Sunday, March 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 25 2018

Greetings Earthlings! Welcome to the MadqueenShow!

I am your host the MadQueen

On today's menu, we have a new Cyberpunk 2077 lore video for you, and today we're

going to talk about PopMedia

By the mid-2020s, most media in America was controlled by one or several gigantic multimedia

Megacorps, such as the Network News 45 or its more aggressive rival, DNS

Even news was channeled through a Megacorporate filter, with World News Network dominating

the airwaves through its 22 channel, 24/7 news programming, heavily laden with subliminals

and talking head commentary

The problem was that as the 21st Century wore on, these mightly media megaliths became little

more than house organs for their parent corporations,

or mouthpieces for the dominant political party of the time

With a corrupt FCC controlling access to the airwaves, there wasn't much chance that

a dissenting voice could break through, so for most of the early Cyberpunk Age, most people

were resigned to a diet of insipid reality shows, mindnumbing entertainment vids, bad

movies and corp-sponsored sports shows

Then came the 4th Corporate War and the Data Krash

The MediaCorps took the hardest hit by these events, opening a temporary gap that was quickly

filled with a new entertainment format called PopMedia

PopMedia is entertainment and news programming

created by independent producers instead of huge megacorps

Combining audio, data and visual images in a "podcast-like" format, PopMedia provides

a huge amount of programming in 2077, as well as an ungodly amount of trash, most coming

from five main sources: new Mediacorps, Rockerboys, Idols, Independents, and Medias

How fast can you browse the new Cyberware catalogue?

Watch a film?

Maybe check on your neural implants?

Watch the news?

Maybe sports?

The new Portable Dataterm™ moves as fast as you do

Portable Dataterm™


Mediacorps provide CGI or live action shows featuring variety drama, comedy etc and an

insane amount of news filtered by Megacorporations

But the new independent PopMedia doesn't have this megacorp filter, although it doesn't

make it always better, especially in quality

NewMediacorps can be as huge as multinational operation, or as small as a dozen talented

artists, tech, and producers

Rockerboys are usually performers who operate with no support, they provide performance

shows, concert footage, music tracks with visuals, personal observations and even braindance experiences

Idols are similar to Rockerboys, but their programming tends to be equivalent to an old-style

reality show of the 2000s

Everything is about them

Independent and Medias provide news, gossip, vid and braindance shows, investigative reporting,

and commentary on current events

They also provide the format for most talk shows, as well as documentaries and informational

programming, equivalent to the "news anchors" of the past

Thanks to DatPool, the Citywide LAN network that links the world together in a lieu of

the old Net, anyone can easily drop new PopMedia programming into it, with new entries easily

found by Agent search functions

Getting a new PopMedia is as easy as clicking a link

You know what I mean, right?

PopMedia is also flexible and viral, since the DataPool has integrated feedback, this

means you can track how many times a program is accessed and react accordingly

This also means that competing shows often find themselves battelling for watcher's

attention with the mediacorps

And, well, do you remember how mediacorps solve their problems in the 21st century?

Well, folks, thanks for watching

Don't forget to visit the Cyberpunk 2077 lore playlist to learn more about the dark future

See you in next videos and Stay being Amazing!

For more infomation >> Pop Media - Cyberpunk 2077 Lore - Duration: 5:51.


State of Texas: Cooperation and concern after serial bomber manhunt - Duration: 21:53.

For more infomation >> State of Texas: Cooperation and concern after serial bomber manhunt - Duration: 21:53.


THE BEDFELLOWS: KEYS KEYS KEYS - ESPAÑOL (fandub latino) - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> THE BEDFELLOWS: KEYS KEYS KEYS - ESPAÑOL (fandub latino) - Duration: 2:30.


El abogado de Puigdemont confirma que ha vuelto a Bélgica - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> El abogado de Puigdemont confirma que ha vuelto a Bélgica - Duration: 10:02.


Como yo hago un Undercut con un taper - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Como yo hago un Undercut con un taper - Duration: 7:59.


Afrika Korps Unterfeldwebel - Review d'Uniforme - Duration: 20:06.

Hello everyone, and welcome to this new uniform review video ! Today I am going to present you an Unterfeldwebel uniform in its tropical version, also known as Afrikakorps' uniform.

Before we begin, I must make a few points clear.

First of all, this video is only a base that will help you to assemble your uniform. In no case may this video spare you from buying specialized books, magazines, or even making serious internet searches.

Historical photos could contradict me, but keep in mind that pictures can prove everything as much as nothing.

Just because an equipment can be seen on a picture, it does not mean that it is regulatory. Similarly, just because an equipment as never been photographed, it does not mean that it never has existed, as long as the historical chronology is respected.

I voluntarily didn't hide this uniform's insignias for historical purposes only. In no manner I will tolerate political views neither in this video nor in the commentary section. We are on a historical video and not a political video.

If you have observations or anecdotes, please write them below, it will help to move the debate forward. Maybe then we could learn from one another.

And finally I will only present what I am wearing, in order to save you from a 2 hour long video. You will find the complete equipment's list in the description box down below with the corresponding timing.


The Afrikakoprs, or Deutsche Afrikakorps was the expeditionary force sent in North Africa during the World War 2.

Formed on January, the 11th 1941 to assist the Italians in Libya, the DAK was placed under the command of one of Hitler's favorite officer, the Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.

Indeed, the Italians got blocked by the 8th British corps' counter-offensive during operation Compass. Initially, the sole mission of the DAK was to reconquer Cyrenaica and Libya.

Composed of 45,000 soldiers and 250 tanks in August 1941, Rommel succeeded in remedying the catastrophic situation initiated by the Italians.

Departed from Tripoli, the Libyan Headquarter, he arrived 200 kilometers away from Alexandria and managed to besiege Tobruk for the first time, before finally conquering it in 1942 after multiples British counter-attacks.

These were then forced to head to El Alamein, which the DAK will never happen to take.

On 1 November 1942, the DAK is officially on the decline. The Battle of El Alamein was the first of a long series of defeats.

Sir Winston Churchill summed up this battle by saying: "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Tobruk is conquered back in 1942 by British Marshal Montgomery. Then, Rommel had to face several distinguished Allied officers, such as Montgomery, General Leclerc, and General Fredendall, later replaced by General Patton.

The Kasserine Battle, which took place between 19 and 25 February 1943, was Rommel's last victorious battle, the latter being called back to Europe by Hitler on 19 March 1943;

officially for health reasons, but informally the aim was to protect Field Marshal's military reputation, as defeat was coming near.

The DAK could still be saved by retreating. Rommel approved this solution and so, suggested it to the Fuehrer, which refused it categorically.

Therefore, Afrikakorps troops, leaded by Von Arnim, surrendered on 12 March 1943, causing the capture of 130,000 soldiers.

German soldiers often described this very difficult campaign. Not only they had to fight back against the enemy fire, but also against friendly fire; Italians were having difficulties to recognize German vehicles.

But the biggest troubles were thirst and heat: temperatures sometimes approached 50°C in the shade, knowing that there was no shade anyway. Soldiers even used to fry their eggs on their panzer's armor.


Created for battles in tropical climate as of 1940, the outfit worn by the DAK was therefore named "tropical uniform". For this reason, it takes over a few elements of the classic uniform, most of them being repainted.

Some other uniform and equipments pieces have been rehabilitated for this very hot climate campaign.

The tropical type regulatory shirt can have many variations. Here it is equipped with a collar and two pockets on the front, allowing to carry a wallet or a Soldbuch.

Some shirts may have badges, but most of them had none, the latter being intended to be worn under the jacket.

Buttons were placed on the shoulders to wear shoulder straps, but I chose to remove them so that they would not hurt my shoulders with the gear worn over it. It is made of cotton and closes with 4 buttons.

The tropical trousers come with the jacket: it is made of light lattice, of the same type as the Drillich or the HBT, so as to keep light clothing.

This one is a sand-coloured trouser, which was less common than the olive-green colour, but could still be found on the battlefield. However, it differs from the model worn in the Luftwaffe.

It closes by means of an integrated belt with a buckle that has spikes to block the belt.

Made of leather, canvas and wood, tropical boots were commonly used. They have a wooden heel, on which an iron has been added. The sole is leather and has an iron at its end,

Iron that cannot be found on all manufactures.

The boots were not studded, in contrast to the other AfrikaKorps ankle-high boots that could be found. They are surmounted by gaiters, which are latched by 2 loops and two strips of leather.

This is a poor quality reproduction, on which the straps and buckles have been replaced by a more robust leather.

In 1940, light outfits for the summer were developed for the Wehrmacht and the other corps, in anticipation of arid climates and to adapt the color of the uniform with the colors of the surrounding vegetation.

The breast eagle is found on the right breast, with the cross slightly overlapping the flap of the pocket.

Litzen are present on the collar, in the same way as the European outfit, except that they are generic: they do not have the color of the weapon specified on the insignia.

The collar is here intended to be worn opened, sometimes letting a tie appear.

We notice the reminder Ribbon of the second class Iron Cross, awarded for bravery in combat. It is sewn on the second button, but as the first one will remain open, so this is the 1st apparent button.

We notice the AfrikaKorps arm band, which could be worn after two months of service in the AfrikaKorps.

We are here facing with a NCO, as evidenced by the braid on the collar. The same braid is found on the shoulder boards, forming the rank of Unterfeldwebel, or staff-sergeant.

The M35 helmet is the first big improvement since the 1914 helmet. There were other intermediate versions of course, such as the firemen's M33 helmet. Originally in an apple-green colour, it was repainted in sand-yellow in an artisanal way.

The insignias of the Reich were still placed: the black white and red flag on one side, and the white eagle on the black crest on the other.

The inside of the helmet consists of a steel headband, on which leather legs have been fixed, laced at the bottom by a lace, allowing to adjust the depth.

Each shell has its size, as well as the headband, in order to have a suitable size for its head morphology and avoid the "La Grande Vadrouille" (French famous film) effect.

The pith helmet was offered to the soldiers of the AfrikaKorps from the beginning of the African campaign, as protection against the sun.

It is a cork hat covered with an olive green canvas, on which we will have added a leather jugular. The insignia of the Reich are found on the sides, made of metal.

Most of the insignias on the bush hat reproductions will not have the swastika, as they are produced in Germany. It will be necessary to order the badges on sites from other countries.

Anti-dust sunglasses were added over the bush hat, maintained by an elastic band.


Soldier's equipment is a vital element, especially when climatic conditions can be so difficult. In this way, taking his bread bag, the canteen and ammunition for his weapons was not an option, but an obligation.

This equipment is specific to an infantry NCO.

Because our German is armed with a submachine gun, it is appropriate to equip him with sufficient ammunition.

Thus the ammunition pouches in canvas and leather will carry the 6 regulatory magazines as well as the loader allowing the manual filling of the magazines.

On the left hand side, we find a P08 Luger pistol, slipped in its brown leather case. This case allowed to carry the dismantling tool as well as an additional magazine.

Originally intended to dig holes and trenches, the shovel can be a formidable weapon for close combat, especially when it is sharpened.

It is slipped in a case made of strong canvas especially made for tropical climates.

Over the shovel, the bayonet is slipped into a gusset also made of strong canvas.

A bread bag is a vital part for the soldier's life on the field: it allows to carry his butter dish, his cutlery, and his food rations. The AfrikaKorps could have its own style of bread bag, with its own shades.

Here is a complicated element to find in reproduction: the tropical water bottle made of vulcanized fiber mixed with wood; the water bottle called "Coconut" made it possible

to avoid using the traditional aluminum bottle, which would have served as a furnace to heat the water. It is transported on a strong canvas strap.

The whole gear is mounted on a strong canvas belt with a yellow painted aluminium buckle.

In order to help maintain the belt to support all its weight, tropical Y-straps will be necessary. Also made of strong canvas, it has the same shape and the same function as the traditional Y-straps made of black leather.

The Sturmgepäck arrived from 1939 and was easier to use than the Tornister used before. It made it easy to transport the complement of the soldier's equipment.

The M31 mess tin is here a European one repainted in sand yellow.

The Zeltbahn is a quarter of a tent fabric for assembling a complete tent. The pegs are transported in the middle of the roll.

This one is of yellow sand color, specific to the AfrikaKorps. This is a post-war quarter of the French army, which has taken on the same concept.

Mandatory accessory in the equipment, the anti-gas mask, stored in its iron case, is added over the equipment already set.

This is once again a European case repainted in sand yellow. The cover on top allows to carry an anti-gas cape, to be deployed as a cover to hide underneath in case of gas-alert.

The M24 hand grenade, called Stielhandgranate in the original language, was typical of the German soldier.

It consists of three parts: the head that contains the explosive, the wooden handle, which contains the detonator and the ignition system, and the cap, which protects the porcelain ball that was to be in the bottom of the handle.

This is a copy of a poor quality, which has neither markings nor string. Therefore, I had no remorse to repaint it in yellow, as was common at the time.

Developed between 1936 and 1938, the MP38 was adopted by the Wehrmacht in June 1938 to replace the MP35, deemed too cumbersome for tank crews and paratroopers.

The MP38 is made of steel with bakelite pads for the handle and side panels.

Under the barrel, a rod with a notch allows to stall the barrel of the weapon on the edge of a vehicle and serves as a wedge for shooting.

A tilting sight allows shooting at 100m or 200m, although shooting at the hip is quite possible, especially in buildings. A stock is retractable under the weapon, but can be unfolded to allow a better support during the shooting.

The original MP38 / 40 also have some gap in the stock, but not as much as here, because it is a replica of airsoft: the base is an AGM MP40, Shoei having realized a conversion kit to transform the MP40 to MP38.

The uniform presented here is specific to the rank of NCO, men of the troop not having the same armament, nor the same pouches.

The officers will have some elements of different, but not the tunic, unlike the Wehrmacht in Europe, where the officers had their own tunics.

It was obviously not impossible to find the sleeves rolled up on the jackets, and some pants could be converted into shorts.

Some troops, in the Afrika Korps, had special equipment, such as Panzertruppen or Gebirgsjäger. You will discover these specialties in dedicated videos that I will publish.

The Lüger and the MP38 are airsoft guns, which I already made the video review, don't hesitate to look at the links given in description to learn more.

Made in brown chocolate wool, the Afrika Korps greatcoat was very useful when the temperature drops sharply, as often happens in the desert.

It has two rows of 6 buttons, just like the European model, and has exactly the same shape. Buttons are also placed on the shoulders, so as to accommodate shoulder straps.

Two oblique pockets are present on the sides in order to slip his hands. An "Afrika Korps" arm band can also be added to the right sleeve, but it was only optional on the coat.

When the coat was not worn, or kept in a truck or barrack, it could be carried around the Tornister or Sturmgepack, wrapped in a certain manner and secured by leather or canvas straps.

As a practical measure, the equipment will be placed over the coat, allowing the soldier to be operational quickly.


There were several shades of uniforms: I chose to present here the yellow sand, ideal for camouflage in the desert.

The pants have the same cut as the European pants M40, but here is made of canvas of the same type as the drillich, to remain light and flexible,

and especially so that the garment can breathe, and the air can circulate, avoiding boiling the soldier wearing the pants.

The tropical shirt was chosen in 1941 to be placed under the combat jacket. It can be decorated with a tie, but rarely seen in combat. She is here with pockets, but may not have any, and have a different shade.

It inspired the gray version that will be worn by the Wehrmacht on other fronts from 1942-1943.

The M40 tunic is here beige, allowing a better camouflage in arid environment. It has 4 pockets and can accommodate two hooks to hold the belt on the hips.

Various insignia are placed on the tunic: The German chest eagle, military badge that any German soldier had to wear.

The litzen are placed on the flaps of the open collar, and were the same for all, whatever the weapon of the troop.

The ranks are visible through the shoulder straps, because it is a NCO, when the men of the troop have badges on the sleeves. The braid on the collar confirms the NCO rank.

We are dealing here with an Unterfeldwebel, or sergeant-chef in French.

An "Afrika Korps " armband is a reminder of the army corps in which the soldier is, and a 2nd class iron cross reminder ribbon is sewn on the second button of the tunic.

The tropical boots were much more adapted to the hot climate than the classic Wehrmacht boots. That's why a model in light leather and canvas has been developed.

They are closed by a long lace to pass in holes and in hooks.

They can be worn with gaiters or simply socks folded up on the top of the shoe to avoid irritating the calf with the friction of leather or canvas.

The most famous hat of the Afrika Korps were the M35 or M40 helmet, as well as the pith helmet.

Made of cork and canvas, the pith helmet features an adjustable headband on the inside, allowing for a unique size for all soldiers. The badges are also put on the sides.

They are metal and are screwed into the cork shell. A helmet like this one had no vocation to protect bullets or splinters, only preventing from rays of the sun.

Anti-dust sunglasses were added over the pith helmet, held by an elastic band.

The helmet here is an M35, which is a European helmet converted into a tropical helmet. The side insignia are still there, it's here decals.

The inside of the helmet consists of a leather headband, on which legs have been fixed.

The name of the soldier is noted inside so that it can be recognized more easily when all the helmets of the section are stored together, each helmet having its own size.

A good soldier must be adequately equipped for his environment and his rank. That's why we find MP40 magazines slipped into their leather and canvas pouches.

The pouches containing the speed loader is also present on the side of a pouch. The Luger P08 is present here in its leather holster. He is here because the NCOs could have them in staffing.

The straight shovel is here slipped into a canvas case, on which a bayonet is slipped into its scabbard.

A bread bag will carry rations of combat and survival accessories. A tropical canteen, also called "coconut" canteen, keeps the water at a good temperature, even when the temperatures are very high.

The heavy Y-straps, here in tropical version, so made of canvas, is attached to the tropical belt, also made of canvas.

The anti-gas mask is mandatory in the German soldier's outfit, it had to be transported by means of its case made of sheet metal, on which an anti-gas cloth and its cover are placed with the help of a webbing strap.

The anti-gas mask could be used in a big storm, but also to shoot Panzerschreck, the projectiles being dangerous for the face of the shooter when shooting.

The Sturmgepäck made possible to transport the remaining elements of the soldier's equipment, namely the mess kit, here painted in sand yellow, and consisting of two parts; as well as the tropical Zeltbahn.

The Sturmgepäck is here tropical type, as evidenced by the straps in strong canvas, unlike the European Sturmgepäck, which has the same straps in leather.

The Zeltbahn is here a quarter of French tent canvas, much easier to find than an original canvas.

The M24 grenade, or Stielhandgranate, was famous for being much better than any egg or pineapple grenade. Indeed, his handle allowed to send the grenade further.

To light the wick, it was necessary to pull the porcelain ball, connected to the mechanism by a string.

The explosive charge was contained in the head, which was removable, thus creating assemble of 7 heads + a handle, creating an anti-tank weapon.

The tropical mantle is essential in the desert, where temperatures can be extreme in the night. It is made of chocolate wool, with gray plastic buttons.

Buttons and loops to the shoulders allow to slip shoulder straps, so you can recognize the rank despite the wearing of the coat.

An armband "Afrika Korps" can be added on the right sleeve, but there was no obligation.

The MP38 is the big brother of the MP40, appeared in 1938 in the ranks of the Wehrmacht to meet the needs of the troops regarding the firepower but also the reliability and compactness of the weapon.

It is powered by magazines of 32 cartridges of 9mm, has a sight that can switch from 100 to 200m. A stock is foldable, allowing a more efficient shoulder shoot.

The MP38 has a safety: to do this you must pull back the cocking lever and then back to let it slip into the small rail above. Too bad this feature has not been taken on this model airsoft.

You can find the link of the review in the description of this video.

Here is what concludes this uniform video review, I want to thank KhanSeb for making the road to participate in this video! Well, he came for something else too, don't worry.

Do not hesitate to visit his channel to discover his great work, especially for the airsoft players!

Thanks also to Oni, my companion, for framing me! Without her, the video would be bad !

I invite you to visit my channel to find other videos review of uniform of this type, and to subscribe to miss nothing of the next videos! The little bell will send you an alert when I post something!

And finally, I invite you to follow the link Tipeee in the description to support me in my work, do not hesitate to contribute, every little gesture allows me to always do better!

Thanks to my tipeurs of January and February 2018, the list is here!

See you soon for an upcoming video review of uniform or replica or VIP! Bye!

Directed by Neo035

With the help of Sonia, Jean and Victor

With the intervention of Khan-Seb

You made me 10h drive just to tell that ?? -Yes that's it! -Great...

For more infomation >> Afrika Korps Unterfeldwebel - Review d'Uniforme - Duration: 20:06.


¿Cuáles son los beneficios de cocinar al vapor? - Duration: 6:48.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuáles son los beneficios de cocinar al vapor? - Duration: 6:48.


Kodi Audio Echoing Stuttering and Distortion Windows 10 [Quick Fix] - Duration: 2:01.

Welcome friends !

This is your tech expert Rock

And you are watching

In this video

we will see

how to solve the problem of

Kodi audio distortion

Just after the windows 10 creators update

my Dell Inspiron N5010 laptop started behaving weirdly

During video playback in Kodi

the audio started echoing and distorting

I searched the web for a solution

but couldn't find one


fortunately after a lot of trial & error

I found an easy quick fix to solve this problem

So lets get started

The first step is open Kodi

On the kodi home screen

click on this spanner icon to go to setting

Then click on the system settings

Hover to the Audio Settings tab

Under the audio decoder

change the Audio output device by clicking on Audio Output Device Setting

After that

over here

click on WASAPI:default

After making these changes Exit and Restart Kodi

Thats it

now this annoying Audio Echoing Stuttering and Distortion should get fixed

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You can post your problem on our HowISolve Community Forum at

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Thanks for watching friends

See you later


For more infomation >> Kodi Audio Echoing Stuttering and Distortion Windows 10 [Quick Fix] - Duration: 2:01.


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The temple of Khnum


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Can I start?

1939 The Second World War breaks out


So I think -- The best thing to do is that I move back and forth.

Welcome back everyone. I'm James Dawson, director of this new documentary.

When we finished filming "Endless", the short-film which is currently attending the Festival,

we were all focused on that film.

It's been extraordinary what we managed to achieve on this particular project.

We interviewed my 95-year-old grandfather who talked about the Second World War.

Afterwards, we interviewed the historian Mr. Valter Pieressa.

He talked about himself, his brother who joined WW2 and his father who joined WW1.

The creative process has involved many people.

The themes have changed. They are more original, new and real,

compared to my previous projects.

It was July when we finished filming the short-film "Endless".

Eugenia and I were planning to make this project because I made a similar documentary two years ago.

However in this new example we managed to do a lot of things.

I will be taking a leave of absence starting next months,

so this new documentary marks the end of my production,

which will resume next year.

I deeply believe you will enjoy it and we will see you soon.


From 25th April 2018

For more infomation >> L'ora del cambiamento | Documentario | Annuncio [HD] - Duration: 2:16.


오연서 "20대엔 고민투성이.. 여유 생긴 지금이 좋아" [인터뷰] - 한국 연예계 소식 - Duration: 13:53.

For more infomation >> 오연서 "20대엔 고민투성이.. 여유 생긴 지금이 좋아" [인터뷰] - 한국 연예계 소식 - Duration: 13:53.


Penalty Challnge/Pogba/Пенальти с Погбой UF-RUSH - Duration: 5:33.

Hello . With you UF-RUSH and today we play a penalty challenge

And so the boys are greetings and now I kick in the upper right corner

Lower left corner

Now I hit the lower left corner

Top right corner

Boys hit the top left corner

Top left corner

And so now I hit the bottom right

in the lower right

You still need to score in the upper right corner

Lower left corner

Lower left and you need to catch up

Top left

Put Like and subscribe to us

If this video gets 10 likes, then it will come again and we'll take a rematch

His boys need to cool

in the lower right

Right lower

Boys now need to beat everything and score

I'll hit the bottom left

Right lower

Simply in the lower left

Boys are a dangerous moment

Rusik to the music

Right upper

Need to the bottom right

Boys left top

That's all the victory. Thanks for the likes and subscriptions

If you want a rematch then put 10 likes

Thank you all!

For more infomation >> Penalty Challnge/Pogba/Пенальти с Погбой UF-RUSH - Duration: 5:33.


Migos Type Beat

For more infomation >> Migos Type Beat


Play Table Tennis with a PILLOW I Challenge Pongfinity Ep. 13 - Duration: 5:04.

What's up everybody! We are Pongfinity and welcome to another episode of Challenge Pongfinity.

This is the series were you challenge us.

With your craziest ideas related to table tennis.

If your comment gets picked, we will feature it in our next video and give you a shout out.

So make sure you leave your comments in the comment section below!

Shreyas Ravi wants us to throw a ball in the air and hit it with another ball

Okay, that was too easy. Now, let's try with two balls.

Jai Motwani wants us to play with a camera.

I'll use this GoPro and let's see how it goes.

Lim Aik Yuan wants to play table tennis with a pillow.

Let's see what we can do with it.

Straight on the camera!

Previously I did 20 around the net shots.

Now Omco Ball Ball wants me to do 30. Let's go!


Thanks for watching guys! if you enjoyed this episode make sure to leave it a thumbs up

and subscribe to the channel right here!

And if you want to buy this kind of merch click here and watch the previous episodes here.

Until next time!

For more infomation >> Play Table Tennis with a PILLOW I Challenge Pongfinity Ep. 13 - Duration: 5:04.


Steve Rogers | Bi Bi Bi - Duration: 1:18.


Your highness.


Nobody special though?

Believe it or not, it's kinda hard to find someone with shared life experience.

I'm with you 'till the end of the line, pal.



For more infomation >> Steve Rogers | Bi Bi Bi - Duration: 1:18.


How To Find YOUR Art Style 【My Tips & Tricks】 - Duration: 10:50.

hey everyone welcome back to my channel I'm brushes bunnies and in this video

I'm going to be talking about how I found my art style I just want to say

that an art style is ever-evolving I truly believe in that I feel like

currently I'm in a position where I I have found something but I'm developing

something that I really love the direction that I'm going into is

something that I'm kind of I'm quite passionate about and I feel like it's

truly my style like my own brushes and bunny style but I feel like in the

future this style will be developing even further and this is something that

I I just want to say that de style that I'm currently working on it's not the

end-all be-all of everything like okay that's my style that's it that's all I

know that it's going to evolve but I feel like I'm already on to something

and I'm so happy to finally be able to say like hey guys like I kind of do have

a style like it's just something that I'm learning to accept currently because

for so long I've just been in the mental position of being like I need to find a

style I need to find a style I need to keep pushing I need to get better you

know that's like it's been over a year if just me thinking that way you know

just having to try to push and develop something and I feel like I'm finally on

to something so I want to share my insights with you guys my tips and

tricks of how I sort of found myself in this current position and I'm gonna talk

about the things that have to work for me in terms of developing some sort of

style before we get to the topic however I just want to talk about two topics the

first one is my live streams for April you guys have selected the sketchbook

slam challenge for the March live stream topic and I'm going to be posting a poll

today and my YouTube community tab where you guys can vote up onto the themes for

the April live stream topic or a theme I am so excited and a little bit nervous

again and so under this poll you guys can vote on your favorite topic and

whatever one wins is the one that we'll be doing for the month of April I'll be

live-streaming every Saturday at 3 p.m. Central European Time I believe that's

the timezone I'm under Central European Time Berlin time

I should say and you guys can catch my life streams every Saturday the second

topic this is a big one we have reached over 50,000 subscribers I am so like

what like oh like thank you guys so much I'm so grateful and um you guys keep

inspiring me and motivating me to continue and to just you know push

myself to the limit basically and just kind of like grow even more just do more

more than I could ever do and that's all thanks to you guys I'll be hosting a

YouTube giveaway on my channel of course the YouTube giveaway over the Easter

holidays I have not decided if I'm going to upload the giveaway video on Thursday

before the Easter holiday or on Sunday this is all we're gonna see I have to

think about it I don't even know what I'm gonna give away I kind of do but I

don't I have to figure out the logistics of it but there will be a giveaway to

show my my gratitude to all of your support so 50,000 of you guys like the

big milestone I think it's a really big milestone alright guys so let's get to

the actual topic I'm gonna give you guys my tips and tricks of how I found my own

art style the first tip I can give you is perhaps the most important one and it

was definitely a major key player in my own understanding of kind of the future

path of where I wanted to develop my drawing style and that was basically

just surrounding yourself with artists that completely inspire you take a look

at artists online either over Instagram this was a major kind of social media

platform that I used to find artists and you can also find artists of course via

YouTube as well or do be an art basically find artists that you admire

that you look up to that you love the way that they do their work and that

baby one day this is sort of the style you would like to take up for yourself

this definitely helped in terms of finding my own path

there were a couple of artists that I follow in YouTube that I I still look up

to completely in terms of how they draw their characters and also how they do

their watercolor work I am actually going to list them off and I'll be

providing the links down below to their Instagram pages the first one in terms

of drawing characters was an artist by the name of Linda I believe Linda Israel

OVA I found her on Instagram and I completely found it fell in love with

the way that she drew her male characters or just characters in general

I just loved the the way that she used these really strong angular features for

her characters and I I really studied the way that she drew and I learned a

lot from her so definitely check out her Instagram page another one that I really

love is of course Kellogg's Loops especially for the

watercolor aspect they do beautiful work absolutely beautiful work another one is

actually Carla who is galih I don't really know how to pronounce her

name but she does beautiful pinups and I love the way that she does watercolor

and I also love the way that she characterizes her her female characters

I think they look gorgeous and another one that I recently found is actually

Justin Justin O'Neal you can see his Instagram he does kind of more like

these creepy art characters these could be like watercolors and also digital art

I believe I love the way that he draws his characters I think it's so unique

and it's really really cool and I do inspire a lot from him as well there's a

lot more artists out there but I think the most important thing is to really

find people you look up to people that you want to maybe have a similar style

as them and use them as a source of inspiration study how they draw their

own characters a lot of these artists will be posting like these videos on

their Instagram or their YouTube videos like YouTube channel on how to basically

draw so you can basically get some good insights from them directly

tip number two would be in regards to your general mindset and I think this is

super important to address and it's definitely a really big factor in

basically allowing yourself the freedom to develop your own style what I mean by

that is basically at the beginning of starting this whole sort of art journey

of trying to figure out yourself and where you want to go which style you

want to you know basically develop in it can be pretty stressful and it can be

very unfulfilling and also frustrating and I'm telling you this because I

definitely went through it about a year ago when I first started this and even

before in late 2016 I was in a position where I really wanted to have my own

style and I just didn't know how to approach it this did lead to

frustrations of course because I didn't know which direction I wanted to go into

I didn't know what sort of style I wanted to develop what if I wanted to do

like realism or just a cartoon character or cartoon style these are all questions

that I had to answer myself and it's it can be stressful I totally understand it

and what I can tell you in terms of like how to change or how to fix this is that

it really gets better with time I think it's one of those things that you can't

stress out about you can't force it's just one of those things that will just

happen even for myself that moment of like the lightbulb moment of oh my gosh

I think this is where I want to go only really happened about six to eight

months after I really kept pushing myself to draw I didn't have this Eureka

moment right away it came just just it just came I don't really know how to

explain it other than that which is why it's quite important to just say it

don't stress it guys if you keep practicing on a daily basis and you're

enjoying it and you're just you're just challenging yourself continuously the

style will just start to develop over time tip number three is kind of a fun

one and that is just to experiment so if you think okay maybe you want to try the

manga style or maybe you want to try realism then give it a try don't stick

to one thing at the very beginning try different styles right away I definitely

did the I have a couple different sketchbooks

filled with different types of styles I tried realism I tried to do realistic

portraits I tried to do cartoon sort of characters and I also dabbled a little

bit into manga at one point in my life so I did try different techniques

different styles and basically I gave it a shot for each of them I really tried

and this is this is a good exercise to do especially if you don't really know

which direction you want to go into and what ended up happening was I really

ended up liking sort of this in-between style of realism as well as a little bit

more of a cartoon or characterized I guess style and I try to mend both of

these characteristics together to create something a little bit different and

this is sort of the direction that I'm currently going into so really give it a

shot to try different styles experiment with different ways of drawing and see

what sticks what do you like what do you feel really passionate about and

basically start to go into that direction so those are my three tips on

how to find your art style to just resize number one of course look up to

artists or study the way that your favorite artists do the things that they

do if you want that to be a similar style to you to yours then study what

they do how they draw really kind of look at them closely and and try to to

practice based on their techniques tip number two again don't stress it out the

style will come over time if you continue to draw if you continue to work

in these sort of direction you want to go into the style will develop and it

will just happen and tip number three again just to Risa mirai's you if you're

not sure of what style you want to pursue try different ones don't be

afraid to experiment try different styles and give them a shot and see

which one sticks on which one you are really liking and then you have an idea

of which one to pursue as always I'd like to thank you guys for watching this

video if you do like it don't forget to give it a big thumbs up I am super

grateful for your support yeah I want to wish you a good day

wherever you are in the world keeping awesome keep drawing never give up and

we will see each other very soon bye

For more infomation >> How To Find YOUR Art Style 【My Tips & Tricks】 - Duration: 10:50.


Dukhu - Vishal Langthasa ft. Pratyush Pillai [Official Music Video] - Duration: 6:06.


The place where we shall depart to is gradually closing in

Time has come for us to fly away

Toughen your heart

Hold back the tears

A little grief in life is inevitable

I shall go approach the skies

And negotiate your sorrows.

I shall go approach the skies

And negotiate your sorrows

And negotiate your sorrows

A lifetime too long is not always good

The world maybe beautiful

But we do not have its ownership

Even if there is no one to care for you

One needs to learn to walk on their own

Toughen your heart

Hold back the tears

A little grief in life is inevitable

I shall go talk to the skies

And negotiate your sorrows

I shall go talk to the skies

And negotiate your sorrows.

For more infomation >> Dukhu - Vishal Langthasa ft. Pratyush Pillai [Official Music Video] - Duration: 6:06.


Maria De Filippi e i conflitti con i tronisti Over | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Maria De Filippi e i conflitti con i tronisti Over | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.


「Nightcore」→ Pill「Lyrics」 - Duration: 1:58.

Oh you make me wanna talk back Talk back to you

Say you, say you like that If I hate you then find someone new

Baby but you know I never will, no So I choke you down just like a pill

Oh yeah Take you like a pill

My fill, fill, fill You're like a pill, pill, pill

To get my fill, fill, fill No, oh oh, no

Do me in the worst way Don't let me sleep

Never say you're sorry Maybe I'll leave

Baby but you know I never will, no So I choke you down just like a pill

Oh yeah Take you like a pill

Get my fill

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Pill「Lyrics」 - Duration: 1:58.


I Like Me Better- Lauv Cover Version - Duration: 3:15.

To be young and in love in New York City (New York City)

To not know who I am but still know that I'm good long as you're here with me

To be drunk and in love in New York City

Midnight into morning coffee

Burning through the hours talking

Damn, I like me better when I'm with you

I like me better when I'm with you I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time 'cause

I like me better when I like me better when I'm with you

I don't know what it is but I got that feeling (got that feeling)

Waking up in this bed next to you swear the room Yeah, it got no ceiling

If we lay, let the day just pass us by I might get to too much talking

I might have to tell you something

Damn, I like me better when I'm with you I like me better when I'm with you

I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time 'cause I like me better when

I like me better when I'm with you

Stay awhile, stay awhile Stay here with me

Stay awhile, stay awhile, oh

Stay awhile, stay awhile Stay here with me

Lay here with me

I like me better when I'm with you (yes, I do, yes, I do, babe)

I like me better when I'm with you (ooh, no)

I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time ,cause I like me better when

I like me better when I'm with you

For more infomation >> I Like Me Better- Lauv Cover Version - Duration: 3:15.


Tutor Nick P Quotes 101 Abraham Lincoln - I Know There Is a God And He Hates Injustice ... - Duration: 2:19.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Quotes 101 Today we have another one by Abraham Lincoln. It's a little different than usual.

Let's take a look at the quote. " I know there is a God and that he hates

injustice and slavery. I see the storm coming and I know his hand is in it. If

he has a place and work for me and I think he has. I believe I am ready. " All right. I

never heard this before by him. But let's uh, let's look at the note here.

This is an interesting quote because it shows a different side of Abraham

Lincoln that is that is not portrayed in history books and definitely not in

Hollywood. So yeah. We don't know. We don't see them write about this in history and

you know the movies we don't see this side of Abraham Lincoln. He clearly was a

religious man that was inspired by his beliefs to take on injustice. He clearly

was able to build his courage from his beliefs in God.

Yeah I think he recognized slavery not only as an injustice, but also as an evil.

and one he felt was his duty and perhaps his destiny. Yeah you kind of see

that in the words where he says you know, I think God has a hand in it and he has

a place for me, So it's kind of like he he believed it was his destiny to take

on this this challenge. He felt God was on his side and without

his faith he may never have become the famous historical president that he is

known as. Okay . Anyway I hope you got it. Sometimes I think it's a little ironic

to that even today President Trump also uses the word storm, and there's some

hints that he might be taking on some injustice. Let's hope so.

But anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it was informative. I hope it was entertaining.

Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

For more infomation >> Tutor Nick P Quotes 101 Abraham Lincoln - I Know There Is a God And He Hates Injustice ... - Duration: 2:19.


Nightcore - Mine 😍 - Duration: 1:49.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Mine 😍 - Duration: 1:49.


Chinese Girl Visits NYC Chinatown For The FIRST Time ! 🇨🇳 - Duration: 10:58.

Oh my god I really love this

I've heard you say oh my god at least 30 times

Oh my god

What is it?

They are so delicious

It comes to me from my childhood

We can buy everywhere in China

If Chinese people see this

They will go crazy

What is going on Members of the Barrio

It's Jon coming to you from the heart of Chinatown

In Manhattan

When of the biggest Chinatown's in the entire world

And today I've got a special treat for you

I had a subscriber reach out to me

She's from China

And we decided on something really cool

We're going to experience

Her first time

In New York Chinatown


And get her impressions of it as a Chinese person

We've got Sophie here

It is your first time

In New York's Chinatown Manhattan

Are you excited

What are your first impressions?

I feel i'm in China

Except the architecture can distinguish the China and the American one

I feel the..

Chinatown is very big

I'm looking forward to our trip

We are going to start this tour at Hong Kong Supermarket

We're going to walk around with a camera

And we are going to see if Sophie recognizes

Any cool things from home..Are you ready?


I actually discovered this supermarket on

It was the highest rated..

And apparently one of the biggest Chinese supermarkets


So I thought it would be the perfect first spot for us to start

This place is enormous

In Jian Jiang

Especially the south of China

In our daily cooking

We use wine

Can you drink this

Or is this only for cooking purposes?

Normally you can drink it

My father drinks it

When I was young I saw that

I don't know if it's used for cooking



Look at the size

It's perfect

And how much

Pork, shrimp, chives, dumplings

This one is like..

Cebullet in French

It's really good

I'm going to show you one thing

It's Chinese Men's Lover

Secret Lover

Okay now i'm curious

Their is people..


A grandma.. named in Chinese

She's very famous

From China

If men travel outside of China

They must bring this grandma with them

It's their secret lover

To my Mexican viewers

This is like Valentina in Mexico

You must leave your house in China with this..

When was the last time you saw that squid..

In your life

Probably.. 15 years ago

When you just finish the party

Get home.. what do you want?

Maybe 100% of chinese would tell me

They want instant noodles

So this is all kinds of instant noodles

I'm so surprised..

Because we don't have so many in Paris


It's impressive

I have to say Sophie's enthuiasm

For this store

She's running around everywhere

It's intoxicating

I'm starting to like this store a little bit to

Even though I don't know where most of these things are.

It's all very exotic

All really cool

Oh my god

I really love this

I've heard you say oh my god at least 30 times

Oh my god

What is it?

They are so delicious

It comes to me from my childhood

We can buy everywhere in China

If Chinese people see these things

They will go crazy

You must buy it

What is it?

It's a brand from Taiwan

It's a dry food

It's like a biscuit

But a salty one

There she is

We just left the supermarket

And she's super hungry

I'm super hungry

We're going to go to a Dim Sum Spot

What is it called

Jing Fong

Jing Fong

She actually got this recommended by some Chinese friends

If they recommended it

We're going to go check it out

Let's go

All those golden ones are for marriage

What did you just say to the lady?

We said..

Drink afternoon tea.

The first impression is that we are at.. a big Chinese wedding

Like a Chinese banquet hall

In Hong Kong

People drink the morning tea and the afternoon tea

After breakfast

And lunch

They eat many meals

Steamed food just comes by

And you can pick it yourself

This is.. pork

Yeah.. with a bone

I don't know which part of the pork

It is

Can I make the first bite?

I'm so hungry

You are so hungry. Go do it

How does it compare to what you would eat back home?

The taste?

Because for me it's always hard to get that authentic taste

When you go to a different country

I think this one is even better

Egg custard bun

The custard is so warm

It's got this perfect flavor

Especially on a cold day like today

Excellent dessert

What did you think of the Egg Custard bun?

Very good


One of the best I've eaten since.. 5 years ago

It was approximately 7 dollars a person

For three different dim-sums that we shared

Very affordable

The tea was only $1.00 each

Chinatown is by far the most affordable neighborhood in New York City

For eating

No question

How would you rank your first

New York Chinatown

Eating experience

So far so good

And it's a really good restaurant I think

A little bit.. how do you say

The decorations weren't very beautiful

But the food is the most important

Now I just feel like i'm in China

Look at the people

They are playing Chinese traditional chess

We have just entered what might be one of the coolest streets

I have ever seen

In Chinatown

Or all of New York City

You ready?

We're in front of Joe's Shanghai right now

Which is one of the most famous

Steamed buns places

In all of New York City

And..there is usually a big crowd here

I'm hoping at about 3:30 on a Thursday

It's not going to be to crowded

But this is the spot

I was excited to take her to

I already have my target

You have a target what's your target?

The crab meat with pork meat soup dumplings

Their is many soup

So be careful

I'll give you one


This one for me

Now we'll put just a little bit of soup

On the spoon

In case.. okay so we have the sauce here

Please be careful

When you drink the soup

It's extremely hot

I don't want to burn my mouth

This an advanced technique

You're drink some of the soup first

It's a really good soup

You have to try

It's really good

Because their is a meat of crab there

And you can see..

All this is.. meat of crab

And the meat is pork


It's really good

You have to try.

I love the combination of the crab and the pork

It tastes so fresh

With that sauce that we put on

Such an excellent combination

And the soup to.

Even though a lot of it fell out

This got to be my favorite Chinese food period

I think this one.. is much better

Than the Chinese mainland one

Because.. a lot of people moved her 30 years ago

Or 20 years ago

They just kept..

Their skill

And they continued to keep improving

To keep the same level

In China

Their's a lot of new chefs

A new restaurant

After they opened

They don't realy care for the quality

Basically here we can eat better food than in China

The food in Joe's Shanghai was absolutely incredible

You've got to agree right?

Yeah, agreed.

100% she agrees. I agree that it's got to be one of your go to spots

When you're visiting Chinatown

And you don't have a lot of time

Hit that up

We're going to go to one more place really quick

Doyers Street right now

It's been nicknamed Bloody Angle

I was explaining it to her

That in the late 1800s.. into the early 1900s

A lot of the Chinese gangs had feuds here.

I was reading online that this street

In particuluar..had more murders

Than any street

In the entire United States

How do you like that fact?

Uhh.. Do you feel safe?

Do you feel safe?

Yeah with you of course

Ha ha ha

It's perfectly fine now of course

Very very safe around here

People here you can see the people over 50

They come here

Like 30 years ago

They keep their tradition

I would say.. Chinese people here

Are more traditional than on the Chinese Mainland

Alright special thanks to Sophie for being my guest.

You heard from her

She actually thought that

Chinatown here.. in someways is more traditional

Than in Mainland China


I think I have a new found appreciation for this neighborhood

I honestly have not spend that much time here.

Occasionally coming to get cheap food.

I want to explore it more now

I live pretty close. And I think this is one of those..

Hidden gem neighborhoods in New York

That a lot of people sort of.. overlook

Or only come to very quickly

Tell me in the comments what was your favorite thing.. that we did in this video

I'm curious

And make sure to subscribe

If you are new to this channel

We've got a lot more coming up from New York

In the next couple of weeks

Guys thank you so much for watching

Until next time

For more infomation >> Chinese Girl Visits NYC Chinatown For The FIRST Time ! 🇨🇳 - Duration: 10:58.


♪ FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE THE MUSICAL - Animated Parody Song - Duration: 3:50.

There's an island where psychos try to kill each other,

I like to spend my life shooting and taking cover.

Slurpinʼ on some juice to heal my wounds and help recover,

Hurtinʼ other dudes, with rifle bullets I will smother.

You can hide in a bush,

But you can't stay long or the storm will harm.

I like to flank and push,

Gotta stay brave and strong, oh ah oh ah oh ah oh ah

Battle Royale, I just love the thrill of it,

Trying to survive all on my own,

Hiking, scavenging and killing people,

Ah oh ah oh ah, oh, ah oh ah oh ah oh ah

Battle Royale, I just love the thrill of it,

Trying to survive all on my own,

Hiking, scavenging and killing people,

Ah oh ah oh ah, oh, ah oh ah oh ah oh ah

Sniped in the plains,

Being in the open is a death wish.

Always bunny hop,

Or I'll be sleeping with the fishes.

My favorite's boogie bombs,

Make enemies dance to my favorite songs.

But I won't wait too long,

Before I kill them all, oh ah oh ah oh ah oh ah

Battle Royale, I just love the thrill of it,

Trying to survive all on my own,

Hiking, scavenging and killing people,

Ah oh ah oh ah, oh, ah oh ah oh ah oh ah

Battle Royale, I just love the thrill of it,

Trying to survive all on my own,

Hiking, scavenging and killing people,

Ah oh ah oh ah, oh, ah oh ah oh ah oh ah

Gettin' cozy by the fire,

While I chug my jug ʼtil the jug expires.

Smoke grenades get me so high,

While the regular ones make my enemies die.

Use the launch pad so that I can fly,

When I deploy my glider I can touch the sky.

Outrun the reaches of the Storm,

While nailing motherf*****s like Jason Bourne. C'mon!

Touring this island, fast not slow,

From Haunted Hills to Dusty Depot.

Gotta stay sharp, don't be AFK,

Cause I won't show mercy and I'll blow you away.

Blasting rockets all the way across the map,

Watch 'em hit you in the a** like an explosive slap.

Survivin' this battle on my stairway to heaven,

Where I be snipin' these b*****s like a hunter shooting pheasants.

Battle Royale, I just love the thrill of it,

Trying to survive all on my own,

Hiking, scavenging and killing people,

Ah oh ah oh ah, oh, ah oh ah oh ah oh ah

Battle Royale, I just love the thrill of it,

Trying to survive all on my own,

Hiking, scavenging and killing people,

Ah oh ah oh ah, oh, ah oh ah oh ah oh ah

Battle Royale

Battle Royale Fortnite

Battle Royale

Battle Royale Fortnite

For more infomation >> ♪ FORTNITE BATTLE ROYALE THE MUSICAL - Animated Parody Song - Duration: 3:50.


Hyundai ix35 2.0I 4WD I-CATCHER Navi Leder 2e Paasdag geopend - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix35 2.0I 4WD I-CATCHER Navi Leder 2e Paasdag geopend - Duration: 1:00.


Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Elegance / NAVI / RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Elegance / NAVI / RIJKLAARPRIJS - Duration: 1:02.





Hyundai ix20 1.4i Go! navi/airco !meeneemprijs! - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Hyundai ix20 1.4i Go! navi/airco !meeneemprijs! - Duration: 0:54.


Wanna One (워너원) - I Promise You (I.P.U.) (약속해요 ) MV Reaction!! - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Wanna One (워너원) - I Promise You (I.P.U.) (약속해요 ) MV Reaction!! - Duration: 6:32.


Tips för att snabbt behandla gastrit i hemmet - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Tips för att snabbt behandla gastrit i hemmet - Duration: 3:06.


Hyundai Tucson 2.0I STYLE CROSS - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Hyundai Tucson 2.0I STYLE CROSS - Duration: 0:57.


Jeep Compass: primeiras fotos e informações oficiais Part I - Duration: 6:07.

For more infomation >> Jeep Compass: primeiras fotos e informações oficiais Part I - Duration: 6:07.


Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs Now Airco-Elektrische raambediening - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Toyota Aygo 1.0 VVT-i 5-drs Now Airco-Elektrische raambediening - Duration: 1:02.


Horrid Henry - Perfect Peter P...

For more infomation >> Horrid Henry - Perfect Peter P...


Chaves - O fantasma da vila (1977) HD - Duration: 19:05.

For more infomation >> Chaves - O fantasma da vila (1977) HD - Duration: 19:05.


Trump Allegedly Told Donald Jr. To Stop Cheating On His Pregnant Wife - Duration: 2:59.

According to a new report by Business Insider, Donald Trump Sr. tried to tell Donald Trump

Jr. to "Cut it out."

when Donald Trump Jr. was having an affair on his wife, Vanessa Trump, when she was pregnant

with their third child.

According to reports, Trump Jr. was having an affair with singer, Aubrey O'Day, who was

a contestant on the Celebrity Apprentice.

That's where she met Don Jr.

The two began an affair and at the time, when his wife was pregnant with their third child

during the affair, he told her, "Don't worry.

My marriage is already dissolving anyway, so let's just continue our little fling."

Business Insider says that it's been reported that Donald Trump Sr. told his son, "To cut

it out.

To work on and save your marriage."

I don't buy that for a second.

Given what we've seen from Donald Trump, both before he got into politics, during the campaign,

and since then, he's not exactly the kind of guy who would tell another guy to stop

having an affair.

Hell, in the last few days here we've had even more women come out and accuse Donald

Trump Sr., the President, of having an affair with them while he was married to Melania

and they're trying to get their non-disclosure agreements voided, so that they can tell their


So yeah, I don't believe for a second that Donald Trump told Junior to stop having an


Here's the kicker on all this.

Trump Jr. allegedly said, "His marriage was dissolving."

while his wife was pregnant with kid number three.

Well, they ended up having five kids together.

So, they still had two more kids after he said the marriage was dissolving to singer

Aubrey O'Day.

This is a family that has no respect for women whatsoever.

They will lie to them to get whatever they want.

They will treat them like second class citizens, as friends of Vanessa Trump have told the

press Junior did to Vanessa.

They don't care about women.

Women are sexual items to be won over and when you're done with them, you get rid of


That's how Donald Trump has lived his entire life.

That's how Trump Jr. is living his entire life.

That's the kind of human beings they are.

It's disgusting, it's inappropriate, but that's what the American people, or at least the

electoral college, decided to put into the White House

for us.

For more infomation >> Trump Allegedly Told Donald Jr. To Stop Cheating On His Pregnant Wife - Duration: 2:59.





Irritado, Ayrton chama Kaysar para conversar e dispara: "Não quero perder o respeito por você - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Irritado, Ayrton chama Kaysar para conversar e dispara: "Não quero perder o respeito por você - Duration: 4:04.


Enquete diz quem vai ganhar o 'BBB18', mas internautas protestam II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Enquete diz quem vai ganhar o 'BBB18', mas internautas protestam II ANDYTRON3000 - Duration: 4:33.


Veja como é a casa de Gleici, do BBB18, que passou fome e teve o pai assassinado - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> Veja como é a casa de Gleici, do BBB18, que passou fome e teve o pai assassinado - Duration: 6:24.


BBB18: mãe de Paula odeia ver a filha debaixo do edredom com Breno | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> BBB18: mãe de Paula odeia ver a filha debaixo do edredom com Breno | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:08.


Kaysar já dormiu embaixo de ponte e foi gari: o passado 'escondido' antes do BBB | Noticias Nuevas - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Kaysar já dormiu embaixo de ponte e foi gari: o passado 'escondido' antes do BBB | Noticias Nuevas - Duration: 4:04.





2 Outfits aus den Kleiderschränken unserer BOYFRIENDS 😍 + English subtitles! | Twinkle Twice - Duration: 6:49.

Hi guys! Welcome to our new video

Today we are doing a type of video which we have done already

In fact we did some closet challenges, for example Mom's closet, Dad's closet

And what is missing?

We thought of doing the same with the closets of our boyfriends.

For those who are watching this kind of videos for the first time

Let us explain it quickly:

I was searching for an outfit in the closet of my boyfriend and Jani did the same in the closet of her bf.

So I found an outfit for Jani and she found one for me.

*lipstick problem*

We show you both outfits by wearing them and you guys decide which outfit won in the comments.

Outfit 1 or Outfit 2


Easy Peasy!

We didn't show eachother the chosen clothes.

So it's the first time for us seeing them as well.

We are very excited!

So guys give this video a thumbs up and write in the comments which outfit you like more

Let's get it started!

I start - uhmmm I am very excited how you like the clothes, because I think they're great.

And I definetely wanted to do this video today, so I can wear them.

Well.. especially one of them.

So we start with a basic piece.

Its a jeans, which meanwhile is too small for him.

Therfore I thought it would fit you.

Its from Cheap Monday.

Whaat? This one won't fit me in 300 years

his legs are way too long

there is no smaller pants

you can definitely wear it as a High-Waist

we'll roll it up

a little bit of a boyfriend pants, High-Waist. You can't say anything about it!


We continue with a piece which definitely makes you wondering

It's just a normal polo shirt. A usual, white, Hugo Boss polo shirt

But, that's not all! Wait until the end!

So we've got this polo shirt and the jeans

Now guys I'll show you the best piece I found and i just thought why I haven't found it earlier.

And I asked him if I could borrow it.

It's this NICE Sweater from Tommy Hillfiger

Since when does he have such a?

He has it for a long time


And now it's to small for him (Miri: Oh no) and I asked him if i could have it but he said no.

Look at it. It's a usual sweater (Miri: And you want me to put the polo shirt underneath?) Exactly!

the special thing about this sweater is that the logo is made of velvet

love love love it!

So I want you to put the polo shirt underneath the sweater and to roll the sleeves up and to put the sweater in the pants

What kind of shoes? - I'd say white sneaker

So, let's take a look at this outfit! I am very excited guys! - me too!

Let's continue with my outfit, the second one.

I'm curious how you like it.

We have to say that our boyfriends have a very different style

Miri's is more like the .. how can I say it.

more like a casual style. Exactly and my boyfriend's got a more fancy style

No matter! Who cares!

So, i got this shorts. Of course boys wear them baggy but I think our a** should fit in.

me too.

You can definitely wear them highwaisted.

It's a little bit to long so you probably have to roll it up.

And I want you to combine it with this black denim shirt

and I want you to knot it up in the front.

Ok, i would say it still looks like a male outfit.

do you think?..

The last piece is an accessory.

It's a hat. - Ah ok.

I chose the hat because I think it looks nice with the shirt and the shorts.

Could be nice, yes.

Which shoes? Either flat boots or high boots.

Maybe the beige ones? - Which beige ones? - The chelsea boots?

No. no, no I think I want the black boots. Yes..thats my outfit.

I think it's not bad. I am very excited. Let's take a look!

Yes Guys! Those were the two outfits! Better than expected.

We hope you liked the video idea ''boyfriends' closets"

If yes, give this video a thumbs up so we could do this more often.

Leave a comment about which outfit you like most.

Outfit 1 or Outfit 2

That's it guys. Bye and seeee u!

For more infomation >> 2 Outfits aus den Kleiderschränken unserer BOYFRIENDS 😍 + English subtitles! | Twinkle Twice - Duration: 6:49.


How To Find YOUR Art Style 【My Tips & Tricks】 - Duration: 10:50.

hey everyone welcome back to my channel I'm brushes bunnies and in this video

I'm going to be talking about how I found my art style I just want to say

that an art style is ever-evolving I truly believe in that I feel like

currently I'm in a position where I I have found something but I'm developing

something that I really love the direction that I'm going into is

something that I'm kind of I'm quite passionate about and I feel like it's

truly my style like my own brushes and bunny style but I feel like in the

future this style will be developing even further and this is something that

I I just want to say that de style that I'm currently working on it's not the

end-all be-all of everything like okay that's my style that's it that's all I

know that it's going to evolve but I feel like I'm already on to something

and I'm so happy to finally be able to say like hey guys like I kind of do have

a style like it's just something that I'm learning to accept currently because

for so long I've just been in the mental position of being like I need to find a

style I need to find a style I need to keep pushing I need to get better you

know that's like it's been over a year if just me thinking that way you know

just having to try to push and develop something and I feel like I'm finally on

to something so I want to share my insights with you guys my tips and

tricks of how I sort of found myself in this current position and I'm gonna talk

about the things that have to work for me in terms of developing some sort of

style before we get to the topic however I just want to talk about two topics the

first one is my live streams for April you guys have selected the sketchbook

slam challenge for the March live stream topic and I'm going to be posting a poll

today and my YouTube community tab where you guys can vote up onto the themes for

the April live stream topic or a theme I am so excited and a little bit nervous

again and so under this poll you guys can vote on your favorite topic and

whatever one wins is the one that we'll be doing for the month of April I'll be

live-streaming every Saturday at 3 p.m. Central European Time I believe that's

the timezone I'm under Central European Time Berlin time

I should say and you guys can catch my life streams every Saturday the second

topic this is a big one we have reached over 50,000 subscribers I am so like

what like oh like thank you guys so much I'm so grateful and um you guys keep

inspiring me and motivating me to continue and to just you know push

myself to the limit basically and just kind of like grow even more just do more

more than I could ever do and that's all thanks to you guys I'll be hosting a

YouTube giveaway on my channel of course the YouTube giveaway over the Easter

holidays I have not decided if I'm going to upload the giveaway video on Thursday

before the Easter holiday or on Sunday this is all we're gonna see I have to

think about it I don't even know what I'm gonna give away I kind of do but I

don't I have to figure out the logistics of it but there will be a giveaway to

show my my gratitude to all of your support so 50,000 of you guys like the

big milestone I think it's a really big milestone alright guys so let's get to

the actual topic I'm gonna give you guys my tips and tricks of how I found my own

art style the first tip I can give you is perhaps the most important one and it

was definitely a major key player in my own understanding of kind of the future

path of where I wanted to develop my drawing style and that was basically

just surrounding yourself with artists that completely inspire you take a look

at artists online either over Instagram this was a major kind of social media

platform that I used to find artists and you can also find artists of course via

YouTube as well or do be an art basically find artists that you admire

that you look up to that you love the way that they do their work and that

baby one day this is sort of the style you would like to take up for yourself

this definitely helped in terms of finding my own path

there were a couple of artists that I follow in YouTube that I I still look up

to completely in terms of how they draw their characters and also how they do

their watercolor work I am actually going to list them off and I'll be

providing the links down below to their Instagram pages the first one in terms

of drawing characters was an artist by the name of Linda I believe Linda Israel

OVA I found her on Instagram and I completely found it fell in love with

the way that she drew her male characters or just characters in general

I just loved the the way that she used these really strong angular features for

her characters and I I really studied the way that she drew and I learned a

lot from her so definitely check out her Instagram page another one that I really

love is of course Kellogg's Loops especially for the

watercolor aspect they do beautiful work absolutely beautiful work another one is

actually Carla who is galih I don't really know how to pronounce her

name but she does beautiful pinups and I love the way that she does watercolor

and I also love the way that she characterizes her her female characters

I think they look gorgeous and another one that I recently found is actually

Justin Justin O'Neal you can see his Instagram he does kind of more like

these creepy art characters these could be like watercolors and also digital art

I believe I love the way that he draws his characters I think it's so unique

and it's really really cool and I do inspire a lot from him as well there's a

lot more artists out there but I think the most important thing is to really

find people you look up to people that you want to maybe have a similar style

as them and use them as a source of inspiration study how they draw their

own characters a lot of these artists will be posting like these videos on

their Instagram or their YouTube videos like YouTube channel on how to basically

draw so you can basically get some good insights from them directly

tip number two would be in regards to your general mindset and I think this is

super important to address and it's definitely a really big factor in

basically allowing yourself the freedom to develop your own style what I mean by

that is basically at the beginning of starting this whole sort of art journey

of trying to figure out yourself and where you want to go which style you

want to you know basically develop in it can be pretty stressful and it can be

very unfulfilling and also frustrating and I'm telling you this because I

definitely went through it about a year ago when I first started this and even

before in late 2016 I was in a position where I really wanted to have my own

style and I just didn't know how to approach it this did lead to

frustrations of course because I didn't know which direction I wanted to go into

I didn't know what sort of style I wanted to develop what if I wanted to do

like realism or just a cartoon character or cartoon style these are all questions

that I had to answer myself and it's it can be stressful I totally understand it

and what I can tell you in terms of like how to change or how to fix this is that

it really gets better with time I think it's one of those things that you can't

stress out about you can't force it's just one of those things that will just

happen even for myself that moment of like the lightbulb moment of oh my gosh

I think this is where I want to go only really happened about six to eight

months after I really kept pushing myself to draw I didn't have this Eureka

moment right away it came just just it just came I don't really know how to

explain it other than that which is why it's quite important to just say it

don't stress it guys if you keep practicing on a daily basis and you're

enjoying it and you're just you're just challenging yourself continuously the

style will just start to develop over time tip number three is kind of a fun

one and that is just to experiment so if you think okay maybe you want to try the

manga style or maybe you want to try realism then give it a try don't stick

to one thing at the very beginning try different styles right away I definitely

did the I have a couple different sketchbooks

filled with different types of styles I tried realism I tried to do realistic

portraits I tried to do cartoon sort of characters and I also dabbled a little

bit into manga at one point in my life so I did try different techniques

different styles and basically I gave it a shot for each of them I really tried

and this is this is a good exercise to do especially if you don't really know

which direction you want to go into and what ended up happening was I really

ended up liking sort of this in-between style of realism as well as a little bit

more of a cartoon or characterized I guess style and I try to mend both of

these characteristics together to create something a little bit different and

this is sort of the direction that I'm currently going into so really give it a

shot to try different styles experiment with different ways of drawing and see

what sticks what do you like what do you feel really passionate about and

basically start to go into that direction so those are my three tips on

how to find your art style to just resize number one of course look up to

artists or study the way that your favorite artists do the things that they

do if you want that to be a similar style to you to yours then study what

they do how they draw really kind of look at them closely and and try to to

practice based on their techniques tip number two again don't stress it out the

style will come over time if you continue to draw if you continue to work

in these sort of direction you want to go into the style will develop and it

will just happen and tip number three again just to Risa mirai's you if you're

not sure of what style you want to pursue try different ones don't be

afraid to experiment try different styles and give them a shot and see

which one sticks on which one you are really liking and then you have an idea

of which one to pursue as always I'd like to thank you guys for watching this

video if you do like it don't forget to give it a big thumbs up I am super

grateful for your support yeah I want to wish you a good day

wherever you are in the world keeping awesome keep drawing never give up and

we will see each other very soon bye

For more infomation >> How To Find YOUR Art Style 【My Tips & Tricks】 - Duration: 10:50.


What happens when you FLY INTO the STORM?! - Fortnite Battle Royal - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> What happens when you FLY INTO the STORM?! - Fortnite Battle Royal - Duration: 0:15.


K Plays: Anarchy Reigns - Episódio 1 - (PT-BR) - Duration: 22:55.

For more infomation >> K Plays: Anarchy Reigns - Episódio 1 - (PT-BR) - Duration: 22:55.


La escandalosa cifra de dinero que se gastó la reina Letizia en ropa durante 2017 - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> La escandalosa cifra de dinero que se gastó la reina Letizia en ropa durante 2017 - Duration: 3:46.


JOGOS VELHOS - Charlie, the duck - #01 - Duration: 14:35.

Welcome back to Porco Princesa

And today we're gonna make something I've wanted to do for a long time.

Play the games I used to play on computer as a child.

My father is a computer technician and has always worked with computers

So I had access to computer from a very young age.

But there was a time in my life that I didn't have

a good enough computer to play games.

And now that I have a good computer, what do I want

to do? I want to play games from my childhood.

I want to know which of them are good

which of them are bad

Which of them pass the fifteen years tests

And which of them pass the 20 years tests,

And with this I'm making very clear how old I am.

I'm 28 btw. (almost wrote 38 by accident)

And today we're gonna start with: [cheerful] Charlie the duck!

Oh my god, I was the best at this game.

The problem is: I don't know why, when I was a child

I though this game only had one level

And it's not because I couldn't beat them

as I knew all the level secrets

But I don't know why, I thought it only had one level.

And what's my surprise when I went on Steam

And first, this game was there to buy,

[laughs] Which is crazy!

And second: I found out the game has nine levels.

[suprised] Nine levels! How?

I have the clear sensation I just played one level

when I was a child

Besides that, now the game has a million achievements

Which means I'll spend the rest of my life trying to

achieve them all.

I don't know exactly in which year the original version (actually 1996)

of this game was launched.

But I remember I had it about 15 years ago.

I would took it to school in a

floppy disk because we had computer classes

and in computer class there was only

two games: Carmen Sandiego's,

and those math games

that all schools had at the time.

So I recorded Charlie the duck on a floppy

and took it to school. And instead of playing

Carmen Sandiego or Math games

We'd play Charlie the duck. And I installed on all

computer, because of course

I wouldn't let my friends sadly playing math games.

And this was our fun on computer classes.

Playing Charlie the duck

By the way, if anyone knows where to find Carmen Sandiego's game

Leave a comment here because I really want to play it again

I hope you like this 2nd first impression of Charlie the duck

And I hope you like the game because it's a super fun game.

Look at this Charlie the duck! [midi song playing on the background]

Guys, this game was MS-DOS

That's insane, right?

I'm not believing I'm seeing this game on fullscreen

in 1920x1080, that's insane!

Let's play!


It's a side-scroll, right, like Mario,

Only just it's a duck.

Then there's this things...

There's a place...

I don't remember exactly where. In this level,

Because as I said I only played this level.

That you have to jump on to...

you have to jump on to two animals in a row,

so you can reach the place, so you can get the...

I don't know if it's a diamond or a heart, I don't remember.

There are places that... Oh, it was to the other side there, see?

You have to jump on the thingy.

So you can reach, but instead you die touching the bee.

There are some places where you can....

first go on top of trees.

Stand on top of this tree here.

I don't think you can on this one.

And there are places you can... I'm already dead,


There are places you can go inside the water

and it takes you to another... another part of the level.

It's very much like Mario, guys.

Geez, I loved this game.

I was like on fifth grade...

Fifth, maybe sixth grade at the time I played this game.

And I'm dead again.

It's that thing that I keep talking and don't pay attention to what I'm doing, right?

Here, I think this tree... See? this tree you can go on top of.

This one too.

There was supposed to be something here, but there's not.

Why would you be able to go on top of a tree and there's nothing there?

And goes on to try and find something on top of the tree for the next 5 minutes,


I don't know how I was good at this game, honestly.

Here look, you can go in this one.

Then there's an...

See guys, these things here!

These were the goods of the games from that era, (there goes the checkpoint)

because you had to...

figure out that things existed. And I'm gonna die to this bee.

No I'm not.

Oh, I died to the purple thing.


Like, on fifth grade I had...

I had a uniball signo scents collection.

I don't know if...

I don't know if people remember those.

Probably they do.

But there was a pen scented like...

Oh, there was a pen scented like popcorn, and tutti-frutti, where am I going?

OH, I'm back at the beginning. And I'm dead again.

But there was a tutti-frutti pen,

and the popcorn pen, it was unreal.

And the popcorn pen, the smell was very real.

There are more things this way.

Oh, it's the part of the level I was on.

So it means that when you pass...

Guys, I didn't remember anything of this.

When you go through the water you come back, you

go through a whole part of the level.

Good to know right?

I could be what? Winning in life,

without comming back here, but at least... Here!

I passed and I got the... checkpoint, right!

You get the checkpoin there.

Oh, I really wanted to remember where I get the...

This sign the dev said that he had to

add this... little sign here,

saying Charlie can dive in the water

because many people didn't know that

Many people that played the game recently,

didn't find out Charlie could dive in the water.

Oh, this is the hidden area.

Then there's this thing like Mario's,

that kills all the animals.

and then I'm remembering that everytime I did this

that I played this part.

Of course I'd run and

kill the little animals like a crazy lady like this

and then this happened whenever I got to the part

where I lost the thingy, I'd always endup dying.

Oh, it's this one I have to jump on

the animal to reach the uo there

Man, I don't believe I got here.

In one attempt and I don't even know what was the thing I got.

There was a place,

that I remember everytime

I... I can't go in here.

I'd kill the animal that I needed. Look!

We got to the end of the level!

Oh, I remember this level.

Why did I think this game only had one level?


I needed that animal here, see?

To get up there? Maybe not. Wo...


It was not what I meanted but ok.

Since it happened.

You know why people never found out

about the hidden area when you go inside the water?

Because people were good players.

If they were bad ones like me,

They would know very quickly, see?

Because they would mess up like...

Why are there 50 thousand bees here? Why?

I remember there was a part you had to jump

in two enemies in a row.

But I don't remember where it is.

I'm sure I'll get it wrong, kill the animal and

have to come back later.

There, the checkpoint. Let me get the checkpoint first.


How about I die first before I reach the checkpoint?

And have to start the level all over again?

It's exactly what I wanted.

Oh guys, this song is so quiet...

And I'm so tense.

My neck is hard with tension.

I'm more tense than I get when I play Mad Max.

How should I do this, lord?

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh....

[no breath] I reached the checkpoint!

I got the checkpoint now... Oh, I got a heart!

I won't die now, Oh my god!

Let's win this level! Where am I going?

(The tension was so that I forgot how to speak)




It's it's, let's... it's, it's...

Why, How, When?

I should have gone straight, right?

I should not have gon... and... dead.

Wow! Look!

I should have but I didn't even see it.

And we reached the end of the level.

Oh that thing I jumped and got up there.

That I jumped the enemy to reach was a life.

I remembered it now!

This one I don't remember.

I think I just walked the first and second levels.

I think I never won the second level, must be it.

Yes, I'll try and kill this fish, will I get it?

[surprised] Look!

This level I don't even remotely know what's in it.

[laughs] Will I pass this? Absolutely not.

Oh, but if I fall on the water I don't die, right?

Less bad.

[bnad northeast accent] Wow, let's kill this piranha from hell, boy!

You see? I could be here, living my life.

Here on the penthouse.

Wow, there could be a way to pass the level

just walkin on the trees right?

Wouldn't that be amazing?

Oh guys, these piranhas.

Oh so i don't die to the piranhas but I die to the other animal.

Oh, I wanted to kill the piranha to get up there

and get those boxes.

What happened?

Was this the beginning of the level? No, right?

Oh, I thought I had died, didn't I?

Ok then. (I died but it decided to revive me in a random checkpoint)


Doesn't this piranha look like a Goldeen?

I don't know, it reminded me of that, maybe the colors.

Yes, now I'm dead, absolutely.

And then when I'm not trying to kill the fish... See, again.

I tried not to kill and then, I kill it the right way.

I think I have to start doing that

Try not to kill and then kill it the right way.

And then when I go to put the highlighs of this game

there won't be any, because I didn't do anything interesting

Just died.

Guys, there has to be a way to kill this thing here.

I just don't know how.

And now I have no life, no hearts.

So I won't even try.

["crying"] I need a heart!

On the checkpoint. I found a heart, sirs!

I died. I just lost it again.

What do I want sirs? [surprised] Wow!

I found a hidden heart!

I just lost it again!

I just died!

[laughing] it sucks!

I found a hidden heart

and lost the game! [laughs]

I hope you liked it

I had lots of fun! I love this game!

So, you saw the three first world's levels

And there's another 2 worlds

If you want to buy it, it's very cheap on Steam

because this game is very old.

The dev keeps making adjustments on the game.

He posted this year

on those new about the game

he had fixed a problem

that was happening for... for controllers

If you want the experience to play

Charlie the duck, it's on Steam.

I hope you liked it.

On the next episode of this series I'll play

a different game from my childhood

If you have a suggestion for any game

that ypu used to play as child and want me to test it

here on the channel, just leave a comment down bellow.

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because the channel is only beginning.

And We'll have many more series

and many mroe games here.

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Now, to me and the channel makes a lot of difference!

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This was "Charlie the duck" and I'll see you next episode!

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