Hi I'm Raquel Domínguez www.operacionbikini.es and I am here today to tell you that 3 Precautions
They must have women training hard.
Who says women are sex weak?
That's why we do not know well.
Women can train as hard as the men.
Yes, our body has needs special that they have, and we
to have certain things in mind when training hard.
What we have to consider?
There it goes.
Well, to begin to train women hard we have to take rich foods
Iron is vital for the production of hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin is the protein that carries oxygen we breathe and dioxide
your lungs eliminate carbon.
Unfortunately, women usually have low low levels of iron and is very
Typically, many women suffer from anemia, especially if you train hard.
And it is that through menstruation lose iron so among female athletes
one of the most common deficiencies is precisely that, the iron.
To find out how your iron levels are nothing better than going to your doctor and make
an analysis of your blood, and you will leave Doubts.
But while you do it and you do not do you You have to be alert to the symptoms.
If you notes really tired, fatigued, you notes with little force, the head hurts notes
you do not think with the usual fluency, these They are symptoms of anemia.
So attentive and if the notes become an analysis of blood.
To fill these gaps Simply minor adjustments in diet and so
we will ensure to have the amounts we need iron.
What foods have to include?
For beef, lamb and pork.
They should not miss the green leafy vegetables, nuts such as walnuts, legumes
as lentils or crustaceans such as shrimp.
Also if you think you can have deficits Iron is important to avoid coffee,
or at least reduces its intake.
And avoid drinking milk or tea, with iron-rich foods, since calcium
inhibits absorption.
However if you take iron-rich foods Vitamin C will do just the opposite,
you will help you absorb it better.
And if you're taking the contraceptive pill You have to keep in mind that in this case
your flow during menstruation will be lower, so you lose less iron.
L menstrual blood when we take the pill It is reduced to 60 percent.
Women who train hard also you we must pay special attention to
Although many think that calcium is only only important for bone health,
It is not like this.
Calcium is important for much more, general health is important because, practically
every cell in your body use One way or another.
Our body needs calcium to make a lot of functions.
For example pair construction and maintenance bones and teeth, coagulation
blood, transmitting nerve impulses, and regulation of heart rate.
Almost all the calcium, 99% is stored in the bones and teeth.
And the remaining 1% is in blood and other tissues.
And what if you consume little calcium?
Because your body will take the calcium You need your bones.
And that can eventually end up in illnesses as osteoporosis.
Another great female problem.
Although strength training can help to maintain bone health, most
likely you need to take more calcium.
Where you can get?
As for example sardines, in almonds (Here I tell you the benefits of almonds)
narajas, sesame or white beans.
If you are a woman athlete also have Be careful with vitamin D.
Vitamin D is more than a vitamin.
Its operation is different from other vitamins and serves among other things as a
steroid hormone in the body.
And it is very important for your bones calcium and phosphate metabolism, but
so is to run the muscles and overall health and wellness
Although few know it, there is epidemiological evidence linking vitamin D deficiency diseases
autoimmune, cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, dementia, infectious diseases,
decreased muscle mass, and much plus.
Therefore, vitamin D deficiency is a global problem, and unfortunately women
athletes may be affected.
The rate of vitamin D deficiency among female athletes is very high, between
33 and 42 percent, and depending on the season or type of sport can be
even greater.
So women who train very intensity
or engaged in the professional sport recommends that control levels of this
Vitamin quarterly.
How did they do?
Then going to your doctor so that you make them an analysis and if they have a lack of this vitamin
you will have to follow medical recommendations your physician.
When consume vitamin D, there different types.
For example vitamin D3, it is in some foods of animal origin, such as
fatty fish or egg yolk.
And vitamin D2 is found in some mushrooms.
Of these two types of vitamin D3 is the more important since it is almost twice
effective in producing increases in blood Vitamin D.
Although supplementation with vitamin D, It may seem an ideal way to have the
enough vitamin D, sun exposure usually the most effective way to keep
good levels of this vitamin.
Of course, sun exposure does not mean that you achicharres the sun for hours and
Do not use sunscreen.
No, much cuidadito with the sun.
It is simply receiving the rays moderate sun and always use
Solar protection.
Vitamin D can also be produced from cholesterol in the skin when
you expose yourself to the sun, as ultraviolet rays Sun provided the energy needed
to make it happen.
So you know, if you're female athlete do not forget to take into account these 3 aspects
they are very important.
I hope my video you liked today, If you think you may like someone else
Please share it, and remember that I already I'm hoping in the next video.
Do not miss. Bye bye
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