Sunday, September 24, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 24 2017

.:: Subtitles by ::.


In a happy barnyard, some years ago,

a seemingly unimportant event occurred,

which was destined to vitally affect the future of that little world.

Mr. and Mrs. Duck were expecting.

Mama, is it going?

What's this, a dark horse?

Sieg Heil!

And so time passed.

Hey, bud, not so fast.

Oh, all right. But time does fly don't it, Jonny?

Time passed. The bad egg grew to man... to duckhood

and with artistic aspirations, dreamed of brush and palette.

But ended up with only the brush.

[grumbling in German]

His artistic efforts spurned, he soon turned to other endeavors.

[speaking in German]

You dopes.

[speaking in German]

My mother done told me. Sieg Heil!

And where some gullible ones who listened.

Especially one goose, more gullible than gooses...

Goose, geese, mice, meese, geese usually go.

That's all right.

That's the old stuff, kiddo.

He's a smart fellow with brains, huh?

"We wish to apologize to the NICE DUCKS and GEESE who...

... may be in the audience. The Management"

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

Sieg heil, boy. I'm from South Germany.

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

Sieg Heil!

I'm a "sick heiler" too.

[speaking in Italian]


Tutti-frutti and all kinds of whipped cream and walnuts!


Tutti-frutti. Tutti-frutti.


Dear, oh dear, oh dear. Dear me. Oh, dear.

Oh, what has come to so erase all thoughts of peace from off this place?

Have they forgot 'tis love that's bright

and naught is gained by show of might.





Then from out of the west came another partner

to make a silly axis of himself.

♪ I a Japanese sap man sneaking on with the drew ♪

♪ Just a Japanese sap man. I'm a little crazy too. ♪


Ooh, oh, sorry. Oh, so sorry.

Oh, very, very sorry, please

Oh, to apologizing like dickens.

Oh, just a minute, please?

Oh, I'm not a Japanese son of gun.


Yeah, and I'm mock turtle soup.

With spreading clouds of war,

once more the axis march toward dreams of further conquest.

- One, two. - Button my shoe.

- Three, four. - Shut honorable door.

- Five, six. - See 'em out of sticks.

- Seven, eight. - Lay them straight.

- Nine, ten. - Begin again

Mercy me, regretful sight.

Oh, branch of peace.

Forestall this fight.

Kind sirs, change your warlike...


Now, where were we?

Oh, yes!


Give them one for Pearl Harbor!


Peek-a-boo, Fritz.

Busy little bee, aren't I?



I hate war, but once begun, well, I just didn't choose to run.

So I can point with pride and say: "There's three that didn't get away".




That's all folks!

Thanks for watching this video.

Take advantage and subscribe on the channel,

give us a like,

share it with all over your social medias

and see you soon here on...

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(Easy) How To Recover Deleted Photos,From Any Android Phone || 2017 - Duration: 4:16.

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For more infomation >> (Easy) How To Recover Deleted Photos,From Any Android Phone || 2017 - Duration: 4:16.


EMF - Lies (with lyrics) - Duration: 3:51.

You said too much And what you said, it was a lie

You said too much And what you said, it was a crime

I've bled too much With every lie you keep on telling

I've bled too much This time, each time

The harder we fall, the closer we are Well, I don't feel blue, when I'm with you

You said too much And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said, it was...

Each time we fall

You say too much This time, each time

The harder we fall, the closer we are Well, I don't feel blue, when I'm with you

You said too much And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said it was...


The harder we fall, the closer we are Well, I don't feel blue, when I'm with you

You said too much And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said, it was a lie

Lie, lie... And what you said, it was...

This time I don't feel so blue When I'm with you

When I'm with...

This time I don't feel so blue When I'm with you

When I'm with you

(Lie... hey, hey... lie)

And what you said, it was...

Subtitle made by Zsolt Kodner

For more infomation >> EMF - Lies (with lyrics) - Duration: 3:51.


Mas Sajady | Exponential Intelligence® 102 Vanity, Beauty and Spirituality Part 2 - Duration: 42:06.

For more information on my programs please visit


This is Part Two of Vanity, Beauty and Spirituality.

If being beautiful makes other people feel bad about themselves, what should you do?

You should go on being beautiful and you should go on showing your own strength.

It does nobody else any good to stunt the abilities that you have, okay?

And this goes further, not just of beauty, but how many times have you downplayed your intelligence?

How many times have you, say,

succumb to a weaker point of view of yourself just to make other people happier, okay?

I'm not saying that you have to go out there and be abrasive and go, "Hey, I'm all better than you."

I'm not saying that at all, but there are, say, nicer ways of showing your true strength.

There are, say, methods that if somebody is insecure and you get forced to downplay your attributes,

whether it's intelligence, beauty or anything else, your wealth, anything else.

There are tons of ways for you to make that person feel good as you show off your brilliance.

It's like, hey, you know, it's not about me and you. It's not about where you are and where I am.

But look at the opportunities that are available to you. Look at what I have.

I'm willing to share, okay, the patterns that have gotten me, say, successful or happy or beautiful with you.

So you're coaching them along rather than them trying to feel, say, separate if that is available to you.

And if not, obviously, again, you should continue on your own strength

because like I said before, doesn't do them good, doesn't do you good.

Move on and that relationship starts to separate, even if it is of a family member.

By the way, you can never stunt yourself spiritually as well. A lot of people do.

It's not beneficial, and you would be responsible. This is one thing to think about.

If you're stunting yourself here in this physical plane, are you stunting yourself at the spiritual realm.

And the reason why I say that is because you are responsible for the level that you attain,

and you can't use excuses. It's like, "Well I was helping somebody else out. Well..."

None of that, none of those excuses work because your ultimate goal

is about connecting to Pure Source even stronger. There's no excuses allowed not to.

"What happens to people who have plastic surgery?"

Not exactly sure what the question means,

but I assume that they're talking about spiritual issues around plastic surgery.

There's no spiritual issues around plastic surgery. We've kind of discussed this before.

Again, if that plastic surgery is a pathway for you to become enlightened,

for you to become confident, for you to become complete.

Again, and opens the door, the pathway, a faster pathway to Pure Source. That's totally fine.

Those people become enlightened.

By the way, plastic surgery or anything else, near death, a divorce,

whatever is all opportunities for you to ascend higher.

There's no negativity or anything like that associated with anything including plastic surgery.

On the flipside, if you are insecure and you are latching on to your beauty

to create security, that's where it becomes a problem.

It becomes a problem with anything else as well.

Say you latch onto money, say you latch onto your spouse and you're still insecure.

Then that's where the problem lies. So again, it's not about the plastic surgery, okay?

Just to go a little deeper, and this is what's sad.

The Hollywood types or models and so on, I work with a lot of them.

Empty inside, beautiful on the outside.

What happens is as they age, their complete identity has come from the beauty,

obviously beauty ages with time, not necessarily though, but as a standard.

As we age, the beauty depreciates, but again, like I said

if you're connected to Pure Source you actually become more and more beautiful,

more and more authentic in your beauty and grace.

So however, since we're all of us, most of us aren't connected to Pure Source, we don't age gracefully.

What happens is that we become more and more insecure because we've latched onto the identity

of who we are through the beauty that we've been gifted with.

So in those scenarios, right, people get into their 40s and 50s and you see a lot of Hollywood types.

They have massive amounts of plastic surgery, and they're still insecure on the inside.

Not beautiful, doesn't look beautiful on the outside.

Usually the surgery gets botched up because, again, the inner truth comes out. It has to at some level.

Inner truth comes out, and again, surgeries get botched up because your real self comes out.

So hopefully that explains it, and that's why it's so, so, so, so important for those Hollywood types,

model types and so on to be beautiful on the inside and complete as you are on the outside.

As a note, this is a good time, Psycho-Cybernetics, the father of motivation, the father of psychology almost,

and that's my label for the author of Psycho-Cybernetics, I think it was Maxwell Maltz by the way.

He was a plastic surgeon, and the reason he got into – again, a brilliant plastic surgeon –

the reason why he moved away from plastic surgery into motivation techniques like that,

is that he did plastic surgery on people.

He did fantastic transformations, for example, somebody had a grotesque nose,

he would transform it into, say, a beautiful nose.

Other people would see the transformation after they healed,

he would see the transformation after they healed.

The patient, if their identity did not change accordingly to their physical reality,

they would see themselves and they would come back to the doctor totally irate,

in a fit of anger going,

"You know, I spent all this money, went through all this pain and I still look ugly. I still have the same nose."

Time after time after time he started getting intrigued in why is this happening.

There's obviously physical evidence that there's been changes happening here.

Why aren't they seeing it?

And this goes into people who have eating disorders.

They're just totally, totally scrawny, but when they look in the mirror, they see another identity in them,

a fat identity

this reality cannot overcome.

So again, those types of issues, the core level issues, again, source code type issues that I talk about,

those things have to be resolved. Psycho-Cybernetics, fantastic book, by the way.

If the plastic surgery was able to help the patient live in 360 degrees of abundance

with the self-love and confidence that was impossible to achieve without the help of plastic surgery, is it cheating?

Of course not. Not at all. Anything that gets you to Pure Source

or anything that benefits you getting to Pure Source is allowed for you.

And let me explain further because, again, that is a broad

you know, you can create a lot of laws or rules around that or a combination because it's pretty expansive.

So what I mean is that anything is permissible

as long as it does not oppress anybody else or yourself for you to ascend higher.

On the other hand, anything that is beneficial to you and other people as you ascend higher,

that's allowed as well. That makes sense.

So again, you cannot oppress anybody else, including yourself, to ascend higher.

Some of you might think, "Well you know, I need to, say, lead my spouse and they're going to get distorted."

Again, you're being impressed by that spouse, so it's not beneficial for you.

I'm just giving you that example. So, again, if you need plastic surgery

to help you ascend higher, to get confident, then there's nothing wrong with that.

"How does Pure Source feel about our messing up with God's design?"

Somewhat of a ridiculous question.

Pure Source or laymen might call it God, I tend to move away from God because there's so many definitions,

there's so many religious points of views on God, so it's been distorted. That's why I use Pure Source

Messing up God's design? Hmm.

That's an interesting question because your life not awakened,

living the life that you are, living the life that is of lack is messing up God's design.

So putting it in that reference or putting it in, say, a religious reference,

all of us would be considered sinful and going to hell if you speak of it that way.

As a note, God did not create anything here.

What Pure Source did, Pure Source or you call it God, it gave you all the tools, all the abundance,

everything that it could ever create good and bad, and then from that, again, according to free will,

that's what true free will is,

God has allowed you to create anything and not punish you in any form of creating anything.

The punishment in itself, heaven or hell that we talk about, that is punishment in itself.

If you have created a distorted life, punishment is that you live a distorted life and you pay for it.

It's nothing to do with God or judgment.

"When we've transcended our egos and desires, will all our vanity disappear as well?"

Of course, that's because that is part of ego. So yes, but that doesn't mean that your beauty will fade.

Actually you'll be more beauty and grace just like everybody else

"Why vanity is usually impediment to spiritual advancement?"

Well, and that's where we've gotten distorted.

Again vanity, a distorted ego, sense of self or sense of being or feeling complete or forcing you to feel complete,

although you're not, although there's that emptiness inside,

is equated to, as any other excuse for putting on that façade. Sometimes it's wealth.

People have that wealth pattern. It's like, "Well look, I'm super wealthy.

That means that I'm better than everybody else," but deep down inside,

again, there's a big hole, gaping hole that isn't getting fulfilled.

Same thing with vanity or thinking that you are a beauty. It's like, look, of this beautiful individual,

look at the body, look at the face, and then again, there's deep gaping hole inside you.

So anything, including vanity, yes, that will distort you.

So that's why it's an impediment.

But just remember, it's not being beautiful that becomes an impediment,

and that's where the distortion of vanity and beauty comes about.

"How could vanity help our spiritual development?" Well you're faking it until you make it.

Say that the only thing that you've got going for you is your beauty in this situation.

What happens is that you start to depend on your beauty to, say, land a career or do whatever.

That's beneficial for you. That make sense to you?

And then at the same time though that you understand that you are grander than just the physical,

say, reference that you are. So you start building yourself up.

You start connecting to Pure Source in any way that you can, so you get internally stronger as well, right?

And then the two go hand in hand, and they actually mesh together, and that's how vanity can benefit you.

This is kind of an out of the way example, but I had a few good friends. They were strippers,

and what they used to do, they were intelligent. They were college students, beautiful bodies,

beautiful face, and what they would do is they would strip. They would make a lot of money,

but they didn't get distorted by that. This is the reason why I'm telling you this story.

They're highly intelligent individuals, so they're taking advantage of that God given ability, of their talent.

And again, moving away from say the darkest distortion, these patterns of strippers and so on. Highly intelligent.

One of them, she's going into college to be a surgeon, so again, that's the level of intelligence.

So removing herself from the darkest of that space, she saved up a ton of money from that position.

She invested it, and she still became a doctor, but again, she created a space of strength,

comfort, a solid foundation.

So like I said before, guys, you can use anything to enhance that connection to Pure Source.

It's just the intent that you have or the purpose that you have.

As another note, as another side story, Mohammed, the creator of Islam,

through the wars that they went through, he had a lot of individuals who were older men. So a little more frail.

So what he would make them do is color their hair.

Coloring their hair, they would feel younger by looking at themselves.

They would feel younger, obviously more potent, more stronger, and again, so if that helps you, use it.

But again, notice what you're using your beauty for so you don't turn vain.

How do we know we've gone too far with vanity? Well it depends on that individual.

If that's all you concentrate on, if that's all you focus on, if your identity is created just around your looks,

obviously being a model, obviously more attention has to be paid by that because that's your, say, income.

But again, those individuals who get distorted by it, that's how you know.

Just like anything else, you've gone too far.

As a note, and this is the beauty and grace that I talk about as far as, say, women coming forward,

stronger women. My daughter, well all my kids quite beautiful, thank God, but especially my daughter.

Just a beautiful woman. She's turning 16, she's getting into the modeling.

And again, far advanced for her age, and that is the key factor of why she's so attractive.

So when you see images of her, yes, she's beautiful, but you know,

there's a ton of other beautiful women out there. Why is she so different?

And this is a quality that you cannot Photoshop, you cannot edit or anything like that.

It's the intense or it's that look when you see her essence in pictures.

It shows through in pictures, or when you look into her eyes, that strong, stable, confident,

although she's young, young woman. Much wiser than her years

So that's the new format or that's the new reign of, say, these, and this is what I would call a real supermodel

because she's got it inside and out.

And that's the new reality or that's, hopefully she's there to help transform those women

that go into modeling or similar scenarios like that.

Just relying on their physical form and then there's nothing on the inside.

So creating that strength and security inside, so they don't get abused just for their looks

because in that industry, again, a lot of abuse by scrupulous individuals.

"Vanity A would compromise personal happiness for social approval.

"Vanity B would forego social approval for their personal happiness.

"A and B, which one is more spiritually evolved?" Vanity.

Well again, vanity in itself, there's no spiritual involvement on that,

but overall if you're compromising your personal happiness for social approval,

obviously your heart's not in it, but you get to lose yourself.

This is where in extreme cases, well China, right?

There's no identity left in anybody because it's not the social norm.

Or Hitler, or anything like that, that's where, again, that's that example in its extreme.

A and B, which one is more spiritually involved? Again, nothing, nobody.

"What would A and B look like when they're free of vanity?" Well they would never fit into, say, society.

They wouldn't be part of society. They wouldn't be the norm of society. They would be leaders of society.

They would be those individuals that society would look up to, would want to model.

So if you're seeking social approval by eliminating what makes you happy, again, distorting,

and then the other way around, compromising your personal happiness for social approval.

Again, distorting would forego social approval for their personal happiness.

Again, what creates happiness? We can talk about that just for a minute.

So what that means is, I'm not exactly sure what this means, that question means, but in my rendition is like

if you're out say really searching to find yourself, who you are,

the light that you become will enlighten other individuals around you,

and that's what you're looking for, right?

And that's where society as a whole or social class of humanity starts to ascend higher.

If you look at any harbinger, people who say bring in a paradigm shift, they're not part of the social norm,

so why would you want to be part of the social norm if the social norm is disrespectful, vain,

ugly, distorted in the first place? Stand out. Be a leader. Show your own light.

"What qualities of awareness should we cultivate and embody to when challenged by vanity?"

Not exactly sure what that question is alluding to.

Again, "what qualities or awareness should we cultivate and embody to when challenged by vanity?"

So I guess there's a couple different scenarios just to be clear.

The vanity coming from you or is it the vanity coming from other people.

Either way, just be aware of, say, yourself, your body as it interacts with the environment,

and as it interacts with the environment, you'll start to, say,

calibrate if you're becoming too vain, too egotistical and so on.

And either way, if somebody is vain around you, you can see the patterns that they're eliciting

and then study and learn from them.

So overall, any challenge or distortion or negativity that we think we need to move away from,

those are all great opportunities for us to learn and expand and motivate ourselves

to a higher pristine beauty that we naturally are.

Another observation that I'm seeing is well is that we are going beyond through Exponential Intelligence®

or through an awakening, we are going beyond the physical beauty of this world.

What we're transitioning into is a reality

that both physical beauty and internal beauty are meshing together. So you can't be one or the other.

I mean you could be, but again, the new paradigm that we're looking at in society,

again, is beauty from the inside out.

So as more and more people awaken,

they start to see the trueness of who you are, not just the façade of the human identity.

Let me give you a clear example.

There's a lot of beautiful women around me, and yes, quite attractive and so on,

but I see their inner distortions.

So the physical beauty that they have starts to fade, and it's not as meaningful to me anymore.

It's not as attractive to me anymore. And this goes as well with my sons.

When they're interested in a girl, they come to me and go

"Dad, what do you think of this one or what do you think of this one,"

and all these women that they show me, quite beautiful physical form, face and all that,

and then I tell them, "Oh she is addicted to so and so. Oh she has been abused and so and so."

So, and then now they're starting to see that the physical beauty, yes, it's a grabber.

It pulls them in, but then the long term relationships that they're looking for, the happiness that they're looking for,

all those things start to come into play. And these are young kids. My oldest is 21.

So they're looking for more of a grander beauty, not just the physical form.

They're looking for that internal beauty and completeness.

So hopefully it's a pathway or an opening for other people in society to do the same

not just look at somebody, especially women, not to look at somebody just for their physical beauty

and then get abused from it, but then also that internal strength, so that beauty is together

that beauty is a completeness, and that'll help relationships.

Let's go ahead and do a Medihealing®, and a Medihealing

is where I guide you to a deep state of meditation

and then I work on you at your source code to help you reprogram and that's where the fantastic changes

that many people may have heard about or experienced yourself are experiencing in this situation

or in this Medihealing, bringing in, say, true beauty, which enhances you spiritual, to true spiritual beauty.

Let's go ahead and take a deep breath in sitting, standing, lying down.

If you can, I highly recommend standing up, starting to come into your own definition of yourself.

Wonderful breath in again, nice and deep.

This time connecting to the group dynamics or becoming aware of all the people.

Again, over 700,000 people listen to the podcast. That is a lot of momentum.

So we want to connect

to that momentum because we're all going the same direction, we're all wanting a better life.

So that creates momentum. It allows us to, say, hold onto that momentum, which pulls out of the ruts

that many of us face, that we can't get out of. It breaks through those blocks, challenges that we face in our life.

As I generate those frequencies that help you shift and transform, it's easier, faster for you,

creating this sphere of frequencies that I bathe you in.

By the way, those frequencies are the closest thing to unadultered nature. It's the same thing.

All you have to do is notice your breath whenever you're ready, asking yourself

"How do I connect to Pure Source even stronger?" Nothing religious, nothing spiritual.

As you become aware of your physical form, your body, your face,

if there is judgment coming in through you,

"I'm not good enough, I'm too fat, I'm too thin, I'm not muscular, I'm too ugly, my nose is whatever,"

just kind of note it, and again, just kind of inspecting, just going through.

Scanning our body, looking at the judgment that comes up. By the way, that's a form of vanity.

You're not seeing the true beauty that you are, which makes you vain.

And as I work on you, it just goes deeper because I know it's opened up a lot of questions

for people as I scan you. So what that means is that say you're beautiful.

You would look down upon other people if you were vain saying you're more beautiful than they are.

The only difference is that you're looking down upon yourself. So we're eliciting the same response.

Breath in again, nice and deep, noticing our face, noticing our eyes,

and through your waking hours, whether you're shaving or putting on makeup.

I recommend starting to look into the mirror into your eyes.

First you'll see the distortions, perhaps the grotesqueness of your life,

and that's why most of us tend not to look into our eyes in the mirror.

By the way, that's what other people see when they look into you, so might as well know what they're looking at.

Might as well know what other people are seeing in you.

The beauty of that as you take another deep breath in as I continue working on you

is that the more and more you look into your eyes,

all that stuff that tarnishes your perception of your true inner beauty starts to wash away,

and as you'll stare into your eyes again, you see the beauty,

you start to see the love coming out from a different source deep inside you.

And that beauty or that love is amazing on transforming your physical looks.

And that's what people are experiencing, through that awakening from Exponential Intelligence.

Strong breath in again, nice and deep, and this is what this Medihealing is about,

helping you wash away the distortions that's not you.

Wonderful breath in, nice and deep.

And again, just noticing your physical form, your self-image.

As you notice your physical form on the back end, just releasing all the trash,

all the distortions, the façade that we use to hide our, say, true beauty.

For some reason or another, we don't show.

Strong breath in again, nice and deep.

Noticing your physical form, where you are. Again, head to foot.

Let's go ahead and do this. We've done this before on another podcast; we'll do it again.

I was talking about default spiritual age.

So we'll bring in that default spiritual age into you, and just so you get a rendition

what it would be like as you ascend higher.

So noticing your breath, noticing the chest, the upper chest.

Say that you died, you're awakened, you crossed over.

What age would be your default spiritual age?

And if you've been sickly, distorted all your life, another rendition of that age will show up for you.

Notice how that looks, notice how you feel and most likely it's a glowing,

a pure essence of yourself, looking into your eyes, that shimmer.

Notice that there's a beauty and that beauty is not through social standards.

Not what you see in magazines and stuff like this, but there's this inner beauty that comes through,

no matter what you look like.

And if you've noticed, it outshines any physical form or physical beauty or society's standards of beauty.

So that's your true self-image. Hopefully you're seeing it just kind of scanning.

Most of you are seeing it. Some of you, again, seeing a lot of fear and hatred.

If you're seeing any of that, that's you're too controlled or too fearful to let go to see your real self.

So probably new to me. Listen to the podcasts,

do The 21 Days and as those release, you'll start to see the trueness of who you are.

But again, for the most of us, seeing the brilliance that you are, so congratulations.

You can live that here on earth this lifetime.

Strong breath in again.

I'm going to go ahead and leave you in this space for as long as you wish.

As long as you stay quietly meditating, it will feel like you're connected to the mastermind group,

with all of us creating that momentum for you. It will feel like I'm still working on you.

Notice what you notice, and take responsibility of whatever you're noticing.

For more information on my program please visit


Or join us on Facebook for more information we do a lot of Facebook live.

For more infomation >> Mas Sajady | Exponential Intelligence® 102 Vanity, Beauty and Spirituality Part 2 - Duration: 42:06.



For more infomation >> PALADIUM #1 PETIT PILLAGE DE COMMENCEMENT :) - Duration: 39:03.


little red car in and as the little red riding hood in a HALLOWEEN STORY by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:24.

Little Red Riding Hoon.

For more infomation >> little red car in and as the little red riding hood in a HALLOWEEN STORY by Kids Channel - Duration: 2:24.


Linkin Park: Crawling (Live Sessions) - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Linkin Park: Crawling (Live Sessions) - Duration: 5:01.


With Only 2 Cups A Day For 1 Week Your Stomach Will Be Flatter! - Duration: 2:03.

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With Only 2 Cups A Day For 1 Week Your Stomach Will Be Flatter!

Everyone wants a flat stomach, but unfortunately, this is very hard to achieve.

Besides a healthy diet, you need to exercise a lot if you want to have nice abs.

If you have excess belly fat you know how hard it is to remove it and that there are

no shortcuts to a flat abdomen.

But, what if we told you that there's a simple drink which can detoxify your body

and help you get the abs you've always wanted?

This amazing healthy drink can eliminate toxins from your body and improve your overall health.

It will also prevent fluid retention in your body and improve your brain health and function.

Here's what you need to prepare it:


1 teaspoon of organic honey

1 cup of fresh grapefruit juice

2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar


Just put the ingredients in a blender and mix until you get a homogenous mixture.

Drink a cup of the remedy before your lunch or dinner for a week or until you notice improvements.

The remedy works thanks to the properties of the ingredients.

Grapefruit is a low-calorie fruit (53 calories per serving) which contains about 2 gr. of


According to studies, eating half a grapefruit daily can accelerate the fat burning process

and help you lose even more weight.

Apple cider vinegar improves your digestion and reduces the time fats spend in your digestive


If fats stay in your digestive system for too long, they will attract more fat and cause

unwanted problems.

Honey is a sweet nectar which contains natural sugar as well as beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Crystallized sugar is a source of "empty calories", which is why honey is far more


Try the fat-busting drink yourself and you'll be amazed by the results!

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For more infomation >> With Only 2 Cups A Day For 1 Week Your Stomach Will Be Flatter! - Duration: 2:03.


How To Prepare Instant Skin Glowing Remedy | Beauty Tips - Duration: 3:23.

instant skin whitening remedy this is a very simple trick that you can use to

get frayed skin instantly at home for this you will need half lemon one anal

sachet lemon this citrus food is a good source of vitamin C calcium magnesium

and potassium it also has antioxidant antibacterial

antifungal and estrogen properties that help improve the appearance and

condition of your skin you know Eno is rich in sodium bicarbonate and it is

very good to balance your skin's natural pH level and it also helps to make your

skin fail it also reduces aging signs from your skin like wrinkles and dark

spots it acts as an instant remedy to get frayed skin steps to do in a fresh

bowl take Eno powder now take half lemon and dip in inner powder as shown in

video apply on your skin with the lemon in circular motions for one minute and

then let it sit for two minutes then wash with normal water you can say

difference instantly after cleaning area but make a note that you can use this

treatment only once in 15 to 20 days the regular use will do more harm than good

how to make aloe vera scrubber naturally Olivia gel contains auxin and

Ghibellines hormones these two hormones provide

anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin inflammation gibbelins in aloe vera

acts as a growth hormone stimulating to growth of new cells it allows the skin

to heal quickly unnaturally ingredients we need aloe vera leaves 2 numbers rice

floor 1 TSP steps to follow cut aloe vera leaves into base with a pair of

scissors or a kitchen knife clean off any dirt from the leaf by gently

scrubbing with a wet toothbrush or nail brush

rinse the leaf under running water slice the sides of the leaf with a sharp

kitchen knife cut the leaves into half vertically and extract the gel inside

with a spoon MIT's aloe vera gel with rice floor thoroughly in a bowl how to

apply before applying gel clean your face with fresh water apply the gel on

end to your face with aloe vera piece and scrub gently in clockwise aloe vera

leaves contain antioxidants metal carotene and vitamin C and E that helps

skin to keep hydrated and most effective for scars scrubbing with this gel not

only gets rid of dark spots but also brightens skin tone scrub your face for

2 to 3 minutes and wash with normal water apply this gel for every 2 to 3

days in a week for better results thank you for watching this video

like and subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> How To Prepare Instant Skin Glowing Remedy | Beauty Tips - Duration: 3:23.


Fire Damage Estimate Liberty Lake Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Estimate Liberty Lake Wa - Duration: 1:09.

Fire Damage Estimate Liberty Lake. We live our life according to schedules.

We plan meetings, birthday parties, hair appointments and family get-


Unfortunately, the one thing we can NOT plan, or predict, is when Mother Nature will turn

on us with full,

merciless force.

While we can't stop her from causing unbelievable devastation, we can make it look as though

nothing ever happened!

That's where we come in.

Our dedicated team of diligent experts will swoop in to save the day in a moment's notice,

whether your home or business is suffering at the hands of water OR fire damage.

We'll clean up and restore your

property to its predisastrous condition, leaving no stone unturned and no area unattended to.

Fire and water damage can be devastating, which is why we're at your service 24/7,


You can't schedule disaster,

but you CAN add us to your phone book immediately for resounding peace of mind, for the long


For more infomation >> Fire Damage Estimate Liberty Lake Wa 509-723-7258 Fire Damage Estimate Liberty Lake Wa - Duration: 1:09.


Four-Minutes-A-Day Exercises Yield Results In Less Than A Month - Duration: 2:40.

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Four-Minutes-A-Day Exercises Yield Results In Less Than A Month

Want to change your body in just four minutes?

You probably think it sounds too good to be true.

However, if you find the strength to do plank every day, you'll get a terrific body, plus

a significant increase in stamina and energy.

Although the plank doesn't give immediate results, its slow pace will eventually result

in amazing outcome!

All you need to do is to hold the plank for four weeks.

First, you need to stay in this position for 20 seconds only.

Sounds easy, doesn't it?

Slowly but steadily, you will increase your stamina until you can do plank for four minutes!

Just follow this plan:

Day 1 — 20 seconds Day 2 — 20 seconds

Day 3 — 30 seconds Day 4 — 30 seconds

Day 5 — 40 seconds Day 6 — Rest

Day 7 — 45 seconds Day 8 — 45 seconds

Day 9 — 60 seconds Day 10 — 60 seconds

Day 11 — 60 seconds Day 12 — 90 seconds

Day 13 — Rest Day 14 — 90 seconds

Day 15 — 90 seconds Day 16 — 120 seconds

Day 17 — 120 seconds Day 18 — 150 seconds

Day 19 — Rest Day 20 — 150 seconds

Day 21 — 150 seconds Day 22 — 180 seconds

Day 23 — 180 seconds Day 24 — 210 seconds

Day 25 — Rest Day 26 — 210 seconds

Day 27 — 240 seconds Day 28 — As long as you can!

How to do plank correctly

While doing this exercise, it's essential to choose the right position.

Here's how it should look: Make sure your hands are positioned correctly.

Elbows are directly under the shoulders to ensure proper weight distribution.

Spine remains straight.

Avoid rounding and excessive pressure on the neck and back.

Keep your legs slightly apart.

You should feel your thighs.

Adjust the distance between the legs as necessary.

Your breathing is slow, and your body is relaxed.

Thank you For Visiting Our Youtube Chanel Please don't forget to subscribe our channel

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For more infomation >> Four-Minutes-A-Day Exercises Yield Results In Less Than A Month - Duration: 2:40.





Skin Care Routine with best beauty hacks - Duration: 10:02.

Skin Care Routine with best beauty hacks how to Build Your Perfect Skincare Routine

! Know Your Skin Type!

Who doesn't want great-looking skin ? Start by knowing your skin type.

Then you'll know how to take care of it.

Dry skin is flaky, scaly, or rough.

Oily skin is shiny, greasy, and may have big pores.

Combination skin is dry in some spots (cheeks) and oily in others (forehead, nose, and chin).

Sensitive skin may sting, burn, or itch after you use some makeup or other products.

Normal skin is balanced, clear, and not sensitive.

Cleaning Normal Combo Skin ! Don't just grab whatever soap is in the shower

or at the sink to wash your face.

You don't have to buy fancy, expensive products.

You just need to find skincare that works for you.

Use a gentle cleanser or soap and wash -- don't scrub your face.

Rinse with plenty of warm water, then pat dry.

If you find your skin dries out or gets oily, try a different cleanser.

Cleaning Dry Skin ! If you have dry skin, use a gentle cleanser

that doesn't have alcohol or fragrance.

Those ingredients can dry your skin out even more.

Gently wash your skin, then rinse with plenty of warm water.

Don't use hot water because it removes the natural oils from your face faster.

Try exfoliating once a week to get rid of flaky skin cells.

It will make your skin look clearer and more even.

Cleaning Oily Skin ! If your skin is oily, use an oil-free foaming

cleanser to wash your face.

Rinse with plenty of warm water.

You may want to use a toner or astringent after you've washed your face, but be careful

because it might irritate your skin.

They can remove extra oil, making your face less shiny, and help keep skin clean.

Cleaning Sensitive Skin!

If your skin is sensitive, wash it with a very gentle cleanser and rinse with warm water.

Be sure to pat -- don't rub -- dry.

Exfoliating may irritate sensitive skin.

Try not to use products that have alcohol, soap, acid, or fragrance.

Instead, look on the label for calming ingredients like aloe, chamomile, green tea polyphenols,

and oats.

The fewer ingredients in a skincare product, the happier your face may be.


You may think you're too young to need moisturizer -- or your skin is too oily -- but all skin

needs moisture.

Moisturizers help keep your skin from drying out.

Use it every day, no matter what skin type you have.

Apply it while your skin is still damp from washing or rinsing to help seal in moisture.

If you have acne or your skin is oily, find a moisturizer that is lightweight and oil-free,

so it doesn't block your pores.

Put on Sunscreen ! Your moisturizer may already have sunscreen

in it.

But it's a good idea to use a separate sunscreen, too.

The sun can damage your skin in only 15 minutes.

Even though you're young, you can get skin cancer.

Look for sunscreen that works against both UVA and UVB rays with an SPF of at least 30.

Wear it every day, even if it's not sunny and even if it's cold.

The sun's rays can reflect off water, sand, and snow.

Reapply every two hours.

When Should You Wash ? You can dry your skin by washing it too much,

so once a day is fine for most people.

In the morning, rinse your face with lukewarm water.

Use a soft towel to pat it -- not rub it -- dry.

At night, washing with a cleanser or gentle soap helps get rid of the day's dirt and makeup.

If you exercise, play sports, or have PE, you may want to wash your face afterward with

a gentle cleanser.

Sweat can clog your pores and make acne worse.

Don't Wear Makeup to Bed ! When you're tired, it can be tempting to go

to bed without washing your face.

But leaving makeup on your skin can clog your pores and cause acne.

So use a gentle cleanser or makeup remover to wash it off.

Use a soft wash cloth or cotton pads.

If you use acne medicine, now's a good time to put it on -- when your face is clean and

when you're not going to be putting on makeup.

All About Acne ! Why does acne happen primarily when you're

a teen ? Puberty causes your body to make more hormones, which lead your body to make

more sebum -- an oil that comes from your pores.

Too much sebum and dead skin cells can clog pores, trapping bacteria.

The bacteria thrive in this environment and acne starts.

Acne can take a few forms including whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples.

How to Treat Acne ! Don't pop those pimples!

Squeezing can lead to infection and permanent scars.

Instead, go to a store where you can find many acne-fighting products.

They come as lotions, creams, gels, and cleansing pads.

Be patient -- they can take eight weeks to work.

And follow the directions carefully.

Using too much or using them too often can irritate your skin and cause more blemishes.

If your acne is really bad, get help from a dermatologist.

Hiding Blemishes ! To make blemishes less noticeable, you can

cover them with oil-free makeup.

Foundation may help cover large patches of acne.

Concealer covers smaller areas.

Green-tinted color-correcting concealer may cancel out redness.

You also can hide acne and treat it at the same time.

Some tinted creams and concealers contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

Stop using any product if it bothers your skin or causes more acne.

Fake Tans ! For a safer tan, try sunless self-tanner.

It stains your skin and comes in many forms including lotions, sprays, and towelettes.

Or try airbrush tanning, where a salon expert sprays the tan right on your skin.

With a fake tan, you still need to protect your skin from the sun.

For a quick fake tan, try some bronzer.

It's a brush-on powder or tinted cream that gives the look of a fresh tan.

Choosing Makeup ! If you wear makeup, choose products that have

"nonacnegenic" or "noncomedogenic" on the label.

They should be less likely to cause acne or clog pores.

Look for makeup that is water-based and not oil-based.

Some makeup has expiration dates, even though they're not required.

In general, eye products should be replaced first.

Mascara, for example, should usually be used no longer than four months.

Makeup Safety Tips ! Don't share makeup or makeup tools, and

use fresh applicators when trying on makeup in stores.

Germs from other users can make you sick.

Don't apply eyeliner inside your lid because it may irritate your eye.

And if you've had an eye infection, buy new makeup to avoid re-infecting yourself.

Never put on makeup in a bus or car.

A bump or swerve could cause you to scratch your eye or get makeup and germs in it.

False Advertising ! Seeing a model's perfect skin in an ad may

make you want to buy the product.

Don't be fooled.

It takes a team of stylists and professionals to get her looking that great.

Graphic artists can digitally remove pimples and freckles.

Lighting experts use light and shadow to show the model's best features.

England has even banned some cosmetic ads that change the models' looks too much.

Other Things That Bug Your Skin ! To keep skin healthy, try to avoid habits

that can cause acne, redness, and scars.

Don't pick at your skin -- especially your pimples -- or you can have permanent scars.

Keep hairspray and gel away from your face.

They can clog pores.

Don't wear tight headbands or wool hats that can irritate your skin.

Don't smoke.

It can age your skin and make it yellow and dry.

Food and Sleep for Healthy Skin ! Keep your skin healthy by eating smart.

Eat lots of veggies, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.

Choose lean proteins like chicken, fish, lean meat, beans, and eggs.

Watch foods that are high in cholesterol, trans fats, saturated fats, salt, and sugar.

And get plenty of sleep for good health and to avoid dark circles, fine lines, dull skin,

and other side effects of bad rest.


Even stress can make you break out.

For more infomation >> Skin Care Routine with best beauty hacks - Duration: 10:02.


Fake Friends - Duration: 20:31.

For more infomation >> Fake Friends - Duration: 20:31.


One Piece 806: 満腹の力 新ギア4タンクマン!- The Power of Satiety! A New Gear Four Form - Tank Man! - Duration: 12:58.

For more infomation >> One Piece 806: 満腹の力 新ギア4タンクマン!- The Power of Satiety! A New Gear Four Form - Tank Man! - Duration: 12:58.


Inspirational Background Music For Videos 2017 [Royalty Free - Commercial Use] - Duration: 3:55.

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