Friday, September 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 22 2017

Hi, welcome to a new episode

of my searches with metal detector

I am recording this introduction but have already finished the day

It is a very hot day

It is 10,30 AM and I am finishing

I've been about 3 hours metal detecting today

It has been a very productive day

I hope you like it

If you like please subscribe to the channel

... and like if you like the video. Thanks.

Today finds are different to the ones of the Roman Field

This is a new field

The finds here are more common or "normal", not roman stuff

What a detectorist more likely finds in a field

Random finds from different centuries, normally modern or contemporary

The variety of find is high

and curious

I hope you like enough to see the whole video

Hi, after a while here it is the first find of the day

I am in the shadows 'cause it's very hot

In this small hole I found something

I still don't know what it is

Let's have a look live

It should be right here

It's in my hand!

Wow, look!

Big copper alloy coin

It is very rusty

No design left

Likely a 10 cts coin. Late XIX century

The scratch has been done in the past

Once you have finishes, please, always cover the hole

And leave the surface as it was before

New hole here

It was very difficult, the soil is very hard

When I was cleanig I have seen the find

Can you see it here? It is big

It looks like an ornament of some kind

Bonze ornament

Any idea?

Door ornament maybe?

A new find and it is inside this lump of soil

Let's see...

I can already see it!

It is like a surprise chocolate egg!

2 maravedí coin from Philip II (Spanish King)

Minted in Coruña. 1575-1591

by Sebastián Vázquez

I am in the last shadows trying not to dig under the sun

...and a new find in this small hole!

It is inside this lump

I can already see it

Let's have a closer view

You already can see it too I guess

It is out!

It is bent but I guess it is a coin

It is very thin

Portuguese "Ceitil" XV Century

New, almost surface find

I guess it is a copper alloy object

Small bell for cattle but not copper

Likely modern

A new and very interesting find here!

It is a lead piece

With holes

a button?

What could be the use of this piece?

Soil is hard as rock!

I can barely dig a hole with is heavy stainless Steel spade!

After a big effort I could dig out this relic

It is a typical Navarre Style mint coin

Octogonal 1 maravedí coin S XVI to XVIII

No design in this one


Have a look to this interesting surface find

Here it is!

I guess it is a thimble

Very small thimble

Copper alloy

Very clear sound right here!

Let's try it live?

It is inside this lump

I can't see anything...

Still inside

I can now see it

It is an old bullet shell, or a part of it

Some other I found that day from XIX century civil wars

One it is not shoot

After a while

a new find here

It has the shape of a ring

Copper alloy

Thank you for still be watching this episode

I will be back with a new one in a few weeks

Subscribe if you like

and thank you so much for watching this channel and for your comments

Finds of the day not cleaned

Rubbish... not much!

For more infomation >> Detector de Metales 07: ¡Moneda de Portugal del siglo XV y más! - Duration: 10:08.


"Acá lo importante no es el dinero, es reconstruir los sueños de la gente": Gerardo Alcoba - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> "Acá lo importante no es el dinero, es reconstruir los sueños de la gente": Gerardo Alcoba - Duration: 2:19.


how tu make balloon hat - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> how tu make balloon hat - Duration: 3:58.


"No podemos pensar en el miedo": Crónica de dos dramáticos rescates bajo los escombros en México - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> "No podemos pensar en el miedo": Crónica de dos dramáticos rescates bajo los escombros en México - Duration: 2:28.


20 diabetic foods avoid at all costs! - Duration: 8:06.

Meet 20 foods for diabetics avoid at all costs!

To be diagnosed with diabetes, the first recommendation of doctors is that the person

change your eating habits, especially, with regard to sugar intake.

From there begins a race to get information on what the best foods

for diabetics and should be avoided.

The problem is when certain foods seem harmless, are not exactly

foods for diabetics, but traps these people should avoid to improve

their quality of life.

Because of that, this video comes to food 20 for diabetics avoid, even if they appear

be harmless at first sight.

See which foods for diabetics avoid:


Dry fruits For healthier than dried fruit can

opinion, the fruit dehydration process increases its natural sugar content which

causes the dried fruits are highly dangerous for people with diabetes type



Melon Melon is a food for diabetics

avoid because fools.

Being well net, gives the impression which does not contain a lot of sugar, however,

melon contains much fructose, or sugar Natural fruit.


White rice, bread and flour These foods are more famous, once

that flour is one of the first ingredients to be cut from the diet because they are carbohydrates

that turn into sugar to be metabolized by the body.

Ideally, replace them with oats or quinoa.


Cappuccino Besides having milk cappuccino also

It takes chocolate, ie, sugar content and milk fat is very high in coffee

cappuccino, even as use of sweeteners.


bakery products Although many bakeries to signal to

people with diabetes problems some alternative "natural" as savory

oven or sandwiches "natural" the Most of the products of this sector still makes

bad for people with diabetes.


milkfat The milk increases the LDL level

in the body, that is, it increases the amount bad cholesterol.

Besides increasing the risk of heart disease, milk fat causes increased resistance



Alcohol Depending on the level of diabetes, the doctor

It should be consulted on the amount of alcohol that the person suffering from this problem

can consume, since alcohol changes sugar levels in the blood.


juices At first glance, replacing juices are

natural for industrialized beverages in menu of food for diabetics, however,

some fruit contains a lot of fructose, ie too much sugar.

For more natural fructose is, it make sugar the same way blood

the industrialized sugar, so Not all fruits are recommended for

people with diabetes.

It is important to check with the doctor which fruits and what types of juice can be



smoothie A fever for people trying to lose weight

smoothie (or vitamin) can fool people with diabetes, because it seems healthy at first


However, it is important to pay close attention the ingredients used for the preparation

smoothie, since it contains honey and fructose sugar the same way.


Aromatic water As smoothies, the flavored water

It is perceived as a healthy drink people who are trying to lose weight.

Because of this misperception, many diabetics They forget that the fruits of these recipes have

fructose and will be converted into sugar in the blood.

Therefore, depending on the used ingredient for flavoring water, fructose can be

a problem for people with diabetes.


Honey Widely used to replace sugar

healthily in various juice recipes detox, smoothies and natural recipes, honey

It contains too much sugar and should be avoided by people with diabetes.

It is undoubtedly one of the foods that trick, because despite being natural and healthy, not

consistent with the goal of the person who needs treat diabetes.


candies Sweets are strictly prohibited for

people with diabetes.

However, some sweets with diet brand and light can "fool" who has this

disease, so it is important to consult the doctor before consuming any candy.


Cereal Processed cereals are loaded

sugar and substances that can be toxic in the body, therefore, opt for organic cereals,

without any kind of flavor.


cereal bar This is a food for diabetics

avoid because it is one of the most deceiving.

The idea of ​​the cereal bar is to offer energy for people who do activities

physical, so it has sugar and carbohydrates concentrated.

However, treatment of diabetes aims otherwise, you must reduce the levels

blood sugar.

For more "fitness" that the cereal bar may seem, that food can not do

the regime of diabetics.


refined grains Whole grains are excellent sources of

fibers and therefore widely used to improve the functioning of the digestive system and

weight loss diets.

Refined grains are milled whole grains and processed and should be avoided by those

with diabetes.

Ideally, always talk to your doctor to find out which grains consume.


Processed meat / Fitted The villain of processed meat / embedded

is sodium, because sodium fold risk of heart attacks and strokes specifically

for people with diabetes.


fat meat The fat meat is another option immediately

cut for people with diabetes, once that saturated fats from meat ignite

the body and increase bad cholesterol.


frozen pizza It is certainly one of the most obvious food

to be taken out of one's menu with diabetes, but it is good to remember that even

vegetarian and vegetables contains options chemicals, sugar and fat



Fried food No doubt fried foods can not do

part of the person menu with diabetes in any way to be super caloric

and saturated fat filled.


Chinese food Although elements considered healthy,

as the use of broccoli, cabbage and vegetables in general, the Chinese food contains too much sodium

due to the use of soy sauce as well as being too greasy for people with diabetes,

so it should be avoided.

For more infomation >> 20 diabetic foods avoid at all costs! - Duration: 8:06.



For more infomation >> LOTTO ACTIVO DATOS (RULETA ACTIVA DATOS 23/09/2017) ANIMALITOS - Duration: 1:00.


Con este golazo Avilés Hurtado entró entre los 10 nominados al Premio Puskas - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> Con este golazo Avilés Hurtado entró entre los 10 nominados al Premio Puskas - Duration: 0:28.


Chali x Eze - Flexing (videoclip) Prod: Tras La Cortina - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Chali x Eze - Flexing (videoclip) Prod: Tras La Cortina - Duration: 2:56.


"El fútbol debería haber parado un mes hasta sanar las heridas de lo que pasó": Edwin Hernández - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> "El fútbol debería haber parado un mes hasta sanar las heridas de lo que pasó": Edwin Hernández - Duration: 1:15.


Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 5:00.

Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay]

For more infomation >> Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 5:00.


Entrevista al representante de Fiorenzi - Juan Camilo Rivera - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Entrevista al representante de Fiorenzi - Juan Camilo Rivera - Duration: 2:05.


Mela­nia Trump et le prince Harry - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Mela­nia Trump et le prince Harry - Duration: 3:17.


Top Strategy To Get Music Bu...

For more infomation >> Top Strategy To Get Music Bu...


Breaking: McCain Betrays Trump & The American People For The Last Time | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:58.

As John McCain approaches the end of the road he is finally free to stop pretending he was

ever a conservative Republican.

Today McCain announced he would not be voting for the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare reform bill

apparently content that waiting for Obamacare to collapse on its own is preferable.

Or, maybe he's just such a bitter old man that he'd sell out Americans to get his

revenge on Trump.

It wouldn't be the first time McCain gave the middle finger to America's hardworking


Remember McCain's leadership role of the Gang of Eight trying to force all encompassing

amnesty for illegal aliens through the Senate?

Or, his consistently approving debt ceiling increases?

While it's true that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is an establishment errand

boy, and the healthcare reform legislation on the table is less than perfect, there is

no doubt that it's better than the current system if for no other reason than it removes

the decision-making from the D.C. swamp.

That's why the Arizona senator's public comment rings so hollow:

"We should not be content to pass healthcare legislation on a party-line basis," McCain

said in a lengthy statement criticizing the GOP rush to pass a repeal bill without any

hearings and little public scrutiny.

Someone has to tell Hanoi John that the Democrats passed Obamacare on a party-line basis without

any hearings and with no public scrutiny.

Now with the benefit of hindsight we know what a disaster Obamacare is.

Millions of Americans have chosen to pay the mandated penalty because they can't afford

the costs of insurance that more than doubled over the seven years since Obamacare became


Those that can afford insurance are finding many of the services previously available

are no longer part of their policies.

Americans are hurting and McCain is proving that he couldn't care less.

He is a maniacal, power-hungry, and little man.

And, in the process he has stabbed his "Little Me", Lindsey Graham, in the back.

Graham has found out the hard way that he hooked his wagon to the wrong horse.

The sad truth is if McConnell needed five no votes he'd have gotten five senators

to break rank.

If he needed ten, he'd have found them as well.

Nothing changes in the swamp.

Once Washington accrues power it never relinquishes it and McConnell sees his job as ensuring


I had stayed out of the Luther Strange – Judge Roy Moore – special election but now I have

to believe that if McConnell asked Strange to vote against Graham-Cassidy he could've

relied on him to do so.

Why else would McConnell's PAC have sunk more than $8 million into his Alabama special

election campaign?

It's time to realize if McConnell backs someone they are not the peoples' friends.

It's time to drain the swamp.

President Trump, are you listening?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Breaking: McCain Betrays Trump & The American People For The Last Time | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:58.


Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 5:00.

Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay]

For more infomation >> Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 5:00.


I Know What I Want (Official ...

For more infomation >> I Know What I Want (Official ...


Camila Cabello - I Wouldn't Mind (Legendado) - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Camila Cabello - I Wouldn't Mind (Legendado) - Duration: 3:18.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I NOW airco! 5 deurs! 40.000 km's! NL auto! keurig exemplaar! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-I NOW airco! 5 deurs! 40.000 km's! NL auto! keurig exemplaar! - Duration: 0:59.


SEPHORA HAUL l Fenty Beauty, Marc Jacobs, Tarte, Too Faced & More l Malya Tamar - Duration: 7:37.

Wow Wow Wow when I was sure I get is well

Wow when I was you I'm back to my channel

eat sugar Maria here back again in front of their videos for you and as you can

see by the title of this video I'm bringing you make alcohol I haven't done

a makeup haul in a while so I thought why not like doing just a little bit of

something for you guys so before we go further in this video if you are new to

this channel my name is Malia how do hear makeup fashion skincare videos in

this channel so just take one second to subscribe and make sure you in the

notification bell so you want miss my next upload and the future so now let's

get started with this video so like I say I'm just bringing you a few things

that I've purchased from Sephora over the past two weeks I just have the

chance to go there twice so the first one was when we Anna just launched her

makeup line and then I went again on the weeks after that so the first thing that

I picked up was the fancy foundation the first week and I did pick up a ton

September a topic yeah I was the day when we had our lunch your friend Asian

and I also have a full review of full demo with it our wettest already on my

channel so make sure I leave it here for you and gets you on into this channel so

you can you know have an idea or if you have a try the foundation yet you can

have an idea or the foundation yes and I got mine the color 317 and this is the

foundation that I haven't right now and as you can see I do have a flawless work

and I'm still stretching out the foundation guys so I'm not sure I might

come in here and give you an update and the foundation was $24 okay and then

when I went back I weighed again and I did get the mastic by Rihanna mastic

trio and I didn't get mine the color Tim so I got twisted caramel truffle and one

and one is supposed to conceal come talk and I like under three was for $54 let

me show you

this is what they look like and they are the three and this is the highlight one

let me just give you a quick swatch as well this is the highlight shade and

this one is the contour shade and this one is the concealer shade so why not

that I'm just gonna give you a quick mini review I only have the chance to

use them once and I'm I don't know I feel like I'm not I'm not really a big

fan of them that the concealer it's another funny the highlight it's a no-no

from me the only one I can say that I'll like a little bit is just shuffle which

is the contour shade but the other two I'm not to get big fat but again I still

have to play with them a little bit so this is just me giving in my opinion

just by trying them one so I'm definitely gonna try them again before I

give you an update and I also pick up this merch Jacob a gift perfume so this

is the perfume that I use but I have the big one which is almost full I dated

back home so I was like when I was in my office it's only for $20 laptop myself

why not buying this you know just what I'm here by the time I go home I will

get another one so as I can see it's only two small one and yeah each of them

are four milligram and it's for $20 which is not bad and then one cannot

purchase this is one this is one of sample size I did purchase the smaller

size this is the better than sex mascara so I know a lot of people say that they

are really good so I was like let me just try it because I'm looking for a

good foundation and like I said it was $12 and I did use it I like it I think

it's not that bad but I feel like it's not worth the hike

everybody's saying it's the most amazing mascara but I already have it I'll keep

it and he's definitely not that bad so yeah this is how it looks like it's

really small as I can see and it's like and another item that I pick up it's a

palette I'm only like into like nerd so I'm really simple when it comes to

makeup I don't like to do too much and I also have sensitive eyes so I don't

really play too much like on my high so I did get the Tarte went for us of the

sea bulimic soup on palette and this one was ready $36 if I'm not mistaken and

this is how the palettes look like and I'm sorry if you can see my wing light

showing to it and it's a really like good like neutral eye shadow and this is

all the colors looks like and it does have this little cover here and this is

the cover guys I'm really excited to try this one so definitely this is one of

the palette I would like to try in my channel for you guys so I will

definitely like to try this one for you so if you are down definitely let me

know in the comments section or DME and Instagram and by the way you should

follow me in Instagram because that's where I've talked with all my friends

there it's my same name it's Molly yeah Thomas so definitely follow me there

that's her that's what we know everything about me and the last thing I

got is I got this brush and this one is from bareMinerals

and I had some great thing about this brush and I was currently looking for

foundation but because this is the one I use I use a foundation brush which is

myself and I think this ad this one for whites either three dollars or six

dollars but I used to like it and for some reason I don't like it anymore

so since hard great thing about this one so I decided to choose this one and I

think this one it's is the perfecting faced by bare minerals and I think this

one retails for $28 and it's full as small as you can see here so yeah I'm

really excited to try this one and I forgot like I was such a no watch like

I was about to get the bare minimum foundation to so I can use it with this

when I'm tested for you guy but I was so you know worse I didn't have time to do

that but I'll definitely do that um next time for you yep

so yes my love so that's it for this mini haul I've got a few items that I

wanted to show you and definitely let me know doing that I haven't healed yet

definitely let me know if you'd like me to travel video of me trying them home

with you guys so yeah so that's it for this video and definitely subscribe if

you haven't already I really appreciate that and just give me a big thumbs up

and I'll see you in my next video and again I love you thank you so much what

a super I appreciate it and I'll see you in my next video bye bye and stay



For more infomation >> SEPHORA HAUL l Fenty Beauty, Marc Jacobs, Tarte, Too Faced & More l Malya Tamar - Duration: 7:37.


How to: Annoy Inseong - Duration: 13:19.

(i realized this could sound weird)(basically: make fun of him;;)

Ahjussi, ahjussi! (/Middle-aged man)

after watching it 21748 times it kinda gets cute

JH: What then? (he asks what IS is into nowadays) IS: I've been thinking a lot about this (thing that I'm into)

IS: Our Tinkerbell! (he is the cutest i love him so much)

IS: I've been thinking about them for a while now

JH: So that's what you were writing on that memo (earlier)

HJ: Is that what you said earlier while we were in the waiting room?

HJ: Ahh tinkerbell .. no that's not it

tbh same

heejun needs to stop

IS: There was one reason

IS: There was no reason to meet again

IS: bc a group wasn't fromed

IS: It's just like this... and now me and SJ-hyung are here together (luckily <3)

now I debuted together with Seungjun

IS: And like this we debuted well

IS: So how was my life story?

Inseong + potato = pure happiness

Inseong + potato + toothbrush = HORROR

For more infomation >> How to: Annoy Inseong - Duration: 13:19.


CELEBRITYFITNESS YOGYAKARTA | Where We Exercise in Jogja - Duration: 14:04.

For more infomation >> CELEBRITYFITNESS YOGYAKARTA | Where We Exercise in Jogja - Duration: 14:04.


Top 5 Root Apps September 2017 - Duration: 3:42.

SCRIPT Hey Guys and Girls, It's me JoshyTek, Rooting

your Android Device comes with many benefits such as tweaking your devices rom and devices


If you just rooted or you have been a root user for a while, you may have heard of some

of these apps or you may have not so without wasting any time let's get into the video.

So jumping straight into the first app which is called Substratum.

I just had to include this app on my list because of the amount of customizability it


You can install theme packs, different boot animations, different font packs, sound packs

and wallpapers.

These can be installed by getting theme packs from the Google Play Store.

I think this app is a must have for any root user just because of it's customizability

it offers.

If you're wondering what theme pack I'm running, I'm using Alined.

The second app on my list is called system app remover.

This app does what it says, it completely wipes system apps that were preinstalled on

your device.

The app also comes with a recycle bin which is useful if you accidently delete a system


The third app on my list is called Easy DPI Changer.

This app allows you to change your screen resolution and DPI of your device.

Using this app can save a lot of battery life as it's essentially rendering the software

in a lower screen resolution and I can guarantee that you could score an extra 1 or 2 hours

of screen on time by using this app, however I would only recommend that you use this app

at your own risk as it could damage your device if the values aren't set correctly.

The second to last app on my list is called Kernel Auditor.

In my opinion this app is highly recommended for root users out there.

Using this app you can essentially check your device's specs, have full control of your

CPU and GPU, change your screen colours, change your I/O Scheduler and the list goes on.

The fifth and last app on my list is L Speed.

Using this app you can tweak your devices hardware to have a better experience.

On the main page of this app, you can change to different profiles, for example, if I wanted

to save battery I can change the profiles to battery and the app will automatically

tweak the kernel to save battery, but that's not it, you can dive in deeper and change

some tweaks in the CPU, Battery and even Internet tweaks, The list goes on.

This app is definitely definitely worth it and it's free from the Google Play Store.

If you want something similar then HEBF Optimizer is another option out there that i would also


In my opinion, I think HEBF is more focused on the battery users however in terms of tweaking

and features L Speed has options like Lite Doze Optimization which HEBF doesn't have,

so in my opinion just try both of them, it's based on personal preference on which one

you prefer.

So that does it for this video, If you have any questions about rooting or about anything

just place them down in the comments section below and I will 100% reply to your questions

and all of the apps that I mentioned in this video will be linked in the description so

you can straight away install these apps but apart from that I will see you in next week's

video and um yeah goodbye.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Root Apps September 2017 - Duration: 3:42.


Improving PsMoveService Quality in VR VIVE EMU Tutorial Ep. #1 - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Improving PsMoveService Quality in VR VIVE EMU Tutorial Ep. #1 - Duration: 5:23.


Laura Stokes, Teacher - Evans International Elementary School - Duration: 1:13.

So we have been talking about stories, we've been talking about realistic

fiction. What are some of the things we've been going over with realistic fiction?


It's fake because it's fiction...but it could happen in real life.

Okay and some of those things like characters,

setting, events,


So what I'm gonna have you guys do, is you're gonna read this story, "Speaking

Out to Stop Bullying." I want you to whisper read to yourself that first

paragraph and we're going to talk about if that's realistic fiction or not,


So you may go ahead and do that.

Hi my name is Laura Stokes. I teach fourth

grade at Evans International Elementary School. This is my tenth year teaching.

I love having my kiddos come in at the beginning of the year, seeing the growth

that they make throughout the year and what they are leaving my class with.

I learn from them every single day and it's the most rewarding job.

All right,

so what are some things that you guys see in that first paragraph?

For more infomation >> Laura Stokes, Teacher - Evans International Elementary School - Duration: 1:13.


The Walking Dead || Family [HBD Video] - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead || Family [HBD Video] - Duration: 2:44.


Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Butt Augmentation, Breast Augmentation-Hourglass Procedures-Dr.Cortes - Duration: 6:12.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Superhourglass.

Today we are going to discuss: Why the hourglass procedures combine multiple surgical methods.

In this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know

for you to get the hourglass shape you've always wanted.

Welcome back!

The hourglass body has been the ideal of feminine beauty for centuries now.

It is not the skinny models from the catwalks that make our imagination go wild,

but the curvaceous shape of a woman who has beautiful breasts, buttocks, and a small middle area.

Studies show that men perceive women with the hourglass shape as more fertile

and are unconsciously attracted to them.

So it is no wonder we are all so fascinated with getting this dream body shape.

Most people are not born with the hourglass shape.

Even the women who had it in their youth tend to lose it with aging as adipose deposits tend

to accumulate in the middle area of the body.

The hourglass procedures that I have developed and perform provide more impressive results

compared to the traditional interventions performed to correct one area of the body.

However, we can't achieve a beautiful overall shape of the body with just one surgical method.

For most of the hourglass procedures I perform, I associate liposuction and fat transfer

to enhance the results and reshape the body.

If it is a tummy tuck, then aside from the traditional tummy tuck method, I also do liposuction

on the abdomen and even in other areas with excess fat to harvest the adipose cells

that will be transferred to the body.

In doing this, I reshape and re-contour more than one area in just one intervention.

The liposuction is a procedure often performed in association with different interventions

because it can help sculpt the body.

Fat transfer is frequently needed by most patients.

Even if it looks like they have wide hips, this doesn't mean that the volume is positioned in the right place.

By performing fat transfer to the hips, I have the possibility to control where the fat goes

and shape the area accordingly.

Getting breast implants doesn't automatically mean that your body will look more curvaceous,

and it is the same for buttock implants.

The proportions are very important when it comes to the body shape and also the shoulder-waist-hips ratio.

To create this beautiful shape, we need more than one surgical procedure.

In this video we discuss: Why the hourglass procedures combine multiple surgical methods.

In the next video we will discuss: Will a tummy tuck make my middle areas smaller?

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Super hourglass channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Butt Augmentation, Breast Augmentation-Hourglass Procedures-Dr.Cortes - Duration: 6:12.


2018 Volkswagen Tiguan SUV Review and Test Drive - Duration: 9:03.

The 2018 Volkswagen Tiguan is the best compact crossover for you if you're willing to go

along as this German automaker's menu changes from tasty little bratwursts to big juicy hot dogs.

This all-new, second-generation Tiguan is a prime example of VW rethinking its bill

of fare to finally offer crossovers that satisfy American appetites.

Has it gone too far?

I'm Chuck Giamettta, join me for a CarPreview video review of the

2018 Volkswagen Tiguan.

[start-up sequence sound fx]

[music intro]

The sausage metaphor is appropriate, because this Tiguan is essentially a sliced-shorter

version of VW's big new Atlas crossover, the largest vehicle its ever offered in the U.S.

Both are based on the automaker's modular MQB structure, which is versatile enough to

also underpin the lithe and lively Golf compact cars.

The new Tiguan is almost a foot longer than the first-generation model it replaces and

has 58 percent more cargo volume.

It's also roomier than VW's now-discontinued Touareg midsize crossover.

Incidentally, the nearly decade-old first-generation Tiguan remains on sale as the value-priced

Tiguan Limited.

Just as the Atlas stretches the definition of a midsize crossover, the new Tiguan seems

to be busting out of the compact class bun.

It's the longest entry in the segment and is available for the first time with three

rows of seats, making it one of only three seven-passenger vehicles in the class of some

16 competitors.

The other two are the Nissan Rogue and Mitsubishi Outlander, but none provides more than kid-sized

space in its third row.

Rather, VW touts that extra capacity as a condiment Tiguan can muster against better-selling

rivals, such as the Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV4, Ford Escape, and Jeep Cherokee.

Just don't expect Tiguan to duplicate the driving experience the MQB platform delivers

in the wonderfully entertaining Golf.

Oh, it's got some laudable dynamic qualities, but VW's aim here is a crossover with the

room, features and relaxed road manners to attract young families and - with this handsome

if rather understated body - tempt style-conscious urbanites.

There are four trim levels, all with a turbocharged four-cylinder engine and each available with

front-wheel drive or Volkswagen's 4Motion all-wheel drive.

Tiguan's top three models come nicely equipped, with an 8-inch infotainment screen, satellite

radio, keyless entry with pushbutton start, dual-zone automatic climate control, heated

front seats, and a steering wheel and shifter wrapped in leather.

Imbedded navigation kicks in at the SEL level, along with a power liftgate and remote engine start.

The SEL also has eighteen-inch alloy wheels instead of seventeens, and a panoramic moonroof,

which is a twelve-hundred-dollar option for the SE model.

The top-line SEL Premium gets 19-inch alloys, steering-linked LED headlights, power folding

mirrors, and a hands-free power liftgate.

It heats the steering wheel, adds memory to the power driver's seat, and replaces VW's

V-Tex leatherette upholstery with real leather.

This is the entry-level S model, and while it comes with heated mirrors, a rearview camera,

Apple CarPlay, and Android Auto, it makes due with an old-fashioned key, a six-and-a-half-inch

screen, manual climate controls, and cloth upholstery.

There is some subtle design flair even here, but Tiguan maintains a certain Teutonic discipline

in ergonomics and styling.

It's an amply proportioned Yank when it comes to roominess, though.

The airy cabin features generously sized front buckets.

And the rear seat is unchallenged in the class for legroom and headroom.

As for that third row: a low, hard cushion, thin, upright backrest, and tight clearances

put it off limits to adults.

The split-folding bench is standard on front-wheel drive Tiguans and a five-hundred-dollar option

on 4Matic versions.

There's actually some usable cargo space behind that third row though, thanks to the

longest body in the segment.

Overall volume is above average, too, although VW needs to work on the effectiveness

of these flimsy seatback releases.

Small-items storage space is more than sufficient.

Merely sufficient describes Tiguan's power off the line.

A small engine that depends on turbo boost isn't the receipt for quick acceleration

away from a stop.

To be fair, this is a shortcoming shared by any number of compact and even midsize crossovers

that team turbo fours with automatic transmissions geared for maximum fuel economy.

The good news here is that after a lazy car length or two, the boost comes on and there's

plenty of muscle for around-town driving and merging and passing at freeway speeds.

Tiguan has a powertrain-stimulating Sport mode, more torque than most in this class,

and a conventional automatic that promotes better throttle response than the continuously

variable transmissions in many competitors.

But this is also among the porkiest vehicles in the competitive set, and that helps keep

mileage ratings in the lower tier of the segment.

Thankfully, there's no escaping the excellence of that MQB platform.

It's a rock-solid foundation that lets VW dial in the feel it thinks appropriate for

the new Tiguan.

What it deems suitable is a soft ride and relaxed handling.

We're onboard with the suspension's impressive ability to absorb bumps without disturbing

the cabin.

But a little more of the agility you get with a Golf -- or even with the first-generation

Tiguan -- would be appreciated.

As it is, the new Tiguan feels every bit the sliced-down Atlas.

It's stress-free and entirely predictable, just not exciting.

It can be more stirring than you'd think off pavement, though, thanks to 4Motion's

multi-terrain settings and a liberal seven-point-nine-inches of ground clearance.

In this class, that's a level of versatility only Jeep and Subaru offer.

The previous Tiguan was premium priced.

This one falls well within the range of the class, which means VW's now giving us plenty

of metal for the money.

It also seems to be addressing something else we Americans crave: dependability.

Along with the Atlas, the new Tiguan comes with a six-year, seventy-two-thousand-mile

bumper-to-bumper warranty.

That's the best transferable coverage in the SUV field and double the bumper-to-bumper

warranty you get on other VWs.

Enhancing Tiguan's value proposition, top safety features are standard beginning with

the SE model and a reasonable eight-hundred-fifty-dollar option for the S.

These include autonomous emergency braking and blind-spot and rear cross-traffic alert.

The SEL adds adaptive cruise control, and the SEL Premium comes with all that, plus

lane-maintaining automatic steering and a surround-view camera.

It also replaces the conventional analog gauges with Volkswagen's jazzy Digital Cockpit.

It's most impressive trick is to display your navigation map front and center.

We've grown fond of this beefed-up Tiguan for the very things it brings to the table

- roominess and a refreshing sense of honest design.

There are faster, better-handling rivals.

More flamboyantly styled ones, too.

But the new Tiguan feels like comfort food.

For more on this and other cars, trucks and SUVs, go to, and please subscribe

to our CarPreview YouTube channel.

For more infomation >> 2018 Volkswagen Tiguan SUV Review and Test Drive - Duration: 9:03.


【SFM Overwatch Animation】DVa Dentist Visit - Duration: 1:01.

Last Friday I had my wisdom tooth removed

That's the reason I didn't post a video last friday

That is also the inspiration for this video

Some of you may share my fear of the "drill sounds" :D

others may not

In any case, I hope you like this short video!

For more infomation >> 【SFM Overwatch Animation】DVa Dentist Visit - Duration: 1:01.


Convert video to images with VLC - Duration: 3:58.

VLC is probably the best media player out there.

It even can extract frames from a video and save them as images which you can then use,

for example, to make a GIF animation.

Hello, everyone, It's Average Linux User helping you to install,

configure and use Linux.

In my previous videos, I showed how to make a GIF animation from images.

You can watch this video if you prefer the command line and you use Linux, or this video

if you are more confortable with the graphical interface or run Windows or OS X

You can find the links to these videos in the description.

Now, let use VLC to extract images from a video.

And later you can use these images to make a GIF animation.

This is the video file I am going to use as an example.

It is the well familiar to you my channel intro.

Open VLC.

Then got to the Preferences

Select All settings

Scroll to the video Filters

and edit the Scene Filter.

You can pick the image format you like.

I think png is the best one for this case.

There are also options for enforcing image height and width.

I recommend you to keep it default -1.

With these options, the image size and dimensions will be the same as in the video.

You can change the image names prefix.

I prefer, vlc_extracted

Next, you specify the directory where to extract the images.

In my case, it will be Pictures/VLC_frames.

The next option, we want it to keep unselected

because we want a separate image for every frame.

The last option is probably the most useful.

It defines the frames rate extraction.

For example, if you make it 1, every frame will be extracted.

If you use 24, and your video is 24 frames per second, one frame per second will be extracted.

You can test this option to find the best value.

I will set it to 10.

My video is 25 frames per second and it is 6 sec long.

This setting will extract 15 images from this video.

When you finished with these settings, scroll up,

click on Filters and enable Scene video filter.

Now, you are ready to extract frames from a video.

Open any video you want to extract frames from and play it.

The frames will be extracted and saved as an image as the video plays.

If you stop it, frame extraction will also stop.

You can notice it here on the right.

If I continue playing this video, frame extraction will resume.

When you have extracted all the frames you were interested in, go back to the Preferences


and disable Scene video filter.

Because if you forget to do this, VLC will keep extracting frames from every single video you play.

And you probably may not notice it until you machine has no free space anymore.

So, make sure you disable this filter because I tested this feature a week ago

and I forgot to disable it.

So, VLC extracted hundreds of images of all videos I watched during the last week.

I discovered it only today when I started recording this video.

Don't do my mistake.

I hope you will appreciate this feature of VLC,

it is one of the most powerful free media player.

If you want to learn how to make GIF animations, watch my previous two videos.

Subscribe if you find my content useful and

thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Convert video to images with VLC - Duration: 3:58.


Warning Shock Disaster! You have to run away from it before it's too late - Duration: 49:25.

For more infomation >> Warning Shock Disaster! You have to run away from it before it's too late - Duration: 49:25.


my old photos - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> my old photos - Duration: 10:42.


Robocraft new record dmg - Duration: 16:26.

For more infomation >> Robocraft new record dmg - Duration: 16:26.


WARNING SHOCK!!! Everyone is Very Scared When Talking about This 2017 2018 EVENTS - Duration: 1:44:36.

For more infomation >> WARNING SHOCK!!! Everyone is Very Scared When Talking about This 2017 2018 EVENTS - Duration: 1:44:36.


TryOnesLuck - Minecraft Survival with TryOnesLuck and loupy_d - MultiView Live Stream #20 - Duration: 2:59:10.

For more infomation >> TryOnesLuck - Minecraft Survival with TryOnesLuck and loupy_d - MultiView Live Stream #20 - Duration: 2:59:10.


Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 5:00.

Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay]

For more infomation >> Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 5:00.



For more infomation >> THIAGO MAKIE FT. ANDRÉ E FELIPE (NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD - MEU DEUS ) - Duration: 4:26.


Popeye The Sailor Man

For more infomation >> Popeye The Sailor Man


Café mais fresco do mundo | Moccato | Stories #20 - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> Café mais fresco do mundo | Moccato | Stories #20 - Duration: 3:50.


20 diabetic foods avoid at all costs! - Duration: 8:06.

Meet 20 foods for diabetics avoid at all costs!

To be diagnosed with diabetes, the first recommendation of doctors is that the person

change your eating habits, especially, with regard to sugar intake.

From there begins a race to get information on what the best foods

for diabetics and should be avoided.

The problem is when certain foods seem harmless, are not exactly

foods for diabetics, but traps these people should avoid to improve

their quality of life.

Because of that, this video comes to food 20 for diabetics avoid, even if they appear

be harmless at first sight.

See which foods for diabetics avoid:


Dry fruits For healthier than dried fruit can

opinion, the fruit dehydration process increases its natural sugar content which

causes the dried fruits are highly dangerous for people with diabetes type



Melon Melon is a food for diabetics

avoid because fools.

Being well net, gives the impression which does not contain a lot of sugar, however,

melon contains much fructose, or sugar Natural fruit.


White rice, bread and flour These foods are more famous, once

that flour is one of the first ingredients to be cut from the diet because they are carbohydrates

that turn into sugar to be metabolized by the body.

Ideally, replace them with oats or quinoa.


Cappuccino Besides having milk cappuccino also

It takes chocolate, ie, sugar content and milk fat is very high in coffee

cappuccino, even as use of sweeteners.


bakery products Although many bakeries to signal to

people with diabetes problems some alternative "natural" as savory

oven or sandwiches "natural" the Most of the products of this sector still makes

bad for people with diabetes.


milkfat The milk increases the LDL level

in the body, that is, it increases the amount bad cholesterol.

Besides increasing the risk of heart disease, milk fat causes increased resistance



Alcohol Depending on the level of diabetes, the doctor

It should be consulted on the amount of alcohol that the person suffering from this problem

can consume, since alcohol changes sugar levels in the blood.


juices At first glance, replacing juices are

natural for industrialized beverages in menu of food for diabetics, however,

some fruit contains a lot of fructose, ie too much sugar.

For more natural fructose is, it make sugar the same way blood

the industrialized sugar, so Not all fruits are recommended for

people with diabetes.

It is important to check with the doctor which fruits and what types of juice can be



smoothie A fever for people trying to lose weight

smoothie (or vitamin) can fool people with diabetes, because it seems healthy at first


However, it is important to pay close attention the ingredients used for the preparation

smoothie, since it contains honey and fructose sugar the same way.


Aromatic water As smoothies, the flavored water

It is perceived as a healthy drink people who are trying to lose weight.

Because of this misperception, many diabetics They forget that the fruits of these recipes have

fructose and will be converted into sugar in the blood.

Therefore, depending on the used ingredient for flavoring water, fructose can be

a problem for people with diabetes.


Honey Widely used to replace sugar

healthily in various juice recipes detox, smoothies and natural recipes, honey

It contains too much sugar and should be avoided by people with diabetes.

It is undoubtedly one of the foods that trick, because despite being natural and healthy, not

consistent with the goal of the person who needs treat diabetes.


candies Sweets are strictly prohibited for

people with diabetes.

However, some sweets with diet brand and light can "fool" who has this

disease, so it is important to consult the doctor before consuming any candy.


Cereal Processed cereals are loaded

sugar and substances that can be toxic in the body, therefore, opt for organic cereals,

without any kind of flavor.


cereal bar This is a food for diabetics

avoid because it is one of the most deceiving.

The idea of ​​the cereal bar is to offer energy for people who do activities

physical, so it has sugar and carbohydrates concentrated.

However, treatment of diabetes aims otherwise, you must reduce the levels

blood sugar.

For more "fitness" that the cereal bar may seem, that food can not do

the regime of diabetics.


refined grains Whole grains are excellent sources of

fibers and therefore widely used to improve the functioning of the digestive system and

weight loss diets.

Refined grains are milled whole grains and processed and should be avoided by those

with diabetes.

Ideally, always talk to your doctor to find out which grains consume.


Processed meat / Fitted The villain of processed meat / embedded

is sodium, because sodium fold risk of heart attacks and strokes specifically

for people with diabetes.


fat meat The fat meat is another option immediately

cut for people with diabetes, once that saturated fats from meat ignite

the body and increase bad cholesterol.


frozen pizza It is certainly one of the most obvious food

to be taken out of one's menu with diabetes, but it is good to remember that even

vegetarian and vegetables contains options chemicals, sugar and fat



Fried food No doubt fried foods can not do

part of the person menu with diabetes in any way to be super caloric

and saturated fat filled.


Chinese food Although elements considered healthy,

as the use of broccoli, cabbage and vegetables in general, the Chinese food contains too much sodium

due to the use of soy sauce as well as being too greasy for people with diabetes,

so it should be avoided.

For more infomation >> 20 diabetic foods avoid at all costs! - Duration: 8:06.


Quanto dinheiro preciso? Quantos lotes opero? Qual meu Objetivo e Stop? - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> Quanto dinheiro preciso? Quantos lotes opero? Qual meu Objetivo e Stop? - Duration: 8:38.



For more infomation >> THIAGO MAKIE FT. ANDRÉ E FELIPE (NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD - MEU DEUS ) - Duration: 4:26.


QUINA 4488 Results - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> QUINA 4488 Results - Duration: 1:44.


Autárquicas 2017: Comício em Braga | ESQUERDA.NET - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Autárquicas 2017: Comício em Braga | ESQUERDA.NET - Duration: 1:59.


Why Is Your Grandma So Short? - Duration: 2:47.

Your grandma is probably pretty short.

In fact, grandmas all over the world are pretty short.

As they've aged, their cartilage has shrunk, their bones have worn down, and their muscles

have deteriorated; as a result, your grandma has been losing about half an inch of height

each decade since she turned 40.

But even before she started shrinking, your grandma was probably never as tall as she

might have been.

And that's because many grandmas were malnourished as babies, which inhibited their ability to

reach full height later on.

There were lots of reasons for this – historically, many people were chronically short on food,

or lived through famines.

Babies also used to get a lot sicker a lot more often, with illnesses that compromise

the body's ability to absorb nutrients.

Plus, we simply didn't know a whole lot about infant nutrition.

As a result, malnutrition robbed your grandma of somewhere between 2 and 3.5 inches of her

potential height.

OK, maybe not your grandma, but grandmas on average around the world.

The good news is that, thanks to increasing wealth, better vaccines, improved sanitation,

and more nutritional know-how, people of all genders and nationalities have gotten taller

over the past hundred years.

And in some countries, the gains have been huge – men and women in South Korea, for

example, are 6 and 8 inches taller, respectively, than they were a century ago.

That's about the height difference between Ever, our illustrator, and me!

And it's not just about height – well-nourished kids with normal growth have fewer health

problems and an easier time learning, AND go on to make more money than people whose

growth is stunted from malnutrition.

What's more, the populations of most developing countries are still gaining height today;

in fact, there are only a few places where the population has stopped getting taller

in the last few decades: very wealthy countries like the US and Denmark, where almost all

people have enough food to reach their maximum potential height, and very poor countries

like Niger, India, and Papua New Guinea, where people still face major challenges with food

insecurity, disease, and sanitation.

In those places, we're still coming up short.

There is still a lot of progress to be made, which is why the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

partnered with us to make this video.

This year Bill and Melinda Gates created the Goalkeepers report to track the progress of

the U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals and inspire a new generation of goalkeepers

to hold their leaders accountable and drive action to accelerate progress.

One of those goals is to end stunted growth due to malnutrition by 2030 through a range

of programs designed to address health and nutrition broadly.

But progress is not inevitable and there is still more to be done.

Check out the report by clicking the link in the description box below and learn how

you can become a goalkeeper.

For more infomation >> Why Is Your Grandma So Short? - Duration: 2:47.


Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay] - Duration: 5:00.

Did the ghost appear in the hotel ?! A scary drama - [RabbitPlay]

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