Sunday, September 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 24 2017

These are my personal opinions regarding iphone x

For more infomation >> Iphone X in India 2017 | Suggestions | Opinions - Duration: 3:42.


Jennifer Lopez sans nouvelles de ses proches après le passage de l'ouragan Maria - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Jennifer Lopez sans nouvelles de ses proches après le passage de l'ouragan Maria - Duration: 2:54.


Qui va hériter de l'immense fortune de Liliane Bettencourt?- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Qui va hériter de l'immense fortune de Liliane Bettencourt?- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:12.


Leonardo DiCaprio honoré par Albert II pour sa défense de l'environnement- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Leonardo DiCaprio honoré par Albert II pour sa défense de l'environnement- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:46.


Word of Truth - Creation

For more infomation >> Word of Truth - Creation


Top 8 Bollywood Comedy Actors And Their Son! You Don't Know - Duration: 3:21.

Top 8 Bollywood Comedy Actors And Their Son! You Don't Know

For more infomation >> Top 8 Bollywood Comedy Actors And Their Son! You Don't Know - Duration: 3:21.


FULL HIỆP 2 || U16 Australia - U16 Việt Nam || VL U16 Châu Á - Duration: 40:45.

For more infomation >> FULL HIỆP 2 || U16 Australia - U16 Việt Nam || VL U16 Châu Á - Duration: 40:45.


Verbes Pronominaux 2 - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Verbes Pronominaux 2 - Duration: 7:35.


マヨぽんチキンカツ丼♪ Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don♪ - Duration: 7:48.

Ponzu which has been matured for 3 months.

Pour Ponzu over chicken cutlet.

Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don.

This time, I am going to make Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don.

It goes on sale for a limited period from pork cutlet restaurant chain Katsuya.

Mayo means mayonnaise and Pon means Ponzu.

It's very delicious, so please try it yourself.

Make special Ponzu.

Disinfect various cookware in boiling water.

2.8 kg of Sudachi(species of Japanese citrus).

There are various size.

My mother-in-law sent me this Sudachi.

Squeeze the Sudachi earnestly.

Change with my wife because I was so tired.

The last one !

Remove the seeds.

I got 600cc of Sudachi juice.

600 ml of soy sauce.

200 ml of Mirin.

2 kombu.

50g of Katsuobushi (small pieces of sliced dried bonito).

Store it in the refrigerator for 1day.

Put about 20 of remaining skins into a cloth bags.

Keep another skins in the fridge.

Sudachi bath.

I was able to recover a lot after getting in the hot Sudachi bath.

That especially smells good.

After a day.


It will be quite sharp when it's freshly made, but in more than 3 months it will become well-rounded and delicious.

Put in a washed bottle. It should be sterilized in boiling water.

Cap a bottle and leave to mature in the refrigerator for 3 months or more.

After 3 months.

Make special mayonnaise.

Put room temperature egg yolk.

Some white pepper.

1/2 tsp of salt.

1/2 tsp of sugar.

1.5 tbsp of white wine vinegar.

150 ml of oil.

Mix it with hand blender for about 1 minute.

Special mayonnaise is done.

Make fresh panko called "Nama Panko"

Bake bread for panko.

After 5 hours.

It's done.

Cooling down on a wire net.

Prepare vegetables.

Chop 1/2 of onion into 5 mm square.

Sprinkle some salt and leave it for 5 minutes

Chop some spring onion finely.

Soak the onion into cold water.

Like this.

Cut the cabbage into fine strips.

Make fresh panko called "Nama Panko" ※Nama Panko is Panko that has not been dried.

Prepare a large mesh.

Cut the bread thickly and remove the heel.

Ground it by a food processor lightly.

Sift Nama Panko using 5.7mm mesh.

Ground unsized Nama Panko again.

Repeat it.

Ground heel of bread as well.

300 g of Nama Panko is done.

Dress a whole chicken.

Cut through the skin between the thigh and the breast.

Bend legs backward and twist off the joint.

Cut the skin around the waist.

Cut the back skin.

Remove the chicken oyster from bone.

Cut the meat along the pelvis.

Chicken thigh with bone.

Dress another part.

Remove the bone from chicken thigh.

Chicken thigh, chicken tenderloin.

Wing tips, breast meat and wing sticks.

Bonjiri(chicken tail), cartilage, bone.

Remove the extra fat from chicken thigh.

Cut strings and make flat meat.

Sprinkle some salt and pepper over both sides.


Heat some oil at 170℃(338F).

Beat an egg well.

Coat it with weak flour slightly.

Cover it in beaten egg and Nama Panko.

Deep-fry at 180℃(338F).

Leave it in oil without turning over for 1 minute.

Turn it over after 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Deep-fry another side for 2 minutes 30 seconds too.

Take it out and drain oil well.

Let sit for 2~3 minutes to cook through with the residual heat.

To fry finely, remove panko fallen into the oil frequently.

Deep-fry the second one as well.

Dish up.

Put some cabbage on freshly cooked rice.

Nama Panko is ery crispy!

Some onion.

Some spring onion.

Garnish with special mayonnaise.

Pour Ponzu which has been matured for 3 months.

It's ready to eat!


Pour some special Ponzu.

Enjoy with only Ponzu.

Nama panko is very crispy.

Enjoy with special mayonnaise.

It goes well with Ponzu.

I can't stop drinking beer again.

Mature Ponzu is very mild and delicious.

Please Subscibe Soon!

For more infomation >> マヨぽんチキンカツ丼♪ Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don♪ - Duration: 7:48.


Citroën Berlingo 1.6 HDI 700 COMFORT ECONOMY (75pk) C.V Afstand/ Elek. ramen/ Radio-CD/ Trekhaak/ A - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6 HDI 700 COMFORT ECONOMY (75pk) C.V Afstand/ Elek. ramen/ Radio-CD/ Trekhaak/ A - Duration: 1:02.


Spotify® RapCaviar

For more infomation >> Spotify® RapCaviar


Soy Luna 2 - Nina i Gston przytulają się, Nina wspomina pocałunek z Gastonem odcinek74 - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 2 - Nina i Gston przytulają się, Nina wspomina pocałunek z Gastonem odcinek74 - Duration: 1:25.


Why Paying at German Restaurants MADE ME SO NERVOUS - Duration: 6:47.

I've made a few videos now about German things that I'm not really so good at doing.

But so today, let's look at something in Germany that I'm proud to say I think I

have finally truly mastered.

Hey everyone! I'm Dana and you're watching Wanted Adventure Living Abroad.

Paying at restaurants in Germany and the can't really be that different can it?

Yes, it can. And yes it is.

I went into a lot of detail on how paying works in American restaurants in this video

here, so you can check that out for more information on that.

But I would say that the big difference that I really struggled with and bumbled around

with the most was the level of secrecy.

What in the world do I mean by that?

Okay, so everything in the U.S. surrounding payment in restaurants is very hush-hush.

Literally and figuratively.

What you pay for the meal is just between you and the server.

The rest of the table doesn't have to find out, unless you tell them.

And basically, you can actually pay for the meal without having to talk to anyone about

the price.

Let's imagine this scenario for a second: you're out with some friends, and it's

their anniversary.

And so you actually wanted to take them out to dinner, you want to treat them.

You have a really great evening.

You get appetizers and meals and desserts.

And then the bill comes. It's time to pay.

In the U.S. you would be brought the check in a little black booklet for your eyes and

your eyes only.

You'd slip your cash or your credit card inside and then hand it back to the server.

They'd bring it back to you with a payment slip to sign if you paid with card and a receipt

for you.

Then you add in the tip or leave cash, shut the booklet and leave the restaurant with

your guests having no idea how much you just spent on dinner, and the server often doesn't

find out what you actually left as a tip until you're already gone.

Or at least halfway out the door.

Not the case in Germany.

In Germany at the end of the meal the server appears and asks if you're going to be paying

together or separately.

You say together and so then he or she either hands you a slip of paper with the amount

that you owe on it or even sometimes they will announce out loud how much you owe.

If you're paying cash, then you hand the server more than the amount and announce how

much they should make the full bill including their tip.

So for example, if the total came to twenty-five euros you might hand them thirty and

then say: make it twenty-eight.

Then they would give you back two euros.

Or you can hand them the full amount exactly as you'd like to pay; the amount that the

dinner costs plus the tip, and then say "Stimmt so," which basically means "keep the change."

And all of this used to be super stressful for me for a few different reasons.

For one, it meant actually speaking German, which especially when I first moved here was,

in and of itself, a very stressful situation for me.

And it also meant that I would have to say German numbers, which often tripped me up

even more than "normal" words because numbers here in Germany are kind of reverse.

So instead of saying twenty-one, in German it is literally one and twenty.

So my brain was already really struggling with all of that.

But I also just felt super awkward about the whole announcing of the bill and announcing

of the tip thing.

For one, if I was treating people to the meal, I didn't really want them to know how much

the whole thing had cost, how much I had just spent on them.

And then on top of that there was the tipping.

It just made me feel so awkward to announce what I was tipping both in front of the other

people at my table, and here in Germany, because of how it's done, basically you have to look

the server directly in the eyes and tell them how much you thought their service had been worth!

People here in Germany often assumed that I was a high tipper because I'm from America.


It was actually because I just felt so awkward tipping anything less than a lot in that situation.

Especially when I first moved here and I didn't really yet know what was a "normal" tip in Germany.

But anyway, now I have really, totally gotten the hang of this!

Of course, okay, yes -- my German has improved so actually just speaking to the server is

no longer a problem.

Numbers do sometimes still trip me up, but then we all get a good laugh at it, so that's okay.

But the big thing here is that it really does not bother me anymore to announce my tip to

the servers or say in front of my friends how much I'm paying.

I finally figured out: why should I feel awkward about it?

It's just the way it is.

So my question for you is: which style of paying do you like more, the German one or

the U.S. one?

Or is there a different style of payment out there in the world that you prefer more?

And what has been your experience with tipping around the world?

Please let me know in the comments below.

Thanks so much for watching.

I really hope that you enjoyed this video.

And also a really big thank you so much to our patrons on Patreon who help make these

videos possible.

Thank you so much for your support.

If you would like to check out our Patreon page you can find a link to that down in the

description box below.

Until next time, auf Wiedersehen!

So my question for you is: which paying style do you like more, Germany or the U.S.?


Not the case in Germany. At...

In the U.S., you would be delivered the bill in a...

That I really struggled and kind of bumbled around with...

I know, it might seem crazy...

For more infomation >> Why Paying at German Restaurants MADE ME SO NERVOUS - Duration: 6:47.


Future Ad Pro Review or Scam? Now at $16,560 With Futureadpro FutureNet - Duration: 9:39.

hi everybody what's poppin gene wolfe here with my future pro update and yeah

i'm gonna let you guys know how business is going how my team is growing how my future ad pro, future ad pro review,

ad packs are growing with the volume at pax is and how i can help you

whoops one of the cool little tools that I'm using to build my future at pro

business is also a marketing system so I'm gonna share that with you to show

you exactly how I'm doing that if you want to build the business side of

things if you want to grow your team right so just a quick update I am now at

276 $50 a pax which has a value of $60 per ad pack these are advertising

packages so I bought advertising for future ad Pro and by contributing to the

advertising network by clicking ads and watching that ads I get a get an

estimated amount of money back from my purchase right so in essence I actually

get free advertising basically it's not guaranteed I have to put up the

disclaimer - there are no guarantees in earnings or income from this company I'm

simply using the opportunity side of it to build my business utilize the

business for the traffic and grow my team with it as well we all make we're

all adults here and we all make adult decisions right

currently this company has is it 2.5 million members inside of it future our

Pro has probably about seventy thousand of those paid paid members inside a

future at pro future out Pro is a branch a future net future net has 2.5 million

members future net is a giant corporate company that has multiple different

branches like an affiliate portal travel portal

car portal ecommerce portal even has an a kind of a binary matrix style

affiliate program advertising portal so it has all these things future that was

created before future at pro so future that was already making millions and

millions and millions of dollars from all these different branches based on a

social network type business opportunity now as they successfully launched all

these different things they decided to launch future at Pro which is now you

know a game-changing offer that's changing a lot of people's lives I am

heavily invested into this company in regards to purchasing a lot of the

advertising packs and buying the traffic I'm utilizing it for the opportunity

side of things right but I put my money where my mouth is right so just to show

you so 276 to show you what my value is of

my Alex sixteen sixteen hundred sixteen thousand five hundred and sixty dollars

us okay now to give you an example of

what this is producing so you it's producing between fifty cents and a future ad pro, future ad pro review,

dollar estimated right now it's really up and down right because it's not based

on a set rate it's just it's kind of based on total company volume basically

right but let's just base it off to secure clear

this is based off of 50 Cent's is okay 276 is $138 per day is estimated around

what I'm making per day right now with all these ad packs and so with that said

I packs will probably expire around six five six months around then it's

stretched up for a pretty long time but more importantly when I when I when I

accumulate a balanced for my ad packs here I'm building the business side of

this right now right so everything I got I kind of put towards this with with

regards to withdrawing some money out but every time that I have withdrawn

money I've always been paid I've never not

been paid let me go to pay this is what the toilet I just cost ten thousand

dollars of commission soon pretty cool all right so payout you can withdraw in

Bitcoin if you like and you can withdraw to all these other places even bank

transfer you can transfer to your bank when the market is low I withdraw

Bitcoin when the market is high I withdraw usually two paisa and to show

you all my payouts here and this is all the payouts that I've been paid see

Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin all that going pay the pizza pays a visit right

so every time I've withdrawn I've been paid I've never not been paid this

company is amazing let me show you my team now okay

my team is building as you can see

I have a bunch of people who are coming in pretty happy with this company and

because they see the potential right and I am I believe in this company I future ad pro, future ad pro review,

actually really do I believe that it's gonna be around for a really long time I

mean they're gonna be launching their own cryptocurrency coin and that is one

of the most intelligent things you could have done based on the user database of

people who are making money with this company and who will be heavily vested

into the growth of the cryptocurrency coin because of the currency coin is

gonna is not an actual eco based type coin in which well if I'm caught if I'm

right or wrong I don't Qatar lino entirely but it's going to be on the

blockchain I think right it's gonna be be probably more put on coin market cap

here and you're gonna see an actual value of it you're gonna be able to buy

and sell and trade it so yeah I mean this company's is a rocket company my if

you need to get a hold of me you want to talk about it we could talk I just you

know click on a link sign up on my team if you need to get Bitcoin if you don't

have any Bitcoin or if you want to use Bitcoin you can let me show you here so

if you want a low if you want to buy any of you can buy using any of these types

of like processors like net teller perfect money I used solid trust pay in

the past never had an issue with it but I've used all of these I actually bought

with Bitcoin - never had a problem with it yeah so but if you need to buy any

Bitcoin in the description there you'll be able to be a purchase through my link

I have an actual link to a place called coin mama and it's it's it's a

legitimate place to purchase Bitcoin if you want to use Bitcoin otherwise you

can just use one of these processors solid chess players over future ad pro, future ad pro review,

is really good if you're gonna come in with a strong startup let me know you

know I can give you a hand I can even set you up a sales page if

you want to promote it but I also I told you I promote I have a marketing system

that was that's built around this well not built around this specifically but I

can put in the custom income stream of future out Pro to promote it through my

sales funnel and while I'm getting signups into my marketing system getting

paid 100 percent commissions a muscle promoting future I Pro on the back end

and so I'm giving people an opportunity to buy traffic and like utilize future I

Pro for the traffic whether it's good or not doesn't really matter and they're

gonna be able to get the advertising for free and get their money back right so

that's a really cool concept all right so I'm using that you'll be able to

there'll be a video youtube link there and in the description you can click

check out the video if you're interested in that if not at the very top there is future ad pro, future ad pro review,

a sign up button sign up link I mean you will redirect it to my website and yeah

and you can you can sign up with my team and you can get a hold of me on Facebook

if you like or even send me a text message peace

For more infomation >> Future Ad Pro Review or Scam? Now at $16,560 With Futureadpro FutureNet - Duration: 9:39.


EMF - Lies (with lyrics) - Duration: 3:51.

You said too much And what you said, it was a lie

You said too much And what you said, it was a crime

I've bled too much With every lie you keep on telling

I've bled too much This time, each time

The harder we fall, the closer we are Well, I don't feel blue, when I'm with you

You said too much And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said, it was...

Each time we fall

You say too much This time, each time

The harder we fall, the closer we are Well, I don't feel blue, when I'm with you

You said too much And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said it was...


The harder we fall, the closer we are Well, I don't feel blue, when I'm with you

You said too much And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said, it was...

This time I don't feel so blue When I'm with you

When I'm with...

This time I don't feel so blue When I'm with you

When I'm with you

(Lie... hey, hey... lie)

And what you said, it was...

Subtitle made by Zsolt Kodner

For more infomation >> EMF - Lies (with lyrics) - Duration: 3:51.


How To Prepare Instant Skin Glowing Remedy | Beauty Tips - Duration: 3:23.

instant skin whitening remedy this is a very simple trick that you can use to

get frayed skin instantly at home for this you will need half lemon one anal

sachet lemon this citrus food is a good source of vitamin C calcium magnesium

and potassium it also has antioxidant antibacterial

antifungal and estrogen properties that help improve the appearance and

condition of your skin you know Eno is rich in sodium bicarbonate and it is

very good to balance your skin's natural pH level and it also helps to make your

skin fail it also reduces aging signs from your skin like wrinkles and dark

spots it acts as an instant remedy to get frayed skin steps to do in a fresh

bowl take Eno powder now take half lemon and dip in inner powder as shown in

video apply on your skin with the lemon in circular motions for one minute and

then let it sit for two minutes then wash with normal water you can say

difference instantly after cleaning area but make a note that you can use this

treatment only once in 15 to 20 days the regular use will do more harm than good

how to make aloe vera scrubber naturally Olivia gel contains auxin and

Ghibellines hormones these two hormones provide

anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin inflammation gibbelins in aloe vera

acts as a growth hormone stimulating to growth of new cells it allows the skin

to heal quickly unnaturally ingredients we need aloe vera leaves 2 numbers rice

floor 1 TSP steps to follow cut aloe vera leaves into base with a pair of

scissors or a kitchen knife clean off any dirt from the leaf by gently

scrubbing with a wet toothbrush or nail brush

rinse the leaf under running water slice the sides of the leaf with a sharp

kitchen knife cut the leaves into half vertically and extract the gel inside

with a spoon MIT's aloe vera gel with rice floor thoroughly in a bowl how to

apply before applying gel clean your face with fresh water apply the gel on

end to your face with aloe vera piece and scrub gently in clockwise aloe vera

leaves contain antioxidants metal carotene and vitamin C and E that helps

skin to keep hydrated and most effective for scars scrubbing with this gel not

only gets rid of dark spots but also brightens skin tone scrub your face for

2 to 3 minutes and wash with normal water apply this gel for every 2 to 3

days in a week for better results thank you for watching this video

like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> How To Prepare Instant Skin Glowing Remedy | Beauty Tips - Duration: 3:23.


Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, trump-luther-strange-endorsement-tweet - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, trump-luther-strange-endorsement-tweet - Duration: 2:18.


Iphone X in India 2017 | Suggestions | Opinions - Duration: 3:42.

These are my personal opinions regarding iphone x

For more infomation >> Iphone X in India 2017 | Suggestions | Opinions - Duration: 3:42.


Keemstar(DramaAlert) vs woahhvicky live subcount - Duration: 2:41:17.

For more infomation >> Keemstar(DramaAlert) vs woahhvicky live subcount - Duration: 2:41:17.


[Inktober Preperation] Witch Sona, Promt Lists (Rohrer & Klingner Ink) - Duration: 5:53.

hello everyone! I hope you are well and you are as motivated as I am to start with the Inktober.

In today's video, I would like to talk about the Inktober and my experiences with it.

I will show you my material favorites, as well as tips and tricks in the next video.

The Inktober is about creating a picture every day.

And indeed a ink picture.

This image should be put online and be tagged with the Hashtag #Inktober and # Inktober2017.

Every single day in October.

Yes ... where should I start?

Hm .. I think sometimes the illustrators or Artists life is not so simple.

There are times when in addition to the Inspiration also the driving motivation is lacking.

This is when nothing works and a walk with the pencil feels like the ascent to the MountEverest.

Nothing works! The blank sheet is even emptier than usual. Just blank.

Yes - and in such situations there are two possibilities: taking a break and treating yourself well.

That sometimes helps me.

Recharge your batteries. Things that help me, is drinking tea, reading books, watching movies,

meeting with friends, doing sports, taking a hot bath

and doing things that make you feel good can help with recharging your batteries.

But you can also keep going.

Often it becomes easier soon after.

So if you sit down and just start drawing on the blank sheet.

then suddenly it is no longer empty and sometimes this is the point.

Exactly this is the icing on the cake, which has been missing, so that the flow is there again and the motivation also grows.

And right there, to get this sheet full and get this grip on the start,

this is where Inktober and Co. come into play.

I love creative events in social networks.

Especially challenges such as the Mermay, where during May Mermaids are drawn.

Every day a mermaid.

Or even Inktober. This is just cool.

I do not like it just because it challenges me to draw something every day.

This is sometimes even a bit tiring

But (I like it) because just a thousand others are participating

and you can network about the hashtags a little, can exchange,

meet many great new artists.

and simultaneously improve your own skills.

Yes, I have to admit that with my own drawings I am not only motivated

by the fact that I like to paint, to put my ideas and feelings on paper,

but it also motivates me, when these ideas are also seen and ultimately of course are liked.

Yes, when I have the opportunity to meet new people through my Images

and talk about things in the world, about feelings, about situations, experiences

And I think, regarding this, art is also a great way.

And I find challenges like the Inktober are just perfect,

As you are being inspired, you will get to see many new pictures and get to know a lot of artists.

So ... some more about the Inktober. It has been around since 2009.

Jake Parker has created it as one Challenge for yourself.

To improve his ability using ink

and to positively change his drawing habits.

That is, he thought, "what can I do to further develop myself?"

And meanwhile, thousands of artists think the same and also participate in the Inktober.

I think this is a great thing when so many great pictures are created in October.

Since 2016 there are so-called "Promt Lists", ie lists with terms for each day.

The prompts of 2017 are shown on screen.

The list can be used as inspiration if you do not know what you want to draw.

That is, the idea of ​​the Inktober is spun a bit further and worked out.

Exactly ... and this year I wanted to give my Inktober-Drawings a predominant theme.

Inspired by the prompt from Caroline Pietrowski

and a few dusted ideas, I will send a little witch and her cats on discovery tour.

Originally, I had thought I was only making one cat - the black cat from the greenery grows.

I had already shown this cat on Instagram.

But then, as I have drawn the little witch as a personification of myself (a so-called Witch Sona)

just for the reason I thought to myself: "I have two cats, so I paint two."

And actually I'm going to draw two cats, referencing my own cats.

Yes, I'm curious what the three will discover,

with the help of the terms of Caroline Pietrowsky.

On instagram there are numerous other promt lists under the hashtag #Inktoberpromt.

I will show you my favorites one by one.

Well, now I think for today I have talked enough.

Will you participate in the october?

Let me have a link to your Instagram or Facebook profile in the comments.

And do not forget to look around again soon, because then I'll show you my Inktober tools and many creative possibilities.

AND there will be a little raffle!

See you soon!

For more infomation >> [Inktober Preperation] Witch Sona, Promt Lists (Rohrer & Klingner Ink) - Duration: 5:53.


Homeless Man Walks Into A Restaurant And Begs For Food. The Manager Offers Him A Meal, On One Condit - Duration: 1:54.

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Homeless Man Walks Into A Restaurant And Begs For Food.

The Manager Offers Him A Meal, On One Condition

It is easy to forget that homeless people are humans too, who are perhaps just temporarily

down on their luck.

The manager at a Chick-Fil-A restaurant had a surprising request when a homeless, dirty-looking

man came in to ask for scraps of food.

Instead of chasing away the hungry man or worrying that his patrons might object to

having him in the restaurant, the manager walked up to the man and made a simple request.

Joey Mustain, a man who witnessed the scenario between the homeless man and the manager talked

about what happened.

According to him, him and his daughter, Stella, were at the restaurant to eat.

Describing what happened when the homeless man walked in, Joey said, "people near him

kept their distance, but that didn't stop him from being kind.

He spoke to people who reluctantly spoke back, and he smiled while he waited on a manager.


Joey added that soon after, the manager arrived and they began talking.

"All I could pick up on of the conversation was the manager saying that he'd love to

give him a full, warm meal.

Not just scraps or extras.

The only thing he required was that the man let him pray with him."

The manager then laid his hand on the man and they began to pray.

Joe was so moved that he asked his daughter to watch.

Soon, she bowed her head too, joining in in the prayer.

"I heard love in that prayer.

The homeless man wasn't some untouchable stain on business.

He was the reason that store opened its doors this morning (or any morning)."

Joey said.

Kindness for whomever, regardless of their age, status, race and so on is very important.

The world will be a much better place when we are kind to one another.

For more infomation >> Homeless Man Walks Into A Restaurant And Begs For Food. The Manager Offers Him A Meal, On One Condit - Duration: 1:54.


GERMANY'S DARK CHAPTER - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> GERMANY'S DARK CHAPTER - Duration: 3:43.


Österreich zurück an die Spitze führen. - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Österreich zurück an die Spitze führen. - Duration: 1:46.


Linkin Park: Crawling (Live Sessions) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Linkin Park: Crawling (Live Sessions) - Duration: 5:01.


He Hears Girl Screaming, Finds Man Drowning Infant Twins. That's When He Takes Action - Duration: 2:30.

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He Hears Girl Screaming, Finds Man Drowning Infant Twins.

That's When He Takes Action

Nothing could ever prepare Cash Freeman for the scene he walked in on Friday afternoon,

but his quick thinking and brave actions in the midst of a horrifying situation have since

had people all over the country hailing him a hero.

Cash was at his home in Ada, Oklahoma, when a young girl came running to his door, pleading

for help.

He quickly followed her to the house next door where he found a scene that left him


A man was holding Cash's neighbor at knifepoint while he tried to drown her 3-month-old twins.

As Cash later found out, the knife-wielding man was 27-year-old Leland Foster.

He had shown up at the home where his estranged wife, Michelle Forrells, was staying with

their twins.

He then pulled his family into the bathroom and held Michelle at knifepoint while he attempted

to drown their babies.

Thankfully, the homeowner's 12-year-old granddaughter was at the house at the time

and she quickly ran for help.

That's when she found Cash, who grabbed his revolverAs soon as Cash entered the house

and saw what was going on, he knew he needed to take action.

He shot Foster in the back twice, killing him.

The infants, who were born prematurely, were air-lifted to a hospital in Oklahoma City.

Thankfully they have recovered and are "doing great."

They were both released Saturday.

Investigators are looking into the case to ensure the shooting was justified and see

whether Cash should face any charges for what he did, but most people seem to agree he did

the right thing that day.

"I think he did the right thing, because who knows what would happen?" said neighbor

Summer Pierce, who called the incident "awful."

"Who knows what would have happened to the babies if he hadn't intervened?

They might not have made it."

For more infomation >> He Hears Girl Screaming, Finds Man Drowning Infant Twins. That's When He Takes Action - Duration: 2:30.


A Connection Is Made - Duration: 49:35.

For more infomation >> A Connection Is Made - Duration: 49:35.


Stranger in the Night - Duration: 42:35.

For more infomation >> Stranger in the Night - Duration: 42:35.


Our Growing Pack - Duration: 41:50.

For more infomation >> Our Growing Pack - Duration: 41:50.


マヨぽんチキンカツ丼♪ Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don♪ - Duration: 7:48.

Ponzu which has been matured for 3 months.

Pour Ponzu over chicken cutlet.

Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don.

This time, I am going to make Mayo Pon Chicken Katsu Don.

It goes on sale for a limited period from pork cutlet restaurant chain Katsuya.

Mayo means mayonnaise and Pon means Ponzu.

It's very delicious, so please try it yourself.

Make special Ponzu.

Disinfect various cookware in boiling water.

2.8 kg of Sudachi(species of Japanese citrus).

There are various size.

My mother-in-law sent me this Sudachi.

Squeeze the Sudachi earnestly.

Change with my wife because I was so tired.

The last one !

Remove the seeds.

I got 600cc of Sudachi juice.

600 ml of soy sauce.

200 ml of Mirin.

2 kombu.

50g of Katsuobushi (small pieces of sliced dried bonito).

Store it in the refrigerator for 1day.

Put about 20 of remaining skins into a cloth bags.

Keep another skins in the fridge.

Sudachi bath.

I was able to recover a lot after getting in the hot Sudachi bath.

That especially smells good.

After a day.


It will be quite sharp when it's freshly made, but in more than 3 months it will become well-rounded and delicious.

Put in a washed bottle. It should be sterilized in boiling water.

Cap a bottle and leave to mature in the refrigerator for 3 months or more.

After 3 months.

Make special mayonnaise.

Put room temperature egg yolk.

Some white pepper.

1/2 tsp of salt.

1/2 tsp of sugar.

1.5 tbsp of white wine vinegar.

150 ml of oil.

Mix it with hand blender for about 1 minute.

Special mayonnaise is done.

Make fresh panko called "Nama Panko"

Bake bread for panko.

After 5 hours.

It's done.

Cooling down on a wire net.

Prepare vegetables.

Chop 1/2 of onion into 5 mm square.

Sprinkle some salt and leave it for 5 minutes

Chop some spring onion finely.

Soak the onion into cold water.

Like this.

Cut the cabbage into fine strips.

Make fresh panko called "Nama Panko" ※Nama Panko is Panko that has not been dried.

Prepare a large mesh.

Cut the bread thickly and remove the heel.

Ground it by a food processor lightly.

Sift Nama Panko using 5.7mm mesh.

Ground unsized Nama Panko again.

Repeat it.

Ground heel of bread as well.

300 g of Nama Panko is done.

Dress a whole chicken.

Cut through the skin between the thigh and the breast.

Bend legs backward and twist off the joint.

Cut the skin around the waist.

Cut the back skin.

Remove the chicken oyster from bone.

Cut the meat along the pelvis.

Chicken thigh with bone.

Dress another part.

Remove the bone from chicken thigh.

Chicken thigh, chicken tenderloin.

Wing tips, breast meat and wing sticks.

Bonjiri(chicken tail), cartilage, bone.

Remove the extra fat from chicken thigh.

Cut strings and make flat meat.

Sprinkle some salt and pepper over both sides.


Heat some oil at 170℃(338F).

Beat an egg well.

Coat it with weak flour slightly.

Cover it in beaten egg and Nama Panko.

Deep-fry at 180℃(338F).

Leave it in oil without turning over for 1 minute.

Turn it over after 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Deep-fry another side for 2 minutes 30 seconds too.

Take it out and drain oil well.

Let sit for 2~3 minutes to cook through with the residual heat.

To fry finely, remove panko fallen into the oil frequently.

Deep-fry the second one as well.

Dish up.

Put some cabbage on freshly cooked rice.

Nama Panko is ery crispy!

Some onion.

Some spring onion.

Garnish with special mayonnaise.

Pour Ponzu which has been matured for 3 months.

It's ready to eat!


Pour some special Ponzu.

Enjoy with only Ponzu.

Nama panko is very crispy.

Enjoy with special mayonnaise.

It goes well with Ponzu.

I can't stop drinking beer again.

Mature Ponzu is very mild and delicious.

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