Friday, September 22, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 23 2017

Hi bass players, i hope you guys are alright and welcome to this video where we are going to see a new fingering exercise

This time we are going to see an arpeggio exercise which is based on the Dorian mode

this exercise is similar to the one we saw in the previous video that was based on the Ionian mode, and we are going to play it in this way

we are going to start in G Dorian mode on the third fret on the E string which is the note G, we play it with our second finger

then we more to the first fret on the A string which is the minor third, and the note is B flat

then we stretch our hand and we our pinky finger we play the fifth fret on the A string, which is D and it is also is the fifth

then we play the minor seventh on the third fret on the G string which is the note F, we play it we our second finger

from there we move to the G string on the second fret which is the note A which also is the Ninth, we play it with our first finger

and with our four finger or pinky finger we play the fifth fret of the G strings which is the note C and also is the Eleventh

where we get here we start our way back

we play A, F, D, B flat,

and as in the previous exercise (the ionian exercise) we are not gonna play the tonic after the minor third when we move back

what we are going to do is to play the major second on the fifth fret on the E string which is the note A, we play with our third or fourth finger

and the we play the tonic which is G, where we start with our first finger

when we get here we are going to start once again the same arpeggio with our second finger but starting on G sharp

so we play the same arpeggio and we finish we are going to be with our second finger on the A note on the fifth fret of the E string

so we repeat the arpeggio starting on A and so on

So first we play the arpeggio on the G dorian mode

when we get here , as you can see we finish the arpeggio with our first finger on the tonic that is G

and with our second finger we start the same arpeggio starting on G sharp

and so on, and by doing this in succession we will have this exercise

Well friends this has been all for the moment, i thank you a lot for watching the video and i hope it has been useful to you

if it was please hit the like button, share it and subscribe to my channel

in the next video i will share with you guys a new fingering exercise

Once again thanks a lot for watching and see you next time.

For more infomation >> Dorian arpeggio exercise - Duration: 3:10.


Introducción a la Compañía Atomy por Presidente Park Han-Gill - Duration: 37:16.

For more infomation >> Introducción a la Compañía Atomy por Presidente Park Han-Gill - Duration: 37:16.


Testimonio Atomy por Martha Morales - Duration: 10:41.

For more infomation >> Testimonio Atomy por Martha Morales - Duration: 10:41.


Chenoa dinamita la imagen de Bisbal con una foto que lo dice todo | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Chenoa dinamita la imagen de Bisbal con una foto que lo dice todo | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 3:00.


Comment trouver des idées de vidéos YouTube ? 3 méthodes - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Comment trouver des idées de vidéos YouTube ? 3 méthodes - Duration: 5:56.


Paula Casti ('MYHYV') se casó con una mujer en México - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Paula Casti ('MYHYV') se casó con una mujer en México - Duration: 3:18.


Tom Pace - Day 82

For more infomation >> Tom Pace - Day 82


Eyeshadow Dos & Don'ts - Duration: 3:07.

Don't apply eyeshadow directly to your lids.

There may be some oils on your skin that can mix into your eyeshadow,

and start creasing badly.

Like really badly!

Do always prime your lids.

Because primer is essential to keep your eyeshadow in place,

and for it to stay on for a couple of hours.

If you don't own an eyeshadow primer just use a concealer.

It's just as good and will conceal away dark areas all at once.

Don't use a very structured or thin brush.

Using the wrong brush can have your eyeshadow looking like a hot mess.

Also, it's key to never press your brush or hold it too close to the bristles.

Do however choose a fluffy brush with easy bristles.

This allow the mix of colours to blend perfectly together.

Hold the brush towards the back, and with a circling motion blend it out.

Don't apply a dark colour directly to your eyelid.

Using a dark shade will make it tough for you to blend the colour and it's just going to look way too harsh.

Do start off with a transition shade first.

This is essentially used on your crease.

Use a light shade and with a gently stokes go back and forth until you see a dual colour.

You can then add another colour to the centre of the lid and start blending it into the crease.

Don't apply your mascara, eyeliner, or your compact powder before your eyeshadow.

There's bound to be fall-out of pigment when you apply your eyeshadow

and it's super hard to clean these things.

Especially the powder over your cream or liquid foundation.

Do apply the rest of these add ons after you apply the eyeshadow.

See? Eyeshadow application doesn't have to be hard.

With the right tools and steps, you are an assured pro!

I hope you like these dos and dont's videos.

If you have any other suggested topics,

let me know in the comments below.

As always, comment, share and like this video!

I'm Natasha, signing off. Bye!

For more infomation >> Eyeshadow Dos & Don'ts - Duration: 3:07.


Top 10 South Indian Superstars Beautiful Wives - Duration: 2:28.

South Indian Superstars Beautiful Wives

For more infomation >> Top 10 South Indian Superstars Beautiful Wives - Duration: 2:28.


UA Commit TR - Men's Training Shoes - Duration: 1:17.

Thanks for the likes and comments!

Hi there, welcome to my channel!

Follow me on all social media links to keep up with my adventures.

I really appreciate all of your comments. I'd love for this channel to grow. Subscribe.!..It's free.

For more infomation >> UA Commit TR - Men's Training Shoes - Duration: 1:17.


Channel 24 News 23 September 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today Update News Bangla Tv News Today - Duration: 13:52.

eibar bangla news

For more infomation >> Channel 24 News 23 September 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today Update News Bangla Tv News Today - Duration: 13:52.


ஆண்கள் வீட்டில் இல்லாதபோது பெண்கள் என்னவெல்லாம் செய்றாங்கனு பாருங்கள் |Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> ஆண்கள் வீட்டில் இல்லாதபோது பெண்கள் என்னவெல்லாம் செய்றாங்கனு பாருங்கள் |Tamil Cinema News | Kollywood - Duration: 1:30.


Spotify® RapCaviar

For more infomation >> Spotify® RapCaviar


VH1 - I Love the '70s (1970) - Duration: 43:22.

For more infomation >> VH1 - I Love the '70s (1970) - Duration: 43:22.


New Intro?? (Should I Keep?) ~ Ninja - Duration: 0:11.

*Fade In* to your veins

Heartbreak hotel room, 505

I was blinded by love, and the way she lied

*Fade Out* Not me, no way, but

For more infomation >> New Intro?? (Should I Keep?) ~ Ninja - Duration: 0:11.


I'm bad at this game! (and finding the right editor) | Roblox | Phantom Forces | Meme case opening! - Duration: 17:58.

For more infomation >> I'm bad at this game! (and finding the right editor) | Roblox | Phantom Forces | Meme case opening! - Duration: 17:58.


Cal Fresh & Socialism Are Not for Christians-Around the World News *** 9-22-17 - Duration: 19:54.

Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ. Welcome to another edition of Around the

World News. Now tonight I want to go over several things. I just received a piece

of paper here from an unnamed source Apparently food stamps has been

renamed. It's now called cal-fresh. Cal fresh here's a little brochure or flyer

let me just read what it says here great news based on your medical eligibility

your household may qualify for cal fresh Cal fresh is a program that helps people

pay for food sounds like another form of socialism to me Cal fresh formerly food

stamps enables you to buy the food your household needs you can use your

CalFresh benefits instead of money at your neighborhood grocery store and then

it says October maximum monthly allotment from October 1st 2016 to

September 30th 2017 your household size is one person you're allowed a maximum

CalFresh allotment of 194 dollars pretty generous isn't it I mean I could live on

a lot less than hundred ninety-four dollars if you're two people three

hundred fifty seven dollars hmm three people five hundred and eleven dollars

four people six hundred forty nine dollars five people seven hundred and

seventy-one dollars the actual amount of CalFresh benefits depends on the

household size and income I can imagine a lot of people you know gathering into

one home being under one roof and qualifying for this CalFresh receiving

CalFresh will not make you a public charge or impact your legal permanent

residency you may receive CalFresh benefits even if you work even one

person is not elephant even if one person is not eligible other people in

your household may qualify for CalFresh you know

all I got to say about this is that it's not something I'm interested in and if

you're a Christian I hope it's not something you're interested in either

you know I think I was on food stamps one time when I first came to Hollywood

I was taking care of my mother and I wasn't making a lot of money because I

was pursuing acting and I was doing a lot of background working things like

that you know times were tough I wasn't getting a lot of work but I think I

applied for food stamps and I was on them temporarily my mother and I and

then we got off of him I remember when I was younger because I never really had a

father or mother to take care of me my great grandmother raised me when she was

59 but when I was a teenager going to high school and my social worker was

trying to interfere on how my great-grandmother should be rearing me

you know that's bureaucracy for you whenever whenever you receive a handout

from somebody they have the right to dictate certain terms of your living

arrangements and so this particular social worker

thought that he was gonna give my great-grandmother the advice to give to

me well fact is I told my grandmother my brother at that time I said you know

what I'm getting off this aid to families with dependent children you

know I don't want to be on that and the problem today is that so many youngsters

they grow up in situations like myself not having a father or mother to really

take care of them and they get dependent on the government and they never get off

of that public assistance you know they somehow get locked into

this form of slavery and they think it's legitimate and it's okay but what

happens is as they grow up if they have children and their children grow up the

same way oftentimes and so that was something that just been set well

I've always been had an entrepreneurial spirit I've had a lot of jobs in my life

on my dream and my goal was always to have my own business and by God's grace

I did eventually two businesses that were pretty successful one was a chimney

cleaning business which only did a few years I didn't really like it that much

but I made pretty good money and the second one was a jump calling or jump

removal business and I still do that part-time including demolition tree

cutting blacking down grass and dry grass for weed abatement purposes and I

found it very interesting because and exciting because it allowed me the

opportunity to have diversity in my work there was never boring moment it was

always new I got to work gave me a good physical workout and I wasn't working

out at the gym and even when I was younger though I was working out at the

gym working out with weights boxing and still working in my business I even

boxed a little bit and trained when I was going to college back in 1987 but

getting back to what I'm saying is it government assistance and Welfare and

all that it's just a form of slavery I don't care whether you're white or black

or Hispanic or Asian you want to get off government assistance okay as soon as

you can you know when I see people come to the United States that are minorities

and they make it big because of the free enterprise system and then I see a lot

of people that are American citizens and they're on government welfare but and

they speak English but these minorities come over to America and they can't even

speak English Charlotte and yet they start businesses and they succeed and

that speaks volumes to those who have the ambition the tenacity the

determination to succeed and not you know depend upon the government now

let's talk a little bit about this latest issue this is actually a couple

days old but I want to read some of this from our even masters the Reaper

Trump is increasingly leaning toward a military option in North Korea a

lose/lose disaster the United States now faces the risk of a devastating EMP or a

suitcase / backpack nuclear bomb not to mention giving Russia China and Iran

reason to read the military handwriting on the wall surrounding as these nations

are by the US military empire the last Trump

pun intended the US Empire has an aesthetic China and Russia of course are

working to replace the petro dollar the US dollar in the world as there was a

world's reserve currency a viable threat to the elite goldman sachs / Zionist

controlled western central banking cartel as our crypto currencies Russia

and China want any currency with integrity gold back with oil price

priced in gold back Chinese one we live in most dangerous times do you know what

the Scriptures teach in the last days there shall come perilous or dangerous


militarily financially and in terms of natural Earth changes - while the world

is complacent Hillary Clinton continues to come across as a reality insulated

silver spoon fed spoiled rich kid who had everything given to her whose toes

never set foot in the real world of self-made on your own determinism

Hillary is a privileged brat possessed of a victim mentality vicious immoral

ruthless god only knows how many people have been murdered at the behest of the

Clintons 50-plus you can look that up on the Internet do your research people

that were close to the Clintons ended up dead who crossed them or betrayed some

formal or informal agreement maybe they were told to be silent about something

and they spoke the truth about it so you know

that often happens when you're part of a mob the Mafia you know the deep state

certain Washington elite global elites

with an unearned wealth and privilege Marxist / leftist mentality delusional

dysfunctional like the Kennedy and bush family trusts babies are often a

psychological mess with no basis for genuine self-worth having everything

given to them never having achieved much of anything worthwhile on their own

merit the explosion of tattoos body piercing

and Orange / Green / purple hair is indicative of a collectivist culture

void of individual identity and self-worth screaming for it

acting out superficially in a futile attempt to fill a dark inner spiritual

void Toys R Us is gone best toys are all right looking over some of the other

headlines Hurricane Maria heads heads hits the Caribbean category 5-3 storms

are raging in the Atlantic like I said this is a few days old I don't know

where Maria is right now whether it's County in Puerto Rico or not or the

Virgin Island powerful 7.1 earthquake shatters Mexico City 42 dead account has

been raised to like 280 I think as of today 20 buildings collapsed anything


the ugly truth about Daka we have been again totally lied to about Dhaka by the

MS m14 things the MSM won't tell you about Dhaka dreamers go nuts on Pelosi

Trump dumps his base on immigration ben shapiro why the jews vote leftist tribal

matriarchal / top down pyramid central planning collectivist i like ben shapiro

ben shapiro is is a jewish young man about 33 i guess and he's often found on

YouTube videos debating various people and personalities like I can't think of

anybody right offhand but he debates a lot of intelligent people and some not

so intelligent bit ben shapiro is pretty sharp guy and I like his reason he's if

he's a conservative as opposed to a liberal he's probably in agreement with

a lot of Christians thinking although he's probably leans towards Zionism from

my understanding but I'm sure he has good reasons for that

ben shapiro the myth of the tiny radical muslim minority that's a youtube video

ben shapiro black lies black lies matter not life lies li es oh let's see what

else do we got here

Trump slams socialism @un encourages communist UN to focus less on

bureaucracy top-down central planning pyramid type collectivism and more on

people as individuals not as corporate human resources not as consumers freedom

is a myth a cruel matrix created illusion we are all prisoners of the

police state so says John Whitehead from the Rutherford Institute an article that

he wrote here's something that Jerry Cornell prolific science fiction writer

wrote looks like he just passed away born August 7th 1933 passed away

September 8 2007 to quote in any bureaucracy the people devoted to the

benefit of the Opera itself for up clan-based collective always get in

control and those dedicated to the goals the bureaucracy is supposed to

accomplish have less and less influence and sometimes are eliminated entirely in

any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people those who work to

further the actual goals of the organization and those who work for the

organization itself examples in education would be teachers who work and

sacrifice to teach children versus union representatives who work to protect any

teacher including the most incompetent the iron law states that in all cases

the second type of person will always gain control of the organization and

will always write the rules under which the organization function unquote here's

something from Pew Research Center political party preferences of Hispanics

general public 39 percent Republicans Republican or lean Republican while 49

percent are democratic or lean Democratic all Hispanics 18 percent

Republican or lean Republican with 66 percent Democrat Democratic or lean

Democratic first generation Hispanic 16% Republican or lean Republican with 63

percent democratic or lean Democratic second generation Hispanic 19% with all

or lean Republican with 71% Democratic or lean Democratic among the general

public 41% want larger government 48% wants smaller government why is that

I don't know I don't understand that whites 37% want larger government 52%

want smaller government Asians 55% want larger government 36% want smaller

government native-born Hispanics 66% want larger government 28% want smaller

government foreign-born Hispanic 81% want larger government 12% want smaller

government think about this folks we have far too many people who think that

big government is a good thing when it's not because that means you become a

slave to the government who's giving you their handouts whether it's food stamps

or how fresh as they renamed it disability or whatever I mean if you

deserve disability deserve disability but oftentimes people don't get on it

and they never get off of it I had a friend of mine who used to do drugs I

won't mention his name he's a good worker an excellent worker when he

wasn't getting high on drugs you see he fell off from the high platform building

I guess and he landed on his back and hurt himself so he got on disability

government disability which ongoing thing and I understand that how else was

he gonna feed himself to take care of himself and he would work with me and he

did a good job and chill that monthly check came in which case I look around I

couldn't find him for several days so I had to find somebody else help me in my

business but this particular guy would go out and spend his disability money

for the most part and then he would come back to me want any work well I think

this this this man is fine these probably five years older than me now I

think this man is finally finally come clean last time I saw him I

don't think he's doing any drugs anymore he's still able to work even though he's

not in the best of shape and I give him a lot of credit for that praise the Lord

I think I think this man has finally come to the Lord Jesus Christ to a

saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ after all these years and I I'm

grateful for that I always visit him when I go back to my

hometown all right anything else last remarks here again this is from Arie

McMasters newsletter Hispanics Latin Americans and Asians have no religious

political or cultural tradition of individualism no tradition of freedom

religiously politically or culturally be in condition to top-down bureaucracy

German Catholic religion religiously Hispanics and a centralized collectives

charity condition political system Asians neither Latin America nor Asia

ever had a decentralized individual elevating and establishing Protestant

Reformation that established the accountable individual as a priest in

parentheses religion as an ambassador / keen government and as a steward

economics that in turn led to an economic pre-market of prosperous

mutually beneficial exchange or a constitution with an individual

protecting freedom and self-government establishing Bill of Rights through only

white Europeans have this religious and cultural tradition thanks to the Bible

being printed there for the common man to read awakening him to the reality

that God has a positive purpose in destiny for his individual life to work

to develop and use his or her talents and prosper on earth work defines the

individuals invading migrants want to live in the Christian European West by

contrast the experience of Hispanics and Asian's is that of government as God and

taught down centralized collectivist state tyranny and people as dependent

subservient serfs /children government is always religion

/ philosophy infused culture applied to economics that's very profound I've said

this before think about that religion which is defined by the late Paul

Tillich German philosopher right banker theologian as the area of ultimate

concern that's what religion is it's the area of ultimate concern that involves

matters concerning life and death you know freedom slavery heaven and hell and

God and Satan okay these are areas of ultimate concern

so that's what religion deals with philosophy the love of wisdom all right

infused culture applied economics Vermont oyster the highly respected

editor of The Wall Street Journal made this important observation decades ago

found that individualistic Protestant cultures are six times more prosperous

than Catholic cultures and that Christian culture is over all Christian

cultures over all listen to this are 22 times more prosperous than cultures with

natural and humanistic

For more infomation >> Cal Fresh & Socialism Are Not for Christians-Around the World News *** 9-22-17 - Duration: 19:54.


Gang stalking targeted individuals - Duration: 3:45.

hey guys it's Stacey so in this video I just want to talk to you a little bit

again about gang stalking so obviously my perps the perps out there they see

that I'm posting these videos and they see that I'm sharing and talking about

this they don't like it they're pissed off they pissed off therefore that's why

they're going more harder at me they're coming really hard so coming really hard

at me and it's really just kind of like it's it's just too much sometimes you

know sometimes it's like you just kind of look at them like like what are you

doing and so I just have to tell you though

you just have to stay strong in God because he's gonna take care of

everything he's gonna do what that he's gonna do it there he must because they

think they're getting away with it they're not getting away with anything

God sees everything God sees everything therefore since God sees everything they

can keep doing what they're doing yeah they're gonna keep eating them alright

but you can still stay true to yourself you still stay true to yourself and you

stay true to who you are and I'm gonna keep spreading the truth and I'm gonna

keep talking about God here as well and I'm also just gonna keep talking about

this if I feel like I need to talk about this then I'm gonna talk about this

sometimes what you need to do if you're a target as well you need to talk about

this you need to share you need to talk make videos about it or just make it

known to other people because this things to come out and if enough people

expose them then there's gonna be more of a chance for us to be able to to not

fall into their whole system that they're trying to come about but we need

to stick together and we need to just you know pass around all of this

knowledge of what's going on so that other people can realize what's going on

and you know even if it doesn't happen to them they can be aware that this is

something that's going on and it's going on to cook anybody could be a targeted

individual so I just want you to stay strong in the Lord Jesus Christ because

he sees everything and if you stay close to your

like if you read your Bible ah even with these people trying to do all this to

you and that just reading the word like it's gonna show you what it is that you

should and you shouldn't do so I see them like it's like I see you yeah I see

you and I know you're trying to intimidate mean it's like for who for

what I like no you don't do nothing to me you're doing it all to yourself and I

don't gotta tell you absolutely nothing cuz you're not doing anything for me

you're not you know paying my bills so why am I gonna pay attention to you so

it's like alright keep doing what you're doing and I'm still gonna keep doing

what I'm doing doing videos so you guys stay strong in God if this is happening

to you just want you to know you're not alone and once they see that you're

getting people to actually see these videos and/or your keep progressing and

you know keep getting lifted up in your vibrations that's when they want to

start coming more harder at you and bringing more people towards you and

just making this so much more obvious and it's like you know it doesn't matter

because god knows what you're doing so you're not hiding from anybody um hope

you guys like this video and just if you have any recommendations of any other

types of videos you guys want to see go ahead and comment that down in the

section box below you can comment down your own stories as well like if you go

through this or it's happen to you alright I'll talk to you guys on the

next one

For more infomation >> Gang stalking targeted individuals - Duration: 3:45.


GuoGuan YueXiao Pro In Depth Review + Comparison [Lightake] - Duration: 4:21.

Hey guys, its me CriticalCubing and today we are going to take a look at the Guoguan

Yuexiao Pro, the upgrade to the Yuexiao.

Guoguan Yuexiao pro was quite the hyped cube and the hype surrounding this cube was justified

since this was the upgrade to the popular Yuexiao cube which was recieved well by the


How does the Yuexiao pro, the upgraded version, stack up to it?

The Yuexiao pro is a 56mm cube which weighs around 86 grams and costs around 20$.

It features the Moyu half bright shades which contrast well with each other and look plesant.

Yuexiao pro according to me is very similar to the GTS2 and feels very different from

the original Yuexiao.

The overall feel of the Yuexiao pro is also different than the original Yuexiao and the

new Yuexiao has this feel which is close to the GTS2 feel, that is scratchy, fast and

a bit loud.

The speed of yuexiao pro is definitely fast and its a fast cube and may be uncontrollable

at times.

You may have to overlube to slow it down if you like slower and more controllable cubes.

Yuexiao Pro still retains the amazing corner cutting of the original yuexiao and it can

cut all angles without a lockup and this is a definite plus according to me.

No matter where I put the U layer, the yuexiao pro seamlessly and efforlessly cuts through



The Yuexiao pro also uses a different mechanism than the original yuexiao.

It uses 3 segment section design for edges which gives it a different feel from the original


It also uses Torpedos for anti popping on the edges and rounded corners design which

helps with lockups and catches while sacrificing a bit of corner twisting.

Finally this new center design which helps with stability.

However, with all of these design changes, the yuexiao pro isn't that much stable.

Personally I have had the yuexiao pro corner twist from time to time, probably like once

or twice a 100 solves, and I also had the cube pop on me on the out of the box tensions.

I also have experienced locking problems but locking problem is still more stable than

the GTS2 so that's a plus I guess.

Compared to the GTS2, the Yuexiao pro also feels more flexible and kind of flimsy and

I personally prefer more stable cubes which maintain their cubing shape properly.

If you prefer flexible cubes, then yuexiao pro is right up to alley.

I have setup this cube my style with 50k and 30k traxxas mixture and the only problem that

remains is the corner twisting from time to time and the minor lockups and catches that

you get.

One thing to note is that I'm using the non magnetic version, stability will be better

with magnets but without the magnetes, its kind of not that great.

M slices are good enough but I believe they could be improved and compared to GTS2 M slices,

Yuexiao pro M slices are more lockup and falls short.

What is the verdict then?

I have taken a look at some reviews on Youtube already and they all mention how this cube

is good, great, amazing etc.

They also seem to be using the magnetic version of this cube which explains their opinions.

I have the non magnetic version with me and it has its fair share of problems with stability,

mainly corner twisting and locking and catching for me.

It is also a flexible cube which probably doens't suit my turning style as I lean towards

more stable cubes which maintain their cubic shape properly.

Yuexiao pro has improved on the locking and cathching issue of the GTS2 which makes the

yuexiao pro more stable than the GTS2 in the locking and catching department, but overall

stability is pretty similar to the GTS2 and personally, I can use the GTS2 without magnets

no problem, however if I'm going to main the Yuexiao pro, I'd definitely go for magnets

as without magnets, it is kind of mediocre.

Also, GTS2 and Yuexiao Pro cost similarly which is around 20$, and for 20$, I'm definitely

going to pick up the GTS2 over the Yuaxiao Pro.

Bottom line is, Yuexiao Pro is that great without the added forgiveness that magnets

allow for stability and I'd pick up the GTS2 over the Yuexiao Pro certainly.

Thank you so much to for sending this cube to me for testing, thus allowing

me to make this review video.

Links to both Yuexiao Pro and GTS2 are in description if you wish to buy either cube.

Thank you for watching and I'll see you next time.

Take care guys, and bye.

For more infomation >> GuoGuan YueXiao Pro In Depth Review + Comparison [Lightake] - Duration: 4:21.


Why you should get Lifx!!! - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> Why you should get Lifx!!! - Duration: 8:05.


UA Commit TR - Men's Training Shoes - Duration: 1:17.

Thanks for the likes and comments!

Hi there, welcome to my channel!

Follow me on all social media links to keep up with my adventures.

I really appreciate all of your comments. I'd love for this channel to grow. Subscribe.!..It's free.

For more infomation >> UA Commit TR - Men's Training Shoes - Duration: 1:17.


4 Things We Should Never Demand From Our Partners - Duration: 5:20.

4 Things We Should Never Demand From Our Partners

There are many things we should absolutely demand from our partners.

Respect, honesty, and fidelity are vital to any relationship.

However, many people go beyond this and overstep the boundaries of reasonable entitlement.

When we believe our partner owes us something that they do not, we are shifting the balance

of power in a lopsided way.

We are taking from our partner the sense of autonomy and self-respect to which they are


Don't let your relationship fall into this trap.

The next time you find yourself demanding these things from your partner, check your


Remind yourself that your partner's personal needs, values, and identity are no less important

than your own.

Here are four things a wise person will never demand from their significant other:


You should not demand that your partner change who they are.

You have no right to any person's identity but your own.

People can change, but the desire to do so must come from the inside.

If your husband has no interest in dance or fine art, it is not reasonable to expect him

to enjoy the ballet.

He may choose to accompany you, but this should be seen as a generous and romantic gesture,

not an expectation.

If your girlfriend is not the outdoorsy type, don't try to convert her to an enthusiastic


She may come around in her own time, or she may not.

Accept your partner for the person they are.

Encourage them when they feel inspired to try something new.

Carry a respect for your partner's unique sense of identity.

Regard their person as an entity that is completely their own to create, develop, change, and


Then, watch with admiration as they form it.


Your partner should not feel pressured to let go of treasured relationships.

Most likely, your partner has at least one close friend or family member you simply don't

care for.

You may even consider them to be a bad influence.

It is okay to share your concerns with your partner.

However, you should not expect them to end the relationship based on your opinions.

As an adult, your partner is responsible for building and maintaining their own support


They likely see value in these relationships that you don't understand.

They may be wise to keep these people in their lives, or they may look back later and realize

that doing so was a mistake.

Either way, the decision should be theirs alone.

You are not obligated to pretend you like your partner's friends.

You don't even need to spend time with them.

However, you do need to respect your partner's decision to do so.


You should not ask your partner to abandon their passions.

When we don't share in our partner's most treasured hobby or interest, we can start

to see it as a waste of time.

For your partner however, it is anything but.

Even if your partner's passion project seems silly to you, it is important to recognize

that pursuing it is an important act of self-care, autonomy, and personal independence.

Your partner should have more to their identity than the spaces you occupy.

If you ask them to give up a valued passion project, even a silly one, you are asking

them to let go of a piece of themselves.

You may be surprised at how empty, and possibly resentful, they begin to feel without it.


Your partner is not responsible for your financial comfort.

Are they responsible for that of their children?


You, however, are not a child.

You are an equal partner.

If you are concerned for your family's financial wellbeing, it is important to discuss this

with your partner.

However, you must also be willing to share responsibility when it comes to fixing the


Look at what is possible from your end.

Could you spend less?

Could you bring in extra income?

Could you redefine your budget in a more conservative way?

Could you take a class on personal finance and offer to take charge of savings and expenses

for the family?

Placing the burden of financial stability on one partner is unfair.

Offer to share the money burden, and it will soon start to feel much lighter.

"When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are," wrote

Donald Miller.

So, do you carry unfair expectations in your relationship?

Are they keeping you from knowing your partner with warmth, openness, and mutual respect?

If so, remember, it's never too late to change.

You are growing too, and you are growing together.

I'd like to see your opinions on this and please do share your thoughts and experiences

in the comments below!

Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 4 Things We Should Never Demand From Our Partners - Duration: 5:20.


Track Your TV Shows | TV Time: TV Show Tracker 📺 - Duration: 3:20.

If you're like me and you can't seem to keep track of the absurd amount of TV shows

you've recently decided to binge watch, I've got just the app for you.

So Whats Happening guys My name is Kashif and Lets Begin.

Before starting this video hit the subscribe button and turn on the notification to get

notified for all my future videos.

So, TVShow Time allows you to track current episodes of the shows you're watching,

as well as older shows you've just recently decided to watch!

Each time a new episode is released, you get a handy notification reminding you

to set aside your priorities and be up to date with your favorite dramas!

Of course, the app does require you to keep checking off each episode once you're done

with them, but that's not too big of an issue – unless

you're a slugger and really can't be bothered to put in the extra screen tap.

Furthermore, you can connect your account to your Facebook profile

and look at all the shows your friends are into!

There's also a "leaderboard" that shows you who has spent the most amount of time

away from productivity and watching TV Shows, by comparing the amount of episodes you've

watched to that of your Facebook friends.

Nothing motivates a person more to watch more TV than a leaderboard,

am I right?

Let me know in the Comments

The app takes the runtime of each episode that you've marked as "watched",

adds them all up together to show you how many days/months/years you've spent watching


The result may either make you proud or prompt you to reconsider your life choices.

Additionally, there's a fun little tab called "Feed" that allows you to see what fans

of the same TV show have been posting on the app.

This app is genuinely convenient.

I always lose track of the shows I watch.

For instance, I may or may not have forgotten about a certain TV show about a young detective

fighting crime and villains with animal based names.

But since I did track the show when I watched it at the time,

I can just go back to the show's profile on TVShow Time and see where exactly I've


Therefore, I avoid poteintial spoilers by checking the episode list on Wikipedia.


TVShow Time got a major overhaul and a pack of new features

and I found it to be a great tool to not only track your favorite shows, their airing times

and stations, but also a vibrant and interesting community

of the movie nerds, making memes, having that small talk the way the like without

the introductions or other socializing pre-requisites of a live conversation.

and believe me, you will feel a significant relief when you know you're not alone in

your obsession.

So Guys, Thats it for Now, Hit like, and feel free to share this video

SUBSCRIBE to our channel and I will catch you guys in the next one.

For more infomation >> Track Your TV Shows | TV Time: TV Show Tracker 📺 - Duration: 3:20.


Kolkata Durga Puja LookBook 2017| Indo - western Outfit Ideas For Festive Season | Deblina Rababi - Duration: 3:38.

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Sturridge, 28, was tipped to move on after a frustrating spell of injuries and time on

the bench.

But there was never any chance of the England star leaving, according to Klopp.

Klopp said: "We did talk and it was good.

It was not a talk of him saying 'When can I go?'

Or 'Where can I go?'

Not that talk, but about what we planned for this season.

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fee look a better deal as each game goes by.

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