Monday, September 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 4 2017

welcome again to revientor reborn, this is DCSw we are in a F-5 and I want to show you a cammo

of the royal moroccan air force

you know that you can ask me for special skin to show in my videos, I want to insist you to see the tutorial until the end, because the best thing is almost in the end of the video

we´ll speak about the rockets, there are rocket with flare of illumination, the F-5 have a big variety of rockets to fire

at the end of the video when the explications are over I will speak about all those rockets what they do

let´s start with the rockets and see how to work with them in cockpit

as usual is the weapons panel, do not forget arm the fuzes, both mode is recommended

today we have to move the knob to the rocket position

and then we select the different station to use, you can use one side, both sides as you wish as usual

or ushe all of the rockets you can do as you want works as the normal booms

with the rockets with flare illumination I Will use only one station

with shift K you can manage the rate of firement of the rockets only when in ground and engine off

there are 3 internals, 17.2 and 30 milli seconds or single

is the distance separation between rockets

this can be done in ground or the mission editor as usual

of course we have to set the hud in man mode and move the depression according the dive

there you can see the manual information, there are two type of rockets, for that the different depression as same dive

the first number is about the first rocket, I will draw some colors in the image manual to you know aht value is for what rocket tyoe

now the example with a small surprise

this is the surprise flying at night with the F-5

I suppose wit this light you can see good enough

because we have rockets with illumination flares I will use the night

in the manual is not well explained because looks all the way around, looks that you drop a flare over the target but not... you shoot a flare far away from it

I will illuminate the target, you can not see a thing there, but I see the light of the cities

using the editor I will light it up a bit

there is the coast with the city lights, the idea is make a planing to know where to drop the flares

that is the target I have to recon the place in the dark, see the city usually have light the I have to found a way to discover a silhouette to fire, in that case there is a L

I could fly hi to see it clearly but with some zoom for you in youtube

there is the L

the airport must be over there

I had been testing and I found some references to shoot this rockets

At 5000 feet 350 knots, using as reference the horizontal line where the ckpit ends and start the vision of the exterior as aim system

or a dep of 150

there is almost not visible but you can have an idea, I will activate the left pod

the interval here do not matter

here the vertical speed is really important when shooting

at 5000 you must be at 0 vertical speed or slightly up if you point down you will lose time of flight of the flare and effectivity

I will light up the coast, and 2 rockets more to make a wide are of light

on on the coast, the second one could be over the target and the next one further

after the flare release I will look for targets and perform a strike using the rockets

for that I need light to strike

you could be under 5000 feet and aim a little up but not too much

if you keep vertical speed 0 and you are higher than 5000 you will lose area of illumination

I am almost there I have to keep vertical speed cero

the first shot is almost here to illuminate the coast

first one, now some time of delay and look for no reference now only the mid L silhouette

and the final one

now it´s time to check the light and select the rockets to strike

that is the first one

the second ones and the therth, may be if I hope more the illumination will cover more area

this flare is at 2.300 feet the first one, the second 2800 and the last one just explode at 3400

look at 3000 feet the flares have a big area to cover in fact is the maximal area that is cover now

If i shoot at 5000 and the flares are at 3000 you can see you can not fire at 1000 as the manual say you have to aim up at 1000 feet

now I set this to strike the target

this is the same as strike with booms

just the speed is more restrictive with this weapons

the easy speed is to keep 350 knots

as you can see is like the mk the target al the middle of the mirror

I do not need perform a fast erect because is pretty good but remember the mk videos

in theory this plane is not all weather, but see performing a night attack xD

now I have to look where is the A-50 plane in the targets

-20 of dive, idle due hi speed, at 1500 feet shoot


good hit there, there are some bug in this tings xD

when you fly under the flare there is no shadow of the plane xD

other bug you can see the flare in a rectangle....

you need to go close to have the good graphic thing

one flare just run of of light xD

like the other one just run out of light, see the light coverage,

and the last flare released is at 900 feet, and the second one is at 300 feet over the ground

the coverage is still maximal

it´s modeled that the flare for example at 7000 cover the half of that area that you see now

there was the flare

this is easy as you can see

now it´s time for the rockets explanation

the rockets are more fun in may opinion

a flare illuminate around 4 minutes and 30 seconds

let´s wait until the light come off

see that we just did a 1 run and that flare used the maximal life time

now Iam looking a flare tuned off

is at 264 feet

if the flare hit the ground the light come off

For more infomation >> DCS: F-5E Tiger II How to use rockets (LAU/LUU All Versions) - #12 Tutorial - English Subtitles - Duration: 17:21.


Cupcake of unicorn poop with Marinette ☯ Miraculous ladybug season 2 #3 JJ's toys - Duration: 13:55.

For more infomation >> Cupcake of unicorn poop with Marinette ☯ Miraculous ladybug season 2 #3 JJ's toys - Duration: 13:55.


Parenting Together and Tips (Consejitos de cómo criar juntos en casa con subt. en Español) - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Parenting Together and Tips (Consejitos de cómo criar juntos en casa con subt. en Español) - Duration: 3:53.


September 23rd, 2017: NASA not confirm NIBIRU-PLANET X prophecy will NOT Convert Earth To An ICEBALL - Duration: 14:31.

September 23rd, 2017 prophecy. The... turn into an ice ball, the poles

the poles are shifting caused by Nibiru, NASA confirmed the existence of the 10th planet

or planet x will collide with the earth.

Hi, I'm Heathcliff and this is Lions Ground. I hope

you have a fantastic day. In this video I talk... ...about the origin of the

Nibiru or Planet X story claims some... made by people on the internet

YouTube and what does the spacecraft... ...organization NASA say about this what is

true what is false and of course last... ...and not least the conclusion the founder

of the tenth planet story is this lady... ...her name is Nancy Lieder from Wisconsin

miss or mrs. leader claims that she was... contact with gray aliens

extraterrestrial beings called Zeta who... ...had implanted a communication device in

her brain according to this lady she... ...speaks on behalf of the Zetas and that

Hill Bob comet is a hoax... ...well the comet Hill Bob was the most

widely observed object of the 20th... ...century however in 1995 she launched her

website "Zeta talk" this woman claims that... ...the comet is a distraction maneuver of

what will come namely Planet X, she... ...announced that Planet X will reach a

position near Planet Earth on May 27... ...2003 the poles will shift and the earth

will suffer severe disturbance nothing... ...happened on May 27th, 2003, and no report

of the tenth planet either

and then mr. Zecharia Sitchin came with book the

12th planet which suggests to ancient... ...civilization called the Sumers or

Sumerians and a clay tablet of 3600 BC... ...will be the lead that ancient

civilization had contact with Anunnaki... his book he claims that the

mysterious planet does a 3,600 year... ...orbit and he claims a 12th planet not the

tenth planet somewhere between 2090 and... ...2370 will destroy our planet or

kill all life on planet Earth.

and the YouTube channel

"Nibiru 2017 Warning" claims that the... ...Earth turns into an ice ball a video of

30 minutes with over two million views... ...that starts with, I quote


It continues with... ...something big is about to happen and

then the conflict between Israel and... ...Palestine. Why I don't know but ok the

video title is "NASA confirm September 23thhhhh... ...2007 has to be 23rd ok is when Nibiru

Planet X will convert earth to an ice... ...ball but he is unable to prove his claim

let alone write English properly but... ...contains only spiritual and religious

statements, conspiracy theories just totally irrelevant to his claim his

claim remains unproven

some claim that Nibiru will pass the... ...planet shifting the poles resulting in

growth on numbers and extreme storms... ...some claim that the planet has passed

our planet in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015... ...2016, ok the poles accorded to them

and if it has been already passed planet... ...Earth the poles have already started to

shift right so we must experience more... ...and extreme storms I pick the year

1980 the year I was born and... ...I've selected five years. 1980 total

storms 11, total hurricanes nine... ...major hurricanes category three

plus two, total fatalities 337... 1981 total storms 12

Total hurricanes seven major hurricanes... ...category three plus three total

fatalities ten. In 1982 total storm 6... ...hurricanes two major hurricanes 1 total

fatalities 29. In 1983 total storms 4... hurricanes three total major

hurricanes 1 total fatalities 22. 1984... storms 13 total hurricanes five

total major hurricanes category three... one and total fatalities 35. In 1985

total storms 11 total hurricanes seven... major hurricanes three and total

fatalities sixty and now from 2011 to... ...2016. 2011 total stores nineteen to total

hurricanes seven total major hurricanes... ...category three plus four and total

fatalities 100. 2012 total storms... ...nineteen hurricanes ten major hurricanes

two and total fatalities 355... ...2013

total storms 14 hurricanes two major... ...hurricanes zero total fatalities 47

total storms in 2014 eight total... ...hurricanes six total major hurricanes

two total fatalities 21, 2015... storms 11 total hurricanes 4

total major hurricanes 2... ...and total fatalities 89, in 2006

total storms 15 total hurricanes seven... ...major hurricanes four total fatalities


total storms, hurricanes major... ...hurricanes of category three plus and

total fatalities have indeed increased a bit but not in a very extreme way people

forgets that the word hurricane ever in our history was

The Great Galveston Hurricane

a category 4 hurricane that... ...killed 8,000 to 12,000 people and did

happened my friend in 1900... ...others in contrast claimed that NASA has

confirmed the existence of the 10th... ...planet this is the moment to continue

what nasa have to say about this

at the beginning of 2016 there was a fake news

website that published an article that... ...NASA had said that Nibiru will cause a

major disaster but in fact NASA has... ...dedicated to this in this publication in

which NASA rejects all claims

my name is David Morrison I'm a NASA space

scientist and I want to talk to you very... ...briefly about Nibiru you know the

simplest thing to say is just that there... no credible evidence whatever for the

existence of Nibiru there are no... there's no tracking there's no

astronomical observations in fact the... ...origin of the name was a little weird

Nibiru was a minor god in the Babylonian... ...Pantheon probably associated with

Jupiter there's no record that they ever... ...thought of it as a planet sometimes we

talk about Planet X but that's a strange... ...term too

because astronomers say Planet X for an... ...object that has not been found a

possible object like Pluto when it was... ...being searched for it was called Planet

X,once it was found it became Pluto... ...I'd really isn't any evidence here to

counter but I can quite specifically say... we know that Nibiru or Planet X does

not exist and does not threaten the... first if there were a planet

headed into the inner solar system that... ...was going to come close to the earth in

December of 2012 it would already be... ...inside the orbit of Mars it would be

bright it would be easily visible to the... ...naked eye if we were up there you could

see it all of us could see it and the... ...crazy thing is people who say they are

observing it but never tell us where to... ...look so we can verify well doesn't take

an astronomer to say that there's no... ...bright object up there that's appeared

in the night sky and is headed for Earth... ...second if Nibiru were real and it were a

planet with a substantial mass then it... ...would already be perturbing the orbits

of Mars and the earth we would see... ...changes in those orbits due to this

rogue object coming into the inner solar... ...system astronomers measure the orbit of

Earth and Mars precisely and frequently... ...and there has been no change whatever

third and perhaps most telling if this... ...object had come through the solar system

in the past and and you remember the... ...idea is it's on an orbit of 3,600 years

if it had come through in the past its... ...gravity would have messed up the orbits

of the inner planets the Earth, Venus... ...Mars probably would have stripped the

moon away completely instead in the... ...inner solar system we see planets with

stable orbits we see the moon going... ...around the earth the very existence of

this stability in the inner solar system... ...proves that no road planet no

interfering object has come through the... ...inner solar system in

least a million years so it's not real... ...Nibiru doesn't exist we can't see it we

can't detect this gravity and we don't... ...see a signature of its previous passing

just because there weren't any now some... ...people change the story around and say

well Nibiru isn't even a planet it's a... ...brown dwarf with planets going around it

or something like that everything... ...I've said would be worse with a massive

object like a brown dwarf that would... ...have been tracked by astronomers for a

decade or more and it would already have... ...really affected planetary orbits so

please get over it Nibiru isn't real... ...Planet X isn't real we don't have to

worry about this HOAX.

not only fake news websites... ...are guilty tabloids publish

stories originating from conspiracy... ...theorists for money of course like

Express who published an article on... ...August 12th with the headline "NASA

confirms Planet X exists but could... ...mythical Nibiru really destroyed earth

next month?" and again on August 31st... ...Nibiru coming Planet X is not alone but

a whole star system claims doom profits

but NASA has indeed found a 10th planet... 2005 nobody mentioning that this

was later named Eris a dwarf planet... ...with our new and improved telescopes you

should not be surprised that more... ...planets are being discovered

so... what

will happen on September 23rd, 2017? -Nothing

only a few planets are aligned a fall... ...begins with the autumnal equinox on

September 22nd an equinox is a moment in... ...which the plane of earth's equator

passes through the center of the sun's... ...disk the equinox marks the onset of

spring with a transition from shorter to... ...longer days for half the planets along

with more direct sunlight as sun rises... ...higher above the horizon in 2017 in

northern hemisphere the spring equinox... ...occurred on March 20th six months later

fall begins with autumnal equinox on... ...September 22nd on May 30th 2015

I published a video about a Dutch man... ...who panicked the Americans with his stupid

theory his name mr. Frank Hoogerbeets he... ...predicted that on May 28th 2015 the

heaviest earthquake in history will take... on the west coast, what happened?


Every year this Nibiru or Planet... ...X story returns and on the Doomsday they

disappear and come back with a new... next year or delete the video in

question and rename the channel... ...conclusion this theory is a money-making

machine it has been shown according to... ...the statistics the numbers the likes

and dislike ratio and the views that... ...people are very convinced with words

they have enough at words they accepted... ...evidence does not matter at all it does

not matter if someone writes like a... ...toddler full of grammatical errors

people take such a person... ...absolutely serious

right we must be seriously worried because if people are able to believe

such youtubers then that group of people... ...can be convinced very easily and that my

friend is very very dangerous now you... ...have been introduced with two parts of

the story what do you think share your... ...thoughts in the comment section below do

you want to support my work become a... ...member of my patreon page the link is

provided in the video description and... the videos next to me to watch

more of my videos I want to thank you... ...thank you from the deepest of my heart

for watching this video your time is really... ...appreciated I'll see you in the next

video that's tomorrow at 3 p.m. Central... ...European Time, i´m Heathcliff

Your host and this is Lions ground

For more infomation >> September 23rd, 2017: NASA not confirm NIBIRU-PLANET X prophecy will NOT Convert Earth To An ICEBALL - Duration: 14:31.


Bolas de Fuego. Destrozaron el sueño de Tero El Reportero. Pero si hubo fiesta. - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Bolas de Fuego. Destrozaron el sueño de Tero El Reportero. Pero si hubo fiesta. - Duration: 4:19.


VLOG #4 - WHAT TO DO IN BARCELONA - Duration: 5:25.


This pretty city where I've spent my holidays this summer.

The city with a million of little details

and so many cute little streets.

Today I feel like sharing with you all my good tips

discovered during my holidays.

Let's go?

Barcelona is a super sunny city that has so much to offer

that you can see and visit.

The goal here isn't to tell you EVERYTHING about Barcelona

but in my opinion, the things that are worth being seen during a trip there.

Let's start with Gaudi, the most famous architect in Barcelona

... here the Sagrada Familia, majestic church...

actually still being built!

And the Casa Battillo, a very strange but beautiful creation.

Interesting! But always full of tourists.

To finish, here is the Pedrera, this building you can see

in the movie Vicky Cristina Barcelona. You can walk on the

roofs, and it's very cool!

We're done with Gaudi! A place you must not miss is the Boqueria.

A street market where you can enjoy some delicious spanish ham,

tapas, fruits, juices...

Delicious moments and spanish feeling guaranteed!

But the advice

that I can only give you, is to LOOSE yourself in the streets in Barcelona.

There are so many cute streets! Just walk

watch around, lift your eyes and enjoy!

Sometimes you'll find little surprises :)

Another very cool place, the cactus garden.

#cactuslovers, this is a paradise for you!

It's called the gardens of "Mossen Costa", look for it on Google

you'll find it!

And it gives a very nice view on Barcelona!

A nice place just out of the cactus garden : Martinez.

Such a nice terrasse, feels a bit like Mexico!

For parks, my favorite one is the park "de la Ciutadella"

it's very big and super pretty !

One evening, go to Montjuic

close to Barcelona's arenas.

It's super cool, you'll see a nice architecture

almost a bit oriental. And in the evening

you can see a free light show in Montjuic's fountain.

So so pretty !

Hep hep hep ! It's not finished ! Barcelona, it's also the city of

cheap drinks, and delicious food!


But also Pintxos..

delicious breakfasts...

delicious and juicy fruits...

in short : good stuff!

So, here also, some must see places

"Carrer de Blai" street

just amazing ! It has pintxos for 1e in the Poble Sec district.

The pintxos are those delicious mini open sandwiches, typical in Spain

where you just choose some

put them on your plate and pay at the end.

It's fun to do with friends, it's delicious, it's cheap..

It's just...


For breakfast, I really liked

the 365 coffee shops

that are opened all week and that are super nice.

They make nice bread, nice sandwiches, freshly squeezed juices, croissants...

and it's cheap, super nice!

Close to "Arc de Triumf" there is a organic supermarket

for those of you who want organic food.

They also have good things, fruits, croissants, etc.

Without forgetting to try at least once the Valor Coffee shop

and order a delicious typical spanish hot chocolate.

Super nice lunch place : la Menuda.

They serve "crazy food" as they call it

and it's true it's a bit crazy food, stuff we're not used to

but super yummy !

It's worth going, the decoration is very cool, and they brew

they own beers.

So, my cats, on this "cafe del tiempo"

coffee with ice, I send you million of kisses and hope you liked this video!

And that you'll try my little adresses!

And that you wanna visit Barcelona if you haven't been yet

this city that I love so much !

And if you liked this vlog, don't hesitate to

subscribe to my YouTube channel, to like the video or

to leave me a little comment, simply!

For more adventures, you can also follow me on Instagram

and go read my blog. There is one blog post about Barcelona

where I put all the infos, links, etc. (Check the info bar)

Thank you so much for watching ! <3 See you soon!

For more infomation >> VLOG #4 - WHAT TO DO IN BARCELONA - Duration: 5:25.



For more infomation >> LUDO FULL HACK COINS+GEMS FREE [NO ROOT] TOP LEAGUES HACK FREE | 100% WORK | LATEST 2017 - Duration: 6:14.


8 beneficios medicinales de la mezcla de canela y miel - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> 8 beneficios medicinales de la mezcla de canela y miel - Duration: 4:25.


3 fases de una crisis emocional - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> 3 fases de una crisis emocional - Duration: 3:36.


$4.25 Survey Available Now

For more infomation >> $4.25 Survey Available Now


BMW 2 Serie Gran Tourer 216d 7-Persoons High Executive Sport-Line Prof. Navi | Sportstoelen | Head-U - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> BMW 2 Serie Gran Tourer 216d 7-Persoons High Executive Sport-Line Prof. Navi | Sportstoelen | Head-U - Duration: 1:01.


September 23rd, 2017: NASA not confirm NIBIRU-PLANET X prophecy will NOT Convert Earth To An ICEBALL - Duration: 14:31.

September 23rd, 2017 prophecy. The... turn into an ice ball, the poles

the poles are shifting caused by Nibiru, NASA confirmed the existence of the 10th planet

or planet x will collide with the earth.

Hi, I'm Heathcliff and this is Lions Ground. I hope

you have a fantastic day. In this video I talk... ...about the origin of the

Nibiru or Planet X story claims some... made by people on the internet

YouTube and what does the spacecraft... ...organization NASA say about this what is

true what is false and of course last... ...and not least the conclusion the founder

of the tenth planet story is this lady... ...her name is Nancy Lieder from Wisconsin

miss or mrs. leader claims that she was... contact with gray aliens

extraterrestrial beings called Zeta who... ...had implanted a communication device in

her brain according to this lady she... ...speaks on behalf of the Zetas and that

Hill Bob comet is a hoax... ...well the comet Hill Bob was the most

widely observed object of the 20th... ...century however in 1995 she launched her

website "Zeta talk" this woman claims that... ...the comet is a distraction maneuver of

what will come namely Planet X, she... ...announced that Planet X will reach a

position near Planet Earth on May 27... ...2003 the poles will shift and the earth

will suffer severe disturbance nothing... ...happened on May 27th, 2003, and no report

of the tenth planet either

and then mr. Zecharia Sitchin came with book the

12th planet which suggests to ancient... ...civilization called the Sumers or

Sumerians and a clay tablet of 3600 BC... ...will be the lead that ancient

civilization had contact with Anunnaki... his book he claims that the

mysterious planet does a 3,600 year... ...orbit and he claims a 12th planet not the

tenth planet somewhere between 2090 and... ...2370 will destroy our planet or

kill all life on planet Earth.

and the YouTube channel

"Nibiru 2017 Warning" claims that the... ...Earth turns into an ice ball a video of

30 minutes with over two million views... ...that starts with, I quote


It continues with... ...something big is about to happen and

then the conflict between Israel and... ...Palestine. Why I don't know but ok the

video title is "NASA confirm September 23thhhhh... ...2007 has to be 23rd ok is when Nibiru

Planet X will convert earth to an ice... ...ball but he is unable to prove his claim

let alone write English properly but... ...contains only spiritual and religious

statements, conspiracy theories just totally irrelevant to his claim his

claim remains unproven

some claim that Nibiru will pass the... ...planet shifting the poles resulting in

growth on numbers and extreme storms... ...some claim that the planet has passed

our planet in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015... ...2016, ok the poles accorded to them

and if it has been already passed planet... ...Earth the poles have already started to

shift right so we must experience more... ...and extreme storms I pick the year

1980 the year I was born and... ...I've selected five years. 1980 total

storms 11, total hurricanes nine... ...major hurricanes category three

plus two, total fatalities 337... 1981 total storms 12

Total hurricanes seven major hurricanes... ...category three plus three total

fatalities ten. In 1982 total storm 6... ...hurricanes two major hurricanes 1 total

fatalities 29. In 1983 total storms 4... hurricanes three total major

hurricanes 1 total fatalities 22. 1984... storms 13 total hurricanes five

total major hurricanes category three... one and total fatalities 35. In 1985

total storms 11 total hurricanes seven... major hurricanes three and total

fatalities sixty and now from 2011 to... ...2016. 2011 total stores nineteen to total

hurricanes seven total major hurricanes... ...category three plus four and total

fatalities 100. 2012 total storms... ...nineteen hurricanes ten major hurricanes

two and total fatalities 355... ...2013

total storms 14 hurricanes two major... ...hurricanes zero total fatalities 47

total storms in 2014 eight total... ...hurricanes six total major hurricanes

two total fatalities 21, 2015... storms 11 total hurricanes 4

total major hurricanes 2... ...and total fatalities 89, in 2006

total storms 15 total hurricanes seven... ...major hurricanes four total fatalities


total storms, hurricanes major... ...hurricanes of category three plus and

total fatalities have indeed increased a bit but not in a very extreme way people

forgets that the word hurricane ever in our history was

The Great Galveston Hurricane

a category 4 hurricane that... ...killed 8,000 to 12,000 people and did

happened my friend in 1900... ...others in contrast claimed that NASA has

confirmed the existence of the 10th... ...planet this is the moment to continue

what nasa have to say about this

at the beginning of 2016 there was a fake news

website that published an article that... ...NASA had said that Nibiru will cause a

major disaster but in fact NASA has... ...dedicated to this in this publication in

which NASA rejects all claims

my name is David Morrison I'm a NASA space

scientist and I want to talk to you very... ...briefly about Nibiru you know the

simplest thing to say is just that there... no credible evidence whatever for the

existence of Nibiru there are no... there's no tracking there's no

astronomical observations in fact the... ...origin of the name was a little weird

Nibiru was a minor god in the Babylonian... ...Pantheon probably associated with

Jupiter there's no record that they ever... ...thought of it as a planet sometimes we

talk about Planet X but that's a strange... ...term too

because astronomers say Planet X for an... ...object that has not been found a

possible object like Pluto when it was... ...being searched for it was called Planet

X,once it was found it became Pluto... ...I'd really isn't any evidence here to

counter but I can quite specifically say... we know that Nibiru or Planet X does

not exist and does not threaten the... first if there were a planet

headed into the inner solar system that... ...was going to come close to the earth in

December of 2012 it would already be... ...inside the orbit of Mars it would be

bright it would be easily visible to the... ...naked eye if we were up there you could

see it all of us could see it and the... ...crazy thing is people who say they are

observing it but never tell us where to... ...look so we can verify well doesn't take

an astronomer to say that there's no... ...bright object up there that's appeared

in the night sky and is headed for Earth... ...second if Nibiru were real and it were a

planet with a substantial mass then it... ...would already be perturbing the orbits

of Mars and the earth we would see... ...changes in those orbits due to this

rogue object coming into the inner solar... ...system astronomers measure the orbit of

Earth and Mars precisely and frequently... ...and there has been no change whatever

third and perhaps most telling if this... ...object had come through the solar system

in the past and and you remember the... ...idea is it's on an orbit of 3,600 years

if it had come through in the past its... ...gravity would have messed up the orbits

of the inner planets the Earth, Venus... ...Mars probably would have stripped the

moon away completely instead in the... ...inner solar system we see planets with

stable orbits we see the moon going... ...around the earth the very existence of

this stability in the inner solar system... ...proves that no road planet no

interfering object has come through the... ...inner solar system in

least a million years so it's not real... ...Nibiru doesn't exist we can't see it we

can't detect this gravity and we don't... ...see a signature of its previous passing

just because there weren't any now some... ...people change the story around and say

well Nibiru isn't even a planet it's a... ...brown dwarf with planets going around it

or something like that everything... ...I've said would be worse with a massive

object like a brown dwarf that would... ...have been tracked by astronomers for a

decade or more and it would already have... ...really affected planetary orbits so

please get over it Nibiru isn't real... ...Planet X isn't real we don't have to

worry about this HOAX.

not only fake news websites... ...are guilty tabloids publish

stories originating from conspiracy... ...theorists for money of course like

Express who published an article on... ...August 12th with the headline "NASA

confirms Planet X exists but could... ...mythical Nibiru really destroyed earth

next month?" and again on August 31st... ...Nibiru coming Planet X is not alone but

a whole star system claims doom profits

but NASA has indeed found a 10th planet... 2005 nobody mentioning that this

was later named Eris a dwarf planet... ...with our new and improved telescopes you

should not be surprised that more... ...planets are being discovered

so... what

will happen on September 23rd, 2017? -Nothing

only a few planets are aligned a fall... ...begins with the autumnal equinox on

September 22nd an equinox is a moment in... ...which the plane of earth's equator

passes through the center of the sun's... ...disk the equinox marks the onset of

spring with a transition from shorter to... ...longer days for half the planets along

with more direct sunlight as sun rises... ...higher above the horizon in 2017 in

northern hemisphere the spring equinox... ...occurred on March 20th six months later

fall begins with autumnal equinox on... ...September 22nd on May 30th 2015

I published a video about a Dutch man... ...who panicked the Americans with his stupid

theory his name mr. Frank Hoogerbeets he... ...predicted that on May 28th 2015 the

heaviest earthquake in history will take... on the west coast, what happened?


Every year this Nibiru or Planet... ...X story returns and on the Doomsday they

disappear and come back with a new... next year or delete the video in

question and rename the channel... ...conclusion this theory is a money-making

machine it has been shown according to... ...the statistics the numbers the likes

and dislike ratio and the views that... ...people are very convinced with words

they have enough at words they accepted... ...evidence does not matter at all it does

not matter if someone writes like a... ...toddler full of grammatical errors

people take such a person... ...absolutely serious

right we must be seriously worried because if people are able to believe

such youtubers then that group of people... ...can be convinced very easily and that my

friend is very very dangerous now you... ...have been introduced with two parts of

the story what do you think share your... ...thoughts in the comment section below do

you want to support my work become a... ...member of my patreon page the link is

provided in the video description and... the videos next to me to watch

more of my videos I want to thank you... ...thank you from the deepest of my heart

for watching this video your time is really... ...appreciated I'll see you in the next

video that's tomorrow at 3 p.m. Central... ...European Time, i´m Heathcliff

Your host and this is Lions ground

For more infomation >> September 23rd, 2017: NASA not confirm NIBIRU-PLANET X prophecy will NOT Convert Earth To An ICEBALL - Duration: 14:31.


Mysterious Alien Creature Spotted On Camera!! Giant UFO's Appeared On Sky, Real UFO, Alien 2017 - Duration: 14:44.

For more infomation >> Mysterious Alien Creature Spotted On Camera!! Giant UFO's Appeared On Sky, Real UFO, Alien 2017 - Duration: 14:44.


Step 8 - Attack the Problem, NOT the Person - Duration: 2:11.

"It's your fault!"

"You drive me crazy!"

"You're always doing these kinds of things!"

"You're really the core of the problem!"

Now, have you ever heard someone say that to you?

Or have you said that someone else?

I want you to notice the common word i had in both of these and that's the word "YOU"

And i want to talk now about this whole concept of step number 8 in conflict resolution

That is to learn to attack the problem, not the person.

When people feel attacked, when you and i feel attacked,

We want to run.

We want to get away from the situation

Or will react naturally and get defensive

Or get argumentative in the relationship.

And that's not helpful thing to do.

You don't want to attack the person.

You want to attack the problem

So, you want to objectify the problem and say, it's not you're a bad person.

Here's a bad or rough thing that happened that we need to address.

You're not a dishonest person.

It may prove that a person is over time, but you're not dishonest, you're not a liar.

I feel like you didn't tell me the truthful thing in this environment

And the key here is DON'T use 'YOU' statements use 'I' statements

Don't say you're a liar.

Say, it seems to me that in this situation that wasn't quite true or that wasn't accurate.

Be differential in this case.

Don't step away. Remember speak the truth with kindness and love but be forthright

And don't push people into a corner.

Don't try to shame people.

Instead you're trying to resolve conflict.

So speak the truth with kindness by attacking the problem not the person.

For more infomation >> Step 8 - Attack the Problem, NOT the Person - Duration: 2:11.


Monster School-minecraft funny videos trans gender operation-Minecraft Animatio - Duration: 2:23.

Monster School-minecraft funny videos trans gender operation-Minecraft Animatio

For more infomation >> Monster School-minecraft funny videos trans gender operation-Minecraft Animatio - Duration: 2:23.



For more infomation >> LUDO FULL HACK COINS+GEMS FREE [NO ROOT] TOP LEAGUES HACK FREE | 100% WORK | LATEST 2017 - Duration: 6:14.


[Karaoke]Nhạc Sống - Hoa Cau Vườn Trầu - Phối Beat Hay Nhất - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> [Karaoke]Nhạc Sống - Hoa Cau Vườn Trầu - Phối Beat Hay Nhất - Duration: 4:27.


The Attributes of Jehovah

For more infomation >> The Attributes of Jehovah


Морские крепости. Форт «Император Александр I» [World of Warships] - Duration: 18:16.

For more infomation >> Морские крепости. Форт «Император Александр I» [World of Warships] - Duration: 18:16.


cuộc sống sài gòn I CHỢ XÓM LƯỚI VŨNG TÀU THIÊN ĐƯỜNG HẢI SẢN GIÁ RẺ BÃI TRƯỚC ❤ - Duration: 15:50.

For more infomation >> cuộc sống sài gòn I CHỢ XÓM LƯỚI VŨNG TÀU THIÊN ĐƯỜNG HẢI SẢN GIÁ RẺ BÃI TRƯỚC ❤ - Duration: 15:50.


Diario di un cosplayer impedito I GUANTI DI GARNET - Duration: 4:12.

HI guys and welcome to the new video

Another episode of crafting

Today we're going to make the garnet gloves (From Steven Universe)

Now we show you

what we'll use for make them

Let's start

with these

That we show you on close up

They're some small gems

Very small and they will be used later

Then, pencils

and cutters

for cut the mat


That we'll use to color the glove

Hot Glue

And the compass for draw a circles

That's all which we'll use

For this project, that's all

what we're going to do today

In this episode we'll illustrate you

All steps we have thought

We'll started

to make the glove's base

it will be a circle

Where by a small supports

we'll slot in

a tube

practically, we make a circle

that will be the glove's base

then we'll slot in a tube for take the glove

For keep the glove

The next step

we're going to make the structure

of the our glove

a cylinder

And behind the glove, a cap

that will be size of ours arm

in this way the glove can't move around

so we reduce the diameter


the fingers

we'll make it

in a very short time

next, make the knuckles

and star

make it with the mat

then, will star with painting

before the painting

we'll become

art attack

(Art Attack it's a televison program in Italy)

so, we'll upholster the glove

with vinavil and paper

in the end, decoration with the gems

the glove will be finished


if you want

stay with us

and follow us

For this ntroduction

is all

we'll see you to next episode


For more infomation >> Diario di un cosplayer impedito I GUANTI DI GARNET - Duration: 4:12.


Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Elite Series Star Wars Last Jedi Die Cast Action Figure Review - Duration: 10:54.

Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Elite Series Star Wars Last Jedi Die Cast Action Figure Review

- hey guys its me your host SUPERSORRELL and today I am reviewing the JEDI Master LUKE

SKYWALKER elite series figure from the DISNEY STORE.

In collaboration with Lucasfilm, we present the Elite Series Luke Skywalker die-cast action


Inspired by Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Luke Skywalker returns to join the Resistance in

thwarting the evil efforts of the First Order.

In collaboration with Lucasfilm, Disney Store is proud to introduce the Star Wars Elite

Series, a premium line of toys featuring iconic characters from the expansive world of Star


This exclusive collection is meticulously engineered and crafted with Star Wars fans

in mind.

Please Subscribe and Support the channel!!

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SUPER SORRELL, PO Box 267, Pontefract, WF8 8DH

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Business Enquiries: Instagram:

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About Me ********

Hey guys its me your host SUPERSORRELL and this is my channel, I am an action figure

toy collector and enthusiast.

I am an out of box collector and my channel tagline is "i unbox it, so you dont have to"

I like to collect action figures from my favourite franchises including STAR WARS, DC COMICS

& MARVEL but from time to time expect some awesome throwbacks to

my child hood favourite movies from the 70s-90s including NECA products like Alien Predator,

Last Action Hero, Terminator, Rocky, Planet Of The Apes, Transformers, Teenage Mutant

Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, Friday 13th & Nightmare On Elm Street.

I also love classic Universal Monsters.

McFarlanes horror inspired toy line and spawn also will feature on my channel.

I am a huge fan of Pop Culture - Movies and Gaming were a massive part of my childhood

and I want to share that with you through my love of action figure collecting.

I will be showcasing DC Collectibles lines such as DC Designer Series, Mattel basic figures,

Dc Icons & DC Multiverse.

Marvel toy lines include Marvel Diamond Select, Marvel Legends and some old nostalgic reviews

from Toybiz.

My Star Wars collection varies from classic Kenner to Black Series, Elite Series Hasbro

3.75 inch basics, 40th anniversary and more!

I love NECA figures too for my other movie figures and even some SH Figuarts from time

to time.

expect plenty of toy shopping vlogs as we hunt down these awesome figures.

I have started to branch out into other figures such as Kotobukiya, Hot Toys and Mafex.

My wife MRS SUPERSORRELL will also take you through Disney releases from Disney Doll lines

to collectibles and

even some Harry Potter merchandise.

We are both avid collectors of Pop Vinyls and funko products.

I hope you choose to join us and SUBSCRIBE to our geeky world of toys and childhood wonder.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

#StarWars #StarWarsTheLastJedi #lukeskywalker #lastjedi #TheLastJedi #ForceFridayII #ForceFriday

#ForceFriday2 #disneystore #unboxing #toys

luke skywalker,elite series,star wars,last jedi,diecast,die cast,star wars,action figure,disney

store exclusive,star wars toys,force friday,force friday 2017,force friday II,star wars elite

series luke skywalker,supersorrell,supersorrell star wars,toys,toy,unboxing,review,new,leaked,disney

store,haul,lucasfilm,jedi master luke skywalker,elite series luke,elite series 2017,last jedi luke


For more infomation >> Jedi Master Luke Skywalker Elite Series Star Wars Last Jedi Die Cast Action Figure Review - Duration: 10:54.


[MMD × Undertale] I Want To See You Smile, Not Sad, Or Suffer - Duration: 0:52.

Come here.

I don't want to see you cry.

I don't want to see you sad or see you suffer, either.

I always want to see you smile. I want to make you smile.

So, for that purpose, I don't mind if you hate me.

That's what I decided.

But it hurts.

The truth is, I want to look after you more than anyone.

But I can't.

For more infomation >> [MMD × Undertale] I Want To See You Smile, Not Sad, Or Suffer - Duration: 0:52.


What I Would Tell Someone Newly Diagnosed - Duration: 0:39.

Not to lose hope. That there is hope and there is help. And also don't get stuck in

one way of treatment. Don't just start taking the medication or doing the nerve

blocks or whatever it is that your doctor's prescribing for you.

Ask questions and find out what your options are. There's always new options

coming down the road and that's why you should be hopeful because there's research

going on, and there's studies that you can get into. And usually it's not one

treatment that helps you. It's a variety of treatments.

So be open minded to all the things on the table instead of just going with that one

thing that one doctor offers you.

For more infomation >> What I Would Tell Someone Newly Diagnosed - Duration: 0:39.


Eric Thomas: How Do You Deal With Being Average (Motivational Video) - Duration: 2:22.


one of the things Eric Thomas had to do

was I remember I remember I remember I

remember when things change for me I

remember the exact I remember the moment

that we talked about steps what's the

formula for et I remember saying to

myself that I had my high school drop

out because my biological father wasn't

in my life if only my father had been in

my life this would have happened if only

my mother had not been a seventeen year

old kid she's a kid she's homeless

my mother was 25 and my father was 27

and they both graduated from college all

right anything my mother had a baby

shower and they picked out a beautiful

name my grandparents were all there I

would've been successful that was my

process then I got to a plastic Eric you

got stopped man your victim like you're

making excuses Eric like world there

those of you in this room your average

you have no business being average but

now you I'm not even upset that your

average but now you justified it oh you

come up with these great reasons of why

you can't wake up at 3 o'clock in the

morning with these great reasons why you

can't get up at 5 you have these great

reasons of why you have to do everything

while you don't execute why you don't

finish why you don't follow through

while you'll come to a conference like

this which is a phenomenal conference

and get a whole bunch information and

sitting down somewhere why why you say

your exercise and you do it for about 10

days and you quit you've got an excuse

for why your average and one day I had

to say here there's a common denominator

here yes your father wasn't in your life

but your your father doesn't not a

police officer and yes your mother was a

teenage mom but the police officer he

does not know the teacher that kicked

you out but there is a common

denominator there's one person that

everybody knows there's one person that

your mom knows that the police officer

knows that the teachers knows that the

street knows is one person that's every

he knows who's that person Eric Thomas

and so what you need to do here is say

just deal with it you average and deal

with the fact that you're not operating

on a hundred and twenty percent and then

you can deal with that Eric didn't go to

the next level

For more infomation >> Eric Thomas: How Do You Deal With Being Average (Motivational Video) - Duration: 2:22.


Hyundai i10 1.25I DYNAMIC AUTOMAAT !! - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.25I DYNAMIC AUTOMAAT !! - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Terra - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Terra - Duration: 1:00.


Hyundai Matrix 1.6i GL - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Matrix 1.6i GL - Duration: 0:59.


Opel Corsa 1.2i-16V Eco Nieuw apk !!! - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.2i-16V Eco Nieuw apk !!! - Duration: 0:51.


Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration/ Full map navigatie/ Achteruitrijcamera/ Climate control/ Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.0 VVT-i Aspiration/ Full map navigatie/ Achteruitrijcamera/ Climate control/ Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Access/ Led dagrijverlichting/ Aux aansluiting/ Radio cd-speler/ Stuurbekracht - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i Access/ Led dagrijverlichting/ Aux aansluiting/ Radio cd-speler/ Stuurbekracht - Duration: 0:54.


BMW X1 2.0I 184pk Aut.8/ Bi-xenon/ Full map navigatie/ Trekhaak/ Pdc/ Tel. bluetooth/ 17" Lmv/ Clima - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 2.0I 184pk Aut.8/ Bi-xenon/ Full map navigatie/ Trekhaak/ Pdc/ Tel. bluetooth/ 17" Lmv/ Clima - Duration: 0:54.


Mitsubishi i-MiEV 4-peroons - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi i-MiEV 4-peroons - Duration: 1:01.


Medical Monday 'Chamomile' 4/9/2017 - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Medical Monday 'Chamomile' 4/9/2017 - Duration: 0:57.


Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-I BUSINESS Trekhaak,navigatie - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-I BUSINESS Trekhaak,navigatie - Duration: 0:42.


Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC 130pk Elegance - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC 130pk Elegance - Duration: 0:57.


Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-i Sol Electrische ramen, centrale vergrendeling. Nieuwe apk bij aflevering. - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3-16V VVT-i Sol Electrische ramen, centrale vergrendeling. Nieuwe apk bij aflevering. - Duration: 0:42.


Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Catcher 5 Drs met Airco - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i10 1.1 i-Catcher 5 Drs met Airco - Duration: 1:01.


[MMD × Undertale] I Want To See You Smile, Not Sad, Or Suffer - Duration: 0:52.

Come here.

I don't want to see you cry.

I don't want to see you sad or see you suffer, either.

I always want to see you smile. I want to make you smile.

So, for that purpose, I don't mind if you hate me.

That's what I decided.

But it hurts.

The truth is, I want to look after you more than anyone.

But I can't.

For more infomation >> [MMD × Undertale] I Want To See You Smile, Not Sad, Or Suffer - Duration: 0:52.


JBL QUITS WWE Smackdown! Sasha Banks UNHAPPY With WWE! | WrestleTalk News Sep. 2017 - Duration: 3:54.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.

Free Hugs Currently injured New Day member Xavier Woods

appeared at Dragon Con over the weekend cosplaying in honour of his fellow WWE wrestler - the

also injured Bayley.

But shockingly, Cosplay Sasha Banks turned heel on Cosplay Bayley as Woods was filming

that Instagram post.

Hopefully that's the long term storyline WWE has in mind for the actual Banks and Bayley.

There's no point asking Sasha, though, because nobody tells her nothing.

Sasha Banks Unhappy With WWE Appearing on the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast

- which was recorded shortly before Summerslam - Banks had the following to say about how

Raw is organised backstage: "When I go to Raw, it's legit like I have

no clue what I am doing so I don't even know what to prepare for...Honestly, I wish we

had the opportunity to know what we are doing in the next three months."

And that's not the only thing Banks is unhappy with backstage.

"I'm a three time Raw Women's Champion, right...which to me is a lie.

I'm a three-time two week holder of a championship.

That took away my confidence so much."

Depressingly, Banks said this the weekend she became Raw Women's Champion for the

fourth time, beating Alexa Bliss at Summerslam...which she then lost 8 days later.

Her first two reigns lasted 27 days each, and her third went 20.

They're getting less.

But could this most recent title loss be the last straw?

Sasha Banks Changes Twitter Profile Banks has changed her Twitter bio from "Legit

Boss Da Baddest Supastar in all of WWE!

I am not afraid I was born to do this Bank On It" to just a contact link for her agency.

While this could have a perfectly innocent reason - or just be some good old fashioned

trolling - the last time someone removed all reference to being a WWE superstar from their

Twitter bio was Eva Marie earlier this year.

And she left the company several months afterwards Banks has since updated her bio to include

the bible passage Jeremiah 29:11, which reads "I just kicked your ass!"

Sorry...wait...that's Austin 3:16.

Jeremiah 29:11 forebodingly reads: "For I know the plans I have for you,"

declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope

and a future."

JBL Leaving WWE Smackdown Someone who most definitely is leaving WWE,

though, is John Bradshaw Layfield.

"After much consideration, I will be stepping back my weekly role as Smackdown Announcer

to dedicate more continuous time on the work I have done since 2010 with at risk kids and


JBL continues that his new schedule will allow him to remain "a part of the WWE family",

but he'll now mainly be concentrating on his charity work.

Pro Wrestling Sheet report that Bradshaw's departure has been in the works since May,

when JBL told WWE he wouldn't be re-signing when his deal expired.

While this could be completely unrelated, that timeframe fits with his bullying accusation

scandal earlier this year - where Mauro Ranallo left his Smackdown announcer position in March

because of reported clashes between the two.

With Mauro now the lead commentator for NXT, he happily tweeted seemingly in reference

to JBL's departure: "FYI #WeAreNXT 😎🔥#ThatIsAll"

Speaking of NXT, let's all cry over 5 botched NXT call-ups to the main roster!

And we have four moments WWE don't want you to see!

Click the videos to the left to learn more, press subscribe and support WrestleTalk on


I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

For more infomation >> JBL QUITS WWE Smackdown! Sasha Banks UNHAPPY With WWE! | WrestleTalk News Sep. 2017 - Duration: 3:54.


Рабочая связка: брифинги + планирование - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Рабочая связка: брифинги + планирование - Duration: 2:07.


September 23rd, 2017: NASA not confirm NIBIRU-PLANET X prophecy will NOT Convert Earth To An ICEBALL - Duration: 14:31.

September 23rd, 2017 prophecy. The... turn into an ice ball, the poles

the poles are shifting caused by Nibiru, NASA confirmed the existence of the 10th planet

or planet x will collide with the earth.

Hi, I'm Heathcliff and this is Lions Ground. I hope

you have a fantastic day. In this video I talk... ...about the origin of the

Nibiru or Planet X story claims some... made by people on the internet

YouTube and what does the spacecraft... ...organization NASA say about this what is

true what is false and of course last... ...and not least the conclusion the founder

of the tenth planet story is this lady... ...her name is Nancy Lieder from Wisconsin

miss or mrs. leader claims that she was... contact with gray aliens

extraterrestrial beings called Zeta who... ...had implanted a communication device in

her brain according to this lady she... ...speaks on behalf of the Zetas and that

Hill Bob comet is a hoax... ...well the comet Hill Bob was the most

widely observed object of the 20th... ...century however in 1995 she launched her

website "Zeta talk" this woman claims that... ...the comet is a distraction maneuver of

what will come namely Planet X, she... ...announced that Planet X will reach a

position near Planet Earth on May 27... ...2003 the poles will shift and the earth

will suffer severe disturbance nothing... ...happened on May 27th, 2003, and no report

of the tenth planet either

and then mr. Zecharia Sitchin came with book the

12th planet which suggests to ancient... ...civilization called the Sumers or

Sumerians and a clay tablet of 3600 BC... ...will be the lead that ancient

civilization had contact with Anunnaki... his book he claims that the

mysterious planet does a 3,600 year... ...orbit and he claims a 12th planet not the

tenth planet somewhere between 2090 and... ...2370 will destroy our planet or

kill all life on planet Earth.

and the YouTube channel

"Nibiru 2017 Warning" claims that the... ...Earth turns into an ice ball a video of

30 minutes with over two million views... ...that starts with, I quote


It continues with... ...something big is about to happen and

then the conflict between Israel and... ...Palestine. Why I don't know but ok the

video title is "NASA confirm September 23thhhhh... ...2007 has to be 23rd ok is when Nibiru

Planet X will convert earth to an ice... ...ball but he is unable to prove his claim

let alone write English properly but... ...contains only spiritual and religious

statements, conspiracy theories just totally irrelevant to his claim his

claim remains unproven

some claim that Nibiru will pass the... ...planet shifting the poles resulting in

growth on numbers and extreme storms... ...some claim that the planet has passed

our planet in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015... ...2016, ok the poles accorded to them

and if it has been already passed planet... ...Earth the poles have already started to

shift right so we must experience more... ...and extreme storms I pick the year

1980 the year I was born and... ...I've selected five years. 1980 total

storms 11, total hurricanes nine... ...major hurricanes category three

plus two, total fatalities 337... 1981 total storms 12

Total hurricanes seven major hurricanes... ...category three plus three total

fatalities ten. In 1982 total storm 6... ...hurricanes two major hurricanes 1 total

fatalities 29. In 1983 total storms 4... hurricanes three total major

hurricanes 1 total fatalities 22. 1984... storms 13 total hurricanes five

total major hurricanes category three... one and total fatalities 35. In 1985

total storms 11 total hurricanes seven... major hurricanes three and total

fatalities sixty and now from 2011 to... ...2016. 2011 total stores nineteen to total

hurricanes seven total major hurricanes... ...category three plus four and total

fatalities 100. 2012 total storms... ...nineteen hurricanes ten major hurricanes

two and total fatalities 355... ...2013

total storms 14 hurricanes two major... ...hurricanes zero total fatalities 47

total storms in 2014 eight total... ...hurricanes six total major hurricanes

two total fatalities 21, 2015... storms 11 total hurricanes 4

total major hurricanes 2... ...and total fatalities 89, in 2006

total storms 15 total hurricanes seven... ...major hurricanes four total fatalities


total storms, hurricanes major... ...hurricanes of category three plus and

total fatalities have indeed increased a bit but not in a very extreme way people

forgets that the word hurricane ever in our history was

The Great Galveston Hurricane

a category 4 hurricane that... ...killed 8,000 to 12,000 people and did

happened my friend in 1900... ...others in contrast claimed that NASA has

confirmed the existence of the 10th... ...planet this is the moment to continue

what nasa have to say about this

at the beginning of 2016 there was a fake news

website that published an article that... ...NASA had said that Nibiru will cause a

major disaster but in fact NASA has... ...dedicated to this in this publication in

which NASA rejects all claims

my name is David Morrison I'm a NASA space

scientist and I want to talk to you very... ...briefly about Nibiru you know the

simplest thing to say is just that there... no credible evidence whatever for the

existence of Nibiru there are no... there's no tracking there's no

astronomical observations in fact the... ...origin of the name was a little weird

Nibiru was a minor god in the Babylonian... ...Pantheon probably associated with

Jupiter there's no record that they ever... ...thought of it as a planet sometimes we

talk about Planet X but that's a strange... ...term too

because astronomers say Planet X for an... ...object that has not been found a

possible object like Pluto when it was... ...being searched for it was called Planet

X,once it was found it became Pluto... ...I'd really isn't any evidence here to

counter but I can quite specifically say... we know that Nibiru or Planet X does

not exist and does not threaten the... first if there were a planet

headed into the inner solar system that... ...was going to come close to the earth in

December of 2012 it would already be... ...inside the orbit of Mars it would be

bright it would be easily visible to the... ...naked eye if we were up there you could

see it all of us could see it and the... ...crazy thing is people who say they are

observing it but never tell us where to... ...look so we can verify well doesn't take

an astronomer to say that there's no... ...bright object up there that's appeared

in the night sky and is headed for Earth... ...second if Nibiru were real and it were a

planet with a substantial mass then it... ...would already be perturbing the orbits

of Mars and the earth we would see... ...changes in those orbits due to this

rogue object coming into the inner solar... ...system astronomers measure the orbit of

Earth and Mars precisely and frequently... ...and there has been no change whatever

third and perhaps most telling if this... ...object had come through the solar system

in the past and and you remember the... ...idea is it's on an orbit of 3,600 years

if it had come through in the past its... ...gravity would have messed up the orbits

of the inner planets the Earth, Venus... ...Mars probably would have stripped the

moon away completely instead in the... ...inner solar system we see planets with

stable orbits we see the moon going... ...around the earth the very existence of

this stability in the inner solar system... ...proves that no road planet no

interfering object has come through the... ...inner solar system in

least a million years so it's not real... ...Nibiru doesn't exist we can't see it we

can't detect this gravity and we don't... ...see a signature of its previous passing

just because there weren't any now some... ...people change the story around and say

well Nibiru isn't even a planet it's a... ...brown dwarf with planets going around it

or something like that everything... ...I've said would be worse with a massive

object like a brown dwarf that would... ...have been tracked by astronomers for a

decade or more and it would already have... ...really affected planetary orbits so

please get over it Nibiru isn't real... ...Planet X isn't real we don't have to

worry about this HOAX.

not only fake news websites... ...are guilty tabloids publish

stories originating from conspiracy... ...theorists for money of course like

Express who published an article on... ...August 12th with the headline "NASA

confirms Planet X exists but could... ...mythical Nibiru really destroyed earth

next month?" and again on August 31st... ...Nibiru coming Planet X is not alone but

a whole star system claims doom profits

but NASA has indeed found a 10th planet... 2005 nobody mentioning that this

was later named Eris a dwarf planet... ...with our new and improved telescopes you

should not be surprised that more... ...planets are being discovered

so... what

will happen on September 23rd, 2017? -Nothing

only a few planets are aligned a fall... ...begins with the autumnal equinox on

September 22nd an equinox is a moment in... ...which the plane of earth's equator

passes through the center of the sun's... ...disk the equinox marks the onset of

spring with a transition from shorter to... ...longer days for half the planets along

with more direct sunlight as sun rises... ...higher above the horizon in 2017 in

northern hemisphere the spring equinox... ...occurred on March 20th six months later

fall begins with autumnal equinox on... ...September 22nd on May 30th 2015

I published a video about a Dutch man... ...who panicked the Americans with his stupid

theory his name mr. Frank Hoogerbeets he... ...predicted that on May 28th 2015 the

heaviest earthquake in history will take... on the west coast, what happened?


Every year this Nibiru or Planet... ...X story returns and on the Doomsday they

disappear and come back with a new... next year or delete the video in

question and rename the channel... ...conclusion this theory is a money-making

machine it has been shown according to... ...the statistics the numbers the likes

and dislike ratio and the views that... ...people are very convinced with words

they have enough at words they accepted... ...evidence does not matter at all it does

not matter if someone writes like a... ...toddler full of grammatical errors

people take such a person... ...absolutely serious

right we must be seriously worried because if people are able to believe

such youtubers then that group of people... ...can be convinced very easily and that my

friend is very very dangerous now you... ...have been introduced with two parts of

the story what do you think share your... ...thoughts in the comment section below do

you want to support my work become a... ...member of my patreon page the link is

provided in the video description and... the videos next to me to watch

more of my videos I want to thank you... ...thank you from the deepest of my heart

for watching this video your time is really... ...appreciated I'll see you in the next

video that's tomorrow at 3 p.m. Central... ...European Time, i´m Heathcliff

Your host and this is Lions ground

For more infomation >> September 23rd, 2017: NASA not confirm NIBIRU-PLANET X prophecy will NOT Convert Earth To An ICEBALL - Duration: 14:31.


Xiaomi Huami Amazfit BIP - Guida Lingua ITALIANA! Procedimento Traduzione in Italiano! - ITA - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi Huami Amazfit BIP - Guida Lingua ITALIANA! Procedimento Traduzione in Italiano! - ITA - Duration: 11:17.


Женщина добившаяся успеха в МЛМ. Как совместить несовместимое - Duration: 12:48.

For more infomation >> Женщина добившаяся успеха в МЛМ. Как совместить несовместимое - Duration: 12:48.


Balabolka a Google TTS český hlas - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Balabolka a Google TTS český hlas - Duration: 4:54.


10 RIDICULOUS Laws You Won't Believe Exist! - Duration: 11:03.

Everyone knows we need laws to keep us safe. But some laws can be a little crazy

Here are the top 10 most ridiculous state laws, Stay tuned to number one to see why it is impossible to break.

Number 10: Massachusetts, can't sing only half the national anthem.

If you start with "oh say can you see" in Massachusetts,

you'd better remember the rest of the words, because it is illegal to sing only part of the star-spangled Banner.

According to the law, you cannot sing the anthem other than "as a whole and separate composition."

In fact, violators can be fined up to $100.

The same law makes it a crime to play the national anthem as dance music,

which is really too bad because you could imagine the national anthem making a really rockin mix with a Katy Perry song!

The law is listed as a crime against government in the state,

So it was presumably intended to stop people from disrespecting the anthem. Which makes sense, but what if you have a really bad voice?

Honestly for some people...continuing to sing the anthem would be more of a crime against humanity than stoping!

Number 9: Alaska - can't be drunk in a bar

In Alaska, it's not illegal to get drunk in a bar,

But it is against a law to remain there once you are drunk.

And, you can't get around this law by hopping from one bar to another because it's also illegal to enter a bar when you're drunk.

You also can't wait outside and pay someone else to get you a drink because the same law makes it a crime to deliver

alcoholic beverages to a drunk person.

Ok, I think I finally have a way around this. Nope! Still not! You can't even get around the law by owning the bar,

because it's against the same law to serve drinks while drunk!

That clever Alaskan legislature...always one step ahead.

If you have to leave a bar when you're drunk, you might wonder why you'd go there in the first place.

But for us the bigger question is, in a state as cold as Alaska

why would you want to throw the drunk people outside?

If this were really enforced wouldn't it be a safety hazard to have all those drunks wandering around in the snow?

Someone might...pass out on a moose!

Number 8: Colorado - snowball fights are illegal.

Speaking of snow,

Colorado has banned the classic winter pastime of throwing snowballs.

The same law also bans catapults, which definitely seems more reasonable.

But it makes us wonder,

why on Earth are the two grouped together? Is it a slippery slope?

Do Colorado kids start out throwing snowballs and work their way up to siege engines?

We're also not sure how this is enforced.

Do the police round up roving games of eight-year-olds and throw them in the pen?

Do they raid snow Forts and arrest kids just for having piles of ammunition?

Or is there an exemption to owning snowballs for "personal use?" Now, one would think that relying on informants could work,

but it's risky. You know that any kid who testifies is going to get pelted the minute he walks out of court.

All in all, enforcing this law

might not be the best use of Colorado's police resources and our guess is it's pretty far down on the cops list of priorities.

Number 7: Wyoming - no pictures on public land.

Most Ridiculous laws are old ones, but here's a law that was passed as recently as 2015.

It is now a crime in the state of Wyoming to take pictures on public land if those pictures are

"submitted, or intended to be submitted to any agency of the state or federal government."

Apparently there are some

polluted streams in Wyoming, and the state wasn't happy that people were taking pictures of them as evidence that they violated water quality standards.

So they banned the pictures.

Problem solved...right?

Number 6: Rhode Island - must warn drivers when passing.

You probably broke this law if you've driven in Rhode Island. When passing another car, you must give a

timely, audible signal like honking your horn.

Failing to do so could get you an $85 ticket.

Maybe this law dates back from the days when cars were rare,

but, imagine nowadays if everyone honked their horn every time they passed another car.

You couldn't hear yourself drive!

In fact, obeying this law could be dangerous. If you honk your horn at every car you passed, how long before you trigger someone's road rage?

They'd be furious! They'd probably try to run you off the road...the whole time you'd be trying to communicate using hand signals

"I'm not mad at you, I'm just trying to obey this stupid law!" So if you find yourself driving in Rhode Island,

our advice would be...lay off the horn and risk the ticket.

I should also mention that following our legal advice is never recommended,

so you're on your own.

Number 5: New Jersey - can't wear a bulletproof vest when murdering someone.

Now here's a law that goes into the "is that really necessary" bucket.

In New Jersey, it is illegal to wear a bulletproof vest when committing a murder.

While we can all agree that wearing a bulletproof vest while committing a murder is a bad thing,

you would think what's really bad about this is the, you know,

committing a murder part! Not the

Wearing a bulletproof vest part, right? And there are already, you know, laws against murder.

You might think that the idea is that wearing a bulletproof vest shows that someone

expected to get into a gun battle,

so maybe it proves they planed the murder?

But you shouldn't need a special law to use that as evidence for premeditation. And the law also applies to other serious crimes like robbery,

rape, assault, and kidnapping.

This law was probably created just to give the police more to charge a suspect with, but we highly doubt it would impress a jury.

Imagine the prosecutor saying, "not only did this man rape and murder a young woman, but he did it while wearing a bulletproof vest!"

Our not so unexpected legal advice here? Don't commit murder!

Number 4: Oklahoma no bear wrestling or horse tripping.

Say that one 10 times fast!

But this is actually a twofer! The same

Oklahoma law Prohibits both bear wrestling and horse tripping. But, strange enough, no other animal mistreatment is mentioned.

Apparently the tripping of Bears and the wrestling of horses is

completely legal. No, this law is very specific.

It doesn't just make it illegal to promote, engage in, or be employed at a bear wrestling

exhibition or horse tripping event, it also Prohibits giving any substance to a bear,

injecting any substance into a bear, or causing a bear to ingest or inhale any substance for the purpose of bear wrestling.

It's good that they added for the purpose of bear wrestling, though,

I think they wanted to clarify that it's okay to cause your bear to ingest or inhale

substances as long as you don't force them to wrestle afterwards!

Horse tripping is defined as causing an animal of the equine species to fall or lose its balance.

But, the drafters of the law made sure to add that it does not include the

lawful laying down of a horse for medical purposes, or for the purposes of identification.

Clearly bear wrestling and horse tripping were (or are) a real thing in Oklahoma?

So it's not ridiculous to ban them, but... you'd think they could have made the law a little more general. Otherwise,

what's to stop wolf biting and cow lifting from becoming that next big craze?

Number 3: Nevada - can't use x-rays to determine shoe size.

It's a misdemeanor in the state of Nevada to operate or maintain

any shoe fitting device or shoe fitting machine which uses fluoroscopic,

X-Ray or radiation principles. These shoe fitting machines, called pediscopes, were a big thing in the mid 20th century.

Salespeople used them to draw in customers, claiming that the machine would give them the perfect fit!

Customers would try on a shoe, then put their foot in the pediscope.

The idea was that the salesperson could directly see where their toes were inside the shoe.

In reality, the pediscope didn't help that much in determining

shoe size, because shoe size doesn't just depend on your bones,

but know...on the flesh around them. Which the x-Ray didn't show anyway!

And of course it isn't healthy to expose yourself to radiation.

The pediscopes were supposed to have shielding so that the x-Rays only hit the foot,

but there was always leakage and sometimes the shields were removed to improve the image quality, or make the machine lighter. The salespeople

themselves were the most at risk, since they were exposed to radiation many times a day,. But it certainly wasn't healthy for anybody.

Eventually, everybody figured this out and pediscopes went the way of the dodo bird.

But Nevada was way ahead of the curve and banned these machines in 1960. The law is still on the books!

Number 2: Pennsylvania - Can't barter a baby

As far as we know,

Slavery and human trafficking are illegal in the state of Pennsylvania just like everywhere else.

But apparently those laws weren't enough for the Pennsylvania legislature because they enacted a law to ban the trading or

bartering of infants. Here's where we're somewhat confused, though.

We're not sure if the prohibition against trading is meant to cover trading your baby for some concrete good - like a really nice car, or,

if it's meant to stop people from swapping babies with each other. Like, "hey

Johnny's really great with a bottle. I'll trade you him for Suzy and a first-round draft pick!"

But if you do get caught bartering babies in Pennsylvania don't worry too much, because there's a silver lining. It's only a misdemeanor!

Number 1: Washington - no harassing Bigfoot.

Our prize for the most ridiculous law goes to Skamania County, Washington,

where it's against the law to hunt or harass the creature commonly known as sasquatch, yeti,

bigfoot, or...giant hairy ape.

This law was passed in 1969 after a film had come out

supposedly showing the creature. It made killing Bigfoot a felony punishable by five years in prison.

In 1984, Skamania County

realized that the felony charge exceeded its authority, so it reduced the killing of Bigfoot to only be a misdemeanor.

It also updated the ordinance to declare Skamania County a sasquatch refuge.

Now, we have no word on whether it's legal in the county to trap unicorns or steal gold from leprechauns.

Which law did you think was the most ridiculous? Let us know in the comments below!

As always, don't forget to subscribe and, of course, click the links to watch another of our informative videos!

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