Monday, September 18, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 19 2017

It's not about what you do.

It's not about your deeds.

You can't live up to God's rules.

He knows that you can't. It's okay, we're imperfect.

Make way, sir.

I said make way!

The new Quesalupa from Taco Bell!

Get it with chicken! Get it with steak!

And with the cheese baked right in the shell...

it's the next big thing!

Go now while supplies last.

Who are you?

You know who I am.

You're the man who puts me to sleep.

We both could use some sleep.

No! No!

What are you doing to me?


Come on, now.

How long have I been here?

What are these?

You remember what they are.

The shots mellow the seizures.

The pills keep them from happening.

How about you blow on them to make them safe?

Fuck off, Logan.

So you remember who I am now.

I always know who you are.

It's just sometimes I don't recognize you.

Take the pills.

You leave me alone with that fucking albino.

He doesn't listen to me.

I know a damn speciation when I see one.

A what?

Speciation. New mutant, a young one.

There are forces trying to kill them.

- Forces? - They want help.

Forces, forces.

It's too bad you're not in that business anymore.

They don't want me, they want you.

Oh, yes, that's how fucking stupid they are.

For more infomation >> Charles' Tank Seizure Scene | Logan (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.


Skoda Kodiaq - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Skoda Kodiaq - Duration: 1:07.


Controversia por polémico tuit de Trump contra Hillary Clinton | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Controversia por polémico tuit de Trump contra Hillary Clinton | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:38.


Tremendo pepelón de Cristian Castro en fiestas de la independencia | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Tremendo pepelón de Cristian Castro en fiestas de la independencia | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:38.


Rafa Márquez regresó a entrenar con el Atlas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Rafa Márquez regresó a entrenar con el Atlas | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:35.


El huracán José provoca fuertes oloeadas y vientos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> El huracán José provoca fuertes oloeadas y vientos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:37.


Fiesta y descontento tras la pelea del Canelo Alvarez y Triple G | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Fiesta y descontento tras la pelea del Canelo Alvarez y Triple G | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:48.


PETA protesta por el uso de piel de animales en la moda | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> PETA protesta por el uso de piel de animales en la moda | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.


María se intensifica y pone a Puerto Rico en alerta máxima | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> María se intensifica y pone a Puerto Rico en alerta máxima | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:12.


Marcha por feminicidio de Mara Castilla clama justicia | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Marcha por feminicidio de Mara Castilla clama justicia | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 2:37.


Star Wars The Last Employer

For more infomation >> Star Wars The Last Employer


TIN NÓNG 19\9 - RUNG CHẤ.N Nguyễn Phú Trọng bất ngờ DIÊ.T BÈ LŨ THAM NHŨNG nối gót NGUYỄN BÁ THANH - Duration: 21:41.

For more infomation >> TIN NÓNG 19\9 - RUNG CHẤ.N Nguyễn Phú Trọng bất ngờ DIÊ.T BÈ LŨ THAM NHŨNG nối gót NGUYỄN BÁ THANH - Duration: 21:41.


The BALD ELIMINATION Theory? Dragon Ball Super RANT! - Duration: 4:14.

The Dragon Ball Community continues to surprise me

For more infomation >> The BALD ELIMINATION Theory? Dragon Ball Super RANT! - Duration: 4:14.


How Hurricane Irma Could Actually HELP You and Your IRS Problem - Duration: 1:50.

Could Hurricane Irma be the best thing that's ever happened to you?

I know that sounds strange, doesn't it?

I'm Darrin T. Mish, they call the the IRS Solution Attorney and here's what I mean by

that: Hurricane Irma could be the most important thing that's ever happened to you, or actually,

the best thing that's ever happened to you, at least in regards to your IRS Tax Problem.

And here's why I'm saying that - I've learned throughout life, I'm 50 years old, and I've

learned this in the last, I would say, five years or so, that every adversity that

you go through, every challenge that you go through - inside of that challenge and while

it's happening there lies an opportunity.

An opportunity for improvement, to just get into a better situation.

I can remember being in challenging situations myself and sometimes it seems, you know, hopeless

and you get really down and out.

It just really helps to remember that there's an opportunity inside of that every single


Let me tell you what I mean about Hurricane Irma.

Hurricane Irma hit a lot of people here in the state of Florida and even in Georgia and

maybe even in Alabama.

Because of that fact, I predict that the IRS is going to lay off us taxpayers who have

tax problems for, maybe, 90 days or so.

Here's why that's a good thing: If they "lay-off", it gives us time, you and I, time to prepare

your situation so that we can do an Offer in Compromise, so that we can get you into

Hardship status, so that we can come up with some collection alternative to put you in

a better situation.

So, I'm Darrin T. Mish, the IRS Solution Attorney - give us a call at (888) GET-MISH (888) 438-6474

For more infomation >> How Hurricane Irma Could Actually HELP You and Your IRS Problem - Duration: 1:50.


Minecraft: Nether Going Back! (Part 2) - Duration: 6:43.

Back in the Nether again. Those studio guys are just restless...

Hello! It is I, Dragon Souped, also known as IceDragoon in-game.

In the Nether, there's various monsters more dangerous than your typical Creeper hiding around.

This video should hopefully educate you on how to deal with them. If you want information on the Nether itself, see Part 1.


Better try that again...


Anyways, all of the mobs in the Nether aren't exactly friendly to visitors.

They also share a common immunity to fire, due to the dimension's extreme heat.

First, we have Zombie Pigmen.

These things are common in the Nether, though rare in the normal world. They share similar abilities to regular Zombies, except that they can't infect.

They also carry gold swords, but the main difference is that they won't attack on sight. An entire pack of Pigmen will turn on you if you attack one, so watch out.

If you kill them, they will drop gold nuggets and rotten flesh.

They may also drop gold ingots or even their sword, albeit quite rarely. You can increase their drop chance by using the Looting enchantment.

Zombie Pigmen also come with a baby variant like normal Zombies. Not only are they faster, they can even ride chickens into battle.

Next, there's the Magma Cube.

These rock monsters jump around the Nether, squishing any player that comes close. However, they are extremely stupid, and don't know what cliffs are.

They come in various sizes. Shown here is the smallest size. Their largest natural size is slightly taller than a player.

When killed, they will drop Magma Cream, an ingredient for potions. In the process, they'll also split into multiple smaller Magma Cubes, unless they are too small.

Wither Skeleton's next.

Wither Skeletons are taller, darker versions of normal Skeletons. They normally wield stone swords, but can still use a bow like their counterparts.

If you get hit by them, you'll be afflicted with the Wither effect. As long as you have the effect, you'll take constant damage until the effect runs out.

Wither Skeletons drop coal and bones, fitting of their skeletal nature. They're the reason why coal is renewable in Minecraft.

They may also rarely drop their sword or their skull. Chance to drop increases with the Looting enchantment.

Small note with dropped weapons: Zombie Pigman and Wither Skeleton swords can be enchanted, and will drop enchanted. Very low chance though.

And here, we have the Blaze.

Blazes are flying creatures capable of shooting fireballs. These fireballs set their targets on fire, of course. They can also punch players, though this does not cause fire.

They can only be found in Nether Fortresses, and even then, only in specific rooms. They're also weak to water and snowballs.

Blazes drop Blaze Rods, required to craft Brewing Stands and Blaze Powder for brewing potions.

Blaze Powder is also required to craft Eyes of Ender for entering the End. Not sure why you would tresspass into dragon territory other than for resources though.

Finally, there's the Ghast.

Ghasts are massive, flying creatures also capable of shooting fireballs. Unlike the Blaze's fireballs, Ghast fireballs can explode, but can be deflected by an attack.

And just to confirm their size...

Ghasts are among the biggest living things in Minecraft.

Unlike the other Nether mobs, combat is not straightforward against them. You'll need to either reflect it's fireballs, or shoot it with a bow.

Alternatively, you could also pull a Ghast towards you with a fishing rod then melee them, though this is a bit situational.

Despite their extreme difficulty to kill, they only drop one interesting thing, being their tears.

Ghast Tears are an essential ingredient for brewing potions.

They also drop gunpowder, though the more common Creepers can also do so as well.

Anyways, that's all I have for today. If you enjoyed this video, be sure to check out my others. Don't forget to like and subscribe!

This is Dragon Souped signing out.

For more infomation >> Minecraft: Nether Going Back! (Part 2) - Duration: 6:43.


ALERT: Obama's Russia Collusion Discovered | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:23.

The Democrats have shown time and time again that they don't mind acting hypocritically

— they don't mind just as long as it doesn't interrupt the political narrative that they

have going against President Trump and company.

Former Senator and current Attorney General Jeff Sessions is under fire over accusations

that he lied to Congress about his communications with a Russian ambassador during the presidential


However, it was recently uncovered that 30 different Democrats colluded with Russia during

the Obama administration's Iran Deal negotiations.

Why hasn't the media mentioned this inconsistency?

Senator David Perdue (R-GA) brought this situation to light.

His goal was to point out the hypocrisy of people trying to pin Sessions for something

that they themselves took part in.

The Georgia Senator noted, "We have literally reached a point where members of this body

are slandering former colleagues for having and taking the same opportunities afforded

to them."

As you can already imagine, no one was willing to take responsibility for their behavior,

so Perdue elaborated further.

He spoke of Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), and how she tweeted that she had never

met with or took a call from a Russian ambassador.

However, her own Twitter account proves her wrong.

In one tweet from January 30th, 2013, she said, "Off to meeting w/Russian Ambassador.

Upset about the arbitrary/cruel decision to end all US adoptions, even those in process."

The second message from the time of the Iran Deal said, "Today calls with British, Russian,

and German Ambassadors re: Iran deal.

#doingmyhomework" McCaskill had communications with Russian

ambassadors on multiple occasions, but she feverishly denies it now that it doesn't

suit her needs.

This is the kind of behavior that has taken place since President Trump won the election,

and it is getting stale to many government officials on the Right.

Perdue continued his factual rant, "Thirty members, as a matter of fact, of this body

met with the Russian Ambassador and ambassadors from other nations in 2015 for a sales pitch

on President Obama's deal with Iran.

Many of them — including the senior senator from Missouri — were open supporters at

that time of candidates in the presidential race."

Then in August, Senate Democrat staff called three unnamed Democrats on the Iran Deal to

meet with ambassadors around the globe including England, France, and Russia.

Yet, no one wants to have a conversation about this, and it seems as if Americans are supposed

to forget about the 30 Democrats and instead focus on Sessions.

Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) also helped gather the briefings on the Iran Deal

for the Democrat Party, which also included the meeting of ambassadors.

They worked together and eventually overcame the Republican filibuster, allowing the Iran

Deal to materialize.

The point Perdue and the rest of the Republicans are making is that everyone should practice

what they preach.

If a politician isn't consistent, they aren't likely to be trusted, and constituents won't

bother to listen.

The fact is the media is manipulating this information.

The Democrat senators don't want to come clean and are doing a great disservice to

the country.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> ALERT: Obama's Russia Collusion Discovered | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:23.


Robert Glasper On Houston and His Recent Emmy Win - Duration: 6:55.

I'm Frankie Greek for Uproxx.

I'm here today with multi Grammy Award winning and, most recently, Emmy Award winning–


– producer and pianist, Robert Glasper.



Hello, hello, hello.

Thank you for being with us today.

No problem.

So, we are here today at Capitol Records.

We are in the studio right now–


Hanging out. You've been here all day.


And we have a couple things we want to talk to you about,

most importantly this coming Monday

you're holding an event, here in Los Angeles–


–Help Houston Heal.


Tell us a little bit about what that is.

So I'm from Houston, Texas.

I've had some family members who have lost houses and cars and all that kind of stuff

and some friends, family members, friends of friends

who have actually passed away in the middle of all that stuff.

So it's definitely a time of need there.

So me and some of my friends from Houston decided to come together and do a benefit

to raise money so we can give people their some relief.

Myself, Letoya Luckett, and my best friend, Bryan-Michael Cox, we're all doing this together.

We all went to the same high school, as well–

Oh, cool.

–at a high school for the performing and visual arts.


Yeah, so we decided to do something here in L.A. because a lot of people are here.

A lot of people don't want to fly to Houston right now, you know?


People trying to do benefits in Houston, but it's like a lot of people aren't trying to

really fly there and figure things out– Houston's not rebuilt yet.

So it's not really just ready, you know, to have a bunch of shows.

Given how extensive your discography is, what are you planning on performing on Monday,

and will you be collaborating with any of those artists that you just mentioned?

Yeah, I'm going to– some of it's literally going to be up in the air

because people are just saying, "Hey, we're going to come through."

You know what I mean?


Some people are like, "I have a studio session, but I'm going to come through."

"I'm flying in that day for something, but I'm going to come through."

So it's going to be up in the air.

It's kind of how my shows are in general, like –


When I do shows, people just fall through.

So, aside from the concert, you are a very busy guy.

You've had a very busy year.

We teased it a little bit earlier, but you recently won an Emmy with Common –


For the song "The Letter to the Free," which was in

Ava Duvernay's Netflix documentary , "13th."

Yes, yes.

So why do you think that song in particular resonated so much?

Because of the times that we're going through now.

I mean, the song talks about the Trump Administration and what's going on with that.

It just talks about racism in America.

The film itself talks about, the "13th" is a reference to the 13th Amendment,

which is basically the... it's modern day slavery.

You know what I mean... it's basically a way to

make people slaves without them "being slaves".

You put them in jail, therefore – that was the amendment – you put them in jail, therefore,

you know, you can treat them like slaves, make money off them, make profit off of it.

So the more people you have in jail then the cheaper labor is

and then, you know, big corporations become a part of that,

and now you don't want the jails to be empty.

You want people in them, you know what I mean?

So, there's that and a lot of things.

I think that the way we... with Ava's film and the lyrics that Common wrote

for that song, it just really speaks to everyone.

How did you react when you heard the news about winning the Emmy?

It's funny, I was in Europe.

I was in– I forget where I was.

I think I was in Germany or something.

I was just about to walk on stage for my show, and Ava texted me like,

"Congratulations! You're nominated for an Emmy!"

And I didn't even know we were in the runnings for it or anything, you know?

I didn't know anything. I was like, "For what?"

"What are you talking about?"


"Who? What?" You know...

And she told me for "Letter to the Free."

I was like, "Oh, my Gosh!"

Just the nomination itself is like, "Oh man, this is great."

So I was happy just to be nominated and to know I'm going to go to the Emmy's is cool.

But when they called my name, called me and Common and Kareem's name,

I was like, "Oh my God, this really happened."

And it's great when you win something like that on that kind of platform

for this. For what we're talking about. For what we believe in.


It gives it a bigger platform, you know what I mean?

It's great you can win something so prestigious by telling the truth with something

that's real, that we all feel... feel passionate about.

For sure.

So that's the best kind of award you can get, you know.


As far as the current administration goes, I mean, I feel like it's more of the same

other than, you know, Barrack and probably Clinton, you know, a little bit in there.

But other than that, for the history of America, it's been pretty much the same.

It's just now there's Twitter.

Now there's Instagram.

So it's just more obvious.

Trump is just being more obvious about it.

Even with the killing of black people by police and all that stuff, that's been around.

Now we can just say, "Ha! See?!"

"It's really happening," and everybody can see it.

Now, racism is at a point where it's in your face and you can see it,

and there are still people who fight the fact, and don't want to believe that it's here,

you know what I mean? But now we can say, "Look, it's here."

"It came up on my Instagram post." We can prove it now, you know what I mean?

So, that's where we are in America right now, I think.

So, I want to bring back to Monday– Help Houston Heal– 8 p.m. at The Troubadour.

Yes, 8 p.m. at The Troubadour.

What message do you feel like people who are attending the event, like, what's the goal

for them to take away about Houston, about music, about activism?

Basically, we're all human.

You're a human first.

Musician is what we do.

Whatever you do for a living is what you do,

but the first thing is you're a person, you know what I mean?

And you're a person who didn't make it on your own, you know?

There was somebody, or a group of people, or whatever that got you to where you are.

So you always have to remember that you're a person first,

and you're not going to take any of the stuff that you've obtained with you when pass away.

You know what I mean?

You didn't ask to come here, you don't know when you going.

So that's my thing, I'm like, "Always remember you're a person first

and try to help whenever you can, whatever you can do."

Somebody's in need, try to help.

That's it. It's that simple.

And especially if you can use the gift that God gave you to do that,

you know what I mean?

If you can use a gift... everybody doesn't have that kind of gift that can raise money.

You know what I mean? I do what I'm doing and money comes, and then I can give it away.

So Monday, 8 p.m. at The Troubadour.

There'll be more information about the benefit in the comments below and the organizations

that will be benefitting from the tickets and everything–

Yes, exactly, and we're using real organizations, grassroots organizations that really help.

This ain't Red Cross, and none of that other stuff.

People who are on the ground.

People who are actually on the ground, for sure.

Thank you guys for watching, I'm Frankie for Uproxx.

And I'm Robert Glasper– Uproxx rocks, baby!

For more infomation >> Robert Glasper On Houston and His Recent Emmy Win - Duration: 6:55.


ᴴᴰWrong Heads Masha Bears Mickey Mouse Boss Baby Finger Family Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 11:53.

Thanks for watching^^

For more infomation >> ᴴᴰWrong Heads Masha Bears Mickey Mouse Boss Baby Finger Family Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 11:53.


The antidote to negative thinking | daily sprout 354 - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> The antidote to negative thinking | daily sprout 354 - Duration: 0:51.


12 Easy and Delicious Baked Recipes | Tutorial to Make Baked Recipes at Your Kitchen #1 - Duration: 10:50.



For more infomation >> 12 Easy and Delicious Baked Recipes | Tutorial to Make Baked Recipes at Your Kitchen #1 - Duration: 10:50.


Blue Shonsie by 84 Lumber | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Blue Shonsie by 84 Lumber | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 3:45.


Ice Cream Rolls | Ice Cream Taco with a giant Ice Cream Roll in a Waffle - fried rolled ice cream - Duration: 10:02.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))

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