Sunday, September 24, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 25 2017

Though it has been a request for a long time I have felt...mostly ambivalent about reviewing

the Buffy movie.

I think a lot of contemporary critics delight in a good massacre and some, like Red Letter

Media, have raised it to an art form.

But I know that the Buffy movie holds a nostalgic place in people's hearts and I don't really

delight in the death of anyone's darlings.

I never take as much joy in tearing a thing to pieces as I do elevating something I treasure.

Well...almost never.

I watched the Buffy movie for the first time 2 years ago.

I am not a fan of camp and hold no nostalgia for it.

This movie is the misfire that accidentally lead to one of my favorite pieces of entertainment


If you feel differently, close the video and come back in a couple weeks.

I'll have the guides for Something Blue and Hero up around that time.

For the sake of completion and to honor the vote I put up, I present to you my review

of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie.

Another issue this review poses is how to talk about the material.

As someone who has watched the series many many times, it is impossible for me to look

at the movie on it's own merits.

I started with Buffy the show first, fell in deep love, and went back to watch the movie

much later.

I can't consider this material without pondering what it turned into.

And so, that is the confusing muddled perspective from which this review has been written.

What might've been.

And what was.

The movie opens with a self self serious VO and campy intro explaining poorly that the

Slayer bears the birthmark of the coven and is the only one suited to fight vampires that

walk among us.

She is trained by the Watcher and when she dies the next is chosen.

We then hard cut to modern times at Hemry High School and Buffy herself.

That afternoon as Buffy and her friends debate the merits of various theaters using the clunky

invented teenage vernacular that weighed down the TV pilot a bit.

"yadd a yadda yadda locker room scene from Buffy pilot"

She is given the stiff one eye from an odd looking man while trying to descend in an


And in the theater we're introduced to Pike and his friend Benny.

Pike regales Buffy's boyfriend with a stirring bit of dialogue.

6:30 "Luke Perry says nothing"

And one of the basketball jocks is eaten by a vampire, played by Paul Reubens.

Buffy's parents are rich and aloof.

And as she falls asleep that evening she experiences the dreams of the Slayer's past lives.

After an inexplicable and pointless run in with Buffy and company, Pike and Benny are

out drunkenly on the town.

Pike passes out and Benny gets eaten by Paul Reuben.

The next day Merrick confronts Buffy and tells her the truth.

"You want me to come to the graveyard with you...does Elvis talk to you?"

I think the most admirable thing about this movie is Kristy

Swanson and how hard she is actually trying.

Her's is a performance from a much better movie.

Merrick knows the content of Buffy's dreams because, of course, they're real and Buffy

agrees to train with him.

At the graveyard Buffy witness her first vampires rising and slays them both.

Benny has gone full mushroom eared flying vampire.

That night as Buffy prepares for bed we get what is probably my favorite bit from this

entire movie.

As the camera pans around Buffy's bedroom Lothos is revealed, already lying in Buffy's

bed as she cuddles against him and he touches his her face.

It's chilling, successfully executed, and completely out of place in this movie.

The movie struggles mightily with tone and swings wildly throughout.

Is it a cheesy campy comedy?

Is it a horror movie?

Is it a drama?

I would classify Buffy the show, as a drama that is populated by smart witty characters.

Mostly the show isn't funny because har har, comedic hijinx but because the character's

most successful defense mechanism against the horrors around them is gallows humor.

If this is your last hour on earth, why not spend it smiling and having a laugh?

But the core tone of the show is grounded well enough.

The movie, is at times stupid, sappy, funny, and in this lone scene, scary.

After that wee get a training montage of Buffy getting all Slayerized, including her first

kill in an alley.

And then Buffy and Merrick bond over their mutual cycle of reincarnation.

"I'm not going to croak…"

Pike is attacked by Paul Reubens and a chase ensues ending with one of the visual icons

I remember from the trailer.

Buffy rescues him and brings him...home for some reason.

And their bit of sexy close taking in the kitchen reminded me of a similar bit from

something else…

The next day Buffy's boyfriend's douchey friend grabs her backside and Buffy Slayers

him into the ground because sexism.

When Buffy's beau makes an attempt to be sheltery and protective she pushes him away.

Buffy skips Slayer practice to cheer at the basketball game that evening.

In it a vampire decides to duplicate scenes from Teen Wolf while completely ignoring the

context from that movie, as well as the fact that he's acting alongside Ben Affleck.

The Wolf I mean vampire figures out who Buffy is and takes off to tell the master...even

though...wait...didn't Pee Wee Pire already know that?

Why is this chase a thing?

Oh who cares.

Anyway, at an abandoned area for parade floats Buffy and Pike call some vampires and conveniently

get romantic.

Merrick shows up with Lothos and Lothos kills him.

Sutherland phones in the death scene hard.

"When the music stops, the rest is silence."

This is such a weird hammy death scene, and Donald Sutherland so famously pissed off Whedon

during the filming of the movie for changing the lines, that I wondered if this whole bit

of dialogue wasn't pulled directly out of Sutherland's butthole.

Especially given how little, Kristy Swanson has to do in this scene.

In working on this review I thought it would be interesting to compare both the Buffy the

Vampire Slayer Origin comic, which was supposedly much more faithful to the original script,

as well as the various and sundry versions of the script I could find online.

The movie very lightly covers the idea that Merrick and Buffy have BOTH been reincarnated,

lifetime after lifetime, but then never really does anything with it.

But in the original script, Lothos corners Merrick as Buffy is rushing to them.

And Lothos recognizes Merrick as the Watcher he's seen time and time again.

He indicates that he has in previous lifetimes turned Merrick and forced him to murder the

Slayer, before serving Lothos as a vampire.

Rather than face the same fate and put Buffy at risk, Merrick pulls a gun and kills himself

in order to save Buffy.

A FAR more dramatic and brave ending for the character.

Instead we get Donald Sutherland laying on his back hamming it up by completely misappropriating

Hamlet's last line.

Ironically, the fact that Sutherland chose Hamlet, one of the most famous protagonists

in history suggests that he didn't realize he wasn't the hero of this story.

Buffy grieves.

The next day the clan is preparing for the dance and sniping at a Buffy, more preoccupied

with Slayering than being one of them.

She has a falling out with Pike that doesn't make a ton of sense.

Buffy's skeez of a boyfriend dumps her.

Luke Perry shows up looking like liquid 90s cool.

Vampires crash.

Perry tosses Buffy his leather jacket, which one would think was overly cumbersome but

works as a very on-the-nose symbol for masculine power.

This ham handed image was not in the original script.

Buffy kills Paul Reuben who takes way too…

Who takes way too long to

Who takes way too long to…

Who takes an ungodly and unfunny amount of time to die.

Lothos comedically tries to seduce Buffy.

It doesn't work.

You know...stuff happens.

And Buffy rides away with Pike.

The movies profound badness makes no sense on paper.

Donald Sutherland, Hilary Swank, Ben Affleck, Kristy Swanson, Paul Reubens, and Rutger Hauer?

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe" speech with Buffy shit in the background.

The only level I find the film forgivable is the acting.

Kristy Swanson is trying her damndest.

Paul Reuben's and Rutger Hauer aren't doing anything that would seem to contrast

with the choices the director is making.

But everything else is pedestrian and just off.

The direction doesn't seem to understand the script, and rather than developing an

identity of it's own instead borrows painfully from other better films.

Namely, Heathers and Teen Wolf.

The movie was directed by Fran Rubel Kazui, who today has two directing credits to her


Tokyo Pop...and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

She's also listed as an executive producer on every single episode of Buffy and Angel,

as her production company financed the film and own partial rights to the IP.

But everyone who worked on both shows said their company never had any involvement.


The opening 60 seconds are kind of emblematic of why the movie falls flat.

Everything is played for humor or camp value.

Nothing is taken seriously.

And because of that there is no contrast or stakes to what's going on.

It's all screwball and yet the movie tries to have it both ways later on.

Screwball might've been fine if any of the jokes are funny, but short of the occasional

well written quip, there are no funny jokes to speak of.

The movie lacks any editing flow as well.

Everything is so dissonant.

The cuts feel weird and unnecessary, as though no one was sure how to move things from scene

to scene.

There is an early scene that begins with Buffy's parents leaving for a vacation, and absentmindedly

calling Buffy's boyfriend by the wrong name.

She pouts and the scene dissolves out.

That's it...this entire clunker serves to tell us one single thing about Buffy's home

life, does little to forward the plot or to develop anything about her character, and

since the scene doesn't really have an ending because nothing is actually occurring in it,

we just dissolve into the next one.

The editing also sabotages much of the "comedy" -dr evil- as well, as in this scene when Pike

and Benny meet Buffy and company face to face for the first time.

Savor the uninterrupted long pauses and cutaways from the things we should actually be looking

at and ask yourself...why didn't they just remove this?

And then there's the problem of Donald Sutherland.

I've never seen a performance phone in quite as hard as this and he was apparently an entitled

nightmare during the shoot.

In an interview with The A.V.

Club Joss Whedon said,

"I pretty much threw up my hands because I could not be around Donald Sutherland any


Included on the Bluray is a behind the scenes featurette, in which Donald Sutherland says

one thing.

"I was so embarrassed to tell everyone I was in a movie called Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

There is evidence to suggest that Sutherland was supposed to be doing an English accent,

but then shortly gives up on the idea because he can't be bothered.

We know from the show that the Watcher's council are all English.

And in Sutherland's first scene where he rescues Pike you can hear him doing a bit

of it.

"This is not safe out here…"

And Buffy later employs what would be an odd insult if Sutherland WEREN'T British.

"Sconehead insult.

Such a waste.

Many of the ideas for the show are here mostly unbaked or uninteresting.

I've mentioned in my guide for the TV show that within the feminist model that Buffy

present, Xander is a necessary component.

He is the male who doesn't question, debate, or resent Buffy's power and leadership but

instead seeks to find his own role and identity.

Luke Perry's Pike fills that role here, if blandly - lacking many of Xander's strengths

that make him an interesting character as well as the weaknesses that make part of the

fandom revile him.

Mercifully, a few of the movies ideas were thankfully left behind.

For instance Buffy's vampire menstrual cramp radar.

In the movie Donald Sutherland tells Buffy that her cramps are a sign that vampires are


"You're going to be able to use them to track the vampires."

- Great, my secret weapon is PMS.

Needless to say, using Buffy's uterus as a symbol in a symbol heavy story whose primary

metaphor is accepting the responsibility of growing up and becoming an adult is a little

creepy and weird.

Adulthood and physical maturity are not synonymous.

One is earned through responsibility and choice, and the other is just a simple inevitability

of time.

And the inclusion of her uterine vampire radar feels like a misstep that accidentally tethers

Buffy's power and identity to her ability to make babies.

Something Whedon has been criticized for more than once.

And yes this one is in the script.

As mentioned, it is totally impossible for me to provide an unbiased critique of this


Throughout I hear nothing but the missed opportunities and throwaway dialogue that turned into deep

and meaningful themes on the show.

While fully acknowledging that even Whedon couldn't have known the fruit these ideas

would bear as they are thoughts that grew organically from thousands of hours of work,

let's look at two scenes from Buffy the show and movie.

Throughout both stories there is a question as to what it is that makes Buffy different

and more successful than previous Slayers.

Why has she lasted far longer than others?

In the movie, this works as sort of metaphor-light.

"Merrick I'm not going to croak.

I have something none of the other slayers did."

- "And what is that?"

- "My keen fashion sense."

The scene is played as a bonding moment between Buffy and Merrick, serving two purposes.

First, to make Merrick's death later on a little more impactful and second to act

as a metaphor near the end for Buffy herself.

Buffy's keen fashion sense, part of her stock early 90s femininity, is used literally

as a weapon in the form of the hair spray to destroy Merrick.

But consider nearly the same idea from the show, where the answer to what ties Buffy

to the world also stands as the reason for her death at the end of that season.

In a scene from one of my favorite episodes, Spike, a vampire who has begun to come to

grips with his crush on Buffy, is explaining how he was able to kill two Slayers previous

to Buffy.

This is an enormously complex season so I won't spend too much time on it, and this

scene actually says far more about Spike than it does about Buffy or the Slayer power.

Spike is a walking fountain of innuendo and throughout this descriptions of the two Slayer's

murders he is heavily sexualizing the stories.

The Asian Slayer's blood is an aphrodisiac for he and Drusilla and he says he could've

danced all night with the NY Slayer.

There's really no way for him to know if every Slayer has a death wish because he's

only met three of them.

What these deaths are about for him are actually the little death or orgasm.

Consider his selection of words when he talks about Buffy's death.

Buffy's rejection of Spike's advances also works on two levels, suggesting first

that she'll never sleep with him and second that Spike will never be able to kill her.

But the relevant detail that Spike points out is the only thing that has allowed Buffy

to last as long as she has are her ties to the world.

Mother, Scoobies, sister Dawn.

In short, love.

Where other Slayer's were taken from all that and taught ONLY about duty and responsibility,

Buffy has lived a life in balance.

Duty, responsibility in tandem with hope, and connection.

And through a philosophical lens that doesn't confuse right with good.

And right versus good is ultimately, what the finale is all about.

Buffy is faced with the choice of killing her sister Dawn and saving the world, or defending

Dawn to her last breath.

Good versus right.

Duty versus love.

In the end when Buffy has her epiphany, the question of how she lived as long as she has,

in what makes her different is rendered irrelevant.

The details of death are far less important than how we spend the time we have.

Love, duty, and sacrifice.

Spike's bravado from Fool For Love is painfully ironic here.

"The second…" montage

Okay, so I got a little carried away there.

It isn't that I EXPECT the same degree of character development and complexity from

the movie.

It's that I can't turn off the part of me that has already heard all of these ideas

before but seen them done FAR more successfully.

That and...well I just missed talking about the show.

But maybe that is as good a place as any to end.

With the thing, I am most grateful to the movie for.

For more infomation >> Buffy the Vampire Slayer • TPN's Movie Review - Duration: 15:38.


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英語より難しい?!スペイン語のlとr|japotina#010 - Duration: 6:14.

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Bembi 38: ...nur noch mied momentan, trotzdem habbe mer natierlich #gewählt! Created by B.S. #Wahl - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Bembi 38: ...nur noch mied momentan, trotzdem habbe mer natierlich #gewählt! Created by B.S. #Wahl - Duration: 1:28.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer • TPN's Movie Review - Duration: 15:38.

Though it has been a request for a long time I have felt...mostly ambivalent about reviewing

the Buffy movie.

I think a lot of contemporary critics delight in a good massacre and some, like Red Letter

Media, have raised it to an art form.

But I know that the Buffy movie holds a nostalgic place in people's hearts and I don't really

delight in the death of anyone's darlings.

I never take as much joy in tearing a thing to pieces as I do elevating something I treasure.

Well...almost never.

I watched the Buffy movie for the first time 2 years ago.

I am not a fan of camp and hold no nostalgia for it.

This movie is the misfire that accidentally lead to one of my favorite pieces of entertainment


If you feel differently, close the video and come back in a couple weeks.

I'll have the guides for Something Blue and Hero up around that time.

For the sake of completion and to honor the vote I put up, I present to you my review

of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie.

Another issue this review poses is how to talk about the material.

As someone who has watched the series many many times, it is impossible for me to look

at the movie on it's own merits.

I started with Buffy the show first, fell in deep love, and went back to watch the movie

much later.

I can't consider this material without pondering what it turned into.

And so, that is the confusing muddled perspective from which this review has been written.

What might've been.

And what was.

The movie opens with a self self serious VO and campy intro explaining poorly that the

Slayer bears the birthmark of the coven and is the only one suited to fight vampires that

walk among us.

She is trained by the Watcher and when she dies the next is chosen.

We then hard cut to modern times at Hemry High School and Buffy herself.

That afternoon as Buffy and her friends debate the merits of various theaters using the clunky

invented teenage vernacular that weighed down the TV pilot a bit.

"yadd a yadda yadda locker room scene from Buffy pilot"

She is given the stiff one eye from an odd looking man while trying to descend in an


And in the theater we're introduced to Pike and his friend Benny.

Pike regales Buffy's boyfriend with a stirring bit of dialogue.

6:30 "Luke Perry says nothing"

And one of the basketball jocks is eaten by a vampire, played by Paul Reubens.

Buffy's parents are rich and aloof.

And as she falls asleep that evening she experiences the dreams of the Slayer's past lives.

After an inexplicable and pointless run in with Buffy and company, Pike and Benny are

out drunkenly on the town.

Pike passes out and Benny gets eaten by Paul Reuben.

The next day Merrick confronts Buffy and tells her the truth.

"You want me to come to the graveyard with you...does Elvis talk to you?"

I think the most admirable thing about this movie is Kristy

Swanson and how hard she is actually trying.

Her's is a performance from a much better movie.

Merrick knows the content of Buffy's dreams because, of course, they're real and Buffy

agrees to train with him.

At the graveyard Buffy witness her first vampires rising and slays them both.

Benny has gone full mushroom eared flying vampire.

That night as Buffy prepares for bed we get what is probably my favorite bit from this

entire movie.

As the camera pans around Buffy's bedroom Lothos is revealed, already lying in Buffy's

bed as she cuddles against him and he touches his her face.

It's chilling, successfully executed, and completely out of place in this movie.

The movie struggles mightily with tone and swings wildly throughout.

Is it a cheesy campy comedy?

Is it a horror movie?

Is it a drama?

I would classify Buffy the show, as a drama that is populated by smart witty characters.

Mostly the show isn't funny because har har, comedic hijinx but because the character's

most successful defense mechanism against the horrors around them is gallows humor.

If this is your last hour on earth, why not spend it smiling and having a laugh?

But the core tone of the show is grounded well enough.

The movie, is at times stupid, sappy, funny, and in this lone scene, scary.

After that wee get a training montage of Buffy getting all Slayerized, including her first

kill in an alley.

And then Buffy and Merrick bond over their mutual cycle of reincarnation.

"I'm not going to croak…"

Pike is attacked by Paul Reubens and a chase ensues ending with one of the visual icons

I remember from the trailer.

Buffy rescues him and brings him...home for some reason.

And their bit of sexy close taking in the kitchen reminded me of a similar bit from

something else…

The next day Buffy's boyfriend's douchey friend grabs her backside and Buffy Slayers

him into the ground because sexism.

When Buffy's beau makes an attempt to be sheltery and protective she pushes him away.

Buffy skips Slayer practice to cheer at the basketball game that evening.

In it a vampire decides to duplicate scenes from Teen Wolf while completely ignoring the

context from that movie, as well as the fact that he's acting alongside Ben Affleck.

The Wolf I mean vampire figures out who Buffy is and takes off to tell the master...even

though...wait...didn't Pee Wee Pire already know that?

Why is this chase a thing?

Oh who cares.

Anyway, at an abandoned area for parade floats Buffy and Pike call some vampires and conveniently

get romantic.

Merrick shows up with Lothos and Lothos kills him.

Sutherland phones in the death scene hard.

"When the music stops, the rest is silence."

This is such a weird hammy death scene, and Donald Sutherland so famously pissed off Whedon

during the filming of the movie for changing the lines, that I wondered if this whole bit

of dialogue wasn't pulled directly out of Sutherland's butthole.

Especially given how little, Kristy Swanson has to do in this scene.

In working on this review I thought it would be interesting to compare both the Buffy the

Vampire Slayer Origin comic, which was supposedly much more faithful to the original script,

as well as the various and sundry versions of the script I could find online.

The movie very lightly covers the idea that Merrick and Buffy have BOTH been reincarnated,

lifetime after lifetime, but then never really does anything with it.

But in the original script, Lothos corners Merrick as Buffy is rushing to them.

And Lothos recognizes Merrick as the Watcher he's seen time and time again.

He indicates that he has in previous lifetimes turned Merrick and forced him to murder the

Slayer, before serving Lothos as a vampire.

Rather than face the same fate and put Buffy at risk, Merrick pulls a gun and kills himself

in order to save Buffy.

A FAR more dramatic and brave ending for the character.

Instead we get Donald Sutherland laying on his back hamming it up by completely misappropriating

Hamlet's last line.

Ironically, the fact that Sutherland chose Hamlet, one of the most famous protagonists

in history suggests that he didn't realize he wasn't the hero of this story.

Buffy grieves.

The next day the clan is preparing for the dance and sniping at a Buffy, more preoccupied

with Slayering than being one of them.

She has a falling out with Pike that doesn't make a ton of sense.

Buffy's skeez of a boyfriend dumps her.

Luke Perry shows up looking like liquid 90s cool.

Vampires crash.

Perry tosses Buffy his leather jacket, which one would think was overly cumbersome but

works as a very on-the-nose symbol for masculine power.

This ham handed image was not in the original script.

Buffy kills Paul Reuben who takes way too…

Who takes way too long to

Who takes way too long to…

Who takes an ungodly and unfunny amount of time to die.

Lothos comedically tries to seduce Buffy.

It doesn't work.

You know...stuff happens.

And Buffy rides away with Pike.

The movies profound badness makes no sense on paper.

Donald Sutherland, Hilary Swank, Ben Affleck, Kristy Swanson, Paul Reubens, and Rutger Hauer?

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe" speech with Buffy shit in the background.

The only level I find the film forgivable is the acting.

Kristy Swanson is trying her damndest.

Paul Reuben's and Rutger Hauer aren't doing anything that would seem to contrast

with the choices the director is making.

But everything else is pedestrian and just off.

The direction doesn't seem to understand the script, and rather than developing an

identity of it's own instead borrows painfully from other better films.

Namely, Heathers and Teen Wolf.

The movie was directed by Fran Rubel Kazui, who today has two directing credits to her


Tokyo Pop...and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

She's also listed as an executive producer on every single episode of Buffy and Angel,

as her production company financed the film and own partial rights to the IP.

But everyone who worked on both shows said their company never had any involvement.


The opening 60 seconds are kind of emblematic of why the movie falls flat.

Everything is played for humor or camp value.

Nothing is taken seriously.

And because of that there is no contrast or stakes to what's going on.

It's all screwball and yet the movie tries to have it both ways later on.

Screwball might've been fine if any of the jokes are funny, but short of the occasional

well written quip, there are no funny jokes to speak of.

The movie lacks any editing flow as well.

Everything is so dissonant.

The cuts feel weird and unnecessary, as though no one was sure how to move things from scene

to scene.

There is an early scene that begins with Buffy's parents leaving for a vacation, and absentmindedly

calling Buffy's boyfriend by the wrong name.

She pouts and the scene dissolves out.

That's it...this entire clunker serves to tell us one single thing about Buffy's home

life, does little to forward the plot or to develop anything about her character, and

since the scene doesn't really have an ending because nothing is actually occurring in it,

we just dissolve into the next one.

The editing also sabotages much of the "comedy" -dr evil- as well, as in this scene when Pike

and Benny meet Buffy and company face to face for the first time.

Savor the uninterrupted long pauses and cutaways from the things we should actually be looking

at and ask yourself...why didn't they just remove this?

And then there's the problem of Donald Sutherland.

I've never seen a performance phone in quite as hard as this and he was apparently an entitled

nightmare during the shoot.

In an interview with The A.V.

Club Joss Whedon said,

"I pretty much threw up my hands because I could not be around Donald Sutherland any


Included on the Bluray is a behind the scenes featurette, in which Donald Sutherland says

one thing.

"I was so embarrassed to tell everyone I was in a movie called Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

There is evidence to suggest that Sutherland was supposed to be doing an English accent,

but then shortly gives up on the idea because he can't be bothered.

We know from the show that the Watcher's council are all English.

And in Sutherland's first scene where he rescues Pike you can hear him doing a bit

of it.

"This is not safe out here…"

And Buffy later employs what would be an odd insult if Sutherland WEREN'T British.

"Sconehead insult.

Such a waste.

Many of the ideas for the show are here mostly unbaked or uninteresting.

I've mentioned in my guide for the TV show that within the feminist model that Buffy

present, Xander is a necessary component.

He is the male who doesn't question, debate, or resent Buffy's power and leadership but

instead seeks to find his own role and identity.

Luke Perry's Pike fills that role here, if blandly - lacking many of Xander's strengths

that make him an interesting character as well as the weaknesses that make part of the

fandom revile him.

Mercifully, a few of the movies ideas were thankfully left behind.

For instance Buffy's vampire menstrual cramp radar.

In the movie Donald Sutherland tells Buffy that her cramps are a sign that vampires are


"You're going to be able to use them to track the vampires."

- Great, my secret weapon is PMS.

Needless to say, using Buffy's uterus as a symbol in a symbol heavy story whose primary

metaphor is accepting the responsibility of growing up and becoming an adult is a little

creepy and weird.

Adulthood and physical maturity are not synonymous.

One is earned through responsibility and choice, and the other is just a simple inevitability

of time.

And the inclusion of her uterine vampire radar feels like a misstep that accidentally tethers

Buffy's power and identity to her ability to make babies.

Something Whedon has been criticized for more than once.

And yes this one is in the script.

As mentioned, it is totally impossible for me to provide an unbiased critique of this


Throughout I hear nothing but the missed opportunities and throwaway dialogue that turned into deep

and meaningful themes on the show.

While fully acknowledging that even Whedon couldn't have known the fruit these ideas

would bear as they are thoughts that grew organically from thousands of hours of work,

let's look at two scenes from Buffy the show and movie.

Throughout both stories there is a question as to what it is that makes Buffy different

and more successful than previous Slayers.

Why has she lasted far longer than others?

In the movie, this works as sort of metaphor-light.

"Merrick I'm not going to croak.

I have something none of the other slayers did."

- "And what is that?"

- "My keen fashion sense."

The scene is played as a bonding moment between Buffy and Merrick, serving two purposes.

First, to make Merrick's death later on a little more impactful and second to act

as a metaphor near the end for Buffy herself.

Buffy's keen fashion sense, part of her stock early 90s femininity, is used literally

as a weapon in the form of the hair spray to destroy Merrick.

But consider nearly the same idea from the show, where the answer to what ties Buffy

to the world also stands as the reason for her death at the end of that season.

In a scene from one of my favorite episodes, Spike, a vampire who has begun to come to

grips with his crush on Buffy, is explaining how he was able to kill two Slayers previous

to Buffy.

This is an enormously complex season so I won't spend too much time on it, and this

scene actually says far more about Spike than it does about Buffy or the Slayer power.

Spike is a walking fountain of innuendo and throughout this descriptions of the two Slayer's

murders he is heavily sexualizing the stories.

The Asian Slayer's blood is an aphrodisiac for he and Drusilla and he says he could've

danced all night with the NY Slayer.

There's really no way for him to know if every Slayer has a death wish because he's

only met three of them.

What these deaths are about for him are actually the little death or orgasm.

Consider his selection of words when he talks about Buffy's death.

Buffy's rejection of Spike's advances also works on two levels, suggesting first

that she'll never sleep with him and second that Spike will never be able to kill her.

But the relevant detail that Spike points out is the only thing that has allowed Buffy

to last as long as she has are her ties to the world.

Mother, Scoobies, sister Dawn.

In short, love.

Where other Slayer's were taken from all that and taught ONLY about duty and responsibility,

Buffy has lived a life in balance.

Duty, responsibility in tandem with hope, and connection.

And through a philosophical lens that doesn't confuse right with good.

And right versus good is ultimately, what the finale is all about.

Buffy is faced with the choice of killing her sister Dawn and saving the world, or defending

Dawn to her last breath.

Good versus right.

Duty versus love.

In the end when Buffy has her epiphany, the question of how she lived as long as she has,

in what makes her different is rendered irrelevant.

The details of death are far less important than how we spend the time we have.

Love, duty, and sacrifice.

Spike's bravado from Fool For Love is painfully ironic here.

"The second…" montage

Okay, so I got a little carried away there.

It isn't that I EXPECT the same degree of character development and complexity from

the movie.

It's that I can't turn off the part of me that has already heard all of these ideas

before but seen them done FAR more successfully.

That and...well I just missed talking about the show.

But maybe that is as good a place as any to end.

With the thing, I am most grateful to the movie for.

For more infomation >> Buffy the Vampire Slayer • TPN's Movie Review - Duration: 15:38.


Top 10 Lowest Paid Bollywood Actresses That You Didn't Know About | Bollywood Actresses salary - Duration: 4:11.

Top 10 Lowest Paid Bollywood Actresses That You Didn't Know About | Bollywood Actresses salary

For more infomation >> Top 10 Lowest Paid Bollywood Actresses That You Didn't Know About | Bollywood Actresses salary - Duration: 4:11.


【Kiraulque Sings】BTS DNA SHORT VOCAL COVER - Duration: 1:38.

I knew sensed you as soon as I met ya

As if we have talked like this before

My bloodstream's DNA is speaking extra

And said it's you that I've been looking for

Our encounter is a Friedmann equation

Law of religion, universe's persuasion

Evidence of fate that is given to me

Origin of my dreams sudden glee

Take it, take it

My hand held out is our chemistry destiny

Don't worry my love

Coincidence would never lie to us

Our DNA's different baby

We have found our love fated destiny

The day the universe made me all for you

The day we passed worlds to make our grand debut

In our past lives, in our next lives

We will be amaranthine


Coincidence would never lie to us


We have found our love fated destiny


For more infomation >> 【Kiraulque Sings】BTS DNA SHORT VOCAL COVER - Duration: 1:38.


頑童MJ116【I WANT IT ALL】Official Music Video 4K - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> 頑童MJ116【I WANT IT ALL】Official Music Video 4K - Duration: 3:52.


Les Brown You've got to be fearless to succeed - Duration: 12:39.

in what you've done with your life thus far is it giving you what you want is it

giving you what you want when you look towards the future when you look at all

this going on out here is there some place within yourself you say hey I know

I need to be out there in that arena I know I can do more than what I've been

doing I know there's some great music that I have within me that I haven't

brought out here is that something that you begin to look at within yourself see

I say if you look at your life and if you're not getting what you want you owe

it to yourself to do something differently you know if you own a job 85

percent they say of Americans go to jobs but they're unhappy if you're doing

something 8 hours a day that you don't like it's not giving you what you want

is not giving you a strong feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment you're

miserable you hate to go there you're depressed just thinking about it you're

saying they thank God it's Friday song every week if that's what it is you owe

it to yourself to start to teach eclis working to change directions see but you

know what most people will do most people will resist change

most people will fight change as if change would be worse than what they're

experiencing see they know this they're familiar with this most people will not

challenge the unknown they won't just step out there see days well see there

are certain things has got to be in place they got to see it all together in

life isn't like that that's not how you grow so as you look at your life you're

saying I'm not getting what I want as you begin to look toward the future

begin to know that whatever it takes for you to create that you've got that in

you if you've got that you've got genius in you you've got goodness in you you've

got creativeness in you if you decide to take the initiative to change the

current quality of your life I say to you that you will find that the universe

is on your side that life is on your side now will it be turbulent yes would

it be easy no no will you have some opposition yes will I make a lot of

mistakes yes will I give hurt yes yes see a lot of people won't try anything

different in life because they don't want to get hurt

let me tell you something it's too much pain to duck pain is everywhere you can

hide under here it will come where you are it's everywhere Viktor Frankl calls

it unavoidable suffering you can't duck it but most people spend their life not

wanting to deal with the pain of rejection the pain of defeat the pain of

being disappointed the pain of losing the pain of failure the pain of being

criticized the pain of not being liked the pain the pain the pain that's called

life life is full of pain it's everywhere but guess what there's no

gain without pain because it's the pain of regret that's your experience if I

had it to do over again that's a pain don't you know that's when

you know I was in a seminar once and this lady stood up if I had my life to

live over again she talked about all of the things that she would do and you can

feel the pain of regret in her voice pain of regret she still experienced

pain she was trying not to experience the pain of defeat the pain of

disappointment the pain of loss the pain of lack of support and she still

experienced pain it was right there we can't get around it

most people are governed by their habits the fears and the opinions of others a

lot of people never try anything differently because they have been

convinced by people in their lives that they value that they can't do it they're

living within the context of the opinions that other people have a bit

the low expectations many people doubt themselves because when they thought

about doing something at some critical point in their life somebody they

respected and honored somebody they believed in somebody that they loved

someone they trusted said you can't do that and they accepted that as you look

at your life ask yourself the question what would your life be like what would

your life look like if you decided not to care what people thought of you what

would your life be like if you decided to give up some of your fears

what would your life be like if you decided to become courageous over to

light the light if you decided to act on your dream if you did what you felt in

your heart you know what courageous means a Tom Ruskin and Randy Reid said

they said that courage comes from a French word which means of the heart but

how does it feel to you he says such courage you know it takes courage to

live since most people go through life not allowing themselves to step out

because they don't want to let go they don't want to be blown around they don't

want to be moved the courage to face life's whirling wind of contradictions

the courage to love yourself the courage to love for years I was afraid to love

the courage to take a chance the courage to be who you are

he says courage isn't for somebody else for metals applause our moral depths

courage is what at that moment feels most right for you not just situational

ethics but what feels right in your heart the word at the heart what feels

right in your heart one great philosopher says cowards die

many times before their deaths the valiant never taste of death but

once what does that mean the value people aren't afraid no no no it means

that they experience that here and they move forward and move forward any how

many people are dead now many people allowing their dreams to die many people

have lying the idea is to lie dormant and collect dust

many people have all this talent and ability that they are lying to be

embedded inside of them that they will take with them to their graves because

they didn't have the courage to be who they are and I say as you begin to look

to all the future and manifesting your braveness it's going to take everything

in you everything in you that your life deserves to concentrate it f

to begin to look at how is it that I can express more of me how is it that I can

bring my ideas out here now how is it and start living with a sense of urgency

because you're here today you're gone today life is unpredictable it's

uncertain there's no guarantees no guarantees out here at all so holding

back what are you waiting on ask yourself what's the benefit of your

waiting that's the benefit of your not living your dream what's the benefit of

not listening to yourself hold please listen to yourself you know the feelings

that you start listening to the feelings in your heart and I'm doing it now war

every day I find that my feelings I can trust them and I say to you that as you

look toward the future you looked at life on a daily basis if there's

something that you have been given if you've heard something within yourself

that you know that that what you're doing now doesn't fit for you it doesn't

work for you it's not giving you what you want

and there's something else that you want to do don't allow that inner doubt in

you to talk you out of it to build a case on why you can't have it to tell

you why you're not good enough you ignore that inner voice and all of the

external voices don't judge the possibilities for what you can do based

upon the circumstances because the circumstances won't determine who you

are don't determine what you're able to do based upon your resources don't

determine what's possible for you based upon where your life is right now where

your life is right now is not you that's just what it is right now but the

possibilities for you are unlimited if you're in a rebuilding process it's

unlimited if you're coming back from adversity and devastation it's unlimited

of what you can do that's the capacity of human beings it doesn't matter how

many mistakes you've made doesn't matter how many flops you've had doesn't matter

how much money you've lost fact I see it only as min

what you learned from life not losses but investments what's possible for you

and I say to you that once you start listening to yourself and as you began

to act on your dream as you start just trying to find your way doing what you

can with what you have you will start seeing things opening up for you start

attracting people you say where they come from things will start coming

together clicking for you you say well you start brainstorming ideas will come

out of nowhere as you focus on it the key to it is to begin to focus on what

it is you want to do why less why is that important because as you focus on

that which you want to do that which we focus on that which we give our energy

to it will begin to multiply it will begin to expand it will begin to develop

your consciousness and out of that comes your greatness out of that comes a

commitment out of that comes a passion for life out of that comes a special

power that you have in you that you haven't even called on yet see the

powers that we have will never reveal themselves if we don't challenge them if

we don't put ourselves in the position where we have to use them so one of the

most important things is reading a book that's a really interesting book called

instant millionaire and the guy said put yourself in a position where you can't

retreat where it's do-or-die sink or swim here's what you'll find out

you'll develop incredible swimming skills you'll find yourself struggling

like you've never seen before through the inspiration of desperation you'll

become more creative than ever before so what is it how do we handle that whole

piece throw your whole self into it see most people go at it tentatively they

don't give all their stuff they don't concentrate they don't put everything

they've got in them we'll call all you can do is all you can

do and all you can do is enough but he said make sure you do all you can do and

if we honest this evening we know that we haven't done all we can do so as we

look at the future we can decide that from this day forward as I look at my

personal relationships if I look at my professional relationships if I look at

my family relationships as I look at all the dimensions of my life looking at

myself mentally emotionally and spiritually I'm going to do all I can do

to develop me to bring my talent out here to make a contribution to life

[Music] you


For more infomation >> Les Brown You've got to be fearless to succeed - Duration: 12:39.


Trust God's Love to Heal with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 9-25-17) - Duration: 22:17.

LUCINDA GRIFFITH: When my daughter and I were

walking out, I'm like, "Yes it's gone! I'm healed!

There's no sign that it ever existed."

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Today on the Believer's Voice of Victory,

Kenneth Copeland opens your eyes to see a loving God Who

wants you well. Trust and believe God's love

for your healing, and get ready to receive your miracle.

KENNETH: It's beginning to rain. The former and the

latter rain have begun, hallelujah. The outpouring has

come. (Audience Agrees) Not a trickle, not a stream, not a

river, but a flood! (Cheers) Flood stage is here. Ha-ha-ha.

Hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah! KENNETH: A love

flood, a healing flood--(Audience Agrees)--a joy

flood--(Audience Agrees)--great and dynamic in its working.

Hallelujah. Open your Bibles with me, please, to Mark's

Gospel, and let's look in the 5th chapter. Now, we've been

talking about, during this meeting, believing the love;

having faith in the love of God; having faith in God, Who is

love; having faith in love, Who is God. Let me phrase it just a

tad different this morning. You haven't heard this one yet.

Learn to trust His love. (Audience Agrees) 'Cause, you

know, people--there are some people that have made a career

out of lying on God. (Audience Agrees) Learn to trust His love.

Verse 1, Mark 5, "They came over unto the other side of the sea,

into the country of the Gadarenes. And when he was come

out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a

man with an unclean spirit--" one devil, "--a man with an

unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs; no man

could bind him, no, not with chains: because that he had been

often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been

plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces:

neither could any man tame him. And always, night and day, he

was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting

himself with stones." Now, let me make a comment on this.

The man cried night and day, supernatural noises, louder than

human beings can make, creating the illusion that he was some

kind of supernatural man who didn't need to sleep. And he

lived among the tombs. And just to make it plain, he just scared

the daylights out of everybody. (Laughter) Now, follow the text

now very carefully. "When he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and

worshiped him, and cried with a loud voice, and said, What have

I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I

adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not. For--" Now, get

this now. "--for he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou

unclean spirit." Now get the timeline correct. Jesus said,

"Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!" And the man

then--not before--then the man "ran and worshiped him, and

cried with a loud voice." AUDIENCE: Yes. Yes. KENNETH:

Jesus attacked that unclean spirit the moment He saw it.

(Audience Agrees) AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: Now, we're

working on something here, all right? The moment He saw him, He

attacked that unclean spirit. And he ran towards Him and fell

down in front of Him and worshiped Him. You ready for

this? (Audience Agrees) Not the man. That spirit. That spirit

had to do that. AUDIENCE: Yes. Yes. KENNETH: He couldn't just

stand there. He had to do that. He was in the presence of the

most High God, and he knew it. (Audience Agrees) Mm, mm, mm.

Done preached me happy, glory. (Cheers) Oh, I love it. I love

it, I love it. And Jesus said, "What's your name? And he

answered, saying, My name is legion: for we are many." Now,

turn there in the book of Ephesians. You have the rank and

file of Satan's kingdom and chain of command starting from

the least going through to the highest. "Principalities and

powers," that's the "many." "Rulers of the darkness of this

world," that was the unclean spirit that possessed this man.

And under the command of that spirit, all of these

principalities and powers were ruling that whole region. Many,

many, many, many, many, many of them. And they controlled that

whole area through that one man and the illusion that he was

some sort of supernatural man. Now, "we are many. And he

besought him much that he would not send them away out of the

country." "He besought Him much that He would not send them away

out of the country. Now there was there nigh unto the

mountains a great herd of swine feeding. And all the devils

besought him, saying, Send us into the swine that we may enter

into them. And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean

spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran

violently down a steep place into the sea, (and there were

about two thousand)." Now, he said, "My name is legion: for we

are many." Now, "legion" can stand from three to 6,000. But

don't take that as a hard and fast number either. And it sure

didn't indicate that there was 2,000 devils. It didn't say

there was 2,000 devils. Said there's 2,000 pigs. But I want

to show you something that's very important to know, and it's

a fact worth remembering. One human being housed--one human

being had the spiritual capacity to house what more than 2,000

pigs couldn't stand. One. One man. That's the kind of

spiritual capacity the human has, the human man, the human

being. Well, think about it. When you got born again,

ha-ha-ha, hallelujah, you and I have the spiritual capacity to

contain all the fullness of God. We read that last

night--(Cheers) --in the 3rd chapter of the book of

Ephesians. (Applause) I'm telling you, you ought to get up

in the morning just shouting happy, screaming and hollering

at the top of your voice every day! (Audience "Amens") Whoo!

Stand there in front of the mirror and smile big, and say,

"God's in that man right there!" (Cheers & Laughter) "God's in

that woman right there!" (Audience "Amens") Hallelujah.

Put your hands back on yourself again and become God-inside

minded. Say, "He's in me--" (Audience Repeats) "--right now.

And I'm so glad." Now notice about this: "They that fed the

swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And

they went out to see what it was that was done. They come to

Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil--" not

devils, one devil. He "that was possessed with the devil, and

had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind."

Hallelujah. "And they were afraid. And they that saw it

told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the

devil, and also concerning the swine. And they began to pray

him to depart out of their coasts." Now, that's sad, isn't

it? (Audience Agrees) But you can see the effect one

demon-possessed man had on that whole region. And when he was

come into the ship, they prayed him to leave, so he got in the

boat and left. "And when he was come into the ship, he that had

been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with

him." And here's what I wanted you to see this morning, what

God wants you to see: "Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but

saith unto him, Go home to your friends, and tell them how great

things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on

thee. And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how

great things Jesus had done for him." And of course, you know,

he did what Jesus told him to do. He preached the compassion

of God. He preached the compassion of God. Amen. Well,

what else would you do when you call a man to preach and

you--ha-ha-ha--and you deliver him from the devil, and you've

got a fear problem in this whole area? What else would you do but

anoint this man to preach compassion? Hallelujah. Because

perfected, growing, developing love casteth out fear.

Hallelujah. (Applause) I mean, he set this man in a ministry

that would destroy fear everywhere it went. And it

worked. It worked, praise God, because Jesus came back to that

area, and it was totally different. They weren't begging

him to leave anymore. Amen. Now then, go back with me now to the

9th chapter of Matthew. And I want to take these in this

order. Matthew 9:36, "When he saw the multitudes, he was moved

with compassion--" Compassion moved Him. Now, for some reason,

when people hear the word "compassion," there's just the

general idea of emotion, an emotion of some kind. Many

times, that emotion is present. But compassion is not an

emotion. Compassion is not a feeling. Compassion is a person.

We're talking about God, Who is love and filled with compassion.

The--praise God. Just turn with me to the 89th Psalm--or excuse

me, the 86th Psalm. Psalm 86, and it's not the only person

that says this. We just don't have time to look them all up.

Psalm 86 in Verse 15, "But thou, O Lord, art a God full of

compassion, and gracious, and long suffering, and plenteous--"

Say, "plenteous--" (Audience Repeats) "--in mercy and truth."

Plenty of mercy, plenty of mercy, full of compassion. I

said, "Full--" AUDIENCE: Full. KENNETH: "--of compassion." God

invented compassion. He is compassion. He invented mercy.

Without Him, there would be no mercy. AUDIENCE: Amen! KENNETH:

Oh, I'm telling you, people, the devil don't know mercy. He has

none. He doesn't have any mercy. He is death. He is fear. He

doesn't have fear, he is fear. He doesn't have death, he is

death. He is doomed forever! (Audience Agrees)

LUCINDA: My name is Lucinda Griffith. I'm actually

from Belle, Missouri. I had been experiencing

symptoms for probably 12 to 13 years. It was

just like an attack. "Okay, bathroom, right now." If you

don't go to the bathroom right now, you might not make it.

Ha-ha. So I thought I was having an appendicitis attack, but I

kept having to go to the bathroom and kept go to the

bathroom and go to the bathroom over and over. And it took a few

years before the doctors pinpointed what it was. And then

we were on the road one day, and we came home, and I'm like,

"You're going to have to take me to the emergency room. It's

hurting really bad." And I went to the emergency room, and they

did a colonoscopy and said, "Oh, well, you have Crohn's." And I'm

like, "What is Crohn's?" I had no idea, because I'd heard of

IBS and all the other things. Well, they said, "It was an

inflammation of your intestines and that it caused problems with

you being able to go on a regular basis, or that you would

go all the time." They gave me a medicine, and I just recently

find out from my DOT doctor that that medicine that they give you

for it is actually kind of toxic. It's a medicine that you

have to take like nine pills a day. And it's supposed to calm

down the inflammation is all I know about it. And the doctor

said, you know, "You'll have to just play with it and see what

works best for you. I can't say this amount or this amount. The

normal dose is nine a day, three after every meal." And I'm like,

"Okay." It's debilitating because you don't know, you

know, when you need to go. There's no sign, symptom. It

will just attack you. And I believe in--been believing, you

know, I can't live my life not knowing when I can go to the

bathroom. And when you're out in the middle of nowhere, being an

over-the-road driver, you could be--well, especially in Canada,

there aren't rest areas in Canada. So I had been believing

that this had to be healed, that Jesus already did it. And we

both came expecting to see things happen in our lives when

we came last year. When I went down and had hands laid on me, I

didn't--you know, I didn't notice anything different. I

just believed that I receive, and within a few months, I

started noticing that I was getting constipated. And I said,

"Well, I'll reduce my medicine," you know, because the doctor did

say, "Play with it." "I'll reduce my medicine." Well, being

an over-the-road driver and independent contractors, we

didn't have any insurance. Well, this past year, we finally got

insurance. And I said, "Well, I'm going to go to the doctor

and have it checked because it's not been checked in probably

seven years." And I scheduled the testing and went to the

doctor in June. And my daughter went with me. And when the

doctor came out after the testing--because they do another

colonoscopy--he said to me, "I must have misdiagnosed you

because there is no sign that you ever had Crohn's." And I

knew, from the doctor's statement, that he wouldn't

believe what I had to say anyway. So I just looked at him

and smiled. And when my daughter and I were walking out, I'm

like, "Yes, it's gone! I'm healed! There's no sign that it

ever existed." So that was just such a blessing. It was a

gradual thing. You know, some people, things happen

instantaneously. And to me, it was just something that, as I

went, I was healed. And God just took it away, and I haven't had

any medicine for it since last June. So I just--I give all the

glory to God because I didn't even know what it was.

I just knew it was a big hindrance in

my life and that it had to go. (Laughs)

For more infomation >> Trust God's Love to Heal with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 9-25-17) - Duration: 22:17.


Draw 'N' Talk videos #2 - Duration: 1:30.


Oh yeah

now I know

what to



Its one of those Videos





For more infomation >> Draw 'N' Talk videos #2 - Duration: 1:30.


Things To Do at Clearwater Beach in One Day VLOG - Duration: 5:55.

We're in Clearwater Beach!

Look how pretty it is!

Whoo!!! Beautiful!

So we're gonna go check out the Clearwater Beach area

Yeah and then we're also gonna go check out Hulk Hogan's shop.

He's actually from Clearwater... is he from the Clearwater area?

Yup, he lives in Clearwater, so he's kind of a celebrity here.

Yeah, so we're gonna go check his shop out. And then what else are we gonna do?

Then we'll do some shopping, eating, then we're gonna go to the aquarium and check out Winter the dolphin.

Yay Winter!

For those of you who don't know Winter, he's actually the star of Dolphin's Tale, the movie.

and he's the only dolphin in the world that has a mechanical tail.

Yeah, really interesting story. He was rescued and he lost his tail,

so they rehabilitated him and also made a prosthetic tail for him. So, we're gonna go check him out!

Alright, well let's go!

So... we thought it was going to clear, but it started pouring.

It's pouring to the point where we have to hang out in a garage right now.

Yeah and I'm sure it'll calm down. Usually in Florida, it'll pour like this and then it'll go away in 20 minutes.

It usually clears up, so fingers crossed!

OMG... we're gonna try and make it to this restaurant!

Aaahhhhh! I'm not even under the umbrella! I'm gonna run.

Oh my gosh, now I'm so cold.

We're gonna get breakfast now. Since it's pouring outside, we're going to kill some time with breakfast.

At 'Another Broken Egg Cafe'. Not just 'Broken Egg Cafe', but 'Another Broken Egg Cafe'.

I like the cups. They're really cute. And they got local honey. That's good too.

We made it to Clearwater Aquarium. The first thing we come up on is ...

well, we took some pictures and then we came up on the animal hospital area.

and they do food prep here...

this is the sea turtle rehab area

there's the otter rehab back there.

So, it's pretty cool.


*dolphin whistle sounds*

It's a lot sharper than I thought.

Exactly why we have folks touch it to explore to see that sea life isn't what people think it is.

And it is an animal. It's actually moving right now if you look really close.

I see it... so it's alive.

That's how they actually pick shells up, cover their bodies. And we've actually seen them walk on walls.

Oh yeah, they're on the walls.

Yup, so they're pretty active little creatures.

See his tail? Now it's attached. Winter!

So we're gonna go a little bit exploring the shopping area of Clearwater.

Yup, we're on our way to the Hulk Hogan shop. Aaaahhhh! I don't know why my voice gets so excited.

Hahaha! I am kind of excited for it.

I'm curious to see what they have in there. He was a real icon.

Push the button, Candy.

That means we have the right away

Let's go!

It's Hulk Hogan! There's a rope around it!

Here it is, Hogan's Beach Shop.


Those are huge, those belts.

Candy bought something at the Hulk Hogan shop! What'd you buy?

I got some hiking gear.

Some hiking gear?

Gonna wear these bandanas.

Ohhhh yeaaaaah!

For when I'm hiking.

What does it say? Python Power.

Oh yes, we need some Python Power hahahaha!

For more infomation >> Things To Do at Clearwater Beach in One Day VLOG - Duration: 5:55.


레드벨벳 Red Velvet[4K 직캠]빨간 맛+루키+토크, 대전슈퍼콘서트 풀캠@170924 락뮤직 - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> 레드벨벳 Red Velvet[4K 직캠]빨간 맛+루키+토크, 대전슈퍼콘서트 풀캠@170924 락뮤직 - Duration: 8:07.


Bangla Tv Serial Actresses Childhood Picture (official video)2017 - Duration: 1:48.

News Bangla 360

For more infomation >> Bangla Tv Serial Actresses Childhood Picture (official video)2017 - Duration: 1:48.


Kaepernick's Mother Responds To Trump… Don Jr. Makes Her Immediately Regret It | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:24.

On Friday, President Donald Trump set the sports world on fire with brutal comments

against those who kneel during the National Anthem.

"Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our

flag, to say, 'Get that son of a b—h off the field right now, out, he's fired. He's

fired,'" Trump said at an Alabama campaign rally. "You know, some owner is going to

do that. He's going to say, 'That guy that disrespects our flag, he's fired.'

And that owner, they don't know it [but] they'll be the most popular person in this


The next day, Colin Kaepernick's mother shot back on Twitter, saying, "Guess that

makes me a proud b—h!" However, Donald Trump Jr. ended the debate

with a perfect response to Theresa Kaepernick:

"Yawn, boring response and POTUS obviously wasn't talking about Colin, as you can't

fire someone who doesn't have a job. Don't #TakeAKnee"

As for the rest of the NFL, they're not taking President Trump's harsh criticism

lightly — most teams that played on Sunday had numerous players kneeling.

what do you think about this? Please Share this news and Scroll down to

comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> Kaepernick's Mother Responds To Trump… Don Jr. Makes Her Immediately Regret It | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:24.


The Things I Do For You - Duration: 6:33.

and just like that what's up to the family of personal development we are at

Jamba Juice we were having lunch me and my sister and we were like thinking

about how we miss the way my mom's food was because we're not able to have that

anymore and you know we kept saying like oh I miss this dish I missed this dish

and then very like I think we should go visit our mom




just like that what's up so yeah we're here now

obviously I really had this desire to really push myself to go further I

believe that if you really want to do something or if you really want to make

something out of yourself or there's something that you really love this

could be a person this could be a thing this could be a hobby it's gonna be a

game I don't know it could be anything but you always make time for it

you always make time for a person... I got a strawberry energizer because I have a

lot of homework to do but back on that note.. if you really want to do something

if you really love something you will always find the time or make the time to

you know make it happen I think there's a lot of people who want

something but they're not willing to put in the effort or put in the work to

truly achieve that goal.. you know... what's the thing? without a goal you can't score

I'm getting all Casey Neistat... just being real you know it's back to what I was

saying I started this daily vlog of course

because their was an event.. (VEDA) but I think now that I've been doing it for more

than two months my desire to daily vlog has been something more deeper... I lost

someone very special to me so if you're very new.. if you're new.. this is a news!

you know I lost some really special to me during this whole event

I'm trying daily vlogging out and it's you know of course it's very

nerve-wracking it's traumatizing but at the same time you learn so much


Can I ask everyone to rise?

[All Rise]

& lets give a standing ovation

For the best performance

We've ever seen from a Mom

[All Applaud]


and I feel like there's not that many people on YouTube to really talk about

these kind of things.. I feel like there's a lot of great vloggers great youtubers

out there but they're not allowed or they don't allow their personal brand to

get in the way of you know this kind of stuff they don't want it to kind of mix

in with their brand because they're all about positivity which I am all about as

well but I think where I differ from most youtubers that I know and most of

vloggers I know is.. I'm just RAW.. you know I really include every single thing

in my life like I know there's a lot of things that people don't put on their

vlogs because of course it doesn't resonate with their audience but me I am

willing to sacrifice losing the audience that's into all happiness and all

fairytale stuff you know.. I'm... I like to keep it real ... like if I'm going through a

funeral like if my mom passed away like what happened.. I'm gonna vlog about it

because it happened and it's something that's dear to me you know I... I really

stopped vlogging for other people I think when I first started vlogging it

was for really attention and to make people think like I have such a happy

life and my life is so much better than theirs! I'm two months into

daily vlogging I realized that I'm just a normal person you know and I'd love to

put all of that relatability stuff into my vlogs because maybe you might need

this one day it might not mean anything to you now but I'm hoping and praying

that one day there will be somebody who just needs help maybe there's someone

who doesn't have another person there to guide them through a funeral..

through a loss and that's all I'm all about.. not specifically in that niche but more

about personal development because losing someone is oh man it ruins so

much about you you yourself go through some kind of death too but out of that

darkness comes someone else.. a NEW you and that's what this channel is all

about it's all about personal development it's

not just about mine it's especially about yours so please

consider subscribing I'm gonna get up out of here

my time is up so I'll see you in the next one

Peace Love God Bless

[Thank you for watching! Remember that it's not just about my Personal Development.. It's also about yours! Please consider Subscribing!]

For more infomation >> The Things I Do For You - Duration: 6:33.


Mio by Covo Tiny House Co | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:06.

Mio by Covo Tiny House Co | Lovely Tiny House

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