2:51.


Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0i-16V Instyle Autom. 7-Zits Leder Navi+Camera SK-dak Xenon Trekhaak 5jr.Gara - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0i-16V Instyle Autom. 7-Zits Leder Navi+Camera SK-dak Xenon Trekhaak 5jr.Gara - Duration: 0:54.


Game of Thrones || House Stark - Time - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Game of Thrones || House Stark - Time - Duration: 4:27.


Top 10 Oprah Favorite Reading List Google Books - Duration: 5:39.

hi YouTube hi Internet okay I am doing the top ten books about Oprah so I just

typed Oprah into the search and and this is what I did so this is the first one

love warrior a memoir it says number one New York best time seller Oprah's Book

Club 2016 selection a memoir of a marriage and self-discovery by

best-selling author Glennon Doyle Milton love warrior is a

gorgeous and inspiring account of how we are all born to be warriors we're all

warriors so yeah so you guys are my warriors - you're my warriors we're all

born to be warriors and fight for something so if you're not fighting for

something you're fighting for nothing and everything stays the same that

that's kind of what I think it all stays the same and never changes and then you

make things bad for yourself - that that's kind of just a little opinion

there then number two is or should we do ten no we should do this is number two

because this is number one that comes up in the search right now so we're doing

number one first number two what I know for sure Oprah Winfrey now for the first

time these thoughtful jumps have been revised updated and collected in what I

know for sure a beautiful clothbound book with a ribbon marker packed with

insight revelation from Oprah Winfrey number three is behold the dreamers in

bollo imbue number four Oprah the gospel of an icon by Katie Lofton in this book

Katherine Lofton investigates the Oprah phenomenon and finds an Oprah Winfrey's

Empire Harpo Productions o Magazine and her New York her New York her new

television network and uncanny reflection of religion a modern society

number five Oprah biography by Kitty Kelly wasn't Kitty Kelly kind of

controversial I don't know the first comprehensive biography of one of the

most influential powerful and admired public figures of our

time is based on three years of research and reporting as well as 850 interviews

with sources many of whom have never before

number six invention of wings sue monk kid traces more than three decades of

lives of a wealthy Charleston debutante who longs to break free from the

strictures of her household and pursue a meaningful life in the urban slave

handful who is placed in charge as a child number six

Oprah love power and passion by Raymond Sturgis 2010 full view this book is a

poetic journey of the queen of television and radio all there though

there will be millions of words that reference Oprah Winfrey now will come

close to the kindness and illustrations this book dedicates to her number seven

is reading with Oprah the book club that changed America by kathleen rooney

extensive research and an engaging narrative style untangled the myths and

pre presuppositions surrounding the Oprah book club and reveal its complex

and far-reaching cultural influence confronting head-on how the club became

a crucible number nine did I say this was number eight I may have got off

track so this is number eight if I didn't say it was number eight I could

have misspoke number nine Oprah Winfrey media mogul by Annie lies Annie lies

don't I am NOT attesting to whether these books are true or false no or not

they very well could be just someone's interpretation something they put

together so it's by any lies that's her name

this volume examines the life and career of media magnate Oprah Winfrey so and

number ten ruby Oprah's Book Club 2.0 digital edition by Cynthia bond the

newest Oprah Book Club 2.0 selection this special ebook edition by rubia by

Cynthia bond features exclusive content including

Oprah's personal notes highlighted within the text a reading group guide

and audio clips read by thee and so that's it for right now I want to thank

you guys for watching thank you so much for watching my top ten oprah books

that's on google search that's what they're on google search right now so

that when we type in oprah that's what we get in books so if we go to all I had

to go okay I think you guys watch me or maybe not okay if I go to all it's

completely different I have to go see that we here's all news images videos

books so I had to click on books to find the books and so yeah but I want to

thank you guys so much for watching please smash and hit and smash and hit

the thumbs up button smash and hit the share and share it with your friends and

across the internet thank you guys so much I love you guys so much thank you

and I will see you guys soon I love you peace love and spiritual avocados and

apples they make you feel so good so I'll see you guys soon thank you and I

love you

For more infomation >> Top 10 Oprah Favorite Reading List Google Books - Duration: 5:39.


Fall Green Smokey Eye Tutorial | Jaclyn Hill x Morphe Palette - Duration: 7:53.

what's up guys welcome to the cult curator where I help you navigate the

overwhelming world of beauty one tutorial at a time. My name is Sonya and in today's

video I wanted to do something a little bit different from what I have been

doing over the past few weeks and I just kind of wanna just sit down on the

camera do my makeup and have a little bit more of an easygoing laid-back vibe

so this is going to be a voiceover and all of the eyeshadows that I used in

this tutorial are from the Jaclyn hill palette from morphe which is amazing

I've been loving it lately so I'm excited to show you guys a tutorial on

it and if you'd like to see how I put this look together then keep on watching

alright so diving right into the palette the first shade that I'm going in with

is creamsicle which is a bright orange shade and palette it might look a little

bit intimidating when you see it in the pan but as you can see when I'm applying

it it's not as bright in your face as it is in the pan it definitely becomes a

little bit more muted so it's just a gorgeous transition shade and I'm taking

that from the outer corner to the inner corner using a morphe m441

brush so the reason why I'm going with a

lighter shade like this in the crease even though you're not really going to

notice it in the final look later on is because we're working with darker shades

with the smokey eye look and those darker shades are usually a lot more

difficult to blend out on their own so by adding a transition shade like this

that's very light it helps with blending and it makes it so much easier and it

also helps create that gradient effect so that your eye has a lot of dimension

so it goes from dark to light and once I've laid the transition shade down I

like to go in with a clean blending brush with no eye shadow on it and just

run through with the edges to make sure that there are no harsh lines the next

shade that I'm going in with is hunts and I'm taking that through the crease

using a morphe m433 brush and I'm using this to create some dimension and help

carve out the crease since I don't really have one the morphe m433 brush

is a little bit smaller than the m441 brush that I used to apply creamsicle in

the crease the reason why I'm going down to a smaller brush is because I want

this to be a little bit more precise into the crease and I want to place this

a little bit lower than creamsicle I'm taking my time building up this color so

when you start it's better to start with a little bit of color and then blend it

out and then add a little bit more to deepen it up blend it out and repeat

that process until you have the pigmentation that you want that way it's

a lot more controllable and easier to work with instead of applying a ton of

pigment at one time and then it's a are difficult to blend out and if you

need to it might be easier to go back in with the morphe m441 brush and run

that through the crease as you're doing this that way you're making sure that

everything is nicely blended and you could even go back and a little bit more

creamsicle and run that over hunts to make sure that you're getting that

really blown out effect next I wanted to deepen up the crease just a little bit

more to really help create that definition and help add a color that

would transition well into the eyelid shade that I'm going to be using so I

decided to go on a chip and take that just below hunts and I'm using a morphe

I'm 506 brush to do that and I use that brush to get a precise application so

once I placed the eye shadow where I want it to be I want to make sure that

it's blending in with the other eye shadows that we placed in the crease so

I'm going back in with a morphe m44 or M 4-3-3 brush and running it through just

to make sure that there are no harsh lines once I've gone over that with the

morphe M 4-3-3 brush I like to go back in with the morphe M 506 and a little

bit more chip and deepen up that color because when you blend it out you lose a

little bit of the pigmentation so deepen up the color and then go back and with

the bigger brush again and blend it out you really want to do that a couple of

times to help build up the color and make sure that everything is blending in

nicely now that I played all the crease colors that I want and it created that

nice transition I'm gonna finally go in with the lid shade and I'm going to be

using enchanted which is one of my favorite colors in this palette and I'm

running that over the lid using an eyeshadow brush this is a natural hair

dye shadow brush that has no name it's some generic brand so use any eyeshadow

brush that you have on hand and take your time running that through the lid

just like I did with the crease shades you want to take your time building up

this color that's a quality that I really loved about these eyeshadows is

that they're pigmented but they're not so pigmented that you touch it and then

you have a ton of pigment on your eye it really allows you to have a lot more

control and build up the color to your liking so I'm just going in with a

little bit of product and then blending it out on my lid and then going in with

a little bit more just to make sure that the entire lid is covered and that it's

as deep as I want it to be so when you get to the crease with enchanted because

I have hooded eyes I like to go a little bit above my crease that way it makes my

lid appear a little bit bigger but you don't want to take it up too high above

the natural crease because then you get that raccoon eye effect and it can look

a little bit messy another thing when you get to the crease you want to make

sure that it's blending in with the transition shades but you don't want to

drag that color up too high and it's super easy to do that I've done that so

many times where I blend out the eyeshadow and I end up blending the

darker color up way too high so that you it just gets very messy very quickly so

to avoid that you want to kind of tilt your brush downwards you're kind of

resting your brush on the lid almost that way you're not moving the color

upwards but you're still getting that blended look if that makes sense and to

further help with the blending I did go in with a little bit more chip using it

the morphe m506 brush and ran that through the crease also lid is pretty

much done for the most part so I'm going in with the Sephora contour inner rim

gel liner it's a waterproof black eyeliner pretty much so you can use

one that you like and I'm just taking that through the waterline on the upper

lash line and the lower lash line to blend that out I did take a little bit

of abyss which is the block in the palette and I used a flat definer brush

to run that on the edges of the liner and I really wanted my lower lash line

to be very smoky so I took enchanted on the lower lash line and really worked

that in there I quickly applied some lashes off-camera these are the house of

lashes in iconic and for my lips I really wanted something very nude to go

with it so I went in with the maybelline superstay matte ink and Loyalist which

is one of my favorite shades it's such a perfect nude even for my pale skin so

I've been loving it especially for this look and once you apply the lip color

the look is complete I hope you guys enjoy this tutorial I really loved

putting it together and I love the finished product it's very different and

I feel like I've been doing so many natural looks lately that I wanted to do

something very dramatic so I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did don't forget

to give it a thumbs up and if you're new to my channel and do you love makeup

don't forget to subscribe so that you don't miss out on any of my tips and

tricks that can easily add to your makeup routine that is it for this video

but I post every Tuesday and Thursday so stay tuned for the next one bye

For more infomation >> Fall Green Smokey Eye Tutorial | Jaclyn Hill x Morphe Palette - Duration: 7:53.


JAMAICA TV NEWS LIVE STREAM CVM TVJ SEPT 19, 2017 - Duration: 1:17:08.

For more infomation >> JAMAICA TV NEWS LIVE STREAM CVM TVJ SEPT 19, 2017 - Duration: 1:17:08.


Luna(S3) EP20 - Luna's Lovely Dinner♥ [Watch Luna's Alphabet LIVE] - Duration: 1:46:38.

Hello all my subscribers

It's Luna

It's Saturday night

I performed in the musical Rebecca today

Thank you

There are a lot of food here now

Some of you may think this is not that much food

This is my first meal of the day

So I brought avocado cobb salad


Should I move the camera?

Yes please

This is avocado cobb salad


And here's truffle oil pasta

The bread is great

Can you hear the sound?

Can't you?

I touched it with my dirty hands

And this is my favorite dish, Kimchi fried rice

It's with spam

And here's sujebi (Korean traditional soup with hand pulled dough)

I can see that I ate a bit before

I'll start my eating show now

Some of you might say this is a small portion to do an eating show

But this is for 3 people

The calorie of this cobb salad is...

For one portion...

This is great to have as one meal

This is high calorie salad

I'll pour lemon dressing on top of here

I'll start eating

But then

For those of you who are eating alone at home

I'll eat dinner with you together

I forgot to say hi to you

Or did I?

You said hi

Oh hi guys

I'll have a meal with you guys

This is my live broadcast to have a chat with you

And we also have a second part

It's from 9 to 10

Saehee bought snacks from world snack store

She bought a whole bunch of snacks

I hope you guys can taste them too

I will introduce some snacks for you

Let's eat this and chat together

How should I read the comments?

I can't see the comment section

I don't know how to read the comments

You can see it now

I pressed the button

How come I can't read the comments?

I can't see it now

I can only see my face

I came here after performing the musical

I'm so hungry now

I'll start eating

I want to read the comments too

I want to start with this

It's sujebi

It's working!



It's called Braman

Do I look like a baby because of my hair?

I usually part my hair like this

Thank you for watching Rebecca

I'll eat

I got accepted into all the colleges that I applied

I will go there and see you there

Jinju Baek

I'll start eating sujebi first

I'm going to eat now

This looks good

I like the soup with eggs in it

This is so good

Saehee should try it

What's the broth?

Did you ask me about the broth?

Isn't it just a regular bowl of sujebi?

I want to guess

Anchovy and...

I think it's anchovy broth

Blee should come too

You should film this too

I am


Isn't it good?

It's good

Manar Art asked me to read his name

Jinie said I'm an epicure

She asked me what this soup is

Some of you are coming in late

Daeun said hello

I love your dyed hair color

I didn't dye my hair guys


It's Blee


Did you change your hair color?


Spoiler alert

I put it on my Instagram

Love f(x) said...

Oh my

Why did you upload that?

But our subscribers...

They know

She had black hair

What's your solo album about?

I haven't started making my solo album

I'm not sure when it's going to be released

Did you watch our project video?

What project?

Let me know

Is this your first meal?

You should eat

I will

Lututi said something

What's that name

Her name is Lututi

Nayeon is hungry but she's on a bus

Are you hungry?

Guys I'm eating sujebi now

Manager, please come here

Come on

All of my fans are watching this

You're rejecting me

How can you reject this?


Is it good?

This is so good

I'm so happy

What should I eat next

This is so good

This is too small though

I already finished it

Who's that?

Seungyun said that she wants to watch the Musical so much

You should come

This hood is from the brand Braman

It's from LA

They usually sell male clothings

They also have unisex clothings too

It's a bit big for women

It's oversized

Doesn't it look great?

The garlic bread?

This isn't a garlic bread

I think it's just a baguette

Bread with olive oil

I don't know

You should eat salad next

I'll have salad next

After I'm done with this

I'll drink this all

But I really want to have kimchi fried rice

Please eat kimchi fried rice

Who said that?

I should have this with kimchi fried rice

I should eat the salad first

Nayeon just said...

It might be a garlic bread

I'm not really sure

Is it safe to eat eggs in these days?

Just eat

I'll eat

It's lemon sauce

The scent is...

I like lemongrass

I think there's some lemongrass in it

It taste like lemon flavored candy

It's a sauce

This is cheese

It's high calorie food

I thought it's mango


It's cheese

The cheese and olive are the best

And there are tomatoes

I don't like tomatoes because I was on diet for too long

And I'll eat this bacon too

They said I should eat pasta

I'll eat salad later then


My manager wanted to have truffle oil pasta

It's truffle oil pasta

Manager, you should come here

Please come Jongbum

I brought a chair for you

I'll mix it for you

It's been here for 40 minutes

It got soggy

Can you eat this?

This is from the best restaurant

This truffle oil pasta is really good

I untangled it for you

You should eat this now

I'll eat with you

You should eat the bread too

Let's do...

Everyone says it looks like a cake

This is not a cake

Imagine this is really hot

It's hot

It came out from the kitchen just now

You're doing great

You can be a musical theater actor

How is it?

Is it hot?

Did you see that?

How was it?

I like this oil pasta

Is it?

You can have it all

Let's eat this together

I will


What does that mean?

Thank you

It's truffle pasta guys this is so good

Is it beef or pork here?

I think it's pork

It's like pork meatball

It's all minced

The truffle oil is really tasty

And the pasta is cooked al dente

The texture is like a cake

Isn't it?

Why can't you answer?

Why can't you answer?

It's chewy

He's right

The pasta is chewy even when you heat this

This is cold because I waited for 40 minutes

But it's still good

No it's not soggy guys



They say it doesn't look good

No it's good

You should eat it like you're eating a tasty dish

I'm not lying guys

My fans can't trust me

What's going on guys?

They said the live notice was not on today

What was wrong with that?

I'm sorry guys

The notice should be announced

Are they subscribers?

Maybe it's because you didn't subscribe

The notice will only visible to the subscribers

I'll eat this pickle now

You should finish it

You should eat kimchi fried rice now

After I finish this

I'll eat that

This one?

Come here

I want to know how it tastes

This is truffle oil pasta

How is it?

How does it taste like?

It's good

The viewers can't imagine the flavor when you say it like that

And you're hiding the camera and eating with your hands

This is a live broadcast

Blee should try this too




Who's my apprentice?

Are you her apprentice?

The food is from Some Cafe

They sell it on the first floor of Some Cafe

You don't have to eat it at once

You don't have to eat it like that

I think this would be great if it's heated

It's good now

I wish it could be warmer

I think it's great to have it with the bread

Jieun, I gave her a lot because Blee eats a lot

She'll blame me if I gave her little bit of it

It is good

Jungguk lips said that I gave her a lot

I mean I had to feed a lot of food to her

We have some pasta left

Should I finish this first or should I stop eating this and come back to it later

I wish it could be warmer

Mana said that I'm a slave of capitalism

Why am I the slave of capitalism

What does that mean?

We're not lying about these dishes

These are really good

I like Some Cafe

I personally like Sum Cafe

So I introduced my favorite dishes to you

I like Kim Duk Sun

I also like squid ink risotto

But it would be too much

I'm a steady customer of Sum Cafe

They said I should stop eating the pasta

Okay I'll stop eating

Can I have another bowl of this sujebi?

Should I pay for it?

It might be, right?

Can you give another bowl of this for free?

I'll pay for it

I need some soup

These are all cold now

I'll have kimchi fried rice

I'll start eating this

It's kimchi fried rice

I'll start with this ham

I love spam

You're eating with hands again

This is super good

I want to have ramen now

You shouldn't eat

Cup noodles

Do you like cup ramen?


My favorite it Yookgaejang

King bowl!

I like these two

Who likes these two?

Put your hands up

Me too

And I also like that

Jin ramen original flavor

Not the spicy one

They said you should break the yolk

The egg yolk?

Can I break it?

It's dry

I'll mix it like this

I hate this sound

This sound

I'm sorry

Let's mix it together and eat

Stop making that sound

That looks really good

This looks nice

This should be hot

Guys it's still great

Everything tastes good when you're hungry

Everything is good

You're right

Blee answered instead of me

I'll eat this now

This is another taste than pasta

I'll eat pickle to refresh my mouth

I'll eat this quickly

Hold on

They're telling me that I should eat it quickly

Eat quickly!

I see

Kimchi fried rice are all same

But kimchi fried rice at Sum Cafe is different

It has both sweet and salty flavor

I like sweet food

It's huge

The ham is really savory

The egg is chewy

The kimchi is not that spicy so the foreigners can come here and eat this

I wish I could eat this with the dried laver

My father makes omija flavored dried laver

And omija dried laver also has sweet and salty flavor

Usually dried lavers are just savory and salty

But ours is sweet too

So I love that because I love sweet food

This is so good

Someone supported you with $10


This is like a Afreeca TV

You can donate money here

Jo Yojin says she wants to have this because she's at the bus stop

Omija has 5 flavors

Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, and bitter flavor

So the laver has all those flavors in it

I'm not sure

Did I miss something?

The bitterness!

That's why it's called omija

You can taste all of that

I'll show you next time on this channel

They're making sujebi now

What time is it?

This is good

This is the best menu of the day

I should've ordered the risotto too

Do you like it?

Do you want some?

You shouldn't hide the camera

You should be in the frame

You should hold it for now

Are you in the frame?

You should eat it all

She stole my pickle

You're stealing it again

Come here Blee

Come here Blee

This is so great

Do you like it?

You're showing your back too much

She's not

Don't drop it

This is good

Do you like it?

This is so good

I can think of that after I ate this

When I was a trainee...

I brought out all the side dishes from the refrigerator silently because everyone else was sleeping

And I cook the rice

So I waited for 20 minutes

I added some sesame oil to the rice

And I put dried laver in it

I mixed the ingredients with the rice with soy sauce instead of red pepper paste

I had it with soy sauce and bean paste

That's super great

That wasn't soy sauce, that was oyster sauce

I wish I could put more sesame oil here

When you order food at Sum Cafe, you should say that you want some more of sesame oil

For more infomation >> Luna(S3) EP20 - Luna's Lovely Dinner♥ [Watch Luna's Alphabet LIVE] - Duration: 1:46:38.


Bars and Melody Thousand Years ( PL Napisy w USTAWIEIACH) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Bars and Melody Thousand Years ( PL Napisy w USTAWIEIACH) - Duration: 3:01.


Employee minded? | daily sprout 355 - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Employee minded? | daily sprout 355 - Duration: 0:58.


#biweek feels & rambling - Duration: 4:14.

Right now, this week is Bi Visibility Week, or #biweek, so: Hi, hello, I am bisexual.

This feels awkward and silly and pointless, but here we go.

This is probably the most public that I have ever made that declaration

and while I have known this for years, I had a lot of anxiety surrounding whether or not it is a thing that I should acknowledge

or about whether or not there are certain people that I have to tell individually first.

And, basically, the very fact that I, as a 29 year old grown ass woman, feel all of that anxiety is, itself, the very reason that I feel the need to do this thing.

Back in January we shot an episode of Crash Course Sociology for which the script had a bracketed off space for me to insert whatever identifiers I felt comfortable using.

And this sent me into a solid panic for at least a good week.

I came out to a couple people individually for the very first time during that week.

But I decided that I didn't wanna back myself into a corner where I was forced to be ready to have this conversation in that big public way by the time that that episode went live,

so I just omitted sexuality entirely, but I didn't feel especially good about it.

I'm doing this now, in this way, because this, right here, is way easier for me than a couple dozen one-on-one conversations or random, "BY THE BY, I'M BI" emails.

So if we're close and you're feeling a little hurt that I didn't have this conversation with you, personally, uh, I get it.

This is totally not about you, but I understand where that feeling is coming from, and I'm just asking you to also understand where I'm coming from.

So. The other thing, the bigger thing, the "why bother" thing.

I did not get to the place where I knew this about myself until I was 26, maybe 27.

I didn't start grappling with my sexuality at all until I was about 18 or 19 – I had one relationship in high school that lasted about a week.

But once I did start investigating that, I spent a lot of years going back and forth on this question of whether or not I was gay.

This was a thing that brought me to tears, like, a lot, partially because of some deeply internalized homophobia,

but mostly because it was so frustrating to not be able to answer what felt like it should be an incredibly basic question about myself.

And it literally did not occur to me in all of this wondering of like, "gay or straight?,"

that, like, bisexuality could be the answer,

until my mid-20s and even then it took another little while to get to a place where I was comfortable saying that to myself.

Identity is just generally super weird and complicated, and the degree to which everyone is just sort of assumed straight until proven otherwise definitely doesn't help that.

It felt a lot like I took too long to get there.

Like, these are the things TV teenagers (played by 20-somethings) go through, not adults with jobs and 401ks.

And then, just a few months after I got to that place of personal certainty and security,

I entered into a monogamous relationship with a man, which got pretty serious pretty quickly

– we've been dating for over two years now –

and so for a long time it felt sort of frivolous to make a big deal out of this.

As if being honest about myself required another person to make it legitimate.

Again, it bears repeating that the degree and pervasiveness of these thoughts is the reason that I am doing this right now.

I'm making a big deal out of it because I spent so long making a terribly negative big deal out of it in my own head.

I'm making a big deal out of it because there is no correct time to figure it out.

I am making a big deal out of it because it matters to me that I am able be able to be openly and honestly and unreservedly myself.

The amount of anxiety and emotional anguish that my sexuality gave me is, itself, an indication that bi visibility is necessary and important.

Or, at least I know that it is necessary and important for the only person that I can speak for.

I cannot go backwards and help myself figure this out any faster,

or alleviate some of the unnecessary, intense pressure that I felt around this topic,

or just, like, give my past self a hug.

I can't do that, unfortunately, but I feel like putting this out there, in the world, is as close as I'm gonna get, so, BYE.

For more infomation >> #biweek feels & rambling - Duration: 4:14.


Is that the hulk splicer?! | Bioshock 2 | Part 3 - Duration: 35:36.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to - -

She wants me to move

Anyway, welcome back to Bioshock 2

I rescued the first little sister

The next goal is to... I missed it

Just follow the arrow

Why can't I use the Tommy gun?

No idea

I can't get more fuel because it's full

Let's upgrade the weapon

Increased damage for the drill

I can't get in

I heard the voice

Hall of the Future

Sounds interesting

Good bye

How many hack tools do I have now?


It's sold out

Lamb! Shut up, old woman. I will kill you

I need that

I can buy both

It's fine


Another one

I just heard something

Oh, it's full

I'm out of ADAM

What was that?

That's the big sister?!

I need to thaw the big ice

Oh, it just fell down

I just fixed my background


I guess I'm gonna board the train

Oh, it's you. Hello

Let's check it out over there


What was that?!

It looks like the hulk splicer

Let's take a look around

I will use that later

To the hotel

What are you doing?

Oh, that one

It's mine now!

I don't see.. Does he have - - Yep

I'm gonna jump down and use the drill

Of course, adopt!

I need to get 2 gathers

Let's wait. I will come back later

Hurry up! Will you stop drinking! Come on!

Do I have to find the key?

I want to know the code for that one


I heard something

What's up over there?

Not worth it

It's a same mission from Bioshock

I have to take a picture of the dead bodies

I hate that part

My wallet is full. I don't understand

I need to get the gather first

Ok, we're done

I have 120 ADAM

You're welcome

I'm gonna leave it alone

There you are

I need more fuel

Now what?

Come here

It's really dark

Sometime, the splicers can play dead


Wait what... I just saw...

I'm out of hack darts

Freezing drill


That's a nice one. Freezing drill is good

Let's stop for now

I'm pretty sure this video is pretty long

Thank you for watching

Please click Subscribe, Like, Share,

or whatever that will help me a lot

See you in the next video

For more infomation >> Is that the hulk splicer?! | Bioshock 2 | Part 3 - Duration: 35:36.


10 Special Skills Introverts Have [Introverts Survival Guide] - Duration: 7:13.

10 Special Skills Introverts Have

I find it comical when outgoing people think something is wrong with an introverted.

Actually, introverts have special skills too!

If you wonder what it is, in this video I'm going to show you 10 special skills introverts

have that help them survive in an extroverted world.

If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe

our channel so you won't miss any interesting update in the future guys.

So, here are something that might cheer up the introverted lot of us.

We have special skills, and I bet most people don't even notice.

Let me break it down for you then.


Absolutely awesome introverted moves

Now, being introverted does have its down side, I grant you that, but boy is it too

cool to walk among humanity in this uniqueness.

Considering introverts are quite intelligent, they know how to utilize their odd ways and

transform them into useful life skills.

Mind you, these are skills you might not understand.


Stealth is on point

Introverts have the ability to move among crowds of people, almost unnoticed.

Have you paid attention to just how many people ignore you on a daily basis?

I mean, you could just walk right up and no one notice you.

Never mind, these skills could get you into trouble.

Basically, introverts have the stealth, the moves, the covert tactics to go about life


Isn't that fascinating?


To know oneself….the introvert does

A true introvert has a healthy self-image.

Many people struggle with their identities, lots of times blending into the characteristics

of their many friends or losing themselves to a boyfriend.

The introvert doesn't do that.

They have the capabilities of maintaining a healthy sense of self, despite the negative

connotations of them as human beings.


They're honest!

Want some brutal honesty?

Well, the introvert will tell you straight up why they didn't come to your birthday

party, but they will apologize none-the-less.

Thing is, they will tell you they just didn't want to be there.

Maybe it was the social pressure, people everywhere, loud talking… yeah, all that.

Aren't you glad you have such an honest acquaintance?


Less talking-more genius

The introvert doesn't talk as much, and there's a reason.

They're listening, absorbing knowledge, taking in opinions and feeling the atmosphere.

When they're ready, they will open their mouth and spew straight knowledge.

I promise, they don't talk much, but when they do, it's so worth it.


Easily entertains self

I've watched extroverts struggle to find something to do for the weekend.

I have also watched introverts plan nothing and have much more fun spontaneously binge

watching episodes, eating ice cream and listening to music.

An introvert doesn't need stimulus to be entertained, and neither do I. I totally understand

how glorious it is to stay in all weekend and read a book or play games.

It's nice.


Graceful Exits

I have become so good at this.

I have this ability to go ghost when the conversation is going on for too long.

Some people can carry on conversations for hours about petty things, and that's my

cue to get out fast, and so I understand how introverts have special skills in this area.

When the conversation, the social engagement or the party has lasted too long for the introvert,

they have no problem making a grand exit.


Who's the coolest "cat" at the party?

I thought I was the only person who acted this way until I realized it was pretty much

an introverted skill.

If I ever get dragged to a party, then the first person I greet is the pet.

Whether it's a dog or cat, this is the awesome guy I want to hang out with.

I will sit in the corner with my friend's cat and talk to it all evening.

I'm serious, they are much easier to understand, in my opinion.


Turning down invites right and left

Introverts love finding creative reasons why they can't go out.

I know everyone else thinks they're rude or no fun, but you know, some things are just

not interesting to introverts.

I'm not that keen on going out several nights a week either.

I have a lot of backup excuses, myself.


Secretly ecstatic when plans are canceled

Introverts will act sad when plans are canceled, but as soon as you leave the room, they will

be smiling and breathing a sigh of relief.

Most of the time, plans made by extroverts are not that interesting to the introvert

and they dread the whole ordeal.

This is my take on the subject of socializing: I see the event as an obstacle that I must

get the past, either by finding a way to cancel, hoping for a cancellation or gritting my teeth

until it's all done.

I really get it, I totally understand.

Okay, so you, as extroverts, know all about introverted and ambivert people, correct?

Well, maybe you don't.

Our preparation talks are our special skills when it comes to getting ready to be around

extroverted people.

We need to have self-control when being around "in your face" people.

Since you insist that introverts be around lots of people and go to parties, you have

to hear our ground rules.

We have a skill set of these rules, formulated to meet our demands and still keep you happy.

Want to know even more?

The introvert is highly skilled at observation, as I hinted at on one of the above points.

This skill is underrated and should be noted for its quiet strategy.

When extroverts are busy trying to fit in, bask in the spotlight or just enjoying their

social prowess, the introvert is waiting patiently and thinking 5 moves ahead.

So, if you're being criticized for being an introvert, no worries.

They just have no idea who they're dealing with.

And to clean up a few misconceptions, I have nothing against extroverts, they are fun,

caring and actually make up a few of my friends.

I adore them.

The main point that I am trying to make is that introverts have special skills too, not

to be overlooked in favor of those who keep us entertained.

Let's all take a moment to appreciate the introverts in our lives and enjoy what they

bring to the table.

Well, that's the 10 special skills introverts have that help them survive in an extroverted


So, really cool information isn't it?

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Special Skills Introverts Have [Introverts Survival Guide] - Duration: 7:13.


Tiemoue Bakayoko: Didier Drogba helped me like Chelsea, Antonio Conte convinced me to move - Duration: 2:26.

Tiemoue Bakayoko: Didier Drogba helped me like Chelsea, Antonio Conte convinced me to move

The France international shot to fame by playing a key role in Leonardo Jardim's men wrestling the Ligue 1 title from PSG's grasp last term.

And during the recent transfer window he was hot property, with Chelsea and Manchester United showing a keen interest in bringing him to the Premier League.

The Blues won the battle to secure Bakayoko's signature, getting a deal over the line for about £40m in July. And the 23-year-old midfielder's now suggested Chelsea always had an advantage over United due to their former striker Didier Drogba.

Bakayoko explained to the Daily Mail: Chelsea has always been a club I liked since I was young, especially because of guys like Didier Drogba being here.

I would make a point of watching their games and I had this club close to my heart growing up, so Im really happy to be wearing their shirt.

I made the choice to come to Chelsea a lot because of the coach and after speaking to him. France star Tiemoue Bakayoko joined Chelsea from Monaco for about £40m this summer.

Chelsea boss Antonio Conte brought Tiemoue Bakayoko on at half-time against Arsenal on Sunday.

And I spoke to the people around me and my family. It seemed like the best opportunity. Bakayoko slammed in his first Chelsea goal in last Tuesday's 6-0 thrashing of Qarabag in the Champions League.

And he'll be hoping to build on an impressive substitute showing against Arsenal on Sunday as Conte's side pursue trophies on four fronts.

For more infomation >> Tiemoue Bakayoko: Didier Drogba helped me like Chelsea, Antonio Conte convinced me to move - Duration: 2:26.



For more infomation >> EFFECTIVE REMEDIES TO REMOVE WHITE SPOTS ON THE SKIN - Duration: 3:18.


[현장포토] "미모는 거들뿐"…크리스탈, 가을의 여신 - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> [현장포토] "미모는 거들뿐"…크리스탈, 가을의 여신 - Duration: 1:28.


The Orville on FOX - New Nig...

For more infomation >> The Orville on FOX - New Nig...



For more infomation >> EFFECTIVE REMEDIES TO REMOVE WHITE SPOTS ON THE SKIN - Duration: 3:18.


Fight Of Gods: O jogo Polemico - Duration: 31:36.

For more infomation >> Fight Of Gods: O jogo Polemico - Duration: 31:36.


Rally's® | $2 Chicken Dippers & Fries Box Review! 🏁🐔🍟 - Duration: 5:56.

hey guys it's Ian K for peep this out back again with another one for ya checking

in at rally's today guys too well see if peeps you'd be rallying around one of

their latest promos the new $2 chicken dippers and fries so let's go in and set

ourselves up with one good how you doing yeah peep this out can I go for an order

of the the chicken dippers and fries with a side of that crazy good sauce

please just one great thanks a lot

now truth be told I didn't exactly have the greatest experience the last time I

was here at rally's and it's not because the value of what I got wasn't high

believe me it was it's the taste of the food itself which really wasn't doing it

for me you guys can take a look at the review that I did here not that long ago

and let me know what you guys think so I'm hoping this experience is gonna be a

lot better I mean you can only go up from pretty much the bottom right

hi $2.18 you got it awesome great all right thanks a lot have a good one you too

bye bye alright guys is this chicken dip gonna

be worth the trip let's peep this out

fast foodies know the deal here at checkers and rally's and there's no

doubt that $2 is a pretty great price guys so it's gonna come down to what do

we get size-wise for that $2 well judging by the size of this box

here it doesn't really appear to be very much let's pop the top Wow that's pretty

much it we've got four of their chicken dippers here comprised of a 1/4 lb

of white meat bread it up dropped into the fryer and fried up to a nice

crispy golden-brown seasoning looks fairly decent sitting on top of some of

their very popular fries here it's $2 guys it is what it is for chicken finger

is essentially pretty average size and again a little bit of the fries on the

bottom you do get a side of their crazy good sauce I've never had this so I'm

really hoping that it's crazy good but there you go guys it's the $2

chicken dippers and Fries box here at rally's let's peep out this flavor well

this is definitely a snack guys but still not a bad amount of food for $2

let's just hope this one delivers where it counts and that's in the flavor

it's the chicken dippers inside a little box with some fries here at checkers and

rally's not a bad first bite guys the white meat is pretty much what I'd

expect it to be it's not super juicy it's not super dry either which is good

but it's the coating on the outside that I'm diggin it's really kind of a lightly

fried type of coating even though it kind of looks like it's more heavily

fried and the spicing that it's got there is just letting me know that it's

there it's not really hot at all but nice flavor so far not bad

it's a pretty decent amount of white meat all the way through on this one

guys and the breading on the outside like I said it doesn't really have a

very heavily fried taste even though it really looks like it's fried but the

seasoning that it's coming up on the back end is really adding to this one

there overall just pretty tasty chicken fingers seasoning aside which is

actually pretty good let's see if we can actually make it crazy good that's a

pretty bold claim for this sauce let's see if it makes good on it well that

already looks and smells like it kicked up Thousand Island dressing and while

it's not my overall first choice when it comes to chicken for me it's always

gonna be ranch there's definitely a reason why they're pairing it up with

these dippers so let's find out why I guess they're assuming the sauce is

crazy good so it makes whatever it's on crazy good and overall it is definitely

creamy as most sauces are as you can see it's really sticking to the breading of

the chicken pretty well let's give it a shot

it's not crazy good it's just okay basically Thousand Island with a little

bit of pop just like I was expecting just by the appearance of it little bit

of sizzle in the background but it really is like I said Thousand Island

dressing with chicken fingers here at rallies and checkers it's just okay

I still think ranch would have been a better sauce to pair this up with

instead of the crazy good sauce guys aside from my preference for ranch

I just think overall the tartness goes solo with the breading on chicken like

this that it really is a no-brainer so if you decided to give this one a shot

get aside a ranch and you guys let me know in the comments down below which

you like better but I have a feeling ranch is gonna win just sayin' and

since I've never tried the seasoned fries here let's give one of those a

shot real fast here not bad a little bit of seasoning that I'm getting on this

one here it's not overly seasoned but the crispness is not bad as well on it

nice creamy potato on the inside actually that's actually really really

good not bad on the coating for these fries over here at checkers and rallies

guys they kind of remind me of the fries over at Popeyes just a little bit

thinner but overall the flavor is pretty decent and the fact that they're thrown

in with this box for $2 not a bad deal so there you go guys $2 for

what I'd like to call pretty much a fun food snack the quality is pretty

high on top of the value that you get here which is definitely a step in the

right direction considering the last time I was here and overall I'd probably

get this one again but what do you guys think drop some comments down below let

me know if you guys have had the chicken dippers and fries box here at checkers

and rally's and if you have is that crazy good saucy or a dipping sauce of

choice or is it something else drop those comments down below and

definitely let me know and that's for my overall score I'm gonna have to give the

chicken dippers and fries box here at checkers and rallies are pretty decent

8 out of 10 sometimes you do get what you pay for when you go to cheaper

out with some things and that's not necessarily a good thing but thankfully

the value of what you're getting here for $2 on top of the quality

that you're getting in terms of the flavor matches up pretty evenly there so

actually it's not there for what it is like I said a pretty decent snack for

$2 and this is something I'd recommend you check out if you've got a

checkers and rally's in the area it's not bad at all and those are my thoughts

on this one as I close out another episode of peep this out guys and like I

always say I've got brand new content every single week here on my channel so

while you stay tuned for the next review coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty

you the last I checked there were actually

more chickens on the planet than people so there is no reason why chicken should

be as expensive as it is so at first I was like $2 for 1/4 pound of chicken

that seems so cheap but when you think about how much chicken there is in the

world I guess it really isn't so why is it that most places charge more for

chicken I would think beef would be more expensive because it's actually less if

it compared to chicken in general but then again what do I know

alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Rally's® | $2 Chicken Dippers & Fries Box Review! 🏁🐔🍟 - Duration: 5:56.


Como resolver problema HD Externo Lento - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> Como resolver problema HD Externo Lento - Duration: 4:13.


BREAKING Bill O'Reilly Vindicated - News - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> BREAKING Bill O'Reilly Vindicated - News - Duration: 4:18.


Cabeças que falam — Krzysztof Kieslowski (1980) - Duration: 14:30.

For more infomation >> Cabeças que falam — Krzysztof Kieslowski (1980) - Duration: 14:30.


Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 20/09/2017 - ESPERA NO SENHOR - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 20/09/2017 - ESPERA NO SENHOR - Duration: 1:53.


💛BACK TO UNI // settling in, dorm shopping + thrifting, etc - Duration: 13:10.

i've been driving in the car for the past 25 minutes,

and i didn't even notice this thing on my dash, ok

i make this right turn, something falls off-

and its- my sister's freaking hair

just said goodbye to one of my best friends

I'm gonna be so sad that I won't be seeing my friend Amanda

now I'm on the way to pick up my dad!

one thing after another

do you like?

---what is that??

--is that her hair??


--oh my god

on the way to the vet right now

this guy has a lot to say

our last stop of the day is to visit my grandfather

he hasn't been doing well. my mom thinks that

this is the last time we would really get to see him, but,

I'm hoping he will still be here at the end of the year.


we're gonna get breakfast at tropical smoothie cafe

we drove over to seekonk, where there are so many different stores

where we're gonna shop around, look for things for the dorm

but first of all we're super hungry so

it's not bad

look at that frankenstein, just shaking

it's not hard to tell that I'm tired

I haven't gotten good rest in a while, but

when school starts I'll get on a better schedule believe it or not

finally, half an hour later, the music stops

and i can go to sleep

im so excited to get into bed right now, it looks so comfortable

hello! so, we have a late start kind of,

we had some technical issues.. with... couldn't find the car key

but it's ok! we're gonna get food. food will make everything better

*friends theme song playing*

this find.



the view!



down, now!

hi. I have half an hour until my first class.

this is my first day!

of school, I guess officially

In my backpack, I am bringing two notebooks,

and one sketchbook. one of mine is actually

a half sketch- half binder paper notebook,

it's pretty cool. good for lectures

pencil pouch, gonna need my computer

this kanken is the regular size.

for the people who are wondering, it can actually fit a lot

so i recommend it.

it's the next day! I didn't vlog a lot this week, I'm really sorry

I had my first day of class yesterday and that was really exciting

I'm finally starting my specialization in textiles, so

LOOK how messy this room is.

im the kind of person that wants to sit down, clear my schedule,

and clean everything at once, and make it all good,

i don't like to clean as i go, i'm not very good at that,

so i haven't gotten around to this messy room

until today really. it's been a week

really just excuse this mess for now

there are no hooks in this room so. everything is staying on the ground until i finally install some.

some command removable hooks

ive only had one out of three classes for my textile studios

but i could show you my homework so far,

i have to set up my swatch kit, im really excited to learn about all types of fabrics,

and then practicing how to hand spin,



it's 11.

you need to eat.

i've been awake for a few hours. so i've been doing some reading homework.

i have a little bit of time until noon, when i have to go,

so i am very excited to toast some bread,

and eat my breakfast. it's really simple, but

honestly, peanut butter on toast is one of my favorite things

i don't have a toaster yet. so i'm using the pan

today is wednesday. it's one of my lighter classes, i just had a lecture today

so i took notes, and im gonna have lunch with my sister now

i think im gonna end the vlog here though. everything else is going really smoothly

this facility is really good. clean, and -the lighting is so perfect

-good lighting

and obviously us as roommates, is just like home, so

once we settle in there will be tours, and other apartment related videos

we're still gonna go to the container store to get organization supplies, cus we don't have that

anywhere. and we'll see you next time!


For more infomation >> 💛BACK TO UNI // settling in, dorm shopping + thrifting, etc - Duration: 13:10.


Quick Updates | Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Deck (SEPTEMBER/ Septiembre 2017) [Duels & Decklist] (Yu-Gi-Oh) - Duration: 13:06.

Presented by El Exordio del Duelista


Offensive 8 | Defense 7 | Consistency 6 | Versatility 8 | Recovery 7 | FINAL SCORE: 7.2 (Very Good!)

Approximate Deck Price: Main Deck $248 | Extra Deck $58 | Total Deck Price: $306. Currency: US Dollars. The prices could change.

Lowest approximate Deck price: $253 | Price estimated without the cards showed.

How does the Deck works? The Deck its focused on Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, which improve the offensive of the Deck and gives to the Deck better control because of it invulnerability effect.

The Deck also makes plays with the Graveyard thanks to Return of the Dragon Lords, which also helps you to protect from destruction your Dragons.

ADVANTAGES (Positive Aspects) - Not depend on the Extra Deck. - Chaos MAX is and excellent Boss Monster because of it invulnerability effect.

- Return of the Dragon Lords can be used such as an offensive as a defensive tactic.

-Spirt Dragon of white works as Backrow Removal.

DISADVANTAGES (Negative Aspects): - Can brick with so many Spells and High-Level Monsters.

- Too vulnerable to Droll & Lock bird and Ash Blossom & Joyou Spring. The Chaos MAX engine could brick very often.

TIP#1 Even is the Deck is focused on Chaos MAX is not recommended to play always around it, because sometimes you waste a lot of your resources to summoning it.

Also, there's some many Deck that can deal with it very easily.

TIP#2 Keep in mind that Chaos MAX it's an LV8 monster very easy to summon like Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon.

so, sometimes, you can summon it just to use it as Xyz material for yours Rank 8 Xyz.

RECOMMENDATIONS: You can include 3 Galaxy Soldier to summon with them Cyber Dragon Infinity. This way, you'll improve the Defenses of the Deck and

you will be able to send to the Graveyard from your hand your Blue-Eyes Monsters to summon them with Return of the Dragon Lords.

RECOMMENDATION: If you want to focus more the Deck to summon Chaos MAX, try with 2 Swords of Concealing Light.

This Spell can change Face-Down in Defense position every Monster on the opponent's field. This is useful because of the Piercing and Double Damage effect of Chaos MAX.

Exordio WALLPAPERS: Download this and a Pack with over 15 Wallpapers made by us in the description of the video!

DOWNLOAD the Ygopro with Links by Ygopro ESPAÑOL in the description of the video! Also follow them on Facebook and YouTube for more news, videos and more about their Ygopro with links version!

THANKS FOR WATCHING! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter as El Exordio del Duelista! Don't forget to leave a comment, like the video and Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> Quick Updates | Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Deck (SEPTEMBER/ Septiembre 2017) [Duels & Decklist] (Yu-Gi-Oh) - Duration: 13:06.


Significado de Irado | ¿Hablas Portugués? - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Significado de Irado | ¿Hablas Portugués? - Duration: 1:54.


5 Alimentos Que Debes Consumir Con Cáscara, Hay Verduras Y Frutas Que Deben Ser Consumidas Crudas - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 5 Alimentos Que Debes Consumir Con Cáscara, Hay Verduras Y Frutas Que Deben Ser Consumidas Crudas - Duration: 2:19.


ConferenceLDT630 - Duration: 12:04.

Greetings everyone welcome to today's symposium on learning design

My name is Brandon Anderson from a learning design specialist and CEO of the learning design simplified consulting firm

I'm here today to present some interesting information about the future of learning analytics and current trends

I'll also share with you my framework for learning design of the future

I believe in creating

personalized learner centered online learning experiences that empowers and motivates learners to engage in an effective

meaningful and one-of-a-kind learning experience

today's presentation will follow this format

We'll begin with an introduction to the topic then we will discuss three emerging trends and learning analytics with the literature review

We will then direct our focus to some of the existing models and their business and education applications

I'll round out the presentation with a look at my professional learning design framework for the future as well as the conclusion

We'll have a few minutes at the close of the presentation for questions, so please if you have questions save them for the Q&A session

You know as a learning designer

It is critical to harness the power of learning analytics and embrace the future of the vast capabilities

Given the number of applications for data analytics and the online learning design movement

We see forward thinking regarding the quality and versatility and the capabilities learning designers integrate in the design process

When considering current and future trends and learning analytics there is a vast spectrum of opportunities on the horizon

in their work title learning analytics for 21st century competencies

shum and creek propose that learning analytics approaches in general offer different kinds of

competent computational support for tracking learner behavior

managing educational data

visualizing patterns and providing rapid feedback to both educators and learner's

current application of analytical models use a more efficient and effective

instructional outlook on 21st century competencies needed for learning success

Their work further asserts the idea that learning analytics is an emerging field power the paradigm shifts of the Information Age

Given this background as a springboard for future considerations. I want to focus on three trending areas in learning analytics

Looking forward toward the future of learning design we can expect to see a greater incorporation of big data analytics

blended e-learning and social learning analytics

There are many trends in learning analytics however

I would like to highlight three of the major training

Topics that stood out to and support it my framework for learning design of the future

Now let's take a deeper dive into the big three learning analytics trends of the present and future

First we will discuss big data analytics

followed by blended e-learning and finally social learning analytics over

The years learning designers have developed tactical methods for continual design improvement using big data as a driving source

in particular the incorporation of adaptive learning

Machine learning and predictive analytic techniques have proven to be effective design tools

On the horizon there are growing learning opportunities in the area of big data analytics in

a review of the article big data analytics the next big learning opportunity

Henry and Makka Truman proclaimed that students must be prepared to take advantage of future opportunities in the field of big data analytics

This argument is that as this is a such a growing area the big data analytics

Curriculum must be incorporated into the business skill sets and course design

competencies of 21st century I

Concur with this notion as businesses and organizations are shifting to rely heavily on big data analytics

to solve many of their problems as

Potential Peters colleges and universities will need to prepare learners in incorporating data analytics as core

Courses for business and other relevant programs that are increasingly using these methods

The authors go further to add that with the initiation of real big real time big data from sources such as web data

customer data

operational data machine data

And so forth managers are adept to use data-driven tool to promote smarter decision-making processes

as a train

there is a positive outlook of career opportunities and data and links in the data analytics field as

There is a true shortage of skilled personnel to do this type of work

to address the skills gap the office further assert that educators can prepare to design a

curriculum that meets the demands of the current and future workforce

Another trend in learning analytics is blended e-learning

This field is still growing in various new methods emerged online learning heavy ball due to the advent of learning analytics

Gone are the days of the soul brick and mortar classroom environment and more common is the learning community infusion of the physical and virtual


she Gaza and Halbert points out that the adoption of blended learning a

combination of traditional face-to-face and Technology media and instruction is increasing in higher education around the world

with some scholars predicting that blended learning will become the new traditional model a

product of learning analytics the aim of this redesign was to enhance teaching and elearning approaches for flexible and inclusive learning

Extend access an address efficiency of delivering the subject as a continuing student myself

I've witnessed the shift over the past 10 years and have contributed to a number of data-driven

Analytical models designed to restructure and affect a more and learner centered approach to course delivery

at the center of this trend adaptive learning techniques and technologies drive a mix of approaches and

Theories to create a balanced format for learners with varying learning styles

The author's further assert that blended learning models when designed and implemented successfully

Enable students to travel to campus for some activities while using the network for others taking advantage of the best of both environments

through committed engagement and blended learning

environments learners lead progressively clear trail of analytics data that can be mined for insights in

preparation for real-world skills and situations

Hybrid and blended learning platforms tend to allow more autonomy and interactions among peers and promote collaboration

The third trend of focus is the popular area of social learning analytics?

This analytical model supports active learning and widely recognized open and social learning environments

institutions of higher learning are gaining insight to developing learning opportunities that incorporate social learning analytics into the curriculum in

the article social learning analytics

Navigating the changing settings of higher education

Lattin Princeton asserts that pedagogical designs are evolving towards providing open access

promoting networked social activities in linking education with professional learning communities and lifelong learning

To provide their students with broader opportunities to access social capital

As technology has changed the way we communicate

Within the learning and business community it has become a strong driver for fostering learning behavior changes

the author's birthers think that though

Social learning analytics based on data about student movements we might be able to provide a better insight in the social dynamics and networked learning

Opportunities that higher education social hubs is thinking campuses have to offer?

Whether we realize it or not through social networking. We're learning quite a bit from peers experts and professionals bringing the world closer

On this slide I've provided an overview of practical uses for the listed analytical models as they are used in the business in

education industry

Now as learning designer I've

created I've crafted an in an

innovative framework for my design product for the future

With Adult Learning as the focus. I created a dynamic framework for the future of learning design

This image depicts my innovative learning design framework based on the learning analytical models discussed earlier

in order to create innovative personalized learning environments for adults

I designed the system with five sub components that encourage a learner centered design for the future

Business Insider magazine reported on 13 of the most innovative schools in the world and gave an overview of their practices and philosophies in

Developing my framework

I thought about key elements that stood out to me from article refused a few to create a

Design, that would apply to the future of adult learning

My overall learning design is made up of the following components

The first is data live data discourse analytics

here we represent discourse analytics by a big picture learning an


individual development plan learning

to address this discourse learning analytic approach a

Combination of the big picture learning and individual development plan promote the human behavior based attitudes and ways of thinking

Here we see adaptive models and social networking analytics is represented by

project-based learning and

technology skills

to address the adaptive social networking analytics model a

combination of the project-based learning and a technological skill building promote knowledge transfer

We move over to predictive models

Which is represented in between the IDP and time restriction time restriction limitations?

To address the predictive model a combination of the IDP format in a time restriction limitation would promote learner success

Finally to represent machine learning we have technology skills and time restricted limitations

to address the machine learning model a combination of the technology skills component a time restriction limitation rule from a

21st century skill building

In conclusion the future of learning design is a very worthwhile

Industry given the incorporation in the use of popular trends and learning analytics

big data analytics

Blended e-learning and social learning analytics are major trends and drivers for the future of learning design


Implementing and revising online learning experiences based on the analytical models helps to promote students at six

And better prepare students to meet career goals of the future

It is my belief that the proposed innovative framework for learning design

encompasses the necessary components for success in adult learning of the future

At this point I would like to entertain any questions from the audience members

Since there are no questions. I want to thank you all for your time today

I've posted here my contact information if you should need to reach out to me for business needs or to partner for future projects

Thank you

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