Monday, September 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 4 2017

Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №21

For more infomation >> Cоmo cambiar muelles de compresión trasero VOLKSWAGEN T5 INSTRUCCIÓN | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:01.


Ejercicios de Listening en Ingles (CON SUBTÍTULOS) Ver link en la Descripción - Duration: 12:13.

Mi nombre es John. Tengo 16 años. Soy de Londres.

Vivo con mis padres y mis dos hermanas menores.

Estoy a punto de entrar (a la) universidad.

Voy a estudiar Leyes para llegar a ser abogado. Y algún día, quizás, llegar a ser un juez.

Mi nombre es George.

Vivo con mi esposa y mis dos hijas.

Una se llama Susan, y la otra se llama Sandy.

Mi esposa tiene una sobrina que también se llama Sandy.

Ella es la hija de su hermana mayor.

El hermano de mi esposa tiene tres hijos: Un hijo y dos hijas.

Me gusta salir a comer a restoranes.

Regularmente salgo a cenar afuera.

Me encanta la comida japonesa.

También me encanta ir a Cafés a tomar un Espresso y comer un croissant.

Ayer fui al médico.

Hace poco me caí de mi caballo, y tenía miedo de haberme podido quebrar una costilla o dos.

Así que me saqué una radiografía para obtener un diagnóstico profesional.

El doctor no fui ninguna fractura.

Pero pudo ver que la región estaba un poco inflamada.

Así que me recetó un calmante.

Me sorprendí de que no me hubiese recetado un antiinflamatorio, en vez del calmante.

Así que, al final decidí no comprar ningún medicamento.

Anteayer fui a la feria.

Estaba frío, pero tenía que comprar frutas y verduras.

Los tomates estaban demasiado caros.

Por lo tanto, decidí no comprar esta vez.

Pero las zanahorias, las papas/batatas, los boniatos, los puerros y las remolachas estaban particularmente baratos.

Así que compré (un poco).

También compré un kilo de manzanas, dos kilos de peras, y medio kilo de frutillas/fresas.

Gasté menos de mil pesos en total.

El año que viene terminaré la secundaria.

Y el año siguiente entraré a la universidad.

Quiero estudiar economía para ser contador igual que mi padre.

Si termino la universidad en cinco años, me graduaré antes de cumplir veinticuatro.

Pero si tengo que trabajar mientras esté en la universidad, entonces probablemente no termine antes de cumplir veintiséis.

Mañana iré al cine con mi esposa.

Escuché que están pasando un filme nuevo de Woody Allen, y no me lo quiero perder.

El cine queda dentro de un centro comercial.

Así que llegaremos una hora antes, compraremos los boletos, y conseguiremos algo para comer antes de que empiece la película.

El filme no es muy largo.

Sólo los noventa minutos estándares.

La semana que viene es la fiesta de cumpleaños de mi mejor amigo.

Cumplirá 39. (También se dice "He'll turn 39".

Celebrará con toda su familia y con sus amigos más íntimos.

No pretende ser una fiesta muy grande.

Así que la hará en su casa.

Aún no le he comprado un presente.

Mañana saldré de compras para comprarle algo.

Esta mañana me desperté más tarde que de costumbre.

Me dormí y llegué demasiado tarde al trabajo.

Mi jefe me miró con cara de desaprobación.

Me disculpé por llegar tarde, y me senté en mi escritorio.

Cuando abrí mi correo electrónico, mi casilla de entrada ya estaba llena de mensajes nuevos.

Me tomó un par de horas revisar todos mis mensajes nuevos y responder aquellos que lo requerían.

Muy pronto estarán teniendo lugar (desarrollándose) las elecciones presidenciales en los Estados Unidos.

Toda vez que enciendo la TV en la CNN Internacional me recuerda eso.

Para bien o para mal ésta es una instancia "muy" única.

Y no puedo evitar quedar interesado en las noticias políticas, y seguir la carrera (disputa) por la Casa Blanca.

Y, claro, disfruto del hecho de estar escuchando las noticias en inglés.

Podrían/podríais intentarlo ustedes/vosotros mismos alguna vez.

For more infomation >> Ejercicios de Listening en Ingles (CON SUBTÍTULOS) Ver link en la Descripción - Duration: 12:13.


Senado de California aprueba proyecto de ley que protegería a indocumentados en cortes - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Senado de California aprueba proyecto de ley que protegería a indocumentados en cortes - Duration: 2:16.


Noa se duerme sola. Un cuento para que aprenda a dormir - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Noa se duerme sola. Un cuento para que aprenda a dormir - Duration: 0:31.


Débarrassez-vous des pellicules grâce à cette astuce presque gratuite - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Débarrassez-vous des pellicules grâce à cette astuce presque gratuite - Duration: 4:48.


The Last Enemy - Death

For more infomation >> The Last Enemy - Death


Smart Forfour 52 kW Pure Automaat - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Smart Forfour 52 kW Pure Automaat - Duration: 1:00.


Potassium Deficiency Symptoms and How to Prevent It - Duration: 14:04.

Signs You Are Not Getting Enough Potassium.

Potassium is one of the body's most important minerals.

It is present in every cell of the human body.

In fact, it is one of the body's four main electrolytes, along with sodium, magnesium and calcium.

Being an electrolyte, potassium helps maintain a proper water balance in the body as well as regulate blood pressure.

It also plays a role in the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates.

In addition, this important mineral is needed for muscle strength, nerve functioning, proper digestion and a healthy cardiovascular system.

Here are the top 10 signs and symptoms that you are not getting enough potassium.

1. Muscle Cramps

Frequent muscle cramps, whether during the day or night, is a very common sign of a potassium deficiency.

Cramping in the legs, feet and arms is common.

Potassium is one of the electrolytes found in all body cells, including muscle and nerve cells.

It works with sodium to maintain your cells' electrical charges, which control muscle contractions and functioning.

When this mineral is low in the body, the cells do not send or receive the proper electrical signals to control muscle contractions.

This in turn increases the chance of suffering from frequent muscle cramps.

The cramps can last from a few seconds to minutes.

As significant fluid loss from profuse sweating may cause low levels of potassium,

it is important to replenish your body's potassium after exercise.

If you experience cramps on a regular basis, make an appointment with your doctor.

2. Muscle Weakness and Damage.

A low potassium level can have a huge impact on your muscle health.

It can impair the function of muscle cells as well as damage the muscles.

This leads to profound weakness and muscle stiffness, aching and tenderness.

Also, potassium is needed for healing the muscles on a cellular level.

Hence, there may also be an increase in muscle tearing or straining with little or no effort.

If your muscles feel weak and tired for no apparent reason, you need to get your potassium level checked.

3. General Fatigue

Another common symptom of low potassium is a general feeling of fatigue.

This kind of fatigue is not due to overexertion or overworking.In fact, the feeling of fatigue and tiredness has no

explainable reason.

Every cell in the body needs the right amount of potassium to function,

and an inadequate amount of this mineral can affect the functioning of cells as well as organs.

Thus, a deficiency of this mineral can lead to fatigue and general weakness.

You may have to put a little extra effort into performing your regular daily activities if your potassium level is low.

As fatigue can be due to several health problems,

it's best to consult with your doctor to find out the exact cause.

4. Tingling Sensations

Potassium is important for the health of your nerves.

A low level of this mineral can affect the electrical impulses that pass from the skin and muscles to the spinal cord and brain.

This can lead to a loss of sensation along the outer extremities,

resulting in the tingling sensations.

Usually, this tingling sensation is noticed in the fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms and legs.

Low potassium may also contribute to muscle twitching.

If you experience tingling sensations in your arms and legs, along with other symptoms mentioned here,

there is a strong possibility that you are low in potassium.

A simple blood test can confirm this.

5. Heart Palpitations

A potassium deficiency can also affect your heart health.

It can cause an irregular heartbeat rhythm and heart palpitations for no apparent reason at all.

Low potassium can disrupt the rhythmic, coordinated contractions of the heart that are controlled by electrical impulses.

On the other hand, an adequate amount of potassium in the body helps protect your heart from heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

No matter what, if you are experiencing heart palpitations,

it is important to see a doctor.

The cause behind heart palpitations needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

6. Mental or Emotional Issues

Potassium is important for mental health and brain function.

It helps maintain the electrical conductivity of the brain and nerve transmissions.

Plus, it plays a key role in transporting serotonin,

a neurotransmitter that promotes feelings of well-being and happiness.

This is why a low potassium level can contribute to confusion, mood swings, depression, hallucinations and delirium.

A 1992 article published in Neuropsychobiology reported a relationship between sodium, magnesium and potassium in depressed


Another 2009 study published in General Hospital Psychiatry reports that hypokalemia can result in depression.

7. Constipation

The mineral potassium is important for the digestive system,

which is made of smooth muscles that contract rhythmically to aid digestion of food.

Low blood levels of potassium can disrupt the functions of the involuntary muscles of the stomach and intestines.

Proper functioning of these muscles is needed for digestion, absorption and metabolism to occur.

Poor functioning can lead to constipation.

Apart from constipation,

there may also be symptoms like abdominal bloating, pain and cramping. As constipation can be caused by a number of problems,

talk with your doctor to rule out the possibility of a nutritional deficiency such as potassium.

8. High Blood Pressure

Potassium helps relax blood vessels,

and without enough of it, they can become constricted, which causes blood pressure to rise.

Potassium also balances out the negative effects of sodium.

When potassium is low, the balance of sodium in the body gets disturbed. This can also affect your blood pressure.

A 2008 study published in the American Society of Nephrology reports that low

levels of potassium in the diet may be as important as high levels of sodium,

especially among African Americans who suffer from high blood pressure.

According to this study, the relationship between low potassium and high blood pressure remained significant even when age,

race and other cardiovascular risk factors (high cholesterol,

diabetes and smoking) were taken into account.

Apart from low potassium and high sodium intake, many other factors contribute to high blood pressure.

Hence, it is best to have your doctor determine what is causing the problem.

Very low levels of potassium,

however, may lead to low blood pressure and fainting.

Tips to correct a potassium deficiency

1, The best solution is to get this mineral from natural fruits.

Some of the best sources are bananas, avocados, strawberries, oranges, mangoes, kiwis, apricots and dates.

2, Vegetables high in beta-carotene also contain a good amount of potassium.

Some examples are carrots, sweet potatoes,

spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard and red peppers.

3, Fish, such as sardines and salmon, also contain plenty of this mineral.

4, Gradually include more potassium-rich foods in your diet each day until you are getting the recommended amount.

It is best not to try to compensate for a potassium shortage all in one day.

5, If you opt to take a supplement, always consult your doctor first.

6, When your potassium level is low,

avoid long, strenuous physical activities to prevent further loss of potassium through sweating.

7, To fight this mineral deficiency, it is important to address the cause,

such as improving your diet, treating diarrhea or consulting your doctor if a medication is at the root of the problem.

8, Too much potassium is also not good for your health,

especially for the kidneys.

People suffering from diabetes or heart failure are more at risk of developing this problem.

The recommended daily amount of potassium is : 3.000 mg per day for ages 1 to 3,

3.800 mg per day for ages 4 to 8, 4.500 mg per day for ages 9 to 13,

4.700 mg per day for ages 14 and older, 5.100 for women who are breastfeeding.

For more infomation >> Potassium Deficiency Symptoms and How to Prevent It - Duration: 14:04.


Áo sơ mi công sở nam dài tay caro thanh lịch giá rẻ - Giảm giá 33% - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Áo sơ mi công sở nam dài tay caro thanh lịch giá rẻ - Giảm giá 33% - Duration: 2:09.


Spotify® RapCaviar

For more infomation >> Spotify® RapCaviar


125.000 medlemmer i Det Faglige Hus - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> 125.000 medlemmer i Det Faglige Hus - Duration: 0:52.


An history of French Tuba - Episode I "The Ophicléide" (Corbin - Teutatès, Fantaisie Mystique) - Duration: 7:44.

Good evening and welcome to this concert "An History of French Tuba"

All the program will be around the history of Bass saxhorn

But you will also discover the low brass instruments used in France at the and of the XIX century and at the beginig of the XX century.

The saxhorn is a brass instrument invented by Adolph Sax in 1843

Adolph sax was a belgian brass maker who arrived in Paris in 1940

Hector Berlioz was a really good support of Sax, and he ask him to lay his factory in Paris.

Sax begin to impose his instruments in french military bands.

Those instruments was much in tune and much powerful and really much adapted to outdoor music.

To impose his instruments, Sax will be facing to Carafa, who was the director of the music military school.

A competition will be organise between an orchestra composed of Sax instruments, and an other composed with old instruments.

Sax win this competition, and all his instruments will be included on the french military bands.

Now I will present you the Ophicléide, an instrument who was the ancestor of the bass saxhorn in the old military bands.

This instrument was also used in symphonic orchestras

Berlioz make him famous with the "Dies Irae" of the Fantastic Symphony.

Now we are going to perform "Teutatès" by Albert Corbin

A mystic fantasy for cornet, ophicléide and piano.

For more infomation >> An history of French Tuba - Episode I "The Ophicléide" (Corbin - Teutatès, Fantaisie Mystique) - Duration: 7:44.


Mazda 6 1.8i Touring RIJKLAAR! MOOIE AUTO! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mazda 6 1.8i Touring RIJKLAAR! MOOIE AUTO! - Duration: 1:00.


Huawei Watch 2 I Dreiland testet - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Huawei Watch 2 I Dreiland testet - Duration: 2:54.


Danganronpa V3: True Ending Part 2 New English Subtitles (Turn On Captions) - Duration: 15:20.


This killing game will bring despair to the outside world! / There is nothing but (despair) waiting for you outside / .................

Just stay here and you won't have to face the (despair) of the outside world / DANGANRONPA! / ................

............. / You don't have to choose (despair)! / The outside world absolutely loves it.

Please choose hope and don't give into (despair) / THEY WILL BE VERY MAD IF IT ENDS THIS WAY! / ................

................ / Choosing (despair) won't give you the ending you want! / AFTER ALL IT HAS GONE ON FOR 53 INSTALLMENTS!

............. / PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR OFFICIAL WEBPAGE / Choosing (despair) will only give you a bad ending.

That's right! No matter what this story is going to end in despair!

I won't allow this to happen! I will break all of this despair!

I have to be serious! I can't allow even one of them to slip through!

I will save everyone!

This killing game will bring despair to the outside world! / There is nothing but (despair) waiting for you in the outside world / .................

Just stay here and you won't have to face the (despair) of the outside world / DANGANRONPA! / ................

............. / You don't have to choose (despair)! / The outside world absolutely loves it.

Please choose hope and don't give into (despair) / THEY WILL BE VERY MAD IF IT ENDS THIS WAY! / ................

................ / Choosing (despair) won't give you the ending you want! / AFTER ALL IT HAS GONE ON FOR 53 INSTALLMENTS!

............. / PLEASE CHECK OUT OUR OFFICIAL WEBPAGE! / Choosing (despair) will only give you a bad ending.

Hope will keep moving forward!

I refuse to give up! No matter what happens I will believe in hope!

What? You aren't going to give up yet?

You must give up hope, unless you choose to sacrifice someone else.

... I will sacrifice myself.

... Huh?

If Kiibo and I are sacrificed then Saihara and Yumeno can survive, can't they?

This crappy killing game ... they can survive it, right?

Harukawa ... San?

After hearing Kiibo's decision ... I decided.

I don't want this killing game to end in despair. That sounds ... horrible.

Even if that is exactly what I want? It seems that you succumbed just like Momota-Kun.

Even if ... I have to die, That is the choice I will make.

Even if I have to sacrifice my life to do it. I will kill you right here ...!

Sacrifice, to kill her ...?

Hold on, Harukawa-San ...!

I'm sorry ... I have already decided.

Well, what happens ... Where do we go? Will Saihara and I even survive in the outside world?

Well, how do you plan to get into the outside world? How many times have I told you? There is no point.

No, the outside world will definitely support you if you choose this ending.

Im sure of it, You will find hope out there.

... We won't choose hope.


I reject this hope!

I ... will not accept this ...

I refuse to agree with this hope!

Saihara-Kun ... what are you doing?

This hope ... I can not accept it ...

I reject this hope!


I can't go on because of hope.

Hope is what is causing me to suffer.

Shirogane-San is making us suffer ...

because of hope.

That's why I believe that hope is the wrong choice!

Shirogane-San is making us suffer for the sake of hope.

What do you mean by that?

The reason this killing game has had 53 installments ...

It's all because of hope.

The outside world demands hope.

They want to see hope beat despair.

Just like at Hope's Peak Academy.

That's why, if we accept hope ...

We would just be doing what the outside world wants!

If that happens then the killing game won't end!

It would be better to fall into despair!

Saihara-Kun ... why ...? Is this the influence of despair? Or maybe it's ...

The reason this killing game has had 53 installments ...

It's all because of hope.

The outside world demands hope.

They want to see hope beat despair.

Just like at Hope's Peak Academy.

That's why, if we accept hope ...

We would just be doing what the outside world wants!

If that happens then the killing game won't end!

It would be better to fall into despair!

I will cut through those words!

Despair will take everything from people! Even if it has to be taken by force ...!

So, despair can't possibly be the right choice!

Surely people in the outside world feel the same way. That's why I refuse to choose hope.


Even if this hope is just fiction, everyone wants to receive courage from this hope ...

The killing game continues because hope is the critical part of it's story.

And until hope loses they will keep ignoring the tragedy!

Saihara-Kun , that's ...

Well we have to start the voting time soon!

... Huh?

It's time for the final vote! The final battle between hope and despair! All of you have to vote!

It's time for the final vote! The final battle between hope and despair! All of you have to vote!

It's time for the final vote! The final battle between hope and despair! All of you have to vote!

It's time for the final vote! The final battle between hope and despair! All of you have to vote!

Please, Wait a moment! We haven't finished discussing yet!

... Please let me finish. I really want to ask something before we vote.

... What do you want to ask?

If hope wins and Harukawa-San and Kiibo die ...

Shirogane-San would be the one losing right?

How do you plan to execute them? Tell me about the executions you have planned.

Why do you ask? You never asked about the punishments before did you?

That isn't the problem! The execution isn't the problem right now.

No, that is a problem! Because, if the method of execution is what I think it is ...

I'll accept it

There is no reason for Amami-Kun who survived in a previous killing game to come back to another one.

Amami ... Kun? Why ... are you bringing him up so suddenly?

That question will be answered by Kiibo-Kun himself.

M - Me?

If you are connected to the outside world, then I want them to speak to you.

The last game ...

The reason why Amami-Kun who previously survived a killing game participated in another killing game ...

The punishment that is prepared ...

What is the final punishment ... 1. Be executed 2. Join the next killing game.

It's ...! To make us join the next killing game isn't it!?

... Huh?

Yeah, I think that's it.

The rule after surviving in a killing game is too take part in another one.

That was the meaning, of Amami-Kun's words.

Because you survived in the previous killing game, you can't just leave.

... you must do it again.

In the previous killing game ,there was a similar situation and Amami-Kun was pressed to make the same choice.

Then, he choose himself to be sacrificed, and as a result he was forced to participate in another killing game.

In other words, if we choose hope here, the killing game will not end.

Shirogane-San will be the mastermind again, and Kiibo will be the user interface again

And, Harukawa-San will become "The NEW Super High School Level Survivor" and the next game will begin.

Therefore, even if hope wins, this killing game will not end.

No, the killing game will continue, because of hope's victory!

Because people in the outside world desire hope!

Because in their eyes, hope winning is a happy ending.

That's why this killing game has lasted for 53 seasons!

If hope wins ... the killing game will continue?

So, I reject hope.

Well then, do you choose despair? Do you want this killing game to end with despair?

... How boring.

I guess that might work as well. The viewers who love despair seem to be happy.

After all, even if despair wins, this killing game will not end.

Well, then hope ... must continue to win.

Surely, if you continue to appeal to hope, this killing game will have to end someday!

It will not end! This killing game will only continue to repeat itself!

If that's true ... then what should we do !?

Like I said earlier, when Harukawa-San said that she would become a sacrifice, I thought ...

Why ... have we needed to sacrifice our friends up until now ...

Why ... do I have to go through the same sorrow I felt when I lost Akamatsu-San or Momota-Kun

Why ... do we have to go through those feelings again ...

Why ... Do we have to go through so much pain ...

No matter how much the outside world wants it, I don't want to have these feelings anymore!

I don't want anyone to feel this way!

Even though this world is just fiction ... even though we are just fiction ...

Our feelings ... are real!

The sorrow from losing a friend is real!

I will not allow this killing game to continue messing with our lives. Even if the outside world wants that ...

I deny the world it's desires! I will fight against the world by showing them our sorrow and pain!

Fight against ... the outside world ...?

Something like that ... no matter what you say it's meaningless.

When a fictional character wants something, the outside world only sees their desires as fiction!

Then I will fight against the outside world using fiction.

Using fiction ... what do you mean by that?

I will, give up on this vote!

... Give up on the vote?

But, Monokuma always said that you would be killed as a punishment if you didn't vote!

Yeah, I know ... that's why I want you to give up your vote as well.

Neither hope or despair will be chosen, if the characters give up the vote and end it.

The outside world does not want such a indifferent result.

So, I will give up the vote! I will choose an ending that the outside world doesn't want!

I will not vote with Kiibo or Shirogane-San!

Both hope and despair ... I reject them!

With hope ... the killing game will not stop?

But even then, I feel like i'm hoping for hope ...

What ... should I choose?


This killing game is over!

It's not over yet!

If Danganronpa comes to an end ...

Then I won't have a job!

Even if i'm just fiction ...

My feelings are real!

You clearly don't understand ...

This game can't end without you choosing an ending!

Don't you see that not making a choice will only lead to despair!?

I reject both hope and despair!

I deny the world an ending!

I refuse to make a choice!

This game won't end in hope or despair!

You won't have a future if you don't make a choice!

Hope can only be achieved by making a choice!

I can't give up hope ... I know that.

But if that hope will just lead to people asking for more tragedies ...

... What ... should I do ...

This killing game is over!

It's not over yet!

If Danganronpa comes to an end ...

Then I won't have a job!

Even if i'm just fiction ...

My feelings are real!

You clearly don't understand ...

This game can't end without you choosing an ending!

Don't you see that not making a choice will only lead to despair!?

I reject both hope and despair!

I deny the world an ending!

I refuse to make a choice!

This game won't end in hope or despair!

You won't have a future if you don't make a choice!

Hope can only be achieved by making a choice!

Even so, We should put an end to this Hope!

For more infomation >> Danganronpa V3: True Ending Part 2 New English Subtitles (Turn On Captions) - Duration: 15:20.


'Fat' Sanchez slammed by former Chile coach for losing match fitness during Arsenal transfer - Duration: 3:59.

'Fat' Alexis Sanchez slammed by former Chile coach for losing match fitness during Arsenal transfer saga

ARSENAL star Alexis Sanchez has been criticised for being fatter than normal by former Chile Under-20 boss Jose Sulantay.

The 28-year-old – recently in action for the Copa America champions against Paraguay – was slammed after his country lost 3-0 in a World Cup qualifier on Thursday. Former Chile Under-20 manager Jose Sulantay has slammed Alexis Sanchez for being too fat.

The Arsenal forward couldnt inspire Chile in their World Cup qualifier against Paraguay, as they lost 3-0.

Sanchez failed to inspire his team-mates as they were humbled by Francisco Arces side at home – leaving their hopes of qualifying for Russia in the balance.

Chile currently sit in fourth spot – the final automatic qualifying place in the South American Preliminary Competition for the 2018 World Cup – with the fifth-placed side facing an Oceanic country in a play-off.

In an enthralling group, only five points separate Colombia in second to Ecuador in eighth – Argentina currently occupy fifth spot.

The danger of missing out has led Sulantay – now in charge of Chilean second-tier side Cobreloa – to hit out at the ex-Barcelona ace. He told La Cuarta: I saw him gone, I saw him out of physical shape, totally.

Hes fatter than normal.

The 28-year-old didnt have much luck against the South American country, hours after seeing a move to Manchester City fall through.

Alexis Sanchez has been labelled as being fatter than normal and not match-fit.

The former Barcelona man has just one year left on his deal at the Emirates. Without his spark, he never left that Paraguayan defence behind. He never made a diagonal run, it was something else. It was not Alexis.

This can bring you problems later, the statements of wanting to leave. The team-mates must have felt nothing for him..

Sanchez saw a £60million move to Manchester City fall through on Deadline Day, as the Gunners failed in a £92m approach to lure Thomas Lemar away from Monaco.

The two-time FA Cup winner reportedly told all his Chile team-mates he was joining the Citizens, but his future still lies at the Emirates.

It remains to be seen whether Arsene Wenger will select him in his starting XI when Arsenal face Bournemouth next Saturday.   Watch Alexis Sanchez's best bits for Arsenal as he nears massive move to Manchester City.

For more infomation >> 'Fat' Sanchez slammed by former Chile coach for losing match fitness during Arsenal transfer - Duration: 3:59.


Coffee & Updates, A Diary Vlog - Duration: 1:53.

I haven't been making videos in a while.

My main camera, my Sony 6500 was at the repair center, and my smaller camera, my Sony 5100 has

water damage, which incidentally makes nicely looking blurry clips.

I feel sort of tested by the universe when I put lots of energy on something and I'm

then forced to put it aside for a while.

It is quite a challenge to build a YouTube channel.

It's a very very slow process for most and you need to stick to it like crazy glue.

I just reached 100 subscribers last week and I'm super graceful... haha... grateful for it.

It's a very insignificant number for many, but for me it's not.

If I think of 100 people gathered in my living room, I mean it makes quite a nice party,

doesn't it?

Last weekend Nicole and I flew to Bratislava for a few days, my first trip to Slovakia

and hopefully this is for another diary vlog.

I've got a bunch of nice castle shots to share!

And a bunch of notes from my little black book.

I hope you're well, wherever you are, I thank you so much for watching and supporting me by subscribing to this channel. And as the Fall slowly slips in,

I'm making escape plans for the winter. So, speak soon!

For more infomation >> Coffee & Updates, A Diary Vlog - Duration: 1:53.


Vanity - How to Clean a Vanity - Duration: 7:27.

Hi there, I'm Angela Brown and this is, Ask A House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question

and I get to help you find an answer.

Well really, it's not just me, it's me and all of my colleagues,

I'm connected to the best and the brightest minds in the house cleaning industry,

and if I don't have an answer to your question, I know where to go get it. Yay!

Okay, so today's question comes from a house cleaner who wants to know,

"Every time I go to a customer's house, am I supposed to clean the bathroom vanity

and all of the stuff that's next to the bathroom sink?

Am I supposed to be wiping down all those jars of perfume

and soap dishes and toothbrush holders and all that stuff?

Is that my job or am I just supposed to clean the vanity and leave all the other stuff as is?"

All right, here's the answer to your question.

The bathroom vanity is one of the places that is most used in the house,

And so it is a hot spot. And it is a key area that you want to focus on every single time you clean a house.

Now if you rotate chores throughout the house, you still want to clean the bathroom vanity

every single time, because people spend a lot of time there every day, brushing their

teeth, shaving, putting on their makeup, whatever, this is their space, okay?

So you want to spend a lot of time and make sure you get this space right.

You're going to start at the top of the room and you're going to make sure there are no cobwebs.

Get the cobwebs down first, we're going to work from the top all the way down.

Having said that, people look up at the lights, so if there's hairspray on the lights, if

there's dust on the lights, you want to clean all of that as well.

You can do that with a Swiffer Duster, maybe you need to get up on there and you need to

wipe them down manually, I don't know.

Once they're clean, you can go ahead and just maintain them with a duster, but you want

to make sure that the lights and the light fixtures are free of dust and cobwebs, because

while people are brushing their teeth, that's where they're looking.

All right, now moving on down, there's a great big mirror in front of the vanity.

What is on the mirror?

A lot of people have little Post-it Notes with reminders on there, or they have little

sayings that you might see on a Pinterest board that will say like, "Love, Friendship

and Happiness."

If that decal is on the mirror, and it is intended to be on the mirror, clean around

it and don't mess with it. But if they've tried to pick it off and half of it is already

picked off, you want to go ahead and finish that project.

This you'll do with a razor, now if you're using a razor on a mirror, and we use lots

of razors on mirrors, but you want to make sure that if you're using a razor on a mirror,

it's because you're scraping off toothpaste flecks, or you're scraping off decals or sticky

notes or tape or something that has been on the glass.

Before you use a razor on a mirror, you want to make sure that the razor is wet and the

mirror is wet, because if you take a dry razor and you scrape it across that glass, there's

a tendency that you're going to scrape or scratch the mirror.

You want the mirror and your razor blade to be wet. And that way you can just spray a

little something on there, let it soak for a second, scrape it off with your razor, and

it comes right off. Then you can go ahead and wipe the rest of the window down.

When you are cleaning the mirror you want to go in the "S" pattern, right?

We've discovered this is a speed cleaning technique.

We don't want to wash the mirror in a circle, because if we wash it in a circle, when we

come back around, the part that we just wiped, we're now bringing the dirty stuff from below,

to the top.

We want to start at the top, and we want to go in an "S" shaped pattern all the way down

the mirror, that way we're wiping everything and we're not backtracking over any area we

just cleaned.

Instead of spraying stuff on the mirror, spray it on your rag, because if you spray it on

the mirror, stuff is going to fall below, and then it's going to get on all the stuff

that's below.

We don't want to have to duplicate our work. So spray it on the rag, wipe the mirror down,

and once the mirror is clean, now you're at the vanity.

Okay, so what is on the vanity?

There's lots of stuff on the vanity.

Everything from perfumes to hairsprays to makeup, there's going to be toothbrushes,

razors, contact solution, whatever it is that people use.

You want to make sure that if it's a His and Hers vanity, that you keep their stuff separate.

There are two people that use this vanity, and if it's a His and Hers, make sure that

the stuff is separate.

Okay, the secret to how to do everything, my secret is, scoop it all in a pile.

Just scoop it all in a pile so that you can clean the areas that you can clean.

Then you're going to put stuff back.

Put stuff back in an organized fashion so that it's easy to find.

All the deodorants go together, all of the eye solutions or eye drops or contact solutions,

all that stuff goes together.

All of the toothbrush stuff goes together, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toothpicks, dental

floss, whatever it is, they all go together.

You want the area underneath all this stuff to be clean, and if there's dust and there's

gunk and stickiness and toothpaste on these items, yeah, you want to wipe them down.

It doesn't take a long time, but you'll need a wet damp cloth, just run over the tops of

them really quickly, stack them back.

You're already going to pick them up to stack them in order right?

So as you pick them up, wipe them down really quickly, and go quickly, don't be stopping

to smell the perfumes and to be reading the labels on what's on the toothpaste and,

"I wonder, this is sensitive toothpaste, I wonder if this customer has sensitive teeth?"

Don't do any of these things, just go quickly, quickly about your business.

Wipe the stuff down, put it back in an organized fashion.

After you've cleaned the handles of the faucets, then you want to clean out the basin of the

sink, and you want to clean the fronts of the cupboards, that the vanity is sitting on.

Now if there's really sticky stuff, lots of times people have toothpaste or soap on their

hands, and they open the drawers, and there's all kinds of junk, this you will use a white

rag with some dishwashing soap.

That's going to cut all the grease, all the gunk, all the fingerprints, everything off

the front of the cupboards, and it's not going to harm the wood.

So you're going to use a wet rag with dishwashing soap for the front of the cupboards, and then

you're going to dry them with a dry rag.

While you're on your knees and you're down there working on the cupboards, you want to

take your rag and go all the way around all the baseboards

and that area underneath the cupboards.

That's a big hotspot for cobwebs and spider webs, because they hide up underneath that

cupboard ledge, so you want to wipe all that down, and then because hair falls, toothpaste

falls, hairspray falls, you want to get that floorboard area around it before you mop the floor.

That is the whole process, from top all the way to the floor for that vanity area.

It's a whole process, and like I said, you want to do it every single cleaning.

You do not want to skip and just say, "Well I did that last time."

Do it every single time, because that's where your customer spends a significant amount

of time, every single day.

And that my friend, is how you do a bathroom vanity.

Alrighty, and so until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> Vanity - How to Clean a Vanity - Duration: 7:27.


Ballet in 45 years | Dreams are doomed to come true | Little happy stories | LazyLady - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Ballet in 45 years | Dreams are doomed to come true | Little happy stories | LazyLady - Duration: 5:02.


Mandarrin II: Class President - Duration: 2:06.

Hello, everyone! My name is 林诗荣.

I would like to be your class president this year.

I am sixteen years old this year, and am in 12th grade.

When I'm not at school, I'm in my room doing homework, or playing my piano.

I think I can be your president for different reasons.

I want to fairly enforce class rules, and make learning more fun for all of you.

I will listen to your word, and act upon it as much as I can.

I also have leadership experience.

I take care of two little brothers everyday...

And I am also this year's President for Key Club!

I hope you all help my goal for being President.

I promise I will not disappoint!

For more infomation >> Mandarrin II: Class President - Duration: 2:06.


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Use a socket №21 and a combination spanner №21

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