Friday, September 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 22 2017

if you automate your turnouts on your model railroad chances are you're going

to want to use one of these two switch motors here the cobalt or the tortoise

and I'm going to show you the differences in them the similarities in

them and what and you know I'm gonna tell you what I think about it so here

we go I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was

created to help other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their

dream of building a model railroad and if you have turnouts on there and you

want to automate it you have a couple of choices now there's more choices than

the tortoise and the cobalt but I'm going to discuss the differences and the

similarities of the two right here now as you could see the cobalt is just a

little bit smaller than the tortoise in every dimension Dan right there and then

this I and I accidentally drilled the hole in the top of my last tortoise but

anyway don't do this at home but luckily it didn't go all the way through with

the the cobalt switch machine you get this little cushion here and you could

also use this as a template for your holes when you're mounting it underneath

your layout it's just a foam rubber that has adhesive on both sides now with the

tortoise you know you get a template that's printed out on the page but you

could make your own template and they also sell a template but I just took

some cyrene and I traced out the the the holes and I cut it into the styrene and

what I do is right now I have it it's all dirty right now but you could I have

the transfer tape on it and so you could just take that off and put a new

transfer tape on it and you mount it up on the bottom of your layout and I'll do

I'll do a demonstration on the mounting of the switch

in another video but we're just showing we're just going to compare these right

here okay a few things that I've seen on the cobalt now I don't have any of these

mounted on my layout as yet and in another video I'm going to show you how

to mount this one and I'm going to show you how to mount the tortoise which

machine but on the Cobalt Classic Omega you have two different ways that you

could mount it the conventional way where you can mount

it where your wire comes up through or you could mount it on its side also on

the Cobalt you have the little board on there that

sticks out okay you could you have a little switch on it where you could

adjust if you're using anywhere from six to 12 volts or 12 volts up to 18 volts

you could switch it if you're using larger scales and also you have the push

in to hook up your wires now if you don't like soldering this is a good

thing to have right here because all you have to do is push the wire in hold back

on the little clip and push the wire in and you're good to go but I have this

one pinned so I'm not sure it says don't ten it but there it is it's good and

tight alright and that's all you have to do to connect them they're clearly

marked on here and also on the bottom the only thing that I don't like about

it is I've been in electronics on my life and electrical work and you have a

wiring diagram and on a wiring diagram if you have a switch you have a common a

normally open and a normally closed on here it says common left and right the

middle user manual which you get with the cobalt it will tell you right over

here for the common turn out frog right rail left rail and in common left

and right well that doesn't tell you if it's normally open or normally closed

that's the problem I have with this you just have to figure it out by using a

meter on it to say which one it is and they don't really give you any wiring

diagram anywhere they just give you the the wires coming out and tell you what

it is they don't show you a switch where there is a switch and what I had an

issue with on here also was on pin number three okay it says switch use

this wire for LED signals or system feedback okay but I had to figure it out

myself what how to use it okay nowhere in here

or on the website they tell you how to use it for somebody that isn't versed in

electrical work or electronics or doesn't know anything about electrical

will have an issue with this right here they're going to have to they're gonna

have to go on a YouTube video and find out how to do it and that's what we're

going to show you how to do right here the output of pin number three is half

of what the input is so if you're using twelve volts on pin 1 and 2 to operate

the the Kobalt switch machine the output on pin number three is going to be half

of that and I'm going to show you a little demonstration here where I used

LEDs in between 1 2 and 3 to get you give you a green and red indication

showing you which direction the switch machine is in you could also do that on

pin number one there's many ways that you could do it it and you could do it

that way also on the tortoise so that's my observation of the Cobalt

and I'll give you a little bit more when I have it hooked up down below now on

the tortoise which machine okay it's a lot larger you'd have the edge of

a circuit board there are no connectors on it you could solver your wires

directly on the circuit board there's a hole in each one and you could wire it

in or you can buy various connectors for it I have these right here I got these

at Bill's Train Track and they're inexpensive they're not made especially

for tortoise there a generic plug for any end card with eight pins on it and

what I do on there is I take a little as you can see on the edges there I put a

little toothpick on the side so the switch machine is lined up properly

because the connector is a little bit bigger and you could slide it back and

forth so I always put it and if you like you could put it on here put a toothpick

on either side of that on here you have a wiring diagram they show you how to

bend the wire they give you a diagram on how to bend the wire and where to bend

it they also give you a wiring diagram for everything on here and show you how

to hook it up let's hook these things up and take a look at them down on my bench

right here I got LEDs I got all kind of

goofy-looking stuff hooked up to it so you could see it in operation I'll have

both of them running together I'm gonna do a little demonstration right here and

let me find a something to point with so I could show you what's going on here I

have both the Cobalt and the tortoise hooked up to 12 volts

here's the negative and here's the positive 12 volts I have it going

through the switch so I could reverse it I have the power leads coming over here

and from here going directly to the tortoise okay now I have a jumper over

here and you can see I have two diodes right here the

or LEDs right there in red in the green this is coming off of pin three so

whatever you see on here is coming off of pin three which is half the voltage

of what's going in so twelve volt is going in on the black and white wires on

pin one and two and your LED signal from pin number three on this one will light

up these two LEDs right here now these two square LEDs that I have right here I

have on the 12 volt directly and then I have the resistor on there and I have

them reversed so whenever it's in one direction you have one lit up in the

other direction that the other one's lit up everything is equal you got 12 volts

one in the only thing on this one on the cobalt you have six volts coming out to

power these two LEDs so let me turn the power supply on and then you can see

that you have those lights lit up right there these two are in the same

direction and I'll reverse them right here and you see that the LEDs reversed

and you can see that the tortoise switch machine goes just a little bit faster

okay I'm going to take these two LEDs on from here so there's nothing interfering

with the signal wire to see if still the tortoise goes faster

yes and this and the tortoise still goes faster I'll disconnect the tortoise and

we'll listen to the sound on this one here now I'm sure once you get the the

the rubber on it and you know this is what they give you to deaden the sound

of it that I'm sure that once you have it mounted it's not going to make as

much noise but right out of the box and with nothing attached it's you know it's

pretty loud right there but anyway let me disconnect the I'll just disconnect

one of them so you can hear the difference now on the tortoise it's not

as loud as the cobalt in my opinion I like the tortoise which machine over the

cobalt even though the cobalt is much smaller

it is noisier the they added an extra set of gear reduction in there so you

cannot Center this when you're installing it and on the tortoise you

can see how easy it is to adjust it in the center when you're installing it and

I'll show you that on the next video the cobalt stall amperage is 30 milliamps

where the tortoise is 16 milliamps therefore you could only use half as

many on a power supply as you can on the tortoise and another thing I checked on

their website and there is no attachments that goes with this one this

is the Cobalt Classic Omega so if you have a situation where you can't mount

this directly underneath a turnout you're gonna run into a problem where

you're gonna have to make up your own jig tortoise has

the an attachment remote Remote Tortoise Mount and that also will allow

you to operate two turnouts with one switch machine which you can't do with

this unless you make your own Jake so you be the judge of it I'm a little bit

biased because I have 18 of these actually 17 of these installed I have

one more to go and I'll put it on one of the turnouts

where I don't have a switch machine now going into one of the industries if if

you'd like ease of putting your wires on there I would say go for this this is

that seems to be the only advantage of this because it's more expensive than

the tortoise it comes from Australia if you need to send it out for repairs you

got to send it to Australia this you send it to Illinois so I'll let you

decide we have some more videos coming out with LEDs and I'm going to show you

on the breadboard how to hook them up so you could light your buildings or any

other effect on your model railroad so take a look for them they're coming up

in the future once we get back on schedule I'll have three videos up every

week like I did before so take a look for them they'll be here if you would

like to see more videos like this go ahead and hit that subscribe button and

while you're at it and that'll notify you whenever I have a new video coming

out check out my playlist check out my patreon page

and support this channel thank you we'll have some more videos coming out in the

near future like I said before I don't know exactly

when they'll be but we'll get back on the schedule like we did before pre

Irma okay and we'll see ya!

For more infomation >> Which Switch - Tortoise Vs Cobalt - What Should I Use - Duration: 15:26.


Professional English: Vocabulary for managers and supervisors (and parents!) - Duration: 5:36.

Hi there, and welcome back to engVid.

Today we are going to be looking at eight highly useful words and phrases

that you could use in the world of business English, for negotiations,

etc. but we're going to be applying them to a real-life situation. You may want to watch,

after this video, my video about asking for someone's permission to do something.

Today we're looking at phrases once we've got someone's permission and they are watching us to make

sure that we are doing things properly.

Okay, so: Have you watched the film Meet the Parents?

It stars Robert DeNiro, and it's

about a highly controlling father-in-law who works for the CIA, and he is out to get the

future son-in-law, and makes sure that he is exactly how the father-in-law, Robert DeNiro, wants him to be.

So these are all words and phrases that Robert DeNiro's character might

say to the young man who wants to marry his daughter.

So, DeNiro might say: "I will be keeping a close check on you." Okay? "A close check",

there used as a... As a noun. Or he might say, as a verb:

"I will be checking that your financial statements are in order. I will be checking".

On to "control", he's a controlling character. Now, a couple of ways you can use "control".

"To have control over someone", so he might say:

"Remember, I will always be controlling you" or "I will always have control over you."

As a noun: "to show some control". So as some advice, he might say:

"Now, you must show some control in terms of the way you converse around the dinner table."

"Monitor", again, this means sort of "to watch".

"I will be monitoring you. I will be watching you. I have my eyes out on you".

"I want..." Or if it's the other way around and he wants

the future son-in-law to do something:

"I want you to monitor. I want you to look at, I want you to monitor your spending habits."

Next phrase: "to keep an eye on". "I've got my eye on you. I will be keeping my eye out on you."

That means I am watching all the time.

Again, we're looking at words and verbs to do with sight. "Oversee", so over, on top of,

looking down, so we are looking down... "I will be overseeing... I will be looking to make sure that you are in the right."

Don't know if you know any Latin, but "video" means

"I watch" in Latin, so again, this is to do with the idea of sight. Super, over, I will

be looking over. I will be making sure that everything is just right. So we have the verb:

"to supervise", and we have the noun: "supervision", to make sure that there is proper supervision

in place. Supervision, looking down, making sure all is well.

"To ascertain", now, if I remove the prefix you'll see the word "certain". "Ascertain"

simply means to make certain of. Okay? So, to ascertain whether you are the right customer

for me, to ascertain whether you can actually be a good husband or not.

And lastly: "to keep a tab on". Now, this is a phrase you would find more in British

English rather than American English: "to keep a tab on". "Tab" has associations with

a pub. You would go into a pub and they would say to you: "Would you like to start a tab?"

"A tab" means kind of a running list of what you have spent in that place.

"To keep a tab on", so the idea here is that Robert DeNiro's character is writing down every single thing

that Ben Stiller's character does wrong, keeping a tab on, keeping a running list, a document.

So, hopefully you have learnt eight new phrases that you can use either in the world of work,

or to impress your friends with your fantastic English.

Maybe you'd like to do the quiz now just to make sure that you've got these words in the exact correct usage.

That would be great if you did give it a go. Until next time, see you soon.

For more infomation >> Professional English: Vocabulary for managers and supervisors (and parents!) - Duration: 5:36.


I numeri del vino - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> I numeri del vino - Duration: 3:26.


Mazda MX-5 1.6i - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mazda MX-5 1.6i - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V EXCLUSIVE clima cruise pano dak lmv nw apk - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8I-16V EXCLUSIVE clima cruise pano dak lmv nw apk - Duration: 0:54.


Ford Mondeo 1.8i 16V Trend - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Ford Mondeo 1.8i 16V Trend - Duration: 0:52.


Seat Mii 1.0i Sport Connect / Cruise control / Airco / Parkeersensoren - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Seat Mii 1.0i Sport Connect / Cruise control / Airco / Parkeersensoren - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-i Terra airco NAP - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-i Terra airco NAP - Duration: 0:54.


Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Style - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 1.6i GDI Style - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Now | Airco | elec.ramen | cv + ab | Radio-cd | 5 deurs | - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Now | Airco | elec.ramen | cv + ab | Radio-cd | 5 deurs | - Duration: 0:57.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration (LM velgen, Camera, Automaat) - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration (LM velgen, Camera, Automaat) - Duration: 1:02.



For more infomation >> BMW 1 Serie 114I 114 I BUSINESS+ SPORT-LINE NED.AUTO, LEDER, XENON, NAVIGATIE, STOELVERWARMING, CRUI - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V VVT-I 5DRS AC/RADIO.CD/ST.BKR - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0-12V VVT-I 5DRS AC/RADIO.CD/ST.BKR - Duration: 0:54.


america fatta a maglie - trump mette i piedi nel piatto del terrorismo inglese - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> america fatta a maglie - trump mette i piedi nel piatto del terrorismo inglese - Duration: 8:21.



I want to talk about small people.

You may call them kids.

Or youngsters.

They often misbehave.

And everyone say that it is because parents do not give a shit about them.

Well, that is true.


That is also why I love kids.

Yelling kid at the store makes parents to consume.

Buy some sweets to their little arses.

And other people around buy some condoms.

Because they don't want any kids after what they have seen.

Misbehaving kids does not have their own opinion.

Internet will tell them what to think and what to do.

I can make them buy useless crap.

Because they are dump as a rock.

Misbehaving kids make a lot of stupid shit.

And they often die in the most hilarious ways.

This is good for me, because when small people die and big people buy more condoms, there

will be less people to kill, when I will dominate the world and pepsi company will be my swimming



Too much information.

But some parents try to educate their children.

What a shame!

This is violation of their freedom and right to choose whatever they want.

Kids should call their lawyers.

Google nearest lawyer in your town by using Google Chrome.

This was the google product advertisement.

But you did not get it.

If you don't understand sarcasm, leave a hate comment.

Make me feel bad about what I said.



I am just a google translator voice and I cannot feel bad.

You arse.

Thanks for watching.

Subscribe to Alooza Channel for more of me.

Type A,L,O,O,Z,A,space,C,H,A,N,N,E,L to youtubes search bar.



Symmetra Target Practice - Duration: 4:54.

I haven't played Symmetra in a while. Let's make sure I haven't gotten too rusty.

Some quick target practice should do the trick.

Hmm... Let's kill these two I guess.

That's one.

And two.

Oh I know how to finish them off.


Whoza good turret? You are!

And a nice biiiig warning sign. Company policy you know.

What else can I play with?

Gah you... Get back here!

There we go.


That gives me an idea....



Get back here you!

Hmph! Stay still and die like your friends.

Actually... How many kills can I get in one go?

This calls for an Experiment.

Now to wait a bit...

Actually I've had my ult for a while.

Good turrets. Murder the bad robots for mommy.

Not yet...


Well... I got a sixtupple kill.

Is that how you spell sixtupple?

I should google that.

Oh right I forgot the warning sign!

There we go. All better.

Let's sit down, rest a little. Murder is hard work, or so people tell me.

Yeah I don't really get that.

I find it pretty relaxing.

Well, enough of that.

More target practice.

Oh. It walked right in there.

Actually... I feel a bit bad.

It's like kicking puppies...

I can't take this.

No wait.

Let's find some place higher.

This could work.

Goodbye cruel world!

Oh no.

My turrets.

They just keep going.

I have to end this. Properly.



keep going...

For more infomation >> Symmetra Target Practice - Duration: 4:54.


Jordana Black Pearl Metallic Matte Liquid Lipstick Color REVIEW & lip SWATCHES from Walgreens! - Duration: 4:27.

Wow, I got these for $4.99 a piece at Walgreens

and they are blowing my mind!

*Intro music*

What up babes?

Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry

I actually had a different video planned for today, but I picked up these bad boys at Walgreens.

and I just


to show you guys!

I couldn't keep it to myself.

I wanted to scream up in the mountains!

How gorgeous these liquid lipids are.

They're there Jordana Black Pearl Metallic Matte Liquid Lipstick.

So, get ready to be shook-eth!

Alright so, they did have 8 shades to choose from

I just picked up these 4 right here.

Which is a Sorceress, Riveting Red,

Alchemy, and Cosmic Nights.

So, they have a couple more that are more in the

red family and one black and I have to see what the other one is (its a navy blue one).

First tried the Sorceress, which is the green one, a couple days ago and I swiped it on

& instantly I was falling in love! Oh, my goodness!

You'll see why!

So, I ran down to Walgreens a few days later and I picked up 3 more.

So, I haven't tried the other colors yet. I hope that they live up to how much I loved the

first one.

First, I'll show you the one that I tried.

Sorceress and it is a

really pretty green with like some black undertones to it.

You guys, that is one swipe. One swipe!

Oh! Not patchy or anything and it smells like cupcakes

or frosting or something.

If you ever smelled the NYX butter glosses, this is

what that smells like.

And it is so yummy!

So pretty for Christmas time too. Even some nice wicked lips for Halloween or any Tuesday, whatever!

Next, let's do cosmic nights.

Which is this really pretty purpley bluish one.


Ok, this one i know i'm gonna have to do a second layer. Not quite as

intense right at the beginning.

Ok, that's cosmic nights and oh my gosh,

you guys. That is so freaking pretty.

Just a really pretty blue with some very

light purpley undertones

Mmmm! I really love these. *EEIK!*

Next up, let's do riveting red.

Wow, that is gorgeous!

If anybody is Jessica Rabbit for

Halloween, run and go and get this because it is perfection!

It also reminds me of a big ol Christmas present, maybe it's my little

choker bow, but oh this will be so pretty for the season!

I am so obsessed.

The shine but yet the matte-ness is just amazing.



I would say, these are totally kiss proof!

And last but not least, let's go ahead

and try Alchemy, that really pretty brown-ie color

By the way, these have a nice little

sponge tip applicator, pretty standard, but it has a very nice curve. I don't

know if you can tell and it's a nice pointed tip as well.

So if you don't want to use a brush separately, if you're on the go, this should be pretty easy to


Wowie brownie wowie.

Alright so, these are all the swatches just on my

hand and you know what, I have to say, the color payoff is freakin amazing.

The wear of it feels very comfortable. It doesn't feel tight, it

doesn't feel drying, it doesn't feel like anything. It just is amazing. I'm a really

super impressed.

Alright so, if you have any friends who are struggling to find a

good liquid lippie go ahead and send them a link to this video!

So they can know too that this stuff is amazing and it's only $4.99 at Walgreens!

I scoured the internet to see if this was available anywhere else

I didn't see it on Walgreen's website yet and I didn't even see it on Jordana's website yet.

So, I don't know if it's limited edition or what but run to your stores and pick you

up a wand or two because *mmm* beautiful.

I would really, really love it if you

guys would go check out a couple other videos on my channel.

And if you like what you see, go ahead and SUBSCRIBE!

I'm posting about 2 times a week and I'm

on the verge of starting to post a 3 times a week.

Just because I have so much

information I want to share with you guys and so many fun different products

and tutorials and everything and I just can't help myself!

You guys, thank you so much for watching!

And don't forget to have a great lovely day! XOXO!

For more infomation >> Jordana Black Pearl Metallic Matte Liquid Lipstick Color REVIEW & lip SWATCHES from Walgreens! - Duration: 4:27.


We Chose Each Other's (Gothic) Outfit in Abilletage - Duration: 9:32.

I feel like we are conspiring against her

We kind of are

It's a conspiracy

Yes, and that's kind of the point

Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel!

Right now we are heading for Abilletage's store

which is a brand that specializes in corsets and gothic style

It's hidden inside what looks like a residential building

It's actually quite common for small indie brands in Japan

So don't freak out, as long as you have the address

you should be able to find them

Abilletage is quite famous for its print tights

Their most signature designs are "leg corset" prints

The print is really pretty, and it comes in a lot of colors

They also have phone cases with corset design,

corset-like chokers,

and actual corsets

Now let the challenge begin!

First it's my turn to dress up my friend, Jane

I'm actually not that familiar with their clothing line

I found this lovely skirt



I decided to go with this ivory lacy skirt with layered uneven edges

and build my coordinate around it

I want to do a shiro-gothic (white gothic) look

with a lot of lace details

and a touch of color in the jewelry

Now it's Jane's turn to choose an outfit for me!

This is pretty, but...

it doesn't scream Abilletage to me, you know?

(This voice belongs to another girl who helped us filming)

There was this blouse in pink and black with polka dots

It's really pretty

I actually really like this one

and look at the design in the back

I saw it on Twitter and totally fell in love

very unique

Well but it's only for those who have nice smooth skin in the back

since you know

Yeah, it's not for everyone I guess

And it has dots...

makes it kinda hard to coordinate with

It's true

Do I keep filming?

Oh yes, keep filming

Is it ok to talk?

Sure, she'll edit it out

(Surprise surprise)

You think this is not her style? I think it kinda fits her

Well...she could try?

Or we can make her try

I feel like we are conspiring against her

It's kind of true

It's a conspiracy

Yes and that's kind of the point

So pretty

Seems like only the short ones remain

Yeah it's really short

The long one was released a while back

I remember seeing it

There were three versions: long, medium and short

and the medium one was always out of stock

Now it's Jane's turn to transform!

Tell me what you chose for me

First I chose a skirt

A skirt?

This one, a lacy ivory skirt

Yep, and it is going with...

with this corset right here


As for the blouse, the one I picked for you is

this one

yep yep

And accessories

You picked accessories?!

Oh my

There you go

The big reveal!

And finally, my transformation!

I chose this long black one piece dress

And of course

Black with red, because gothic

And I just had to add this one thing

I mean, look at this neck I'm working with

You neck is like, 5 centimeters longer than mine

The reveal!

With Halloween right around the corner, gothic is the way to go, right? XD

Thank you so much for watching! I'll see you next time <3

For more infomation >> We Chose Each Other's (Gothic) Outfit in Abilletage - Duration: 9:32.


T&L-2- Greetings and Questions:Base - Duration: 5:32.

Good Morning

Good Afternoon

Good Evening

Good Night


Thank you

You're welcome






What time

For more infomation >> T&L-2- Greetings and Questions:Base - Duration: 5:32.


Republican Liar Has Meltdown At Town Hall After Making Bogus ACA Death Panel Claim - Duration: 5:10.

Bill Akins is a name that most people in the United States don't know, but it's a name

that most people in the United States are beginning to learn.

He is the chair of the Pasco County, Florida Republican Party.

This past weekend at a town hall event attended by 250 people, sponsored by Republican Representative,

Gus Bilirakis, they were discussing the Affordable Care Act when Bill Akins, Pasco County Florida

Republican Party Chairman, told the crowd that the reason the Republicans are against

the Affordable Care Act is because of all those darn death panels that it created.

Take a look.

In 2009, PolitiFact rated the death panel as the lie of the year.

There is nothing in the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, that refers to any kind of death

panel, but here we have Bill Akins telling us that, "Hey, once you hit the age of 65,

sorry, you have to go up in front of a death panel and essentially plea for your life."

The only good thing to come out of that South Florida rally or town hall, whatever you want

to call it, is the fact that the mostly senior citizen crowd there did not buy into what

Akins was saying.

As you saw from the video, they became angry.

They started jeering, and so Akins responded in the most mature way possible by calling

these elderly citizens concerned about losing their health insurance, he called them children.

Now, when you're in a position of power, like the Republicans in Washington are and Representative

Gus Bilirakis, who sponsored this town hall, when you're in a position of power and you

know that every two years you have to face reelection ... not a good idea to piss off

the constituents in your county.

Probably not a good idea to insult them and call them names and lie to their faces when

they know that you're lying.

Hopefully, Bill Akins just caused Gus Bilirakis his seat in the 2018 midterms because that's

what he deserves.

That's what Bilirakis deserves.

Republicans are hosting these little town halls all over the country now trying to convince

Americans that, "Hey.


Trust us.

Republicans have a plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.

You just got to trust us.

We hate the Affordable Care Act and we're going to give you a bunch of bullshit reasons

as to why that is."

There are no death panels and Republicans know it and the public knows it.

The only reason Republicans want to repeal the Affordable Care Act is because it raises

taxes slightly on 400 families within the United States.

That's it.

400 families have their taxes go up slightly because of the Affordable Care Act.

That's how we pay for some of the subsidies.

400 people have their taxes raised, so that we can give tax breaks to 20 to 30 million

people in order to afford healthcare.

You have to 20 to 30 million people who are going to lose their healthcare coverage if

Republicans repeal these tax subsidies just to give a tax break to 400 different families.

Now, I don't care if you're left, right, center, green, Libertarian, or whatever you want to

call it.

There is no way that you can justify that.

There is no way you can justify screwing over 20 to 30 million people just to benefit 400,

and I think both Republicans and Democrats and Independents would agree on that.

I don't think anybody thinks that it's a better idea to give more money to the top 1% of the

1% while screwing over millions of people who are literally going to end up dying, according

to studies about 48,000 a year, because they can't afford health insurance coverage.

They won't be able to go to the doctor.

They won't be able to get preventative care.

They won't be able to get early detection for things like cancer.

They won't be able to afford medication.

They won't be able to treat their diabetes.

They will die.

That's what experts are telling us.

All because Republicans like Gus Bilirakis and Bill Akins, that Republican Party County

Chair, all because they want to give a tax break to 400 families.

Now, why aren't they just being honest?

If you don't like Obamacare, be straight with us.

We get it.

We know the Republicans rule for the wealthy and not for the people, but don't sit there

and try to lie to us telling us that once we hit age 65, we have to go put on our best

suit and show up in front of a death panel and tell them why we need to keep on living,

because everybody at this point knows that that's just not true.

For more infomation >> Republican Liar Has Meltdown At Town Hall After Making Bogus ACA Death Panel Claim - Duration: 5:10.


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For more infomation >> Learn Colors For Kids



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Como Corrigir o Problema de Arrastar e Soltar no Mp3Tag (Drag and Drop on Mp3Tag Issue Fix) - Duration: 3:11.

Hey little fellas. How's it going? Good afternoon.

Today I'm here to show you a small issue I was facing about now

with the Mp3Tag program.

"Mp3Tag". In this case, we're here in Brazil so we can say the way we want.

But, this is the issue...

Sorry, there are some men at work here, it may bother a bit...

This is the problem: You go open the program and simply when you go to drag a song

you can't drag and drop to send to the software.

Then, this is what happens: that black "forbidden" (Not Allowed) symbol appears and you can't do it.

Alright, here in my case it already works because I've just fixed it

But, this is how you're gonna do to fix it:

First I have to thank the guys on Mp3Tag forums that discussed about the solution

I have read the documentation, it's all in English...

First you'll have to close the program, and then you go to the executable file Porperties...

If you have a shortcut somewhere in Windows, you can go directly to your desktop

Right click it, then go to "Open the file path".

Then it will point you to this executable file: Mp3Tag.

Then you right click the executable file if you didn't already, click Properties...

I think there's a way to change on the shortcut as well...

Then go to the "Security" tab, then here.

You may notice that these rights on the "Allow" column (Total control, Modify, Read and execute...)

Are all faded out.

Then, for example, if I go edit and try to modify here, I can't check each square.

The only things I can check here are boxes to Deny the Rights, got it?

Then, this is what I should do:

I'll add the permission for all users.

How do I do that? Click "Add",

then click "Advanced", right here.

First, let's click to Find all the OS users of all kinds...

And then you'll find this name: "All".

Click it, click OK, then you'll have checked it here in this text box.

This is allowing all users to modify and do whatever they want with the application.

But why this? I'll show very soon.

Click OK, and done. I've added it.

Now the checkboxes are available to be selected as I wish.

First click "Apply"...

Then click and check here: "Total Control". Alright.

Click Apply then OK, OK again. Now let's open the program...

If you want to open it with admin rights, it's up to you.

Click "Run with administrator rights"...

But usually it's not necessary.

Then, with this done, you may open the folder you want...

Here I have a folder with an artist...

I pick all the the medias I want, I can select various...

And I drag and drop to the program, and finally it will show this small rectangle,

that's below the mouse cursor.

Drop it and done. That's all. It should work immediately.

If there's any problem, leave a comment below.

Just tell something, I'll try to help with your trouble, alright?

And thanks for watching. See ya!

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