Thursday, September 21, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 22 2017

• From really bad geology puns , to god-awful knock knock jokes, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact

some of the best true stories from our subreddit "most awkward bad-jokes we've ever told"

– I'm {} and today I'll be your narrator

10 – GhostToast2 GhostToast Once in 5th grade, GhostToast had a geology

class with a girl he had a major crush on.

The teacher paired the students up and GhostToast was paired with his crush, so he was really


Everyone was handed shovels to dig for rocks and GhostToast's partner said that he should

use the shovel because he was stronger.

She then handed him the shovel and he looked her straight in the eye and said "this is


Everyone stopped and stared at him, and literally nobody laughed.

For the rest of the day he was given the nickname 'Digger'.

9 - jmhguy Pringle Pringle's worst joke goes something like,

'A party of adventurers walked into a witch's cottage.

A black cat leapt onto the table.

"Hey look!"

One adventurer said with enthusiasm, "it is one of those, Witch's Cats".

"Actually," stated the more educated one of the bunch, "They are referred to as Familiars".

The third one, who was a bit dull, stared at the cat in confusion and mused, "Doesn't

look familiar to me".


Pringle's worst joke definitely makes me want to throw myself into a bin.

8 – Clemntinetwd Zaraganba Zaraganba was hanging out with his friends

one day and they were passing around really cheesy jokes.

It was Zaraganba's turn so he stood up, cleared his throat and asked, "What cheese

do you use to lure a bear?


He thought it was hilarious so he started laughing uncontrollably like a maniac.

Then suddenly his crush walked up behind him and stared while he had tears of laughter

rolling down his double chin.

Nobody else was laughing and he looked like an insane person.

She never spoke to him again.

7 – XxBlazingRhythmxX Cidius Cidius was in school with a friend and they

were particularly bored.

He said to his friend, "Hey dude, you wanna hear a joke?"

And he said sure.

Cidius began, "A guy wakes up in the morning and digs a 10 meter hole.

The next day he goes back and digs another 10 meters.

And another.

And another."

He repeated the last line until his friend said, "Dude, stop!

That isn't even funny!" to which Cidius replied, "It might not be funny, but you

can't deny it's not deep".

Cidius snort-laughed until he realized that his friend wasn't laughing or even smiling.

They then went back to sitting in silence.

6 – pearl_taken Grgak and Spinal Palm When Grgak was in 5th grade, his math teacher

was giving everyone homework at the end of class.

Grgak and his friend SpinalPalm asked if they could make a math joke for the class.

They stood up and Grgak asked "What's 9+10?" they didn't have an actual joke

prepared, so SpinalPalm blurted out "21!"

Everyone including the teacher sat there confused, wondering if they missed a punch-line.

I guess the joke was that it was not the right answer?

Either way the teacher told them to sit down and never tell a joke ever again.

5 –photomonkey33 MKyleM In school, MKyleM was so, so bored in his

typing class that he decided to raise his hand.

When the teacher called on him, MKyleM said to her, "I wanted to tell you a farmers joke...

But it was corny".

Nobody laughed.

Nobody reacted.

Some kid at the back let out an awkward cough.

Even the teacher just sighed.

He thought he would at least get SOME reaction, but he got nothing.

A few seconds later he got up and screamed, "I'M A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE, OKAY?"

He sure got a reaction this time: his teacher gave him detention for a week.

4 -devourer908 Emojie When Emojie started at a new school, he was

pretty desperate to make friends.

One day on the school bus, Emojie noticed it was snowing and made a really bad joke

about snow.

He kept nudging other students and telling them how cool it was outside and pointing

out the window, and that everyone should just chill.

The other students were rolling their eyes so hard you could almost hear their eyeballs


Everyone says stupid things when they're young but nobody likes excessive puns.

3 – YoKevinT Melissa One day an old man decided to sit next to

Melissa at a bus stop.

They sat in silence for a while and then the old man kept trying to tell her jokes.

He insisted on talking to her.

She sighed and decided to acknowledge him.

"What does a rock say to another rock?" he asked her.

"I don't know", she replied with a tone that insisted she also did not care.

"Life is Hard!"

He whispered to her.

She shuddered and thanked her bird god when the bus finally arrived.

2 – ThePerfectEutopian17 Andiemations and Adam (IRL BF)

When Andie was in 7th grade, she was walking down the school hallway with Adam, who was

one of her best friends who she also had a crush on.

She wanted to make him smile so she said, "Knock knock", and

he said, "Who's there?"

"Olive" she replied.

"Olive who?"

"Olive you".

For more infomation >> WORST JOKES EVER #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:36.


Meu Salário no Fim do Mês - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Meu Salário no Fim do Mês - Duration: 3:29.


Homemade Fertilizer - Duration: 5:07.

Hi I'm Erin and today I show you how to make an inexpensive homemade fertilizer that

you can use on all of your vegetables on Our Wyoming Life

When you go to a garden store and look in the fertilizer section you will be bombarded

with all kinds of different fertilizers.

It seems you can find a fertilizer for almost every individual plant nowadays.

I'm going to show you how to make an all-around fertilizer that is not only good for your

plants but good for the soil.

3 ingredients and some water is all you need.

Alfalfa pellets, molasses and fish emulsion is all it takes.

It's super simple to make and once you purchase the items required you'll have enough to

make several batches and your plants will thank you!

First on the list is Alfalfa pellets.

Just straight alfalfa, not rabbit food pellets which can sometimes have salts and other minerals

added in.

This bag of 100% alfalfa was purchased from my local feed store.

They will know exactly what you waant if you say 100% alfalfa and the smaller the pellet

the better.

Or it can be purchased online.

The recipe calls for one pound of alfalfa pellets for every 5 gallons of water.

This large black tub holds enough water for a triple batch so 3 pounds of alfalfa are

weighed and added to the bucket.

Alfalfa is a good source of nitrogen for the garden as well as other minerals like phosphorous,

potassium, calcium and many more.

It also helps build organic matter in the soil.

Organic matter helps other organic material decompose, helps prevent compaction, holds

moisture in the soil, and improves the soil structure.

The pellets need to soak in water overnight in order to break down.

They will soak up quite a bit of water so make sure that they have room to float and

plenty of water to drink.

But don't fill your bucket all the way up unless you are nearby your plants.

Moving a full bucket of water to the garden is never fun and is always messy!

The next morning the bucket with the soaked alfalfa pellets is moved into the high tunnel

where the additional ingredients can be added and the fertilizer will be applied to the

tomatoes and peppers.

Black strap molasses is added at a rate of one tablespoon per gallon of water.

This gallon jug was purchased online and was not horribly expensive and I will be able

to make several gallons of fertilizer before I run out.

Molasses is amazing for plants and the soil.

It provides food for the healthy microbes in the soil.

The more microbe activity the healthier your plants will be.

Molasses is also high in calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Tomatoes love all of these.

Molasses also has several trace minerals that plants require to be healthy.

Last ingredient is fish emulsion.

Just being honest here, fish emulsion looks and smells pretty horrible but it's amazing.

It's the availability and presence of micronutrients that make the fish emulsion so awesome.

It also helps unlock the micronutrients that are already in the soil and restore them into

a form that the plants can utilize.

The application rate for the fish emulsion is on the label and 2 tablespoons per gallon

of water is the recommended rate.

The soil in the high tunnel is already high on the nitrogen side as super nitrogen rich

compost was added this spring so 1 tablespoon per gallon is added to the bucket so as to

not nitrogen burn the plants.

Make sure to shake the bottle to loosen the emulsion up before measuring.

Once all 3 ingredients are in, the bucket is filled with water.

After it's full give it a big stir.

Yes it's stinky and looks disgusting but your plants will think it's the best meal

you've ever given them.

Once you're ready to apply, add one cup of liquid fertilizer mixture to each plant.

Just pour on the ground near the stem so the roots can absorb it right away.

It's okay if there are alfalfa particles in the water.

There's nutrients in them still and they will break down as the garden waters in the


After you've applied most of the liquid to your plants there's going to be a lot

of alfalfa residue in the bottom of the bucket.

Don't throw this away.

It's can be a great addition to your compost pile or I added mine to an area that I'm

getting ready to plant winter carrots in.

There's still lots of nutrients in that alfalfa and you don't want to waste them.

The mixture that was made today can be applied to your garden once every two weeks.

It's super versatile and can be used on all vegetables and works great on flowers


Links for all the ingredients used today will be below in the description as well as the


Like us on Facebook and Instagram and make sure you subscribe because there's much

more happening on the ranch and the gardens in the coming weeks and thanks for joining

me in Our Wyoming Life.

For more infomation >> Homemade Fertilizer - Duration: 5:07.


【五感の中で、最も本能に働きかける○○を活用する】字幕付き - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 【五感の中で、最も本能に働きかける○○を活用する】字幕付き - Duration: 2:46.


Game Day Playlist

For more infomation >> Game Day Playlist


Setor imobiliário: a retomada. Max Bohm e Daniel Malheiros discutem | Empiricus - Duration: 7:53.

For more infomation >> Setor imobiliário: a retomada. Max Bohm e Daniel Malheiros discutem | Empiricus - Duration: 7:53.


Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 E-HDI 120PK Blue Lease Executive - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 SW 1.6 E-HDI 120PK Blue Lease Executive - Duration: 0:59.


🔴 A GRANDE LIÇÃO DE SUPERAÇÃO que EU aprendi com Chris Gardner! - Duration: 14:07.

Nós moramos nas estações de trem

Nós andamos pelos trilhos, nós dormimos em banheiros

Eu tomei uma decisão

que eu seria tudo que este cara (padrasto) não era

Eu não irei beber

Eu não irei bater com uma arma

Eu não irei ser ignorante

Eu perguntei a ele 2 coisas que basicamente mudaram a minha vida:

"O que você faz?" e "Como você faz isso?"

E este cara era corretor de ações

E que fazia 80.000 dólares por mês

Dando banho ao meu filho

à luzes de velas

Porque não conseguiamos comprar eletricidade

Eu não sabia se eu ia desistir, quebrar ou chorar

E de alguma forma essa criança se manteve e disse

Sabe de uma coisa?

Você é um bom papai

E isso era tudo o que eu precisava para seguir em frente

Você tem um sonho?

Você tem que protegê-lo

As pessoas não conseguem fazer as coisas elas mesmas

E elas vão te dizer que você também não consegue

Você quer alguma coisa?

Vá e pegue.

Esse cara me chamou e disse que tinha uma grande ideia

Ele tirará pessoas da rua

Dá-las um emprego

E aquele que tiver mais sucesso

Vai ganhar uma casa de 300 mil dólares e 100 mil em dinheiro

Todas as coisas boas

E sabe o que eu disse a ele?

Ser morador de rua não é um jogo, e se você acha que é, eu já ganhei, então livre o seu dinheiro

E eu não ouvi mais sobre ele de novo

For more infomation >> 🔴 A GRANDE LIÇÃO DE SUPERAÇÃO que EU aprendi com Chris Gardner! - Duration: 14:07.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active airco - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 5D Active airco - Duration: 1:00.


Meu Salário no Fim do Mês - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Meu Salário no Fim do Mês - Duration: 3:29.


Jan Gehl - O legado de Jane Jacobs - Duration: 2:09.

This kind of…

I would call it a movement I'm part of.

Which we call the humanistic dimension in city planning,

actually has started out in 1961,

with a lady in New York called Jane Jacobs.

She was the first one who yelled

that if these modern buildings, modern architects,

these modernistic architecture, and the cars, and the motorists,

were going to decide everything, then the cities would die.

And it would be the end of the lively, wonderful city,

and the cities would die.

The death and live of great American cities she wrote about.

A very famous book in 1961.

And she said, to everyone,

"look out of the window, see what's really going on,

see the streets, see the street ballet,

see the people moving in the street,

how they meet, how the kids interact,

how the corner store keeper comes out in the doorway,

and looks up and down the street, and makes it a safe street."

So, the message here was,

look at what really is happening in the city,

and don't sit in your bloody studios

and think up what people ought to do.

Or what your morality think they should do.

But look at what they're doing, and where they're doing it,

and how they're doing it. And take your departure point

from the people and the day to day life. Not from

idealistic philosophies and the other things,

which of course, we know now

was completely off the point.

For more infomation >> Jan Gehl - O legado de Jane Jacobs - Duration: 2:09.


St. Michael the Archangel - Danny Tattoo - Duration: 5:10.

For more infomation >> St. Michael the Archangel - Danny Tattoo - Duration: 5:10.


Mexicanos en Chicago preparan envíos tras sismo de esta semana | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Mexicanos en Chicago preparan envíos tras sismo de esta semana | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:37.


"Mi hija está enterrada entre todo eso que está ahí tirado": El llanto de una madre que pide ayuda - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> "Mi hija está enterrada entre todo eso que está ahí tirado": El llanto de una madre que pide ayuda - Duration: 5:17.


Angustia en Puerto Rico por la falta de energía en medio de la emergencia que deja María - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Angustia en Puerto Rico por la falta de energía en medio de la emergencia que deja María - Duration: 3:48.


La Cruz Roja Mexicana, a toda máquina para atender a los heridos que deja el terremoto - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> La Cruz Roja Mexicana, a toda máquina para atender a los heridos que deja el terremoto - Duration: 2:10.


El corazón de los mexicanos es más grande que la tragedia: Voluntarios salen a ayudar en las calles - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> El corazón de los mexicanos es más grande que la tragedia: Voluntarios salen a ayudar en las calles - Duration: 2:16.


Desgarrador testimonio de una madre que perdió a su hija y nieto en el terremoto - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Desgarrador testimonio de una madre que perdió a su hija y nieto en el terremoto - Duration: 2:19.


Local transit agencies discuss driverless vehicles - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Local transit agencies discuss driverless vehicles - Duration: 0:42.


Porto Rico aguarda inundações catastróficas depois do furacão Maria. Há 15 mortos em Dominica - Duration: 7:56.

For more infomation >> Porto Rico aguarda inundações catastróficas depois do furacão Maria. Há 15 mortos em Dominica - Duration: 7:56.


Crónica del misterio de la niña Frida Sofía - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Crónica del misterio de la niña Frida Sofía - Duration: 3:35.


Video Show 9 15 2017 115936 PM Low - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Video Show 9 15 2017 115936 PM Low - Duration: 3:00.


La falta de comunicación, el principal problema en Puerto Rico tras el paso del huracán María - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> La falta de comunicación, el principal problema en Puerto Rico tras el paso del huracán María - Duration: 2:16.


Puerto Rico, una isla convertida en zona de desastre | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> Puerto Rico, una isla convertida en zona de desastre | Noticiero | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 2:43.


Tutorial - Mirror and Symmetry Adobe Illustrator - Duration: 3:01.

Hello, welcome to another tutorial.

This time I will teach you to use the Mirror effect

inside Adobe Illustrator.

Just draw from one side of ArtBoard and have everything automatically duplicated.

Lets start.

My ArtBoard has 1080x1080px.

Create a new Rectangle that covers the entire area.

Align in the center.

Remove the stroke and fill parameters.

Select the correct layer.

Go to Appearence to check.

Go to effects > distrot and transform >

then apply the Transform.

Check the Reflect X box.

Set the Copies to 01.

That is enough for the effect, but

let's do other things here.

Rename the layer.

Type symmetry.

Create a "GUIDE" layer above this one.

Let's create a guide in the middle of our artboard.

Our Artboard have 1080x1080px.

Press Ctrl + R to show the ruler.

Pull the guide to the middle.

the middle value of the artboard will be 540.

Lock the layer.

Create a new layer below the symmetry.

for anything you do that will not be affected by symmetry.

To be affected by the effect you must use the simmetry layer.

Lets go.

Choose a random color.

In my case, black.

Lets draw anything.

so we can see that the effect works.

I'm drawing anything just for demonstration.

A heart.

only for demonstration of the symmetry effect.

The effect works automatically.

You can adjust the paths normally.

This effect has some problems.

You can never go beyond the rectangle area.

And there are no more problems.

Thats it for the Mirror effect.

When you finish your drawing,

Go to the menu Object >

apply an Expand Appearence

to create paths on the symmetry side.

Thats it.

Any doubts send a message.

And do not forget to give a Subscribe on the channel.

For more infomation >> Tutorial - Mirror and Symmetry Adobe Illustrator - Duration: 3:01.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


Volvo V70 2.4d5 awd geartronic automaat R velgen - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.4d5 awd geartronic automaat R velgen - Duration: 1:01.


WORST JOKES EVER #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:36.

• From really bad geology puns , to god-awful knock knock jokes, the Planet Dolan crew re-enact

some of the best true stories from our subreddit "most awkward bad-jokes we've ever told"

– I'm {} and today I'll be your narrator

10 – GhostToast2 GhostToast Once in 5th grade, GhostToast had a geology

class with a girl he had a major crush on.

The teacher paired the students up and GhostToast was paired with his crush, so he was really


Everyone was handed shovels to dig for rocks and GhostToast's partner said that he should

use the shovel because he was stronger.

She then handed him the shovel and he looked her straight in the eye and said "this is


Everyone stopped and stared at him, and literally nobody laughed.

For the rest of the day he was given the nickname 'Digger'.

9 - jmhguy Pringle Pringle's worst joke goes something like,

'A party of adventurers walked into a witch's cottage.

A black cat leapt onto the table.

"Hey look!"

One adventurer said with enthusiasm, "it is one of those, Witch's Cats".

"Actually," stated the more educated one of the bunch, "They are referred to as Familiars".

The third one, who was a bit dull, stared at the cat in confusion and mused, "Doesn't

look familiar to me".


Pringle's worst joke definitely makes me want to throw myself into a bin.

8 – Clemntinetwd Zaraganba Zaraganba was hanging out with his friends

one day and they were passing around really cheesy jokes.

It was Zaraganba's turn so he stood up, cleared his throat and asked, "What cheese

do you use to lure a bear?


He thought it was hilarious so he started laughing uncontrollably like a maniac.

Then suddenly his crush walked up behind him and stared while he had tears of laughter

rolling down his double chin.

Nobody else was laughing and he looked like an insane person.

She never spoke to him again.

7 – XxBlazingRhythmxX Cidius Cidius was in school with a friend and they

were particularly bored.

He said to his friend, "Hey dude, you wanna hear a joke?"

And he said sure.

Cidius began, "A guy wakes up in the morning and digs a 10 meter hole.

The next day he goes back and digs another 10 meters.

And another.

And another."

He repeated the last line until his friend said, "Dude, stop!

That isn't even funny!" to which Cidius replied, "It might not be funny, but you

can't deny it's not deep".

Cidius snort-laughed until he realized that his friend wasn't laughing or even smiling.

They then went back to sitting in silence.

6 – pearl_taken Grgak and Spinal Palm When Grgak was in 5th grade, his math teacher

was giving everyone homework at the end of class.

Grgak and his friend SpinalPalm asked if they could make a math joke for the class.

They stood up and Grgak asked "What's 9+10?" they didn't have an actual joke

prepared, so SpinalPalm blurted out "21!"

Everyone including the teacher sat there confused, wondering if they missed a punch-line.

I guess the joke was that it was not the right answer?

Either way the teacher told them to sit down and never tell a joke ever again.

5 –photomonkey33 MKyleM In school, MKyleM was so, so bored in his

typing class that he decided to raise his hand.

When the teacher called on him, MKyleM said to her, "I wanted to tell you a farmers joke...

But it was corny".

Nobody laughed.

Nobody reacted.

Some kid at the back let out an awkward cough.

Even the teacher just sighed.

He thought he would at least get SOME reaction, but he got nothing.

A few seconds later he got up and screamed, "I'M A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE, OKAY?"

He sure got a reaction this time: his teacher gave him detention for a week.

4 -devourer908 Emojie When Emojie started at a new school, he was

pretty desperate to make friends.

One day on the school bus, Emojie noticed it was snowing and made a really bad joke

about snow.

He kept nudging other students and telling them how cool it was outside and pointing

out the window, and that everyone should just chill.

The other students were rolling their eyes so hard you could almost hear their eyeballs


Everyone says stupid things when they're young but nobody likes excessive puns.

3 – YoKevinT Melissa One day an old man decided to sit next to

Melissa at a bus stop.

They sat in silence for a while and then the old man kept trying to tell her jokes.

He insisted on talking to her.

She sighed and decided to acknowledge him.

"What does a rock say to another rock?" he asked her.

"I don't know", she replied with a tone that insisted she also did not care.

"Life is Hard!"

He whispered to her.

She shuddered and thanked her bird god when the bus finally arrived.

2 – ThePerfectEutopian17 Andiemations and Adam (IRL BF)

When Andie was in 7th grade, she was walking down the school hallway with Adam, who was

one of her best friends who she also had a crush on.

She wanted to make him smile so she said, "Knock knock", and

he said, "Who's there?"

"Olive" she replied.

"Olive who?"

"Olive you".

For more infomation >> WORST JOKES EVER #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 8:36.


Meu Salário no Fim do Mês - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Meu Salário no Fim do Mês - Duration: 3:29.


Homemade Fertilizer - Duration: 5:07.

Hi I'm Erin and today I show you how to make an inexpensive homemade fertilizer that

you can use on all of your vegetables on Our Wyoming Life

When you go to a garden store and look in the fertilizer section you will be bombarded

with all kinds of different fertilizers.

It seems you can find a fertilizer for almost every individual plant nowadays.

I'm going to show you how to make an all-around fertilizer that is not only good for your

plants but good for the soil.

3 ingredients and some water is all you need.

Alfalfa pellets, molasses and fish emulsion is all it takes.

It's super simple to make and once you purchase the items required you'll have enough to

make several batches and your plants will thank you!

First on the list is Alfalfa pellets.

Just straight alfalfa, not rabbit food pellets which can sometimes have salts and other minerals

added in.

This bag of 100% alfalfa was purchased from my local feed store.

They will know exactly what you waant if you say 100% alfalfa and the smaller the pellet

the better.

Or it can be purchased online.

The recipe calls for one pound of alfalfa pellets for every 5 gallons of water.

This large black tub holds enough water for a triple batch so 3 pounds of alfalfa are

weighed and added to the bucket.

Alfalfa is a good source of nitrogen for the garden as well as other minerals like phosphorous,

potassium, calcium and many more.

It also helps build organic matter in the soil.

Organic matter helps other organic material decompose, helps prevent compaction, holds

moisture in the soil, and improves the soil structure.

The pellets need to soak in water overnight in order to break down.

They will soak up quite a bit of water so make sure that they have room to float and

plenty of water to drink.

But don't fill your bucket all the way up unless you are nearby your plants.

Moving a full bucket of water to the garden is never fun and is always messy!

The next morning the bucket with the soaked alfalfa pellets is moved into the high tunnel

where the additional ingredients can be added and the fertilizer will be applied to the

tomatoes and peppers.

Black strap molasses is added at a rate of one tablespoon per gallon of water.

This gallon jug was purchased online and was not horribly expensive and I will be able

to make several gallons of fertilizer before I run out.

Molasses is amazing for plants and the soil.

It provides food for the healthy microbes in the soil.

The more microbe activity the healthier your plants will be.

Molasses is also high in calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Tomatoes love all of these.

Molasses also has several trace minerals that plants require to be healthy.

Last ingredient is fish emulsion.

Just being honest here, fish emulsion looks and smells pretty horrible but it's amazing.

It's the availability and presence of micronutrients that make the fish emulsion so awesome.

It also helps unlock the micronutrients that are already in the soil and restore them into

a form that the plants can utilize.

The application rate for the fish emulsion is on the label and 2 tablespoons per gallon

of water is the recommended rate.

The soil in the high tunnel is already high on the nitrogen side as super nitrogen rich

compost was added this spring so 1 tablespoon per gallon is added to the bucket so as to

not nitrogen burn the plants.

Make sure to shake the bottle to loosen the emulsion up before measuring.

Once all 3 ingredients are in, the bucket is filled with water.

After it's full give it a big stir.

Yes it's stinky and looks disgusting but your plants will think it's the best meal

you've ever given them.

Once you're ready to apply, add one cup of liquid fertilizer mixture to each plant.

Just pour on the ground near the stem so the roots can absorb it right away.

It's okay if there are alfalfa particles in the water.

There's nutrients in them still and they will break down as the garden waters in the


After you've applied most of the liquid to your plants there's going to be a lot

of alfalfa residue in the bottom of the bucket.

Don't throw this away.

It's can be a great addition to your compost pile or I added mine to an area that I'm

getting ready to plant winter carrots in.

There's still lots of nutrients in that alfalfa and you don't want to waste them.

The mixture that was made today can be applied to your garden once every two weeks.

It's super versatile and can be used on all vegetables and works great on flowers


Links for all the ingredients used today will be below in the description as well as the


Like us on Facebook and Instagram and make sure you subscribe because there's much

more happening on the ranch and the gardens in the coming weeks and thanks for joining

me in Our Wyoming Life.

For more infomation >> Homemade Fertilizer - Duration: 5:07.


【五感の中で、最も本能に働きかける○○を活用する】字幕付き - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> 【五感の中で、最も本能に働きかける○○を活用する】字幕付き - Duration: 2:46.


Get A Music Budget Fast

For more infomation >> Get A Music Budget Fast


MY REACTION TO THE #1 BO3 SUPPLY DROP GLITCH! (Black Ops 3 Supply Drop Opening Glitch) - Duration: 10:06.

today we're on black ops 3 to see the number one bo3 hacker with the number

one black ops 3 supply job glitch unlocking the world record cryptokey

glitch for black ops 3 the most cryptokeys anyone has ever had alongside a

brand new Supply Drop glitch that is essentially banning supply drops from

the black market unable to open for anyone on bo3 to enter this month's $50

Xbox PSN or Steam card giveaway all you have to do is drop a like leave a

comment and be subscribed with this brand new Grand Slam bribe I'm giving

away a $50 PSN our Xbox code to one lucky winner so drop a like subscribe

down below and leave a comment why'd you want the brand-new Grand Slam I'll be

giving it away very soon how is everyone doing today my name is Erin or tank and

welcome back to black ops 3 today we are on new challenge and I gotta talk to you

guys about the number-one bo3 hacker ooh starting off the game with a little jump

shot collide I'm liking it boys a good sign

y'all smash the like button real quick for that noscope and trick shot and kill

feed luck man I have a nasty sniper shot on me and I'm hoping I can hit some

pretty nice shots so give me that like luck down below smash it like button

let's turn up on Nuketown let's go

okay boys today I want to talk about the number one bo3 hacker the number one

black ops 3 supply drive glitch that I've personally seen now I recently just

got a DM from someone talking to me about some cryptokey glitch is I was not

really interested in myself but but he did show me a picture now this picture

showed and revealed his cryptokey count and I was thinking okay it's probably

gonna have whatever 10,000 15,000 because I know personally the richest

bo3 player in the world right now with the most cryptokeys legitimate is my boy

mallow I'll leave a link in the description down below he is the number

one richest bo3 player and he also has the most kills with any DLC weapons so

he's a pretty legit you know type of you know a Supply Drop cryptokey guys so I

was thinking maybe 10 15 maybe 20 K Keys maybe there's a new guy that's coming

out of nowhere he's the mystery man he has more cryptic keys than mallow so I'm

like okay and open the DM I'm gonna see this this guy had over 13,000 crypto

keys and I said to myself there is no way this is legit okay now in my opinion

this is an interesting angle and I want to know in the comments down below what

you guys think about this because it is a hot topic on bo3 do you think it's

okay for these glitches to exist now I think that if it's not that harmful if

you're not doing something crazy it's whatever but at the end of the day

I'm not really down for I'm not really down for advocating for it either you

know if you if you want to do what I guess you're gonna face the consequences

if you do happen to get banned on an off chance that you know they catch you

let's go so this guy when he liked me and he showed me I had to I think you're

thinking like what's the most amount of keys I've ever had what's the most

amount of supply drops I could have purchased at one time and I'm thinking

from cob points is obviously different but cryptokeys I might have had maybe

2000 at the peak and that's because I burned so many duplicates now let me

know in the comment section down below how many keys you guys have or have had

in bo3 now your your most keys ever cuz I'm interested to see how big this

glitch actually is test for someone that opens supply drops religiously has every

single DLC weapon in the game and you know completes bribes on the daily basis

for subscribers you know for myself I don't get that many crypto keys like I

might have a couple hundred in the inventory you know I might just have a

couple hundred save from some weekly contracts or whatever the

case may be you know opening supply drops the bonuses the duplicates

cryptokeys that happen on your account the more you play bo3 I'm gonna call

this in right now skirt skirt thank you I want to know how many keys you guys

have right now and Bo three and what your most keys is so far and because

this guy is a hacker or a modder or a glitch or whatever word you would like

to attach to I would say more of a glitter or a modder than a hacker but

regardless some sort of finesse is being done behind the scenes with whatever

glitch with whatever hack whatever mod he's using let me know in the comments

as well if you guys have used any crypto key glitches in bo3 and how many keys

you actually got from it because from my perspective 30,000 plus keys is a ton of

keys even if you have some sort of refund glitch where you can open up a

common or rare supply drop and it you know refunds the keys but you keep the

items you're not gonna be getting that many keys you're only gonna be getting

keys off the bonuses or the dupes that you burned so you might get whatever 10

keys per Supply Drop you have to do that what 3,000 times to get where he's at

and bo3 so if you guys have done any crypto key glitches let me know how many

you actually dot for doing the glitch cuz I'm not too sure how they work I

don't really do glitches like that and bo3 not for the Supply Drop so the Crypt

like he's you know so I'm not really you know I guess aware of the numbers behind

it so if you are let me know in the comments this game went quick and I was

talking the whole time and we were still spanking them oh oh you're kidding and

right now in bo3 there is a Supply Drop glitch that is essentially affecting

everyone now if it's affecting you I wanted all the comments down below you

know what console you on ps4 or Xbox one and how long has it been happening we

got to go to the black market I'm gonna show you what's happening okay so we're

in the black market and we have 600 cob points now I've had a thousand I was

using 400 of them for two rare supply drops to test this out I open some rare

supply drops up and some comments and I've bought my Daily Double now watch

what happens when I go to open one Supply Drop okay open the rare Daily

Double it's look there it is error there was an error opening the Supply Drop now

I go to the common let's say I wait for the retrieving crypto keys to come back

and everything resets I'd open up a common key that's ten keys

let's see what happens okay I'm good to go I got the common not the best drop

but regardless now I go to burn some dupes five keys whatever you know I'm

just Maki's back to my account let's see okay

Daily Double try it again resupply drop the second drop watch it's just gonna go

and go and go and then the error will pop up watch it's gonna keep going and

going and it won't stop this happens error there was an error opening the

Supply Drop now it does this weird thing where it looks like I have nothing on my

account as it sit and then BAM it spits back I have the three of a kind the

range in the three melees I have my Daily Double yet again I go to open it

once again BAM Eric I don't know what's going on right now bo3 is aware of this

they're working on a fix as of now and I'll keep you guys posted follow me on

Twitter at I tank it's subscribe to the channel I will have more information

about this glitch and if it's getting fixed and when it actually does get

fixed but for now as you're seeing the black market is essentially broken now I

would really like in the comments for you guys to chime in and let me know if

you guys been affected by this glitch can you still open supply drops and if

you are how are you doing so because I couldn't open them disma couldn't open

them raid green goblin a bunch of people on my Twitter couldn't open them a bunch

of people on Activision's Twitter couldn't open them on tracks Twitter

couldn't open them so it is a legitimate glitch that's affecting essentially the

entire community but if you're not getting infected somehow I want to know

how cuz how obviously I would like to know effects cuz they said they're

working on a fix but we just don't know how long that's gonna take

and I wanted to open some supply drops today but unfortunately we just cannot

and if you are being affected also living in the comments down below just

comment glitch if you guys are being affected so I can see how many people

are going through this and like I said I wanted to open supply drops but that's

why I'm sniping you know I guess everything happens for a reason cuz that

sniper game that new town game was absolute and we get Newtown again are

you just rude maybe this is a sign bo3 Supply Drop glitch and I just get right

into new town every single time new town 24/7 you can't open supply drops alright

here's new town thank you thank you so much but yeah let me know in the

comments down below how many keys you have if you've done any key glitches and

of course if you're being affected by this brand new supplier of licha bo3 all

that good stuff let me know in the comments chime in your reactions your

thoughts your experiences cuz I want to know woo I'm gone

ohohoho doesn't see me thank you very much okay boys now we're on now we're

doing something okay oh yes yes yes yeah we got to call in this care package

because I do not want to lap it over but I'm afraid we're gonna flip spawns oh

it's a hailstorm boys this is a good one I like it I like it the triple kill boys

with the car it's crispier let's go for a little trip on my favorite rocket ship

zooming through this guy they don't a nice tie

there it is so that is the number one bo3 players cryptokey glitch one of the

craziest glitches I've ever seen on black ops 3 supply drops and of course

the current black ops 3 Supply Drop glitch that is affecting me and everyone

that I know on bo3 the Daily Double as you can see again yet there it is the

air it's still here boys let's go this macca like down below in the video if

you enjoyed let's go for 3,000 likes on this thing if you guys are brand new to

the channel as well and you have not already pressed that red subscribe

button underneath the video and press the bell button as well to join the

notification squad and never miss another daily bo3 banger video thank you

so much for watching have an awesome day stay safe and I catch you guys in the

next one

are you broke with no car points man I found a solution I'm gonna say this

quick so there isn't any come from Jeffrey cock points and pokey toys no

scam and squid boy there's a link in the description all you gotta do is click it

click the link down below and download a do you have me reliable and easy way to

get points mi packs

For more infomation >> MY REACTION TO THE #1 BO3 SUPPLY DROP GLITCH! (Black Ops 3 Supply Drop Opening Glitch) - Duration: 10:06.


NIBIRU SHOCKING 72 HOURS WARNING What Will Happen When Planet X Nibiru Arrives September 23, 2017 - Duration: 46:36.

For more infomation >> NIBIRU SHOCKING 72 HOURS WARNING What Will Happen When Planet X Nibiru Arrives September 23, 2017 - Duration: 46:36.


Fitness Nest by Blue Ridge Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Fitness Nest by Blue Ridge Tiny Homes | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:36.


(News)Bitter truth about marriage vote - Duration: 6:02.

Bitter truth about marriage vote

WITH nearly two months to go until Australia knows the outcome of the postal vote on same-sex marriage, the hard part is only just beginning.

The $122 million government "shemozzle" has already led to sackings, abuse, death threats and public shamings, with everyone from politicians to celebrities and sports stars nailing their rainbow colours to the mast.

And if the Brexit referendum is anything to go by, the worst is yet to come. Already we've seen the issue dominate the national agenda, with institutions from City of Sydney to the AFL, NRL and Catholic Church weighing in.

There has been political scaremongering, skywriting, frenzied tweeting, rape threats and serious doubt about whether the electoral system and Australia Post are up to the job.

The turgid campaign has seen ordinary people caught up in a decision that should have been made by the leaders they elect and pay to do a job for them.

Having witnessed first-hand the vitriol stirred up during the UK's Brexit referendum, it's all too familiar to see echoes of the ugly division played out in Australia.

While the question and the method might be different, the simultaneously spineless and hubristic decision of political leaders to place the question in public hands out of a shortsighted desire for preservation has driven a wedge through society that impacts those most vulnerable to it.

Madlin Sims allegedly sacked a contractor after she expressed support for a "no" vote and said she was subjected to a wave of abuse. Picture:Source:Supplied.

City of Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore has launched an official campaign encouraging residents to vote yes. Picture: AFP PHOTO / William WESTSource:AFP.

Co-chair of Australia's Mental Health Commission, Professor Allan Fels, has already expressed fear about what the vote is doing to the mental health of LGBTQI people due to the "unacceptable sentiments" being expressed.

"LGBTQI people have been experiencing damaging behaviour in their workplaces, communities and in social and traditional media," he said.

"The Commission is alarmed about the potential negative health impacts these debates are having on individuals, couples and families who face scrutiny and judgment.".

Co-chair Lucy Brogden said mistruths being told are making people anxious and depressed — despite renowned studies that show the positive impact of marriage equality on mental health for LGBTQI people.

"For example, same sex marriage policies are associated with a reduction in the proportion of high school students reporting suicide attempts, according to research in America," she said.

"Another myth opponents of same sex marriage claim, is that children from same sex parent families experience poorer health and social outcomes — research contradicts this.

A Remain supporter from 2016's Brexit referendum protests after the result. The campaign marked bitter division lines in UK politics and continues to dominate the political spectrum, 15 months on. Picture: Jonathan Brady/PA via APSource:News Corp Australia.

Fifteen months on from the Brexit referendum in the UK, the seemingly simple question posed by David Cameron continues to dominate politics, spark protests and ruin family barbecues around the country, pitting generations against one another.

While the Australian question at stake is no doubt different, Turnbull's decision to open up a postal vote appears to be morphing from a single issue to a chance for some to flip the switch against what they see as a censorious left.

Or as Sydney's Reverend Anthony Fisher and Dan White wrote in their letter to parents urging a no vote, claim "the voices of ordinary Australians being drowned out".

As Australia continues to battle through the next six weeks of a campaign that will no doubt become more toxic, the responsibility for the distress the public will face lays firmly at the government's feet.

While Turnbull has admitted he will vote "yes", seeing it as a "question of fairness", he should have learned not to gamble his legacy on the apparent certainty of polls.

David Cameron and Hillary Clinton would have told him that much for free.

Same-sex marriage postal survey: what are we really voting for?1:22 Whether youre in the NO camp or you want to see marriage equality in Australia, you need to know how changing the law to allow same-sex couples to marry will affect relationships and families in the country.

For more infomation >> (News)Bitter truth about marriage vote - Duration: 6:02.


FBI Warns: Don't Post Social-Media Threats - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> FBI Warns: Don't Post Social-Media Threats - Duration: 0:55.


I need my subbers' support! Pls take a moment and watch! - Duration: 0:29.

BUT the video is on Vimeo.

For more infomation >> I need my subbers' support! Pls take a moment and watch! - Duration: 0:29.


Too much water in Rapture! | Bioshock 2 | Part 5 - Duration: 14:30.

Hello everyone. My name is Crow_Se7en

Welcome back to Bioshock 2

Let's get one more gather then I will get more ADAM

Let's continue this game

I don't know if the big daddy has the little sister

Where is he - -

He doesn't have the little sister

Is that one?

I just saw the vent

Give my spears back please

Sold out...

I need more hack darts

I used the wrong one

Oh, it's gone

I need to find another little sister

Rocket spear

I wish I could find the big daddy with the little sister

I don't know where they are?

I missed it

Two times! Seriously!

I just picked up the key

I don't know where they are. I can't find the little sister

I can't open the door

Let's wait

That's weird


Looks like I have to leave this place

I think I should go to another train

I can't use the weapons and powers


Look, it's the big sister

I killed her like three times and she's still alive

I don't understand

Let's stop for now

I will continue this game for the next video

Thank you for watching

Please click Subscribe, Like, Share,

or whatever that will help me a lot

See you in the next video

For more infomation >> Too much water in Rapture! | Bioshock 2 | Part 5 - Duration: 14:30.


Royal Tyrrell Museum, Drumheller Alberta | Nodosaur/World's Best Preserved Dinosaur Fossil - Duration: 3:26.

Welcome back to another episode of Traveling With Krushworth.

We're excited to be here in Drumheller.

And I have my travel companion and girlfriend LilLizzy here with me.

What are we excited about going to see?

Well, today we're going to the Royal Tyrrell Museum

Here in Drumheller and we're going to see some dinosaurs, maybe do a few walks

And its going to be great, but until then, we'll let you go

And we'll show you everything there is to see.

As one of the premiere museums of palaeontology,

The dinosaur fossils at the Royal Tyrrell Museum are spectacular.

Visitors flock to these halls to see these prehistoric, amazing giants.

Yet, we came for one specific sight,

The unbelievable nodosaur unearthed in 2011.

This creature has made worldwide headlines for

Being the best preserved armoured dinosaur ever found.

The nodosaur was accidentally found at Suncor's Millennium Mine

Near Fort McMurray, Alberta

It was painstakingly removed from

Its stone tomb over 6 years by museum technician Mark Mitchell.

This specimen is 110-million years old and, its

Mummy-like preservation was due to it being allegedly

Swept away in a flooded river and buried under the ocean floor.

Parts of this amazing animal's armour plates and

Skin are still visible, creating an astounding reflection

Back to the Cretaceous period when dinosaurs roamed these lands.

As Alberta's oldest found dinosaur, this prized

Nodosaur has been referred to as the Rosetta stone for

Armour, named after the famed tablet used to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The dinosaur fossils are amazing, and thousands of

Visitor travel to the Royal Tyrrell Museum each year to

Learn and understand, not only the animals, but

The geological history of our Earth.

We live on an amazing planet and we have to

Learn what was to understand the future.

Come for the fossils, but follow us to the Cretaceous Garden.

It's a special flashback to what the landscape would have

Looked like millions of years ago.

These are all prehistoric plant relatives.

The museum is located in Midland Provincial Park,

And we took the opportunity to walk the interpretive trail

To see the almost alien like landscapes well known across the badlands.

To follow us to Writing on Stone Provincial Park, click the video on the right.

If you'd like to return to the Glass Ranch, click the link on the left.

Make sure you like this video, don't forget to "press the bell" icon to

keep tabs on my episodes and subscribe to my channel.

Thanks for watching and see you next time.

For more infomation >> Royal Tyrrell Museum, Drumheller Alberta | Nodosaur/World's Best Preserved Dinosaur Fossil - Duration: 3:26.


【東京モーターショー2017】スポンサー4社決定、今回もTカードで入場できるサービス提供 - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 【東京モーターショー2017】スポンサー4社決定、今回もTカードで入場できるサービス提供 - Duration: 1:57.


How To Install Kali Linux on VMware - Episode 1 - Technology Tech - Duration: 24:44.

For more infomation >> How To Install Kali Linux on VMware - Episode 1 - Technology Tech - Duration: 24:44.



For more infomation >> 5 THÓI QUEN DẪN TỚI BỆNH TRĨ TUYỆT ĐỐI TRÁNH MÀ ÍT AI NGỜ TỚI - Duration: 10:03.


Nightcore - Chop Suey (~Lyrics on CC~) - Duration: 3:20.

Wake up (Wake up)

Grab a brush and put a little makeup

Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup (Hide the scars to fade away..)

Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?

Here you go, create another fable

You wanted to

Grab a brush and put a little makeup

You wanted to

Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup

You wanted to

Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?

You wanted to

Well I don't think you trust



Self-righteous suicide

I cry

When angels deserve to die

Wake up (Wake up)

Grab a brush and put a little makeup

Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup (Hide the scars to fade away..)

Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?

Here you go, create another fable, you wanted to

Grab a brush and put a little makeup, you wanted to

Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup, you wanted to

Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to

Well I don't think you trust



Self-righteous suicide

I cry

When angels deserve to die

My self-righteous suicide

I cry

When angels deserve to die


Father, into your hands, I commend my spirits

Father, into your hands, why have you forsaken me?

In your eyes, forsaken me?

In your thoughts, forsaken me?

In your heart, forsaken me?

Trust in my

Self-righteous suicide

I cry when angels deserve to die

In my

Self-righteous suicide

I cry

When angels deserve to die

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Chop Suey (~Lyrics on CC~) - Duration: 3:20.


Report: Women won't make equal wages until 2119 - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Report: Women won't make equal wages until 2119 - Duration: 2:04.


Cassidy doubles down: Kimmel 'doesn't understand' the health care bill|K CHANNEL - Duration: 6:23.

Cassidy doubles down: Kimmel 'doesn't understand' the health care bill

  He has only heard from those on the left who are doing their best to preserve Obamacare, he said.

He has not heard from me.

Weve not spoken.

I would love to talk to him about this.   Fox host Ainsley Earhardt pointed out that Kimmel said Cassidy was on his show.

I was on his show a year ago, and everything I said on there is true, Cassidy said.

Theres a tension -- how do you pay for it without breaking the bank and how do you take care of those providing insurance? Our bill does that. Cassidy appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in May.

  For the second night in a row on Wednesday, Kimmel called out Cassidy in his opening monologue, saying that the senator either doesnt understand his own bill or he lied to me. Last night on our show I took a senator from Louisiana, Bill Cassidy, I took him to task for promising to my face that he would oppose any health care plan that allowed insurance companies to turn people with pre-existing conditions away, Kimmel said on Wednesday night.

He said anything he supported would have to pass what he named the Jimmy Kimmel Test, which was fine.

but unfortunately, and puzzlingly, he proposed a bill that would allow states to do all the things he said he would not let them do. Kimmel then said that Cassidy made a total about face and that meant that he either doesnt understand his own bill, or he lied to me. The comedian then showed a clip of Cassidy telling CNNs Chris Cuomo on New Day Wednesday morning that Kimmel does not understand the bill.

Oh, I get it.

I dont understand because Im a talk show host, right? the host said before breaking down the bill in detail.

Could it be, Senator Cassidy, that the problem is that I do understand, and you got caught with your GOPenis out? Cassidy batted back on Thursday saying, Jimmy doesnt understand, and not because hes a talk show host, but because we have never spoken. On Tuesday nights broadcast, Kimmel took on the senates new health care bill and Cassidy, saying he lied right to my face. The Tuesday night monologue went viral and got around-the-clock coverage on cable news networks.

On Wednesday nights show, Kimmel also used a skit called Barista Theater to help explain one of the more arcane parts of the Graham-Cassidy bill: block grants.

In the proposed legislation, federal funding for Medicaid expansion and subsidies would be rolled into a block grant program.

States would be given a lump sum of money and would have a lot of leeway over how to spend it.

In Kimmels sketch, he showed a barista accepting money for coffee sold in faulty coffee cups.

He used the sketch to critique the bill for allowing states to accept federal money intended to make healthcare more accessible, but then keep the money without making care more available.

Kimmel jokingly said that he didnt want to turn this into a Kanye and Taylor Swift type situation while also taking down others, like Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade, who called Kimmel a Hollywood elite. The reason I found this comment to be particularly annoying is because this is a guy, Brian Kilmeade, who whenever I see him kisses my ass like a little boy meeting Batman, Kimmel said.

He is dying to be a member of the Hollywood elite. Kimmel also made fun of the bills co-sponsor saying, Senator Graham happens to look a lot like my Grandma Jane, who is now deceased. Kimmel also called out President Trump, saying that theres no way the president read the bill and just wants to get rid of it because Obamas name is on it. The Democrats should just rename it Ivankacare, Kimmel said, referencing the presidents daughter.

Guaranteed he gets on board. Kimmel then ended his ten-minute-long monologue by encouraging Americans to call their senators about the new health care bill.

Please, stop texting for five seconds and make a phone call, Kimmel said.

It really does make a difference, and who knows maybe youll meet somebody over the phone and fall in love?  .

For more infomation >> Cassidy doubles down: Kimmel 'doesn't understand' the health care bill|K CHANNEL - Duration: 6:23.


10 Easy Ice Cream Recipes | Tutorial to Make Ice Cream Recipes For Your Kid #1 - Duration: 12:11.



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