Sunday, September 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2017

Hi, My name is Eliseo

Thanks a lot for watching the video

here you can find my on Social Media to

you can follow me to stay in touch.

I'll be uploading new videos very soon

And please become a Patreon

to help me keep creating music, and do it more often!

Thanks and see you soon!

For more infomation >> Paris - Caro Domenech - Eliseo Renteria - Duration: 2:31.


La crise du fentanyl qui fait des ravages partout au Canada à Tout Le Monde En Parle TLMEP - Duration: 16:58.

For more infomation >> La crise du fentanyl qui fait des ravages partout au Canada à Tout Le Monde En Parle TLMEP - Duration: 16:58.


Folk drug treatment mumps very simple surprise effect - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Folk drug treatment mumps very simple surprise effect - Duration: 4:16.


Tamba Hali - Chief

For more infomation >> Tamba Hali - Chief


Photoshop Tutorial: Create "The Martian" movie poster using Your Own Face! - Duration: 9:35.

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

I thought it would be fun to show you how to recreate the movie poster of "The Martian"

using your own face or anyone else's.

I provided a Photoshop template that includes the poster's

astronaut spacesuit and a channel that we'll use to place a face inside the helmet.

I also provided an image of a Martian landscape that we'll use as a reflection over the face

on the glass of the helmet.

They're both located in my video's description or project files below.

In addition, I included a link for the font that was used in the poster.

Open a sharp, well-lit photo of a face looking directly at you.

I downloaded this one from Shutterstock.

If your photo needs its brightness and/or contrast adjusted, open the "Levels" window

by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + L. Since every photo is different, you'll probably adjust their

input shadows, midtones and highlights need to be adjusted differently.

For this photo, I'd like to darken its midtones, so I'll drag the Input midtone slider to the right.

We'll convert your subject into a Smart Object, so we can continue to modify if non-destructively

and, if we want to, replace it with different face without having to re-do the effects.

To do this, click the icon at the upper, right of the Layers panel and click "Convert to Smart Object".

To place it into the poster, make sure your Move Tool is active.

If it isn't, press "v" on your keyboard.

Drag it onto the tab of the poster and without releasing your mouse or pen, drag it down and release.

Pressing "Shift" kept it centered or the document.

Don't size it just yet.

Open your Channels panel.

If you don't see it, go to Window and Channels.

Ctrl-click of Cmd-click the black and white channel to make a selection of its shape.

Open back the Layers panel and click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection

next to the active layer.

To resize the face inside the layer mask, click the chain-link icon to unlink the layer and the layer mask.

Doing this, allows us to resize and/or re-position either of them independently of the other.

Make the face active and press Ctrl or Cmd + T to open your Transform Tool.

If the Transform's bounding box is outside your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.

Go to a corner and when you see a diagonal, double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option

+ Shift as you drag it in or out.

To re-position it, go inside the bounding box and drag it.

Size and position it, so you don't see the ears and the bottom of the chin should rest

at the bottom of the layer mask.

If the face is slightly at an angle, you'll want to straighten it by going outside the

bounding box near a corner and when you see a curved, double-arrow, rotate it until the

face is vertical.

Then, press Enter or Return.

To fit it back onto your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.

Reduce the opacity of the face to 80%.

Open the Martian landscape I provided.

We'll give it a convex distortion to conform to the curved glass of the helmet.

But first, we'll convert it into a Smart Object, so we can do it non-destructively.

Go to Filter and "Lens Correction".

Click the "Custom" tab and drag the "Geometric Distortion" to the left approximately this much.

Convert it into a Smart Object once again and drag it onto the tab of the poster.

As before, without releasing your mouse or pen, press and hold "Shift" as you drag it

down and release.

Go to the layer mask and press and hold Alt or Option as you drag a copy of it next to

the Mars landscape.

Change the Blend Mode to "Overlay".

We'll reduce the size of the Martian landscape over the helmet.

Open your Transform Tool and see its entire bounding box.

Reduce the landscape over the helmet and fit it onto your canvas.

Continue to adjust its size and position.

Then, press Enter or Return.

Reduce its opacity to approximately 50%.

Next, well darken the top of the forehead, since the the helmet is casting a shadow over it.

Make the face layer active and click the New Layer icon to make a new layer.

Ctrl-click or Cmd-click the layer mask to make a selection of its shape.

We'll expand the selection to ensure that all of that that entire area of the forehead

will be darkened.

Go to Select, Modify and Expand.

Expand it by 6 pixels.

Click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection next to the empty layer.

Make the empty layer active and open your Gradient Tool.

Make sure the "Linear" gradient icon is active.

Open your Gradient thumbnails and if you don't see the "Black to Transparent" thumbnail,

click the gear icon and click "Reset Gradients".

Then, click the "Black to Transparent" thumbnail.

Go to the top of the forehead and press and hold Shift as you drag the Gradient Tool halfway

down and release.

Change the Blend Mode to "Overlay".

Make a copy of it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J and reduce the copy's opacity to 50%.

Next, we'll add a highlight spot, which gives the appearance of a sun flare on the helmet's glass.

Make the top layer active and click the New Layer icon to make a new layer.

Change its Blend Mode to "Overlay" and name it, "Highlight".

Open your Brush Tool and Brush Picker.

Make its Size: 250 pixels and the Hardness: 0%.

The Opacity and Flow are both 100%.

Place your cursor halfway over an edge of the face and click once.

Feel free to reposition the flare by pressing "v" to open your Move Tool and dragging it.

Next, we'll add the text.

Open your Horizontal Type Tool and if you want to use the same the font as in the real

poster, open "UVF Bourgeois Medium" for which I provided the link to.

Make its Size: 68 points, Sharp, Center Alignment and white for the color.

Click the "Character/Paragraph" panels icon.

If you don't see it, go to Window and Character.

Make its "Leading"; 106 points.

Leading increases or decreasing the amount of space between lines of text.

Make its "Tracking": 140.

Tracking is the amount of space between letters in a word, line, or paragraph.

The Horizontal and Vertical scales are 100%.

Click on your document and type out your text.

To center it on your poster, click the Move Tool and press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select your canvas.

Click the "Align Horizontal Centers" icon and the "Align Vertical Centers" icon.

To deselect it, press Ctrl or Cmd + D.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop Tutorial: Create "The Martian" movie poster using Your Own Face! - Duration: 9:35.


Right After The NFL Kneeled, NASCAR Owners Got Up And Did Somthing HUGE For The President - Duration: 1:49.

Everyone across almost all of the major sports hit back at President Trump after he started

a fight with the NFL on Friday.

Everyone, that is, except for NASCAR.

Instead of following MLB, NFL, and NBA, the NASCAR owners all decided to stand together

and say that kneeling is NEVER okay during the national anthem.

For instance, team owner and legendary driver Richard Petty let the media know he didn't

think Trump's solution of firing went far enough.

"Anybody that don't stand up for that ought to be out of the country.


If they don't appreciate where they're at … what got them where they're at?

The United States."

Many of the other owners agreed that the kneelers should not be tolerated, although they didn't

seem to share Petty's enthusiasm for total expulsion from the country.

When team owner Richard Childress was asked what he would do if one of his employees kneeled

for the anthem, responded,

"Get you a ride on a Greyhound bus when the national anthem is over.

I told them anyone who works for me should respect the country we live in.

So many people have gave their lives for it.

This is America."

One thing is very clear from all these different owners.

Anthem kneelers should be punished in some way by the organization since it is very disrespectful

towards our fallen heroes.

In America, protesting and free speech are right guaranteed by our amazing Constitution.

Still, that does not mean we should put up with people choosing the anthem of all things

to kneel during.

Shame on them and share this if y'all agree.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Right After The NFL Kneeled, NASCAR Owners Got Up And Did Somthing HUGE For The President - Duration: 1:49.


McDonald's® | Pumpkin & Crème Pie Review! 🎃🍂 - Duration: 3:41.

hey guys it's Ian K for peep this out back again with another one for ya

headed on over to McDonald's today guys because they've got the return of their

pumpkin spice themed fall menu along with a particular baked good that I

actually missed out on that first time around let's fix that up right now by

going in to get one yeah peep this out let me go for one of those pumpkin and

cream pies please and that's all just one

great thank you so much hello you got it yes thank you awesome thanks so much

have a good one all right guys portable pumpkin pie goodness here at mcdonald's

let's peep this out

definitely an awesome baked pumpkin spice flavor in the car guys let's slide

this one out of the box you guys can see how flaky this apparently looks here

this is actually pretty nice in terms of the presentation here it's definitely

got that flaky appearance and coated with sugar on the very top it looks like

there guys have a look in the middle as you guys can see on the inside you've

got a strip of that pumpkin goodness and then it looks like on the very top we've

got a little bit of the cream on the inside let me break this one towards you

real fast here in the middle so you guys can see it before I do have a look and

see how they do it here at McDonald's there you go the pumpkin goodness right

there on the side and on the other side we've got the cream filling there so

let's give this one a shot a definitely looks pretty tasty it's the pumpkin and

cream pie here at McDonald's already dig them what looks like those granulated

sugar crystals on the top hmm that pumpkin instantly jumps out at you on

top of the nice flaky crust this is actually encased in but I got to be

honest the cream itself is a little bit more of the cream cheese type filling

and I'm not really a super fan of that but I really like how hearty it tastes

because of the rich creamy flavor but again the cream cheese flavor on its own

is not something that I'd probably recommend pairing with pumpkin only

because I think a whip type of cream would have gone so much better but being

that they have to bake these I understand why it needs to be a little

bit thicker but I really like the flavor of this guys it actually is pretty good

and for like $0.97 after-tax it's not bad at all mm-hmm let me give you one

more shot on the inside guys as you can see the cream cheese filling is of the

thicker variety and if you're really down with that type of flavor on

desserts I think you'll like this but for me I don't think it goes very well

with pumpkin but it is a pretty nice flavor on its own but as always that's

just my opinion like I said if you're down with that type of cream filling

with pumpkin you're probably gonna like this a lot but what do you guys

personally think of this one if you've had the pumpkin and cream pie here at

McDonald's drop a comment down below let me know if you think it's worth trying

again if you've had it last year and if it's your first time trying it how

amazing was it to you I'm always curious to hear what you guys have to say so

drop those comments down below and as for the overall rating I'm gonna have to

give the pumpkin and cream pie here at McDonald's a pretty decent

7 out of 10 this is definitely way above average I'm absolutely diggin the pumpkin

filling that they're using in this as well as the flaky crust that it's baked

in but how you feel about cream cheese type filling along with that pumpkin is

gonna be what determines if you come back to get this

again and those are my thoughts on this one as we close out another episode of

peep this out guys and like I always say I've got brand new content every single

week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the next review coming

real soon in the meantime stay frosty not too bad guys a pretty decent fall

themed alternative to the already awesome baked apple pie here at

McDonald's and thankfully that is year-round because that's absolutely one

of my favorites alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> McDonald's® | Pumpkin & Crème Pie Review! 🎃🍂 - Duration: 3:41.


農事│ 西瓜引花、人工授粉 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 農事│ 西瓜引花、人工授粉 - Duration: 2:47.


BMW Z4 2.0 I ROADSTER, ERG MOOI ! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW Z4 2.0 I ROADSTER, ERG MOOI ! - Duration: 0:54.


Homilia Diária.648: Segunda-feira da 25.ª Semana do Tempo Comum (I) - Maria, Estrela do Mar - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> Homilia Diária.648: Segunda-feira da 25.ª Semana do Tempo Comum (I) - Maria, Estrela do Mar - Duration: 5:32.


miniProject #23: Simple wireless interface using nRF24L01 - Duration: 3:58.

I have always enjoyed playing with RC toy cars and now that I know a bit of electronics

I intend to make one.

In that case I will definitely need a wireless interface in this video lets create one such

wireless interface using nRF24L01 along with arduino to transmit potentiometer reading

from one end to another.

Lets get started.

For this miniProject I bought bunch of nRF24L01 and two 3.3v arduino pro mini as nRF24L01

is 3.3v compatible device I also bought FT232RL FTDI USB to UART converter as it has DTR pin

which is needed while programming arduino pro mini. miniTalk #3 covers this topic in

detail don't forget to check it out.

nRF24L01 is single chip transceiver operating in 2.4GHz ISM band its supply voltage range

from 1.9 to 3.6 V. It consumes 11.3 mA at 0dbm transmission power and 13.5 mA at 2 Mbps

air data rate.

it also provides four transmitter power settings and three different data rate settings it

uses SPI as interface to micro-controllers.

Breakout board of nRF24L01 available in market contains 8 pins which segregated to 2 supply

pins, 4 SPI pins, 1 chip enable and 1 interrupt pin.

I connected nRF24L01 module to arduino pro mini as shown in this schematic connections

of transmitter ans receiver sides are identical except transmitter contains potentiometer

whose valve will be received by receiver.

I used female jumper wires to put together receiver circuitry and used breadboard along

with some jumper wires to put together transmitter circuitry.

Once that was done I moved to coding part.

First we need to install required dependency i.e a library called RF24.

Go to sketch include library manage libraries search for RF24 and install it.

Now lets write code for transmitter side.

Include SPI and RF24 libraries.

Create variable for potentiometer and a variable of RF24 class with chip enable and chip select


Also create a variable defining address of pipe used by transmitter to send data.

In setup, declare potentiometer pin as INPUT, radio.begin will initialize operation of nRF


isChipConnected will verify if nRF is connected to SPI pins, do not proceed until it returns


Now open writing pipe, set power amplifier level ans call stopListening function this

will put nRF in transmitter mode.

In loop part read analog pin value and transmit it using write function.

That's it for transmitter side.

In receiver code again include SPI and RF24 libraries.

create variable of RF24 class and create address variable with same value as transmitter.

In setup, initialize serial interface and check for SPI connectivity.

Open reading pipe set power amplifier level and start listening.

In loop, wait for data availability and if available, read it and display on serial monitor.

I uploaded code to respective boards and I was able to move potentimeter at one end and

receive its value at another.

So guys that's it for this video.

I hope you enjoyed and learned something from it.

Please subscribe to this channel for more videos and Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> miniProject #23: Simple wireless interface using nRF24L01 - Duration: 3:58.


More ADAM please! | Bioshock 2 | Part 8 - Duration: 24:08.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to Bioshock 2

Let's continue this game

It's really dark

Wait.. What's that?

I thought it was ADAM. Hypnotic Polyp

It's really dark... Please don't scare me

Where is it?

Oh, one more

It's really dark

There you are

Activate the power mains

55 ADAM...

I just saw the ice storm

I need to unlock more slots

Now what?

It should be in this room

We need to hurry up

I just saw two Alpha. Oh, never mind

Let's go to the vent

I have 140 ADAUM. Bleh, ADAM*

Look, winter blast 3, incinerate 3, and electro bolt 3

It's like a flamethrower

There you are

I hope this is the last sister. I'm tired right now

Where did it go?

It went through the wall

How can I open that door?

The other door doesn't have the buttons

Oh wait..

Where is the dead body?

I still need to follow the arrow

There you are

Seriously, I really hate Alpha

He doesn't have the little sister

I think the dead body with ADAM should be in there

Surveillance office

I just saw the little sister's hand!

Please don't tell me the little sister died

Open the door

I can't open the door

I think it's too late

The key to Lamb's hideout

And Eleanor is there



I'm gonna put her in the vent

Oh, it doesn't require to get the gathers

You wasted my time but

I still need more ADAM anyway. That's good

This game just crashed

I just had to start over.. again..

Now, I'm back

Also, I just fixed it. Thank god

Let's stop for now

I will continue this game for the next video

Thank you for watching

Please click Subscribe, Like, Share

or whatever that will help me a lot

See you in the next video

For more infomation >> More ADAM please! | Bioshock 2 | Part 8 - Duration: 24:08.


Photoshop Tutorial: Create "The Martian" movie poster using Your Own Face! - Duration: 9:35.

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

I thought it would be fun to show you how to recreate the movie poster of "The Martian"

using your own face or anyone else's.

I provided a Photoshop template that includes the poster's

astronaut spacesuit and a channel that we'll use to place a face inside the helmet.

I also provided an image of a Martian landscape that we'll use as a reflection over the face

on the glass of the helmet.

They're both located in my video's description or project files below.

In addition, I included a link for the font that was used in the poster.

Open a sharp, well-lit photo of a face looking directly at you.

I downloaded this one from Shutterstock.

If your photo needs its brightness and/or contrast adjusted, open the "Levels" window

by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + L. Since every photo is different, you'll probably adjust their

input shadows, midtones and highlights need to be adjusted differently.

For this photo, I'd like to darken its midtones, so I'll drag the Input midtone slider to the right.

We'll convert your subject into a Smart Object, so we can continue to modify if non-destructively

and, if we want to, replace it with different face without having to re-do the effects.

To do this, click the icon at the upper, right of the Layers panel and click "Convert to Smart Object".

To place it into the poster, make sure your Move Tool is active.

If it isn't, press "v" on your keyboard.

Drag it onto the tab of the poster and without releasing your mouse or pen, drag it down and release.

Pressing "Shift" kept it centered or the document.

Don't size it just yet.

Open your Channels panel.

If you don't see it, go to Window and Channels.

Ctrl-click of Cmd-click the black and white channel to make a selection of its shape.

Open back the Layers panel and click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection

next to the active layer.

To resize the face inside the layer mask, click the chain-link icon to unlink the layer and the layer mask.

Doing this, allows us to resize and/or re-position either of them independently of the other.

Make the face active and press Ctrl or Cmd + T to open your Transform Tool.

If the Transform's bounding box is outside your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.

Go to a corner and when you see a diagonal, double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option

+ Shift as you drag it in or out.

To re-position it, go inside the bounding box and drag it.

Size and position it, so you don't see the ears and the bottom of the chin should rest

at the bottom of the layer mask.

If the face is slightly at an angle, you'll want to straighten it by going outside the

bounding box near a corner and when you see a curved, double-arrow, rotate it until the

face is vertical.

Then, press Enter or Return.

To fit it back onto your canvas, press Ctrl or Cmd + 0.

Reduce the opacity of the face to 80%.

Open the Martian landscape I provided.

We'll give it a convex distortion to conform to the curved glass of the helmet.

But first, we'll convert it into a Smart Object, so we can do it non-destructively.

Go to Filter and "Lens Correction".

Click the "Custom" tab and drag the "Geometric Distortion" to the left approximately this much.

Convert it into a Smart Object once again and drag it onto the tab of the poster.

As before, without releasing your mouse or pen, press and hold "Shift" as you drag it

down and release.

Go to the layer mask and press and hold Alt or Option as you drag a copy of it next to

the Mars landscape.

Change the Blend Mode to "Overlay".

We'll reduce the size of the Martian landscape over the helmet.

Open your Transform Tool and see its entire bounding box.

Reduce the landscape over the helmet and fit it onto your canvas.

Continue to adjust its size and position.

Then, press Enter or Return.

Reduce its opacity to approximately 50%.

Next, well darken the top of the forehead, since the the helmet is casting a shadow over it.

Make the face layer active and click the New Layer icon to make a new layer.

Ctrl-click or Cmd-click the layer mask to make a selection of its shape.

We'll expand the selection to ensure that all of that that entire area of the forehead

will be darkened.

Go to Select, Modify and Expand.

Expand it by 6 pixels.

Click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask of the selection next to the empty layer.

Make the empty layer active and open your Gradient Tool.

Make sure the "Linear" gradient icon is active.

Open your Gradient thumbnails and if you don't see the "Black to Transparent" thumbnail,

click the gear icon and click "Reset Gradients".

Then, click the "Black to Transparent" thumbnail.

Go to the top of the forehead and press and hold Shift as you drag the Gradient Tool halfway

down and release.

Change the Blend Mode to "Overlay".

Make a copy of it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J and reduce the copy's opacity to 50%.

Next, we'll add a highlight spot, which gives the appearance of a sun flare on the helmet's glass.

Make the top layer active and click the New Layer icon to make a new layer.

Change its Blend Mode to "Overlay" and name it, "Highlight".

Open your Brush Tool and Brush Picker.

Make its Size: 250 pixels and the Hardness: 0%.

The Opacity and Flow are both 100%.

Place your cursor halfway over an edge of the face and click once.

Feel free to reposition the flare by pressing "v" to open your Move Tool and dragging it.

Next, we'll add the text.

Open your Horizontal Type Tool and if you want to use the same the font as in the real

poster, open "UVF Bourgeois Medium" for which I provided the link to.

Make its Size: 68 points, Sharp, Center Alignment and white for the color.

Click the "Character/Paragraph" panels icon.

If you don't see it, go to Window and Character.

Make its "Leading"; 106 points.

Leading increases or decreasing the amount of space between lines of text.

Make its "Tracking": 140.

Tracking is the amount of space between letters in a word, line, or paragraph.

The Horizontal and Vertical scales are 100%.

Click on your document and type out your text.

To center it on your poster, click the Move Tool and press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select your canvas.

Click the "Align Horizontal Centers" icon and the "Align Vertical Centers" icon.

To deselect it, press Ctrl or Cmd + D.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop Tutorial: Create "The Martian" movie poster using Your Own Face! - Duration: 9:35.


Horizon Zero Dawn (Episode 2) The Hunt! - Duration: 35:24.


For more infomation >> Horizon Zero Dawn (Episode 2) The Hunt! - Duration: 35:24.


What is Pinterest | Pinterest Business Tutorial - Duration: 6:57.

in this Pinterest tutorial you'll learn what Pinterest is how Pinterest works

and how to use Pinterest for business to help you generate more leads and sales

for your business with ease stay tuned

hi I'm Sarah Nguyen your online marketing strategist helping you grow

your business using social media with ease if you're new to this channel

consider subscribing for all of the latest tech reviews social media

marketing tips and training and at any time during this video make sure you

check out the description for links to all of the resources mentioned in this

video so what is Pinterest how does Pinterest work and how can you

leverage the social media platform to grow your business let's take a look

what is Pinterest Pinterest is a social network focused on visual bookmarking

and kind of acts like an online pin board users share and discover new

interests by posting known as pinning on Pinterest images or videos to their own

or other people's boards and browsing what other users are pinned pin our

visual bookmarks each pin you see on Pinterest links back to the site it came

from so you can learn more like how to make it or where to buy it from people

use Pinterest for all sorts of things from helping them get inspiration for

their big events to finding and sharing their favorite recipes online so how do

we use Pinterest for business there are lots of different ways to use Pinterest

for business people talk about using Pinterest as a way to put up their

vision board online or as a way to communicate colors and concepts and

ideas with their peers or with their clients however the key way to really

leverage the power of Pinterest for business is to use Pinterest to drive

traffic to your website driving traffic to your website helps you build your

brand and helps you be found so how does it work there are a lot of search engine

optimization benefits to use the Pinterest

so your Pinterest board and your Pinterest depends ranking Google easier

than your website would let's have a look at that a highly competitive niche

is the wedding industry and if you have a look at the top results for searches

for wedding dress style you can see a couple of heavy hitters websites appear

and you can see Pinterest so if you share your content to Pinterest and

optimize your pins and your boards for these keywords we increase the chances

of your content appearing in search versus the chances of your content

appearing in search from your website alone when it's competing with these

other heavy heading websites Pinterest is a great for business because people

who are looking for certain keywords can find your business organically through

your pins and Pinterest boards on Google and in Pinterest people search within

Pinterest for all sorts of products and product ideas to die from whether it's

Mac accessories or organic makeup fashion ideas and styles electronics or

even drone people are searching within Pinterest and many of them are apt to be

looking to buy interest also has a paid advertising feature that allows you to

extend your reach for more people to find you this is a great offering

particularly when you're just getting started with Pinterest you're able to

utilize their paid advertising feature in order to get your content in front of

new people and a greater audience of people who may not have seen your

content otherwise the paid advertising feature which we will go through in this

or allows you to extend your reach using a pay-per-click or paper impression

advertising model so when you're using Pinterest to drive traffic back to your

website you want to be really strategic about way that you capture the audience

from there so let's have a look at an example from the nectar collector so

from Melissa's Pinterest profile I see this ten minute tips for your blog and

business free printable that sounds pretty exciting to me so I'm going to

click on it and it looks pretty enticing to me so I'm going to read it go on over

to her website once I get to her website I get all this information and a free

checklist somewhere so I'm looking looking looking looking for things and

then I can click to download this free checklist here and I enter my name and

email to get access to it so this is a very clever way of leveraging Pinterest

traffic so you have a Pinterest pin which is connected to your blog post and

then on your blog post you give people a reason to sign up to your email list and

from your email list you're able to better manage your audience there you

can communicate with them regularly with authors with content and build the

relationship with of their so you can then sell to them later dump track going

from Pinterest to your blog post to sign up is a good way of leveraging Pinterest

for business I also know people who go from Pinterest straight to their product

or straight to their shop on their website and that works well depending on

the product and depending on the purchasing behavior of the consumer

typically sort of product but at the end the day you need to test what works

better for your business so there you have it an overview of what Pinterest is

how Pinterest works and some Pinterest marketing strategies to help you get

more reach and traction from Pinterest if you found this video useful give me a

thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and if you're looking for

more ways to grow your business with social media make sure you

grab a copy of my social media checklist it's a super simple yet comprehensive

guide to help you get your social media platforms up and running with ease to

get your hands on it simply click on the link in the description below

For more infomation >> What is Pinterest | Pinterest Business Tutorial - Duration: 6:57.


ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Samyang Cheese Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen + Taro Net Seaweed Flavor - Duration: 18:27.

sorry i'm using this on my chin...

because i have acne on my chin

today i'm gonna eat :

samyang cheese hot chicken flavor ramen

with fried egg and white rice

this samyang has a cheese powder too

and i already mix it with the noodles

Taro Net with seaweed flavor

let's eat :)

spicy enough

fried egg

i will add Taro

like this

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating Sound - Let's Eat Samyang Cheese Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen + Taro Net Seaweed Flavor - Duration: 18:27.


Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:28.

I was lucky I found what I loved to do early in life Woz and I started Apple in

my parent's garage when I was 20 we worked hard and in ten years Apple

had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a two billion dollar company

with over 4,000 employees we just released our finest creation the

Macintosh a year earlier and I just turned 30 and then I got fired how can

you get fired from a company who started well as Apple grew we hired someone who

I thought was very talented to run the company with me and for the first year

or so things went well but then our visions of the future began to diverge

and eventually we had a falling out when we did our Board of Directors sided with

him and so at 30 I was out and very publicly out what had been the focus of

my entire adult life was long and it was devastating I really didn't know what to

do for a few months I felt that I'd let the previous generation of entrepreneurs

down that I dropped the baton as it was being passed to me I met with David

Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly I was

a very public failure and I even thought about running away from the valley but

something slowly began to dawn on me I still loved what I did the turn of

events at Apple had not changed that one bit I'd been rejected but I was still

in love and so I decided to start over I didn't see it then but it turned out

that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened

to me the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a

beginner again less sure about everything it freed me to enter one of

the most creative periods of my life during the next five years I started a

company named Next another company named Pixar and fell in love with an amazing

woman who would become my wife Pixar went on to create the world's

first computer animated feature film Toy Story and is now the most successful

animation studio in the world in a remarkable turn of events Apple bought

Next and I returned to Apple and the technology we developed at Next is at

the heart of Apple's current renaissance and Laureen and I have a wonderful

family together I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't

been fired from Apple it was awful tasting medicine but I

guess the patient needed it sometime life sometimes life's gonna hit you in

the head with a brick don't lose faith I'm convinced that the only thing that

kept me going was that I loved what I did you've got

to find what you love and that is true for work as it is for your lovers your

work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly

satisfied is to do what you believe is great work and the only way to do great

work is to love what you do if you haven't found it yet keep looking and

don't settle as with all matters of the heart you'll know when you find it and

like any great relationship it just gets better and better as the years roll on

so keep looking don't settle that's a characteristic that I see in almost

everybody that I respect they all think that everything they do sucks or at

least they have very very high standards and are often disappointed by their own

work well you know I think I have some of that but I also have that idea of

like it's something that my I don't think I've talked about my dad with you

but um he was my wrestling coach in high school he was also my science biology

and environmental studies teacher really was my teacher oh what a drag

went to school your dad being the t doesn't but I learned a lot because he

was no joke he didn't pull any punches for me he you know he drove me as

hard if not harder than his other students he didn't show any favoritism

but one of the things that was always his thing on the mat and I'm kind of

paraphrasing but basically you you either win or you learn mm-hmm

especially in that high school college setting you're learning about

yourself if you if you went out there and you got your ass handed to you then

you just got beat and didn't learn anything well yeah you're a loser you

take the moment reflect on it build on what you did wrong and you now you're

actually in a way you've won you know more about yourself you know about

your limitations or what you need to improve and expand your talents

or your limitations so I guess whenever I'm doing a thing

I'm always looking at it from a learning perspective so there aren't necessarily

mistakes unless they're fatal and then you wouldn't know anyway so whatever

that really is the right way to look at everything you win or you learn yeah you

know you have great experiences because you're successful or you have

beneficial experiences because you realized what went wrong yeah but you

just one more wrinkle one more piece of information or one more experience that

you can add to your database of knowledge and it'll make you better at

everything you do don't stay in tomorrow you got to at some point move from

tomorrow to right now move from the action that you're gonna do on Monday to

right now not even today because that gives you all the time until the end of

the day you've got to move your clock when you think about here's one thing I

need to do I need to schedule more appointments I'm gonna do that right now

right now the first available moment I have to do it I'm going to do it right

now I'm gonna start right now I'm gonna get moving right now because a lot of

you are listening to this stuff and that's great listening is great

understanding is even better action is even better than understanding you can

have the most knowledgeable person in the world but if they keep saying

tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow they're never going to get the results

that they're looking for so guess where most of the learning and most of the

real understanding comes from in the doing love yourself a hundred percent

not worrying what other people think is the greatest form of self love when self

love is absent you will always be worrying what other people think people

that love themselves we see them all the time in the world

and they're smiling they're letting go of fear letting go and they are soaring

to phenomenal heights we've all gone into the streets and we've seen people

singing or playing the guitar in the middle of the road the more your

self-love increases the more your self-expression increases and that is

the secret hug yourself when you're in that moment failing and you have to keep

going what do you say to yourself what if a lot of times I'll be the tours at

Mile Run or something like that and I'm all jacked up body's broken mines broken

spirits broken I started to say what if I can pull this off when I first walked

into the Navy Seals recruiters office he looked at me and said there's only been 35

African Americans in 70 years make it through you know what I said to myself what

if I can be the 36 it's the what if I can pull off a miracle what if I can

become someone that no one thinks I can be and just that just me talking about

that I have the hair going up on my arms because it makes me just like what if I

can be that guy that people who call nigger and this and that and now I'm

speaking at Toms Ferries event what if

that's it thinking completely different is the key if everyone is competing on

one level you got to think on another like for instance like I'd always wanted

to get in television but TV is so it was always so crowded everyone's

trying to get in on Friday night on NBC so what do you do when everyone I've

always heard this advice and it made sense only recently everyone is doing

the same thing everyone's competing in the same room you have to think much

bigger there's a lot less competition up there there's nobody up there actually

so find the hole to fill it yeah I can't get my show on TV I know I'll own a

network then I can put on any show that I want and how many other people are

going up for network you know many other people applied for that network company

it was a lot and then it wasn't a lot a hundred people in the whole country the

whole country a hundred people threw in an idea for network and showed a

presentation a lot less people that you meet in this room so any think about

that think about how can I show somebody how can I get someone's attention

everyone else is at the festival don't go to the festival go some do you think

of something I mean go to the festival think also something else beyond that

don't rely on the festival because then you're just crossing your fingers you

got to hit it from other ways and that promotes much bigger thinking I always

say aim high because if you aim just at the festival you might hit it and you

might just hit lower but if you aim really high you might still just hit the

festival but least now you got a chance to hit there there or like I think

you've got to find what makes you tick and I think greatness comes from when

you marry your passion with your job because I don't really think I have a

job I just I love what I do and I always say that to kids I talk to a lot of

kids who're at university and say how do I make a lot of money I said forget a lot

of money part find something you're gonna be great at and let the money

follow you so what what is it about people who find their passion who work

hard and never make a dime well they make a few dimes but not enough they

never get there you know if any it's it's interesting because we have this

conversation I live in a very affluent area and I

have these quarterly dinners or used to with my neighbors so at one point I

had twenty guys they were all worth hundreds of millions of dollars and we

asked that same question can you always be successful even if you love what you

do and all the other stuff and the reality is as my dad said if you work

hard right you will never be poor in life but just because you work hard

doesn't mean you'll be rich sometimes you need to get lucky but but the

reality is that the harder you work it's true the luckier you get

For more infomation >> Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish - Study Motivation - Duration: 10:28.


Farming Simulator 17 REFROM MULI T8 PACK Muli transport vehicle - Duration: 12:29.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The Muli transport vehicle.

Muli is a multipurpose vehicle and it can change frames in this ModPack is available Four Different Tools

Muli transport vehicle 110Hp 60Km/h Top Speed

Added Tyres 6 Key 7 Key

Forage Wagon 30.000l Capacity 20Km/h Working Speed

Tipper 4.000l Capacity

Slurry Spreader 3.200l Capacity 10m Working Width

Manure spreader 4.000l Capacity 4m Working Width NO HIRE WORKER FUNCTION

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 REFROM MULI T8 PACK Muli transport vehicle - Duration: 12:29.


명세빈 찌라시,명세빈 장중호 결별이유와 성형전 - Duration: 12:56.

For more infomation >> 명세빈 찌라시,명세빈 장중호 결별이유와 성형전 - Duration: 12:56.


Proof? It's not my Job | daily sprout 360 - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Proof? It's not my Job | daily sprout 360 - Duration: 0:47.


"Lithium" - Kurt Cobain (KAOS-FM - 25 de Setembro de 1990) - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> "Lithium" - Kurt Cobain (KAOS-FM - 25 de Setembro de 1990) - Duration: 2:11.


"Dumb"/"Been A Son" - Kurt Cobain (KAOS-FM - 25 de Setembro de 1990) - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> "Dumb"/"Been A Son" - Kurt Cobain (KAOS-FM - 25 de Setembro de 1990) - Duration: 3:45.


Wrong Mouth Paw Patrol Toys Story Frozen Elsa Ladybug Finger Family Song And Learn Colors - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> Wrong Mouth Paw Patrol Toys Story Frozen Elsa Ladybug Finger Family Song And Learn Colors - Duration: 11:53.


ecco le dieci cose che forse non sapete (e non osate chiedere) sulle chiappe - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> ecco le dieci cose che forse non sapete (e non osate chiedere) sulle chiappe - Duration: 6:30.


Heartland Season 11 Episode 1 - Duration: 45:01.

Heartland Season 11 Episode 1

For more infomation >> Heartland Season 11 Episode 1 - Duration: 45:01.


'새빨간' 머리로 염색하고 '뱀파이어 미모' 된 지드래곤 사진 10장 - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> '새빨간' 머리로 염색하고 '뱀파이어 미모' 된 지드래곤 사진 10장 - Duration: 3:21.


응원 온 팬들에게 '1천만원' 상당의 '아웃백 도시락' 쏜 방탄소년단 - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> 응원 온 팬들에게 '1천만원' 상당의 '아웃백 도시락' 쏜 방탄소년단 - Duration: 3:03.


길옥윤 재혼 부인,길옥윤 혜은이 패티김 과거 이야기 - Duration: 9:30.

For more infomation >> 길옥윤 재혼 부인,길옥윤 혜은이 패티김 과거 이야기 - Duration: 9:30.


Pirates of the Caribbean

For more infomation >> Pirates of the Caribbean


O professor do Festival - vídeo 4 - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> O professor do Festival - vídeo 4 - Duration: 5:14.


Rupert Spira - Como Acontece o Ocultamente da Consciência? (Legendado Em Português) - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> Rupert Spira - Como Acontece o Ocultamente da Consciência? (Legendado Em Português) - Duration: 7:45.


Homilia Diária.648: Segunda-feira da 25.ª Semana do Tempo Comum (I) - Maria, Estrela do Mar - Duration: 5:32.

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Homage to the Pharmacist - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Homage to the Pharmacist - Duration: 1:04.


Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 25/09/2017 - A COROA DA VIDA - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - 25/09/2017 - A COROA DA VIDA - Duration: 2:11.


"Dumb"/"Been A Son" - Kurt Cobain (KAOS-FM - 25 de Setembro de 1990) - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> "Dumb"/"Been A Son" - Kurt Cobain (KAOS-FM - 25 de Setembro de 1990) - Duration: 3:45.


"Opinion" - Kurt Cobain (KAOS-FM - 25 de Setembro de 1990) - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> "Opinion" - Kurt Cobain (KAOS-FM - 25 de Setembro de 1990) - Duration: 3:20.


"Lithium" - Kurt Cobain (KAOS-FM - 25 de Setembro de 1990) - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> "Lithium" - Kurt Cobain (KAOS-FM - 25 de Setembro de 1990) - Duration: 2:11.


McDonald's® | Pumpkin & Crème Pie Review! 🎃🍂 - Duration: 3:41.

hey guys it's Ian K for peep this out back again with another one for ya

headed on over to McDonald's today guys because they've got the return of their

pumpkin spice themed fall menu along with a particular baked good that I

actually missed out on that first time around let's fix that up right now by

going in to get one yeah peep this out let me go for one of those pumpkin and

cream pies please and that's all just one

great thank you so much hello you got it yes thank you awesome thanks so much

have a good one all right guys portable pumpkin pie goodness here at mcdonald's

let's peep this out

definitely an awesome baked pumpkin spice flavor in the car guys let's slide

this one out of the box you guys can see how flaky this apparently looks here

this is actually pretty nice in terms of the presentation here it's definitely

got that flaky appearance and coated with sugar on the very top it looks like

there guys have a look in the middle as you guys can see on the inside you've

got a strip of that pumpkin goodness and then it looks like on the very top we've

got a little bit of the cream on the inside let me break this one towards you

real fast here in the middle so you guys can see it before I do have a look and

see how they do it here at McDonald's there you go the pumpkin goodness right

there on the side and on the other side we've got the cream filling there so

let's give this one a shot a definitely looks pretty tasty it's the pumpkin and

cream pie here at McDonald's already dig them what looks like those granulated

sugar crystals on the top hmm that pumpkin instantly jumps out at you on

top of the nice flaky crust this is actually encased in but I got to be

honest the cream itself is a little bit more of the cream cheese type filling

and I'm not really a super fan of that but I really like how hearty it tastes

because of the rich creamy flavor but again the cream cheese flavor on its own

is not something that I'd probably recommend pairing with pumpkin only

because I think a whip type of cream would have gone so much better but being

that they have to bake these I understand why it needs to be a little

bit thicker but I really like the flavor of this guys it actually is pretty good

and for like $0.97 after-tax it's not bad at all mm-hmm let me give you one

more shot on the inside guys as you can see the cream cheese filling is of the

thicker variety and if you're really down with that type of flavor on

desserts I think you'll like this but for me I don't think it goes very well

with pumpkin but it is a pretty nice flavor on its own but as always that's

just my opinion like I said if you're down with that type of cream filling

with pumpkin you're probably gonna like this a lot but what do you guys

personally think of this one if you've had the pumpkin and cream pie here at

McDonald's drop a comment down below let me know if you think it's worth trying

again if you've had it last year and if it's your first time trying it how

amazing was it to you I'm always curious to hear what you guys have to say so

drop those comments down below and as for the overall rating I'm gonna have to

give the pumpkin and cream pie here at McDonald's a pretty decent

7 out of 10 this is definitely way above average I'm absolutely diggin the pumpkin

filling that they're using in this as well as the flaky crust that it's baked

in but how you feel about cream cheese type filling along with that pumpkin is

gonna be what determines if you come back to get this

again and those are my thoughts on this one as we close out another episode of

peep this out guys and like I always say I've got brand new content every single

week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the next review coming

real soon in the meantime stay frosty not too bad guys a pretty decent fall

themed alternative to the already awesome baked apple pie here at

McDonald's and thankfully that is year-round because that's absolutely one

of my favorites alright guys until next time I'll talk to you soon

For more infomation >> McDonald's® | Pumpkin & Crème Pie Review! 🎃🍂 - Duration: 3:41.


TAG - All about me - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> TAG - All about me - Duration: 10:32.


Maze Runner 3 Trailer REACTION - Duration: 4:17.

Maze Runner isn't exactly returning in a position of strength...

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