Sunday, March 25, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 25 2018

Throughout history, superpowers have risen and fallen.

The Roman Empire - the most dominant power in the ancient world, tore across Europe and

the Middle East in the 2nd century before eventually losing grip on its territories.

Likewise The Mongol Empire led by Genghis Khan was the world's largest land empire,

yet after divisions separated in the 13th century, they finally lost their grip.

The British Empire expanded through trading ventures, and by the early twentieth century

had become history's largest empire, covering a quarter of the world's surface with a

fifth of the world's population living in it.

After the 2nd world war, The United States rose as a world superpower with 50% of the

world's GNP followed closely by Russia.

Superpowers come and go, but today we'll take a look into the future, in this episode

of the Infographics show, - Who will be the Next Superpower Nation?

With a strong national identity and a united sense of ambition, Brazil has sought to emerge

as a serious global economic and political power on the world stage.

With enormous natural resources, including a tenth of the world's fresh water, the

largest remaining rainforest, and a valuable supply of minerals, Brazil looks set to lead

the way when it comes to tackling the inevitable environmental issues we all face.

However, the apparent lack of traditional hard power in the shape of military resources

will undoubtedly prove a hurdle for Brazil to make a claim for world superpower status

using traditional methods of aggressive advancement.

The People's Republic of China is a strong emerging economic and military superpower,

and the term secondary superpower has already been credited to china by scholars and media


China does indeed have the most promising all-around profile of a potential superpower,

with business ventures and investment deals in South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America,

and with a degree of alienation from dominant international society making it potentially

a power to challenge collective world politics.

Along with the European Union and the United States, China is a real contender, particularly

with its ballooning domestic economy.

Economist Arvind Subramanian argues that China will direct the world's financial systems

by as early as 2020, and within 20 years author Lawrence Saez states that the United States

will be surpassed by China.

Before Brexit, academics pointed fondly towards the European Union as another potential emerging


With a large population, low inflation rates, global unpopularity of US foreign policy,

a large economy, and a high quality of life, the EU looked as if it had already perhaps

hit the superpower stakes.

Although the EU is facing a number of daunting situations, including Brexit, it is still

powered by a solid economic engine with the largest economy in the world.

In fact, the world bank says that EU-Plus (including Norway and Switzerland) boasts

an economy larger than the US and Russia combined.

The EU also has more Fortune 500 companies than the US, India and Russia combined, and

some of the most competitive national economies remain, or at least trade together, within

the EU.

The Republic of India is also a contender, with Harvard economists and researchers projecting

a 7% annual economic growth, making India the fastest growing economy in the world in


Despite these strides forward, India still faces a rigid caste system and rural poverty,

corruption, and inequality issues.

Politically, India is stable with a democratic government that has lasted for 60 years.

By 2050, India is set to rise by up to twenty per cent with a young working society.

But while India has impressive economic and population growth, it also has domestic issues

such as malnutrition and rural poverty to tackle before tackling the political world


The Russian Federation is often suggested as a potential superpower candidate, although

during the State of Nation address at the Kremlin in Moscow, president Vladimir Putin

denied any Russian aspiration to become the next superpower.

An aging and shrinking population is constricting Russia's potential to re-emerge as a superpower

once more, despite her impressive military prowess and aggressive foreign policy.

However, some argue that within the next fifty years, national powers will lose their ability

to operate as the superpowers they have been in the past.

The real super powers will be the economic elite who operate with no fidelity to any

nation, race, or religion.

Thee economic elite superpowers will operate globally from a series of outposts positioned

strategically across the globe.

They will be transient, living at times in New York, and at others times in Singapore,

Hong Kong, London, or Sydney.

This theory doesn't offer a solution to how, in the advent of a global elite superpower,

that apparatus will manage a normal civil society worldwide.

In view of such superpower predictions, it should be noted that in the 1980s, experts

collectively believed that Japan would become the next superpower, owing to its large GDP

and high economic growth.

However a few years later in 1991 Japan's economy crashed, creating The Lost Years,

a long period of economic slump that Japan has never fully recovered from.

So while our predictions might have seemed logical at the time, the world is a volatile

place and superpowers rise and fall as a matter of opportunity and chance, just as much as

they do through meticulous military planning or strategic economic forecast.

So, who do you predict will be the next Superpower nation?

Are there promising countries that we failed to mention?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What if the World was One Country?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Who Will Be The Next Superpower Nation? - Duration: 5:26.


House Judiciary Committee BREAKS SILENCE! NO MORE 'Special Treatment' For HILLARY - Duration: 14:10.

House Judiciary Committee BREAKS SILENCE!

NO MORE 'Special Treatment' For HILLARY

As we all witnessed, last week The Hill reported that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe made

the worst decision in his career by giving Hillary's email investigation a downgrading

"special" status.

The media outlet reported that FBI denied getting into details about the full meaning

behind his label "special" treatment.

Via The Hill

McCabe's Oct. 23, 2016, email to press officials in the FBI said the probe was under the control

of a small group of high-ranking people at the FBI's headquarters in Washington.

"As I now know the decision was made to investigate it at HQ with a small team,"

McCabe wrote in the email.

He said he had no input when the Clinton email investigation started in summer 2015, while

he was serving as assistant director in charge of the FBI's Washington office.

"The Washington office provided some personnel for the effort but it was referred to as a

'special' and I was not given any details about it," he wrote.

Rep. Gaetz (R-FL), a ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee said to Laura Ingraham

Tuesday evening, "I am immediately calling for an investigation into the special treatment

that the FBI gave Hillary Clinton."

Watch the video below and tell us what you think in the comment section on Facebook.

After no more than two weeks since Hillary's special status, her protection is gone and

she is vulnerable again.

"This is the time and place to finally push through the end of Hillary Clinton's email

investigation without any obstacles and finally prove her wrong and make her regret the day

she decided to go against President Trump.

Finally, some good news after a series of bloopers made by far-left Liberal pawns just

to protect the wrongdoers.

House Judiciary Committee is taking her down

at last!

Let's make them notice

us by


comment "LOCK HER UP!"

For more infomation >> House Judiciary Committee BREAKS SILENCE! NO MORE 'Special Treatment' For HILLARY - Duration: 14:10.


Daily Chinese Horoscope March 26, 2018 - Duration: 5:46.


Check that you understand all the subtleties before you make a financial decision.

Dig a bit more deeply to make sure you understand all the ramifications.

The finer details could make all the difference, so do not go ahead based simply on initial


Once you have got the complete picture, it will be apparent to you what would be the

best choice.


It's time to either give something a bit of momentum to see if you can make it succeed,

or to let it go completely.

Talk to friends and family members you trust to help you make up your mind.

You might find that you feel more motivated to forge ahead after discussions.

You've left a project on the backburner and you want to make it a priority to move



Being able to admit that you had the wrong idea in the first place takes a lot of strength.

You feel you might have jumped to the wrong conclusion about somebody or something and

you now want to do a u-turn.

You might as well be honest with close ones and tell them why you have changed your mind.

They'll soon spot it, if you pretend otherwise.


When you are so close to the situation it can be difficult for you to see things clearly.

Certain close ones can help you gain another perspective on a tricky dilemma.

Listen to what they have to say, even though you feel that there is nothing new to add.

Examining matters from another angle will help you gain some clarity.


Today, whatever is on your mind seems determined to stay there until you can figure out an


Do not feel you have to figure it all out by yourself.

There are close ones who can help, if you will allow them to.

Talk to them about what is bothering you.

There are times when it makes more sense to put things out of your mind, after you've

talked it over.


It's time for you to start putting your plans into action and make things happen.

Sometimes you reach a point where, no matter how much you think about something, you can

see it's not going to make a difference until you do what you're thinking about.

Be clear about what you are going to do and set some dates for doing them.


Allow yourself to simply slow down today.

Take some time to recharge your body and soul.

Your Horse personality likes to do things quickly once you decide you are going to go


If you have put a lot of stress and pressure on yourself, you could find that you are not

able to do things quite as quickly as you would like.

Next week, make sure you allow enough time to do what you need to do.


There will be those around you who will express surprise that you are doing what they call

a U-turn.

Now that you have discovered some new facts, you are ready to change your mind.

You're going to explain that there's no point continuing down the wrong track.

It's your prerogative to change your mind, and you're changing it for all the right



Whether it's a special trip or something simple, do something to make today memorable.

You realise the importance of making memories when it comes to spending time with close

ones, so you're making today a day that will be worth remembering.

Doing something notable together means as well as the joy of the shared activity, you

get to talk about it in months or years to come.


Sometimes, even the closest of bonds can feel some strain.

When there are differences of opinion, you are not going to be overly polite.

Since you know how important you are to each other, you are not going to let a minor argument

spoil that special bond.

You can be the first to hold out an olive branch and remind the other person just what

they mean to you.


AS you reflect on recent events, could it be that you are underestimating your own abilities?

There are those who are very good at talking up what they can do.

You're seeing that they have created a good impression, yet you're not convinced that

they're everything they claim to be.

You can now think about how you can put your best foot forward next week.


There are times when you want to have a conversation immediately, yet there are other times when

quiet reflection will make a difference.

If a close one brings up a bone of contention today you can suggest that it would be better

for everyone if you talked about things another time.

Let them know that it's important for both sides to have some time to think things over.

Thank you for watching

For more infomation >> Daily Chinese Horoscope March 26, 2018 - Duration: 5:46.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 ACENTA Airco 2e Paasdag geopend - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 ACENTA Airco 2e Paasdag geopend - Duration: 1:01.


Romina e il tweet falso. Lecciso: "Da lei nessuna scusa" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Romina e il tweet falso. Lecciso: "Da lei nessuna scusa" | K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:28.


Quanti minuti bisogna camminare per perdere molto peso in poco tempo e senza troppa fatica? - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Quanti minuti bisogna camminare per perdere molto peso in poco tempo e senza troppa fatica? - Duration: 4:16.


Esercizi per bruciare grassi e tonificare le braccia - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Esercizi per bruciare grassi e tonificare le braccia - Duration: 5:35.


Loredana Lecciso: che ne pensa del riavvicinamento tra Albano e l'ex moglie? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Loredana Lecciso: che ne pensa del riavvicinamento tra Albano e l'ex moglie? | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.


"Tenía tanto miedo": indocumentada que fue arrestada frente a sus hijas y no sabía qué pasaría con e - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> "Tenía tanto miedo": indocumentada que fue arrestada frente a sus hijas y no sabía qué pasaría con e - Duration: 8:16.


C'è posta per te, Giuseppe e Maria Luana sono tornati insieme? Ecco le novità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> C'è posta per te, Giuseppe e Maria Luana sono tornati insieme? Ecco le novità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:45.


BBB18: após festa, Kaysar e Ana Clara tomam atitude inusitada - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> BBB18: após festa, Kaysar e Ana Clara tomam atitude inusitada - Duration: 3:16.


Globo inova e adota estratégia diferenciada na festa do BBB18; saiba mais - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Globo inova e adota estratégia diferenciada na festa do BBB18; saiba mais - Duration: 5:07.


BBB18: Breno e Paula lideram Queridômetro e se tornam o casal mais querido da casa - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Breno e Paula lideram Queridômetro e se tornam o casal mais querido da casa - Duration: 2:13.


BBB18: Viegas comemora prova do Anjo e fala sobre próximo paredão | Noticias Nuevas - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Viegas comemora prova do Anjo e fala sobre próximo paredão | Noticias Nuevas - Duration: 2:20.


Kaysar surpreende ao dizer que não conhece brigadeiro e é desmascarado na internet | Noticias - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Kaysar surpreende ao dizer que não conhece brigadeiro e é desmascarado na internet | Noticias - Duration: 2:38.


Stefano De Martino e la rivelazione fatta a Verissimo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Stefano De Martino e la rivelazione fatta a Verissimo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:54.


Di Maio e Salvini, dopo l'accordo sul Parlamento al via la partita per il Governo - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Di Maio e Salvini, dopo l'accordo sul Parlamento al via la partita per il Governo - Duration: 6:33.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi Active - Duration: 0:54.


Uomini e Donne news, Gemma Galgani lascia il programma? - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne news, Gemma Galgani lascia il programma? - Duration: 3:30.


BBB18 tem falha técnica e Ana Clara fica trancada no confessionário - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> BBB18 tem falha técnica e Ana Clara fica trancada no confessionário - Duration: 3:08.


Descobrindo Los Angeles 2018 - Especial SXSW (Parte 1/3) - Duration: 6:34.

Hey Guys, What's Up?

Tomorrow at 3am i'll be traveling to LA

La to Austin to the SXSW Festival If you don't know what is it just keep watching!

I'm so anxious that i can't even sleep

I think most of people has the same problem

I can't even wait to start this Crazy Adventure trip

I'm Here! i look like a peeps in the trash can (that means that i'm extremelly happy in a pt-br quotes)

Now i need to dispatch my luggage

And Say: Welcome To Los Angeles

After five hours flight, we just arrived to...

For more infomation >> Descobrindo Los Angeles 2018 - Especial SXSW (Parte 1/3) - Duration: 6:34.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne del 26 marzo: l'ultimatum finale - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne del 26 marzo: l'ultimatum finale - Duration: 3:19.


Coração de ator da Globo falha e notícia deixa fãs perplexos - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Coração de ator da Globo falha e notícia deixa fãs perplexos - Duration: 3:51.


Anticipazioni Grande Fratello 2018:ecco quando inizia e concorrenti - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Grande Fratello 2018:ecco quando inizia e concorrenti - Duration: 3:30.


TRIO - spiżarnia pełna, a młode nakarmione I 25.03.2018 r. - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> TRIO - spiżarnia pełna, a młode nakarmione I 25.03.2018 r. - Duration: 9:06.


Volvo V40 2.0 D4 || R design || 190pk || 14% bijtelling - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 2.0 D4 || R design || 190pk || 14% bijtelling - Duration: 1:01.


Who Will Be The Next Superpower Nation? - Duration: 5:26.

Throughout history, superpowers have risen and fallen.

The Roman Empire - the most dominant power in the ancient world, tore across Europe and

the Middle East in the 2nd century before eventually losing grip on its territories.

Likewise The Mongol Empire led by Genghis Khan was the world's largest land empire,

yet after divisions separated in the 13th century, they finally lost their grip.

The British Empire expanded through trading ventures, and by the early twentieth century

had become history's largest empire, covering a quarter of the world's surface with a

fifth of the world's population living in it.

After the 2nd world war, The United States rose as a world superpower with 50% of the

world's GNP followed closely by Russia.

Superpowers come and go, but today we'll take a look into the future, in this episode

of the Infographics show, - Who will be the Next Superpower Nation?

With a strong national identity and a united sense of ambition, Brazil has sought to emerge

as a serious global economic and political power on the world stage.

With enormous natural resources, including a tenth of the world's fresh water, the

largest remaining rainforest, and a valuable supply of minerals, Brazil looks set to lead

the way when it comes to tackling the inevitable environmental issues we all face.

However, the apparent lack of traditional hard power in the shape of military resources

will undoubtedly prove a hurdle for Brazil to make a claim for world superpower status

using traditional methods of aggressive advancement.

The People's Republic of China is a strong emerging economic and military superpower,

and the term secondary superpower has already been credited to china by scholars and media


China does indeed have the most promising all-around profile of a potential superpower,

with business ventures and investment deals in South East Asia, Africa, and Latin America,

and with a degree of alienation from dominant international society making it potentially

a power to challenge collective world politics.

Along with the European Union and the United States, China is a real contender, particularly

with its ballooning domestic economy.

Economist Arvind Subramanian argues that China will direct the world's financial systems

by as early as 2020, and within 20 years author Lawrence Saez states that the United States

will be surpassed by China.

Before Brexit, academics pointed fondly towards the European Union as another potential emerging


With a large population, low inflation rates, global unpopularity of US foreign policy,

a large economy, and a high quality of life, the EU looked as if it had already perhaps

hit the superpower stakes.

Although the EU is facing a number of daunting situations, including Brexit, it is still

powered by a solid economic engine with the largest economy in the world.

In fact, the world bank says that EU-Plus (including Norway and Switzerland) boasts

an economy larger than the US and Russia combined.

The EU also has more Fortune 500 companies than the US, India and Russia combined, and

some of the most competitive national economies remain, or at least trade together, within

the EU.

The Republic of India is also a contender, with Harvard economists and researchers projecting

a 7% annual economic growth, making India the fastest growing economy in the world in


Despite these strides forward, India still faces a rigid caste system and rural poverty,

corruption, and inequality issues.

Politically, India is stable with a democratic government that has lasted for 60 years.

By 2050, India is set to rise by up to twenty per cent with a young working society.

But while India has impressive economic and population growth, it also has domestic issues

such as malnutrition and rural poverty to tackle before tackling the political world


The Russian Federation is often suggested as a potential superpower candidate, although

during the State of Nation address at the Kremlin in Moscow, president Vladimir Putin

denied any Russian aspiration to become the next superpower.

An aging and shrinking population is constricting Russia's potential to re-emerge as a superpower

once more, despite her impressive military prowess and aggressive foreign policy.

However, some argue that within the next fifty years, national powers will lose their ability

to operate as the superpowers they have been in the past.

The real super powers will be the economic elite who operate with no fidelity to any

nation, race, or religion.

Thee economic elite superpowers will operate globally from a series of outposts positioned

strategically across the globe.

They will be transient, living at times in New York, and at others times in Singapore,

Hong Kong, London, or Sydney.

This theory doesn't offer a solution to how, in the advent of a global elite superpower,

that apparatus will manage a normal civil society worldwide.

In view of such superpower predictions, it should be noted that in the 1980s, experts

collectively believed that Japan would become the next superpower, owing to its large GDP

and high economic growth.

However a few years later in 1991 Japan's economy crashed, creating The Lost Years,

a long period of economic slump that Japan has never fully recovered from.

So while our predictions might have seemed logical at the time, the world is a volatile

place and superpowers rise and fall as a matter of opportunity and chance, just as much as

they do through meticulous military planning or strategic economic forecast.

So, who do you predict will be the next Superpower nation?

Are there promising countries that we failed to mention?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called What if the World was One Country?!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Who Will Be The Next Superpower Nation? - Duration: 5:26.


House Judiciary Committee BREAKS SILENCE! NO MORE 'Special Treatment' For HILLARY - Duration: 14:10.

House Judiciary Committee BREAKS SILENCE!

NO MORE 'Special Treatment' For HILLARY

As we all witnessed, last week The Hill reported that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe made

the worst decision in his career by giving Hillary's email investigation a downgrading

"special" status.

The media outlet reported that FBI denied getting into details about the full meaning

behind his label "special" treatment.

Via The Hill

McCabe's Oct. 23, 2016, email to press officials in the FBI said the probe was under the control

of a small group of high-ranking people at the FBI's headquarters in Washington.

"As I now know the decision was made to investigate it at HQ with a small team,"

McCabe wrote in the email.

He said he had no input when the Clinton email investigation started in summer 2015, while

he was serving as assistant director in charge of the FBI's Washington office.

"The Washington office provided some personnel for the effort but it was referred to as a

'special' and I was not given any details about it," he wrote.

Rep. Gaetz (R-FL), a ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee said to Laura Ingraham

Tuesday evening, "I am immediately calling for an investigation into the special treatment

that the FBI gave Hillary Clinton."

Watch the video below and tell us what you think in the comment section on Facebook.

After no more than two weeks since Hillary's special status, her protection is gone and

she is vulnerable again.

"This is the time and place to finally push through the end of Hillary Clinton's email

investigation without any obstacles and finally prove her wrong and make her regret the day

she decided to go against President Trump.

Finally, some good news after a series of bloopers made by far-left Liberal pawns just

to protect the wrongdoers.

House Judiciary Committee is taking her down

at last!

Let's make them notice

us by


comment "LOCK HER UP!"

For more infomation >> House Judiciary Committee BREAKS SILENCE! NO MORE 'Special Treatment' For HILLARY - Duration: 14:10.


Daily Chinese Horoscope March 26, 2018 - Duration: 5:46.


Check that you understand all the subtleties before you make a financial decision.

Dig a bit more deeply to make sure you understand all the ramifications.

The finer details could make all the difference, so do not go ahead based simply on initial


Once you have got the complete picture, it will be apparent to you what would be the

best choice.


It's time to either give something a bit of momentum to see if you can make it succeed,

or to let it go completely.

Talk to friends and family members you trust to help you make up your mind.

You might find that you feel more motivated to forge ahead after discussions.

You've left a project on the backburner and you want to make it a priority to move



Being able to admit that you had the wrong idea in the first place takes a lot of strength.

You feel you might have jumped to the wrong conclusion about somebody or something and

you now want to do a u-turn.

You might as well be honest with close ones and tell them why you have changed your mind.

They'll soon spot it, if you pretend otherwise.


When you are so close to the situation it can be difficult for you to see things clearly.

Certain close ones can help you gain another perspective on a tricky dilemma.

Listen to what they have to say, even though you feel that there is nothing new to add.

Examining matters from another angle will help you gain some clarity.


Today, whatever is on your mind seems determined to stay there until you can figure out an


Do not feel you have to figure it all out by yourself.

There are close ones who can help, if you will allow them to.

Talk to them about what is bothering you.

There are times when it makes more sense to put things out of your mind, after you've

talked it over.


It's time for you to start putting your plans into action and make things happen.

Sometimes you reach a point where, no matter how much you think about something, you can

see it's not going to make a difference until you do what you're thinking about.

Be clear about what you are going to do and set some dates for doing them.


Allow yourself to simply slow down today.

Take some time to recharge your body and soul.

Your Horse personality likes to do things quickly once you decide you are going to go


If you have put a lot of stress and pressure on yourself, you could find that you are not

able to do things quite as quickly as you would like.

Next week, make sure you allow enough time to do what you need to do.


There will be those around you who will express surprise that you are doing what they call

a U-turn.

Now that you have discovered some new facts, you are ready to change your mind.

You're going to explain that there's no point continuing down the wrong track.

It's your prerogative to change your mind, and you're changing it for all the right



Whether it's a special trip or something simple, do something to make today memorable.

You realise the importance of making memories when it comes to spending time with close

ones, so you're making today a day that will be worth remembering.

Doing something notable together means as well as the joy of the shared activity, you

get to talk about it in months or years to come.


Sometimes, even the closest of bonds can feel some strain.

When there are differences of opinion, you are not going to be overly polite.

Since you know how important you are to each other, you are not going to let a minor argument

spoil that special bond.

You can be the first to hold out an olive branch and remind the other person just what

they mean to you.


AS you reflect on recent events, could it be that you are underestimating your own abilities?

There are those who are very good at talking up what they can do.

You're seeing that they have created a good impression, yet you're not convinced that

they're everything they claim to be.

You can now think about how you can put your best foot forward next week.


There are times when you want to have a conversation immediately, yet there are other times when

quiet reflection will make a difference.

If a close one brings up a bone of contention today you can suggest that it would be better

for everyone if you talked about things another time.

Let them know that it's important for both sides to have some time to think things over.

Thank you for watching

For more infomation >> Daily Chinese Horoscope March 26, 2018 - Duration: 5:46.


Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 ACENTA Airco 2e Paasdag geopend - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Nissan QASHQAI 1.6 ACENTA Airco 2e Paasdag geopend - Duration: 1:01.


War Thunder: The Shooting Range | Episode 88 - Duration: 17:40.

In this episode

The T-64 and friends, how the USSR happened to have three MBTs at the same time;

Ernst Heinkel and his "Greif", the last chance to get the nazi gold;

Hotline: the developers answer questions that you've left in the comments!

But first, let's start with the new star of War Thunder, the M1 Abrams!

Metal Beasts M1 Abrams

Our guest today is a pure legend.

A symbol of the modern US ground forces, hero of many conflicts and all that.

Meet the M1 Abrams!

First of all, let's look at the engine.

Apart from being outstandingly loud, it provides as much as 1519 HP,

which leads to a maximum of 72kph.

You won't get that fast very often, but even then, in real battle conditions and offroad

you'll run at a stable 50-55 kph, which is quite nice.

Also, this tank is amazing when it comes to reverse, 40 kilometers per hour!

Not only can you hide after a shot with that.

If you want, you can outrun a T-64! Backwards!

As for the the armour, you've got composite at the front, with protection from kinetic and high-explosive shells.

For those of you who like the numbers and all that

the lower glacis plate can withstand 380mm of kinetic damage

and 600mm of an explosive one.

The upper one is less protected, but then again — it's a lot harder to hit it too.

The turret is interesting as well.

It rotates at a great rate of 40 degrees per second

and also is protected from a damage of different shells: 400 and 650mm correspondingly.

What we mean is, it will be quite difficult to open up this baby at the front.

The protection of the turret is a lot weaker on the sides

160 and 400mm from different shells

but it is still enough to save most of the crew members in case of a direct hit.

By the way, have you noticed the way the ammo racks are stacked?

Almost all the ammo is hidden in the back of the turret and there's a layer of armour dividing it from the crew.

Why is that?

Well, with this design, the Abrams can continue the fight even after somebody lights up its ammo.

Thanks to the blow-off panels you simply, extinguish the fire and get back into action.

As for the armament, you've got the M68A1 cannon of 105mm,

and the M774 APFSDS shells piercing up to 410mm from 500 meters.

If you prefer a less conventional approach, you'll also find the M393 "hesh"

and the M456-A2 "heat-FS" shells also piercing up to 400mm of armour.

Yes, this tank is quite demanding of your aiming skill.

But if you miss, you're still ok!

the reload rate of this gun is only 5 seconds!

The Abrams is also quite durable.

Not only because of good armour, but also because this one is completely at home with any kind of smoke screens.

It has… well, all of them, and can cover not only itself, but basically, the whole team.

Now, if, after all of that, you still haven't figured it out, on this tank you can play however you like.

Seriously, capturing points, close combat battles, sniper duels, flanking

this tank is as universal as death itself.

Okay, if you insist — it isn't very good when it comes to ambushes.

But only because of the engine, that roars so loud, that it's heard from every corner of the map.

Still, in all other cases — you'll be unstoppable on this one.

And now, a story on how one Soviet MBT suddenly transformed into three.

Pages of History The Soviet MBTs

During the Cold War, the USSR ended up in a very strange situation:

they'd got as much as three MBTs in service with similar performance data but not compatible with each other.

Those were the T-64, the T-72 and the T-80.

How could this happen in a country with a planned economy and how did the Bolsheviks not notice that?

Let's find out.

First of all, a couple of words on the T-64.

Its predecessors, the T-54 and the T-62, were based on the T-44.

But this one was brand new and revolutionary in many ways

from a cooling system and the undercarriage, to armour and an autoloader.

During 1968, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union

decided that the T-64 ha to be assembled in three locations

Kharkiv, Leningrad and Nizhny Tagil.

At the time, the tank wasn't very stable

it had a lot of problems, especially in the engine part.

So, in Nizhny Tagil, they decided to use another engine

the V-45, descendant of the legendary V-2.

One thing led to another and instead of a modification they'd introduced a new tank!

It was the T-72, with another autoloader, a more traditional cooling system and a new undercarriage.

Now there were two MBTs in one country, that performed pretty much at the same level

but had different construction.

In theory, the T-72 was a cheaper analogue, in case of a new war.

But if it was supposed to be cheaper and simpler, why bother installing a new and expensive undercarriage?

The thing was, probably, not in its price, but in habits of the military.

The T-64 was too modern for them.

They had to get used to it and create new infrastructure for it.

And then came the more traditional T-72 and sure enough, became quite popular.

Ok, what about the T-80?

This one is a bit more complicated.

The thing was, that during 1948, in Leningrad,

an engineer named Josef Kotin started experimenting on turboshaft engines, trying to fit one into a tank.

Usually, they were used in helicopters, and all the first years of work led to nothing.

But in 1966, the Soviet government found out that the Americans were creating a turboshaft

for their future MBT, the Abrams.

Kotin then proposed to install such engine in the T-64

and was backed up by the future Minister of Defence, Dmitry Ustinov.

As a result, instead of assembling the T-64 in Leningrad, they were developing another new tank!

This time — with a turboshaft, a new transmission and an undercarriage similar to western models.

And yes, it was named the T-80, and they decided to make this one not only in Leningrad, but

also in the Soviet Ukraine.

Now, in Kharkiv they didn't like this idea.

They were forced to assemble quite a strange tank with a less than perfect engine

when they'd already created and tested their own 1000 hp, 2-stroke diesel engine for the T-64.

It was as powerful as the one on the T-80, but a lot more efficient.

So, why did they have to install a turboshaft anyway?

The engineers stood their ground and won, at least partially

The T-80UD was assembled in Kharkiv with their own 2-stroke diesel engine.

And here's the final question.

Why wouldn't they just use that same diesel on the T-64,

without wasting 7 years on some strange experiments?

Well… unfortunately, there are still some questions that we don't have the answers to.

And now let's go to Germany, where Ernst Heinkel was desperately trying to get rich.

Pages of History Heinkel He 177 Greif

They say that Ernst Heinkel hated the nazis.

And they would be completely wrong.

He was one of the first to realize, how colossal the profit from their war preparations could be

especially… the revival of the German Air Force.

He quickly set himself a goal to… make the words "Luftwaffe" and "Heinkel" sound like synonyms.

That would clearly make him, Ernst Heinkel the richest and the most powerful aircraft businessman in Europe

And possibly, in the whole world.

But those plans would always fail.

First, he created the Heinkel He.111.

He almost got it right.

But then Hitler suddenly wanted all the bombers to be able to dive-bomb.

Out of nowhere came the team from Junkers, worst rivals of Heinkel

and presented the Ju.88 that became the most mass-produced two-engine aircraft of the Luftwaffe.

Okay, better luck next time.

Heinkel switched to one-engine dive-bombers… and got outsmarted by Junkers again!

Fine! Screw the bombers completely!

Here's a one-engine fighter for you, mister Hitler, the He.112!

And you know who gets in the way this time?

No, not Junkers.

Willy Messerschmitt himself with his Bf.109.

Heinkel tried to win this fight and created the He.100

but it could only be called a royal fiasco.

Ernst Heinkel was constantly out of luck.

There was only one area left that he could succeed in, a strategic bomber. Why?

Because Göring had already announced Hitler's position on that one

in the coming war Germany would not need an aircraft like this, so no need creating them.

But Heinkel knew, Germany would surely need it, even if it didn't realize it, yet.

Of course, the projects of all the Ural-bombers were closed, but there was a way out.

He needed to create an aircraft that was de-jure a two-engine bomber.

But in reality, the engine on this one wouldn't be typical.

It would be a paired power-plant also known as the Daimler-Benz 606, and later 610.

Now, there would still only be two propellers, so technically, it would be a two-engine aircraft.

The fact that each propeller was powered by two power-plants, well...

Hitler didn't need to know this technological boring stuff, right?

The problem was, Heinkel wasn't the only smart man in the industry.

Messerschmitt has already launched his Me 261 Adolfine with the same engine solution.

Heinkel needed to hurry. But he couldn't.

The He.177, also known as the Greif

turned out to be the most technically complicated aircraft in the history of the German aircraft industry.

Its creators had to make a lot of unusual and difficult decisions.

They'd even taken out a heavy fire barrier behind the engine mount,

just to make the aircraft able to bomb from a flat dive.

It was a huge mistake, but, at the time, it passed unnoticed.

Of course, the blitzkrieg failed and turnedinto war of attrition.

Heinkel had finally found his luck

The Luftwaffe generals had realized, how much they needed a strategic bomber,

and he was the only one with a more or less a finished prototype.

Now, he was able to dictate his own rules on how a bomber should look.

The Luftwaffe could only agree and beg to give it to them as quickly as possible…

and Heinkel did, for a lot of money, of course.

The Greif made it to mass production, even with all the fire-safety,

because the Luftwaffe needed anything that could bomb British and Soviet cities and manufacturing.

But what could a thousand Greifs do againstmany thousands of American and British bombers? strategic

Those had already turned most of Germany into dust.

In his underground bunker in the final days of his life,

Hitler finally understood, why one needs a strategic bomber.

As for Heinkel… he was hastily syphoning his money off to Switzerland

and preparing a story on how he hated the nazis.

Get ready for the traditional last part of our show: Hotline!

Developers answering questions from the comments!


The first question was asked by a user called Meron Bridge:

"New jets any time soon? Great patch btw.

Oh and what I liked the most out of the neweffects is definitely the new water effects!"

Glad that you liked it, mate! As for the new jets — there will definitely be more.

Sooner or later we can't say, but there will be, that's for sure.

A player called Members Ship writes:

"Will we ever be able to make our own ammo belts?"

Yeah, 'cause that would totally not ruin the balance like, at all!

Also, we take a more historical approach here,and try to get each machine with exactly the ammo it actually used.

Black man says:

"Any possibility of more French tank's coming in the next patch?"

Hey there. This is totally possible, we're not done with the French ground forces in the slightest.

Keep your eyes peeled!

And the last, very serious message, was sent by a player called Cpt. SkyLynx:

"What happens when a Challenger challenges a Challenger to a challenge? Victory"

Well, we'd bet on mutual destruction and lots of casualties.

These challenges can be quite messy.

That's it for today but feel free to write your questions in the comments below.

We do read them all, and you might see some of them answered in the next episode!

If you like what we're doing, don't forget to subscribe to our channel!

See you on the Shooting Range!

For more infomation >> War Thunder: The Shooting Range | Episode 88 - Duration: 17:40.


FUNNY KIDS Videos Will Make You LAUGH - TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:39.

Thanks for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please, like, comment and subscribe for more!!

For more infomation >> FUNNY KIDS Videos Will Make You LAUGH - TRY NOT TO LAUGH CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:39.


Your Water Bottle Could Be Poisoning You - Duration: 5:30.

A new study led by a nonprofit journalism group found that more than 90% of several

top brands of bottled water were hugely contaminated with these tiny pieces of plastic particles

that can create lingering health problems for people.

So, no surprises, I looked at this story, I said, without even reading I said, "Let

me guess, Nestle is involved."

Yeah, well here's the point, what it is is little strips of plastic that you can't even


They do these tests with the process of a dye, and when you use the dye, you put it

under a special light, all of a sudden you do a count-

Lights up.

You do a particle count and the entire bottle is filled with these little pieces of plastic

that move through your system, and biologically it becomes part of your system, and some people

are able to deal with that, then others aren't.

You have people with Crohn's disease, you have people with irritable bowel syndrome

and they have all types of gastrointestinal problems, they can't deal with this quite

as well.

So, here's what I found incredible, Nestle, when the tested Nestle's Pure Life, they did

the test-

The name kind of jumps out at you, Pure Life, thank you Nestle.

Yeah, the name of it is Nestle's Pure Life, well let me tell you what, Nestle's Pure Life

had 10,390 particle per liter of plastic shards, or pieces of plastic in their drink.

To put that in perspective, San Pelegrino was in the opposite end of the spectrum.

Who was it?

San Pelegrino.

Okay, Italian company.

Yeah, with 74.

Not 7400, 74, and that Nestle had 10,000 and some change.

That puts it all in perspective.

Okay, so you need to know this.

You need know Nestle Pure Life, if you want a lot of plastic in your system, and if your

system will handle it.

The problem is if you have GI tract problems, this really isn't a good thing.

You could drink the water out of the tap.

Of course.

So, you could drink the water out of the tap and you think, "You know what?

I'm going to take care of my family.

I'm going to drink more pure water, I'm going to get something that's nice and clean.

There's going to be no contaminants in it."

And here you are feeding your kids or your loved ones, you're feeding them a bottle of

water, Pure Life, with 10,000 different particulates in it.

10,390 particles of plastic.

The name Pure Life, and you've spent money on it when you could've gotten it for free.

You want it because it's going to be better for you, right?

That's infuriating to me.

Okay, here's the real stinger here.

Okay, so Nestle finds out that the independent testing took place and that they found 10,390

shreds, or little particles of plastic in this drinking water called Nestle Pure Life.

Now, Nestle says, "Okay, we're going to do our own study."

I can't make it up.

What does Nestle say?

That they had no problems, it was biological pieces.

It was zero.

It was zero, they said, "We have zero."

In other words it was 10,000 versus zero.

We see this all the time practicing law, because right now I'm handling the Montsano RoundUp

case and there's cases of cancer all over the world.

I mean the cases of cancer, leukemia, blood cancers of all kinds, neurological issues,

birth defects.

You've got a name for the people that get hired by the industry.

Biostitutes, yeah.

They go out and hire biostitutes, and the biostitute is somebody you can hire at a university-

And they'll say anything for you.

Yeah, you pay them enough money, "Oh no-"

"Zero particulates in Nestle Pure Life."

Yeah, "RoundUp doesn't cause cancer."

Or, "No, we looked at this and there are zero particulates, Nestle is a clean company."

After the scientists that had zero interest in the outcome says there's 10,000.

Listen to this, Nestle has 10,390 plastic particles in their drinking water, per liter.

Now, the average per liter is, take a guess, right at 300.

If you take all of them, and as you point out, Pelegrino was 74.


And we did a story a while ago that Nestle was the one that was stealing the water out

of the California-

Stealing water.

So they're getting the water for free and they can't even make sure it's clean.

Well, tell them that story, people-

That was the water, they had some lease that they were extracting water out of one of the

national fjords.

Stealing water, they were stealing water.


And they had, I forget what the exact, but they had the ability per the lease to extract

a certain amount of gallons.

Right, right.

And it was this big.

But the lease was 50-

After 50 years of that it would've been expired and they'd been taking out water, they would

take out 7000% more-

Paying nothing.

Pay nothing, and it had no lease and anything else, and then come to find out that they

can't even make sure the water's clean.

So, while California is burning to the ground because they're having problems-

Drought issues.

Yeah, huge drought issues, you've got the company Nestle pumping water out of the aquifer

for free in the millions and millions of gallons, then they take that water and they put it

in a bottle.

Now, when they put it in the bottle it was 10,390 pieces of plastic in it.

And they ship it up to Michigan and sell it to them at an exorbitant rate because they

can't drink out of the taps.

Exactly, big upcharge for if you're in [inaudible 00:05:27]

Thanks Nestle, Pure Life.

You've got to love corporate America.

For more infomation >> Your Water Bottle Could Be Poisoning You - Duration: 5:30.


Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T FÉLINE Climate Control 2e Paasdag geopend - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 207 CC 1.6-16V T FÉLINE Climate Control 2e Paasdag geopend - Duration: 0:58.


Why WWE CANCELLED Fabulous Moolah Memorial Battle Royal From WrestleMania 34? | WWE Backstage Expose - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> Why WWE CANCELLED Fabulous Moolah Memorial Battle Royal From WrestleMania 34? | WWE Backstage Expose - Duration: 8:02.


God Changes X-Ray & Baffles Doctor! | Sandra Kennedy & Dr. Michael Brown - Duration: 28:31.


Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth.


Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural.

My guest is such an amazing teacher on healing.

Thousands have been healed listening to this woman.

But I have to tell you, some of the things that have happened to

her they can even stretch you.

For instance, she had supernatural plastic surgery.

Now, I know most of you women aren't interested in that and

some of you men even aren't.

But you know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, that was a funny line.

You should have laughed.

But if you thought that stretched you,

listen to this one.

She had a woman sit under her teaching that had an incurable


This woman got healed.

She went back to the doctor.

The doctor pulled the original x-ray that proved

she had this disease.

It was an incurable disease.

The power of God was so strong on her that it went on,

I don't know how this happened, it went on the original x-ray

and the x-ray shows there's no problem either.

I'm going to have this woman teach from our brand new

Supernatural Bible, and devil, your days are numbered.

Is there a supernatural dimension,

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of It's Supernatural.


Sid: Hello.

I'm here with my guest, Dr. Sandra Kennedy.

And Sandra, you see thousands of people healed.

What's your secret?

How do you get so many healed?

Sandra Kennedy: You know, just in all honesty it has to do with

simplicity of the Word, teaching the Word so simple and holding

on to one of my favorite scriptures,

which is, "Let God be true and let man be a liar."

Trusting the Word of the Lord, falling in love with Jesus,

making up my mind that if he said it he will do it and I can

trust him, and taking that Word, and breaking it down,

and teaching it to you, so that you end up believing and loving

the Lord, and you just take it.

Sid: You know what's so wonderful,

what she teaches not only works for thousands of other people,

it works for her.

Sandra Kennedy: Yes it does.

Sid: Tell me about the time your nice little dog bit off part of

your lip.

Sandra Kennedy: Yes, it bit off from right here to right here,

about a quarter, a nickel size of m lip.

And the doctor told me the upper lip could not regrow itself and

the bottom lip would.

But anyway, I go to the hospital,

they do surgery, they tell me I've got to have all these

surgeries again and I said, no, I'm never going to have another

surgery, and I said, because God is going to heal it.

Then of course, they wanted me to look at this book showing all

these cleft lips and how I would never be able to speak and never

be able to say anything.

Sid: I bet you drove the plastic surgeon nuts.

Sandra Kennedy: I absolutely did.

Sid: For saying you did not want this plastic surgery.

Sandra Kennedy: I did.

I drove him absolutely nuts.

And when I'd go in, he'd go to show me a book.

I wouldn't look at it.

I said, "No, I'm going to get pictures of me looking really

good with a big smile."

Because he said I'd never have a smile again.

Sid: And instead of mirrors, you wouldn't look in a mirror while

God was doing his miracle.

Sandra Kennedy: Yes.

I put a picture of me looking really good and a big smile,

you know.

And then I'd look in the mirror and I'd talk to it.

I'd said, "You hear me.

I command you in the name of Jesus,

you straighten yourself out," just like that.

Sid: Now after God healed you.

Sandra Kennedy: Yes.

Sid: You saw the plastic surgeon.

What did he say to you?

Sandra Kennedy: Listen, I saw him back then,

but I just recently, Sid, saw him.

After about 14 years, I saw him and he said to me,

"What have you done to your lip?"

And I said, "Nothing.

I've never had another thing done to it except what you did

14 years ago on the operating table,

and all you did was slice, cut out some of the bad spots and

pull it together, and tie together with cat gut.

But I've never had anything else done.

My God did this."

And he said, "He did a really good job."

Sid: Well in addition to plastic surgery,

tell me about someone that you taught this person that had an

incurable disease.

It was Crohn's disease.

Sandra Kennedy: Crohn's disease, yes.

Sid: What I want to know is it's wonderful that this woman was

healed of an incurable disease.

But explain to me what happened with the diagnostic x-rays that

proved she had Crohn's disease.

Sandra Kennedy: Well she took them and went to another state

to a specialist to try to get some,

took her old x-rays with her and went to another state to get

some input from them, I think to have surgery done or something.

Anyway, when she delivered her x-rays,

in the meantime, she took a Bible,

turned the Bible upside down on top of her x-rays and kept

believing the Word of God to go into those,

you know, it matters what you believe.

It truly matters what you believe.

It matters what you think.

And she put that Bible on top of those x-rays and by the time she

got to a specialist and he picked up the old x-rays,

they were perfect.

Nothing, ne could find nothing.

Sid: That's impossible.

You're telling me the x-rays changed?

Sandra Kennedy: I'm telling you.

Sid: That the original diagnostic x-ray,

I mean, I understand she was healed,

but you're stretching me.

Sandra Kennedy: I know.

I said the x-rays are healed.

Sid: Well I'm going to tell you, I don't think any of us have

comprehended how important the Word of God is.

It's living.

It's alive.

It's like taking Jesus into you.

And we have a brand new Bible.

It's the Supernatural Bible.

I have Dr. Sandra Kennedy's notes in here on healing.

I have a section on tongues that when you read that you will,

if you're praying an hour a day, you'll be praying two hours.

If you're not praying, you'll be praying in tongues.

It motivates you to pray in tongues.

I have the hidden meaning that the devil has hidden from us

about the blood of Jesus.

And what I so love is your notes.

I had Sandra pick out her favorite scriptures,

they're highlighted in the Bible with a great portion and then

she explains these notes.

And I have to tell you, all I know about healing,

my faith went zoom as I read it.

Any time I'm struggling with something,

I want to read your notes.

You told me when you wrote the notes,

what happened.

Sandra Kennedy: I mean, faith just arose in the room.

It was unbelievable.

Sid, it was fun, it was exciting,

it was like Jesus was right there in the room with us.

I mean, it was probably one of the most exciting things I've

ever done.

It just poured out of me as I would begin to do it.

It would just pour out stories.

It was thrilling.

Sid: Well we'll have Sandra back.

But in the next segment, I'm going to have

my friend Dr. Michael Brown.

And Dr. Brown was a rock musician, into drugs.

He finds Jesus.

He immediately goes to rabbis and starts telling them how

wonderful our Messiah is, and did he get

the shock of his life.

It totally changed his destiny.

Be right back.


We'll be right back to It's Supernatural.

We now return to It's Supernatural.


Sid: So my friend Dr. Michael Brown,

before he was a doctor, of course,

he's into drugs, he's into rock music,

he's a musician.

And you think his parents would be so happy,

his nice Jewish parents, that now he's off of drugs and he's

become as we Jews call a real mensch.

But they weren't happy because of Jesus.

Michael Brown: I mean, listen, they were thrilled that I was

off drugs.

But my dad sat me down and he said,

"Michael, it's good you're off drugs,

but we're Jews.

We don't believe in this."

So here, I'm saved in just a matter of weeks.

I'm shooting heroin, using LSD,

cocaine, stealing money from my own father,

just a decadent, wicked kid, 16 years old,

brand new believer.

Dad said, "Great, you're off drugs.

We're happy for you, but we're Jews.

You have to talk to the rabbi."

So within weeks, literally within weeks of me being born

again, I have my first appointment to meet the local

rabbi who's now going to begin to lovingly challenge me about

everything I believe.

You're talking about a brilliant guy,

just graduated from Jewish theological seminary,

studying Hebrew all his life.

He knows objections I don't even know exist and now I'm going to

get challenged.

So literally, right out of the spiritual womb I get challenged.

Sid: And one of the things he said to you is how well do you

speak Hebrew or understand Hebrew.

What did you say?

Michael Brown: Look, when I was Bar Mitzvahed I learned enough

Hebrew to chant a passage from the Torah,

the Prophets, but I didn't even know what I was reading.

I just chanted the Hebrew.

Sid: Me, too.

Michael Brown: So the little I remembered was just a few

letters, a few words.

So I said to him, "Look, I don't know Hebrew now,

but I can use it in concordance in the back of Strong's,

there's a dictionary i'll use that."

I said, in the meantime, I remember he said to me,

"Meantime, shmeen time, it doesn't mean a thing."

So once I started college, I thought,

okay, I got to learn Hebrew, but they were teaching modern


So I thought, all right, I get a textbook.

I taught myself biblical Hebrew, and then I thought,

you know, I could learn maybe some of the related languages

like Arabic, but you know, the New Testament is in Greek and

Latin is important, and the scholars write in German.

So I ended up in college studying six different languages

and then going on to NYU to do my Master's and Ph.D.

there and then learning the other ancient Semitic languages.

Look, I loved the study.

I enjoyed that.

But I was determined I don't want to have to rely on a


I don't want to have to rely on the commentary.

The rabbi says that.

I want to be able to think for myself and understand what the

text says.

Sid: The big question is, Mike, I know you.

I know that you have a healthy fear of God within you.

I know this.

Between you and me, has there anything been told to you by

rabbis with these 2000 years of study and knowing Hebrew well

that has rocked your faith?

Michael Brown: I'll be totally honest with you.

Sid: Yes.

Michael Brown: When I got hit with some of the objections in

the early days, okay, I knew that Jesus had changed my life,

but I also said these are serious questions.

I need to dig.

And I determined before God, I prayed with all my heart.

I said, "God, I'm going to follow you as a Jew and I'm

going to be loyal.

If Jesus is not the Messiah and I have to renounce him and lose

all my friends and say I'm wrong,

I'll do it.

But if everything I believe is true,

I don't care of the whole Jewish care rejects me,

I'm going to follow."

And I said, "God, you've just got to help me to know that I

know, that I know."

And Sid, the scriptures opened up to me like never before.

Words came jumping off the page.

I remember telling God, if Yeshua,

if Jesus is not the Messiah then you intentionally deceived me

because it could not be any more clear.

So it had the reverse effect from what the rabbis wanted.

The more I got challenged, the more I learned,

and I did it with an open heart.

I said, "God, I'm not just trying to come up

with a cheap answer."

When I look at some of the answers others had,

I thought, no, that's a cheap answer.

I don't like that.

And I would dig and I would wrestle,

and out of that, two or three times of really having my faith

rocked, I came so much clear in my understanding.

And I can say, shout it to the whole world to any rabbi,

any time, day or night, with all respect,

for a sincere man, Jesus, Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel.

If he's not the Messiah of Israel then the Hebrew

Scriptures are lying to us.

Sid: And guess what I've had Dr. Michael Brown do?

You will be fascinated with this.

We took the modern English version of the Bible and I had

him chain reference the most important predictions proving

Jesus is the Messiah from the Old and the New Covenant,

and then write a commentary.

And I'm going to tell you, he did something you've probably

never seen before.

He not only wrote it as to why Jesus is the Messiah,

but he wrote why the rabbis say he's not,

2000 years to prove this, and why the rabbis are wrong.

It will be one of the most intriguing studies and that

combined with the healing and the supernatural.

And then there are articles that I have written on the End Time

book to the church.

You know what that is?

Not Revelation.

Esther, on God's heart for the Jews and Israel,

on how to communicate the Gospel with Jewish people,

on the feasts and the cycle of the feasts,

and I'm not saying to do these things,

because you have to.

But God has a blessing in everything in this Bible,

and it's one of the freshest translations because even many

of the words that were originally from the Greek are

from the Hebrew now.

Like instead of Mary, how about "Miriam".

She sounds a little Jewish, Mike.

Now when we come back, I'm going to have Dr. Sandra Kennedy and

Dr. Michael Brown, and we're going to just be so free in the

Holy Spirit.

I believe people are going to be healed and I believe some of you

are going to fall madly in love with Jesus.

Be right back.


We'll be right back to It's Supernatural.

We now return to It's Supernatural.


Sid: I can't tell you how excited I am to finally have

this Bible.

In fact, Mike, you said to me that this,

tell me about when you did these notes for this Bible.

Michael Brown: For years, people have wanted me to take all these

volumes I've written, a lot for someone read,

take the highlights and put them in a Bible: Messianic

prophecies, why these point to Yeshua,

why the rabbis' objections are wrong.

And for years I've been asked.

For years I said I wanted to do it,

but you asked me I finally had grace,

in the midst of all the other writing projects,

I had this window and I felt God,

I felt like I was running this race and being carried along.

The notes just flowed.

So finally after decades we're able to put this stuff in the

Bible, literally for the first time.

Sid: The truth of the matter is that with this new Bible you are

going to have the revelation of what is so dear to God's heart

right now, so special to him at this moment because it says in

Romans 9, and I've just been dwelling on this,

Mike and Sandra, of the Jewish people,

of them is the Glory.

What is the next great move on Planet Earth?

The Glory.

And I believe the catalyst for the Glory will come from Jewish


There are millennials all over the world that are,

recognize that there is nothing worthwhile in this earth.

But once they hear the Good News,

once they understand Jeremiah 31:31,

which says, "There will be a New Covenant for you and the Word

will not just be on the outside, it will be on the inside of you

and you will know God for yourself,

not because someone preaches a good message.

You'll know God for yourself and all of your sins I won't just

cover as we did in the Old Covenant.

I will remember them no more."

That's in the Jewish Scriptures.

Mike, Isaiah 53, I don't think it's an accident that Isaiah 53

is the most graphic description in the Jewish Scriptures about


And Sandra, I don't think it's an accident,

but I believe the major foundation for healing is found

when you understand the Hebrew in Isaiah 53.

You did a Ph.D.

on that subject.

What does the Hebrew say about healing,

in the 53rd Chapter of Isaiah?

Michael Brown: This is the view of the prophets.

The whole man, holy healed.

By getting healed on the inside, we're healed on the outside.

They did not look at it just spiritual healing while Israel

dies and languishes in exile or just physical restoration

without the inside.

So where it says [Hebrew], "The cost of his wounds,

there is healing for us," it's inside,

it's outside.

That's the vision of the prophets.

By Jesus dying for our sins he thereby provides healing for the

whole man.

That's what's there.

It's a glorious text and it's one that we can never dive into

too deeply.

Sid: And Sandra, if I was to force you to comment on Isaiah

53 in healing, after that brilliant description,

what would you say?

Sandra Kennedy: I'd start off with Verse 1.

I'd say you've got to believe the report in order to see the

power of God.

You've got to believe the report of what Isaiah 53 said.

You have to believe that he is the Messiah.

You have to believe that he is the Coming One.

You have to believe that the Lord has done what he said he

would do and you have to understand that he really did

take for us, in our place.

In other words, he carried our sins.

He carried our grief.

He took, he bore them.

If he bore them and he carried them,

I don't need to be bearing anything nor carrying anything.

He took care of everything for me,

but I got to believe the report first.

I got to believe the report.

Sid: And the Messiah said, when the spirit left his body,

hanging on the tree for you, "It is finished."

Sandra Kennedy: Yes.

Sid: That means stop your stinking thinking and start

thinking like God.

According to Isaiah 53, from my Hebrew scholar and a scholar of

healing in the scriptures, by his stripes you were healed.


It is finished.


Sid: Next week on It's Supernatural.

Henry Gruver: Hi.

I'm Henry Gruver.

Recently, God gave to me a vision of the coming Glory that

is about to visit on this earth.

Would you join me in It's Supernatural?

I will be sharing with you keys and understanding about the

coming Glory.

God bless you.

Your gifts to this ministry will help Sid air It's Supernatural

in Israel 28 times a week and distribute his evangelistic book

to the Jewish people worldwide.

For more infomation >> God Changes X-Ray & Baffles Doctor! | Sandra Kennedy & Dr. Michael Brown - Duration: 28:31.


How to Hit Golf Balls on the Range - Duration: 11:13.

So today, I get a lot of questions about my practice routine, what I do, and also

the alignment stick that you see in a lot of my videos

So I'm just going to go over my typical range session, I guess

What I do everyday when I'm practicing and while I'm working on stuff

So umm we'll just start from the beginning!

So first off, this is an alignment stick

I have two of them

And what this is for is just for your alignment

When you're practicing on stuff you want to make sure you're hitting the same target every time

Because if you're a little open or a little closed that could affect your swing path, and then your shot shape

Then you might be working on the wrong thing

So it's good to know that you're lined up at the same spot every single time and you don't have to worry about it

So what I do, right now I'm going at the white flag

So I set one stick down, I come behind it

I close one eye

And I align the inside of this stick to the inside of this stick

So this is for my feet

And it should be about this far left of your target

I move it a little further left because I personally like a fade

So that's just what I do

But you obviously want to line it up

You can go to any stick anywhere as long as you know you're lined up at the same spot

So the first thing I do is I grab my 54

You can grab any one of your wedges

I just like to warm up with this one

And since I'm not loose I like to hit like chip shots to try to find the center of the club face

Then I'll work into bigger shots

And when you're hitting, don't worry about how you're hitting it right now

You're just getting warmed up and loose, so you know if you miss it a couple don't worry about it

So right now I'm just focusing on my rhythm, my tempo

And just honestly trying to hit it solid

I don't like to come out and hit full shots right away

Just because

It's hard on your body, I like to warm up a little bit, you can stretch before

So I'll hit about

Honestly I just hit until I feel comfortable

I don't have like a set number that I need to hit for the day

So I'll start with chips and I'll work up a little bigger

Just working on tempo

Feeling my swing

My rhythm

And obviously I'm not pure-ing them right now

I'm just trying to warm up

Find impact

And then once I feel comfortable with that I'll move a little bit bigger

into a full swing

These are going to be probably like 50% swing speed

compared to what I hit around like 85%, 90% sometimes

They're just slow and just to get loosened up and feel that timing of the club falling through impact

Okay, so once I feel comfortable with that

Umm also I'm kind of shortening it up right now so it's not like my normal routine

It's not like hours and hours of video of me hitting

So I'm just going to hit a couple shots of each and what I'm kind of thinking about and working on

One thing that's different

is like when I'm practicing normally I always come in with one or two either swing thoughts I want to work on

So if I come in thinking I want to work on my takeaway umm I'm just really going to focus in on that

and not really work through my bag

I'll probably just hit you know 7 irons and just really work on stuff

That's where the alignment stick comes in to play

If I want to work on alignment then I won't put that down and I'll kind of go through my routine

If I'm getting ready for a big event and I want to kind of feel what it's like out on the golf course

I'll go through my entire bag, I'll go through my routine on every one

So each day I kind of come in with a different focus and that's going to determine how I practice

But today I'll kind of teach this as, or... go through this as its just like a normal practice

Which I'll kind of go through as I'm working on something and as if I'm working on playing

Next I go to my 9 iron

When I work through my bag I usually go 54, 9, 7, 5 iron, 3 wood, driver, and back to a hybrid

If I'm warming up before a big event, I do that same thing every time too

That's just... I don't know why! There's no rhyme or reason to it, that's just what I've always done and I just stick to it

So if I'm going to play an event I'm not going to work on my swing

I'm just going to work on tempo and rhythm

But if I am going to work on my swing, if I'm on the range the biggest thing I work on is my takeaway

I come out and inside and I kind of cross a little bit at the top, so I always work on... and I get pretty handsey too

I kind of cock my wrists pretty fast so I make sure I work on just keeping everything together

And I'm not having any extra movement

And so umm

When I'm practicing to work on something you'll see me do a lot of practice backswings to really make sure

I'm in the right positions

Then when I hit it, I'm not worried about how I'm hitting it

It's really hard to make a correction and also hit the ball really well

So when I'm out here I'm just really trying to make sure I'm doing the correct technique

And then the ball flight and impact will come once I feel more comfortable with the backswing

And again, If I'm playing or if I'm going to go out on the golf course, or if I have an event and I'm getting ready for it

I do not work on technique at all

In find one or two swing thoughts that are more feel based

So for me I drop my head and get really

I have a lot of movement

So one thing I think of is I always keep my head up and still

Another thing is temp because I get really fast and quick when I'm nervous

So those are the two things that I think of while I'm warming up and while I'm out on the golf course

So if I'm working on something I will spend


As many hours as I need until I feel comfortable with the swing change

So it could be one hour or it could be 5 hours

It just depends on when, if I feel like I've made progress

If I feel out a couple of things and I feel like I'm good I'll move on to a different club

But that's what I work on during a swing change

And I'll usually just keep with the same club too

Umm so I'll usually just hit 9 irons or 7 irons all day long until it felt good

And then umm

If I'm getting ready for an event I just hit until I feel good, so I don't have like a set time

So if I feel good after a coupe swings I'll work through my bag really fast

If I feel like I'm struggling with tempo then it takes me a bit longer

So every day is different, don't go in thinking that you have to stick to the same thing every single day

The best thing is actually to mix it up and to work on things that you want to work on and umm

really work on your weaknesses too

I always like to tell people to not spend that much time on the range, obviously we're doing a range video today

So that's all I'm talking about now

But if you want my honest opinion on how to really improve your game

Don't spend really any time on the range

Work on things here and there, but you don't really need to hit more than an hour

Spend all your time on short game, and I'll do another video on how I practice my short game

and the drills, and the putting drills I do as well

Okay, so umm that's a bit of what I do when I'm out on the range

I will for the next couple of videos I'll do one for short game, and putting, maybe wedges

And I also get a lot of requests for how to work the ball left and right, draws and fades

So umm

My goal is to put more videos out umm

Do more fitness, golf, lifestyle, everything just to show you a little more of my life

Keep on watching throughout the year because I'll be posting more, I promise!

And hope you liked this video!

For more infomation >> How to Hit Golf Balls on the Range - Duration: 11:13.


Eric Bolling: Not a lot of pro-Trump people at Fox News - Duration: 10:34.

For more infomation >> Eric Bolling: Not a lot of pro-Trump people at Fox News - Duration: 10:34.


Understand WHY 3D prints WARP - Simple explanation with experiment! - Duration: 1:38.

During FDM 3D printing a part is built by extruding molten plastic layer by layer until

you have a finished structure.

Especially when working with higher temperature plastics, warping can become an issue.

Warping is the phenomenon, that your print deforms due to internal stresses, releasing

from the building platform and therefore ruining your part.

But what's the reason for warping?

Let me demonstrate you this effect with a simple experiment.

We all know that materials usually contract when they cool down.

Our 3D printing materials are mostly extruded at over 200°C and then cool down and solidify

which makes some shrink quite a bit.

A piece of tape represents a layer that is printed.

I simulate the material shrinkage by pre-stretching it and then sticking it to the table.

Every subsequent layer will now pull on the lower layers.

At some point the connection to the table is not good enough anymore and our simulated

3D printed part releases from the table and warps.

There you have it!

This is why 3D prints warp.

How you can prevent this problem is a topic for another video.

Give this experiment a try yourself and share the video with everyone for whom this might

be interesting.

Leave a like if you learnt something, consider supporting me on Patreon and take a look at

my other videos.

Thank you for watching, auf wiedersehen and until next time!

For more infomation >> Understand WHY 3D prints WARP - Simple explanation with experiment! - Duration: 1:38.


Trump's Opioid Plan Is WAY Too Little, Too Late - Duration: 4:59.

President Trump outlines this administration's plan to tackle the opioid crisis this week.

It's a plan that many critics are saying can be little too late.

Let's talk about what the plan is.

At the top of the plan, to me, I thought was so interesting Peter was he's going to execute.

We're going to start executing drug pushers.

What's not clear to me, if you really want to execute the right ones, it's got to be

the ones on Wall Street that pushed all these opioids out into the community.

That's the same thought I had.

Are we just defining pushers on the street corners?

Are we going to go up the corporate ladders?

Is it going to be by firing squad?

Are we going to shock them?

It's got some good components in it.

There are some good components.

What makes it severe [crosstalk 00:00:48].

Why does he say that?

The executions are just a little much.

It's this sweeping statement that we see all the time.

We're going to build the wall.

We're going to build the bigger nuclear.

It's the same kind of thing, we're going to execute the drug dealers.

Here's the story though that really should rise out of that.

Who are the drug dealers?

The drug dealers are not the cats on the street corner selling baggies of marijuana.

The drug dealers are up on Wall Street.

McKesson's CEO made $126 million in 2017.

That was his pay.

That's his pay, $126 million.

I could make a pretty good argument that he's the drug dealer.

He's the drug dealer.

He's the drug dealer.

He's making millions.

How about Cardinal?

Cardinal is another distributor.

We call him a drug distributor.

On the street they call him a drug dealer.

Since they're dressed up, and they look like business men, and they have MBAs, and they

went to college, we have to say, "No, they're drug distributors."

No, they're drug dealers.

Cardinal, Amerisource and McKesson, those are the three biggest.

They own 85% of the drug addiction problem in this country.

Now when he said, "I'm going to execute drug dealers," that's who he should be talking


If he's going to do that, I'm fine with it.

How he does it is up to him, but I'm fine with the execution of these particular drug

dealers because I got to tell you something, it's going to happen again.

Yesterday, for example, you and I met with the attorney generals from all over the United


Some of these attorney generals actually believe they can settle this without doing anything

by way of trying a case, which is impossible.

The only way these people react is to punish them.

That means take their money.

I got to tell you something.

I like Trump's idea.

Let's go ahead and execute the ones, and they won't do it again.

If the goal was to get attention, I think that works.

I think we could get some realistic attention by let's start getting some documents in some

of the congressional hearings.

Let's start looking.

Tell the people what the DEA did just this week.

Tell them about this ridiculous move that they made.

This is my favorite part.

You've got all these plans coming out.

This is DEA.

This is the federal government, it's the DEA.

Of all these federal plans coming out, with all of this let's fix the opioid crisis, and

here we have the DEA in federal court in Cleveland, which is where all the cases have been consolidated.

The DEA has this opportunity.

They keep track of every single pill that starts with the manufacturer and ends up on

the street.

They keep track of every single pill, and the court has given them the opportunity to

give us the roadmap, the DEA.

Instead of giving us the roadmap, instead of saying, "Here's where the problem areas

are," which they can clearly do.

Where are the pharmacies or the pill mills that are the problem?

The DEA is carrying water for big pharma making the objections like trade secrets, and these

are our business secrets.

We can't tell you where we sell.

On one hand, we have all this plan from President Trump.

On the other hand, the DEA is refusing to produce the roadmap.

Who is by the way answerable to the Attorney General of the United States.

Then we have Trump saying we're going to execute them, but here they have the chance to give

us the data.

They could give us the data.

We'd know exactly who the drug dealers are.

They have the data.

They refuse to give the data of the white collar thugs on Wall Street who are the people

who Trump should be talking about executing.

Then bring those CEOs in front of Congress and have them answer some questions with the

data that the DEA has, but instead they won't produce it.


Here's the real point.

Sessions, all his goofy talk about he's going to do this.

He could do something tomorrow.

He could do a perp walk tomorrow.

There is so much information that allows him to do that, but the guy, it's just the same


The guy with the briefcase, he's the real threat.

He's the bigger threat than the guy with the gun, I can tell you that.

In America today, that's the case.

For more infomation >> Trump's Opioid Plan Is WAY Too Little, Too Late - Duration: 4:59.


ONE YEAR ON YOUTUBE! - Duration: 4:37.

You what's up guys

How's everyone doing today welcome back to the channel if you guys knew it then make sure to subscribe so you guys never miss out?

on our video


If yours already follow me on my social medias when they all done by there make sure you guys how many on there to see?

some balancing stuff

Which you guys never be able to see in these videos there you go as you can tell I'm actually sitting down

Now the reason for that is because it's like a thank you video

It's day because I've been on YouTube like a whole year

So I thought well I'll just sit down because no majority of my videos have been in this background here

So I thought today I would bring out bring out the background that literally makes no sense also guys

I do want to give like some quick updates of what is actually happening on the channel so make sure you guys stick around

but guys just a POI start this week's quad shower goes to Lily so thank you so much Lenny for me in the squad your

Support is absolutely insane

It really does help on the channel

So thank you for being the squad if you guys own me in the squad then all you have to do is tell my personal

implications and then comment down below

Turn with us on the squad and also if you guys do anything me doing this video

Then make sure to drop a like ba guys without further ado let's get on with a video

So just then whenever I said I've been on YouTube for one year

I pretty much mean on this channel like I've been on YouTube on loads of other channels like for years now since like about

2011 so I've been doing this for quite a while and the reason why I want to thank you guys for everything

Over the past year is because this channel right now has been my most successful channel like ever in the past year

I've got more subs than all my other combined channels

Which is really crazy to think about so guys if anyone can actually remember?

Around this time last year in March like towards the end of March. I started building videos now

I remember it because in my first two weeks of our Odin videos we got 100 subscribers now

I on my all channels, I still haven't even hit 100 subscribers on some of the accounts, but on this channel

We got it in the first two weeks, so the way I actually remember

this is because I would always upload two videos a week now my fourth video was actually my 100 subscriber special so

Yeah in two weeks. I got 100 subscribers and have some of my old channels

They still have even got 100 subscribers so yet a hundred subscribers in two weeks that is actually

Mind-blowing and now we're on almost 2000. We are so close to it. We're on

1918 I think I'm recording this video

Thank you guys. By the way you're supposed been actually insane this past year

So I want to thank every single one of you

Who has subscribed and commented and liked like the video and stuff like that now?

I'm not going to be like shouting out everyone in this video now in the ones that was in subscribers special

Which I recorded. I like literally went through like every single comment and any nice comment

I screenshot it and I put it towards the end of the video now

I would be doing it in this video

But because we are really close to 2000 whenever we getting the to thousands of surprises

I mean

we've put in every single one of you guys you guys commented something nice on the channel in that video so

It's have anything nice to say then put it in the comments below

And then you guys for in India in the 2000 subscribers special video

So if he doesn't actually know I do a dare set every single time which I hit a milestone

So where we got 100 subscribers I did it for that whenever we got 1000 subscribers

I did it for that and then now because we're getting really close to 2000

I'm gonna do another tss video for you guys now you guys love those videos

I've put so much effort into him now in those videos

I try and make him like better every single time now in the hundred subscribers

I tried my very best that was on my favorite video for ages, and then it was 7000 subscribers

And I can't actually wait to record and edit the 2000 subscribers special. I'm gonna try and make my best ever video

We are getting really close to it like I keep saying, but I am really excited and what's happened to my voice

Yeah, I think you guys can tell

I'm still quite ill because that's the first thing which one of the sink was anyone who's like the video or

Commented something nice, then you will be in the 2000 subscribers special video

So if you must have anything nice to say once again make sure to go and drop a bike

And comment something nice

and then I'll give you guys a shout out and the 2000 subscriber special and also guys the second thing is I just honestly a


Huge shout out to anyone who?

has subscribed and who's been watching my videos over the past year like you guys are seeing the same and

You've really helped out on the channel like anything, which you guys have done like follow me on Twitter or like snapchat or Instagram retire

Anything like to do with me

Which you guys have done for me like some people you shout me out on like your snapchats and stuff which is

Amazing, so thank you to anywhere actually does that yeah, that was just a quick video to say

Thank you to all you guys. I'll see you all next week. What a new video

Do you have anything to make sure subscribe and also go out and drop a like yeah? I guess I'll watch it

I'll see you all next week good

Thank you guys all for watching make sure you guys go and check out my social media

You guys can click here for the latest video and subscribe to join the squad

For more infomation >> ONE YEAR ON YOUTUBE! - Duration: 4:37.


Fidget spinners are bad decision-makers... - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Fidget spinners are bad decision-makers... - Duration: 2:49.


Irelia Rework Montage #4 - Irelia 200 IQ | League of Legends - Duration: 10:03.

Irelia Rework Montage #4 - Irelia 200 IQ | League of Legends

For more infomation >> Irelia Rework Montage #4 - Irelia 200 IQ | League of Legends - Duration: 10:03.


Devotion System Overview - Duration: 6:33.

Hey ladies Amy North here for those of you who don't know me I'm a relationship

coach from Vancouver and I work with women to help them find and lock down

the love they want and deserve in a today's video I want to share with you

some secrets for doing just that see after years of working one-on-one

with women I realized that most females face the same frustrating issues and

have the same questions when it comes to romance this got me thinking wouldn't it

be great if there was a one-stop shop for all the answers and solutions we

need and want when it comes to love and thus the devotion system was born so

what is the devotion system well simply put it's a program I've developed to

pass along my best tips and tricks in a smooth easy way a complete guide to

owning your love life through a series of foolproof steps and since releasing

it last year I've been able to reach countless women all around the globe

some of them we'll talk about a bit more soon first though let me tell you a bit

about what's covered in the program because I know that shuffling through a

heavy duty program can be overwhelming and exhausting I figured the best way to

help you all achieve success was by breaking the program down into three

simple sections each with their own focus and purpose for example in part

one of the devotion system we start with building the foundation for finding love

maintaining a healthy happy relationship believe it or not that foundation is all

about you your feelings perceptions works here you'll learn about my past

system a process that will make you ready for love I also share powerful

secrets for becoming a dream woman teach you how to get what you want in a

relationship and reveal what stands between you and

Prince Charming you'll learn all the tools you need to prepare yourself for

fine in your future lover next in part two we take an in-depth look at the

other sex that's right you dig deep and discover how men work what they really

want what scares them and why they pull away and we tackle the other end of the

spectrum too and cover how to make men chase you how to hook and seduce them

and explore the subconscious signals they send in fact did you know that

there are at least 15 different types of men well you'll learn all about them

here as well as the ones to avoid the sad truth is that most women haven't the

faintest idea how the male brain actually works since the goal is to stir

up the types of emotions that'll make them feel a deep desire for you it's

important that you communicate with him in a way that he'll actually understand

and respond to you after all men and women communicate and process emotions

extremely differently than one another so knowing how to get through to him on

this emotional level is crucial by the end of this section you'll know exactly

how to read a man's mind and will be able to tell what he's thinking just by

reading his body language you can imagine how helpful this is for winning

him over lastly in part three of the devotion

system we pull it all together by this point you'll be ready for love know what

to look for in a man and the types to avoid so this section gets you game

ready from first date adequate and what to text him to when to sleep with a man

how to turn him on and his sexual hotspots this section gives you

everything you need to know to not only nail it in the early days but also to

keep him happily committed and monogamous and do it to do as well if he

starts to pull away or loses interest a fan favorite in this section you'll

learn what I call the cat string concept which is a secret trick to not only make

men chase you but to keep them coming back for more and more this may sound

like a lot to promise in just one program but truthfully what I just

talked about only scrapes the surface once you master the program you won't

have to worry about dealing with duds or the spark burning out just as quickly as

it ignited because you'll be a relationship Queen sure maybe you'll

date around for a bit before finding that one you want to keep for life but

when you use these secrets and tips on a man you'll have them hooked on you so

who is this program for well truthfully every and any woman meaning singles and

taken ladies alike it doesn't matter if you've had your heart shattered into a

million pieces in the past or if you've been the one breaking hearts the

devotion system will give you the tools you need to find and create deeper more

meaningful connections with these tools you can do what you please but a word to

the warning do not take them lightly because when used on a man you'll have

them desperate to be yours for the long run in fact these tools will even work

on your cold distant partner or spouse and on the man who dumped you why

because they're based on psychological tricks that'll make them feel so

strongly drawn and connected to you that he'll swear to do and be better

and to never leave your side for as long as you live don't believe me well here

what woman who have tried the program have to say take for example Jessica she

contacted me after signing up for the devotion system and said that when she

gave a few of my texting techniques a try and adopted what I call the love

buzz mindset her entire reality changed see Jess had met an amazing guy about a

year prior but back then he wouldn't give her the time of day he said he

wasn't looking for a relationship and ignored her messages but when she tried

some of the secrets I share in the program he began calling her and texting

her out of the blue asking her out on dates she admitted that she was a bit

skeptical at first but now it's over a year later and the two of them are

happily in love or another client of mine named Alice left me a voicemail a

few months ago on it she said that after being divorced for years and in her late

40s she was sure that the best of her dating days had gone by

she was depressed and felt like she'd never find love again then she

discovered the devotion system feeling as though she had nothing to lose and

everything to gain she signed up and before she knew it everything changed

Alice said that gone are the days of feeling insecure and unworthy and now

she connects with men with confidence and they're lining up to meet her so now

I have a question for you are you ready to make men around you flirt with you

and pursue you are you ready to find yourself a man that is the complete

package and have them fighting to be with you and are you ready to have them

commit and open himself up to you in ways that you never thought possible

since you're still here I'm going to assume the answer is yes the next step

now is to visit my site and watch the free full length video presentation on

the devotion system the URL is coach NORTHCOM and I'll be sure to post a link

in the description below in the meantime if you have any questions about the

program feel free to post those in the comments and I'll do my best to get back

to you as soon as possible this could be the key to unlocking the romance you've

been searching for so don't wait any longer


For more infomation >> Devotion System Overview - Duration: 6:33.


Little Girl Thinks Bride Is Real-Life Princess. What She Does Next Will Melt Your Heart - Duration: 3:11.

Little Girl Thinks Bride Is Real-Life Princess.

What She Does Next Will Melt Your Heart

Many little girls dream of being a princess one day, or at least of meeting one.

Childhood is full of fairy tales with beautiful princesses and the princes who come to sweep

them off their feet.

We see princesses in Disney stories like Cinderella, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White.

We read about them in books like "The Princess and the Pea."

And we even see real-life princess stories like that of Prince William and Kate Middleton

and dream that one day that might be us.

But while most of us will never actually become a princess or meet one in real life, this

2-year-old did (or, at least, someone she thought was a princess)!

Shandace and Scott Robertson had just gotten married in Seattle and were walking around

the Ballard neighborhood taking pictures when a little girl spotted the beautiful bride.

"This young mother and her young child happened to be walking by, and my wife and this little

girl caught each others' gaze, smiled, and started interacting," Scott said.

"My wife loves kids, so she saw this cute little girl, and this cute little girl saw

my beautiful wife."

It turns out that this little girl's favorite book is "The Woman in White" by Wilkie


While it's not actually a children's book, the cover features a woman in a long white

gown whom the little girl has always thought was a princess, so she carries it around with

her everywhere.

When she spotted Shandace in her long, white wedding gown, she thought it was the princess

from her book come to life.

"She showed me the book and was like, 'Look, there she is!'" her mom said.

They talked about how the bride was probably the "Princess of Ballard" and the little

girl stared at Shandace in awe until she walked over and said hi.

The girl showed Shandance the book that featured "her" on the cover, and Shandance gave

the adorable toddler a rose from her bouquet and then asked if they could take some pictures


"She was very sweet and wanted to take some pictures with [my daughter], so we did that,"

the little girl's mom said.

She added that she felt bad because her daughter was a little muddy, but Shandace didn't

seem to mind.

After they got home, the girl's family printed some photos for her birthday, including one

of her with the "Princess of Ballard."

Her mom says she still believes she saw a princess that day, and she's always on the

lookout for her when they are in the Ballard neighborhood.

"She'll walk up to [the photo] and be like, 'There's the Princess of Ballard!'"

her mom said.

"And every time we go to Ballard, we expect to see the princess."

While meeting Shandace was one of the highlights of this little girl's life, it was incredibly

special and meaningful to the couple as well.

"It was a really special moment," Scott said later.

"It was the cherry on top of the perfect day."

Were you touched by the way this sweet bride went out of her way to make this little girl's


So share this!

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For more infomation >> Little Girl Thinks Bride Is Real-Life Princess. What She Does Next Will Melt Your Heart - Duration: 3:11.


Instructions - Duration: 5:16.

Hi guys! Hayden here. Today I want to talk about internal belief systems, or the set

of beliefs we have that guide how we live life. In many ways I like to think

of them as "instructions", because that's kind of what they are. They guide how we

behave, how we relate to other people, how we manage money, what we think is even

possible. And even though they're the bedrock in a lot of ways of how we go

about creating our lives, very rarely do we fully understand or

even recognize the beliefs or the instructions that we have. This is partly

because they are subconscious most often, meaning that they're affecting you

without you actively noticing it, and the other part is because you didn't have a

say in creating a lot of the instructions that you now have. Most of

them were given to you as you grew up, by your parents, by your community, by your

friends. Through our interactions with them, we were taught how to behave, how to

think, what's acceptable, what's not acceptable.

Sometimes these instructions can work to benefit us in terms of serving others or

maybe what we think about ourselves, but most often they actually inhibit our

ability to express ourselves and become who we actually are. If you were made, for

example, as a child to believe that your creative expression, we'll say you like

singing, was not a good thing, you were told that you didn't have a whole lot of

talent and you were told that singers don't make a whole lot of money growing

up, you are probably not going to actually pursue singing even if you like

it because you "don't have the talent" and because you're not gonna be able to

support yourself in that way. Or if growing up you watched your parents

struggle and stress over money and financial issues, your instructions are

gonna tell you that money is hard to come by and money causes stress and pain

and anxiety, which is gonna make it harder for you to make money and support

yourself as an adult. There's a million different ways that these

instructions can show up in the life that you're now leading, but ultimately

whether they serve you or inhibit you, they have been a fundamental

component in creating the life that you now lead. And if the life that you now

lead is not the life that you ultimately want, we need to become aware of what

these instructions are. Because awareness of these instructions brings the option

of choice. If you're unaware of the instructions you're following, you are

going to continue to blindly follow them. You're gonna create more of the life

that you've had up until this point. The more that we recognize and articulate

these instructions and bring them into the light so to speak, the more power we

have, the more choice that we have in asking "Do I actually want to keep this

as part of my belief system? As part of my set of instructions?" If yes, that's

awesome but if not, we can say this no longer serves me and I'm going to choose

a different set of instructions to approach this situation and approach my

life. I'm gonna choose a different reaction to this situation, I'm gonna

choose to show up as a different person. This choice is what brings about the

change that you're ultimately looking for. So the question then becomes how do

we do that? My first suggestion when I get

asked this question is to start journaling, start writing. A lot of people haven't

done that and are a little leery in doing that, but once you start to do it

and understand the advantages and effects of it, it's easier to turn into

a habit. Because when you think about it these instructions, these beliefs that

we hold don't show up all at once, they don't just appear. They very subtly

influence the way that we act, that we behave, the thoughts that we have. So in

order to actually understand what's driving those things, we have to do a

little bit of detective detective work. We have to start to understand what are

the patterns behind these things and writing it down is one of the best ways

to do it because then we have an actual physical copy, a physical record, that we

can start to compare and contrast, look for patterns and say what's driving this

pattern? What's behind this pattern? And start to actually get at those

subconscious beliefs and those instructions. Alternatively, we can do

personality assessments like Meyers-Briggs or Enneagram. We can start to

ask other people in our lives for feedback on how we relate to other

people, how we act how, we behave, to try and start to put together a sense of

what are these patterns and what are the the actual instructions. The bottom line,

and however you do it, the more clarity and insight that you can have on these

instructions, the more you're able to choose something else, and ultimately

create the life that you want. So my question for you is: "What impact have

these instructions (your instructions) had in your life? What are some things you've

done to become more aware and more conscious of these instructions? And do

you have any advice for others looking to do the same?" Looking forward to

reading your answers in the comments below. Thanks guys.

For more infomation >> Instructions - Duration: 5:16.


Most Stunning Rare Home in Oakhurst with 4 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms - Duration: 6:19.

Most Stunning Rare Home in Oakhurst with 4 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms

For more infomation >> Most Stunning Rare Home in Oakhurst with 4 Bedrooms and 3 Bathrooms - Duration: 6:19.


9 Proofs How To Increase Brain Power And Memory - Remedies One - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> 9 Proofs How To Increase Brain Power And Memory - Remedies One - Duration: 4:55.


ZX105 B (99.1 m2) - A Compact House in A Modern Style | Perfect Small House Design - Duration: 2:26.

ZX105 B (99.1 m2) - A Compact House in A Modern Style

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