Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 21 2017

okay so you're watching another episode of clever craft I think this is episode

37 36 or 37 I don't know exactly where we are

but buk buk and I are going to start creating a lighthouse so we are we are

trying to make concrete for the different-colored here and I think I've

got a we see if this works get some more bones here I think I've got enough of

everything and sure enough that's a quite concrete powder and then you go

from white concrete powder to two then

to make it concrete

that's powder how do you make it concrete

concrete's for one concrete powder comes into contact with a block of water it's

not formed by contact with rain cauldron or concrete no so you got to put it in

water to make it really okay so let's try this so where'd you go okay so I'm

gonna make a conch I'm gonna make some white concrete powder and then let's go

put it in contact with water I think once you solidify it though you can't

change the color maybe let's see yeah that's why I've never dealt with it let

me see if I can make some that's black I've got plenty of we've got plenty of

ink sacs so let's see if we can do that that's great I nope you can't color it

why it's just concrete powder so let's let's see what we've got here and just

as an announcement I think there's some news that we might be losing the clever

craft server so I'm hoping not because I'm really been really had a lot of fun

with the clever craft server and we're hoping to continue that let's see if oh

yeah it just became concrete so okay

okay okay so so white concrete and nope you can't color it so how do you color

it okay I thought you were just gonna research all this first so we would know

mm-hmm oh I thought you knew let's see here we can color terracotta I

guess awful okay so how do we color it though so well we're noobs aren't we so

yeah breaking coloring do you have to color it first probably no because uh

let me let me look it up hold on no I'm looking it up right now I'm just uh I'm

not seeing anywhere if we're to color it though so let's see let's see

magnet okay so we have yellow let's uh

gonna do concrete powders affected by gravity okay creating concrete rain or

splash water bottles about okay so you have to do actually so what we want to

do is we want to put it in place and then pour water over it so that's kind

of cool that it does that so uh color or concrete minecraft let's see how we do

this so uh how do I fill something with I'm a got great concrete powder don't

dumb oh you have to uh Oh duh okay I'm I'm a dinkus okay follow me back up to

the find a castle why with one block watch watch what regard wait what do you

double jump yeah whoa here I come up there I've done it a few times but way

to go right past the castle there okay okay I'll just come up this way uh-huh

let's see here what you have to do okay so I have the white concrete powder

so let me show you this is the white concrete powder I know you can't see

this but what you have to do is you have to put the gravel in the sand in and

then the bone meal in and that weight as I say gravel and sand yeah I'm missing

something I'm missing something no the bone meal gives it the white sand

gravel oh okay here we go so sand and gravel yeah so you have to do you have

to put your color in the upper left hand corner and then two blocks of sand two

blocks of sand and then four block so it's four blocks of sand and four blocks

of gravel so if you want it to be black though you put your you put your aim

there we go you put the ink in there for the black

so we've got plenty of ink we've got plenty of bone meal and then so then C

then we have the black that's the powder Emily and then once you have it set then

you pour water over it and it becomes concrete and it's easier to break whoops

let's go sleep real quick you better sleep because I don't know we're mean I

don't remember where you slept last I don't remember what bed you slept in so

you don't want to end up somewhere crazy

so there we go alright so we are yeah the live stream

I'm upset about the live stream I don't know what's happening I'm gonna have to

test the sound or something tonight and figure out what's going on and so let me

grab a whole bunch of stuff here because I want to make sure that we can make

this so I want to grab some shocker chests here oh I need to go trade in

some more I need to go trade in some more for emeralds are you sniffling yeah

okay so I've got one two three right you shut that do it

let's see here 1 2 3 4 sands and let's do all that so we'll just do a whole

bunch of white concrete powder set enough white concrete powder oh yeah

there we go

ok so that gave us like lots and lots of white concrete powder so are you just

gonna make this out of white concrete powder and black concrete powder

concrete or concrete yeah you know what I mean yeah my house look um no actually

I don't remember so so let's see wait - thank you watch seven eight okay one two

three four five six seven eight and we've got enough of that so let's go

make a whole bunch more of this whoops ooh we have got lots of white concrete

powder now all right we are in business we have almost a full shulker chest

almost oh boy okay don't do anything with that yet though because I'm still

working with that so I'm gonna make just a little bit more wow that's kind of

nasty when you do that people don't want to hear that on the video so you know

yeah the peanut yeah Vlad missing up here we're a little step yes you're

distracting me here where are you doing that like me

probably hit it lightning probably get it Oh lightning

yes that wonderful friend of lightning which hey've have you seen a skeleton

horse no he's down here don't kill him we had four of them and

then the stupid things three of them despawn for some reason on the server

but if you come all the way down to the server room

oh there's beef jerky Dave Aude no bones I had one I had one called spooky just

don't kill him whatever you do but I named that one bones but the other ones

died or they disappeared I don't know what happened to him they D spawned so I

got him I've had him inside there with all the horses and so he hasn't died on

us so which is cool so let's see you some more gravel let me see three here

you see three here let's make some more white concrete powder awesome we're just

gonna make a bunch of this here all right whoo I've got way too much now huh

okay and how much how much now why black are we're gonna need probably about the

fan are you sure are you sure okay yeah go there either so one two three four

five six seven eight nine ten we'll go with 10 of those and then we'll go one

two three four five six seven eight nine tip Oh can't do that don't have enough

okay we'll just see what this does first so we'll go black that's gonna give us a

bunch that's gonna give us so much there oh boy there's a creeper oh wait Lee

yeah so creeper creeping around yeah okay I'm gonna shoot him from a tree and

there we go and so and we're gonna need some more sand and gravel so how many is

that gammas how many do we get out of that so four

so I'm gonna see how many we get out of each one so I'm gonna do four there I'm

gonna be one two three four there okay yeah and so that gives us so out of so

out of okay so you do get eight so out of force and blocks and for gravel

blocks you get eight black concrete powders so that gives you 16 out of

there so okay so you probably need to go blow your nose right you keep sniffling

that just have to have it okay if that makes any sense I know it makes some


isn't that funny

okay yeah I should have said about the Federal Reserve cuz I don't make dollars

uh-huh get it they're dollars yeah yeah legally okay so I could make a few more

but I can make a few more there so we got I think we're gonna need a lot more

white than we're gonna be black though because you the black is only the stripe

or does it go equal stripes up equal shape that okay so we're I wanted to

build this thing okay so let's um let's uh go over here

to uh I wanted to build this thing are you following me okay the pig man yeah

they come to the portal beta build this thing

whoo that's kind of where did you go I went north IR hate dealing with that

just tell me which pillar you went off I'm telling trying to tell you I hate

messing with the north of West the things your journey map I don't have it

turned on you didn't turn your journey map look away from the village

uh huh away from the village and go to where the entrance to the castle is oh

uh huh it's on that corner oh so where we went off for the jungle yes kind okay

okay yeah well that's where I took off okay fly I just like jumped for it

probably went in the wrong direction you're now neighborhood okay I'm coming

back to find you so that you can follow me here so I don't need to follow you

I'm a good child I can figure this out okay so far you for lost me already

there you go okay keep going the direction you're

going I'm right behind you right behind you

okay turn to your right there right there right there right there right

there come back come back come back here okay come back over here now cuz

this is where I want to put this light house because most lighthouses are let

me see my map here yeah that's where I wanted to put this light house because

the village is there got a village there that's gonna be it

oh yeah well the thing is this actual let's let's go somewhere else because

this actual what about that one well no because if you look at the overall big

map this is just kind of like a little Inlet pond here so let's um

that's south we went south actually so I wanted to go up by the here I wanted to

go up by the go back where we came from

you follow me okay no really I've got some lag going on here there we go now

I'm going so go back to the castle and then hang a left

hey no hang a left Yeah right you're going in the right

direction though okay no straight now go back there to your right to your right

just a little bit okay yeah you're going good you're going good I just lost you

do you see the big Tower oh yeah okay so see this lamb s right here see this

landmass right here yeah I kind of want to build it right here on this uh I've

got this whole island pretty much lit up or you won't hear with me up you're on

here with me so I just want to build it because it makes sense to put it from a

practical standpoint if we were put in a lighthouse we would put it where people

would not hit the island so it would really be over here if you follow me

over here it would but we kind of want it tall too so it would kind of go kind

of like right here where I am oh dear yeah so I kind of jumped when that

happened oh no it was close by a remote hose

yeah that happened sometimes I'm a little bit of like but it's not our

internet right I checked in I'll be right back okay no

it's a remote host forced it yeah I'm getting some bounciness all right okay

so what we're gonna do is I've got my spawn Tower right there not the most

efficient because you have to move up and down the spawn tower I think I've

shown you that in the previous videos and I am yeah I'm getting some weird lag

on this make some weird weird lag I just collect those eggs for now hopefully bug

bug won't die but I'm thinking about putting the lighthouse right here kind

of on this platform kind of like right here because it would keep if it was a

true lighthouse it would keep let's do this options here and turn off actions

no let's see this is all water here and so if ships were coming down through

here so if ships were coming down through here and they were coming down

here to come into a port probably to like this village right here they would

want to stay away from the office island and so if there was a bunch of fog you'd

want to keep it off so you'd probably put a lighthouse there at a lighthouse

here but we'll just do a lighthouse here so they can see it and stay off of it

and so probably yeah right here on this platform

hope book bug is uh gonna be safe we'll see I think I've got this island lit up

pretty much so nothing can spawn on it but we'll see yeah I'm getting some

weird lag on there that's a it's kind of some weird like eNOS that's good so what

we're gonna need to do is do some base we'll need to do some base down here so

I think what we're gonna do is eat some food and then I'm going to clean up this

dirt and I'm gonna need some probably some stone so I'll run back and get some


we'll do this here we'll just do this right here we'll just kind of flatten

this off here see what this does here

okay okay so we've kind of got that flattened off there and then we'll we'll

do this here well oh there we go and what I'm gonna do is just kind of

fell in down here just filling all this down here and we'll just kind of leave

that natural there we'll just leave that like that I've got a block of 64 there

and I'm thinking I might take this off to this game yeah I mean let me just

clear this off - we can always use the dirt for other projects okay there we go

all right I'm gonna fill inside this here so you can get up there easier take

this sand out here okay take all that out there we go

okay that'll work leave all that natural looking collect all this up over here

select all that up over there okay we'll just leave that you know what I don't

like how that's all in that compression like that

that's natural to that that wasn't a creeper explosion there yeah we'll just

kind of do that there we'll just leave that like that okay and so then we'll

pick this up here all right and then um we'll kind of square this off a little

bit here maybe I don't know let's put some lights down here let's check with

our light level yep perfect perfect all right that way we don't have

any dark spots over here we'll stick one there okay and that way we can kind of

square this off here and like I said I'll have to go back and get some stone

and we'll just uh I don't know how big she wants to make this thing she always

makes big structures so when she gets back we'll uh figure this out how big

she wants this and I'm thinking about leaving her here and going over and

getting some stone she shouldn't get hurt but we're going to uh boxer in

anyway just in case I don't want anything coming after her okay

there we go

there we go okay that way because she's afk right now and I don't want her

alright perfect so we're gonna put these down here we're gonna put that up so

we'll put these over here I hear running water there it is you know there is

running water there alright let's head back over to the castle and get some I

could go through the portal there on the tower but I'm not gonna do that I'm just

gonna fly back over here it's not too far away okay there's our outpost

there's the big lighthouse and I'm gonna have to do one more rocket Oh smacked

off the wall that's not good alright so let's come down here and

we're gonna need some stone I'm gonna grab another shulker chest let's see

here let's grab another shocker chest I've got enchanted books on those oh

good grief yeah I've got those filled with enchanted books those are unfilled

okay so I've got six shulker chest filled with how seven filled with

enchanted books those are all filled with potatoes and carrots and I've got

to go trade so we'll use these two here so let's do this here and uh fill this

one up that should give us a good base of operations than earth and I don't

need sandstone anymore I don't need sand anymore I certainly don't need eggs that

I collected but I'm gonna chop them in there anyway and I don't need

any seeds I'm gonna get rid of the seeds and I don't need all this dirt I can

throw that back in there I don't need this snowball get through that I am

gonna restock my rockets though just talking my Rockets restock my fish and

everything else should be oh okay alright I'll need my rockets to fly back

over there that's wet concrete powder way a black concrete powder I've got

some stone and I gotta need stone stairs let's just take these stone slabs just

in case and let's see here do we don't have any do not have any oh we need

stone well we use stone stairs stone brick stairs or just stone those are

stone bricks mossy stones chisel stones crack stones mossy stones we'll just use

a stone brick stairs and stone brick slab let's just take some stone brick

with us and let me tell you what let's bring it all why not we got it let's

bring it we've got it let's bring it oh let's do this we'll

stick all that over here stick all that over there because and then we'll put

our stone stuff together we'll just put the rest of our white concrete powder in

there we'll pick those bad boys up and we'll head back over to the oh I'm gonna

sleep first I probably need to bring a bed you know what I'm gonna grab a bed I

don't think I have one I think I've got one of my storage chests up here where

are all my beds I don't know where all my bets are you know what I need to make

one okay here you get okay I'd bring a cat with me over there but I

don't really need it so we're this way

and Tallyho back over to the got a dog hey that's a

dog I don't need a dog go don't any more dogs got plenty of dough actually that

was a wolf I just don't know any more dogs though okay there's the bigger

spawn Tower and here's bug bug still she hasn't come back yet I don't know what

she's doing since she had to FK and here we go so will I put this here so those

are our supplies awesome and I don't know how she wants to really I don't

know how she wants to make this platform I'm thinking I wish let's uh I'm

thinking we're going to uh do this here I don't just don't know how big she

wants to make this thing oh boy oh boy oh boy okay I put you in there because I

had to fly back over the castle I put you in there so in cave just in case I

think I've got this uh I think I have this Thailand all lit up but just in

case I was giving you some protection there cream are you there somebody else

coming on yeah Green is on the server but I don't know if he's like actually

listening or not he can't know yeah that's nice how I was

a fellow they did you get hate stairs again Oh bug bug I did not know how big

you wanted to make the base of this thing well I mean I was thinking like 10

to 15 by 10 to 15 one time 4 5 6 7 8 that's 8 there that's 8x8

stone base so if that's 8 9 10 11 12 13 that's too big okay let's go 12 okay so

that's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 that's 12 and sorry green how do you say

it's green just green my favorite color by the way my greeny beanies err okay

who doesn't love green I mean you have to be I'm sorry for people who don't

like green they can't be crazy not to light green well I don't like green when

my foods color green unless it's a pickle but if it's about Mikado you need

to just throw it out I don't particularly like avocados today we're

learning about Adams and the picture that the teacher drew to represent madam

look just like an avocado I was like 9 10 11 12 so that's 12 there yeah let's

see I've got some more stone here I'm just doing this stone it's a weight

Green can't get on candy no he's not white listen on the server yep yeah we

it's clever crash do you have to be right listed yeah he has to be green


good like put it in my thing that nine to nine one two three four five six

seven eight nine ten eleven twelve okay so that's a twelve by twelve there

are you gonna make it a square or you gonna make it we're actually a square it

has to be a square at the base Oh cuz it starts at a square and then you don't

you to the circle though or yes they go you'll just go look up a picture of a

lighthouse right now cuz I'm on my China takes weightless

don't tell me what to do you can't tell me what to do oh I can tell you but you

just don't have to listen there you go

dab on the haters yeah okay oh boy I hear zombie dude yeah put them down

right now he's underground I bet favor dig straight down all else dig Street

now what are you doing I do I think there's some caverns down there I

haven't really explored them though oh boy iron I'm thinking straight down but

I have two pillars I do it the smart way okay well back in don't worry

well that's fine I just wanted to get busy on is it a cavern it's a cave or

something there's a creeper Oh scared me so bad yeah let's go creeper careful

Leroy Jenkins

Leroy jinx let's go for it oh boy oh boy oh boy

guy stupid bat yes I'm sorry get some wings for him I thought that was just

that what area use some lead your wings for me can you

nope Eddie so we're gonna have a little dungeon underneath our live we'll have a

basement underneath our thanks to me and my curiosity no you're not allowed you

come up now okay there we go oh that's a rosebush cool yeah I gave it

to you okay and I planted it alright so start

building so we have I have stone over here I have stone steps I have wet

concrete powder a black concrete powder and sorry green will we'll see about

getting you on the server so you can come in and start helping us do videos

mainly clever craft is a server for YouTube video youtubers but we are no

don't turn it to concrete because then you you place it down then turn it to

concrete because otherwise it's harder to get picked back up see cuz you can

pick it up with your hand see boom real easy but if it's if it's solid if it's

concrete then you have to use a pickaxe it acts like sand if it's just powder

then I can't do my design then well then I guess you have to I guess you're gonna

oh yeah it has to obey the laws of gravity so let's wait wait I've got to

check something if I chunk a whole chunk in there into the water it does not turn

into powder you actually have to put it down so see you watch this boom boom

boom boom boom and it turns to out concrete

cool it drops likes and until it turns into concrete and then it becomes solid

blocks that okay that's nice and then watch what happens when I pour water on

that sucker no not yet yeah we just want to show you here watch

it look at that see and then you pour water on it and then boom it turns into

nice smooth gonna be a lot more difficult than I wanted that's why I

said go ahead and turn it into Oh No we'll use a pickaxe okay I'll quit

trolling you okay well it's not easy when it's sand like that though because

it's right now and so I could do the white stripe and then do the black we'll

do it go for it I'm turning it into concrete right now as we speak I'm gonna

go do that oh my gosh why just let me do it Riley there you do it my way too bad

you couldn't pour too bad you couldn't pour water over the shulker box and turn

everything inside that would be really

yeah don't want to do that okay Oh bleep a Porsche needed great very start is

that gonna be big enough to do your stripes nope I think you're gonna spend

more time trying to do the sandy thing then great that's what I was thinking it

was my way my way or the highway okay I'm gonna go down here make it all

sand for you or make it concrete so yeah we go this is gonna take forever though

good grief Mamma Mia you know what I wonder if I

can okay I didn't bring a bad either I have an idea actually I have a really

spread idea nope better idea what's this they set across

here till it towers and you can just mine it back and forth no watch what

watch this okay watch what I'm gonna do here do me

like across here across the what are you doing about cross no watch this what's

up up and away I go okay and then I'll just pour water down the whole thing and

then mine down and boom we're done okay you should have some to get started so

I'm gonna pull her up pillar pillar pillar pillar pillar pillar

I saw a machine they showed a machine on the to do that so then I can then pour

my water over this okay did that all turn into concrete all the way down I've

already ran out okay get underneath because here I come down I'm mining down

oh where is it I need to point it work you're smart I need to do a speed well

some would say I'm smart everybody probably I'm smarter than your average

mayor there you go and so there we go great like comment he's beat beautifully

like Viper and comment when we don't want you to there's nothing to comment

cuz he can't see what we're doing because for some reason the livestream

sound won't work I don't know why I don't we irritating yeah I know it's

irritating I don't know why it's done that it was okay

like sighs let's see here that's man that's massive okay okay babe

no can I beat your egg hey minecraft doesn't have outer limits

so it can't be too big I mean if you think about it that big okay so concrete

is a pain in the rear to create just so you know

I got that just so you know I'm gonna need a lot of dirt quartz is a dirt or

concrete Oh No oh I left all the girl I left all the

dirt back at the castle it's okay I can just build pillars that's okay

you got a pillar of dirt there what I'm saying I did that I don't know I can do

some terraforming here on this island or I can jump to another island real quick

I wanted to I didn't want to tear this up too bad I did all this where I'm

standing on water right here that was all Island - at one point I tore all the

help yeah tore it all out for dirt it's so

weird being in middle school without that normal Christian environment like

it's so much different yeah oh boy

you ruined everything there's some concrete there's some black concrete for

you you know the water stayed up there oh oh here it comes okay water's coming

down now I'll do some more like concrete powder

I'm gonna need so much more dirt well I told you I can get some more that's true

we're gonna need it like what yeah you just have to give me a second

here I've got a button I've got seven right now on me yeah I use dirt cuz it's

easier to pull oh yeah oh I like is it regular to your eyes peace sweet tea is

there any other kind than sweet Dean I know I'd like to Scott see you have over

80 McDonald's have you ever had there unsweetened tea oh my gosh I like I

wanted to bars oh it was so bad I wanted the bar I really did like AG me with the

spoon I was scared okay oh this is so big yeah that's what I was thinking okay

there's another concrete this is taking a long time I'm gonna go get you some

that you can't you can't do this because you know the Arab suit does rain cool

told it okay so great maybe your plane is flying over is for just flying and

it's only 100 bricks one brick close out how many are left

okay so how do you say it elevate into a fridge sound you have to just like you

have to open the fridge you have to crave it go Chuck the door okay

how do you get a draft your bat fridge address or to that fridge the same

refrigerator yeah you gotta take the us out and turn the giraffe in okay so a

lion is having a party invite everyone in the area to it but one animal doesn't

show up who is it

okay all the way to the party an alligator is swimming through the river

wait I'm gonna say to see I screwed up guys I screwed up okay so to say this

part is an alligator was sitting I was living it on its way to the party and it

got killed two animals for missing of the giraffe and then what was the other


what kill be alligators up something out of the plane yeah the break falling out

of the play no it's it says there's a woman trying to cross the river that's

not the party I've heard both versions an alligator infested with an alligator

infested river how does the woman cross there where the alligator was the one

that died you know Charlie just doesn't matter he's talking about so I'm just

gonna ignore his version I don't know

some things but you know computers you might be nice if you're probably

he'll probably he'll probably be seeing this recording at some point doubtful he

like never watches our videos business payback our channels like oh because we

have a channel and he doesn't yeah I'm not subscribing to him because he's a

butt-head who's got one subscriber okay that's that's a green yeah okay I'm

gonna make some more I cannot believe I might not have to make all this concrete

like this this is crazy you know what I could do no if I drop it in the water

I'm gonna have to swim down the water and get it yeah we're supposed to be

doing it for a playthrough but he hasn't bought it yet

what's that where you talking about that Oh five nights at Freddy's well anybody

actually well anybody actually watch the video yes okay I want to buy the mask I

want to buy it and do it with the mask though oh we were at Dollar General

there's like this demonic looking teddy bear mass like high about like it scared

me turn to grab the Corvette's senior it looked like five nights at freddy's mask

so okay so I'm gonna bust this first video up this is I'm gonna go ahead and

I'm gonna go ahead and do it ending here so if you come you'll give me a second

here I'm gonna do an ending if we can shut up yeah if you wouldn't mind being

quiet just for a second I'm gonna do an ending for this video and then we'll

start a new one I can mute you though if I need

you can he right so look be that so yeah okay so let's do an ending here I'm way

up in the air and so alright so this is gonna be the end of this video what's a

part one of the lighthouse build we're building the lighthouse down there and

so you're watching with bug bug and Jason and speedy these videos are gonna

be a little bit longer but that's okay we're gonna slap them up anyway so

working on the clever craft server and thank you for watching and hope you have

a great day

For more infomation >> Clever Craft - Minecraft SMP Let's Play EP 37 - Building a Lighthouse - Duration: 47:31.



For more infomation >> DANDARA MANOELA DOS SANTOS (27º SIC UFSC) - Duration: 4:58.


Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV - Official TGS 2017 Trailer - Duration: 2:02.

Haven't seen you around this neck of the woods.

Did you come here on a hunt or something?

Not much of an angler myself; I was just here taking some photos. Turns out fishies don't like sitting still for the camera.

Yes... That's it! If it isn't too much trouble, would you mind letting me have a look at what you catch?

Hope I didn't scare you or nothin'. Just figured I'd say "hey" to a fellow fan of the great outdoors.

Kinda on my own but you're welcome to join me.

For more infomation >> Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV - Official TGS 2017 Trailer - Duration: 2:02.


E. coli investigation continues - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> E. coli investigation continues - Duration: 0:36.


Todo el sistema médico mexicano en función de las víctimas del terremoto - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Todo el sistema médico mexicano en función de las víctimas del terremoto - Duration: 1:56.


Final Fantasy XV: Universe - Official TGS 2017 Trailer - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Final Fantasy XV: Universe - Official TGS 2017 Trailer - Duration: 3:05.


[HD] Íntegra do ABTV 1ª Edição de 20/09/2017 - TV Asa Branca - Duration: 50:10.

For more infomation >> [HD] Íntegra do ABTV 1ª Edição de 20/09/2017 - TV Asa Branca - Duration: 50:10.


Đã Có Phương Pháp Chữa Khỏi Tiểu Đường Tuýp 2 - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Đã Có Phương Pháp Chữa Khỏi Tiểu Đường Tuýp 2 - Duration: 3:15.


Puerto Rico en emergencia tras el paso del huracán María | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Puerto Rico en emergencia tras el paso del huracán María | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:52.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names with Play Doh - Dinosaur games for kids - Duration: 8:42.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names with Play Doh - Dinosaur games for kids

For more infomation >> Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names with Play Doh - Dinosaur games for kids - Duration: 8:42.


Mexicanos en Nueva York lamentan la tragedia de su país | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Mexicanos en Nueva York lamentan la tragedia de su país | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:52.


Siguen ingentes esfuerzos para rescatar a víctimas del terremoto | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Siguen ingentes esfuerzos para rescatar a víctimas del terremoto | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:05.


Rescatados dos niños en la escuela colapsada en Ciudad México | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> Rescatados dos niños en la escuela colapsada en Ciudad México | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 4:41.


Un México solidario se erige en medio de la tragedia | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Un México solidario se erige en medio de la tragedia | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:31.


Hrn En Vivo - Radio Hrn Honduras En Vivo - Hrn De Honduras En Vivo - Duration: 0:53.

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#1 jogando de trundle ( League of legends ) Runas e talentos - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> #1 jogando de trundle ( League of legends ) Runas e talentos - Duration: 7:16.


marco e gemma - Duration: 0:54.

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Sen. Johnson Debates Guarantees vs. Promises In GOP Health Bill - Duration: 10:59.

For more infomation >> Sen. Johnson Debates Guarantees vs. Promises In GOP Health Bill - Duration: 10:59.


#1 jogando de trundle ( League of legends ) Runas e talentos - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> #1 jogando de trundle ( League of legends ) Runas e talentos - Duration: 7:16.


Renault Laguna Estate 2.0 16V T Dynamque - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Renault Laguna Estate 2.0 16V T Dynamque - Duration: 0:57.


Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW 5D Online Edition - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.0T 66KW 5D Online Edition - Duration: 1:01.


Video: Mostly cloudy, but Jose comes back off the coast - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Video: Mostly cloudy, but Jose comes back off the coast - Duration: 3:57.


How to make a GIF with GIMP - Duration: 5:40.

GIMP is very powerful free image editing software,

you can do a lot with it including making GIF animations.

Let's have a look at how to make GIF animations in GIMP.

Hello everyone, It's Average Linux User

helping you to install, configure and use Linux.

I make Linux tutorials every Wednesday and Friday.

Subscribe and click the bell notification, so you won't miss any new video.

In the previous video, you have learned how to make a GIF

from images with the Linux command line.

If you have not watched that video, I leave the link in the description.

Using the command line is very fast way to make a GIF,

but the command line is not for everyone.

So, in this video you will see how to make a GIF in GIMP,

a free image editing software.

The process is independent of the operating system you use.

becasue GIMP is the same on Linux, Windows and Mac.

Open GIMP.

Go to File → Open as layers

And select all the images you want to make a GIF of

When all your images are imported, go to this

Layers panel and make sure that the order of the images is as you want it to be.

The animation will be in the bottom – up direction.

This is the first frame and this is the last one.

You can use file names to order the layer.

Alternatively, you can check all the layers by gradually making the top layer invisible.

When you are sure that the order is as intended, you can crop these images.

I don't have to crop much in these images.

For the demonstration purpose, lets change the aspect ratio to 16 by 10.

Fix this aspect ratio and fit the frame.

When you are happy with what to crop, press enter.

Now, let's resize these images because they are quite large

and the GIF file will be large too.

Go to Image → Scale Image.

And here you can select the size and the resolution.

You can keep the resolution at 72, but the GIF file will probably be too large.

You need to find the lowest resolution possible but not too low

when it is impossible to see what is in your GIF.

I will use the value of 50.

The same applies to the size.

You need to use as small size as possible.

I will use 400 px on the longest side.

Also, when you change the size make sure that the proportions are locked.

You can see it from this sign.

Press Scale.

Then make you zoom level 100%.

This is how it will look in real size in your GIF.

Assess its quality.

If it is too small and low resolution, undo the changes by pressing Ctrl+Z

or through this menu

and adjust the size and resolution until you are satisfied with the results.

Next, go to Filters → Animation and Optimize these images for GIF.

This will open all your layers in a new tab

and you can see that some information is removed from the images.

This will further reduce the size of the images and thus the GIF size.

Also, you need to save this project because it is opened in as a separate instance.

Go to File and click save.

After that go to Filters → Animation and select Playback.

Now, you can see how your animation will look like frame by frame.

If everything is fine, go to File and Export this project as GIF.

Make sure it is exported as animation.

Enable loop.

And here you need to specify the delay between frames.

I will use 100.

I don't really know what the rest of the options do, so I select "I don't care".

And export it.

Then go and check your GIF.

If you are not happy with the speed.

In my case, the animation speed is too fast.

You can go back and adjust the delay.

I will increase it to 200.

Export again.

Now, the speed is reasonable.

Also, go to the properties of you GIF and check its size.

If it is too large, you need to go back and reduce the size and resolution of your images.

GIFs tend to be very large, but my simple GIF is pretty small as you can see

What way do you like more making GIFs with the command line as I showed previously

or the way you learned in this video, with the graphical interface?

You can vote here in the top right corner or comment below.

If you need to make a GIF from a video, please wait for the next tutorials,

I will show how to extract frames from a video with ffmpeg and VLC media player.

Again you will have a choice between the command line and the graphical interface.

If you watch this video a week after it was uploaded,

then those tutorials are probably already available

Just search for them on the channel.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> How to make a GIF with GIMP - Duration: 5:40.


Obama swipes at, but doesn't name, Trump - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Obama swipes at, but doesn't name, Trump - Duration: 1:02.


Work life balance sucks | daily sprout 356 - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Work life balance sucks | daily sprout 356 - Duration: 1:11.


NASA Confirm: 21th September 2017 is when Warning! Everybody Should Know What Happened to Them! - Duration: 44:30.

For more infomation >> NASA Confirm: 21th September 2017 is when Warning! Everybody Should Know What Happened to Them! - Duration: 44:30.


istanbul - Darren Burch Full Guide Tour - Guzel Sultan Ahmed Mosque - Duration: 10:20.

istanbul, Turkey - Full Guide Tour - The Beautiful Blue (Sultan Ahmed) Mosque

sorry what about Sofia Museum our Sophie our Museum leave Moscow we can go nice

restaurant Oh fantastic I think it's a wonderful idea oops

see you here another magnificent eye

amina amina amina amina easy uni tell me Jame yes Amy no no Amy

Johnny you need German Jimmy Johnny a me newness a Monona alienate any job Jamie

Johnny penis gimme gimme even on a image any Amy Amy

Amy Amy

we finally made it we're at the Blue Mosque entrance or one of the entrances

and we're gonna go outside but ah thank goodness I didn't wear my shorts I am so

grateful for their I've got to wear shorts today because it's so hot but I'm

so grateful that I I listen to myself okay just go inside

it was the entrance of one of the entrances to the Blue Mosque

okay so before they pray they have to take their shoes off and wash them

Wow this is incredible

now riddled by it Scootaloo Bosphorus kasi whole interior is covered with new

tiles and the places caught salta immense mosque it's the original name of

this place was built in the sixteen hundreds and was completed in 1619

1916-17 can't remember fact they were mine for the ego

listen historical place these also got tombs down below and closed wish of days

that's open to the public

now we're in the mosque

niihama Thailand

New Zealand

if you can see the man wearing those Goods because they walked in here with

their shorts on so they have to wear skirts


you can walk around the SE is all like a grinder

this is why it's called the Blue Mosque because of his blue tiles inside the

interior and this was built in 1659 I believe and it's still used today

it seems definitely

back in the sultan days

fruit juice sweet a sweetener sweetener food juice come out of the staff here

from the ultimate time and it's two of these most over there on special days

what you say maybe haven't subscribe to me subscribe watching and this thank you

istanbul, Turkey - Full Guide Tour - The Beautiful Blue (Sultan Ahmed) Mosque

For more infomation >> istanbul - Darren Burch Full Guide Tour - Guzel Sultan Ahmed Mosque - Duration: 10:20.


Top 11 Easy Ice Cream Recipes | Tutorial to Make Ice Cream Recipes For Your Kid #1 - Duration: 10:19.



For more infomation >> Top 11 Easy Ice Cream Recipes | Tutorial to Make Ice Cream Recipes For Your Kid #1 - Duration: 10:19.


VKook Moans // When The Cameras Turn Off 45+ (FAKE SUBS) - Duration: 15:48.

For more infomation >> VKook Moans // When The Cameras Turn Off 45+ (FAKE SUBS) - Duration: 15:48.


BREAKING: Comey-Obama Collusion Uncovered | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:46.

The revelation that the FBI wiretapped Trump associates

is one of the most surprising facts to hit the public's awareness.

After months of the Democrat establishment and mainstream media criticizing Trump for

supposedly unfounded wiretap claims, the president has ultimately been vindicated.

One of the most prominent public officials to deny Trump's wiretap claims was former

FBI Director James Comey.

As Breitbart reports, Comey attempted to discredit Trump's allegations in March during his

congressional testimony.

The FBI has now changed positions on denying wiretapping of the Trump campaign.

The news that the FBI had indeed wiretapped was broken by CNN, which famously censured

Trump's assertions that the surveillance had taken place.

As it turns out, the FBI wiretapped Paul Manafort, who served for a time as Trump's campaign

chairman during the 2016 election.

According to the CNN report, the Manafort wiretapping was done on alleged grounds of

the political consultant's involvement in Ukrainian elections.

A secret order by the court that handles the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

authorized the investigation of Manafort in 2014.

The original surveillance was discontinued in 2016 due to lack of evidence.

But the FBI restarted the wiretapping under a new FISA warrant.

These warrants must be approved by top Justice Department and FBI officials.

Sources say this second warrant was granted on the basis of Manafort's alleged connection

with Russian operatives, part of a larger look into accusations of collusion between

the Trump campaign and Russia.

President Trump has repeatedly voiced public concern over the wiretapping carried out against

his campaign, which he accuses of being politically motivated with the express purpose of discrediting

his presidency.

In one widely-shared statement on Twitter, Trump wrote: "Terrible!

Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower just before the victory.

Nothing found.

This is McCarthyism!"

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Comey-Obama Collusion Uncovered | Top Stories Today - Duration: 3:46.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names with Play Doh - Dinosaur games for kids - Duration: 8:42.


Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names with Play Doh - Dinosaur games for kids

For more infomation >> Learn Dinosaurs Names and Sounds - Learn Dinosaurs Names with Play Doh - Dinosaur games for kids - Duration: 8:42.


Harley Quinn and Joker Multiverse figures Deadshot Rick Flag Captain Boomerang Killer Croc Katana! - Duration: 3:16.

Harley Quinn and Joker Multiverse figures Deadshot Rick Flag Captain Boomerang Diablo Killer Croc Katana!

Harley Quinn and Joker feature among others in the Multiverse range of toys for the suicide squad movie!

Harley Quinn and Joker feature among others in the Multiverse range of toys for the suicide squad movie!

Each figure includes a bonus body part, each of these can be combined to create Killer Croc!

Look out for the exclusive Harley Quinn with Jacket, this Amazon exclusive figure also includes an exclusive shirt and jacket piece for the Killer Croc figure!

These are available from all good toy stores as well as Amazon (check out the links below for more info

For more infomation >> Harley Quinn and Joker Multiverse figures Deadshot Rick Flag Captain Boomerang Killer Croc Katana! - Duration: 3:16.


Yellow Lifeguard by Upper Valley Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Yellow Lifeguard by Upper Valley Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 4:18.


Top 15 Cakes Cookies Decorating Tutorials - Cake Style 2017 - Amazing Cookies Cakes Technique Videos - Duration: 5:10.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))

For more infomation >> Top 15 Cakes Cookies Decorating Tutorials - Cake Style 2017 - Amazing Cookies Cakes Technique Videos - Duration: 5:10.


COOL Buttercream Decorating Compilation - Best Royal Icing Tutorials 2017 - Duration: 5:29.

Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe :))

For more infomation >> COOL Buttercream Decorating Compilation - Best Royal Icing Tutorials 2017 - Duration: 5:29.


The Natural Born Killer Carlos Condit Eyes return in December; Paige VanZant Book;Cain out - Duration: 3:31.

Carlos "the Natural Born Killer" Condit Just made himself relevant in MMA again with

a single tweet direct toward sean Shelby the UFC's matchmaker.

Carlos had been dedicating his time to his coffee business "hundred hands coffee"

but it's either not fulfilling his financial expectations, or its not fulfilling his adrenaline

that he was so accustomed to inside of the cage.

Either way Carlos Condit is probably the greatest fighter never to earn a title in the UFC.

He fought for the title vs George St.Pierre on November 17, 2012 where he stunned the

arguably greatest of all time with a head kick, and he also lost in a controversial

title fight vs Robbie lawler back in UFC 195 on January 2, 2016.

Condit has always been at the cusp of winning but could never pull it off.

Maybe watching Bisping finally get his own title after trying and failing so many times

has inspired him as well.

Scott Coker Confirms fight between Rory Macdonald and

Douglas Lima on Saturday January 20th at the forum.

Macdonald is coming off his rear naked choke submission victory vs Paul Daley on May 19th

of this year.

Lima is coming off his victory from UFC veteran Lorenz Larkin via unanimous decision.

The fight is for the bellator welterweight belt.

Rory Sends Lima this tweet, and Lima quickly responds.

UFC Norfolk Dustin Poirer vs Anthony Pettis Tickets go

on sale to the public on the 22nd of this month

Paige VanZants Book titled "Rise" Surviving the fight

of my life.

Its available for preorder now.

The book goes on sale to the public april 10th 2018 and has a price tag of $27 bucks

Dominick Cruz "He (GSP) has a strong enough mindset to

not make it (ringrust) a thing."

Cain Velasquez's Surgery did not go as planned according to

coach Javier Mendez.

It's been 8 months since his surgery but they ran into some complications.

Velasquez was originally scheduled to fight Fabricio Werdum in July but due to his back

complications the fight was cancelled.

Coach Mendez told the UK's daily star: "The surgery has not gone the way it was supposed

to have gone.

"He's not back training yet.

But he didn't pull out, the fight was pulled from him from the state athletic commission."

"He's not lost the desire to fight, he's just waiting for some time, When his body

is 100-percent healthy and his mind will be intact with that healthiness, then he'll

be ready to fight."

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