Monday, March 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 26 2018

Dan from Dallas ask how can

I find new corporate clients.

Dan and there's a lot of ways that you can find

new corporate clients

but I don't know what size of an

operator you are and I don't know what your technical

skills are so I'm going to kind of run this may be a long one

but I'm going to run through quite a few ways.

Number one look I think

it's just pounding the pavement.

Go to your business parks literally

on your next airport transfer as you're driving

by buildings when you drop

off your client at the airport stop by

walk into the bottom floor.

Usually there are three four

or five maybe even up to 10

or 15 stories in Dallas like everything's

bigger in Texas right.

So you walk into the lobby go to the elevator

and you know what you see right next to the elevator

in between the two elevator banks

is a sign that has

typically everybody's floor

or Door Number

or suite number

and the name of their company.

Pull this thing out.

This is your iPhone

and take a picture of it that way

when you get back to your office

or to your home you can go into LinkedIn

and start plugging those in

and data mining to see.

Learn a little bit about their company

and figure out who is going to

be the decision maker

or the gatekeeper that you're going to want to talk to.

And literally if you go to

an office park or just a building

that has 40

or 50 different you

know businesses inside of it you may

really walk out of there

with five to 10 qualified

prospects that you're going to want to follow up.

So think about that five to 10 per day if

you do this every day either going to

or from the airport

or when you're driving around in downtown

whether you're a driver

or rather you're a larger company

you know that is has drivers

or chauffeurs working for you

just do this once a day

or go hit three

or four or five in an hour at one

time and then go spend about an

hour doing your LinkedIn data mining.

This is where I tell you that you can literally

build your prospect list in less than

an hour a day working on

your sales. It's really that easy.

And this is 100 percent free.

It costs you absolutely nothing.

So that's the first place that I would tell you to start

with the second place is really getting

out and doing

what I call structured networking

with a purpose.

Join your Dallas GBTA

association that's a Global Business Travel

Association join MPI

meeting professionals international join

Another event manager.

I'm not a big fan of Chamber of Commerce not a

big fan of BNI.

They have their place.

I just haven't had success

and I don't know very many people that have had

success in those inside the

limousine industry

but do not just go

and network. You need to have a purpose.

You need to build out a hot list

of specific people that you

want to meet even if you're going to your first meeting

let's say at the Dallas chapter of

GBTA go to the local chapter


I want you to go spend a few minutes find

their board of directors page

right and then see who's on there

and you may see the travel manager

from AT&T which is based in Dallas

you may see the player development

or travel manager for the Dallas Cowboys

or the mavericks

or the Omni.

Just all these different claims that are going to be

valuable to you

and then you literally either try to

connect with them ahead of time say hey I'm a new member

of GBTA. Yeah. Love to say hi

and meet you at the next meeting

or you have their picture

and you know their face because you've seen them on the website

or found them on LinkedIn

and you can walk up to them

and say Hey my name is Bill.

Hi Ken it's a pleasure to meet you.

This is my first meeting.

So that's how you network

with a purpose.

Those are really the things that I would start

because now you and I would do both simultaneously.

One if you have the budget to join the associations

and two if you have time.

But most importantly make sure you're spending at

least an hour a day

working on your business instead of working

inside of it.

If you want to get growth

and those when I say working on it that

is only on tasks that

are relegated to you growing your company through

sales and marketing

and business development I hope that

helps. I look forward to seeing you guys on the

next episode of The Ask

Limo U Show.

For more infomation >> Ask Limo U Show: Episode #99 - Finding New Corporporate Clients - Duration: 4:18.


Najlepsa COKOLADNA JAJA - Chocolate Easter Egg Luna Belgrade - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> Najlepsa COKOLADNA JAJA - Chocolate Easter Egg Luna Belgrade - Duration: 8:27.


LowBrace For Sea Kayak-Great For Beginners - Duration: 6:04.

Inside this short presentation you'll discover why the way you learned to brace your kayak

may not be working so well for you.

And I will show you exactly what to do instead.

If you don't yet feel secure in the waves, and practicing the bracing isn't helping,

it's not because of a lack of skills, and it's not because you are getting too old

to learn this.

Keep watching and I will reveal to you the fastest way possible to the peace of mind

on the water that will open up life changing paddling opportunities.

I'm Paulo.

I discovered what your about to learn 18 years ago.

It's a discovery that took me from scared to death in the waves, to feeling completely

at home on the water.

And my goal is to make these techniques available to everyone who can benefit from them.

Since this is a short video I will get right to it.

You must move your hips to do a good strong brace.

You wouldn't play tennis without moving your hips.

Would you?

The hips and the whole body movement is what creates the power.

Imagine a boxer who uses only arms and upper body strength.

Even kayak racers know that the power is generated from the hips.

By using your hips you not only generate a lot of power and take the pressure off your

arms and shoulders.

The movement of the hips also naturally moves your paddle in a sculling motion to give maximum


And more importantly it keeps the paddle near the surface so that it keeps giving support.

I'll give you an exercise for developing the muscle memory to do this in a bit.

Now while you can start practicing this on the water right away…

And instantly feel more in control in the waves…

You must be warned about the number 1 mistake that will make this almost impossible to do.

It's a mistake that takes your power away from your forward stroke.

And makes turning and bracing much harder.

It's what makes it impossible for you to move with your kayak in a way that makes you


If you don't have this one thing you are left using force to overcome the waves.

Here it is: You must avoid needing to move the footpegs

back until your knees are stuck on the sides of your kayak.

That locks you hips in place.

I'll show you how to make the kayak fit you properly so that you can move with it.

Here's why this is so critical:

First: Having the right fit is what unlocks your hips to generate real power.

For the forward stroke.

For turning.

For bracing, and rolling It's what takes the pressure off your arms

and shoulders.

Second it's what makes the kayak an extension to your body.

It's not you in a boat anymore.

And that opens up the agility you need to transition smoothly and without effort.

Whether from forward stroke to turning, or to bracing.

Or even rolling.

lastly it's what ties it all together.

Once you learn to move with your kayak you don't have to learn rolling as something


The same whole body movement that you use for bracing is used for rolling.

And that same hip movement helps you turn, and edge.

It all starts to come automatically.

Now here's the good news:

After spending a bit of time to outfit your kayak so you can move with it.

Here's what you can experience: A brace that comes quickly and automatically

as you paddle even when broadside to the waves.

Without any need to stop and push down on the paddle.

You can have the peace of mind of knowing that if the wind happens to come up and it

gets rough, you will still feel relaxed and in control.

Now you have more opportunities to go to these remote places.

And really enjoy yourself there.

Here's an exercise to practice for developing the muscle memory for a very effective low


And as you will see, it won't even feel hard.

You can do this one from the comfort of your bed.

Just sit with your legs as they would be in your kayak.

Hold your paddle in a low brace position, with the power face up.

Start with pulling the same side hip back.

So if you want to brace on the right side, pull your right hip back.

Just as you do when you are setting up to hit the ball when you play tennis.

And then, using the hips, sweep the paddle forward.

If you are doing it right you will see your hips move.

And as they do, your whole body will rotate.

No need to move your arms in a potentially injury prone position.

Now the power of your brace is coming from the hips.

When you are confident that you have the right motion you can go practice it on the water.

And focus on getting the right blade angle that gives support, without moving water.

Before you do you click on the link in the description below and sign up to receive my

free video that will help you get the right fit with your kayak.

Like I said before if you don't take the time to get this right nothing else will work.

The next video will show you what to do with your upper body to make that brace much more


Without needing to use any strength, or risk a shoulder injury.

If you want to be sure not to miss the next video subscribe to my channel here.

Look at your 2 choices

You can try and be quick enough with your brace without using your hips.

And not feel very secure when paddling in the waves.

And maybe your paddle ends up going deep because you are pushing down on it.

And it feels hard.

If you are getting older you may wonder how long can you keep using force like that.

Or you can unlock that hip power that makes you move with your kayak.

And feel like you're working with the water.

To make bracing automatic.

Even part of how you paddle.

To give you real peace of mind on the water.

And be known as someone no one needs to worry about because you can handle yourself.

Sign up here to get the free video to transform your kayak so that you can move with it, without


If you're already a member of the rapid brace formula you will find this video added

to the bonus section of the course.

If you are not yet a member and you would like to be one click the link below this video.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> LowBrace For Sea Kayak-Great For Beginners - Duration: 6:04.


Mud Crab Catch and Cook Crab Rangoon Recipe EP.400 - Duration: 14:13.

We need to put the crab pots in the water I've got them all set up I've got a bit of

chicken in there for bait and the longer we leave them in the better so fingers

crossed we get some get some mudcrabs, mud crabs feed on decaying vegetation and

meat when startled a mud crab will retreat and try to run away I have a

hard exoskeleton which a molt many times during their life and when forced into a

corner they will attack they can break the neck of a beer bottle with their

powerful nippers

all right let's go get these crab pots it's about time

okay this pot won't have any crabs in it not because it's out of the water I mean

that's not the best in the world but because I'll show you in a second

because it's on a Ledge because they can crawl under here but it looks like

nothing's even touched that pot so that bait is still intact

does not look like, one little one you, off go right here buddy hey guys looks like my

tide prediction was a little bit off I always try and keep the pots in the

water at low tide but yeah nothing in this one again

oh it's heavy it's heavy feeling good oh

my god one two three and one looks like a big

male crab oh let's get these guys out here actually that guy's definitely legal

this guy he will be too - this guy's pretty angry - now let's see it is

a male it's if he's full look now he's soft so I'm gonna throw him back even

though that is a legal male mudcrab and I guarantee that is 17 centimeters he's

actually soft under here so I'm throwing him back off you go buddy

now let's see this guy I reckon he'll be good, who's coming out next, he is the huge mud crab

heavy and he's got big nippers and here's hard ass okay

all right now it's time up to tie the crab up I'm gonna put my foot on top of

he's back okay under his eyes

under his arms, claws, arms oh and then pull down so that they tuck right into his

face okay there we go that's beautiful I'll take it underneath his swimmer

others swimmer and we tie a knot in it we have some crab for dinner okay at least we

have one mud crab for dinner and it's gonna be a special dinner

so yeah let's go and cook that now always seem to be rushing at the end of

the day but something yeah I just want to have enough light to cook this crab

for you guys crab rangoon is gonna be the recipe and

Opie's a nice little beach here quickly go make a fire probably over here with a

rocks or a bit sheltered there's enough light a little bit of breeze not too bad

and now this this is gonna be really delicious so yeah I reckon you guys

should try this at home first I haven't actually done this before so I'll make

any mistakes sorry look at this fog I always choose my five

spots quite carefully I don't want to cause a fire anyways use some of this

dead gin eau grass for kindling

straightaway with the small sticks so our two main ingredients are gonna be

the crab that I caught which I've already cleaned if you want to see how

to do that check out my episode crab salad I think yeah I'll put the number 395

here anyway and Philadelphia cream cheese so, those will go together very nicely and

they're the maintenance is obviously others but we've got to cook that first

and then pick it to pieces so some yeah it's getting a little bit

dark now but yeah hopefully we get this done I've

just got some saltwater from down the ocean and that fire is pretty much ready

we'll get this water boiling and then steam the crab for ten minutes

we are losing light very fast I may have to get my torch out but we'll get one

clove garlic put them in our mixing bowl and get the cream cheese we want quite a

bit of Philadelphia cream cheese I did look this recipe up a little bit and it said three

parts crab to eight parts cream cheese and I'm gonna go maybe 50/50 cuz I like crab so

that one he's still gone let's have a look

boy he's getting close getting close then in Australia we call these spring

onions in America I think you guys call them green onions so we use the green

bit and actually might even use that much okay these are wonton skins I've

never use these before no idea how thick these things are there we go I think

that's one, the crab will definitely be ready. yep he's definitely ready let's pour

that out delicious mud crab woarr and he's gonna go really well in the crab rangoon

oh yeah I stumbled this recipe, looking for food ideas and you know I never

heard of it so yeah and give this a shot we'll just give that a little stir while

we wait for the crab to cool down the crabs all cooled down now let's put it

on this lid because I need to take all the meat out

what we need is we'll get a little rock and we'll just smash that crab claw open.

okay I really should get some good lights or look out for that month that

one crab is that is just huge keep that bit oh yes and with the scoop

all that meat straight in there, smash open this joint, there we go not in the sand

and all that meat this guy in there yummy so just mix that around nicely

This smells very nice actually and yeah should be should be delicious

need to heat up that oil, so I'm just using the moisture on the cutting board

from the the crab just to to stick the wontons together you're supposed to use

a beaten egg and I did bring one but it's just too late too dark to worry

about all the little details so this is just simple simple crab rangoon Andy

style at night on a beach after a long day fishing style here we go there's

another one just fold all the corners into the top like a pyramid and we'll

twist this one because twisting seems to get most of the air out the leaf not I

mean we need to get all that air out of those so there we go we just twist that

up then we have I think we've got let's see who got no two four six maybe seven.

that oil looks like it's just about ready

I've actually thrown a little tester in there and the oil looks like it's about

the right temperature so we'll throw a couple in well yeah just little bubbles

probably could be a little bit hotter than that it's not looking too bad I

don't want I don't want this to cook really hard and fast that's actually

looking pretty good let's whack a few more in just the right amount of oil yep

perfect, deep fry. okay with I'm taking the first two out

but the heat is now right up and I think ready for a couple more yeah this

is much better temperature yeah there we go look at that that's cooking away

nicely actually we'll get a couple more in there nice and I think once they're

done they they seem to float and crisp up that one looks nice already so this

isn't quite how I wanted this episode to go I mean I wanted to cook while it was

still light hopefully it's it's enough to see what's going on that's done yeah

that start to look really nice okay that one's got a little tyranny but he'll be

edible let's watch the last two in just check that out that actually worked

pretty good that is crab rangoon served on a banana leaf, ah I've already eaten

one of the first ones and it was was really quite delicious

in all honesty this tastes better than almost anything I've had in a restaurant

and that that is no word of a lie I

don't know if you can see it I'm hoping you can see it it's just delicious crab

rangoon right there I'm gonna hole into that

oh really where am i I'm here I really need to get some some lights because I'm

pretty sure I'll be cooking at night again it's it's actually a really nice

time of the day my my favorite times of the day mmm

I had one before but they're just so delicious my favorite times of the day

are late afternoon and early morning middle of the day in winter is actually

quite nice but it's still pretty warm at the moment ah but I tell you what you've

got a try crab rangoon hopefully they're half as good as these I mean like I said

these things are just amazing and they are fresh ingredients really fresh crab

hmm but no one's a bit warm so nice I can I can't recommend this highly enough

I don't drink a lot but a nice little beverage with dinner especially a um a

delicious gourmet crab dish like this deserves a little drink and you can hear

that hopefully you can hear the waves breaking in the background you can hear

the yeah the crickets are quite loud as well I'm just gonna sit by the fire have

a few more drinks well more drinks of this I still need to

drive the boat home mmm make sure you check out my other catch and cooks I'm

doing more gourmet cooking stuff now but there's plenty of plenty of other stuff there'll

be plenty of more gourmet as well and I hope to do some overnight stuff soon as

well I've got I've got it quite a few

overnight videos that definitely go and check out all right I'm gonna

leave it there I'll catch you guys next time


For more infomation >> Mud Crab Catch and Cook Crab Rangoon Recipe EP.400 - Duration: 14:13.


Drogą Natury zaprasza na warsztaty tworzenia świec - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Drogą Natury zaprasza na warsztaty tworzenia świec - Duration: 0:47.


Bey Sach Kour Oy Srolanh 04 | បិសាចគួរឲ្យស្រលាញ់ [Full HD] EP-04 - Duration: 28:33.

3:22 - 5:09

not sound


For more infomation >> Bey Sach Kour Oy Srolanh 04 | បិសាចគួរឲ្យស្រលាញ់ [Full HD] EP-04 - Duration: 28:33.


How To Use Steroid Cream | How To Use Steroid Ointment | How To Use Steroid Cream For Eczema (2018) - Duration: 4:17.

Steroid creams in today's video I'm going to teach you what pharmacists learn

to help patients use them safely and to their full potential

please leave a comment at the end of the video if you found any of this information helpful

so topical steroids come in many different formulations like creams, ointments and gels

and different formulations are suitable for different areas of the skin

topical steroids are used in conditions like eczema and dermatitis

when the skin is red, itchy and sometimes blistered now in the medical world we call this inflamed

but before we learn how to use our topical steroid

it's really important to mention that topical steroids are usually used in addition to your emollient

so never stop using your emollient unless you're told otherwise and that's Nadia in the background

to demonstrate I'm using an emollient cream

so please don't get confused that this is how you're meant to use your emollients

because emollients should be applied liberally and frequently

so in this demonstration it's only to demonstrate how you use a steroid cream or ointment

use thinly now you'll see that on your pharmacy label or on the information leaflet with your topical steroid

but how little should you actually use?

well it's quite simple and we call it fingertip units

and that's the amount of topical steroid squeezed from a normal 5mm nozzle

from your first crease to the tip of your finger okay

and I like to do it this way, so from the bottom to the top

because then you can kind of twist off, close your lids and that's it, and that is a fingertip unit

now that we have our fingertip unit this should cover an area two adult palms with fingers together

so that's how much it should cover

each area that you'll be applying the topical steroid to

will have a recommended number of fingertip units

so for example if I was applying the topical steroid to my hand the front and back of it

the recommended number of fingertip units is one

but let's say you're applying a topical steroid to the entire arm and hand of an adult

now the recommended number of fingertip units for that is four

and to see a full list of all the areas of the body and the recommended number of fingertip units

I've left a great link in the description below which I highly recommend you read

fingertip units also apply for children however much less is required

because children are much smaller than adults and this information is also in the link provided in the description

always wash your hands before and after you apply a topical steroid

unless however the topical steroid is for your hand which then don't wash it after you've applied it

now let's move on to some quick and useful tips

tip 1 when applying creams or ointments always apply in the direction of hair growth

if you apply against it you're at risk of blocking your hair follicles and you may get an infection

tip 2 if you're using an emollient and a topical steroid first apply your emollient and wait about 15 minutes

so it can absorb and then apply your topical steroids

now I also made a video about paraffin based emollients and their fire risk a couple of months ago

and I'd highly advise everyone to watch it so I've left a link in the description below feel free to check it out

tip 3 which is the last tip short courses of topical steroids which are fewer than four weeks

are generally safe with very few problems

problems do start to develop though if you're using topical steroids for a long period

or you're repeating short courses of strong steroids

now I've left more information about this in the description below so feel free to read more about it

lastly always read the information leaflet that comes with your medicines

and if you have any questions ask your pharmacist, nurse practitioner or doctor about it

and that's it you're now a topical steroid pro!

let me know if you found any of my tips useful by leaving a comment below

which ones you maybe never knew about

and if you liked the video if you found it helpful then please hit that like button now

hey guys thanks for watching this week's video make sure to click that

like, follow or subscribe button now to stay up to date with new weekly videos

5mm nozzle from your first crease to the end of your thinger, thinger! (LAUGHTER)

before we learn the best way (DROPPING BOX SOUND) god these guys are so loud today

oh is that thumbs up? (LAUGHTER) thanks

then please hit that like button now leave it now (LAUGHTER)

For more infomation >> How To Use Steroid Cream | How To Use Steroid Ointment | How To Use Steroid Cream For Eczema (2018) - Duration: 4:17.


চ্যানেল 24 আজকের রাতের খবর ২৬ মার্চ ২০১৮ Bangladesh News Today Bangla - Duration: 10:35.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> চ্যানেল 24 আজকের রাতের খবর ২৬ মার্চ ২০১৮ Bangladesh News Today Bangla - Duration: 10:35.


Perché Uomini e donne è stato sospeso? La decisione di Maria De Filippi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Perché Uomini e donne è stato sospeso? La decisione di Maria De Filippi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:31.


MEYVELİ BİSKÜVİ PASTASI - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Yemek Tarifleri - Duration: 2:46.

Materials 1 package baby biscuit 125 gr butter 3 tablespoon cocoa 3 tablespoon granulated sugar 1 glass of water Milk 1 kiwi Lemon peel

125 gr butter

3 tablespoon granulated sugar

1 glass of water Milk

3 tablespoon cocoa

Lemon peel

1 kiwi

We're waiting in the fridge for a day

For more infomation >> MEYVELİ BİSKÜVİ PASTASI - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Yemek Tarifleri - Duration: 2:46.


Bada Aadmi Latest Hindi Dubbed Action Movie 2018 | New Hindi Dubbed Tollywood Action Movies - Duration: 2:11:27.


For more infomation >> Bada Aadmi Latest Hindi Dubbed Action Movie 2018 | New Hindi Dubbed Tollywood Action Movies - Duration: 2:11:27.


Lutto nel mondo della tv: è morto Fabrizio Frizzi, ecco la causa del decesso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Lutto nel mondo della tv: è morto Fabrizio Frizzi, ecco la causa del decesso | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:29.


Anticipazioni Uomini e donne 27 marzo: sarà in onda oppure no? La verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Anticipazioni Uomini e donne 27 marzo: sarà in onda oppure no? La verità | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:34.


Sospeso Uomini e donne e Avanti un altro oggi: la scelta Mediaset | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Sospeso Uomini e donne e Avanti un altro oggi: la scelta Mediaset | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:33.


Mera Jigra 2018 Latest Hindi Dubbed Action | New Released Action Movies | Tollywood Dubbed - Duration: 2:19:59.


For more infomation >> Mera Jigra 2018 Latest Hindi Dubbed Action | New Released Action Movies | Tollywood Dubbed - Duration: 2:19:59.


Питайтесь правильно и вкусно! Встреча на радио Медиаметрикс в программе Сторителлинг по русски - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Питайтесь правильно и вкусно! Встреча на радио Медиаметрикс в программе Сторителлинг по русски - Duration: 3:38.


Entertainment News 247 - 鳥栖と横浜FC、GKを"レンタルトレード"…辻周吾と高丘陽平が新天地へ - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Entertainment News 247 - 鳥栖と横浜FC、GKを"レンタルトレード"…辻周吾と高丘陽平が新天地へ - Duration: 5:17.


Entertainment News 247 - 新天地で苦しむA・サンチェス、クラブは"孤立報道"を否定…その理由とは? - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Entertainment News 247 - 新天地で苦しむA・サンチェス、クラブは"孤立報道"を否定…その理由とは? - Duration: 2:21.


Patient Stories: Katie | Brooks Dental - Duration: 1:21.

Katie: I had braces when I was eight, and they just never knew how to take care of my


Just years of neglect and everything else.

When I came in, they did a full assessment on my mouth.

I had lots of cavities, and Dr. Brooks decided that the best option was to go with veneers

and so all of my top teeth minus one are capped.

And the first consultation, I was all worked up about going to a dentist and just being

really nervous because I had these old school dentists that were terrible and they yelled

at you for doing whatever you did.

Terrible teeth.

And Dr. Brooks said, 'We don't have to talk about that from now on, looking forward.'

I'm so at ease now when I come here.

There are just really great people that work here.

Everyone's really nice and they know everything about our family and they are interested in

our lives, and that's just really amazing to have people that not just for your teeth,

but also care about you.

For more infomation >> Patient Stories: Katie | Brooks Dental - Duration: 1:21.


Pet Sleeping Bag || Pet Cat Sleeping Bag Pillow || Pet Hamburger Bed - Duration: 2:43.

pet products

For more infomation >> Pet Sleeping Bag || Pet Cat Sleeping Bag Pillow || Pet Hamburger Bed - Duration: 2:43.


Purpose (Music Video)

For more infomation >> Purpose (Music Video)


Should I Quit My Job For Real Estate? - Duration: 6:25.

Alright, my friends, Kris Krohn here again

with Limitless wealth TV and today we're going to be talking about

real estate and weather you can actually

do it full time as a job , like can you make

enough money quitting your job and dive in

real estate and that answer is coming your way


Can you quit your job to do real estate

full time , the answer my friends is "Yes!"

But I need to make sure you and I are on

the same sheet of music here because

I want to tell you that the last 15 years

my answer has always been "No"

because the only version of yes is you could become a realtor

but I want to make sure that if you go and spend the hours

the money and the time getting your realtor's license

that all you're doing is getting a job in real estate.

That's not investing, it could age you in investing

but all you're really doing is

getting that license so that you could go out there and represent other people

that are buying and selling homes. And

it is going to be a great education for you, it's going to be a great knowledge

but that's not really what I am talking about today.

It's not about being a realtor. I've been saying no for

15 years to being able to quit your job because the reality is

I buy a real estate, I buy a house

today and it's an exciting move but if it has a

$400 cash flow, can you retire on $400 a


No, you need to augment your income with the job, right?

Oh hey! I bought you know 5 houses and I have

$2,000 a month.

Well some of you still might cover your bills but some of you

it's still might not cover your bills and what if real estate

has an unexpected expense.

Then that money might get soaked up

and move in that direction so I've been telling people for 15 years

that you really can't do real estate

and do it as a full time job. I actually have

my full time job

while I was building my portfolio for 4 years.

But I didn't know, what I know now.

You see what I know today is that real estate can be done as a

it can be done if want to be an investor

you can actually do it as a job and you can actually quit

your other job to make real estate what you want to do

and that's only possible because of innovation that I've had

you know being a leader in the real estate community

having done

all the real estate that I've done. Having the nearly billion dollars

with my of the companies hat I've originally

founded called "Done for you" real estate

having played in the market

for a long time , I've been able to build my own market now.

If you've been watching, I've been with YouTube now for years

I pump out now this daily videos.

I've been helping educate people all over the world

of how you do real estate successfully.

Also training and mindset a number of arenas.

Giving invitation to come live and be with me.

My most recent innovation that is here to

stay long term is called

my real wealth community and it's a program that I offer for all

the people that want to come and be a part of

my investment community. I got a private community where

I train and educate and teach people especially if you got no money and no

credit. I'm going to show you how to do real estate successfully.

Can help you partner with people but what that also means is

you can refer people to my private community

and I can send you either a one thousand , a three thousand,

or up to a then thousand dollar thank you check.

Every time you get someone enroll, so let me just pack that up

imagine the ultimate training system

on how to do real estate

regardless of your sex, age, race.

regardless if you have been in the workforce for 30 years

and have some money to show for or

that you're young and stupid like me and starting with nothing.

It doesn't matter who you are, we are not discriminating.

No matter who you are, you can join to become part of this community

and we're going to train you to be successful in real estate even tee up

the deals for the best hottest market in the nation.

So it's really like the ultimate system that no matter who you are financially, whether you got money or you don't

it's a place for to play, train

get educated and rock it out of real estate arena.

It's amazing. You can now actually

you pay a $50 sign up fee, that's it and

actually gives you the right to market that product to other people

and when you do, we're going to

we're going to pay you up to $10,000

when you help people join.

Now there's a certification process that you need to go through

but I'm going to actually supply paid

trainers. I'm actually going to pay out of my pocket

several thousand dollars to individuals

to work with you

and help you take the people you introduced and help them get involved.

So that when they do and you're certified,

I can then be sending you this $10,000 checks.

I'll tell you right now that we've got people that do that

my community leaders that I've

that I have supported me with this Gary and Caroline Norris.

They personally made me nearly a million dollars

working with me in our real estate systems in the past.

And I'm going to have them and the rest of our team mates jump in

and work with you hand by hand

and help you turn real estate. You know, Gary Norris, he doesn't have a job.

This is what he does and so

if you ever thought wow! I love real estate investing

but I really need to figure out how to jump in

and would be easiest if I could do it as my job

cause I could put more time and effort into it than this other one.

So if you really want to learn how to do that

then go ahead and click the link and sign up for the option to learn

more about our real wealth community.

and when you sign up for that

we're going to have someone on the phone and talking with you

one of my paid trainers that will

introduce you to someone on the team.

That will work with you and basically help you rock that

out. So friends,

if you really looking for way to do real estate full time,

we've created our own

mini market that works every where anywhere, inside the United States

currently, on how to do that. So come and

play. Click the link, get your hands on that option

and learn how you could start making real estate your full time job.

For me it comes down and give you every possible hook up that I

can. And I tell you right now, I"m after rocking

at the real estate world and I'm inviting you stand next to me

and to have us this invest together in this incredible world of real estate

understand that real estate, more than about

property is about people. And

that's with this community is about. It's about helping people get

where they want to go. And you know we've got thousands of people

that we've successfully helped invest in real estate

and you can now become a part of them. And now you can join a team where

you can also get paid to recommend othe r people. Do that

as your business as you are also building your real estate portfolio.

So click the website get more information on

what that looks like and we look it forward

at getting you my team back in touch with you.

For more infomation >> Should I Quit My Job For Real Estate? - Duration: 6:25.


Nightcore - In My Blood (Shawn Mendes) - Duration: 2:53.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - In My Blood (Shawn Mendes) - Duration: 2:53.


Jaguar I-PACE | Ansel Elgort e la Smart Cone Challenge - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Jaguar I-PACE | Ansel Elgort e la Smart Cone Challenge - Duration: 1:21.


Get Unready With Me | Beauty With Mi | Refinery29 - Duration: 7:46.

Hey guys, this is Mi-Anne and welcome to my sweet digs.

Just kidding!

It's Beauty With Mi.

If you guys have been watching my show for a while, which I sincerely hope you are/ if

you're not subscribed, please hit the subscribe button down below so we can hang out every


This is a bit of a different episode for Beauty with Mi.

I typically tend to show you guys new products or things that I'm trying for the first

time and I don't usually venture into the realm of what I'm currently loving.

But I thought it might be fun to show you guys what I use at night in a sort of get

unready with Mi — with an i — fashion.

So without further ado I'm gonna stop rambling and let's get into it.

So the first thing I do when I get home from work is take off my coat and my shoes.

At this point it's usually around 7pm and I'm starving.

So I'm making a chili that I have never made before.

We'll see how it goes.

Bootsie's here too.


Are you gonna help me cook?

I missed you.

She wants to get put down.

Tonight I decide to make a veggie chili, which is adapted from a recipe from

this blog.

It's a really simple recipe.

It just involves onions, sweet potatoes, black beans, diced tomatoes, spices and then

some quinoa just to make it a little heartier.

And I also had a bunch of quinoa that I wanted to use up, so.

I like chili cause you can kind of just throw a bunch of stuff into it.

Once the chili is simmering on the stove, it takes about 50 minutes to cook so I usually

head into the bathroom and take off my makeup.

I don't know about you guys but taking off my makeup is one of my favorite parts of the


I hate having makeup on all day and it's oily and I just need a clean slate.

It's kind of like taking off your bra, taking off your makeup, getting into comfy pants.

Those are the three.

Or being naked.

Whatever floats your boat.

I get into the bathroom and I will use some kind of cleansing oil or cream to remove my


I wear waterproof mascara every single day so I need stuff that will cut through waterproof

mascara fast.

So I'm currently using this cleansing cream from Dermablend.

I typically use cleansing oils, I find that oil cuts through waterproof makeup the best.

I was pretty skeptical that a cream would work as fast as an oil but this does.

It cuts through makeup really well.

It does sting a little bit if you get it in your eyes so be sure to be aware of that.

Then to wash off all the residue from my makeup remover I usually double cleanse.

And I'm using this Kat Rudu Coco Honey Papaya Enzyme Cleanser, which if you guys have seen

my "Favorite Products from 2017" video, you know that I love it.

It's so good.

It smells like honey, like candied fruits.

It is very gentle even though it does have these enzymes that give a little bit of exfoliation.

But it doesn't leave my skin feeling tight.

It gets off the cleanser really effectively.

I use it morning and night.

It is so good.

Once my skin is clean, if I'm feeling it — if I'm not too lazy — I'll throw

on a mask.

So today I'm using this one by The Ordinary.

It is the AHA BHA peeling solution.

I really like this brand.

They're very affordable.

They have great stuff.

This is a ten minute peel.

It looks like this.

Kinda looks like blood.

And you just put it on your face and let it chemically exfoliate the dead skin for about

ten minutes.

So during that time, I dedicate to cat stuff.

So if you guys have seen my videos before you know that I have a cat.

Her name is Bootsie.

She's a Tuxedo and she's so cute and I'm obsessed with her.

In the ten minutes that my mask is drying I will usually feed her

and then I will scoop her poops.

It's time.

She likes to watch me while I scoop her poops just to make sure I'm doing it right.

Then after I'm done with that, I wash my hands thoroughly.


So I'm going to hop in the shower now, but as you can see, my shower curtain is completely


So I'm going to have to ask you to leave while I take a shower and I will see you guys

when I'm all clean.


When I'm out I run to my room, change into my pajamas and start my skincare routine.

So my nighttime skincare routine isn't super involved.

It's really just three products.

A toner, a serum, and a moisturizer.

Starting off with the toner, this is the Pixi Rose Tonic.

I love Pixi Glow Tonic.

Pixi Glow Tonic is their original toner.

It's an exfoliating toner.

It has glycolic acid in it.

But they came out with this version, the rose version, that's more hydrating.

It has rose and elderflower in it.

And I'm really enjoying it, especially in the winter when my skin needs a little bit

more moisture.

This toner is really nice as a post-cleansing step.

It also smells like roses and I love roses.

Then I move on to my serum and I love this serum.

It's a Renée Rouleau Pore + Wrinkle Perfecting Serum.

I actually got a facial with Renée back in December.

It was so amazing.

This serum is really great because it targets breakouts and it's kind of the anti-aging


So it has lactic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, niacinamide, and alantoíne in it.

Ever since I've been using this serum, my skin has been really clear, my pores have

been smaller.

I just think my skin drinks it up and I'm actually nearing the end of it and it's

making me really sad.

So as the final step in my nighttime skincare routine, I'll use a facial oil.

I really like facial oils, especially for nighttime.

I find that they're very hydrating, they keep my skin from getting flaky.

Ever since I started switching to using facial oils, I haven't had that winter skin flakiness.

So it's been two years and I haven't had a crazy flake patch, so…

I guess it's working.

I'm using this one from Pete Rivko, it's called the Balancing Facial Oil.

It's really nice.

It's very simple.

There's no added fragrance.

It has avocado oil, jojoba oil, prickly pear oil, and vitamin E in it.

It absorbs quickly, it doesn't get on my sheets, it doesn't make my face feel overly


Once my facial oil is on my face, I like to use this Jade Gua Sha tool that I actually

got and learned how to use from Sandra Lanshin, who is the founder of this wellness center

called Treatment by Lanshin.

I got facial acupuncture and Gua Sha from her.

She taught me how to use this Gua Sha tool basically to massage the product into your

skin that improves circulation, drain a little bit of lymph.

I really like it.

I gotta say, I don't always remember to use it, but when I do, I do find the inflammation

is down on my skin.

It's really great if you've had one too many drinks or if you're kind of lacking

on sleep.

It makes putting on your skincare a little bit more fun.

So once my skincare is done, at that point my chili is probably done.

And I come out to my living room

to sit in front of the TV while I eat.

I'm currently binge watching Netflix's Jessica Jones.

Very good show.

Highly recommend.

After watching two, or three, or four episodes, I will retire to Bootsie and give her a little

play sesh.

So I like to carve out at least ten to fifteen minutes a day dedicated to playing with her.

I'll play with her little mouse,

or I'll dangle her little toy for her, just to get her excited and get her a little tired

before bed.

Then I get in bed, and then I'll scroll on my phone

either on Instagram or Pinterest until I get tired and go to sleep.

So I hope that you enjoyed it.

Let me know if there's anything that you think I should try.

Skincare, mask-wise.

Shows I should watch.

Always looking for new stuff.

Let me know in the comments and I will catch you guys next week.


Thanks so much for watching, guys.

Let me know what you want to see next on Beauty with Mi in the comments down below

and click here to subscribe to Refinery29.

And click here to watch another episode of Beauty with Mi.

See you next Monday!


For more infomation >> Get Unready With Me | Beauty With Mi | Refinery29 - Duration: 7:46.


Henrik Sedin Knows Actions Speak Louder Than Words - Duration: 2:34.

- [Commentator] Puck in skates off the draw,

comes free to Stecher, ahead to Eriksson.

Edler, to Daniel Sedin.

Henrik, going to the net!

Daniel centers Henrik dekes, scores!

(crowd cheers)

And they're all gonna come off the bench,

to congratulate Henrik Sedin!

1,000 points in the NHL!

- [Sedin] Follow the system, you work hard.

We're not the biggest team, but we can skate, we can move

the puck, and we will play fast.

You're not gonna be 100% every game, but you gotta

at least try to be up there.

It's easy to talk about but tough to live up to.

- [Sedin] You wanna try be a team, when other

teams come in, and they know that this is...this is

what's gonna happen when you step on the ice

with these guys.

And there's a few teams around the league that has it,

and you know what's going to happen when you play them.

- [Commentator] You're gonna get your 1000th point,

might as well make it a good one.

And you can see Henrik acknowledging the crowd.

- [Sedin] For me, it's an honour to be here.

I mean, it's uh...the best league in the world,

and playing in Canada for so long, you're used to having

sold-out rinks, that's why sometimes when you play

for a full house, it's's easy to get away from

playing the right way, and...doing the things that need

to be done to win games is that maybe try to...

To show off, and give the fans something extra.

So that's uh...that's something you gotta be focused

on as well.

- [Commentator] Here's Daniel Sedin, two-on-one with Henrik.

Daniel in, centers Henrik, scores!

(crowd cheering)

Two goals in 38 seconds, and the Canucks lead five-three!

- [Sedin] When there's a game, you play the game, and you

play hard.

But...I think our first couple years...

There was a lot of talk about "you need to focus" the night

before the game, you gotta think about the game,

and get prepared and everything.

I think that's changed a little bit, and that's something

we got a lot better at as well.

We try to be as relaxed as possible and loose up until

for us, it's stepping on the ice for the game.

That's when you start focusing.

It's too many games, it's too much travel,

to be focused all the time, 24/7 on the game.

I think it's any day you come into the rink,

it's so much fun down to practice, and just to

be around the guys, and the staff, it's uh....

There's nothing better.'s a great group, and we laugh and have fun, and

after you won a game, it's even better.

So it's uh...I think that's the best part.

(guitar riff fading out)

For more infomation >> Henrik Sedin Knows Actions Speak Louder Than Words - Duration: 2:34.


Markiplier Sings Havana - Duration: 1:35.

*Havana, ooh na-na (ay) Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na (ay,

ay) He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na

Oh, but my heart is in Havana (ay) There's somethin' 'bout his manners (uh huh)

Havana, ooh na-na (uh) He didn't walk up with that "how you doin'?"

(uh) (When he came in the room)

He said there's a lot of girls I can do with (uh)

(But I can't without you) I'm doin' forever in a minute (hey)

(That summer night in June) And papa says he got malo in him (uh)

He got me feelin' like Ooh-ooh-ooh, I knew it when I met him

I loved him when I left him Got me feelin' like

Ooh-ooh-ooh, and then I had to tell him I had to go, oh na-na-na-na-na

Havana, ooh na-na (ay, ay) Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na (ay,

ay) He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na

(uh huh) Oh, but my heart is in Havana (ay)

My heart is in Havana (ay) Havana, ooh na-na

For more infomation >> Markiplier Sings Havana - Duration: 1:35.


Najlepsa COKOLADNA JAJA - Chocolate Easter Egg Luna Belgrade - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> Najlepsa COKOLADNA JAJA - Chocolate Easter Egg Luna Belgrade - Duration: 8:27.


Kasbo - Stay With Me - Duration: 2:48.


For more infomation >> Kasbo - Stay With Me - Duration: 2:48.


Skate park lesson with Florian Petitcolin (english subtitle) (pascal briand vlog 126) - Duration: 12:05.

i let you check here

it's already a little bit harder

1st this skate parc is a city structure

open to the public

a little bit like a ice rink

people can take a monthly subscription

or they can take a daily ticket

for us, as a club we have special session

in the evening so the club can have special quality training

this is how it work here

today is wednesday so it's the biggest session

skater from street part are Inside on the ramp

and baby school and learing school are on the blue part around

and also on the place at the back of the rink

on a wednesday session

there are 100 kids

so it's quite a big group

can a inline speed skater to some ramp?

it's not impossible hehe

we know racer have a good technique

the module are not so hard

caue going down is just about gravity center going in front

but doing tricks is more complexe

it's quite a hard event

in some way

so it's better to start early not to be scare and to avoing to get hurt

1st street session....let's go

knee pad , like in derby

wrist protection too

do you want elbow also?

yep its better

did you try already?

1st time?

may be i did few minute on a inline speed skate in a ramp

i will give him a street helmet

big or small head?

we have some choice here

M size should be fine

let's go...and start with...

the pyramid

this is the pyramid

to go up...i guess no problem

you speed up...i trust you about this

first we fix the headblock

here in the middle

that's important

when you are ready you put 2nd foot

2 hands on the knees

to have body weight in front

and go

module 1 is good at 200%

so let's go to the 2nd step

to the big fun box

it's like pyramid, less direct but longer

you go your turn on this module here

hum....i think he is good

let's go to the next one

if we follow the progression step

we do pyramide, big table...and now "plan incliné^^"

it can look quite harder

but it's gonna be easy cause you have a good position

and you are not scare of speed....hum i hope^^

it's 2M10 height.....

golden rules...ahnd on the knee...body weight in front

it's better to crash in front cause we have all protection

compare to behind where we have nothing

so you go down and go up in next module

we just did main "plan incliné" from the park

not we will do the curved part

curved is when its like this

this is the small one, we wont burn the step

curved part are much harder

there is no break in the down part

like in other "plan incliné" which is not cool

in the curved part you have to engage yourself way more

you are directly in the down part

it's a small table , no problem

he is good i will take him in the club to start street

here it's quite harder

engage yourself in

it's gonna be my first lesson in which my skater never crash^^

now we go here

a corner...a ramp...a big curved one

2m Something like before


here...i let you see

already harder

we are not so young^^

when we crash is quickly painfull^^

i put one skate, i count to 3

1 2 3 i put 2nd skate and i go

wow already more complicated here

the more you look down the harder its gonna be

that is what we say to the kids^^

go back a bit

take position and go

now we are in the ramp

same height as before

same curves

just a upper part after

so i guess its gonna be easy for him

body in front, and when its going up, push a bit on your leg to helpto go up

when you go down you flex a bit to "pump"

and whenyou go up again , you do the same

so....we try more or not?

yep , so^^

we go higher..20cm more

the hardest oneof the skate park

it's the quarter

the quarter look at it^^

it's not vertical yet....but almost

more inclinaison than the ramp

it's 20cm higher

just go direct...^^

hum... that was a little hesitation^^

you do the up part and you put your ass behind

yep yep yep almost

we are almost there


good job thank you

now we try to do few in a row

thank you the this initiation my pleasure

you are a good student^^

so can inline speed skater do i a bit of ramp^^? yes yes ^^

so at dijon roller marathon in june, they can come and try?

yes of course....not before^^ but after yes sure

For more infomation >> Skate park lesson with Florian Petitcolin (english subtitle) (pascal briand vlog 126) - Duration: 12:05.


Phố NGƯỜI LỚN SUNG SƯỚNG ĂN CHƠI của NAM THANH NỮ TÚ SÀI GÒN - PHỐ BÃI ĐÁP 2018 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 35:09.

For more infomation >> Phố NGƯỜI LỚN SUNG SƯỚNG ĂN CHƠI của NAM THANH NỮ TÚ SÀI GÒN - PHỐ BÃI ĐÁP 2018 I cuộc sống sài gòn - Duration: 35:09.


Do Koreans hate the Sun because they want to be WHITE? - Duration: 6:14.

Hello welcome to WooLara Company!

Today I decided to tell you why Koreans hate the sun

I decided to tell you this because

One foreigner asked me the question

"Why do Asians want to have white skins?"

"Do they want to be white people?"

So I'll tell you the reason why we hate the sun(not all of us)

and what we do to avoid the sun

Firstly, I'll give you the answer for the question

The reason why Asians like to have white skins

is because they want to be white people?

Uhh... NOPE

If I give you the opposite example,

Many white people like to get tanned

They would they do it because they want to be like Asians?

Of course not

The reason they like to get tanned

is generally because they wanted to look healthier(they said!)

So it's same for the Asians too

Just like that, Asians do not prefer white skins

because they want to be white people!

I also do not like to be tanned

There once a time I'd got tanned

it didn't look good on me

I didn't think it goes well with my figure

And another similar story I had!

you know, I bleached my hair like this

and some people left comments like

"why did you bleach your hair?

"Don't bleach your hair just because you want to look like white people!"

That was so absurd

I never bleached my hair because I wanted to be white

I bleached my hair because

I wanted to do red hair, two-tone hair and ash grey hair

For short, I wanted to dye my hair in many colors

The second reason is because,

If your skin is exposed to the sun it gets older quickly

It's a really big reason why we hate the sun

The more your skin is exposed to the sun, the faster your skin gets older

This is a well-known fact

Then now, I'll tell you all the ways I use to avoid the sun

Firstly, the most basic one

Wearing sunscreen every single day

I use sunscreen EVERYDAY on my skin

Second method, the sunglasses!

This is also a basic, so I don't know what to explain more

I use this a lot in summer especially

What's the third one?

It's a parasol

If you use the umbrella when the sun is too strong, it's actually worse!

so I always carry this and use it a lot

I've been using this for 2 years (only in summer)

It's also a compact size!

Just this length?

I'll use this a lot in this summer too!

For last, forth! It's......

This one! It might look like a watch

but it's not a watch

It's a wrist band that has so clock on it

but this has an interesting features

If you carry this in your daily life

The sensor here would measure how much UV you were exposed for that day

and it's linked to the app

If you open this app,

It has the pace counter feature on the main page

and if you click "UV" button here

it says my skin was exposed to the low level UV for 6.5 hours

and according to this, it tells me how to take care of my skin for the night routine

If yo scroll down,

This one here means "anti-skin aging care"

and it recommended me to do the vitamin skincare

The reason I should do the vitamin skincare is here at the bottom

If your skin is exposed to the sun a lot,

vitamin skincare would damage your skin ironically

so, for me, I wasn't exposed to the UV a lot today

so today is a good timing to do the vitamin skincare for me

so it's good for me to use the vitamin mask pack today

Also it's great for me to use the vitamin cream if I have

Also, not only it tells how much UV I was exposed

but also it tells me something else with this screen

You can see the sun mark here!

If I was exposed to much UV in the middle of the day

The bottom arrow of the sun will start to blink and vibrate

it means, the UV is too strong,

Re-apply the sunscreen, or use the sun glasses!

so this alarm feature is really helpful

Anyway I'm wearing this and caring how much UV I was exposed

These 4 methods were what I use to avoid the sun perfectly!

Wearing sunscreen all the time, sunglasses, a parasol

and the UV alarm wrist band!

This is so perfect

Actually I extra-care my skin

because my skin type is not a good type

My skin is veeeery thin!

so you can see through the blood vessels underneath my skin.... (REALLY)

It's a huge stress

If you want to make your skin look good

don't buy more expensive foundation or other cosmetics

Putting extra cares into your skin is much more important

The product I showed you will be in the description box

so if you are interested, please click the link

and I want to ask you something VERY important!

I want to start the YouTube LIVE!

so, please tell me what time works for you to watch the YT live!

I want to do it on Friday

If possible, night time on Friday, hopefully!

Tell me what time on Friday works for you?

and I would appreciate if you could tell me the time in KOREAN time!

For example, Friday 10pm in Brazil would be

Saturday 10am in Korea

I really want to do many fun things on the YouTube live

So please leave the comments and tell me the time!

Thank you so much for watching my video today

See you next time!


For more infomation >> Do Koreans hate the Sun because they want to be WHITE? - Duration: 6:14.


Channel i TV Live News Bangla, 26 March 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News - Duration: 21:21.

Channel i TV Live News Bangla, 26 March 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News

Channel i TV Live News Bangla, 26 March 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News

Channel i TV Live News Bangla, 26 March 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News

For more infomation >> Channel i TV Live News Bangla, 26 March 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News - Duration: 21:21.


Roger Federer: I don't deserve to be world No.1 after Miami Open disaster - Duration: 1:19.

Roger Federer: I don't deserve to be world No.1 after Miami Open disaster The Swiss legend headed into the tournament off the back of a superb start to his 2018 season.

Success at the Australian Open and in Rotterdam followed by a runners-up finish at the Indian Wells held the 36-year-old in good stead for the Miami Open.

But having seen Novak Djokovic crash out in the second round on Friday, Federer also slipped up this weekend. Australian Thanasi Kokkinakis, 21, dumped him out on Saturday.

And that has prompted Federer to take a break from playing, as he will not take part in the clay court season.

Rafael Nadal is the current world No. 2, but his absence from the Miami Open due to injury means he and Federer will switch places in the rankings. Nadal, meanwhile, is set to return to action at the Davis Cup in early April.

For more infomation >> Roger Federer: I don't deserve to be world No.1 after Miami Open disaster - Duration: 1:19.


Are YOU Addicted To Negativity?! Julien & RSD Tyler Reveal How To Stop Negative Thoughts! - Duration: 24:55.

For more infomation >> Are YOU Addicted To Negativity?! Julien & RSD Tyler Reveal How To Stop Negative Thoughts! - Duration: 24:55.


Kasbo - The Voice Says (feat. Charlie Kim) - Duration: 3:46.


For more infomation >> Kasbo - The Voice Says (feat. Charlie Kim) - Duration: 3:46.




Beata Kozidrak (57 l.) i Andrzej Pietras (64 l.) po rozwodzie unikali się jak ognia.

Dziś mówią o sobie bardzo ciepło. Niewykluczone, że niebawem zostaną sąsiadami. Ale to nie wszystko.

Rezydencja, w której spędzili wiele szczęśliwych lat, ma zostać sprzedana. Taką decyzję podjęli wspólnie.

Nie mają powodu, by ją utrzymywać, skoro po rozwodzie żadne z nich w niej nie zostało.

Były mąż gwiazdy przeprowadził się do mniejszej nieruchomości w Kalinówce, ale nie czuje się tam dobrze.

- Młodsza kobieta, która z nim rezydowała, wyprowadziła się - zdradza Na Żywo dobrze poinformowana osoba.

- On jest samotny. Chciałby być bliżej dzieci, wnuków i. Beaty.

Najchętniej przeprowadziłby się do Warszawy i zamieszkał blisko niej - twierdzi rozmówca tygodnika.

Dodaje, że rozwód był dla muzyka bolesną nauczką.

- Nie spodziewał się, że piosenkarka będzie tak stanowcza i przekreśli 35 lat wspólnego życia - zapewnia źródło.

Czy artystka miałaby coś przeciwko temu, by eksmąż został jej sąsiadem?.

W wywiadach nigdy nie skarżyła się na Andrzeja, a o przyczynach rozstania mówiła ogólnie.

Były mąż gwiazdy pozostaje ukochanym zięciem mamy wokalistki - Alicji Kozidrak - i ojcem córek piosenkarki - Katarzyny (36 l. ) i Agaty (25 l.

Ta ostatnia w tym roku wychodzi za mąż i, jak donosiło Na Żywo, ma nadzieję, że rodzice pojawią się na uroczystości bez osób towarzyszących.

Wiele wskazuje na to, że tak się właśnie stanie.

Beata, choć twierdziła, że znów jest zakochana, ani razu nie była widziana w towarzystwie nowego partnera.

Za to coraz więcej czasu spędza z byłym mężem.

Tych dwoje zawsze będzie łączył zespół Bajm, który w tym roku obchodzi jubileusz 40-lecia istnienia.

Eksmałżonkowie uznali, że trzeba uczcić to wyjątkową trasą koncertową.

By sprostać wyzwaniu, Kozidrak zarzuciła karierę solową, a Pietras - menadżer grupy - podjął się zorganizowania widowiska na światowym poziomie.

- Praca nad jubileuszem dostarcza obojgu wielkich wzruszeń - zdradza osoba z ich otoczenia.

Wracają wspomnienia czasów, gdy zakochali się w sobie i pracowali na sukces zespołu - mówi przyjaciel artystki.

Cieplejsze relacje byłych małżonków cieszą ich bliskich.

Pojawiają się pogłoski, że jak tak dalej pójdzie, rozwiedzeni mogą wziąć ponowny ślub.

Tak zdarzało się w polskim show-biznesie.

Przed laty ponowny ślub z Ewą wziął Krzysztof Krawczyk.

Po raz drugi pobrali się producentka sagi Nad rozlewiskiem Katarzyna Kalicińska i Dariusz Goczał.

Czy równie szczęśliwie skończy się historia Beaty i Andrzeja?.

For more infomation >> BEATA KOZIDRAK I ANDRZEJ PIETRAS SZYKUJĄ SIĘ DO... ŚLUBU! || SzokGWIAZDY - Duration: 6:32.


Le Bien Qui Fait Mal- MOR animatic (turn on captions) - Duration: 2:41.

but what is this strange feeling that fascinates me, just as much as it disturbs me?

(i shiver, stabbed by the beauty) (it's like a knife in my soul) The wound goes through

right my heart (and i take the joy in the pain) i get drunk off this poison until i

lose my mind.

it's the good thing that hurts. when you love, it's quite normal.

to hate, to take pleasure.

it's so good to suffer.

succumb to the charms.

let the tears flow.

it's the good thing that hurts. when you love, it's quite ordinary.

your pain.

the true delights only come through suffering.

take down your arms, let your tears flow.

i can feel a violent impulse.

i feel as though i'm slipping through the ground.

i must find where this plague is coming from, i love having it under my skin.

bewitched by mad ideas (suddenly, all my cravings take flight) the desire becomes my prison

until i lose my mind.

it's the good thing the hurts. when you love, it's quite normal.

to hate, to take pleasure.

it's so good to suffer.

succumb to the charms.

let the tears flow.

it's the good thing that hurts. when you love, it's quite ordinary.

your pain.

the true delights only come through suffering.

take down your arms, let your tears flow.

i can feel a violent impulse.

i feel as though i'm slipping through the ground.

(it's a laugh? idk)

it's the good thing the hurts. when you love, it's quite normal.

to hate, to take pleasure.

it's so good to suffer.

succumb to the charms.

let the tears flow.

it's the good thing that hurts. when you love, it's quite ordinary.

your pain.

the true delights only come through suffering.

take down your arms, let your tears flow.

For more infomation >> Le Bien Qui Fait Mal- MOR animatic (turn on captions) - Duration: 2:41.


The 1940s Mermaid Show That's Still Pulling Crowds - Duration: 3:52.

This is not an artificial swimming pool,

and it's not filled with chlorinated, treated water.

This is a natural spring in Weeki Wachee, Florida.

And it's at the top of a massive system of caverns,

where the Weeki Wachee River surfaces.

Hundreds of millions of litres of water

forcing its way out the ground every day.

But while the spring might be natural,

what's going on under the surface definitely isn't.

It's created by humans, because for more than 70 years,

there's been a mermaid show here.

- Toughest part of the job, I definitely think, is training.

Took me about six months to swim my first show.

Once you get hired, you get scuba certified

and then you can start on the hose, which --

that's the process that takes the longest.

Learning how to breathe and be comfortable down there.

It takes a lot of breath control and building your lungs.

Teaching your lungs and stretching them and getting them used to holding the air.

The longest we hold our breath here is the Ferris wheel.

That's when we hold each other and we spin around.

The water is 74.2° year-round. It's very cold being in there.

- We have approximately 20-25 young women on staff

who perform as mermaids.

We also have about three or four gentlemen

that play the role of the prince in our version of The Little Mermaid.

- This place is the work of a man called Newt Perry,

world class swimmer and swimming coach,

former diver for the U.S. Navy, and consultant to Hollywood.

He looked at this spring and thought,

"I could put a show on in there".

The first theatre had 18 seats, but by the sixties,

the ABC television network had bought the place,

and built a theatre for 400. And it was selling out.

- Well, 117 million gallons of water

coming from a very tiny opening at the bottom of the spring on a daily basis

will provide a current, and it's about a 5mph current.

They're not swimming in a tank.

There's so many different species of wildlife that inhabit a Florida river, we get 'em all.

Turtles, otters, the manatees are always a favourite.

- The turtles love to get in the way,

and they'll follow your tail around.

We don't really have snakes come that often.

Every once in a while, blue moon.

And then sometimes we'll get alligators.

If they're in a range that's too close,

we'll get out of the water.

- In the 60s, Weeki Wachee was a spectacular, world-famous tourist attraction.

But by the 90s, the consensus was that is was a relic.

Dated and down on its luck, at least compared to the shiny new theme parks

that Disney and Universal were opening over in Orlando.

In 2003, the New York Times called this place "aging" and "faded".

But it turns out that once something gets old enough,

with the right marketing, "outdated" can become "retro". "Historic".

- Weeki Wachee Springs was a private company

all the way up until 2008, when the state of Florida,

in an effort to help save it, acquired the attraction.

And not only did they acquire it

for the natural resource that we have here, the spring,

the scrub habitat that surrounds the spring,

but also because of the cultural significance

of what the mermaids have meant to Florida tourism for seven decades now.

- Weeki Watchee is never going to be on same level as Walt Disney World.

It couldn't be.

But the same day I'm here, the Florida state tourist board have sent a crew to film.

The last audition call for mermaids here made the news around the world,

and the articles are sounding a lot more positive than they did 15 years ago.

In the 21st century, Weeki Wachee is becoming a bit of living history.

History that still has three shows a day.

- Being a mermaid is the best job anyone could ask for.

My favourite part of the job is dealing with the kids

and making a difference in the community.

We do a lot of dealing with Make-A-Wish programmes,

and these kids think that you're really a mermaid

and they think that everything you're doing is so magical.

Just making such a difference in their lives,

just by coming to work,

we're pretty lucky that we can do that.

- Thanks to all the team at Weeki Wachee Springs State Park.

You can find out more about them at the links in the description.

For more infomation >> The 1940s Mermaid Show That's Still Pulling Crowds - Duration: 3:52.


General Mattis: I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 2:38.

General Mattis: I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!!

Defense Secretary James Mattis has told colleagues he's unsure if he can work with John Bolton,

President Trump's new pick for national security adviser, The New York Times reported.

Mattis reportedly told staffers he would find it difficult to work with Bolton prior to

Trump's announcement last Thursday that Bolton would replace H.R. McMaster.

Bolton is said to be an unpopular pick with both Mattis and White House chief of staff

John Kelly.

The president tweeted last Thursday evening that Bolton, the hawkish former George W.

Bush administration official, will take over for McMaster on April 9.

McMaster, an Army lieutenant general, will retire from the military, a White House official


Bolton served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under the Bush administration, and

as undersecretary of State in the years leading up to the Iraq War, and had a focus on preventing

the spread of weapons of mass destruction.

Democrats have expressed concerns about Bolton and his past pro-war views.

Bolton will be Trump's third national security adviser.

His first, Michael Flynn, resigned last year and has since pleaded guilty in special counsel

Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Washington is now consumed by a debate over whether Mr. Trump's new team plans to govern

as far to the right as it talks.

So far, the incoming national security adviser, John R. Bolton, has declared that his past

comments are "behind me."

Hours after his selection was announced, Mr. Bolton vowed that he would find ways to execute

the policies that Mr. Trump was elected on, but that he would not tolerate slow-walking

and leaks from bureaucrats he dismissed as "munchkins."

Some who know Mr. Bolton and his operating style predict titanic clashes.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, the retired general who has argued for keeping the Iran

deal intact and warned that military confrontation with North Korea would result in "the worst

kind of fighting in most people's lifetimes," told colleagues on Friday that he did not

know if he could work with Mr. Bolton.

The White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly, another retired four-star general, was also

unenthusiastic about Mr. Bolton's hiring.

For more infomation >> General Mattis: I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 2:38.


Listen to this Riff - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Listen to this Riff - Duration: 6:06.


TBS The Last O.G.

For more infomation >> TBS The Last O.G.


As consequências de criar filhos sem limites - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> As consequências de criar filhos sem limites - Duration: 1:34.


História da Arte na MODA ! O que tem haver ? - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> História da Arte na MODA ! O que tem haver ? - Duration: 6:51.


3 años - Sigue instrucciones de 2 o 3 pasos - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> 3 años - Sigue instrucciones de 2 o 3 pasos - Duration: 0:18.


2 años - Dibuja o copia líneas rectas y círculos - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> 2 años - Dibuja o copia líneas rectas y círculos - Duration: 0:07.


5 años - Puede escribir algunas letras o números - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> 5 años - Puede escribir algunas letras o números - Duration: 0:44.


6 meses - Une varias vocales cuando balbucea ("a", "e", "o") - Duration: 0:06.

For more infomation >> 6 meses - Une varias vocales cuando balbucea ("a", "e", "o") - Duration: 0:06.


1 año - Llora cuando la mama o el papa se aleja - Duration: 0:10.

For more infomation >> 1 año - Llora cuando la mama o el papa se aleja - Duration: 0:10.


2 años - Señala objetos o ilustraciones cuando alguien los menciona - Duration: 0:08.

For more infomation >> 2 años - Señala objetos o ilustraciones cuando alguien los menciona - Duration: 0:08.


1 año - Repite sonidos o acciones para llamar la atención - Duration: 0:08.

For more infomation >> 1 año - Repite sonidos o acciones para llamar la atención - Duration: 0:08.


3 años - Puede conversar usando 2 o 3 oraciones - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> 3 años - Puede conversar usando 2 o 3 oraciones - Duration: 0:20.


6 meses - Emite sonidos para demostrar alegria o descontento - Duration: 0:06.

For more infomation >> 6 meses - Emite sonidos para demostrar alegria o descontento - Duration: 0:06.


1 año - Actúa con timidez o se pone nervioso en presencia de desconocidos - Duration: 0:21.

For more infomation >> 1 año - Actúa con timidez o se pone nervioso en presencia de desconocidos - Duration: 0:21.


4 años - Canta una canción o recita un poema de memoria - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> 4 años - Canta una canción o recita un poema de memoria - Duration: 0:26.


5 años - Cuenta 10 o más objetos - Duration: 0:10.

For more infomation >> 5 años - Cuenta 10 o más objetos - Duration: 0:10.


3 años - Entiende palabras como "adentro", "arriba" o "debajo" - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> 3 años - Entiende palabras como "adentro", "arriba" o "debajo" - Duration: 0:36.


Do Koreans hate the Sun because they want to be WHITE? - Duration: 6:14.

Hello welcome to WooLara Company!

Today I decided to tell you why Koreans hate the sun

I decided to tell you this because

One foreigner asked me the question

"Why do Asians want to have white skins?"

"Do they want to be white people?"

So I'll tell you the reason why we hate the sun(not all of us)

and what we do to avoid the sun

Firstly, I'll give you the answer for the question

The reason why Asians like to have white skins

is because they want to be white people?

Uhh... NOPE

If I give you the opposite example,

Many white people like to get tanned

They would they do it because they want to be like Asians?

Of course not

The reason they like to get tanned

is generally because they wanted to look healthier(they said!)

So it's same for the Asians too

Just like that, Asians do not prefer white skins

because they want to be white people!

I also do not like to be tanned

There once a time I'd got tanned

it didn't look good on me

I didn't think it goes well with my figure

And another similar story I had!

you know, I bleached my hair like this

and some people left comments like

"why did you bleach your hair?

"Don't bleach your hair just because you want to look like white people!"

That was so absurd

I never bleached my hair because I wanted to be white

I bleached my hair because

I wanted to do red hair, two-tone hair and ash grey hair

For short, I wanted to dye my hair in many colors

The second reason is because,

If your skin is exposed to the sun it gets older quickly

It's a really big reason why we hate the sun

The more your skin is exposed to the sun, the faster your skin gets older

This is a well-known fact

Then now, I'll tell you all the ways I use to avoid the sun

Firstly, the most basic one

Wearing sunscreen every single day

I use sunscreen EVERYDAY on my skin

Second method, the sunglasses!

This is also a basic, so I don't know what to explain more

I use this a lot in summer especially

What's the third one?

It's a parasol

If you use the umbrella when the sun is too strong, it's actually worse!

so I always carry this and use it a lot

I've been using this for 2 years (only in summer)

It's also a compact size!

Just this length?

I'll use this a lot in this summer too!

For last, forth! It's......

This one! It might look like a watch

but it's not a watch

It's a wrist band that has so clock on it

but this has an interesting features

If you carry this in your daily life

The sensor here would measure how much UV you were exposed for that day

and it's linked to the app

If you open this app,

It has the pace counter feature on the main page

and if you click "UV" button here

it says my skin was exposed to the low level UV for 6.5 hours

and according to this, it tells me how to take care of my skin for the night routine

If yo scroll down,

This one here means "anti-skin aging care"

and it recommended me to do the vitamin skincare

The reason I should do the vitamin skincare is here at the bottom

If your skin is exposed to the sun a lot,

vitamin skincare would damage your skin ironically

so, for me, I wasn't exposed to the UV a lot today

so today is a good timing to do the vitamin skincare for me

so it's good for me to use the vitamin mask pack today

Also it's great for me to use the vitamin cream if I have

Also, not only it tells how much UV I was exposed

but also it tells me something else with this screen

You can see the sun mark here!

If I was exposed to much UV in the middle of the day

The bottom arrow of the sun will start to blink and vibrate

it means, the UV is too strong,

Re-apply the sunscreen, or use the sun glasses!

so this alarm feature is really helpful

Anyway I'm wearing this and caring how much UV I was exposed

These 4 methods were what I use to avoid the sun perfectly!

Wearing sunscreen all the time, sunglasses, a parasol

and the UV alarm wrist band!

This is so perfect

Actually I extra-care my skin

because my skin type is not a good type

My skin is veeeery thin!

so you can see through the blood vessels underneath my skin.... (REALLY)

It's a huge stress

If you want to make your skin look good

don't buy more expensive foundation or other cosmetics

Putting extra cares into your skin is much more important

The product I showed you will be in the description box

so if you are interested, please click the link

and I want to ask you something VERY important!

I want to start the YouTube LIVE!

so, please tell me what time works for you to watch the YT live!

I want to do it on Friday

If possible, night time on Friday, hopefully!

Tell me what time on Friday works for you?

and I would appreciate if you could tell me the time in KOREAN time!

For example, Friday 10pm in Brazil would be

Saturday 10am in Korea

I really want to do many fun things on the YouTube live

So please leave the comments and tell me the time!

Thank you so much for watching my video today

See you next time!


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