Sunday, March 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 25 2018

Intermittent fasting may not be a term new for you, because this diet pattern

has become popular in recent years. due to its health benefits.

One of these benefits is prevention of diseases linked to the brain.

Diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, although they have not yet been cured, they may

be prevented by fasting.

This statement was made by many experts, among them Dr.

Mark Mattson, chief of the Neuroscience Laboratory of the National Institute of Aging.


Mark also teaches at Johns University Hopkins and has already received numerous awards

for their brain-related research and neurological disorders.

In one of his lectures, Mark questions our standard diet, which consists of eating three

or more times a day.

According to him, eating often does not is something healthy and there is at least a decade

supporting this idea.

One of these studies, done with animals, showed that the caloric restriction increases the expectation

life and slows the onset of diseases chronic diseases linked to aging.

The study also points out that the improves metabolic rate and stress

oxidative, increases insulin sensitivity and alters the functions of the neuroendocrine system

and the sympathetic nervous system.

In short, fasting has the ability to improve brain function.

Mark also states that activities that challenge our brains, including intermittent fasting

and vigorous physical exercise are challenges cognitive.

These activities promote the growth of neurons and the formation and

of synapses.

As if that were not enough, he also believes that intermittent fasting improves the ability

of nerve cells repair the DNA.


Mattson also says that the habit of eating three times a day is relatively new,

and the history of evolution of our species demonstrates this.

He believes that today there are a lot of pressure to eat three meals at the

day, and this type of incentive may have large companies.

But before you begin a radical change in eating habits, it is important to emphasize

that this change should not be abrupt.

As most people are already accustomed to with a frequency for feeding, a

good way to get the benefits of fasting intermittent would be with a diet with periods

of calorie restriction.

This pattern of diet has become popular with the name of Diet 5: 2, and consists in restricting

calorie consumption for 2 days of the week (non-consecutive), and eat the recommended calories

for you on the remaining days.

The suggested calorie restriction is 500 calories for women and 600 calories for


See in the description of this video more information on this diet, fasting and videos of others

experts advocating the practice of fasting intermittent.

And you, already did or intend to fast intermittent?

What were the biggest benefits you realized?

For more infomation >> UAU! Isso é o Que o Jejum Intermitente Faz No Seu Cérebro - Duration: 3:59.


Colombia: Primera Competencia de Barista Kids en Bogota, Colombia - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Colombia: Primera Competencia de Barista Kids en Bogota, Colombia - Duration: 3:28.


The R´E Band - Amor, Amor (En Vivo) - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> The R´E Band - Amor, Amor (En Vivo) - Duration: 3:20.


Alivia las uñas quebradizas con estos 5 remedios caseros - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Alivia las uñas quebradizas con estos 5 remedios caseros - Duration: 7:35.


Así fue el emotivo discurso de Javier Calvo en los Premios Feroz - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Así fue el emotivo discurso de Javier Calvo en los Premios Feroz - Duration: 2:24.


Juan Gabriel - CONCIERTO "20 AÑOS" 2DA parte (Con El Mariachi Arriba Juárez) - Juangabrielisimo 1991 - Duration: 34:08.

For more infomation >> Juan Gabriel - CONCIERTO "20 AÑOS" 2DA parte (Con El Mariachi Arriba Juárez) - Juangabrielisimo 1991 - Duration: 34:08.


"A través de tus ojos" by Abel Zaborowski- DALE UN LIKE SI TE GUSTA! - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> "A través de tus ojos" by Abel Zaborowski- DALE UN LIKE SI TE GUSTA! - Duration: 2:35.


Astrologie égyptienne : Voici ce que révèle votre signe astrologique sur votre personnalité -AZ NEWS - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> Astrologie égyptienne : Voici ce que révèle votre signe astrologique sur votre personnalité -AZ NEWS - Duration: 7:47.


Watch "No One" New Release

For more infomation >> Watch "No One" New Release


Liberals "March For Life" In DC, But People Are Talking About What They Left Behind - Duration: 3:54.

Liberals "March For Life" In DC, But People Are Talking About What They Left Behind.

Thousands of liberals marched in D.C., demanding an end to the Second Amendment.

But what they left behind in our nation's capital tells you everything you need to know

about these "heroes."

We may never understand why liberals hate the Constitution.

It seems they love going after every freedom protected by the Bill of Rights.

They hate Christians and religious freedom.

Freedom of speech is controlled through "hate speech."

And, of course, they want such severe gun control that no law-abiding citizen will ever

exercise their Second Amendment right.

Whenever gun violence occurs, liberals jump on the gun control bandwagon.

This weekend, many of them showed up to Washington D.C. to protest for more gun control.

These entitled, arrogant elitists marched through our nation's capital, waving signs

and demanding change.

Their pithy poster boards spewed obnoxious messages, trashing Americans and our leaders.

How brave.

How noble.

But once the cameras were turned off and the media attention died down, the marchers did

something different.

I guess they decided that their signs were no longer important.

So, they left them there.

In the middle of the streets.

These "social justice warriors" littered D.C. with their poster boards and other garbage.

I guess fighting to "protect children" doesn't extend to keeping their streets


Let's deconstruction this, shall we?

Liberals claim to be the responsible ones in our society.

More responsible, they say, than patriotic Americans who safely own guns.

They even march in D.C., showing off how responsible they are, when they ask our government to

rob us of freedom.

But how do they show their "responsibility" when the event is over?

They dump their garbage all over the city!

Here's a tip leftists: if you really cared about this country, you'd pick up after


Nothing says "I hate America," quite like littering the nation's capital with your

poster boards.

I mean, how hard is it to fold up a piece of cardboard and carry it with you?

You brought it there, after all.

If this surprises you, then you haven't been paying attention.

Liberal advocates just might be the biggest hypocrites in our society.

They squawk on a daily basis, demanding "action" and "change" for our country, but they

leave behind them a trail of destruction the likes of which we haven't seen outside of


It makes sense when you think about it.

They're Socialists, after all, and the core virtue of Socialism is demanding other people

clean up your messes.

This isn't even the first time liberal protesters left a shocking amount of trash after an event.

So why would environmentally-conscious liberals trash cities?

Because they can.

Thanks to the liberal media, they are not held to any real standard.

The news crews come out, fawning over these "heroes," but they refuse to report on

how these protesters leave all this trash.

Conservatives who march, on the other hand, are held to demanding standards wherever they


Have you ever heard of pro-life advocates leaving behind trash?

Of course not, because they know they'll get reamed by the press if they did.

March for Life has occurred in D.C. for over 40 years.

They never leave the city in a mess because the liberal media would torch them.

Leftists, on the other hand, get away with murder because the press is on their side.

Once again, liberals hold themselves to a different standard than everyone else.

It's high time we called them out for their hypocrisy.

And filth.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Liberals "March For Life" In DC, But People Are Talking About What They Left Behind - Duration: 3:54.


Jesús ungido en Betania 📖 (SUB - subtitulos) - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Jesús ungido en Betania 📖 (SUB - subtitulos) - Duration: 5:43.


Opel KARL 1.0 EDITION 75PK - 1.000,- KORTING!!! AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Opel KARL 1.0 EDITION 75PK - 1.000,- KORTING!!! AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:57.


Purpose (Music Video)

For more infomation >> Purpose (Music Video)


cooking with samtm807 I restaurant tycoon I #1 - Duration: 9:41.



For more infomation >> cooking with samtm807 I restaurant tycoon I #1 - Duration: 9:41.




For more infomation >> REACTING TO THE BEST KICKS/COMEBACKS IN TRACK HISTORY w/ Ryan Trahan - Duration: 8:33.


Sonic Audio Poop Episode 1: Sweet Sonic And Hella Tails - Duration: 0:21.











For more infomation >> Sonic Audio Poop Episode 1: Sweet Sonic And Hella Tails - Duration: 0:21.


Will TGC move to PornHub??? The Fight - Day 5 - Duration: 3:05.

Hey guys, welcome back, huge thank you to everyone that has been smashing that subscribe

button lately.

I'm pumped that you guys are on board with TGC.

Now, over the last week or so a ton of people have been leaving comments on our videos or

sending messages about TGC moving over to pornhub and I wanted to make a separate video

to address that specifically.

In case you aren't up to speed, YouTube recently changed their policy on gun content, you can

watch my video on that linked in the description, and that caused a ton of concern throughout

gun channels and the gun industry in general.

People are afraid that they may have their channels shut down because of these new rules.

As a counter measure, creators across the board are looking for alternative places to

post videos that will allow gun content.

Makes sense.

One of the most notable places that you guys have been asking about, like I said, is porn


InRangeTV was the first to make this move and it quite literally has been seen all over

the world.

They made a HUGE impact with that move.

No question.

But I don't see that as the right move for TGC.

I'm not saying those guys were wrong for doing it because it obviously got a ton of people

talking about the issue at hand.

I personally don't know if it will have any impact on the end result but thats not the

point here.

I personally believe that no one is going to pornhub looking for gun content.

And let's say you did try to go there and somehow got past your work firewall or were

watching on your phone and some porn ad pops up on the video.

Its not a practical solution.

On top of that, the gun industry being mostly conservative, would likely not be interested

in placing promotions in content posted on a porn website.

NOW, here's the thing that could make a difference.

We talked about this on the TGC podcast last week.

If the owners of pornhub decided to take that infrastructure, sanitize it, and create an

alternative to YouTube... that would be huge.

If the traffic data on pornhub is to be believed, they are getting nearly 3 times the traffic

that youtube sees on a daily basis so they could EASILY handle the traffic.

But that brings me to a different point... what if we are forcing porn hub into a conversation

that they don't want to be a part of?

For instance, when people open carried in starbucks to try and make a point, starbucks

was forced to make a statement and they made one that a lot of gun owners didnt like...

is this move to PH doing the same thing?

Its tough to say.

Like I said, I don't fault anyone for moving over there and trying to make a splash with

the audience and garner some attention BUT that is not the right move for TGC.

I'm curious to know what you guys are thinking.

Would you actually go to pornhub to watch gun videos or would you rather see them posted


Sound off in the comments below and let me know your thoughts.

As always guys, there are links down in the description for you guys to check out if you

want to support us directly and as always thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Will TGC move to PornHub??? The Fight - Day 5 - Duration: 3:05.


IP Address Demo Manual and Auto - Duration: 21:23.

For more infomation >> IP Address Demo Manual and Auto - Duration: 21:23.


THE NEW GHETTO VLOGS - Duration: 1:08.

This is for all my haters!

Oh my god.


[Various objects breaking]

What are you- holy!

Stop dude!

This isn't real life!

[Dogs barking]

Mr. Rob!

Its going down!

What's wrong with you?

Wait! Wait! Wait Wait!

Oh, crap!

Holy crap, you're insane, man!

No, come on!

Timeworks: mediocre content every other day

For more infomation >> THE NEW GHETTO VLOGS - Duration: 1:08.


[APRICITY] SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) - THANKS(고맙다) Dance Cover - Duration: 4:18.

Hey guys thank you for making it to the end of the video

Thanks for watching our dance cover of "Thanks" by Seventeen

And if you haven't watched our previous cover


My boss is calling me...

Oh okay...

Well don't forget to like this video

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all links will be in the description down below.

Special thanks to our patrons subscribers

Emily and Fae

For more infomation >> [APRICITY] SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) - THANKS(고맙다) Dance Cover - Duration: 4:18.


🔴LIVE #31 Ranked and OutBreak Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 1:34:50.

For more infomation >> 🔴LIVE #31 Ranked and OutBreak Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 1:34:50.


'개통령' 강형욱 훈련사, '세상에 나쁜 개는 없다' 하차 - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> '개통령' 강형욱 훈련사, '세상에 나쁜 개는 없다' 하차 - Duration: 1:55.


'개통령' 강형욱 훈련사, '세상에 나쁜 개는 없다' 하차 | K-Couple - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> '개통령' 강형욱 훈련사, '세상에 나쁜 개는 없다' 하차 | K-Couple - Duration: 1:54.


IU(아이유) - My Old Story(나의 옛날이야기) (Cover By Hailey Rosario) - Duration: 3:37.

Do you remember that lonely alleyway?

I still remember now

The anxious days when I couldn't tell you I loved you

Did you know that?

The beautiful nights of the past when we were childish

I'm still in love

You childish person

You try to take all of me

You heartless person

Were you too shy to say anything?

Did you not like me?

I still can't figure it out

If you hear this song please come to me

My dear, I'm still waiting

You heartless person

This night tries to take all of me

You childish person

Tonight, tomorrow night, and the night after that

I'll wait forever


Thank you! Don't forget to subscribe! <3

For more infomation >> IU(아이유) - My Old Story(나의 옛날이야기) (Cover By Hailey Rosario) - Duration: 3:37.


Star Wars Toy Box - Boba Fett Action Figure Review - Disney Infinity ToyBox Inspired Toys - Duration: 10:32.

Star Wars Toy Box - Boba Fett Action Figure Review - Disney Infinity ToyBox Inspired Toys

- Star Wars Toybox Boba Fett Action Figure Your hunt for the coolest action figure in

the galaxy ends here


Boba Fett!

The fully articulated figure features moulded character details and comes with a toy gun


Disney Store�s latest Star Wars action figure release is Boba Fett,

which is inspired by the Disney Infinity 3.0 video game.

The fully articulated figure features moulded character details and comes with a nice large

toy blaster gun accessory.

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For more infomation >> Star Wars Toy Box - Boba Fett Action Figure Review - Disney Infinity ToyBox Inspired Toys - Duration: 10:32.


PUBG: SCAR-L ANALYSIS | Weapon SKILL GAPS & Understanding | PC/XBOX - Duration: 3:27.

Understand your attachments! Choose what works best for you. Vertical grip and comp are amazing though!

For more infomation >> PUBG: SCAR-L ANALYSIS | Weapon SKILL GAPS & Understanding | PC/XBOX - Duration: 3:27.


The best textbook of "Seitai" that can get at only now.大宮 整体 今買わないと損!整体師向けの最高の教科書 - Duration: 4:35.

Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This video talk about the best textbook of "Seitai" that can get at only now.

At personally there is thing that I think good-cost-effectiveness. It is apps of smartphone.

This app name is "human anatomy atlas 2018". This app can watch i-pad but also.

This app have some good point. ・It is Japaneseized ・Can know position relation detail of muscle or bone

There is reason that I recommend for you now. It is low price only now.

The price is 120 yen.It is about 1 dollar. In content,I think several thousand yen.

This app can get with also other smartphone. I have also version of one before.

I tell change point of when compared last version. There is sectional view as added functions.

This is like MRI inspection. It can to check a slice state. How make use at everyday life is unknown.

Maybe I don't use this with my work. But at personally it is think very great.

Reason that I recommend this is there are some thing. ・Understanding of self is become deep ・It can explain muscle etc for your customer

To explain relation symptoms and muscle is very important. You become realizable by use this app.

Because Low price is now only,I recommend get this. In my forecast is will release new app also 2019 year or 2020 year.

I think that the 2020 year will be released many app. Please check app when the year is over.

Please try it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!

For more infomation >> The best textbook of "Seitai" that can get at only now.大宮 整体 今買わないと損!整体師向けの最高の教科書 - Duration: 4:35.


ADVENTURE AT THE HIKING PLACE 2018 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> ADVENTURE AT THE HIKING PLACE 2018 - Duration: 2:55.



Sezon wiosenny będzie już niedługo widoczny na horyzoncie, a wraz z cieplejszymi dniami i ładną pogodą wzrasta ochota na rozpalenie grilla.

Spędzanie czasu przy grillu jest bardzo relaksujące, a potrawy na nim przygotowane są wyjątkowo smaczne. W tej błogiej atmosferze nie przypuszczamy jednak, czy to co robimy jest faktycznie dobre.

Okazuje się, że największe ryzyko dosięga nas, gdy na ruszt trafia mięso.Zagrożenia wynikające z grillowania

1. Toksyczny dym.Dym unoszący się nad grillem zawiera wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne, które są toksyczne i mają zdolność do łączenia się z pożywieniem.

Nie powinno się stać w pobliżu źródła dymu, gdyż powyższe substancje mogą być trudne do usunięcia z płuc, tak samo jak z ubrania.

2. Przypalone mięso.Czarny osad na powierzchni mięsa nadaje potrawom wyjątkowego smaku i na sam jego widok aż ślinka cieknie,

lecz przypalone miejsca zawierają dużo związków heterocyklicznych, które mogą powodować raka. Im czarniejsze jest mięso, tym silniejsze ma właściwości rakotwórcze.

3. Produkty uboczne,Upieczenie mięsa na grillu wymaga wytworzenia bardzo wysokiej temperatury, co powoduje wiele chemicznych reakcji łańcuchowych.

W ich wyniku powstaje wiele substancji wywołujących stany zapalne i przedwczesne starzenie. Częste i regularne grillowanie może prowadzić do gromadzenia się tych związków chemicznych w organizmie, a w takiej sytuacji może nawet dojść do uszkodzenia organów wewnętrznych.

Bezpieczne grillowanie.Nie należy obawiać się przygotowywania potraw na grillu, gdyż wystarczy podjąć odpowiednie środki ostrożności.

marynuj mięsa wykorzystując tymianek, pieprz i rozmaryn – w ten sposób pozbędziesz się nawet 96% substancji rakotwórczych

poddaj mięso wcześniejszej, częściowej obróbce termicznej, by usunąć jak najwięcej tłuszczu i skrócić czas grillowania.stosuj folię aluminiową, by ograniczyć kapanie tłuszczu na węgiel i absorpcję szkodliwych substancji

Pamiętajcie, że nie tylko mięso nadaje się do grillowania – warzywa przygotowane w ten sposób są także bardzo smaczne, ponadto nie dojdzie do powstania substancji rakotwórczych.



《偶练》张艺兴感慨:有人说我装,我可以装一辈子,网友:好敢说 - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 《偶练》张艺兴感慨:有人说我装,我可以装一辈子,网友:好敢说 - Duration: 3:08.


'손흥민 볼뽀뽀에 삼촌 미소' 신태용호 팬들 사랑 큰 선물 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> '손흥민 볼뽀뽀에 삼촌 미소' 신태용호 팬들 사랑 큰 선물 - Duration: 4:08.


Penn Zero: Part-time Hero I'm Super! Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Oscar Edwards - Duration: 15:45.

PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE my Videos! Thank you very much!

which makes you smart I don't know I haven't eaten it yet good you get looks

like uncle Chuck's deconstructed hamburger mystery meat tomato soup

instead of ketchup and a hand it's all yours

if I'd sugar I get jumpy Oh God spirit yes I do

I've got spirit how uh that was our mascot can't turn off the whole sidekick

thing how do you mean okay we're on a spaceship just put down the laser

blaster laser blaster what is this 27:15

Admiral we should focus on our mission our ship is out of fuel crystals our

only hope Thank You crewmember light butter

what's the point get out of here you weird little space

not cool sash lasers aren't for fooling around with unless you're playing laser

tag or giving a presentation or you're watching a laser show at a concert that

feels amazing flare go tree no I don't want to okay give me one figure this oh

boy that treat moved through me like lightning oh we're gonna go we're gonna

go but nobody looking at this is so embarrassing wait no that's not ears

what's the smell like you smell your ear

this is your fault you did this to Penn and I will not let

you take away the only thing more bugs no stay sorry bud I didn't want to have

to do this but it's for your own good this collar looks ridiculous

well well well can we just get them in minutes your ship will lose power and

crash into the atmosphere and burn up thought you'd enjoy a front you guys

need a minute just watch your defeat boy sorrow

sad robe everyone screws up sometimes not me doing this job right that's my

thing it's my reward I don't get a congratulations cake not me Phyllis said

it's better if they don't know they can be proud of what they don't

know so I have to be proud of myself we can still save the day

actually no you've discovered the crystals too late

pain is gone the ship's about to burn up also this pointer that was pointless I

guess we know now why you're just a sidekick


Oh Sashi zone so what do you think I love it

yeah these reports she is about what science in life you know it'd look like

toilet paper no need to punish all of us I will not be thrown under the bus but I

will write the bus home oh I'm gonna go up and they what's with all the pipes

and gross bathtubs I guess they worship plumbing here or

something why would I do that it's a quality whip trust me you'll love this

whip I've seen better whips okay we'll see if you've tasted better whips are

you sure that was long enough to reach that Larry I'm just saying we could

where are my manners Larry you go

you never get hurt

wait where's the idol this boom yeah but where's the idol mister forgotten to

shut my man

I'd hate to see the but this was made for directly to you was about to flush

it I'm saying don't flush it be very clear about this don't flush it

it's Boone's fault

guys I have a theory and a gross and crazy solution

no wonder this guy was so mad the idol

you're putting it in wrong no no it goes with the paper coming from the bot

that's how an inconsiderate person would do it out the bottom for your bottom

that's the same

for the DB you might what do light toilet very satisfying Phyllis is very

proud Wow these are heavy what are they real gold

of course Phyllis is not cheap born where have you been I was like doing

totally American boy things


but they in this reindeers eyes I didn't trust so I cut him out Oh Nate mom guys

just thinking about you on Christmas Eve not a big deal just

another day that brings families together except

Uncle Chuck Aunt Rose house but I'd be bombed if this were my first Christmas

without my parents who were trapped in a loss to mention oh gosh the fence exact

situation most people nice for you I built a roller skate skate

displacement of radioactive waste you forgot to make her one didn't you


no no sorry for yelling that is literally my nightmare actually

something's up with my moo-hoo I'm just wondering if maybe you could

tinker with it so I could yeah I don't know doctor made me know he totally is

Phyllis you sure you don't want in on these takut eggs okay I want a magnet

that attracts cool t-shirts a set of metal also I want a dog that knows how

to fly a jet pack let's just get this over with

Sasha check the specs all right you're filling in for Santa the elves have gone

missing and there's a major Blizzard coming in a weird way

what's your backs we don't know what they're gonna find in here

snazzy those are dwarves not elves well they're still small and adorable don't

open that box sorry

no one's gonna know

I have so many flavors delicious well then just quietly eat your arm okay yes

sir we rescued the elves and take the gingers by surprise wrong villains

always have the back entrance covered maybe for Christmas I'll get you a

dictionary so you can look up you know I think the snowman's plan makes more

sense we do this right we fixed the moon who and save Christmas thinking into

defeat late check wait what did I say

wait you said it rolling down there that's it

wait why looking for this I see you've met my associate mr. snowman it's not

just my eyes that are made out of coal well sort of snowman's head over you

guys cuz I wanted to get the moo-hoo fixed

don't be so hard on yourself yeah there's nothing more depressing than a

sad Santa except for like maybe an Easter Bunny's lost except for the part

about ruining Christmas for all eternity that's gonna bother me for a while we've

got 10 minutes before the blizzard we can still get that sleigh in the air

backstage but there's Christmas magic in the air and I had the earliest song

I'll make the bet there's babies

people and yucky Yeti caterers the evilest caterers in the entire northern

hemisphere now that's pretty evil we get out of here no matter how small hello

I'm Santa all we need to do is make a chimney and I can slide right through it

baby full Santa you know like putting a toy under a tree

from your sag it's like my drama teacher says commit or quit so much

don't tell mom but I'm about to ruin my dinner

guys thanks Santa we were trapped in there for hours oh no more speeches

Sashi you and those little else go get the reindeer Boone and I we got the


it was chatter on the ice and you'll never speak to your parents again forget

Christmas turn the sleigh around and I'll give you back your breakfast move

Merry Christmas mom and dad

conifer tick

For more infomation >> Penn Zero: Part-time Hero I'm Super! Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Oscar Edwards - Duration: 15:45.


Shinteki Souzou- Yousei Teikoku (Kami Teki Souzou) [Captions] - Duration: 4:04.

What to protect if,

Something that does not shape in my heart?

The truth will continue to hide

Even if I chose to be on your side

If I admit all my betrayals and mistakes

Their will be no hatred in my soul

When everything changes when I'm with you

I will draw the creation of the gods

And challenge the battle, without returning

Because this life is not deplorable

The last person,

That reflected in my eyes, was you

To hopefully to protect,

Since God will avenge the strength of my feelings

What to believe in,

When we're living without reaching an answer?

I will keep on doing unnoticed swings

With a frightened innocent smile

If it hurts painfully, soon fully I will end with life

If it is for you, I will revive from the bottom of the abyss

The myth keeps on repeating again

But one day, I will end that never-ending fable

Because in this life I show no regret

The last person,

That reflected in your eyes, was me

To hopefully to believe,

Since God will avenge the strength of my feelings

I will create things with all my mighty,

For the world that you and I so desired

I will draw the creation of the gods

And challenge the battle, without returning

Because this life is not deplorable

The last person,

That reflected in my eyes, was you

To hopefully to protect,

Since God will avenge the strength of my feelings

For more infomation >> Shinteki Souzou- Yousei Teikoku (Kami Teki Souzou) [Captions] - Duration: 4:04.


Anyone Else

For more infomation >> Anyone Else


UAU! Isso é o Que o Jejum Intermitente Faz No Seu Cérebro - Duration: 3:59.

Intermittent fasting may not be a term new for you, because this diet pattern

has become popular in recent years. due to its health benefits.

One of these benefits is prevention of diseases linked to the brain.

Diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, although they have not yet been cured, they may

be prevented by fasting.

This statement was made by many experts, among them Dr.

Mark Mattson, chief of the Neuroscience Laboratory of the National Institute of Aging.


Mark also teaches at Johns University Hopkins and has already received numerous awards

for their brain-related research and neurological disorders.

In one of his lectures, Mark questions our standard diet, which consists of eating three

or more times a day.

According to him, eating often does not is something healthy and there is at least a decade

supporting this idea.

One of these studies, done with animals, showed that the caloric restriction increases the expectation

life and slows the onset of diseases chronic diseases linked to aging.

The study also points out that the improves metabolic rate and stress

oxidative, increases insulin sensitivity and alters the functions of the neuroendocrine system

and the sympathetic nervous system.

In short, fasting has the ability to improve brain function.

Mark also states that activities that challenge our brains, including intermittent fasting

and vigorous physical exercise are challenges cognitive.

These activities promote the growth of neurons and the formation and

of synapses.

As if that were not enough, he also believes that intermittent fasting improves the ability

of nerve cells repair the DNA.


Mattson also says that the habit of eating three times a day is relatively new,

and the history of evolution of our species demonstrates this.

He believes that today there are a lot of pressure to eat three meals at the

day, and this type of incentive may have large companies.

But before you begin a radical change in eating habits, it is important to emphasize

that this change should not be abrupt.

As most people are already accustomed to with a frequency for feeding, a

good way to get the benefits of fasting intermittent would be with a diet with periods

of calorie restriction.

This pattern of diet has become popular with the name of Diet 5: 2, and consists in restricting

calorie consumption for 2 days of the week (non-consecutive), and eat the recommended calories

for you on the remaining days.

The suggested calorie restriction is 500 calories for women and 600 calories for


See in the description of this video more information on this diet, fasting and videos of others

experts advocating the practice of fasting intermittent.

And you, already did or intend to fast intermittent?

What were the biggest benefits you realized?

For more infomation >> UAU! Isso é o Que o Jejum Intermitente Faz No Seu Cérebro - Duration: 3:59.


BBB 18: Kaysar não perde tempo com o coração | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> BBB 18: Kaysar não perde tempo com o coração | VENTO GRANDE - Duration: 4:00.


Gleice acredita que com o Anjo, Viegas poderá mandar alguém ao Paredão: "Ele vai me indicar - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Gleice acredita que com o Anjo, Viegas poderá mandar alguém ao Paredão: "Ele vai me indicar - Duration: 4:14.


Saint Germain - Comunicado - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> Saint Germain - Comunicado - Duration: 10:18.


O Aviso de Charles Lindbergh - Duration: 1:41.

We the heirs of European culture are on the verge of a disastrous war.

A war within our own family of Nations. A war which will reduce the strength and destroy the treasures of the white race

A war which may even lead to the end of our civilization.

It is time to turn from our quarrels and to build our white ramparts again.

This alliance with foreign races means nothing but death to us.

It is our turn to guard our heritage from Mongol and Persian and more.

Before we become engulfed in a limitless foreign sea.

Our civilization depends on a United strength among ourselves

on strength too great for foreign armies to challenge

On a western wall of race and arms which can hold back either AG Angus Kahn

or the infiltration of inferior blood

on an English fleet,

a German air force,

a French army,

an American nation,

standing together as guardians of our common heritage

sharing strengths dividing influence

Our civilisation depends on peace among Western nations

and therefore on United strength.

Four pieces of virgin who dare not show her face without strength her father for protection

We can have peace and security only so long as we band together to preserve that most priceless possession

Our inheritance of European blood.

Only so long as we guard ourselves against attack by foreign armies involution by foreign races

with all the world around our borders

let us not commit racial suicide by internal conflict we must learn from Athens and Sparta

before all of Greece is lost.

For more infomation >> O Aviso de Charles Lindbergh - Duration: 1:41.



For more infomation >> DEADPOOL 2 TRAILER 2 | TODOS OS DETALHES QUE VOCÊ DEIXOU PASSAR! - Jujuba ATÔMICA - Duration: 11:38.


Queen's Medicine Interview Video 2018 - Duration: 22:02.

So I guess you're wondering why I'm such a hot mess.

As it turns out, today is sort of a big day.

Why do you ask?

Despite my scattered appearance in this moment,

I'm actually on my way to my CaRMS Interview.

But the real question is, how did I even get here?

You mean how did we get here?

Oh right. You're here too.

Very funny. Let's just start from the beginning.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa David wait.


David stop!

Too far back David. That's too far back.

Oh, sorry.

Do you remember interview day?

Nah, not really.

Do you?

Today's the day David.

Today's the day.

You're a monster.

You're an animal.

They haven't seen anything like you before.

You're capital P.


And this tie?

This tie says it all.

It says it all.

There we go.

No, no, no, no, no this tie is all wrong.

What are you doing with this tie?

I'm never wearing this thing again.

Dude, how many ties did you go through?

Only a couple. Like one, or two?

Guess this is it.

You're gonna crush it today.

All right.

Today let's float like a butterfly,

sting like a bee.

Okay David we get it.

Can we move on to the actual interview?

Yeah, fine.

Do you remember what was going through your head?

All these other interviewers are smiling and happy.

They're trying to throw me off my game.

No way. I'm not gonna lose my cool.

I've got my game face on.

That's right. You can't fool me.

Oh hey. Look at this guy.



That hair, that suit, that shirt.

Those shoes!

This guy looks like he's got it all together.

My god he's getting in for sure.

He's probably got a 4.0 GPA.

528 MCAT.

And an amazing ABS.


He's looking at me.

Who does this guy think he is anyway?

I look alright.

It's not all about...

Oh! I'm sorry. I'm such a klutz!

That's alright, don't worry about it.

Yeah right, you better be sorry you-

My name is Rachel.

I'm David. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you. Are you interviewing today as well?

Yeah, I'm at 10:18 exactly.

Oh cool.

Alright, everyone interviewing for Queen's Medicine.

Those interviewing at 10:18, please follow me.

Well I guess that's us!

Catch you on the flip side!

Yeah, good luck.


Please enter the room.

Do you feel nervous?



We're gonna sting you like the bees on your tie.

What is the reason you are here?


Do you even deserve to be here?

Did you read Doing Right?



Ok you're obviously exaggerating.

I am absolutely not.

How did yours go?

Can I offer you tea, hot chocolate, coffee?

Oh sure I'll take a tea

with two lumps of sugar and milk please.

All right. Coming right up!

So, if you were a color what color, would you be?

Oh! That's a tough one.

I'm going to have to go with yellow.

Actually no, red.

Oh actually, scratch that.

Blue. Definitely blue.

So you mean, tricolour?


Oh! good answer!

Did you actually volunteer 430 hours?

Well... I....

I think you volunteered 427 hours.

Yeah, more like 425.

Yeah you don't look like the kind to do 430.


How many letters are there in the word "doctor"?

Take your time, I know this is a tough one.

Okay, so that's D-O-C-T-O-R.

That's six!


Great answer!

Well, this kid thinks he's getting into medical school....



We're going to need a stress test,

complete blood count,

urine sample,

stool sample,

your grade six report card,

and a note from your mother.


by midnight.

Got it?

Okay stop.

You're exaggerating way too much.

Yeah, and they really gave you tea and cookies

and a trophy?

So you're trying to say

that everyone's interview experiences are gonna be so different and that one's

perception of how their interview went may not be reflective of the real

interview performance?

I guess.

We both still got accepted.


Oh yeah.

You know, speaking of getting accepted,

my finger was literally glued to that refresh button!

Come on....



Oh, I didn't get in.

I didn't get in.

No, no, no, no. There's no way.

I killed that interview.

Refresh, refresh.

I'm a solid....



I got into Queen's!!



Here, Sarah!

I got it!

Oh wait, guys!


What is it?

What's up?

I got into Qmed!!

That was honestly the best day ever. I know! The park was really fun!

I...actually meant getting into Medical School

Well...yeah, that too.

Why were you wearing your winter jacket anyway? was cold in May, okay?

Yea, I'm sure it has nothing to do with us having to film this video in late

November weather when it's minus 20 degrees outside.

What? What?

Oh hey! Hey!

You're Rachel, right?

Yea! And it's...Daniel?


Oh sorry! I always do that. That's okay.

Ready to meet the rest of our class?

Yeah, let's do it! Let's do it!

Let's get down to business, to become MDs.

All you naive premeds, with your fresh degrees.

Not the smartest bunch we've ever met,

but you can bet before we're through,

rookies we'll make MDs out of you.

Trying to find your purpose,

pretty soon you'll know.

Once you light your candles,

and recite the oath.

An ambitious, fresh, determined lot,

still you haven't got a clue.

Somehow we'll make MDs out of you.

This thing is never going to float.

How did they get so much duct tape?!

It's all about the teamwork, you don't have to win.

So we're all getting in this boat?

Hope we didn't pick the wrong shape.

Now I really wish that I knew how to swim.

Be MDs!

We must be skillful communicators.

Be MDs!

And be efficient collaborators!

Be MDs!

We're all still learning the other CanMEDS,

mysterious as the quest to get MDs

Orientation week was a blast!

It really was!

And the next four years kind of just flew by.

Come on, come on. Put your stethoscopes on.

It's Wednesday night and it won't be long.

Gotta get my badge, put my white coat on.

Prepped all week, now it won't be long.

Til I try to palpate, try to auscultate.

I'm percussing now.

He ain't got chills. Sir does he take pills

Sir put on your gown

Just you and me

Maybe I don't need any notes for this history

We love Clin skills!

Maybe I know I can put an end to this mystery

We love Clin' Skills!

Peer feedback is all I need

More than cartilage, more than bone

Expectations to succeed

Got to maintain professional tone

Physical from head to feet

More than cartilage, more than bone

As long as I can hear the beat

Got to maintain professional tone

Me and you doc

You and me

Head to CTC and make me see your energy because'

Me no play no hide and seek

Put it on me chest and listen carefully for heartbeat

Cause any time I feel it rushing

Ima thinking to myself; is it a palpitation?

Me no sitting in the tripod position

You look like the one who needs to take an inspiration

Clinical skills was always my favourite part of the week

Personally, I always liked dodgeball intramurals

but clinical skills was pretty fun too

I'm not sure I remember there being that much

much singing though

listening to the rhythm of the heart

dancing to the rhythm of the music

it's all about finding that beat

that was so corny!

let's just move on

I've been staring at this page for an hour and I still can remember

never really knowing why

I wish I could be the perfect doctor

and I'd know all the answers

I won't even have to try

every word I read, every page I turn

every test I take, every slide I learn, every time I yearn to where I cannot go

where I long to be

see the place where the patients they go, it calls me

No one knows

How far I'll go

to be there, to be great, to be free, it calls me

one day I'll know

just read one more page, there's only 57 to go

I know, everybody in the classroom seems to be getting all this histo

everything is looking fine

I can't tell between this epithelium

and this connective tissue

I just need a little more time

I can sit in class, I can do my best

I can pump that cuff, I can work that steth

And the voice inside, it still calls to me

it's where I belong

See the place where the patients all go

it calls me

And no one knows

How far I'll go

to be there, to be great, to be free, it calls me

One day I'll know

what this diagram means

what I'm supposed to be

See the place where the patients they go

It calls me

no one knows

how far I'll go

to be there, to be great, to be free, I see me

One day I'll know

How far I'll go

Wow you know it's really hard to believe how far we've come and how much we've

learned since we first interviewed here at Queens

yeah at the time I had no idea

how far I'd go

now you're the one being cheesy

I prefer the term punny

all right let's move on

The aud isn't the best place

to do my learning, so the lab is where I go

Me and my group at the table love anat

but we're not sure about histo

it's all pink!

Come on over and look at this anatomical model

and just trust me, give it a glance

I put my hand up

but all the tutors are caught up, giving other groups a chance

and I'm singing like

dude you know I need your notes

trying to figure out what all this means

how do I look at this slide

I'm going crazy, don't mind me

Say prof, where's the lingula?

Pick up the left lung

look anteriorly

I love the laboratory

I love anatomy

I'm in love with the shape of you

cause it's the shape of my body too

Push and pull like the muscles do

I'm in love with the body

and last night I was in the lab

Trying to locate the thyroid gland

every day discovering something brand new

I'm in love with the body

What's that? (x4)

I'm in love with the body

What's that? (x4)

I'm in love with the body

I take back what I said about dodgeball, anatomy lab was my favorite part of the week

hey Rachel, what did the femur say to the patella

um David, bones don't talk!

he said I kneed ya, get it cuz it's the knee joint

you've always had a weird sense of humor

anyway, I'm pretty sure that brings us up to present time

whoa that was a close one

you couldn't have been on time just once

nothing's changed in four years

and you're chronically early so nothing's

changed with you either come on let's go

David and Rachel

Right this way

we go in!

I'm gonna miss QMed so much

yeah me too

it feels like yesterday when we first started

I just got into Queens med let's do it

Upper years be like what up, what's your interest?

and I'm like honestly I don't know nothing about med school so they said

I got the one for you follow me oh it's too good

Joining more groups than I ever thought I could

ten minutes in a seat, a free pass for my meals

student loans deep that's a hell of a deal

I'm heading downstairs

cruising the past the lobby

Rec lounge! Gotta stop in for some foosy

snapped up, I'm climbing up the tally, 10 points for my main man Rawy


Hippo is here, mouth sounds make music to my ears

Got Dhruv in the tens, Shubs in the bass so many things to do man I love this place

I'ma throw that, catch that, do a dance, beat that

any intramural, put me on stat!


Hi Dr. Sanfilippo

Hey, you guys looking for something to do?

there's a cardiology interest group we're serving a five course meal, come on down

killing the game, bout to catch some free Chinese

Orthopedic group got me feeling

all boney, metacarpals, pubis, cranium, radius, clavicle, too many bones to count

up in this body, I'ma keep it hella tight pick up a new hobby

head into the

simulation lab and stop a heart from dying

I be shocking everybody

Hella strong, don't touch the body

I'm so good that Gilic got me ambu-bagging everybody

my time is precious, all right I'm lying got plenty

you still need ideas well damn

got 20 you don't need a gym when you got the arch pumping iron then hit up an

evening talk we got radiology and diag imaging, emergency, FrancoMed and health policy

Junior medics, QMR, Women's Health. Reads for Paeds

run for student council if

you're ready take a lead

QMed (x4)

we've got something for everyone

You won't be at a loss of fun

If you're a rookie or a pro

Just get involved, come on let's go

You don't need no sleep, boy

get up off your seat, boy

come and follow me this is your QMed

What you learn is what you get, girl

Don't ever forget, girl

Ain't seen nothing yet until you're QMEEEDDD

I'll take it in but don't down

For more infomation >> Queen's Medicine Interview Video 2018 - Duration: 22:02.


INSÔNIA - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> INSÔNIA - Duration: 2:59.


En 2 DÍAS: Elimina las Manchas Oscuras Con Pasta de Dientes. No lo Creerás!! - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> En 2 DÍAS: Elimina las Manchas Oscuras Con Pasta de Dientes. No lo Creerás!! - Duration: 2:37.


🔴LIVE #31 Ranked and OutBreak Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 1:34:50.

For more infomation >> 🔴LIVE #31 Ranked and OutBreak Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 1:34:50.


Casting AA332601, Male, 1983, Lang, DE, TR, Alevi; Loc. GERMANY - Duration: 0:32.

My name is Firat Yusuf Bender, I'm 34 years old and born in Germany.

I am a trained Warehouse Logistics Manager and Actor.

My father is a known singer; through him I learned to play the Saz.

I sing and play passionately, just as I do sports.

I have traveled a lot through music and have been on many stages.

So I decided to make acting my profession.

For more infomation >> Casting AA332601, Male, 1983, Lang, DE, TR, Alevi; Loc. GERMANY - Duration: 0:32.


ADVENTURE AT THE HIKING PLACE 2018 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> ADVENTURE AT THE HIKING PLACE 2018 - Duration: 2:55.


Alivia las uñas quebradizas con estos 5 remedios caseros - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> Alivia las uñas quebradizas con estos 5 remedios caseros - Duration: 7:35.


Obama STRIKES Look What He Just Ordered His THUG To Do To President Trump - Duration: 14:38.

Obama STRIKES: Look What He Just Ordered His THUG To Do To President Trump

A former Obama administration official who earlier this year acknowledged urging her

D.C. contacts to leak dirt on President Trump and his team is back in the spotlight.

She appeared at a security forum and accused Trump of using "Kremlin tactics" and openly

questioned whether Trump owes the Russians money.

What a filthy person.

Evelyn Farkas, who left the Obama administration in 2015 after serving as a deputy assistant

secretary of defense, spoke on a panel Thursday at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado.

She slammed Trump for his past remarks that the United States, like Russia, has killed

people too.

Well, we have killed people.

Remember Osama Bin Laden?

Freaking moron.

"That's very dangerous," Farkas said, accusing the president of adopting "Kremlin

tactics" with that "language of relativism."

She was apparently referring to when Bill O'Reilly told Trump during a Fox News Channel

interview that Russian President Vladimir Putin "is a killer."

Trump replied, "There are a lot of killers.

We have a lot of killers.

Well, you think our country is so innocent?"

On Thursday, Farkas floated a theory, without citing evidence, that the president may actually

owe money to Russia, something that could be influencing his posture toward the government,

Fox News reports.

"The influence these Russians have on him could be greater because of these business

ties and because he may owe them money and of course the issue of his campaign manager

and all the work he was doing and whether he was indebted to Russians or not," she


During an interview with the New York Times this week, the president denied his company

did business with Russia.

"My finances are extremely good, my company is an unbelievably successful company,"

he said, according to the transcript.

"I don't do business with Russia."

Farkas got attention after a March interview on MSNBC when she said there had been a rush

from Obama-era government officials to share information before President Trump took office.

"I was urging my former colleagues, and frankly speaking, the people on the Hill … 'get

as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can before President Obama

leaves the administration,' because I had a fear that, somehow, that information would

disappear with the senior people who left," she said.

Farkas added, "That's why you have the leaking, because people were worried."

During her appearance at the Aspen Security Forum, Farkas offered criticism of former

FBI Director James Comey's recent prediction that the Russians will again try to meddle

in an American election.

"It drives me crazy when former Director Comey says 'the Russians are coming back,'"

Farkas said.

"They never left.

They're still here, they still have all that information, they're in our cyber and

in our information sphere."

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