Monday, September 25, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 26 2017

Today's internet lets us find out what we want and access it easily.

It's amazing! Websites share a free and open network that doesn't play favorites.

Well, at least that's how things have worked so far.

But what if Internet Service Providers could make special deals with certain

websites, giving those sites greater speed and an advantage over their

competitors? Small businesses can't compete when big businesses can block

access. The result? Fewer choices for us. But we're not powerless. Together, we can

fight this. Defend net neutrality. Contact your representatives and tell them you

support a free and open Internet.

For more infomation >> Our Next 4 Years: Defend Net Neutrality - Duration: 0:59.


DIRETTA Grande Fratello Vip 3° puntata: finale col 'botto' - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> DIRETTA Grande Fratello Vip 3° puntata: finale col 'botto' - Duration: 5:31.


El español Villanueva arrasa en plena polémica Trump - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> El español Villanueva arrasa en plena polémica Trump - Duration: 3:32.


Victor Heredia con Dúo Dos Puntos - Deja un poco de luz al partir (Zamba) - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Victor Heredia con Dúo Dos Puntos - Deja un poco de luz al partir (Zamba) - Duration: 4:42.


Dinosaurs For Kids Funny Dinosaur Fights Short Movie Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Movie - Duration: 11:50.

Dinosaurs For Kids Funny Dinosaur Fights Short Movie Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Movie

For more infomation >> Dinosaurs For Kids Funny Dinosaur Fights Short Movie Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Movie - Duration: 11:50.


Bernard Tapie va mieux après sa première chimio selon Jacques Séguéla (vidéo) - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Bernard Tapie va mieux après sa première chimio selon Jacques Séguéla (vidéo) - Duration: 2:21.


Vanessa Demouy donne rendez-vous aux fans de Camping Paradis (vidéo) - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Demouy donne rendez-vous aux fans de Camping Paradis (vidéo) - [Actualités 24h] - Duration: 3:15.


Grow the Zombie Plant

For more infomation >> Grow the Zombie Plant


100 Carla u. Susanne - Duration: 27:01.

== Oh, Carla! Come in. == Hello.

I'm sure you're here to see... - Susanne!

Excuse me


It can't go on like this - this uncertainty

I want to know if you want to continue being with me

Do YOU want that?

Of course! Have you decided for Lars?

I ALREADY decided, a long time ago!

And for always. When I married you.

Carla, I love you! And ONLY you. You have to believe me.

I do

That kiss - can't we just forget that?

Yes. I can.

And I'm sure our daughter can too

== Daughter?! == Yes!

== We're going to have a girl?! == Isn't that great?!

Hopefully she'll be lower maintenance than you

Cupid seems to have really caught you

Yes, that's true

After Cécile's death, I'd never have thought I'd ever be able to fall in love again, and...

then when it happened anyway...

... it turned out that Sarah was your sister

Yeah, at that point I didn't want to hear anything about this love garbage ever again

You can't ever give up hope for love in your life, you hear? Never!

Even when it's sometimes very difficult

My wonderful, wise sister. You're so right.

But I'm really happy with Jana. Even if I couldn't have ever imagined it at the beginning.

== It doesn't always have to be love at first sight. == Yes, that's right.

Jana is simply good for me. She's always there for me.

In the beginning, it's true I thought it was just friendship, but... now I'm quite positive it's more

Good morning. Is Johannes doing better?

Well, what matters is that YOU slept well, hm?

Tell us, Constantin, how was that anyway, when Father had his heart attack?

Excuse me?

It happened in Degenhardt's office

And you were there

What did you want with Degenhardt?

== Damn it, what did you two do with Father? == Nothing!

Oh, and 'nothing' causes him to have a heart attack, or what?!

You guys put the screws to him

I swear to you, I swear to all of you, I'm really sorry what happened to Johannes

Quit lying!

That's just despicable

Go ahead and tell the others - how you badgered away at Johannes

== But you're too much of a coward. == It isn't true, that isn't true!

'Johannes wanted to have you aborted', such HOGWASH you accused him of!

You're to blame for his condition

Your words nearly put him in his grave

I'm an idiot. I'm an asshole!

Clearly, but I get it now - Adrian was trying to play me against you

Yes, and he succeeded

Luckily, Father didn't sign over the Holding to that miserable rat, but the fact remains: YOU betrayed us!

How could you ever have thought for one SECOND that Johannes wanted to have you aborted!?


A person of bad character expects the worst of others, isn't that true?

Well. I sincerely have to ask myself what we should do with you now.

You can ask yourself all you want. I for one am not living another minute under the same roof with him.

What did he do to you that you've treated him this way?!

I didn't mean this to happen, you have to believe me!

Why don't you all believe me?! I'd love to turn the clock back!

Ahah, how do you intend to do that? That's just pathetic empty talk!

Well, at least I'll be spared THAT, once I'm not living here anymore

I think there's another way we can solve this problem

Our Bonsai Brutus here can pack his things and disappear. Immediately.

But I'm sure you're exhausted after your flight. Do you really have to go right back to work?

== How is Johannes? - Hello. == Hello.

I just finished talking to him on the phone. He's hanging in there. And Leonard is with him.

Ah, I'd love to fly there, to be with him at the clinic, but at the moment I simply can't get out of here

How are things looking with your divorce? Do you have a new target date?

Uh, no. Arno is insisting on the year of separation.

Keep me out of it, please

Yeah. Please, don't say anything to Johannes about it.

He's so thrilled that we're getting married as soon as he's well again

== I don't want him to get further worked up about anything. == Sure.

So. But now I'm going to leave you guys alone. After all, you've hardly had a moment to yourselves recently.

You can say that again

Mmmm, it's only hectic right NOW

Soon we're going to be an actual family, with our own home

== Apropos... == Hm?

Our building permit has finally come through

== Really? == Yes.

But it's going to be a while before the house is done. At least six months.

Oh come on, we'll manage to get through that too

I really do miss you

And meanwhile, if I stay overnight at the castle, I'll have to put up with an earful from Arno about how I'm a defector

And we can't stay at my place either

And the chances he'll calm down...?

I think that's going to be a while, based on what Elisabeth just said

You know what? I think I have the solution to all our problems.

== Then let's hear it, hm? == Unh unh. Be surprised.

== Keep your eyes closed! == Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What kind of surprise is this?

In a minute


Open'em up

Your company apartment?

Our company penthouse. Our at-the-moment-vacant penthouse.

I love you!

I love both of you!

And we love you

Wow, that's what I call a view

Does that mean you could get accustomed to it?

I could! But in the few precious hours we spend here, I'd rather look at you.

Who said anything about a few hours?

I know you do have to look after Lisa and your father, but...

... could you picture yourself living here with me, while our house is being built?

I have no idea where the boss is. She intended to be back by now.

Well, did you guys miss me? - Some champagne, please, Angelo.

Charlie, when you've made a date to have coffee with me, maybe you shouldn't plan any shopping orgies beforehand

You'll be grateful to me, once you see WHAT I bought

Is this not adorable?

Charlie, I know you've kept your figure for thirty years...

... but don't you think that outfit might pinch just a teensy weensy bit?

== Well now, I run my heels off for your daughter, and reap nothing but sarcasm and ridicule. == Thank you.

Isn't this all a little too soon? I mean,... how do you even know if the things are going to fit?

Because, I bought things in all sizes.

You wouldn't believe how many adorable things there are for little girls. I couldn't bring myself to stop!

Mhm, I see that

And now... comes the highlight

Oh my god, aren't they tiny! I had no idea babies had such little feet.

Yeah, unless your daughter has YOUR clodhoppers

My daughter

Confess, you're really excited

At first it was all so impersonal, the sperm donation...

Well, with Susanne then it became somewhat more personal

You mean the kiss?

I mean that you're in love with Susanne

WAS, Charlie. I WAS in love with Susanne.

But that matters not one whit, now

I'm going to be a daddy

Oh, I've longed for you so much

Yes, I see that!

Was that the baby?

Yes, the little thing has been VERY active lately

Oh, hello, my sweet

== I believe she's asleep now. == Wait, wait, wait.

Hey you? I'm yearning for you so much!

== And I'm yearning for YOU! == Not now!


What can I do, you prefer the classic - no sex before dinner

We'll make up for that. Although, I'm beginning to feel observed, when the two of us... mmmm.

Let's go over to Charlie and Lars


Do you think they have soccer shoes in this size?

Haha, I think you're gonna have to wait until your kid can walk, before you drag her off to the soccer field


== Ah! There's your progeny now. == Oh, hi!

Yes, mother included, but it appears to me no one here is interested in that

== Ach... == Carla... == Of course we are!

Carla, take a seat

No, thank you, we're about to go eat. And I can have the aperitif standing.

That's out of the question, in your condition. Now sit down.

I don't have any 'condition'! And I'm not sick, I'm simply pregnant!

Oh, Carla, Lars didn't mean it like that

It's the hormones

How's my little niece doing anyway?

May I?

Hello, my little sweetieee, this is your Auntie Charlieee!

You'll be amazed at what pretty things I've gotten for you

Cut it out. It tickles.

What's wrong?


You're upset about something. You were irritable when we were at Schneiders too.

Oh was I? I didn't notice.

If you're annoyed about anything, then tell me, please

The fuss Charlie and Lars made just got completely on my nerves

Baby this, baby that!

Charlie has no children of her own. She's excited. It's kinda sweet.

It's also not just about Charlie


You treat me like all I am is some walking womb!

What is that supposed to mean?

That you aren't interested in me anymore. All you care about is the baby!

Carla, you're imagining things. You're just as desirable to me now as you were on our very first day.

I see no evidence of that. And not just today.

I felt our baby move, and I couldn't think of anything else then

Is it going to be like this from now on?

Lars is starting to do it too

"Look, the romper suit, and the cute shoes!"

Are we talking about our baby now, or about Lars?

I already told you. Lars is a non-issue for me.

I love YOU

Right. But you don't want to sleep with me anymore.

It's because of this belly, right?! All I am for you anymore is a birthing machine!

Carla, with or without your belly, you're the most beautiful thing in the world to me

== Ach! == Hm?

== Susanne, I'm tired. == I know.

== And my back hurts. == You poor thing.

== I'd really much rather go-- == ... swimming?

This is really beautiful

I want to see you finally smile again

You've succeeded

What's wrong?

I feel so stupid

Oh come on. We'll leave all our problems outside the door, we'll forget our stupid fight,...

... and for the next two hours, there'll be only the two of us

I'm not getting in there alone, though

Do you actually think I went to all this effort just for you?

These hormone swings! I've never been sensitive like this, or easy to tears.

I totally overpowered you with my joy about the baby

There's nothing you need to apologize for

I'M the one who needs to apologize. For making you feel like I didn't desire you anymore.


Ah, oh...! I have to say, as much as I'm thrilled about the baby, I'll be really happy to have my belly to myself again. And my back.

After she's born, you can recuperate, and I'll take care of her

And then there will also be Charlie and Lars. I'm sure they'll be at our doorstep every day.

Yes, Lars. Question is whether it's really about his daughter for him.

Carla,... Lars has accepted that you and I belong together

I know

He's just as excited as we are about the baby


Little hormone swing?


Mmmm... ohh!

Morning! Have you been awake long?

'Still awake' is more like it

Are you not feeling well? Is there something with the baby?

I spent the whole night thinking

About what?


Good morning, Countess. This was just dropped off for you.


From whom?


"Friendly greetings and have fun! Lars."

You see? That's what I mean! He simply won't leave you alone, he won't leave US alone!

This is two concert tickets. He's trying to demonstrate to you that he accepts our love!

He has a guilty conscience. Because he still loves you.

He simply wants things to get back to the way they were. So we can all raise our child together.

Fine, I'm going to tell you something: Project Big Family is dead!

I don't want to see Lars in our lives anymore. And above all, not in the life of our daughter!

It certainly would have been better than Mister Adonis, right?

== Hello, Gregor. == Hi.

Is Lars there?

What? No idea. Don't know.

Hello, Susanne

Hello, Lars. Do you have a minute?

Uh, sure, of course. Is there something with the baby?

With the baby, no. With the mother.

Oh, the concert tickets

Right, loud music... it's probably not so good for pregnant women

Carla still believes that you...

Well, that you're in love with me

She's really jealous

Does she have a reason to be?

No, of course not!

She believes you're doing everything you can to get to me

I'll talk to her

== Please keep yourself out of our lives. == What?!

It's the best thing, believe me

The best thing for whom?

== Lars, please, you have to understand-- == I understand quite well. I'm the schmuck everyone can play for a fool.

== That is not true. == Carla wants EVERYTHING. Right?

She wants my baby, that we wanted to raise together, and she wants the woman I love

I am her WIFE. I belong at Carla's side.

Yes, of course, but...

I know that

But apparently Carla is right

We've tried to suppress what happened. But it isn't working.

It would be best if we don't see each other again

What? Susanne, please, no!

Nice of you to drop by again

It's regarding Carla and me. We want to move in together.

But that's nothing new

Yes, but BEFORE our house is done. We see each other so seldom, and now where she's pregnant, and the penthouse is empty...

Well, I'm sure Lisa is happy - to not have to put up with me, the old duffer, anymore

Why? Has something happened?

Everything's great. But to move for just a few months? Can't I stay here during that time?

Uh, fine by me... if Papa has no objection?

As long as she doesn't get out of line with me

SOMEBODY has to keep an eye on you, Grandpa

It will be good for Carla and me to be just the two of us for awhile

I know you've been looking forward to the baby, too. But what am I supposed to do?

I don't think it's fair. After all, you're the father!

Mr. Schneider

== Hello! == Charlie. Do you have a table for us?

I hope you've resolved things with Lars

== For your family, always. - Hello. Come with me, please. == Hello.

So, find something you like. I'll be right with you in a moment.

It's unbelievable that Elisabeth is insisting on her right of ownership

But I can understand her fury at Constantin

Oh, kids, let's change the topic. It's enough that Elisabeth and I are fighting.

Mr. Schneider, would you like to join us?

Carla, I can understand that the situation isn't easy for you...

Lars, please!

Don't "Lars, please" me! Your baby is MY baby too!

I'm prepared to give up many things

But I am NOT going to give up my child!

Lars, we already worked this out!

Carla is trying to oust me, am I supposed to simply acquiesce?

I think it's outrageous the way you're behaving. Susanne already made clear to you that we don't want any meddling.

Excuse me?? 'Meddling'?

Shall I tell you something? I only got involved with this baby thing...

... because we had an agreement that I would be included as father!

== Otherwise you wouldn't be pregnant right now! == Is it imperative that you guys discuss this here?

Unlike you, I'm thinking solely of the CHILD. YOU, all you ever think about is YOU!

What is going on here?? Can I help any of you?

== Uh, don't worry, they'll calm down again. == Nice thought. I'll be waiting at the bar.

Lars, please

Don't think you can do whatever you please with the baby

As biological father I have my rights, too

Well, since you won't have any relationship with the baby, I wouldn't be so sure about that

Can't we discuss this in peace sometime?

It's none of my business, Mr. Schneider, but...

... maybe these things would be better discussed after the baby is here

Then everybody's preoccupied with other things and would be happy to at least have the relationships worked out

But right now, Lars? Please remain peaceable.

== Carla is in the late stages of pregnancy! Any upset is-- == What am I demanding?

That I be allowed to see my child. That should be taken as a given!

Yes, I'm not sure why she's balking at that

Evidently Carla has gotten stuck on this

Yes, I have the same feeling. I just want to prevent it from happening at my expense.

But sometimes it's better to bide your time... until the problems perhaps solve themselves

And if that doesn't happen? Am I supposed to just act like the child doesn't exist?

== So, the chamomile tea will do you good. == Thanks.

And regarding Lars, don't worry, I'm not trying to intervene, but...

... would you rather have a father who doesn't care for his child at all?

Well, an anonymous sperm donor would most definitely have its advantages

But that's exactly what we didn't want to have

We chose Lars as the father. And I think we should stand by that.

Maybe you're right

I should wait things out until tempers have settled. And then try to raise the topic again.

In order to find a solution that everybody can live with

Most of all, the child. After all, she's what it's all about.

So that she receives everything she needs to be happy

If Lars would actually simply pay attention to the baby and not constantly be making plays for you...

== He isn't doing that. == Of course he is. I'm not blind!

Once the baby is here, we're going to have enough on our plates

I don't want to have to constantly be vigilant that he's keeping his hands off of you!

Why couldn't I just restrain myself? I know that Carla isn't especially able to withstand stress in her condition.

Reproaching yourself now won't do anything for anybody

Yeah, but I should have been more considerate

Hindsight is always 20/20

After all, her baby is what mattered

I should have listened to Susanne and left the two of them in peace. But no, I had to go and pick a fight!

Well, but didn't Susanne want for you, as father, to maintain contact with the child?

Well, in principle, yes, but... I think she'd prefer if I kept myself in the background

Well, but why? Why is she being so ambiguous?

I know how important it was to her - YOU were the one to be the father of the baby, and no one else

== Why is she opposing it now? == She isn't. At least not intentionally.

Sorry, but that is over my head

I mean, it isn't HER fault that everything's so complicated

Well, whose fault is it?


I've fallen in love with Susanne

At the moment, Carla is just afraid I'm going to take Susanne away from her

But the bad part is...

... her fear is actually justified. I love Susanne.

Even though I know it's crazy

== Nothing bad. == Just a harmless case of low blood pressure.

Thank God, I was thinking they were about to keep you here

Uhm, Carla, this was all my fault. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so pigheaded.

Shall we go home?

I have an important appointment. Have a good evening.

You heard the doctor

No stress, no caffeine, no suspenseful movies

From now on, REST is the order of the day

You don't need to convince me of that. I'm gonna go lie down. I'll see you later.

See you. I'll be right there.

You can finally live together with Carla, doesn't that make you happy?

I had to move out from being with you, first. Do you think that was easy for me?

Lars Schneider. Is that right?

He loves you. He told me.

You know how highly I think of Lars Schneider. There was a time I could have well pictured him as my son-in-law.

But today...

Today, I think... you can't do that to Carla

You're right

I think it's better if I don't see Lars again before the baby is born

I need to be there for Carla

Anything else would only distract me

You're going to have a wonderful baby

And believe me, after that... everything will get easier

For more infomation >> 100 Carla u. Susanne - Duration: 27:01.


Every Kneeling NFL Player Could Be In BIG Trouble Effective Immediately After New Rule Comes Out - Duration: 5:45.

Over the weekend, entitled, arrogant NFL players took their disrespectful protest to a whole

new level when entire teams decided to take a knee or stay in the locker room while the

National Anthem played.

This action enraged fans across the country as many saw this as the final straw in their

blatant disrespect for the heroes of our nation.

Of course, this action posed an important question, why haven't these anti-American

players been punished for their actions?

Well, that is a darn good question, and you know what?

They can be punished after what was just discovered in the 2017 NFL rule book.

When Colin Kaepernick decided to take a knee last fall, we all knew it was the beginning

of something big.

This action metaphorically set into motion the fight to take America back from the identity

politics of the Obama administration.

The American people are sick and tired of seeing the hypocrites on the left tear apart

good people and elevate who they choose to be worthy.

For instance, when Tim Tebow kneeled on the field in thanksgiving to God the left ripped

him to shreds, but when Kaepernick kneeled during the anthem, it was for the greater

good of humanity.

This is why the American people are outraged by this disrespect for our nation's military


When a player walks onto the field, they are representing the team and their fans, and

if the fans don't approve of you by God they will let you know.

That is why there are rules in the NFL's game operations manual (This is a different

document than the NFL's "rulebook") that outline what can and cannot be done on

the field.

And, guess what?

Players MUST be on the field for the anthem, and the NFL says they SHOULD stand at attention.

Here is more from the Washington Post:

"Mike Tomlin told CBS his team would not take the field for the national anthem prior

to the Steelers' Sunday game against the Bears.

In what would be the first team-wide response to tweets by President Trump calling for NFL

owners to fire or suspend players who protest the national anthem, the Pittsburgh Steelers

will not take the field for their game against the Chicago Bears, according to Head Coach

Mike Tomlin.

Instead, Tomlin told CBS's Jamie Erdahl, the team will remain in its Soldier Field

locker room.

Tomlin emphasized the decision was based on removing the pressure from players feeling

they needed to decide whether to protest or not.

"We're chasing something special here in 2017 and we're not going to play politics,"

Tomlin said.

"We're football players.

We're football coaches.

We're not participating in the anthem today.

Not to be disrespectful to the anthem, but to remove ourselves from the circumstance.

"People shouldn't have to choose.

If a guy wants to go about his normal business and participate in the anthem, he shouldn't

have to be forced to choose sides.

If a guy feels the need to do something, he shouldn't be separated from his teammate

who chooses not to.

So we're not participating today.

That's our decision.

We're going to be 100 percent.

We came here to play a football game.

That's our intent."

One member of the Steelers, left tackle Alejandro Villanueva, served three tours of duty in


Under the league rule, the failure to be on the field for the anthem may result in discipline

such as a fine, suspension or loss of a draft pick.

But a league official said the key phrase is "may" result, adding he won't speculate

on whether the Steelers would be disciplined.

The specific rule pertaining to the national anthem is found on pages A62-63 of the league's

game operations manual, according to a league source.

It states:

"The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be

on the sideline for the National Anthem.

"During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention,

face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking.

The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition.

It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public

in this area of respect for the flag and our country.

Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline,

such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above,

including first offenses.""

Many news outlets have reported that the rule the Washington Post referenced is fake, but

it isn't.

The rule comes from the NFL's game operations manual, NOT the NFL's rulebook for gameplay.

Mark Maske, the Washington Post writer who reported on the rule clarified in a Tweet

that there are two rulebooks.

The game operations manual is not public, and Maske was told about the anthem rule by

a source inside the NFL as he noted in his story.

So now we know, there is a rule that states players should be standing at attention during

the anthem.

The key word being "should."

Apparently, it's a guideline for behavior during the singing of the anthem.

It should also be noted that the Steelers were NOT on the field during the anthem.

The team could face disciplinary actions for that as noted in the rule.

The only way this blatant disrespect will end is when a player faces disciplinary actions

for taking a knee during the National Anthem.

If these people want to protest their perceived racial injustice there is a time and place

for it.

All week, we are inundated with liberal attacks of political correctness and constant race-baiting.

For one day out of the week, we would like to watch a game, drink a beer, and hang out

with friends without being told how "bad" we are.

Hopefully, after a few weeks of no one watching the games, these team owners and coaches will

start holding those who kneel accountable for their actions.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> Every Kneeling NFL Player Could Be In BIG Trouble Effective Immediately After New Rule Comes Out - Duration: 5:45.


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For more infomation >> Special talent children ♥ Part 4 - Duration: 4:23.


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And I wrote a song for us

This hand is your hand

This hand is my hand

Oh wait that's your hand

No wait It's my hand

For more infomation >> Donald Trump's Tiny Hands Mixed with Friends - Duration: 0:32.


Why Philip J. Wolfe wants to run for City Council - Duration: 1:41.

Why Philip J. Wolfe wants to run for City Council?

I fell in love with Portland the very first time I visited.

My heart was still left in Portland.

In 2010, I finally made a decision to make Portland my permanent home.

Now, I am running for the City Council 2018 #2 seat against Nick Fish.

I believe I am the right candidate for this position...

I understand and connect with what the people of Portland truly want and need.

In my role as chairperson of COAB, Community Oversight Advisory Board

my interactions with City Council show a deeply concerning lack of care for community needs.

I believe closed door politics hurt communities

my goal is transparent policies and public inclusion on major decisions that affect us all.

I have a strong relationship with both the community and the City of Portland and once elected I can make real lasting change.

On an united front

we can come together and make our marginalized voices heard to better the lives of everyone in our communities.

Together we will be the change Portland desperately needs and through work and love we will conquer all odds.

For more infomation >> Why Philip J. Wolfe wants to run for City Council - Duration: 1:41.


Ice vs. Heat pack - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Ice vs. Heat pack - Duration: 1:07.


IC | iwaoi | stationen - Duration: 1:31.

I can see you so clearly from far away.

You're my centre, I'm stuck for hours every time.

The station is your boy room.

And you don't want to go home. Not yet.

You're dreaming away.

Thoughts are racing.

I'm thinking of you.

But you don't want to open up anymore.

No, because this is the end of the discussion.

And when everybody has left,

I make no demands.

Because you're everything I have.

Because we're chilling at the station.

Nobody here has cash.

You know, I don't have any millions,

But I know who you are.

One day, we'll travel the world.

The question is just when?

You know what I've got your back, my brother.

Until the day we get there.

Until the day we get there.

You know that I've got your back, my brother.

Until the day we get there.

You know that I've got your back, my brother,

Until the day we get there.

For more infomation >> IC | iwaoi | stationen - Duration: 1:31.


N4T Investigators: Joke justice? - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> N4T Investigators: Joke justice? - Duration: 4:19.


Acne Experts on Adult Acne, Whiteheads & Preventing Signs of Aging | SKINCARE CONFIDENTIAL - Duration: 12:07.

- Hey everyone!

- Hi guys!

- Jen and Monica here at Curology,

we're here to talk to you today about,

well our favorite topic which is skincare

and we've got some questions we're gonna be answering

today that was submitted from some of you previously.

And I'm just gonna get right into it.

All right, so we have a question from Camille

and she asked how do I prevent premature skin aging?

Which I think is a great question

and I think it's aa great question for anyone who's

asking it in their like 20s especially, that's the time.

But at any point, number one sun protection.


Like protecting your skin from the sun.

Be almost neurotic about it, I love that phrase.

And me as a redhead, as you can see,

not as much as Monica here,

I have to really be vigilant about it.

So, number one preventing premature antiaging using

a great sunblock.

I love EltaMD UV 46.

I use it as my morning moisturizer.

- Yeah.

- And it's like I don't need anything else.

I just put that on, makeup right on top of it,

it's not oily, it just it feels great on the skin,

I love the texture of it.

So that's a favorite, but just find one that works for you,

great sunblock that you don't mind putting on your face

and your neck, tops of your ears everyday.

I get a little neurotic, I do, I put,

I have a special one for my hands.

- In the car.

- I've got a special one for my arms, I mean seriously.

So, sun protection I cannot stress enough.

Also the wide brimmed hat,

I literally have a wide brimmed hat at work,

I have a wide brimmed hat in my car,

I have a wide brimmed hat at home,

people make fun of me for this, but what can I say?


She doesn't make fun of me for this.


But honestly it's like that's the key

and you know generally trying to avoid the real sunny hours

of 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. where the sun is its strongest.

So that's really, in terms of prevention, number one key.

However we do have this great ingredient tretinoin,

it's really the gold standard of ingredients in terms of

reducing the appearance of those fine lines,

helping smooth the texture of the skin,

the tone of the skin,

that is definitely we love our tretinoin around here.

- Yes.

- Gotta build up to it sometimes,

particularly if you have acne prone skin,

inflammatory acne at all you really gotta be careful with

that initially,

but once you kinda just gently glide your skin into using it

it's a great ingredient, right?

- Yeah, after a little adjustment it's definitely worth it.

- Yeah, little adjustment, sometimes a lot of adjustment,

gotta take it slow and steady.

- Yeah.

- And then also my other that I really like is,

and I say this almost every time I do Facebook Live,

is vitamin C serum.

It's a great against like environmental factors,

pollution, all of that.

It's a great antioxidant

and it also helps with some of the hyperpigmentation that

kind of make it look like you're aging prematurely

when really it's not a change in the actual texture of your

skin it's a change in the tone

and if you can reduce that then you look younger.

- Right.

- Right?

- Yup.

- Yeah.

- Gonna look great.

- So, there's my tips on premature skin aging

and what to do about that.

- Starting early.

- And start early.

There's not early enough.

If you're 14, do it now.

- SPF.

- SPF, go for it, wide brim hat.


- All right, so we have a question from Pamela.

What causes adult acne?

Why can people who never had problems with their acne,

or their skin, develop acne in their late 20s and early 30s?


So I think there's this misconception with acne that it's

only in our teens,

that it's only while we're going through puberty,

and if you didn't have it then that you're not gonna have it

now, but the problem with acne is it's multifactorial.

So, because it's multifactorial it can happen at any time.

And by multifactorial I mean it could be genetics,

it could be hormones, it could be diet, stress, bacteria,

yeast, fungal, you name it, there's a lot goin' on.

- Yup.

- So, we talked about how to treat these things

individually before.

I'll touch on them quickly just to give you an overview,


If you think that it's hormonal acne I you are in need of

contraceptives some oral birth control pills can help with

hormonal acne.

- Absolutely.

- We've talked about spearmint tea for hormonal acne,

so two cups of spearmint tea that could also help.

Diet, we've talked about staying away from dairy,

staying away from simple sugars like white bread for three

to four weeks, get it out of your diet see if that is

triggering your acne.

- It helps.


- Bacteria, you have over the counter options such as

benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid can help some,

but it's not completely antimicrobial.

If you like to go the prescription route that's where

Curology we kind of come in definitely with azelaic acid,

the zinc, the clindamycin,

all those things can help with acne.

So, whenever you're ready, we're happy to help you.

- Yeah, you know I think that's a really great question too

because a lot of people do think they get past their

teenage years or their early 20s,

- And they're like phew!

- And they're like phew, yeah, I'm all set.

- Yeah.

- But then, you know, gosh women's hormones in particular

and men too, but are really there's just so many things that

cause them to fluctuate and change,

you know pregnancy being one of them.

Sometimes people don't have an ounce of acne until they get

pregnant and then things go crazy for a while.

So, yeah, there's so many, moving to a different climate,

- Stress.

- There's just so many things.

Oh, yeah.

- Stress doesn't directly link to acne,

but it can increase or cause hormonal fluctuations.

So, if that's the case then we need to work on stress

and exercise, yoga, trying to get your seven hours of sleep,

I know.

- Meditation.


- I know it's tough, but ... - I'm working on that.

- Try to de-stress, but like I said, Pamela,

when you're ready we're here to help you.

- Absolutely.

Well I'm also gonna just mention

and this was kind of combining a couple questions that came

in to us particularly as we're getting into winter

in a lot of parts in the country, not as much in San Diego,

but in a lot of parts in the country we're getting into

colder weather, a lot of indoor heating, really dry air,

and this can wreak havoc on the skin a little bit.

So, I wanted to just touch on and kind of a gentle reminder

that this is the time of year to start thinking about

do I need to change any of my products to be more hydrating.

What am I currently using?

How do I need to adjust?

So, regardless of if you're using any topical antiaging

or acne treatments it's still worthwhile to

think about this.

And especially if you are using tretinoin you're really

gonna want to think about this as we go into that cold

biting air.

So, a couple things, a couple products I wanted to mention,

one is just to have a really hydrating moisturizer,

which maybe during the summer months if you are using

Curology and you're applying your formula you don't need

any extra moisture since the base is so nice

and moisturizing,

but in the winter you might find that you do

or at least a couple times a week you might find that

you do.

So, I would just recommend a really good moisturizer that

you follow after your Curology medication if

you're using it.

One that we really like here is by Dr. Jart.

I'm gonna hold it up see if you can see it.

It's Water Drop and this is just,

it feels really nice when it goes on the skin,

it's got a nice texture,

it's got a pleasing almost non-existent smell.

- Smell, yeah.

- And it just really kind of goes nicely into the skin

and doesn't leave any sort of film or oily layer.

- Yeah, it works really well under makeup as well.

So it acts as a primer so it doubles up as a good

moisturizer and as a good primer.

- Yeah, that's wonderful.

So using it in the morning too under your makeup,

that's great.

And then, if you know, once or twice a week if you feel like

your skin is just really parched we love our face masks

around here.

And this one in particular I really like lately

'cause my skin has been feelin' a little bit dry.

It's also Dr. Jart.

We're not tied to any one brand I will say that,

just worked out this way today.

It's water replenishment.

It's a cotton sheet mask.

And just doing these one or two times a week before bed

after you've cleansed your face and put on your moisturizer,

do your sheet mask and then go to bed.

It really, usually wake up and your skin just feels like

so plump and hydrated and refreshed.

So, and definitely sometimes this time of year just as a

final little bit you might need to drop down if you're using

tretinoin, you might need to drop the percentage a little

bit in the winter months.

So, something to discuss with your provider as well.

Yeah, don't you think?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Totally agree.

So, we have another question from Sanskirti.

She asks, my skin is prone to a lot of whiteheads which are

so much more difficult to cure.

What should I do to reduce whiteheads on my skin?

So we talk about whiteheads quite often.

- Yes, big topic.

- Yeah, big topic.

So, we wanna make sure whatever skincare products,

whatever makeup you're using is non-comedogenic,

so we say non-comedogenic a lot, so does not clog pores.

So, make sure that the products that you're using aren't

actually causing the whiteheads 'cause if you continue to

use the same product then we're gonna continue with that

vicious cycle. - Right.

- So, great resource for this is CosDNA,

that's, no spaces.

You can check individual products,

you can check full ingredient lists,

it's a really great resource, super easy.

Also, Emily mentioned last week that if you have small

whiteheads or noninflammatory small papules,

especially around your hairline it could actually be

pittosporum which is a type of yeast.

- Yes.

- So, if we're thinking that it could be possibly yeast,

you can purchase a zinc bar soap which is usually only

found online the one that we recommend

and like is the Noble formula.

- Yes, we love Noble zinc soap.

- Over the counter options is sulfur,

you can go to the drugstore you can ask the pharmacist,

you do not need a prescription,

but sulfur soap can also be added.

So you can add either zinc or sulfur maybe two to three

times a week and see if that helps your whiteheads

especially around the hairline.

- Yeah, exactly, just in place of your usual cleanser

those two to three times a week, you know,

just morning or night whatever, just a nice,

leave it on for a minute before you rinse it off.

It actually feels really good on the skin.

- Yeah and the reason why we don't want a nightly is

because they do tend to be drying.

- Drying.

- I mean they really do target the yeast

and they can be a little bit drying.

So, especially like Jen said with winter coming up,

it getting a little colder,

we don't wanna overwhelm your skin.

So, if you're adding something new two,

three times a week and see if that helps the persistent

whiteheads you're having.

- Yeah, I think that's a really great tip.

I've got one more really great tip.

- Oh, that's cool.

- Yeah, so, we get a lot of questions about eye creams

and do I need an eye cream?

Do I not need an eye cream?

Some of it really is a little bit of a personal preference.

Eye creams are really just a robust moisturizer.

So if you're using a great moisturizer

and you just bring it right up to the eye

that is perfectly sufficient for hydrating that area.

However, if you really would like an antiaging eye cream,

particularly one containing a retinol,

we have a great recommendation.

It's by Dr. Brandt, it's Glow,

it's called Revitalizing Retinol Eye Cream.

I'll show you this one here.

I had tried a lot of retinol eye creams

and they can be very drying because they're retinol.

This is a very delicate sensitive area on the face

and you want something that is it feels full of moisture

even though it's got that retinol in it.

And I think this is really fit the bill there.

So, if you're looking for something antiaging just to kinda

help ward off these little fine lines

and kind of some of the pigmentation you can get,

little bits of pigmentation you can get under your eyes,

this is a great way to go, but doesn't have to be this one.

Just any sort of retinol eye cream that passes

through CosDNA.

- Yeah, that one--

- That's big point.

- Definitely passes.

- And this one passes through CosDNA.


- Also has tiny little specks almost,

I don't know if you notice,

so it kind of glistens

and that's also supposed to help kind of brighten up

the eye area.

- Yeah, am I looking like I'm glowing?

- Yeah, yeah.

- I think so.



- I need Sunglasses.

- Sunglasses, yes!

Well, thanks guys!

It's been really fun spending time with you today

and we look forward to seeing you again next week.

- Yeah, see you later guys.


- Have a great day!

For more infomation >> Acne Experts on Adult Acne, Whiteheads & Preventing Signs of Aging | SKINCARE CONFIDENTIAL - Duration: 12:07.


Dinosaurs For Kids Funny Dinosaur Fights Short Movie Dinosaurs Cartoons For Children Dinosaurs Movie - Duration: 11:50.

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For more infomation >> Ignazio Moser, lite con Bossari in diretta al GF Vip: Giulia De Lellis sbotta - Duration: 3:36.


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For more infomation >> DIRETTA Grande Fratello Vip 3° puntata: finale col 'botto' - Duration: 5:31.


Acne Scars, Blackheads, Laser Treatments & More | SKINCARE CONFIDENTIAL - Duration: 7:56.

- Hey, how's it going?

Thanks for coming.

Today, you have Patti Kodysh, who's a

certified nurse practitioner. - Hi.

- And Patty, in her previous life,

was an expert in cardiology and also urology

and spent a lot of time with lasers as well.

- That's correct.

- Yup, and now you're a full-time expert

with us in acne and anti-aging here at Curology.

And I'm David Lortscher, one of the dermatologists here.

So, yeah, guys, thanks for watching.

Should we get started?

- Yeah, let's get started.

- Let's do it.

- I have a question here from Devin,

and his question is,

"What's the best way to get rid of deep acne scars?"

And Devin and for everybody else

who have asked that question previously to me,

we can look at tretinoin,

which comes in a lot of our Curology formulas.

Long-term use of that does produce

some of a collagen-stimulating effect,

which could potentially help some of those deep scars.

But I wanted to mention,

especially with my background in laser,

for those deep ice pick-type scars

that tend to not go away with topical treatments,

you might wanna look into some laser treatments.

There's many different kinds.

There's anything from IPL to Fraxel lasers.

You'll wanna discuss this

with your in-person cosmetic provider

who can offer you the best option for your skin type.

So I definitely think lasers,

although they might be quite costly,

can also help with some of those deep scars

that are tough to get rid of.

- Mm, yeah, I've seen those be really effective.

And Patty, in your experience,

do you tend to wait until people

have got rid of their active acne first,

or do you treat people who have active acne as well?

- That's a great question.

Typically, with patients who have active acne,

in my practice, I would have them hold off

on doing the laser at that time.

It could potentially lead to more inflammation.

It does help prevent some of the bacteria

that does cause acne.

However, it might make you more inflamed

by doing the procedure at that time.

So yeah, something you might wanna think about

before proceeding with that laser treatment.

- That makes sense.

All right, thanks.

So let's see what question we have next.

This is from Becca.

Becca, thanks for sending your question.

And Becca is asking,

"My face is covered in blackheads.

"I'm a mom of three.

"I've tried everything on the shelves to remove them,

"but I keep getting them, and nothing seems to be working."

So let's talk about what blackheads are,

and we should have had this model over here.

But so, yeah, I think you guys can see this, right?

So this is sort of a cartoon of what our skin looks like.

And right here, you can see a follicle or a pore,

and this is where a blackhead happens.

And what happens is that we have these normal skin cells

that exfoliate on a daily basis,

and those skin cells actually go,

they surround the follicle as well.

And for some people, when the cells exfoliate,

they form a plug.

If the plug just remains as it is,

it's just like a little bump on your skin.

But if the contents get oxidized,

then it become a blackhead, right,

so the contents turn black.

And from the surface, it just looks like a black circle.

So that's what causes a blackhead.

And how do you treat it?

Well, the first thing you want to do

is to use a beta hydroxy acid.

And a beta hydroxy acid is like salicylic acid.

And the difference between a BHA and an AHA

is that beta hydroxy acids actually are fat-soluble

and they can get into the follicles.

They can get into the pores

and they can help unclog and sort of dissolve

the plug that's formed that's causing the blackhead.

So for you, Becca,

I know you've struggled with this for a long time,

so I would probably recommend using two different types

or at least multiple times per day with the BHA.

And one that we like a lot is Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash.

And another one you might wanna use is a type of wipe

which, a good one is Stridex that comes in a red box.

And so I would probably recommend using both of those.

- I've used the Neutrogena Acne Wash.

The grapefruit one smells really great, so...

- That's awesome.

- I really like that one. - I haven't used that one,

but yeah, so...

And then Becca, for you, in addition to these,

the BHA that will help unclog the pores,

I would also recommend something preventative.

And the best way to do that is with tretinoin

or with a prescription retinoid.

And what those do is they actually change the rate

at which these cells turn over

and exfoliate into the pore.

And on top of that, they change how sticky they are.

So it actually prevents the plug from forming.

And so using a prescription retinoid

in addition to a BHA is probably your best way to go.

So in a few of my patient at Curology,

I'd recommend probably a relatively high strength

of tretinoin for you,

just knowing how stubborn your skin can be.

So hopefully that helps,

and let's see what else we have.

- So I have a question here from Kelly,

and Kelly is asking how long she should wait,

hold off on her Curology medication

before doing her laser procedure.

Great question, Kelly.

Most procedures done with a laser

typically recommend a 48-hour...

- We can take a break.

- Is that okay? (laughs)

- Oh yeah, we're back.

- Hey.

So a 48 to 72-hour wait period.

Please discuss this with the provider

doing the procedure,

as there's different types of lasers

and different types of strengths of the laser.

I've seen anywhere from one day to one week hold time

of prescription medications,

so you might wanna review that with your in-person provider.

- Mm, yup, makes sense.

Okay, Linda is asking...

This connection.

So Linda is asking, "Are there any people

"whose skin should just not use tretinoin

"or his skin might be too sensitive?"

And so first of all, Linda,

I'd probably wanna know a little bit

about what you've tried, like what strength

of tretinoin have you tried.

Was it a gel or was it a cream,

how often did you use it,

and even what type of climate you live in,

is it something really arid like Arizona

or something a lot more humid,

like the Southern U.S. or something like that.

And what I've noticed,

especially before we started Curology,

is that even the low strengths of tretinoin,

like the lowest that's commercially available

is around .025%,

it can be still really strong for some people.

It can be way too strong for some people.

And so a lot of my patients

just weren't able to use tretinoin.

And at Curology, we actually really commonly use

strengths as low as 0.009% tretinoin.

So for you, I'd recommend starting

at a really low strength, a really diluted strength,

and then also making sure that you're not using a gel,

making sure that it's a cream

so it doesn't dry out your skin.

And even so though, even some people,

if they are doing everything right,

they still might not be able,

their skin just might not agree with tretinoin.

It's a real minority of people.

But if you are one of those people,

there is a couple of good alternatives,

and I think the best one is azelaic acid.

So this is another Rx product - Absolutely.

and we've seen a lot of people have good success with it.

It's not as strong or as effective

at preventing aging and like thickening your skin

and smoothing your skin as tretinoin is,

but it still works really well,

and it has a big benefit of being much less irritating.

- Yeah, definitely,

especially if you can't tolerate the tretinoin, so...

- Yeah, definitely.

So I would say try the really low strength tretinoin

and give the azelaic acid a try.

And anything else?

- Mm-mm.

I think that's all I have for today.

- All right, well, guys,

thanks for sending in the questions.

Nice talking to you, and we'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Acne Scars, Blackheads, Laser Treatments & More | SKINCARE CONFIDENTIAL - Duration: 7:56.


deadgiirll and tenhiighschools promo - Duration: 0:48.

The url has been changed to tenhiighschools!

For more infomation >> deadgiirll and tenhiighschools promo - Duration: 0:48.


Steven Gerrard - The one thing Jurgen Klopp will be desperate for at Liverpool FC | News Now | #LFC - Duration: 2:06.

Liverpool have made something of a stuttering start to the new Premier League campaign but

they returned to winning ways in the top flight on Saturday with a thrilling 3-2 victory over

Leicester City.

The Reds have earned plenty of praise for their free-flowing attacking displays this

season, but there have been concerns about Liverpool's defensive performances.

The Merseyside outfit have conceded 11 goals in six Premier League games, which is more

than any other team in the top half of the table.

And former Liverpool captain Gerrard believes that Klopp will be desperate to see his side

keep some clean sheets in the coming games.

Speaking on BT Sport on Saturday night, Gerrard said: "His team showed a lot of fight and

character at Leicester.

"It seems to me that he's really happy with his team how it looks going forward – they're

really exciting.

"But I think he's desperate for a clean sheet.

He wants his defenders and goalkeepers to show all the critics that they are capable

of keeping clean sheets."

Liverpool's next chance to keep a clean sheet comes on Tuesday night, when the Reds

travel to Russia to take on Spartak Moscow.

The Reds kicked off their Champions League campaign earlier this month with a 2-2 draw

against Spanish side Sevilla at Anfield.

Liverpool booked their place in the Champions League this season thanks to their fourth-placed

finish in the Premier League last term.

For more infomation >> Steven Gerrard - The one thing Jurgen Klopp will be desperate for at Liverpool FC | News Now | #LFC - Duration: 2:06.


ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਲਵਲੀਨ ਸਿੰਘ - ਮੈ ਸਭੁ ਕਿਛੁ ਛੋਡਿ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਤੁਹੀ ਧਿਆਇਆ✔ - Duration: 17:47.

ਆਸਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: ਪ੍ਰਥਮੇ ਮਤਾ ਜਿ ਪਤ੍ਰੀ ਚਲਾਵਉ ॥ First, they advised me to send a letter. ਦੁਤੀਏ ਮਤਾ ਦੁਇ ਮਾਨੁਖ ਪਹੁਚਾਵਉ ॥ Second, they advised me to send two men. ਤ੍ਰਿਤੀਏ ਮਤਾ ਕਿਛੁ ਕਰਉ ਉਪਾਇਆ ॥ Third, they advised me to make the effort and do something. ਮੈ ਸਭੁ ਕਿਛੁ ਛੋਡਿ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਤੁਹੀ ਧਿਆਇਆ ॥੧॥ But I have renounced everything, and I meditate only on You, God. ||1|| ਮਹਾ ਅਨੰਦ ਅਚਿੰਤ ਸਹਜਾਇਆ ॥ Now, I am totally blissful, carefree and at ease. ਦੁਸਮਨ ਦੂਤ ਮੁਏ ਸੁਖੁ ਪਾਇਆ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ The enemies and evil-doers have perished, and I have obtained peace. ||1||Pause|| ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਮੋ ਕਉ ਦੀਆ ਉਪਦੇਸੁ ॥ The True Guru has imparted the Teachings to me. ਜੀਉ ਪਿੰਡੁ ਸਭੁ ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਦੇਸੁ ॥ My soul, body and everything belong to the Lord. ਜੋ ਕਿਛੁ ਕਰੀ ਸੁ ਤੇਰਾ ਤਾਣੁ ॥ Whatever I do, is by Your Almighty Power. ਤੂੰ ਮੇਰੀ ਓਟ ਤੂੰਹੈ ਦੀਬਾਣੁ ॥੨॥ You are my only Support, You are my only Court. ||2|| ਤੁਧਨੋ ਛੋਡਿ ਜਾਈਐ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈਂ ਧਰਿ ॥ If I were to renounce You, God, unto whom could I turn? ਆਨ ਨ ਬੀਆ ਤੇਰੀ ਸਮਸਰਿ ॥ There is no other, comparable to You. ਤੇਰੇ ਸੇਵਕ ਕਉ ਕਿਸ ਕੀ ਕਾਣਿ ॥ Who else is Your servant to serve? ਸਾਕਤੁ ਭੂਲਾ ਫਿਰੈ ਬੇਬਾਣਿ ॥੩॥ The faithless cynics are deluded; they wander around in the wilderness. ||3|| ਤੇਰੀ ਵਡਿਆਈ ਕਹੀ ਨ ਜਾਇ ॥ Your Glorious Greatness cannot be described. ਜਹ ਕਹ ਰਾਖਿ ਲੈਹਿ ਗਲਿ ਲਾਇ ॥ Wherever I am, you save me, hugging me close in Your embrace. ਨਾਨਕ ਦਾਸ ਤੇਰੀ ਸਰਣਾਈ ॥ Nanak, Your slave, has entered Your Sanctuary. ਪ੍ਰਭਿ ਰਾਖੀ ਪੈਜ ਵਜੀ ਵਾਧਾਈ ॥੪॥੫॥ God has preserved his honor, and congratulations are pouring in. ||4||5||

For more infomation >> ਭਾਈ ਗੁਰਲਵਲੀਨ ਸਿੰਘ - ਮੈ ਸਭੁ ਕਿਛੁ ਛੋਡਿ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਤੁਹੀ ਧਿਆਇਆ✔ - Duration: 17:47.


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Welcome To ASL Seminar! ASL Intro - Duration: 1:27.








you want

to learn

sign language!

My name is

j o s h u a

o h a r a

I'm from

San Francisco

all the way

in California

I am

far from home huh?

why do you

want to learn




you want

to sign with

deaf people?

or maybe...

this is just

a dream of yours! :)

Or maybe

you want to add to your knowledge!

Well it doesn't matter the reason

I am here

to teach you!

i look forward

to working with

each and everyone of you

very soon!

thank you for taking the time

with my class!

See you there!!

For more infomation >> Welcome To ASL Seminar! ASL Intro - Duration: 1:27.


'Já temos um Tietê por Estado': 81% dos municípios brasileiros despeja seu esgoto direto nos rios - Duration: 10:24.

For more infomation >> 'Já temos um Tietê por Estado': 81% dos municípios brasileiros despeja seu esgoto direto nos rios - Duration: 10:24.


The Road to Dracula (1999) - Subtítulos en Español - Documental Completo - Duration: 46:04.

Listen to them, the children of the night.

What music they make.

Hello. I'm Carla Laemmle.

When my uncle, Carl Laemmle...

founded Universal Pictures in 1915...

one of the first properties he considered for production...

as a silent film...

was Bram Stoker's horror classic Dracula.

Sixteen years later, when Universal finally produced the film...

I had the privilege of speaking the first lines of dialogue...

in the first talking, supernatural thriller.

"Among the rugged peaks that frown down upon the Borgo Pass...

are found crumbling castles of a bygone age."

It was a very small part...

but the fact that I still receive fan mail from all over the world...

is a wonderful testimonial...

to the film's status as an enduring classic.

Join me now as we return...

to the fog-shrouded Borgo Pass...

and take a ride together...

along the road to Dracula.

And just as I was commencing to get drowsy...

it seemed the whole room was filled with mist.

Then I saw two red eyes staring at me...

and a white, livid face came down out of the mist.

I felt his breath on my face.

And then his lips...

Why are we scared by something? Why are we aroused by something?

I'm talking about sexually aroused.

Because in the case of Dracula...

very often the two responses overlap.

Dead. I'm dead.

I don't care. They all frighten me.

- I love to be frightened. - Do you?

Laugh all you like.

I think he's fascinating.

Who wouldn't wanna be like Dracula?

You live forever and don't work, you stay up all night.

Dracula is quite simply the most media-friendly...

fictional personality of the 20th century, if not all time.

People who never read the book...

or saw the movie...

still know exactly who he is.

I am Dracula.

Count Dracula.

Dracula? What's he done to you?

Dracula is our vampire.

I never even heard the name before.

Today, thanks to Universal Studios...

everyone knows the name of Dracula.

Although at first, my uncle, Carl Laemmle...

had serious reservations about horror movies.

Universal eventually filmed Bram Stoker's classic three times.

First, in Tod Browning's famous 1931 film...

starring Bela Lugosi.

Next was the simultaneously produced Spanish-language version...

starring Lupita Tovar and Carlos Villarias.

Some people feel that this was the superior version...

from a technical standpoint.

But you'll have to be the judge.

And then came the romantic 1979 remake with Frank Langella.

I can't imagine how my uncle, a very proper man...

would've reacted to such a sexy Dracula.

But speaking for myself, I would've given anything...

for a "bit" part in that production.

The story of Dracula didn't begin at Universal City.

As a fictional character...

Dracula is more than a hundred years old.

First published in 1897...

Bram Stoker's original novel has been frightening readers ever since.

His centennial was recently celebrated in high style...

at events, exhibitions and conventions...

all over the world.

But perhaps the most revealing exhibition took place...

at the Rosenbach Library in Philadelphia...

where novelist Bram Stoker's original working notes for Dracula...

were placed on public display for the first time.

What we have here are Stoker's working notes for Dracula.

His earliest notes concern certain elements of plot.

There are particular scenes in the novel...

that Stoker had imagined at its earliest stages...

that survive all the way to the end.

A scene where Jonathan Harker, trapped in Dracula's castle...

is preyed upon by three female vampires...

who are then interrupted by Count Dracula...

barging into the room saying, "This man is mine. I want him."

This was one of Stoker's earliest ideas for Dracula.

Bram Stoker never visited Transylvania...

but he was very well acquainted with the picturesque town of Whitby...

on the North Yorkshire coast...

where a good deal of his novel takes place.

Stoker often vacationed there...

and was most impressed with its ancient, windblown cemetery...

and crumbling gothic abbey.

Whitby is certainly a wonderful place for atmosphere.

It would lend itself to his cinematic treatment...

if we could imagine Stoker thinking of that.

Whitby as a popular port...

and as a shipping port...

had its number of shipwrecks.

Stoker must've been fascinated with the idea...

of having a shipwreck in Dracula.

So he used the shipwreck of a Russian schooner...

called Dimitri as a model for Dracula's arrival...

onto the English coast.

It was in Whitby that Stoker first came across the name of Dracula.

He discovered there was this 15th-century Transylvanian prince...

whose name was Dracula, also known as Vlad the Impaler...

due to a method of disposing of his enemies...

of which he was particularly fond.

If you can see behind me, this is from a...

a late 15th-century woodcut...

showing Vlad at lunch with some of his victims behind him.

Stoker was the first to take the legend of Vlad the Impaler...

or Vlad Dracula, and attach it to the vampire.

They haven't really come apart since.

The historical Dracula didn't inspire Stoker to write the book.

There's some confusion about this. He'd already outlined the novel...

when he came across the account of Vlad the Impaler...

and simply used it as a window dressing or atmosphere.

Stoker's novel unfolds through letters, diaries and journals.

Count Dracula, a 500-year-old vampire...

leaves his castle in Transylvania...

in search of new blood in a new country.

Carrying the boxes of native soil...

in which he must rest during the hours of daylight...

Dracula kills the entire crew of the ship...

that transports him to England.

Two young women, Lucy and Mina...

become his victims in turn.

Dracula kills Lucy, transforming her...

into a foul thing of the night...

an undead creature like himself.

Soon, Mina falls under Dracula's spell...

and is terribly endangered.

But thanks to a scientist wise enough...

to believe in the supernatural...

the vampire is finally destroyed...

and Mina is released from her thrall.

Stoker drew on an already established tradition...

of the vampire in literature and folklore...

but did it in such a way that the legend achieved a critical mass.

Unlike the earlier fictional vampires...

Stoker's Dracula was not a romantic character.

He was a decrepit old man who became younger as he drank blood...

but never really became attractive.

He was writing...

of blood and thunder.

A piece of what we would now call sort of exploitation.

It's a first-rate, 19th-century trashy novel.

Above everything, Bram Stoker...

wanted his story dramatized.

He may have been a bit of a frustrated playwright.

Stoker's real career was managing...

London's prestigious Lyceum Theatre.

And he knew exactly who he wanted to play Dracula on stage...

his employer, the great Victorian actor...

Sir Henry Irving.

Henry Irving has a lot to do with the character of Dracula.

A lot of the characters Irving was most famous for playing...

could be considered to be Dracula-like characters.

Roles like Mephistopheles in Faust...

or Shylock in The Merchant of Venice.

These were Irving's greatest roles, the ones he was most popular in.

Psychologically complex villains.

Irving would've been perfect for the part.

After all, he already was a boss from hell.

Irving really was a vampire.

He really was a kind of horrible person...

who fed on the energy of others.

They did an interminably long reading of the novel...

at the Lyceum for purposes of copyright.

And Irving was reputed to have walked through the theater...

and intoned "dreadful" and walked out.

And that was stupid of him.

It would've been a very good part...

and he should've done it.

Now, Dracula's more famous than he is.

Bram Stoker died in 1912...

and never saw his story properly dramatized.

But nine years later, the character of Dracula...

made his first screen appearance in a now lost Hungarian film...

called Dracula's Death.

The plot owed almost nothing to Stoker or his book.

But I guess Dracula's movie career had to start somewhere.

In the story, Dracula plays a music teacher...

who has gone crazy and is after some of the patients in the asylum.

So the story plays more like Phantom of the Opera than Dracula.

However, there is this idea...

of a monster loose with fangs and a cape.

The following year, German filmmakers...

got on the Dracula bandwagon with Nosferatu:

A Symphony of Horror.

It remains one of the most frightening movies ever made.

A classic example of German expressionism.

It's so frightening.

For one thing, Dracula is so evil.

He's disgusting, and he's a plague spreader.

He looks like a rat.

There's nothing suave about him.

The Dracula character was called Count Orlok...

and was played by a German stage actor named Max Schreck...

whose name, by happy coincidence...

means "terror" or "fright" in German.

It was his real name, not just a publicity stunt for the film.

He remains to this day the single screen Dracula...

who really embodies the essential repulsiveness...

that Stoker intended.

In the early part of the century...

the laws of copyright were not well understood...

especially with filmmaking.

Prana Films, the very small studio that made Nosferatu...

did not bother nor know to get a copyright from Stoker's widow.

Murnau used the novel without clearing the rights...

and eventually got involved in a big lawsuit...

and the film literally had to be pulled from the market.

With two movies already to his credit...

Dracula decided to give the theater another try.

In 1924, the British actor/ manager Hamilton Deane...

added the first authorized dramatization of Dracula...

to his popular travelling repertory.

Film historian and former actor Ivan Butler...

was a member of Deane's company.

He had to cut it down...

for expense, for one thing.

And it's such a vast, rambling novel.

It's a sort of skeleton of the original.

It was Hamilton Deane who really created the modern image of Dracula.

He took his inspiration not from Irving's Shakespearean villains...

but from a much lower end of the theater.

Essentially, his Dracula is a kind of vaudeville...

or music hall magician.

The suave trickster in evening clothes...

who knows how to work a crowd.

Well, they came to London, of course...

and those dreadful notices they had, we all know.

They were very depressed. Somebody came up to him and said...

"What are you worrying about? Have you looked outside?"

They were halfway around the block, queuing for it.

Several actors performed the role of Dracula for Deane...

including Raymond Huntley...

who played the part thousands of times...

in England and America...

and still holds the all-time record...

for sheer number of performances.

Ivan Butler worked with a noted actor...

W.E. Halloway.

He was an older man.

Very, very gaunt looking.

Very deep-set eyes and everything...

and a good voice.

It seemed to work better...

more like the real Dracula, in a way.

He always seemed to me to have something...

that the young ones lacked.

There was no sort of sex attraction...

in those days.

Dracula came for one thing only... his evening drink.

You had the bat coming in through the French windows...

at the end of the second act.

The assistant stage manager was standing on a stool...

with a fishing rod...

and about two foot of bat.

He was floating it around outside like that.

It banged into the window.

Smoke came and everything.

Then Dracula appeared out of the mist.

One day, I don't know why, but the string...

attached to the fishing rod broke.

The bat sailed right through the window...

right across the stage, floated down...

and landed in the floats, the two green eyes on the outside.

And then, of course, Dracula himself had to appear.

Must have been difficult to explain.

Possibly bewildered the audience. Are there two bats or two Draculas?

The stage production was corny, but it was a crowd pleaser...

and it was full of startling special effects...

and loud noises, flash bombs and swirling fog...

and a trick coffin for Dracula...

that was essentially a magician's disappearing cabinet.

Dracula got in.

There was a false bottom under the boards...

where he would pull a string and the boards would open.

Dracula would fall down into the base of the coffin...

and the false earth would all fly out into smoke like that.

It would look as if he disappeared into dust.

Given Dracula's success in London...

it was only a matter of time before Broadway beckoned.

The producer, Horace Liveright, wanted changes...

and hired the playwright journalist John L. Balderston...

to improve the product.

One day Horace Liveright, who was a New York producer...

was taken to see Dracula.

But he was concerned...

over the Britishness of the language...

and a lot of idiomatic stuff nobody in New York would understand.

So we asked my father if he would rewrite it.

In the 1920s, the only kind of vampires...

American audiences knew about...

were vamps like Theda Bara.

For the Broadway version of Dracula...

Horace Liveright wanted a male vamp...

an exotic foreigner with an air of mystery and sex appeal.

The budget was pretty tight.

They had cast all the parts except for the count...

and they were out of money.

So they couldn't hire a name actor to do the count.

Liveright found exactly what he was looking for...

in an expatriate Hungarian actor...

named Bela Lugosi.

Bela Lugosi was an expatriate from Hungary...

who was escaping all kinds of political unrest...

in his native land, and actually landed in New Orleans.

Without any skills in English at all...

made his way to New York...

learning many of his early parts phonetically, amazingly.

So when they were casting for the perfect person to play Dracula...

Lugosi managed to have both the old-world charm...

and a certain mysterious, seductive quality.

He had that thick accent. He had the eyes.

He had a series of gestures which to us now look rather hokey.

But women fainted...

and grown men grew nervous.

My father's performance in Dracula...

brought him to the attention of, in particular...

the female portion of the audience.

They loved his performance.

They must've found something of a sexual overtone in it.

He became an idol.

The very night Dracula opened on Broadway...

Universal had a representative in the audience.

As I mentioned earlier, Carl Laemmle...

wasn't a big fan of horror pictures...

even though Universal had made a fortune on films...

like Lon Chaney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame...

and The Phantom of the Opera.

It was my cousin, Carl Laemmle Jr...

who really wanted to produce Dracula.

Like me, he had grown up with the opportunity...

to actually watch Lon Chaney filming his famous horror roles...

for Universal.

He loved creepy stories and everything macabre.

Lon Chaney was his first choice to play Dracula.

I have no idea what Chaney would've done if he played Dracula.

I'm sure he would've done...

I'm sure Chaney would've had much more elaborate makeup.

He was into the makeup aspect of it.

He was The Man of 1000 Faces. He was always changing his look.

I don't think he would've gone with the light makeup...

with the dark lips.

In the case of London After Midnight...

he did all these pointy teeth...

and this permanent grin and these pulled-down eyelids...

which, I think, is a classic makeup.

I have no clue. I would love to see...

what Chaney's version of Dracula would've been.

Chaney died of cancer in 1930.

A number of other actors were considered other than Lugosi.

My father, to his great surprise...

was not the first choice...

when Universal Studios began casting for the lead...

in the motion picture version of Dracula...

even though my father had successfully played the part...

hundreds of times on Broadway and throughout the United States.

Actually, he had to fight for the role.

Next to Bela Lugosi, the film's most memorable performer...

was Dwight Frye as the unfortunate Mr. Renfield.

He was such a gentleman when I fell into his lap...

in the opening scene.

You'd never dream he'd end up eating spiders...

and developing an appetite for even worse.

Rats. Rats!


Millions of them!

I don't really think he was surprised...

by the roles he began to play when he got to Hollywood...

because he'd had such a variety of roles...

in New York on Broadway...

from comedies to musicals...

to serious drama...

to crooks and all kinds of characters.

By the time he was 30...

he was an experienced character actor.

Renfield was probably the most multi-faceted character in the film.

He's sane at times, he's mad at times...

he's vampirish at times.

Also on hand from the Broadway production...

was Edward Van Sloan...

repeating the role of Professor Van Helsing.

Here's part of his screen test.

I was looking in the mirror.

Its reflection covers the whole room.

But I cannot see you!

Dracula was directed by Tod Browning...

the famous mystery man of silent movies...

who had directed many of Lon Chaney's most successful films.

Browning always had some trouble...

adapting his style of shooting to a sound film.

When you see Browning work with Dracula, for example...

there are long sequences in the film which are silent.

I think that Browning uses some of the silence...

to create a mood...

which in some areas of Dracula is quite effective.

It may have been he was frightened by dealing with dialogue.

It may have been he was frightened by the mechanics...

of the sound equipment.

Tod Browning had been a very successful silent film director.

He always specialized in stories about outsiders.

Dracula is very much like that.

He's a fantastic alien invader who cannot live within the world...

but can only prey upon it, like a parasite.

And Dracula may be the ultimate Tod Browning outsider.

So it's not surprising Dracula was Browning's most successful film.

In terms of responsibility for a visual style of Dracula...

we know the cameraman, Karl Freund, was behind the camera...

the great German photographer who pioneered...

so much moving camera in Germany in the late '20s.

It's very easy for people to say any value in Dracula...

is due to Freund, who is a great cameraman.

There's the anecdotal report of one of the actors, David Manners...

who couldn't remember Browning's presence on the set well...

but did recall Freund as being very outspoken.

The beginning of Dracula uses a lot of mobile camera setups.

We have some tracking shots.

We have a feeling that we're almost watching...

a German expressionist film that has come over to Hollywood.

These tracking shots give us a feeling...

like we're being pushed against our will...

to go to different areas of the castle.

There are things like...

broken-down, withered mansions with huge cobwebs...

and, for some reason, armadillos running around...

and bats floating overhead.

In fact, Browning and the Universal Dracula...

are sort of responsible for almost all the iconography...

that we associate with horror films.

Long capes, sweeping staircases...

mold and decay, lots of cobwebs, spiders and bats.

Everything that has now become the Saturday morning thing...

that kids associate with horror films all comes from Dracula.

Originally, Dracula had been planned as a lavish, big-budget production...

that would've been based primarily on Stoker's novel.

But in the wake of the stock market crash...

and the onset of the Great Depression...

the studio really had to cut back.

They ended up basing the film...

largely on the stage play for simple reasons of economy.

Today it may seem difficult to imagine audiences...

really being frightened by a film like Dracula.

But they really were.

It was the first time Hollywood had presented...

this kind of a supernatural story...

that didn't have a logical explanation tacked on at the end.

And audiences were really creeped out...

by this atmosphere of weird decadence.

They'd never seen anything like it.

Among other things, there were a lot of theaters...

in different parts of the world that were still not equipped...

with sound equipment for the audiences to hear the movie.

And as a result, sound films like Dracula were released...

in silent versions so that those theaters not equipped...

with sound equipment could actually see the film.

That was another way of getting over language barriers...

in the early talking era.

The adoption of English-speaking talkies...

posed a real problem for the Latin American markets...

which wanted to hear talking films spoken in their own language.

Dubbing was still not an efficient and known commodity.

Those studios that had the biggest interest in that market...

turned to doing secondary productions...

of their major films in Spanish versions for that market.

Dracula was one of these pictures.

The Spanish version of Dracula, directed by George Melford...

was produced by Paul Kohner...

an ambitious young protégé of my uncle.

His overall enthusiasm for the film...

may have had something to do with his feelings...

for his leading lady, the beautiful Mexican ingenue...

Lupita Tovar.

The cast for the English version...

would come in the morning.

Started shooting at 8:00.

And the Spanish cast would come in the evening.

We shot all night long till next morning...

because we used exactly the same sets.

Apparently, what happened was...

the initial crew, Browning's crew, would shoot these sequences.

The second crew, the Spanish crew, would look at them...

and say to themselves, "We can do better than that."

And they would go and they would do better.

Something so incredible...

I mistrust my own judgement.

I don't think anybody's going to give any acting awards...

to Carlos Villarias.

But overall, the Spanish film is a real delight for film buffs.

It's kind of like discovering fascinating, new rooms...

in a familiar old house.

And it's full of these wonderful optical effects and visuals...

that really seem ahead of their time.

What we do see in the Spanish version...

is, among other things, a much more artistic...

and much more innovative use of camera movement...

in those early talkies, and that's not what we get...

in the Lugosi version at all.

The camera movements are far more fluid, there's far more of them.

It's a more lively film to watch unfold before your eyes...

than the Lugosi film.

One only wishes that Lugosi had been directed in like fashion...

as the Spanish version.

Dracula did sensational box office.

The result, in part, of Universal's...

atmospheric and imaginative promotion.

One of the most inventive designs...

of posters was Lugosi...

arms upraised, clawing at the air...

behind a spider web in which various heads...

of his female victims were ensnared...

in the strands of the web like some sort of bizarre insects.

So you have a whole bunch of different poster designs...

that sought to emphasize both the mystery...

and the underlying sexual content of this film.

It was a very unique film in that sense.

Children are another category that found strong interest in Dracula.

There was even a group of sociologists that studied...

movie responses to the various films of the early '30s.

And often, children would mention among their favorite movies...

ones they liked to act out at home was Dracula.

I remember early on being taken to other movies that he had made...

with some of my friends and classmates and whatnot.

They would always be frightened and hide behind the seats.

I would never be frightened, because that was my father.

That's who I'd see.

I remember when I was very young, I would try to imitate...

my father as Dracula, and I have some home movies that show that.

So he showed me how he did it.

Certainly, more than any other performer...

Bela Lugosi showed the world for all time...

how a vampire was supposed to look, how a vampire was supposed to act...

and how a vampire was supposed to talk.

I have chartered a ship...

to take us to England.

We will be leaving...

tomorrow evening.

I don't think Lugosi's face was as fascinating as Karloff's.

In fact, I think Karloff would've made a good Dracula as well.

But that whole Hungarian accent...

and the way that he spoke...

and the weird rhythm of his speech and everything...

I think is what people remember about Dracula.

He felt very strongly that...

in Dracula he had created a character...

that was quite different and far more powerful...

than the way he's described in Bram Stoker's novel.

And thereafter...

he would always be regarded as the Dracula...

and Dracula and Bela Lugosi would become synonymous.

Lugosi had a magic all his own.

He was the kind of man...

who when he walked into a room, even if it was a crowded room...

and nobody knew who he was, everybody would look and stare...

and turn around and say, "Well, who is that?"

He had that kind of a personality.

Especially in the horror film...

where characters can be so larger than life...

Lugosi probably seems to be about the darkest personality...

the larger-than-life personality beyond any others...

I know of in the horror film, possibly in the cinema at large.

Many fine actors have played Dracula in recent years...

and almost all of them play against the Lugosi characterization.

But paradoxically and I guess inevitably...

they end up only bringing Lugosi to mind.

Because somehow, we can't help but make that comparison in our minds.

Because of the success of the motion picture Dracula...

he became so associated with that part...

that a lot of people regard him as Dracula...

even though Dracula is a fictional person.

It changed his life.

He was pretty much typecast after that.

And when interviewed, he would say that...

Dracula is a blessing and a curse, and Dracula never dies.

And really, that's what happened. He carried that role to his death.

And I think going back and seeing these films...

is like a mini-time capsule.

It's also that way with collectors. We grew up loving these films.

We weren't there on the set in 1931...

but we want to be there so very much...

that we watch these films over and over.

We wish to own a prop from them, or perhaps own a poster from them.

If there is a holy grail of Dracula collectibles...

the Transylvanian Shroud of Turin...

it would have to be Bela Lugosi's original Dracula cape.

My father had several different capes.

Some were heavier material, some were lighter...

depending upon where he was going to use it.

I had one cape left...

and my mother told me this was the cape that he had worn...

in the motion picture Dracula.

I've had it independently verified that it's from the film.

So it is one of America's rarest pieces of film history.

I really treasure it.

My mother and myself had him buried in one of his capes.

Not that he'd ever expressed that wish, but we thought it would be appropriate.

Most modern audiences have seen Dracula...

but it's certainly not the Universal version with Lugosi.

That's the image we carry of Dracula, of vampires.

It's Universal's Dracula. It's Bela Lugosi.

Dracula's become one of the great media superstars of all time.

There's a line from Macbeth, a play Stoker was very familiar with.

"And yet, who would've thought the old man...

to have had so much blood in him?"

When Dracula was first released...

it was accompanied by a final curtain speech...

read by the character of Professor Van Helsing.

If memory serves, the good professor held up his hand and said...

"Just a moment, ladies and gentlemen.

Just a word before you go.

We hope the memories of Dracula...

won't give you bad dreams.

So just a word of reassurance.

When you get home tonight and the lights are turned out...

and you're afraid to look behind the curtains...

and you dread to see a face appear at the window...

well, just pull yourself together...

and remember, after all..."

"There are such things."

There are such things.

There are such things.

I am... Dracula.

A moment ago I stumbled upon a most amazing phenomenon.

Something so incredible I mistrust my own judgement.


Dracula. The very mention of the name

brings to mind things so evil, so fantastic, so degrading

you wonder if it isn' all a dream, a nightmare.

Rats... Rats... Rats!

Thousands, millions of them!

But no, this is no dream.

This is Dracula,

the original, terrifying story of a maniac, and a man who lived after death -

lived on human blood, took the form of a vampire bat

and lured innocent girls to a fate truly worse than death!


Oh, what's he done to you, dear? Tell me.

He came to me.

He opened a vein in his arm... and he made me drink.

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