You are born. You learn to walk, talk, laugh and cry
You go to school. Nursery, primary and high school
You get into a degree. You study, you pass
And you get out of university after nearly 20 years learning
Then you start to work.
Form a stable relationship and, maybe, create a family
Be successful
Earn money working in things you don't like
To buy things that you don't need
Have grandkids, retire yourself,
And try to enjoy what you have left
To live your whole life
And only at the end of it,
You'll be able to know if it was worth it.
Sadly, this is the system in which we have to live.
Many times we feel "pulled" by this inertia
And we don't really throw away our lives, but more like wasting
The only time we have here
And suddenly Becas Europa appears.
An invitation to live life in another way,
specifically, the University.
Something different, to what one says to himself, Why not?
When you start over a year and half from now, nearly two years, actually.
and so it starts something new that never stops amazing you.
But not only to you.
Instead, the magic of this trip comes from the people around you.
It's a path where you meet with other people
and they don't need to be in the final 50 to touch you.
They change you.
That's what this program is all about.
We started in Alcalá de Henares, throwing away any kind of bias
and building some new bases, or "pillars", that would cement and guide our whole trip.
But not only that changes, your daily life changes,
"I've got a mix between like Andaluz and Madrileño"
"Come on Pablo,1, 2, 3! 1, 2, 3! 1, 2, 3!!"
Arguments, discussions, common opinions, different opinions,
disagreements, agreements, and, overall
Little sleep, and loads of coffee.
Once we had gotten rid off all off our previous ideas built during our teen years
about what does the future hold for us...
Bolognia arrived.
It was short, but intense.
With just one lecture, 50 teenagers
started asking themselves about the solutions to the problems will have to face in the future.
With just one lecture,
we fell in love with economics and politics.
With just, one lecture
they opened our eyes.
With just one, and only one lecture
to show us what this Becas Europa thing was all about.
It wasn't easy, but it was new.
It's something that fascinates you, it traps you.
It grabs you, looks at you straight into the eye and says to you
And now, suddenly, you want to be there, have a voice.
Get to know everything and everyone
To know that, when you are finished, besides being way more tired
You'll be somebody different.
To Becas Europa XII
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