Friday, September 8, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 8 2017

Hello, today I share, how it affects your liver, heart and blood vessels eat 3 DATES


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Hello, today I share


Dates are a fruit that is often overlooked in most cultures


We pay much attention to healthy fruits like apples, oranges or lemons but

Dates are also a wonderful natural food that provides great benefits

to your health.

In fact, the dates can help your body work better.

Here we leave some of the benefits of eating dates daily.

1- help your liver.

Dates and the date seed extract may help reduce liver fibrosis,

which occurs when the liver heals incorrectly after addressing the

toxins, causing excessive collagen.

The dates help you recover better from daily wear.

2- keep your heart beating.

Dates are great for the heart because it can help control your pace

heart with potassium, which is excellent in the fight against heart disease.

They also help reduce cholesterol.

3- rid of dirt that accumulates in your arteries.

Dates are good to ward off atherosclerosis.

The disease is characterized by plaque formation in the arteries, which not only

It makes them thinner but can also lead to the creation of clots.

High amounts of antioxidants contained in dates can help reduce these


4- Improve your view.

The dates are full of vitamin A, which will help defend your corneas

all kinds of damage.

They also help filter out harmful exposure to light and prevent macular degeneration.

5- More energy.

The combination of dates with almonds or nuts is a delicious appetizer high

energetic content.

This is because the natural sugar in dates causes an energy boost.

Not only that, but vitamins and potassium help promote brain activity

and reactivity in the nervous system.

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

If you like this information interesting, share, subscribe to my channel, it's FREE.

just by clicking on the link below or the image of the middle of the screen and not

forget to turn on notifications.

and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



Alejandro Fernández hace broma del terremoto y de su pleito con Luis Miguel - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Alejandro Fernández hace broma del terremoto y de su pleito con Luis Miguel - Duration: 1:31.


Ernie Ball String Theory Justin Chancellor TOOL (SUBTITULOS ESPAÑOL) - Duration: 12:39.

For more infomation >> Ernie Ball String Theory Justin Chancellor TOOL (SUBTITULOS ESPAÑOL) - Duration: 12:39.


BLIND GUARDIAN, "estamos trabajando en 2 nuevos discos", Marcus Siepen, entrevista Leyendas Del Rock - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> BLIND GUARDIAN, "estamos trabajando en 2 nuevos discos", Marcus Siepen, entrevista Leyendas Del Rock - Duration: 8:21.


Andrea Legarreta le da tremenda pelotiza a nuestras guapas invitadas - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Andrea Legarreta le da tremenda pelotiza a nuestras guapas invitadas - Duration: 2:10.


El cara a cara de Julián Gil y Marjorie de Sousa en los juzgados - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> El cara a cara de Julián Gil y Marjorie de Sousa en los juzgados - Duration: 1:50.


Timo Werner aprovechó una gran escapada para marcar el 0-2 final - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Timo Werner aprovechó una gran escapada para marcar el 0-2 final - Duration: 0:55.



For more infomation >> COREANOS PROBANDO COMIDA MEXICANA EN RUSIA - Duration: 5:36.


Aseguran que fans que abuchean a Julián Gil "son compradas" - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Aseguran que fans que abuchean a Julián Gil "son compradas" - Duration: 3:35.


Where Y'at 6 picks for weekend of Sept. 8 to Sept. 10, 2017 - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Where Y'at 6 picks for weekend of Sept. 8 to Sept. 10, 2017 - Duration: 2:33.


Skate 1 Gameplay - Kinks and Megaramping the Shark - Duration: 15:17.

Welcome to Rad Rat Video, where you find me trying to skate a kink in Skate

1 on the PS3. I'm working on a review for this game. I'm not going to go too in

depth with thoughts on the game exactly, but I'm just playing it right now, trying

to button up some loose ends. Make sure I've seen everything there is to see

before I do this review. So one thing I've noticed that is very difficult to

do is skate anything with a kink in it. You catch air off of the second kink

right there, and then the game will straighten you out on its own, and it's

basically impossible to hold the same trick the whole way. Let me show you. So

here we go, here we go, back tail, then you won't stick to it. Boom, you do this instead.

It's a small thing. It's really not a big deal, it's just a couple little little

glitches in the way that the physics system handles everything. Like it

doesn't know that you're starting on a kink rail before you do, you know. It all

just kind of works itself out. So a couple little things, but all in all, so

far, I've been loving this game. I don't know which Skate game is going to

be my favorite out of the series. I'm going to talk about them all as I do

them. For now, I'm just going to be doing Skate 1, but for the most part, this

game has been a lot of fun. I've beaten every main challenge, like the

photography and the jams and the contests and that kind of stuff. Right

now, I'm just trying to go around and hit up all the extra spots that I haven't

done yet, and just try to be very thorough. So that's what I'm doing right

now, and I thought I would let you in on the process a little bit. One thing

that's really missing in this game is being able to get off your board. There's

spots like at the hubba hideout, where there's this little ramp that you have

to hit at the bottom of the stairs because you can't

ollie up the stairs. It's a lot of small things. The video editor is really basic and

stuff at this point. So I'm not sure why a lot of people would go back to this

one instead of one of the later ones in the series, but I have heard people say that

San Van, from this version of the game is the

best city in any of the Skate games. So there may be some things that you have to deal

with in this version, but if it's the best city, then it would be worth it.

Right, so, I'm going to talk about all those things as I play those games. A few

of them, I haven't played in a long time, because I bought them on the 360 back in

the day. My 360 died, so I've only recently rebought on PS3. But we'll see

how all that goes. I'm just happy to be able to finally get to this game. This

game in particular is one of the reasons why I took a break from the channel.

Because I had so much stuff going on, like my work that's been taking up 95%

of my time, and for me to do something on the channel, I could do it, but it would

all have to be really quick really basic stuff. I mean, this kind of video would be

an example, but it would be exclusively this kind of stuff. I won't have time to

review a big game like Skate. I wouldn't have time to really get in depth into

different kinds of things, like the new series the Brand Breakdowns that I just

recently started. Go back and see the newest one of those on Monday.

This past Monday, I mean. And, you know, doing that kind of stuff, I just wouldn't

have time to do it. So I had to take a little bit of break try to catch up on

my work. I'm not sure how it's going. Honestly I'm about two weeks into

the break so far, and I've only really had time to finish a week's worth of

videos. It's just been insane, which is good because, you know, I can use the

money. I don't have any money, so that helps. But yeah, I've been trying to

get back to the channel as much as possible, but that's what's been going on

with that. Hopefully that'll be over, and I won't

have to do another break in the future. One thing I've been experimenting with a

little bit is maybe promoting the videos that I do more than just cranking out a

ton of them. So if you watch any of my new videos since the relaunch, you know --

So that's one of the other glitches. I'm just going to show you that real quick.

The physics is based on how hard the tail hits the ground, I think. And so, if

you do a trick right at a curb... So I'm starting the pop on top of the curb, but

the pop actually hits the ground here, and so I get a ton of air. There's a

couple little things you can actually glitch that out on purpose. I'm gonna

talk about all that in the review. But as I was saying, I'm thinking about promoting my

actual videos more than just making a million of them. So I've been doing

subtitles on all of my videos. This one's going to suck because it takes like an

hour to do ten minutes or so [update: it did suck] but it's important to me to have them accessible

for the deaf. I have some deaf friends, and you know, it would really suck to not

be able to share what I've done with people for something like that when it's

easy to solve. It takes time, but it's easy, right? You know, so I've been doing

that recently, and I thought, "hey, since I've got full subtitles, why don't I

translate them?" So my recent videos that have come up recently, in the past week

or however -- I'm not sure when this video will go up exactly. But they will all be

in Spanish, German, and French. I have a tiny bit of experience with all of those

languages, but you know, they're going to be machine translated. But from clean

subtitles, so they should turn out pretty good.

I found, strangely, that the most common language spoken by my viewers, other than

English, is German. I'm not entirely sure why, but it's a lot

more than anyone else. I would have thought Spanish, you know, just because

Spanish is so common in general around the world, but German was maybe three

times more. So anyway, that's something that I want to do, but all that stuff

takes time, and I'm just really hoping that I start to have more time in the

near future. By the time you see this video, I should have all that stuff

figured out, so I don't worry about it. But I've been working on this review for

a little while. It's taken me a while to finish the game, do every single

challenge. I still have to track down some of these spots, you know, the Own the

Spot challenges, and that kind of thing. But I'm mostly done, and I just

really want to be thorough with it. So -- oh, let's try to do a line somewhere. Let me

find a cool spot. There's stuff down here. Woo! I still feel a little bit when you jump

off of something ,because it really feels like you're doing this stuff, you know? All

right, let's see. Oh, did it not--? I set a marker, but it it didn't... Whatever, I'll do

something here. So one thing I really love about this game, in the whole series, is

how much it feels like skateboarding. Like, I can come up with an idea for a

line, I can do it, and I can record it, and all that kind of stuff.

You used to be able to share them online and everything, but you still kind of scratch

the same itch that skateboarding does, where, you know, you come up with your

idea and you conquered the spot and all that kind of stuff.

You're just insanely good, and there's no risk of hurting yourself. But aside from

that, it is kind of similar. All right, so let's say that was the thing I wanted to

do. The video mode in this game is very

primitive compared to the other ones, but still, I remember when this game came out.

Might actually been Skate 2. This guy I worked with, he also got the game, and we

would record stuff, and we could share it on there on the Skate...

I forgot what they called it. Wasn't Skate TV, but anyway, you could upload your stuff

and you can share with your friends and everything. That was just really really

cool, because it felt a lot like skateboarding itself. You know, uploading

clips and putting them on YouTube and all that kind of stuff was still pretty

new at the time, but it was starting to get more and more popular as digital

cameras and everything have got to be more accessible. But yeah, I've been

really enjoying this game. I'm hoping to be able to do more stuff like this in

the near future. I do have to do Skate 2 and 3, and as I do, I'm going to

talk about how they compare to each other, you know. Which one is the best? I'm

not really sure yet. I'm thinking it'll probably be two or three. It kind of

depends. I really like the realism of the series, but it kind of jumps the shark

after a while. I'll kind of show you what I mean, because it's already happening in

this one, even though it's the first one. One of the things that I think is kind

of crazy...

Let me see... So one of the downfalls of this game is when you set up this realistic

physics system. You can take advantage of it in a lot of ways, and for the most

part, you know, you don't have to to play the game, but it's pretty easy to do

stuff that's completely ridiculous. And I'm going to show you exactly what I

mean very soon, but there are some glitches that take advantage of it too.

There's one that I'm going to try to show you. You do like --

it's called the "pop glitch," where you do a pivot, and then you do a certain trick

right after you do, and it launches you like 10 feet in the air. You can do that

kind of stuff, but there's really no reason to. So that's that's one of them.

It didn't really work, but if you do a nose manual, pivot, and then do a shove it

right afterward. If you get the timing right, there's a chance that you'll

launch like ten feet in the air. Stuff like that. But that's all -- that's unplanned for.

But this thing I'm trying to show you, if I ever find it, it's very planned for. So

this spot actually reminds me of one of the worst challenges in the game, and

unfortunately I wasn't recording, so I won't be able to put it in the review.

Maybe I'll mention it briefly, but in this spot, you are skating with the Gonz. And

he's going to take you to an art exhibit, and you have to follow him while he

skates around around here for like 15 minutes. Literally. And he'll come up here,

and they'll try to do a trick or whatever, and then he'll bail, and then

you just have to stay close to them, and "okay, I'll come around", he'll go over here,

he'll do a trick, and then he'll bail. And then he'll come over here, and you'll

skate around, and then you get hit by car. And it took forever to just get

this guy to take me where hw wanted me to go. Alright, so, I'm almost there, but

these super long rails are another example. You can do, like, any grind on

earth at 40 miles an hour and just hold it for 300 feet. I wanted to show you the

mega park. So these get worse as the series progresses... whoa. These get worse as the

series progresses. But, you know, the idea of the mega ramp: it's a real thing. It's

fine. You know, it's fine that it's in the game, but

you can do your hardest stuff no problem. And they do a good job of minimizing the

ridiculousness to a degree. Like, you know, in the Tony Hawk series, you could do a

360 flip late 360 flip late 360 flip on and on forever. In

this game, you can only do late kick flips, heel flips and shove its.

But still, you know, you can do a 900 with a 360 inward heel, and it's no big deal.

And to me, this kind of makes it feel a little bit weird. Oh come on. But you

know, it's cool that you have the opportunity to see what it would be like

to be the best skateboarder who could ever exist, skating in a spot like this.

But it also kind of breaks the realism, like breaks to the illusion to me a

little bit. Because not only would this place never exist: it would cost like

fifty million dollars to make it. But no one would ever be able to skate it. I'm

trying to show you the rest of the spot,

but I can't actually land anything. The actual mega ramp

challenge at the X Games that you do is one of the worst parts of a game, because

it's so inconsistent. It's really tough to do anything, and you have to land

something like that in order to win anything. You have to do a crazy combo. So

there's a loop over here, there's some giant gaps and stuff, but one of the

things why this also is a problem in the game, is that it makes you break all of

your records instantly. So to do a power slide more than 20 feet or

whatever is really hard, but if you're at this spot you can just, like, power slide.

You can get like 40 miles an hour. 45 miles an hour, and then power slide 150

feet no problem. So I don't know, I just kind of wish that these weren't in the


So right there. Why did I go fifty feet farther than I did last? I don't know, but

anyway, aside from a couple little small things like I've showed you, this game is,

you know, 95% amazing. Come on, why am I so high? This game is like 95% amazing, and

I've been really enjoying it, and looking forward to putting out that full review

in the near future. I'm trying to do a power slide for you, see that. Oh 49 feet?

Come on, that's nothing. Of course I was going up there while I did

it, but anyway, that's all for this time. If you're really into this video game

type of stuff, I have a couple playlists -- Come on. I have a couple of playlists. I have

games sorted by what system they're on you can check out. I have gameplay videos

like this one where I just kind of casually play the game for a while. You

can check those out too, but I mostly do skateboarding culture stuff.

Skateboarding history. All that kind of thing. There's a lot of that stuff to check out

while you wait for the final review to go up in the near future. But until then,

thank you for watching, and make sure to check out some of that stuff. And

subscribe so you can keep learning about skateboarding things, skateboard game

stuff three times a week. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Skate 1 Gameplay - Kinks and Megaramping the Shark - Duration: 15:17.


Pedro Prieto de sacrifica por Nora Salinas y se lo carga el payaso - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Pedro Prieto de sacrifica por Nora Salinas y se lo carga el payaso - Duration: 0:41.


Matthew Gold - Ain't About It (feat. Mikey Bars) [Premiere] - Duration: 4:05.

Matthew Gold - Ain't About It (feat. Mikey Bars) [Premiere]

For more infomation >> Matthew Gold - Ain't About It (feat. Mikey Bars) [Premiere] - Duration: 4:05.


{DOUJINSHI SASUSAKU} MI PRIMER MINUTO - PARTE 16 | My first Minute [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 6:30.

My first Minute

*To Touch*

Ino: I can´t understand people...I mean...Why do you cut a rose if what you do is kill it? I prefer to see them grow in the rose garden

*Pay attention* *In Mars*

Ino: No matter what I say ...Still the same...Ok

*Walk*/ Ino:*Interrupt*/Sakura: Wait!!

Sakura: Am I being kidding...That voice

Sakura: That boy.../Shikamaru: Hey man...

Sakura: *thinking* he is guilty of his death...Deidara.

Sakura: How he can even...sleep?

Itachi: Can I trust you will not say anything?

Itachi: we have an investigation, please do not repeat what you told me. stay away from danger and do nothing altruistic, Ok?

Sakura: Damn it!

Past Sakura: Yes./Sakura: I´m sorry...detective

Sakura: I will be back in a minute./Ino: Eh!? Where are you going?

Sakura: This time I won´t be selfish...I have two friends alive yet...Wherever ocasioned the die of Yuyori can do it with they...With any person...

Temari: Tsk...You are a disgusting person...

Deidara: Should I feel overwhelmed or offended? I don´t Know/Temari: what does this tell you? *Obscene word*

Sakura: Hey, I need to talk with you

Deidara_ Ah! Look! You need it? And the please? Small maners/Sakura: Can you or not?

Temari: Wait, wait...Do you want to *talk* with he? With this thing?/Shikamaru: Temari, don´t you get into it

Sakura: You did it too, not?/Temari: Yes, I *talk*/Deidara: Leave her in peace.

Temari: anyway, stay away from my brother, Deidara/Deidara: Of course, of course...Tell him to not betray me.../Temari: I won´t keep my silence the next time. Don´t play with me

Deidara: Don´t play you with me. I am the king of this place./ Temari: *damn camel with god's air*

Temari: And what was you doing there?/ Shikamaru: I only gave you moral support/Temari: moral support my butt, do not mess with me/Shikamaru: You know what? You are annoying...all girls are annoying...

Deidara: So...You want to talk with me? A great surprise... what do you want? *sigh*

Sakura: I just want to talk./Deidara: I hear you./ Sakura: I know that you.../Deidara: I?

Sakura: I can´t concentrate! I just want to punch him! How can I think that this would be a great idea?

Sakura: Actually...

Past Deidara: someday I would like to see that beautiful face of yours in ecstasy

Past Deidara: When you want to have fun...You just search me./ *Thinking* I know that this horrible person likes me. In his twisted way...

Sakura: I want to have fun...

Deidara: ?? What?/Sakura: I want to have fun...You propose that to me one time. I want it.

Deidara: Oh! Are you tired of being a good girl?/Sakura: Let´s say yes./Deidara: what reason bring you to me? school pressure?

Sakura: It can be, don´t fuck with many questios. I came to you because I thought that you can distract me. Now I am repenting me

Deidara: Ok, beauty. You will have distraction. I will see you today at twelve at the old oak. Mum and dad can´t know this

Sakura: Ok.

Sakura: *open* God...What am I doing?

*Turn back*

*Amount of pillows*/ Sakura: Probably this is the most ancient trick...Well...Shit


Sakura: I am crazy

*jump* *roll*

*roll* *stop*

Sakura: Definetely I will never do this again. *crack*

*Turn back*

*Surpise* *To grab*

[SUBSCRIBE] Last video - Random Video

For more infomation >> {DOUJINSHI SASUSAKU} MI PRIMER MINUTO - PARTE 16 | My first Minute [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 6:30.


Una escuela primaria, el primer fruto que dio el nuevo grito de los fans de Tigres - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Una escuela primaria, el primer fruto que dio el nuevo grito de los fans de Tigres - Duration: 2:13.


Laura Prepon habla sobre la Cienciología, OITNB y la Comunidad LGBT - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Laura Prepon habla sobre la Cienciología, OITNB y la Comunidad LGBT - Duration: 1:36.


El muro en la cuidad de Nueva York que la comunidad derribó - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> El muro en la cuidad de Nueva York que la comunidad derribó - Duration: 5:10.



For more infomation >> CUENTO DE TÌTERES PARA NIÑOS, ``EDUCANDO A MOJITO`` - Duration: 7:13.


La Rosa de Guadalupe | Cuando el amor habla - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> La Rosa de Guadalupe | Cuando el amor habla - Duration: 4:03.


🌲 Características white whidow semilla xxl auto marihuana - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> 🌲 Características white whidow semilla xxl auto marihuana - Duration: 2:44.



For more infomation >> EMPIRE


JUST IN: Senate Just REJECTED Trump's Hurricane Relief And Passed Something EVEN BIGGER - Duration: 1:35.

It looks like President Donald Trump has inspired the people in Congress to go the extra mile

for the people they represent.

Remember how Trump just negotiated that Hurricane relief package of $8.9 Billion with the Dems?

Yeah, not anymore…

Don't get me wrong, the Hurricane relief package with no political games attached that

Trump got us was passed.

However, the Senate change the amount to $15 Billion.

The measure passed 80-17.

Not only that, but Trump managed to get EVERY Democrat and most Republicans to vote with

him on it.

This is an absolutely unprecedented display of bipartisanship and it is ALL thanks to

the leadership of President Trump.

When the first Hurricane Relief bill was proposed, the Republicans wanted taxes attached and

the Dems wanted DACA attached.

Trump put his foot down and said, "No Way!"

He was not gonna let the American people, his people suffer for some stupid political


He took Pelosi and Schumer to his office and within no time he had them all agreeing to

put America First.

What happened today is a lesson America needs to learn.

We can work together to achieve great things if we put our country before ourselves.

Help share this out and let the world see what winning looks like.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Senate Just REJECTED Trump's Hurricane Relief And Passed Something EVEN BIGGER - Duration: 1:35.



For more infomation >> Hurricane Irma Update CATEGORY 5 HURRICANE IRMA 23 FOOT WAVES CATASTROPHIC WARNING ⚠️ - Duration: 10:38.


Hurricane Irma Update 9th September 2017 LARGEST STORM EVER RECORDED IN THE ATLANTIC ⚠️ - Duration: 10:50.

For more infomation >> Hurricane Irma Update 9th September 2017 LARGEST STORM EVER RECORDED IN THE ATLANTIC ⚠️ - Duration: 10:50.


Hurricane Irma Update2017 523 MILES WIDE HURRICANE IRMA REVING UP WORST CASE SCENARIO ⚠️ - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Hurricane Irma Update2017 523 MILES WIDE HURRICANE IRMA REVING UP WORST CASE SCENARIO ⚠️ - Duration: 10:03.


Police chase ends when officers tackle suspect on I-75 - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Police chase ends when officers tackle suspect on I-75 - Duration: 2:09.


I Love ISU 2017 - Idaho State University - Duration: 3:18.

The best way to assist students through scholarship but to support is to give.

Every dollar that you give it yields five dollars worth of benefit.

Where else can you invest and get five hundred percent return on your investment?

At ISU is you you can do that.

My name is Alex Cardona and I'm from Aberdeen Idaho

and this will be my third year at Idaho State University and I am a double major

in Nursing and Spanish for the Health Professions here at Idaho State University.

My name is Rachel Brinkley I am a senior here at ISU and I am

majoring in Biology with a concentration in Ecology and conservation Biology.

My name is Steven Muse I'm the South East Regional customer relation manager for

Idaho Power Company and this year's chairperson for I Love ISU.

I definitely was like almost on the point of like tears when I got that acceptance letter

because all my hard work paid off, I knew this is what

I wanted to do and so I was gonna be able to be given a chance, I was gonna get a

chance to, you know, further my education get even better skills.

I had done everything that you were supposed to do for pre-med, I had volunteered at the hospital,

I was a certified Nursing Assistant.

And then I called my parents one day and tell them that I was going to change major because I liked fish.

And as a parent that's a very scary phone call to receive I'm sure.

I always knew I was gonna go to ISU just mainly because of their nursing program

and than I always knew that I wanted to do medical profession, I wanted to be able to help people.

The fact that I didn't have to work my freshman and sophomore year gave me time

to explore different options and figure out what exactly I wanted to do.

We got to go to Peru. They took a medical, surgical, dental and an audiology team.

I was lucky enough to be a ISU where they provided me with an environment

in which I felt like I could explore my options.

Coming off of that trip, it definitely assured me that nursing was what I wanted to do.

Last year we were able to donate 343 scholarships.

We have a goal of $250,000 this year.

We want to make a difference to Southeast Idaho.

I was able to get involved in these research experiences,

I was able to do them unpaid for a little while.

And that set me up for all of these other opportunities.

I wasn't worried constantly, you know, how am I gonna pay for this book? How am I gonna do this?

But I had to pinpoint somewhere that set me up for a successful career and

graduate program in the future it would be that unpaid internship. And there's a

lot of value in being able to do that, because a lot of students can't.

And I was able to do it because of my scholarships.

Thank you, without the generous contributions

that so many people have given me,

I wouldn't have been able to get here.

When you get a phone call from I Love ISU,

pick up the phone and give a generous donation.

Help us to help you and we'll make this area of Idaho

and all of Idaho great. Thank you.

For more infomation >> I Love ISU 2017 - Idaho State University - Duration: 3:18.


[Steven Universe animation] Scape part 2 (Holly Blue Agate + Aquamarine) - Duration: 1:15.

Yeah! We did it!

Did you really think you can scape from me?

What is THIS?


Oh yeah, they called you to bring the humans to the zoo...

They need a special punishement...don't you think?

That kind of fusion is forbidden ...

But we can make an exception.

For more infomation >> [Steven Universe animation] Scape part 2 (Holly Blue Agate + Aquamarine) - Duration: 1:15.


Video: Concerns looming over the I-4 Ultimate construction during Irma - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Video: Concerns looming over the I-4 Ultimate construction during Irma - Duration: 2:03.


Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC Comfort Automaat - Connect navigatie - Rijklaar!! - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC Comfort Automaat - Connect navigatie - Rijklaar!! - Duration: 1:00.


Citroën C3 1.4i Exclusive - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.4i Exclusive - Duration: 1:01.


Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-I BUSINESS (Panodak,Navi, Clima, Trekhaak) - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.6 VVT-I BUSINESS (Panodak,Navi, Clima, Trekhaak) - Duration: 0:54.


Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC Comfort Automaat - Connect navigatie - Rijklaar!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.3 i-VTEC Comfort Automaat - Connect navigatie - Rijklaar!! - Duration: 1:01.


Matthew Gold - Ain't About It (feat. Mikey Bars) [Premiere] - Duration: 4:05.

Matthew Gold - Ain't About It (feat. Mikey Bars) [Premiere]

For more infomation >> Matthew Gold - Ain't About It (feat. Mikey Bars) [Premiere] - Duration: 4:05.


Like a BOSS! // IPSY September Glam Bag - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> Like a BOSS! // IPSY September Glam Bag - Duration: 4:15.


Beginners Guide to the FZ300/330 - Part 2 - the iA modes - Duration: 27:29.

Hello I'm Graham and I hope everyone's having a great day. Welcome to my

beginner's guide series for the panasonic lumix FZ300 / FZ330

Now in today's video we're going to be looking at the iA and iA plus modes.

Now if you're just joining the series have a look at the download section and I'm

going to put a link to that in the video description below where you can download

the guide for this series and you'll be able to follow along also I would have a

look at the introduction to the series as there we set up the camera with some

specific menu settings so that if you are following the course you'll get the

exact setup that we've got without worrying if you can't achieve the setup

that we've got in the system at the moment. So today we are going to talk

about the intelligent auto mode and it's a mode I recommend that you start off

with if you're a new user to the camera it gets you familiar with handling the

controls and more importantly it learns you how to recognize some of the

failings that the iA mode has. Having said that it does give you the

opportunity to create fantastic pictures and in good light and with average

situations you'll get good keepers from the resulting image sets. It's only when

you stray outside the norms that you'll start to struggle with the iA mode

because of its ways that it works but more about that when we come across the

specific circumstances. So what I want to do now is explain exactly what the iA

and the iA plus modes are. Now the intelligent auto mode is a facility by

which the camera will judge the exposure and the type of scene that you are

trying to take based on scrolling through an image database trying to match what

it's seeing coming through the lens. So it has the opportunity of being able to

look for landscape, portrait, food, sunset those sort of things and set optimum

conditions within the camera JPEG processor to give you good results

straight out of the camera. If it can't find a match in the database it just

uses a straightforward metering to give you the exposure. If we look at the scene

we're presented with now on the screen you can see I've got a couple of dolls

sat on my initials and a doll in the centre. Now if I half press

the shutter button you notice that the camera has determined that we are in a

macro mode. It's just the distance between the camera and the nearest

object and said this is close enough for macro shots so it dialed in the iMacro

mode and when it does that it sets certain conditions for the camera. So it

will set the aperture which is best for macro and, dependent on the amount of

light it's seeing, it will set an appropriate shutter speed and the ISO

Now I'm going to talk about the exposure triangle and if you've downloaded the

beginners guide right at the very back of that is the exposure triangle and all

exposures are created from those three components - the shutter speed the

aperture and the ISO and each one of those will affect the image in a

different way. Now the ISO governs the sensitivity of the camera system to

light. The more sensitive it is the higher the number you'll see on the

screen. So that this camera goes from say ISO 100 to ISO 3200. The higher the

number the higher the sensitivity but the downside of that is you'll get grain

or noise on the image. The lower you can keep the ISO number the better the

imaging result will be. The aperture will govern the amount of sharpness in the

picture from the foreground to the background and we call that depth of

field and the shutter is responsible for capturing that light for a specific

instance to give you that right exposure and shutter speed will govern the amount

of subject motion blur if the subject is moving. Here we've got a desktop

situation where there is no movement so the camera in it's iISO mode won't be

looking for subject motion so it would set a fairly low shutter speed. Now if I

half press the shutter button you can see that the camera is going to give me

an exposure of 180th of a second at F 2.8 - You can't actually see the ISO value

until we take the picture. So what I'm going to do now is take that picture and

I'll use my remote release to trigger the camera so we don't get an image shake

on the camera and I've got the review set to "hold" so the screen will stay on

the camera as long as I want it to. So for that particularly shot you see the

camera used an exposure of F 2.8 so it's used the widest aperture the camera

has. It used a shutter speed of 180th of a second and the ISO it used to make

the exposure correct was 320. You notice on the screen that have got image

stabilization turned off and that is a recommendation if you've got the camera

mounted on a tripod. The image stabilization if it's turned on can

actually give you image shake even though the cameras not moving. So if you

have the camera mounted on a tripod or it's on a monopod or on something solid

turn off image stabilization. You notice I've also got the camera shutter set to

E-shutter. The electronic shutter prevents any vibrations that might occur

when the mechanical shutter fires. So if you can switch to electronic shutter if

you've got it mounted on a tripod then you actually help yourself by alleviating

any vibration from the shutter mechanism. In this camera it's telling me I am in

the iMacro mode. It's telling me you've got a standard photo style because we

can only choose between standard and monochrome remember in the iA mode and

the meter mode is the whole area. You can see from over on the left hand side it's

used the whole area metering. If I come back to the shooting screen what you may

notice is when I press the focus button is the camera is focusing on and the

nearest subject and that is usual with this type of situation. In the automatic

mode it tends to favor the subjects which are nearer to the camera so

anything near to the camera will receive the best focus. So if I wanted the doll

in the background to be sharp as well unfortunately with this situation with

an aperture of f28 that doll in the background may not be as sharp as the

one in the foreground. Now to overcome this problem with the camera always

trying to focus on the nearest object you can specifically tell it where you

want to focus - if you go into the background defocus mode and you can go

into background defocus directly by pressing the function 2

button. When you press function 2 you notice you would get a screen appearing

which is the shutter speed and the aperture value. You notice the moment the

aperture value is f 2.8. If I go to f4 which gives me slightly more focus from

foreground to background - and I can do that by turning the top control dial or

I can use the left and right navigation keys and now when I press menu set it

will lock that value into the camera memory and you can see that we've got f4

now on the screen and there's a little symbol there that shows me that we're in

background defocus. Now it will hold that value in its memory even if you turn the

camera off. If you select background defocus again it will come back to the

value you've set - so that's a useful feature if you want to always have the

camera set to a specific aperture - and f4 is the sharpest aperture this camera has.

So it might be worth keeping f4 as the default in your background defocus mode.

You'll notice now that it's also brought up a focus area. It's a fixed focus area

you can change its position but it does give the opportunity now of moving

that focus point anywhere on the screen - and to do that you use the left hand

navigation button - the one with mark with the four-way cross on it. So it's the

left-hand button. If you press that you notice now it can change its position so

if I wanted the camera to focus on this doll in the middle I can set the focus area on

that particular one. Notice I can't change its size - there's no facility to

give me a size position. I can take it back to the centre by pressing the

display buttons - so if I pressed display it will put the cursor back into the middle

but again by using this left hand navigation key I can move the position

of that target. Now when I take that photograph it will have focused on the

area in the middle. So we now can change the focus point - so now if I wanted the

background doll to be in focus I can change this focus position either by

using the cursor button to move its position or I can move it by touching on

the screen. So I can drag that over to the area that

I want to be in focus. When I take the picture the background doll will be in

focus. If I wanted to cancel this background defocus that's being held at

f4 if I press the function button Fn2 and then press it again. You notice now it's

canceled out and if I half press the shutter button you notice the camera

goes back to its F 2.8 state. The iA mode also supports subject motion tracking - so

for example if you've got something that's moving in your subject and you

want it to stay in focus like if you had a dog running around the scene and you

wanted to track the dog - then you can use this method to make sure that the camera

always focuses on that dog! Now the way you can set it up is multiple ways. You

can use the 4-way navigation dial, you can use as a touchscreen or you can use

the focus button on the side of the camera. iF you use the focus button on the

side of the camera you'll notice it brings up a target area. Now what you do

is position that target area on the subject that you want to be tracked. So

I'm just going to reposition that so it's on the doll. Now I'm going to half

press the shutter button and you'll notice that that target area goes to a

smaller one and it will be highlighted in yellow. So I'm going to half press

the shutter button - you notice now we've got a image over the doll which is going

to be tracked if the doll moves. So if I move the doll you notice the camera is

now tracking it - and wherever it moves on the screen the camera will lock focus,

and I could take that picture and that doll would be sharply in focus. It will

continue to track it until you cancel it by tapping the AF lock or pressing the

side button again. So now we've come back to setting our target. By default the

camera is setup for the 49 area focus so it will try to find focus on any one of

those 49 points - with a closest point being the highest priority. But it's also

set up for face detection as well. So if I was to bring in a

subject which has got a face - if I bring this photograph you know just that

immediately the cameras recognized there are two faces. I've actually gone through

the process of face recognition and I've actually assigned a name. So my name is

there. It's recognized me in the picture and it set me as the principal focus. If

you notice my grand daughter here is highlighted as it's being recognized as

a face but there's no name to it so I haven't actually recognized her within

the camera setup - but my name would appear there because that has been

recognized in the face recognition software. It also focuses on the eye, so

for if the eye is clear enough in the image you'll notice that there's a white

graticule which is on the eye which is closest to the photograph. So it's got

face detection and eye detection to make sure you get the sharpest focus. So if I

press the shutter button it will a focus directly on that picture. If you've gone

through the process of face recognition if that face appears in a group of

people say at a wedding reception and that person is on the back row the

camera will identify that face and it will set the focus on that face. So you

can use that to prioritize focus in a group of people. As I said in the

introduction the iAmode uses an internal database of images which is

used to compare to what's been received through the lens. So for example when I

turn from the program auto mode to IA you will notice that the camera

immediately identifies the scene as a close-up - and you will see a blue icon

which stays blue for about two seconds and then turns to red to tell you that

it's in the close-up mode. If i switch to IA

you'll notice that the camera has recognized a close-up. It was blue and

then its gone red. So that is the conditions that it will set up for this

particular image. I've now changed the subject that we're filming - so I'm in the

program Auto Mode again and you notice the cameras already picked up the fact

that we've got a face in this in the system. It's picked up the face and it's

highlighted the eye so we've got the crosshairs on the eye.

Now if I go back to the iA mode and it would do this if we're directly in the iA

but I'm doing this to just show you what happens - you'll notice we get the blue

icon again which tells me in a portrait mode - and then that will change to the

red. So the camera has identified that as a portrait. So having set up for the

portrait condition it has a slightly in the rich red tone, it smooths out the

skin a little bit- so there's a little bit of softening goes on but that's the

way that the camera recognizes a portrait mode. Again if I take that

picture we were to see that the camera is focused on the eye and you can see

the conditions again has got the same exposure 180th of a second F 2.8 and the

ISO in this case is iso 200. You can use the display key to give you more

information about that image - so if I press the display key we get a smaller

image so we can see what the image is but it tells me now I've got the

aperture, I've got the shutter speed, whether there's been any brightness

correction, that in the moment is not, the white balance is automatic white balance

and that is always the case when you're using intelligent auto it always uses

automatic white balance. Tells me the ISO, tells me the focus mode - which is auto

focus single area. The Image Stabilizer was off and things like intelligent

resolution and intelligent contrast have been turned off. Tells me the mode that

we took the picture with - so it was the portrait mode in the standard photo

style and got some information down here about the aspect ratio and the picture

size or a 16 to 9 large picture size, fine JPEG quality and the type of file

was sRGB which is the standard for printing and internet. Tells me the image

number which would be 1180165. Tells me the time

the image was taken and the date. Press the display button one more time and it

gives me that information in a condensed form for the exposure but it also gives

me a histogram - broken down into the red the green and the blue components and

the illuminance - "Y" stands for illuminance. It also tells me were a hundred and seventy

seven images on the card. We'll come back to the histogram when we

start to talk about the manual features of the camera. Press the display button

again and again you've got a full-screen view of the image, press display again it

goes back to the standard screen. So twe've looked at background defocus and the way

that we can change the aperture to vary the amount of depth of field or the

amount of focus between the foreground and the background. On the screen now you

can see some real-world examples where I took a portrait of this statue in a

local park. The first picture is with the background defocus set down to f 2.8 and

I've got a slightly telephoto setting so I've zoomed out to about 400 effective

millimeters focal length - and you can see that the background is nicely blurred. So

we've got a nice subject there - it stands out against a blurred background. if I

let the camera have its own way in that bright sunshine it would have chosen f/8

and you can see the difference between f 2.8 and f/8 because the background is a

lot more sharp and the subject doesn't stand out. So you can use this background

defocus control to give you the opportunity of setting up a large

aperture. Here you can see some flowers - again though it took using the same

method - set the camera down to F 2.8 set the telephoto to a position to full

telephoto (times 24) and you can see the background is really out of focus

and it makes that subject in the foreground really stand out. But switched

to f/8 again you can see though the background is still in a defocused mode,

because we're using that 600 millimeter lens, but again it's more sharp than if

we use the F 2.8. So you can use that to your advantage if you want to

make plants or similar subjects stand out against the background. So we've seen

background defocus control. Now the other one is the color tint and the color tint

control allows you to change the bias of the picture when we want it warmer or

colder and on the touch screen you'll notice we've got the iA symbol and if we

touch the iA symbol you'll get a panel come out which has got the color tint, the

background defocus and the brightness correction. Now if I press color tint you

bring up a scale which goes from warm to cold. "A" is warm and "B" is cold and if I

slide that to the left or to the right using touch screen - or I can use the

navigation dial - or I can use a top control dial, your preference, - so if I

wanted to make this picture a little more yellow - more warmer I can move the

operating point from the center over to the left hand side - and that makes the

picture a little bit more yellow. If I wanted to make the scene colder - so if I

wanted to create a scene which would look colder I can move the operating

point over to the right hand side. So if I take the picture in the middle and

then I followed bias over to the left hand side and take the picture and

then wash it over to the right hand side and take the picture you can see the

change in those three images - and a real world sense again in the park I took

these two pictures one with the camera set to the fully warming position and

the other image is the one that's now set to the cold.

The other control to consider is the brightness control. So if I touch the iA

symbol on the touchpad - you notice now we have this symbol here which is the

plus and minus - and that allows us to change the brightness of the image. In

real terms what we're doing what's called exposure value compensation - but we're

actually changing the brightness of the subject. The camera always tries to make

the subject a neutral grey - so with all the colors are in the photograph it tries to

make them into a harmonized 18% reflectance, neutral grey - and that's the

card that I've got set up behind this little doll now. If I take this picture

were wii see the exposure - and it's again 180th of a second F 2.8, ISO 200. Now

look what happens when I change that gray card for a white card - simulating

what would happen if you were to take a portrait outside in snow. You will now that the

doll's face has gone slightly darker. If take that picture you see the exposure has

changed. It's gone from 180th to 100th and their ISO has got from 200 down to 100.

So we're now really under exposing this picture by one stop because we've gone

from ISO 200 to 100 and we've gone from 180th to 100th so we are about one and a

third stops under exposed- because the camera is looking at a white card and

that's influencing the metering. So you would get this if you're trying to take

a portrait in snow or again on a beach scene where you're your skin tones match

the sand you could have the same situation. So to correct for that if we

come into the brightness control we've got the facility to go between minus 3

which makes the subject darker or plus 3 which makes it my lighter. I've already

established that we need to go about one and a third stops - so you can use the

navigation dial or the top control dial or the touch screen to change that value. So

I'm going to go by one and a third which is what I thought we

would need based on the exposure that the camera was given me. So if I take

that picture you can see we've got exactly the same exposure that we have

before F 2.8, 180th of a to the second ISO 200- and you can see on the screen that we've

got this exposure value compensation now of one and a third stops. So you can

change the way the camera reacts dependent on its background. Now if I

change that white card for a black card we will get the reverse. So I've now put

a black card behind - and you notice the camera has made this subject really

light. Let's take off the exposure value compensation - first let's put that back

to the center point. You notice that the background isn't black- it's trying to

make this again into a neutral grey component. If we look at the exposure

- you can see that he's change the exposure to ISO 400 so it thinks the

situation is darker and it's increased the exposure again by one complete

f-stop it's gone from iso 200 to iso 400. So for us to correct this scene I would

need to go into our exposure value compensation again - so again I want to

reduce the sensitivity - because it's increased the sensitivity to 400. I

want to make that subject back to normal by one f-stop I can use the navigation

dial top control down or I can use a touch screen - so I'm going to use the

slider and I'm going to go down one f-stop. So now if we take that picture ---

We're not quite there yet we looking at ISO 250 - so we want to be about

another 1/3 of a stop. So again it's like the white card that was plus one

and a third the black card is minus 1 and 1/3. So again if I take that picture

we've now come back to the exact situation f 2.8

180 of the second and ISO 200. So if we looked at the baby in all of those

three pictures the face would be the same shade as the white card the gray

card and the black card - it is because the background is influencing in the way the

camera metering circuit is telling the camera what exposure to use. Now there is

this facility in the record setup screen called iHandheld night shot - and the i

handheld night shot takes a series of exposures and then combines them into

one image so rather than it shooting say at a fifth of a second to get you an

exposure it will take 30th of a second and make multiple exposures and then combine

them to give you less noise and more brightness. It works to an extent -

providing there's no subject motion. So here are some images that I shot at

Blackpool yesterday with the illuminations. The camera was in the I

handheld night shot mode - you can see multiple images are captured and because

of subject motion they appear as streaks on the image - so ideally you can only use

this for a static subject. Anything that's got motion in it will appear as

blur on the subject. It will only work in the handheld condition- if it's on a

tripod it won't enter the iHandheld night shot mode - it knows that it's static and

won't enter that mode - so you've got to be handheld to enable this mode! So far

in the iA mode we've not talked about any video at all - I'm saving the video

for a special video only section and we'll talk about how to set up for video,

how to use it in the iA mode and all the other modes. You can see the difference

but it's such a complex topic I'd like to keep that for one special video

sequence. Well that's the end of the iA tutorial - have a look at it in the

guidebook and see if you can make sense of the settings that we've made today - in

particular the color tint - something you might want to use. Certainly background

defocus is one that you would use quite a bit and the brightness correction

again is something used a bit. So get to know how to enter those

modes and get out of them, how to set them up and use them to the better

advantage. It does give you the opportunity to correct some fantastic

images in the iA mode and extend its usefulness by using the iA plus mode

- which is now the default on the FZ 300/330. So until the next one where we're

looking at the Program Auto mode - thanks very much for watching. If you're new viewer

pleased do subscribe and hit the like button - and then have a look at my

photographic blog - again there's a link to that in the video description below -

where you can have a look at all the other topics that's been written on the

FZ 300/330. Have a look at the download section - there's some

information on the 330 there. There's also the downloads guide that we are

talking about here in this video and on the home page is the application form

for the three weekly newsletter. It's more than a newsletter - it's more of a

technical article. If you've not subscribed to that - fill in the

subscription form and you'll receive that every three weeks. So thanks again

for watching please do take care and I hope to see you all in the next one! ....

Good bye for now!

For more infomation >> Beginners Guide to the FZ300/330 - Part 2 - the iA modes - Duration: 27:29.


OOTD Week 1 - September [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 1:47.

Hello everyone! Welcome to my Channel ~

I'm Fran and today I will show you this week challenge :)

This challenge consisted in drawing 7 days in a row

all the outfits I used every day of the week.

I did it on a Watercolor paper, with a waterproof pen

and Sakura koi Watercolors

The full list of materials will be available on the description box!

If you liked this video please subscribe

and follow me on my social media like Instagram or Facebook ~

See you in a next video, bye bye!

For more infomation >> OOTD Week 1 - September [ENG SUBS] - Duration: 1:47.


FlexPath Movement | Coni: My Community of Support - Duration: 2:08.

Hi everyone, I'm Coni.

I am here today to talk with you about FlexPath and the community of support.

One of the things that I really, really appreciated about making my decision to go back to school

for a time and pursue my MBA was the support that I got from family and friends.

But what I didn't anticipate when I started this journey was going to be the community

of support I got from other FlexPath learners.

Over the course of these past months it's been really fun and exciting to have other

folks who are going through the FlexPath journey reach out to me via different social media

networks and share their experiences with me and create this additional network of folks

who are working professionals who are going back to school.

A very interesting conversation happened recently while I was talking a little walk through

the Minneapolis Skyways, I just happened to overhear a couple of gals who were talking

about FlexPath, and one of them had just enrolled and was going to be starting her FlexPath

experience here this fall.

So it was really a lot of fun to introduce myself and share my experience with her and

talk about just what a wonderful and perfect program it has been for me as a full-time


While FlexPath has great coaches and great tutors, one of the things that's been just

really an addition to this whole experience is getting to meet all of the great people

who are also pursuing a similar journey and being able to share those experiences and

meet some new friends along the way.

Thanks for listening, and catch you next time.

For more infomation >> FlexPath Movement | Coni: My Community of Support - Duration: 2:08.


Purple Glam Makeup Tutorial | Jaclyn Hill Palette - Duration: 13:21.

hi my love muffins welcome back to my channel I'm so excited you guys are

tuning in today I decided to do a bowl look you know I'm always natural team

natural so I decided to amp it up just a little bit just just amp it up I'm sorry

I'm so silly um so if you want to achieve this look stay tuned bye see you

on my next video oh yeah don't forget to Like share and

you know subscribe bye love you guys I already clean my face I already washed

around my face I moisturize my face with this new Lauria hydrogenous washer Iser

so I want to see how that goes so just velvet primer and I'm just going to

apply this all over my face

but normally I do my eyebrows and my eyes first but not today I wanted to try

doing my foundation first and then I'm gonna do my eyeshadow and today I'm

going to be using Urban Decay Foundation I hope you guys can see this and I'm

using deep 78 neutral and I'm just going to apply this all over my face so I know

this this foundation is full coverage so for those who don't want a full colors

foundation do not buy this I recommend this foundation if you're going out for

the night um yeah because for me when I go out

even though I don't go out but when I do go out I choose to want a photo coverage

foundation so this foundation I would recommend that you guys get this full

coverage is gonna cover all your blemishes and even cover up my dark

circles so I don't even have the color corrector so if you want to full of

coverage as you can see I'm bouncing the brush off my skin and that's gonna give

you a fuller coverage once we using my Kat Von D concealer and I'm just going

to use this to highlight my face

I want to be taking my luscious bile in trying to loosen powder in the shade

butternut beige and I'm just going to set other my under eyes


and I'm just going to take my beauty blender and I'm just gonna add a little

bit under in case I do have fallout so that the pilot can catch it so I'm just

gonna put a little bit under my arm just for Fallout I'm not baking well is this

bacon I don't know but oh well

like I said this is gonna help catch the follows if I have follows for this

eyeshadow so today I finally got my

palette Jaclyn Hill palette I hope you guys can see it can you see it

I'm so excited like the colors are amazing look at all the pretty colors

I'm so in love this eyeshadow palette like I'm so ready to brought this I

don't know what color we're going to do but I guarantee it's gonna come out

flawless it's gonna be okay so I'm going to take this burnt orange and I'm gonna

use that in my trend and well I'm gonna use that in my crease as my transition

color I want to be using mine it's 17 brush and I'm just gonna blend that in

my crease

and you can just keep adding it and the color until you satisfy what your payoff

and you know what I'm doing circular motions and windshield wiper motion back

it or walking that back no poor more food that oh my goodness I forgot to

primer on this oh let me primer on these ladies I'm going to be taking laying low

from Mac Paint Pot and I'm just going to put this all over my eyelid

we take care let's see because it's so what I can do

I'm going to take this reddish British brown color and I'm put this into my

crease and I'm gonna use a smaller brush I like a dense brush to get in my crease

then I'm gonna go back in and I'm lindell's colors together

I'm going to be using this color right here and I'm just going to place that on

my lid

to mine it liner to outline my eyes

next I'm going to use my what is this oh yeah my black opal finish about it so

just person into my skin and pressing it s I want my move any products so press

it into your skin will keep everything in place so just having it all over my


I'm going to be taking my Black Radiance press powder I'm sorry if it was

destroyed oh no and I'm gonna take it and rich mahogany to carve out my cheek

and mine I don't think I'm doing my buy for it I don't know I might get my

forehead let's see some take my angle brush and

one eye contour I always make this face like my one something take this product

and I'm just going to contour my cheeks

want to be using the Maybelline master chrome so I'm a wet my brush just to

make it more shimmery line to make it stand out more oh wow

how you doing today come through her light I think I did different was on I

took this blue color right here and I put it in my tear duct to make my eyes

pop more put it right here let my tear duct so I'm going to be taking my NYX

lip liner in the color dark brown to outline my lips

touch lipstick from Mac

For more infomation >> Purple Glam Makeup Tutorial | Jaclyn Hill Palette - Duration: 13:21.


Lightworkers Will Experience These 20 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades. Are You One Of Them? - Duration: 13:09.

Lightworkers Will Experience These 20 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades.

Are You One Of Them?

444 Lightworker activation is being triggered.

Lightworkers, volunteers, earth warriors embrace, activate and integrate upgrades.

Its time to lose the avatars.

Ditch the masks.

Embody truth.

Buckle up we're in for a big one friends.



Connecting to intense highs of lighter frequencies, floating and flying sensations, blissful rushes of love.


Lucid dreaming, astral projection, energetic healing upgrades.


You see through politics, you understand the link between corporate politics, pharmaceutical, drug and arms industry.


More sensitive to energy fields around us.

A lot more sensitive!


Breathing deeper and slower, into the solar, sacral and root chakras.

Flexing muscles we didn't know we had as the chi, the energy is drawn deep into our being.


Appreciating synchronicity, number codes, nature's language as an integral part of our understanding of how this new

world operates.


Experiencing deja vu, dimensional slippage, time fluctuations, flashbacks.


Renewed need or drive to get on with your mission to change, heal, protect the world.


Chakra activations causing heart palpitations, low blood pressure, nausea, aches, flu symptoms.


Some people being drawn to you like a moth to a light.


Other people being averse to you, staying away from your energy.


Being less able to adopt stealth mode, hide behind your matrix avatar.

As a result being more careful about who you spend time with.


Moving your body to enable and encourage energetic flow.

Being drawn to chi gong, reiki, yoga.

Becoming more flexible, looser, more fluid in movement.

Hips and pelvis opening, chest and shoulders opening, back straightening, hips aligning.


Increased empathy and a need for energetic self care to transmute and clear negative energy regularly.


Trusting the universal flow of love frequency more.

Knowing the right thing will come to you.


Consciously reprogramming yourself from matrix algorithms.

Heightened awareness of how, when, why the programming works and using tools to unplug.

Simplifying your life.


Practicing manifestation consciously.

Using mantras, focused intentions and meditation throughout the day and night to reset,

rebalance and realign your internal vibration.


Intense periods of release of karmic and matrix toxins.

Expect physical symptoms shaking, shivers, heat waves or nausea, aches and pains.






Practice selfcare.


Feelings of depression, anxiety, despair, restlessness, sudden mood swings and very low energy can be experienced.

This is the unbearable lightness of being.

The overwhelming need for expansion of consciousness.


Feeling connected to everything.

Interconnectedness, oneness being experienced at a fundamental soul level.


We are all cosmic surfers riding waves of quantum evolution.

As each wave of activation takes us to its heights, the following days can feel like a mammoth come down.

Rehydrate the hangover.

Drinking loads of water, swimming and baths help as the immersion in water clears and cleanses our energetic field.

A profound connection with mind body and soul is experienced.

We pass through the doors of perception.

The veils between dimensions thin, the world fluctuates, breathes, and we are part of it.

During upgrades, out of body experiences, deeeeeeep breathing, spontaneous stretching and intense shaking can be


Chakra activations can be felt, and it's a pretty wild experience.

Flow with these upgrades.

Don't fight them.

We are rebooting and realigning our structural make up.

The flow of energy through our chakras, freed from blockages, brings our energetic being online.

We feel looser, more flexible and powered up from within.

Healers, teachers, earth warriors we are being pushed further into fifth dimension expansion.

The zen state of peace and serenity.

Where everything feels beautiful, compassionate and just.

All the while operating within the matrix.

This is a big challenge.

The matrix is not passive, it is aggressive and hostile.

Global politics will drag us down.

All the horrors fed to us everyday will mess with our heads.

Personal dramas and challenges can destroy zen.

This is ego driven matrix control.

'1984' here and now.

It will drain us.

Manipulate us.

Take us down if we let it.

We are warriors.

Light warriors.

We stand here at the front line ready to fight.

Fight for love, light and peace.

We fight with our energy, our healing and our love.

We light the way.

We fall we get up.

We lose the will, we rest, we haul ourselves back up.

We are all being activated, Gaia attunement with the new earth wavelength.

Aspire to spread love in every interaction, no matter how small.

Avoid negative energy by listening to our own energetic system and trusting gut responses.

Humanity needs to be reminded it's not the big, scary, divided monster the elite portrays us to be.1

The tensions, the polarity, the division, the separation, the apocalypse?

It's all being cranked up further.

Notch by cosmic notch.

People need to see the spark of soul light in our eyes.

Concentrate our energy field as light and heart filled.

Share love.

Spread light.

Raise vibrations wherever you go.

Like a pinball game we are bouncing back and forth, up and down the frequency spectrum.

We are being offered the chance to reach higher dimensions.

Yet we continually crash back down to earth, literally.

The 3rd dimension.

The matrix.

Up and down we go.

Intensive evasive action from the skies is ongoing to further disable the matrix.

Battles in the sky.

Everything hidden in plain sight.

Diversion and divisive tactics are in full swing from the elite.

The seas of transition are dark and stormy, unstable and unpredictable.

Ground with mindfulness, replenish and realign our mind body soul systems with self-care.

Embrace, integrate, recalibrate and own these cosmic upgrades friends.

There are tools, holistic healing, nature, that can help us.

Rules of engagement that can guide us.

Be aware of your energetic effect on others, lightworker.

Take responsibility for your light.

When your energy is off, your juju heavy and grimy, stay home, avoid contact, seek rest, solitude and hydration,

soul tribe nourishment.

Until you're replenished, back up and firing on all cylinders again.

Our mission, our job is not one big showdown of light saber drama.

Good versus evil.

It's ongoing, it's everyday on planet earth.

Be present, be mindful, be grateful.

Stay grounded.

Expand consciousness with energy work, healing and meditation.

Work on core balance, meditate love frequency regularly to raise vibrations and stay connected to guides.

This is the long haul.

The battle has already commenced.

We are in it.

Earth warriors, lightworkers, volunteers we are getting close to critical mass.

Tipping point of dimensional timelines.

The cross roads is on the horizon.

Humanity needs to see itself in our eyes.

It needs to see compassion, humility, hope and love.

We set the energy, the wavelength.

We emit frequency.

We can manage this.

Set our frequency and maintain it through the day.

Using breathing, mantras, protection, healing and simply smiling more.

Trusting third eye and gut instincts over appearance and programming.

We are beings of light.

Not labelled, boxed in matrix stereotypes.

These are challenging times friends.

Be assured you are not alone.

We are not alone.

We have help and guidance.

Stay calm, protected and focused on self care.

Sending love and light to all cosmic surfers _/\_ x.

Home Protection: Create a perimeter of crystals in your home.

Use sage to smudge.

As you place the crystals and smudge repeat the mantra 'I cleanse and clear this home from all lower vibrations'.

Mantras: I embrace all upgrades appropriate for me under the protection of my higher self.

I am a being of light, compassion and love.

I send love to *** (repeat three times for each person including yourself).


For more infomation >> Lightworkers Will Experience These 20 Signs Of Quantum Upgrades. Are You One Of Them? - Duration: 13:09.


Zythor - BloxWatch is FAKE! (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Zythor - BloxWatch is FAKE! (Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:55.


Justice League NEWS Darkseid Will APPEAR? His Secret Plan REVEALED!! Who Will Play Darkseid? - Duration: 7:18.

what is good YouTube Warstu here with a video on the Justice League movie

once again so the Justice League movie comes out on the 17th of November I will

be going to see it ASAP so we all know that Darkseid will be in the Justice

League movie in some shape or form whether that just be a large presence or

whether that be he's physically there we've all known since the nightmare

scene where at t--'s Darkseid that Darkseid is coming to the DC extended

universe but guys who is Darkseid let's go into that so he's worshipped as a god

of evil Darkseid is one of the most powerful beings in existence and he is

the supreme person in the planet of apocalypse considers as one of Justice

League's worst ad versus the greatest enemy of New Genesis and one of the

greatest threats to to the DC multiverse he seeks to bend everything and everyone

to his will and will remake Cosmo in his own image

well searching for the anti-life equation and essentially guys the

anti-life equation is what he wants but what is the anti-life equation the

anti-life equation is a formula that saps beans of their free will through an

equation that makes life and hope and freedom basically impossible and

pointless so that's essentially what Darkseid wants he wants two three mother

boxes back obviously one of them is with the Amazonians one of them's with the

Atlanteans and one of them is cyborg so it's going to be very interesting to see

how his uncle Stefan wolf plays out and tries to recapture the mother boxes I am

expecting within the Justice League a huge presence presence from a dark side

as everyone knows Darkseid is coming but I got thought thinking to myself if the

outside is going to have a cow come here roll no matter how big or

small that camera roll would actually be who could actually play Darkseid I'm

gonna do a separate video on this but I'm just gonna say I think someone like

Jeff bridge bridges would be an awesome character obviously he'd be shipping

from Marvel over to DC I think I think that would be amazing but originally I

think when the Justice League first came out the concept of Darkseid come in to

the Justice League movie I think DC one of us got worried that it was too

similar to kind of fan of Marvel 8 like the Avengers kind of so I think that's

why there's rumors that they're pulling back the dark side and they want the

presence of him to be there without him physically being there but in my opinion

that season like closer to kind of phallus because we've we've known things

Garden galaxies that the ultimate goal is Stannis

so whenever Darkseid comes he's just gonna come so it's gonna make no

difference if it appears to be like a Marvel movie so guys I want you to let

me know in the comment box down below who do you want to play Darkseid in at

the Justice League movie and I'm going to be doing a video next couple days

about kind of who should play dark side I think Tom Hardy obviously he played a

badass Bay and I've got some good ideas that most likely be tomorrow video but I

would love your input in that video so point NAMBLA guys who could play

Darkseid in the Justice League movie so this next stuff could be spoilery it

leads on from the lead flop video I did the other day so if you don't want to

know any spoilers please go Vietnam so we know that we could potentially

baguette baguette in evil Superman an evil Superman but the evil Superman

didn't go down well on general viewers based on opinions of Batman vs Superman

so let's say we get an evil Superman so let's say Darkseid brings him back to

life even though he's not even dead we are expecting Superman to be in the

black suit with a mullet when he appeared when he comes back to be

drained of all his powers from being away from the Sun most likely for such a

long time Darkseid tell Superman that Lois Lane is dead and everyone that

he loves is dead dark so it also tells him that Batman is to blame obviously

Batman vs Superman they had a massive rivalry then they came together at the

end with Martha and then he tells Batman he's sorry he tell was Superman that

it's all Batman's fault and Batman Batman had the chance to save Lois but

he didn't he chose to sue just kind of he chose to save himself so I can't see

Lois Lane actually physically being killed because she's pinnacle to

Superman's storyline the whole - they would - I can't see that going ahead

without actually Lois Lane so it'd be similar to the nightmare scene we seen

in Batman vs Superman where Batman is chained up

Superman rocks in to this underground bit all the guards bow he kills the

guards with his night vision and then Henry Cavill Superman he's like she's my

world you took her away from me you took her from me I think that was

said and then it cut out so there would be a pretty cool story line but I don't

think it would go down well if the general viewers didn't like evil

Superman kind of battle unless you mind going to each other in in Batman V

Superman but it is a Zack Snyder moving in Zack Snyder is a kind of bit edgy and

raw but to reverse this oh that will happen all that does have to happen is

someone like the flash would have to zoo and get her and bring her and show

Superman that Lois isn't actually dead but I don't expect Darkseid to do this I

expect it to be his uncle like Stefan Wolfe but I don't actually know if he's

got mind controlling abilities I presume some technology could be built in order

to make this happen that's just a concept little theory that came up when

I read that evil Superman storyline of how they could potentially play out so

guys let me know in the comment box down below what do you think a video is it

good bad do you think I'm right about diet arcs like ultimate goal that he

wants to obviously get the anti-life equation

who do you think should play the art side that would be after coming video

would love your input and do you think that actually gonna physically go with

the evil Superman storyline don't think they will because that would

absolutely annoy a lot of people including me kind of because it'd be

like they're recycling the kind of machine from Battersea man but I could

see it going it could be cool if they played it out pretty smartly anyway guys

please like subscribe and comment if you want it will be cool I have opened up a

patreon if you want to help support the channel there are special perks that if

you do like my content and maybe check it out I'll put a image over the top

yeah it will always be in the link in the bio maybe join team or stream by

hitting that notification button down below and we will catch you in another

video very soon guys catch ya later

For more infomation >> Justice League NEWS Darkseid Will APPEAR? His Secret Plan REVEALED!! Who Will Play Darkseid? - Duration: 7:18.


Inkling Will "DAGames" Ryan [HAND-DRAWN TEST] - Duration: 0:07.

Will Ryan (DAGames): Hey, buddy!

Will Ryan (DAGames): It's Will of DAGames!

For more infomation >> Inkling Will "DAGames" Ryan [HAND-DRAWN TEST] - Duration: 0:07.


Things about Cirno which you probably already know - Duration: 2:34.

Cirno, probably the most recognisable character from the series.

I am not even surprised. All the parodies of her is pretty memorable.

So let's go over some things about Cirno which you already know but fuck it.

Cirno first appeared on Touhou 6 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil in August eleven of 2002

It's been 15 years when she first time appeared

Cirno has probably the most amount of parodies in the series.

The popular ones are Chirumiru and Cirno's perfect math class.

Not so populars are blue regrets, blue tears or

(How the fuck I am gonna spell this?)

Aoi Miren Aoi Namida, Cirno Cirno Cirno, Cirno the genius and more

There is an theory that Cirno might be too strong

for a fairy and she will turn at some point to youkai like Yuuka.

The tan shows that she can absord the heat from the sun and make it disappear.

I might make a video on this some day

Cirno's name's origin is unknown.

But however it may be based on english "chill", "chilled" or "chillness".

Her name is miss-spelling of "chilno" in Eastern and Little Nature Deity

may prove this possible origin

as well as the name's pronounciation, which is "Chirno".

The earliest known English translation of her name is in her.

is in her

Phantasmagoria of Flower View profile.

Cirno enjoys freezing frogs and then watch it to revive

while having out in the water.

However, about one in every three attempts fails,

shattering the frog to pieces.

This has earn an warning from Reimu

who cautioned that she could be set up

upon Suwako for her actions.

Cirno is thirty-seventh popular character in the series,

and the point score she has is 2074

Cirno has always been know as a idiot in the series.

The term for her comes In the game's manual, she is labeled as

"9. baka, idiot"

The term comes again in manual for Touhou Hisoutensoku.

Now i've gotten to topic talking she is an idiot

in Oriental Sacred Place, she tries to sell water flavoured shaved ice

She is confused why no one wants to buy her ice.

And I am not even surprised like, what a fucking idiot (Sorry)

Cirno's age is unknown. But she was the only one who realized what was going on in Phantasm of Flower View

what happened sixty years prior as well.

So that means she is maybe around sixty years old

And the final thing about Cirno what I want to talk about.



*Filthy Franku meme xd*





For more infomation >> Things about Cirno which you probably already know - Duration: 2:34.


Skate 1 Gameplay - Kinks and Megaramping the Shark - Duration: 15:17.

Welcome to Rad Rat Video, where you find me trying to skate a kink in Skate

1 on the PS3. I'm working on a review for this game. I'm not going to go too in

depth with thoughts on the game exactly, but I'm just playing it right now, trying

to button up some loose ends. Make sure I've seen everything there is to see

before I do this review. So one thing I've noticed that is very difficult to

do is skate anything with a kink in it. You catch air off of the second kink

right there, and then the game will straighten you out on its own, and it's

basically impossible to hold the same trick the whole way. Let me show you. So

here we go, here we go, back tail, then you won't stick to it. Boom, you do this instead.

It's a small thing. It's really not a big deal, it's just a couple little little

glitches in the way that the physics system handles everything. Like it

doesn't know that you're starting on a kink rail before you do, you know. It all

just kind of works itself out. So a couple little things, but all in all, so

far, I've been loving this game. I don't know which Skate game is going to

be my favorite out of the series. I'm going to talk about them all as I do

them. For now, I'm just going to be doing Skate 1, but for the most part, this

game has been a lot of fun. I've beaten every main challenge, like the

photography and the jams and the contests and that kind of stuff. Right

now, I'm just trying to go around and hit up all the extra spots that I haven't

done yet, and just try to be very thorough. So that's what I'm doing right

now, and I thought I would let you in on the process a little bit. One thing

that's really missing in this game is being able to get off your board. There's

spots like at the hubba hideout, where there's this little ramp that you have

to hit at the bottom of the stairs because you can't

ollie up the stairs. It's a lot of small things. The video editor is really basic and

stuff at this point. So I'm not sure why a lot of people would go back to this

one instead of one of the later ones in the series, but I have heard people say that

San Van, from this version of the game is the

best city in any of the Skate games. So there may be some things that you have to deal

with in this version, but if it's the best city, then it would be worth it.

Right, so, I'm going to talk about all those things as I play those games. A few

of them, I haven't played in a long time, because I bought them on the 360 back in

the day. My 360 died, so I've only recently rebought on PS3. But we'll see

how all that goes. I'm just happy to be able to finally get to this game. This

game in particular is one of the reasons why I took a break from the channel.

Because I had so much stuff going on, like my work that's been taking up 95%

of my time, and for me to do something on the channel, I could do it, but it would

all have to be really quick really basic stuff. I mean, this kind of video would be

an example, but it would be exclusively this kind of stuff. I won't have time to

review a big game like Skate. I wouldn't have time to really get in depth into

different kinds of things, like the new series the Brand Breakdowns that I just

recently started. Go back and see the newest one of those on Monday.

This past Monday, I mean. And, you know, doing that kind of stuff, I just wouldn't

have time to do it. So I had to take a little bit of break try to catch up on

my work. I'm not sure how it's going. Honestly I'm about two weeks into

the break so far, and I've only really had time to finish a week's worth of

videos. It's just been insane, which is good because, you know, I can use the

money. I don't have any money, so that helps. But yeah, I've been trying to

get back to the channel as much as possible, but that's what's been going on

with that. Hopefully that'll be over, and I won't

have to do another break in the future. One thing I've been experimenting with a

little bit is maybe promoting the videos that I do more than just cranking out a

ton of them. So if you watch any of my new videos since the relaunch, you know --

So that's one of the other glitches. I'm just going to show you that real quick.

The physics is based on how hard the tail hits the ground, I think. And so, if

you do a trick right at a curb... So I'm starting the pop on top of the curb, but

the pop actually hits the ground here, and so I get a ton of air. There's a

couple little things you can actually glitch that out on purpose. I'm gonna

talk about all that in the review. But as I was saying, I'm thinking about promoting my

actual videos more than just making a million of them. So I've been doing

subtitles on all of my videos. This one's going to suck because it takes like an

hour to do ten minutes or so [update: it did suck] but it's important to me to have them accessible

for the deaf. I have some deaf friends, and you know, it would really suck to not

be able to share what I've done with people for something like that when it's

easy to solve. It takes time, but it's easy, right? You know, so I've been doing

that recently, and I thought, "hey, since I've got full subtitles, why don't I

translate them?" So my recent videos that have come up recently, in the past week

or however -- I'm not sure when this video will go up exactly. But they will all be

in Spanish, German, and French. I have a tiny bit of experience with all of those

languages, but you know, they're going to be machine translated. But from clean

subtitles, so they should turn out pretty good.

I found, strangely, that the most common language spoken by my viewers, other than

English, is German. I'm not entirely sure why, but it's a lot

more than anyone else. I would have thought Spanish, you know, just because

Spanish is so common in general around the world, but German was maybe three

times more. So anyway, that's something that I want to do, but all that stuff

takes time, and I'm just really hoping that I start to have more time in the

near future. By the time you see this video, I should have all that stuff

figured out, so I don't worry about it. But I've been working on this review for

a little while. It's taken me a while to finish the game, do every single

challenge. I still have to track down some of these spots, you know, the Own the

Spot challenges, and that kind of thing. But I'm mostly done, and I just

really want to be thorough with it. So -- oh, let's try to do a line somewhere. Let me

find a cool spot. There's stuff down here. Woo! I still feel a little bit when you jump

off of something ,because it really feels like you're doing this stuff, you know? All

right, let's see. Oh, did it not--? I set a marker, but it it didn't... Whatever, I'll do

something here. So one thing I really love about this game, in the whole series, is

how much it feels like skateboarding. Like, I can come up with an idea for a

line, I can do it, and I can record it, and all that kind of stuff.

You used to be able to share them online and everything, but you still kind of scratch

the same itch that skateboarding does, where, you know, you come up with your

idea and you conquered the spot and all that kind of stuff.

You're just insanely good, and there's no risk of hurting yourself. But aside from

that, it is kind of similar. All right, so let's say that was the thing I wanted to

do. The video mode in this game is very

primitive compared to the other ones, but still, I remember when this game came out.

Might actually been Skate 2. This guy I worked with, he also got the game, and we

would record stuff, and we could share it on there on the Skate...

I forgot what they called it. Wasn't Skate TV, but anyway, you could upload your stuff

and you can share with your friends and everything. That was just really really

cool, because it felt a lot like skateboarding itself. You know, uploading

clips and putting them on YouTube and all that kind of stuff was still pretty

new at the time, but it was starting to get more and more popular as digital

cameras and everything have got to be more accessible. But yeah, I've been

really enjoying this game. I'm hoping to be able to do more stuff like this in

the near future. I do have to do Skate 2 and 3, and as I do, I'm going to

talk about how they compare to each other, you know. Which one is the best? I'm

not really sure yet. I'm thinking it'll probably be two or three. It kind of

depends. I really like the realism of the series, but it kind of jumps the shark

after a while. I'll kind of show you what I mean, because it's already happening in

this one, even though it's the first one. One of the things that I think is kind

of crazy...

Let me see... So one of the downfalls of this game is when you set up this realistic

physics system. You can take advantage of it in a lot of ways, and for the most

part, you know, you don't have to to play the game, but it's pretty easy to do

stuff that's completely ridiculous. And I'm going to show you exactly what I

mean very soon, but there are some glitches that take advantage of it too.

There's one that I'm going to try to show you. You do like --

it's called the "pop glitch," where you do a pivot, and then you do a certain trick

right after you do, and it launches you like 10 feet in the air. You can do that

kind of stuff, but there's really no reason to. So that's that's one of them.

It didn't really work, but if you do a nose manual, pivot, and then do a shove it

right afterward. If you get the timing right, there's a chance that you'll

launch like ten feet in the air. Stuff like that. But that's all -- that's unplanned for.

But this thing I'm trying to show you, if I ever find it, it's very planned for. So

this spot actually reminds me of one of the worst challenges in the game, and

unfortunately I wasn't recording, so I won't be able to put it in the review.

Maybe I'll mention it briefly, but in this spot, you are skating with the Gonz. And

he's going to take you to an art exhibit, and you have to follow him while he

skates around around here for like 15 minutes. Literally. And he'll come up here,

and they'll try to do a trick or whatever, and then he'll bail, and then

you just have to stay close to them, and "okay, I'll come around", he'll go over here,

he'll do a trick, and then he'll bail. And then he'll come over here, and you'll

skate around, and then you get hit by car. And it took forever to just get

this guy to take me where hw wanted me to go. Alright, so, I'm almost there, but

these super long rails are another example. You can do, like, any grind on

earth at 40 miles an hour and just hold it for 300 feet. I wanted to show you the

mega park. So these get worse as the series progresses... whoa. These get worse as the

series progresses. But, you know, the idea of the mega ramp: it's a real thing. It's

fine. You know, it's fine that it's in the game, but

you can do your hardest stuff no problem. And they do a good job of minimizing the

ridiculousness to a degree. Like, you know, in the Tony Hawk series, you could do a

360 flip late 360 flip late 360 flip on and on forever. In

this game, you can only do late kick flips, heel flips and shove its.

But still, you know, you can do a 900 with a 360 inward heel, and it's no big deal.

And to me, this kind of makes it feel a little bit weird. Oh come on. But you

know, it's cool that you have the opportunity to see what it would be like

to be the best skateboarder who could ever exist, skating in a spot like this.

But it also kind of breaks the realism, like breaks to the illusion to me a

little bit. Because not only would this place never exist: it would cost like

fifty million dollars to make it. But no one would ever be able to skate it. I'm

trying to show you the rest of the spot,

but I can't actually land anything. The actual mega ramp

challenge at the X Games that you do is one of the worst parts of a game, because

it's so inconsistent. It's really tough to do anything, and you have to land

something like that in order to win anything. You have to do a crazy combo. So

there's a loop over here, there's some giant gaps and stuff, but one of the

things why this also is a problem in the game, is that it makes you break all of

your records instantly. So to do a power slide more than 20 feet or

whatever is really hard, but if you're at this spot you can just, like, power slide.

You can get like 40 miles an hour. 45 miles an hour, and then power slide 150

feet no problem. So I don't know, I just kind of wish that these weren't in the


So right there. Why did I go fifty feet farther than I did last? I don't know, but

anyway, aside from a couple little small things like I've showed you, this game is,

you know, 95% amazing. Come on, why am I so high? This game is like 95% amazing, and

I've been really enjoying it, and looking forward to putting out that full review

in the near future. I'm trying to do a power slide for you, see that. Oh 49 feet?

Come on, that's nothing. Of course I was going up there while I did

it, but anyway, that's all for this time. If you're really into this video game

type of stuff, I have a couple playlists -- Come on. I have a couple of playlists. I have

games sorted by what system they're on you can check out. I have gameplay videos

like this one where I just kind of casually play the game for a while. You

can check those out too, but I mostly do skateboarding culture stuff.

Skateboarding history. All that kind of thing. There's a lot of that stuff to check out

while you wait for the final review to go up in the near future. But until then,

thank you for watching, and make sure to check out some of that stuff. And

subscribe so you can keep learning about skateboarding things, skateboard game

stuff three times a week. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Skate 1 Gameplay - Kinks and Megaramping the Shark - Duration: 15:17.


Pikmi Pops By Moose Toys

For more infomation >> Pikmi Pops By Moose Toys


#DesafioEmEspanhol: Tente adivinhar o que estou dizendo | Pigmento F - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> #DesafioEmEspanhol: Tente adivinhar o que estou dizendo | Pigmento F - Duration: 8:02.


Saúde de forma diferente | Dr. Consulta | Stories #19 - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Saúde de forma diferente | Dr. Consulta | Stories #19 - Duration: 2:35.


Os cooperadores do Opus Dei - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Os cooperadores do Opus Dei - Duration: 1:24.


Young entrepreneur killed - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Young entrepreneur killed - Duration: 2:18.


The White House tried to calm furious House Republicans. It didn't go well. - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> The White House tried to calm furious House Republicans. It didn't go well. - Duration: 2:07.


Os corpos livres do filme brasileiro "Corpo Elétrico" - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Os corpos livres do filme brasileiro "Corpo Elétrico" - Duration: 3:52.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 9 EYLÜL 2017 | TRANSFER RAPORU GS GÜNDEMİ | GÖKMEN ÖZDENAK & TURGAY DEMİR | Youtube - Duration: 46:27.


Crazy Invention !!! Organic Hair Care Shampoo. - Duration: 7:00.

For more infomation >> Crazy Invention !!! Organic Hair Care Shampoo. - Duration: 7:00.


Super Mario Doom - Duration: 9:39.

It starts like a regular map, but it has this damn pipe that won't let you get into it easy.

It's so good to see the blood of these wretched Goombas sneezing. These things are so fucking annoying here.

I think you can say that the mod is a 3D platformer, but it is also a shooter, because of its weapons.

I had to avoid the temptation to speedrun. It is very easy to fall off the platforms and die.

Jumping is the biggest problem of this mod. It is too inaccurate and any mistake can be fatal.

If you get careless, the monsters will drop you off the platforms and dying on this map sucks,

because you will get back in that opening room and have to get into that damned pipe again.

The star only gives you the Doom's temporary invincibility, it doesn't kill the monsters on touch.

The flag is purely aesthetic. You don't need to bother to try to catch it at the top.

This video was edited and the songs were added manually, but they are all from the mod itself.

It took me almost half an hour to beat the maps. The whole match here would make the video tedious.

I didn't figure out how to use the Koopa Shells. With IDFA you can throw them, but they don't bounce.

I also do not know if the coins are good for anything in Super Mario Doom.

It's also no use hitting your head on the platforms to collect them.

If you summon a Marine, another Mario appears.

I'll summon a Wolfenstein SS to see if he kills the plants.

Well! I won't discover if its possible to kill these annoying plants. Screw that.

This is the most difficult mod's level, and it has a flying tortoise that is so annoying that it can only

be this mod's Lost Soul. I'm going to summon some allies to support me.

To reach that higher platform you have to jump while straferunning.

Mario throwing the fireballs like a Plasma Rifle is awesome, isn't it?

In this moment, I wasn't believing that this torture was over. But, eventually,

I ended up wanting to play in it again to try to win without summoning allies.

The last stage of the demo is the castle and, fortunately, it's easy. I think this mod could be revisited.

With a smoother gameplay, it would be great, added to its already present nostalgic feeling.

For more infomation >> Super Mario Doom - Duration: 9:39.



Hello, today I share, how it affects your liver, heart and blood vessels eat 3 DATES


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Hello, today I share


Dates are a fruit that is often overlooked in most cultures


We pay much attention to healthy fruits like apples, oranges or lemons but

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Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

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