Monday, September 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2017

Pineapple upside down cake.

Here at

Look how delicious and perfect it is.

Sponge cake. Wow

How tasty it is.

We wil a cast iron skillet

That measures 10 inches

Wide or lengths, it measures 10 inches

This cake is made inside the oven.

We will spray it with oil.

Turn on your oven now.

And here we have Sliced pineapple.

These cans are sold in supermarkets.

We will save the liquid.

Do not get rid of if.. Because wi will use it later on.

And these are the sliced pineapple

These are very cheap.

We will use brown sugar.

Hallf cup of it..

We will add butter. Just one ounce

A little bit of butter. maybe half of an ounce.

We will turn on the the the flame on medium temperature.

Add a half if a lime juice too.

That is the first thing that we have to do .

Two spoonful of pineapple juice

And we only have to wait three or five minutes.

Everything begins to meld.

If you a round skillet unlike mine, you can use it.

Everything is melt it.

We begin to place the pineapples. Turn off the stove.

We lay the pineapples on the skillet.

We can add some cherries.

I had a few.

I only had around five or six.

But if you have more, you can add them.

The cherries embellish the cake.

It is time to make the cake.

For more infomation >> Bizcocho de piña al reves - Upside down pineapple cake - Duration: 5:57.


Daddy Yankee cuenta cómo logró comunicarse con su esposa y su hija, que están en Puerto Rico - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Daddy Yankee cuenta cómo logró comunicarse con su esposa y su hija, que están en Puerto Rico - Duration: 1:18.


Thalía también ayuda a los damnificados por el terremoto | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Thalía también ayuda a los damnificados por el terremoto | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:23.


Testimonios de las víctimas del terremoto en México | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Testimonios de las víctimas del terremoto en México | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:05.


Karim Mendiburu con reciente información del terremoto de México | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Karim Mendiburu con reciente información del terremoto de México | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:06.


Héroes anónimos en el rescate de víctimas del terremoto de México | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Héroes anónimos en el rescate de víctimas del terremoto de México | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 1:50.


¡Así viven los niños mexicanos que lo perdieron todo! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> ¡Así viven los niños mexicanos que lo perdieron todo! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:07.


El horóscopo de hoy, 25 de septiembre de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> El horóscopo de hoy, 25 de septiembre de 2017, por el astrólogo Mario Vannucci - Duration: 3:33.


Google habilitó una aplicación para localizar personas en los desastres - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Google habilitó una aplicación para localizar personas en los desastres - Duration: 1:58.


Cómo superar la depresión después de un desastre natural | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:52.

For more infomation >> Cómo superar la depresión después de un desastre natural | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:52.


Osvaldo Ríos creó su propia iniciativa para ayudar a los afectados por el huracán María - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> Osvaldo Ríos creó su propia iniciativa para ayudar a los afectados por el huracán María - Duration: 8:10.


¡Supera tus pérdidas materiales de manera metafísica! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> ¡Supera tus pérdidas materiales de manera metafísica! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:07.


¡Así tú también puedes ser un héroe de película! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> ¡Así tú también puedes ser un héroe de película! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:13.


¡Luís Enrique cuenta todo sobre su libro autobiográfico! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> ¡Luís Enrique cuenta todo sobre su libro autobiográfico! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:57.


Emma Jensen - Make You Mine - Duration: 2:45.

You didn't have me at hello

But you had me at goodbye

I didn't wanna say goodbye

This is so unusual

It kinda makes me wonder why

I ever even said goodbye

Second chances are made for cautious people

and I'm no good at waiting until the sequel

This time I'm gonna make you mine

(I know I know I know)

This time I'm gonna make you mine

(I know I know I know)

This time I'll make sure the next time won't be the last time

(I know I know I know)

This time I'll make sure the next time won't be the last time

I didn't want to let you in

But I would do it all again

End what we should begin

What were you about to say

Can we let the future wait?

Do what we wanna do again

Cause baby

Second chances were made for cautious people

and I'm no good at waiting until the sequel

This time I'm gonna make you mine

(I know I know I know)

This time I'm gonna make you mine

(I know I know I know)

This time I'll make sure the next time won't be the last time

(I know I know I know)

This time I'll make sure the next time won't be the last time

(I know I know I know...)

For more infomation >> Emma Jensen - Make You Mine - Duration: 2:45.


Ümraniyespor 4 - 2 Denizlispor Maç Özeti - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Ümraniyespor 4 - 2 Denizlispor Maç Özeti - Duration: 3:01.


The Nilon Report with Alumni Trustee John Nilon - September 2017 - Duration: 13:01.

welcome to the nylon report my name is John nylon and I'm the Alumni trustee on

the California State University Board of Trustees and the nylon record is a show

intended to provide you our viewers who are fellow alums and friends in the CSU

system with an update on what took place at the Board of Trustee meeting on

September 19th and 20th of 2017 we have three key takeaways that we'd like to

talk about today one of which is educational policy another which is an

exciting story is our trustees Award for outstanding achievement and a special

guest Tyree Boyd Pates so let's start with educational policy updates

enrollment management is a key issue for us we know that there are far too many

otherwise eligible students not being able to enroll in our CSU system so the

campuses made presentations on how to manage their enrollment how to link

enrollment back to our master plan for higher education how to strike a balance

priority between freshmen transfers and others and how to implement the new law

which requires the California State University to redirect students to

campuses from campuses that are impacted to campuses that may have openings for

these students so it's important to us to continue to explore these options

because it is our mission to prepare our workforce for the state of California

and having a fully enrolled campus as well as engaging more students in

enrollment is one of the ways to do just that we also talked a little bit about

student athlete academic support and the alumni council of course as you know

it's focused on the graduation initiative and what we're trying to do

is ensure that our student-athletes have graduation rates that are continually

getting higher and and we're doing really good work in fact in most

campuses and overall our student athletes are actually graduating at

rates that are higher than our average students our regular non athlete

students and that means to me is that our programs

are working and it's also an opportunity to share these programs with the non

student-athletes to engage them and improve their rate to graduation as well

one of the things I also like to talk about is research scholarships and

creative activities sometimes people don't think that the Cal State System

California State University System is engaged in those activities but I'm here

to tell you that's not the case we are fully engaged in fact in 2015-16 the CSU

system brought in five hundred and seventeen excuse me five hundred seventy

nine million dollars in external funding for research our CSU faculty are major

contributed to the contributors to their own discipline and over the last five

years faculty authored 33,000 journal publications and many of those include

included student co-authors which of course is really interesting for our

students because I believe we engage our students much sooner in these sort of

activities than other campuses and of course it's a major contributor to

student success now let's shift gears to a creative activity and these are our

faculty artists who influence and grow in their own disciplines in fact one of

our faculty members from California State University Long Beach developed an

acrobatic show that will run at the Barrow Street Theatre off-broadway in

New York now this show was nominated for best show best family show best

performance in family show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and of course

the cast and crew are stone students faculty and alumni now I'd like to shift

gears and talk a little bit about something that's very exciting and I

engage and encourage all of you viewers to go and watch the Board of Trustees

meeting to see these outstanding awards for achievement it is our signature

scholarship program for the CSU foundation each of the campuses has one

trustee scholar and it's nominated by the campus presidents all 23 of these

are compelling stories that are worth your time to watch of course it's based

on academic achievement service to the community and a demonstrated ability to

persevere and engage in graduation activities for each

and every one of these students the Board of Trustees was able to meet each

of the scholars and each of these scholars received a six thousand dollar

scholarship now Alejandro arias is a first-generation San Diego State

graduate or student I should say but he is the trustee emeritus all we see Razi

scholarship winner and that's the highest scholarship that's given it's a

$12,000 scholarship he has an incredible story and again if you get a chance to

watch at Cal State et you sash CSU ta you'll hear his story and I as all of us

where you'll be engaged and actually touched by the things and his a

conference overcoming so many barriers and challenges now one of the things I

really like to do is have our alumni be guest speakers and today for your show

we have an alumni guest speaker to the Board of Trustees and he's Tyree Boyd

paid as I mentioned earlier he's a fellow California State University

Bakersfield alum and he is a former trustees scholar currently he is the

curator of the african-american history and culture at the California

african-american Museum and earlier today our own alumni council president

Manolo Morales interviewed him so let's take a look

Tyree thank you so much for being here today with us speaking at the Board of

Trustees you shared a little bit with us about your current role at the

California african-american museum as history curator and program manager can

you tell us more about the recent exhibition you oversaw that commemorated

the 25th anniversary of the LA riots absolutely well giving a hundred-year

perspective on the quality of life for african americans in los angeles

I provided a historical overview for those who may not understand all of the

episodes that contributed ultimately to the 1992 civil rebellion some of which

was the Zoot Suit Riots in 1943 to the Watts rebellion in 1965 all the way down

to the LA riots and all of the policies and procedures that undergirded much of

the social inequity that black communities and communities of color in

Los Angeles had to contend with during that time and so fortunately the

exhibition was a success and we had a lot of

community participation and exhibitions like that and future ones will be my

task at the California african-american Museum very very good tell us about how

your time as an undergraduate at Cal State Bakersfield prepared you for your

Graduate Studies and now your career absolutely um I don't think I would be

the professional that I am without my time at Cal State Bakersfield um while I

was at Cal State Bakersfield I was the university outreach student ambassador

so I spent a lot of time at at high schools and middle schools throughout

the Bakersfield area telling students how lay - could one day be in the same

position and pursuing their undergraduate career I mean while I was

there I had a lot of success I probably did over 500 campus-wide tours from K

through all the way to the elderly and it was really a great time but it showed

me that your education whether it be your bachelor's - your graduate and in

post that if the community hasn't benefited from what you've learned in

the classroom then it's a missed opportunity so I bring that practice

with me wherever I go and it now bleeds into the ways in which I curate

exhibitions at the museum that's amazing thank you you know you mentioned at the

board of trustees how you got to know the president of Cal State Bakersfield

Horace Mitchell I'm wondering if you'll explain a little bit more about how that

experience went down yeah absolutely um I think dr. Horace Mitchell who is a

wonderful man in an inspiration for me just in my career has always served as a

resource but more so he was always accessible at Cal State Bakersfield and

I remember many a times whether we were on the the soccer field the baseball

field are just me giving the campus wide tours he would often just greet me and

the students I was bringing them with and so I think his uh him and his

accessibility to me all these years in his effectively his endorsement of me as

a board of trustees scholar and Award recipient definitely solidified our

relationship and as you can see it's almost ten years later we are still

shaking hands and very fond of one another

I was very special to see of course we're really excited that you're back

and in the CSU system I understand you're in the Africana Studies

department at Cal State Dominguez Hills so what brought you back to the

classroom yeah so I was in the classroom at Cal State Dominguez Hills and I spent

a whole year working in at Cal State Dominguez Hills in a part-time capacity

and it was revolutionary in the sense that I was able to bring all of my

academic expertise and giving back to the communities in which I lived in and

live in and working with the students and showing them the importance of

ethnic studies particularly Africana Studies was was was all inspiring when

students who may not have been african-american primarily Chicano were

able to empathize with the plights of other marginalized communities and see

themselves in them and also to engage in robust discussions about how we can

change our trajectory as a society was one of the most powerful moments as an

instructor and I know that I couldn't have done that had it not been for my

education within the CSU system and ultimately wanting to give back to a CSU

system that's poured so much into me yeah well we're very happy that you're

still connected I think one of the things as alumni that we constantly try

and strive to do is keep our alumni connected with their campuses and

obviously you are what are some of the ways that have allowed you to stay

connected with Cal State Bakersfield well Cal State Bakersfield recently

honored me gave me their CSU Rising Alumni Award so I guess they think I'm

um I'm doing pretty well all right right and which I'm very fortunate to have

been a recipient of but I think it's it's the desire first of first and

foremost right Cal State Bakersfield while I was on campus gave me so much

not only do they give me an education they gave me a social network that I

still glean and pull from today and many of those mentors that I had then are

still my mentors right now and that guidance and also the inroads that

they're they've made with future students always allows me a touch point

to give back and so I'm first and foremost it's the desire then it's the

execution and then really it's the the pipeline that you create for those

students so when they occupy the position you've now

Phil and so I can gladly say that I'm still working with black and brown

students at these institutions whether it be Cal State Bakersfield or CSU

Dominguez Hills our wanting to go to others and in seeking out these

opportunities because um you never know who you actually can inspire and that's

the way that I leave my professional and in my life that's amazing thank you well

thank you so much Tyree very much appreciate your time today speaking to

the Board of Trustees in here on video we were very proud to have you as an

alumni of the Cal State System so thank thank you again I'm grateful to be here

thank you very much wasn't that great thank you to Tyree for sharing what an

incredible story with us like to shift gears a little bit now and talk about

president Horace Mitchell he is the second longest tenured president in the

California State University system and last month he announced that he is going

to retire at the end of this academic year he has as a CSU graduate from

Bakersfield he has made an incredible impact in our community and incredible

impact on the campus and he will be sorely missed and as a trustee I've been

asked to be the chair of the search committee to not replace president

Mitchell but to find somebody who will be the next president of our California

State University at Bakersville so closing I'd like to remind you you

can connect with us at social media had made in the CSU and our next Board of

Trustee meeting is November 7th and 8th I look forward to seeing you there


For more infomation >> The Nilon Report with Alumni Trustee John Nilon - September 2017 - Duration: 13:01.


The Master Key System Charles F. Haanel Part 10 (Law of Attraction) - Duration: 16:02.

For more infomation >> The Master Key System Charles F. Haanel Part 10 (Law of Attraction) - Duration: 16:02.


I Apply Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE and Look What Happen, Toothpaste Beauty Hacks for Acne - Duration: 2:28.

Apply Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE Apply Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE

Apply Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE Apply Toothpaste on

my SKIN and PIMPLE Apply

Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE

For more infomation >> I Apply Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE and Look What Happen, Toothpaste Beauty Hacks for Acne - Duration: 2:28.


Destiny 2 Hunter Ep#2 - Duration: 10:15.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Hunter Ep#2 - Duration: 10:15.


কালোজিরার তেলে ব্যবহারে চুল পড়া বন্ধে নতুন চুল গজাবে মাথা ঠান্ডা রাখবে ১০০% টিপস = Health Tips - Duration: 1:36.

New hair loss will prevent headache by using black pepper oil; 100% tips = Health Tips

For more infomation >> কালোজিরার তেলে ব্যবহারে চুল পড়া বন্ধে নতুন চুল গজাবে মাথা ঠান্ডা রাখবে ১০০% টিপস = Health Tips - Duration: 1:36.


Noah Cyrus - Again ft. XXXTE...

For more infomation >> Noah Cyrus - Again ft. XXXTE...


Teen Says She Smokes 'Weed' Daily, 'But I Don't Consider It A Drug' - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Teen Says She Smokes 'Weed' Daily, 'But I Don't Consider It A Drug' - Duration: 2:16.


I Apply Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE and Look What Happen, Toothpaste Beauty Hacks for Acne - Duration: 2:28.

Apply Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE Apply Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE

Apply Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE Apply Toothpaste on

my SKIN and PIMPLE Apply

Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE

For more infomation >> I Apply Toothpaste on my SKIN and PIMPLE and Look What Happen, Toothpaste Beauty Hacks for Acne - Duration: 2:28.


Emma Jensen - Make You Mine - Duration: 2:45.

You didn't have me at hello

But you had me at goodbye

I didn't wanna say goodbye

This is so unusual

It kinda makes me wonder why

I ever even said goodbye

Second chances are made for cautious people

and I'm no good at waiting until the sequel

This time I'm gonna make you mine

(I know I know I know)

This time I'm gonna make you mine

(I know I know I know)

This time I'll make sure the next time won't be the last time

(I know I know I know)

This time I'll make sure the next time won't be the last time

I didn't want to let you in

But I would do it all again

End what we should begin

What were you about to say

Can we let the future wait?

Do what we wanna do again

Cause baby

Second chances were made for cautious people

and I'm no good at waiting until the sequel

This time I'm gonna make you mine

(I know I know I know)

This time I'm gonna make you mine

(I know I know I know)

This time I'll make sure the next time won't be the last time

(I know I know I know)

This time I'll make sure the next time won't be the last time

(I know I know I know...)

For more infomation >> Emma Jensen - Make You Mine - Duration: 2:45.



Hello everybody, friends of Geek Worlds

Today we meet again for the fifth episode of our saga

Star Wars Battlefront 1

And we're immediately going to make a little

hommage to the fifth episode of George Lucas

By doing maps

related to Empire Strikes Back

So we will do, obviously

The Echo Base...


Bespin, Cloud City...

And in this we will play

The Empire, of course because Empire Strikes Back

in the previous series we rather played

The Rebellion to harm the Empire, so today

It's time to put things back into their place

So we go right away after a small credit

The Empire, fed up of taking a beating

called upon the greatest of their leaders

Angel of Death.

Angel then decides to join the Imperial Army

And take care of those rebels...

And so we're on, we fly towards Hoth

where we will take care of those Rebels scums

As would say a certain officer in episode VI

Here we go, I take my stormtrooper, I take...

my AT-ST

as soon as I don't fall in the trench

Let's begin

What do I see?! Rebels straight ahead!



So apparently, I can't hit them from here...


And those good old musics...

From the movie obviously...

It's a Tauntaun army!

Well... apparently

They don't want to defend themselves


That's done

Where is he?

We'll get out of here

What are you doing in my home?

Well... looks like its their home...

Seems like they took care of it


Well, what's very funny in this game, it's to kill...

... the one...

who's on the ride

You need to kill the ride

Splendid backflip (Must have done gymnastics when he was little)

So where is he?

Here he is

There... Really...

It's rather a close fight...

How to manage this? I got an idea...

Heading to the hangar

Just checking nobody's waiting for me in this turret

Not doing it all over again...

There's a sniper... Well, there WAS a sniper

Over there, there's a tauntaun...

No rebels in sight... I'd say

it's rather a good sign

Goot some ammunition while we're at it

A Millenium Falcon... He should have started the engines

Too bad we can't take it

I would've made a little flight with it

Maybe in the new games we will be able to take it

who knows...

Why not after all

Come on, we're taking the snowspeeder

Poor guys

Killed with their own weapons

I am the Angel of Death

And I come from the sky

Ah yes, because might be good that I finally say why Angel of Death

Angel of Death, simply because I'm a fan

of Warhammer 40 000

And the Angel of Death are the Space Marines

Especially the assault Space Marines

And what else now?

This post is mine! LET ME HAVE THIS HANGAR!

Good, good, good, good...

Well for now, everything's going fine, I'd say

The Rebels won't last long

While I stroll

Nobody's there, no Wampas?

So, one less...

The only thing was there was a second one...

Oh no, looks like I got them both at the same time

We can be a sniper even with grenades

Could be scary

Talking about snipers

One less

What surprises me is that

we still can't turn the scales on our side

which is rather worrying...

because if I look on the map


We have almost all the control points

We're going to take this one

by killing the sniper who was there


Who is bothering me?

Well apparently it's okay...


Haven't got him!!

Someone took care of him for me

That's dumb, that...

The poor guy experienced the thunder

Aah, that good old time when you had to unload

a complete round on a poor Wookie

it's therapy harrassement

I'm not a doctor (and that's for the best)

But... we have to remember they don't know how to park

Back in episode 1

Wookies don't know how to park

That's strange, things have moved quite a bit

since I took this post

Well... Empire Strikes Back

and Empire strikes back rather well

I don't mean to boast but my aim is better than the stormtroopers from the movie

That's cool...

What are you doing in my home?

That's true, we won't let Wookies take back

command posts like that

They're only 20 left

They won't bother much longer. Take my word for it

18. And it gets fewer

We'll leave them that...

My goal is at least to finish it

Hello you, with your rocket launcher

If it was him who killed me, he deserved it

And yes, one got me (it happens)

So... Still the anachronism

rather funny is to see Dark Troopers

on this map

rather comical

We'll have some fun

I don't know where the last one is

I'd like to know

Let's stop looking

He's over there

He just captured the command post

The guy is all alone, no one minds him... Beautiful

I love this game, I love those NPCs, really...

Here he is

Thank God

There's a player in this game

It's true

It's true

So... no, no... I don't want...

the Rebellion

I want a sniper, there

We just took a sniper

I'm going to tell you why : this is my favorite map as a sniper


This map for me is rather a contest of shooting

in the head

Oops, I missed his head


So you... oups

There's a wookie

OUPS, There was a wookie

He didn't like me


On a side note, someone got to tell me why they don't move forward those buggers

There was a wookie

There was also...

A Stormtrooper in my face

Yes, doing it without scopes... That's true...

There isn't only on Call of Duty that we can do some no scope

It's an institution the no scope

Look, bam!


Here we are...

I say : my allies are looking for troubles

they get into the way EVERY TIME

If they wanna die prematurely, they just have to come and see me

And don't call me traitor after... I'm not responsible

And bam

I told you I'm also a sniper

with grenades

Here you go

As would a child in the 6th sense say

"I see dead people"


Well I will die soon enough

Well, we'll change character

we had fun with the sniper but now

Let's take back our usual character

The maverick

It's... it's true

this map is rather funny too

to play in first line like

they slam into you

No seriously?


As if a grenade wasn't enough

I made a jump of a few meters

Well... roughly

a good ten meters

Well, enough is enough!!

What the fuck is this?!!

Call the manager!

I don't know if our english friends...

have the same kind of advertisements

Well... no that would surprise me

The MAFF, if I remember well, it's only in France...


We're losing a command post, really?

Tell me where he is




Hop, and one less!

That's good, I see Stormtroopers flying over me...

It's beautiful

A no scope that can be effective too

So... What is going on here...

There... I say...

How much I love this game


Had to happen

"Victory is imminent"

How much I love this word,


So apparently he killed himself like a dumb

It's funny

Here we are

So the Empire striked back and prevailed



Well... Listen

Well I feel it's a pretty good sum up

We're maybe going to look at the stats...


Awards... That's what I most wanted to see

Hey, Dead Eye!!

What?! Only 7?!

I think there was more headshots than this...

Not our problem

Well friends...

I'll see you soon for episode 6

And on that, loads of kisses

Have fun on Geek Worlds and don't forget the main word

Subscribe and like the page...

And bye!!!

For more infomation >> STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT I - EP V : GEEK EMPIRE STRIKES BACK withAngel - Duration: 21:35.


Alessio Bernabei fidanzato con una ragazza che ha fatto i casting di Amici? È mistero - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Alessio Bernabei fidanzato con una ragazza che ha fatto i casting di Amici? È mistero - Duration: 3:32.


Illenium - Free Fall (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. RUNN - Duration: 3:27.

When we're in the free fall

I lose myself and I'm not the same

I'm spinning and I can't stop

I go into a free fall

When we're in the free fall

I lose myself and I'm not the same

I'm spinning and I can't stop

I go into a free fall

I lose myself and I'm not the same

I'm spinning and I can't stop

I go into a free fall

When you pull me into your arms

I'm floating off the ground

It's like you're diving into my heart

can't compete with all the light you give in me

Scared to look down, But gravity

Got the thrill and now I'm only one more

Never felt like this before

When we're in the free fall

When we're in the free fall

I lose myself and I'm not the same

I'm spinning and I can't stop

I go into a free fall

I lose my breath when you say my name

I'm spinning and I can't stop

I go into a free fall

When you pull me into your arms

I'm floating off the ground

It's like you're diving into my heart

One look and you're right between my lines

I couldn't hold back, I didn't try

I never knew that I was ripping at the seams

I couldn't tell him, I couldn't breathe

For more infomation >> Illenium - Free Fall (Lyrics / Lyric Video) ft. RUNN - Duration: 3:27.


Volvo V50 1.6D Edition I - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.6D Edition I - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai Atos 1.1i Dynamic - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.1i Dynamic - Duration: 1:00.


Citroën Xsara 1.8 I 16V PICASSO - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara 1.8 I 16V PICASSO - Duration: 1:00.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I S-LINE Airco - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I S-LINE Airco - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I ORANGE SPORT - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-I ORANGE SPORT - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0I DYNAMIC Zeer mooi 149000km! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0I DYNAMIC Zeer mooi 149000km! - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai Atos 1.1i Dynamic Prime - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos 1.1i Dynamic Prime - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVT-I Executive Automaat 4WD Navi, Leder, Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.0 VVT-I Executive Automaat 4WD Navi, Leder, Trekhaak - Duration: 0:59.


Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0i SX (1e Eigenaar ) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Atos Spirit 1.0i SX (1e Eigenaar ) - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY, Camera, Bluetooth, Lage Km - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-I X-PLAY, Camera, Bluetooth, Lage Km - Duration: 0:43.


Opel Astra Wagon 1.6I-16V COSMO OPC pakket, Unieke Auto !! Trekhaak, ECC, LMV, Half leer, etc.. - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra Wagon 1.6I-16V COSMO OPC pakket, Unieke Auto !! Trekhaak, ECC, LMV, Half leer, etc.. - Duration: 1:01.


Journey to the past (Norwegian) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Journey to the past (Norwegian) Subs + Trans - Duration: 2:49.


The rescue of the bride groom Jesus is living in the Stars Story Time - Duration: 8:47.

good morning YouTube good afternoon warriors good evening Internet okay this

is from rescue of the bride I'm gonna show you this channel right here this is

rescue of the bride he's got some videos okay this is his videos and it's about

rescue of the bride 18 parable of the 10 rescue of the bride 17 prophecy timeline

rescue of the bride 16 prophecy timeline so if you want to subscribe to his

channel you can subscribe right up here okay so he shared the this comment with

me and I'm gonna read it to you guys I'm gonna shoot I'm gonna read the comment

here okay he says the parable of the ten virgins Matthew 25 1 through 13 at the

time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and

went out to meet the bridegroom five of them were foolish and five were wise the

foolish ones took their lamps but but did not take any oil with them the Wise

Ones took oil in jars along with their lamps the bridegroom was a long time in

coming and they all became drowsy and fell asleep at midnight the cry rang out

here comes the bridegroom come to meet him then all the Virgin's woke up and

trimmed their lamps the foolish ones said to the wise give us some of your

oil our lamps are going out no they replied there may not be enough for both

of us and you instead go out and sell oil and buy some yourselves but when

they were on their way to buy the oil the bridegroom arrived the Virgin's who

were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet and the door was shut

later the other 's also came Lord Lord they said open the door for us but he

replied truly I tell you I don't know you therefore keep watch because you do

not know the day or the hour okay so he's got on here expectations

delay and arrival okay so number one expectation in the parable of the

ten virgins the virgins are expecting the arrival of the bridegroom they must

go out to meet him number two expectation among believers

who profess to love and follow Yahshua Jesus I don't know where Yeshua comes

from never heard of it rapture expectations are high for

September 23rd 2017 the date of the great sign of the woman revelations 12 1

through 2 many of them expect to be with Yahshua that day now my understanding is

that the great sign is in the sky of there's this star that passes through

it sits like a stick figure but it's the Stars and it looks like a woman and so

there's a Jupiter actually starts here and then going passes through the woman

and so they say that it looks like it's passing through it takes nine months for

it to happen and it looks like it's passing through her legs you know which

is a birth of a star and the star comes out through her legs so it sounds like

they you know people were keeping astrology and when you're looking up at

the stars and stargazing every night that kind of makes sense you know you

know keeping track of the the sky you know a actual pencil written out map of

the sky number three delay in the parable of ten virgins the

bridegroom does not arrive when the Virgin's expect him four delay Yahshua

the bridegroom will not arrive on September 23rd 2017 symbolically in the

great sign of the woman he has not yet been born he will not be born until

October 5th 2017 revelations 125 oh that's interesting so I'll have to

look that one up number five arrival in the parable of the ten virgins after a

long time the bridegroom arrives number six arrival the the child of Revelation

12 5 Yahshua the bridegroom will be snatched up to the throne room

yahuwah god so Yahshua's jesus yahuwah is God apparently I'm not I don't know

where that comes from on October 5th 2017 moments after 1840

UTC the time of the full moon ok number 7 entry in the parable of the ten

virgins the wise virgins who were ready went in with the bridegroom to the Vedic

wedding banquet number eight entry the great multitude in white robes the bride

and guests will not enter the throne room before Yahshua Jesus the bridegroom

they will enter the throne room with him on October 5th 2017 so Jesus got married

Jesus was married number nine we see the great multitude in robes the bride and

guests revelation nine seven nine in the throne room on October 5th 2017 moments

after 1840 UTC the time of the full moon number 10 October 5th 2017 moments after

1840 UTC the time of the full moon is the day and the hour that believers the

ones who are ready will begin entering the throne room in heaven the rescue of

the bride October 5th 2017 dot-com so so that's it

I don't know maybe I'm gonna have to see what that let's see what that is I could

be interesting if is there a website oh there is that's sort of cool oh gosh

she's got it all written out let me show you guys this is the website that he

included the rescue of the bride and there's everything there on the table of

contents the prophecy I can read a little bit of this it says heaven is

waiting for you let me show you the way do not concern yourself with being good

enough to get in none of us are good enough to get in all of us are flawed

yahuwah god will meet you where you are he will take you where he wants you to

be he will clean you up if you let him he will if you let him he will give you the gift of eternal life and a place

in heaven if you let him yahuwah knit you together in your

mother's womb he is your Creator yahuwah has loved you since before you were born

he is your father yahuwah knows everything there is to

know about you and he still loves you yahuwah sent his son yahushua Jesus to

earth so there's yahuwah and Yahshua yeah yeah yahuwah and where does yahoo

and Yahshua come from anyway Jesus to earth to rescue you he sent his son to

you to make a pathway for you to heaven he sent his son to you so that you could

have a full life to the full he sent his son to you so that you could have life

to the full he sent his son to you to offer you the

gift of eternal life Yahshua laid down his life for you his sacrifice bought

you passage to heaven yahuwah raised Yahshua from the grave and restored his

life yah-hoo sha yahushua o yahushua can now do the same for you

yahuwah has given yahushua all the authority in heaven and on earth and

under the sun he has the authority and the power to save your soul your ticket

is waiting it is up to you to receive it to receive it yahoo asks you three

things 1 turn away from the darkness and sin of disobedience he doesn't want

people to be civily disobedient apparently to follow his son yahushua I

thought yahushua was god's believe in him and follow him to lead you 3 accept

the gift of eternal life that yahushua has already bought for you so yeah ok

but that's it for right now and so yeah you can go subscribe to the rescue of

the bride and so yeah thank you so much for watching please smash and hit the

thumbs up button share this video with your friends subscribe leave comments

suggestions ideas I love you guys and I'll see you soon

peace love and avocados

For more infomation >> The rescue of the bride groom Jesus is living in the Stars Story Time - Duration: 8:47.


🇰🇿 Kazakh National Anthem | Meniñ Qazaqstanım | Национальный Гимн Казахстана - Duration: 1:57.

Sky of golden sun,

Steppe of golden seed,

Legend of courage –

Take a look at my country!

From the antiquity

Our heroic glory emerged,

They did not give up their honor

My Kazakh people are strong!

My motherland,

My motherland,

As your flower I will grow from you,

As your song I will stream, my country!

My native land – My Kazakhstan!

The way was opened to the descendants

By the vast land I have.

Its unity is proper,

I have an independent country.

It welcomed the tests of time

Like an eternal friend,

Our country is blessed,

Our country is such!

My motherland,

My motherland,

As your flower I will grow from you,

As your song I will stream, my country!

My native land – My Kazakhstan!

For more infomation >> 🇰🇿 Kazakh National Anthem | Meniñ Qazaqstanım | Национальный Гимн Казахстана - Duration: 1:57.


Cooking an Egg on the Grou...

For more infomation >> Cooking an Egg on the Grou...


Mix de Marketing: Elementos essenciais para conquistar o mercado na era do marketing 4.0 - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Mix de Marketing: Elementos essenciais para conquistar o mercado na era do marketing 4.0 - Duration: 8:01.


Apresentando o GSuite For Education - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Apresentando o GSuite For Education - Duration: 3:15.


Bizcocho de piña al reves - Upside down pineapple cake - Duration: 5:57.

Pineapple upside down cake.

Here at

Look how delicious and perfect it is.

Sponge cake. Wow

How tasty it is.

We wil a cast iron skillet

That measures 10 inches

Wide or lengths, it measures 10 inches

This cake is made inside the oven.

We will spray it with oil.

Turn on your oven now.

And here we have Sliced pineapple.

These cans are sold in supermarkets.

We will save the liquid.

Do not get rid of if.. Because wi will use it later on.

And these are the sliced pineapple

These are very cheap.

We will use brown sugar.

Hallf cup of it..

We will add butter. Just one ounce

A little bit of butter. maybe half of an ounce.

We will turn on the the the flame on medium temperature.

Add a half if a lime juice too.

That is the first thing that we have to do .

Two spoonful of pineapple juice

And we only have to wait three or five minutes.

Everything begins to meld.

If you a round skillet unlike mine, you can use it.

Everything is melt it.

We begin to place the pineapples. Turn off the stove.

We lay the pineapples on the skillet.

We can add some cherries.

I had a few.

I only had around five or six.

But if you have more, you can add them.

The cherries embellish the cake.

It is time to make the cake.

For more infomation >> Bizcocho de piña al reves - Upside down pineapple cake - Duration: 5:57.


Spring-summer 2018 ready-to-wear show - Atelier - Duration: 0:22.

Men have expressed themselves adequately

in past centuries.

I think women have a lot of things to say as a result,

and something new to offer us.

It is always a question of light and shade

and I think that it is time that the light fell on women.

For more infomation >> Spring-summer 2018 ready-to-wear show - Atelier - Duration: 0:22.


Elvis Presley - Got A Lot O' Livin' To Do from the "Loving You" movie [CC - Duration: 1:41.

Oh yes, I've got a lot o' livin' to do, got a whole lot o' lovin' to do

Come on baby, to make it fun it takes two

Oh yes, I've got a lot o' livin' to do, got a lot o' lovin' to do

And there's no one who I'd rather do it with-a than you

I've got a lot o' livin' to do, got a whole lot o' lovin' to do

Come on baby, to make it fun it takes two

Oh yes, I've got a lot o' livin' to do, got a lot o' lovin' to do

And there's no one who I'd rather do it with-a than you

There's a moon that's big and bright in the milky way tonight

But the way you act you never would know it's there

Now baby, time's a wasting, a lot of kisses I ain't been tasting

I don't know about you but I'm gonna get my share

I've got a lot o' livin' to do, got a whole lot o' lovin' to do

Come on baby, to make it fun it takes two

Oh yes I've got a lot o' livin' to do, got a lot o' lovin' to do

And there's no one who I'd rather do it with-a than you

And there's no one who I'd rather do it with-a than you

For more infomation >> Elvis Presley - Got A Lot O' Livin' To Do from the "Loving You" movie [CC - Duration: 1:41.


I SEE (SOOS Production) - Duration: 4:01.

1st Award National Competition 2017

Inspired by

O. Naso: Metamorphoses, Narcis and Echo

I see

Hey, do you have time? We could go get a drink.

I'm free today afternoon, wanna hang out?

Is something wrong?

Happy birthday, stay the same forever!

Why don't you text back?


Hey, hey, hey, hey ...

I can tell you a story.

A story about a guy who saw nothing but his muscles.

And about a guy who now regrets it very much.

But ... there is no way back.

I was looking with my eyes,

not with my heart –

and the only thing I saw was the tip of my nose.

I have done things to be better. More likeable.

For whom?

I had her but I did not see her.

And now when I want her,

really want her,

I can't get her.

I was running away.

Away from everyone,

away from myself.

And now I realised.

I would have done it all the other way.

I would have used every moment to be with her.

I want to turn back time.

Or simply ... stop

and finally start looking with my heart, because ...

Now I see.



Director of Photography


Film Editor

Translation Ana Humerca Šolar Linguistic review mag. Lenča Humerca Šolar

For more infomation >> I SEE (SOOS Production) - Duration: 4:01.



Have you ever bought a bunch of bananas that sat on the kitchen counter for a little longer

than you wanted them to?

We've all been there.

When you buy a banana it might still be a little green, meaning it's really not ripe


As time goes by, the green tint turns to yellow, and the yellow gives way to small black spots

that eventually turn the entire banana black.

Most times when a banana starts getting those black spots on them, we start tossing them

in the trash because we think they're rotten.

Contrary to what most people think, those black spots don't mean that bananas are


They actually mean that the banana is just starting to ripen.

Though they may look unsightly, when bananas get those black spots, an important process

is just beginning.

As the black spots increase so does the TNF—or, tumor necrosis factor.

The more spots a banana has the higher the TNF.

TNF is an anti-carcinogen that helps fight aberrant cells in our bodies.

This substance contained in truly ripe bananas helps our immune system communicate better

and send extra cells to damaged or hurting areas in our body.

This normally happens when there's inflammation or infection.

When we eat bananas with a high TNF factor, research suggests that it allows our body

to fight the growth of tumor cells.

Since this superfood also has high levels of antioxidants, it boosts our immune system,

increasing our overall health.

To take full advantage of all a banana's health benefits, we recommend you eat two

per day.

Take a look at a few other reasons why you should eat those ripening bananas instead

of throwing them away:

Blood pressure Most people know that bananas contain lots

of potassium, but not everyone knows that they contain little sodium.

That makes them heart healthy.

Lower sodium levels can mean lower blood pressure and a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Higher energy levels Bananas have multiple essential vitamins and

minerals, and they are a great source of low glycemic carbs, meaning that they don't

have a tendency to raise your blood sugar.

Therefore, they provide quick energy and are a great snack to have before hitting the gym.

Anti-acid Not only do they give you more energy and

lower your blood pressure, they also can quickly relieve the symptoms associated with heartburn.

If you suffer from heartburn, keep a banana nearby and eat it when you start having discomfort.

Let this natural anti-acid go to work.

Depression Bananas are also a good source of tryptophan.

Once you eat a banana, your body converts this tryptophan into serotonin, a powerful


Serotonin positively affects mood, social behavior, sleep, and sex drive.

Eating a banana could be just what you need to make you feel better.

Temperature regulation That tryptophan that gets converted into serotonin

also has the capacity to lower your body temperature.

So, when you've got a fever a banana could help you cool down.

Improved Digestion Because they're high in fiber, bananas stimulate

our bowels and fight against whatever may be keeping you bound up.

Our bodies can't digest fiber, so it tends to pass through our system quickly.

Source of Iron Bananas are rich in iron, so anyone feeling

weak or rundown should look to incorporate more of them into their diet.

Getting more iron will strengthen your blood and cure anemia by sparking the production

of hemoglobin.

Ulcers Bananas are great because they protect the

stomach lining from high acid levels.

If you struggle with ulcers, you know that it's difficult to find foods that don't

upset your stomach.

Bananas are safe and will keep your stomach from being irritated.

Lowered Stress B vitamins have a calming affect on our nervous


They relax us, allow us to de-stress, and help put us in a better mood.

Bananas contain plenty of these mood improving B vitamins.



La vida en el Harem Otomano | Osmanlı Hareminde Hayat - Duration: 9:40.

In this video, I'm going to talk about the life in one of the most famous harems in the world.

Western historians and artists let their imagination run riot thanks to it.

I'm refering to the mysterious harem of Topkapi palace, in Istanbul.

You know the harem is the part of the house (palace, in this case) where the sultan lived with his family: wives and children.

It was a private area, in contrast to the open area for visits called selamlik.

This area was intended mainly for men.

It was such a privilege to visit the Harem.

Only the sultan, his closest family and some servants could gain access to it.

Which means it was totally forbidden for the rest of the souls.

Just some doctors, teachers or musicians could enter, but under supervision.

(In specific days and in specific areas of the harem)

A good example of how private the harem was, is this story/rumour:

1869, the empress Eugénie de Montijo was slapped by the sultan's mother when she was trying to visit the harem in the company of the sultan himself.

I have told you that the access to the harem was very limited, so maybe you are thinking that there were so few people inside.

Not at all, there could even be 1000 people living inside the harem.

Just listen: The harem in Topkapi had:

46 toilets, 8 hamams, 4 little kitchens, 2 mosques, 6 pantries, 1 swimming pool and 1 hospital.

Everything inside worked in a very complex and precise way.

So then...who lived in the harem?

Let's analize this social scale.

The most powerful person (under the sultan) in the harem was his mother.

Valide sultan.

She directed everybody.

She could even participate in state matters if she wanted to.

Private rooms, personal servants, freedom to come and go, financial resources...

A great power, long story short.

One step lower, the first wife of the sultan or the mother of his first-born.

They also had special rooms.

In 3rd position: the rest of the official wives of the sultan.

The amount of wives depended on every sultan.

The favourite concubines could also be in 3rd position.

It was not normal that slaves could become official wives.

Diplomatic deals could provide the sultan with future wives.

The rest of the children of the sultan lived in the harem too.

Ok, no problems so far.

But who else lived in the harem?

Servants: Women and eunuchs (if you don't know who eunuchs were, "pause me" and play this other video)

Those servant women were divided into categories.

Let's make it interesting.

Let's imagine a group of women which is just arrived to Topkapi.

They would be non-muslim slaves, most certainly.

They could have been captured in battles or recruited in different places of the ottoman empire.

They could also be gifts for the sultan.

Amazingly beautiful women were often sent to Topkapi to become gifts for the sultan.

That's why the harem of Topkapi was notorious for having the most beautiful women in the world.

At first, they would pass a training period when they would be well-treated.

During this proccess, they could convert to Islam and change their name. But it was not compulsory.

The division starts:

The slaves would become servants in the harem.

The biggest group.

If some of those slaves were specially intelligent or beautiful, she could become the personal assistant of some concubines, offical wives or the rest of the family of the sultan.

A lady companion under the orders of an important figure in the Harem.

If any of those slaves were extraordinary beautiful (or a gift for the sultan)

Anyone who could make the sultan interested in them...

...were trained in singing, dancing, playing an instrument, reciting poetry...

Different ways to seduce, let's say it like that.

They could be introduced directly to the sultan or to other high-ranking officials in the court.

Basically, they became concubines.

In the case of being concubine, different things could happen:

1) They could be used to arrange political marriages.

2) Concubines in general, after 9 years of service, could marry civil servants or officials of the court of the sultan.

If so, the sultan had to pay the wedding expenses and the concubines could be free.

3) They could spend their whole life as concubines in the palace.

Concubines had to be at the sultan's beck and call.

If sultan liked them, he could grant them with more status levels.

They could be "fortunate" or "favourite"

That was something serious, I told you that the favourite concubines could be on the same level than official wives.

They even had private rooms, it was a good position in the harem.

Life in the harem was under strict rules based on tradition.

A lot of people don't know that women in the harem could go out sailing or take a ride.

But under these conditions:

1. The approval of the mother of the sultan.

2. To be watched by a group of eunuchs. They took the role of bodyguards and entourage.

3. To have their faces covered. They were family of the sultan, so they had to show the existing distance between them and the rest of the people.

Maybe you want to know that few women run away from the harem during centuries.

Why didn't they?

The most reasonable reason is: They didn't have where to go.

Secondly, they lived in a very comfortable way in the palace.

They had food, roof, some luxuries, some social power... in the harem was not that easy either.

As you can imagine, there was rivalry among women.

Mostly from 16 century on.

In that moment, there was a new rule: any woman could give a child to the sultan...and he could become the new heir.

Killing sultan's children was something usual in the Ottoman Empire.

There were sultans who could not overcome from the trauma.

Anyway, I want to talk about this and THE CAGE in another video.

I want to clear up that harems are forbidden in Turkey nowadays.

I hope you have found this interesting. I don't know if you were aware of how complex the harems were.

Anything you want to share with me, write it down. I will read it.

Subscribe to my channel if you want to be informed everytime I upload a new video.

Let's see each other in the next video. I know you will be there, you won't fail me.

For more infomation >> La vida en el Harem Otomano | Osmanlı Hareminde Hayat - Duration: 9:40.


Teaser Puro Êxtase em Dose Dupla / Double dose of Pure Ecstasy - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Teaser Puro Êxtase em Dose Dupla / Double dose of Pure Ecstasy - Duration: 0:52.


'A Fazenda': Monique diz ter sido ameaçada por Emilly. 'Se ficasse com Marcos' - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> 'A Fazenda': Monique diz ter sido ameaçada por Emilly. 'Se ficasse com Marcos' - Duration: 4:43.


『Yandere Simulator』Epic Rap Battles of YANDERE Yuno vs Ayano |Turkish Sub / Türkçe Çeviri| - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> 『Yandere Simulator』Epic Rap Battles of YANDERE Yuno vs Ayano |Turkish Sub / Türkçe Çeviri| - Duration: 2:49.


Dimensão dos Condenados - Trailer - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Dimensão dos Condenados - Trailer - Duration: 1:01.


The Erewash Canal by Narrowboat. Quiet, Hard Work but Worth It! - 24 - Duration: 17:29.

I left the wide expanse of the River Trent and moored up in the basin just

below Trent Lock. I noted as I climbed the steps up to the lock, that I'd need my

water conservation key. It's also known as a handcuff key and is used to release

the lock paddles, so vandals can't drain the canal of its precious water.

The Erewash Canal was built towards the end of the 18th century and is 11 3/4 miles

in length. It has a total of 15 locks and is suitable for

boats up to 72 foot in length and 10 foot 6 inches in width. The canal travels

north through the popular Long Eaton area to Sandiacre, where I was to moor

up for the night. The northernmost section of the canal continues after

Ilkeston. It's rural and has attractive surroundings. As the canal curves round

between the towns of Eastwood and Heanor, it terminates at the Great Northern

Basin at Langley Mill. Right above Trent Lock are a small gathering of boat yards

and a Canal & River Trust sanitary and water point. Make sure you fill up with

water at lock one because there isn't another water tap right until Langley

Mill, which is right at the very end. So I'm full up, the day has actually turned out

to be quite nice. Nice and sunny, it's a bit warm.

I've been warned that certain patches of the canal are quite shallow,

some have got lots of weeds but we'll see how we go. As you travel north, the

canals off-side is lined with well-kept houseboats, of all different

sizes and shapes.

I think this journey is gonna take a bit of time today, because I always try and

go tick over speed when going past people. Again there's nothing worse than

boats zooming past and everything falling out and around you, inside the boat. So

I'm going nice and slow but there are boats moored along the side, as far as

the eye can see!

[Alarm Announcement] Warning! You should not be in this area. Please leave now!

Heading up through Long Eaton, its historical past is clear to see.

Lace-making and railway wagon manufacturing, dominated the town's

population and both used the large railway yard just north of the town. The

canal straightens out here and lots of mooring points available on the town

side of the cut. I've had a couple of people look quite shocked, when I've

gone past. I'm like, what's wrong with the boat, is there things sticking

out or something and then one person said "blimey I've seen two boats in one

day". So I think the Erewash Canals a bit of a quiet canal. Someone even came

to the end of their garden just to watch me go past and said that they haven't

seen another boat all day. Now, when I came through the the lock at

Trent Lock there was one boat there but to be fair, I haven't seen any more boats.

The Long Eaton Lock sits alongside a huge expanse of playing fields called

West Park. A number of murals have been painted on many of the parks otherwise,

plain brick walls. This one showcasing the canal alongside, At Sandiacre Lock

just north of Long Eaton, there are the only surviving lockside cottages left on

the canal. The Erewash Canal Preservation and Development Association

have leased the cottages from the Canal & River Trust. The cottages are

maintained by volunteers, with the aim to keep them as historically accurate as

possible. There's a link to their website in the description below. Next to the

cottages is where the Erewash and the Derby Canal once joined. The Derby and

Sandiacre Trust are trying to raise funds to restore the former canal. If restored,

it would create a cruising ring and reconnect the city of Derby, to the

National canal network. A link to the Trust's website, is also in the

description below. As there's limited metal shuttering to the side of the

canals edge, when in built-up areas, I try to moor up on bollards, rather than using

mooring pins. Just north of Long Eaton is the small town of Sandiacre, where there's

a cluster of shops and facilities. This is Sandiacre. I moored up here last night.

a couple of mooring spots, enough for probably about three boats I'd say. I saw

one boat moving all day yesterday, very, very quiet canal, some of the people

on Twitter had mentioned that they couldn't get up the canal because of

weeds but I think that was different because a

couple of weeks ago, there was quite a big festival, right at the top of the

Erewash Canal for the Inland Waterways Association. So I think they might've

either, dredged the canal, cleared it with weeds or the sheer volume of boats,

100-plus boats cleared it, you know for us. So, a bit of a noisy night, quite a

lot of traffic, quite a lot of people yelling and screaming, sirens that sort

of thing. So I'm a little bit tired today but I'm up nice and early and onward I


So that was a bit of an interesting conversation I just had. Someone at the

end of their house, just down the cut here, end of their garden. They've got a

cruiser and as I was going past, they asked "oh you've got a hole in the front

of your hull" like really concerned. And I was like, Oh my goodness, what's happened, have I

bashed into something and then he sort of pointed where it was. Obviously I'm

steering so I couldn't stop and look and he described what it was "It's like

a hoop". Oh okay. {laugh} Phew, that's actually the vent for the gas

locker, so it's built into the frame, so nothing to worry about.

But it gave me a couple of seconds of panic then, I thought oh my

gosh, I'm gonna sink right out into the countryside north of Sandiacre, but no,

it's fine, it's built into the hull! I can see this is going to be a little

bit of a troublesome lock because the top gates keep swinging open in the wind.

So in this instance, I'm going to try and close them as much as I can and then

start releasing the water from the bottom gates, ever so slightly, which will

cause a bit of a pull on the water and hopefully force the gates to close. But

I've closed both of them now and they've both blown open. As soon as I've got to

the other side, the other ones blown open so, look this one's already on its way

again! [Grr]

That's the sort of things I really enjoy. I'm sat here waiting for a lock to fill

up and someone walking his dog along the towpath. We cropped up a conversation and

started talking about my solar panels. They will be in a much more detailed

video later on when I get to finalising the electrics cupboard, so don't worry

about that. I know people can see them on the roof and I've had lots of comments,

so there is a video on its way. But it was nice being able to chat to him about

voltage drop over distances of cabling, and all that sort of stuff. So he knew

what he was talking about and those sorts of conversations don't really

happen. If you're walking along the towpath,

and someone else is walking along the towpath, you might say morning, or hello,

or hi dog and give it a pat but you wouldn't spark up a conversation and

that's something I'm really noticing when you're on a boat, everyone wants to

stop and chat.

With me navigating locks on my own, I'm trying to make it a little bit easier

for myself. On this lock, I've opened to the ground paddle and the gate paddle,

but only on one side. It reduces the risk factor because I don't have to walk

across the gate to open the other side and then back again to close them and

because I'm on my own, in the middle of nowhere, I could slip off and fall into

the lock and no one would even know I was there for hours on end. So just being

sensible, I'm not in a rush, although it is starting to rain now, so I might moor

up soon and just take it easy through the locks and make it easy as possible.

It was hard work to turn every corner and be confronted with yet another lock

but as rain showers passed overhead, I carried on up to the east of Ilkeston,

where I decided enough was enough and stopped for the day. I had already moored

up for the night. It was chucking it down with rain, I was

all wet and damp, so I moored up and everything was fine. A nice cup of

tea, everything's dried off and then I

started looking out the window and I thought well this is an absolutely

glorious evening, it'd be such a shame to not use the the lovely weather to

navigate a bit more of the canal. Where I was, there was a bit of a hum from a

building, like a sound hum, which is a little bit annoying. There was

obviously some, a workshop or something that was nearby and also, every time I

moved, the television signal ever so slightly went out and every time I moved

in the boat because there were trees in the way, so I thought well, nice

evening, let's keep going. At one point I thought to myself am I cruising through

the Florida Everglades?? Just a couple of weeds!

Well this evenings turn out to be really nice. Nice low setting sun, nice and quiet,

I don't think there'll be any rain anymore, so I should have

a nice quiet night.

The evenings warm sun was beautiful but I let it get the better of me, as I

traveled a little too long in the day and it very quickly became dark and then

I ran into trouble. It's bright and early on what, day three of my journey up the

Erewash Canal. I did this part of the canal last night

and I moored up. I wanted to moor up on a nice straight bit.

I knew that I would have to use mooring pins. It was getting dark, I was really

damp after a days raining and I moored up. Could I get the pins in? Oh gosh, because

the path here is so well made, I just couldn't get them in. There were stones,

there was rubble, there was great big boulders, so I had to give up because the

light was fading fast, and I had to reverse all the way down this bit and

moor up on an end bay, of what was a lock landing. That's not

advisable, but considering I saw two boats yesterday and I've seen nothing

yet today and one boat the day before, I thought well, I'll chance it. There's

hardly going to be any traffic and the lock is in exactly the same place and

gates are in the same position as they were last night. So I know no one's come

down. So I thought I'd get up nice and early this morning

and keep going. I'm going to go up to Eastwood which is Langley Mill Lock,

there's facilities up there, I'll have a look around see what's available and

then I'll turn around and aim to go down the complete Erewash, right the way back

to Trent Lock today, hopefully. My calculations are, it'll take around

about six or seven hours, so it's a long day and hopefully because there's no

traffic, a load of the locks will be in my favour, because I left them in that way

yesterday, so we'll see.

Some of the bridges on the Erewash are quite low.

Bridge 27 up near Eastwood, is exceedingly low. So I had to take it

really slow, just to make sure that it didn't knock my solar panels off.

I had completed all but one lock and wanted to get to the end of the canal

and all the way back to the River Trent in one day, without stopping. At the end

of the Erewash Canal is the Great Northern Basin. Narrowboats lining its

edges and there's a boatyard here and a small area to turn around. There's

supposed to be a water and sanitation point here but all I could find is this

small hut, with what looked like an outside tap. No signs indicating if I was

correct however. The basin is just to the west of Eastwood and there are plenty of

large supermarkets and restaurants, just a few minutes walk from the canal. So I've

never done this before. I've watched other people do it but I've never done

it. I'm right at the very, very end of the Erewash Canal up at Langley Mill. There's one

final lock there, that was in my favour and then there's a turning circle in

the basin, but it's early on a Sunday morning, quite early, and the last thing I

wanted to do is lots of clanging of lock gates and ratchets and me

motoring back and forth to turn around, and I didn't really want to wake

everyone up, because I'm sure lots of people are having a nice lie in. So this

morning, I've decided to tie some ropes together and pull Alice around.

And that's worked quite nicely, I'm back in the right direction now, so I'll undo

this rope, on the centre-line and off I go. I won't have any propellers clogged up

in weeds and I certainly won't have a bow thruster tube full of debris. So

that's worked well, I might do that again in the future. So, that was the Erewash

Canal. A very quiet canal, that passes through both urban and picturesque

countryside. I didn't have any problems with weeds and all the locks and bridges

were in good working order. I was limited to where I could moor up overnight and

on the edges of some of the urban areas, the locals look like they could cause a

bit of bother, so two of the three nights, I kept to the rural countryside, where

everyone was pleasant enough. It was hard work on my own but as the canal is so

unused, 13 of the 15 locks I needed to navigate back, were still in my favour,

which was nice! Don't forget to click the Thumbs Up if you

like this episode and I love reading and replying to your comments. Until next

time, see you later.

For more infomation >> The Erewash Canal by Narrowboat. Quiet, Hard Work but Worth It! - 24 - Duration: 17:29.


2Pac - Holler If Ya Hear Me (Pep. Remix) [HARD TRAP] - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> 2Pac - Holler If Ya Hear Me (Pep. Remix) [HARD TRAP] - Duration: 2:15.


Raging Fyah feat. Bednarek – "Get Up" Remix - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Raging Fyah feat. Bednarek – "Get Up" Remix - Duration: 4:53.


Namorada de Marcelo Rezende diz se recebeu milhões: 'Não existe testamento' - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Namorada de Marcelo Rezende diz se recebeu milhões: 'Não existe testamento' - Duration: 4:35.


🌱 Somango, Banco PEVGROW ,primeros cuidados - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> 🌱 Somango, Banco PEVGROW ,primeros cuidados - Duration: 6:12.


久間田琳加、桐谷美玲・佐野ひなこ・芳根京子らに続く 最年少で抜擢<久間田琳加 りんくま*めがへるつ> HD - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> 久間田琳加、桐谷美玲・佐野ひなこ・芳根京子らに続く 最年少で抜擢<久間田琳加 りんくま*めがへるつ> HD - Duration: 4:20.


Counting balloons, kids cruise, Meeting a celeb AJ Jamal in Living Color, My 15 mins of fame - Duration: 8:49.

Hi Guys, it Pierce from Pierce'sWorld.

This past summer I went on a cruise and met my first celebrity!

AJ Jamal!

Give a hand!

He was on the TV show called Living Color, and he is also a comedian!

I got to be on stage with him in front of a huge audience.

Check it out!

You can come on up.


He is so cool.

What's your name, man?



That's a cool name!

James Bond's name was Pierce.

You know James Bond?


His name was Pierce Brockman, or something.



Pierce Brosworth.

What you laughing at?

I miss pronounce a name and all of a sudden I'm funny?

Pierce, don't laugh at him.

He's a bad example.

What happened to her?

She just…

What happened to you?

OK, what's your name?



That's a cool name.

Here comes a little girl, Cameron.

Be careful.

She don't like boys.


She looks like she's a folk singer.

She's got a fast car.

I got a ticket to get us out of here.

That's some pretty red hair you have.

What do you do for a living?

You a folksinger?

You go to school.

Who would've thought it.

You know Pierce?

This is Pierce.

This is…



This is Cameron.

She says hi.

You can say speak.

You won't get Skagway.

You ever watch football?

A couple times.

He looks like he's way advance.

Your six?

Are you six?

Doesn't he look way advance?

He looks like he owns a Best Buy in Vancouver.

Do you want to Best Buy in Vancouver?

He said, no but I do by Skylanders there sometimes.

I have no clue what is Skylanders, but he's six.

OK, what are you gonna be when you grow up?

I have no idea.

Because you're only six, you can figure that out when you're eight.

So, you ever watch football?

They score a touchdown, they do a dance.

I'm talking.

I mean I'm dancing.

OK, let's pretend you're playing Sport.

You're playing a sport.

And you're playing a sport.

And you just scored a touchdown because you know this year, you can now dance again.

It's back again to the NFL.

You heard about it?



Those are some cute…

Look at all those toes painted... just one you ran out of polish, huh?

You have the big one painted.

Other ones are like…

It's OK.

They look pretty.

It look like you meant to do that.

OK, you're going to be first.

What's your name?


What's your name?


That's cool name.

So you've just scored.

You play soccer, right?

You just got a kick a soccer goal in.

You just scored a goal.

The crowd goes whoa!.



What dance do you do?


Do a dance, Cameron!






That's what I'm talking about.


Cameron getting into it.

That's it!

Yeah, that's it.

Girls love him.

Well, not all the girls.

She said No! Brock!

No, no…


He so cool!

He said no no no no no... where do you live?


That's what I said when I saw you.

Houston! He said, are you sure?

He so cool!

You just scored a touchdown or soccer.

You're in the Endzone now.

You do do you practice soccer.

Yes, you are going to practice a dance like you practice soccer.

OK, dance!

Do it, Pierce! Pierce scared me!

I didn't expect that!

He did the row your boat.


That was amazing.


I didn't slap that hard you know.

You did what?

I didn't slap it as hard, you know.

I did it to my daddy butt, too, sometimes.

He can handle it.

Six... he seems like a professor.

You ever heard of Benjamin Button?

What's your name?


Olivia, that's a good name.

I have a friend Olivia from New York who is supposed to be here.

It's not you?

Haven't seen her in like 20 years.

OK, Olivia , You just scored a soccer.

You play soccer, right?

What did you play?

I don't play any sports.

You bake cookies?

Sure, you just baked some chocolate chips.

And you were in the kitchen right now, Olivia, with all your toes painted.

Cookie dance!


Get them, Olivia!


She is so smart!

She mix the cookie batter!

You mix the cookie batter!

Somebody get her some toenail polish!

That was amazing.

That was creative.

But, it's over now.

It's done.

This is the part where we leave.

The stage…

I think he is on this cruise with the federal grant.

Is he entertaining us or him?

Both! Pierce, are you OK?

Thank you very much for coming up.

Give Pierce another round of applause.


Stop it!

Thank you very much, Benjamin.

No, we got to leave.

I've got another show to go.

Give her a hand right there.

Thank you, Pierce!

Hoped you liked this live recording of the show I was in.

Please give me a big, big, big thumbs up, and don't forget to subscribe

to my channel, Pierce'sWorld.

Ok, I'll see you guys next time!


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