Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Youtube daily report Sep 13 2017

Hello all my friends!! How are you??

Today I am going to show you a fireworks festival in Japan.

Fireworks festival is very popular here in Japan for summer.

Usually people get dressed with YUKATA and go to the festival.

People go to the festival with family, friends and sometimes with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

And they spend time enjoying watching fireworks.

Today I am going to show you one of the most biggest fireworks festival here in Tokyo.

It is going to be held in center of Tokyo. Let's take a look!!

I am at the GAIEN-MAE station now. This is a subway station.

There are lot of people here so when you got the station, first of all, you need to get your subway ticket to get back home,

or it is going to be very hard to get the ticket as here it is going to be a huge queue (I am very sure... and we don't want to be in the queue...)

Well now we go up to the ground and see what there is!! Let's go!!

I am in the street now, there are lot of people here. We are going to go to the baseball stadium where the fireworks come out.

wooooo lot of people here!!

They usually do the fireworks from the baseball stadium.

so let's go over there!!

Selling some drinks here ...... mmm I am thirsty....

It is so crowded here!!

It is so crowded here!! Look at this!!

Now I am in the baseball stadium where they are going to do fireworks,

there is a concert going on in the stadium so there are lot of people...

however we are going to watch the fireworks from the different place.


It has just started!!

Look at that!! It has just started!!!!!

It has started the fireworks, look at over there!!

I like this pink ones!!

So beautiful!

SUGOI !! = Incredible!!

It is so dynamic watching the fireworks like this!!

I like this one

For more infomation >> FIREWORKS FESTIVAL IN TOKYO// 神宮花火大会 【#3】 - Duration: 4:31.


ញាក់បែក ក្លឹបហ្មង New remix 2018 ▶Khmer remix 2018,สายตื้ด2018,Nhạc Trẻ Remix 2018▶Mini Nonstop - Duration: 10:31.

khmer Remix 2018

For more infomation >> ញាក់បែក ក្លឹបហ្មង New remix 2018 ▶Khmer remix 2018,สายตื้ด2018,Nhạc Trẻ Remix 2018▶Mini Nonstop - Duration: 10:31.


BREAKING: Kid Rock Obliterates Al Sharpton In Brutal Rant | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:28.

Kid Rock is stepping up his political messaging as he considers a run for Senate in Michigan.

In a recent rant posted to Facebook (warning: graphic language) music legend Kid Rock continued

to prime himself for an upcoming Senate run.

In the post, Kid Rock took aim at a number of liberal institutions that have become aggressive

towards him since he started flirting with federal politics including Al Sharpton.

"Has Al Sharpton even paid his back taxes yet?"

Kid Rock asked.

Kid Rock explains that the liberal mainstream media completely changed their approach to

the 46-year-old rock star after he launched kidrockforsenate.com.

Kid Rock has not formally announced his intentions to run for office, yet the mainstream media

is attacking Kid Rock with full force for challenging Democrat incumbent Debbie Stabenow.

"Pay NO attention to the garbage the extreme left is trying to create!"

Kid Rock wrote, before explaining the mainstream reaction to his campaign.

Rock explained that a recent series of articles accusing him of racism were only published

"to stir the pot, when we all know none of this would be going on if I were not thinking

of running for office."

Kid Rock was recently selected to headline a series of concerts at the newly constructed

Little Ceasars Arena in Detroit.

The Michigan native was asked by Olympia Entertainment to perform six concerts to open the new venue.

The National Action Network (NAN) Al Sharpton's civil rights group, immediately came out to

denounce Olympia Entertainment for selecting Kid Rock, accusing him of racism for displaying

the Confederate Battle Flag at concerts.

"When you hire Kid Rock, who is known to be dog-whistling and catcalling to white supremacist

organizations and the white supremacist community, alt-right, whatever you want to call them,

and you take our tax dollars to do that?

That's wrong," explained NAN Detroit president Rev. Charles Williams II.

Kid Rock, however, thinks this is also political.

"Pretty funny how scared I have them all and their only agenda is to try and label

people / me racist who do not agree or cower to them!!

No one had a word to say when we sold out the 6 shows at LCA back in January," he

wrote in his Facebook post.

Kid Rock lives in Detroit and is a proud contributor to the local community.

In 2014 Rock was granted a NAACP award for his charitable actions by the Detroit chapter

of the NAACP.

Kid Rock has previously donated to Al Sharpton's civil rights group, but that is coming to

an end.

"I am however very disappointed that none of the people, businesses or charities I have

so diligently supported in Detroit have had anything to say about all these unfounded

attacks from these handful of jacka***s and The Detroit Free Press," Kid Rock wrote

on Facebook.

"So for the unforeseen future I will focus my philanthropy efforts on other organizations

besides the ones I have supported in the past.

I would however employ that NAN go ahead and make up these losses since they claim to be

so good for Detroit and do not want me opening the arena and generating tons of jobs and

tax dollars for the city and people I LOVE."

It will be interesting to see how the public will respond with their votes if Kid Rock

does decide to run for office.

One thing is for certain: he won't be holding his tongue.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Kid Rock Obliterates Al Sharpton In Brutal Rant | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:28.


GTA 5 SOLO GLITCH ONLINE RANK 0-100 in No TIME! (GTA 5 Unlimited RP Glitch GET EVERYTHING UNLOCKED) - Duration: 5:35.

what's up boys and welcome to the segment right here on your boy your

Sheriff I know it's the lead segment but you know what I found some amazing

methods for you guys to level up and I wanted to hook up with you guys on a

quick video right before I go to sleep actually you know what I might hook up

with some of the guys and actually do this because this is the best way to

level up in gta5 I got a method to message for people that are low low low

ranked and also a bigger method that's for people like me heavy hitters in the

game that want to rank up super fast so you guys hang around with me and let's

get into this video right here okay so today marks the day that Rockstar

changes our stuff around for us gamers Tuesday baby and with that we got a

brand new vehicle that came into the sport classic now don't follow the hype

of people that are haters main people that say why is this car here why isn't

it in the muscle class now I got disappointed in the beginning when I saw

it it's not in the muscle class but then I realized something this is a claim

that Rockstar is doing because we're gonna get done traces for sport classic

so they probably wanted to put a muscle car in there now it doesn't compare to

the Turismo the one that's in the sport classic already I'm gonna have some

testing come up later but I want to take my time with it I don't want to rush it

I want to enjoy my time testing these cars and bringing it to you guys without

further ado let's get into the methods that's gonna give you killer rank

especially for people that are brand new this game is selling like hot cake in

Europe and here in North America there's a lot of brand new players so if you're

a brand new player these two methods in the beginning I found them for you

they're active in the game and you can do them the first method is very easy

and I documented on this channel earlier you can go ahead and check my videos

you'll see it right there this is very easy you go near the military base if

you're near the military base there is an area

it's the fenced area right above the overpass if you get close to it you will

get the five star or four star level on you once that happens you can do them

the previous method that I showed you which having the oppressor and getting

into your MOC but in my case was my character I don't

have the storage in the back of the MOC I have the normal workshop okay it's not

a storage so I can't really store the car in there so you can just walk into

the MOC now you can bring the truck even make it even faster by bringing it up

near the base and just keep doing this over and over it's gonna give you some

killer RP if you are very low level in the game now if you don't have the MOC I

got you covered because some people when we do money glitches which is a little

bit hard to find right now there is a glitch that's active but it's hard to

hit man I don't want to waste your time on it this one right here is a very easy

method for you guys to do it and all you need is a random helicopter from the

docks where it spawns you find the Buzzard sometimes or you can find it at

the airport or even at the Merriweather base I think okay your boy owns it like

I said I'm a heavy hitter so I already own these things so I called up my

Buzzard and this is a location that you gotta go to it's the construction

building right besides Benny's once you go there get on this second helipad it

looks like a helipad but it's not get there and this is a little bit okay I

like to call it the way it is okay the meats a little bit retarded but it's not

retarded if you're thinking to do it short term you sitting right here and

trying to get some RP because the cops are spawning right under you and you

keep rate racking up 200 RP because they keep disappearing and the Stars

resetting themselves now this is not bad if maybe you're gonna go for dinner and

every now and then you flick the controller stuff like that don't be

leaving your system on the entire night for this bullshit don't burn your Xbox

or Playstation over shit like that it doesn't make any sense don't be retarded

the best way all right let's say those methods are nice and you're low rank

your level 1 to 5 whatever your slow rank right but if you're a heavy hitter

like us you need some big-ass RP methods in order to rank up and go up in the

ranks now earlier I started playing what Rockstar gave us for this week the

double payouts double RP racing we did 3 laps on East Coast and I did not want to

get the win even though I had the lead I'm like you know what I want to show

them that you are racking up some good RP even if you get

lower positions check this out that's 9,000 rpm sit and do the other

messages that I showed you in the beginning but even for people that are

brand-new you can get into your own race take away custom vehicles put it on two

three laps and next thing you know you're racking up that RP and you'll be

leveling up before you know it you'll be affording everything in the game and

everything will get unlocked always turn on notification always be subscribed to

the channel if you haven't done so I always bring you the best method if

you're not into racing ok but racing is the best way to level up if you're not

interesting why don't you go ahead with the vehicle war I have a lot of fun

playing it and it gives you some killer RP & money on top of it alright you guys

I let you go for this segment thank you everybody for the support thank you

everybody who subscribed we're about to hit 60,000 I might be busy but trust me

I'm still active I'll see you guys on the next segment peace baby


For more infomation >> GTA 5 SOLO GLITCH ONLINE RANK 0-100 in No TIME! (GTA 5 Unlimited RP Glitch GET EVERYTHING UNLOCKED) - Duration: 5:35.


애플, 무선충전 매트 '에어파워' 개발중…내년 출시 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> 애플, 무선충전 매트 '에어파워' 개발중…내년 출시 - Duration: 3:10.


Bạn Trai Chê Ngực Lép Tôi Về Tăng Size Vòng 1 Cấp Tốc Cam Cũng Thành Bưởi Chỉ Trong 1 Tuần - Duration: 11:42.

For more infomation >> Bạn Trai Chê Ngực Lép Tôi Về Tăng Size Vòng 1 Cấp Tốc Cam Cũng Thành Bưởi Chỉ Trong 1 Tuần - Duration: 11:42.


Advanced Yoga Workout

For more infomation >> Advanced Yoga Workout


[IN PUBLIC] EXO (엑소) - Power (파워) - Dance Cover by Frost - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> [IN PUBLIC] EXO (엑소) - Power (파워) - Dance Cover by Frost - Duration: 3:20.


Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-I 5P Linea Sol - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla Verso 1.8 VVT-I 5P Linea Sol - Duration: 0:54.


Toyota Corolla 1.6 16V VVT-I SEDAN LUNA - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Toyota Corolla 1.6 16V VVT-I SEDAN LUNA - Duration: 0:59.


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Aspiration - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I Aspiration - Duration: 0:54.


Pennywise EXCEPT he's dancing to his old theme song - Duration: 0:38.


For more infomation >> Pennywise EXCEPT he's dancing to his old theme song - Duration: 0:38.


[MKWii] Online CT Races #13 (Hack Pack w/ Huili - Part 1) - Duration: 24:24.

What's up, everyone, this is Ethan here for some Mario Kart Wii online custom track races.

I had been considering continuing the series for a while,

especially since the last episode was uploaded over two years ago.

So I figured that since I got a new laptop a few weeks ago,

it would be a good idea to try out my Elgato Game Capture device on it,

which I did, and I recorded these races with it.

In this video, you'll notice that I'm racing with Huili,

who is the creator of the custom track distribution we're both playing on known as the MKW Hack Pack,

which is an alternative to CTGP Revolution by MrBean.

This is the first of two parts of the recording with eight races each.

I won't be commentating all the way through this video or the next part,

so I hope you enjoy and I'll see you all later.

For more infomation >> [MKWii] Online CT Races #13 (Hack Pack w/ Huili - Part 1) - Duration: 24:24.


Alfawise X5 Dual Operating System Intel Mini PC and TV Box Review - Duration: 16:03.

Hi, thanks for tuning in, and welcome to another TV box stop review.

Today my review is on a windows mini PC by Alfawise, which can also perform as an Android

TV Box.

This device is the Alfawise X5, dual operating system Intel mini PC.

In this review, I'll examine its hardware and features, and how it performs as a standard

Windows PC, and how it also functions as an Android TV box.

We also have benchmark scores and my final opinion.

This review is extended beyond the usual duration, due to having to feature both operating systems,

so stay tuned, we have more in a moment.

So I'm back, and let's first start with the unboxing.

The product comes in this black box with the X5 logo at the top with an Intel pattern.

To the side we have some specifications.

It shows that the model is the X5.

The CPU is the Intel Atom X5 Z8350 processor, running up to 1.9 GHz on 2MB of cache.

Its graphics is powered by the Intel HD graphics 400, with 12 execution units, running up to

500 Mhz.

Its memory, is 2GB of LP DDR3 RAM, 1600 Mhz frequency.

Its onboard storage is 32GB of eMMc 5.0.

It has 802.11 single band 2.4 GHz WiFi, and Bluetooth 4.0.

It has Ethernet LAN speed of up to 1000 MB/s.

Its power is supplied by a 12 volts 1.5 amps DC power adapter, of 100 to 240 volts, operating

at 50 or 60 hz.

So it's time to unpack the contents of the box, and when I return I'll continue.

In the box, you have the unit itself.


You get one HDMI cable.


Your DC power adapter.


You have a system activation instructions.


And a user operation guide.

Let's have a look at its ports.

To the back, you have 1 HDMI port, 1 USB 3.0 port, 1 RJ45 Ethernet LAN port, 1 audio video

port, a reset pinhole button.

A DC power input, and a red power button.

To the side, you have 2 USB 2.0 ports, an SD card slot, and two ventilation holes.

And there's nothing on the other side.

To the front, you have an LED power light.

To the top you have the Alfawise branding.

And to the bottom, you have very small ventilation holes.

So I'll connect this device to my TV, and when I return we have the rest of the review.

So I'm back, and as I power on the box, you're presented with the option to select which

operating system you would like to start.

So I'll start with the Windows operating system.

The Windows operating system is a fully functional Windows 10 version, and you can install any-program

you would normally install on a standard desktop PC or laptop.

So we are looking at the home screen, and I don't need to go into details about how

to use the windows operating system, because just about everyone in the world knows how

to use it!

So let's take a look at some system and hardware information.

The internal storage was partitioned into two sections, so let's see how much is allocated

to the windows installation.

Under system information, for some reason the program cannot read the manufacturer and

model of the device, the only information that shows is the Internal storage.

It shows that the windows partition has 14.92GB of storage, and 1.7GB remaining.

Now this is a bit of a problem.

The Windows installation used up most of the partition's space leaving very little room

to install apps and games.

And to make things more difficult, there isn't any SATA expansion slots or M2 slots to add

additional storage.

Under CPU information, it shows that the CPU is a 64bit quad core cherry trail Intel Atom

X5, Z8350 CPU, running at 1.4 GHz.

If I open windows system information, it shows that the X5 comes with 2GB of RAM, and it

only has 6 hundred and 91MB remaining.

Under Display, it shows that the GPU is the Intel HD graphics, which is actually the Intel

HD graphics 400, and for some reason it's not showing that information in this section.

Under network, if you scroll down you will see that the device only comes with single

band 2.4 GHz WiFi, and it has Bluetooth capability.

Under windows, it shows that the operating system is Windows 10, and it also shows that

it's the 64bit version.

And that's all for system and hardware information.

Because of my limited internal storage, I could only install a couple benchmark programs,

so lets take a look at the results.

I have the results of the Antutu benchmark.

The results show that the X5 got an Antutu score of 71 thousand 3 hundred and 33.

This is a pretty high score for the X5.

I also have the results of the Geekbench 4 CPU benchmark.

And it shows that the X5 scored 8 hundred and 7 single core, and 2 thousand and 70 multicore.

These are all the results I can provide on this limited storage, so I'll switch over

to the Android operating system.

So I'm at the Android operating system, and let's take a look at some system and hardware


Under system information, here it shows that the manufacturer is Intel, and the model is

the PC Box.

Below it shows that the box has 2GB of DDR3 RAM, and below is shows the remaining memory

and internal storage from the 10GB assigned to this partition, after the operating system

and the apps installed on the box.

Under CPU information, it shows that the CPU is a 64bit quad core cherry trail Intel Atom

X5, Z8350 CPU, and in this partition, it's running at 1.9 GHz.

It also shows that it only has support for 32bit ABIs, which limits it to 32bit applications.

Under display information, it shows your screen resolution, and it shows that the display

is powered by the Intel HD graphics, which is actually the Intel HD graphics 400 GPU,

with a refresh rate of 60 hz.

Under network information, it shows that the box has support for only 2.4 GHz WiFi, and

it also shows its signal strength link speed and frequency.

Under Android information, it shows the version installed is Android 5.1 Lollipop, and below

it also shows that the box is not rooted.

Under thermal information, the box runs around 55 to 60°C on normal cooling, and around

40 to 50° on passive cooling.

Under codecs information, it shows that you have codecs like H.264, HEVC, and VP9 decoding,

all needed for 4K video playback.

And that's it for system and hardware information, and I'll now check to see if the partition

is rooted.

It shows that the partition is not rooted, running on Android 5.1 lollipop operating


I guess they had to use this version due to storage limitations.

We now move on to the benchmarks.

First, we have the memory read and write speeds.

The X5 has a RAM copy speed of 3774 MB/s.

The internal memory, has a read speed of 98 MB/s, an a write speed of 39.

The SD card slot has a read speed of 17 MB/s, an a write speed of 11.

These scores are a bit on the low side, given the hardware used in this box.

I now have the results from the WiFi speed test.

The scores were OK on my 30MB internet package.

However, the box is capable of achieving much better scores on a faster network over 100MB,

like a fiber network with much higher speeds.

We now have the results from the Antutu benchmark.

When all tests were complete, the X5 got an Antutu score of 53 thousand 9 hundred and


This score is OK, but I was expecting a higher score given the hardware used in this box.

Next, we have the results from the Geekbench 4 CPU benchmark.

After the series of timed tasks were complete, the X5 scored a Geekbench score of 8 hundred

and 47 single core, an 1 thousand 9 hundred and 9 multicore.

And for my final benchmark, I have the Ice storm extreme 3D graphics benchmark.

After all the 3D graphics tests were complete, the X5 got a score of 8 thousand 5 hundred

and 11.

This is average for the hardware used in this box.

That's it for the benchmarks.

I now open the Kodi application.

Kodi does not come preinstalled on the Android partition, you will have to install it from

the Google play store manually.

If we go to settings, then to system information, as you can see I have the latest version which

is Kodi 17.4.

I managed to setup a couple of the latest third party addons just for demonstration

purposes, and they worked well to stream free movies and TV shows in great HD quality.

The 4K video samples did not play so well under this operating system, some of the videos

refused to play due to file format issue.

So you will have a limited 4K video playback experience on this mini PC, You may have a

better experience under the Windows partition, but the lack of storage may pose a problem.

It appears that the Alfawise X5 is better at playing games than it is at playing 4K

videos, so let's take in some gaming action.

These games contains some shooting fighting and blood, so parental discretion is advised.

As you can see, the games ran better on the Android partition than most regular TV boxes

due to the Intel hardware.

I couldn't play any games on the windows partition, because there just wasn't enough available


So in summary, the Alfawise X5 mini PC would have been better off if they had used 64GB

of internal storage, and used Android 7.1 instead of Android 5.1.

After reviewing this mini PC, I felt like this device would have been a heck of an Android

TV box, if they use only one operating system like Android 7.1, and that would have been

something to see.

However, the concept of the box is good, but they fell short on storage and memory allocation.

There are also no expansion ports like a SATA port or an M2 port to remedy this issue.

They could have also included a wireless mouse or a mini touchpad key board in this package,

so I am left feeling wanting on this device.

So I have come to the end of my review of the Alfawise X5 dual operating system, mini

PC and Android TV box.

For more information, see the link provided in the description area.

Thanks for watching remember to like this video if you found it informative, share it

with your friends, and subscribe to this channel for more TV box stop reviews.

For more infomation >> Alfawise X5 Dual Operating System Intel Mini PC and TV Box Review - Duration: 16:03.



For more infomation >> HOW TO RECOVER YOUR EX-COUPLE - TRICKS THAT NEVER FAIL - Duration: 3:43.


Jose Mourinho: Man Utd stars Bailly and Jones should be worried about Victor Lindelof - Duration: 2:24.

Jose Mourinho: Man Utd stars Bailly and Jones should be worried about Victor Lindelof

The £30m summer signing from Benfica starts for United tonight as they kick off their Champions League campaign at home to Basel. His only previous appearance for Mourinho's side came in the Super Cup defeat to Real Madrid last month.

But the United boss thinks the Swede has what it takes to nail down a starting spot - and boot one of impressive duo Bailly and Jones out of the team long-term.

"Victor is a very good player with very good potential," Mourinho said.

"And honestly, I think there are reasons for the other boys, Eric and Jones, to be worried." Bailly and Jones have impressed at the heart of United's defence in the Premier League this term.

United have conceded just two goals in four matches but their partnership will be broken up tonight. Eric Bailly and Phil Jones have impressed at the back for Man Utd this season.

The duo are suspended for the Euro clash with Basel, meaning Lindelof will have a chance to shine alongside Chris Smalling at centre-back. Mourinho added: Hes (Jones) playing well for us.

Victor Lindelof: Jose Mourinho says Bailly and Jones should be scared of the Swede.

Hes probably tired with two consecutive matches with the national team so its good that on Tuesday he gets his rest and its an opportunity for Smalling and Lindelof to play the Champions League match.

Along with facing Basel, United take on CSKA Moscow and Lindelofs former club Benfica in their Champions League group.

For more infomation >> Jose Mourinho: Man Utd stars Bailly and Jones should be worried about Victor Lindelof - Duration: 2:24.


How To Open Locked Apps Without Password Easily | Unlock Applock Without Pattern Hindi | Hack apps - Duration: 5:37.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> How To Open Locked Apps Without Password Easily | Unlock Applock Without Pattern Hindi | Hack apps - Duration: 5:37.


Don't let it spoil the moment | daily sprout 348 - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Don't let it spoil the moment | daily sprout 348 - Duration: 0:42.


Sharon M. Ferren - Find a Cure - Memorial Fund - Duration: 2:00.

LIVE: From Smitty's Barber Shop in Ballard, Wa.

Sharon M. Ferren Find-A-Cure Memorial Fund



Link is below video! All donations go to the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance


Get your haircut at Smitty's!

For more infomation >> Sharon M. Ferren - Find a Cure - Memorial Fund - Duration: 2:00.


GTA 5 SOLO GLITCH ONLINE RANK 0-100 in No TIME! (GTA 5 Unlimited RP Glitch GET EVERYTHING UNLOCKED) - Duration: 5:35.

what's up boys and welcome to the segment right here on your boy your

Sheriff I know it's the lead segment but you know what I found some amazing

methods for you guys to level up and I wanted to hook up with you guys on a

quick video right before I go to sleep actually you know what I might hook up

with some of the guys and actually do this because this is the best way to

level up in gta5 I got a method to message for people that are low low low

ranked and also a bigger method that's for people like me heavy hitters in the

game that want to rank up super fast so you guys hang around with me and let's

get into this video right here okay so today marks the day that Rockstar

changes our stuff around for us gamers Tuesday baby and with that we got a

brand new vehicle that came into the sport classic now don't follow the hype

of people that are haters main people that say why is this car here why isn't

it in the muscle class now I got disappointed in the beginning when I saw

it it's not in the muscle class but then I realized something this is a claim

that Rockstar is doing because we're gonna get done traces for sport classic

so they probably wanted to put a muscle car in there now it doesn't compare to

the Turismo the one that's in the sport classic already I'm gonna have some

testing come up later but I want to take my time with it I don't want to rush it

I want to enjoy my time testing these cars and bringing it to you guys without

further ado let's get into the methods that's gonna give you killer rank

especially for people that are brand new this game is selling like hot cake in

Europe and here in North America there's a lot of brand new players so if you're

a brand new player these two methods in the beginning I found them for you

they're active in the game and you can do them the first method is very easy

and I documented on this channel earlier you can go ahead and check my videos

you'll see it right there this is very easy you go near the military base if

you're near the military base there is an area

it's the fenced area right above the overpass if you get close to it you will

get the five star or four star level on you once that happens you can do them

the previous method that I showed you which having the oppressor and getting

into your MOC but in my case was my character I don't

have the storage in the back of the MOC I have the normal workshop okay it's not

a storage so I can't really store the car in there so you can just walk into

the MOC now you can bring the truck even make it even faster by bringing it up

near the base and just keep doing this over and over it's gonna give you some

killer RP if you are very low level in the game now if you don't have the MOC I

got you covered because some people when we do money glitches which is a little

bit hard to find right now there is a glitch that's active but it's hard to

hit man I don't want to waste your time on it this one right here is a very easy

method for you guys to do it and all you need is a random helicopter from the

docks where it spawns you find the Buzzard sometimes or you can find it at

the airport or even at the Merriweather base I think okay your boy owns it like

I said I'm a heavy hitter so I already own these things so I called up my

Buzzard and this is a location that you gotta go to it's the construction

building right besides Benny's once you go there get on this second helipad it

looks like a helipad but it's not get there and this is a little bit okay I

like to call it the way it is okay the meats a little bit retarded but it's not

retarded if you're thinking to do it short term you sitting right here and

trying to get some RP because the cops are spawning right under you and you

keep rate racking up 200 RP because they keep disappearing and the Stars

resetting themselves now this is not bad if maybe you're gonna go for dinner and

every now and then you flick the controller stuff like that don't be

leaving your system on the entire night for this bullshit don't burn your Xbox

or Playstation over shit like that it doesn't make any sense don't be retarded

the best way all right let's say those methods are nice and you're low rank

your level 1 to 5 whatever your slow rank right but if you're a heavy hitter

like us you need some big-ass RP methods in order to rank up and go up in the

ranks now earlier I started playing what Rockstar gave us for this week the

double payouts double RP racing we did 3 laps on East Coast and I did not want to

get the win even though I had the lead I'm like you know what I want to show

them that you are racking up some good RP even if you get

lower positions check this out that's 9,000 rpm sit and do the other

messages that I showed you in the beginning but even for people that are

brand-new you can get into your own race take away custom vehicles put it on two

three laps and next thing you know you're racking up that RP and you'll be

leveling up before you know it you'll be affording everything in the game and

everything will get unlocked always turn on notification always be subscribed to

the channel if you haven't done so I always bring you the best method if

you're not into racing ok but racing is the best way to level up if you're not

interesting why don't you go ahead with the vehicle war I have a lot of fun

playing it and it gives you some killer RP & money on top of it alright you guys

I let you go for this segment thank you everybody for the support thank you

everybody who subscribed we're about to hit 60,000 I might be busy but trust me

I'm still active I'll see you guys on the next segment peace baby


For more infomation >> GTA 5 SOLO GLITCH ONLINE RANK 0-100 in No TIME! (GTA 5 Unlimited RP Glitch GET EVERYTHING UNLOCKED) - Duration: 5:35.


Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release) - Duration: 3:22.

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release)

For more infomation >> Tremor - JUMP (Epic Beats Release) - Duration: 3:22.


乃木坂46生駒里奈、元同期メンバーと密着ショット「95年組」久しぶりの再会にファン歓喜 - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 乃木坂46生駒里奈、元同期メンバーと密着ショット「95年組」久しぶりの再会にファン歓喜 - Duration: 2:40.


HN News - SPICY CHOCOLATE、ラブソングベストの顔は"みちょぱ" 末吉秀太ら参加新曲も - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> HN News - SPICY CHOCOLATE、ラブソングベストの顔は"みちょぱ" 末吉秀太ら参加新曲も - Duration: 10:08.


So I Quit My Job - Duration: 3:57.

hey friends, so I quit my job. let me give you some context, straight after high

school I went to a pretty well-known university, graduated there in three

years and within two months was offered a position at a pretty decent company

it wasn't really anything that I wanted to do but it paid and I had student

loans and at the time I was just feeling like well I hadn't solved the cure for

cancer and I hadn't published a best-selling novel, I'm 22 oh my gosh

what am I doing with my life? yeah that was kind of my mindset so I

took the job. I figured you know stay over 2 years, start paying off my student

loans have something professional on my resume and then just go and be free to

fulfill my dreams, whatever that was because I started to figure that out too

um yeah so it seemed like a really safe plan but sometimes the safest plans are

the most dangerous and I got comfortable you know and it was nice it was nice

having a matching 401k and health benefits and a savings account but I was

just feeling like God was calling me to something else. now I want to be clear

here that nothing is wrong with wanting those things and I recognize that people

pray for these type of opportunities in this type of job and I also know that

there are people in this career and in these positions that are really

fulfilled you know and they really see and feel the blessing of it and they're

able to be a blessing to their co-workers and and that's great. I'm just

talking about me personally just feeling like God was calling me

to something else you know something not better just different and so I quit my

job. so I'm joining the world race which is an 11th month mission strip to 11

different countries, yeah it sounds crazy and the work there is gonna vary

sometimes it's gonna be construction work or helping to develop a youth

program sometimes it's going to orphanages and just playing with the

kids and letting them feel loved or going to hospitals and asking if they

would like any prayer, it's just about being open and willing and available and

I really see it as an opportunity for me to kind of abandon my comforts and

abandon my safe plans and I'm just using this channel as kind of a time-traveling

device just so I can go back and look and kind of see how God's worked in my

life during this whole adventure and if you feel like to come along as my time

traveling companion please do subscribe that would be cool okay pretty cool okay

I guess that's it I don't really know how to end it so I'm just gonna say bye

okay thanks bye

For more infomation >> So I Quit My Job - Duration: 3:57.


Tokyo Fever: Akiba, Owl Cafe, and Ghibli Museum! - Duration: 9:42.

Since we had extra luggage, like for the souvenirs, especially we have two boxes that were not in our original baggage.

We took the chance to get an Uber to get to the airport.

[I mean it's going to be a lot. We'll be carrying] two boxes plus two luggages at the same time... and carry-ons.

We decided to just go with this.

It might cost.... Actually $80, roughly $80 is not too bad for a... you know, for this distance.

It's almost the same as being in the US, so...


It's a good choice, in my opinion.

For more infomation >> Tokyo Fever: Akiba, Owl Cafe, and Ghibli Museum! - Duration: 9:42.


FALCON PUNCH EARRAPE - Duration: 3:12.







For more infomation >> FALCON PUNCH EARRAPE - Duration: 3:12.


Social Media Marketing Tips #4: Social Media Marketing Content - Duration: 4:20.

hi I'm Nanci and this is the wrong format

this is the video number four of my social media marketing tips series and

in this video I'm going to talk about social media marketing content so how

does the content you post on each and every social media platform should look

like this video is not about pictures sizes and can stuff that's something you

can gather just by googling like Twitter post image size plus there are some

tools you can use to do that tools with templates with the right size that you

can use to create your social media marketing visuals what I'm talking about

today is how your updates should be looking like Facebook is very jealous of

their platform Facebook will not like you to post links especially if it's a

YouTube video because yet they are rivals so they do not like you to bring

their users to YouTube and so they try to not show your update because they are

jealous yeah it doesn't actually matter if it's a

link to a YouTube video even if they're trying to dominate the video market they

will want you to post the video native on Facebook it's the same thing for

anything else they will not like you to bring people anywhere else they want

people to stay on Facebook and that's pretty much the same philosophy you can

use for any other platform but still Facebook is I'm gonna talk about it in

the next video too because Facebook is seriously jealous if you wanna share

something on Twitter that you shared on Facebook too you want to create it

natively before giving the the link to that post or whatever it is you wanna do

that because the platform will appreciate that but also the users will

appreciate that because social media are trying to not send people outside of the

platform also because people do not want to go outside of the platform people on

Twitter on a consume content on Twitter people on Facebook wanna consume

content on Facebook and so on so you do want to create specific stuff for each

and every platform for instance sharing a YouTube video in a post will result in

having the thumbnail cropped in a bad way very bad and you do not want to

leave this kind of control to the platform when have full control on how

your update would look like because it must represent your brand so you wanna

have control on it how it looks like how it feels like and you do not want to

leave that power to the platform because otherwise they will do what's convenient

for them and maybe screw up your updates if you're automatically sharing stuff on

Twitter from Facebook please leave me a comment below and promise that you will

never do that again because that's very bad understand and maybe you do not want

to waste time energies and money on that platform but that's not a good reason to

screw it up you can just not be there that's a lot better because he will ruin

your reputation and you do not want to do that so speaking of control of your

social media marketing in the next video number 5 I'm gonna talk about schedule

you want to schedule stuff because it will help you stay organized but you

want to do that in the right way and that's what I'm gonna talk about in

the next social media marketing tips video all you have to remember for today

is that you have to create specific content for each and every platform you

do not wanna mix stuff or live to the platform the ability to control your

update so the freebie for today's video is a collection of best practices

posting the exact same content on multiple platforms so in the description

below you can find the link to download that and also links to connect with me

on other social media meanwhile like the video subscribe to my channel for more

social media marketing tips and let's make everyone love your business as much

as you do thanks for watching and see you next

time with a new social media marketing tip and the new social media marketing freebie

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