Thursday, September 21, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 21 2017

Are you curious who the best leaders are on your team? Well watch this video and find out how you can quickly identify them.

Hey, it's Jason Everett from the High Performance Salon Academy and today we are talking all about leaders.

You know, in salons finding leaders can be one of the toughest things that you do because these are the people you are going to entrust with the direction of your business in the future.

And they've got to meet some amazing qualifications and criteria in order to be on your leadership team.

So here's the first thing I would say, number one in leaders you want to look for people who've been identified as leaders early on.

I mean for me, personally, I was a leader in 4H, I was a leader in my soccer team, in my baseball team, and all those things were very early on, they would pull me out for leadership roles.

So that was something that was identified early. And not everybody has that, that's how people learn it and they can get there.

So there's an acronym I want to give you today that's going to help you identify future leaders in your organization.

And the acronym is DRIVE.

Now why is it DRIVE?

Because we want to figure out, number one, D is how driven people are.

If people are able to function and operate on their own with a drive like you've never seen from anybody else, like why is this person wanting to work so hard.

They seem to be very excited to show up to work they're not just somebody who sits there and shows up because they're getting a paycheck

but they take initiative, they do things on their own and they're really excited about the future. That is a very driven individual.

Which takes me to point number two, which is RESPONSIBLE.

Are they hyper responsible, are they taking over responsibility and accountability for things that are not even their fault.

Meaning that more people around are saying gosh they just take that one and they take it on whether they are asked to or not, and that's a hyper responsible person.

Number three is are they INDEPENDENT?

Do they operate independently well or do they constantly need to be babysat? If somebody is independent they're not going to be

constantly asking you what else do you need, what else do you need, what else do you need?

They're just going to get it done.

Are they constantly doers instead of constant actors? Or askers, that's going to be somebody who is very independent.

Now number four is VISION.

Do they have a long term vision and can they see the future?

I'm not talking crystal ball status but do they constantly think about how will this decision impact three months, six months, nine months down the road.

Are they future focused, visionary type people that are on the team? That's another great leadership quality.

And then lastly in DRIVE is E for EVERYONE.

Are they constantly thinking how this decision impacts the group as opposed to how this decision impacts them.

If you have somebody who is constantly using I language versus constantly using WE language that would be a problem.

So you're looking for somebody who is always thinking, Oh when we do this, the team is going to be excited about this. We are really going to be this. How will that impact everyone?

So again, to recap, D for driven, R for responsible, I for independent, V for vision and E for everyone.

And if you find somebody that meets all five of those characteristics traits, you need to identify them as a leader on your team and start tapping them on the shoulder.

One of my favorite things is called a leadership tap. Where you tap somebody on the shoulder and you say,

"Look, I'd like to have you as part of the leadership team. How do you feel about that?"

And if they get excited and they're into it, maybe not now, maybe in the future, couple of years, but give them that leadership tap and allow them the opportunity to rise to the occasion as a leader.

So do me a favor, in the comment section below if you got value out of this video do me a favor and just comment with the word DRIVE below

so I know you got tons of value and do me a favor, head over to our YouTube channel subscribe to our page there, and head over to Facebook and make sure you like our page on Facebook as well.

And until then, have a fantastic week and I hope to help you grow your salon very soon. Bye for now.

For more infomation >> How To Identify The Best Leaders On Your Team - Duration: 3:53.


New Giant Jurassic World Slime Surprise Egg Dinosaur Toys For Kids Animal Planet Dinotrux Unboxing - Duration: 15:41.

it's great to see you again today for our giant magic Jurassic world surprise

eggs we're gonna have a special show we're gonna be pulling out five giant

dinosaur eggs full of slime and dinosaurs wall it's gonna be awesome and

a lot more fun toys let's go ahead and see what is in here oh cool okay our

New Giant Jurassic World Slime Surprise Egg Dinosaur Toys For Kids Animal Planet Dinotrux Unboxing

these are coop they are full slime and dinosaurs cool but before we take a look

let's see what else we have okay let's see what else was in here

whoa cool awesome and another so we will have three 3d dinosaur puzzle oh look

and some dinotrux toys these are dinotrux toys dinosaur trucks scrapters and then our final one does

not fit in the egg but it is an awesome Animal Planet therizinosaurus set check this so today we

have Animal Planet dinosaur invasion ok guys let's get started ok we're gonna

start with our first giant slime egg Wow check that out

what a mess ah where are the dinosaurs ah there we go wow that is a mess look

at that three slimy dinosaurs Spinosaurus

t-rex in ink Lia Saurus Wow let's see what's in the next egg

okay our next egg is equally slimy cool that is awesome

oh there's our first dinosaur and the second and third wow that's a lot of

slime there guys wow what a mess okay so we have we have

an ankylosaurus here a Stegosaurus and a pachycephalosaurus Wow let's see what

was in the next day this is getting really messy now guys okay our next egg

also is full of slime toys family channel

where are the dinosaurs oh here comes one up looks like all three of them are

coming at the same time okay let's see what we have here we have a slimy t-rex

a slimy Spinosaurus and a slimy Stegosaurus

okay our next egg oh I love making these slime videos guys because it's so messy

so here comes our dinos that's two and there is the third Wow messy messy messy

cool okay what do we got looks like we got a Pachycephalosaurus we've got a

t-rex and indominus rex cool

and our final egg what dinosaurs are we gonna get in this one

oh here comes one and two and three and a lot of slime

cool okay so our dinosaurs are going to be ah Triceratops Spinosaurus and a

pterodactyl cool oh yeah this mess we have here guys you gotta check this out

boy I sure wish I had somebody to help me clean this mess up look at this

that's so gross fifteen slime Jurassic world dinosaurs now guys you know I love

making these slime videos because they're so gross you grow through the

bitter right giant plate pin oh cool okay let's go ahead and open up the rest

of our toys how about we have like a waterfall of slime dinosaurs let's do


okay guys so here is all of our Dino toys all cleaned up and then we will

move on to opening the rest of these awesome toys cool okay so we're gonna

move on to opening this giant Animal Planet set this is dinosaur invasion

with the therizinosaurus s cool let's check out the back it comes with a

fossil bone puzzle there is no Saurus horn horn 'is the

least these fossil bones and accessories so it comes with an action finger and

everything cool let's open it up oh and by the way before we do open it up the

toys behind there are all of the new jurassic world toys I bought pretty much

all of them brand new again so I could keep them in their packages because I

love the toys so much so I have like pretty much doubles of all of these and

then triples if you count the unopened package okay so here is the Risen asuras

set before I take anything out of it okay so we're gonna start with the

ornithol estie's this is a small Dino carnivore

he looks pretty similar to a raptor ah except for this big like crown on his

head it looks like he's got a third claw even

over there if that's a mistake or not I'm not really sure and then we have the

thrist thesaurus is good it is cool cool action feature if you push his button he

moves his arms so you could use this guy's some awesome Dino battles his head

does not move the mouth does not move the legs move so you can put them in

different positions he's got a tiny little tail ball I love these big claws

you could move the arms in two different positions too so get the claw motion

like in different areas so I sort of like it right there really good

detailing on this guy he is awesome looking okay then the set comes with

this cool little vehicle minifigure little action figure here which will fit

in to the vehicle to drive it it has a net action on the front so you can use

it to capture dinosaurs searchlight really cool-looking Jeep

seat back here for second passenger although it only has one action figure

and then it comes with a bunch of accessories it's got like a lantern

movie camera ally water bottle binoculars and this cool pop off set so

you can build yourself a dinosaur skeleton okay then we have the 3d Dino

puzzles so let's see what we've got here first

okay this looks like it's gonna be in Apatosaurus

so these puzzles are like 21 pieces I'm not gonna take the full puzzle apart

because they come partially assembled so just pieces so you can see the pieces

they all fit together really nice and neat so it is a really cool but anyways

I'm gonna go ahead and finish this one this one we will add the tail which the

tail itself is in like four parts I believe these are 15 to 21 pieces so

even the neck is in like four different parts okay so here is our Apatosaurus


it's really cool

and then we have our next one which against a black backdrop almost makes

the egg invisible

fight to open up okay so once again this is another one of the ones I believe

it's about 21 pieces but I'm not gonna take the full thing apart I want to show

you guys what the finished product looks like so this one looks like it's gonna

be a charisma Saurus so oh we forgot the plate okay so first of all you're gonna

put this plate on so i guys i really love the way these things fit together I

mean they fit together so cool it's just really fun to put all these together but

sometimes you have to pull a few pieces together at the same time so

of course there is our threesome asuras really awesome

okay let's see what we have next okay and our next egg is going to be ah who

was fine check this out guys also oh I like this

one I think this is the favored 3d egg my favorite for you egg that I've seen

cuz it's really cool if I could put it together not the greatest at these

puzzles so there we go Spinosaurus huh cool

what an awesome 3d egg and then our final one is gonna be a new set of

dinotrux toys by the way guys if you do like my

Jurassic world dinotrux toys or any of those I've got playlists

I'll have a jurassic world playlist at the end of this video but if you go to

my main channel look at my playlist I have dinotrux I opened pretty much all

of the dinotrux toys it awesome battles with them and

everything so go ahead and check out my playlist guys

so this says crafters class dinotrux and scraps scavengers desert treads for

speeding over sand retractable chains and shooting claws for desert scrap

snatching and plier jaws to pry apart scrap

let's check them out okay guys these are like the coolest crafters

I have they have little tiny wheels on the bottom they roll along really nice

and smooth this one's like a dark gray black blue color scheme even has like

new eyes and then this one's of blue and gray with white eyes so really cool

scratchers also gonna have a little scratcher battle here okay guys so did

you like those surprise toys I love making the surprise dinosaur egg slime

toys for you guys I love making these videos guys this is my job this is how I

support my family so I really appreciate you guys watching these videos ah if you

do have suggestions what you want to see drop it in the comment section and

thanks for being awesome and I will see you guys click the boxes below for a lot

more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the

subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Giant Jurassic World Slime Surprise Egg Dinosaur Toys For Kids Animal Planet Dinotrux Unboxing - Duration: 15:41.


Treuer Weggefährte = Auto, in OH oder HL gesucht - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Treuer Weggefährte = Auto, in OH oder HL gesucht - Duration: 1:57.


2017 Honda Civic Type R

For more infomation >> 2017 Honda Civic Type R


Carthago Chic E-line 51 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Carthago Chic E-line 51 - Duration: 1:08.


Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI AIRDREAM DYNAMIQUE - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.6 E-HDI AIRDREAM DYNAMIQUE - Duration: 0:59.


Peugeot 108 BLUE LION 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5-DRS | AIRCO | - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 BLUE LION 1.0 12V E-VTI 68PK 5-DRS | AIRCO | - Duration: 0:54.


GF Vip 2, Belen e Valentina Vignali contro la De Lellis: le frecciatine velenose - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> GF Vip 2, Belen e Valentina Vignali contro la De Lellis: le frecciatine velenose - Duration: 3:43.


Gemma Galgani sempre più sola: la dama del Trono Over sedotta e abbandonata | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Gemma Galgani sempre più sola: la dama del Trono Over sedotta e abbandonata | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:06.


l'amante e' un lusso (costa fino a mille € mensili): gli uomini spendono in cene, donne in sex toys - Duration: 10:49.

For more infomation >> l'amante e' un lusso (costa fino a mille € mensili): gli uomini spendono in cene, donne in sex toys - Duration: 10:49.


Plelis - Independência - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Plelis - Independência - Duration: 3:05.





Hernia de Disco - Sentia Muitas Dores - Parte 3 1/2 - Duration: 3:26.

WhatsApp (88) 9 9402 6989 TIM (88) 9 9692-3661 CLARO (88) 9 9402-6989

WhatsApp (88) 9 9402 6989 TIM (88) 9 9692-3661 CLARO (88) 9 9402-6989

WhatsApp (88) 9 9402 6989 TIM (88) 9 9692-3661 CLARO (88) 9 9402-6989

WhatsApp (88) 9 9402 6989 TIM (88) 9 9692-3661 CLARO (88) 9 9402-6989

WhatsApp (88) 9 9402 6989 TIM (88) 9 9692-3661 CLARO (88) 9 9402-6989

For more infomation >> Hernia de Disco - Sentia Muitas Dores - Parte 3 1/2 - Duration: 3:26.


GRWM + HOMECOMING 2017 | Nuria Bielsa - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> GRWM + HOMECOMING 2017 | Nuria Bielsa - Duration: 5:30.


Como Reconquistar | Como deixar um homem apaixonado em 4 passos. Alexander Voger - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> Como Reconquistar | Como deixar um homem apaixonado em 4 passos. Alexander Voger - Duration: 6:49.


Sad Puppy - Brave (Lyrics Video) | Epic Beats - Duration: 2:55.

📝 Sad Puppy - Brave Lyrics

We could run in the lightwaves

Together and or all the sound waves

How did we get, how did we get so brave

How did we get, how did we get so brave

And we could run the tidal waves

Together escaping all the gamma rays

Tell me How did we get, how did we get so brave

Tell me How did we get, how did we get so brave

Oh oh oh…

We could run in the lightwaves

Together and or all the sound waves

How did we get, how did we get so brave

How did we get, how did we get so brave

And we could run the tidal waves

Together escaping all the gamma rays

Tell me How did we get, how did we get so brave

Tell me How did we get, how did we get so brave

Oh oh oh…

We could run in the lightwaves

Together and or all the sound waves

How did we get, how did we get so brave

How did we get, how did we get so brave

For more infomation >> Sad Puppy - Brave (Lyrics Video) | Epic Beats - Duration: 2:55.


MARIA EDUARDA DUARTE (27 º SIC UFSC) - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> MARIA EDUARDA DUARTE (27 º SIC UFSC) - Duration: 5:02.


[SUB ITA] Kasane Teto - Conducdance - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> [SUB ITA] Kasane Teto - Conducdance - Duration: 4:15.


How to Whiten Dark Underarms Fast at Home - Duration: 3:06.

Have you ever wanted to wear a sleeveless or strapless top but felt self-conscious because

the skin under your arm is darkened and discolored?

This could be due to several factors.

Genetics could play a part in the color or discoloration of your skin.

Store bought deodorant often uses chemicals that could, over time, change the color of

your skin.

But, when you really want to wear that cute top and can't, the reason your skin has

changed color really doesn't matter.

Thankfully, we've got some simple ways to lighten the skin of your underarm.

We can also help you improve the overall health of your skin.

Even though you might be able to buy something that is supposed to underarm discoloration,

our natural remedies will be less expensive.

They will also do a great job when you're consistent in the application.

Take a look at these five home remedies for this unsightly and embarrassing issue.


Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar kills bacteria on the

skin when applied directly to it.

It works not only on the appearance of the skin, but also the odor that emanates from

the underarm.

If you want to try pure apple cider vinegar first, dab some vinegar on a clean rag and

apply it to a small area of the skin.

Make sure you don't have any reactions before applying it to a larger area.

If you do have a reaction, try diluting into an equal parts mixture and follow the same



Lemon Juice Lemon juice has similar whitening benefits

as apple cider vinegar.

Apply some fresh lemon juice to your underarm before bed.

Since lemon juice can also be used as a disinfectant, it will help clean your skin.

It's best to leave the lemon juice on your skin for about 30 minutes.

Wash it off before going to sleep.


Lemon and Sugar scrub Lemon is used to clean, but in this home remedy

we use sugar to act as an exfoliant.

Since lemons contain citric acid, you should only use this treatment when affected area

will not be exposed to sunlight.

Simply mix a tablespoon of brown sugar with half a cup of lemon juice.

Rub it on the discolored area and let it stay for 15 minutes.

Rinse the mixture off and dry the skin well.


Coconut Oil Coconut oil is a very versatile health and

beauty aid and using it regularly on the skin can significantly repair discolored areas.

It's rich in Vitamin E, which makes it a fantastic moisturizer, and it has a great



Honey, Oats and Lemon You can take these three common household

items and make a homemade whitening solution.

Mix a teaspoon of honey with the juice of one lemon and two tablespoons of oatmeal.

Make a cream, and then just apply it to your underarms.

Let it stand for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.

Before you know it, you'll be back to wearing those favorite tops again, without any worries

about dark, discolored spots on your skin.

For more infomation >> How to Whiten Dark Underarms Fast at Home - Duration: 3:06.


3 types of Rhythm Changes licks you NEED to know - Duration: 12:42.

(guitar music)

- Hi everybody.

My name is Jens Larsen.

There are two progressions that are essential

if you're trying to learn

to play jazz and especially bebop.

Those two progressions are the 12 bar blues

and the rhythm changes.

In this video, I'm going to go

over three different approaches

to soloing over rhythm changes

that you can add to to your vocabulary.

If you want to learn more about jazz guitars

or get better at improvising over chords,

so check out some interesting scales and arpeggios,

then subscribe to my channel.

If you wanna make sure to not miss anything,

then click the little bell notification icon

next to the subscribe button.

When you are playing a solo

over the rhythm changes form,

then you're spending most of your time

improvising over this progression.

The I VI II V in this case in Bb.

So, (guitar) Bbmaj7.

(guitar) G seven.

(guitar) C minor.

(guitar) And then F7.

Of course there are many variations

of this turnaround, and you can check those out.

But essentially, it's gonna be a turnaround that's making up

most of the rhythm change progression.

And that's what you're gonna be soloing on.

And you want to approach this

in a few different ways.

In fact, I think that the three approaches

that I'm covering in this video are really gonna

be there in all good rhythm changes solos

because you don't only use

one of these approaches.

That's not gonna work, but if you leave one

of them out you might not also sound really as if

you know what it is to play over rhythm changes.

(Rhythm Changes - jazz guitar)

In this first approach, we're reducing the amount

of chords that we're soloing on.

So of course, we are starting

with this progression.


And we then, when we're soloing we're using it

down to two chords so a bar of (guitar)

Bbmaj7 and a bar of (guitar) F7.

Those are sort of the core components

of our turnaround anyway.

And the scale you need to improvise

over this would be a Bb major scale

so that would be this scale (guitar).

And of course, there's still a ways

that you could start working towards

being able to improvise like this.

So one bar of Bb, one bar of F,

and then alternating that all the time.

One good exercise is from Barry Harris,

which is this scale exercise.


And of course, you could also work

with just playing the arpeggios.

So if you play first Bb major arpeggio

and then F7 arpeggio in time through the progression

that would be this.

(guitar arpeggios)

Really you just want to combine this information

so one thing is to the scale

and also the arpeggio

and the sound of that into your lines.

In the example that I played, I start off

with the line that's coming straight out

of Bbmaj7 arpeggio.

So I'm starting on the third (guitar)

and then basically up the triad,

so up to the root (guitar)

and then off to the seventh (guitar)

and then down to the fifth (guitar).

And then on the F7 (guitar)

where the scale run from Eb

so that's just really the seventh of F7.

So you can really hear that note is

not really present on the Bb.

And when I have that on the one here,

then you can really hear

that the chord is changing (guitar)

and on the scale of emphasizing the fifth

of the F7 (guitar)

and then using the seventh again

to lead us down to the third of the Bb

in the third bar. (guitar)

And here the line is just using the triad

and a little bit of scale.


Which is still of course third, fifth,

and then sixth. (guitar)

Skipping down to the lower fifth (guitar)

and then on the next F7,

I have an anticipated Eb,

and then the arpeggio I'm using on this F7

of course there are a lot

of arpeggios you could use on a dominant chord.

One of them is also the one that's found

on the seventh degree so that's

an Ebmaj7 arpeggio in this example.


So that's an Eb triad then up

to the seventh so that's D.

And then the leading note

down to the fifth of F7.

(Bebop Jazz Guitar)

But of course,

part of playing over rhythm changes

is also really nailing the changes.

And if you check out part of solos,

you'll see that very often

when he's playing the first two bars in an A-part,

then he won't really be spelling out the changes.

But in the second two bars,

he will really nail the changes and really spell out

maybe have tried to a substitution

or another sorta interesting change in there.

In the example I just played,

I'm doing exactly that.

So really what we need here is, of course,

we already a Bb major scale that we can use

on the Bb chord and we can use the same scale

on the C minor and then on the G seven.


So since G7 is dominant,

it resolves to C minor.

It makes the most sense

to use C minor harmonic scale,

and that would be this scale.


And we do something similar with the Fseven

so use a F7 with a b13 and a b9.

And that would be this scale.

So Bb harmonic minor.


So the idea now becomes to really spell

out the different changes and make clear

each of the chords that are in there.

And the way you do that is usually just

by really pointing towards and playing

towards the important notes in the next chord.

So that's what's called target notes.

I have a web store lesson that's really about this

where I'm giving you a lot of exercises

and a lot examples.

You can check that out.

I'll link to that later in this video.

If we look at the example that I played,

the first lines of the Bbmaj7 is just

(guitar) this Coltrane pattern.

And on the D seven, this really neatly leads up

to the B so now we're on the D seven.

It's getting up to the flat nine.

And now I'm aiming for the fifth that I want

to resolve alongs the C minor.

So (guitar)...

again you can really hear (guitar)

that this is resolving.

Then we get another sorta cliche pattern

which is... (guitar)

five flat, three, two, and one.

And this is also gonna leading really nicely

to the b13 in the F7.

And then I'm just using this (guitar)

which is an F7, sharp 5 arpeggios.


This type of arpeggio,

and again this is also a line with a direction.

And the (guitar) leads us down to the

D on the second Bb major.

And here we have (guitar) and on a Coltrane pattern

but now from D minor.


And that takes us to the flat nine on the G7

(guitar) and here I'm using just the

diminished arpeggio which is (guitar)

of a structure of the G7.


And that resolves really nicely

to the third of C minor.

And on the C minor, I'm using Eb major arpeggio

and then down to the fifth arpeggio.


And that's just a F7 arpeggio,

and it resolves to the third of Bb major.

(Bluesy Jazz guitar)

The third approach that you want to use

if your improvising over rhythm changes is to

also have some phrases that are really,

basically just blues phrases.

Of course, blues is really a big part

of the roots of jazz.

And at the same time the definition

of what a blues phrase is is quite open.

So you can go anywhere from just using something

that sounds like a Bb7

when you're like (guitar)

Bb major type sounds.

Or you can also just use stuff that's

really like minor pentatonic.


I think you'll find that

in a rhythm change is very often,

we're not really using some (guitar)

of the standard guitar blues box stuff.

But you will find there's Pat Martino

that has like really long part in Oleo

where he goes (guitar) if I remember correctly.

So of course it does happen, and you can use it.

Now in the example that I'm using here,

I chose to sorta keep it more

in the mixolydian types sounds.

And just use different aspects of that

and use a a little blues phrasing in my lines.

And in that way, get the blues across.

And how you wanna approach this

is really open to you.

I have quite a few lessons

on making blues phrases in a jazz context.

I'll link to them

in the description of this video.

So if we look at the phrase, the first part of it

(guitar) is really just the open structure

of the Bb7 so that's

just a D diminisheded triad.

(guitar arpeggio)

Then we get on the turnaround

on the two five, so C minor F7.


We get something that can be a little bit ambiguous.

It could be considered

(guitar) just a bebop phrase,

but it could also just be considered

still like (guitar)

some sort of jazz blues phrase

which is coming down from G to F (guitar)

down to the fourth and then...

sorta resolving on the F and the D.

Then we get another phrase,

and this is clearly a blues phrase

in the sense that we have sorta one of the trademarks

of blues is of course that we get the minor third

on top of a major chord.

And in this case, I'm using it as a leading note.

I think you'll find that in sort

of more major type blues.

So both in jazz and country.

That's the way it's used most of the time.

And in this case, I'm playing the leading note up

to the third (guitar)

down to the root, sixth.

And then again using the sort of dominant sound


with this part which is really just a fragment

of a Bb7 arpeggio.

Then the last part just to sorta take it back to

because in the bars after we're gonna be going

to the fourth degree.

And there's a lot more happening with the changes

than to keep a little bit here

in this with a C minor phrase.


Of course, you can work on each

of these three approaches separately.

And probably if you're trying to get better

at them then yeah I would take one out and work on that.

But when you're a sorting over them changes,

you really wanna see if you can find

a good way to combine them.

As I already talked about,

how you will actually find,

and you can also start listening for it like that.

That for instance, Parker will use certain things

and in certain places,

play the changes in all places.

Maybe simplify them a little bit

or just play a blues phrase.

I think when it comes to playing blues if you listen

to people like Joe Pass

or George Benson or certainly also Parker

You'll here them play blues, and you can do that

in the context of a rhythm change.

But actually you will hear them do it just

on a normal standard and anything

that just has a tonic major chord, really.

If you want to dig a little bit deeper

into playing rhythm changes

where you're really nailing the changes,

and working with all things that are possible.

If you start working with target notes,

then I have a web store lesson that's exactly

on that topic, and you can check that out.

I'll link to it both as a cut here in the video

and also in the description.

In that there's a lot of examples.

There's a lot of exercises and allot of talk

about how you can make some good phrases

that are really spelling out the changes

in a nice, still musical way.

If you wanna check out more about Jazz guitar

and this the first time you've seen one

of my videos, then subscribe to my channel.

I publish a new video every Thursday,

and I've been doing it for quite some time.

So there's all ready a lot

of material available on my channel.

If you wanna help me keep making all these videos

then check out my Patreon page.

I have a small community of people

who are supporting me over on Patreon,

and they're helping me keep on going

with making all these videos.

And if you want to help me

and join the community over on Patreon,

then I can also give you something

in return for your support.

That's about it for this week.

Thank you for watching and until next week.

For more infomation >> 3 types of Rhythm Changes licks you NEED to know - Duration: 12:42.


Leticia Lima, aos 33, é aprovada como adolescente em filme: 'A galera comprou' - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Leticia Lima, aos 33, é aprovada como adolescente em filme: 'A galera comprou' - Duration: 5:38.


Oroscopo domani, 22 settembre 2017: le previsioni di Paolo Fox - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Oroscopo domani, 22 settembre 2017: le previsioni di Paolo Fox - Duration: 3:12.


Hot Sauce Willie's Purple Pam Toxie's Elixer Hot Sauce review - Duration: 3:41.

what's going on everybody this is Bishop Brad coming to y'all from Hot Sauce

Willie's on my first opportunity to have the Purple Pam's Hot Sauce. Toxie's

Elixir. For all of you who may not know purple Pam is a rock star rocket, hot sauce

lovin cult classic actress from Troma entertainment's Toxic Avenger. Toxie's

Elixir is the first superhero hot sauce to actually ever hit the market and I

want to thank Troma Entertainment and Purple Pam for creating such a remarkable hot

sauce. Now on this the label look at this thing look at this bottle this bottle is

thick I swear to gosh it's superhero thick this thing on the back says the

first superhero hot sauce from the toxic waste of Tromaville's favorite monster. This

creamy green sauce is bubbling with the jalapeno and ghost peppers fortified

with super size and strength and enhanced with super powering explosive taste

perfect on all foods. They have created a Mexicana burrito taco sauce of love that

represents the greenness of the toxicity of the toxic avenger bloodline flow'n

through the toxic cans of where he friggin came from. The marketing, it says

tomatillos, jalapeno pepper, serrano peppers, vinegar, kosher salt, garlic

Cilantro, onions, water, lime juice, ghost peppers, olive oil and natural spices. On

marketing, on artwork, ow label I even love the bottle. I would give her a

strong 9 out of 10 on her marketing. ARRROOOOMAAAAAA

Serrano, tomatillos, garlic, MMMMM it sounds like a verde style love man. This thing smells

unbelievably the builds, the very baja mexicanaish I love this everyone will

love it aroma I'm going to give her a strong 8

out of 10. On flavor Cheers hopefully I'll turn into the Toxic

Avenger. Cilantro, garlic ,creamy, jalapeno serrano love, wrapped in a toxic

ball of superhero flavor dude. I swear to gosh ya'll to try the sauce.

flavor I give purple Pam I give that woman a

strong 9 out of 10 on flavor. on heat, this is E for everybody

although it has the ghost pepper in it and Serrano and jalapeno the ghost pepper has

been brought down for a just a enjoy they eat. Not a pack a punch heat I

dig that. it's E for everybody on Heat I give her a strong 4 out of 10 on heat

on overall product the toxic avenger, Troma Entertainment coming to you Bishhop

Brad you can get this sauce at

y'all need some Toxic Avenger and Purple Pam in all your lives I love

every single one of you baby. Try this, for over all product gets a strong 9

out of 10 (Toxie) I suppose I owe you a thanks. great job

Purple Pam. Great job Troma Entertainment. Much

love. baby. See ya'll there. Bye Bye

For more infomation >> Hot Sauce Willie's Purple Pam Toxie's Elixer Hot Sauce review - Duration: 3:41.


Familiares de sepultados piden que no lleven maquinaria pesada | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Familiares de sepultados piden que no lleven maquinaria pesada | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 3:44.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


Cómo Enamorar a Un Hombre Que No Quiere Compromisos | COPULATOR - Duration: 12:41.

For more infomation >> Cómo Enamorar a Un Hombre Que No Quiere Compromisos | COPULATOR - Duration: 12:41.


Treuer Weggefährte = Auto, in OH oder HL gesucht - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Treuer Weggefährte = Auto, in OH oder HL gesucht - Duration: 1:57.


How To Identify The Best Leaders On Your Team - Duration: 3:53.

Are you curious who the best leaders are on your team? Well watch this video and find out how you can quickly identify them.

Hey, it's Jason Everett from the High Performance Salon Academy and today we are talking all about leaders.

You know, in salons finding leaders can be one of the toughest things that you do because these are the people you are going to entrust with the direction of your business in the future.

And they've got to meet some amazing qualifications and criteria in order to be on your leadership team.

So here's the first thing I would say, number one in leaders you want to look for people who've been identified as leaders early on.

I mean for me, personally, I was a leader in 4H, I was a leader in my soccer team, in my baseball team, and all those things were very early on, they would pull me out for leadership roles.

So that was something that was identified early. And not everybody has that, that's how people learn it and they can get there.

So there's an acronym I want to give you today that's going to help you identify future leaders in your organization.

And the acronym is DRIVE.

Now why is it DRIVE?

Because we want to figure out, number one, D is how driven people are.

If people are able to function and operate on their own with a drive like you've never seen from anybody else, like why is this person wanting to work so hard.

They seem to be very excited to show up to work they're not just somebody who sits there and shows up because they're getting a paycheck

but they take initiative, they do things on their own and they're really excited about the future. That is a very driven individual.

Which takes me to point number two, which is RESPONSIBLE.

Are they hyper responsible, are they taking over responsibility and accountability for things that are not even their fault.

Meaning that more people around are saying gosh they just take that one and they take it on whether they are asked to or not, and that's a hyper responsible person.

Number three is are they INDEPENDENT?

Do they operate independently well or do they constantly need to be babysat? If somebody is independent they're not going to be

constantly asking you what else do you need, what else do you need, what else do you need?

They're just going to get it done.

Are they constantly doers instead of constant actors? Or askers, that's going to be somebody who is very independent.

Now number four is VISION.

Do they have a long term vision and can they see the future?

I'm not talking crystal ball status but do they constantly think about how will this decision impact three months, six months, nine months down the road.

Are they future focused, visionary type people that are on the team? That's another great leadership quality.

And then lastly in DRIVE is E for EVERYONE.

Are they constantly thinking how this decision impacts the group as opposed to how this decision impacts them.

If you have somebody who is constantly using I language versus constantly using WE language that would be a problem.

So you're looking for somebody who is always thinking, Oh when we do this, the team is going to be excited about this. We are really going to be this. How will that impact everyone?

So again, to recap, D for driven, R for responsible, I for independent, V for vision and E for everyone.

And if you find somebody that meets all five of those characteristics traits, you need to identify them as a leader on your team and start tapping them on the shoulder.

One of my favorite things is called a leadership tap. Where you tap somebody on the shoulder and you say,

"Look, I'd like to have you as part of the leadership team. How do you feel about that?"

And if they get excited and they're into it, maybe not now, maybe in the future, couple of years, but give them that leadership tap and allow them the opportunity to rise to the occasion as a leader.

So do me a favor, in the comment section below if you got value out of this video do me a favor and just comment with the word DRIVE below

so I know you got tons of value and do me a favor, head over to our YouTube channel subscribe to our page there, and head over to Facebook and make sure you like our page on Facebook as well.

And until then, have a fantastic week and I hope to help you grow your salon very soon. Bye for now.

For more infomation >> How To Identify The Best Leaders On Your Team - Duration: 3:53.


New Giant Jurassic World Slime Surprise Egg Dinosaur Toys For Kids Animal Planet Dinotrux Unboxing - Duration: 15:41.

it's great to see you again today for our giant magic Jurassic world surprise

eggs we're gonna have a special show we're gonna be pulling out five giant

dinosaur eggs full of slime and dinosaurs wall it's gonna be awesome and

a lot more fun toys let's go ahead and see what is in here oh cool okay our

New Giant Jurassic World Slime Surprise Egg Dinosaur Toys For Kids Animal Planet Dinotrux Unboxing

these are coop they are full slime and dinosaurs cool but before we take a look

let's see what else we have okay let's see what else was in here

whoa cool awesome and another so we will have three 3d dinosaur puzzle oh look

and some dinotrux toys these are dinotrux toys dinosaur trucks scrapters and then our final one does

not fit in the egg but it is an awesome Animal Planet therizinosaurus set check this so today we

have Animal Planet dinosaur invasion ok guys let's get started ok we're gonna

start with our first giant slime egg Wow check that out

what a mess ah where are the dinosaurs ah there we go wow that is a mess look

at that three slimy dinosaurs Spinosaurus

t-rex in ink Lia Saurus Wow let's see what's in the next egg

okay our next egg is equally slimy cool that is awesome

oh there's our first dinosaur and the second and third wow that's a lot of

slime there guys wow what a mess okay so we have we have

an ankylosaurus here a Stegosaurus and a pachycephalosaurus Wow let's see what

was in the next day this is getting really messy now guys okay our next egg

also is full of slime toys family channel

where are the dinosaurs oh here comes one up looks like all three of them are

coming at the same time okay let's see what we have here we have a slimy t-rex

a slimy Spinosaurus and a slimy Stegosaurus

okay our next egg oh I love making these slime videos guys because it's so messy

so here comes our dinos that's two and there is the third Wow messy messy messy

cool okay what do we got looks like we got a Pachycephalosaurus we've got a

t-rex and indominus rex cool

and our final egg what dinosaurs are we gonna get in this one

oh here comes one and two and three and a lot of slime

cool okay so our dinosaurs are going to be ah Triceratops Spinosaurus and a

pterodactyl cool oh yeah this mess we have here guys you gotta check this out

boy I sure wish I had somebody to help me clean this mess up look at this

that's so gross fifteen slime Jurassic world dinosaurs now guys you know I love

making these slime videos because they're so gross you grow through the

bitter right giant plate pin oh cool okay let's go ahead and open up the rest

of our toys how about we have like a waterfall of slime dinosaurs let's do


okay guys so here is all of our Dino toys all cleaned up and then we will

move on to opening the rest of these awesome toys cool okay so we're gonna

move on to opening this giant Animal Planet set this is dinosaur invasion

with the therizinosaurus s cool let's check out the back it comes with a

fossil bone puzzle there is no Saurus horn horn 'is the

least these fossil bones and accessories so it comes with an action finger and

everything cool let's open it up oh and by the way before we do open it up the

toys behind there are all of the new jurassic world toys I bought pretty much

all of them brand new again so I could keep them in their packages because I

love the toys so much so I have like pretty much doubles of all of these and

then triples if you count the unopened package okay so here is the Risen asuras

set before I take anything out of it okay so we're gonna start with the

ornithol estie's this is a small Dino carnivore

he looks pretty similar to a raptor ah except for this big like crown on his

head it looks like he's got a third claw even

over there if that's a mistake or not I'm not really sure and then we have the

thrist thesaurus is good it is cool cool action feature if you push his button he

moves his arms so you could use this guy's some awesome Dino battles his head

does not move the mouth does not move the legs move so you can put them in

different positions he's got a tiny little tail ball I love these big claws

you could move the arms in two different positions too so get the claw motion

like in different areas so I sort of like it right there really good

detailing on this guy he is awesome looking okay then the set comes with

this cool little vehicle minifigure little action figure here which will fit

in to the vehicle to drive it it has a net action on the front so you can use

it to capture dinosaurs searchlight really cool-looking Jeep

seat back here for second passenger although it only has one action figure

and then it comes with a bunch of accessories it's got like a lantern

movie camera ally water bottle binoculars and this cool pop off set so

you can build yourself a dinosaur skeleton okay then we have the 3d Dino

puzzles so let's see what we've got here first

okay this looks like it's gonna be in Apatosaurus

so these puzzles are like 21 pieces I'm not gonna take the full puzzle apart

because they come partially assembled so just pieces so you can see the pieces

they all fit together really nice and neat so it is a really cool but anyways

I'm gonna go ahead and finish this one this one we will add the tail which the

tail itself is in like four parts I believe these are 15 to 21 pieces so

even the neck is in like four different parts okay so here is our Apatosaurus


it's really cool

and then we have our next one which against a black backdrop almost makes

the egg invisible

fight to open up okay so once again this is another one of the ones I believe

it's about 21 pieces but I'm not gonna take the full thing apart I want to show

you guys what the finished product looks like so this one looks like it's gonna

be a charisma Saurus so oh we forgot the plate okay so first of all you're gonna

put this plate on so i guys i really love the way these things fit together I

mean they fit together so cool it's just really fun to put all these together but

sometimes you have to pull a few pieces together at the same time so

of course there is our threesome asuras really awesome

okay let's see what we have next okay and our next egg is going to be ah who

was fine check this out guys also oh I like this

one I think this is the favored 3d egg my favorite for you egg that I've seen

cuz it's really cool if I could put it together not the greatest at these

puzzles so there we go Spinosaurus huh cool

what an awesome 3d egg and then our final one is gonna be a new set of

dinotrux toys by the way guys if you do like my

Jurassic world dinotrux toys or any of those I've got playlists

I'll have a jurassic world playlist at the end of this video but if you go to

my main channel look at my playlist I have dinotrux I opened pretty much all

of the dinotrux toys it awesome battles with them and

everything so go ahead and check out my playlist guys

so this says crafters class dinotrux and scraps scavengers desert treads for

speeding over sand retractable chains and shooting claws for desert scrap

snatching and plier jaws to pry apart scrap

let's check them out okay guys these are like the coolest crafters

I have they have little tiny wheels on the bottom they roll along really nice

and smooth this one's like a dark gray black blue color scheme even has like

new eyes and then this one's of blue and gray with white eyes so really cool

scratchers also gonna have a little scratcher battle here okay guys so did

you like those surprise toys I love making the surprise dinosaur egg slime

toys for you guys I love making these videos guys this is my job this is how I

support my family so I really appreciate you guys watching these videos ah if you

do have suggestions what you want to see drop it in the comment section and

thanks for being awesome and I will see you guys click the boxes below for a lot

more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click the

subscribe button

For more infomation >> New Giant Jurassic World Slime Surprise Egg Dinosaur Toys For Kids Animal Planet Dinotrux Unboxing - Duration: 15:41.


Why I Don't Talk About Being Bi - Duration: 7:23.

Whatever reason people have for using a certain label for their sexuality is great and should

be respected.

I did finger guns below the camera.

'Cause I'm bisexual.

That's how you know someone's bisexual.

[finger guns] [upbeat music]

Hi I'm Jackson Bird and I talk a lot about being trans.


[slow mo] Trangender.

But I don't talk that often about being bisexual.

Some people aren't actually even sure if I'm bi. I am.

I am bisexual.

I am The Bi... sexual.

Why do we have to say "sex" so much when we're talking about sexuality?

I mean, I guess it makes sense.

This week happens to be Bi Week, Bisexual Awareness Week, so I wanted to A. remind you

all that I'm hella bi and B. chat about why I don't talk about it that much.

I think the first reason is because, when you're trans, sexuality can be a bit of

an afterthought.

I mean, for me it was actually a huge hang up of a misunderstanding in figuring out my gender.

But that's a story for another time.

But y'know once you've like unpacked the Meaning of Gender and realized just how infinite

and fluid gender is, a lot of trans people find ourselves feeling pretty ambivalent about

the gender of whoever we're attracted to.

Hashtag NotAllTransPeople.

There are absolutely trans people out there who are staunch and steady in their sexualities

and I get that and I respect it.

But it is fairly common even for trans people who are only attracted to one gender to be

a bit more open or exploratory in their tastes than their straight or solely gay cisgender

counterparts might be.

And in fact, it's pretty common for trans people's sexualities to shift a bit during


Which is another reason why I didn't talk about my sexuality online for a while.

'Cause that happened to me.

A little bit.

Kind of.


So like a lot of other trans people, when I started to socially and physically transition,

I felt a new comfort in my own body and identity and place in society, which led me to be...

way more attracted to girls than I had been in the past.

I think part of it is that comfort in ourselves that can open up an attraction to people whose

gender expressions might have previously triggered our dysphoria.

I've also heard from trans people who maybe identified as gay, that once they're settled

in their true gender, they find they still prefer being in same gender relationships

even if that means they're now dating a different gender than they were before.

Gender and sexuality are weird!

And wonderful!

And fluid.

And complex.

But to speak just for myself for a minute.

Not for any other trans or bi person out there.

I think what happened with me might have had less to do with newfound comfort and more

to do with relinquishing the last bits of my internalized biphobia.

So I grew up in Texas in the 90s and early 2000s.

So, as a product of my environment, I wasn't just biphobic.

I was homophobic, and definitely transphobic.

The culture around me exacerbated my fears of the feelings I was having.

Especially as a teenager, I was terrified by my attraction to girls.

It wasn't that strong at the time, but it was definitely there.

And maybe it would've been stronger if I hadn't tried so hard to repress it so hard.

And y'know I was given a great reason to repress it because everyone around me, including my

AP Psychology curriculum, told me that bisexuality was fake.

A mental disorder.

Anyone who thinks they're bisexual should choose one.

Now this was great news for me at the time because it meant I could only be into guys

and this weird, fleeting sometimes attraction I was having for girls was just like a weird


It also meant that I couldn't be a trans guy because trans guys can't be into guys.

[Sighs] Yes, they can and that is another story for another time.

But as I got to college and learned that bisexuality and pansexuality are totally real and legit

sexualities, I still wasn't sure.

Privately, I started really identifying with and feeling comfortable in the label of bisexuality,

but I didn't know if I was bisexual enough.

That's one reason why I didn't immediately say what my sexuality was when I came out

publicly as trans.

I needed to sit with it for a bit.

And once I gave myself that time to think about it, without self-judgement for the first

time ever, I realized, yeah, I'm totally bi.

Hella bi.

There's a couple more reasons I don't often talk about it though and they have to

do with biphobia from others.

Sure there's the biphobia from the general heteronormative public.

When it's easier to pretend I just like girls when I'm around a bunch of like cis

het guys that really intimidate me.

And there's a lot of biphobia in the gay and lesbian communities.

People who think like I used to be that bisexuality is fake.

But the type of biphobia that I personally encounter the most in my nice little queer

bubble is people saying that bisexuality is transphobic and that if I'm attracted to

people of all genders and non genders, as I am, that I'm actually pansexual.


Oh, thank you for telling me.

Didn't realize.



Listen, I'm not necessarily going to correct someone if they say that I'm pansexual,

but it's not the term that resonates the most with me and, more importantly, bisexuality

is not transphobic.

Are there some bisexuals out there who are transphobic?


People of all kinds are transphobic, including some trans people.

But there are tons of inclusive definitions of bisexuality.

Whether you define it as being attracted to two or more genders or being attracted to

the people of the same gender as yours as well as people of different genders than yours.

Now some people do prefer the term pansexual because it expresses more of a feeling of

being attracted to people regardless of gender.

Or they like the term for innumerable other reasons personal to them.

Whatever reason people have to use a certain label for their sexuality is great and should

be respected.

I like the term bisexual because it just feels right to me and because, frankly I like history

of the label and I want to join the fight for more bisexual representation in media

and in the LGBTQ+ community.

Bottom line is that sexuality is complicated.

Bisexuality is real.

Peoples sexualities can absolutely change over time, for any reason.

And we gotta respect that.

And not just silently, privately respect it ourselves.

We gotta work to make sure people's identities are respected by other people, and institutions,

and the media.

We gotta speak up.

Educate others.

Push for inclusive language and legislation.

And let's fight for characters who actually SAY that they're bisexual instead of "not

liking labels" or suddenly changing their sexuality from gay to straight and back again.

I mean, both those things are valid, but can we just have a few more characters explicitly

saying they're bi or pan?

It makes a huge difference to kids to see someone explicitly like them reflected in


Heck, it makes a big difference to adults too.

I makes a huge difference in acceptance in our community – and outside of it.

And you know what, one way we can work towards that is by joining GLAAD's petition against

Warner Bros. to make Wonder Woman bisexual in the next movie.

Because she totally is bi in some of the comic book canon and how cool would it be to have

a super hero in a major movie franchise to be bisexual??

GLAAD also has a bunch of other ways that you can get involved with #BiWeek.

So check out the links below and share your own pride and stories using #BiWeek

And if you liked this video, why not subscribe, give this video a thumb's up, and share

it in the #biweek tag?

I make videos (cough) roughly every Wednesday about queer stuff, nerdy junk, and waffles.

I also have a podcast called Transmission, where I chat with other trans people about

their experiences.

So if you wanna stick around and keep up with what I'm doing, you can follow me @jackisnotabird

on all platforms and throw me a buck of support on Patreon, if you're feeling extra generous.

Alright, that is it for now.

Thank you so much for watching and… bi!

[upbeat music]

For more infomation >> Why I Don't Talk About Being Bi - Duration: 7:23.


'I Can't Recognize Myself!' 2 Best Friends Get Glam Ambush Makeovers | TODAY - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> 'I Can't Recognize Myself!' 2 Best Friends Get Glam Ambush Makeovers | TODAY - Duration: 5:47.


Jimmy Kimmel Tears Apart Trump, Republicans, And Fox News In Healthcare Bill Showdown - Duration: 5:35.

Republicans in the Senate still have about nine days left to pass their horrible health

care bill known as the Graham-Cassidy bill.

So far, just like last time, one of the loudest voices speaking out about this disaster of

a bill is late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel from Jimmy Kimmel Live.

So far this week, Jimmy Kimmel has spent an extraordinary amount of time talking about

the dangers of this health care legislation again, just like he did over the summer.

He took the time to call out basically everyone who is pushing this horrible piece of legislation.

But let's start with the most obvious, back in the summer when Jimmy Kimmel was one of

the most vocal people speaking out against the legislation, he mentioned the fact that

his son had recently had surgery that is now a pre-existing condition that the child has

to carry with him for the rest of his life.

The family's insurance rates go up, and under the Republican plan, they would lose their

health insurance coverage, or their health insurance company's could either jack up the

rates, or deny them completely.

After he gave his impassioned monologue back then, Senator Cassidy, Bill Cassidy came on

the show, and invoked what he called the Kimmel Test, to make sure that no healthcare legislation

from Republicans would deny people with pre-existing conditions, or jack up your rates just because

of pre-existing conditions.

That was the Kimmel Test, and it was Cassidy himself who came up with it, and he promised

never to support legislation that didn't pass that test.

Well this week, Jimmy Kimmel called out Senator Cassidy for clearly lying to his face about

the kind of legislation he would support, not to mention the fact that Cassidy's one

of the guys who wrote this actual disaster legislation that's currently going through

the Senate.

Here's was Kimmel said about that initial interview he had with Cassidy, "He proposed

a bill that would allow states to do all the things he said he would not let them do.

He made a total about face, which means he either doesn't understand his own bill, or

he lied to me.

It's simple as that."

Well, I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that, yeah, Cassidy clearly lied about


But he didn't just lie to Jimmy Kimmel, he lied to every single one of us, and thankfully,

Jimmy Kimmel is taking the time to call him out on this.

Because yes, it personally affect Jimmy Kimmel, it also personally affects every single person

in this country, except maybe the one percent, because they're the ones who are getting a

tax break from this legislation.

But this, the fact that Kimmel, once again has to come out, and essentially take over

the role of democratic politicians, who should be out there in the media saying the exact

same things that Kimmel is, not talking in policy terms, or giving us this roundabout,

"Oh, the Republican bill's bad, bad, bad."

Kimmel called out the lies, he played the old clip, played or explained what's in the

bill, and then flat out said he lied.

He lied to me, he lied to you, he lied to all of us, and that's what you need to know.

Kimmel's the one leading this.

I haven't seen any politicians come out, and talk as succinctly and honestly as Kimmel

has about this piece of legislation.

But again, it didn't just stop at Cassidy, Kimmel went on, and he went after Donald Trump,

he went after Brian Kilmeade on Fox and Friends, who's attacking Kimmel for taking such an

outspoken lead as far as opposition to this health care bill goes.

He went as far as to mention the fact that Brian Kilmeade kisses his ass in public any

time they meet, and even asked Kimmel to write a blurb for his book, which Kimmel says he


But Kilmeade is a big tough guy on TV, and according Kimmel, not so much when you meet

him in person.

He also took time to call out Lindsey Graham, the other co-writer of the bill with Bill

Cassidy, Donald Trump, and Chris Christie.

Jimmy Kimmel is hitting on all fronts.

I'm not saying he's the only one out there, but he is damn sure the most vocal about this.

He's telling more people than anyone else is at the moment.

Kimmel, a late night talk show host, while I admire what he's doing, he shouldn't have

to be the one doing this.

That is the job of the media.

That is the job of politicians, not entertainers.

Yes, it's great that he's doing it, but it's also sad that he has to.

There are people who's job it is to do those kinds of things, but they suck so badly at

it, that we have to rely on late night talk show hosts, and comedians like Kimmel, or

Samantha Bee Or John Oliver to come out there, and actually give us the truth, and explain

it in a way that every single person in this country can understand.

That's what politicians are supposed to do.

Instead, we have to get the real news from late night talk show hosts.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel Tears Apart Trump, Republicans, And Fox News In Healthcare Bill Showdown - Duration: 5:35.


The Hardest Movies To Watch More Than Once - Duration: 6:03.

Even good Hollywood movies can be hard to watch twice.

In the case of these films, it's not bad writing or uninspired performances that make the movies

hard to screen a second time.

Rather, they're so depressing, shocking, or even terrifying that one cinematic exposure

to them is more than enough to last a lifetime.

In the case of these films, they're worth watching — but you probably won't want to

see them again after that.

Requiem For a Dream

This adaptation of Hubert Selby's novel is a brutal, bleak, and visceral film in which

Darren Aronofsky opens a window on the lives and experiences of four different drug addicts.

And that view is decidedly grim.

"I like thinking about the red dress and the television, and…"

The stunning visuals and harrowing story grab hold of you and don't let go for 101 excruciating


It's a mind-bender of a film that will leave you depressed for days and seriously contemplating

your own bad habits.


Lars Von Trier's movies all tend to fit in the category of just-one-timers, and that's

certainly the case with the second installment of his Land of Opportunity trilogy, Dogville.

This film, which is told in nine parts, chronicles the grueling experience of a woman who, on

the run from the mafia, decides to hide out in a rural town.

The residents agree to provide her shelter in exchange for her completing their various

low-level chores.

But her relationship with the town descends into unethical abuses of the woman, including

multiple sexual assaults — all very difficult to stomach the first time around, let alone

on a repeat viewing.

Passion of the Christ

Director Mel Gibson threw everything he had into this harrowing, vicious film about the

final days of Jesus Christ.

As the title indicates, it was meant to be a showcase of just how much grace and conviction

the religious figure showed in the face of extreme brutality from his executioners.

And while the film certainly did its job of reminding its intended audience of the sacrifices

Jesus endured, even viewers who might've revered its message the first time may have a hard

time bearing witness to the shocking level of violence again.

Bad Lieutenant

Onscreen sexual violence can be upsetting in virtually any form, but the sheer lechery

of the central character in Bad Lieutenant is especially difficult to observe.

The movie serves to ultimately exonerate the drug-addled, unpredictable officer.

But the journey to get to that point teems with tough material that includes the assault

of a nun and his use of authority to force two young women into a sexual act.

It's impossible to unsee the events of the movie — and hard to imagine voluntarily

watching them again.

Boys Don't Cry

Hilary Swank's Academy Award-worthy performance as Brandon Teena, a real-life transgender

man who was raped and murdered in 1993, was certainly groundbreaking, as it shed light

on an underexplored sector of hate crimes that were — and are still — being committed

against transgender individuals.

At the same time, it was also incredibly difficult to bear and probably counts for many as a

movie that's worth watching once … but maybe just the one time.


This 2002 French horror film tops many best and worst lists precisely because of how horrific

its lengthy and gratuitous rape scene is.

The film tells the reverse chronological story of a woman who is raped and beaten into a

coma by a notorious criminal.

And it includes several scenes of intense cruelty and graphic violence that makes it

almost unwatchable the first time around for any audience members with functional eyes.

We Need to Talk About Kevin

As prevalent as mass murder attacks might be in real life, it's still quite hard to

enjoy any piece of artwork that tries to synthesize the psyche and history of a young person who

commits these heinous acts.

In the case of We Need to Talk About Kevin, an all-star cast delivers sound, impactful

work to peel back the layers of life that led up to the title character's horrific actions.

"You did not."

That said, the movie is still difficult to process and might leave viewers feeling unfulfilled

and even more hopeless and confused than before.

Maybe that's the whole point — to highlight the sheer senselessness of it all — but

it's still hard to imagine working up an appetite to watch it again.


Based on the autobiographical novel Push by Sapphire, Precious made for incredible, indelible

cinema thanks to some blistering truth about a segment of society most people might not


The movie tells the story of a young girl whose life consists of parental abuse and

neglect first, poverty second, and whose struggle to survive the mean streets and her even meaner

home life is a daily battle.

Anyone who's seen it no doubt walked away a little different than they came in … if

unwilling to watch it again.

"You ain't gonna see me no more."

Blue Valentine

Derek Cianfrance's Blue Valentine brims with raw emotion and sexuality, but it's the depressing

nature of the narrative that really resorts this one to the dustiest shelves.

The film is a categorical showcase of rich acting by its leads, Michelle Williams and

Ryan Gosling.

But the biting, bitter truth that even the most earnest romances can sputter out so spectacularly

might hit a little too close to home, in a very literal sense, for many viewers to push

play again.

Schindler's List

There's no doubt Schindler's List is one of the most important films to ever grace a theater.

Steven Spielberg's adaptation of this work of historical fiction gave light to the real

work Oskar Schindler did to save the lives of his Jewish employees during World War II.

It painfully depicted the real horrors of the era in unforgiving detail.

In fact, it's precisely because of the raw sense of dread and devastation that it ranks

among those that must be seen at least once — but is probably difficult to revisit for


American History X

Tony Kaye's American History X went to some incredibly disturbing lengths to capture the

true depravity that neo-Naziism inspires and is fueled by.

And while the overarching narrative is optimistic in the sense that empathy is within reach

for even the most seemingly unsalvageable individuals, the road to that character recovery

is immensely upsetting to watch.

Not only are the language and imagery purposefully offensive, but the acts of violence committed

in the movie are unspeakable.

It's hard to imagine anyone choosing to endure it all again after seeing it the first time.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Hardest Movies To Watch More Than Once - Duration: 6:03.


Jeff Kaplan: the consequences of toxic behaviour - Duration: 3:40.

Welcome back everyone to another developer update,

I'm Jeff from the Overwatch team,

and today's developer update is going to be a little bit different from the normal ones we do.

So, we need to have a talk...

Things have been difficult

between us recently

with all this toxicity.

This just isn't the Overwatch community

that I fell in love with.

And you know...

it's not you,

it's me.

I'm sorry, that was just me being silly.

Of course it's you!

You know, I feel like I have to put

the Overwatch community

over my knee,

and I don't care

how many asses

I have to spank;

your bad behaviour

WILL improve.

Uhh, and if it doesn't...

Well, let's just say,

not even a team of six

pro Mercy mains

would be able to

resurrect this community.

Now, I've heard a lot of people say

"don't bother using the report feature,

because it doesn't actually do anything."

And this couldn't be further from the truth.

So, to date, in Overwatch, we have taken disciplinary action against

four accounts.

And three were

Blizzard employees, who were doing

Bronze to Grandmaster challenges.

So, uhhm...

the Overwatch team accepts the responsibility that we have

that we can do far better.

And we will.

But the bad behaviour is actually making the game progress, in terms of development,

at a much slower rate.

And uhh,

yeah you're totally right,

it might be because I dropped a

hot dog into our

server infrastructure.

Uhh, but it's much easier

to guilt trip you guys instead.

Now, I think a lot about

video games

and why people behave the way that they do in video games.

And I think a lot of it comes down to this

anonymity online that we don't normally have

in our everyday lives.

I've noticed when

my driver is taking me back to the

Kaplan family estate

and there's somebody in another car, there's a,

there's a layer of anonymity there

that maybe makes it ok for that other driver

to scream

stop driving on the


you asshole.

when they wouldn't do it to me in person if they knew who I was.

And uhm, I usually just have my driver

lean out the window and, you know

open fire.

Uhm, anyway, sort of out of time right now,

but the final thing I wanted to touch on was

the changes to Mercy.

We hope you guys are having fun uhh, with her.

We think it's awesome that

when your teammates are low on health

and they're all yelling at you,

"why aren't you healing, why aren't you healing?"

you can just activate your ultimate ability

and fly

the fuck away.

We think the change is really healthy for Mercy.

Let us know what you think of these changes guys

and have fun with them.

We'll check in next time. Bye.

And, uhh, remember that if you haven't been

buying lootboxes in the store,

we don't want you in Overwatch

We don't want people to

live off of their

arcade lootboxes.

We just don't want those people in Overwatch.

Overwatch should be an inclusive gamespace

it's an inclusive aspirational universe, and the gameplay experience should match

what Blizzard is hoping to achieve.

Blizzard wants money heuheuheu original joke right? Sometimes, coming up with these after credits bits is a complete pain in the balls. At least I don't have to make a custom thumbnail for this one. I've been sitting in this fucking chair for about 5 days. I've forgotten what fresh air tastes like.

For more infomation >> Jeff Kaplan: the consequences of toxic behaviour - Duration: 3:40.


How to Whiten Dark Underarms Fast at Home - Duration: 3:06.

Have you ever wanted to wear a sleeveless or strapless top but felt self-conscious because

the skin under your arm is darkened and discolored?

This could be due to several factors.

Genetics could play a part in the color or discoloration of your skin.

Store bought deodorant often uses chemicals that could, over time, change the color of

your skin.

But, when you really want to wear that cute top and can't, the reason your skin has

changed color really doesn't matter.

Thankfully, we've got some simple ways to lighten the skin of your underarm.

We can also help you improve the overall health of your skin.

Even though you might be able to buy something that is supposed to underarm discoloration,

our natural remedies will be less expensive.

They will also do a great job when you're consistent in the application.

Take a look at these five home remedies for this unsightly and embarrassing issue.


Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar kills bacteria on the

skin when applied directly to it.

It works not only on the appearance of the skin, but also the odor that emanates from

the underarm.

If you want to try pure apple cider vinegar first, dab some vinegar on a clean rag and

apply it to a small area of the skin.

Make sure you don't have any reactions before applying it to a larger area.

If you do have a reaction, try diluting into an equal parts mixture and follow the same



Lemon Juice Lemon juice has similar whitening benefits

as apple cider vinegar.

Apply some fresh lemon juice to your underarm before bed.

Since lemon juice can also be used as a disinfectant, it will help clean your skin.

It's best to leave the lemon juice on your skin for about 30 minutes.

Wash it off before going to sleep.


Lemon and Sugar scrub Lemon is used to clean, but in this home remedy

we use sugar to act as an exfoliant.

Since lemons contain citric acid, you should only use this treatment when affected area

will not be exposed to sunlight.

Simply mix a tablespoon of brown sugar with half a cup of lemon juice.

Rub it on the discolored area and let it stay for 15 minutes.

Rinse the mixture off and dry the skin well.


Coconut Oil Coconut oil is a very versatile health and

beauty aid and using it regularly on the skin can significantly repair discolored areas.

It's rich in Vitamin E, which makes it a fantastic moisturizer, and it has a great



Honey, Oats and Lemon You can take these three common household

items and make a homemade whitening solution.

Mix a teaspoon of honey with the juice of one lemon and two tablespoons of oatmeal.

Make a cream, and then just apply it to your underarms.

Let it stand for 10 minutes and then rinse it off.

Before you know it, you'll be back to wearing those favorite tops again, without any worries

about dark, discolored spots on your skin.

For more infomation >> How to Whiten Dark Underarms Fast at Home - Duration: 3:06.


How To Make Cake Decorating videos 💖 Amazing Cakes Videos, Ice Cream, Birthday Cake Recipe - Duration: 11:08.

How To Make Cake Decorating videos

For more infomation >> How To Make Cake Decorating videos 💖 Amazing Cakes Videos, Ice Cream, Birthday Cake Recipe - Duration: 11:08.




Hey Darrel, we care about you and the memories that you share.

We thought that you'd like to look back on this post from two years


Two years ago.

Would you like to repost?

Just click here - Share it with your friends.

Hi, Darrel, as you recently celebrated a friendsversary,

We wanted to let you see that you can go back to your memories

And watch the video we made

to help you celebrate [You've been married 20 years

but only face book friends for 8 of them]


Some page you should probably delete didn't get any views or likes this week

but you were hoping when you clicked on this thing

that it was your old best friend reconnecting


Just click here - Share it with your friends...

For more infomation >> FACEBOOK SUING FOR HALF THE PROFITS? - Duration: 2:25.


Paige RETURNING As WWE Free Agent?! Luke Harper Getting Repackaged! | WrestleTalk News Sept. 21 2017 - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Paige RETURNING As WWE Free Agent?! Luke Harper Getting Repackaged! | WrestleTalk News Sept. 21 2017 - Duration: 3:41.


Equifax breach proves why privacy matters - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> Equifax breach proves why privacy matters - Duration: 8:40.


Why Are Religious People Healthier and Happier? | Rabbi Darren Levin - Duration: 8:30.

Ideas of the science of religion are complicated.

God is difficult to bring into the laboratory, and it is very hard to quantify the sacred,

but science is beginning to ask questions about the results or the consequences of participating

in religious life.

Questions like: does participating in a religious community, does having faith in God, does

engaging in a process of building a relationship with the divine, do those questions add positivity

to people's lives?

And the research is conclusive, and the research shows that yes, a person who participates

in a faith community, who has a relationship with God, and who is on a quest for purpose,

that their lives are better and that they do scale higher in the tests of well-being

and happiness.

Does that mean it is because as they engage in a process of discovering their faith and

deepening their relationship with the God that it is reciprocated on high?

I don't know; that it is very hard to quantify.

But what we do know is that people who participate actively in faith community, they have a higher

standard of health and that might be because within religious communities, in the best-case

scenario, the teachings and the wisdom and the practices are about things like family,

personal responsibility, making a positive impact in the world, helping others, deepening

relationships; and all of those practices do add a positive value to a person's life.

And so the reactions or the consequences for participating in a faith community do add

positive value and well-being and life satisfaction to people's lives.

Positive psychology got its start from the awareness that the field was focused too much

on people's weaknesses and not their strengths, and so Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson

worked to shift the way psychology is practiced, rather than think of someone and their problems

we think of someone and their strengths, and we try to develop of those strengths, try

to see the best in people.

Everybody has signature strengths, and we want to focus and help them develop those

and in developing those it helps to shore-up some of their weaknesses.

In a communal setting, expanding on the inventory, we try to apply the same characteristics that

are articulated for individuals but we try to put them into practice in a communal setting.

And in a community setting is where Judaism lends itself beautifully to applying the inventory

of strengths and characteristics.

So the intersection of where positive psychology and the science of happiness intersect with

positive religion and positive Judaism really live at the intersection of PERMA.

PERMA is an acronym, which stands for positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning,

and accomplishment.

So let's take each of these five domains and see them in the context of religious practice.

So we'll start with P, positive emotion.

In a best-case scenario you think about a sanctuary or an amphitheater setting where

faith communities gather, and there are messages of hope, there are soothing melodies, there's

good music, there's fellowship, and all of those combined together are designed to

raise the positive emotion in someone's life.

And I can tell you that when I travel I go to different churches, synagogues, mosques—over

the summer I was in Iceland and I went to a Episcopal church in Reykjavík where the

entire ceremony was spoken in Icelandic and I didn't understand a word, but over the

course of an hour and a half I felt my energy level shift and I walked out of that chapel

feeling more positive, and it has to do with the environment.

So positive emotions are raised by participating in faith community.

Next, engagement.

Well the best religions are about helping people to engage in the world and engagement

happens in engaging in relationships, engaging in study, engaging in work, engaging in the

process hopefully of making our world a better place.

Those tend to be key themes in religious life, and engagement has been shown to add positive

value to a person's life.

Next, relationships.

Well, relationships are at the heart of most faith communities.

It is about bringing people together.

It is about caring for people.

It is about having relationships with fellow congregants, clergy, educators and relationship

with text and relationship with God.

Those are all elements of relationships that add value to a person's life when they're

expressed in authentic ways.

Then we have meaning.

So many people are in search of meaning in the 21st century and wisdom and literature

that comes from the great religions are all designed to help people discover the meaning

and the purpose in their lives.

And finally, accomplishment.

Accomplishment is one of the core teachings that come out of good religious practices.

The accomplishment of making the world a better place, now that is a core teaching in Judaism—the

idea of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world and making it a better place, and having that

as a goal to accomplish both for individuals and as a collective religious community—all

that combined together in PERMA seems to be the perfect application of this theory of

positive psychology.

And religious settings, I believe, are that perfect application, that perfect place to

see and to live the theory of PERMA and positive psychology.

Now there's more than just PERMA in positive Judaism and positive religion, there's also

a studied set of characteristics and strengths that come directly from the work of Martin

Seligman and Chris Peterson, who in the 1990s developed an inventory of strengths.

There have been some changes to this inventory, but in a nutshell it has codified 24 different

personality strengths like gratitude, resilience, hope, optimism, bravery, spirituality, goodness,

kindness, and others.

And the idea is that each person has signature strengths, but understood in the context of

the larger inventory people can see where they fit into the scale and can attempt to

develop other areas of strengths to help improve the quality of their lives.

So in the practice of positive Judaism we take that inventory very seriously, and then

we think about religious practice—we draw on those strengths in our teachings and the

way in which we shape experiences for people's religious engagement.

For more infomation >> Why Are Religious People Healthier and Happier? | Rabbi Darren Levin - Duration: 8:30.


11 Drunk And Rare Photos Of Salman Khan That You Have Never Seen Before ! - Duration: 2:45.

11 Drunk And Rare Photos Of Salman Khan That You Have Never Seen Before !

For more infomation >> 11 Drunk And Rare Photos Of Salman Khan That You Have Never Seen Before ! - Duration: 2:45.


10 Ways To Escape North Korea - Duration: 11:06.

For more infomation >> 10 Ways To Escape North Korea - Duration: 11:06.


Homemade Butter in 60 Seconds. It really works! - Duration: 5:32.

This is my homemade butter.

It only took me 60 seconds to make and I'm going to show you how it's done!

Hey guys it's Julia with Konkin Can Do.

If you've never been to our channel before, we like to scour the internet for recipes

and how tos and try them out for ourselves and find out if they actually work.

Today, I'm showing you how you can make homemade butter in under one minute with minimal clean


Seriously, I'm not joking, stay tuned.

There are tons of videos all over the web, and one that really got my attention was shaking

whipping cream in a mason jar in order to make butter.

I am the queen of lazy and I didn't really want to have to shake a mason jar for 8 to

10 minutes just to get butter, I might as well run out to the store, it would take me

the same amount of time.

But then I came across this one video that really intrigued me.

Now, if you've never heard of The King of Random, I highly suggest you go check him

out, he is fantastic.

He was actually able to make butter in under 20 seconds.


The way that I'm doing it today is not quite as fast, but I did have one concern with his


You needed to leave the whipping cream out on the counter for 2 to 3 hours for it to

come to room temperature.

If you're iffy like me, I'd prefer to keep it cold just to keep that bacteria out.

I've actually let this sit for about half an hour out on the counter and it's currently

sitting at 62 degrees.

So all you really need for this is a water bottle, a pair of scissors, and some whipping


I'm going to put some salt in, but you don't have to add it if you don't want.

I highly recommend adding it in to the start so that you don't have to worry about mixing

it in to the butter after it's formed.

The whipping cream that I've picked today has a 38% fat content.

In all of the research I was doing, everybody said the same thing, the higher the fat content,

the better.

This is really easy, all I'm going to do is take my whipping cream and pour it into the

water bottle.

And you only really want to fill it up maybe a third of the way.

And then I'm just going to add my salt.

Okay, I'm going to screw that lid on nice and tight.

And now I'm actually going to set a timer for myself.

On your marks, get set, go!

Alright, so I'm starting to shake up this whipping cream.

Okay, I'm about 20 seconds in now and I can feel it's really starting to get thicker.

I've actually got whipped cream at this point.

If I was to open it up, I'd be able to show you.

You can hardly hear anything right now, that's because it's in to whipping cream, but you've

gotta keep going.

Three, two, one.



I definitely went all out there I don't know if you could see that.

And now, I have butter.

If you don't believe me, well, first thing I'm going to do, here, I'll actually show

you guys.

You can see that the butter has formed and it has separated from the buttermilk.

So, the great thing is, you can actually save the buttermilk for any recipes that you're

going to make.

So now I've got this beautiful piece of butter in there, I've poured out that buttermilk,

but you know, I'm going to give it one or two more shakes just to help it really solidify.


As you can see, there was a little bit more buttermilk that came from that.

Now, I'm just going to cut that butter out of the bottle.

If there's still a little bit of buttermilk in your butter, you can actually rinse it

with cold water.

Put a little cold water in that bowl, and I'm just going to roll it around a little

bit and empty that water out.

And now all I need to do is rinse this and recycle it, and throw a couple things in the


That's how you make butter in under 60 seconds.

If you guys found this video helpful, please give us a big like, don't forget to hit subscribe

and see ya later.

For more infomation >> Homemade Butter in 60 Seconds. It really works! - Duration: 5:32.


Why I deleted all of my videos - Duration: 1:28.

So, why I deleted all of my videos:

You may, or may not, have noticed

that I've deleted all of my YouTube videos

and I know I have very little followers (*subscribers)

but if any of you guys are wondering

I actually have pretty exciting news...!

To me, at least

I'm gonna be making Animatics and Speed Paints

more on my channel

I've been inspired by multiple artists on YouTube to

start making Animatics

and I'm already busy with making one actually!

So I've-- I actually always wanted to make them,

but I wasn't sure whether I was talented enough

or if my style was quote on quote 'stable' enough

but I've decided that I won't magically get more talent.

So it's now or never and practice makes perfect!

I quickly wanted to make this

as a fresh start to my new account (*channel)

and I'll probably have changed my channel name and banner and image--

*nervous mistakes*

--by the time this video--

*more nervous mistakes*

-- goes up.

But I just hope I'll be uploading way more content from now on

and I'm looking forward to sharing what I can make, with you guys!

For more infomation >> Why I deleted all of my videos - Duration: 1:28.


The Wonder Above - Bard (Part 5) - Duration: 0:43.

No subtitles here.

For more infomation >> The Wonder Above - Bard (Part 5) - Duration: 0:43.


TigerStream TV Promo Code - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> TigerStream TV Promo Code - Duration: 4:07.


WATCH Nick Cannon Handle Hard-hitting Questions While Hanging On A Goal Post - Duration: 3:04.

This is very awkward.

You think so?

Yeah, I don't like this.

This is Hang Time.

This isn't some Barbara Walters interview.

This is the interview that lasts long as you can hang.

Yo guys, I'm B Dot.

Coming to you live from the city of roses,

Pasadena, California.

And I'm about to hang from inside there.

Today, I'll be inches across from entertainment stud,

Nick Cannon.

B Dot, I'm gonna be honest with you.

I'm on a winner's frequency.

I win when I'm not even trying to win.

B Dot, let's do this

I have so many questions for you.

Too bad I won't be able to ask them all,

cuz you're gonna go down like ten or twenty seconds.

You try to challenge me;

It's like you know, if a dog barks at the moon

nobody cares when the moon bark back. That's news

That's all I'm saying.

I don't know what the hell that means;

but take it as you want it.

I'm sorry Nick, but hey you're going down today, baby.

Mister do it all man.

The interview is over when you fall.

This is easy.

I'm undefeated now by the way.


I'm gonna Floyd Mayweather this.

Y'all got slippery juice on this or something?


You ready man?

Can I do this?

That's cheat Nick you can't.

I ain't gonna lose!

You said there was no rules.

Oh now we better hang we back to hanging?

We back to hanging.

I'm ready. You ready?

Lets get it man. 3 2 1 Hang Time.

Alright man, so you're man of many talents.


You're a musician, you're an entrepreneur.


Is there something that you wouldn't do?

I'm hanging on a goalpost with you right now, so

I'm pretty much with whatever.


Okay, where are you like in high school?

Uhh, short.


skinny, but sexy.

Did you always want to be a entertainer or in the

acting business or in the entertainment business?

Always, yeah.

Your biggest inspiration.

My daddy, probably.

If we got matching tattoos, what would it be?


Why would we do that?

That was a test to see if you were gonna answer.

I'm glad you didn't.

Whoa, are we allowed to do this?

Yeah, you can do whatever you want man.

Let's go!

You wanna go? I don't think this is part of the game.

It's a challenge right?


We wanted to work right?

Come on, what you doing?

So, all of my friends are Wild 'N Out,

and I've been wondering why I haven't been called yet.

I don't know, but after this I might give you a call.

What's your biggest pet peeves?

Wasting time.

Wasting time, okay.

What should go to a shower song?

And I am telling you, I'm not going no where.

Uh oh!

You alright? You going down?

I'm going down.

No just believe in yourself. Stay up there.

I'm gonna tickle a little bit.

You gonna tickle me?

You almost went down B Dot.

I ain't going yet.

Yes, cuz my gloves falling off.

How does it feel?

Feels good.

We made it happen.

Yea my glove came off.

I thought I was about to, I thought I had you.

I'm not gonna lie I thought you did too.

That's why I was worried.

I'm not really a competitor.

Uh huh.

But you know, I don't like to lose.

Yeah, you lost today.


That's life though. That's what life is losing.

Hey hey, get back up on the goal poster hang out some more.

Hey man.

Appreciate having you.

Yeah, I'm gonna be honest with you.

I could've beat you, but this is your show

and I didn't wanna outshine you.

I like that, that's some real.

I'm a winner at heart and spirit.

For more infomation >> WATCH Nick Cannon Handle Hard-hitting Questions While Hanging On A Goal Post - Duration: 3:04.


Kinderfoto-Rätsel Daniela Katzenberger und Sophia als doppeltes Lottchen - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Kinderfoto-Rätsel Daniela Katzenberger und Sophia als doppeltes Lottchen - Duration: 1:48.


Making a Difference in the World Through Design- Bureo | The Good, The Bad and The Tip - Duration: 2:26.

The good this week?

A company called Bureo making a difference in the world through design.

Bureo collects abandoned fish nets from the ocean, melts them and compresses them to make

lovable, Californian products, such as skateboards and sunglasses.

Here's a fragment of their story:

It's been estimated that 10% of the ocean's plastic pollution... derelict, discarded fishnets.

We saw this as a huge opportunity to setup a collection point for the fishnets,

and turn them into these skateboards that we were really excited to ride.

This is the kind of thing that week love to geek about, and that is why we selected them

for our monthly Contrast grant.

What makes us love them, even more, is their astonishing brand design.

Their imagery, their videos and every single one of their brand publications follows an

unmistakable standard, that speaks about how passionate they are about their own design.

So to contrast that, let me rant about traditional stock photos.

Why the hell would a company choose this picture?

Or this photo for.... anything?!

And they are expensive too!

There is a massive need for images, whether it's for websites, or social media posts or


Wink wink.

But the quality of these stock photos hasn't improved at all in years: your standard Google

search will still yield watermarked iStockPhotos and Shutterstock,

and they are all pretty much the same crap.

But there is hope, people.


Which brings us to the tip, our favorite selection of stock, non-stock photos.

Unsplash offers a fantastic, beautiful gallery of amazing, really amazing photography.

They are also shared under the Creative Commons standard,

so you can use them, commercially even, for free.

You don't get a lot of that these days. and are also great resources,

but what will truly make your life easier is

It lets you upload a screenshot or an app mockup and places it on the image for you,

adjusting the perspective and even the device glare.

We'll see you tomorrow.

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