THE PUPPET IS ALIVE! Taped with colored tape Songs Nursery Rhymes Kids Song
Cancro e alcol: la correlazione negata da aziende produttrici - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
Doom Delta - Duration: 6:53.You can activate the helmet HUD, but here, on my old faithful PC, it gets a lot of fucking lag.
It's a shame, because it's really cool and you have the mini map to help you orientate yourself.
The classes use the same weapons, but each has different characteristics, such as base
speed, accuracy, resistance to damage, sprint speed, etc. I chose Dimitri Paramo.
He is a tank, being very resistant and has good precision, however he is the slowest of all.
I'll IDFA it to show all the guns right away. Some sprites of these are old acquaintances,
some have been ripped from Doom's alpha and beta builds and others seem to be adaptations.
Wolfenstein SS was replaced by the Guard. I did not notice any other changes in monsters, except
in Imp's fireball sprites, which look more like the red plasma shot.
The Dark Claw and Unmaker use souls of humans as ammo. The guns recharge when they are killed with them.
The idea of Doom Delta is simple but cool. It gives the impression that it recycles what was discarded,
giving it a good use. Too bad it doesn't support multiplayer. These classes give great possibilities...
Used version: Doom Delta v1.1
Ex-BBB Laércio é condenado a 12 anos por estupro de vulnerável - Duration: 3:24.-------------------------------------------
Violino - Quero aprender !! Qual comprar ? - Duration: 2:25.-------------------------------------------
『暗殺教室』Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2 OP2 Bye Bye YESTERDAY 2160p - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
I AM BACK? WE NEED TALK... - EU VOLTEI? NÓS PRECISAMOS CONVERSAR... - Duration: 2:58.Hi, how are you? My name is Luckas.
Hi guys, I am the Luckas as you all know
Long ago that I do not here new videos to the channel, I apologize for having gone.
Lately happened several things in my life
that changed then enough ...
I did not ... I did not feel good to record video, so I did not record.
I apologize, I saw all the comments that you made, asking for reaction
and I was very happy that even that long ago that I do not post videos of you
They continued commenting and watching. And since we
The more than one thousand two hundred registered here in the channel.
Thank you very much. Thank you for watching.
And today I want to speak to soon return with new videos here pro channel
I hope I'ts soon
And I'm really missing you and I'm programming for me
one new...
journey in my life and I hope you join me
although not videos related to reaction.
I hope you're with me
Who deem me the opportunity to show you some different content.
I hope you like it. Of course, not fail to do but reaction
it may be that at a certain moment I have no more time to do reaction
and I make videos of other things, vlog
and the like, and I hope
you are with me and I would like you to comment
videos, other types of videos would you like me to record here
out to be reaction Vietnamese or Thai music.
OK? And this video will not be great
So that's it, I was really missing, just to update you here
ok, so I will not even do as much editing in this video
finish and has post. Thank you very much and
do not forget to add me on my facebook that I will leave here on the side
you get to see and follow me on instagram
I'm posting now quite something there legal and
And we can interact a bit, you who are
watching around Thailand, Vietnam, talk a little
and thanks to you who watched this video.
gives like, comment and share and do not forget to
continue signing up for canal that soon we will have a lot of things.
ok, thank you for everything.
soon be back. Until the next video. Goodbye!
5 important questions before creating an app - Duration: 1:40.5 important questions you should ask before creating an APP
1. Outsource or not to outsource production?
Investing in an internal team takes time and money
It is more expensive, but you will have control over the development of the APP
With the outsourced service development is faster and cheaper
Look for a reliable company that can do the APP with quality
2. Develop for which platform?
99% of the mobile market is shared between Android and iOS systems
The right choice will be Android or iOS. If possible both.
3. What does my APP should offer?
A simple APP is always well received by the public
The look needs to be elegant and simplified.
4. Are we prepared to deal with this technology?
With your APP you will enter a technology market and attract new customers
Be prepared to maintain a reputation in the digital world
Keep updated your APP. Communicate properly what is about your APP
5. What to do with the APP look like?
Worry about the functionality and look of your APP
If it is appealing, easy to use, it is easy to fall in public taste.
YouTube TV Now Available-------------------------------------------
Test Movie - Duration: 0:13.-------------------------------------------
КУКЛА ЖИВАЯ! Приклеили цветным скотчем Songs Nursery Rhymes Kids Song - Duration: 8:56.THE PUPPET IS ALIVE! Taped with colored tape Songs Nursery Rhymes Kids Song
Stuck between State of Conn & funeral home: sisters can't get mother's cremated remains - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
Renault Espace 2.0-16V Etoile Airco, 7 Stoelen, APK t/m 21-06-2018 - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
"I don't wanna L O V E if it's not YOU" || MULTICOUPLES (SUB ESPAÑOL) - Duration: 3:02.-------------------------------------------
9/11 Survivor Breaks His Silence About Donald Trump, Sets Media ON FIRE | Top Stories Today - Duration: 2:35.Everyone knows how much president trump cares for and honors the brave men and women who
were present during the 9/11 attacks.
After president trump's memorial service for 9/11 the media still attacked him on it.
Then this happened.
A 9/11 first responder and hero, philip kirschner, who is having health issues after his service
and spoke out about how president trump actually helped him.
The media will not show you this.
Kirschner spoke to breitbart news and said this: "i was given a dual channel aicd,
which has been deployed several times and has saved my life," kirschner recalls.
He believes trump is the reason he was able to get transported from florida to cleveland.
"i called my roommate, who I told to call my uncle, who knew him basically at the time,"
he explained to breitbart news, saying the hospital in florida was unable to transport
him, but he received a flight from trump to get his healthcare needs met.
"one of the charities, angel flight, did get a call to try to facilitate my move, so
I know a couple of people were working to get me moved to cleveland where I had a chance
of survival."
"he did a couple, quite a number, of angel flights with groups," kirschner recalls
of trump.
"i want people to learn that he's a humanitarian, that he reaches out, he donates."
"he gives to medical charities.
He gives to a lot of huge causes," kirschner added.
Kirschner went on to explain how his fiance was fired from her job and forced to train
her replacement who is a h1b foreign worker.
"this nation is in such dire straits right now.
I am a student of history and when you change the language and when you dumb it down and
you change the moral and ethical code of a nation, things like nazi germany could happen.
That's my concern.
At the same time, you have a deindustrialization of the country with a move toward a global
swing rather than national and I think we need a national candidate.
I see hillary with her causal relationships … I see her relationship with the muslim
sisterhood as counter productive to american values."
there are still real heroes who are standing up for what is right.
The president is being attacked from all sides and sometimes it takes a hero to reveal the
Let's all give this hero an amen by sharing this out everywhere!
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe
top stories today.
CFHS Black Tiger News 9/13/17 - Duration: 6:02.(News Music)
Good morning, Cuyahoga Falls High School.
I'm Ben Kinker and I'm Emily Longfellow.
Here's what's happening:
Your Black Tiger weather for today: 73 and cloudy
At this time, would you please stand for today's Pledge of Allegiance.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for
which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all
Attention CFHS hoopers!
The City of Cuyahoga Falls Neighborhood Excellence Initiative will be sponsoring a 3 on 3 Basketball
The tournament will be following official FIBA rules and will be officiated.
Teams can be made of 4 members and one coach.
The tournament will take place on September 30.
Teachers are welcomed to sign up as well!
There will be a 14-17 bracket and a 18 and up bracket.
You can register all the way up until September 16.
Contact Noah Spinner for more details.
Attention Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors Class Ring orders will be taken and a ring
service calls will be made on Wednesday September 13th from 6:30 until 8:pm and again on Thursday
September 14th during lunch periods in the main hall a deposit is required with your
order $70.00 for white ultrium, extreme silver, and extreme aurista rings.
$100.00 for 10 karat gold rings.
See the ring display on order day.
Extra order packets are available in the main office.
Are you interested in learning more about Spanish speaking countries and their people,
events, and food?
Then come to the Spanish Club informational meeting on Friday, September 15th after school
in Room 104.
See Señorita Jones if you have any questions!
It's that time of the year again!
The blood drive is back and fresh as ever!
Donate blood and get a FREE T-shirt and pizza.
You can donate blood in the little gym throughout September 21st.
Help the people by donating blood on September 21st.
Sign ups are at lunch.
You have to be 16 or older to donate.
Make sure you turn in all forums by lunch on Wednesday September 20!
Sign up to save a life!
Do you like free pizza?
Do you like to watch our Football Team play but don't have a ride to the game?
Well you're in luck!
Ride the Superfan bus to our away game at Brecksville on September 22nd.
Sign ups are at lunch, you get free pizza, and a free ride to the game!
For those interested in training for the CFHS Halloween 5k or just looking for a way to
get active join us after school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday.
Please be sure to have appropriate athletic shoes and clothing!
Any questions, comments or concerns please see Miss.
Mercer in room 108/109
Attention all students!!!
Your EMA and permission forms (field trips, permission to photo, etc) need turned into
your Den Office ASAP!
It is vital that these forms be turned in so you don't miss out on your picture being
in the yearbook, going on field trips, super fan bus, and lots of other activities.
If you need new forms, stop by your Den Office and pick them up.
Any freshman through senior girl interested in playing basketball this season -- who is
currently not participating in a fall sport -- should meet in Coach Nowak,'s room, 321,
Thursday after school.
The meeting only will last about 10 minutes and it will cover the fall workout and open
gym schedule.
If you can't make Thursday's meeting, please see Coach Nowak in room 321 some time this
"Wednesday, September 13th is East of Chicago Pizza Night for your CFHS PTSA.
Make sure to mention Falls High PTSA so we get credit for you supporting us so we can
provide events & support for our Tigers and school!
Stop in and order dinner at East of Chicago on State Road.
Always the 2nd Wednesday of the month is Pizza Night."
Attention SENIORSSSS!!!
Your senior sweats are being sold at ALL 3 LUNCHES!
Come buy your tshirt, sweatshirt, and sweatpants today!
Quick Update: The Tiger Voice meeting originally scheduled for today will now be held on FRIDAY
during Tiger Time in the CPC.
Again, please see Mr. Petraitis, Mr. Parker, or Mrs. Rogers to get a pass to come on down
and join the fun.
The Cuyahoga Falls Black Tiger golfers moved to 5-2 overall and 3-1 in the Suburban League
with a victory over Hudson at Ellsworth Meadows this past Thursday.
This ties them with Stow for 2nd place in the league.
The team has been led all year by the consistent play of seniors Kyle Pursley, and Derek Waffen
while receiving solid contributions from fellow seniors Justin Moyer, Colin Ward, and Chase
Steiner, as well as Junior Mark Meyer.
The Black Tiger golfers will return to league play this Thursday, September 14, against
Teachers, please put in your attendance at this time.
I'm Ben Kinker and I'm Emily Longfellow..
Have a great Wednesday, CFHS!
Doom Delta - Duration: 6:53.You can activate the helmet HUD, but here, on my old faithful PC, it gets a lot of fucking lag.
It's a shame, because it's really cool and you have the mini map to help you orientate yourself.
The classes use the same weapons, but each has different characteristics, such as base
speed, accuracy, resistance to damage, sprint speed, etc. I chose Dimitri Paramo.
He is a tank, being very resistant and has good precision, however he is the slowest of all.
I'll IDFA it to show all the guns right away. Some sprites of these are old acquaintances,
some have been ripped from Doom's alpha and beta builds and others seem to be adaptations.
Wolfenstein SS was replaced by the Guard. I did not notice any other changes in monsters, except
in Imp's fireball sprites, which look more like the red plasma shot.
The Dark Claw and Unmaker use souls of humans as ammo. The guns recharge when they are killed with them.
The idea of Doom Delta is simple but cool. It gives the impression that it recycles what was discarded,
giving it a good use. Too bad it doesn't support multiplayer. These classes give great possibilities...
Used version: Doom Delta v1.1
MOTU PATLU - Motu Patlu New Episode 2017 || Motu Patlu Ki Jodi (Title Song) || मोटू पतलू कार्टून - Duration: 2:46.Hello Friends
If you like our video
Don't forget to
Like, share and Subscribe
our channel
Motu patlu ki jodi
Red Coloring Page for Kids | Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse - Duration: 6:07.The Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse
Hey guys, it's time for some more coloring yeah! Hmm, r-e-d. What does that
say? That's right, it says red so let's color it red okay? Hmm, what are
some red things? Let's see, what's this? That's right! It's a strawberry and
strawberries are red and super yummy and let's color the top green okay, yeah!
What's this? That's right, it's a ladybug. Do you like ladybugs? I do. Ladybugs are
cute and they're red too. Red and black or maybe even gray, yeah! Great!
What's this? That's right, it's a tomato and tomatoes are red too, great!
And let's color the top of that one green too, okay? Yeah! What kind of an animal
is this? Do you know? Is it a crab? No, it's not a crab but it lives in the
ocean too. It's a lobster, yeah! Have you ever seen a lobster? I have. They're
really neat. Great and the last one what kind of a vehicle is this do you know? Is
it a police car? No. Is it an ambulance? No. Is it a dump truck? No. What is it?
Yeah, it's a fire engine and they're red too. Hey, I know a song that has a fire
engine in it. Let's sing okay? Yeah!
Switzerland's Toblerone Logo - Matterhorn Mountain & Hidden Bear. - Duration: 1:31.I am here in Switzerland.
Outside has a gorgeous mountain view.
I am able to see the mountains on the same level.
You will see a unique mountain.
It is called a Matterhorn.
It's a famous mountain in Switzerland.
Many tourists always find time to visit here.
It's a perfect destination for skiing or snowboarding.
It is also a beautiful town.
It has many things to do.
Now, it's a summer time.
The reason I am making this video is to show you something cool.
You know Switzerland has many chocolate brands.
One of famous chocolate brands, Toblerone, has a logo that displays Matterhorn.
That's where Toblerone got an idea from.
Clearly, it's same as the shape of Matterhorn.
There is a bear shape inside the mountain.
Know what?!?
There is a bear shape in the mountain logo.
Many people out there didn't realize there is a shape of a bear inside the mountain.
It is a beautiful logo.
Let me show it to you.
Now, you know where this logo came from!
And where the factory is located too.
It's located in Switzerland.
How to make a robot | Solar Energy Wheel Bot | Robot using 14 in 1 educational solar robot kit - Duration: 9:39.Don't forget suscribe our channel for more videos!
Ellenbrook Rail - SIGN the Petition - Duration: 0:52.There were so many broken promises
in the WA state Labor government's first budget
it's hard to know where to start.
But surely the biggest broken promise
must be the failure to fund their Ellenbrook rail line extension.
Rita Saffioti, Jessica Shaw,
they all said that they would start the construction
of Ellenbrook rail in 2019.
And in their recent budget, not a cent to fund that construction.
Help me keep them honest.
Help me to get them to keep their promise.
Come on to my website:
Let's get this petition up and running
and let's not live with this Labor lie.
9 Things You Can Do at 7-11 in Taiwan - Duration: I think it's pretty obvious where I am
this is the 7-11 downstairs of my office
I know I've shot a 7-11 clip couple years ago
but a lot of you requested that I talk about the services they offer at 7-11
after all, that is the key to 7-11 being the center of everybody's life
in Taiwan
you can pay bills
what sort of bills?
parking fees, speeding tickets
woah even fines?
yes definitely
hydro and ETag
so basically, you can pay a bunch of bills here
including hydro to your parking tickets
online game reward points
[inhale] you can buy those on this machine?
there is a great variety of games on here
that is amazing
what's the most common use of this machine?
Bill payments
you can also collect train tickets here (so you don't have to wait in queues at the station)
oh yes high speed rail
people often print with this machine as well
oh but they use this printer to print and fax, right?
you insert the flash drive into this machine and maneuver from the screen
oh I almost forgot people can also collect packages here
see, these are the e-commerce platforms
quite a number of people utilize this service
oh wow, all of these!
you can also send mails and parcels from here
so online sellers send their products here at 7-11
yes the sellers
is it only in Taiwan?
this particular courier only delivers in Taiwan
but this one
delivers internationally
you can call a taxi
so anything you buy here the hot food, you can microwave here
they also provide you with utensils the universal chopsticks
what do you enjoy most about working here at 7-11?
let me think about it
she's honestly the best 7-11 sales associate I've met in my life
these BMW models are actually collectables
you can basically spend NT$79
you get 1 point
so you can collect the points and redeem them
alright to be completely honest
I actually guilt-tripped the sales associate at 7-11
giving this introduction
with a Starbucks caramel macchiato
Dự Đoán xổ số Đà Nẵng hôm nay XSDNG 13/9 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số DNG 13-9-2017 - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
XSMB | Dự đoán xổ số Miền Bắc hôm nay 13/9/2017 | BTL xổ số MB thứ 4 13-9-2017 - Duration: 3:52.-------------------------------------------
Dự Đoán xổ số Đồng Nai hôm nay XSDN 13/9 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số DN 13-9-2017 - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Dự Đoán xổ số Cần Thơ hôm nay XSCT 13/9 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số CT 13-9-2017 - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
Lamar sold us a house! - Duration: 0:23.- Hello, how you doing?
My name is Lamar.
We just completed a transaction with
I had a bad situation with a tenant.
We took them to court, it was a nightmare.
They came in, they looked at the property.
A real quick process.
They bought the property.
We just finished the transaction.
I highly recommend them.
Cooking with Maid Mama: Ice Cream Bread - Duration: 6:25.-------------------------------------------
NASA Confirm 13th September, 2017 is when A NIBIRU FLYBY DEVASTATED TEXAS!!! - Duration: 31:06.-------------------------------------------
Stool Softeners vs. Laxatives - Duration: 6:09.Stool Softeners vs. Laxatives
Constipation can be extremely uncomfortable, and it can affect anyone due to many different causes. There are also many types of over-the-counter laxatives, so choosing the right one may seem a little tricky.
How does each type work? How is each used? What's the difference between a stool softener and a laxative? Let us help you sort some of this out. Types.
Stool softeners and laxatives. First of all, let's sort out the difference between stool softeners and laxatives. A laxative is a substance that you use to help you have a bowel movement.
A stool softener is a type of laxative, called an emollient laxative. So, all stool softeners are laxatives, but not all laxatives are stool softeners.
Stool softeners are usually a first choice if you: are pregnant recently had surgery have a digestive disease In fact, there are many types of laxatives.
Because many different things can cause constipation, laxatives work in different ways to resolve your constipation. Some work on your stool, some work on your intestine, and others work on both your stool and intestine.
All laxatives are used to relieve constipation. Some may be a better choice for you than others, though, especially depending on how long you need to use them and how harsh the ingredients can be on your body.
Emollient laxative (also known as a stool softener) Active ingredients: docusate sodium and docusate calcium How it works: It helps wet and soften the stool. Considerations for use: Stool softeners are gentle enough to prevent constipation with regular use.
However, they're the least effective option for treating constipation. They're best for people with temporary constipation or mild, chronic constipation.
Bulk-forming laxative Active ingredients: psyllium, methylcellulose, and calcium polycarbophil How it works: It forms a gel in your stool that helps hold more water in your stool.
The stool becomes bigger, which stimulates movement in your intestine to help pass the stool more quickly. Considerations for use: Bulk-forming laxatives can be used for longer periods and with little risk of side effects.
They're a good option for people with chronic constipation. However, they take longer than other laxatives to work.
You shouldn't use them continuously for longer than one week without talking to your doctor. Lubricant laxative Active ingredient: mineral oil How it works: It coats your stool and intestines to prevent water loss.
It also lubricates your stool to help it move more easily. Considerations for use: Mineral oil is not for use on a regular basis.
It can interfere with your body's absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E, and K. Lubricant laxatives are typically only good options for immediate relief of short-term constipation.
Hyperosmotic laxative Active ingredients: polyethylene glycol and glycerin How it works: It draws more water into your intestines. This helps soften the stool to help it move more easily.
Considerations for use: Hyperosmotic laxatives can also be used for longer periods with little risk of side effects. Like bulk-forming laxatives, they're a good option for people with chronic constipation and they take longer than other laxatives to work.
You shouldn't use them continuously for longer than one week without talking to your doctor. Saline laxative Active ingredients: magnesium citrate and magnesium hydroxide How it works: It draws more water into the intestine.
This softens the stool and stimulates movement in your intestines to help you pass it. Considerations for use: Saline laxatives should not be used on a regular basis.
When used regularly, they can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Stimulant laxative Active ingredients: bisacodyl and sennosides How it works: It stimulates and increases the movement of your intestines.
Considerations for use: Stimulant laxatives also should not be used on a regular basis. When used regularly, they can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. Forms.
Forms. Laxatives come in many different forms. Some are used by mouth and some are used in your rectum.
Stool softeners are available as: oral softgel capsules oral liquids rectal enemas Other laxatives come in these forms: oral capsule chewable tablet oral tablet oral granules (powder) oral gummy oral liquid oral wafer rectal suppository rectal enema. Timing. Timing.
Emollient, bulk-forming, hyperosmotic, and saline (magnesium hydroxide) laxatives typically take 12 to 72 hours to work. Stimulant laxatives take six to 12 hours.
Saline (magnesium citrate solution) laxatives work a little more quickly, taking 30 minutes to six hours. Regardless of which type of laxative you use, rectal enemas and suppositories usually work the fastest.
They usually take two to 15 minutes, but in some cases have taken up to an hour to work. Dosage.
Dosage. Dosages for laxatives vary, even among laxatives of the same type. You shouldn't need to use a laxative for longer than a week, though.
If your bowel movements still aren't regular after using a laxative for seven days, contact your doctor before you use it any longer. Generally, laxatives are safe for people who are 12 years or older.
Some products provide dosages for children who are younger than 12 years, but you should talk to your doctor before giving any laxative to a child. Side effects and interactions. Side effects and interactions.
Side effects Most people can use laxatives without any side effects, but some side effects are possible. The following table lists some of the milder as well as the more serious side effects of stool softeners and other laxatives.
The more serious side effects are usually much less common. If you do have serious side effects, contact your doctor immediately.
Milder side effects Stool softeners All other laxatives stomach cramps X X nausea X X throat irritation (with oral liquid) X bloating and gas X faintness X Serious side effects Stool softeners All other laxatives allergic reaction * X X vomiting X X rectal bleeding X severe diarrhea X *may cause hives and difficulty breathing or swallowing Interactions Laxatives can also interact with other drugs, vitamins, and supplements that you take.
If you take any medication, it's important to talk with your doctor to make sure it's also safe to take a laxative. Your doctor may even recommend a specific laxative, depending on the medication you take.
For example, mineral oil can interact with stool softeners.
Examples of drugs that can interact with other laxatives include: oral contraceptives the heart failure drug digoxin the hormone estradiol the blood thinner warfarin drugs used to treat high blood pressure, such as: chlorothiazide chlorthalidone furosemide hydrochlorothiazide certain medications used to treat heartburn, such as: Zantac Pepcid Prilosec Nexium Prevacid.
Misuse. You may have heard that you can use laxatives to lose weight. However, there are no studies that support the use of laxatives for weight loss.
Further, using higher doses of laxatives for long periods can result in a much higher risk of the following effects, some of which can be severe: muscle cramps irregular heartbeat changes in your levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium, which can affect the function of many organs in your body excess water loss heart disease kidney disease digestive diseases, such as: intestinal blockage Crohns disease ulcerative colitis appendicitis stomach inflammation anal prolapse hemorrhoids.
With any laxative, there are things you can do to help them work their best. The following tips can help you work with your laxative to relieve constipation and keep you regular.
Drink 8-10 cups of water per day. Try not to skip meals. Eat more fruits and vegetables to increase the fiber in your diet. Exercise to help keep all of your body systems active.
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