Sunday, September 24, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 25 2017

Distinguidos invitados y colegas

a nombre del Servicio de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de E.E.U.U.

me gustaría darles la bienvenida al 7º Congreso Mundial BASC

y felicitarlos a todos....por sus vigésimo aniversario de la organización BASC

lamento no poder acompañarlos en esta ocasión tan especial

y les pido su comprensión y buenos deseos

para aquellos impactados por los desastres naturales en los E.E.U.U.

como parte interesada del programa BASC desde sus inicios

el Servicio de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de los E.E.U.U. se enorgullece

del impresionante progreso que han realizado

mejorando los estándares de seguridad en la cadena de suministro

construyendo alianzas con agencias de gobiernos

y estableciendo acuerdos de cooperación mutua

para organizaciones públicas y privadas...

...en todo el mundo

la seguridad de todas nuestras naciones

se potencializa por los logros de BASC

en sus esfuerzos continuos para lograr estos objetivos

los principios de seguridad y colaboración

son el corazón de nuestra institución

así mismo, el inquebrantable compromiso de BASC

para asegurar la cadena de suministro global

y facilitar el comercio lícito...

es profundamente valioso para nosotros

les exhorto a todos ustedes

y los miles de empresas certificadas BASC

a continuar desafiándose

para expandir sus influencias

y unir aun más, organizaciones públicas y privadas

en persecución de nuestros objetivos comunes

de salvaguardar y promocionar el comercio internacional

... a titulo personal

mi experiencia laboral en BASC

y las relaciones profesionales que he logrado

con mucho de ustedes, en los últimos 20 años

ha sido uno de los aspectos mas destacados en mi carrera

es con gran entusiasmo

y la mayor de las confianzas

que deseo ver como se desarrollan las alianzas de todas

nuestras organizaciones colectivas, y sus logros en el futuro

espero que tengan un exitoso evento esta semana

y les expreso mis mejores de deseos para todos

para los próximos 20 años... Gracias!

For more infomation >> Saludo Comisionado Robert E. Perez - CBP - Duration: 2:15.


LibidMax Mega turbo 🍾 Kid Bengala Usa e Recomenda - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> LibidMax Mega turbo 🍾 Kid Bengala Usa e Recomenda - Duration: 1:59.


Un bautizo terminó en tragedia cuando 11 familiares fueron sepultados por el sismo - Duration: 8:09.

For more infomation >> Un bautizo terminó en tragedia cuando 11 familiares fueron sepultados por el sismo - Duration: 8:09.


How to make a setup wizard easily with inno setup 2017 Part 1 - Crazy Tutorials - Duration: 8:11.

hello everybody welcome to crazy Tutorials by and teached by Kubra Abrar

today I'm gonna show you how to make a setup wizard by using Inno Setup 5.5.9

this video is part on its 2017 hmm this version is 2017 and this video 2017 so

you think it to this is update version so at first you have to install this

Inno Setup 5.5.9

and I want to talk something that some computer user when see the program file of any

software the think that how will they create the Software setup wizard (.exe) file So, I hope

this video is for them

okay I don't wanna talk long at first we have to install this is inno

setup oh yeah if you want this software for free just check out

our video description or visit in so let's go how to do it ?

how to do it so first we have to install this in step I'll click on right in

button and click on run as administrator click on a small where you can see this

set awaited pair on the select or the line goes to use during the installation

that this is noise click on OK you can see this pop-up a treatise which called

or setup wizard this is the License Agreement which is very important for

your setup file main setup wizard and here I accept the agreement into the

form wise of the soldier this is very important ok click on next then click on

Harrigan CD here you can see the install initiative we for sure

click on aged recreates the sub 12 cards associate in a sec await the clock ISS

violence and song recognized ready to install era this is the future of this

this is the welcome welcome it

before it's endless then click on next okay this is tall

hair complet then click on first is a point in a sitar click on finish I can

see ok here it is your project click on that what you want to do we have to

choose what's up their way to your subject I think this is my software

which targets call management system processor 2 + 5 c 2 pi point voice call

management enable content this is log in fact very consider user support this is

your soft chair

okay I'll come back coming let's go male 1 you can see our is commenting system

Pro call game runs Li shuo real cheap to show relative square wave result and a

different object wrapped it ultimate you can see the developments this is okay

back cause this sorting

okay this is your sub tab you can choose your subject please eat by subject and

you choose your subject okay you choose your subject

so first heritance is some very important is this it takes please make

it bigger this is the oh yeah you can hear it tells okay okay you can see this

goes this is common in system Pro going this is the page of license agreement

which is called the rich text format this is really straightforward

I will show you how to creat a rich text format okay this is your excavating

system Pro license agreement okay click on it and open it this is your argument

is we can see a license agreement paper see okay close

this is the oil come to women system opponent you can see just we have to you

have to type these things and type those things to complete your set up waiver is

very important for your cinema and this is complete we is it up your complaint

it will solve this is your text so how to create breaks the promise approach

for desktop we will create a simple page Microsoft odds are immense void age ace

containment type anything else click on time then click on save all this is safe

okay soit I can save it then click on browse takes up yes

then click on save as time with your type of your document let's look for me

to be spell here you can see the wrist a storm it

here please takes comment click on head click on it and then click on save okay

in close this page here you can see two different types of documents so here we

teach take c36 from it this with text duration form it is luggage something

different from this simple word document or you can see by clicking on my T's

this Archie a main three states for this country can envisage sinkhole by created

do see X table you see X and Microsoft are job it's about you then

we have to do here conspire Oh Harrigan sell crack I turn image file okay and

here you can see the logo our logo agency logo this is a Logan here you see

the logo poster or for software processes +5 to main system control

buttons at the people corporation closet here it is open perpetual software visit

Go back to setup compilerLastly I'll remind you that

Please Watch The part NO 2 How to make a setup wizard easily with inno setup 2017 Part 2 - Crazy Tutorials

Just Check out our video description and see you in part 2 or visit in

and take care everybody see you next time

For more infomation >> How to make a setup wizard easily with inno setup 2017 Part 1 - Crazy Tutorials - Duration: 8:11.


Mecânico do bairro Movelar morre em acidente de trânsito em Vila Valério - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Mecânico do bairro Movelar morre em acidente de trânsito em Vila Valério - Duration: 0:57.


MAZE RUNNER 3 Official Trailer #1 NEW 2018 Dylan O'Brien Sci Fi Movie HD - Duration: 1:16.

What is this place?

Who put us here?

We don't know

What if we were sent here for a reason?

You are so close to the truth

Don't you want to know why this all happened?

Three years we spent behind walls, trying to break out.

And now we want to break back in

I'll get the shotgun

You can't save everyone Thomas

I can try

When the hell does it stop?

It stops when we find a cure

There is no cure!

Hang on!

Thomas, you can save your friends

Or you can save us all

For more infomation >> MAZE RUNNER 3 Official Trailer #1 NEW 2018 Dylan O'Brien Sci Fi Movie HD - Duration: 1:16.


ecco perché 'despacito' spacca così tanto: i segreti musicali della canzone tormentone dell'estate - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> ecco perché 'despacito' spacca così tanto: i segreti musicali della canzone tormentone dell'estate - Duration: 10:37.


quel mandrillone di eriksson si confessa:ho avuto tante non sono mai stato infedele a nancy - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> quel mandrillone di eriksson si confessa:ho avuto tante non sono mai stato infedele a nancy - Duration: 9:01.


Forza 7 Max Aggression Epic...

For more infomation >> Forza 7 Max Aggression Epic...


Really can't use food to amuse the pocket monkey,Huhu is crazy.I bet you want to watch this. - Duration: 0:18.


No, no ,no

Give it to you.


Haha. Huhu is angry.

For more infomation >> Really can't use food to amuse the pocket monkey,Huhu is crazy.I bet you want to watch this. - Duration: 0:18.


Fear the Walking Dead: Next on: 'This Land Is Your Land' Ep. 313 - Duration: 0:41.

On the next episode of AMC's "Fear the Walking Dead"...

Nick: If those people die...'s because we failed.

Look, we're all in this together.

Then we're gonna die together.

[ Infected snarling ]

[ Screams ]

[ Metal crashes, woman screams ]

[ Snarling ]

[ Laughs ]

For more "Fear the Walking Dead," go to

For more infomation >> Fear the Walking Dead: Next on: 'This Land Is Your Land' Ep. 313 - Duration: 0:41.


Here's the REAL REASON Ken liked Barbie... | Celebrity Family Feud - Duration: 0:29.

Shannon, here's your chance. Fill in the blank.

It was distressing for Barbie

to discover that Ken only liked her for her what?

We've conferred. We're gymnasts. We're going with flexibility.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Flexi-- [ Laughs ]


For more infomation >> Here's the REAL REASON Ken liked Barbie... | Celebrity Family Feud - Duration: 0:29.


Fear the Walking Dead: 'Let's Get This Over With' Sneak Peek Ep. 313 - Duration: 0:50.


[Gun cocks]


You sure you're gonna be okay down here?

You sure you're gonna be okay up there?


Let's get this over with.




For more infomation >> Fear the Walking Dead: 'Let's Get This Over With' Sneak Peek Ep. 313 - Duration: 0:50.


Ray Donovan | Next on Episode 8 | Season 5 - Duration: 0:50.

I just want to open the bar and sing songs.

We're gonna beat it.

I promise.

You told me you swapped out Abby's number.

I did.

She didn't get in the trial.

I want to know who did.

I want addresses.

I want everything.

Does anyone in this family give a fuck about what I want?

He's just trying to make you better.



For more infomation >> Ray Donovan | Next on Episode 8 | Season 5 - Duration: 0:50.


메이즈 러너: 데스 큐어 MAZE RUNNER: The Death Cure 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> 메이즈 러너: 데스 큐어 MAZE RUNNER: The Death Cure 공식 예고편 (한국어 CC) - Duration: 1:09.


The Keeper || E1: "The Ascending Storm" || Original Schleich Series - Duration: 16:51.

Ugh.. this place is as good as dead.

Only bones everywhere.

We have to keep looking. Go over there.

If we're lucky, we might find a snake.

If you want to starve to death, you can stay here.

Fine, fine! I'm going.


Huh?! Who...

What are you?!

Ah, don't worry.

This isn't going to hurt one bit.

You're cra-

Grandma! Grandpa!


Shouldn't you rascals be asleep?

When are mom and dad coming back?

It could take a while, little one.

Hunting is not an easy task.

I want to hunt too!

The time will come soon, Cobalt.

You'll be a mighty lion, just like your grandfather.

I don't want to be like grandpa, he's old!

N-no offence...



None taken.

Hey, I have an idea.


To make the wait seem a bit shorter for you

how about I tell you a story?

A story?

What kind of story?

It's an ancient tale.

It has been told for generations and now it's time for you to hear it as well.

It is a story about our gods.

Gods? There's no such things!

Who told you that?


Real or not, this is still a story worth listening to.

(Faolan V.O) At the beginning of our time

there was nothing but vast emptiness.

Darkness covered the land.

But in it, there was a small glimmer of light.

As the light grew bigger, the darkness fused with it

creating the first-ever creature that is known to exist.

We call him Father.

Father, after seeing all the emptiness around him

decided to create new creatures and begun to shape the world into what we know today.

In this process, he created three dominant species.



...and felines.

When Father was finally pleased with his work

he started to notice flaws in it.

The world was in constant chaos and disrupt as the species clashed between one another.

Father realised that balancing every aspect of all of existence

was too much, even for him.

So, he created six gods to act in his place,

each for a different aspect of life.

The first two gods were equine brothers.

A white pegasus...

...and a black mustang.

The pegasus was called Anam.

His task was to breathe life into every single creature that was born.

His brother, Kifo, had the opposite task.

He took life from the sick and elderly

and guided their souls to eternal rest in Father's Safe Haven.

The second pair of gods were wolves.

A brother and a sister.

The sister was called Cahaya.

She was a beautiful white wolf

whose coat glimmered in the sunlight like crystals.

She was the sun herder.

Meaning that her task was to bring up the sun each day

and guide it back down when her brother, Nox, started his work.

Nox was a black wolf.

who guarded the moon at night.

Last but not least were the feline brothers.

One was a giant white lion named Candor.

He was the guardian of luck and all good that existed.

During hard times

he would fill the hearts of the Earth with hope and optimism.

His brother,

like you already guessed,

was the opposite.


a black panther, who was the god of misfortune and evil.

He brought misery upon those who deserved it

but also kept the balance between good and evil

to follow nature's course.

His task was not to spread evil

but to guard it and unleash it, when needed.

(Ezra V.O) Hundreds of years went by

and Father was pleased with his offsprings' work.

Some gods, however

chose to choose heirs for themselves.

that would help them with their work and eventually

take over their role as gods when it was their time to go to Father's Haven.

Candor was the first god to do it.

And he chose a young leopard cub

named Tenebris as his apprentice.

The god taught him everything there was to being one.

As Tenebris grew up

his ambition and desire grew.

Candor had made becoming a god his only goal in life.

The other gods, Kifo being the first

saw the darkness in Tenebris's soul.

The feline didn't want to be a god to do good for others.

He only seeked power.

Tenebris was outraged by the accusations of the other gods

but Candor warned him not to take them seriously.

When Candor finally presented his apprentice to Father

the latter saw Tenebris through

and what he really was.




He rejected him and did not allow him to be Candors heir.

Tenebris, of course, was furious

and that's where his hatred for all gods began.

With the powers Candor had given him,

he gathered an army of supporters and made them turn against their rulers.

Tenebris had declared war upon Father and his children.

The other gods had no choice but to fight back

except for Candor.

He was still blind.

He could not bare to see what his apprentice, who he once called his son, had become.

He was obligated to destroy everything he had created.

But how could he?

(Faolan V.O) Tenebris had become powerful.

So powerful, that he was now a match for a god.

Malus went into battle against him, but...

...was defeated.

Candor finally saw the real Tenebris.

As he had been the one to train the apprentice

he had given him powers

and that made him the only one who could take those powers away from him.

However, as Candor was about to do so

something strange happened.

As Malus's spirit faded away

unbearable pain struck through Tenebris's body.

As he withered on the ground in agony

his coat turned pitch black.

For he had killed the god of darkness

he had become one himself.

His dream had finally been fulfilled.

But not in the way anyone would have expected.

Candor knew that Tenebris was still full of hatred

and wanted revenge.

He called the other gods together

and they used their powers

to cast a powerful spell on Tenebris

that would seal him away into a dark abyss for all of eternity.

Shall he ever break free

only the gods can stop him again.

That's it?

What happened next?

Tenebris had been defeated

but Candor was miserable.

So many innocent lives had been lost in the endless battle.

Among them his own brother

and he had lost his apprentice.

The one who he had treated as his own son.

One day

the gods could no longer find him.

Not even Father himself.

And he was never found again.

(Ezra V.O) Some say that he died of grief

and his soul is wandering Father's Haven.

Others like to think that he left the Earth

and although he cannot be seen

he's still out there,

guarding us.

But what all the other gods knew, for sure,

was that he disappeared

and never came back.

Will he ever come back?

Maybe one day...

For more infomation >> The Keeper || E1: "The Ascending Storm" || Original Schleich Series - Duration: 16:51.


Maxine Waters SHREDS Steve Mnuchin: Evidently He Doesn't Understand The Constitution - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Maxine Waters SHREDS Steve Mnuchin: Evidently He Doesn't Understand The Constitution - Duration: 0:56.


BREAKING: NFL Commissioner Bashes Trump, But He Forgot About 1 Huge Thing | Top Stories Today - Duration: 4:52.

Politics have infected the NFL to a detrimental extent ever since Colin Kaepernick started

the trend of protesting by kneeling during the national anthem.

After Trump issued a response to the latest protesting player, the NFL Commissioner issued

a statement — a move that wasn't well thought out.

In a statement released by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, he called President Trump's

recent comments "divisive" and disrespectful.

Goodell should've thought twice about bashing the President.

The NFL is currently exempt from antitrust laws — an exemption that has been challenged

numerous times in recent years — and their growing political protests could see the exemption

stripped once and for all, putting an end to the monopoly that has yielded them billions

of dollars annually, according to New York Post.

The exchange between Trump and Goodell began after NBA star Stephen Curry told reporters

he would refuse a visit to the White House — a tradition shared by champions of major

league sports teams — due to his opposition to the Trump administration's policies.

President Trump tweeted that a White House visit should be considered an honor, and in

light of Curry's comments, his invitation was thereby withdrawn.

Goodell issued a statement criticizing Trump for the comments.

However, Goodell failed to realize that bashing the President could result in damaging consequences

at the federal level.

The NFL's anti-trust exemption allows major sports leagues to negotiate and speak on behalf

of the teams in their leagues in the context of media deals.

As a result, the leagues are enabled to act as a monopoly and secure lucrative broadcasting

contracts that have resulted in billions of dollars every year.

The exemption, at times referred to as a "blank check,' has been challenged by Congress

several times in recent years due to numerous domestic violence crimes committed by major

sports players.

In 2014, Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced a bill to eliminate the anti-trust

exemption for all major sports leagues in the US, instead requiring leagues to qualify

for renewals every five years.

The renewals would be determined by congressional review and consider the behavior of those

within the leagues.

In 2011, Representative John Conyers (D-MI) introduced Prevent Lockout of Athletes This

Year (PLAY) Act to end the 50-year anti-trust exemption for the NFL alone, following the

notorious NFL lockout and a lawsuit regarding the antitrust exemption.

Another bill to end the exemption only for the NFL emerged in 2015 by Eleanor Holmes

Norton (D-DC) in response to the controversial and allegedly racist "Washington Redskins."

Holmes Norton took issue with the federal government's nickname, Washington paired

with what she considered the racist and "disparaging moniker" of Redskins.

The previous year, the congresswoman also introduced a bill eliminating the tax-exempt

status of the NFL.

Interestingly, the pattern of Democrats challenging the anti-trust and tax exemptions appear to

have ceased with Donald Trump in the White House.

Now that Colin Kaepernick has stirred anti-American protests in the NFL — a demonstration that

has seeped into other sports — the Left is fully supportive of the NFL and launches

attacks on anyone who speaks critically of it.

The prevalence of anti-American protests in the sports has proven to be quite costly for

the NFL.

Protesting the anthem has alienated the pro-American viewers, causing significant ratings declines

and revenue losses.

What was considered to be a temporary viewership decline last year has only worsened as the

anthem protests have intensified.

The NFL is currently exempt from antitrust laws.

With growing political protests, should that exemption be stripped?

Despite records in the stock market, networks that broadcast NFL games have seen their stock

prices decline between 1 and 8 percent, according to Forbes.

The major networks are projected to lose $200 million in advertising revenue with the NFL

due to this year's 10 percent viewership decline.

Today, President Trump called for a boycott of NFL teams who disrespect the country.

"If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country,

you will see change take place fast.

Fire or suspend!"

With the Republican majority in Congress, the NFL could very well face legislation that

finally strips them of their anti-trust exemptions.

If legislation is successful, that — coupled with rapidly declining ratings and stock prices

— could deal a fatal blow to the NFL and set a precedent for other sports leagues.

Should the NFL be stripped of its current exemption from antitrust laws?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: NFL Commissioner Bashes Trump, But He Forgot About 1 Huge Thing | Top Stories Today - Duration: 4:52.


Lets play Clash Royale Live gameplay with Trixz2007 - Duration: 20:55.

For more infomation >> Lets play Clash Royale Live gameplay with Trixz2007 - Duration: 20:55.


THE IDOLM@STER.KR Ep. 23 Trailer - Duration: 0:31.

We demand the resignation of Shinhyuk Kang.

- Resign, Shinhyuk Kang! - Resign! Resign!

- Resign, Shinhyuk Kang! - Resign! Resign!

I have something to tell you.

Did he really leave?

He's not here anymore?

Mr. Kang was going to announce it

after the final match.

So, let's go all the way.

Yeah, let's do this.

For more infomation >> THE IDOLM@STER.KR Ep. 23 Trailer - Duration: 0:31.


Singer of national anthem at Seahawks-Titans game takes a knee - Duration: 1:48.

Singer of national anthem at Seahawks-Titans game takes a knee

For more infomation >> Singer of national anthem at Seahawks-Titans game takes a knee - Duration: 1:48.


DIY Dole Whip Taste Test - Review of the Most Popular Recipes - Duration: 7:19.

Hey everybody it's Julia and Ben with Konkin Can Do and today we're hacking recipes.

What recipe?

Dole Whip from Disneyland.

So we have looked all over the internet and I've noticed there are tons of recipes that

are all completely different, but they all claim to taste exactly like the Dole Whip

from the parks.

We're going to put them to the test.

We're going to whip them up, Ha!

And see what we think compared to Disney Dole Whip.

And it probably will take you as much to do it at home as it would to get it there because

you're going to be in line for 45 minutes.

Just saying.

Should we tell them the secret?

No, that comes later.

We'll tell you the secret at the end of the video if you're going to the Disney parks.

So this recipe comes directly from Dole's website, and so you'd think it's going to

be pretty good considering it's called Dole Whip.

Well I certainly hope so.

The ingredients you need for this recipe are frozen banana, frozen pineapple juice, powdered

sugar and coconut milk.

So we're going to whip this up and see how it tastes.

It kinda just tastes like banana.

Yeah, like someone got confused and thought that banana was a pineapple.

This is definitely not the Disneyland Dole Whip.

Or good.

Konkin disapproved.


This try, we're going to use the recipe on epicurious.

What we have here is, frozen banana, frozen pineapple, canned coconut milk, and a pinch

of salt.

Just a pinch.

Get outta here.



Let's whip it up.

It's pretty good.

I'd have to say that it's still to banana tasting for me.

Like, the Disneyland dole whip it doesn't taste like banana at all.


The consistency is right I would say.


It's good.

Yeah, I would say, it's good.


If you were to make this as a dessert, absolutely, if you want to pass it off as Dole Whip from

Disneyland, not happening.


Still eating.

Konkin Can Do approved for a tasty, light, recipe, but not Disneyland Dole Whip.

It's approved-ish.


We took this recipe from Gemma at Bigger Bolder Bakers, she's another YouTuber and she has

some fantastic stuff.

Check her out.

I almost feel like it's too good to be true because there are only two ingredients.

Two good to be true!

I know!

But, you know what, she's got some fantastic recipes so We're giving it a go.

All you need for this one is frozen pineapple and coconut milk.

So, let's giver.

Whip it up.

Whip it good.

It's good.


It's quite tasty.

In my mind it's still not the real deal because it's not sweet enough.

The consistency is a little more slushy and slurpy than it is that creamy dole whip.

Quite tart, but it's pineapple, not banana.

And if you're counting your calories, I have to say it's a very tasty dessert.

If it was a little creamier and had a little more sweetness it'd be in business.

Good but not quite.

This recipe comes from Tastemade.

We have three ingredients.

We have frozen pineapple, sweetened condensed milk and finally, milk.

But the true dole whip in Disneyland does not use dairy, so we'll have to see how this


Let's whip it up.

You know what, I am a big fan of sweetened and condensed milk, but nah.

I don't like the way it goes with the pineapple.

They needed the sweetness but the sweetened condensed milk is the wrong flavour for sweetness.

I have to say, sorry Tastemade, you did not hack the Disneyland Dole Whip recipe.

And you broke the rules and put dairy in it.

So we tried four recipes and my favourite of the bunch was the recipe from Gemma at

Bigger Bolder Bakers.

It was nice and simple, there were only two ingredients and in my opinion it was the closest.

What do you think?

Well I definitely agree.

It was the one that I liked the most.

I definitely think it was more of a nice pineapple dessert as opposed to a substitute for dole


Maybe Disney's just holding on to their secret, I don't know.

Quick tip for making any of these.

They need to be served right away and do not if you do make any of these with banana in

them, they will go brown.

If you have a food processor, I highly recommend using that to whip it up.

We said there was going to be a tip on how to get yourselves some dole whip when you

get to Disneyland.

It's actually two parts here for you guys.

Part one.

If there's a huge line in adventure land for dole whip outside of the tiki room, you can

actually go into the tiki room waiting area and there is a much shorter line there.

But the best tip of all is you can actually get alcoholic dole whips.

Head over to the Disneyland resort and the coffee house is right beside the lobby of

the hotel and they actually serve spiked dole whip.


So we've been to Disneyland twice together and did not know of this so we are going to

be checking it out and let you know how amazing it is cause you know it's going to be freaking


If you can come up with a recipe that is as good as the dole whip in Disneyland.

Let us know.

Yes please.

Hey, thanks for watching.

Just remember to subscribe, like, leave a comment or do nothing.

Whatever, it doesn't matter, we totally love you regardless.




What the hell was that?

I don't know.

It's the sugar.

Yeah well we've had a fair amount.

It's the pineapple.


Alright guys, We've gotta go.

All the best.

Things are getting crazy around here.


For more infomation >> DIY Dole Whip Taste Test - Review of the Most Popular Recipes - Duration: 7:19.


California Caregiver Training - Duration: 0:43.

Become a caregiver. Caregiver certification. How to become a caregiver.

For more infomation >> California Caregiver Training - Duration: 0:43.


Tension entre la Corée du Nord et les États Unis Loïc Tassé et Charles Philippe David à TLMEP - Duration: 17:58.

For more infomation >> Tension entre la Corée du Nord et les États Unis Loïc Tassé et Charles Philippe David à TLMEP - Duration: 17:58.


Orland Park Septic Line Repairs 815-630-1024 Orland Park Septic Line Repair - Duration: 1:09.

Orland Park Septic Line Repairs. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line rodded and paying someone to come out

every 6 months?

Tritan Plumbing has a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While rodding only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the entire surface

of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give Tritan Plumbing a call today, we'll get there fast!


For more infomation >> Orland Park Septic Line Repairs 815-630-1024 Orland Park Septic Line Repair - Duration: 1:09.


Jean-Marc Vallée gagnant d'un Prix Emmy pour la série américaine ''Big Little Lies'' à TLMEP - Duration: 15:50.

For more infomation >> Jean-Marc Vallée gagnant d'un Prix Emmy pour la série américaine ''Big Little Lies'' à TLMEP - Duration: 15:50.


Donald Trump Jr. Publicly Humiliates NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:41.

After President Donald Trump tore national anthem kneeling NFL players to shreds, the

league's commissioner — Roger Goodell — issued a statement on Friday condemning

the commander in chief's comments at an Alabama campaign rally.

"The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our

country and our culture," Goodell said in the statement.

"There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the

terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month.

Divisive comments like [Trump's] demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL,

our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force

for good our clubs and players represent in our communities."

However, Donald Trump Jr. chimed in and utterly destroyed the embattled commissioner:

"If only Roger Goodell cared as much about domestic abuse and traumatic brain injury

as he does about disrespecting America.



In recent years, Goodell has been in hot water for not doing enough to combat the major concussion

problem facing players and giving longer suspensions to players who do recreational drugs than

those who attack women.

And now, allowing players to disrespect the national anthem and American flag could end

his career as NFL's top dog.

There's no telling what will happen next.

what do you think about this?

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what do you think about this?

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top stories today.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Jr. Publicly Humiliates NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:41.


Trump responds to NFL: 'Kneeling is not acceptable' - Duration: 3:33.

Trump responds to NFL: 'Kneeling is not acceptable'

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