Monday, September 18, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 19 2017

No one else could Dream my dreams,

Create a better day Anything that

Blocked my goals I threw it all away

You see I can't Suppress these needs

Can't lock this urge inside my heart

Between real and my ideal, I have been shackled to the wall

Slave to an ideology I'll be there when justice calls

I can't help it, I just want it Better for us all

Pray to God and hope there's mercy When I come for your fall

Lies and fears and grief and hubris They don't bother me

I am not so weak I'm victim to them Negative things, pessimism

They'll never touch me They say I'm lonely, I say trickster

For more infomation >> Alumina - Death Note Ending Song ENGLISH Cover [Riku Silver] - Duration: 1:23.


HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 09.18.2017 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | The Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman 09.18.2017 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


Paw Patrol transforms into Boss Baby , Pocoyo - Learn Colors & Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:09.

Paw Patrol transforms into Boss Baby , Pocoyo - Learn Colors & Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Paw Patrol transforms into Boss Baby , Pocoyo - Learn Colors & Finger Family Songs Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 10:09.


Walsenburg school avoids state intervention, makes big turnaround with testing scores - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Walsenburg school avoids state intervention, makes big turnaround with testing scores - Duration: 2:36.


BOMBSHELL: Top Republican Secret Soros Connection Exposed | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:41.

It seems that at least one top Republican has been taking money from liberal donors

after all.

According to The Daily Caller, it turns out that Republican Senator John McCain's Institute

for International Leadership had accepted contributions of as much as $100,000 from

progressive billionaire George Soros, as well as from Teneo — a Clinton-associated organization

founded by Doug Band, Bill Clinton's "bag man" who also helped secure lucrative speaking

deals for the family.

After his failed presidential campaign in 2008 against Obama, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)

spent nearly $9 million in unspent funds to form the McCain Institute for International


The institute is associated with Arizona State University, and its mission is to remain "dedicated

to advancing human rights, dignity, democracy, and freedom."

However, many have become concerned that some of the institute's donors, as well as McCain's

involvement with the exclusive "Sedona Forum," bear quite the similarity to the Clinton Global

Initiative, which mixed together various special interest groups and politicians.

Most disturbingly, the McCain Institute has been found having accepted donations from

rather suspicious sources, including a $100,000 donation from George Soros himself, along

with Teneo, an organization that is deeply connected with the Clinton family.

The Soros-McCain connection reportedly became forged when the Senator was exposed as a member

of the "Keating Five" during the savings and loan scandal.

The affair affected him so much that he became an ardent supporter of campaign finance reform,

a position that paved the way for his friendship with Soros.

Bloomberg previously reported a $1 million donation in 2016 from the Royal Embassy of

Saudi Arabia, a contribution that the institute has refused to explain either, but was described

by a spokeswoman from Arizona State University as a "general, unrestricted contribution."

Further investigation yielded numerous other suspicious donations.

The institute has taken at least $100,000 from a Moroccan state-run company that has

had several allegations of worker abuse.

The business in question is a phosphate company that operates in the Western Sahara in outright

defiance of UN resolution, violating international law and human rights in doing so.

It should also be mentioned that McCain had previously praised the King of Morroco in

2011, saying that the country was a "positive example to governments across the Middle East

and North Africa."

The same king was also a major donor to the Clinton Foundation, personally giving $12

million to Hillary Clinton in return for holding a CGI meeting in the country.

In another case, the institute accepted another similarly sized donation from the Pivotal

Foundation, which has given over $200,000 to the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC),

and also supported the Obama-Iran nuclear deal that the previous administration negotiated.

"This is a very real conflict of interest," said Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist.

"This is the similar type of pattern we received with the Clinton Foundation in which

foreign governments and foreign interests were throwing a lot of money in the hopes

of trying to buy influence."

McCain has claimed that he has no active involvement with the institute.

"I'm proud that the institute is named after me," he says, "but I have nothing

to do with it."

Regardless, one would think that a conservative senator, such as himself, would exercise more

caution toward the sources of his namesake's donations.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL: Top Republican Secret Soros Connection Exposed | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:41.


Crossed Timelines - Duration: 7:30.

(gentle synth music)

(music ends with a twinkle)

Narration: Sir Frederic, out on another quest…not knowing what dangers he might find.

Dog: Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

Sir Frederic: What is it?

(exciting music begins)


Frederic: Glass Winged Dragon!

Ah! Rrh!

(music cuts off)

Frederic: Here Hunter!

Got your next meal.

Hunter: Ruff ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

Frederic: What now?

Twang! … (electric guitar chord)

Frederic: Who are you? Girl: Where am I?

Girl: What's happening? Frederic: What are you? How did you get here?

Girl: What do you mean what am I? I'm a girl—back off bozo!

Girl: What the heck? What is this place? Why are you dressed like a—

—what—what from king Arthur or something? What the—

Frederic: Who are you?

Hunter: …rrrrr.

Girl: My name is Reba. Who are you? Did I fall into a movie set or something?

Frederic: I am sir Frederic, and…what are you wearing?

Reba: Clothes, what are you wearing? "Sir" Fred—did I fall into—what, is this England?

No, you don't sound English.

Reba: Hang on a second—what year is it?

Frederic: The twelfth century, what else would it be? Hunter: (growling) Grrrr… Grrr…

Reba: The—the twelfth century? Frederic: Yes.

Reba: What? Seriously? Like the Middle Ages, or Dark, or whatever you want to call them?

Hunter: (still growling) Reba: No, that must be from my time.

Reba: It must have been those idiots from next door. These two girls, they've been—calm down puppy!

Frederic: Calm down.

Reba: They've been talking about creating a time machine for weeks now, but…

I can't believe this. I can't believe this! …So—now what?

Frederic: Well…

Reba: What are you doing? Frederic: I am on a quest

to visit the Sacred Rock of Wisdom

Reba: Sacred rock of—okay, whatever. A quest huh?

Frederic: Yes. Hm…uh…well—I suppose you could come with me.

Reba: Really? Frederic: To see if perhaps you could

get back to your own time.

Reba: What, you mean like "woo woo", magic or something?

Okay, okay, okay! Hey, it sounds like my best shot, so—let's go!

Frederic: Alright! Reba: Arf!

Reba: That's gross, do you really have to chew on that?

Hunter: Grr. Reba: (laughs)

Narration: The three have become friends on their adventurous quest,

and have come across pond in the middle of the forest. They will quench their thirst.

Reba: That's handy.

(slurping noises)

Frederic: Be careful—

Reba: (screams!) AHHH! AHHHHH! What the heck? Hunter: Yipe! Yipe!

(exciting music)

Reba (in the background): Oh my gosh!


Frederic: (grunting)



(music fades out)

Hunter: (whimpering) Frederic: Here Hunter! It's dead!

Reba: You sure?

Frederic: I'm always sure. Reba: Alright, alright…

Frederic: Here you are.

Hunter: Sorry, I'm full from the last one!

Frederic: Alright, I suppose we'll just leave it here then. Reba: Huh? Who are you talking to?

Frederic: Hunter. Hunter: Ruff ruff!

Reba: She just barked.

Frederic: Never mind.

Reba: Alright… Do—do you seriously deal with this kind of stuff all the time?

Frederic: Yes. Reba: Let's get out of here.

Hunter: Ruff, ruff ruff. ("ruffing" cheerfully)

Reba: So—what's this rock we're going to see? Frederic: It is the Sacred Rock of Knowledge.

Reba: Oh yeah. And uh…what does it do? Frederic: It grants wishes to the pure of heart.

Reba: What are you wishing for?

Frederic: I am wishing for protection against all the many dangers I may come across.

Reba: And you think it can get me home.

Frederic: If you are pure of heart. Reba: And if not?

Frederic: It will grant you—nothing. Reba: And I'll be stuck here?

Frederic: Exactly. Hunter (in the background): Grr rarrr (growling playfully)

Frederic: There it is! Reba: (groans nervously)

Hunter: (panting eagerly)

Trrrring! (magical twinkle)

(gentle rhythmic music begins)

Mystical voice: Who approaches the Sacred Rock of Knowledge?

Frederic: It is I, Sir Frederic.

Reba: Oh—uh—and um, I'm Reba

Voice: Sir Frederic, what have you brought as your offering?

Frederic: I have brought the jewels of…Gyzaine

Voice: Your offering is accepted. What is your wish?

Frederic: My wish is to have protection against all the many dangers I may come upon.

Voice: Your wish is now granted Sir Frederic.

Frederic: Thank you.

And you, Reba. What have you brought as your offering?

Reba: Oh, um…


Well…I've got this. It—it was a gift from my mother. But I'd give it up to be able to see her again.

Voice: Your offering is accepted. What is your wish?

Reba: I wish to be returned to my own time and my own…place.

Voice: Your wish is granted. Long live the Sacred Rock of Knowledge.

Reba: Well, bye Sir Frederic. Thanks for everything!

Frederic: Goodbye.

(music ends)

Frederic: Well Hunter? On…to the next adventure.

(gentle cheerful synth music)

For more infomation >> Crossed Timelines - Duration: 7:30.


►খারাপ রোমাঞ্চ ভিডিও গান ছবি সব পাবেন তবে দয়া করে ছোটরা দেখবেন না।Android app review - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> ►খারাপ রোমাঞ্চ ভিডিও গান ছবি সব পাবেন তবে দয়া করে ছোটরা দেখবেন না।Android app review - Duration: 3:06.


ਯਾਰੀ ਸਿੰਘ ਦੀ ਤੂਤ ਦਾ ਮੋਛਾ ਕਦੇ ਨਾ ਵਿਚਾਲਿਓਂ ਟੁੱਟਦੀ। Friendship of a Singh - Duration: 15:28.

In this video, we will discuss with whom we should keep friendship

to live in this world we need company

Many times this company is fulfilled by relatives or friends

sorrow and happiness is shared with friends

In young age most of your life is spent just within relatives

but when you grow up you spend most of your time with friends

Relatives are preordained

in which a person doesn't have any choice

but friends are chosen by the person themselves

If you want to recognize who someone is just look at their company

The type of company one keeps reflects who you are

This can't be possible that his friends will be thugs and he himself will be a saint

and Sants and Bhagats don't have thugs for friends

In this video we will discuss that according to Gurmat what kind of friends should you keep

and which friends should you renounce

In the end of the video we will discuss what Gurbani says about friends

so please watch this video till the end because you will gain a lot of spiritual benefit from this

The type of company and friends one keeps has a profound effect on him

The qualities of those we keep company with naturally come into us

Because it is a Gurmat principle that whoever we think about

we are subconsciously thinking of their qualities

those good and bad qualities that we contemplate come into our Hirda

This is the reason that one who keeps company of thieves becomes a thief

one who keeps company of educated people becomes educated

one who keeps company of bodybuilders becomes a bodybuilder

same way one who keeps company of Gurmukhs becomes a Gurmukh

and one who keeps company with hooligans becomes a hooligan

this is why a Gursikh should keep friendship only with Gurmukhs

If some Gursikh says that he keeps friendship with people who do bad deeds but he is not effected by them

then first of this is not possible that he isn't effected by them

Because Gurbani's Furman is irrevocable

So this is not possible that keeping bad company will not have bad effect on you

but if we were to believe for a minute that some Gursikh has a divine armour

because of which bad company doesn't effect him

but he will still have a bad reputation because of them

If a Gursikh keeps company with lechers

then it is possible that he will remain safe from Bajjar Kurehit

But he will have a bad reputation in society and will be a disgrace on Sikhi

some Gursikhs don't stop keeping company with alcoholics

because of keeping company with alcoholics they start drinking liqour as well

but even if they don't they fall under the scrutiny of people that he must drink liqour as well

So a Gursikh should only keep company with Gurmukhs who do devotion

so he can be coloured in devotion

by keeping company of alcoholics, lechers, you can't have a high spiritual state

This is because a selfish person's reason to keep friendship with you will be his own selfishness

as long as his selfish motives are being fulfilled he will keep friendship with you

but when he doesn't need you anymore he will leave you

if some non-Sikh does stay by your side throughout this life he can't stay with you in the afterlife

So why waste your time keeping friendship with someone who can't endure it till the end

We have seen many Gursikhs who were naturally of good character

but because of bad fortune, they made friends with Manmukhs

Manmukhs often ridicule Gursikhs by calling them Baba or Gyani in schools

because of which many Gursikh youngsters develop an inferiority complex

they lose their confidence

when Manmukh friends start drinking liqour

then they say to the Gursikh to drink as well

they always push the Gursikh to cut his hair

they themselves are in illicit relationships and they push the Gursikh to do it as well

sometimes the girlfriends of these friends tell the Gursikh that they will hook him up with some girl

many times innocent Gursikhs get stuck in these webs and end up committing Bajjar Kurethi

In Canada when a Gursikh with Kes comes first they push him to cut his hair

then they push him to do Bajjar Kurehit with a prostitute

if some innocent boy doesn't agree they taunt him saying he is boring or just a kid still

who knows how many Gursikhs have lost their Sikhi due to this

In Canada there are not just 1 but 1000 such cases especially since students have started to come here

Sikh Naujavans ruin their Sikhi by getting into bad company

So if you want to better your life then eschew the company of bad people and keep company with Gursikhs

some people say we are inciting hatred by prohibiting friendship with Manmukhs

First off a Gursikh doesn't hate anyone

he sees Vaheguru's Jot within all and loves everyone from the heart

he loves nature as well

so how can he hate Manmukhs

when we say keep friendship with Gurmukhs and not Manmukhs

then the same motive is there behind this that

those parents have when they tell their kids who are going to school

keep friendship with good keen to study kids

don't make friends with tramps or violent kids

this has nothing to do with hatred just has to do with following Guru Sahib's Hukam

which are clear that we should keep friendship with Gurmukhs and not Manmukhs

on the other hand spiritual selfishness also plays a part here

spiritual success is not possible until we break ties with Manmukhs

until then worldly bonds are not broken

until bonds are not broken with Mayadharis and joined with Gurmukhs

there is a difference between friendship and casual conversation

there is nothing wrong with having a conversation at school or work

by friendship we mean having a deep heartfelt friendship

casual talk which is needed for work is not prohibited

if someone shows interest in spirituality

meaning if you think that through your Sangat someone can come into Sikhi

then you can do Sangat with them so they will be helped

but care should be taken that this should only be done within the boundaries of Gurmat

if this friendship forces the Gursikh to go clubs and stuff

then there is no need to do this kind of help

benevolence can only be done within the boundaries of Gurmat

now let us contemplate some Gurbani Panktis which give us direction on keeping friendship

Guru jee says break friendship with false people

and find permanent Sant Sajan

Sajan mean friend here

Guru jee is saying that those friends who are not Sants

break off with them because they will not endure till the end

but Sants stay at your side even after death

They get Mukt themselves and help you in Dharam Raj's court

So keep friendship with Gurmukhs and break off with false friends

The sight of them banishes my evil-mindedness; they are my only true friends.

but such friends are rare

Guru Sahib says don't keep frienship with two types of people

with a fool and a pompous person

friendship with a fool and pompous person are like lines drawn in water, leaving no trace or mark

This Shabad gives a very powerful order on who to do friendship with

Guru jee gives Hukam

Friendship with Manmukhs lasts for only a few short days and this friendship is broken in an instant

this leads to corruption

why keep friendship with those who do not fear the True Lord within their hearts, and they do not love the Naam

Don't become friends with those whom the Creator Lord Himself has misled

otherwise the Nadar of Vaheguru with not remain on you either

In this Shabad Guru Sahib has made it clear

to not keep friendship with someone devoid of love for Vaheguru

So it is duty of Gursikh to follow this Hukam

But now Sikhs are not following this Hukam which is why they are in falling spritis

Those who are outside of Khalsa Panth

those who keep friendship with them

those who eat from them

they can never understand praise of Vaheguru

meaning they cannot engage in praising Vaheguru

evil always remain inside of them

Guru Sahib has forbidden friendship with Kirarh

this does not refer to the caste of Baniyeay

but refers to someone who loves money

never have friendship with someone who loves money

he is always greedy and Guru Sahib has done Hukam in Gurbani

meaning don't trust a greedy person because he will screw you over where no one can help you

by doing Sangat of a Manmukh your face get blackened

greedy people's faces are blackened and they lose from this world

So never keep friendship with greedy people

Friendship with the Manmukhs is an alliance with Maya

meaning this friendship is done for Maya

these friends run away when hardship comes

and never fulful the bonds of freindship

As long as they get food and clothing, they stick around

But on that day when they receive nothing, then they start to curse

With whom should I become friends, if all the world shall pass away?

this means that to have permanent love with a temporary thing is not a smart thing

If someone keeps love with a flower

then he will be disappointed

Guru Sahib says that if you are keeping friendship with a Manmukh then why are you asking for Sukh

if you want Sukh keep friendship with Gurmukhs and enjoin your conscious with Vaheguru jee

Guru Sahib has strictly said you can't find happiness from friendship with Manmukhs

and you should only keep friendship with Gurmukhs

The motive of making this video is that Khalsa Panth should remain Niyara and in Chardikala

this will start by joining Sat Sangat and giving up bad Sangat

For more infomation >> ਯਾਰੀ ਸਿੰਘ ਦੀ ਤੂਤ ਦਾ ਮੋਛਾ ਕਦੇ ਨਾ ਵਿਚਾਲਿਓਂ ਟੁੱਟਦੀ। Friendship of a Singh - Duration: 15:28.


XSMB | Dự đoán xổ số Miền Bắc hôm nay 19/9/2017 | BTL xổ số MB thứ 3 19-9-2017 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> XSMB | Dự đoán xổ số Miền Bắc hôm nay 19/9/2017 | BTL xổ số MB thứ 3 19-9-2017 - Duration: 3:52.


Dự Đoán xổ số Bến Tre hôm nay XSBTR 19/9 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số BTR 19-9-2017 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Dự Đoán xổ số Bến Tre hôm nay XSBTR 19/9 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số BTR 19-9-2017 - Duration: 4:01.


Dự Đoán xổ số Bạc Liêu hôm nay XSBL 19/9 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số BL 19-9-2017 - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> Dự Đoán xổ số Bạc Liêu hôm nay XSBL 19/9 - Bạch thủ lô xổ số BL 19-9-2017 - Duration: 4:01.


How to End Your Podcast Right 039 Just the Tip Podcast - Duration: 4:17.

Hey Podcaster, I'm Tim Wohlberg your podcast performance coach with another

actionable tip so you can sound like a pro and gain more podcast fans. Today's tip

is all about how to get out of your podcast. This isn't the takeaway I've

talked about before or your guests extro, you know how much I care about the

listener, and this little quickie is all about how to leave them. Are you telling

them what to do or are you leaving them hanging? Imagine you're on a date and

you've had a wonderful time and the sparks were flying, how would you feel at

the end of said date he or she got up and said thanks for a great night, turned

around and walked away? Ahhhh what? No phone number? Can I see you again? As my mother would say...

OOOOHHHH ...that's the sound of disappointment. What if you went to a

brand-new gym, had a meeting with a trainer who told you about all the

weight you were going to lose and how amazing you'll look and feel in a few

short months then stand up and say bye? ...OOOOHHHH...

This is just like having a great sales or business meeting and not asking for

the sale or telling your client what their next step should be.

You're missing the opportunity! Mom? OOOOHHHH

I know she sounds like Darth Vader doesn't? I hear podcasters do this all the

time. They've delivered so much value, say thanks for listening and then say

goodbye without asking for anything. But if you're podcasting to convert, even if

that conversion is for subscribers, you need to ask. You can't expect a 100%

success rate but I can guarantee zero percent success rate if you don't ask.

Wayne Gretzky said it best you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

But at the end of your podcast don't just ask, tell tell your listener exactly

what to do. This is your call to action. If you've delivered on your promise for

that episode, your listener will be feeling satisfied,

maybe even empowered with the knowledge you've just given up. A well-served

listener is more inclined to keep their experience with you going. They want to

act but they don't know how. This is the time to give them clear concise

instructions so after your takeaway and after you say goodbye to your guests,

finish serving your listener. Tell your listener what you want them to do next.

It could be like your Facebook page or follow you on Twitter or watch a video

or download a PDF from your website or become a client. Don't worry if they see

it coming, they probably expect it. But you don't

have to make it obvious every single time. Mix it up. You know I love scripted

material especially when it comes to the specifics. This is one of those times.

It's your SELL, so make it sing. And you could probably do 25 episodes and not

have the same call to action twice. And don't give your listener 4,5 or 6

things to follow, like, download or buy, or you'll just freeze them in a state of

Duuuuhh, I don't know what to do! Give them one or maybe two steps at the

most. Even if your podcast isn't for business, it's just good customer service

to let them know what the next step is. They may not always take it, but the

option is there. And I hope that's just the tip you need. Thanks for listening.


If you haven't already got my Engaging Podcast Blueprint you gotta download it

right now. It's a 25 pager but it's a quick read. These are tips I've learned

from my 25 years of broadcast experience. It's all about how to treat the listener.

If you want your podcast to convert, get that blueprint. It's totally free. Just go


I'm Tim Wohlberg,

See Ya!

For more infomation >> How to End Your Podcast Right 039 Just the Tip Podcast - Duration: 4:17.


∙ PINKMAN (Walkthrough) Levels 1-10 ∙ - Duration: 1:41.

Welcome to PINKMAN! To play, use the arrow keys to navigate, use Z to jump, and use X to fart!

This game is about navigating short and fun levels, it also contains one of my favourite soundtracks in a game of all time!

Here you must slowly make your way down this hole, keep away from the white circles, they'll kill you and send you back to the start of the level!

Your fart power eventually runs out after some use, so do try your best to conserve it, you never know what will happen.

You can also hold against a wall while'st jumping to hold onto that wall to get higher.

In this case, you need to wait for your fart to regenerate for each jump, or else you won't make the distance between the platforms.

Here is another use for the wall jump as seen earlier.

Be careful of these jumps, they're pretty difficult.

Here are jump pads, as shown, they give a large boost in height.

But beware, they can be used to send you into death spikes, so remember to use your fart to avoid that.

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed, please subscribe! Levels 11-20 should be out Thursday 12:00PM AEST.

For more infomation >> ∙ PINKMAN (Walkthrough) Levels 1-10 ∙ - Duration: 1:41.


Dragonfly by Utopian Villas | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Dragonfly by Utopian Villas | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:00.


Chrissy Teigen & John Legend: Headed For Divorce?! - Duration: 3:19.

Its hard to imagine a more relatable celebrity couple than Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.

Sure, theyre globe-trotting kajillionaires, and shes one of the most gorgeous creatures on the planet (and yes, weve taken puppies and gazelles into consideration), but they also deliver the quirky weirdness in a way most A-list couples would never dare.

Part of the appeal is that we know so much about life in the Legend household, thanks to Chrissys tendency to overshare on social media.

The woman cant stop documenting every mundane moment of her life on Twitter and Instagram, and her fans love her all the more for it. Last month, we learned that Chrissy drinks too much (by her own admission).

Prior to that, the model and mom revealed that she was unaware that John has seen her butthole during sex. (Like we said, she seriously has no filter.

But it seems the same issues that have issues that have endeared Chrissy to so many fans might now be taking a toll on her marriage.

"They have been in marriage counseling for the last six months," a source close to the Legends tells In Touch, adding that John and Chrissy "are having real marriage problems.

This news isnt coming out of nowhere, as Teigen recently opened up about a rough patch, during which Legend actually broke up with her.

The couple patched things up, but the insider says theyve been having a difficult time in recent months, partially as a result of Teigens struggles with postpartum depression, and tendency to self-medicate with alcohol. "They are fighting nonstop," the informant claims, adding:.

"They're trying very hard to make their marriage work. Neither party has commented on the rumors yet, but were guessing that wont be the case for much longer.

Chrissy rarely remains quiet about tabloid speculation on her personal life. Come to think of it, Chrissy rarely remains quiet on any topic.

As much as we enjoy her outspoken political hot takes, were sort of hoping shell take a moment to put this rumor to bed with a dismissive tweet. If John and Chrissy break, who will we fantasize about being adopted by?.

For more infomation >> Chrissy Teigen & John Legend: Headed For Divorce?! - Duration: 3:19.


Wrong Heads Frozen Elsa Masha Bears Mickey Mouse Finger Family Song And Learn Colors - Duration: 11:53.

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