Sunday, September 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 24 2017




Jarvis, what is the view from upstairs?

The central building is protected by some kind of ....

energy shield..

STRUCKER's technology is well beyond any HYDRA base

we've taken.

- Loki's sceptre must be here ...

Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it.

Long last

- 'A 'LONG LAST' is lasting a little long boys'

-I think we lost gentlemen a surprise

Wait a second! No one else is gonna do the fact that the captain just said


- Just slipped out.

-Who gave the order to attack?

- They landed in the fore woods ...the perimeter got panicked

They have to be after the sceptre

- Can we hold them?

Deploy the rest of the tanks

Concentrate fire on the weak ones

A hit can make them close ranks

- Everything we've accomplished is in the verge of greatest break through .

- Then lets show them we've accomplished ....... send out the twins

-It is what they've singned up for

My men can hold them

Sir, the city is taking fire

Strucker's is not gonna worry about " civilian casualities"

Send in the "IRON LEGION".

This quadrant is upsafe. Please back away....we're here to help.

We are here to help





We are here to help

We are here to help

For more infomation >> The Avengers vs HYDRA ¦ Opening 'Language!' Scene ¦ Avengers Age of Ultron 2015 Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:14.


Jamais deux sans trois ? | Desire UHC S7E7 [Sous-titré FR] - Duration: 20:28.

For more infomation >> Jamais deux sans trois ? | Desire UHC S7E7 [Sous-titré FR] - Duration: 20:28.


Attention messieurs ! Voici 7 choses que votre femme adore, même si elle ne l'avoue jamais - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Attention messieurs ! Voici 7 choses que votre femme adore, même si elle ne l'avoue jamais - Duration: 4:23.


5 síntomas de una enfermedad de la vesícula biliar - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> 5 síntomas de una enfermedad de la vesícula biliar - Duration: 10:28.


Real Life Shark Encounters

For more infomation >> Real Life Shark Encounters


BREAKING! The Cowboys Owner Just Shocked Them All | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:56.

Some players around the NFL are continuing to carry on the national anthem protest started

by the now unemployed Colin Kaepernick and Jerry Jones is continuing to put them in their


The Dallas Cowboys owner has made his stance on the national anthem very clear and so have

his players.

On Wednesday, Jones joined Fox Business for a quick interview in which he explained why

everyone should stand for the national anthem and our flag.

Jerry Jones, owner of the cowboys has just shot down the legitimacy of the NFL anthem


"I do not think the place to express yourself in society is as we recognize the American


– Jerry Jones on National Anthem protests

The Cowboys owner also noted that it's a time to recognize the American troops "and

all the people that have made this great country" and given the players the opportunity "to

even be there in front of the nation" due to to their sacrifice


our freedom.

If you support the Jerry Jones and the Cowboys please share and comment.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING! The Cowboys Owner Just Shocked Them All | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:56.


Lauren Daigle Once And For All Cover (Vocals And Stickers) Video Made With Unconditional Love - Duration: 3:57.

God I give You all I can today These scattered ashes that I hid away

I lay them all at Your feet From the corners of my deepest shame

The empty places where I've worn Your name Show me the love I say I believe

Oh Help me to lay it down Oh Lord I lay it down

Oh let this be where I die My lord with thee crucified

Be lifted high as my Kingdom's fall Once and for all, once and for all

There is victory in my Saviors loss And In the crimson flowing from the cross

Pour over me, pour over me yes Oh let this be where I die

My lord with thee crucified Be lifted high as my Kingdom's fall

Once and for all, once and

for all Oh Lord I lay it down

Oh Lord I lay it down Help me to lay it down

Oh Lord I lay it down Oh let this be where I die

My Lord with thee crucified Be lifted high as my Kingdom's fall

Once and for all Once and for all

Oh once and for all Once and for all

For more infomation >> Lauren Daigle Once And For All Cover (Vocals And Stickers) Video Made With Unconditional Love - Duration: 3:57.


Psalm 100 (Vocals And Stickers) Video Made With Unconditional Love Enjoy Xo :D ! - Duration: 1:10.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.

2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;

we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,

and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

5 For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

For more infomation >> Psalm 100 (Vocals And Stickers) Video Made With Unconditional Love Enjoy Xo :D ! - Duration: 1:10.


HN News - 白血病と戦うサッカー選手・早川史哉、小児病棟を訪問「23歳も負けていられない」 - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> HN News - 白血病と戦うサッカー選手・早川史哉、小児病棟を訪問「23歳も負けていられない」 - Duration: 4:32.


I Will Serve Thee - piano instrumental hymn with lyrics - Duration: 3:01.

I will serve Thee because I love Thee, You have given life to me

I was nothing before You found me, You have given life to me.

Heartaches, broken pieces, ruined lives are why You died on Calvary

Your touch is what I longed for, You have given life to me.

I will serve Thee because I love Thee, You have given life to me

I was nothing before You found me, You have given life to me.

Heartaches, broken pieces, ruined lives are why You died on Calvary

Your touch is what I longed for, You have given life to me.

Heartaches, broken pieces, ruined lives are why You died on Calvary

Your touch is what I longed for, You have given life to me -

You have given life to me.

For more infomation >> I Will Serve Thee - piano instrumental hymn with lyrics - Duration: 3:01.


Supremely Frustrating Interruptions Cause Seeds of Bitterness and Resentment - Duration: 9:28.

Supremely Frustrating Interruptions Cause Seeds of Bitterness and Resentment

September 24, 2017

Lord Jesus, thank You for training us in brotherly love and detachment.

Would you please help us overcome our anger and frustration when we are called off a project

for someone in need?


Well, the title pretty well sums it up.

The Lord is showing me some bitterness that I've picked up, because I've been delayed

doing things for Him as I've chosen to stop and help someone else.

But not without anger and bitterness and resentment.

And there lies the problem...

During my prayer time, I began:

"Lord, I'm so frustrated,."

And by the way, this was after quite a 'bawling', crying spell.

I was pretty...pretty wiped out by this time.

"I'm failing, I'm failing.

I'm not getting anything done.

I feel like such a failure."

Jesus answered, "I am here for you.

You are expecting too much out of yourself and your circumstances.

When you have a sick child, do you walk away to do your own thing?

Or do you stop and tend to their fever?"

Lord, of course, I do what I can for them in the moment and then let them rest while

I continue my work.

"And that is as it should be.

If you had ignored that child, do you think I would have been happy with you?

Do you think you would have done My will by ignoring them to do something else less urgent?

Didn't I say this was going to cost you dearly?

What's the price of a soul—how much are you willing to invest in My Kingdom when you

have a soul before you that is seeking Me?"

And He's speaking here of a particular situation, a person I'd prayed for, and He asked me if

I was willing to pay the price.

And I told Him, of course.

And I didn't realize what it was going to be, but that doesn't make it any different.

I still would have answered Him that way, because I know this is what He wanted.

But a lot of my anger and frustration and...dirt, is what I'd call it.

Dirty diapers are being exposed right now because of these reactions I'm having.

So, I answered Him, about the willingness to invest in His Kingdom, "Whatever must be

in order to do the job correctly, Lord."

"That's right," He said.

"That's wisdom and that's pleasing to Me.

You are in a series of upheavals right now, things that demand your focused attention.

You are turning swarms of demons away with your counsel.

You are bringing a soul or souls, face to face with their Lord.

Can you think of anything more important?"

Well, not if that's Your, I can't.

Unless it's not Your will at that moment…or I would be thinking that songs that turn the

hearts of many would be a better investment of my time, rather than getting tangled up

in worldly messes with just one or two people.

He answered, "But it is through worldly messes that I bring forth maturity and growth.

What I am trying to tell you is that I am happy with your efforts and I understand your

frustration when you have to make choices—and you've chosen the right things at those

moments; that is why I am happy with you.

You did what was most important, although it deprived you of your other work and only

added to your anxiety and even despair.

"I don't want to see you despairing.

There is no need for it.

Things will get done in proper order and grace surrounds you, Clare, so very much grace to

help others.

I have placed souls in unique positions around you to absorb this grace.

They are empty; you are full.

Though you do not see the transfer taking place, nonetheless it is happening.

And that is draining in and of itself.

But you agreed to that and we are hard at it in this hour.

"As concerns your lapses in using time correctly, when your curiosity overrides your good judgment…

Well, only you can control that, My Love.

A little more self-control would be good.

The fact is that you do have too much to do, without being inaccessible to others.

That is a fact.

So, that presents opportunities to sacrifice what you would most like to be doing—to

care for others.

This is part of your training for Heaven: serving others before yourself.

Much of your anger, confusion, frustration and even despair is coming from this conflict."

Well, when He said that, I was thinking, 'Well—that's nice to know, there's actually more on my

plate than I can possibly accomplish in a day.

So, that accounts for my frustration.

And that should be SOME relief to me...

I'm thinking about it...

And I'm hoping it will be!

He continued, "Why do you suppose I gave you that card: "The moment you seek yourself

is the moment you fail in brotherly love."

It really is best if you have absolutely no preferences on how to spend your time.

Although you map some of it out for what you've been given to do, it is always in a state

of flux when something more important presents itself.

"I have deliberately allowed these situations to test your brotherly love.

The time element causes you to choose.

However, I would like to see much less frustration and anger over being interrupted and drawn

aside for another person's needs.

"It is good that you are willing—but there are times when you put out a nasty stench

of rancor.

If you can put that foolishness away, not only will you be much happier and give a better

example, you will also have far more energy.

"It takes a lot to hold down frustration and resentment.

And you've accumulated some seeds of bitterness that have been growing.

These I must remove, but first—you must show me your docility and detachment in what

you do and don't do, in leaving your preferences behind for the needs of others.

"I know it is painful, but this is part of your formation in holiness.

"And all of you, My Brides on the channel, all of you are being tested in similar ways.

You tend towards wanting to finish a project rather than be taken off it for the momentary

needs of others.

This is common to all humankind, because society puts value on accomplishments, not on how

you went about accomplishing.

"That is so contrary to Heavenly ways, it's like comparing Chinese to English.

"On Earth, you applaud the accomplishment; in Heaven we applaud the love with which it

was done.

What the final thing looks like bears very little weight.

It is more the hidden motives of the heart and subsequent actions in the doing of it

that brings forth praise.

"It's all about how you did it, not the end result.

How much love did you invest?

How many times were you called aside with a good heart to serve the needs of others?

How peaceful were you in returning, or were you boiling over with resentment?

These are the true standards of Heaven."

Yeah, He's got me there.

I was definitely boiling over with resentment...

A couple of days.

And actually, for the past month I've been having a problem with this.

I just broke down tonight and cried, and said, "Lord, I can't take this anymore!

Please help me, tell me what's going on."


Jesus continued, "This is so contrary to what you've been taught growing up that it makes

a total overhaul of motives necessary before you can truly serve Me with the right heart.

It takes many, many, breakings before a soul acts on what is truly right, spontaneously—instead

of what is expedient for their goals.

"We are still climbing that mountain of holiness, My Love.

Don't let go of My hand, My Brides.

Cling to Me more and more, and we will make it to the top."

For more infomation >> Supremely Frustrating Interruptions Cause Seeds of Bitterness and Resentment - Duration: 9:28.


kolejne 2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedź serialu z 24 marca 2017 roku - Duration: 12:40.

For more infomation >> kolejne 2 bloki reklamowe i zapowiedź serialu z 24 marca 2017 roku - Duration: 12:40.



And the very first blessing will be (Inside a swirling pool of light)

The "Blossoming Wave of the Sea" (And she enters now)

But another hand reaches out (Overlapping) And the young man then sung

"We will face all our fortune and pain as one!"

The messiah could do nothing, watching as the first blessing was quickly taken away

From that moment friendship would turn into hate

Entering the second chamber, bloody red began burning within the swordsman's eyes

As she took the "Fiery Feast" by her side

Next they found the "Graceful Sunlight" which was won over by older sister's open hands as she smiled happily

Running off in irritation, little sister moved towards the "Restful Darkness" and she would never be seen again

"But the prophecy said (Keeping it to yourself) the chosen one is me (We will not allow)"

Just how much can someone truly be altered by "greed"?

The monk began to chant a prayer to the almighty "Trembling Earth"

And the poet wrote to the "Ambient Thunder" her most powerful words

If you wish to bring blessing to the land...Then you must sharpen heart and mind

Try to hold onto glory in your hands...Quickly as you can...

"Where have you all gone off to, my trusted friends?" (Who is your enemy?)

Could it be I was wrong about our kindness all along?

Now the "Whirlwind Rondo's" taken by the dancer swaying in its air

And the older twin leaves her brother's side pushing him away

Claiming the "Silver Garden" with joyful tears streaming down

And they freeze on her cheeks as she turns around

With the very last blessing in front of her...The "Quickening Magma" is about to stir

The younger twin pretended but in the end the messiah was lied to (Laughing the boy seemed to glow in his pride)

Betrayed by the companions that she had believed in

All nine of the "blessings" in this world have been stolen now

Holding up a torch whose flame has long gone away

She walks up towards the altar...

For more infomation >> 『MMD PV』 BLESSED MESSIAH AND THE TOWER OF AI 【YOUTUBE FAM VER.】 - Duration: 3:31.


Stainsbury's - Duration: 4:13.

Luke light cheese pickled in piss I'm not sure if it's because I'm people but

stains brews treats me like a criminal they follow me around the shop like I'm

an overrated vlogger at VidCon but for some reason I still went there a lot

when I was 16 probably because I'm less likely to see someone sleeping on a cake

but the thing is when the following me they try their very best to make it look

like they're just minding their own business

whenever I look in their direction they'll pick a product off the shelf and

stare at it like the inspecting it for quality but as you'll soon find out they

do not give two shits about quality however the always been subtle I

remember buying a pounds worth of olives from the fresh section you know where

they sell out cheese aisle leaves meats fish all that stuff and that's pounds of

them British money not weight I'm looking at you somethingelseyt warty I

don't know if I should say pounds RP I don't know if it's currency like like

not American money sounds oh you're welcome but as I was leaving I was

stopped by the security guard where do you think you're going home now you're

not not with that ma Leafs what a Pete for these olives mates do you have a

receipt no but you can ask the person who saved me okay but what he says you

haven't paid for these you're coming with me okay then we went to confirm

that I've paid for these did this troublemaker pay for these olives ather

you did okay so if I accuse someone of go into the fresh section of Staines

breeze and ask him for one pounds worth of olives and leave him without paying

for them I'm making that person walk all the way to the person that saved him I

would be just a little embarrassed and I'll lock them up anything they want for

free to apologise but no he points out a Mullins brand fan that I got from across

the road and says well do you have a receipt for that bad no did he pay for

that no I didn't I've got you now you little shit Luke and big letters Mullins

not stains bruised just take your olives I'll leave well that's a very stupid

thing to accuse someone off but that was just

the icing on the cake more like the four million sprinkles on the cake I'm out

the follow with the odd ones out funds it's funny because uh the icing on the

cake and what the same the ice on the cake and James put sprinkles on the our

fuck off cunt sapphire was funny I don't care what you hate his Fink

but seriously what I'm about to tell you is the dumbest thing I've ever been

accused of in my life not counting the time the college staff accused me of

doing donuts in the college parking lot in a very expensive sports car even

though I don't drive so me my mate we're in the number one supermarket that's

known as Staines Bruce and AHIMA mate make some gagging sounds Roy what's

wrong of you he shows me the most disgusting bottle of milk I've ever seen

in my life it looked like cheese pickled in piss ah

fuck us disgusting breath being the two comedic intellectuals that we are we

decided to go to the counter and try to buy it to see how they would react

excuse me how much does this cost it's moldy where do you get this rum down

there where they sell the dairy products we would have noticed something like

this you two have clearly bought this in

yourselves to make us look bad I'm not sure if all stains weasel out this or is

it just the one near me but either way it's never nice being accused of

something you didn't even do sir my advice would be shop with some stains

breeze so when the stuff come accusing you of stealing you can sleep well

knowing that you haven't been blamed for a crime that you never committed holy

shit you made it to the end card a lot say thank you to all the new subscribers

also check out this dope fan art if you plan on sending me fan art maybe

consider making it gory for the best day of the year and I'm changing the day

upload to Sunday due to my college schedule and if you need new content

check out my Boise Carpenter

For more infomation >> Stainsbury's - Duration: 4:13.


MY FUTURE SERIES COMING SOON | Lego Batman: Hero of the Night | Test Footage - Duration: 0:03.



For more infomation >> MY FUTURE SERIES COMING SOON | Lego Batman: Hero of the Night | Test Footage - Duration: 0:03.


Location - Khalid ASL cover redo - Duration: 3:15.

Send me your location, lets YOUR LOCATION PHONE TEXT-ME

focus on communicating 'cause COMMUNICATION IMPORTANT

I just need the time and place to come through. TIME, PLACE SEE YOU I NEED

(a chance to come through) SEE YOU I NEED

Send me your location lets YOUR LOCATION TELL-ME

ride the vibrations GO-AHEAD FEEL

I don't need nothing else but you. NEED ONLY-YOU

(I don't need nothing else but you) EVERYONE-ELSE IMPORTANT NOT

At times I wonder why I fool with you, I STAY WHY?

but this is new to me, this is new to you TWO-OF-US DATING RECENTLY

Initially, I didn't wanna fall for you. BEFORE FALL-IN-LOVE DON'T-WANT

Gather my attention it was all for you, so don't ATTRACT FOCUS

take advantage. Don't leave my heart damaged TAKE-ADVANTAGE HURT (at heart) DON'T

to understand that things go a little bit better when you plan it. PLANNED WORK-OUT WILL

So won't you send me your location lets YOUR LOCATION TELL-ME

focus on communicating 'cause COME-ON CHAT

I just need the time and place to come through. TWO-OF-US TOGETHER WHEN

Send me your location lets YOU WHERE?

ride the vibrations I MEET-YOU

I don't need nothing else but you YOU I WANT +++

(I don't need nothing else but you) NEED ONLY-YOU

I don't wanna fall in love off of subtweets so YOU EXPRESS POST (x2) FINISH

lets get personal. ROMANCE

I got a lot of cool spots that we can go. COOL PLACES TWO-OF-US VISIT CAN

Tell me what's the move and I got you. WANT #DO-DO TELL-ME

I'm only acting like this 'cause I like you. I CHASE ++ WHY? I LIKE YOU

Just give me the vibe to slide in. TOGETHER YOU WANT WHEN

Oh, I might make you mine by the night end. TONIGHT YOU MINE WHEN?

Send me your location lets YOUR LOCATION PHONE TEXT-ME

focus on communicating 'cause COMMUNICATION IMPORTANT

I just need the time and place to come through TIME, PLACE SEE YOU I NEED

(a chance to come through) SEE YOU I NEED

Send me your location lets YOUR LOCATION TELL-ME

ride the vibrations. GO-AHEAD FEEL

I don't need nothing else but you NEED ONLY-YOU

(I don't need nothing else but you) EVERYONE-ELSE IMPORTANT NOT

Ride, ride, ride come and vibe with me tonight RIDE, RIDE (bent v) CHILLING TWO-OF-US TONIGHT

I don't need nothing else but you NEED ONLY-YOU

(I don't need nothing else but you) NEED ONLY-YOU (honorific)

Ride, ride, ride come and vibe with me tonight RIDE, RIDE (bent v) CHILLING TWO-OF-US TONIGHT

I don't need nothing else but you NEED ONLY-YOU

nothing else but you EVERYONE-ELSE IMPORTANT NOT

I don't need nothing else but you. NEED ONLY-YOU (honorific)

For more infomation >> Location - Khalid ASL cover redo - Duration: 3:15.


ASL and Bilingualism and Current Changes to ASL - Duration: 3:44.

Hello all, I would like to thank you for being part of my recent discussions about how English is a part of ASL and how ASL is changing.

Because, you know, I am an ASL teacher.

But first and foremost, I am a Deaf person.

I am Deaf. I have used ASL my whole life.

So, now, I am seeing ASL changing.

And I do not entirely understand some of those changes. I want to understand these changes better.

You know, ever since I was a little kid

really, all of these people, everyone around us

society, family and educators

would continually emphasize the importance of developing bilingual skills

that was our overarching goal.

The goal was to become bilingual.

We were supposed to be able to value having strong skills in ASL and English equally.

The truth is, yes, the deaf community has had a lot of oppressive experiences

and in practice, in the past, that did not happen. ASL and English skills were not valued and developed equally. (and that is still a problem to this day)

English has always had an omnipotent and looming presence over ASL. ASL traditionally has had a diminished presence and value.

But we live in America.

We all want deaf kids and people everywhere to have the skills they need to succeed in America

Regardless of whether that's in ASL, English, math, history, science, P.E. or Art.

The idea's to think about the human being as a whole and what makes each person

happy and successful, perhaps.

We all need to have different skills.

And now I am seeing so many changes in the signs people are using.

Are those changes truly helping ASL?

Are they making Deaf people "better"?

Are they really helping us become more successful and well rounded?

I don't know. I'm not sure.

For example, let me use one of the newer changes to an older sign I found shocking

The change from the widely used sign for 'position' to "area"

I am still struggling to understand why people want to change that sign.

There's the idea of iconicity in ASL.

That means, like for example, the sign for 'tree'. When some deaf people see the sign for tree

It appears as a very natural and extremely iconic sign.

You have the forearm representing the trunk and the hand represents the branches and leaves and it's truly a perfect representation of a tree

But really, you know, the interesting thing is

on the flip side

I will often show that sign to my ASL 1 students

I might be signing an example about a tree in a very visual way

Many times, my students will just sit there, totally lost, without any clue about what I just signed

That's always been sort of funny to me.

And that sort of makes me wonder...

Are all deaf people meant to be maybe 3D thinkers

Maybe there are a few people just meant to be linear thinkers, perhaps.

I don't know.

Really, I'm not sure anybody has the right answer or all of the answers to that question

But I really wanted to have a discussion about that question or idea

so we can understand that topic and these issues better

because it really affects how we teach the language

and how we continue to use the language

Back then, growing up, there were two major differences in how we used ASL

The first was in a more social and very visual gestural and descriptive way in which our language uses grew naturally

And then there was the more "formal" side of ASL which would be used during presentations or during classes and in academic environments

The formal side was more English oriented and usually included a wider range of vocabulary

Maybe more along the sides of PSE (Pidgin Sign Language: A mixture of English and ASL structure).

There was a blend of both languages.

And now, I am seeing that side of ASL, the descriptive side growing in enormous and amazing ways.

But people are now trying to repress or suppress that other "side" or component of ASL.

Just because it may contain traces of or the presence of English.

But often, I'm not sure that's the best reason for some of these changes that are happening.

Let me look at myself and how I sign.

Maybe I show the influence of PSE in my signs.

People often say I sign in ASL and they can see the influence of English in my signs.

That's how I've signed growing up and throughout my whole life.

That's how my family has signed throughout my whole life.

Am I wrong all of sudden for signing in this way? Why am I wrong?

I don't know. That can be difficult for me to understand, because, again

it goes back to the idea of being bilingual.

I still feel that needs to be the goal for us.

We should want all Deaf people to be bilingual because we live in America...

It's America...

Thanks, everyone.

For more infomation >> ASL and Bilingualism and Current Changes to ASL - Duration: 3:44.


Fast Growth Summit - Social Media Series - October 2017 - Duration: 0:50.

- Good evening, Sydney.


How are you Queensland?

Hey Melbourne.

Good evening Perth.

Fuck! Parramatta.


Who's kinda cottoned on to the fact

that social media is becoming pretty f'ing important

when it comes to business?

We've done 10 million just on Facebook.

For a spend of $343,000.

Who would like to get into the top one percent

of Facebook advertising strategists?

So tonight, I'm going to be taking you guys

deep inside what I've been doing.

I'm actually going to give you my entire social strategy

that I'm using right now.

As I said, these events sell out every single time

so it's not a question of are you going to be there

it's a question of should you be there?

For more infomation >> Fast Growth Summit - Social Media Series - October 2017 - Duration: 0:50.


MSLilly Draws Youtube Channel Art - Duration: 12:19.

Actual art starts at like 0:15

So I don't have channel art. And I make art.

There's something not right about that.

So let's make some channel art!

Now to figure out what to actually make...

Start with eyes and go from there! That usually works.

That's a template from the youtube support page in the background btw.

I wasn't really satisfied with the girl so...

Now comes my struggle to figure out what to actually make.

Ugh... Sideways poses.

I was thinking about doing like, a sketchy pic, fading into a fully coloured pic.

But it just wasn't working.

Then I give up. And go back to the time honored strategy of just drawing heads.

But at least it heads kinda interacting?

With like. Some hint at a pose. That makes you thing they might have bodies?

The pose doesn't really work out though. The arm looked kinda awkward...

So I added another person instead!

Also that head was ugly so...

I made an even uglier one to doodle over.

Now for proper drawing. Instead of just doodling.

(copy-paste ftw!)

Can't really think of anything to say here. Well type.

I hope the music is ok?

Looking back... The middle girls face wasn't all that bad at this point...

But I didn't like the eyes.

Or most of her face shape.

I've kinda forgotten most of the things I actually wanted to say while I was drawing.

I guess I don't really say much though usually.

Well. Write.

Lineart done! Time for colours.

Saving is important.

I had such a hard time figuring out what hair colours to use.

Also clothes colours and design took forever.

Except for the girl on the right.

I got her colours right pretty much immediately.

You can't really tell my struggles when the video is sped up like x16 times though.

Or maybe you can [insert name of the 1 person watching this]. Who knows.

Lazy shading!

In dark purple cause I was just gonna set the layer it was on as multiply and using a colour is better than black.

Suuuper lazy hair shading.

I normally focus alot more on hair but I just wasn't feeling it while making this...

Dark purple on the skin looks so weird...

Makeup! Cause why not?

I... Thiiink this is where I took my hour long break?

That I cut out of the video.

It was just gonna be a bathroom break, hence why I kept recording.

But then I got hungry...

So I made dinner.

Time to show off how I speedpaint forests. Or something

I learned to do it super recently.

Was just watching videos, when I saw a super pretty speedpaint.

So I decided to try to follow along with the video.

Bob Ross style.

I changed some things up though so I wasn't straight up copying or anything.

And I really liked how it turned out so... I can make forest backgrounds now.

Though the original speedpaint was way prettier.

I've kinda known how to do forests like this since before that.

With the whole. Trees fading away in the background thing.

But that speedpaint video kinda showed me how to actually do it.

I've been watching alot of speedpainting videos since I hurt my neck the week before last I think?

Just a crick, but I could barely move my head for a week.

Watching youtube videos gets really boring pretty fast. When you can't really do anything else.

I mean I could listen to podcasts and stuff too.

But I'm not good at just listening to things. I get distracted.

And I think it's pretty much done now.

Yup. Just messing with the colours and adding my name. Cause it's channel art.

I probably didn't actually have to add the name, it's right there on my channel page. But I figured I might as well.

Also my signature. That's important.

Yeah this is it. Done.


For more infomation >> MSLilly Draws Youtube Channel Art - Duration: 12:19.


Live Coding: Moving to MSBuild 15 - Duration: 14:59.

For more infomation >> Live Coding: Moving to MSBuild 15 - Duration: 14:59.


Man from iconic Hurricane Harvey photo still recovering in Rockport - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Man from iconic Hurricane Harvey photo still recovering in Rockport - Duration: 1:50.


Justice League NEWS Final Trailer!!!2 Green Lanterns CONFIRMED At Screen Test? Will Superman APPEAR? - Duration: 7:05.

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the Justice League a movie so

we are less than two months away from the Justice League movie officially

coming out so in just under two weeks we will begin the final Justice League

trailer at New York comic-con 2017 on the 7th of October the Saturday during

the warner brothers panel it is rumoured and it will most likely happen so this

would be the first trailer since the massive reshoots that the footage wasn't

pulled from Zack Snyder's original Justice League footage so the assembly

screen-test happened but will the Justice League

final trailer taken considerations everything that room idli happened

during the assembly screening test which is quite funny because most people think

whatever happened during this test screen is the final cut so all the

rumors coming out from the screen test are pretty much fake to be honest and

they're just rumors because let's plant everything that all these websites are

said like Batman news comic book calm they're all actually everything that

everyone will support in a way before Lex Luthor is out Wow

iris West is out Darksiders out literally guys you can go and read it

and everything grow back a month all this was said a month ago so after

reading all the rumors it's very unclear what's factual and what's made up from

these blog sites it's not even the final cut so things can still be cut out

things can still be teased and everything even if the Deathstroke's not

in it they can pull that into extended blu-ray so it doesn't really matter and

the only things have really cut out or cameo roles and Darkseid

but let's be honest Darkseid was never going to appear there physically but his

presence is always going to be 9 so I've got an exclusive guys I've got a world

exclusive as some people would say apparently there were two Green

Lantern's in the screen test I cannot confirm who told me because they had to

sign non-disclosure form but I was told

personally and that there was two green lanterns in the movie but I didn't ask

what who they were just apparently there were two green lanterns in the screen

test but that does not mean in the final cut there's going to be two green lines

it doesn't even mean there's gonna be any green line and it's just that's what

happened at the in the screen test apparently so seeing as a screen test

doesn't mean anything it doesn't really matter what happens in the screen test

because it's not a final cut so guys what could happen in the final Justice

League trailer now I'm not saying what's gonna happen I'm saying what could

happen if they plan it to make it very different from the other two trailers

will be L to tell really fast if it's a Zack Snyder work or if it's a Joss

Whedon work because remember yes josh is getting writers credit but it's still a

Zack Snyder movie because you are only allowed one director in the credits so

the director will be is a Zack Snyder and obviously Josh from getting writing

credit even though he did actually write much 30% isn't much of a hundred percent

it's 30% and you can't rewrite and reshoot a whole movie in three months

where none of the actors are actually available cuz Henry Cavill Cavell was in

New Zealand Ezra Miller fantastic beast so the reshoots weren't actually as

extensive as what they want I mean the world extensive was like clickbait if it

was just clickbait material so I think it would be pretty cool if the final

trailer that didn't really reveal much now the worst thing that Warner Bros

could do the if they revealed Superman or Green Lantern within at this final

trailer although I think they could tease them you know when they tease

Superman throughout the whole of the comic-con trailer all about hopes in the

black Superman sign let's hope you're not too late and the Green Lantern the

tease where there's no lanterns but he wasn't saying all the Atlantians were

taken away killed he was saying the protectors the green land the lantern

that was protecting earth wasn't there so I think it would pretty cool if they

revealed the Alfred scene in the final trailer as long

that is an important scene so I'm hoping we get more of Aquaman and Cyborg

because to be honest in the trailer we don't really get much of Aquaman so far

you should get the massive ax coming into his face and you get Aquaman said

he's gonna die or something like that so we don't really get a lot of him and

we don't really get a lot of cyborg so I'm really interested to find out more

about them two characters but typically a dark side tees would be amazing there

and everyone would be expecting that but seeing as a narrative is Stefan Wolfe

sorry Stefan Wolfe is the big bad but really dark side is a big bag because

he's gonna report to dark side although he's probably gonna use something like

my liege my master he's not really the villain but they want the audience to

think that so what do you expect to be in the final trailer guys and what do

you who do you think's been cut cut and cameo roles isn't really as important as

many people are saying because in the final cut they could add scene - they're

not sure they can remove and they just like to get a general feel so this video

is basically about why I think could be in the Justice League final trailer and

New York Comic Con and also to go over the rumors that there will be two Green

Lantern's yes question mark confirm and also I came across link really cool too

recently I was on and I spotted that a product had been listed

as Justice League blu-ray 3d so it reckons it's it's going to come out on

the 17th of March 2018 and what's interesting is on the American Amazon

you can actually pre-order this product already so that's pretty cool it's

sending me five months after it comes out to buy on DVD blu-ray digital

download and all that salty stuff so I think it's be pretty cool so guys it's

just an informative video I would know I'm gonna get some clickbait comments

but everything I've said in the title will actually appear in this video so if

you know anything I don't know if anyone appeared in this trailer trailer not

trailer sorry anyone appeared in this screen test I

mean I'm pretty sure someone's gonna Nightwing was there shit Sam was a Blue

Lantern was there blue lantern no but literally anyone could be in the final

but guys one of those are very sneaky anyway guys please like subscribe and

comment as that would help the channel grow massively and I will maybe see you

a notification squad alert system that would be pretty cool if you could hit

that Bell button below the subscription bun and I will catch you guys in another

video very soon catcher later

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS Final Trailer!!!2 Green Lanterns CONFIRMED At Screen Test? Will Superman APPEAR? - Duration: 7:05.


Idel Zone - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Idel Zone - Duration: 7:13.


How to get ADIDAS NMDS for CHEAP PRICES! - Duration: 4:27.

Hey Guys What is going on it's Shaker Xty x back Again with another video

Now in this video i'm gonna be telling you Guys how i got my Adidas Nmd for a Cheap price of Only

$66 Now you might Be asking Yourself

What Adidas did i get well

Let me show you it is that i got didn't tell the shoebox Play so i Just i'm Just using one of my making

shoeboxes but That i have our

Adidas Out of D Truck home grains

They Aren't in the best Condition But They Retail for about 130 150

I'm pretty sure

And i got These for our price of $66 They're in Pretty Good condition i sortie i use them a Little Bit

But They're Pretty Good Condition i'd Say The worst Thing is that the Boost Pods are

Probably a Little Rip There They're Pretty Wrinkly

All Around Was Shoes


Her half off

of all these of These Shoes

That's a Really Really Nice Deal

so yeah

Okay guys so right Now i'm on the merc Re app and

I'm Just gonna show you guys What i have on my like Which is like the same Thing as my Wash lists on ebay and

you can See that i have a Pair of

Vape at Mds for Only

$140 and Normally They go for Over

600 or something like that I'm not positive but it's for a lot of Money Compared to what They're signing on here and

I have a 5 dollar off coupon Which Makes Only 135 as you can See there and

To make sure that it's legit i have to check the seller to see if they have Good Reviews and

They Have Buyer Reviews Which is

The People That Bought the items

Now Here those are the ideas that i bought off of Mercury

and Yeah it's Pretty Nice

It's alright Now i'm on the list of


Just Looking at The best and

Big Well he has to buy reviews so he's probably legit

with Those

But The Next pair You'll see for $75

But They are a Good deal yeah but the seller well

Not so much as you can see When i get on oh?

Yeah and also he has a Lot of lists he's Just trying to rank It put in that Baek

But as you can see like he all he has is seller reviews is what the seller gave Him

Her buy one of Their products That That's not a by Any

Buyer to view so he's probably not legit and That's not legit so That's Why i did not like it so

yeah and i also Looked At Another One Which is a Good Deal and Then i looked at His or her

Account and They have all By Reviews so They're probably legit?

you Know 85 to 90

Dollars Depending on shipping for Those Stray Screens those are Pretty Good That's Why i put it on my Watch list and

Yeah They're Pretty Nice

Yeah i might look at them Later but yeah see ya guys um

from That video You could conclude That You Shop That takes some time and

Way if you don't find anything That you like Right away or if That's a Good price eventually there'll be

The shoe For you and That's not Just for enemies That's for Any shoe you want

Most of The time so yeah Guys i hope You Guys like This video and yeah

Make sure You Guys subscribe and Turn our post notifications to get notified When i upload my videos and yeah

Let's try to get to five likes peace out Bye

For more infomation >> How to get ADIDAS NMDS for CHEAP PRICES! - Duration: 4:27.





Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, trump-nfl-protests-football - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Breaking News, President Trump Latest News Today, trump-nfl-protests-football - Duration: 2:57.


Lauren Daigle Once And For All Cover (Vocals And Stickers) Video Made With Unconditional Love - Duration: 3:57.

God I give You all I can today These scattered ashes that I hid away

I lay them all at Your feet From the corners of my deepest shame

The empty places where I've worn Your name Show me the love I say I believe

Oh Help me to lay it down Oh Lord I lay it down

Oh let this be where I die My lord with thee crucified

Be lifted high as my Kingdom's fall Once and for all, once and for all

There is victory in my Saviors loss And In the crimson flowing from the cross

Pour over me, pour over me yes Oh let this be where I die

My lord with thee crucified Be lifted high as my Kingdom's fall

Once and for all, once and

for all Oh Lord I lay it down

Oh Lord I lay it down Help me to lay it down

Oh Lord I lay it down Oh let this be where I die

My Lord with thee crucified Be lifted high as my Kingdom's fall

Once and for all Once and for all

Oh once and for all Once and for all

For more infomation >> Lauren Daigle Once And For All Cover (Vocals And Stickers) Video Made With Unconditional Love - Duration: 3:57.


5 ways to ruin your filament (and how to fix it)! - Duration: 10:22.

What's up everyone, Tom here, and have you ever ruined a perfectly good spool of filament?

It's easier than you think, and while some of the things I'm about to show you can

mess up a spool for good, some can easily be fixed.

So let's check out my most common mistakes you can make when handling 3D printer filament

and how you can fix them.

Number one: Tangling your filament!

It's so easy to do - you unload it from your printer, set it down for a second and

there you go: A spool that looks perfectly fine on first glance, but is going to choke

on itself half an hour into a print.

What happened here is that the end of the filament slipped under another coil, which

doesn't sound too bad, but because that has messed up the order of the windings, when

you use it normally and have the printer unwind it, the end now gets caught and stops the

print dead in its tracks.

But thankfully, that's super easy to avoid!

Remember, there are only three valid positions for the end of a filament spool: Loaded and

ready to go in a printer, in your hand after you took it out or secured to the spool with

the holes on the edge or securely taped to it.

Under no circumstances should you let go of the end of the spool and let it dangle around.

Storing it without the end clipped in is an absolute guarantee for disaster.

But let's say you're already past that and have a spool that you just need to babysit

and keep from tangling.

Well, there's an easy fix for that: You'll need to properly rewind the part of the spool

that has the filament crossed over.

But instead of unwinding it normally, which would just shove that part further onto the

spool, you just have to unload a couple windings off the side of the spool.

To do that, hold the end of the filament and rotate the spool to loosen up around 20 windings

or so, depending on how messy your spool is.

Then pick it up and carefully work the filament over the side, several windings at a time.

This will also push whatever knot you might have building on the spool up over the edge

and give you a nice, clean surface to start rewinding the filament.

Keep it nice and tight and you should end up with a perfectly reliable and usable spool


And please make sure it stays that way by not letting the filament end dangle around.

Number two, climate control.

There are two things that can degrade your filament's printability: Moisture and heat.

Let's start with moisture: Different filament types are more or less sensitive to moisture.

Some Nylons can go bad in less than a day if you leave them out in the open, but there

are blends that are less sensitive.

PETG and other copolyesters as well as ABS also have issues with moisture absorption,

it's not quite as drastic, but both with produce weaker and less crisp prints than

fresh and dry materials.

PLA, on the other hand, does also absorb ambient moisture, but usually doesn't degrade as

noticeably as the other materials.

Common moisture indicators are popping sounds while printing, visibly bubbly surfaces, extra

stringing or even nondescript issues like extruder hiccups or clogged nozzles.

I've previously shown how to build a drybox like this that you can use to store filament

and directly print out of, but usually, even just using using any sort of plastic bag,

maybe with a bag desiccant in it, the one that came with the filament is great for this,

that is already good enough to store filament while not using it. include a separate reusable bags with every spool, and with some manufacturers

you can use the original packaging if it has that zipper part in it.

Otherwise, just grab some larger ziploc-style bags and use those for filament storage.

It can sometimes still be necessary to actively dry out filament before use, and the easiest

way to do that would be to pop it in the oven and letting it bake for a while.

However, this is where that second part of climate comes in.

Generally, it's a good idea to keep the temperature well below 50°C, that is about

120°F. Many filaments start to do some really awesome, but weird stuff once they get heated

past that temperature.

I did a video on the topic of heat-treating printed parts a while ago, and I've often

experienced the same thing with random printed parts as well, where the material properties

drastically change once they were heated past a certain temperature for a while.

Generally, what happens there is not great for raw filament, and if you've had a far-east

filament spool just shattered into bits as soon as you opened it, well, that one's

probably been sitting in a top-row shipping container in the sun for a while.

So for drying, one or two hours in the oven is fine, but if you leave your filament in

your car on hot summer day, chances are, you're not going to enjoy printing with it the next


Number 3: Keep your filament away from toddlers.

Or cats or dogs.

I can tell you, a filament spool can be quite interesting to the little critters, if you've

ever seen a cat unroll an entire roll of toilet paper or your dog chewing up your shoes, well,

a spool if filament is just as interesting.

So, just keep your stash out of reach or behind closed doors and avoid turning them into entertaining,

but costly chewing toys.

Number four, your spool holder on your 3D printer itself can cause some pretty nasty


Of course, it's bad when there's too much friction and the spool can't freely rotate,

but it's also not the best thing if your holder is too smooth and just lets the spool

spin freely.

It can really easily pop off the side and tighten up there or become so loose that you'll

get a knot similar to what happens when you let go of the filament end.

Just this one will fix itself if you babysit it long enough.

To add a bit of friction, it can often be enough to just add a ziptie somewhere and

leave the end to rub against the spool.

Or you can add a small piece of cloth somewhere that does the same.

Another issue that commonly pops up with filament spools is that the filament path isn't restrained

well enough and will sometimes have your filament get pulled off sideways, which, again, will

have it tie itself around the spool holder.

So, easiest fix, again, a zip tie if you have to, but any sort of guidance right at the

spool will keep this from happening.

Some spool holders use a short piece of Teflon tube, but creative and use whatever makes

you happy.

And number five, cooking and caking your filament.

While this one isn't strictly related to filament spools per se, it's still something

that knowing about doesn't hurt.

Essentially, when you leave your filament in a heated hotend, it very slowly decomposes

into nasty, unextrudable carbon flakes.

This is grossly oversimplified, of course, but the hotter the hotend and the longer you

leave filament in there, the more likely you're going to run into issues on your next print.

So don't leave your printer sitting around heated up for extended amounts of time.

The quickest way of turning off the heat is by just flipping the power switch.

Well, wrong, because there is a serious issue with this, particularly with PLA.

Because most modern hotends rely on a fan to keep their heatsink cool, and the PLA from

sticking to the unheated part of the stainless steel heat break, suddenly taking away that

cooling while the block is still hot can and will most likely get your PLA to stick to

the wrong parts of the heat break.

E3D v6 clones that don't use a teflon tube extending into the heater block are extremely

likely to do this, since the turned-down part of their heat break, which is what's actually

insulating the hot and cold zones, is usually thicker than the real deal, which means it's

transferring heat into the cold zone more easily.

So for me, the actual quickest way of shutting down a printer is by using the reset button

- that turns off all heaters, but keeps the cooling fan on as long as necessary, and once

the hotend has cooled down enough, then you can switch off the rest of the printer.

So, let's recap what we learned: 1) The end of a filament spool should either be in

a printer, in your hand or clipped to the side of the spool.

2) Keep your filament cool and dry.

Duh. 3) Pets like cats, dogs and small children love to play with filament.

Don't let them.

4) Your spool holder needs the right amount of friction and some filament guidance.

And, 5) Well-done is not ok.

Don't overcook your filament in your 3D printer.

And that should keep all your filament nice, happy, cozy and ready to go.

If you have any tips of your own, drop a comment below or share them in the community forums!

Leave a like if you learned something and if you want to see more content like this,

maybe even subscribe!

And if you do, there's that bell you can check so that you actually get notifications

when new videos are uploaded.

To directly support this channel, you can shop through the affiliate links in the video

description - that doesn't cost you anything extra - or if you want to give a spare dollar

or two per month to the cause, the best way for that for is Patreon.

We have monthly hangouts there, which are an excellent way to get your own questions


One more thing, I'll be at TCT all three days next week, come say hello if you're


You'll probably catch me hanging out at the E3D booth, sipping a coffee or something,

I don't know.

See you there!

That's it for today, do get subscribed, and I'll see you in the next one!

For more infomation >> 5 ways to ruin your filament (and how to fix it)! - Duration: 10:22.


The Ting Go Skrra w/ Lyrics - Duration: 0:14.

The Ting Goes Skrra

Pop Pop Ka Ka Ka

Skivi Kee Pop Pop

And the poo poo purrrrrr boom


Goo Goo Koo Koo Boom Boom

Boom Poom

For more infomation >> The Ting Go Skrra w/ Lyrics - Duration: 0:14.


Popeye The Sailor Man

For more infomation >> Popeye The Sailor Man


Novo Floratta Flores Secretas - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Novo Floratta Flores Secretas - Duration: 0:31.


A pele, um retrato imaginário de Diane Arbus 2006 English 720p - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> A pele, um retrato imaginário de Diane Arbus 2006 English 720p - Duration: 2:54.


25 ANOS, 25 ARLEQUINAS - TRAJETÓRIA - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> 25 ANOS, 25 ARLEQUINAS - TRAJETÓRIA - Duration: 1:21.


LUZ, CÂMERA E... CORTA!!! #08 - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> LUZ, CÂMERA E... CORTA!!! #08 - Duration: 3:29.


Lengua de señas Chilenas " Chocolate" ( Subtitulado ) - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Lengua de señas Chilenas " Chocolate" ( Subtitulado ) - Duration: 3:56.


The Avengers vs HYDRA ¦ Opening 'Language!' Scene ¦ Avengers Age of Ultron 2015 Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:14.




Jarvis, what is the view from upstairs?

The central building is protected by some kind of ....

energy shield..

STRUCKER's technology is well beyond any HYDRA base

we've taken.

- Loki's sceptre must be here ...

Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it.

Long last

- 'A 'LONG LAST' is lasting a little long boys'

-I think we lost gentlemen a surprise

Wait a second! No one else is gonna do the fact that the captain just said


- Just slipped out.

-Who gave the order to attack?

- They landed in the fore woods ...the perimeter got panicked

They have to be after the sceptre

- Can we hold them?

Deploy the rest of the tanks

Concentrate fire on the weak ones

A hit can make them close ranks

- Everything we've accomplished is in the verge of greatest break through .

- Then lets show them we've accomplished ....... send out the twins

-It is what they've singned up for

My men can hold them

Sir, the city is taking fire

Strucker's is not gonna worry about " civilian casualities"

Send in the "IRON LEGION".

This quadrant is upsafe. Please back away....we're here to help.

We are here to help





We are here to help

We are here to help

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