Saturday, September 9, 2017

Youtube daily report w Sep 9 2017

I was 18 years old...

....and I went to an Harvest Festival at the alderman's house...

...with my late mother...

...Aunt Maria Emília from Ribeira Verde...

...and aunt Deolinda, the mother of the "Galinhas".

We were coming back, around 1 a.m.

It was a late party.

We were standing by my grandmother's door, at the Ribeira Verde... that big house...

We were about to go separated ways

And suddenly a man appeared in front of us.

He was small and he held a white cane.

He started walking down the road

Tim...tim... with the cane on the pavement

We got scared, it appeared out of nowhere.

I was very scared.

I asked: "Mother, what was that?"

She said: "Girl, that man is going to Oliveira... pay his taxes and left home earlier."

She said this so I wouldn't be scared.

True story.

We stood there, scared and talking...

...As he walked away until he vanished.

Later we heard the cane tapping very far away from us.

... tim... tim... tapping.

This happened to me...

"THE TARDO - Documentary"

There are stories that can't be found in books.

Stories engraved in water streams...

Carved on trees...

... and in the memory of the people.

People inhabiting this deep Portugal...

...who doesn't forget their ancestors and beliefs.

Good versus evil or the divine against the profane.

Are the themes that shape some of the Portuguese stories...

...a country that doesn't forget his tales

Is there someone who hasn't heard about the three Marys...

...the tale of the enchanted Moura or the Bogeyman?

"Don't walk around after dark or else the Tardo will come after you."

How many of us have heard this expression ...

... without understanding what it means?

The Tardo can transform himself into various creatures:

A horse, a pig, a donkey...

And it is described as a noisy and provocative being.

He wanders around at night to scare people...

...but also looking for someone to set him free from his "fado".

The tales about it are plenty.

Do you know what is the Tardo?

It was what people said it appeared to them...

...and I have seen it when I was a little girl.

Actually, I did...

At my parents home at Ribeira Verde

On a Sunday...

My father hadn't arrive yet...

...and my mother and I were waiting for him.

As my father arrived, a very strong wind started to blow.

It looked like a hank wandering...

My father came to the door and called us.

I saw a small girl around this tall.

A child.

And puppies around her.

A group of other dogs joined them...

... and started barking at our door.

The doors slamed shut because of this wind.

The wind was really scary.

That walked towards the Ribeira Verde's bridge.

It left...

My parents told me it was the Tardo.

Wandering around at that time.

In the villages it was said that the Tardo...

... could transform himself...

...into many animals:

The pig, the donkey, the horse.

This was because people believed...

...that walking on the streets at night was dangerous.

And this was a way to make...


...affraid to walk around at night.

At my home town people talk a lot about this.

Once, a fearless man...

...because he didn't believe in those stories...

Walking close to a crossroad...

...found a pig in a brushwood.

He thought he was lost...

...and tried to grab him.

He asked his neighbor...

... to keep the pig...

...while they'd try to find its rightfull owner.

The pig was to be kept in doors, until morning.

At dawn, they went to check on the pig...

...which had been locked inside.

But when they got there, the pig was gone.

How did it vanish?

They didn't know...

It had to be the Tardo.

This is just one of the many tales people tell.

In which, after the last Hail Mary bell had been rung...

It was not wise to leave their home.

What I am about to tell you...

... happened around 1958 or 1959.

I was walking down this road...

...coming from Rebordões.

I was heading to the seminar.

I had to go through a path...

...that ran deep through the woods.

It was small path...

... filled with bushes ...

A small path filled with bushes and trees.

I could barely see anything...

I could barely see anything, because of the shadows.

So I had to figure the path out as I walked.

I walked for a while and passed by some very tall cedars...

...filled with leaves from top to bottom.

I couldn't see anything.

From behind the cedar...

...a small animal came out. It looked like a dog.

It was white.

It stopped right in front of me...

...and then ran into the bushes.

He ran ...

I kept walking, and walking...

After the cedars...

... there was open sky for about ten meters.

And another...

There a big animal appeared in front of me.

It looked like a white calf with spots.

... With spots.

And I ...

I cringed, with this one as much as I had with the other.

But I thought: "I have to move forward".

So I walked forward.

But the animal stopped right in front of me.

So I walked a little faster and said:

"Oh, I am gonna kick you!"

And he ran away.

He ran and so I went on down the path...

I grew up listening to this stories.

Like most people from my generation.

People who were born in the 80s or 90s.

We all heard a lot about the Tardo...

...through our parents and grandparents.

The truth is that we grew up listening to all of this.

I remember hearing my grandparents talk, my uncles and aunts...

...and even my parents saying...

...that at a certain days and certain hours...

...people were afraid from going to certain places or streets.

Specially if they had crossroads or they had no light.

As you know, electric lamps were rare at the time.

They talked a lot about a specific place...

...specially here, near Oliveira de Azeméis...

... called Ribeira Verde.

This place is still ...

...not very well lit at night.

It does not have electric light...

It was common for people to go through this path.

My father, for instance, told me that...

...some young men from Nogueira do Cravo played... a football club named Sporting Club Bustelo.

And as they came from training at night...

...specially during winter nights...

...they were afraid to walk down that road.

Actually they would play some pranks at each other...

...pretending to be the Tardo in the woods.

So, as far as I heard...

...from my parents and the rest of my family...

...Tardo was a figure...

...that could have many faces and forms.

It appeared at night ...

... at certain places.

And its purpose was to cause fear... those who crossed him.

It could transform into an animal like...

...a dog or a horse.

Many stories talk about horses.

The noise of horses...

A white horse that ran by people at high speed.

But people also talk about sounds and sensations.

The wind, for instance.

Strong winds formed out of nowhere.

Most recent stories...

...told by younger people...

...around my age or so... about people going down a certain road...

...and then they hear something behind them...

...and when they turn...

...they get slapped in the face.

But the Tardo is not exclusive...

...from the region between Douro and Vouga.

Minho and Trás-os-Montes...

...and even Spain, at Asturias and Galicia...

...have similar stories.

This similarity is linked with the Celtic heritage...

...from the northwest of the Iberian peninsula.

In the research I did...

...I could read things from a lot of places.

We focused mainly here.

S.João da Madeira, Oliveira de Azeméis...

...Santa Maria da Feira, Vale de Cambra.

But there are very similar tales...

...through all the northern part of Portugal...

...and even Galicia.

We gathered information from Paços de Ferreira, Cinfães...

...Beira Interior...

Galicia and Asturias,...

Trás-os-Montes, Minho...

This whole area...

Of course there were differences.

From region to region ...

...there are slight changes to the stories.

For instance, in Galicia...

...these beings have no intent... cause a deep fear or to be cruel.

In Galicia we have...

... more mischiefs and little problems...

...caused to the everyday life.

While in Portugal, mainly here...

...there is a link to something more evil...

...than a simple mischief.

In Minho, the Tardo has a specific meaning.

It means nightmare.

It is associated with nightmares.

It has a lot to do with fear.

With the night and the darkness...

...which is something that is always present in our lives.

And in the past it was worst, when we didn't have electric light.

In Minho the Tardo is precisely a nightmare.

It's seen as a being...

...who was a baby and died...

...without ever being baptized.

So he had no right to be buried on sacred ground.

So he goes to the darkness, as we say.

He goes for the limbo, the purgatory.

He can't go to heaven, to paradise, and so he keeps wandering.

And haunts people while they sleep.

If the child isn't baptized... popular tradition...

the family lives a permanent obsession.

My mother always told me...

When one of my daughters was born...

...I took some time to baptize her...

"Baptize this child. Don't take her out of the house!"

This obsession people had with baptism...

...for the baby if... any chance ended up dying... not have a destiny outside...

...of this Christian project the families had.

This is an obsession that can't be separated...

...from this creatures from the popular mythology.

The tales about this creature are rare...

...but there is one detail that deserves attention:

A red cap.

The Tardo has a red cap, so... is a being that has a ...

...physical dimension...

...whose steps can be heard.

Someone who dreams with it...

... thinks he is awake and feels its steps.

How does someone get rid of this problem?

Stealing his red cap.

Plus, whoever takes this red cap...

...becomes rich.

There is a link...

...very common in our traditions associated...

... with the devil and the moors.

There was always a bad side, but also a good side.

In Minho there is a story about the enchanted cliffs.

Below these cliffs there is a plague...

...but it may also be a treasure.

It depends on how you deal with it.

The tradition with Tardo has a lot to do with this.

It's not very common.

The references are very few.

The ones I know are more than 150 years old...

...and were mentioned by Francisco Martins Sarmento...

...near Briteiros.

These mythical creatures...

...insert themselves...

... on the popular believable universe...


... goes around on multiple cultures.

And this is why we find...

... in northern Portugal.

The Trasgo, the Tardo...

We find in Galicia, Asturias and the rest of Spain...

...the Tardo, but also the Trasno.

As we move to Northern Europe we find...

...leprechauns, gnomes and elves.

These entities are replicas...

...of the ones from Greek mythology.

We had centaurs, cyclops...

...circopes, nymphs, fauns...

... Medusa...

They later were projected onto our popular mythology...

...through the werewolf, trasgos, olharapos...

...enchanted Moorish, fairies...

And then, each culture recycles those images...

...turning it into its own popular culture...

...and religious concerns.

The notorious tales from these places... really well known because of pilgrims.

It's no coincidence that most of these tales...

...are popular in places that are part of the pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela.

Pilgrims came, stopped, talked.

Spent the nights on hostels...

...and there were no televisions, cinema or videos... they told these tales.

And each community adopted these images...

...and fitted them into their own concerns...

...and their own geo-imaginary reality.

For more infomation >> Tardo - Part 1 of 3 - Duration: 18:18.


20. Per ricevere la promessa! 💍 - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> 20. Per ricevere la promessa! 💍 - Duration: 5:40.


Party BLOGGERS. Part 1. Ride on MOPEDS. Agapov, Aristov - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> Party BLOGGERS. Part 1. Ride on MOPEDS. Agapov, Aristov - Duration: 6:01.


Building a Safer & Happier World | RK Sinha - Duration: 2:30.

If we love each other

then world will be a better place

If we have loving hearts

there will be no place for hatred

there will not be a divided and judgmental society

We all will care for each other

Hope, through our emotional feelings

we will love each other more

we will love the entire society more

we will even love our neighbouring countries

we will not need any army

There is an organization

They have identified 31,000 pregnant mothers

they will take full care of them

they will nurture and raise their children

train those children when they grow up

and use them to accomplish their mission

Does it sound good? Yes or No?

But, you will be shocked to know

And we, the capable people

the sufferers of crime and terrorism

For more infomation >> Building a Safer & Happier World | RK Sinha - Duration: 2:30.


Belen Rodriguez, sonori fischi per lei a Diamante - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Belen Rodriguez, sonori fischi per lei a Diamante - Duration: 3:05.


JAHREİN GÜLMEME CHALLENGE ! 😄😄 - Duration: 10:13.


For more infomation >> JAHREİN GÜLMEME CHALLENGE ! 😄😄 - Duration: 10:13.


Farming Simulator 17 FENDT 300 VARIO – DH And BERGMANN REPEX 34S Ladewagen - Duration: 11:51.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You The FENDT 300 VARIO – DH And BERGMANN REPEX 34S Ladewagen.

FENDT 300 VARIO – DH 5 Front Attacher Setup Front Loader 4 Engine Setup 2 Wheel Setup 10 Design Setup Colorable Body 40Km/h Top Speed


BERGMANN REPEX 34S Ladewagen Colorable Body Replaceable blades Option 30.000l Capacity 20Km/h Working Speed Recommended Power 120Hp

REGISTER WAGON LEFT CTRL AND Y KEY You can also find Replaceable blades Pallet and Feedtech Silage Additives Pallet Under Pallet At the Shop

To be able to replace blades you must broke the first at 100% You can fill the wagon with Feedtech Silage Additives For better Silage yield Check at the end of the video

If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb

For more infomation >> Farming Simulator 17 FENDT 300 VARIO – DH And BERGMANN REPEX 34S Ladewagen - Duration: 11:51.


Sase Ratoi - Cantecele cu ratuste | - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Sase Ratoi - Cantecele cu ratuste | - Duration: 1:45.


[Hướng Dẫn] Các tính năng cơ bản và cách sử dụng màn hình cảm ứng grand i10 LH: 0902 483 423 - Duration: 12:42.

Liên Hệ để được giá tốt nhất

For more infomation >> [Hướng Dẫn] Các tính năng cơ bản và cách sử dụng màn hình cảm ứng grand i10 LH: 0902 483 423 - Duration: 12:42.


ד"ר אדי כהן בערוץ אלג'זירה - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> ד"ר אדי כהן בערוץ אלג'זירה - Duration: 1:47.



For more infomation >> IL TUO CELLULARE PUÒ SALVARTI LA VITA! - Duration: 3:28.


Pikmi Pops By Moose Toys

For more infomation >> Pikmi Pops By Moose Toys


Facebook Surveillance State - True reason to stop using Facebook - Where facebook sells your privacy - Duration: 19:00.

For more infomation >> Facebook Surveillance State - True reason to stop using Facebook - Where facebook sells your privacy - Duration: 19:00.


Rixos Libertas Dubrovnik, Croatia (Europe). The best of Rixos Libertas Dubrovnik in Dubrovnik - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> Rixos Libertas Dubrovnik, Croatia (Europe). The best of Rixos Libertas Dubrovnik in Dubrovnik - Duration: 7:33.


Rarities Cultured Pearl/Multicolor Tourmaline Necklace - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Rarities Cultured Pearl/Multicolor Tourmaline Necklace - Duration: 4:16.


Met. Joseph - "It would be better to let children preach" - Duration: 5:05.

Christ is risen!

Beloved believers, when we see a little one next to us here in front

we say it would be better to let him preach, instead of us,

because only by looking at a child are we edified...

we don't need anything else.

You see, children, for those who have them, no matter how big the tensions might be

and the hardships of daily life,

when they get home and see them, all the worries and all the weaknesses go away,

because of the child's joy...

But what does the child have? The child has a lot of inner peace,

because there is no cunning in the child.

And when the child is also baptized,

he is the perfect icon of Christ born in the manger in Bethlehem.

But the child also has an interior light that we cannot explain.

You've seen how kids sleep, with their arms open as on the cross.

The grown-ups can't sleep like that...

We have the impression that grown-ups are so hunched from worries

and everything they have inside,

worries that turn into judging and malice sometimes,

that they can't stay open, as on the cross...

And we realize that this light

is placed in man by God from birth...

God has thought everything through, and if we are very careful

and think about what we see around us, everything is so well thought out,

that only by looking at it, look at a flower, or even better a person...

but look at your own child and understand the divine light and beauty

of the presence of God in him and you will already feel calmed down.

Children impart the same feeling that is imparted by the saints.

When you approach their holy relics you become peaceful, for they absorb sin.

The same thing also happens with Christ if we are attentive,

when we approach Him, when we pray, when we receive Him in Holy Communion,

after we've received Holy Communion, after we've confessed, we have peace, we receive peace

and we're bright, cheerful, we can love anyone in any way,

we are like angels, even if it lasts just a short while...

because after we go out we remember the debts of others

and say: let's count, let's see now what you owe me

and what I owe you, that you talked, that you did that, and so forth...

and we lose it in a moment.

But the child is not like that.

The child gets upset now and forgets afterwards, in two minutes he is alright again

and does not remember tomorrow that his mother beat him yesterday

and loves her with the same love.

This is how we Christians should also be.

The Savior said: "Unless you become like little children,

you will not enter the Kingdom of God." (Matthew 18:3)

Does the child not commit wrongs, not quarrel, not fight, not scratch with others?

But eventually they forgive, and no longer remember the next day.

We say: "I forgive but I do not forget.

I forgave, but I can never forget."

Even after 50 years, if we live, we remember:

"You know what you did to me 45 years, 6 months, and 3 days ago, at 7 in the evening?"

But since then we went countless times to confession,

countless times we said we forgive,

countless times we said that everything is okay, but we do not forget.

The child forgets.

Not only forgets and forgives,

but simply regards you as if there had been nothing yesterday,

embraces you as a parent and as a brother and even as a foreigner, with all the love.

The light is there. There is a light...

For more infomation >> Met. Joseph - "It would be better to let children preach" - Duration: 5:05.


✅Pathar Ka Gosht - Hyderabadi Authentic Recipe | Mutton Fry recipe in Hindi|Urdu - Duration: 5:20.

Please Subscribe & Help us reach 10K!

For more infomation >> ✅Pathar Ka Gosht - Hyderabadi Authentic Recipe | Mutton Fry recipe in Hindi|Urdu - Duration: 5:20.


歡迎來到夜谷 ─ 發光雲 ─ 第二集 - Duration: 20:00.

For more infomation >> 歡迎來到夜谷 ─ 發光雲 ─ 第二集 - Duration: 20:00.


Temples, Mountains, Lake, and Dirt Bikes! | Sunny Bear Challenge #3 Nearby - Duration: 7:20.

Hi everyone good afternoon

How are you today on this beautiful beautiful day so as I said in the previous video

I am now currently back in the Surakarta City

But previously I live in Wonosobo for one and a half months

I had a chance to live there and do what it is called in Indonesia as

KKN, or "Kuliah Kerja Nyata", so it's basically a program from Uni that send

their student from various faculty together and give them the chance to basically apply what they have learned in

the real world setting

And I happen to have the chance to live in Wonosobo for the period of the program

and that Is going to be

the topic for today's video

I'm doing the third part of the sunny bear challenge and today's letter is going to be the letter n for nearby

So to complete this one. I need to tell and show you an interesting place near where you live

The road itself which I took to get to Dieng is really interesting it's really scenic. It's curvy. It's really chill

It's really enjoyable for motorcyclists the only problem that we found on the road was, back at the time

There is this landslide that blocked a big part of the road

So that even a car can't get through only Motorcyclist can get through so there was a pretty big jam at the time

But apart from that it's really cool

So for the next day the first places we visit that is called

"Puncak Sikunir" which in English roughly translate to

Sikunir Peak, or Sikunir Summit. We do a little walking, a little tracking to get the summit and

Once we get there the view is just


It's very chill you know just to be there very


Yeah, that's the first place we visited

And then the second place we visited is called "Kawah Sikidang", which is my personal favorite

so this place is a

volcanic crater

There are a lot of volcanic crater in Dieng

Sikidang is only

the most popular I think

So it's really cool place, but it smells so bad of all the sulfur. That's coming out of the ground

But it really got nice view there everything is just white and my favorite part is

Renting a dirt bike there

So we can rent a dirt bike for half an hour for the price of 50 thousand rupiahs

Which is around

What, three dollars?

Basically all of us are really just a newb in the dirt

None of us has ever tried riding a dirt bike in real dirt like that

But yeah, that was fine, and then the third place that we visited it's called "Telaga Warna"

Which roughly means the lake of colors

So it was really interesting because in that lake you can see a lot of colors

People say there's like three to four colors

You can see blue greens red and white at that same Lake

I'm not really sure I think it's because of the volcanic activity in that area

and you got sulfur and

Algae growths that make up all the color I didn't take a lot of videos there, but I do take some photos

And then the fourth and the last place that we visited is

Complex of temples

Called Candi Arjuna candi means temples. I think it's a Hindunese temples and

I've read somewhere that it is one of the oldest Hindu structures in Indonesia

when we get there, it was already around 11 o'clock, so it's

Getting really hot, but again the view is really nice, and I found this thing on the entrance of the temple

it's a little v-twin I

Met the owner

Asked a couple of thing about the bike, but I don't get it in video that motorcycle is the Kaiser

Ruby I think it's local product from an Asian company

And yeah, we spend half a day


Places in Dieng we only have half the day at that time, and then we go back home

Overall it's really a great experience to be visiting Dieng

I think personally I like it because of the weather and the climate there. It's really chill it's like

20 degrees

Maybe not even 20-something. Maybe it's in the

17 18 degrees on average and it gets really chill in the night. It's like six degrees

6 7 degrees in the night

So yeah if you were to visit, Indonesia

Somewhere around Central Java. I highly recommend you to visit


It's just a really nice place overall to just chill out and hang out

All right, so it's getting proper dark now. It's 5:34 in the evening I should just wrap this video

I hope it's still qualify as completing the challenge

Sunny bit tiny bit

For more infomation >> Temples, Mountains, Lake, and Dirt Bikes! | Sunny Bear Challenge #3 Nearby - Duration: 7:20.


How to find the iP and mac address of devices using an iPhone - Duration: 1:54.

Hello everyone and welcome to my YouTube channel and in this video today we will see how to

find out the IP address or the mac address of any devices which is connected to the same

WiFi network as yours.

so, for that one you need to download an application called "Fing".

I have already downloaded and installed this application.

So, after that what I will do is I will go ahead and open this application.

Now this application will show you all the devices which is connected to the same WiFi


If you can not see the device name here then you have to refresh it.

Then the device should show in this list here.

But let me remind you that the device should be connected to the internet using the same

WiFi not with the LAN card.

So, suppose if this is the desktop which is connected to my WiFi network and If I want

to find out the ip address and mac address then what I will do is I will select this


Then if I scroll down here I can see the IP address of this desktop as well as the MAC


So, this is how you can find out the IP address or the MAC address of any devices which is

connected to the same WiFi network.

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