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Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,
we glad to offer you a new video
in which we look at how to disassemble
📱 Huawei Mate 7 (MT7-L09)
Simona Ventura e Gerò stanno ancora insieme? La foto del mistero - Duration: 3:41.-------------------------------------------
I-91 Construction Project Updates - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Pense sempre em crescimento - 852 | Legendas PT-BR SPN ENG - Duration: 1:58.Hello beloved ones.
Welcome to the Biga's tips of this Wednesday.
We are talking about what we should think about, we are talking about thoughts
and what the bible says
about what we should think is
"whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy —
think about such things."
In other words what I am trying to say is that we need to put this in practice.
I said on Monday that we need to think big,
I said yesterday that we need to think about other people and today I want to say that we need to
keep thinking and what I am trying to say with this?
That we need to think always about growing up.
In other words, I cannot be satisfy with what I am living today.
So it' is kind of that:
I am so gratefully for everything God had made in my life.
I know where I came from, I know where God brought me and there is not lack of gratitude.
Now I cannot be satisfy because I know that great things God
has to me.
So I am grateful but I am always trying to improve, growing up as a person, as
a husband, as a father.
Inside of my called I need to keep thinking. What I mean is I gave my first step.
What is the second?
What is the third?
What do I have to do to reach the dreams that God has?
Sometimes people do not reach the dreams, why?
Because they get stuck, saying that "if it comes from God, everything is gonna happen."
And beloved, the supernatural only came when you do the natural.
What is up to you and me God will not do it.
When He sees us giving out steps He says that now I can get in with the supernatural, now
I will do something.
So beloved think beyond, thinking in growing up.
You can not look to your life and see that you are making the same mistakes
from when you had 2 years of conversion.
The mistakes need to be different, we need to improve ourselves and become mature and grow up, amen?
This has to do with our thoughts.
Father help us in the name of Jesus to look beyond, to see what we need to improve,
grow up to be able accomplish your purpose, in the name of Jesus.
God bless you see you tomorrow.
Festeggiamo la #GMS! Un regalo per te, guarda il video - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
How to Prepare for the BMAT - Our Top Tips - The Medic Portal - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
La RIVOLUZIONE della DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: una sfida diventata un business - DigitaLife - Duration: 1:55.-------------------------------------------
#DBAGroup tells its story. CHAPTER 20. The efficiency of an organised company. - Duration: 1:35.I've been with Actual since 2009.
I started as an accountant,
and after two years, I was promoted to finance and accounting specialist.
I've now been the manager of this department since 2016.
My job consists in coordinating all the department's activities
for Actual and its subsidiaries in Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia.
I like working for Actual
because I enjoy the professional atmosphere of finance and accounting.
There are always new issues to resolve, every day brings new challenges.
Over the years, I've advanced my career a lot
and I've improved my expertise in this field.
And Actual has enabled me to achieve all this.
For me, it's essential that the company be well organised.
All the business processes have to be optimised,
and each role has to be clearly defined.
But all this can only be achieved if employees are motivated and productive.
This requires dedication to employee relationships
because when people are happy with their work,
they'll be more productive,
and this eventually contributes to a company's success.
I think DBA Group ticks all these boxes.
The Gifted on FOX-------------------------------------------
Ford Transit 280S 2.2 TDCI SHD , NAVI ,SCHUIFD L+R , TREKH ,COMPLETE INRICHTING - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Er geht auf Michal T. los - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Don't get scammed by 'storm chasers' - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Renault Grand Espace 2.0 T Privilège 6 Persoons - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Uni Reading List [CC] - Duration: 11:01.Hi everyone! My name is Frede and today, I'm gonna be talking about my reading list for the upcoming semester at university.
I'm starting my third year at university in October, so it's gonna be my last year
and I will probably- hopefully be writing my dissertation in the second semester of that year,
so I only really have classes for one semester anymore. Which is terrifying.
I still need some credits, and I am allowed to kind of choose some courses myself,
So I thought I would take some literature classes because it's gonna be the last semester of me taking literature classes at uni.
But I think I exaggerated a bit because I'm taking three classes and I have to read 15 books in total,
so we'll see how we get along with that.
But basically,
I'm not actually an English literature student. I study English, but at my university
studying literature as a part of studying English, but you also have to do other classes, like focus on the language and
linguistics and all that but I am kind of putting my personal focus on literature.
So I have three literature classes. For two of them I have to read seven books each,
and then there's one for which I only have to read one book.
And then I think we're going to read excerpts from other things and
all of those three classes that I'm taking next semester are
American literature classes and the class for which I have to read one book only is about working class
literature and the book that I have to read for that is the Jungle by Upton Sinclair, I hope
that's how you pronounce this name. I don't know.
And I have to say I don't know anything about any of these books really.
So I only know what it says on the back and that's kind of it.
But basically what this is about I think is some Eastern European immigrant, and he comes to the United States
and that's literatlly all I know.
Um but yeah, I'm looking forward to reading this and I'm looking forward to generally going into a part of literature that is important
but that I don't read enough myself.
So this is why I'm taking this class. And then there are two classes for which I have to read seven books each.
And one of them is called satires of the United States
And they have to read all of these books of that
The first book that I have to read for that class is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
which I started yesterday, but I'm only like 20 pages in or something, so I can't really say what I think about this yet.
I'm not impressed to be honest.
Maybe it'll pick up, I don't know. But yeah, so that's the first book with that class. And then for the other books
I'm not quite sure about the order so I'm just gonna go with how I have them here.
I think the second book is going to be this one, which is The Age of Innocent by Edith-
Not innocent. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton.
I don't really know anything about this, so I think it's about a woman,
I think she's actually American
I'm not even sure but because it says that she returns from Europe so woman who used to be in Europe
and now she comes to the US, and she has an annoying husband
and tries to get away from him and that's kind of all that I get from this.
The next book for that class is A Confederacy of Dunces, is that how you say this?
I looked it up but I already forgot how to pronounce this by John Kennedy Toole and
it's about some man who has to find a job, but he it doesn't really find a job.
That's all I really know. I don't know but it's pretty long so I guess that is going to be a bit more than that.
But I think- I looked up the Goodreads reviews for this, and it didn't really help me get anything else about the synopsis
so I'm just gonna have to read it. The next book that I have to read for this class is
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. I always look at the name before I show the book
but my short-term memory isn't all that great so
Anyways, I don't know anything about this book. I think it's something about war. I don't know.
I think as a film isn't there I haven't seen the film. I don't know.
I don't know anything about this book but I have to read this and that's all I can say.
The next book is really really ugly.
So basically I get all my books secondhand
So I never know what the book looks like so I always tried to order ones that are in good condition
But you don't know what the cover looks like most of the time and this one looks really really ugly. It's called Parliament of Whores by
PJ o'rou- ???
I'm sorry. I don't know how to pronounce that. But yeah, it's a really ugly cover. And it's a nonfiction book about
this- of this man discussing American politics, I think.
Yeah I guess I think.
The next book is the Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce.
Which is literally a dictionary like I flipped through it, and it's like you just have like little dictionary entries.
You can't really say this- this is all text.
Here you have the letter L, and then you just have a lot
dictionary entries so-
I don't know. We'll see but this is probably gonna be a bit quicker to read than some of the other books here.
And then the last book that I have to read is It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis, which I think
imagines the United States to be a fascist country.
I think this is the weirdest format I've ever seen in a book because it's so like huh- I don't know high, but it's so narrow which is really weird.
But yeah, this is the last book that I have to read for the Satires of the United States class.
And I have another class which is Jewish American fiction.
And I'm not going to show you the stack of books because I'm just gonna drop them.
And I think the first book that I have to read for this one is a book that I've already read
because it's very short and that is The Shawl by Cynthia-
Cynthia Ozick.
I hope I pronounced this correctly. It's a really short book and it's a really really heavy book. So I read this yesterday
and it's basically about this one woman and how the Holocaust
really affected her life. So the first chapter is her with two other people in her family
being on like that march to the concentration camps. I don't know what to actually call those.
And then the rest of the book is like I think 30, 40, 50 years later something and
And this was terrible. Like it was a really good book but it was really hard to read this.
But yeah so at least I finished one of those books already, so I don't have to read all that much anymore.
But yeah, so that's the first book for that class.
Now I don't have the order again in which I'm gonna have to read them, but the next book
That's on my stack is A Man Walks into a Room by Nichole Krauss.
And this is I believe about a man who loses all his memory, and he's found somewhere in the desert, and he doesn't remember anything.
And that's kind of all I know.
The next book is a book that I've seen a lot of people talk about I know that the film is supposed to be amazing,
I have never read the book, I've never seen the film, but it's Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer.
I don't really know what this is about really,
I've heard so many people tell me the film was amazing and I should see it, but yeah
but we'll get to this, because now I have to.
The next book that I have to read for this is a library copy which it's a bit ugly.
So it's got like the foil and- what's that called the protective foil they put on the books and the
the thing on the spine and it's called The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon,
I believe that's how you pronounce his name. And I think
it imagines Israel as a failed state, and then there's another country created
to replace it not something. I don't know.
Yeah, so as I said, I don't know anything about these books.
But that's what this is about I guess, I will see. The next book that I have is
Operation Shylock by Philip Roth. And I believe this is about a character named Philip Roth
finding out about a person who kign of impersononates him.
Who is in Israel and tells the Jewish population to leave the country
or something. I don't know, but yeah, that's all I know really.
But I think this sounds really interesting. And considering, this is a paperback it's really heavy.
But yeah, I think this sounds very interesting and I'm going to see how I like it I guess.
The next book which is also the second to last book that I have to read is
one of the bizarrest things I've ever seen really, because it's a paperback
but it has dust jackets like
Dust jackets- one dust jacket. But that's enough, it's realls weird. I've never seen a paperback with a dustjacket.
But yeah it's The Relief of Unbearable Urges by Nathan Englander, Englander, I don't know.
This is a short story collection, and I couldn't really get anything more out of the blurb because it just summarises the short stories.
But yeah, so this is a short story collection. And that's all I know.
And the last book that I have is also a library copy so
it's got the ugly protective foil stuff on it.
And it's called The Seventh Beggar by
Pearl Abraham. I think this is about Jewish mysticism or something, but I'm not quite sure.
Because the Goodreads comments and reviews and all that didn't really help me understand what it's about
so I'm looking forward to actually finding it out and and to see what's about because yeah, I don't really know anything about it.
So these were all the books that I have to read for the upcoming semester. As I said
I've already started reading two- or I've already finished one of them
and then I've started a second one,
and I'm gonna try to make my way through some of these books before the semester starts because otherwise I'll be drowning in reading.
But I am looking forward to taking a lot of literature classes because although I wanna do a master's degree
it's probably not going to be literature because I wanna have a job. [laughs]
I'm- I'm looking forward to having one last semester with literature classes, and this is getting sentimental here,
so I'm probably just gonna stop. If you have any literature classes in like school or college or uni or whatever you call your
educational position that you're in right now do tell me, I would be interested to know what literature classes you're taking and what you have
to read and I'm looking forward to reading all these books. I'm starting to ramble so I'm just gonna stop here
Thank you for watching, and I will see you in my next video. Bye!
5 English Words you Certainly Mispronunciate and Probably Misspell - Duration: 3:40.Hi there, Vladimir here with another video about how NOT to learn English
I don't know if you've heard but there are these things called dictionaries and
they have this almost magical feature which, believe it or not, shows you how words are pronounced
but it seems that nowadays people prefer listening to random people on YouTube
reading arbitrary lists of English words
here is my list of the 5 most commonly mispronounced English words you most certainly mispronounce
This is the first word
Most people say Azerbaijan, which in turn is commonly confused with Tajikistan
Azerbaijan and Tajikistan are at least 2000 km apart
The second word you most certainly mispronounce is
what you see is what you read, Karate
Word number three is actually the word
a lot of people say
zoom in on my lips
many people say Free, as in Free online dictionaries
it is not pronounced tres, drei and most certainly not Free
don't go Cockney on me and just say Three
this is the fourth word, a very masculine word
unfortunately, nobody can pronounce it
just forget about it
And our last word for today is Waste,
as in waste time as in waste time watching useless YouTube
videos of people pronouncing random words instead of using Dictionaries
it is your time, so do whatever you wanna do with it
for everybody else I strongly recommend
my book Virtually Native
which will teach you everything you need to know about how to learn English
My book is available on Amazon and virtuallynative.com
Father John Misty Accidentally Became an Action Star - Duration: 5:08.-------------------------------------------
How To Get Out Of Debt - Sell Your Crap - Duration: 6:53.How to get out of debt. I'm gonna make some suggestions you will not like, but
you have to hear this until the end. And we're starting right now. So I will start
by saying that if you're in debt and it doesn't matter how much debt you've got -
a thousand dollars... two thousand dollars... a million dollars. You're the only one
who can get yourself out of debt. You got yourself into it, and trust me
nobody's gonna help you get out of it. So you are on your own. The sooner you
realize this, the better, because what you're going to do is take
responsibility. And that's really the first step in getting out of debt. You
have to say to yourself: "it's not the government's fault", "it's not the school's
fault" for not teaching you something, "not your parents' fault". It is your own fault.
You did it. Having said that I'll tell you where I'm coming from. I am NOT
trying to sell you a "get out of debt plan". If you want to buy that go
someplace else, and I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for. I'll also say
that I was in debt myself and, oh man, it was no fun! But I'll tell you some stuff
I did that really helped me. First, let's check some basic statistics in the
US, and I'll post a link to that article in the description. Average credit card
debt: $16,000. Average auto loan: $28,000. Average mortgage debt: $172,000. Average
student loans: over $40,000. If your debt is less than that, congratulate yourself.
You owe less than the average person. But still, it really sucks to always owe
somebody else, and never have enough for yourself. So here's the first easy tip: if
you're working, go ask your boss for a raise. And you just might get it.
So I'll tell you what I was like. A long time ago I was working in a grocery
store, I was the stock boy. And my boss the store manager, let's just say he
was a real son of a gun. People would try and avoid him, and that's because
whenever he talked to you, there was always some kind of problem. And so what
was happening is nobody was ever asking for a raise. I wasn't asking for one just
because I was afraid of the guy. Good friend of mine told me "you know what at
this rate you're never gonna get a raise". And I really needed one... So he encouraged
me to just go over there and talk to him. And
I did. And you know what, I got it! Okay, the moral of the story is, just go and ask
for it and you just might get it. And that raise is going to help you pay off
your debt. The other thing you can do is go to your lender and ask to refinance.
Let them be the ones to give you the options. The easy options are going to be
maybe a smaller monthly payment but a longer timeframe. What you want to do is
get something better. So maybe even a reduced interest rate. And that would be
a lower monthly payment and no extra payments. But at minimum, get yourself
familiarized with all the finances. If you don't know this stuff, it is really a sin.
Now again, we could easily go and blame school, but really, you're not able to
read? Go and check it out! Go study this stuff! Go and read the terms of your
contract. See what it says what happens when you don't pay and how long you can
do this. Are they going to repossess the car? The house? God forbid! What else can
the bank take? Figure all this stuff out. Nobody else can do this except you. But
here's the thing - when you come to the bank first instead of them coming to you,
they will definitely listen to you and you might even get favorable results. And
I'll explain why. So let's say the bank does nothing, it doesn't go your way. And
in the end you stop paying. What's the bank gonna do? What do you think they're
gonna do? They have really two options: if you have collateral then they have to
take that collateral and try and sell it on the open market. So maybe your
collateral was your house, God forbid again, but let's say it was your house.
They will be lucky if they can sell that in a year. They take your car - same story.
That car might be sitting in some parking lot the next six months waiting
to be resold or released out again. So with you stopping payments the bank is
losing out big time. The other thing they can do is resell your debt. So sell it to
a debt collector. And that's no fun either. The debt collector is going to
make your life a nightmare. They will do everything in their power to motivate
you to start paying again. And they will do this - and this is the cruel part - you
will even be paying their salaries as they do this. So before all this happens,
just go to your bank and have a conversation with them. Explain your
situation. And you know what, again you just might be pleasantly
surprised to find that there're options. But if there're no options I've even got
more tips. And the other way is to sell stuff that your very own. And use that
money towards paying down your debt. So I'll mention some statistics and again
there's a link to these statistics in the description. You'll find this
interesting. They say that the average home has 300 thousand items. To me that
sounds kind of high. I'm guessing the count every single fork and spoon. But
still that's a lot. The average woman has 30 outfits, one for
every day of the month. And in the 30s that figure was 9. Average family spent
$1,700 on clothes annually. And that same family throws away 65 pounds of clothing
per year. Money in the garbage. Americans spend more on shoes, jewelry and watches,
than in higher education. And shopping malls outnumber high schools. 93%
of teenage girls rank shopping as their favorite pastime. Isn't that great. And
women will spend more than 8 years of their lives shopping. Nice! I'm also going
to post a link to another video I made of stuff that you already own and you
can sell online. Go ahead and watch that, and maybe you get some ideas. But the
idea is quite simple. The debt collector man is gonna do exactly the same but
he's gonna do this for you. And, worst-case: repossession - that's exactly the same
thing. Except they're taking the most valuable things you own. So maybe that's
your house and your car. Well I don't know about you, but I would suggest you sell
your least important things first. And very likely you'll make a couple of
grand, and maybe that money is going to be enough to buy you some time.
Could even be enough to pay down the whole debt for some of you! But the key
here is time. So you want to maximize the amount of time you're making good
payments. And as long as you're doing that you're also maximizing the chance
that some opportunity comes about. So maybe you get a promotion. Maybe you get
a new job. And until that happens use the stuff you've already got to make ends meet.
I'm sorry if this sounded harsh. But you could be the kind of person that
actually needs to hear this. When you sell your stuff online you're actually
doing several things at once. First of all you're taking
responsibility. The other thing you're doing is paying off your debt.
And, really cool, the other thing you're doing still is learning something new. So
you never know - lots of people even turn this into a business, and they become
entrepreneurs. And they make tons of money online. You could be one of them. So
I hope that helps. That's free advice for you. If you happen to have more tips
post it in the comments, and thanks for watching.
17 Warning Signs Mold Hiding In Your Home Is Damaging Your Body - Duration: 4:38.
THE FIRST GROUP OF FOODS YOU SHOULD AVOID IS SUGARY FOODS - Duration: 4:10.the first group of foods you should avoid 'is sugary foods table sugar is
basically half glucose and half fructose fructose gets metabolized and converts
to fat at a higher rate than does glucose the World Health Organization
recommends that those with the type-2 diabetes
take on no more than 25 grams of sugar per day all carbs and sugars are exactly
the same while it is good to read those labels for carbs and sugars also be
aware of the glycemic index and load of a food but did you know some of these
products are loaded with sugar many pasta sauces most condiments many
breakfast cereals bizza dried food regular soda there are
certainly some sugar free or reduced sugar substitutes in the category that
are really good however it is not that you should never eat sugar in moderation
planea sugar day eat a candy bar every now and then but as in all the foods
avoid but don't cut out moderation is the key
another group of foods we really need to stay away on a regular basis form is
pasta but even the best of pastas has a medium
GL at best and most have a rather high GL even the whole-grain pasta can be
hard on the blood sugar the problem is a little pasta is okay but the sauces we
put on them or usually the problem and honestly who wants to eat pasta with a
sauce on them if we could stick to the half cup serving and go very light on
the sauce pasta could be a once a week foot but we all know we are going to eat
more than half a cup and we are going to load on this sauce so avoid this as an
every week type food another food we really need to keep our
distance from is potato a baked potato with butter salt cream cheese bacon shoe
but potatoes are just way too high on the cup scale the jevan scale and the GL
scale this goes for things like french fries potato chips bacon potatoes pretty
much anything that has to do with a a while potato now as an alternative you
can sneak in a bacon sweet potato on occasion dried fruits is something you
will need to avoid the main reason is that when the water is removed from
these fruits like resins and prunes the sugars are intentionally concentrated
some diabetes experts who want you to stay away from most fresh fruits
altogether most fresh fruits have an extremely low GL and do not impact your
blood sugar like some bleep while on the topic of fruit stay away from canned
fruit that is packing heavy serum heavy syrup is another word for sugar
you forget canned fruit like for those candied either their own juice or water
rice is something we need to watch some will say only white rice is bad rice but
there are some others that need to be avoided even whole-grain Rice's can have
a high GL or g1 I agree that most white risers needs to be avoided white rice
has an adverse effect on your build sugar most experts when talking about
rice will also lump in white bread and white floor white bread has a low GL
almost as low at whole-wheat on a slice per slice compulsion having sandwiches
on white bread every day don't put it in a category of avoidance thank you for
watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
KaeN - Nie wszystek umrę (prod. Poszwixxx) - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
How to Use Past Papers - How to Prepare for the BMAT - The Medic Portal - Duration: 0:46.-------------------------------------------
Buy the Haystack | Dan Solin's Investing Secrets - Duration: 1:17.Trying to find a "hot" stock is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Only 12 stocks in the S&P 500 Index survived and beat the returns of the Index from 1957 to 1998.
Those are really TERRIBLE odds!
If you bought an index fund that tracked the S&P 500 Index, you had a 100% chance of capturing the returns of the Index, less low fees.
Buy the haystack, not the needle!
Until next time, I'm Dan Solin.
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How to disassemble 📱 Huawei Mate 7 (MT7-L09) Take apart Tutorial - Duration: 6:00.Hello and welcome!
Dear subscribers, and viewers of our channel,
we glad to offer you a new video
in which we look at how to disassemble
📱 Huawei Mate 7 (MT7-L09)
Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 T.SPARK 5DRS / EERSTE EIGENAAR / 61.000 KM / AIRCO - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
How to Prepare for the BMAT - Our Top Tips - The Medic Portal - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
How to Write Your Personal Statement for Medicine - Applying to Medical School - The Medic Portal - Duration: 0:49.So the medicine personal statement is a really big part of your application. It's
the first thing the universities will see when they look at your application, so it
has to be really good and give a good first impression. Essentially what you
should do is get it drafted nice and early. So show it to doctors, teachers,
tutors along your way and along your journey into applying to medical school
as they will be able to give you lots of helpful advice and tips on how to
improve it. It's essential that your structure is really good, okay? So that
you have that nice introduction, main body, and conclusion aspect of a personal
statement so it's easier for assessors to read. It's important that when you are
talking about work experience or any personal hobbies that you do reflect
deeply on what these things mean and how they've obviously given you the skills
required to succeed at medical school.
Excavator Garbage Truck Loader Crane Construction The City - Car Toys for Children - Video for Kids - Duration: 13:30.-------------------------------------------
HALO RED VS BLUE - UEBS - Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator - Duration: 8:55.hello its Ricardo ! and welcome to yet another ultimate epic battle using
the ultimate epic battle simulator today we are gonna put together the red halo
Spartans against the blue halo Spartans a classic red vs. blue scenario these
units are available from the epic battle simulator mod workshop that's available
now on Steam and in the game can I take this opportunity to ask you to if you
haven't already done so click the subscribe and the like button and also
then check out the notification icon that shaped like a little bell that will
send a notification to you and I put more ultimate epic battles up on YouTube
like this one and you won't miss another ultimate epic battle so today we've
chosen the two evenly matched sides this map is the snowy avalanche map we've put
in a nice open area but the way I've done it is I've used slightly different
configurations for the both teams one where it's nice and elongated they can
lay some fire down another one where they've got different layers of a fire
those are more compacted formation so it's populated there's our blue team all
2500 of them and the red team off in the distance again 2500 red Spartans 2500
blue spam
everyone's populated the map is being drawn time to get started with that
and that's it they're off and the blue team are advancing directly against the
red team so we haven't got them in hole position what we've done is we've put
them so they can attack and move freely throughout the map now depending on who
gets higher ground on what sort of cover is established between the teams and
also what sort of formation the teams are I think it's going to dictate this
battle now it's going to be very evenly matched I suspect it's gonna be a very
quick battle the red team already taken quite a few hits as well but then again
so are the blue team quite a few dead Spartans knocking about there on the map
both engaging a quite a safe distance a safe range using Rick using ranged
weapons now like I said it's gonna be a very even but I don't think there's
gonna be a hell of a lot of Units left on the winning side given the fact there
to even units
Blue team again laying down lots of fire the in-game cinematic camera panning to
an overhead shot showing some of the devastation blue team advancing into the
red team and that's it the Blues on this occasion are victorious but we're not
gonna leave it there in the interest of science and who wins who is better the
red team or the blue team an age-old question for those Halo players we're
gonna go back in and we're gonna change the configuration on the red team who
lost the last match to match that exactly of the blue team so we're gonna
get the map drawn up we're gonna get the units populated again same situation
same map same level same configuration only difference is some of the landscape
and positioning but two evenly matched teams and evenly matched configuration
so the red team is being drawn so is the blue team and it's time to start the
battle and they're off red and blue team rushing to get safe distance they can
use their range weapons against each other again I think the landscape is
going to play an important feature against this the blue team being the
victors of the last match we'll see who wins this match the red team already
swarming around so as many guns can come into range as they possibly can
Blue Team and Red Team taking losses on both sides as you would expect from an
evenly matched unit battle
Red Team now now on the frozen lake area of the map and advancing around the
rocks blue team hasn't really advanced that much they're sad to swarm around
the edges coming in on the flanks a lot of the red team lurking lurking and
loitering behind those rocks now I'm not exactly sure the epic battle simulator
version 1.1 that has now been released that involves the mods has got that much
collision detection around some of the scenarios and the landscape objects and
they just able to fire directly through rocks to hit those units is this is the
the landscape and stuff like that just window dressing well we're gonna find
out so some of the blue team will congregate around behind one of their
rock there's still a large contingent over on the left-hand side
a red team as well now the Blues again are victorious given this scenario and
given what we've done so far in science of course it would seem the blue team
has the advantage but who knows so that's two matches to the blue team no
wins to the red team so let's take the fact that there's the environment that
could be in question the placing of the unit's let's go to the test map no
environmental variables there put the two units in place same configuration of
the both armies nice elongated stretch two lines of armies
face to face in fairly close range let's wait for it to populate there is our red
and our blue team nice and even good bit of distance in the middle we haven't got
them in hold formation they're in attack formation
so they will move and the battle is off and let's see how that goes so units
falling on both sides I don't really know how this is gonna go theoretically
if you look at it you know from the logistics that we've done so far
empirically you would say the blue team is gonna win they've won twice already
who knows but could the red team bring it out of the bag
so again range combat to ranged units together but this time on the test map
this takes all the environment variables that could have been an option like
higher ground lower ground rocks trees out of the equation I think it's gonna
be over very shortly very very shortly looking quite good at the moment for the
red team not many blue contingent left those blue Spartans being mowed down by
the Red Team Red Team moving out from its ranks to engage the rest of the blue
team at the top end of the map a few stragglers towards those stragglers
engaging them Angela the red team has won there is no rhyme or reason to this
I just think it how it is it could be just like a roll of a dice
who knows two evenly matched units but this case
that red team was victorious I've been Ricardo his ultimate epic
battle simulator and check back from all videos in the series
GOLDEN GAI - Should you go? - Duration: 4:37.-------------------------------------------
Dancer's Ways | ROCKS - SHAPES FROM NATURE (Trailer) | Online dance school by Illan Rivière - Duration: 1:20.We find surprising structures, enormous blocks suspended by the force of balance, gravity...
Shapes and textures that stimulates the imagination...
I first go to a place filled with rocks...
Here the notions of support and space are put to the test...
Limitations are never insurmountable obstacles, but doors to new possibilities...
In opposition to the flow of water,
I then speak of direct movement, precise or fragmented
The body recalls the sensations...
Feel the energy in contrast with your immobility, feel the mobility of this energy, keep it, maintain it, look at it, feed it...
Our learnings and experiences are like pieces of rocks
that crumble to reveal the sculpture that would be our being...
Each learning experience sets us in a process,
a change, or rather an evolution where we start to see the beauty of our beings...
The breaks would be the poetry...
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