Friday, September 8, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 9 2017

Success Reveal

Art Kom Bang Nak Mean

For more infomation >> Success Reveal - Art Kom Bang Neak Mean - Duration: 6:08.






For more infomation >> EMPIRE


I went halfway across to the world to visit an old friend - Duration: 10:24.

look at this house! its crazy!

its like a movie

its like... europe.

clara made me breakfast!

recently i also went to korea

and i ate so much meat...

but i was actually vegetarian before

im exposed

well.. since coming to sweden ive pretty much gone back to vegetarian again.

yo! clara here

"clara here"

so why are you in my vide?

no wait. actually why am i in sweden? tell them because im busy eating


she came to see her best friend!

thats me

you're gonna call-that's the end of my intro

what are we doing today

im going to school

ill be alone

so im not really sure where to go now since clara left

but i guess ill just leave the station

and if there's some interesting cafe or something ill check it out

shall we?

wow.. its everywhere... 7/11

in japan and even korea when i went


when i go on a trip somewhere

i buy a magnet

but i wonder what is good here...

in sweden they have a culture called fika

(coffee break! it's basically like japanese tea time. Swedish people say "we should have a fika")


(they gave me soymilk for my coffee for free)

it feels so "europe"

like.. europe...

probably because it is europe

at least i think it is

convenience store!

and this is..?

hamburgers and stuff...

in sweden they seem to have a lot of outside cafes

and i love it

i came to a comic book shop!

american comics

its so american

they have rick and morty!

i wanna buy it!...but

but... i dont know how much that is...

my second fika

it matches with my clothes today

cotton candy flavor

its so sweet and nostalgic

i always chose this flavor when i was little

but i dont think they have many things cotton candy flavored in japan

clara has arrived

watcha eatin

a vegetarian burger

burger!? vegetarian you say!?

the same words can be used together?!

so basically its a burger made out of mushroom

and soup for me.

why you ask?

because i have been eating non-stop

and im sure ill eat again after this

the legendary..

swedish convenience store!

i want redbull

what is that!?

there popcorn on top!

whats this say?

its bigger than my head

same with the monster

i dont think they have this size in japan

black redbull

it says no calorie...

its so sweet...

why is it no calorie?? that scares me

wait a minute!

does this mean the "sugarfree" redbull in japan has calories!?

where we goin

we're riding a boat

hold up tho

claras sunglasses are so dorky

dor-cool you mean?

they look like the sunglasses

that my dad used to wear in 2001

if these become a trend...

i thought i'd be in trouble

but if swedish people wear them, they're gonna be a trend

what should i do

the view is lovely


so now... im gonna take my transportation card

and use it to take a boat ride

just so you know,

this is the same one we used for the train

im having another tika

im having a tikaaaa

oh wait fika

hey excuse me miss, but i noticed you're very cute

excuse me miss


think i cud get yo number?

natchan drank too much coffeeeee


"shut up"

she told me to SHUT UP


we just walked from over there!

we rode the boat over there!

and now we're here

we came to driiiink

so glad to see you again~

For more infomation >> I went halfway across to the world to visit an old friend - Duration: 10:24.


Car, truck carrying kids collide in wrong-way wreck on I-10 - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Car, truck carrying kids collide in wrong-way wreck on I-10 - Duration: 0:20.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-I TERRA - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.6 VVT-I TERRA - Duration: 0:59.


How to Speak English With Confidence - Spoken English Lesson - Duration: 18:28.

Hi, I'm Gina, welcome to Oxford Online English.

In this lesson you can learn how to sound more confident when you speak English.

When we ask students, "Why do you want to learn English," often people don't talk

about their language skills.

They talk about their feelings.

They say things like: "I don't feel confident when I'm speaking


"I'm afraid my English sounds bad."

"I want to feel better about my English."

Does this sound like you?

In this lesson, you can learn some simple, effective tips to sound more confident speaking


We'll show you ideas that anyone can use.

We have a saying in English: "Fake it till you make it."

Have you heard it?

If not, can you guess what it means?

It means that confidence starts on the outside.

You need to act confident and sound confident, even if you don't feel confident.

So, if you lack confidence when you speak English, you have to 'fake it'.

You have to act confident, even though you don't feel confident.

This is important to understand: there isn't some sort of magical switch you can flip and

suddenly feel confident.

Feeling more confident is a journey which will take time and work.

Remember: to improve your English confidence, you need to accept that you might not feel

confident right away.

That's okay!

The first steps towards confidence in your spoken English are on the outside.

So, what can you actually do?

When you're not confident in your English, you'll probably do three things:

One: you'll speak too quietly.

Two: you'll try to speak too fast.

Three: you'll speak in fragments, using single words and phrases instead of full sentences.

For example:

"Martin, did you have a good weekend?"

"Not bad.

Just stayed at home."

Did that sound, or look, confident?

Not really!

Let's try again.

"Hey Martin, did you have a good weekend?"

"It was kind of boring, actually!

I didn't go anywhere or do anything.

What about you?"

See the difference?

Even though I still had a boring weekend and didn't have anything interesting to say,

I was still able to sound confident and comfortable.

There are three things you can do here, but before you start, I'd like you to do something:

record yourself talking in English for one minute.

Introduce yourself and talk a little about your life.

Go on, pause the video and do it now, then come back!

Listen to the recording.

How does it sound?

Do you sound confident?

Next, let's get back to what you can do to sound more confident in English.

First, control the volume of your voice.

Confident people speak at a high, clear volume.

You don't have to shout, but your voice should be loud enough that anyone in the same

room could understand you clearly.

Secondly, control the speed of your voice.

When you're nervous, it's normal to try to speak faster.

If you try to speak too fast, you'll sound less confident, and also make more mistakes.

Slowing down will help you in many ways.

You'll sound more confident, you'll be easier to understand when you speak English,

and you'll make fewer mistakes.

Finally, speak in full sentences.

If you're not confident in your spoken English, you'll try to say as little as possible.

To sound confident, you should show that you're not scared of speaking English.

So, use full sentences.

Now it's time to make another recording.

Even better, make three recordings.

Each should be around one minute.

Talk about yourself and your life, like you did before.

The first time, focus on the volume of your voice.

Try to speak loudly and clearly.

The second time, focus on speed.

Try to slow down and speak at a clear, controlled pace.

The third time, focus on speaking in full sentences.

Listen to the recordings.

Compare them to the first recording you made.

Do they sound better?

Next, try to use these points when you talk English in real life.

Remember, you might not feel confident, but you will sound more confident.

If you sound more confident, people will respond to you differently.

Try it—you might be surprised how much difference these simple points make!

When you see how people respond to you, you'll feel more confident in your English.

Do you ever say things like this?

"Sorry about my English."


I know my English is really bad."

Here's a question: why?

No, seriously, why say these things?

What's the point?

When you say things like this, you get two results:

One: you reinforce your negative feelings by expressing them.

Two: you show the person you're talking to that you don't believe in yourself.

And, if you don't believe in yourself, why should anyone else?

Neither of these is a good result.

So, what's the solution?

Very simple: stop apologising for your English!

It's a waste of time.

First of all, if you're talking to me, and your English is really bad, I can see that


I don't need you to tell me.

More importantly, most people won't judge you for your English.

Most people in the world aren't interested in your English at all.

If someone's talking to you, they're talking to you to be friendly, or because they want

something from you, or because they're interested in your ideas.

They're not talking to you to see how good your English is.

And even if the person you're talking to is judging your English, what can you do about

it at that moment?

Nothing at all.

So, why apologise?

Why feel bad?

It doesn't help.

Okay, maybe you can't help feeling bad, though you shouldn't.

But, you can control what you say.

Don't apologise for your English.

Never apologise for your English.

Here's something about me.

I don't speak Tamil, or Slovenian, or Xhosa.

Not one word!

Should I feel bad about that?

Should I apologise, and say, "Hey, I'm really sorry about my bad Tamil, and my bad


Oh, and my terrible Xhosa, sorry about that, too.

And sorry about my Navajo, and my Finnish, and my Korean, and…"

Okay, Martin, okay.

We get it.

Hopefully, you see how unnecessary it is now.

Even if your English is bad, so what?

Don't be sorry; go get better instead.

Never apologise for your English!

I want you to do something for me.

Pause the video and write down three situations where you would feel nervous about speaking


Have you got three situations?

What are they?

Maybe you wrote something like this:

Talking to a native speaker.

Making a speech in front of my class.

Making a presentation at work.

Now, for each of your three situations, I want you to create three different levels:

easy, medium and hard.

What do we mean here?

Let's take the example of talking to a native speaker.

Many English learners have told us that they feel nervous talking to native English speakers.

So, we need three different levels of this situation: easy, medium, and hard.

Here's a suggestion:

Easy: say 'hello' to a native speaker.

Medium: introduce yourself to a native speaker and ask 1-2 questions.

Hard: have a 5-minute conversation with a native speaker.

Okay, so what now?

Go out and do them, of course!

Start with the easy challenge.

Repeat it several times, if you want.

Then, go to the medium challenge.

Again, you can do it more than once.

Finally, try the hard challenge.

Of course, this isn't something you can just do.

This might take you days or weeks.

Also, the exact challenges you set yourself will depend on your English level and your


The key points: the easy challenge should be really easy—something that's not a

challenge for you at all.

The medium challenge should make you think, "That's difficult, but I can do it."

The hard challenge should make you think, "Can I really do this?"

Let's do another example.

Let's take the idea of making a presentation at work.

We need three challenges:

Easy challenge: ask a question or make a point in a meeting.

Medium challenge: make a short presentation to a small group.

Hard challenge: volunteer to make a longer presentation to a big group.

Again, these are just examples.

You should think carefully about your challenges, because they should be personal to you.

So, let's review.

You have three situations which make you feel unconfident.

For each situation, you should have three challenges: easy, medium and hard.

Make a list of your challenges and put it somewhere in your home.

When you complete a challenge and you think you did it well, cross it off your list.

Imagine crossing off your first hard challenge.

Think about that feeling.

Wouldn't it feel good?

Wouldn't it feel good to know you did something you thought was too difficult for you?

You're not there yet.

You should start small and build up gradually.

Remember, this isn't a quick fix.

This might take weeks, or even months.

When you finish your first nine challenges, set yourself nine more.

Start again.

You might not be able to do every challenge.

You know what?

It doesn't matter.

You'll be doing something and taking action, which will help you to build confidence in

your spoken English.

Let's look at one more practical tip.

Writing about your thoughts and feelings in a diary or journal can be very helpful.

First, imagine a situation: you have a group of English-speaking colleagues.

They're all friends with each other.

You never talk to them.

You just talk to your other colleagues in your language.

You want to talk to your English-speaking colleagues, but you don't feel confident


At this point, take out your journal and write down all the worst things that could happen.

Take your biggest fears about the situation and put them into a list.

For example:

They'll laugh at me.

They won't be interested in what I have to say.

I won't be able to say one word in English when I speak to them.

I'll feel stupid and useless.

What next?

Go and talk to them, of course!

If you want, you can make a challenge ladder, like we did in part four.

Set yourself easy, medium and hard challenges, and work through them.

After you talk to them, next to your list of fears, write down what actually happened

when you spoke to them.

For example:

Of course, it's not certain that everything will go well.

Maybe sometimes your fears will come true.

But, you'll find that most of the time, the things you're afraid of don't happen.

By writing things down like this, you'll be able to see how your fears are just in

your head.

You'll see that reality is often a lot more optimistic than you are!

Writing down your feelings like this will help you to understand that other people aren't

judging you and your English.

This way, you can feel more free and confident when you speak English!

Do you have any other advice to help people feel more confident speaking English?

Let us know in the comments!

Thanks for watching!

See you next time!

For more infomation >> How to Speak English With Confidence - Spoken English Lesson - Duration: 18:28.


Meaning of "drop someone a line" [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:34.

Hi, everyone!

Welcome back to ForB English.

I'm Gabriella.

In today's lesson we're looking at this expression and do you know what it means?

To drop someone a line.

So let's look at a sample conversation to guess the meaning.

Person A says, "I'll be away on business next week."

Person B says, "I see.

Can you drop me a line when you return?"

What do you think this could mean?

Drop me a line.

To drop someone a line.

Well, it means to write to someone.

Drop someone a line.

Now, this could be any form of written communication.

This could be the traditional letter approach or in modern day it would probably be some

kind of e-mail or maybe a fax; that's getting more old-fashioned too, so probably an e-mail

these days, but it means to write to someone.

So let's practice this phrase together.

Please repeat after me.

Drop someone a line.


One more time.

Drop someone a line.



Now in the sample conversation "someone" is replaced with "me", the object,

so you would say "drop me a line".

So let's practice this expression in the conversation now.

I will be A and you will be B. Are you ready?

I'll be away on business next week.



So as person B, you should have said,

"I see. Can you drop me a line when you return?"


Thank you very much for watching.

I hope you find this expression useful in business.

I'm Gabriella.

This is ForB English.

Please like, share, subscribe and we'll see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> Meaning of "drop someone a line" [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:34.


Hyundai Trajet 2.0I CVVT DYNAMIC MOTION, 7PERS, LEER, AIRCO, enz. ... GOED ONDERHOUDEN, BOEKJES en N - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Trajet 2.0I CVVT DYNAMIC MOTION, 7PERS, LEER, AIRCO, enz. ... GOED ONDERHOUDEN, BOEKJES en N - Duration: 0:59.


Purple Hair Color | Manic Panic or Arctic Fox 🍇 - Duration: 5:45.

hi guys it's Petrina with a follow up to last week's bleaching video where

I go purple hair color so in case you missed it I'm gonna bring you up to speed I bleached

my hair last week with the anticipation of going this lovely shade of like a

lighter pinky purple. It's Manic Panic Mystic Heather and I

am so sad to say that it was an epic fail. Wamp wamp!

Yes I made the drastic step of bleaching my hair and apparently I did not get it

light enough for this stuff to take. I followed the directions I left this stuff

on my hair for like 4 hours- all with a plastic cap on to keep it nice and wet

throughout the 4 hours and rinsed off for nothing. Well, not exactly nothing.There

was like a rose gold kind of a tint going on. I wound up looking like this so

I was really disheartened to leave it on so long and not come out like this. It

wasn't a total wash so to speak because you know it did look kind of cool with a

little bit of a tinge here and there and the color really moisturized my hair.

I've got to say this worked like a super duper hyper blast of conditioner in my

hair. My hair was like super soft after rinsing it out. Since I really wanted to

go purple, I didn't want to give up. I think if I had done another round of

bleaching and got my hair a lighter level, up to like a level nine, it may

have worked. I don't know. I can't say for sure but I was disappointed. I went back

to the drawing board, took the time to read through Amazon reviews and wound up

getting Arctic Fox, I don't know if you can see it, but it's called Purple Rain

which is super cool cuz I'm a Prince fan. I bought a big 8 fluid ounce bottle cuz I

didn't know how much I would need to actually saturate the hair and I wanted

to have left over in case it washed out really quick and I bought a smaller

bottle of what they call Girls Night which is more, you know, the purple hair color I was

kind of shooting for- it was a lighter pinky purple but I knew after having

done this that I didn't want to risk buying just a bottle and then having a

total rose gold non purple experience. I bought these two. I used primarily this and I

mixed some of this in with stirred it together to make it a little bit lighter,

not too much and as you can see (singing) purple hair and the best part is I did

this over a week ago! I've washed my hair I think three times since buying it and

you know the fade has been minimal. There are parts where it has faded a bit you

can see right there so I did manage to have success doing the whole head myself without any

help. I didn't miss any spots it was really easy to do! The big difference

between the two is not only the color saturation but again I think I may have

had better results if I had started with a lighter level hair but there was a

huge difference in smell as well. It doesn't smell like your typical chemical

hair dye. It has a very light almost beachy scent to it but when you put on

your hair, you can't smell it whereas the Arctic Fox had a very noticeable grape

scent as soon as you like open the bottle, you can smell it. It's really

cool. You can even smell it in your hair after you rinse it out. My

husband noticed that I smelled like grapes. I don't know how that happens. I'm

not going to ask- I'm just going to enjoy the fruity smell. Another big difference

was you know this did not condition my hair. I did not rinse the hair out and

suddenly have like super mega soft hair but you know what? That's what conditioners

are for so I'm using my normal conditioner when I wash my hair and that seems to

take the ickiness out of the after effects of bleach. I will put links to

both down below. I'm not gonna hate on Manic Panic too bad because the bleach

worked amazing. If you want to see a review of that just click up on the card

up top. I think if you go with like a darker or less pastel color you might

have better results and you'll have wicked conditioned hair. The link down

below will be an amazon link which is what I used to order and it runs

anywhere from about 10 to 15 dollars for a four ounce of Manic Panic. I'll also

put a link to the Arctic Fox below. This runs again in the same price like around

ten to fifteen dollars on Amazon for an 8 ounce bottle so I think doing a price

comparison you can get more for the buck for the Arctic Fox

They're both feel-good products in that they're not tested on animals. They're

relatively gentle when it comes to treating your hair and chemicals and all

that junk and I will say too I have a nine-year-old daughter who, seeing me go

through this wanting to go a little bit punk in my hair, she wanted to follow suit.

So being the super cool parents that we are we gave her the green light to go

ahead and have like a strip of hair color she wanted blue so I bought a

small bottle of the Arctic Fox in a blue color, I can't remember the name. I tore

out a large strip of aluminum foil, laid it up against her scalp and painted a

strip of her hair the blue color and rolled it up, left it on her hair for a

little over an hour, unrolled it, rinsed it with cold water and it took

beautifully! So if you pick a vivid, darker color- even if you do not take the

step of bleaching your hair - you will probably get really good results so it

is definitely worth the try. Two thumbs up from this girl for Arctic Fox. I

would show you my whole head of hair but if I take off this Hoo Rag off it is a hot

hot mess. I am still getting used to my post-chemo hair. It's curly, it's crazy

but now it's purple so I'm cool. And that's it for this week guys! If you like

this video, go ahead and click that thumbs up button below. If you've gone a

little funky with your hair, go ahead and leave a comment below.Let me know what

brand you used, what color and whether or not you too had an epic fail or a purple-

tacular experience and if you'd like to see more videos like this go ahead and

click that subscribe button below. As always take care and have a great week

bye guys

For more infomation >> Purple Hair Color | Manic Panic or Arctic Fox 🍇 - Duration: 5:45.


Nightcore~Who Says-Joshua Micah (Lyrics in Description) - Duration: 3:09.

Sometimes you wonder if you got it

Wonder if you got it in you

Some days looking for the reason why

Feels like standing on a runway

Standing out on a runway lately

Watching everybody else fly by

See that wildfire in your eyes

Keep on burning

Keep that dream alive

Can't let go

Of what you got inside

Maybe it's crazy

Maybe it's meant to be

Who says

You gotta have it all figured out

Who says

You'll never feel alone in the crowd

Who says

You gotta be like everyone else

Who says

Who says (Who says)

Hold on with everything you got it

Everything you got it in you

Don't stop I can see the finish line

One shot are you gonna take it

Are you gonna take it this time

One life don't let it pass you by

See that wildfire in your eyes

Keep on burning

Keep that dream alive

Can't let go of what you got inside

Maybe it's crazy

Maybe it's meant to be

Who says

You gotta have it all figured out

Who says

You'll never feel alone in the crowd

Who says

You gotta be like everyone else

Who says

Who says (Who says)



Maybe it's meant to be



Nothing is stopping me

Who says

You gotta have it all figured out

Who says

You'll never feel alone in the crowd

Who says

You gotta be like everyone else

Who says

Who says

Who says

You gotta have it all figured out

Who says

You'll never feel alone in the crowd

Who says

You gotta be like everyone else

Who says

Who says (Who says)

For more infomation >> Nightcore~Who Says-Joshua Micah (Lyrics in Description) - Duration: 3:09.


Butte area woman launches campaign, delivers weekly supplies to fire camps - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Butte area woman launches campaign, delivers weekly supplies to fire camps - Duration: 1:59.


punishment time!!!! - Duration: 12:36.

Hey Guys it's rose comin at'cha with another video

Don't mind that kaleeya it's Bringing y'All another video i'm sorry That i haven't Been uploading videos and all of That

She's gonna Get

That'll be a surprise

but Um Just

Let'S talk about hurricane irma it's Just going to be in all of

Florida and

No ii don't

so let's talk about anime

My most favorite anime is oh?

My Kind of anime i Like Well.....

If you're underage you don't need to listen surprise

if There are Little Kids Listen

They Shouldn't Be Watching

Just close Your Ears or you Know Turn off this video

Cuz on my Kind of an~

My Kind of anime

BL i'll Just leave It at That if you're an anime lover you know what it is

Of Course i don't have to get into it that much *i know*

All right You Just Say Yaoi unless your japanese

Whatever yaoi

what Was your first anime you watched

It would have to be Pokémon

That Was like mine

Yeah That's Kind of Like My first one but like It wasn't Only a real One for me

Nor dragon Ball Z i Was like Man Those are Just like You mainstream that Maricans Watch all Together

So my first anime that i watched for real for real i think Was Um Saved me lollipop

It's a Really anime I know

whos Your favorite oh?

zero yeah ichigo

Ichigo, ichigo Yes i was thinking of vampire knight, oh?

My eyebrows are gone

Me okay and Now i magically over here of Course you are

If you watched it............ i don't like incest


Mean I mean i really don't like incest but like i think the only anime that i liked That Was incest Was um



that was...

Yeah i know It was like the only appealing one to me

By~akll~ick lovers *DIABOLIC LOVERS*

*DIABOLIC Lovers* i think i've Seen it but at the same time i Feel like i way

It some about a Girl and she gets set Up to

Be sent Over with a Bunch of Vampires to be sacrifice yes yes i've Seen It Just a Few episodes

I seen It all and i Was like When i was Finished i Was like

I'm Dead inside you're always dead inside

okay how did i attack therefore Miss My song Was like getting all Twisted and


When we were video chatting The Other day and When i was like writing

The Scores Down for Those videos oh yeah?

Yeah i Forgot Oh yeah i'm gonna be Dyeing my hair out soon it's gonna look black and blue


okay well while She's doing that i

Zoe of Course you like Zoe but i can't show her she doesn't like to be picked up on

Two and three Yes She's a Big dog he this

is jazmine

That's piper Right Here This is her Daughter Jasmine's Puppy is right Here

Jasmine is adorable

Chronos the Kennel he shakes Hands oh That's really Cool

He's Like Hey Shake My hand Shake My hand You know What Shake My Other Man shake Shake Shake?

It's the New one she's adorable

She's a Little Puppy

* spoil it *

You don't know how to have Surprises i'm sorry This is aloura i Named her

Because Everyone Likes My names that i name

Geez Someone's Jealous

No piper Just Likes aLoura

This is the aloura here you can do this stand Here can we see your tail?

You Know professional dog If You don't know how to do it you don't

Guess theres another Dog

nyla, oh yeah i forgot about nyla cuz i don't like her



Doesn't Get Along With anybody Else Except for Chronos

Put the but to the face

Okay so put her down now oh now That's over with

Punishments....... oh Jesus if i'mnot in the next video she killed me

You're gonna see call giving you my punishment so in the comments Below

Type of


Uploading videos That or if you think that She's innocent and she Should Be Forgiven i will put a pull out?

Right There and the icon that has an i in it in the

Right i think or maybe it's the left i don't know Whichever one that Way

yeah i

Was right okay okay in that icon you could click That polls and then You could Click a poll If she Should get a Punishment

Or she Shouldn't if you think that she should Have Mercy or not?

Let'S Just hope you have a Lot of subscribers Because i have a Lot of accounts

That's all for This video My Beautiful rose petals i see on the next video

kaleeya kaleeya okay i'll go get the Axe

No, no don't

For more infomation >> punishment time!!!! - Duration: 12:36.


Esmeralda the Glutton - for AiraSora's 6th challenge - Duration: 0:42.

🎵 Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got love in my tummy 🎵

🎵 And I feel like a-lovin' you 🎵

🎵 Love, you're such a sweet thing 🎵

🎵 Good enough to eat thing 🎵

🎵 And that's just-a what I'm gonna do 🎵

🎵 Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got love in my tummy 🎵

🎵 And as silly as it may seem 🎵

🎵 The lovin' that you give... 🎵

For more infomation >> Esmeralda the Glutton - for AiraSora's 6th challenge - Duration: 0:42.


wroclaw odra wedkowanie 08 wrze 2017r - Duration: 25:08.

For more infomation >> wroclaw odra wedkowanie 08 wrze 2017r - Duration: 25:08.


Quavo x 2 Chainz x Murda Beatz Type Beat 2017 - "Supply" | Type Beat I Trap Instrumental - Duration: 2:49.

Like, Comment & Share

For more infomation >> Quavo x 2 Chainz x Murda Beatz Type Beat 2017 - "Supply" | Type Beat I Trap Instrumental - Duration: 2:49.



For more infomation >> HOW TO KNOW IF A WOMAN IS REALLY EXCITED - Duration: 3:03.


TINY Dollar Tree HAUL & chit chat : ) - Duration: 15:18.


Hey you guys so i Ended up doing

a separate video

for My Tiny Tiny HaUL like Seriously i only Got two items i was Supposed to get three but i

Forgot One and Just Got two

Still Very Tiny Either Way

But you know when you go into the store and you don't

Have the Money to spend and you see tons of Stuff That you want and

Then When you do have cash you see nothing i

Mean That Doesn't Always Happen cuz i love dollar tree and i always find something There but i mean sometimes it really

It Really Really Happens Like Today Was that day so i


Yeah so in this video i am gonna insert like One Clip one video Clip because i found those

gel Candles i was trying to find them

Online on the internet like Their specific name i couldn't find it but

You'll see in the video and It Says Um

so it looks Like

It's a

Candle Inside of Another candle and in Between Those two

Candles Is some Kind of gel and Then it's decorated with i think like some foliage?

Something Like That so it's Very Seasonal or Really Nice i didn't. Look at Him too closely because i was you know vlogging


Just in General i didn't Stay in the store as long As i usually do Because i was starving i Just wanted to get home

so but Anyways My


Two items i Already Opened One of Them Sorry For the change in lighting But That's Just How My

apartment Is

And i forgot to Turn on extra lights Around so that i wouldn't have this problem but i already opened them

Just so you know

They're These right Here we get wholesome Goodness Sweet barbecue flavor

TheY'RE Kettle cooked potato Chips

They are a

Good source of Vitamin C zero Grams trans Fat per serving

and This is 8.5 Ounces


It Says it's Kosher no Msg no preservatives cholesterol free

So yeah it's a product oh It's a product of long Grove illinois

Cool so the Thing with these is i had first Picked out the

Clothes Those Later I had first Picked Out the

Tgif Brand of Baked Snacks and They were in the flavor jalapeno popper i think

Excuse me i also saw some that were Flavored buffalo Ranch so i was going Between the two and i Ended up going With

These Because i thought for one

They're Seemingly more Healthy for you and

Two they

They had like twice as Much product so Anyways and um

Like i said i did open them i did eat them and They're Very

Tasty i will Say They are not as Sweet i think as other Barbeque chips that i've tried and

Maybe There's Like more tomato

Flavor in them i'm not sure but i would i like them They also had them in sea salt

Sea salt Flavor and i did see those Hauled

Before so i wasn't surprised to see them so

Yeah This video is Kind of Chitchat e and i Just figured you know i watch a Lot of YouTube videos

Whether I'm like Watching them or they're Just Playing in the background and i'm Kind of Like Halfway Paying Attention

So i have a Good idea of What'S out there and

And i also have Been shopping at Dollar tree for

Many Years Like I'm I'm 34 and i've Been shopping there for at least

10 Years at Least

Pretty Sure more Than that but Anyways

So i will LINK That other video here and

What else Was i gonna Mention

So yeah while i was in there i Just Saw a Lot of

Spring items and i've Been seeing that in other YouTube videos either also

Lots of Spring Items Like Spring stickers and i Was i Saw Like Spring colored Kleenex Boxes

My second and last item Was a Wishlist item i

Don't know if you can See here that yeah la colors this is the enchanted and

It Says it's the glue is not included the Actual

name is STRANGER CNT99

There's short Length so i know that it's suggested to buy two Packages if you want to do

Both Hands

but i actually

Will want to use it Just for an

Accent nail so i'll probably Paint most of My Nails Black you know and then Have one of these on an accent nAIL

That's what i'm gonna end up doing but i really did like That ombre effect on it

Sorry If This video Is all Over The Place but you know i

Was i was Falling Asleep

So i think i need a nap but i'm trying to stay Awake


Was i had this

Rhubarb crumble

Candle Lighted This is like foR hours and There's no Throw off of That Thing Whatsoever

Which i knew because again i have Seen Other YouTubers

Say You know that It was They didn't. Have Any Throw and It Definitely Does not

What else Was i going to mention i mean some of This Stuff is like

Unless you see the other video you won't really get it

But i did i guess i Just wanted to mention like products that i saw products that i've Seen being Hauled

Like The Elf products i Know some People

Have Said that it's not Really a Great Deal

Because Elf products in General are a Dollar

but I'm gonna look it up right Now i'm pretty sure that Elf cosmetics the Black Ones those are the

studio Line and I'm Pretty sure those are

TyPically Like Three Dollars and Up so i would Say You are getting a

Deal But Let me see like for Example they have that ELF

studio Brush The Foundation Brush i

Saw That one in the store i saw the powders i saw the Let's take Let's take The

The Matte lipstick Let's look at The price for That One elf matte

Lip Color and

Let'S see how much they sh yeah see their tip they're about three dollars

Yeah so the Ones that i think are?

One Dollar are the Ones that are in White

Packaging i

think i

Think i have it right so

Then Let me Keep Checking Here let me keep Checking


Now i'm on amazon and on Amazon some of Them are six dollars and Nineteen Cents

So i know sometimes What happens is that Correct oh?

No, no i think That's if you get multiples

Yeah there-There is about three dollars i think What this Happened though sometimes with Makeup is like When there's colors that are

no longer

Produced Then They They sell them for you know a Much Higher price like CULT favorites Kind of Thing

So Anyways My point is there are some Elf products that are


Over the Dollar and They're Being sold in the dollar tree so then It is a Good a Good deal

The Other Thing

Yeah who is this


Kept Seeing This Robot Character in the store i saw it on a gift bag and then i saw it on

This Little i don't know i might have Been like some Kind of Craft

Little Package or something i don't know What That Robot Character is

But i was seeing Him throughout the store and i was like Who is this guy

But The other cool find that i saw This at the dollar tree today Was these

Pencil Sharpeners But They were in the shapes of

Cupcakes and Ice cream Cones

owls i don't remember the other ones but i thought those are really cute and

Um and then Like i Said yes some of This Stuff is Just like Unless you see the other video it's not Really

You Won't really get it but i mean i guess i could Mention It Anyway It's like for Example

I'll Just Mention want one of The

One Of the situations there While i was in the store

See IN My dollar tree okay i live in chicago and It gets

interesting in there okay so i

Guess There Was i don't know if he was a Regional manager

Store Owner i don't know how dollar tree Works all That Stuff but he was also obviously of some Kind of Authority and

He was walking Around the store with maybe she was the floor manager

Sales manager i don't know but They're Walking Around the store and

She has her clipboard with her and stuff and he is Just like

What's the Word like Railing on her you know he's?

He was not Satisfied obviously with What he was seeing and he was taking It Out on her and

That went on for a While and so i got i mean i don't think that Kind of Stuff Should Happen Period

It's Just my opinion As a customer but It did not Make for a Pleasant shopping Experience

You Know i know they had an office or somewhere in the back where they could have gone and done that in private?

I imagine he could have walked Around made His notes and then You Know Addressed them

Away from from Public Eye

So that Was i mean It was Kind of embarrassing for her you know so i didn't want. To Hear all of that but i

Mean Yeah our dollar tree is a Mess

But That's Beside That's

That's What it is sure i would like them to improve the store but i just did not i

felt uncomfortable

So anyways i don't know What your opinion might be i've worked Retail before

And I've Worked in situations where i've had you know like an Owner Who's

What is it like Micromanaging or overbearing or Whatever but This Was like more Than that so anyways?

That's my Little

Tidbit i Wouldn't Really Say It Was a Rant It Was Just something That Happened in the store today That i could have done Without?


You Know i think That's it you Guys i showed you my two little

My Measly

Dollar tree Haul i am the one Other item i was Supposed to get with her grocery Bags (GARBAGE! BAGS) and i forgot them

so That's That's it i

Remind You i'll Go ahead and Link That you know that comes Shop with me video and

Go on over there Check it out and but - Good stuff i Mean you know Christmas Is in stores and

They had Put some more Halloween Stuff in our store Which i've seen quite a Bit of the halloween stuff Already but

You Know here we Go oh before i go Here's the latest project i'm Working on hope you can see her

I'm gonna make a Little Katrina doll and Her Husband so they're like the Good

CATRINA NOVIOS i Still Have Some Work to do on her but so far it's coming Along Pretty Good

She's in the style of the traditional veraCruz?

Dress Which Is a state in mexico so That's what i'm Working on now and

okay you Guys I'm gonna Say Bye

You all take care Be safe

If you're preparing

for hurricane IRMA

My Thoughts are with you iF you're recovering from the other Hurricanes and

The Earthquakes and If You've Gone Through IRMA and you're struggling -

My Thoughts are with you there's Just so much Going on out there right Now

But all right You Guys

Peace Out. Ciao

For more infomation >> TINY Dollar Tree HAUL & chit chat : ) - Duration: 15:18.


Sonic The Hedgehog Live Stream 🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑 - Duration: 33:49.

For more infomation >> Sonic The Hedgehog Live Stream 🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑 - Duration: 33:49.


Xiaomi Redmi 4A (TOP 5 Tips & Tricks ) Unknown settings In hindi/urdu Sachin saxena Mi Redmi 4A tech - Duration: 8:02.



For more infomation >> Xiaomi Redmi 4A (TOP 5 Tips & Tricks ) Unknown settings In hindi/urdu Sachin saxena Mi Redmi 4A tech - Duration: 8:02.


Success Reveal - Art Kom Bang Neak Mean - Duration: 6:08.

Success Reveal

Art Kom Bang Nak Mean

For more infomation >> Success Reveal - Art Kom Bang Neak Mean - Duration: 6:08.


Best English Songs 2017-2018 Hits, Best Songs Of All Time Acoustic Mix Song Covers 2018 - Duration: 1:00:41.

For more infomation >> Best English Songs 2017-2018 Hits, Best Songs Of All Time Acoustic Mix Song Covers 2018 - Duration: 1:00:41.


Steam Back to Malaysia after about 5 Hour Ban - Duration: 2:13.

Hello everyone and welcome to

my brand new video, and this is probably a very quick video today, so

Let's talk about steam

so for those who are in Malaysia

back in Friday night

or early Friday in the morning...

in American time (Pacific Time)

and as you know

back in Friday night

Steam platform was

banned in Malaysia

so the reason behind it is because of "Fight of Gods"

And yes "fight of gods"

Um..according some of the reports they

Said "Fight of Gods"

Has violated the law or insulting some religions and...

The MCMC or as known as the

Malaysian communication commission

or multimedia Commission (Sorry for misspelling)

That they've been saying that

They have ordered steam to remove the game

Access within 24 hour period after those 24 hour period is over

MCMC decided to ban the platform,

and this is ridiculous and also unexpected because.. Um..

They should been

updated the store instead of begin

ban the entire platform

and for those who are Dota 2 or your

You're a diehard fan of Dota 2

You're freaked out as well

so yeah right now. I'm searching the "Fight of Gods"

And Unfor...

Unfortunately, is of course gone because steam are back

With just removed one game

So anyway guys, I I hope you guys should happy

about steam has been bought back

Just only lack of one game...

So if you guys already know this news

or you are diehard Dota 2 Fan ...

you have been very happy because you have been...

I mean steam has been bought back

and you can able to play dota 2

Please hit the like button and

I'll see you guys in the next video

probably the MRT Related video in Malaysia,

so I'll see you guys in the next video

For more infomation >> Steam Back to Malaysia after about 5 Hour Ban - Duration: 2:13.


Pikmi Pops By Moose Toys

For more infomation >> Pikmi Pops By Moose Toys


Na Captura dos Games #19 Super Nintendo Baby Completo + 8 jogos - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> Na Captura dos Games #19 Super Nintendo Baby Completo + 8 jogos - Duration: 10:47.


Moto-Viaje-EEUU-CANADA-ALASKA-Capitulo-21 - Duration: 10:31.

Two Hearts Two Wheels

We invite you to join us in this adventure of a 43 day motorcycle

through 15 states in the US, 2 provinces and one territory in Canada.

They will be 16,153 kilometers

Adventure 2 Hearts 2 Wheels

chapter 21

15.224 kilometers distance

Distance to the final 929 kilometers

Beware unproductive a busy life "SOCRATES"

Traveling was never

as easy and economical as Now, however busy

there will always be a time that we can used to travel.

with a heart full

evidence and in our memories more recent

all images from San Francisco, the Bay City

we go to our next destination

The beautiful people we're finding us on the trip and good morning for me

look up the bike that he was well, I saw the trailer had a lot

dust and idly wanted to write "Two Hearts Two Wheels with my finger and

those twists of fate having written these letters in the

trailer has hit a couple Spanish staying at the forefront of

our cabin, which has been the born perfect excuse for a new

These are they: he is Nacho and his wife Rachel, we were greeted by the message

A precious message Two Hearts Two Wheels.

we have here

Thank you Nacho

Please greet the people of Colombia and World motorcycle trips

linda people know very well.

Even unknowingly, Nacho and Raque, would our guardian angels the rest of the trip

Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park, is located approximately 320 kilometers from the city of

San Francisco in California USA.

He was named World Heritage

by UNESCO in 1984 and is recognized internationally for its

cliffs, Granit, waterfalls, crystalline rivers, redwood forest

giant and the great biological variety

The best time to visit the park is from May to June, a time when

It causes the melting and cataracts look splendid

You should be aware that the

Park are enormously large, it is impossible to think of walking visit

I recommend doing vehicle you can park designated areas that

They are many and make small excursions to enjoy the scenery,

but then you have to return to flyer to get to the next place

Yosemite Valley, has a road shaped loop or circle, so that

where you begin to think there is only one possible path to follow

You can make as many laps as you want.

If you have one day, places

Tourist are:

Place of inspiration, Tunnel View

where guests will find the best view of the park

El Capitan, Half Dome and North Dome, the three are major summits for

climbers climbers and mountaineers of all the world

If you have an extra day, it's worth visiting: "Glacier Point", where

There are wonderful views however, Note that is a long way

and often there are works that can close the road snow

The Waterfall Bridal Veil,

one of the most impressive waterfalls from the park

the original guardians of

Park's Ahwahnee, believe the inhalation of fogs product

falling water increases your likely to marry

Merced River beaches are almost at the beginning of loop, ideal for

picnic or just a break

River water during the thaw can be 3 degrees

Only for the brave

1 ........ 2 ........ 3

Let more strength

1 .... 2 .... 3

It feels very good

Turn to the loop, it is almost essential to make the picture on the

Yosemite Falls, the highest waterfalls of North America; and of course, almost finished

the journey to the park exit park to observe a moment


Where if you have a good zoom camera can even see some


Next chapter

Walk together the Sequoia National Park, site of the largest trees in the world

plus you have

What is there to see and do in the park

So is the largest tree on Earth

Two Hearts Two Wheels

For more infomation >> Moto-Viaje-EEUU-CANADA-ALASKA-Capitulo-21 - Duration: 10:31.


Homilia Diária.635: Memória de São Pedro Claver - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> Homilia Diária.635: Memória de São Pedro Claver - Duration: 5:10.


11 expressões que americanos erram - Duration: 7:05.

Hey everybody! Hoje a gente vai falar sobre 11 expressões

que os americanos também erram. Tá bom?

Então, cuidado quando você ouvir essas expressões

pra você não repetir elas incorretamente.

Vamos lá?

Quando a gente aprende inglês, a gente confia que os americanos ou britânicos

vão falar corretamente. Pra pronúncia,

talvez isso seja verdade.

Mas existem muitas expressões que até nós, americanos,

falamos errado.

Vamos falar de algumas delas,

e se você ouvir alguém falar incorretamente,

não copie.

Para! Para! Tá gostando do conteúdo?

Dá um "like," joinha, ajuda a gente a

continuar trazendo esse vídeos pra vocês.

Se inscrevam no canal, tem muito mais por aí!

A primeira é: to take something for granted.

Muitos americanos falam: To take something for granite.

Granite is a rock. It's a stone. You use it

to make tabletops. Okay?

To take something for granted means

that you don't appreciate it enough and you think that it will always be

available and many times without thanks or a recognition. For example:

Your parents helped you pay your bills and tuition all through college,

but you take it for granted. You keep spending money and you don't even have a job.

The next expression is: for all intents and purposes. Sometimes Americans say,

for all intensive purposes.

Mas não é pra todos os propósitos intensivos,

é pra todos os propósitos e intenções,

and the expression means that under usual circumstances

or in most practical situations something will work.

For example: The cheaper model has the same quality as the more expensive model

so, for all intents and purposes, the cheaper model will be fine.

As próximas duas expressões são semelhantes, não no significado,

mas no erro que os americanos cometem quando falam essas expressões.

Tongue in cheek muitas vezes é falado como tongue and cheek.

Não é língua e bochecha, é língua na bochecha.

como uma frase que é dita com sarcásmo ou pra ser levado na brincadeira.

Por exemplo: Mark said that after getting a raise

he could finally buy a Ferrari,

but everyone knew it was tongue in cheek.

Então, não é tongue and cheek.

The other expressions is: case in point.

que muitos americanos falam como: case and point.

A expressão case in point is just

when someone gives an example of a point that you were talking about.

For example: Owning a Ferrari doesn't make you a good driver.

Three accidents at the car show is a great case in point.

The next one is 'supposedly'. Now some Americans pronounce it,

'supposably', but that's not even a word.

Anyway, 'supposedly' means 'allegedly'

or 'purportedly'. It's not proven

but you're suspicious of another possibility.

For example: Her boyfriend was supposedly at the football game for two hours,

but his friend called his house expecting him to be there.

Essa próxima, os americanos deveriam ter vergonha de errar.

The contraction for 'should have', 'would have', and 'could have'

is 'should´ve', 'would´ve', and 'could´ve',

but it sounds like, 'should of', would of', and 'could of'.

and lots of americans say that, or worse,

they write it!

Anyway, it should have been written correctly.

So for example: I should´ve asked him

how to write the contraction 'could´ve', correctly.

The expression dog-eat-dog is

mispronounced as 'doggy-dog', like, Snoop Doggy Dog

Well, dog-eat-dog is usually used to show

that the world is unforgiving or tough or unfair.

um... and it's used when someone does anything to gain an advantage even if it means

harming others. For example:

The hostile takeover of your company is just another

example of the dog-eat-dog world that we live in.

Here's one of my favorites,

People that say, 'expresso'... 'expresso'.

It's not 'expresso'. There's no X! It's 'espresso'.

Hey, can I have two espressos, please?

Okay? No X. Here's a funny one, 'irregardless'.

Now, 'irregardless' isn't even a word. IR- is a negative prefix

but the word

'regardless' already has contrast in the meaning,

and irregardless doesn't make sense.

So, regardless means 'in spite of' something, or 'anyway'.

For example: He's gonna do whatever he wants

regardless of your advice.

The next one is 'scot-free'. Some people pronounce it 'Scotch free',

Well, Scotch is whisky, so Scotch free would mean

without whisky. Well, the expression 'scot-free' means

without any negative repercussions or without punishment.

For example: Because of a technical error,

the murderer got off scot-free.

The last one is 'a blessing in disguise'.

Now, some people say 'a blessing in the skies', but that's not right.

A blessing in disguise is when misfortune ends up being good fortune

in other words, when something bad happens, but it ends up being a good thing

or something good comes of it.

For example: If I hadn't missed my flight,

I never would have met the love of my life at the airport!

It was a blessing in disguise.

Então essas são as expressões que

até nós, gringos, erramos de vez em quando.

E vocês? Já sabiam a diferença

do correto e incorreto nessas expressões?

Vocês já usaram essas expressões?

Deixe um comentário, e como sempre

não esqueça de se inscrever no canal,

e a gente se vê na próxima.

Let´s practice!

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