Sunday, September 24, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 25 2017


Well, in this video I'll explain why I stopped uploading videos

It's been about 6 months


It's been almost a year since I stopped uploading videos

And honestly, I feel very guilty about this

I'm really sorry you guys, I'm sorry

And I will also talk about what's been going on with me lately

Some of you may already know, but if you're new, I'll explain quickly

I'm studying 3D animation in a technical college

Which lasts 2 years, but it's very intensive

So, it requires a lot of time and dedication...and blood, sweat and tears

It consists of five 4-month periods in total

I started studying last year in May...I think

And I used to make videos at the same time

What happened though, was that as time passed, college started to get tougher

We started to have bigger projects,

We were getting more deadlines

So, I wasnt able to keep making videos

That was one of the reasons...

The second one was because the camera, that I used to record...stopped working


It just got broken

It wouldn't work anymore so I could not record

And the camera on the cell phone I had back then wasn't good enough for recording videos

And the th...



And the third reason had a bit more to do with myself

I realised this about a month ago

It was last year, between September and October, that I stopped making videos

But at that time

My camera wasn't broken yet and I was entering the second 4-month period

So I really didn't have too much work to do

However, I wasn't feeling that motivated

To record, edit and upload videos

And I started letting it for later...

"I'll do it tomorrow" "Another day" "Maybe next week"...

...and, I never did

A month ago I was checking on my channel after so long


I realised there was something I didn't really like

Because I was watching my videos and analyzing them

To see what actually happened

What happened to me

Why did I stop making videos when its something that I always liked doing

But I didn't know why I just wasn't feeling motivated to do it

So, after watching some videos

I noticed

That they were not reflecting my personality

I mean

It was me on the videos

It was me the one talking and doing stuff


Don't know

Like, I don't...

I wasnt seeing myself on those videos

Don't know if you get what i'm trying to say...It's a bit complicated


So, I started to analyze

And I've come to realize that this was

Probably the main reason wy I stopped making videos

Even though I took time to record back then,

Spent hours on editing those videos so that they look good

And then uploaded them to my channel

In the end, they wouldn't exactly reflect my personality

Who I am as a person

What I like or dislike doing

In other words, I wasn't really satisfied with the content I was uploading

And as I said before, I realised all this like a month ago

When I was checking on my channel

People would always ask me

"Are you going to keep making videos?"

And "Hey, what happened to your videos?"


I would just say...

Yeah...yeah sure!


So, once I knew what the problem was

I decided to make some changes on my channel

I changed the header, the logo

and I'm also going to make some changes on the content that I'm going to upload

From now on I'm going to make videos that represent myself better

This videos are going to be a bit more simple

It's going to be me, talking to you, just like in this video

And where I'm going to tell you stories, what has happened to me, what I'm going to be up to in the future….

Who I am

Where I come from

Of course, if I go to a trip or something I will do videos on that as well, so don't worry

So that you guys can get to know me better and I can keep you updated on what i'm doing


What have I been doing lately?

At this moment, I'm on the last 4-month period of my studies

I'll be graduating in December

And after that I need to figure out what im going to be doing with my life because I have no idea

The other day I realized that it's time for me to start getting serious

In my life

And organize everything and make a plan

One of the plans I have is to work here for a year or a few months

and after that go overseas and work or study somewhere else

I'm still not sure where I'm going or when or how

But, don't worry, I'll definitely let you know

I strongly believe that we should have a balance

In our mind body and spirit…

It is like that right?


I think

So now I'm meditating and doing yoga

And now I'm also exercising a bit more and stuff like that

Because I thinks it's important to have a healthy lifestyle

I have been working on some 3D projects which I will be also uploading later

But I won't be uploading that on this channel

I have a second channel in which i'm going to be uploading 3D related stuff

By that I mean 3D sculpting, modeling, texturing...

Or digital paintings...Just art related stuff in general

So if you want to check that out, I'll let the link to that channel in the description box

There are some very important news

Well at least I consider it to be important

We adopted a kitten, his name is Jack and he's lovely...I love him

He's just way too cute

But he's not living with me, he's at my parents house

I'm living in San Jose with my relatives because I'm studying here

So, every time I visit my parents I get to see my kitten

That I love

Just love him so much


It happened to be that my uncle decided to adopt a kitten himself


Prepare yourself

(for extreme cuteness)

it's so cute!

It's a girl

I don't know what her name is

because they brought her yesterday

But she's so cute

Well I think that would be all for today's video

I really hope you liked it

And I'll see you guys next time


For more infomation >> Actualización del Canal - Duration: 6:26.


Why Maintaining Results of a Facelift is More About Volume and Skin Health Rather than Tightness - Duration: 10:03.

Thank you for your question.

You submitted your question without a photo but in your question, you're basically asking

how do you maintain the tightness of a facelift and does the Vampire Facelift® or Vampire

Facial® have a potential role in maintaining this tightness.

Well, I can certainly share with you my guidance to my patients about this concept of maintaining

the results after a facelift.

A little bit of background, I'm a Board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Fellowship-trained oculofacial

plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

I have been in practice in Manhattan and Long Island for over 20 years.

Facelifts have been a very significant part of my practice in my 20 years as well as other

non-surgical procedures such as Structural Volumizing, injectable fillers and things

like that to help people with facial aging.

In fact, this has been a significant focus in my practice.

And there has been a continuous evolution in the strategies of helping people with facial

aging and addressing this very concept of maintenance and whether tightness is actually

the objective.

So to begin with, it's important to understand that facial aging is not just about skin getting

loose over a structure that remains the same.

In fact, facial aging is a progression of bone loss, muscle and fat loss, changing of

this dimension of the very structure and foundation of the face as well as weakening and stretching

and changes in the quality and elasticity of the tissue.

So before there were injectable fillers to the level that we have right now, essentially

the gold standard of cosmetic surgery for facial aging was of course the facelift.

And I recall how we were all, as surgeons, trying to unlock the secret to maximizing

the longevity of a facelift procedure and it became almost a race to who can do more

aggressive deeper types of surgeries, frequently termed as deep plane and it was all with the

intention to try to maximize the longevity because the challenge was that as good as

people can look right after a facelift, depending on their age, skin type, degree of change,

there is always a certain amount of regression or laxity.

So when it comes to understanding what is maximizing one's appearance, it is always

about a balance of volume and tone of the skin when it comes to looking natural.

One of the things that people objected to particularly in the mid to late 90s was that

places in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, people of significant wealth would walk around

looking tight and very pulled.

Some of the best surgeons in the world were doing this and yet for some reason, they didn't

look young.

And the reason was very straightforward.

In principle, a youthful face is not a pulled and tight face.

A youthful face has balance, it has volume and the last thing a youthful face looks like

is someone who is pulled.

So, it has been my observation and my conclusion at this point that for people who we used

to steer to face lifting surgery, let's say people in their mid 40s to mid to late

50s, these patients have now, because of better understanding of the issues with volume loss,

many of those patients I actually steer towards Structural Volumizing.

Structural Volumizing is a method of using a long lasting filler such as a Juvederm Ultra

Plus or Juvederm Voluma and placing it in the bone structure level to help restore volume

and essentially creating the desired appearance of a facelift.

And in fact, because volume is being restored, I would argue that many a time, these results

actually look much better than a facelift.

When a facelift is being done, we are restoring tissue that is sagging and we are making the

underlying structure more defined.

However, if there is a volume deficit in the underlying structure, then there is still

an opportunity to make that difference.

Now of course at a certain point when there is significant jowling and there is significant

laxity of the skin in the neck and loss of volume or the position of the soft tissue,

then the face and neck lift procedure is appropriate.

Once that's done, yes, it's important to think about how to maintain that as long

as possible.

So the goal is to maximize the quality of the tissue so that the acceleration of any

aging process through other variables is diminished.

So of course, protecting the skin from excess sun exposure, avoiding smoking and proper

diet and exercise.

Basically, what's good for your health is good for your skin.

However, the aging process does march on.

So what I've also concluded at a certain point after the face lifting surgery, in the

past when someone would be reaching that point anywhere from 5-10 years after facelift where

they feel like they're ready for their next facelift, I find that Structural Volumizing

can actually be a substitution for another facelift because the volume loss in my opinion

and my observation is actually is more significant a factor than it is about sagging.

And people are learning to realize that the sagging is because the underlying structure

is diminishing.

So then our friends, the injectable fillers can actually play a very important role.

So it is often said that an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.

So if you can of course avoid those factors that can cause your tissue to age more and

employ other strategies to restore volume then you will achieve more likely what is

the true objective of a facelift.

Objective of a facelift typically is to improve the jawline, to improve the cheek position,

to restore some definition, to restore proportion, the Golden Ratio of the upper face to the

lower face and these other relationships.

So basically learn about this type of concept and do everything that you can to take good

care of yourself.

And yes, PRP can play a role in improving and maximizing skin quality but the skin is

only 2 millimeters in thickness and below that skin is a layer of fat which can also

benefit from PRP.

And that can help complement this idea of improving and maximizing skin quality through

prevention and through certain types of regenerative technology for maintenance.

There's a value in that but it doesn't mean that your bone structure and everything

else will not continue to age.

But essentially, it's about maintenance.

So I hope that was helpful, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your question.

For more infomation >> Why Maintaining Results of a Facelift is More About Volume and Skin Health Rather than Tightness - Duration: 10:03.


Piramide Con Decenas Sorteo Miercoles 27 de Septiembre 2017 Loteria Nacional : Loteria 27 Septiembre - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Piramide Con Decenas Sorteo Miercoles 27 de Septiembre 2017 Loteria Nacional : Loteria 27 Septiembre - Duration: 1:16.


Tamba Hali - Chief

For more infomation >> Tamba Hali - Chief


Local jewelry company collaborating with Native American artisans - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> Local jewelry company collaborating with Native American artisans - Duration: 1:51.


Lower Your Blood Pressure with These 5 Breathing Techniques: They Work! - Duration: 4:37.

Lower Your Blood Pressure with These 5 Breathing Techniques: They Work!

For more infomation >> Lower Your Blood Pressure with These 5 Breathing Techniques: They Work! - Duration: 4:37.


8 Bollywood Stars From Riches To Beggars - Duration: 2:52.

8 Bollywood Stars From Riches To Beggars

For more infomation >> 8 Bollywood Stars From Riches To Beggars - Duration: 2:52.


Tökkiikö Kiina? | Nordea Pankki 25.9. - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Tökkiikö Kiina? | Nordea Pankki 25.9. - Duration: 1:32.


„Berliner Runde": Nach dem Wahl-Beben: Lindner entlarvt SPD-Chef Schulz live im TV - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> „Berliner Runde": Nach dem Wahl-Beben: Lindner entlarvt SPD-Chef Schulz live im TV - Duration: 7:47.


Spotify® RapCaviar

For more infomation >> Spotify® RapCaviar


The Things I Do For You - Duration: 6:33.

and just like that what's up to the family of personal development we are at

Jamba Juice we were having lunch me and my sister and we were like thinking

about how we miss the way my mom's food was because we're not able to have that

anymore and you know we kept saying like oh I miss this dish I missed this dish

and then very like I think we should go visit our mom




just like that what's up so yeah we're here now

obviously I really had this desire to really push myself to go further I

believe that if you really want to do something or if you really want to make

something out of yourself or there's something that you really love this

could be a person this could be a thing this could be a hobby it's gonna be a

game I don't know it could be anything but you always make time for it

you always make time for a person... I got a strawberry energizer because I have a

lot of homework to do but back on that note.. if you really want to do something

if you really love something you will always find the time or make the time to

you know make it happen I think there's a lot of people who want

something but they're not willing to put in the effort or put in the work to

truly achieve that goal.. you know... what's the thing? without a goal you can't score

I'm getting all Casey Neistat... just being real you know it's back to what I was

saying I started this daily vlog of course

because their was an event.. (VEDA) but I think now that I've been doing it for more

than two months my desire to daily vlog has been something more deeper... I lost

someone very special to me so if you're very new.. if you're new.. this is a news!

you know I lost some really special to me during this whole event

I'm trying daily vlogging out and it's you know of course it's very

nerve-wracking it's traumatizing but at the same time you learn so much


Can I ask everyone to rise?

[All Rise]

& lets give a standing ovation

For the best performance

We've ever seen from a Mom

[All Applaud]


and I feel like there's not that many people on YouTube to really talk about

these kind of things.. I feel like there's a lot of great vloggers great youtubers

out there but they're not allowed or they don't allow their personal brand to

get in the way of you know this kind of stuff they don't want it to kind of mix

in with their brand because they're all about positivity which I am all about as

well but I think where I differ from most youtubers that I know and most of

vloggers I know is.. I'm just RAW.. you know I really include every single thing

in my life like I know there's a lot of things that people don't put on their

vlogs because of course it doesn't resonate with their audience but me I am

willing to sacrifice losing the audience that's into all happiness and all

fairytale stuff you know.. I'm... I like to keep it real ... like if I'm going through a

funeral like if my mom passed away like what happened.. I'm gonna vlog about it

because it happened and it's something that's dear to me you know I... I really

stopped vlogging for other people I think when I first started vlogging it

was for really attention and to make people think like I have such a happy

life and my life is so much better than theirs! I'm two months into

daily vlogging I realized that I'm just a normal person you know and I'd love to

put all of that relatability stuff into my vlogs because maybe you might need

this one day it might not mean anything to you now but I'm hoping and praying

that one day there will be somebody who just needs help maybe there's someone

who doesn't have another person there to guide them through a funeral..

through a loss and that's all I'm all about.. not specifically in that niche but more

about personal development because losing someone is oh man it ruins so

much about you you yourself go through some kind of death too but out of that

darkness comes someone else.. a NEW you and that's what this channel is all

about it's all about personal development it's

not just about mine it's especially about yours so please

consider subscribing I'm gonna get up out of here

my time is up so I'll see you in the next one

Peace Love God Bless

[Thank you for watching! Remember that it's not just about my Personal Development.. It's also about yours! Please consider Subscribing!]

For more infomation >> The Things I Do For You - Duration: 6:33.


I DRAW MY BOYFRIEND! 👨‍❤️‍👨 - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> I DRAW MY BOYFRIEND! 👨‍❤️‍👨 - Duration: 4:12.


"The Enchantments, Part I": Shooting beautiful landscapes with a Holga (and an a6500) - 4k! - Duration: 17:49.

that's pretty bad

anyway, we are here in Leavenworth, in Central Washington

we are going to stay here for the next few days

mainly because tomorrow I'm going to The Enchantments

if I can, because there are wildfires all around, so

if it's too smoky to hike, then I'll have to stay here

if it looks good, and I'll have to check on that tomorrow in the morning at the trailhead

then I'll be spending the next 2 nights up in the Enchantments for the first time

but no matter what, even if I don't go hiking

I'm going to be shooting these two new cameras

this is a Holga 120N, it's a medium format film camera

it's a toy camera, but it's pretty fun to use

and this one, the a6500. I got it a few days ago

this is going to be my first big trip with it

hopefully I can make better videos with this camera

but now it's dinner time!

we are going to go out. I'll show a little bit of the town, because it's pretty cute.

ok so I have all this

these are all my clothes

tent here

I have all my food

the bag, sleeping bag

it's a lot of things

well so, this is it

it's 20 minutes to 7

we are driving to the trailhead and it looks very, very smoky

I don't know

well we made it to the trailhead

there are quite a few people here

so yeah, I'm doing it

I'm going to be somewhere behind those peaks, I think, or further, I don't know

somewhere around there


so we are here

I'm planning on camping here

and then tomorrow hike here, hike back

another night, and hike back down

that's the plan

that's Leavenworth there

ok first break

or at least that's what I think

I think I'm right though

anyway, so far, first mile

850 feet, not too bad

it's a beautiful place even with all the smoke

ok, second break

3 miles in, 1,800 feet

anyway, I have... what? another 3 miles to the first lake?

and twice the elevation gain

not too bad, I'm feeling pretty good actually, but the backpack is pretty heavy

I've done... almost 4 and a half miles, almost 3,000 feet

so yeah, I should be more than halfway to Nada Lake

it's here

maybe another mile and a half

this is one of those times where people on YouTube

leave the camera up there, they go back, and hike up

to record themselves. but yeah, I'm not doing that

alright, last break before Snow Lakes. they should be upcoming there

6 miles, 3,700 feet

3 hours, not too bad

and yeah, this is Nada Lake

it might not be the best spot, but I'm getting this one

it doesn't have any shade, but at least I'm not alone there are more people there

I'm so tired

I don't think I've explained this, but this place is

especial, because you need a permit to stay here

it's not easy to get one, but I was lucky enough to get two days, two nights here

I can camp anywhere, here or on the Upper Lakes

so I'm not sure about what to do just yet

I was thinking, my original plan was

my original plan was to camp here tonight

hike up to the upper lakes tomorrow and maybe come back here

and sleep here again

but now I'm thinking that it might be too smoky tomorrow to hike up there

so I might just want to go tonigth

I don't know, all I know is that I'm going to set it up now

I'm going to take a nap, because I'm really tired

this is my site

well hopefully it's ok here, it's not very high I know

look at that though, so smoky right now

ok so I took a nap, kind of, and I've been shooting the Holga around

that's ash, it's falling ash right now

so yeah, that's not good

I really hope I don't have to leave but

it's falling ash now here

and that's not good, and it's looking pretty bad

it got much worse during the last hour

I'm going to wait a little bit because I'm already here

if it gets just a little bit worse I might have to head back today

and that'd suck a lot

this might be my only chance to go to the Upper Lakes

anyway, it's 2pm, sunset should be around 7:30, 8

so I have pretty much 6 hours

and that means that I have 2 hours to make a decision

that peak there is called The Temple

and it's pretty cool

majestic, I'd say

it's 4pm

and the window to go back is closing quickly

it's about time to make a decision about what to do today

there are good news though, and it's that it looks much better on this side

at least from the tent

I think I'm staying tonight

and I'll have to check on the smoke tomorrow in the morning to see if I'm hiking to the Upper lakes

that's looking better

that is not

look at that, amazing background for this camera

well I thought I could talk about this camera and why I got it

so this is a plastic, toy camera

it's very, very, very simple

that's the shutter, so you take a photo that way

you can take as many exposure as you want on the same frame so

if you put it in a backpack, it can be taking photos and you don't even realize

wind the film here, and that's pretty much it

you can change the exposure a little bit

that'd be cloudy, and that'd be sunny

I think that's f8 and f11, I'm not really sure

that's the focus, from really close focus to landscapes

the photos are not amazing, this lens is plastic

this cameras was 30 bucks, 35 I believe

it uses medium format film

so yeah I think it's pretty cool, I've been having fun shooting it

I shot like 3 rolls, developed just 1

this camera was for

both getting a different look on my photos

and to shoot film on situations like this where I cannot bring my big camera

that's is very, very good to see

this is all... it has... this camera inside

pretty much nothing

oooh, bee!

get out

well, that doesn't look good at all, that is fire

ok so I just went and talked to that group over there

they seem fine, like not worried at all

the fire is like... or it was supposed to be, 7 miles away

but there aren't too many trees in between there and here

so we should be pretty safe here, from that fire

it does look like a lot of smoke

For more infomation >> "The Enchantments, Part I": Shooting beautiful landscapes with a Holga (and an a6500) - 4k! - Duration: 17:49.


Doodoo In My Butt - Rick and Morty Season 3 - Duration: 0:30.

I got a doodoo in my butt

and I don't know what to do

With a doodoo in my butt

but I know that a father should say to you

that he's proud of you

Every daughter is a doodoo from a father's butt

biologically speaking the butt is a nut

And every father father's wrong

and there isn't a song that can change that...

For more infomation >> Doodoo In My Butt - Rick and Morty Season 3 - Duration: 0:30.


「無料」HOLLYWOOD - Duration: 0:51.

i want to be free

but you can't..

For more infomation >> 「無料」HOLLYWOOD - Duration: 0:51.


Friend Scoffs When Dad Brings Flowers & Gifts For Ex-Wife. His Response Is Going Viral - Duration: 4:20.

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Friend Scoffs When Dad Brings Flowers & Gifts For Ex-Wife.

His Response Is Going Viral

Divorce is always hard for everyone involved.

Even if the split is amicable, there is still a lot of hurt and pain that goes along with


Having children adds another difficult element to the mix.

It is really hard on kids to be shuffled back and forth between their parents, and many

often feel as if they are being forced to "choose" a parent or be on one of their


After his divorce, Billy Flynn decided he was going to deal with things differently.

While it was tempting to want to bash his ex or not treat her kindly, he knew his two

sons were watching and he had to set a good example for them.

That's why on his ex-wife's birthday he got up early, brought flowers, cards, and

gifts for their kids to give her, and helped them cook her breakfast.

As people often do, someone asked him why he would go out of his way to be kind to his


Frustrated with getting the question so often, Billy took to Facebook to share why he treats

his ex the way he does, and his response has been going viral.

(Warning: Language may be offensive to some of our readers.)

He wrote: "It's my ex-wife's birthday today, so

I got up early and brought flowers and cards and a gift over for the kids to give her and

helped them make her breakfast.

Per usual someone asked me why the hell I still do things for her all the time.

This annoys me.

So ima break it down for you all.

"I'm raising two little men.

The example I set for how I treat their mom is going to significantly shape how they see

and treat women and affect their perception of relationships.

I think even more so in my case because we are divorced.

So if you aren't modeling good relationship behavior for your kids, get your shit together.

I don't care if she's a cunt.

Rise above it and be an example.

This is bigger than you.

"Raise good men.

Raise strong women.


The world needs them, now more than ever."

So many people have been impressed with Billy's selflessness, realizing how difficult it is,

but also how important it is for his kids.

His post has since been liked and shared hundreds of thousands of times.

"It definitely wasn't easy up front," Billy admitted.

"I'd say it took us a good year to get it right."

"Divorce is hard and I think we all do and say some things that really aren't our best

selves," he added.

"But we always put the kids first, and honestly, I think that focus helped us repair our relationship

into one of mutual respect over time, and our kids win as a result."

He said he realizes what he is doing may not be possible in all situations, but stresses

the importance of setting a good example for the little ones who are watching.

"I'm not advocating that everyone can or should do what we do for each other to

model for the kids.

But I believe it is extremely important for parents to show each other respect and care

in front of the kids.

If your ex doesn't have a new [significant other], you got to make sure those kids have

Mother's and Father's Day cards, birthday gifts, etc.

"Kids want to care for their parents by nature, but they cant do it alone.

It's our job to facilitate that.

So even if your ex is a terrible person in your eyes, you need to set it aside and realize

your kids love this person.

Seeing you mistreat someone they love is traumatic, whether you want to own it or not.

"So focus on the kids, make a pact, and I think you'll be surprised to find that

your mutual focus on the kids will actually benefit your post-divorce relationship because

it takes the spotlight off your individual hurts and anger and resentment."

Billy wants people to remember that no matter what you have been through with your former

spouse, the situation is "bigger than you."

The focus needs to be on "raising good men and strong women" and teaching them how

to have healthy relationships so they don't repeat your mistakes.

I think this is a lesson we can all learn from!

Were you impressed with Billy's attitude toward his ex?

So share this!

For more infomation >> Friend Scoffs When Dad Brings Flowers & Gifts For Ex-Wife. His Response Is Going Viral - Duration: 4:20.


Learning from Nabeel Qureshi's death | Where was God? + MORE!! - Duration: 4:03.

Recently Nabeel Qureshi a Famous Christian Also

Apologists His passed Away if you don't know

Nabeel had stomach Cancer For Over a Year and Recently Passed Away Now his life has Been Amazing

Testimony and a Revelation to the World about God about how he converted from Muslim to

Christianity At the age of 34 he already has a degree in medicine and

Christian Apologetics and Also Religion Now there's This important Thing i want to talk about in this video Which Reflects from his

passing Now one thing i want to say Is even though he was a Christian

Why didn't God save him? I strongly believe that we Will not ever be Able to comprehend God's Ways but in everything that God does

Is Just. We may not know what

happens to him if he was alive we don't know What Would Happen and God knew that It Was for his own Good

from a Loving God's Point of view and one That Knows our future

He is the best solution to all of us God is the only one who knows the best for us

Now another Thing that i want to say Is many People who became

Christians Think that is really Easy once You become a Christian Your life is

Solved But What a lot of People don't know is that following Christ is not Easy a Lot of Times It can Be downright

difficult. In the book of Luke Chapter 9 verse 23 Jesus warns us that All Who follow Him must Deny Himself

and bare their Daily Cross although It is hard Living as a Christian, it is Hardship that we have with purpose and

Leading to the Joy of the lord Jesus did not promise

To his disciples that Everything Will Be like okay... In John 16 verse 33

Jesus Promised That They would face trials (troubles) in the World but also

Take Heart he told them i have overcome the world and that My brothers and sisters This is Very

Important When a person Becomes a Christian Not Only do they understand more about God's law in them But They also had the Holy

Spirit Living in them and This Will Lead them to a righteous life in Gods eye. if God has

Overcome This World Then There's nothing That he can't do for you this Does not Mean that a Christian Will automatically Stop

Sinning But This Will Lead to a Christian to be more aware of Their personal Sins and also

Allow them to have a genuine desire to

live a Righteous Life in God's Eye a life to please Jesus Christ. Now Nabeel's life Showed a Really prime

Example of What you Say Although Nabil had all Those scholarships he had all Those like doctors and degrees Everything Like That

He is a Christian but it doesn't


Him having the best (easiest) life in the Whole World Living for Christ as hot but living?

Free from Your Sins is much Better and living As a Christian The Holy spirit Guides you from sin Would You Rather be a slave

Of sin or Would You want to be free from sin? we all Know it's hard But being free is a Lot Better Than to

be a slave Now one more Thing that i really want to Say Is before he passed away he made a video about

His last Advice to all of us Which i really respect and it's really important even for me as a Christian

YouTuber Speaking Out That God's Worth and Advice is that Wherever you talk about God Whoever you talk to about

Jesus Christ Do so in Love. Whether it's Muslims or other Christians or even

Atheists Do so in love cuz Whenever we Have Debates about

Christianity we're Not Trying to win over them but Rather we're trying

To save them Now i know Nabeel's passing has being a Lot to a lot of You some of You may not know him

If you haven't definitely Check out His

Biography Which i linked His website to in the description Below Anyways if you haven't already definitely Check out my other videos about

Christianity Also You're welcome to subscribe to this Channel or not my Channel is about making cute Christian Q and a's and

Also How i live as a Christian Lifestyle Anyways i'll see you guys Next time Bye

For more infomation >> Learning from Nabeel Qureshi's death | Where was God? + MORE!! - Duration: 4:03.


89-Year-Old Gets Thrown Out Into Streets. Neighbor Slips Something In Hand Before She Leaves - Duration: 2:46.

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89-Year-Old Gets Thrown Out Into Streets.

Neighbor Slips Something In Hand Before She Leaves

Angie Tyma lived in her Hudson, Florida home for 35 years - then things took a sudden,

dark change.

The 89-year-old was evicted from her house without warning!

With nowhere else to stay, Angie was forced onto the streets and eventually landed at

a Days Inn motel until she could figure out a more permanent living situation.

Little did she know her neighbors were in the middle of doing something amazing....

Years ago Angie decided she didn't want to fuss around with mortgage payments, utilities

and the other complications that come with owning a home.

So she found a buyer who agreed to let her rent the home from them for a monthly lump

sum, and sold it to them happily.

Unbenounced to Angie, the owner (who lived in Europe) stopped using Angie's money to

pay the mortgage and the home went into foreclosure.

Angie told TODAY that the lack of payments to the bank was news to her.

"They threw me out.

I couldn't believe it."

Due to her big personality, Angie became a staple member of the community over the past

three decades.

Her neighbor, Danielle Calder, spoke to TODAY about how important she was to the entire


"Everybody knows Angie.

She has two little dogs that she walks.

She's an elderly woman, but she's pretty feisty, and she has lots of energy."

The moment Danielle heard of Angie's eviction, she started thinking about how to make things


Danielle spoke to the bank and agreed to purchase the home for a whopping $167,500.

But the home wasn't for her to live in, as she explained to TODAY - it was all for her

elderly neighbor.

"Quite honestly, I didn't need another house.

But I needed her.

I couldn't see her living in a motel room... she's been here so long.

Everyone looks out for her....

It was the right thing to do.

We're family - the whole neighborhood."

Three weeks after moving into the motel, on Angie's birthday, Danielle welcomed her back

into the house.

Although Angie pays a small monthly sum to her neighbor for rent, she says that Danielle's

sweet offer was the miracle she had been praying for.

Danielle knows we need to take care of the elderly, not boot them out on the street or

rip them off financially.

Thankfully there are still selfless people like her in the world!

For more infomation >> 89-Year-Old Gets Thrown Out Into Streets. Neighbor Slips Something In Hand Before She Leaves - Duration: 2:46.


The Secret to Make Pancake Batter the Right Consistency | Water to Mix Ratio - Duration: 3:41.

Today I'm gonna show you the secret on how to get your pancake batter the perfect consistency every single time you make them

Doesn't matter what kind of ingredients you have

Whether it's homemade, using premix made pancakes, so if you have measuring cups you know the right mixing utensils

Whether it's a fork or whisk or the one of those plastic spatulas. It doesn't matter. I'm gonna show you the secret

So the first step is gonna be a

Eyeball the amount of pancake mix you want in there see that is about um

Three good pancakes right there three decent sized pancakes what I'm looking for like four or maybe like six smaller pancakes

Alright, so you got your batter there

Your dry mix. That's good now look

I had water to my pancakes because it's about the same thing as milk that the pancakes turned out pretty much the same

So yeah, I just go ahead and add the water here

and I can I eyeball it but

Doesn't matter for you

I'll show you how to work around that and then you just mix it up pretty good now

Look after you can see the amount of water. I added I

Over I mean I added too much water by a lot

That is way too runny for pancakes, so here's a kicker here

Here's the trick to getting your pancakes to be the right consistency over time when it gets when it gets runny like this, okay?

It's not the end of the world you don't have to start over

It's not. It's not gonna kill you you just simply take a little bit more batter. Whatever you got

Not too much. Because you want to go little by little until I get back to that right consistency and just mix that up

And check it out, okay?

and look, it's still not there?

Ok whatever. I'll just add a little more. Just keep adding it on there.

Like it's all trial and error. That's how science works... right?

Trial and error figure stuff out. I mean that's looking better right there you kinda want to be careful too cuz right now

I've been making a lot of pancakes. You know I eat them every day but

You can see

It's not ideal texture, but after it sits for like thirty seconds. It'll kind of firm-en up firm-en

Is that word little kind of firm up, so just kind of take it easy there. I would have a little bit more I guess

I like my pancakes a bit more fluffy once again that point

It's uh very easy to overdo it and thats probably about perfect for me. I'll let that sit and then I'll mix it up again

Alright Alright, I know what you're saying I know what you're saying all right

That works when you have the premade mix the Krusteaz the Bisquick all the dry mix all ready for you

You can add that in but what happens when I'm making pancakes from scratch right and the flour and the sugar the baking soda

That's all gonna be out of whack I can't you know just ad-lib those in to get those work right yeah

Yeah, I know so here's a trick for that okay?

Instead of adding more water than you need be on the conservative side with the water. Okay add less water than you think you need

Then slowly build up the water from there until you get to the right consistency see here

We added the batter the dry mix a little by little till we got the right consistency, but this way you'll work the other way

Your work backwards in a sense, and you'll add water slowly until you get to the right mix, okay

So that's the way to do it

That's how you get your pancake makes a perfect consistency every time and you can use this for literally anything because it's just a ratio

Of dry to wet ingredients, right?

So my name is a pancake God. I've eaten pancakes for over a year now

Everyday consecutively haven't missed a day. I got my pancake knowledge all up here and

Sometimes in here all right LG life's good. Let's go

For more infomation >> The Secret to Make Pancake Batter the Right Consistency | Water to Mix Ratio - Duration: 3:41.


Twin Brother - Duration: 6:45.

For more infomation >> Twin Brother - Duration: 6:45.


Actualización del Canal - Duration: 6:26.


Well, in this video I'll explain why I stopped uploading videos

It's been about 6 months


It's been almost a year since I stopped uploading videos

And honestly, I feel very guilty about this

I'm really sorry you guys, I'm sorry

And I will also talk about what's been going on with me lately

Some of you may already know, but if you're new, I'll explain quickly

I'm studying 3D animation in a technical college

Which lasts 2 years, but it's very intensive

So, it requires a lot of time and dedication...and blood, sweat and tears

It consists of five 4-month periods in total

I started studying last year in May...I think

And I used to make videos at the same time

What happened though, was that as time passed, college started to get tougher

We started to have bigger projects,

We were getting more deadlines

So, I wasnt able to keep making videos

That was one of the reasons...

The second one was because the camera, that I used to record...stopped working


It just got broken

It wouldn't work anymore so I could not record

And the camera on the cell phone I had back then wasn't good enough for recording videos

And the th...



And the third reason had a bit more to do with myself

I realised this about a month ago

It was last year, between September and October, that I stopped making videos

But at that time

My camera wasn't broken yet and I was entering the second 4-month period

So I really didn't have too much work to do

However, I wasn't feeling that motivated

To record, edit and upload videos

And I started letting it for later...

"I'll do it tomorrow" "Another day" "Maybe next week"...

...and, I never did

A month ago I was checking on my channel after so long


I realised there was something I didn't really like

Because I was watching my videos and analyzing them

To see what actually happened

What happened to me

Why did I stop making videos when its something that I always liked doing

But I didn't know why I just wasn't feeling motivated to do it

So, after watching some videos

I noticed

That they were not reflecting my personality

I mean

It was me on the videos

It was me the one talking and doing stuff


Don't know

Like, I don't...

I wasnt seeing myself on those videos

Don't know if you get what i'm trying to say...It's a bit complicated


So, I started to analyze

And I've come to realize that this was

Probably the main reason wy I stopped making videos

Even though I took time to record back then,

Spent hours on editing those videos so that they look good

And then uploaded them to my channel

In the end, they wouldn't exactly reflect my personality

Who I am as a person

What I like or dislike doing

In other words, I wasn't really satisfied with the content I was uploading

And as I said before, I realised all this like a month ago

When I was checking on my channel

People would always ask me

"Are you going to keep making videos?"

And "Hey, what happened to your videos?"


I would just say...

Yeah...yeah sure!


So, once I knew what the problem was

I decided to make some changes on my channel

I changed the header, the logo

and I'm also going to make some changes on the content that I'm going to upload

From now on I'm going to make videos that represent myself better

This videos are going to be a bit more simple

It's going to be me, talking to you, just like in this video

And where I'm going to tell you stories, what has happened to me, what I'm going to be up to in the future….

Who I am

Where I come from

Of course, if I go to a trip or something I will do videos on that as well, so don't worry

So that you guys can get to know me better and I can keep you updated on what i'm doing


What have I been doing lately?

At this moment, I'm on the last 4-month period of my studies

I'll be graduating in December

And after that I need to figure out what im going to be doing with my life because I have no idea

The other day I realized that it's time for me to start getting serious

In my life

And organize everything and make a plan

One of the plans I have is to work here for a year or a few months

and after that go overseas and work or study somewhere else

I'm still not sure where I'm going or when or how

But, don't worry, I'll definitely let you know

I strongly believe that we should have a balance

In our mind body and spirit…

It is like that right?


I think

So now I'm meditating and doing yoga

And now I'm also exercising a bit more and stuff like that

Because I thinks it's important to have a healthy lifestyle

I have been working on some 3D projects which I will be also uploading later

But I won't be uploading that on this channel

I have a second channel in which i'm going to be uploading 3D related stuff

By that I mean 3D sculpting, modeling, texturing...

Or digital paintings...Just art related stuff in general

So if you want to check that out, I'll let the link to that channel in the description box

There are some very important news

Well at least I consider it to be important

We adopted a kitten, his name is Jack and he's lovely...I love him

He's just way too cute

But he's not living with me, he's at my parents house

I'm living in San Jose with my relatives because I'm studying here

So, every time I visit my parents I get to see my kitten

That I love

Just love him so much


It happened to be that my uncle decided to adopt a kitten himself


Prepare yourself

(for extreme cuteness)

it's so cute!

It's a girl

I don't know what her name is

because they brought her yesterday

But she's so cute

Well I think that would be all for today's video

I really hope you liked it

And I'll see you guys next time


For more infomation >> Actualización del Canal - Duration: 6:26.


Весенне цветущие виды крокусов и сорта – описание - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Весенне цветущие виды крокусов и сорта – описание - Duration: 4:11.


The Fidget spinner anime - Duration: 0:08.

bees are beautiful

like fidget spinners



For more infomation >> The Fidget spinner anime - Duration: 0:08.


¿Cómo te llamas? - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo te llamas? - Duration: 1:16.


How to use VLOOKUP in Excel? (Arabic video with English subtitles) - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> How to use VLOOKUP in Excel? (Arabic video with English subtitles) - Duration: 8:19.


Live Summons!! | Farming Some More Dragon Stones!!! | Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle - Duration: 2:30:09.

For more infomation >> Live Summons!! | Farming Some More Dragon Stones!!! | Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle - Duration: 2:30:09.


Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9 - Duration: 30:01.

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9 The ABCs of Beth "Jerry pulls in some lady. Beth revisits her childhood" Once REGISTERED to get free downloads for a month any movies you want. No waiting to download movies its instant!

Watch Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9 Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9 Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9 Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9 Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9 Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9 Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9

For more infomation >> Rick and Morty Season 3 Episode 9 - Duration: 30:01.


【東方花映塚】 「Nani Iro Shoukei」「凋叶棕」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 4:36.

「なにいろ小径」("What colour is your path?") English translated by Releska

Carrying a small package in your arms,

You lightly walk about.

Now, going this way and that, will you find something delicious to eat?

You cram rice cakes, apricots, and teacakes into your bag.

The space inside that cloth bag must be bursting with dreams, right?

If this road continues forever,

Then I'll continue along with you. That's right—it's still not enough.

Because the sky is so high above me and so blue,

I still feel good even if I can't fly.

Each time your dream-coloured eyes blink, the townscape changes. What can you see?

What colour is the landscape? What colour is your path?

Though the bundle in your hands grows larger,

You're still wandering about. It's like you don't have a clue where you're going.

Now, here or there? Are you still having trouble deciding, perhaps?

Your hairpin, your ribbon, your shoes, and even your clothes are in my sights.

You must just look like an ordinary girl, right?

No matter what lies at the end of this path,

I guess it'll end up turning into some sort of fabulous encounter, for sure…

Because the sky is so vast, so weightless,

You don't have to worry about anything. (←Carefree)

Even if you're a shrine maiden, I guess I just really, really like you! Am I in love with you?

What colour is the landscape? What colour is your path?

The colours of spring… sky-blue… the colour of illusions, and your colours, too—

I wonder what colour I can look forward to seeing in that place where you walk today?

If days like this happen once in a while,

Then might I be able to find something better than flying

Not just today, but tomorrow as well?

Because the sky is so deep, so clear,

That path might continue without end.

Alright then—I'll let only those words ride upon the wind. I wonder where you'll head next?

What colour is the landscape? What colour is your path?

For more infomation >> 【東方花映塚】 「Nani Iro Shoukei」「凋叶棕」【Vietsub/Engsub】 - Duration: 4:36.


✔ 윤한, 오늘 8세 연하 연인과 결혼..지인 축하 속 백년가약 [종합] ✔ - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> ✔ 윤한, 오늘 8세 연하 연인과 결혼..지인 축하 속 백년가약 [종합] ✔ - Duration: 3:11.


Inside Game of Thrones: Battling the Silence - Duration: 9:19.

For more infomation >> Inside Game of Thrones: Battling the Silence - Duration: 9:19.


Birdwatching in Wildlife & Bir...

For more infomation >> Birdwatching in Wildlife & Bir...


Dua ki qabooliyat ka wazifa kamran sultan - Duration: 2:26.

Dua ki qabooliyat ka wazifa kamran sultan

For more infomation >> Dua ki qabooliyat ka wazifa kamran sultan - Duration: 2:26.


Mario 64 - Sem Limites (ep:03) [REUPLOAD] - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Mario 64 - Sem Limites (ep:03) [REUPLOAD] - Duration: 6:14.


मसाले भात कुकर मध्ये | How to make Masale Bhat in Pressure Cooker | Masala Bhat Recipe - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> मसाले भात कुकर मध्ये | How to make Masale Bhat in Pressure Cooker | Masala Bhat Recipe - Duration: 5:47.


Lower Your Blood Pressure with These 5 Breathing Techniques: They Work! - Duration: 4:37.

Lower Your Blood Pressure with These 5 Breathing Techniques: They Work!

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