Sunday, September 3, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 4 2017

oh man, oh man, not again.

i learn the uppercut from tyson so you never hook,

i learn the uppercut from money so you never hook,

too slow for niggas that they know that i will never shook,

check out my info and they say that i'ma roots from Brook.

i learn the hard way so you know that i will never broke,

i learn the healthy way so you know that i never look,

i learn my way so now you know that i aint do with coke,

thats why my money stay my side and aint fucking broke.

you wanna champagne for the pain but you will never gain,

these phony niggas dont know that they easily getting slain,

and now i back to back for these niggas who cope my lane,

and now my niggas come at me and said i fuck you drake.

i'll be the better for my side and for my older lane,

i'll be the better for the niggas who were love me mayne,

i love the UK but you never be united man, cause now they know that you will be my fucking

victim man.

i will never be the motherfucker lower man, cause you know now the shit will change in

my own fucking lane, and now you think you can flow with the blueprint,

my niggas dont you ever think about release date.

oh man, oh man, not again,

oh man, oh man, you shaking,

oh man, oh man, not again,

not again.

you'll be the bottle at the bottom and i'll be top,

and you be landed and keep falling cause you fucking flop,

and then you looking at me as i'm on the fucking top,

i dont care what the fuck you said about your fucking facts.

i rather died than listen any shit you talk about,

cause i finessing that shit never true for sure again,

or even not the certifying shit about me, that you dont know if its was true but you

dont know me.

i rather listen to economy than hear to you, cause i don't have a fucking ear when it came

to you, i give a fuck about your fall and not your

fucking top, cause man already know what you gon' be if

you're top.

maybe the mumble even titled make a sense a bit,

but in the song niggas aint talk about what you gon' did,

and now the title doesn't make of any fucking sense,

cause you aint talking about what you want to but aint a bit.

i will never be the motherfucker lower man, cause you know now the shit will change in

my own fucking lane, and now you think you can flow with the blueprint,

my niggas dont you ever think about release date.

oh man, oh man, you fuck again.

For more infomation >> Back To Back (Shibi Remix) - Duration: 3:09.


Testing OCG | Vullet Dragons Deck (SEPTEMBER/ Septiembre 2017) [Duels & Decklist] (Yu-Gi-Oh) - Duration: 13:16.

Presented by El Exordio del Duelista

Testing OCG | Vullet Dragon (SEPTEMBER) 2017

The call of the Vullet Dragons will awake the big Dragon!

DECK STATS (Vullet Dragons Deck) Offensive 7 | Defense 5 | Consistency 6 | Versatility 7 | Recovery 7

TESTING RESULTS: First 10 Duels with the final version of the Deck 60% Win Ratio | 3/10 Dead Hands


Deck TYPE: Beatdown: Type of Decks focused on the offensive. It mainly way to win is summoning Monsters

with Hight ATK to make a lot of damage quickly.

FINAL SCORE: 6.4 | Average!

OBSERVATIONS: Positive Aspects - Borreload Dragon is an incredible Boss Monster that helps you to make offensive plays and make Control.

- Excellent synergy with Destrudo, the Dead Drake - Quick Revolve gives to the Deck many ways to make new plays.

- The effect of Summon a new Vullet when one of your Vullets was destroyed gives to the Deck good Recovery.

OBSERVATIONS: Negative Aspects - Without Inferno Reckless Summon is difficult to Summon Borreload Dragon.

- The cost of Half your Life Point to summon Destrudo, could be dangerous for long Duels.

- The Deck is too vulnerable to Kaijus and destruction cards like Dark Hole and Raigeki.

KEY CARDS#1: Quick Revolve Main way to summon our Vullet Dragons from the Deck.

Helps the Deck to make offensive and defensive plays with your Vullets wasting no resources.

KEY CARDS#2: Inferno Reckless Summon Helps you to summon enough Monsters with 1500 ATK or less to Summon quickly Borreload Dragon

KEY CARDS#3: Destrudo, the Dead Drake of Dread Improves the Versatility of the Deck helping you to summon Level 7 Synchros and gives you an additional

Material to summon any Link Monster do you like.

Support Cards: White Dragon Wyverburster | Supply Squad | Torrential Tribute

What do you think about the Vullet Deck? Let us your opinion in the comments!

Thanks for watching! Don't forget to leave a comment, like the video an share it with a friend and subscribe!

For more infomation >> Testing OCG | Vullet Dragons Deck (SEPTEMBER/ Septiembre 2017) [Duels & Decklist] (Yu-Gi-Oh) - Duration: 13:16.


$4.25 Survey Available Now

For more infomation >> $4.25 Survey Available Now


99 Carla u. Susanne - Duration: 25:07.

I'm going to draw a nice hot bath for you, all right?

Carla, I'm afraid I can't come up with you tonight

Why not?

Lisa is... all torn up because of her break up with Andi, and I have to be attentive to her

I understand

Can you actually still drive? You're really tired.

Oh, sure, I'll be fine. I really have to get to Lisa.

Well then, go for it, you hover mother. I hope I'M not that way once the baby's here.

It could happen

All right,... then go, and call me when you get there. I don't wanna have to be worrying about you all night.

Is that all I get?

This situation with Lisa seems to have really afflicted you

== Or is it something else? == No. No, there's really nothing!

I'm just tired

All right. Drive carefully. Bye.


== Lars, what are you doing there? == I'm... uh... helping out.

== Uh, am I getting another ale sometime today? == Oh, of course, sorry! Coming right away.


== I'll clean the tables. == Uh, what,'re going to help me?

Don't ask questions. Serve!


== Sorry, I totally spaced about my shift! == Well, finally.

== But now I can take over again. == Here. == Then go for it.

== Table 4. == Thank you.

== We aren't needed here anymore. == No.

== But as long as you're still manning the fountain, can you give me some water? == Yeah, sure.

Thanks for helping me


== I have to go. == Wait!

Susanne, we...

Lars, not now and not here

But the kiss wasn't just some one-off thing, at least not for me! And I don't believe it was for you either.

I was longing for closeness. I'm sorry if I took advantage of your feelings.

But I love Carla! And ONLY Carla.

I think you're deceiving yourself

== Who's deceiving whom here? Hello. == Hello.

Uh, I was just telling Lars that I've gotten much better at inline skating. Much better than you even!

== Right. == I hardly think so. At the moment, perhaps. But otherwise?

You see? And Lars thinks the same thing.

When can I finally take this thing off?!

Just a minute. So...

What have I done to deserve this?

I've given some thought to last night

'Last night'? What do you mean?

I know why you went home


I've been under so much stress lately, a few things have fallen through the cracks

== Oh it's nothing. == It's no wonder if you think I'm neglecting you.

== No, I really mean it. It's all right. == It's not. I want you to know how much I love you.

Which is why I've taken the whole day off today...

== ... and am going to treat you to whatever your heart des-- == No.

You aren't happy about that?

Carla, I have to tell you something

Lars and I kissed each other

You did what?!

It was a fluke situation

Paul had just left for France, and only one day before I'd thought he was going to be staying here, and I--

== And so you thought if you kissed Lars, then everything would be okay again. == I DIDN'T kiss him!

== Did he kiss YOU? == No!

Somehow it stemmed from both of us

And? Did you enjoy it?

== What? == What do you mean 'what'! His kissing you! Did you feel anything?!

Of course not! What do you think?

I have no idea WHAT I'm supposed to think

I felt so abandoned! Paul had just left, and you had no time on account of all your meetings...

== And all I felt like doing was crying! == Don't you think I felt guilty, too, because I wasn't able to be there for you?!

Lars was trying to cheer me up. We went for a walk, we... we ate waffle cones.

It was just a one-time thing

I promise you, it won't ever happen again

I believe we're going to have to finish talking another time. I have something I urgently need to take care of for the auction.

You're mad at me now

'Mad' isn't the right word

I can understand that. If things were turned around, I'd feel the same way.

But I can't leave now without getting an honest answer from you. Otherwise I won't be able to stand it.

Will you be able to forgive me?

With anyone else it would have been no problem!

But with Lars of all people?! The father of our child?!

If you knew how sorry I am about all of this

At least you told me, otherwise it would have been even worse

Does that mean you forgive me?

What about Lars? Does he have feelings for you?

I can't imagine he does. No, why would he?

== He kissed you. == He apologized.

== For the kiss? == Yes! That proves it was just a one-off thing for him, right?

YOU'RE the one who kissed him, not me

He knows we're married, and that you're the only one I love! And no other!

And that he's the last person who will change anything about that

Are you SURE he knows that?


I'm very sorry, but I need time to collect my thoughts

Do you want me to leave?


== But I have the feeling that we-- == Susanne, please, I want to be alone now!

Are you sure you don't want me to stay?

I could try to swap my shift with someone!

Or I'll take you with me into... into the city and we'll have a coffee somewhere

No. I would really like to be alone now.


Please don't forget, I... I love you. And ONLY you and no one else.

It was just a kiss

How many people have you kissed in your life?



Too many

Call me? Anytime. I'll come right away. Okay?


Carla, what are you doing out here still?

I was just taking a walk. Sometimes I need that.

In the dark, in your condition? Don't you think that's a little unsafe?

The baby's doing fine, don't worry

And you?

Have you had a fight with Susanne?

Is it bad?

I've simply had too little time for her recently. First New York, now the Holding...!

That isn't good for a relationship!

Yes, that may be. On the other hand, Susanne knew what she was letting herself in for.

She married not only the most beautiful woman in Düsseldorf, but also a very busy and successful businesswoman

But if you want to cut back on your time at work for a while, let me know

That isn't necessary, thank you

Listen, despite all the worries the Holding is causing us at the moment, the happiness of my children can't be allowed to fall by the wayside

Take yourself some time for Susanne. Attend to her. At the moment that's much more important.

And if you aren't going to do it for your relationship,...

... then do it for my grandchild

Are you alone?

Have you come to see Gregor? He's in his room.

Of course not

I think we should finally discuss things

I'm glad you agree. I was beginning to think you wanted to go right back to "business as usual".

I've tried, but I can't think about anything else anymore except our kiss!

What's wrong? Should I not say that? Damn it, it's the truth!

We shouldn't have let ourselves get carried away

And you know that as well as I do!

Nonetheless, it happened. And not without reason!

Susanne, we can't just act like that kiss was some accidental slip!

That won't do YOU any good, or ME!

I love Carla, she's my wife! I can't do that to her, do you understand?

Well, and how, in your opinion, are things supposed to go from here? You feel something for me. Do you want to keep suppressing that?

I can't do it for you, but you have to make a decision. The sooner, the better.

None for me, thank you

The situation isn't easy for you. I understand that. But it can't go on like this!

I married Carla with the intention of growing old with her

And even after our kiss, nothing about that has changed

Am I supposed to act now as though nothing between us ever happened?

Believe me, it isn't easy for me, but that's the only way things can be!

You're certainly taking the easy way out! You think I can turn my feelings on and off just like that?!

Damn it, I feel something for you

A lot for you, as a matter of fact

I think about you day and night. What am I supposed to do with that? Tell me!

The best thing would be for us to not see each other for a while


That will make it easier. For both of us.

What am I supposed to say. You leave me no other choice anyway.

All right then... take care.

You too

If you should change your mind...

I'm quite certain I won't

You know you can come to me anytime, okay?

I care about you so, so, so much!

I'll wait for you

So you are

You're in love with Lars

Wait, Carla!

== Why? == You've misinterpreted something. I only love YOU!

Carla, we're just friends, good friends!

I don't know what's worse

That you have feelings for him, or that you're lying to me

== And you love her, too. == That isn't true, Carla, please, wait! You have to believe me! Carla...!

== Please listen. == Please!

I exchanged vows with you because we belong together

The two of us, and our baby. Have you forgotten?

No. Susanne, I know the way you look when you're in love.

== So there you see. == And that's exactly the way you looked at Lars!

Because I was thinking about YOU!

== Were you also thinking about me when you two were kissing? == The kiss meant nothing!

Ohh, at least admit to your feelings!

How am I supposed to admit to something that isn't true?!

Susanne, stop lying to me. Do you love Lars?

Give me a clear answer, yes or no, do you love him?!

Sometimes silence says more than a thousand words

How many times do I have to say it?! I MUST see Carla!

So sorry. The countess expressly stated that she didn't wish to be disturbed.

== Not even by ME? == SPECIFICALLY not by you.

== Those were HER words? == As much as it pains me.

You can save your empty platitudes

My job is to fulfill the wishes of my masters, and not their guests

I'm not a guest, I'm Carla's wife

Ms. Brandner, I have explicit instructions

Couldn't you one time, one single time, make an exception?

What's wrong? Are there problems?

No, everything is fine. I just need to sort something out with Inga.

Oh, look at that, the commoners quarreling! Charming.

Thank you

Please, are you sure you can't make an exception?

It's not up to my discretion

Then... tell her I'm waiting out here

In that case, I'm supposed to send you home

Then tell her at least that I was here

== As you wish. == Thanks.

What's going to become of us?




Who were you expecting?

At any rate, not you

I'm so sorry about everything

Me too

How can I prove to you that the kiss with Lars meant nothing?

If you don't know, then who?

I love you!

Apparently not enough, or else you wouldn't have kissed Lars

I hardly slept at all last night

Me either! Thank you very much!

I won't survive another night like that

I can't bear being without you anymore

Why don't you go ask Lars then? Maybe HE'LL comfort you.

Please give us another chance

So you can disappoint me even more?

We were going to build a family

And you're always talking about 'family'

It was OUR idea. We BOTH wanted it.

It was YOURS

== We've had a wonderful time till now. == Yes, and you thoroughly fucked that up.

== It was only a kiss. == With the father of our child.

Lars gets me pregnant and for his reward he kisses you! Are those ideal preconditions for a harmonious family?!?!

The baby was our greatest wish! Such a little crisis can't throw us off course!

Had I known what kind of surprises you were going to come up with during the pregnancy...!

You can't possibly want to just throw away all our plans, all because of one stupid kiss?!

I was never interested in being pregnant. MY life was fulfilling enough.

You're only saying that because I've hurt you

No. This pregnancy was a mistake. A large, IMBECILIC mistake.


What I'd most like to do is abort this baby

Do you realize what you just said?

Yes. But don't worry. An abortion is sadly no longer possible.

It was a moronic idea to start a family and bring a child into this world!

You can't mean that seriously

Oh yes I can. You were the one who talked me into it.

I had my reservations about a pregnancy from the beginning

We made that decision together. You wanted it as much as I did!

I didn't know then, though, that you were suddenly going to discover your love for the father!!

I'm not... with Lars... you've interpreted that wrong!

Susanne, you kissed him, and the way you looked at him yesterday...

Do you really think I'm THAT STUPID!?!?

I already explained it to you. The kiss was the result of a situation.

I was sad, because Paul had moved to France

Please tell me how that's supposed to work in the future? Are you going to climb into bed with Lars the minute you're bored because I need more time at the office?

There will never be more between Lars and me. Because I'm with YOU. And want to stay.

Carla, I have no greater wish than that we be happy together

You and I and our child

Please go now

I love you. Even if you don't believe me right now.

Oh, that's very kind, thank you. Please bring a tea up to my room.

Countess, you have a visitor

== Hello, Carla. == Lars, what do you want? I have no time, I'm tired, and all I want to do is go to bed.

I just want to make something clear

What's that? That you're turning the tables now?

I took Hanna away from you. So now you're taking Susanne away from me? Is this your personal revenge campaign?!

That is total bullshit!

== What do you want? == I want to be honest with you.

Yes, I've fallen in love with Susanne. And I had hoped for more from that kiss.

How lovely

But Susanne is standing by you, one hundred percent! She has no interest in me whatsoever!

She loves you. Only YOU!

Carla, please. In a few months you're going to be parents...

== I'M going to be a mother, Susanne however-- == ... is looking forward to the baby! And she's looking forward to raising the child with you.

Give her credit for being open with you,...

... for telling you what happened between us

Is that it?

Please. Don't just throw this relationship away! All because of a kiss that to Susanne meant nothing!

Well, why aren't you getting it, given that you're standing right there? It's going to be for you anyway.

Can't you get it instead? Please.

Why? Is somebody else besides Carla on your blacklist?

I'm just tired. I don't feel like talking to anyone.


== Evening, Mr. Brandner. == Ah, Mr. Schneider!

Uh, I wanted to talk to Susanne, is she home yet?

Uh, my daughter,... uh, she's probably out putting in overtime somewhere

== Can I give her a message? == No, no, I'll try her cell. Goodbye.


He's gonna try your cell

The person you are trying to reach is temporarily unavailable.

Lars Schneider! Why don't you want to talk to him? Does he have something to do with the fight between you and Carla?

== No, not at all, absolutely not. == I'll take your word for it...

Why is life so complicated, Papa?

Oh, child, you're asking the wrong person

Countess Lahnstein

Dr. Baltsch

Are you feeling all right? You're very pale.

No, no, everything's fine. I just... didn't sleep very well.


If we're lucky, today we'll be able to tell whether it's going to be a boy or a girl



Take a look here,... so, here we have the head...

And see here, the abdomen...

... the feet...

And now the baby's even waving at us

That's really unbelievable!

And now it just yawned. Probably didn't have a relaxing night either, hm?


Even babies in the womb are deeply affected by how the mother is doing. That's often underestimated.

Oh, really?

Yes, they sense every emotion the mother is feeling

Don't worry. The baby for sure won't be upset by one sleepless night.

I certainly hope not

It's really incredible the way a tiny being grows and develops!

Yes,... and this tiny being here is also decidedly forthcoming

If you want, I'll tell you whether it's going to be a boy or a girl

I apologize that you've had to be so upset lately on account of me

It won't happen again

From now on I'm going to make you feel snug as a bug!

And in a few months, I'll be holding you in my arms

That will be the greatest moment of my life

For more infomation >> 99 Carla u. Susanne - Duration: 25:07.


History of Mewni: Jokinna Butterfly The joy of the kingdom(Usagina's sister) - Duration: 3:29.

Jokinna was the younger daughter of Queen Urania

she was known for telling jokes

jokes an amusing both from family and the servants of the castle

which earned her the nickname "The joy of the kingdom"

She especially loved playing pranks on her sister

the time she hit a lamb based dish in Usagina's mattress

certainly comes to mind.

The castles stank for days.

Jokinna the habit of writing messages every morning

on the walls of the castle,

most were fun puzzles or amusing quips

but the castles residents looked forward to seeing

some examples are:

"Usagina queen of mirrors. Roses are red violets are blue.


Glossy taught me how to spell too !


Gina's dancing is always... On point

When did I find out that I was born?

Glossaryck can't take a joke.

However Jokinna underlying mental problems

continued to worse as she grew older.

She suffered from attacks of delirium and hallucinations

All of this became more apparent with her messages

more and more being just nonsense.

it's all a misunderstanding...

ice makes fire ice makes fire

fear the sun THE SUN BURNS

the gates of Heaven are closed

without Earth... gold is dirty

One night Usagina was messing around with her spells when she heard something

from Jokinna's room.

Usagina went there and found her sister

carrying pages out of a book

She was crying and didn't seem to be aware of her surroundings

instantly Usagina knew that it was an attack

she ran to her sister and pulled the book away

Jokinna started to scream:

"No they have to be destroyed."

She reached for the book but Usagina gathered her sister into her arms and

held her tight after a few minutes Jokinna began to settle down.

It was a period of silence before she whispered

"Gina i'm not normal.

I'm I?"

Usagina sided and didn't answer she held Jokinna until she fell asleep

before going back to her room she closed the door and sat down in her bed and

began to cry

Jokinna life ended tragically when she

fell from the window of her room she was just 12 years old and the entire kingdom

grieved in her honor Urania ordered all statues sculptures

and busts that depicted her including the messages that she wrote

scattered all over the castle in her memory

During Hemera reign they were all moved

to a memorial dedicated to Mewni lost princess.

Over the years there has been some debate of the circumstances

surrounding Jokinna's fall but nothing can be proven.

After the library fire of 200 the historical scholars of Mewni

looked for information wherever they could find it.

He stumbled upon Jokinna messages

and used some to gain bits of knowledge

unfortunately not all of her messages were accurate

Scholars called Usagina queen of mirrors

for almost a hundred years before I corrected them.

I think Jokinna would have been proud of her legacy

Credit for mesages pitures and animations Mewni Archives

For more infomation >> History of Mewni: Jokinna Butterfly The joy of the kingdom(Usagina's sister) - Duration: 3:29.


book launch Bangalore 2017 video - Duration: 17:18.

Wow. Hi! I am very glad you all came. It is a great honor to be included among all the

authors, editors, and friends of Silhouettes I & II, and its "prequel" The Significant

Anthology. I wish I could be here in person with you

all, as I embark upon the first-ever launching of my first-ever books.

They are self-published books — but everyone has to begin somewhere.

And it is probably appropriate, and, in my mind, necessary to offer a word of thanks

to all with whom I have come into contact along this journey, walking through the experiences

of life. And, specifically, if I were visible right

now, I would give a great big nod of gratitude to Dr. A. V. Koshy, virtual fellow-voyager

during much of my recent growth as a writer, and host of this book launch today. Maybe

I can pause, and you all can clap for me.

As writers, as artists, as thinkers in this world of change and challenges, we are constantly

in the very odd position of defending our choices, our actions, our careers.

And for those of us who prefer to express and explain ourselves through our work, through

the vibrant presentation of our art, this can be both terrifying and invigorating. At

some level we need to re-evaluate our perspective, given the vast predicaments people and the

planet as a whole face now. How can you write about nature, about the

innocence and dreams of youth, about the comfort of traditions and memories of the elders,

when the world seems about to implode from the inroads of environmental decay, profiteering

in politics, social erosion? How can we write with a sense of wonder, when

faced with a world exploding with crime, violence, with war?

I don't know how, exactly. I live. I stay, and I look, and I rage, and I paint, I sing,

I write a poem, or a paragraph. I try to move beyond the "utility" of language, and

the "futility" of life — and fuse my art into … possibility — for something

more. For hope, maybe.

In my writing, there are few answers. I try, always, to express the details of life as

I have seen it, as I experience it. I try never to turn away from the uncomfortable

inadequacies and small human truths of violence, racism, of the myriad deaths of our finite

bodies, of the inestimable exquisite potential of what might be our infinite souls.

I may wander in the darkness … we all may. But we may, also, search for light. And in

that searching, there are so many questions.

Sometimes … so many questions … you can't bootstrap yourself out of them. So, I guess,

the main thing in my writing, in all my art, is that I kick off the boots. I walk barefooted

through the mud, the broken glass, the rat-infested alleyways, the grass, the occasional flowers

that life presents. I may not present answers—but, I offer an invitation.

When life presses too closely, I invite you to kick off your boots, to come out, as you

were born, in all your human-ness. What was it Bob Dylan said? "You don't need a weatherman

to know which way the wind blows?" In my art, in my books, there are many storms. I

seem to live in constant storms—maybe you do, too.

We may not know all the answers. We may have nothing but questions. But if we live in a

world of storms and savagery, hiding won't fix it. If it is going to rain, we can still

ask questions, and search for answers together, despite the storms. We can kick off the boots

of conformity, and dance together in the rain, in the storms, and in those quiet hours when

darkness gives way to sunrise.

I would like to read excerpts from the three books I am launching here today — a few

poems, and a bit of prose narration. I'll put the words on screen so you can follow

along, because we all use our own pronunciations when we read inside our minds.

I'd like to begin by reading two of the poems from my first self-published book

A Modest Menu, a multi-genre compilation of prose, poetry,

and a few essays, which look at Poverty, Hunger, Food Security and Violence through the lens

of art, rather than flow charts, policy statements, and journalism.

The poem are titled "sight" and "soles"

sight deep voices, not loud, but not held quiet

spoke of something, sound floating from behind barbed-tree barriers

along a darkened roadway

intersection glaring headlights of cars

hastening to lighted spaces, food, a change of clothes

babies soothed, slings holding tight, mothers shielding with one hand

against the noise and bright toddlers tight-knit, looking on

stoplights signal time to stand eyes silent asking

if windows roll down

difficult to be a man among men all without work;

unable to feed beautiful wives and children,

deep voices falling silent while the cars are still

difficult to be mothers, all too briefly young

with children to feed and with men, strength lost with waiting but

needing still to be reminded that silent eyes see them

as they hope to be


walk along a traveled road searched and scoured for every coin

or scrap with value, where dreams are tied to the soles of shoes—

shoes, worn and broken, stuffed with cardboard and patched with cloth

or taped, or bound with cast-off bits of rubber, or plastic found in fields…

sometimes even old tires with thongs are too expensive

and there are no shoes at all

just feet with pads cracked and hard, like those of street-wise dogs,

and hunting cats, sharp of eye, fleet and silent in pursuit

of meagre survival

one more day of walking hungry, thirsty, under skies hot with sun

or cold, with dark of night and dark of eyes turned far from sight

of any needing shoes

My next book, A Holiday Carol, is, as its title states, a Modern Interpretation of Dickens'

"A Christmas Carol," exploring the anonymity of tweets and selfies, the dislocation of

refugee and marginalized populations, the violence of dependencies, exclusion and war

with which we beguile ourselves into thinking that armoring ourselves with the commodities

of life will make death any less permanent — in situations well-seasoned with humor,

and hope, in keeping with Dickens' own traditions.

With due honor to Charles Dickens, I would like to read you my Excerpt from: Chapter

Five: The Second of the Three Spirits

Then, without a word of warning from the Ghost, they stood upon a cold and windswept hilltop,

where masses of huge stones were strewn about, and tents clustered along a fence,

and in straggling rows, and a few tilting poles held knots and webbings

of wires, and a rusty pipe's faucet dripped brownish

water into a plastic bucket balanced beneath it. Down off in the west the retreating sun

had forgotten its last streak of sullen red, but,

there, it was snatched below the horizon, and the

dark gloom of night fell, waiting, breathless, for stars.

"What place is this?" asked Scrivel.

"A place for refugees, fleeing the wars they did not start, and cannot hope to finish,"

returned the Spirit. "They come from all walks of life, wealthy and poor, educated

and subsisting, but they have faith, they have dreams, and, in some guise, they all

know me, and the spirit of hope, and of giving."

A light shone from the flap of one tent, which was huddled close against a barrier wall of

mud and stone, and yet still barely stood against the bleak

wind blowing across the settlement, but which held out some of the cold, and set

the light glowing around those within. An old, old man and woman, with their children,

and their children's children, and another generation beyond that, clustered around a

small lamp, on a worn, woven rug. Music played from some device unseen, and

some hummed, and they told stories, and shared their small store of happiness, with memories,

and prayers for a future which might find them together, and safe.

The Ghost passed his torch across the scene, and the soft chorus of their voices seemed

to raise in spirit and in fellowship, and the light seemed to brighten, and a timelessness

filled the space where they sat there together.

The Spirit did not tarry longer, but bidding Scrivel to tighten his grasp on the green

robe, passed over seas, and great chains of mountains, to where men mined for teakwood

in an ancient forest beneath a great lake. Even here, where small raised huts sheltered

families of elders, and the strong, muscled divers, young wives, and children who would

form the new generation, the Spirit paused, raising his torch in salute and as gift to

the people of faith, and hope, sharing their food, time, and love as they could.

The third book I will briefly present to you during

today's launch is "blue wings unfolding" — a novel exploring the challenges of neurodiversity,

the complexities and tragedies of life — all through the eyes of Jayleigh, a youthful spirit

on the cusp of adulthood.

I'd like to read to you some of Jayleigh's experiences with learning to drive, excerpted

from Chapter 15 of the book:

Next class the teacher had us taking turns getting on the highway, accelerating up to

the posted speeds, and getting off at the next exit, in order to loop around for the

next student's turn. I noticed, silently, that the teacher pulled on his ceiling handle

very little, since he had both hands on the steering wheel, and his foot on the second

set of controls, ready to engage, for both the other students' excursions. He had things

to say, but steeled himself to utter only supportive "hints" while they drove onto

and off of the highway.

Soon enough, the car was parked once again in the school lot, and it was my turn to buckle

into the driver's seat, I did so silently, and swiftly, as the teacher was preoccupied

with reciting a list of observations and instructions to the other two students, who were now occupying

the back seat of the Driver's Ed vehicle.

I rolled out of the lot, using the appropriate signal to turn onto the main road; I stopped

at the stop light; the teacher was still talking. I proceeded to approach the highway on-ramp,

again employing the turn signal before leaving the road for the entry ramp. I was not driving

particularly quickly, but the teacher was, still, turned around to face the other students;

I didn't have the heart to interrupt him when he was in such a good flow.

So I went quietly about my business, upholding all the safety tips I'd gleaned from my

practice with the Rangers at the State Park Beach, while the teacher was, still, focused

on the back seat, talking with great intensity. (11)

The other two students did not bat an eyelash. They wanted some fun, and were perfectly happy

to let the teacher keep his head and attention turned away from the road, so he could face

them while he continued to talk from his front seat, oblivious to my actions.

The posted speed was, at this straight portion of the highway, 60 Miles Per Hour.

I slowed at the base of the on ramp, blissfully aware that there was no need to

shift through the gears or clutch mechanism to quickly access the power of the automatic

transmission car. I allowed a line of slow-moving, heavily-loaded

tractor-trailer trucks to continue past me, along the "slower speed" entrance lane,

and calmly kept my signal light on, cars lining up behind me,

also waiting for the convoy to pass. The teacher was still facing back towards

the students, who very helpfully asked him questions to

keep him occupied.

The second all the tractor-trailer trucks had passed and I saw daylight and open road

beckoning, just ahead, on the entrance lane, my foot was on that accelerator faster than

corn pops in a hot pan, and we were off. I held the lane for a brief span, then flicked

on my left turn signal again, to move to the passing lane, since the heavily-loaded trucks

ahead of our line of traffic in the "slower" right-hand lane were only moving at about

45 MPH.

I passed them all, at the speed limit and with plenty of clearance,

and smoothly signaled a right turn, to move back into the slow-side lane again,

in preparation for taking the exit ramp up and off the highway,

that we were approaching fairly rapidly, now that I was driving an efficient 55 miles

per hour. It was almost as if I were a real driver,

in a real car, not a student with a learner's permit, in

a car which bore a lighted "Student Driver" sign on its roof, in a "don't try to hire

this car" parody of a taxi cab.

A few of the cars which had followed me from the entrance ramp onto the highway and out

into the passing lane beeped their horns brightly, waving encouragingly at us,

as I drove at adult-world speeds in our little yellow-signed Driver's Ed car.

I kept both hands on the wheel, but the students in the back seat waved back to the friendly

passing cars, and the Driver's Ed teacher turned his eyes

towards the front windshield ... … just in time to see me decelerate and

switch off the turn signal as I moved onto the exit ramp.

The last of the entrance-ramp cars drove by, waving and honking, and the Driver's Ed

teacher took a breath, opened his mouth,

closed it again, and put one hand firmly on the teacher's steering wheel. With his other

hand, maybe because he couldn't think of anything to say and wanted to fill the void

of silence, he reached over and turned on the radio.

The car filled with the sounds of Sia's "Unstoppable."

Cool. My first song,

the first time the radio was turned on while I drove a car.

Almost made me want to roll down the windows, crank up the volume,

and wave one hand in the air while I sang ... probably not a good idea in the Driver's

Ed car, even if I did pull into a parking area

and stop the car to do so.

… But it sure is a good song, and the horizons of my life seemed to expand.

I grinned, and drove sedately back to the school lot

and parked the Driver's Ed car, radio playing all the way.

… Score one for the Rangers!

And this concludes my book launch presentation. Time for me to depart, virtually, at least.

I hope you all get a chance to read, and enjoy the books, and I look forward to writing more

books and getting them out to be read.

Thank you for listening.

For more infomation >> book launch Bangalore 2017 video - Duration: 17:18.


Missä tunnelmissa syksyyn? | Nordea Pankki 4.9.2017 - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Missä tunnelmissa syksyyn? | Nordea Pankki 4.9.2017 - Duration: 3:07.


Spotify® RapCaviar

For more infomation >> Spotify® RapCaviar


Hyundai i20 1.2i Dynamic - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Hyundai i20 1.2i Dynamic - Duration: 1:02.


Late Night Jams - D(half moon)/Glow Like Dat (cover) - Duration: 1:37.

Nothing comes even close

To half of you

It can't fill me

It doesn't fill me up, yeah

Just half

If only I had just half of you

Then I wouldn't feel like this

love the stars

love the moon

I done seen you glow like that I must say that I'm proud

Thinkin bout the times when you would go into my house

Had to let you go like that I'd say it fucked me up

You live in my head without a doubt

Always anxious, got your picture on my necklace

Say I'm smart but never seen a day of campus

Gave me nani don't be sorry we just reckless

Think about you every time I see your drawers

For more infomation >> Late Night Jams - D(half moon)/Glow Like Dat (cover) - Duration: 1:37.


Ewangeliarz OP - 4 września 2017 - (Łk 4, 16-30) - Duration: 1:50.


I have one piece of advice for you today: when you read Scripture

do it standing.

Obviously, this is how priests and lecturers

read the Scripture in the Church

but also during your individual reading,

or when you just happen to read a passage from the Bible, stand.

We read that Jesus

when holding the scroll and reading it,

was standing.

Apparently there is something important

in standing when reading the Word of God.

What can it mean?

God is the one who is ready to act.

His Word is a messenger

of His power to create,

His unbelievable readiness

to immediately jump into our lives

when we say:

'Yes, I want to follow this Word."

The reason we read the Word,

is to let God inside, God who is waiting there in the starting blocks

ready to enter my world.

So we read the Word standing

to meet Him there.

For more infomation >> Ewangeliarz OP - 4 września 2017 - (Łk 4, 16-30) - Duration: 1:50.


Finishing The Coliseum. Come & Chill | One Piece Treasure Cruise - Duration: 3:52:51.

For more infomation >> Finishing The Coliseum. Come & Chill | One Piece Treasure Cruise - Duration: 3:52:51.


Warriors All-stars: Arnice - Duration: 9:20.

Feeling like a third wheel here already. Can the "Ultimate Evil" be so laid back?

About C1 Alraunes: They'll stay out until they throw 5 rounds of projectiles, or you use any other C finisher.

It's a waste to do C1 and then immediately follow with C2. Better to have it out while working up to C1, or just use Square button for a bit before restarting the combo.

The fourth Square input does quite a big leap forward, putting you in range of a distant enemy... or running into an attack if you're unlucky. Be aware of the risk if you're fighting someone like Lu Bu, at least.

In case you had doubts about her stake to Ultimate Evil, Arnice does indeed have demon blood, so she can do that.

This combo skill is an offense-booster, raising my Attack, lowering the enemy's Defense, inflicting Love status effect. Only good thing that Christophorus can do on support, I feel.

Enemies go down in a flash after that, even if you're way below the recommended Level.

C2 puts you in aerial state, allowing you to use either aerial follow-up. C5 does the same, but you jump so high that it's hard to connect any aerial attack.

For more infomation >> Warriors All-stars: Arnice - Duration: 9:20.










For more infomation >> TRAVELING TO SHAWNEE NATIONAL FOREST - Duration: 3:38.


TRAVELING TO CADIZ, KY - Duration: 8:10.









For more infomation >> TRAVELING TO CADIZ, KY - Duration: 8:10.


Посадка каллы и уход в открытом грунте, выращивание садовой каллы - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Посадка каллы и уход в открытом грунте, выращивание садовой каллы - Duration: 3:29.


Black mask of bamboo. Clean face! - Duration: 4:44.

Black mask from acne and black dots on the face

What good is the mask? What is the composition? How to use it? What effect? Everything about this video.

Cream mask with bamboo charcoal has the absorption capacity, so deeply cleanses the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands, regenerates skin cells.

Extract charcoal also known as dermatoprotektor able to increase by 30% the amount of collagen

in the deeper layers of the skin, causing the skin becomes taut and toned.

As part of the mask kaolin or white clay, accelerates the recovery processes in the cells of the skin and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Bamboo charcoal has received in many countries in the name of "black diamonds" for their unique cleaning, pull-up, moisturizing and antiseptic properties.

Paired with kaolin bamboo charcoal promotes clarification and narrowing of the pores in the shortest possible time.

Oils of lavender, mint and tea tree, which are having a regenerating effect,

quickly cope with wound inflammation, mattes, and give the mask refreshing and natural aroma.

The mask has a creamy consistency, it is easy to apply, economical and gives a really spent tangible results. At the imperfections of the skin there will be no chance!

See how she looks

In this tube, 130 grams, it will last for a long time.

Use the mask either on the entire face or only on problem areas.

Viscous black consistency

Apply the mask only after you have cleared the face of make-up.

See how to apply the mask

I'll put the mask on my fingers

I smear a mask only on the nose

If you want to apply the mask to the entire face, do not touch the area of the eyes and mouth.

Around the eyes, the skin is tender, it is dangerous to stretch it

Apply thinly, but the skin does not appear translucent

We wait 20-30 minutes for the mask to dry completely.

It's been 30 minutes. See how to remove the mask.

Pick up the edge and tighten the mask

It can be easily removed!

You may not be able to see clearly, but my pores have cleared, all the dirt has remained on the mask.

If there are leftovers on the edge, just remove them with water.

I hope you like the mask! You can order it in my store.

Link to the site and the mask below the video.

We ship parcels from Thailand all over the world!

For more infomation >> Black mask of bamboo. Clean face! - Duration: 4:44.


너무 가난해서 1천원짜리 비닐 축구화 신고 축구한 안정환 - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> 너무 가난해서 1천원짜리 비닐 축구화 신고 축구한 안정환 - Duration: 3:56.


New Hot Funny Video 2017 II Hot Girl Funny Videos II Hot Comedy Video - Duration: 2:41.

BEST Funny Video

BEST Funny Video

BEST Funny Video

BEST Funny Video

BEST Funny Video

BEST Funny Video

BEST Funny Video

BEST Funny Video

For more infomation >> New Hot Funny Video 2017 II Hot Girl Funny Videos II Hot Comedy Video - Duration: 2:41.


'황금빛 내 인생' 신혜선vs서은수, 나영희 친딸 누구일까 - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> '황금빛 내 인생' 신혜선vs서은수, 나영희 친딸 누구일까 - Duration: 1:33.


[종합]'1박2일' 윤시윤, GD스타일 구제패션으로 풍물시장에서 영국대사관까지 - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> [종합]'1박2일' 윤시윤, GD스타일 구제패션으로 풍물시장에서 영국대사관까지 - Duration: 7:07.


AIでロボット制御 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> AIでロボット制御 - Duration: 1:56.


Schwartzman knocks out Pouille to make first major QF - US Open 2017 - Duration: 5:51.

Schwartzman knocks out Pouille to make first major QF - US Open 2017

Doesnt Diego Schwartzman know the rules? The second week of Grand Slams are where favorites reign and underdogs lose. Then again, the 5-foot-7 Argentine has spent a career ignoring conventional wisdom, so why stop now?.

The 29th seed won another match he was supposed to lose on Sunday at the US Open, feeding off a packed Grandstand crowd and overcoming injury to beat 16th seed Lucas Pouille 7-6, 7-5, 2-6, 6-2 and reach his first Grand Slam quarterfinal.

I think I played my best match today because I did everything good.

Lucas is an aggressive player and I did many winners and I did many times to the net, said Schwartzman, who finished with 44 winners and won 62 percent of his net points (21/34). I just enjoy the moment..

Before this fortnight, Schwartzman had never advanced past the third round of a Grand Slam. His best performance in New York had been a second-round run two years ago, when he lost to Rafael Nadal.

But the Argentine has been playing his best tennis this season, and hes brought his fan-friendly game to Queens, much to the delight of his fans, who have been clad in powder blue and white Argentinian fùtbol jerseys and have serenaded their star with chants of Ole, ole, ole, ole.

Pouille, though, had been here before and had come up big under the bright lights of New York.

In the fourth round last year, the Frenchman upset fifth seed and two-time champion Nadal in a fifth-set tiebreaker to reach his first US Open quarterfinal.

He started quickly against Schwartzman, breaking in the fourth game to lead 3-1. But Schwartzman has come to expect to lose some service games.

No one on tour drops their serve more often than the Argentine, who, at 5-foot-7, has to rely on placement and spin more than power and pace.

But Schwartzman compensates for his meager serve with one of the best return games in the world.

Only 2012 US Open champion Andy Murray has broken more during the past 52 weeks than Schwartzman, who has won 35 percent of his return games.

He struck back immediately against Pouille and stayed the aggressor in the tiebreaker, winning his four final points with winners. Pouille mixed it up in the second set, slicing drop shots to force Schwartzman away from the baseline.

The Frenchman broke twice but couldnt maintain the lead and was broken for a third time while serving to stay in the set at 5-6.

On set point, Pouille served and volleyed for the first time in the set and Schwartzman ripped a forehand past him.

Injury struck Schwartzman in the third, and he received a medical timeout at 5-2. After a trainer heavily wrapped his right thigh to start the fourth, his victory looked in doubt.

He shook his head at his box. But Schwartzman fought on and Pouille faded, hitting only four winners and 12 unforced errors, including a double fault on match point.

I am a little bit not sure what happened wth my leg. Its really painful but I am, in the same place, I am really happy to be in the quarterfinals for the first time, Schwartzman said.

Thanks everyone to make a lot of noise today for me. It was really helping in the fourth set because i was just thinking about my leg. I dont know how but I win and im really happy for that..

WHAT IT MEANS: The best stretch of Schwartzmans career keeps going at the seasons final Grand Slam. Schwartzman, who is at a career-high No.

33, now has a chance to add a new label to the best season of his career: Grand Slam semifinalist. Schwartzman will meet Spaniard Pablo Carreno Busta in the quarterfinals on Tuesday.

Both players will be attempting to reach their first major semifinal. The Buenos Aires native also continues to shatter the myth that hes a clay-court counterpuncher.

The 5-foot-7 right-hander attacked the net more often and hit more winners than the 6-foot-1 Pouille, who reached the fourth round of a Grand Slam for the first time this season in New York.

MATCH POINT: With 18-year-old Canadian Denis Shapovalov out of the US Open, will the underdog Schwartzman become the new fan favorite?.

For more infomation >> Schwartzman knocks out Pouille to make first major QF - US Open 2017 - Duration: 5:51.


Back To Back (Shibi Remix) - Duration: 3:09.

oh man, oh man, not again.

i learn the uppercut from tyson so you never hook,

i learn the uppercut from money so you never hook,

too slow for niggas that they know that i will never shook,

check out my info and they say that i'ma roots from Brook.

i learn the hard way so you know that i will never broke,

i learn the healthy way so you know that i never look,

i learn my way so now you know that i aint do with coke,

thats why my money stay my side and aint fucking broke.

you wanna champagne for the pain but you will never gain,

these phony niggas dont know that they easily getting slain,

and now i back to back for these niggas who cope my lane,

and now my niggas come at me and said i fuck you drake.

i'll be the better for my side and for my older lane,

i'll be the better for the niggas who were love me mayne,

i love the UK but you never be united man, cause now they know that you will be my fucking

victim man.

i will never be the motherfucker lower man, cause you know now the shit will change in

my own fucking lane, and now you think you can flow with the blueprint,

my niggas dont you ever think about release date.

oh man, oh man, not again,

oh man, oh man, you shaking,

oh man, oh man, not again,

not again.

you'll be the bottle at the bottom and i'll be top,

and you be landed and keep falling cause you fucking flop,

and then you looking at me as i'm on the fucking top,

i dont care what the fuck you said about your fucking facts.

i rather died than listen any shit you talk about,

cause i finessing that shit never true for sure again,

or even not the certifying shit about me, that you dont know if its was true but you

dont know me.

i rather listen to economy than hear to you, cause i don't have a fucking ear when it came

to you, i give a fuck about your fall and not your

fucking top, cause man already know what you gon' be if

you're top.

maybe the mumble even titled make a sense a bit,

but in the song niggas aint talk about what you gon' did,

and now the title doesn't make of any fucking sense,

cause you aint talking about what you want to but aint a bit.

i will never be the motherfucker lower man, cause you know now the shit will change in

my own fucking lane, and now you think you can flow with the blueprint,

my niggas dont you ever think about release date.

oh man, oh man, you fuck again.

For more infomation >> Back To Back (Shibi Remix) - Duration: 3:09.


어지럽고 두통 토할거같을때 - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> 어지럽고 두통 토할거같을때 - Duration: 2:20.


niki summer love - Duration: 0:39.

long summer days

not forgotten

your eyes, deep into the sea

longing to kiss

into the sunset

beneath the ocean

thoughts of you

what will be


my love


For more infomation >> niki summer love - Duration: 0:39.


13일 만에 복귀 우드 패전…다저스, 샌디에이고에 3연패 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> 13일 만에 복귀 우드 패전…다저스, 샌디에이고에 3연패 - Duration: 2:53.



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For more infomation >> TOP 10 MOST PLAYED MOBILE VIDEO GAMES OF 2017 - Duration: 4:28.


Atacante ex-Fluminense afirma que deseja jogar por grande clube da Alemanha || TENTEN TV - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> Atacante ex-Fluminense afirma que deseja jogar por grande clube da Alemanha || TENTEN TV - Duration: 4:48.


Joachim Löw se irrita com cânticos nazistas em Praga: 'São vergonhosos' || TENTEN TV - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> Joachim Löw se irrita com cânticos nazistas em Praga: 'São vergonhosos' || TENTEN TV - Duration: 7:26.


Testing OCG | Vullet Dragons Deck (SEPTEMBER/ Septiembre 2017) [Duels & Decklist] (Yu-Gi-Oh) - Duration: 13:16.

Presented by El Exordio del Duelista

Testing OCG | Vullet Dragon (SEPTEMBER) 2017

The call of the Vullet Dragons will awake the big Dragon!

DECK STATS (Vullet Dragons Deck) Offensive 7 | Defense 5 | Consistency 6 | Versatility 7 | Recovery 7

TESTING RESULTS: First 10 Duels with the final version of the Deck 60% Win Ratio | 3/10 Dead Hands


Deck TYPE: Beatdown: Type of Decks focused on the offensive. It mainly way to win is summoning Monsters

with Hight ATK to make a lot of damage quickly.

FINAL SCORE: 6.4 | Average!

OBSERVATIONS: Positive Aspects - Borreload Dragon is an incredible Boss Monster that helps you to make offensive plays and make Control.

- Excellent synergy with Destrudo, the Dead Drake - Quick Revolve gives to the Deck many ways to make new plays.

- The effect of Summon a new Vullet when one of your Vullets was destroyed gives to the Deck good Recovery.

OBSERVATIONS: Negative Aspects - Without Inferno Reckless Summon is difficult to Summon Borreload Dragon.

- The cost of Half your Life Point to summon Destrudo, could be dangerous for long Duels.

- The Deck is too vulnerable to Kaijus and destruction cards like Dark Hole and Raigeki.

KEY CARDS#1: Quick Revolve Main way to summon our Vullet Dragons from the Deck.

Helps the Deck to make offensive and defensive plays with your Vullets wasting no resources.

KEY CARDS#2: Inferno Reckless Summon Helps you to summon enough Monsters with 1500 ATK or less to Summon quickly Borreload Dragon

KEY CARDS#3: Destrudo, the Dead Drake of Dread Improves the Versatility of the Deck helping you to summon Level 7 Synchros and gives you an additional

Material to summon any Link Monster do you like.

Support Cards: White Dragon Wyverburster | Supply Squad | Torrential Tribute

What do you think about the Vullet Deck? Let us your opinion in the comments!

Thanks for watching! Don't forget to leave a comment, like the video an share it with a friend and subscribe!

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