Friday, September 8, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 9 2017

I like ya

Last time Kanji Keyaki

took the challenge of shooting through some male hearts with some ZU-KYUN phrases

And the result was 63,308 comments

Compared to their previous high count

of 69,619, they were unable to beat that record

By the way, the scene that accumulated the highest number of comments was

My pulse rate is going crazy

Your pulse rate is rising?

Sugai Yuuka reacting to the entrance of popular voice actor Kaji Yuki-san

and getting ZU-KYUN'ed

And then tonight

its Hiragana Keyaki's turn

And what they'll be doing is?


What color do you add to [no tanin]

to make a phrase meaning "complete stranger"?


[aka no tanin], aka=red


That is correct



Seen on the surface of planets and moons

the round indentions on the surface




That is correct


The proverb meaning

"the moment everything becomes understandable"

What falls from the eyes?

Oh, we have one. Kageyama-chan

[uroko] = scales

Correct. Scales fell from my eyes.

And with that

on tonight's Keyabingo

the intense battle has already started

Tonight is the Keyaki High School Quiz

Who is the brightest member in Keyakizaka46?

That will be decided tonight

Fighting for the title of smartest Queen of Quizzes

She's had experience participating in regional high school quiz tournaments

and now

she's in high demand to appear on quiz game shows

Nagahama Neru

How far did you make it in the high school tournament?

I made it to the finals


I was so lucky

You can't get to the finals on just luck

No really

And taking on Nagahama is...

Oh, I did it

80 points above the curve in national language

On a previous episode

on a Kanji exam she wrote out 2nd and 3rd level kanji

and her accuracy

was a remarkable 95%

Kageyama Yuka

80 points above the curve in national language

Those 80 points

are from when I took the test in elementary school

[ 80 points above in elementary! ]

They have the curve when they take the exam for middle school

but elementary school students

don't talk about their academic levels based on the curve

So we're talking pretty high level

Don't really know anything about this curve thing

On today's quiz

all of the questions

have actually appeared on past high school quizzes

by the way

members other than Nagahama and Kageyama

have answered the same questions

so we'll also be revealing which girls are idiots

Now then Neru-chan, your thoughts going into this?



Good one

simple is best

And then Kageyama-chan, your thoughts

My first time doing a quiz show

however I've always wanted to do something like this

with those feelings

I'd like to do the best I can

The battle for Quiz Queen of the idol world

and its just about to start

Everyone watching on TV

please use this hashtag to post a bunch of comments on LINE and Twitter

those comments will only be counted while the show is airing

Stage 1

Fastest button press quiz

I shall begin


In greek mythology

this part signifies

a unique weakness

That was fast

We heard the buzzer


achilles tendon

That is correct


You answered in the middle of the question

Hearing weakness

it made me think "something on the body"

and then greek mythology was written in katakana

so I thought that sounded like the answer

She had all those thoughts in such a short time


By the way we have answers from some of the baka-san members

so what did they answer with

Let's check out how Sasaki Mirei answered

here it is


Are you serious!

What's that about?

I have no idea where the achilles tendon is

So you really meant to say [mizoochi]

Yeah its [mizoochi] not [mizouchi]

Either way you're wrong

Next question

Let's move on


The official name

is Funashima




That is correct

I'd like to know how she knew what the question would be

I've heard of Funashima before

its where Sasaki Kojiro

fought at

I thought "Could that be it?" and answered Ganryujima

That is correct

By the way what did some of the baka-san members answer with?

This is Takamoto's answer

Kettoujima (duel island)

[ Please try a little harder ]

Do you know about Ganryujima?

Never heard of it

Know who Sasaki Kojiro and Miyamoto Musashi are?

I don't know them

Who are they?

Are you serious? Lots of different members in this group

Next question


In a relay race they pass a baton

so then

for long-distance relay race



That is correct


just by split seconds did she push the button first

Neru-chan did you know that one?


That was really close

By the way what answers did we get from the baka-san members?

Let's look at Sasaki Mirei's answer

Mirei-chan, tracksuit

What do you mean? Take off everything?

Run as fast as you can while taking off your tracksuit

That would be a pain

I thought about this for a long time

But the answer didn't come to me so I gave up and wrote "tracksuit"

That's not good at all

And Saito-chan's answer


Do they have towels?

I don't know the difference between a sash and towel

Are you kidding?

You take it off and hand it off

Ah, that one

Now I understand, I thought they just passed a towel around

That's not a towel

Next question


It lives in Madagascar in the Indian Ocean

its also called [yubizaru]



aye-aye (lemur)

That is correct

Where did you figure out the answer?

Well since you said its also called a [yubizaru]

that clinched it

and since I like reading wildlife identication books

I knew the answer

That is impressive

So, lets go to the next question


The word meaning

"no difference in terms of power"

this word [gokaku]

is based on which animal?

This is fastest button press, but both are hesitating





You had a pretty good idea didn't you

but you took awhile to think it over

I was trying to decide between deer and bull

Since there's a lot of deer in Hanafuda

I thought that could be the answer

but I took a gamble and went with bull

Its amazing that you know that there are Hanafuda cards with deer

And the reason why its based on the bull

its true that deer was a close answer

but for deer their antlers

the right and left antlers have differences

With the horns of a bull

the left and right horns are the same

and that's why [gokaku] means no difference in terms of power

Neru-chan, did you know this?

I didn't know this

You learned something right

I'm smarter now

By the way the baka-san members

what did they answer with?

Saito's answer


why? why?

The kanji for gokaku

looks just like the kanji for frog to me

gokaku and frog look the same to you?

I didn't think about the kanji for horns being in gokaku

Just realized that

Lets go to the next question

Showing her true ability

Kageyama goes off on a 4 correct answer streak


its 3-5, a 2 point lead

And then coming up

In theatre

the beginning is called the prologue however


That is correct

Correct answer

The number written on a bowling ball

the unit of measurement is


Well done

The pato in pato car means?


hai, that is correct

It means giving something a hard look

the slang for serious mode created by repeating the same word is what?

[maji maji]

That is correct


Nagahama with the experience left over from appearing on so many quiz shows

she's not backing down even the slightest

and the score is


And then the next question

fastest button press quiz

last question


isobe roll

fried isobe

isobe salad

The food ingredient

they have in common is?

hai Neru-chan

nori (seaweed)

hai, that is correct

Correct answer

Lets hear some funny answers

Iguchi's answer


The food ingredient they have in common is isobe then

Did you know isobe = nori?

I didn't know that

I thought what is this saying?

Stage 1

the score is 6-7

Kageyama with a slight lead

And the next stage is?

Stage 2 they'll get questions on random subjects

multiple choice quiz

This will be true-false quiz questions

You'll answer either true or false


As you get older

your fingerprint can get wrinkled?

True or False

Please think hard about this, you'll get some thinking time

And that's time

So then please reveal your answers


oh, both of you say false

Neru-chan, you say false

For the police

when they take your fingerprints

if your fingerprints could get wrinkled

that would cause issues if a criminal went back and committed another crime

so I went with false


The same for me

they wouldn't be able to identify by fingerprint anymore

The answer is


[ Wrinkles come from muscle, the fingerprint area has no muscle and never changes ]

So the both of you are correct

And next

The term Y-shirt

are the shirts called that because they look like the letter Y?

Is that true or false?

And for this question they both answered


[ Its a white button-up shirt, so its abbreviated to whi-shirt ]

Let's proceed. Next question


How do you say avocado in japanese?


waninashi (gator pear)


kamenashi (turtle pear)


samenashi (shark pear)

I thought the word avocado was the same in japanese

Girls really love their avocados

And that's time. Flip those cards over at the same time


Neru-chan picks #1

and then Kageyama-chan picks #2

Neru-chan #1?

I like reading books

I believe I may have seen this in a novel I've read

With all that she's read

relying on something she remembered from a novel

she picks 1

Nagahama answers waninashi

As for Kageyama

For avocados

the exterior I think is pretty rough

so I'm thinking it resembles a turtle shell

Since avocados look rough on the outside

she answers #2, kamenashi

The answer is

What will it be?

#1, waninashi

[ Avocados look like gator skin ]

Neru-chan is correct

And now for the next question


Katsushika Hokusai's

Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji

how many prints did it have in total?


36 prints


46 prints


56 prints

Please write the number of the answer you think it is on your card

I don't know this one

And that's time up

Now then reveal your answers all at once



#3, 56 prints and then

Kageyama-chan #2, 46 prints

Neru-chan, do you have a reason?

gut feeling

Going with your gut

If it were 46

then it becomes like Keyakizaka

[ Katsushika Hokusai46!? ]

Doesn't have to mean that


I thought it couldn't be 36

and like Neru-chan I thought it would be like Keyakizaka

but on the contrary

because its Keyakizaka, that's why they asked this question

With very similar numbers

the number 46 will decide who gets this right

And the answer is



Its 46 prints

Kageyama-san is correct

But you didn't know it was actually 46 prints

Was this really related to Keyakizaka?

[ Katsushika Hokusai46 formed ]

Its become a dead heat

separated by just one point

its on to the final stage

The final stage is written quiz questions

Final stage

yes, the final questions

Currently Neru-chan with 9 points

since this is the last couple questions

I'll do what I can to make a comeback

And then Kageyama-chan with a 1 point lead

With all I have, for this last part

I'll dash to the finish

hai, please do your best

The fateful last stage

shining bright as the Queen of Quizzes

who will it be?

Up first

please take a look at this

This is a pattern identification quiz

This picture

How would you fill in the blank?

Based on a pattern

the words are lined up in a certain manner

Can you detect the pattern?

The answers are in

Please reveal your answers all at once

Both of them wrote down uni then

They both answered uni

And how did they reach this answer?

If you write all of these in romaji

aki for example

a-k-i read backwards becomes i-k-a

and inu

i-n-u read backwards becomes u-n-i

Got it

Is this pattern the correct answer?

The answer is



Both of you were correct

Yes, for this pattern identification quiz

1st they converted kanji to romaji

and then

they took that romaji and reversed it

which led them to the correct answer

inu in this manner

becomes the correct answer uni

And now for the next question

The number 5000 is written down

draw just one line

to cut this number in half

Both of you take some time to think about this one

oh, right now

she's thought of something

And what answer did they both write down?

And now, put the pens down, its time up

Now then


They wrote a line in the same place

Both Nagahama and Kageyama

between the last 2 zeros in 5000

they added a diagonal line

making it into a 50%

And the answer is

50%, that is correct

There has to be some funny answers to this one



Just wrote a line through the whole thing, that's pretty reckless

Had no other option I guess

They said to split it in half

Well you have a point there

[ Please try a little harder ]

And we also have this answer

Takamoto's answer

oh, what's this one

Extending the line out of the 5?

They have square root signs right?

They do

of all my studies

this square root is the latest thing I've learned


So I wrote one in

Wasn't I pretty close?

Not close at all

And next is our last question

At this highest level stage

claiming the title of Queen of Quizzes

just which one of them will it be?

Keyaki High School Quiz tournament

they've reached the final round

currently the score is


Kageyama holding a 1 point lead

And right here

This is the last question

and its worth 100 points

The last question is a bonus chance

depending on who gets it correct

this will decide who wins

If both of them get it correct or incorrect

its a win for Kageyama

Using this chance

who will reign as Queen of the Quiz?

On these 5 dots

Draw 1 circle such that it touches all the dots

Both of you give it your best

This is the final question

And already both of them are writing something

This one is difficult

And she's putting the cap back on the pen

and showing a smile

eh Kageyama-chan's already finished?

ah, Neru-chan has finished writing

And that's time up

Now then

reveal your answers all at once

Same answer!

That is worthy of applause

The answer is

the kanji for circle. Both of you are correct


And that means the result is

Neru-chan with 111 points

Kageyama-chan with 112 points

Kageyama-chan is the winner


You're the winner Kageyama-chan

I'm happy, I'm glad I studied hard

And Neru-chan you were so close, you trailed by 1 the entire time

Yuka-chan has

an overwhelming amount of knowledge so

can't do much about that

For more infomation >> 082617p4 - Duration: 20:05.


The Frim Fram Sauce | Version Midivan Pop Jazz | Instrumental Wedding | Standart Jazz - Duration: 1:24.

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Una estela de muerte y destrucción dejó un sismo en México - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Una estela de muerte y destrucción dejó un sismo en México - Duration: 2:17.


Un poderoso terremoto sacude varias ciudades en México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Un poderoso terremoto sacude varias ciudades en México | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:35.


Na Captura dos Games #19 Super Nintendo Baby Completo + 8 jogos - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> Na Captura dos Games #19 Super Nintendo Baby Completo + 8 jogos - Duration: 10:47.


La amenaza del huracán Irma se vuelve cada vez más real - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> La amenaza del huracán Irma se vuelve cada vez más real - Duration: 3:11.


La Cruz Roja ya llegó a Florida para huracán Irma | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> La Cruz Roja ya llegó a Florida para huracán Irma | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 1:50.


Opel Corsa 1.0T S&S 66KW 3D Black & White edition - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T S&S 66KW 3D Black & White edition - Duration: 0:54.


Trump Just Permanently Made America Great Again While Media Was Looking The Other Way | Top Stories - Duration: 1:59.

Trump is one smart man and he's taking full advantage of the fact that the media and his

other detractors assume he's an idiot.

While they continue to focus on Russia, fuel division by inciting Antifa violence and try

to say he isn't helping hurricane victims (which is totally ridiculous), he is quietly

and with efficient laser focus, changing the country to ensure his promise to


He is doing this by re-designing the Federal courts.

For instance, the 9th Circuit court has continually stamped down Trump's travel ban, his plan

to keep our country safe from terrorists.

Trump is working to change that, though.

He just named more judges to sit on the Federal appeals courts, where, for example, there

are now 4 vacancies on the 9th Circuit.

He has named Ryan Bounds to that court, a federal prosecutor with great credentials,

who served in the Bush administration.

He also just named Gregory Katsas to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.

Mr. Katsas currently serves as deputy White House counsel.

In Trump's White House, of course.

He, too, has a stellar reputation.

I can't emphasize enough how important what Trump is doing in U.S. courts while no one

is paying attention is.

Our courts have more power over our lives than most people realize on a day to day basis.

They shape the laws under which we live every single day.

As an attorney, I am keenly aware of how important our judges' personal political views are

on cases, no matter how objective they may try to be.

If you are happy about Trump's performance as a President, please get this Shared and

comment "way to go Trump."

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Trump Just Permanently Made America Great Again While Media Was Looking The Other Way | Top Stories - Duration: 1:59.


Nibiru Planet X Update Today 09th September 2017 Hitting Earth - Duration: 1:53:24.

For more infomation >> Nibiru Planet X Update Today 09th September 2017 Hitting Earth - Duration: 1:53:24.


Butte area woman launches campaign, delivers weekly supplies to fire camps - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Butte area woman launches campaign, delivers weekly supplies to fire camps - Duration: 1:59.


10 Uncomfortable Signs You're Actually Becoming The Person You're Supposed To Be - Duration: 6:08.

10 Uncomfortable Signs You're Actually Becoming The Person You're Supposed To Be


You do everything by yourself and feel isolated from others.

The more mature you are, the more you can handle everything by yourself and it feels like you don't want to be anyone's


You've even always said, "I've got this," to those who are sincerely willing to help you.

More often than not, you feel lonely and isolated, but you feel proud of yourself on being strong and independent at

the same time.


You realize that you have some issues with yourself.

You know exactly that you have issues to overcome; whether it's about your anxiety, mood swings, trust issues,

or her issues which disturb your well-being.

You will acknowledge when, how, and in what condition those issues will appear and you'll give your best efforts to

overcome them.


You have a strong desire to cut off some unnecessary relationships.

As time goes by, you will feel that you have a lot of acquaintances, but few friends.

You begin to question your relationships with other people; you start to realize who's real and who's not,

who wants to stay or vice versa.

You'll feel disappointed, guilty, and sad towards losing some friends that you loved,

but you're brave enough to leave the relationships which were toxic and emotionally abused your inner self.


It's hard for you to trust people.

Not only because you're being selective about your friends, but also because you won't easily buy people's bullshit.

You've been disappointed a lot of times by betrayals and broken promises; you know exactly how the real world works.

But, once you believe in some people, you will be loyal to them and you will do anything to maintain that relationship.


You always feel that your life is boring.

It's hard for you to feel satisfied with your life; there's always something more you would like to achieve.

The same routines and work will bore you to death and you'll always be thinking,

"What's next?" which makes you always want to strive more.

Moreover, your life is "boring" because you have less unnecessary drama in your life- which is something to be proud of.


You are too familiar with the feeling of sadness.

For you, life has no sugar coats; there are days when you feel hopeful,

but there are also times when you feel like you're at the lowest point of your life.

You are able to accept the broken hearts, failures, disappointment, and the feeling of sadness.

You acknowledge that life is not always about being happy.

But even though you feel the pain, you are able to bounce back again and realize that there were lessons from

everything that happened.


You always feel like you're running out of time.

More often than not, you feel that 24 hours a day are not enough.

You barely have enough sleep and you always find yourself in busy situations.

It's a struggle for you to spare time for yourself and your loved ones.

There will always be something you have to do and sometimes you are too hard on yourself in doing things.

This means that you have a strong determination to be successful.


You regret the mistakes you've made in the past.

It's easy for you to blame yourself for any mistakes that you made in the past.

You acknowledge that you've made some bad decisions and sometimes you want everything to go back to how it used to be.

But, you realize that regret will take you nowhere and the only thing that you can do is to not repeat the same

mistakes you've done.


You always miss your childhood, family, and your loved ones.

Growing up sucks and you always find yourself looking back to your old life when everything was according to its place.

You live on your own and being separated with your family and loved ones is not easy at all.

But, deep down inside you don't want to give up; you're fully aware that all the struggles and success will be the best

gift for all the people that you love.


You feel lost, confused, and anxious about your future.

You appear to be bold and strong, but most of the time you feel extremely insecure about your own life.

You've always questioned yourself regarding what you really need and what your life purpose is.

You don't exactly know how life supposed to be, simply because many unexpected things happen.

But, despite all the confusions and fears, you can manage yourself to always finish your responsibilities and work.

At the end of the day, you always take things one day at a time and you fully understand that everything will happen

according to your own time zone.

For more infomation >> 10 Uncomfortable Signs You're Actually Becoming The Person You're Supposed To Be - Duration: 6:08.


Red-Eyes Deck (SEPTEMBER 2017) [Duels & Decklist] (Yu-Gi-Oh) Post Legendary Duelist - Duration: 14:15.

Presented by El Exordio del Duelista

RED-EYES DECK: The fury of the red-eyed reborn in a new form!


Offensive 7 | Defense 7 | Consistency 7 | Versatility 6 | Recovery 8

Deck Type Aggro: Decks focussed on an offensive strategy because of it interactions with their Spells, Traps, and Monsters.

This Kind of Decks makes persistent damage with their Monster to finish quickly the duel.

The difficulty of Using the Deck: 2.5/5

FINAL SCORE: 7 | Good!

Approximate Deck Price | Currency: US Dollars

Approximate Deck Price: Cards in the Lowest Rarity. Main Deck: $163 | Extra Deck: $244

Total approximate deck price: $407. *Prices obtained from the webs, Ebay, Yugiohprices (07/09/2017). Prices could change.

Cheapest Price of the Deck (Without the cards showed): $279 | Card in the lowest rarity

Disponibility in the market (The Hardest cards to find in the Deck) | Return of the Dragon Lords (Medium) | Meteor Black Comet Dragon (Medium) | Lightpulsar Dragon (Medium)

Recommended cards to make Cheaper the Deck:

About the Deck

How does the Red-Eyes Deck Works? Its playstyle is focused on summoning your Red-Eyes from the Graveyard with Return of the Red-Eyes and Return of the Dragon Lords.

That way you will make your field stronger enough to be able to finish the duel quickly.

TIP#1 With Red-Eyes Baby Dragon's effect you can bring out Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight and equip it with your baby Red-Eyes destroyed.

This way to will have Gearfried equipped ready to summon any Red-Eyes from your Graveyard.

TIP#2 Equip Red-Eyes Fang with Chain to Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight to destroy any Spell or Traps of your opponent.

Also, you can send to the Graveyard Fang with Chain when is equipped to equip to Gearfried any Monster on your opponent's field to interrupt his plays.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Silver's Cry could improve the offensive of the Deck because let you summon more Red-Eyes Normal Monster from the Graveyard.

Also, is a Quick Spell, so you can use it during your Battle Phase.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Arkbrave Dragon is another good option to summon more Dragons from the Graveyard. You can combine it with Cards like Dragon Shrine and Back to the Frontline to use it effect multiple times.

ADVANTAGES: 1) now with the new Red-Eyes it's easier to use Return of the Red-Eyes because they don't need tribute.

2) Red-Eyes Slash Dragon improves the offensive and Control of the Deck thanks to it protection effect.

3) Return of the Red-Eyes let you make stronger fields easily and gives you enough resources for Link summoning.

DISADVANTAGES: 1) Red-Eyes Slash Dragon is too vulnerable to Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit.

2) Red-Eyes fusion has many restrictions so to use it without risks you need other cards to protect you.

3) Without Red-Eyes insight or Red-Eyes Fusion, the Deck doesn't have many ways to make enough Graveyard to it plays.

EXORDIO WALLPAPERS: Download our pack of over 15 Wallpapers designed by us in the description of the video!

YGOPRO ESPAÑOL: Download the Ygopro with links in the description by Ygopro ESPAÑOL and follow them in FACEBOOK and Youtube!

Thanks for watching! Don't forget to leave a comment, like the video and share it with a friend!

For more infomation >> Red-Eyes Deck (SEPTEMBER 2017) [Duels & Decklist] (Yu-Gi-Oh) Post Legendary Duelist - Duration: 14:15.


2017 NEW Dental Veneer Review! Brighter Image Lab Must See Ending! New Smile in Action! - Duration: 4:14.

so everybody's been asking me for the week update on my new smile so the

biggest question I usually get is how do you possibly eat with those in honestly

I can't even feel them when I have them in it's not simple and material these are

made out of are made from NASA so these aren't supposed to break these are

supposed to stay in your mouth as long as you want them to stay in your mouth

and which is amazing because if you're at social events obviously you don't

wanna be popping out your smile I kind of refer it back to when I had retainers

I hated popping out my retainers when I was at dinner with friends or I was at

social events where I couldn't eat with my retainers in but you can with these I

promise you also stay away from like biting into an apple that is one of the

most fragile parts of your smile in general all your two front teeth so

beware of that I have not broken these at all and I eat perfectly fine with these

just be aware of what you're eating you know sometimes don't bite into that

Apple you know cut that apple and you know put it in the back of your mouth

beware of hard steaks like anything hard at it just be kind of cautious on but

you should be fine another big question regarding the veneers is do I have a

lisp now between three to four days you'll gradually have that's natural

because you have a foreign object in your mouth and mine over time which you

probably see in my vlog the lisp as with each word I said was going away now

granted I do have a little bit of a lisp it's 99.9% gone I just got the retouched

up veneers yesterday so I'm still getting used to these ones but the I'm

it's already gone at you but for the Lisp it goes away three to four days

depending on how you talk I actually practice talking with them the day that

I got my veneers I was in my car and I was singing along to songs I feel like

that's one of the easiest way to get used to the veneers in your mouth um

just talk you'll naturally figure out a way your mouth will naturally figure out

a way to talk with them in just like any foreign object like a retainer or your

braces another thing that I wanted to bring up was how real my teeth look it's

absolutely insane out a video clip of me showing my teeth up close and personal

because it amazes me the amount of compliments I get in the day like who

did your teeth who was your orthodontic did it it it and I refer back to brighter

image lab every single time I like I am so proud of the work that brighter image

lab did for me and I am hoping to work with them a lot more in the future if

it's from doing more sets for my teeth or different designs of my teeth or just

helping you know get them out there because if they help me I know they're

gonna help a lot more my teeth were a struggle to work with and they did this

in a matter of just a month it wasn't that easy I smile is very important to

me I use it for my job I use it for school to make friends and so far so

good I can't wait to come

back with you guys let me show you the month or the six month or the year

update with these and Brighter Image Lab you kicked butt like always I'll see you


For more infomation >> 2017 NEW Dental Veneer Review! Brighter Image Lab Must See Ending! New Smile in Action! - Duration: 4:14.


#FlatEarth Friday #FringeCast w/ Guest ODD! #TGIFlat 9/8/2017 - Duration: 1:32:04.

For more infomation >> #FlatEarth Friday #FringeCast w/ Guest ODD! #TGIFlat 9/8/2017 - Duration: 1:32:04.


How To Make Balloon Chocolate Bowls | Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating Art Compilation - Duration: 10:15.

Thank you for watching!

Hope you have a great time

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For more infomation >> How To Make Balloon Chocolate Bowls | Amazing Chocolate Cake Decorating Art Compilation - Duration: 10:15.


UA sells BearDown for Houston t-shirts - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> UA sells BearDown for Houston t-shirts - Duration: 0:33.


Planet x Nibiru update today 9st September 2017!!! BILLIONS PEOPLE WILL SEE NIBIRU IN THE HEAVENS - Duration: 33:04.

For more infomation >> Planet x Nibiru update today 9st September 2017!!! BILLIONS PEOPLE WILL SEE NIBIRU IN THE HEAVENS - Duration: 33:04.


How To Decide If You Should Invest in a GoPro For Your Business Videos - DIY Video Marketing - Duration: 1:21.

Taylor here with Financial Potion where we believe video is the potion to relieve business

owners from their financial worries.

I don't know if it's the marketing or what, however I have had a lot of clients

say they use Go Pros to record their own videos, or that they want to try to use a Go Pro.

Look Go Pros are great for what they were made for and that's to get extreme shots,

and put your camera in situations you wouldn't put your regular camera in, like underwater.

However Go Pros are not the camera you want to use if you want to hear audio.

They are also super wide angle, a lens you can't change.

Sometimes you don't want to see everything on the set.

So if you're looking to record interviews, or talking head tip videos like this.

I would suggest thinking again before investing in that GoPro.

If you're a Realtor in Arizona looking to show off pools, that's a whole different


I hope this tip helps you do some video marketing on your own this weekend.

Please subscribe if you haven't to get tips every Friday, visit our Patreon page for more

perks and as always stay engaging!

For more infomation >> How To Decide If You Should Invest in a GoPro For Your Business Videos - DIY Video Marketing - Duration: 1:21.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Kids Educational Toys - Magic Magnet #2: Bridge | NomNom TOYS - Duration: 14:09.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Kids Educational Toys - Magic Magnet #2: Bridge | NomNom TOYS

For more infomation >> Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds – Kids Educational Toys - Magic Magnet #2: Bridge | NomNom TOYS - Duration: 14:09.


Past it? Great! | daily sprout 344 - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Past it? Great! | daily sprout 344 - Duration: 0:46.


14 Easy and Delicious Brunch Recipes | Tutorial to Make Good Dish at Your Kitchen - Duration: 10:39.



For more infomation >> 14 Easy and Delicious Brunch Recipes | Tutorial to Make Good Dish at Your Kitchen - Duration: 10:39.


Leftovers: 9/8 edition - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Leftovers: 9/8 edition - Duration: 1:24.


Stolen SUV crashes into home while family is asleep - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Stolen SUV crashes into home while family is asleep - Duration: 1:57.


ਸਿਖ ਲੜਕੀ + ਗੈਰਸਿਖ ਲੜਕਾ = ਪੁਆੜੇ ਦੀ ਪੁੜੀ। The Cold Truth of Interfaith Marriage - Duration: 15:52.

Today's topic is whether or not a Gursikh can marry a non-Sikh

In today's world interfaith marriages are common and they have begun to affect Sikhs as well

In Gurdwaray especially in western world, Sikh boys and girls marry whites, blacks, Christians, Hindus, and Muslims

We are asked whether or not a Gursikh can marry a non-Sikh according to Gurmat

Those who think of themselves as humanitarians often quote

trying to prove

since all mankind has only one caste so it is okay for a Sikh to marry a non-Sikh

They don't understand the correct meaning of this Pankti

that every man regardless of his caste, creed or whatever

has the right to obtain Vaheguru jee through the true Guru

This doesn't mean that Sikhs and non-Sikhs can marry one another

If under the banner of this Pankti tomorrow someone says that all men are equal

and for this reason you should allow a non-Sikh Granthi in the Gurdwara

or allow him to do Katha Keertan

then will we comply?

So these types of baseless questions shouldn't be raised

Now in this video we will speak openly on the topic of whether or not Sikhs can marry non-Sikhs

According to Gurmat Rehit Maryada a Sikh can only marry another Sikh

There are very strict Hukams about this in Rehitnamay

that a Sikh girl can never be married off to a Mona or non-Sikh

That Sikh who kills his daughter at birth or marries her to a Mona he will go to Narak

If a Sikh's daughter is married to a Sikh it is like Amrit meeting Amrit

Sudha means Amrit

If your daughter is given to a Mona

Then it is like putting Amrit in the mouth of a cobra

If Amrit is put in the mouth of a cobra it becomes poison

If a Sikh girl is married to a Mona her life will be ruined

If a Singh gives his daughter in marriage to someone other than a Singh

then this relation is like a relation of a goat and butcher

Guru jee says that such a Sikh falls prey to Jamdhoot

and gets stuck in the Jooni of a crow for 7 lives

There are many more references from Gurbani which prove that a Gursikh cannot marry a Mona or non-Sikh

and if it does happen it is like putting Amrit in the mouth of a cobra

We have seem many such girls

whose Gursikh parents, seeing some worldly benefit or boys from America or Canada

got their Gursikh daughters married to Monay

and those girls have endured sorrow for their whole life

We aren't saying that Monay or non-Sikhs are bad

It is about following Guru jee's Hukam

When Guru jee has done Hukam that a Sikh is to make relations with Sikhs only

then in the case of not following this Hukam a Sikh loses the pleasure of Guru jee

and does not remain worthy of Guru jee's bestowments

We all know that happiness and royalty are obtained from Guru jee

so if the bestower of happiness is displeased then how will we obtain happiness

The second reason for these girls staying unhappy is they were originally religious

And when they had to endure the environment of Meat, Liqour, and Tobacco at their in-laws house

Then how could they stay happy?

By making meat, sitting in house full of liqour and tobacco how could they do Paath?

They couldn't and this is why they gave up doing Nitnem and Paath

They remain unhappy because they are pulled away from their religion

By marrying a Muslim our Sikh daughters can never be happy

because their culture is very different then ours

Their status of women is very different than ours

Thirdly Muslim men who aren't originally religious

start to become strict in their religion later one

due to which they don't get along with Sikh girls

Some even fall prey to abuse

Muslim men are allowed to marry more than once

what will be your condition if your Muslim husband marries another woman

They can even marry up to four times in which instance your life will be ruined

What to say of westerners

these people don't know how to stay in one relationship

their culture doesn't match ours at all

their habits are very different as well

which are not compatible with our religion and culture

Marriage with them results in divorce

This is the same condition of those boys who in time of youth marry non-Sikhs

but when this non-Sikh girl comes to their house then she is unable to adjust

She is not able to get along with the boy's Gursikh parents

In this case the life of the boy becomes full of sorrow

These kind of girls force boys to leave their parents

and if the parents are successful they get them both to divorce

families are torn apart and life becomes full of sorrow

If you aren't very religious then what can we say to you

But we can say this much for sure that those born in Sikh families

come back to their religious roots at some turn in life

In that instance, if your partner is not of Sikh thought then you will suffer a lot

If you parents are religious

then how will they live with a non-Sikh daughter-in-law

If you are not very religious

but you still like to listen to Keertan and Katha at the Gurdwara

then you non-Sikh partner will not be able to join you in this

and because of this either you will fall prey to fighting

of you will go to Gurdwara Sahib alone

of you will give up going altogether

you cannot be happy in any of these cases

If your non-Sikh partner is Hindu, Christian, or Muslim

then he or she will want to take you to Mandir, Church, or Masjid

If you don't like to go to Gurdwara Sahib then how will you go to Mandir Church or Masjid?

The next problem will happen when you have kids

will you kids become Sikh or non-Sikh?

your non-Sikh partner will try to keep them as non-Sikhs

Even if you aren't religious you will want your kid to learn about Sikhi

Even if our brothers cut their hair they usually keep the hair of their kids

which means that our Monay brothers do have love for Sikhi inside

but for some reason they don't keep their hair

Otherwise your chances of coming to Sikhi will be greatly diminished

Anand Karaj is done in presence of Siri Guru Granth Sahib jee

and this means that the boy and girl are taking an oath in front of Guru Sahib to enter the bonds of marriage

But if someone isn't a Sikh then why would they take oath in front of Guru Sahib?

This would be like a Sikh taking oath from a bible, quran, or Gita

Since a Sikh doesn't have faith in these books then why would he take oath upon them?

It is mandatory to take Amrit before doing Anand Karaj

and this is how it used to be

No matter what a non-Sikh cannot get married at a Gurdwara

If in front of Guru Sahib a Sikh marries a non-Sikh then this is the insult and sacrilege of Guru Sahib

because Guru Sahib stopped us from doing so

So Gurdwara committees should take a strict stand on this

So if a Sikh and non-SIkh cannot have an Anand Karaj

then you will go to a Mandir or Church to get married

Will you like to get married in a Mandir or Church?

It is very improbable that your family and friends will take part in this

and if they do they wont be very happy

a Sikh and non-Sikh should not get married

This is a lifelong commitment and to ruin your life is not a very smart thing to do

Marriage is the Union between two families

After marriage both families often meet

If the culture and religion of both families is the same then the conversation is very natural

but if two families of different faiths get together they cannot fully integrate

If one family is Muslim will your family go to their house on eid and eat meat?

or take part in such festivities?

if one family is Hindu will your family go to their Jagratay?

You will never be able to meet up as two families

When our culture and religion is different than someone then there is always a little bit of unfamiliarity

According to Gurmat Maryada a Sikh can only marry another Sikh not a non-Sikh

If such instance arises where you have to marry a non-Sikh girl

then it can only happen if she becomes a Sikh first

and if she gives up her previous religion

If she takes Amrit then without a doubt you should accept that girl

You should never give your daughter to a non-Sikh and if she wants to do this still

then you can't take part in the wedding

if the boy is from a non-Sikh family but has now taken Amrit

Then you can marry that guy

In conclusion you should not marry a non-Sikh

This doesn't mean we hate non-Sikhs

But the reason is because it is against Gurmat and not practical to do

interfaith marriages are the reason for a lifetime of sorrow

and they take a Sikh away from this religion forever

For more infomation >> ਸਿਖ ਲੜਕੀ + ਗੈਰਸਿਖ ਲੜਕਾ = ਪੁਆੜੇ ਦੀ ਪੁੜੀ। The Cold Truth of Interfaith Marriage - Duration: 15:52.


Top 10 Amazing Chocolate Cakes Style - How To Make Chocolate Easter Egg - Oddy Satisfying Cakes - Duration: 10:30.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))

For more infomation >> Top 10 Amazing Chocolate Cakes Style - How To Make Chocolate Easter Egg - Oddy Satisfying Cakes - Duration: 10:30.


BBFF2017 Official Selection: CRAZYWISE - Duration: 3:06.

I experience

screaming voices.

People don't believe how insane I am.


And it was terrifying. Totally manic or totally depressed.

And it you know, it wasn't him.

The Adam we knew.

I just wanted a car to hit me or a truck or just

something that take me out because this time

I wanted it to really work.

I really felt like I needed to end my life.

I felt like I was this complete failure.

So I was in really bad bad shape

and the mental health system only made that worse.

It's a mythology to think that there's the normal and there's the abnormal.

The average recovery rate in the Western world

with all of our sophisticated diagnoses and

medications and highly paid experts

is about one third.

The recovery rate the developing world is

about two thirds.

Whereas somebody who is in this delicate state you know their in a process.

They're sent to prison. They're sent to jail.

They're sent to a psychiatric ward or they're chemically incarcerated or they're homeless.

In the United States we've come to believe

in the chemical imbalance theory of mental disorder.

These medicines are very very powerful in helping,

but they can be very powerful in harming.

I mean like the disclaimer on these pills,

that's typically the first side effect,

is suicidal thoughts.

And that's what the doctor's giving you to feel better?

I mean it's crazy.

We live in a psychotic society. We do.

And what is what is meant by psychotic?

Out of touch with reality.

How mental illness is constructed in different places

in the world is very very different.

Only in the Western world have we develop this

bizarre idea that

hearing voices and having strange ideas

has no meaning at all.

My human rights work has taken me to

indigenous and tribal cultures around the world.

Often I met individuals who would go into a

trance like state to serve as a healer

or visionary for their community.

These are the people we call Sharman, and I was surprised to learn that many were

identified in their youth by having

what we would call a psychotic break.

Hearing voices, having visions,

feeling terrified.

I was struck by how differently these

symptoms were looked at in our culture.

We have lost touch in our medical system from

some of the simple needs that people have

for connections, simple needs that people have

for community. Maybe it's not just a broken brain.

Maybe it's not just an illness.

Maybe this is not just something to hide and be ashamed of.

Maybe it's something to explore and learn from.

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