Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 12 2017

Hello beloved ones!

Welcome to the Biga's tips of this Tuesday.

We are talking about thoughts.

The bible says what we have to think "whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable

if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things."

Bringing to our lives, let's go.

What do I have to think about?

I said yesterday that we have to think big.

Today I want to say that one of the ways that, we as people of God, use our

thoughts, is always when you think, think about other people.

Beloved we exist because of people.

We are here to add some value to other people.

So big leaders of God, big people of God usually include other people

in their lives and thoughts.

And what is it?

It is for you who are a leader work with delegation.

It's work with training.

It's believe in who is by your side.

of people who cannot work as a team and end up left much

to be desired.


Because we were not called to work alone.

Michael Jordan said something once:

"Alone I can win the game, but to win the competition,

to win the championship I need a team".

And beloved, when God gives you the gifts...

Pay attention on that, He did not give all your gifts.

The gift that is missing on you is on someone else that God puts by your side.

And when you are wise to develop people and think in others

and add some value to others and add them to your live,

you are blessed by the gift that God puts in that other person.

So it is an art to think as a team, yes it is an art.

But it is extremely necessary to us as God's sons.

Because we know that.

God gives characteristics and gifts to every one.

To complete others and together make his plans here on Earth, amen?!

When you think, think about people.

God help us to think about people and to add some value to them in the name of Jesus.

God bless you see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Aprenda a trabalhar em equipe - 851 | Legendas PT-BR SPN ENG - Duration: 1:56.


Creating a zpool - Duration: 6:15.

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a zpool.

Click "Storage" in the navigation menu on the left.

Click the "Add zpool" button

Select disks for the data group from the list of available disks.

If some disks are missing, click the "Rescan disks" button.

Select the desired redundancy for the disk group.

If you need to create many mirrored disk groups, use the "Multiple groups" options from the redundancy drop-down list.

Click the "Add group" button

The configured disk group shows up in the "Data groups" window on the right side.

You can add more than one data group if necessary.

Click the "Next" button

Select disks for write log from the list of available disks.

Write the log group stack storage data for use in case of a crash.

Selecting low latency disks like SSD or RAM drives with high redundancy level (mirror) is highly recommended.

Select the desired redundancy for the disk group.

Click the "Add group" button.

The configured disk group shows up in the "Other groups" window on the right side.

You can add more than one write log group if necessary.

Click the "Next" button.

Select disks for read cache from the list of available disks.

Read cache groups accelerate overall read operations and support cache in system RAM when it overflows.

Selecting high speed SSDs, is highly recommended.

Select the desired redundancy for the disk group.

Click the "Add group" button.

The configured disk group shows up in the "Other groups" window on the right side.

Click the "Next" button.

Select disks for spare disks from the list of available disks.

Spare disks allows you to rebuild the array if a faulted disk is detected.

Use equal or larger disks to replace any crashed disk.

Next, select the desired redundancy for the disk group.

Click the "Add" group button.

The configured disk group shows up in the "Other groups" window on the right side.

Click the "Next" button.

Type a name for the zpool.

Click the "Next" button.

You can check all Zpool settings before it's created on the Summary screen.

If you want to change the configuration, use the "Back" button

or the navigation menu on the left to navigate to the required step.

Proceed by clicking the "Add zpool" button.

After the zpool is created you can see it listed on the Storage page.

Click the down arrow icon to display the zpool details.

For more infomation >> Creating a zpool - Duration: 6:15.


Activating the system - Duration: 1:20.

In this tutorial you will learn how to activate your Open-E JovianDSS system

In this tutorial you will learn how to activate your Open-E JovianDSS system

Click "Activate now" to start the activation process

Click the "Activate" button on the left side

Select the way you want to activate the system.

We recommend an online activation as it is the most convenient way to activate the system.

However, if you want to activate the system online, default gateway must be configured so that your server has access to the internet.

If you choose offline activation, please proceed according to the instructions displayed.

Click the "Activate" button

After the system is activated, a confirmation message is displayed

For more infomation >> Activating the system - Duration: 1:20.


Creating an iSCSI target - Duration: 4:14.

In this tutorial you will learn how to create an iSCSI target.

Click "Storage" in the navigation menu on the left

Navigate to the zpool to which you want to add a new target

Click the "iSCSI targets" tab

Click the "Add new target" button

Leave the target default name or specify your own name

Click the "Next" button

If you already have zvols in the system, select zvols you want to add to target from the list of available zvols.

To create a new zvol, click the "Add new zvol" button

Specify the zvol name and size

Configure the remaining zvol options according to your needs or leave them default

Click the "Add" button

The newly created zvol appears in the "Zvols available for target" list

Click the "Next" button

In order to provide access to the target, enable CHAP user authentication

If you already have CHAP users in the system, select users to whom you want to give access to the target

Click the "Add new user" button in order to add a CHAP user

Set a name and password for the CHAP user

Click the "Add new user" button

After a new CHAP user is added, you can see it listed in the "CHAP users" table

Note that you can set up Mutual CHAP user and Target IP access restriction if required

Click the "Next" button

Proceed by clicking the "Add" button

After the target is created, you can see it listed in the "iSCSI targets" table

For more infomation >> Creating an iSCSI target - Duration: 4:14.


Updating the system - Duration: 2:19.

In this tutorial you will learn how to update the system

Click "System settings" from the main navigation menu on the left side

Click the "Update" tab

Click the "Upload update" button

Click the "Browse" button and select an .iso update file

Once you selected the update file click the "Upload" button

Wait until the system uploads the file

Once the file is uploaded the "Change version" window will appear.

Click "Change and reboot now" if you want to update the system immediately

Click "Change and reboot later" to update the system after a manual reboot

For more infomation >> Updating the system - Duration: 2:19.


How to Move Affordably with Lots of Books - Duration: 4:20.

Hi community of awesome, I'm Ava Jae and this is bookishpixie.

So I moved and my pretty bookish background is gone because all my books are still in

boxes, and I don't have my own personal bookshelves yet, and also I'm not sure when I'm going

to get them, but I've been thinking about kind of just stacking my books like around

here just to have something nice to sit in front of, um, but we'll see how that works out.

Obviously I have not gotten to that yet—you might have a boring background for a few weeks.

But um. Yeah. I'm here.

Related to my life right now someone suggested that I do a vlog on moving when you have a

bunch of books, um, which I thought was a great idea 'cuz I just sort of had to just scour

the internet to figure out a plan, and might become related to your lives at some point,

so that's what I'm gonna talk about today.

Specifically how to move affordably when you have a whole lot of books.

Step one: clean out your bookshelves.

The first thing I knew I was going to have to do though, was look at my bookshelves and

decide what I really wanted to take.

So I looked at my bookshelves and I pulled the books that either a) I didn't really like

that much while I was reading or had since lost interest in and b) I knew I wasn't

going to get to because, again, I'd lost interest between the time that I had gotten the book and now.

All in all, it ended up being about 70 books that I was apathetic about, and so I brought

them to my local library and donated them.

Which then brought me to step two: the boxes.

Whether you are moving yourself, using movers, or mailing your things, the kind of boxes

you want to store your books in are small, heavy-duty boxes.

I got mine at Home Depot—they have these extra-thick ones that are good for heavy items,

and the reason you want to do small boxes is because books get heavy really quickly,

so you don't want to really stack too many per box because then you won't be able to lift it.

I generally put around 15 books a box and that brought me to an average of about 20 pounds a box.

But packing your books isn't just throwing books in boxes.

You also want to get packing materials both to protect your books and to make sure they

don't slide around everywhere.

I was really fortunate because I had a friend who was a receiving manager at my formerly

local Barnes & Noble and he offered to just give me the packing materials that they had

because the way it works is Barnes & Noble gets a bunch of books, and those books are

packed with packing materials, and then when Barnes & Noble takes the books out, they no

longer need those packing materials, so I got a ton of packing materials for free.

And that was great.

If you aren't fortunate enough to have a friend who works at a local bookstore, I still would

encourage you to go to your local bookstore and ask if they have any packing materials

they'd be willing to give you because chances are likely they do and it just gets thrown

out otherwise, so worth asking.

And that brings me to step three: which is an optional step but I'm gonna mention it

anyway, and that's getting organized.

In the end, I ended up mailing 161 books, which ended up being about 13 boxes.

I labeled each box numbers 1 through 13, and I created an Excel spreadsheet and I wrote

down exactly which books I had put in each box because I didn't know when I was going

to be able to unpack and I didn't want to have to open up every single box to get a certain book.

And then, whether or not you do that, step four is actually moving the boxes.

So I mailed my books, as I said, and the way I was able to do this affordably was through

the magic of media mail.

Media mail is a class of mail you can do through the regular USPS postal system, and the rules

are you can only send something that is considered "media," so for me, that was books.

The thing with media mail is it's a much slower system, which is why it's a lot cheaper, and

there's not really insurance involved so you're taking a bit of a risk.

I took the risk though, anyway, because it was the most affordable and so I ended up

sending 13 boxes as I said, they're each roughly about 20 pounds, and it only cost me on average

$11 a box, which is pretty darn good.

I'm happy to report they all arrived to their final destination safe and sound.

One box was really beat up—it was, like, all torn up on the sides, but, didn't matter,

because the packing materials protected my books.

So. There you go.

So that's how I moved my library in an affordable way, and you know, it might help you one day too.

So that's what I've got for today!

If you liked what you saw, don't forget to subscribe and comment, and I'll see you guise next week!

For more infomation >> How to Move Affordably with Lots of Books - Duration: 4:20.


Step 1/4: Network configuration - Duration: 4:01.

In this tutorial you will learn how to set up a Failover service

Click "System settings" in the navigation menu on the left side

Click the "Network" tab

Click the "Create bond interface" button

From the "Available interfaces" table, select two interfaces to create a bond interface.

Select interfaces so that both bonding on local node and remote node can communicate by sending each other data packets

Navigate to "Bonding" options and select Active-backup as a bonding type

Configure the remaining bonding options according to your network configuration

Click the "Apply" button

After the bond interface is created you can see it listed in the "Interfaces" table

Navigate to the "Default gateway" field.

Click the "Change" button

Set the interface for default Gateway.

Make sure to set the default gateway so that Ping nodes are accessible by the server.

A ping node is a pseudo-member of a failover.

It is located outside the failover and serves to answer ICMP requests from failover members - this means the ping node cannot be one of the nodes

Click the "Apply" button

Now go to the second cluster node and configure the network according to procedure presented in the previous steps

For more infomation >> Step 1/4: Network configuration - Duration: 4:01.


Märklin 36711 (36712) DB ICE 2 - Internal Lighting - Duration: 14:56.

*** NOTE: These subtitles were later made with respect to the video ***

*** to make it more understandable ***

*** Discrepancies between audio and subtitles are wanted ***

*** to correct or make the voices spoken more clearly ***

Thanks a lot and GOOD VISION!

As I mentioned in the Unboxing video

one of the gaps that afflicts this model

is the lack of internal lighting

In such a cheap model

where some details are not taken care of

for example, the number of sounds is limited

3 white lights and 2 red lights are missing

present in the real prototype

the pantograph is not good enough to catch up

an internal and also an in-house lighting

and home made

adds extra gear to the model

I told you that

I was looking for a way

not too expensive

to illuminate the carriages


at least in alternating current, with the 3-track system

it would take a shoe for every carriage


where is the cart

there is no space to allow the shoe to return

while passing through trade, causing derailment

The option I chose

even if it is not the cheapest

but it's the wisest and fastest one

is to equip this model

of the same cable hooks

present in his older brother

of high end: Ice 1

that of 500 €

230, 500

These hooks are available at 5 € each on the internet

I paid the hooks for

for this junction, and this one

in total 18 € plus 8 shipping

in total 25

then 17 hooks plus 8 shipping

In the junction between the vehicle and the first carriage are not necessary

because the drive decoder does not allow any modification

the only solution would be to change everything

but it would make no sense at the economic level

also because a decoder with sound system is 100 €

"at low cost jobs..."

This carriage I lit up for trial on my own

we'll see it on the track

while now I see you

how to modify the cabling of the pilot

to take the skate and send it on the whole convoy

and we will step in the restaurant

I decided to leave the restaurant as step by step

because it seemed different to me

there is a bathroom here behind

where you can put the diode bridge and capacitor

here I do not know

I start from here where we mount the conductive hook

and I see the changes to the electrical system

to open the model

what sad to call it "model"

it will serve as a small screwdriver

from the flat tip

and you will have to go to pressure

here in this channel

the bellows will rise

and then he'll be off

Once this is done, the remaining work is very simple

just open it

with the help of the nails separate the two parts

As I suspected, when I reopened it

I got a thread off

well we set it up

This is the logic board in the pilot unit

we got stuck

at this point black

and this brown spot

which you see from the welding from where the wire has been removed

this black comes from the skate

this brown comes from the bullet

in the case of the two rails

a red here, and a black qua

once the hook has been removed

we will replace it with this

the peculiarity of this is that it has the same plastic mold

but has metal contacts alongside it

this is the big difference between our economic model

and the 500 euro model

contacts are present on both sides

and are independent

so we have 2 options:

or as in my case

we use both to bring the third rail

and then we use the buckles for the mass

or you can use one for the stage and one for the neutral

this depends on personal choice

for example I had knobs to use

on the Märklin system

and then I will use the first option

ok, both wires are welded

in my case I have welded them to the same pin

which corresponds to the skate

and the other red you see is what goes to the lights above

while you can use it you can use a welded black wire where there are 2 browns

which would be the mass

and bring the mass together to the most

always through the conductive hook

what to say...

definitely another effect with lighting

The right one, the first class one

looks very red

as the interior is red

in fact as you can see from the side surface

the lighting is white in either case

the lighting used is the same

here we have dangling wires

I'm sorry, nobody dies so much I'll only see it myself

that is to say, a very nice effect

now let's see how to install it in the carriage restaurant

Fetters may have noticed that compared to the IC1

this carriage restaurant is different

that of the ICE 1, has a rise on the roof

this instead has the same size as a normal carriage

just like in other things

the first thing to do is remove the side chafing

which are the ones that will allow us

to arrive

inside the carriage

ok, this even has purple interior


then we have to break the interiors

there are side hooks that will just stand up

to remove them


now replacing hooks

with tweezers, we remove the springs

paying attention not to ruin them

otherwise we would lose our return to their position

then put them aside

at this point to remove them

at this point to remove them we will have to get them out of their seats

I've seen that just do this

let it rotate on itself

he will enter this kind of home here

let's still overcome this block

and the hook loosens

same thing for the other

it is independent of the way you make it out

these are the ones I take away

so even if they broke

it would not be the end of the world

but better not to break them

at this point the hooks must be inserted with the contacts

what was the front and what was behind it?

I'm a stupid

okay! I find it from the illustrations on the packaging

Solder the wires before putting the hook in your housing!

So we'll do it before mounting the hooks

Okay, we welded the wires to the hooks

in this case the threads are white because I'm using recovery material

This longer wire will be welded directly onto the diode bridge

Diode bridge for convenience

I glued in such a way that it does not move

now balance these threads and then think about the roof lighting

all 4 wires were welded to the same pin

because as I said

I have chosen to use both contacts as if it were the third rail

now to the pin by the side

we will mount the bullet with the hole already present

to mount the bullet

we'll have to unplug the cart

using the game a bit like that

it will stay in your hand

at this point it will be enough to take out an axis

we will take our bullet

we mount it passing the brown wire inside

be careful not to break the weld

otherwise doing it would be a problem

then the brown wire will pass through the hole

while the jacket

it will go so well

with these lateral projections

in the appropriate housings

it might be helpful to help with a screwdriver

at this point we reposition the axis

be careful not to bend the plastic supports whose axis will be positioned

then shorten the contacts with a clamp, following the grooves already present

cutting off the excess exterior part

as it would slip from the carriage and risk blocking the movement

it is recommended to use a pair of kitchen scissors

like these

without breaking other pieces

also because it is thin copper

it cuts without difficulty

RANKING EFFECT: A piece of copper that starts in speed


at this point we will remove the cart

passing the brown wire

in the slot

this thread will of course shorten it

as the diode bridge

is already pasted

and the cart has a very small freedom of movement

it may be advisable to hold this end part

as it is a plug

and can be used for other things

you are currently seeing the brown thread

coming from the bulkhead wound to the diode bridge;

on the other side there is +

of the condenser and the other pin the least

where resistance is present (DA LESS 1 WATT)

and now we are dealing with the roof of the carriage

in my case I will use an RGB strip

because I used this in the other two carriages

and would otherwise change in tones

so I will have to unite all -

which I will share in common

with one single tin cast

in your case I recommend

to use a single color strip

or cold white or warm white

where you just have to attack

the + and the -

two things

the first

the final effect ..

it's really amazing!

and this model with internal lighting

it's definitely another thing

What else is not beautiful

is that I noticed

as I was burning

since the strips are 12v

and power is 16

the amount of current that passes inside the safety resistor

due to the high number of LEDs present, it is very high!


I now have a 1/4 of watts and become hot

so I'll see the effect quickly

and then I turn them off

to avoid the heat

ruin the safety guards

of wires counted with them

for the rest I have to say that it has come a great job

and this principle of nutrition,

let's turn them off,

can be applied to any carriage

Since the procedure used is trivial:

a diode bridge

a condenser, to avoid flickering

a security resistance

be careful to dimension it well

especially for the current that will pass in, and therefore the dissipative power

and then a LED strip

it can also be applied to analog systems

however, remember that when the train is stopped

the lights will turn off


I do not think there is anything else to say

I thank you for the vision

and we'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Märklin 36711 (36712) DB ICE 2 - Internal Lighting - Duration: 14:56.


Setting up an iSCSI target access - Duration: 1:33.

In this tutorial you will learn how to set up an iSCSI target access

Click "Users Management" from the navigation menu on the left

In the "CHAP users" tab navigate to the target for which you want to set up access permissions

Click "Enable CHAP users authentications" from the target's Options menu

Click the "Yes" button to confirm

Click "Add new user" from target's Options menu

Specify the name and Target password for the CHAP user

Click the "Add new user" button

After the CHAP user is added, click the "plus" icon next to target name to see the user listed in the "CHAP user access authentication" table

For more infomation >> Setting up an iSCSI target access - Duration: 1:33.


Creating a snapshot - Duration: 1:14.

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a snapshot for selected volume

Click "Storage" in the main navigation menu on the left

Navigate to the pool to which you want to add the snapshot

Click the "Snapshot" tab

Scroll down to the "Snapshots of zvols" table

Find a zvol to which you want to add the snapshot and then click the "Add new snapshot" button

Type a name for the snapshot

Click the "Add" button

Click the plus icon next to dataset name to see the newly created snapshot

For more infomation >> Creating a snapshot - Duration: 1:14.


Step 4/4: Failover settings - Duration: 4:28.

Click "Failover" in the main menu on the left side.

Navigate to the "Failover resources" field

Click the "Edit" button in order to edit ping nodes settings

Click the "Add ping node" button

Enter the first Ping node IP address.

Note that ping nodes must use the same network subnet as ring interfaces

Click the "Apply" button

Add the second Ping node according to the previous steps

Check whether both ping nodes show local status and remote status as reachable

Click the "Close" button

Failover is now ready to start

Navigate to the "Failover status" field

Click the "Start failover" button

This may take some time depending on your network and system settings.

For more infomation >> Step 4/4: Failover settings - Duration: 4:28.


Arturo Sautu - Making Of - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Arturo Sautu - Making Of - Duration: 2:57.


Step 2/4: Time and date settings - Duration: 1:06.

Click "System settings" in the main menu on the left side

Click the "System" tab

Select "Continuous NTP synchronization"

Click the "Apply" button

Now go to the second cluster node and configure "Time and date" settings according to the procedure presented in the previous steps

For more infomation >> Step 2/4: Time and date settings - Duration: 1:06.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


Alchymist Nosticova Palace in Prague, Czech Republic (Europe). Visit Alchymist Nosticova Palace - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Alchymist Nosticova Palace in Prague, Czech Republic (Europe). Visit Alchymist Nosticova Palace - Duration: 5:02.


Divor­cée, Meghan Markle pourra-t-elle épou­ser le prince Harry à West­mins­ter ? - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Divor­cée, Meghan Markle pourra-t-elle épou­ser le prince Harry à West­mins­ter ? - Duration: 3:02.


Seth Meyers and Jimmy Couldn't Shake Their Nerves on SNL Weekend Update - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Seth Meyers and Jimmy Couldn't Shake Their Nerves on SNL Weekend Update - Duration: 5:45.


Opel Astra 1.0T EDITION (Navigatie, Parkeersensoren,17" LM velgen) NETTO DEAL PRIJS - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra 1.0T EDITION (Navigatie, Parkeersensoren,17" LM velgen) NETTO DEAL PRIJS - Duration: 1:01.


Opel ADAM 1.0 T(90pk/6-versn.) JAM - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Opel ADAM 1.0 T(90pk/6-versn.) JAM - Duration: 0:56.


VVLD - La loi travail nous rendra-t-elle malades ? - Duration: 12:59.

For more infomation >> VVLD - La loi travail nous rendra-t-elle malades ? - Duration: 12:59.


Opel Astra Sports Tourer 1.4T Navi Pdc2 17" Ecc Keyless Led Dab El.Klep Tel. Multi.M Rijstr. Bord-he - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Opel Astra Sports Tourer 1.4T Navi Pdc2 17" Ecc Keyless Led Dab El.Klep Tel. Multi.M Rijstr. Bord-he - Duration: 0:49.


Luxshopping Đồng Hồ Tissot TISSOT T-CLASSIC T52148131 DESIRE T52148131 - MSP: 67361 - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> Luxshopping Đồng Hồ Tissot TISSOT T-CLASSIC T52148131 DESIRE T52148131 - MSP: 67361 - Duration: 0:21.


Larry David Hates Animals and People - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Larry David Hates Animals and People - Duration: 3:23.



ten signs the law of attraction is working for you one you are less

resistant to change what you resist persists you know this truth and

therefore don't fight the changes in your life you've probably noticed by now

that life always changes and we can either fight it or embrace it however

when you resist change you only recreate more of the same

negative experiences in your life because you can't let go of the past

change happens for a reason usually to clear out negativity from our lives and

replace it with positive people and experiences you feel totally open and

ready for change because you know it will help you learn and grow on your

journey to your sleeping better it might seem like a strange confirmation that

you've mastered the law of attraction but falling asleep with ease means you

have less stress in your life you don't have so many thoughts keeping you up at

night and you finally found peace in your life when people achieve their

dreams and feel true happiness in their heart they tend to have much less

trouble falling asleep at night 3 you focus more in the present moment you

know that your thoughts create your reality every single day so you keep

your attention toward them now so you don't get too wrapped up in the past and

future we can't attract what we want in the past or the future we only truly

have this moment right now so we have to work from a place of presence you've

mastered the art of living in the moment and because of this you have a stronger

connection to the universe and all of its mysteries for your more clear about

what you want in life you don't fear to talk to the universe spirit guides

angels or even yourself in order to clear a path for you in this life you

have crystal clear dough and you know what you want in life

because of this certainty in what you want the universe can more easily help

you along the way five you feel happier the law of attraction only works based

on the thoughts and intentions you sense so if you emit positive energy and try

your best every single day you'll likely feel better overall in your daily life

if you've been feeling more likes hearted and free lately then the law of

attraction is probably working for you six you have peace in your hearts while

happiness is certainly important in life having peace is equally vital once you

start working with the law of attraction and to your part in improving your life

you will start to find peace it all starts with the person in the mirror of

course and actually taking steps to achieving your desires always follow

your heart and you'll find peace in the unfolding of your destiny seven good

things keep coming your way while everyone deals with obstacles in

their lives you have started to notice more and more open doorways you feel

lighter healthier happier and keep attracting the right people and places

into your life you start to notice that the good in your life finally outshines

the bad aids you have enhanced intuition if you have mastered the law of

attraction in your life you will notice an increased sense of knowing basically

this means that you will be more in tune with yourself and the universe and

you'll start to understand what you truly need to become the master of your

life you'll move through life with ease using your intuition to guide you along

the way 9 you have more synchronicity when you

follow the law of attraction and its teachings and use it for good and not

evil you will notice all sorts of signs and

symbols that point towards success you'll start meeting the right people

having better experiences and life will just seem to sync up for you 10 you have

more financial success plenty of people use the law of attraction to gain more

money because that would make all of our lives easier right if the law of

attraction is working in your life you will notice more opportunities for

financial abundance maybe you'll finally get that record deal you've been working

so hard to Ward's or get that business off the ground that you've been toiling

away at for months anything is possible as long as you have the right intentions

and never give up thanks for watching subscribe for more


For more infomation >> 10 SIGNS THE LAW OF ATTRACTION IS WORKING FOR YOU - Duration: 4:58.


Waiting - Just a Minute! - September 12, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.


It's one of the hardest things we humans do.

Partly, because it doesn't come naturally to us.

We're just not wired that way.

And on top of that— its hard to wait in this "hurry-up" world in which we live.

It's instant everything.

All happening at the speed of light.

So we rush ahead just to keep pace.

But that doesn't work when it comes to things like maturity, relationships or growing in

the Lord.

These things take patience and perseverance — waiting.

But we don't wait alone.

We wait on the Lord.

And in that waiting, we find renewed strength and purpose.

So don't let the pace of this world keep you from doing the one thing that matters

the most — waiting on Christ.

For more infomation >> Waiting - Just a Minute! - September 12, 2017 - Duration: 1:01.


What is she saying?(43) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:34.

Hi everyone and welcome back to ForB English.

I'm Gabriella and you're watching "What is she saying?"

So can you guess what I'm going to say?

Let's begin.

Do you want one?

Do you want one?

Do you want one?

Could you guess what I'm saying?

Let's try it natural speed with a hint this time.

Do you want one?

Do you want one?

Do you want one?

Let's try it a little bit slower this time.

Do you want one?

Do you want one?

Do you want one?

The answer is: Do you want one?

So the way that you could pronounce this is by breaking it down into three parts.

The first part is "do you" and we combine it to say "Ju".

"Ju" and it's a very relaxed vowel sound so "Ju" "Ju" and then the next second part is "want".

It's kind of a silent "t".

We kind of swallow the "t" sound.

It's like a glottal stop, which means the "t" is not released from the throat

so we say "wan" "wan" "wan".

So "Ju wan....one?" and the "one" is a kind of relaxed "wuh" sound.

So put it together and you've got "Ju wan one?"

So let's practice together now.

Please repeat after me.

First, slowly.

Do you want one?

Let's try it again a little bit faster.

Do you want one?

And native speed: Do you want one?

Let's try it three times now: native speed.

Do you want one?

Do you want one?

Do you want one?

Okay. Very good.

Also remember to raise your intonation at the end because it's a question

and you'll probably use it if you're sharing some snacks with your friends.

You might ask the question "Do you want one?"

Thank you very much for watching.

I'm Gabriella.

You're watching ForB English.

Please like this video and remember to subscribe and share this video too.


For more infomation >> What is she saying?(43) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:34.


Life is beautiful - Duration: 0:58.

*sad violin music plays* Everything was so fine until you decided to leave me...



For more infomation >> Life is beautiful - Duration: 0:58.


Bad Baby Learn Colors with Giant Rhinoceros! Joker Frozen Elsa Spiderman Pretend Play Family Fun IRL - Duration: 13:18.

Bad Baby Learn Colors with Giant Rhinoceros! Joker Frozen Elsa Spiderman Pretend Play Family Fun IRL, Johny Johny Yes Papa Song Nursery Rhymes Learn Color with Candy

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Learn Colors with Giant Rhinoceros! Joker Frozen Elsa Spiderman Pretend Play Family Fun IRL - Duration: 13:18.


Journey to Saturn - Episode 0: Mission Planning (ORBITER 2016) - Duration: 50:28.

Space. Hostile, yet beautiful. A haven for the countless worlds that populate its

vastness. It beckons us to venture from the safety of our home and to explore

the mysteries of the universe since humans have walked the earth

we've gazed up at the distant stars illuminating our night sky we've dreamed

about the mysteries that lie among those stars before we can explore them we

first must face a test of our own endurance during a manned flight to the

outer solar system join me as we discover Saturn in this orbiter 2016

video series

hello there welcome to this new orbiter 2016 video series I'm Tex and I'll be

your host throughout this video series so I'm very excited to bring this one to

you we're gonna be churning out to Saturn and there's gonna be a lot of

unique challenges along the way let me first begin by giving a special thanks

to Dimitri he has spent a lot of time really helping me out with some of the

challenges that we'll be facing in this mission so his expertise and his

guidance has been absolutely invaluable so a big thank you to him this series

would definitely not have been possible without him so thanks to him I'm able to

bring this series to you guys and we're actually talking about doing a joint

video a type of series or flight together that you know in the future we

can perhaps share with you guys so with all of that said this is going to be

episode zero and we're not actually going to get off the ground in this

episode we're going to do a lot of planning and we're going to be putting

some data and spreadsheets and whatnot so if you're not really interested in

this side of things then you might want to wait for episode 1 where we will

actually be launching the dragon on top of a falcon 9 and that is going to be

used to get our crew members up to deepstar which is sitting in Earth orbit

about 400 kilometers in altitude just waiting for the crew to get there and so

we can get out to Saturn so what we're gonna do is I've actually done a little

a little bit of well I've done quite a bit of pre-planning before recording

this and I did that just because there was so much to do with a flight like

this that you really have to sort of plan some things in advance instead of

just going off the cuff and I wanted want it to really showcase you know some

some unique challenges that you can face when you want to do particular flights

like this but basically the justices that we're

going to we're going to get out to Saturn and when we get there we want to

encounter Titan and get an orbit around Titan that's going to be our first real

destination now to make the flight a little bit more interesting I wanted to

also use a slingshot past Jupiter so I figured this would be interesting

because it would give us a chance to sort of have a flyby at Jupiter and we

can you know enjoy the views as we pass Jupiter instead of just going straight

from Earth to Saturn now there of course is the option of you know minimizing

delta v at all cost and we could do something like slinging the earth twice

or Venus and working our way through the inner solar system until we could

eventually get out to Saturn now the reason I'm not doing that

because this is supposed to be a manned flight so we sort of have to balance the

total flight days with the Delta V were actually going to be expending now if a

real manned flight was going out to Saturn obviously they're not going to be

able to sling around the inner planets forever the they need to get out there

because we do have limited resources now unfortunately with the deep star that's

all week we don't actually have limited resources when it comes to LOX for

example it just doesn't simulate that like the Aero freighter or the XR series

so that side of it is a little bit of a bummer but we're still going to

calculate our flight time days in the same manner that we would if we had to

worry about LOX also the deep star has like a stupid amount of Delta velocity

so we're not going to fill the tank up completely on deep start we're going to

we're only going to take what we need we'll have probably more than we need in

the end but we're we're only going to take what we think we're going to need

or close to that okay so with that said the first thing because I want to do a

slingshot past Jupiter it does complicate the planning a little bit

because it's not as simple as just finding a launch window to Jupiter which

you know occurs pretty frequently but when you want to sling I'm

sorry to Saturn but when you want to slingshot past another planet in this

case Jupiter then we need to find a launch window that gets us to Jupiter at

the right time so that we can slingshot past Jupiter over to Saturn okay now

what I'm going to use is a website here the NASA Ames Research Center trajectory

browser and this is going to allow me to find a launch window where we can set up

a sling and this is helpful because if you just go into transacts totally blind

looking for slings it can it can be frustrating and take a lot of time so in

the interest of saving time I'm going to use this website I'll put a link to this

in the description below if you'd like to check it out so we'll start by going

to trajectory planner and we'll uncheck any OHS on the custom list I've already

done this so it should be auto filled guess not we're going to put in Jupiter

and Saturn just show you guys how to use this the mission type is gonna be a

round-trip and rendezvous for the launch year let's start with our current year

2017 and for the and okay for the launch year we're going to search for a range

of acceptable launchers between 2017 and let's just say 2030 now the max duration

of the mission because it is a manned flight we want to keep it somewhat

realistic so nothing over 10 years so let's put in 10 years there and for max

Delta V in order to increase our chances of finding a trajectory we're going to

put in something like 17 kilometers per second we will stick with minimizing

Delta V but we could choose the minimize duration but we'll stick to the

minimizing the Delta V option and we're going to hit search now it's it's come

up with a couple of different options here and the one that I'm actually going

to go with is this one right here the bottom one you'll see the top one is

actually the route here is actually we would depart earth come back around

slingshot past earth out to Jupiter slingshot past Jupiter

and then Jupiter back to earth I'm not sure I put in Jupiter and Saturn right

so I'm not sure actually why this plan came up that's the first time that's

happened but obviously we wouldn't pick that one because it doesn't take us to

Saturn but if you look at the one below it we have departing Earth slingshot

Jupiter arrived at Saturn and then coming home Saturn straight back to

earth it also tells you some data here which this is what's really important to

us earth departure January 18 2018 so the current date as of recording this

video is September 6 2017 so it's kind of cool that our departure from Earth is

in the near future and then you have destination arrival at

Saturn September 29 2023 so that's a lot of a lot of years to get out there but

not as many as it'll take to get back destination departure is January 19 20

24 and then earth return is January 14 2028 so we're looking at stay time a

hundred and twelve days at Saturn so that gives us just shy of four months I

believe so there should be enough time for us to explore some moons and I think

after four months it is probably pretty realistic and feasible to expect that

the crew would be returning back to earth it's unfortunate that most of the

mission duration is going to be spent traversing the solar system but this is

the way it works when you go to the outer solar system so you can see our

total mission duration is just shy of 10 years I'm not going to concern myself

too much about the the Delta V that is shown here because what we find in our

plan on trans x is going to vary from this this just gives us you know an idea

of when the launch date occurs so most importantly what we get from this is the

alignment of the planets for the sling so if we click on view you can see that

of course the Sun is in the center earth is right here this is Jupiter's orbit

and then Saturn's orbit here is Jupiter's location and here is Saturn's

location as of the launch date so if you actually

hit play you'll see our spacecraft departs the Earth Coast out to Jupiter

slingshots Jupiter right there and then we Coast for quite a while longer out to

Saturn we encounter Saturn here and then there's a brief gap where we are staying

at Saturn for almost four months it was and then we depart Saturn here and head

straight back to earth so this is a really cool planner that you can use it

takes the guesswork out of finding a launch window okay what I'm gonna do is

go ahead and calculate our transics plans now I have already done this just

to save time because there is so much stuff that we need to cover in this part

of the video but I will explain what I did so that you guys if you want to try

and set up your plan on your own you can and I didn't mention but I will I will

be including scenarios for this entire series for you guys to follow along with

okay so the first thing I'm going to do is hop into the glass cockpit and this

is a scenario that I use that just has the Delta glider sitting on the runway

at Cape Canaveral and is the only vessel in the scenario and it uses the current

date and time again I said it was a September 6th of 2017 now I have this

vessel here on earth I also want to put one I'm going to

create another Delta glider let's call it GL - OH - and I'm gonna put this one

on Saturn so that we can calculate our return so let's put Saturn there we go

whoops I forgot to put the landing gear down but oh there you go we're already

at Saturn series over just kidding okay so let's leave that guy there and

we're back here on earth that was really quick

let's open up trans X here okay now the first thing of course you want to do is

go to escape and hit forward and then the planets are listed in order of their

massa belief so smallest to so since we're going to Jupiter first if

you go backwards should be the first one there we'll hit veer to go to the eject

plan on this side we're gonna go forward forward to stage three

let's change graph projection to focus and hit view for the encounter view now

again I've already calculated the flight plan from Earth to Jupiter with the

sling to Saturn because that that really takes the most amount of time so what

I'm going to do is just input what I found in here now one thing that you can

do if you're not familiar with tranzact's is you can go to adjust and

choose the auto men option for all of your variables so you have pro-grade

eject date outward and change plane if you do that it will find a plan for you

something similar to the way the target intercept program works with IMF D so if

you're not familiar with that that's something you can do all right so what

I'm going to do is just put in my the data that I got so we're going to hit

enter and looking at my notes it is nine thousand six hundred and ninety three

meters per second and pro-grade and then we will go to the date and our ejection

date should be five eight one three four point one four zero eight very good now

we will go to outward and let's hit enter outward was only a hundred and

five meters per second and finally we will go to the plane change here and

that's going to be negative four hundred and seventy three point nine meters per

second okay and you can see here is our arrival at Jupiter now we're not worried

about setting up a super close approach or anything like that because we are

slingshotting Jupiter out to Saturn so we're not going to mess around with

doing the encounter here let me just go to forward here and hit view and we're

gonna change here to escape again hit forward we're gonna go back and select

Saturn and hit view to go to the sling direct view now let's go forward again

to the final stage our encounter let me change this one to

graph projection there this graph projection focus press view and we are

at the encounter view okay now all that essentially needs to happen here is you

can see that here okay the Sun is in the center this inner red circle I'm sorry

the the red circle out here is Jupiter's orbit and then the outer red circle so I

guess the inner red circle is Jupiter's orbit the outer red circle of Saturn's

orbit here is this line right here indicating where Jupiter currently is

and this red line here is indicating where Saturn currently is now our

trajectory is actually going to take us with an intercept here with Jupiter so

we would actually intercept with Jupiter right here and then we would slingshot

past Jupiter and we need to arrive at Saturn somewhere over here now you can

see the the dashed lines here this dashed line here is indicating this is

where Saturn as of now if I don't change anything this is where Saturn currently

would be when we got out to Saturn's orbit however we would actually be way

over here so the idea behind a slingshot is that you change the angle of your

trajectory so that you can swing past one planet out to another one so you're

essentially just changing the angle of your your trajectory in orbit around the

Sun you're not actually increasing your velocity per se so what we need to do is

we're going to inherit the velocity which is chosen by default we're going

to change to the outward angle variable and we're going to just increase that

and you'll notice that as I'm doing that that's bringing our our hypothetical

position here it's swinging its swinging our hypothetical orbit and our position

here over to where Saturn will be at that time so we want those lines to be

overlapped so we're just going to keep doing this and you'll notice that the

closest approach is coming down we do have an encounter in hell because Saturn

is so massive we're 51 million kilometers away from Saturn with

this encounter but it is an encounter but we want something closer than that

so I'll keep increasing this and we've got a much closer encounter now now

again I've already calculated this to save time but one thing I will show you

before I input the the angle that already came up with it's already pretty

close as it is but if I go back to stage 3 and you change view make sure view is

not on set up you want view on slingshot it's already pretty darn close but the

important thing that you want to see here when you're setting up the

slingshot past Jupiter is you want relative inclination on 0 and you want

PE ratio on 1 or as near to 1 as you can get it so this is probably close enough

to 1 but we're just going to put in what I've already calculated so if we

actually set that view up here and go to this view let's manually input the

outward ankle which was 60 point 1 3 4 4 degrees

nope we need to delete all of that 60 point 1 3 4 4 degrees and the angle was

only 0.1000 ok now you can see that PE ratio is now

basically on one relative inclination is pretty much on zero so if I go forward

to the last stage encounter you can see that we have now have a minimum altitude

of 12,000 kilometers above Saturn that's nice and low now of course we are going

to actually encounter Titan technically that's going to be our first destination

but that's going to involve well that's going to that's going to involve a

little bit of planning and we'll see that in a moment

but with this we have the data that we need to fill in our spreadsheet so let's

go to stage 2 here and let's go to stage 3 here let's go to the setup view and

we're going to input the data from our plan here into our spreadsheet just for

reference and also to calculate our Delta V for

the entire flight so let me pull up the spreadsheet that I have okay alright so

beginning at the top the estimated plane changed before ejection I don't I'm not

gonna be able to put something in there yet because we of course are sitting on

the earth right now in this Delta glider when we calculated this plan but we are

going to be using the deepstar which is currently in Earth orbit so there is

going to be a plane change necessary in order to get deepstar aligned with the

plan with the inclination for the plan so we will calculate that when the time

comes but until we get a deepstar we're going to leave that blank the parking

orbit is around 400 kilometers is where deep star is currently orbiting okay so

now the ejection date we're going to get the injection date the encounter date

pro-grade velocity outward plane change and counter velocity we're going to get

all of this information from trans x here so you can see here is the

pro-grade velocity here is the eject date

it's just cycling through the variables here is our outward velocity here is our

change plane velocity over here we have the encounter velocity encounter the

encounter date image in mjd format also here make a note of this on the bottom

it has total flight base is five hundred and eighty four point three days and

then total Delta velocity is listed here on the bottom and this will be

automatically calculated in the spreadsheet so these numbers should be

the same and the spreadsheet as they are here or else if they're not we have a

problem so let me go back to the spreadsheet and let's input this data so

beginning with the eject date that was five eight one three four point one four

oh eight so five eight one three four point one four zero eight we want to

make sure we get those dates right the encounter date was

five eight seven one eight point four six seven one okay our pro great

velocity for the plan is nine thousand six hundred and ninety three meters per

second our outward velocity I believe it was 105 yes it was that's 105 meters per

second not very much and our plane change velocity is negative four hundred

and seventy three point nine meters per second encounter velocity this is at

Jupiter of course was ten thousand seven hundred and fifty meters per second okay

so this is what's Auto calculated the total Delta V that was given to us on

the bottom of trans X it's shown as 9700 five and change meters per second and

the the total flight days was 584 so if we take a look it trans X that is

exactly the same so that looks good now this number here the injection start

we're starting with this one the injection Delta V this is different from

the total Delta V from the plan so this is the injection Delta V from our

parking orbit at 400 kilometers and altitude so if we take a look at trans x

stage one here you can see Delta V right here this is the injection Delta V

however we're sitting on the ground here at Earth so this is not actually

accurate the number on the spreadsheet is gonna be more accurate so let's go

back to our spreadsheet and let's see so that takes care of our our initial plan

from Earth to Jupiter but now let's put in some data for the sling so we want to

take a look and put in our sling periapsis mjd so the date that we reach

periapsis at jupiter the encounter date at saturn the outward angle number

inclination angle number this is really just for reference the p EPL radius pe

velocity so our encounter velocity at Saturn our captured Delta V it's at

in our delta-v to circularize our orbit around Saturn so let's go over to trans

X again and let's go forward here hit view on that side and let's go to the

final stage here and this is where we're going to get some of this data so we

have the PE mjd is here on this side we can get the things like the PE velocity

capture Delta circular circular Roy's god I hate that word

the circularization Delta is here so we're going to get all of that

information to put in the spreadsheet there but the P EPL radius is actually

here press view there it is right here so it shows it's fourteen point six two

now I believe I may be mistaken on this but I believe that this is telling us

the distance that we're actually going to pass Jupiter for the slingshot and I

believe this is referring to how many Jupiter radiuses we will be away so I

think this is saying fourteen point six to Jupiter radiuses away from Jupiter so

if that's correct basically it's not going to be like a

super close path by Jupiter it's gonna be close Jupiter is gonna be going to

have a nice view of Jupiter but we're not going to be passing like right by

the atmosphere or some really crazy low altitude or anything like that so and I

believe that will cover everything that we need to input in here so let's go

back to the spreadsheet and let's put this information in so the the sling PE

mjd was five eight seven one three point five two one nine again I'm getting that

from right here you can see this is Jupiter and this is our slingshot past

Jupiter right there so okay and then the encounter mjt at Saturn which we'll just

take the PE the PE periapsis mjd was five nine four OH three point

it's 87-69 5.4 Oh 3.87 69 yes okay and then the outward angle which we can get

from stage four was sixty point one three four four degrees and the

inclination angle was zero point one zero zero zero

I believe it was yes it was okay degrees and the P EPL radius was fourteen point

six two our PE velocity at Saturn was thirty-five thousand three hundred and

ten meters per second captured Delta

2527 meat no just kidding two thousand five hundred and twenty seven meters per

second there we go the Delta V two circular eyes the orbit is twelve

thousand one hundred and thirty meters per second

yes that's correct wow that's a lot of Delta V okay and then we have the total

flight days here from Jupiter to Saturn so here is from Earth to Jupiter and

Jupiter to Saturn so I'm just because I have the total mission duration days

down here it's not being calculated correctly yet because we haven't put in

the days here for Saturn to earth but if I just do 584 plus six ninety divided by

365 because my math sucks that's three point four nine years from Earth to

Saturn okay and all right so that takes care of our trip out to Saturn let's hop

over back into orbiter here and let's go to our glider on the surface of Saturn

and all right the first thing is

our encounter at Saturn is five nine four OH three point eight seven six nine

let me just take a look when is that that's five nine nope just kidding' mjd

five nine encounter five nine 403 just call it 0.8 god I hate when I do that I

don't know why I do that okay five nine four OH three point eight so that is

July 8th of 2021 and taking a look at the trajectory planner let's just see

what it was destination arrival was September 29 of

2023 so we're actually getting there way earlier is that right five nine let's go

back here to our plan so Saturn encounter five nine four OH

three five nine four OH three so that is that is correct okay well so we're

getting there earlier than the plan that we found on the NASA Ames website so

again we want to make sure that we have our mission total mission duration at 10

years or less regardless it was estimating 112 days at Saturn okay so if

we go back to orbiter here and

all right let's go to escape forward we're gonna go to earth I guess I'll

just start we'll put in some negative pro-grade velocity of course we need to

go down to Earth's orbit there we'll just start with something like that and

let's go to the eject date and let's enter 5 let's enter the the encounter

date so we we don't start before that date so our encounter date at Saturn was

5 9 403 yeah five nine four OH three point eight zero zero this close enough

okay so starting at our encounter date so that we ensure that we don't try and

go back to earth before we even get to Saturn let's see what we can come up

with here now I did already calculate this plan however I think I was in orbit

around Saturn when I calculated this so if I put the variables in that I already

calculated it's not going to be correct let's just put in I'm just gonna put in

the the data from the previous plan that I already calculated instead of this one

because again we're not going to be sitting on the surface of Saturn when

we're calculating this plan so let's uh yeah let's just go ahead and do that

because we're already running pretty long in the video here okay so just let

me double check the dates here eject was five nine five Oh 6.0 and Earth

encounter six one seven nine three point nine I said to double-check that cuz

that that is a lot of days but there you go okay so I believe that's everything

yeah the only thing as far as Delta V goes were we have not been able to input

this yet because again we'll have to do that once we get up to deep star so that

will impact our total Delta V here but you can see we have the mission total

Delta V this is as close as we can get right now that number will be affected

by how much Delta V it's going to take to align our R to bring down our

relative inclination with the but I'm planning on doing a maneuver

that's going to minimize that so hopefully it doesn't take a whole lot

the other thing is that we need to calculate the Titan the moon orbital

insertion Delta V and the total estimated Delta V for our mid-course

Corrections so just off the top of my head for mid-course Corrections I'm

gonna estimate I don't know just to be safe let's estimate 300 m/s I've really

don't think it's gonna take that much but let's just be safe there and then we

will come back to this in just a minute but what we're looking at here below

that this is pretty accurate according to what we what we've calculated so far

so we're right at the 10-year mark so we're within what we have planned on

hitting so that is good news that's three and here's the day's 3,650 nine

days 10.0 three years so everything there looks good now what we need to

calculate before we wrap up this part and start the flight actually is we need

to calculate the our arrival at at Titan so there is another spreadsheet and this

is a big thanks to Dmitriy by the way this spreadsheet here came from David I

modified it quite a bit here but thanks to David for sharing his his spreadsheet

for calculating num I think it was for going from Earth to Mercury but I was

able to make it work for for our purposes but a big thank you for - David

Courtney for sharing that spreadsheet with me and also a huge thanks to

Dimitri for helping me out with everything he did and this this

spreadsheet here is gonna be really useful for our arrival at Titan and that

is going to be our goal so beginning at the top we're gonna go to select the

arrival planet that's gonna be Saturn let me just move this over here didn't

move for you guys but it did for me it's just easier to look at it on the monitor

in front of me and then the arrival moon is gonna be Titan so Titan where are you

there you are okay now we need to input some data in

the green fields here so what we're going to be doing is we're going to

calculate three different options for arriving at Saturn so beginning with

there's a there's a single burn option there's a to burn option and a three

burn option now before we complete this spreadsheet let's take a look at what

those are so the single burn solution is the simplest of the three strategies

using only one burn the moon orbit insertion burn to achieve our goal other

than simplicity this method has the advantage of not adding any flight time

to our journey since the time we arrived at the moon periapsis is also the time

we arrive at planet periapsis useful for almost every case where you have a big

moon orbiting a huge planet the Delta V requirement Rises with the encounter

velocity and the relative inclination so you can see again dmitri huge thinks he

he put together these graphics I mean the guy is just amazing but you can see

we have the Sun here and we would be coming out here to Saturn in this

example and here would be our arrival at the moon that's orbiting Saturn here and

then here is our burn to get an orbit around that moon it's pretty

straightforward basically you encounter the moon as you approach Saturn so in

this case again we're trying to go to Titan so as we approach Saturn we would

basically set it up so we encountered Titan and then we would do a burn by

Titan to get an orbit around Titan so that's going to involve a huge burn

because we need to basically get captured by Saturn and in effect but

also get an orbit around Titan so this this is one strategy that we will

consider the other one is a to burn solution so this one is a little bit

more complicated in this solution we take advantage of the Oberth effect to

minimize the Delta V required to arrive at our target moon we perform a burn as

close as we can to the planet to get captured and lower our apoapsis altitude

at the moon's orbital altitude if time correctly we arrive at apple abscess at

the same time as the moon then we perform a sec

burned four orbit insertion so basically this option is you know is explained you

can see clearly from the graphics we would be coming in like this and in the

center would be Saturn and this is titans orbit around Saturn so we would

come in like this for a really low pass by setter and taking advantage of the

Oberth effect we would do a retrograde burn just above Saturn's atmosphere and

that would basically get us both captured by Saturn and we would keep

burning into our orbit altitude our apoapsis altitude matched the altitude

of titans orbit and if we time it right when we coast from periapsis here by

saturn up to our apoapsis Titan and us will arrive there at the same time so

then here we are arriving at Titan we do another burn here at Titan just to get

an orbit around Titan so this option is uh is certainly something we should

consider and the final one is a three burn option so this one is once again

taking advantage of the Oberth effect to minimize delta v we perform the burn as

close as we can to the planet to get captured we lower our apoapsis at a

pre-selected high altitude so in this example we would do a burn here by

Saturn but we would have a really high really high apoapsis but still within

Saturn's SOI so we would do the burn here just above Saturn's atmosphere

Coast way high up here to our Apple abscess come back down this direction

and I'm sorry we would do the first burn here and then we would Coast way high up

here to our Apple abscess and do another burn here and that would set up our

encounter on this side with Titan so this one is probably the most

complicated obviously of the three options but that is one one of the

things that we can we can choose so let's go to our spreadsheet and let's

take a look at the Delta velocity required for all three of these options

and also the the additional time of flight days that it's going to add

because that's something we need to consider we need to sort of balance

how much delta-v it's going to take and how many extra days it would take for

these options over here we have some basic data on Saturn you can see the SOI

strong SOI and distance away from Saturn the moon's distance so in this case is

titans distance in titans orbital period is fifteen point nine five days in order

for it to complete one orbit around Saturn okay so from our data in orbiter

what we need to input is from our encounter view here we need the

encounter velocity the relative inclination with the moon and the

parking orbit altitude so our encounter velocity with Saturn is thirteen

thousand one hundred and twenty so let's put that in here let's go to our

spreadsheet so thirteen thousand one hundred and twenty meters per second

alright now we need to know the relative inclination with the moon if we take a

look at here we can see our arrival at Saturn so our inclination is

twenty-eight point zero five so we need to calculate this so let's go we have

our inclination is here let's our inclination is here at our arrival at

Saturn and our longitude of the insetting node is there we also need to

know what what Titans is so I believe we go to orbit reference sorry I'm just

trying to remember all of this dmitri showed me the other day and i think i

have it but it's just taking my brain a little bit to process at all but yes we

can see titans inclination is here in the longitude of the ascending node is

here so in the spreadsheet in that we're going to calculate the relative

inclination from what our inclination in the longitude of the sending node is at

our arrival at Saturn and what Titans inclination and longitude of the sending

node is so let's go to our spreadsheet and let's put those numbers in so our

inclination was our inclination and arrival will be

twenty eight point zero five and our longitude of the ascending node at

arrival is 132 point six and Titans inclination is twenty seven point six

nine and it's longitude of the ascending node is 169 point one zero so that's a

relative inclination of sixteen point eight four so let's put that in here

sixteen point eight for now our parking orbit at Titan it has really thick

atmosphere and if I'm not mistaken the atmosphere goes up to like five hundred

kilometers so let's put a parking orbit at six hundred kilometers okay now for

the to burn solution we would do we would do that at just above the

atmosphere of Saturn so that should be three thousand kilometers Saturn's

atmosphere cuts off at 2900 kilometers so let's do the burn at three thousand

kilometers and then for the three burn solution the really high apoapsis it

needs to be within the strong SOI of Saturn now we can play around with this

number and see how it will affect both the Delta V and the time of flight days

so this the furthest we could go out would be around twenty four million

kilometers so let's put in two four zero zero zero zero zero zero so taking a

look at our strategy here if we do the single burn method so in other words if

we basically encounter Titan as soon as we get to Saturn and just do a burn at

Titan forgetting about dropping down to Saturn and all of that that's going to

take eight thousand six hundred and ninety four meters per second in order

to do that burn so in order to basically encounter Saturn get captured by I'm

sorry encounter Titan get captured by Titan and get into orbit around Titan

now compare that with a to burn solution the total Delta velocity is actually

quite a bit less 6000 149 days so basically the first burn we would do at

3,000 kilometers above Saturn's surface so it's what just just barely above

Saturn's atmosphere but that maximizes the Oberth effect so that first burn

basically is just a capture burn and brings our Apple APS's down to the

altitude of titans orbit we're looking at three thousand two hundred and

fifteen meters per second and then the second burn to when we arrive at Titan

to get an orbit around Titan is another two thousand nine hundred and thirty

three meters per second so that's a total of six thousand one hundred and

forty nine meters per second that's quite a bit less now the downside is

that it adds three point zero three days to our flight time that's not really a

lot of time so considering the delta v savings I'm favoring this to burn

solution however let's take a look at the three burn solution now this will

vary depending on how high we set that out apple abscess again if we take a

look at the way that works you're coming in here you do a burn right above

Saturn's atmosphere and then you Coast up to a really high apoapsis you do

another burn here to set up an encounter on the other side at Titan now how high

this apoapsis goes will affect both the delta v that it's going to take and the

time of flight so if we go back to our calculator we want it to be within the

strong SOI of Saturn and that's within it's that's within twenty four million

four hundred and fifty seven thousand four hundred forty kilometers or less

now I put it at twenty four million and you can see that the Delta V is four

thousand two hundred and seventeen meters per second so that's way less

than the one burn solution and it's less than the to burn solution however it

adds five hundred and twelve days and that's just not going to cut it because

remember we were looking at maybe just over a hundred days at Saturn so that's

just not going to work so if we bring this down to say ten million

that would be 10 million that reduces it to 146 days and our Delta V goes up to

45 18 that's still too long just for grins let's try five million so five

million takes another 57 days but it is less Delta V than the tuber and solution

so really I think our best option here considering its a manned flight we need

to sort of balance the time of flight base with the Delta V we're gonna do the

to burn solution so we're looking at 6000 149 m/s total Delta velocity for

our arrival at Saturn and orbital insertion around Titan so we need to put

that in our spreadsheet 61-49 so that goes here 61 49 okay and so that's been

adjusted so our spreadsheet is done for the moment the last thing that we will

input is the plane change burn here for deepstar again that will come later once

we're up to deep stars so we're looking at at this point a total of 30 1735 m/s

and Delta V for the entire flight but that is not including any Delta V that

will need to go to other moons around Saturn so we're really gonna have to

guess for that part because unfortunately I just don't know how much

it's going to take but the deep star really has plenty of Delta V and so I

don't anticipate any major problems there the total time of flight days does

not change we're looking at 10 years for the entire mission okay I just want to

add a quick addendum to the spreadsheet the I realized when I was editing the

video that the mission total Delta V didn't quite look right and I think the

reason is because it was taking into consideration the capture Delta V at

Saturn as well as the Titan mo I Delta V and I believe the Titan mo I Delta V is

it covers both Saturn capture and orbital insertion at Titan so I don't

think we need to add the two numbers together I think we just

need to take the Titan mo AI Delta V number so I've adjusted that calculation

so that it only takes that number along with with everything else but it does

not include the that capture Delta V there at Saturn at the other thing I did

is I added a line here for additional moon trips and I am just purely guessing

here because I honestly don't know how much Delta V it's going to take because

number one I don't know how many moons we're gonna have time to go to based on

the time frame that we will be at Saturn and number two I have no idea how much

Delta V it's going to take to go from one moon to the next so just throwing a

number out there I put ten thousand meters per second if dmitri or anyone

else has a better guess you know leave leave it in the comments below but again

it's all going to be totally dependent on how many moons we can visit and I

think we're going to be constrained by both time and Delta V when it comes to

that now I'm not planning on cutting things super close on fuel with deeps

are but like I said it has a stupid amount of Delta V so I'm not going to

just fill the tanks up or fill that you know the one main tank up with a you

know completely full so with that said I think we'll still have plenty of Delta V

left over to visit several moons so that is that is the plan I just made those

couple of changes that I felt I really needed to cover here at the end of the

video so with all of that said this episode took way longer than I

anticipated I hope it wasn't too incredibly boring for you guys for me I

really love this this planning the thing planning the fly out and you know going

to the outer solar system it just makes sense to really spend some time planning

things out yeah so in episode one the next episode we're going to get off the

ground using the dragon atop Falcon 9 it's going to be carrying our crew up to

deep star I believe we should be able to complete that entire flight in episode 1

and then going forward we of course will be on our journey out to Saturn so we

have some exciting times to come and I can't wait to share it with you guys so

as always I hope you got doing really well I wish you all the

best I want to thank you very much for watching again please do leave me

comments below I always love reading your comments it makes my day to get

your feedback on on the series and whatnot

so until episode 1 take care guys and we'll see you then


For more infomation >> Journey to Saturn - Episode 0: Mission Planning (ORBITER 2016) - Duration: 50:28.


FROZEN Elsa Are You Sleeping - Learn Colors With Tape Children Nursery Rhymes Songs For Kids - Duration: 7:50.

For more infomation >> FROZEN Elsa Are You Sleeping - Learn Colors With Tape Children Nursery Rhymes Songs For Kids - Duration: 7:50.


Bestseller-Verfilmung "The Circle" mit Emma Watson fällt durch - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> Bestseller-Verfilmung "The Circle" mit Emma Watson fällt durch - Duration: 6:29.


Wild World - Drew Holcomb - (Paige Gordon Cover) - Duration: 3:58.

I don't know about you But I like to tell the truth

But the truth seems to change every Tuesday

When I watch the news Man, it just gives me the blues

No one listens, just on a mission to hear their own voice

It's a wild world We're all trying to find our place in it

It's a wild world And no one seems to understand it

It's a wild world But there ain't no way I'm gonna quit it

Love is all we've got to give away

Some folks ain't got a dollar to their name Others got their own jet planes

We've all got the same blood running through our veins

Whether or not you pray Black or white, straight or gay

You still deserve the love of your neighbor

It's a wild world We're all trying to find our place in it

It's a wild world And no one seems to understand it

It's a wild world But there ain't no way I'm gonna quit it

Love is all we've got to give away

Try a little tenderness Maybe some benefit of the doubt

Another person's point of view Try to listen not to shout

Hold your opinions loosely Maybe you're not always right

Show a little mercy And hold on to love real tight

It's a wild world We're all trying to find our place in it

It's a wild world And no one seems to understand it

It's a wild world But there ain't no way I'm gonna quit it

Love is all I got to give away Love is all I got to give away

Love is all I got to give away

Hey guys!

I hope you liked my version of Wild World.

That's just, I think that's one of the most beautiful songs that Drew Holcomb and

the Neighbors have done.

I love the lyrics, I love the melody, I just really really enjoy it and so I hope you liked

my version of it.

If you want to see more there's some of my original stuff right up here, you can click

on that and see there.

And if you want to make sure you don't miss anything, I put out videos every Tuesday,

you can click right over here and you can subscribe to the channel.

I'll be seeing you in the next one.



For more infomation >> Wild World - Drew Holcomb - (Paige Gordon Cover) - Duration: 3:58.


Petrol Pump Cheating in front of me - CUSTOMER UNAWARE! - Duration: 3:40.

Hi I'm Rishabh Chatterjee.and in this video I will show you how a fuel pump was cheating

customers infront of me.This kind of cheating has happened to me twice before in two different

petrol pump.the first time I was completely surprised and the second time by the I realised

it was too late to do anything.Now let's come back to this video.you see there are two ques.the

queue in which I'm standing the fuel dispenser has two nozzles petrol and diesel.the fuel

dispenser on my left has normal petrol & xtra premium.Now normally this is what I have seen

everyone doing at petrol pump.when we go in a two wheeler we tell the guy filling the

petrol the amount or quantity or just full tank.i thought it was by default that they

would fill normal petrol unless I specifically told them I want something special.in case

we were filling fuel in a car we would specify whether we wanted petrol or diesel.rarely

we filled petrol like premium or xtra premium in car in which case we would specify that

we want that.

But as you will notice in this video nowadays they just start filling premium without even

mentioning that they are filling that.Now what I noticed from all the customers in that

other queue was that they were just mentioning the amount and just checking if the metre

was zero or not and were just not noticing the nozzle.Now previously once in another

petrol pump when I asked them why they were filling this premium without asking they told

me that normal petrol is over.Now I don't know how true is this but this is the common

reason they give across all petrol pumps doing this.in this petrol pump if you ask for normal

petrol they will say normal petrol is over in that dispenser and will ask you to join

the quue that I was standing in.

Now after I filled petrol I just wanted to see if the customer who were getting cheating

had any idea of what was happening.so I went ahead and asked one of the guys let's see

what he has to tell.

Now as u saw he was completely clueless.What can we do as customers when something like

this happens to us?let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

Also i hope all of u watching this video are aware next time what is the petrol pump guy


If u found this video Informative don't forget to hit the LIKe button and share this video

with your friends too so that they are aware of this cheating.Now there are might be some

some people who would say that theere is no cheating you are paying for what you are getting

and if u want normal petrol in bike also u should say I want normal petrol.Sorry bro

but I'm not aware of this culture in India and haven't seen anyone doing it in the past.

And if you new to this channel don't forget to subscribe and check out my channel to many

more video.this is Rishabh Chatterjee signing off and I hope to see you soon in my next

video.bye bye.

For more infomation >> Petrol Pump Cheating in front of me - CUSTOMER UNAWARE! - Duration: 3:40.


iPhone X Top 10 features - Top 10 things to know before iPhone 8 Launch event - Duration: 3:39.

iPhone X Top 10 features - Top 10 things to know before iPhone 8 Launch event

New iPhone 8 launch event will be live today.

Specs, Price, all you need to know


Three iPhones: iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus

One block of code.

That's all it took to inject a massive dose of credibility into the biggest rumor around

Apple's Tuesday reveal.

Which rumor, you ask?

The rumor where Apple will announce *three* new iPhones instead of two -- including an

ultra-high-end iPhone with a brand new tall-and-narrow design, a huge OLED screen that covers almost

the entire front of the phone, a face-recognizing infrared camera and a price north of $1,000.


Face ID is coming

The HomePod leak in August all but confirmed that the iPhone X would have a face-recognizing

camera sophisticated enough to detect facial expressions, and let you log in to your phone.

Internally, it's known as Pearl.


Face ID will let you pay

Last month, developers couldn't find a single shred of evidence to indicate that you'd use

the new face camera to pay for purchases.

That would be a little worrying if it's also true -- as rumored -- the new iPhone X will

ditch the fingerprint sensor entirely.



But Apple's new Face ID camera isn't just about security.

According to the leak, you'll be able to create "custom animated messages that use your voice

and reflect your facial expressions."


Apple Watch LTE

Two of the most reliable Apple leaksters told us it was coming.

Now, a cellular Apple Watch that doesn't require a nearby phone is all but certain -- because

iOS developer Steve Troughton-Smith found pictures in the code of not only the watch

itself, but also a status screen showing a cellular strength gauge.

(It doesn't technically say LTE, you might note.)


Apple is chopping the status bar in half

If it's true that Apple's iPhone X will have a giant front-facing camera module hanging

over the top of its all-screen front -- see a mockup at the top of this post -- Apple

would need to split the iPhone's status bar right down the center.


Apple TV 4K

If you've been waiting for an Apple TV powerful enough to send full-resolution 4K video to

your 4K TV, it sounds like you'll be in luck:


New AirPods


Apple goes hexacore with monster A11 processor


Apple could ditch the Lightning port for USB-C

If true, this could be the single biggest coup of the entire leak: Apple swapping from

its own proprietary Lightning jack to the increasingly popular USB-C port.

(iPhone accessory companies would have to scramble to survive.)

iPhone X Top 10 features - Top 10 things to know before iPhone 8 Launch event

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