Monday, March 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 26 2018


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for March 26, 2018.

Colourpop is extending its range of "No Filter Concealer" shades on March 29!

Is your shade here?

We'd be surprised if it wasn't!

HSN's Beauty Week was extended for one more day!

Get deals and 4 Flex Pays on all beauty items.

Today's Deals Are the Too Faced Ultimate Chocolate shadow and mascara set for $59, and the Carol's

Daughter Monoi Ora volumizing set for $39.

But it ends TODAY!

Don't forget it's Clean Beauty Week at Whole Foods, so visit your local store for everything

you need through March 27

Rumor has it that a New ABH glow kit is on the way.

The Unicorn Dream Glow kit arrives this summer

Pretty Vulgar welcomes Lilac Lust, Sparkling Sass, and Glow Up to the Shimmering Swan highlighter

family - now at Sephora, $32

Now At Sephora, the Make Up For Ever Ultra HD Perfector in 10 shades, $36 and Ultra HD

Soft Light in four shades, $29

That's it for now.

We'll see you here same time tomorrow!

Look for Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and don't forget our full-length weekly newscast,

What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> Anastasia's Releasing A NEW Glow Kit! MORE Colour Pop Concealers! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:08.


Top 10 Spy Agencies In The World - Duration: 7:04.

It's a given that nations, particularly larger and more powerful nations, require

intelligence to keep up with what is happening both within their borders and in the outside


These organizations work closely with the military, the police, and government offices

to monitor matters of national security.

When we think of an intelligence agent, there is perhaps no better example than James Bond

sipping a martini at the casino, but of course, it isn't all fun and games for intelligence

agencies across the world; these organizations have to prove their worth.

Today we'll take a look at just how they do it, in this episode of the infographics

show, Top Ten Spy Agencies in the World.

10: ASIS, Australian Secret Intelligence Service Developed in 1952 as Australia's national

secret service agency, it runs on budget of around 330 million dollars and works closely

with America's CIA and Britain's MI6.

In 1983, the agency made headlines on a mock training mission at the Sheraton Hotel in

Melbourne, when the exercise resulted in hotel staff and guests being physically assaulted.

Keep up the training mates, and you might move up from the number 10 spot next time


9: MSS – Ministry of State Security – in China.

Created in 1983, this agency is the result of an amalgamation of the Central Investigation

Department, and has shown success in carrying out operations against terrorism in the Greater

China region such as Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong.

Little is known about the extent of their operations, so MSS sits at number 9.

8: RAW, Research and Analysis Wing – in India.

With headquarters in New Delhi, RAW was created in 1968 as India's primary intelligence

force following the Sino-Indian and India-Pakistan battles.

RAW is responsible for monitoring political, economic, and in-country scientific developments

along with playing a massive role in India's anti-terrorism efforts.

And the agency has its own hero.

Ravinder Kaushik, also known as the Black Tiger, was a theater artist turned RAW operative

who in 1975 converted to Islam, got himself circumcised, and earned his law degree in


While undertaking military service, the Black Tiger filtered military intelligence back

to India before he was eventually caught and tortured for two years.

He then served a prison sentence in Pakistan and remained a national hero, albeit a caged

Tiger, ever since.

7: DGSE – Direction Generale De La Securite Exterieure – (France).

France's leading external intelligence agency was launched in 1982 in Paris and is funded

by at least 730M dollars per year.

The DGSE proved worthy of their hefty expenditure when in the early 1980s, a Soviet spy network,

considered one of the most extensive world networks, was revealed by the agency, and

shared with their allies.

6: BND – (Bun-es-nach-rich-tendienst) Bundesnachrichtendienst – Germany

Headquarted in Pullach, Germany in 1956 and with a budget of 832M euros per year, this

agency collects information on non-state terrorism, weapons of mass destruction proliferation,

and the illegal transfer of technology, money laundering, and illegal migration.

Two BND agents struck it lucky when in 2003 they managed to snag Saddam Hussein's plan

to defend the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

The German agency passed the information onto American military one month before the invasion

and the rest is noted firmly in history.


Mossad – The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations

Intelligence for Israel's Mossad is crucial for the security of the nation.

Established in 1949, the agency was set up to work against terrorism, and is one of the

world's most feared intelligence agencies.

Famously, Mossad's 1960 Operation Garibaldi led to the capture of Nazi fugitive Adolf


The former SS-Lieutenant colonel responsible for mass execution during the Second World

War escaped to Argentina where he was captured by Mossad agents, brought back, tried in Israel,

found guilty of war crimes, and duly hanged in 1962.

Some view Mossad as the best intelligence agency in the world, but owing to their comparable

size on the world stage, they are sitting pretty here at number 5.

4 – FSB – Federal Security Bureau of Russian Federation – (Russia).

In fourth place is the FSB.

Headquarted in Lubyanka Square, in the Centre of Moscow, this agency is acclaimed for its

number of acts against anti-terrorism in the motherland and beyond.

Not much in the way of information comes from the Motherland, but we can be sure that their

borders and beyond are being kept safe.

3- ISI – Inter-Service Intelligence – in Pakistan

Due to its continuing praise-worthy and daring acts of counter-terrorism, the ISI finds itself

in the top three.

This agency was created and developed by an Australian-born British Army general officer

in 1948 who had served in Pakistan from 1950 to 1959.

In 1980, ISI intelligence led to the interception of a plot to kill General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq,

the then president of Pakistan, during a national parade.

A bloody coup had been hatched to remove the president and replace the regime with an extremist

Islamic government.

The ISI swooped in and arrested the would-be-killers and their backers prior to the date of the


2 – CIA – Central Intelligence Agency – in the United States of America.

Formed in 1947, the CIA is the largest of all terrorism agencies with by far the largest

budget at 12.8 billion dollars and a massive number of boots on the ground all around the


It has been said that with something in the region of 21,000 world operatives, the CIA

is America's largest corporation.

From 1951 to 1953, the CIA introduced operation BLUEBIRD as an early pre-runner to MK-ULTRA.

Mind control experiments, false memories, and new identities were given to subjects

who were made to take daily doses of LSD-25 as part of this bizarre social experiment.

Because the CIA has conducted the largest, and most well-funded, dubious human experiments

in the last century means that in this list, they don't quite make it to the top spot.

1: MI6 – Military Intelligence Section 6 – in the United Kingdom.

MI6 didn't even make its own identity public until 1994, and spends over 2.6 billion pounds

on counter-terrorism operations every year.

The British wrote the book in intelligence, having kept track on enemy spies during the

two world wars, and were the seniors in intelligence gathering of that period, and let us not forget

that Bletchley Park, working for MI6, cracked the Enigma code and thus shortened World War

Two by at least a year.

The Brits have also at some point trained most of the intelligence agencies listed above,

and for that reason they should surely be considered the best of the bunch.

But let's not forget the true inspiration for James Bond.

Dusan Popov was a Serbian who later worked for MI6.

He led a playboy lifestyle and took part in the most daring missions MI6 threw at him.

Popov is famous for warning the American FBI about the forthcoming attack on Pearl Harbor

in August 1941, but his warning wasn't taken seriously because Edgar Hoover, at the time

FBI director, didn't trust Popov, which in hindsight, wasn't that intelligent of

a move.

So, do you agree with our ordering of top spy agencies?

Let us know why or why not in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called British SAS Soldiers vs US Navy Seals!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Spy Agencies In The World - Duration: 7:04.


Duke Metamaterials Spawn a Handful of Companies - Duration: 3:17.

After a little bit of incubation, (we went) to Intellectual Ventures and started thinking

of a first spinoff, it sort of came to light that 'hey, why don't we think about

satellite communications?' as being an area where we can bring a product into being.

And it turns out that the metamaterial architecture, I'll call it, allows you to create an antenna

that has the same functionality as a dish or an electronically scanned antenna, but

with a much lower cost.

Kymeta was formed to commercialize the opportunity for satellite communications.

Their market is really to be the dynamically reconfigurable antenna that can communicate

with satellites, either geosynchronous or other types of satellites like low-earth orbit

satellites or others that are on the move, so that they can be tracking them continuously.

The metamaterial antennas now being developed by Kymeta really have almost no power requirements.

They can run off a USB port, rather than burning a kilowatt.

That's a big difference, and was really the first company that demonstrated that there

is a huge potential for metamaterial antennas.

You can also think about when you're in a plane, the plane turns a bit and your TV signal's

gone, or your WiFi is lost.

That problem is going to be solved.

That's actually another company that was spun off called Pivotal Commware.

Again, using a metamaterial design and solution.

Echodyne, which is another one of the spinoff companies that we've made for metamaterials,

is really a dynamically reconfigurable metasurface antenna.

It's like the Kymeta antenna except that it's tailored for collision avoidance.

Currently, there's all sorts of sensors on your car now telling you when to merge, when

not to merge, when to turn left, when to turn right, making sure you don't back over someone.

All those sorts of things.

This is a dynamically reconfigurable metasurface antenna.

If you could look closely enough, you could see little metamaterial elements all along

this guide.

You send wave energy from one side or the other and each one of these points radiates

it out.

So this whole thing is the aperture of an antenna,

and on the back, you see some drive electronics.

So, the Echodyne system doesn't look exactly like this but it's pretty close.

The whole thing is driven by a computer, in our case, a little Arduino microprocessor.

This is all manufactured on a circuit board so this is very standard technology.

That's why it's so inexpensive.

A lot of the applications of the future, including self-driving cars, require an enormous number

of sensors to be on vehicles -- for collision avoidance, for communication -- and this is

a great opportunity for all of the spinoff companies to play in.

For more infomation >> Duke Metamaterials Spawn a Handful of Companies - Duration: 3:17.


Bending Waves With Metamaterials - Duration: 2:48.

In 1967 a Russian physicist named Victor Veselago proposed a way to bend light and electromanetism


Thirty-three years later, at Duke University, that idea became an invisibility cloak

of sorts that launched a new technology called metamaterials which promises to revolutionize

communications and many other fields.

Sir John Pendry: There are no materials which do this in Nature.

And that is, you have to have a material which, when light enters it, it bends the wrong way.

David R. Smith: Somewhere along the way, John decided 'hey, we can make an invisibility

cloak out of this.'

Even partially as a joke, I think, but the math held up and you could write down the

prescription for a cloak and it's fairly simple.

And pretty soon, the phone lines were hot and David said 'we're gonna build this stuff.'

Once it was demonstrated that we could make something that didn't really exist in nature

before, it kind of took off.

But people really didn't know what to make of it at first.

Steve Cummer: If you ask different people, you'll probably get different definitions

of the term metamaterial.

But from my perspective, a metamaterial is a structure that is designed in order to control

some form of wave propagation.

That wave could be light, it could be sound, it could be radio waves, but the fundamental

idea is that you design a structure and that structure mimics natural materials and can

then be used to control wave propagation.

It's very interesting that we don't think about how much of our communications is now

carried by waves.

Things like cell phones, cellular communication, all sorts of things you might have for WiFi,

radar, millimeter wave imaging, things that you see in airports now.

All these devices which have a very, very long history, dating back to Maxwell, and

tons and tons of research, all have new life in them because of metamaterials.

Waves are a big part of our lives and metamaterials really gives us a way to control those waves

in ways that we haven't had before.

I thought this has got to be wrong, and if I publish this I'm going to be condemned as

somebody not worthy of being a scientist or something.

And indeed I was, but it didn't turn out to be wrong.

For more infomation >> Bending Waves With Metamaterials - Duration: 2:48.


Widowisko Taneczne Roku! Alicja w Krainie Czarów - Amfiteatr Kadzielnia 01.06.2018r. - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Widowisko Taneczne Roku! Alicja w Krainie Czarów - Amfiteatr Kadzielnia 01.06.2018r. - Duration: 3:26.


Living With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Health Update - Duration: 8:48.

Hey guys welcome back to my channel.

So it's been a while since I have done any videos or made any posts on Instagram lately

and that's because I have been suffering with some medical issues.

Before I go ahead and get into that and explain everything and why I have been M.I.A for the

last couple weeks use this time go ahead hit that subscribe button.

Also be sure to follow me on all my social media channels.

So first thing that's noticeable guys is I've gone ahead and changed my hair.

I've gone back platinum.

I figured because summer is approaching it would be really pretty for this time of year.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about it.

I know I definitely need a tan to kind of balance it out.

Comment down below let me know what you think.

So here's what's been going on.

I have mentioned in previous posts and videos that I do suffer from a condition called CFS

or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME is the official medical term they go by.

Now a lot of people don't really take Chronic Fatigue seriously because of that term fatigue.

People just think oh you're tired or lazy but it's a different kind of tired.

The only way I can kind of explain it is it feels like someone's plugged a vacuum into

me and literally sucked and drained all the energy out of me.

Another way I can kind of explain it for you guys.

Imagine you've been out all night partying you don't get home until like three a.m.

And then you have to be at work for six a.m let's say and when that alarm goes off and

you have that feeling where you're so tired you feel like crying and you don't want to

get up and go to work.

That's what I feel like every day.

So it isn't just the physical exhaustion.

I do suffer from mental fatigue as well.

So any type of exhertion can kind of bring on these flare ups so for example most people

who exercise or do any kind of activity where they're exerting themselves that's going to

release these endorphins that will give them more energy.

I'm the exact opposite.

Too much exertion and energy and mental thinking so I forgot what I was saying.

Sorry brain fog.

That is another symptom as well.


But yeah so any kind of exertion like exercise or things like that will tend to bring on

a flare up so I have to be very careful with what I plan in a day.

It's very hard for me to plan events ahead of time because I don't know how I'm going

to be feeling that day.

I kind of have to take things day by day.

So my typical energy level on a normal day I would say would be about sixty five percent.

So I mean I'm constantly always tired.

I'm never feeling a hundred percent.

Even though you may see me up and about and looking good and making this video for you

today it's probably the only thing I'm going to be able to do today.

So on a normal day when I am functioning I am able to do about one or two tasks in a


Where as someone who has normal energy level can do multiple tasks that day.

Like they can do dishes, laundry, go to work, take care of the kids, they can come home

and make supper.

Whereas I might only be able to let's say hypothetically make this video for you guys

and then I'm done for the day.

Like I'm mentally spent.

I'm physically drained.

I need to rest.

So I don't want to go into too many boring details about what the condition is etc.

If you are interested in learning more about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I will definitely

put a link down below so you can read up on that.

The main reason I am here is basically to update you with what has been going on with

my health and why I have been M.I.A on social media.

So with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome you have states of remission which I would consider

to be my normal days and then you have what is called flare ups.

So when you get a flare up it's basically the Chronic Fatigue is intensified times a


It's absolutely horrible.

So this is what I think I have been going through these last couple weeks is I think

I've been suffering from a flare up.

Now what normally happens when you get a flare up it basically mimics the flu.

So I will get a fever, get sore throats.

I get insane body aches.

So when I'm overly tired my body feels like it's been hit by a truck.

Yeah just and you are completely absolutely exhausted.

I mean you can't function.

Like I might be functioning at a five percent energy level when I am having a flare up.

So what I decided over these last couple of weeks is kind of do a social media detox and

just kind of relax and take time for myself and not really focus on oh my god i got to

get a video done today.

I got to take some makeup photos etc etc.

I just really needed to kind of like clear my head because the thing with these flare

ups is you don't really know how long they are going to last.

It might be twenty four hours.

It might be a week.

It might be a month.

It could be six months.

I don't know.

That's the thing.

It's very hard to plan ahead and kind of live your life and can actually get very depressing.

So I've been in a bit of a rut and I'm very sorry that I have been M.I.A on social media.

I hope you guys all understand that I really needed to take this time to just kind of mentally

and physically rejuvenate myself.

So the only other odd thing that's kind of happened over these last couple of weeks is

when my flare ups started I started noticing some other symptoms that I typically don't

get when I have a Chronic Fatigue flare up.

So it has me a bit concerned that something else might actually be going on within my


Now Chronic Fatigue can actually get misdiagnosed many times and can get confused with Lupus

and some of the signs I have been noticing lately are kind of making me think that I

might be headed in that direction.

I'm not a hundred percent sure but I did go to the doctor and he has set me up with some

specialist appointments just to give me a thorough exam and just find out if anything

else is going on.

Fingers crossed nothing else is going on that's more serious.

I will keep you guys updated for sure.

Going forward I'm not quite sure when I'm going to be able to make a next youtube video

for you, Instagram photos etc etc because I don't know when this flare up is going to


I am hoping in April sometime I will be able to get back into the groove of things.

I do have my specialist appointments coming up in April so hopefully we'll be able to

get some of this solved.

I use to promise that I would make YouTube videos weekly.

Also do new makeup looks weekly and I also advertised that I have a weekly newsletter

so going forward I am not making any promises what dates any videos, makeup photos example

etc sorry are going to be released.

So going forward I have to take care of my body and not stress myself out.

So I have to kind of do things based on how I'm feeling for that day.

So I can't predict when my next YouTube video will be or when my next makeup photo will


So it's kind of like if my body is okay for that day and I have the energy I will go ahead

and make something for you guys.

So I really hope that you please do understand this process that I am going through.

Sorry I don't know what's going on with my throat.

I have noticed I lost a couple followers in the process which is really disappointing.

But you know there is that saying quality over quantity.

I hope you guys stick by me and thank you so much for those who have continued to support

me and check in on me and ask questions.

So if any of you do suffer from Chronic Fatigue or even Lupus please comment down below.

I would love to hear from you.

I'd like to hear your tips on how you deal with the condition itself and also sometimes

it's a great support system to be able to talk to others who are suffering and going

through the same thing as you.

Okay guys so this was just a quick video update to give you a quick idea of what's been going

on in my life and why I've been M.I.A.

Hopefully I will be able to get back in my groove very soon for you and make some videos

and photos and hopefully I will be able to give you some positive updates coming up with

my health.

Thank you guys so much who have been supporting me and hopefully I will see you very soon.

Thank you so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Living With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Health Update - Duration: 8:48.


Gimme My Nuts - The Talking...

For more infomation >> Gimme My Nuts - The Talking...


I figli di Al Bano e Loredana stanno soffrendo per la crisi tra i loro genitori? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> I figli di Al Bano e Loredana stanno soffrendo per la crisi tra i loro genitori? | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:38.


BBB18: Gleici chora ao falar de dificuldades financeiras e é criticada nas redes - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Gleici chora ao falar de dificuldades financeiras e é criticada nas redes - Duration: 4:35.


Americans in Brazilian School – Update - Duration: 5:03.

Hey guys!

Thanks for joining us.

We are checking in giving an update on school.

We have lived here for 6 months and the kids have been in school for 2 months.

How do you think they are doing?

I think they are doing pretty well.

Maisa, how do you think you're doing in school?


Tiago? Pretty good.

Mateus, Do you like your school?

I really like it.

Yes they are learning portuguese, they are doing well in school.

The administration has been working hand in hand with us to make sure that the kids are happy.

And doing the best they can to progress in the language and also in other subjects in school.

They have been a great partner in helping us with our children.

Yes we have had meetings, we have been setting goals and making clear what our expectations

are with the kids and the serivces that the school provides.

We really feel like our kids are in a great environment to learn and grow.

Hi. How are you?

(Chani) Hey guys, What do you like about your school here in Brazil?

I like my school here in Brazil because it has a Snack-Shack at lunch and at the end of school.

It's open for the whole day. I like the classes, how big they are.

I like that we have uniforms. It's so cool!

The playgrounds are like the soccer courts.

They don't really have playgrounds but it's really cool.

They sometimes have field trips. I'm going to go on a field trip soon to a park.

And I can't wait to do it.

But I have to have a lot of blue cards first. I mean green cards.

(Chani) Tiago, What do you like about your school?

My favorite thing to do is physical activity. We get to do fooseball.

We get to do races. We get to play all kinds of awesome stuff.

The other thing is, I also like the Snack-Shack too.

(Chani) Mateus, What do you like about the school?

I really like the classrooms.

I really like learning because...

I really like when we go into break because we get to play a lot.

I also like that school is only 4 hours a day.

(Chani) That is pretty awesome. Do you like any specific subjects?

Yes, I like science and math.


Math was my favorite subject in America and I think it got even more cooler in Brazil.

Hi, How are you? My name is Maisa. What is your name? How old are you? Very good.

Oi, My name is Tiago.

I like soccer. I like Brazil.

I like orange juice.

Oi, My name is Mateus. I like mangos and I like chicken.

For more infomation >> Americans in Brazilian School – Update - Duration: 5:03.


Kaysar 'ataca' partes íntimas de Jéssica e BBB 'perde controle' | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Kaysar 'ataca' partes íntimas de Jéssica e BBB 'perde controle' | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 5:03.


Uomini e Donne, nuovi tronisti: torna Sabrina Ghio? L'inaspettata confessione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, nuovi tronisti: torna Sabrina Ghio? L'inaspettata confessione | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:30.





Fabrizio Frizzi è morto: Mirigliani e Sampò in lacrime, sospesi I Fatti Vostri - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi è morto: Mirigliani e Sampò in lacrime, sospesi I Fatti Vostri - Duration: 5:25.


Perché Uomini e donne oggi non va in onda? Ecco cos'è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Perché Uomini e donne oggi non va in onda? Ecco cos'è successo | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:38.


Latte di mandorle, papaya e banana per le articolazioni fragili - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Latte di mandorle, papaya e banana per le articolazioni fragili - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:27.





Kaysar insinua preço de partes íntimas de Jéssica no BBB18 e revolta | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Kaysar insinua preço de partes íntimas de Jéssica no BBB18 e revolta | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:11.


【ニュース】ポルシェがミッションEを仮想体験できるARアプリを発表 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> 【ニュース】ポルシェがミッションEを仮想体験できるARアプリを発表 - Duration: 2:21.


Uomini e Donne sospeso su Canale 5: la motivazione | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne sospeso su Canale 5: la motivazione | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:51.


Questi 2 ingredienti combinati insieme ti faranno ridurre centimetri sul girovita - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Questi 2 ingredienti combinati insieme ti faranno ridurre centimetri sul girovita - Duration: 2:13.


Il dolore a mani e piedi non sempre è attribuibile all'artrite. Potrebbe trattarsi di tenosinovite - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Il dolore a mani e piedi non sempre è attribuibile all'artrite. Potrebbe trattarsi di tenosinovite - Duration: 2:27.


Fabrizio Frizzi se ne va e lascia un grande vuoto nella tv degli italiani - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi se ne va e lascia un grande vuoto nella tv degli italiani - Duration: 4:50.


Rimedio al porro per disintossicare il corpo e dimagrire - Salute 365 - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> Rimedio al porro per disintossicare il corpo e dimagrire - Salute 365 - Duration: 6:23.


Galã da Globo é demitido, passa dificuldades e pede socorro: 'Está difícil' - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Galã da Globo é demitido, passa dificuldades e pede socorro: 'Está difícil' - Duration: 4:20.


Linda e 'perigosa': conheça o pivô da separação de Luciana Gimenez - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Linda e 'perigosa': conheça o pivô da separação de Luciana Gimenez - Duration: 4:27.


Propaganda falsa? Marina Ruy Barbosa divulga batom que muda de cor e fãs atacam - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Propaganda falsa? Marina Ruy Barbosa divulga batom que muda de cor e fãs atacam - Duration: 4:05.


Anastasia's Releasing A NEW Glow Kit! MORE Colour Pop Concealers! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:08.


I'm Jen and this is your Daily Makeup Minute for March 26, 2018.

Colourpop is extending its range of "No Filter Concealer" shades on March 29!

Is your shade here?

We'd be surprised if it wasn't!

HSN's Beauty Week was extended for one more day!

Get deals and 4 Flex Pays on all beauty items.

Today's Deals Are the Too Faced Ultimate Chocolate shadow and mascara set for $59, and the Carol's

Daughter Monoi Ora volumizing set for $39.

But it ends TODAY!

Don't forget it's Clean Beauty Week at Whole Foods, so visit your local store for everything

you need through March 27

Rumor has it that a New ABH glow kit is on the way.

The Unicorn Dream Glow kit arrives this summer

Pretty Vulgar welcomes Lilac Lust, Sparkling Sass, and Glow Up to the Shimmering Swan highlighter

family - now at Sephora, $32

Now At Sephora, the Make Up For Ever Ultra HD Perfector in 10 shades, $36 and Ultra HD

Soft Light in four shades, $29

That's it for now.

We'll see you here same time tomorrow!

Look for Makeup Minute Extras on my Instagram, and don't forget our full-length weekly newscast,

What's Up in Makeup, every Sunday morning on YouTube!

For more infomation >> Anastasia's Releasing A NEW Glow Kit! MORE Colour Pop Concealers! | Makeup Minute - Duration: 1:08.


Top 10 Spy Agencies In The World - Duration: 7:04.

It's a given that nations, particularly larger and more powerful nations, require

intelligence to keep up with what is happening both within their borders and in the outside


These organizations work closely with the military, the police, and government offices

to monitor matters of national security.

When we think of an intelligence agent, there is perhaps no better example than James Bond

sipping a martini at the casino, but of course, it isn't all fun and games for intelligence

agencies across the world; these organizations have to prove their worth.

Today we'll take a look at just how they do it, in this episode of the infographics

show, Top Ten Spy Agencies in the World.

10: ASIS, Australian Secret Intelligence Service Developed in 1952 as Australia's national

secret service agency, it runs on budget of around 330 million dollars and works closely

with America's CIA and Britain's MI6.

In 1983, the agency made headlines on a mock training mission at the Sheraton Hotel in

Melbourne, when the exercise resulted in hotel staff and guests being physically assaulted.

Keep up the training mates, and you might move up from the number 10 spot next time


9: MSS – Ministry of State Security – in China.

Created in 1983, this agency is the result of an amalgamation of the Central Investigation

Department, and has shown success in carrying out operations against terrorism in the Greater

China region such as Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong.

Little is known about the extent of their operations, so MSS sits at number 9.

8: RAW, Research and Analysis Wing – in India.

With headquarters in New Delhi, RAW was created in 1968 as India's primary intelligence

force following the Sino-Indian and India-Pakistan battles.

RAW is responsible for monitoring political, economic, and in-country scientific developments

along with playing a massive role in India's anti-terrorism efforts.

And the agency has its own hero.

Ravinder Kaushik, also known as the Black Tiger, was a theater artist turned RAW operative

who in 1975 converted to Islam, got himself circumcised, and earned his law degree in


While undertaking military service, the Black Tiger filtered military intelligence back

to India before he was eventually caught and tortured for two years.

He then served a prison sentence in Pakistan and remained a national hero, albeit a caged

Tiger, ever since.

7: DGSE – Direction Generale De La Securite Exterieure – (France).

France's leading external intelligence agency was launched in 1982 in Paris and is funded

by at least 730M dollars per year.

The DGSE proved worthy of their hefty expenditure when in the early 1980s, a Soviet spy network,

considered one of the most extensive world networks, was revealed by the agency, and

shared with their allies.

6: BND – (Bun-es-nach-rich-tendienst) Bundesnachrichtendienst – Germany

Headquarted in Pullach, Germany in 1956 and with a budget of 832M euros per year, this

agency collects information on non-state terrorism, weapons of mass destruction proliferation,

and the illegal transfer of technology, money laundering, and illegal migration.

Two BND agents struck it lucky when in 2003 they managed to snag Saddam Hussein's plan

to defend the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

The German agency passed the information onto American military one month before the invasion

and the rest is noted firmly in history.


Mossad – The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations

Intelligence for Israel's Mossad is crucial for the security of the nation.

Established in 1949, the agency was set up to work against terrorism, and is one of the

world's most feared intelligence agencies.

Famously, Mossad's 1960 Operation Garibaldi led to the capture of Nazi fugitive Adolf


The former SS-Lieutenant colonel responsible for mass execution during the Second World

War escaped to Argentina where he was captured by Mossad agents, brought back, tried in Israel,

found guilty of war crimes, and duly hanged in 1962.

Some view Mossad as the best intelligence agency in the world, but owing to their comparable

size on the world stage, they are sitting pretty here at number 5.

4 – FSB – Federal Security Bureau of Russian Federation – (Russia).

In fourth place is the FSB.

Headquarted in Lubyanka Square, in the Centre of Moscow, this agency is acclaimed for its

number of acts against anti-terrorism in the motherland and beyond.

Not much in the way of information comes from the Motherland, but we can be sure that their

borders and beyond are being kept safe.

3- ISI – Inter-Service Intelligence – in Pakistan

Due to its continuing praise-worthy and daring acts of counter-terrorism, the ISI finds itself

in the top three.

This agency was created and developed by an Australian-born British Army general officer

in 1948 who had served in Pakistan from 1950 to 1959.

In 1980, ISI intelligence led to the interception of a plot to kill General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq,

the then president of Pakistan, during a national parade.

A bloody coup had been hatched to remove the president and replace the regime with an extremist

Islamic government.

The ISI swooped in and arrested the would-be-killers and their backers prior to the date of the


2 – CIA – Central Intelligence Agency – in the United States of America.

Formed in 1947, the CIA is the largest of all terrorism agencies with by far the largest

budget at 12.8 billion dollars and a massive number of boots on the ground all around the


It has been said that with something in the region of 21,000 world operatives, the CIA

is America's largest corporation.

From 1951 to 1953, the CIA introduced operation BLUEBIRD as an early pre-runner to MK-ULTRA.

Mind control experiments, false memories, and new identities were given to subjects

who were made to take daily doses of LSD-25 as part of this bizarre social experiment.

Because the CIA has conducted the largest, and most well-funded, dubious human experiments

in the last century means that in this list, they don't quite make it to the top spot.

1: MI6 – Military Intelligence Section 6 – in the United Kingdom.

MI6 didn't even make its own identity public until 1994, and spends over 2.6 billion pounds

on counter-terrorism operations every year.

The British wrote the book in intelligence, having kept track on enemy spies during the

two world wars, and were the seniors in intelligence gathering of that period, and let us not forget

that Bletchley Park, working for MI6, cracked the Enigma code and thus shortened World War

Two by at least a year.

The Brits have also at some point trained most of the intelligence agencies listed above,

and for that reason they should surely be considered the best of the bunch.

But let's not forget the true inspiration for James Bond.

Dusan Popov was a Serbian who later worked for MI6.

He led a playboy lifestyle and took part in the most daring missions MI6 threw at him.

Popov is famous for warning the American FBI about the forthcoming attack on Pearl Harbor

in August 1941, but his warning wasn't taken seriously because Edgar Hoover, at the time

FBI director, didn't trust Popov, which in hindsight, wasn't that intelligent of

a move.

So, do you agree with our ordering of top spy agencies?

Let us know why or why not in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called British SAS Soldiers vs US Navy Seals!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Spy Agencies In The World - Duration: 7:04.


Duke Metamaterials Spawn a Handful of Companies - Duration: 3:17.

After a little bit of incubation, (we went) to Intellectual Ventures and started thinking

of a first spinoff, it sort of came to light that 'hey, why don't we think about

satellite communications?' as being an area where we can bring a product into being.

And it turns out that the metamaterial architecture, I'll call it, allows you to create an antenna

that has the same functionality as a dish or an electronically scanned antenna, but

with a much lower cost.

Kymeta was formed to commercialize the opportunity for satellite communications.

Their market is really to be the dynamically reconfigurable antenna that can communicate

with satellites, either geosynchronous or other types of satellites like low-earth orbit

satellites or others that are on the move, so that they can be tracking them continuously.

The metamaterial antennas now being developed by Kymeta really have almost no power requirements.

They can run off a USB port, rather than burning a kilowatt.

That's a big difference, and was really the first company that demonstrated that there

is a huge potential for metamaterial antennas.

You can also think about when you're in a plane, the plane turns a bit and your TV signal's

gone, or your WiFi is lost.

That problem is going to be solved.

That's actually another company that was spun off called Pivotal Commware.

Again, using a metamaterial design and solution.

Echodyne, which is another one of the spinoff companies that we've made for metamaterials,

is really a dynamically reconfigurable metasurface antenna.

It's like the Kymeta antenna except that it's tailored for collision avoidance.

Currently, there's all sorts of sensors on your car now telling you when to merge, when

not to merge, when to turn left, when to turn right, making sure you don't back over someone.

All those sorts of things.

This is a dynamically reconfigurable metasurface antenna.

If you could look closely enough, you could see little metamaterial elements all along

this guide.

You send wave energy from one side or the other and each one of these points radiates

it out.

So this whole thing is the aperture of an antenna,

and on the back, you see some drive electronics.

So, the Echodyne system doesn't look exactly like this but it's pretty close.

The whole thing is driven by a computer, in our case, a little Arduino microprocessor.

This is all manufactured on a circuit board so this is very standard technology.

That's why it's so inexpensive.

A lot of the applications of the future, including self-driving cars, require an enormous number

of sensors to be on vehicles -- for collision avoidance, for communication -- and this is

a great opportunity for all of the spinoff companies to play in.

For more infomation >> Duke Metamaterials Spawn a Handful of Companies - Duration: 3:17.


Bending Waves With Metamaterials - Duration: 2:48.

In 1967 a Russian physicist named Victor Veselago proposed a way to bend light and electromanetism


Thirty-three years later, at Duke University, that idea became an invisibility cloak

of sorts that launched a new technology called metamaterials which promises to revolutionize

communications and many other fields.

Sir John Pendry: There are no materials which do this in Nature.

And that is, you have to have a material which, when light enters it, it bends the wrong way.

David R. Smith: Somewhere along the way, John decided 'hey, we can make an invisibility

cloak out of this.'

Even partially as a joke, I think, but the math held up and you could write down the

prescription for a cloak and it's fairly simple.

And pretty soon, the phone lines were hot and David said 'we're gonna build this stuff.'

Once it was demonstrated that we could make something that didn't really exist in nature

before, it kind of took off.

But people really didn't know what to make of it at first.

Steve Cummer: If you ask different people, you'll probably get different definitions

of the term metamaterial.

But from my perspective, a metamaterial is a structure that is designed in order to control

some form of wave propagation.

That wave could be light, it could be sound, it could be radio waves, but the fundamental

idea is that you design a structure and that structure mimics natural materials and can

then be used to control wave propagation.

It's very interesting that we don't think about how much of our communications is now

carried by waves.

Things like cell phones, cellular communication, all sorts of things you might have for WiFi,

radar, millimeter wave imaging, things that you see in airports now.

All these devices which have a very, very long history, dating back to Maxwell, and

tons and tons of research, all have new life in them because of metamaterials.

Waves are a big part of our lives and metamaterials really gives us a way to control those waves

in ways that we haven't had before.

I thought this has got to be wrong, and if I publish this I'm going to be condemned as

somebody not worthy of being a scientist or something.

And indeed I was, but it didn't turn out to be wrong.

For more infomation >> Bending Waves With Metamaterials - Duration: 2:48.


Widowisko Taneczne Roku! Alicja w Krainie Czarów - Amfiteatr Kadzielnia 01.06.2018r. - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Widowisko Taneczne Roku! Alicja w Krainie Czarów - Amfiteatr Kadzielnia 01.06.2018r. - Duration: 3:26.


Living With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Health Update - Duration: 8:48.

Hey guys welcome back to my channel.

So it's been a while since I have done any videos or made any posts on Instagram lately

and that's because I have been suffering with some medical issues.

Before I go ahead and get into that and explain everything and why I have been M.I.A for the

last couple weeks use this time go ahead hit that subscribe button.

Also be sure to follow me on all my social media channels.

So first thing that's noticeable guys is I've gone ahead and changed my hair.

I've gone back platinum.

I figured because summer is approaching it would be really pretty for this time of year.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about it.

I know I definitely need a tan to kind of balance it out.

Comment down below let me know what you think.

So here's what's been going on.

I have mentioned in previous posts and videos that I do suffer from a condition called CFS

or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME is the official medical term they go by.

Now a lot of people don't really take Chronic Fatigue seriously because of that term fatigue.

People just think oh you're tired or lazy but it's a different kind of tired.

The only way I can kind of explain it is it feels like someone's plugged a vacuum into

me and literally sucked and drained all the energy out of me.

Another way I can kind of explain it for you guys.

Imagine you've been out all night partying you don't get home until like three a.m.

And then you have to be at work for six a.m let's say and when that alarm goes off and

you have that feeling where you're so tired you feel like crying and you don't want to

get up and go to work.

That's what I feel like every day.

So it isn't just the physical exhaustion.

I do suffer from mental fatigue as well.

So any type of exhertion can kind of bring on these flare ups so for example most people

who exercise or do any kind of activity where they're exerting themselves that's going to

release these endorphins that will give them more energy.

I'm the exact opposite.

Too much exertion and energy and mental thinking so I forgot what I was saying.

Sorry brain fog.

That is another symptom as well.


But yeah so any kind of exertion like exercise or things like that will tend to bring on

a flare up so I have to be very careful with what I plan in a day.

It's very hard for me to plan events ahead of time because I don't know how I'm going

to be feeling that day.

I kind of have to take things day by day.

So my typical energy level on a normal day I would say would be about sixty five percent.

So I mean I'm constantly always tired.

I'm never feeling a hundred percent.

Even though you may see me up and about and looking good and making this video for you

today it's probably the only thing I'm going to be able to do today.

So on a normal day when I am functioning I am able to do about one or two tasks in a


Where as someone who has normal energy level can do multiple tasks that day.

Like they can do dishes, laundry, go to work, take care of the kids, they can come home

and make supper.

Whereas I might only be able to let's say hypothetically make this video for you guys

and then I'm done for the day.

Like I'm mentally spent.

I'm physically drained.

I need to rest.

So I don't want to go into too many boring details about what the condition is etc.

If you are interested in learning more about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I will definitely

put a link down below so you can read up on that.

The main reason I am here is basically to update you with what has been going on with

my health and why I have been M.I.A on social media.

So with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome you have states of remission which I would consider

to be my normal days and then you have what is called flare ups.

So when you get a flare up it's basically the Chronic Fatigue is intensified times a


It's absolutely horrible.

So this is what I think I have been going through these last couple weeks is I think

I've been suffering from a flare up.

Now what normally happens when you get a flare up it basically mimics the flu.

So I will get a fever, get sore throats.

I get insane body aches.

So when I'm overly tired my body feels like it's been hit by a truck.

Yeah just and you are completely absolutely exhausted.

I mean you can't function.

Like I might be functioning at a five percent energy level when I am having a flare up.

So what I decided over these last couple of weeks is kind of do a social media detox and

just kind of relax and take time for myself and not really focus on oh my god i got to

get a video done today.

I got to take some makeup photos etc etc.

I just really needed to kind of like clear my head because the thing with these flare

ups is you don't really know how long they are going to last.

It might be twenty four hours.

It might be a week.

It might be a month.

It could be six months.

I don't know.

That's the thing.

It's very hard to plan ahead and kind of live your life and can actually get very depressing.

So I've been in a bit of a rut and I'm very sorry that I have been M.I.A on social media.

I hope you guys all understand that I really needed to take this time to just kind of mentally

and physically rejuvenate myself.

So the only other odd thing that's kind of happened over these last couple of weeks is

when my flare ups started I started noticing some other symptoms that I typically don't

get when I have a Chronic Fatigue flare up.

So it has me a bit concerned that something else might actually be going on within my


Now Chronic Fatigue can actually get misdiagnosed many times and can get confused with Lupus

and some of the signs I have been noticing lately are kind of making me think that I

might be headed in that direction.

I'm not a hundred percent sure but I did go to the doctor and he has set me up with some

specialist appointments just to give me a thorough exam and just find out if anything

else is going on.

Fingers crossed nothing else is going on that's more serious.

I will keep you guys updated for sure.

Going forward I'm not quite sure when I'm going to be able to make a next youtube video

for you, Instagram photos etc etc because I don't know when this flare up is going to


I am hoping in April sometime I will be able to get back into the groove of things.

I do have my specialist appointments coming up in April so hopefully we'll be able to

get some of this solved.

I use to promise that I would make YouTube videos weekly.

Also do new makeup looks weekly and I also advertised that I have a weekly newsletter

so going forward I am not making any promises what dates any videos, makeup photos example

etc sorry are going to be released.

So going forward I have to take care of my body and not stress myself out.

So I have to kind of do things based on how I'm feeling for that day.

So I can't predict when my next YouTube video will be or when my next makeup photo will


So it's kind of like if my body is okay for that day and I have the energy I will go ahead

and make something for you guys.

So I really hope that you please do understand this process that I am going through.

Sorry I don't know what's going on with my throat.

I have noticed I lost a couple followers in the process which is really disappointing.

But you know there is that saying quality over quantity.

I hope you guys stick by me and thank you so much for those who have continued to support

me and check in on me and ask questions.

So if any of you do suffer from Chronic Fatigue or even Lupus please comment down below.

I would love to hear from you.

I'd like to hear your tips on how you deal with the condition itself and also sometimes

it's a great support system to be able to talk to others who are suffering and going

through the same thing as you.

Okay guys so this was just a quick video update to give you a quick idea of what's been going

on in my life and why I've been M.I.A.

Hopefully I will be able to get back in my groove very soon for you and make some videos

and photos and hopefully I will be able to give you some positive updates coming up with

my health.

Thank you guys so much who have been supporting me and hopefully I will see you very soon.

Thank you so much for watching.

For more infomation >> Living With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) Health Update - Duration: 8:48.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online





6th Army's Rations at Stalingrad - Duration: 15:30.

For more infomation >> 6th Army's Rations at Stalingrad - Duration: 15:30.


ANIMALS Saving HUMANS - FACT or FICTION? - Duration: 16:47.

We know that the relationship between human and beast can be a shaky one.

We don't always get along or respect one-another, but when man and nature are in tune, the results

can be uplifting.

In these three tales, we chronicle the heroics of wild animals.

When presented the opportunity, Mother Nature can sometimes prove merciful.

Or did we spin these webs of lies for your entertainment?

Stick around and see if you can pick out which of these stories are fact.. or fiction.

The line that divides the factual from the unreal has long since blurred, the tales we

once thought fantastical now implanted as truth.

To decipher verity from the imagined, you must break from the ordinary and consider

a universe where the outlandish prevails.

Can you expand your mind to see beyond our perceived reality?

Can you decide what's fact or fiction?

Our first story is that of an unlikely friendship.

A beast known for its ferocity and man, a pairing that often ends with either on the

ground, lifeless and cold.

As Dale Howell's experiences prove, however, there is something to be said about judging

a book by its cover.

"I wouldn't have believed it if it hadn't happened to me," Dale runs his fingers through

his hair, recalling that strange day in the woods.

"I'm not much of an outdoorsman, but that weekend I had decided to enjoy a little solo

camping trip.

Life wasn't treating me too well and I just needed to… well, I needed to get away, you


"I read all the online guides, even purchased things I'd never use again if I wound up

hating it.

Two days of planning and a day of packing later and I was off!

Now, I didn't go to some incredibly remote region.

It was just outside of North Pole Resorts by Ausable River, so I expected there to be

more people.

It was quiet, though, like there'd been a memo I wasn't aware of about not camping

in that region.

Still, against my better judgment, I stayed."

Dale laughs as he fingers the brim of his hat, a worn cap sporting an unrecognizable

company logo.

"Staying was almost a huge mistake.

Maybe four, five hours into my grand camping trip, this black bear comes creeping from

a patch of foliage.

The river's nearby, close enough to where I can hear it, so I suspect he's gonna meander

his way to his food supply.

But he doesn't.

He stops and stares right at me as if I've offended him some way."

"Then, without any warning or another sound, he starts at me.

Not fast at all, just a menacing walk right towards my campsite.

All the things I read said not to panic, but I ain't perfect.

So I panicked.

When he got to a point that I felt was too close, I turned tail and ran.

I didn't know if he was behind me, I assumed he was, but I kept going.

I could picture him chowin' down on me and I was mad at myself for not having a better


But it didn't matter.

In a split second, I was face first in the waters of Ausable.

As panicked as I was running from my predator, I was even worse in the flowing waters of

the river.

Had I calmed down for a moment, I'd probably had no problem righting myself.

Needless to say, I'm not alive today because of my bravery and wilderness expertise."

"As I thrashed in the water, confused and assuming I was a goner, I felt something nudging


It was gentle at first, then more forceful.

The pushing continued 'till I was clear of the water and laying on the cold ground.

That's when I heard it – that huffing and puffing I was so scared of before.

I kept my eyes closed as the bear seemed to hover over me, rubbing its snout against me.

It lingered for a moment, sniffing me up and down before going about its business in the


"I don't know why and I certainly don't want to question it, but I thoroughly believe

that bear saved my life and knew it was doing so.

Of course, nobody believed me, but I pay them no mind.

It's my own little adventure and brush with Mother Nature."

A helping hand from Mother Nature, or a bold-faced lie?

Dale's run-in with a black bear sounds like the start of a Disney movie, but then again,

we do know that bears aren't the fearsome beasts often portrayed in movies.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote using the on-screen


Before we reveal whether Dale's story was true or not, we have another potentially phony

tail for you.

Bentley the Chimp and Monica Fowler were close, more-so than anyone would expect from a primate

and its owner.

But Monica wasn't much of a social person, spending the bulk of her evenings with Bentley,

enjoying the chimp's boisterous personality.

Despite all this time together, though, Monica never appreciated just how smart Bentley was

– until one quiet night at home.

Monica wasn't the type to go out with friends or join her company's annual Christmas party.

So she turned to an unconventional means of companionship – her chimpanzee named Bentley.

The two lived together for the better part of a decade before Bentley became ill and

passed away prematurely at 13-years-old.

In that time, though, Monica was blessed with a moment that she's sure to tell anyone

that ever inquires about her friendship with the young chimp.

As she describes it, it was a quiet day in Bowling Green.

Bentley was off playing in another part of her moderately sized two-bedroom home.

Monica was deep into the latest entry of the Fifty Shades series, enjoying the scandals

of Christian Grey and Anna Steele while nursing her bag of Werther's caramels.

She wasn't one to get sucked into the make-believe worlds of fictional novels, but something

about Fifty Shades sucked her in.

So when the two damaged love-birds launched into a tirade of obscenities against one another,

Monica gasped.

Unfortunately, air wasn't the only thing that entered her airway.

She remembers how the candy slid over her tongue effortlessly and lodged itself in her


She had once been trained in the Heimlich maneuver, but the sudden lack of oxygen clouded

any memories she had of the procedure with fear and panic.

She pounded on her own chest, wanting so badly to scream for help, though no one would hear


She was finally realizing the horrors of a life of solitude and a lack of a husband or

son or human companion of any kind.

Her throat burned, begging for the item to be released, but she was helpless.

Monica pressed on her chest one last time before losing the strength to continue the


Her body slumped down in the chair, sliding down to the floor as her hands instinctively

grabbed at her throat.

As her panic started to turn to calm, she became unaware of her surroundings.

She hadn't realized that a force that wasn't her own fists had started to pound on her


Her mind was too busy slipping into what felt like an impossible peace as her brain wanted

to take her away from the reality of her closed airway.

The pounding continued, her head rattled with every forceful hit.

Just as she started to slip away, there was movement in her throat.

The candy slipped from its jammed position and turned sideways.

Her mind forced her to take in a big gulp of air which jostled the candy even more.

Rolling over, the candy slipped from her throat and slid out of her mouth onto the hardwood


As she coughed, her body taking in as much oxygen as it could, she felt the familiar

hands of Bentley stroking her back.

At first, Monica believed it was a stroke of luck, that the Werther's slipped out

on its own.

Then the pain in her chest started, a bruised feeling that later appeared as yellowed and

purpled skin.

Knowing she didn't hit herself that hard, Monica realized there was only one other option

– Bentley had saved her life, whether he knew it or not.

Chimpanzees are smart, but are you willing to suspend disbelief to consider a chimp that

knows the Heimlich maneuver?

Perhaps this technique is more rooted in nature than we believe?

There's really only one way to find out – but you're going to have to wait until

the reveal!

For now, before we get on to our final story, be sure to let us know if you think this story

was based on fact in the comments and vote using the on-screen poll.

Neil Fannington enjoyed the open ocean, but not to a degree where he'd love to get lost

in it.

An intermediate on the surfboard, Neil enjoyed the splash of salty water on his face and

the warm touch of the sun as he sprawled on his board, but he forgot just how relaxing

the rock of the waves could be.

And so he found himself drifting helplessly one day, facing imminent death…

"I knew I was a goner.

I had to be.

Middle of the ocean, not a soul in sight.

That's not something that has a happy ending too often, you know?"

Neil didn't look like the type that enjoyed catching the waves of the Pacific, but his

unusual tale of animal heroics begins with a beautiful Californian day.

Enjoying the mid-day sun off of the golden Californian coast, Neil was especially having

a good time as wave after wave tested his balance.

It was a busy day on the ocean for the young surfer, so when he had a moment of calm on

the glassy surface of the Pacific Ocean, he plopped down on his board and enjoyed the

warm sun against his chilled and wet body.

It was relaxing – maybe too much so.

Within minutes, Neil was drifting off into a deep sleep, all the while drifting aimlessly

and the empty open waters of the deep blue.

When Neil came to, his mind foggy from what felt like a brief nap in the summer sun, he

found himself surrounded by nothing.

The glisten of the sun sparkled on the gentle waters, but there wasn't a land mass in


"I panicked.

I mean, what else is someone supposed to do in that situation?

You don't know how long you were out for or in what direction you're facing.

I remembered my first thought was 'I'm going to die out here.'

But I didn't let the ocean take me right away.

I followed the swells for a bit, paddling along, making little progress before my arms

started to ache."

Then I saw them.

A couple of fins broke the surface a short distance away.

They didn't seem to be swimming directly towards me, but that didn't stop the scenarios

from popping up in my head.

I was being circled by sharks, I was sure of it, and that was going to be the end of


I pulled my body onto the board as much as I could, but I was still dangling in the water.

I waited for the worst and thought it was coming straight for me when a fin approached."

"It was a soft nudge that pushed me along, but I didn't feel teeth.

When I finally looked at what was attached to the fin, I found out why.

They weren't sharks at all!

A school of porpoises took a great interest in this man floating in the middle of nowhere,

but what happened next was nothing short of a miracle."

As Neil describes being pushed along by the porpoises, he speaks as if he still doesn't

believe it himself.

"I thought I was going mad, that my mind had been cooked in the sun and this was the

hallucination I saw before succumbing to dehydration or something.

But my board scraped against the beach and I knew I was safe.

When I turned around to face the open ocean, my school of heroes was already gone, splashing

away in the distance as if celebrating their good deed for the day."

"You can call me crazy and you can say I'm lying, but I was saved that day by porpoises.

I wouldn't be here if not for them."

Neil's oceanic adventure certainly paints sealife in quite the new picture, but can

you believe it?

We've all heard tales of trained porpoises doing miraculous things - but could their

wild counterparts have the knowledge to push someone that far back to land?

Let us know what you think in the comment section right now and once again, vote by

using the on-screen prompt.

Now, let's get on to what you've been waiting for.. the reveal.

Are you ready to find out if you can decipher between fact or fiction?

Let's look back at tonight's three stories and find out which were born from reality

and which were fabrications of the imagination.

Overall, did any of these stories make you think differently about our animal friends?

How about the story of Dale Howell's run-in with a terrifying black bear in the wilds

of New York?

We know bears aren't murderous beasts with an unchecked thirst for human blood, but does

that mean they're gentle and intuitive enough to rescue someone from drowning?

As much as I'd love to give a reason to trust bears more, I can't at this time.

Dale's story was complete fiction composed by our writers.

But that doesn't mean we can't entrust our lives with chimpanzees.

Sure, they can be ferocious primates, but they are capable of affection.

So, did Bentley come to Monica's rescue just in time?

Sadly, no.

<pause> Oh, it's not that Monica died.

There just never was a Monica.

Or a Bentley.

But this scenario isn't entirely out there as a Golden Retriever named Toby once gave

his own, Debbie Parkhurst, his version of the Heimlich maneuver when she started choking

on an apple.

Finally, we have Neil's run-in with life-saving porpoises.

Is this another fictional wonder?

Or is it possible that this actually happened?

According to actor and funnyman Dick Van Dyke, this story is 100% true… and his own.

In his younger years, Van Dyke enjoyed surfing, at least until he found himself wading in

the depths of the Pacific.

He was able to continue his prolific career thanks to a couple of heroic porpoises that

came to his rescue and pushed him to shore.

How well did you do in tonight's video?

Did you look past the deception of our world and define the oft-blurred line that struggles

to separate lies from the truth?

Let us all know in the comment section below and should you find the urge to test your

perceptions again, be sure to subscribe and join us next time when we ask you to decide

what's fact... or fiction.

For more infomation >> ANIMALS Saving HUMANS - FACT or FICTION? - Duration: 16:47.


CRKT Goken Tactical Knife | Designer Vision From James Williams - Duration: 2:05.

What a gorgeous knife. Get back on your job here.

I'm James Williams. I've been studying martial arts for well over 50 years.

I have my own system of classical Japanese sword arts which also

includes small knife, empty hand, striking, all of those things.

When I was looking for a design that infantry could use in combat, I went back in Japanese history

and I took a look at a design called "Osoraku" with a very long point design for penetration

but with the curve in it that also allows for really efficient slashing.

I said that's the shape I need. So I designed the Gōken for you.

It's made by CRKT because they do an excellent job.

The Gōken is an everyday carry, personal defense knife.

It uses the take down system that Ken Onion came up with.

Allows you to take the knife apart to three easy pieces.

It's light, strong, carries deep in the pockets with a flipper design because it's simple, clean, fast.

The handles are neutral because that's what the Japanese use.

It allows me to hold the knife in different ways that I might need to.

Whether I want to use it as a push dagger. Whether I'm slashing this way.

Whether I'm coming in edge up. Whether I want to turn it around and stab overhand this way

or come in like this - the handle allows me easy ways of accessing and using the knife.

It's light its slim carries deep it's tough it's rugged. I carry it.

So if you want to find out more about me, what I teach, the knives I designed for CRKT,

go to You can also go to and CRKT's YouTube channel.

Because we do videos and stuff on that channel as well and

if you need information or you need to ask questions you have the ability to do that.

For more infomation >> CRKT Goken Tactical Knife | Designer Vision From James Williams - Duration: 2:05.


3 (INSANELY SIMPLE) Trading Tips from Penny Stock Millionaire Steven Dux - Duration: 13:14.

For more infomation >> 3 (INSANELY SIMPLE) Trading Tips from Penny Stock Millionaire Steven Dux - Duration: 13:14.


Trump Family Makes HEARTBREAKING Announcement About Barron - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Trump Family Makes HEARTBREAKING Announcement About Barron - Duration: 2:18.


High School Sweethearts Reunite After 64 Yrs, Finally Get The Happy Ending They Deserve - Duration: 2:29.

High School Sweethearts Reunite After 64 Yrs, Finally Get The Happy Ending They Deserve

Sometimes love is worth the wait.

That's what high school sweethearts Joyce Kevorkian and Jim Bowman discovered when they

reunited 64 years after attending prom together.

The pair had dated during their junior and senior years of high school in Illinois in

the early 1950s, but had gone their separate ways for college, eventually losing touch.

Both found new loves in college, married, and went on to have long and happy marriages

until they were both widowed.

"My grandma had been very sad since my grandpa passed away five years ago," Joyce's granddaughter,

Anna Harris said.

But then something happened that took her by surprise.

As the anniversary of their high school graduation grew near, Jim called up his former flame

and asked her to help him plan the reunion.

Right away it was clear that, even though it had been more than six decades since they

had seen each other, there was still something very special between them.

"[W]hen she started talking to Jim, she turned back into her old self," Anna said.

"When I'd call her up, she had a lot of things she wanted to tell me about her life

― she had things to look forward to again."

Pretty soon, Jim came for a visit, and the rest is history.

Anna shared some photos from the couple's April 1 wedding (including one with their

prom picture) on her Twitter page.

"It was a really heartwarming ceremony," she said.

"The best man and maid of honor (me!) gave little speeches and then the two lovebirds

left for their honeymoon."

Anna shared that her grandmother has been back to her usual, giggly self ever since

Jim came back into her life.

And even though Anna misses her grandfather, she is happy her grandmother has found love


"It's almost like she is 17 again.

When Jim proposed, she didn't hesitate one bit and she has been so, so happy ever since,"

Anna said.

"To me, Jim isn't really replacing my grandpa, he's giving me my grandma back."

Were you happy to see Joyce and Jim find love together again?

So share this!

Subscribe to our channel for more : Visit our website :

For more infomation >> High School Sweethearts Reunite After 64 Yrs, Finally Get The Happy Ending They Deserve - Duration: 2:29.


Stormy Daniels Has Put Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen In Serious Legal Jeopardy - Duration: 3:49.

On Sunday night 60 minutes on CBS aired the much ballyhooed interview that they had with

Stormy Daniels.

The interview was conducted by Anderson Cooper and to be honest, we didn't learn a whole

hell of a lot from that particular interview.

Nearly everything that Stormy Daniels had said during the interview was information

that was already readily available to the public, including the fact that she had been


That story actually came out about a week or two ago.

So we didn't learn really anything new from that particular interview.

We did learn that Anderson Cooper doesn't seem to understand what a nondisclosure agreement

means and that that would explain why she issued statement saying she didn't have an

affair with the president.

But other than that, the only thing that really stuck out about this particular interview

was the fact that Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's attorney, had been corresponding with the

Daniels and her legal team from his address at Trump Tower, while being identified as

one of the members of Donald Trump's campaign for president.

That particular piece of information is important, and that could be what brings Michael Cohen

down for this hush money payment that he made to Stormy Daniels.

I think that's the avenue that Daniels' attorneys are probably going to go here, but the biggest

thing is that Michael Cohen paid the money.

We know that.

These documents that they have show that he paid it, show that he was working out of Trump

Tower, which makes it increasingly unlikely that Donald Trump himself didn't know about


Unfortunately, we still do not have that particular link to show that Trump authorized this, knew

about it, or engaged in this cover-up in any way as of right now.

But Michael Cohen is in serious legal trouble at this point.

The one good thing 60 Minutes did last night was talk about the fact that John Edwards,

a former Democratic presidential and vice presidential candidate, was indicted for the

exact same thing that Michael Cohen did with Stormy Daniels.

The former chairman of the Federal Election Commission who was on 60 Minutes last night

said in simple terms that, "Yes, this is a violation of campaign finance laws, and that's

what we're looking at here with Michael Cohen."

Again, whether or not this can be linked back to Donald Trump is going to depend on whether

or not prosecutors are going to be able to flip Michael Cohen.

Is he going to turn on Trump?

Does he have information that would implicate Trump?

Or was this truly just Michael Cohen acting on his own to pay off Stormy Daniels?

Those are questions that investigators are going to have to answer and prosecutors are

going to have to prove, but I think at this point it's pretty safe to assume that Michael

Cohen is going to be at least punished in some way for this hush money payment.

We already know the Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor, has requested documents involving

Michael Cohen.

We know that he is interested in this pay-off money, so it's very likely that Robert Mueller

is already on that particular track.

Again, maybe he can link it to Trump, maybe he can't, but at the end of the day, Michael

Cohen is the guy right now set to go down, and only he knows for sure if Donald Trump

is going to go down with him.

For more infomation >> Stormy Daniels Has Put Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen In Serious Legal Jeopardy - Duration: 3:49.


Moments Ago, Trump Pulls The Plug That Has All Swamp Creatures Paddling Up Schiff's Creek - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Moments Ago, Trump Pulls The Plug That Has All Swamp Creatures Paddling Up Schiff's Creek - Duration: 4:39.


'The Quad' Season 2, Ep. 9 Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:52.

(crowd cheering)

(marching band music)

[Jersey Number Five] I got this.

- Ain't this bout a bitch?

- [Jersey Number 11] Like hell,

you ain't even supposed to be suited up man.

- Hey man, I'm the starting quarter back, alright--

(whistle blowing)

- Time out!

- Move your ass, move your ass.

- [Jersey Number 11] Move your ass.

(dramatic music)

- Get off my God damn field.

- So you can make room for Jenkins?

No, I don't think so.

- I'm not gonna ask you again.

- What is going on out there?

- Coach this is my team.

This is my family.

- Turner!


Get 'em off this field before I hurt 'em.

- This isn't fair.

There's nothing wrong with me.

- What is he doing?

- I don't know but I'm 'bout to find out.

- I'm the quarterback right?

- Coach Hardwick is a great coach.

Whatever is going on he will know exactly how to handle it.

- Whatever's going on down there

I know you'd handle it differently, wouldn't you?

- No question.

- And that's why we need you out there.

To raise the bar for our young black men.

- Look, big sis I love you and everything,

but I'm gonna need you to stop filling Dwight head

with that black cultural stuff.

The world ain't just black.

- What, you wanna turn him into O.J.?

I'm not black, I'm Dwight?

Look, wherever he goes that's up to you.

But wherever that is he's always gonna be black.

Dangerous to forget that.

- I know a couple type high school groups

who would join if I sign up.

- Come on brother in law,

there's a football powerhouse waiting to happen.

Dwight can lead that.

Why won't you let the boy choose his own dream?

- Because I've already chose it for 'em.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> 'The Quad' Season 2, Ep. 9 Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:52.


The Best Ways To Get Rid Of Those Stubborn Under Eye Circles - Duration: 4:09.

At a certain point in everyone's life, under eye circles become a daily constant, whether

it's from stress, fatigue, or simply a part of the aging process.

The good news is that there are some tips for dealing with the arrival of eye bags without

going under the knife.

Here are some tips to freshen your face.

Know the cause

First, it's helpful to know what's causing your under eye circles.

Physicians point to fat pads beneath the eyes protruding to cause the shadowy look.

To know if this is simply something that comes natural to you, look at your parents and grandparents.

If they had dark or protruding under-eye circles, that's most likely where yours are coming


"You know, I think it might be time for you to start using night cream."

If saggy eyes aren't in your genes, there's a chance your age may bring them along anyway.

As we get older, we lose fat in our faces, which means the fat pads under our eyes can

look more pronounced, making us look even more tired.

Surprisingly, what that may mean is that if you lose fat weight throughout your body,

you may end up looking older in your face as a result.

No matter the root cause of your under-eye circles, most experts agree that it's easier

to prevent them than to treat them.

Sleep some more

One easy approach to preventing eye bags might be to invest in a good eye cream to provide

the skin area nourishment and the moisture it needs to maintain its elasticity.

But an even easier way to stave off the issue is to get the proper amount of rest.

Restorative sleep is key to keeping your skin healthy, because a lack of sleep is said to

make skin look paler, and reduces circulation.

While you're getting your extra dose of Zs, you might want to also try doubling up on

your pillow count.

Lying flat all night leads to fluid pooling up around your eyes, but if you sleep at a

slight incline, that fluid will tend to drain to other parts of your face and body more.

One thing's for sure: You should most definitely wash your face with makeup remover and a gentle

cleanser each night to keep that wide-awake, youthful look coming through in the morning.

Invest in products

As if you didn't already have enough reason to slap on the sunscreen, it'll also keep

your under eye circles smaller and less noticeable.

Sunscreen and sunglasses are key to keeping that soft skin under your eyes healthy and

undamaged, thus reducing the risk of making the area darker.

Meanwhile, using a good concealer is also a quick and easy way to cover up dark circles,

especially when you're in a hurry.

Experts recommend using high-pigmented shades with a loose setting powder afterwards to

keep the concealer from wiping off.

Simply apply the product in a "Y" shape and then set it with a good powder foundation.

To choose the right concealer, take a good look at those under eye circles.

If your circles have a purple hue, try a yellow concealer.

If the circles are more red, go for a greenish concealer.

Blue circles are best covered up by a peach concealer.

Before applying your concealer, be sure to first dab on some eye cream because it'll

help the concealer to go on smoother so it doesn't get caked up on your face.

Last but not least, niacinamide should be an essential ingredient to your eye serum

of choice because it's a form of Vitamin B and an anti-inflammatory ingredient that will

widen the cell walls and increase blood flow to the area, reducing puffiness under your


Take an antihistamine

Whether or not you're predisposed to eye circles thanks to your DNA or age, one of the most

common reasons for under eye circles starts with seasonal allergies.

People who have allergies often have swollen or enlarged blood vessels under their eyes,

and because the skin under eyes is so thin and fragile, having swollen blue vessels right

under the surface is very noticeable.

If you've noticed that your under eye circles look worse when your allergies are flaring

up, think about starting a daily antihistamine.

Other ways to bring the swelling down include placing cold cucumbers on your eyes or even

just splashing some cold water on your face.

Because cucumbers are high in sodium, they will naturally draw fluid out from under your


You could also try an old beauty pageant trick and dab some hemorrhoid cream under your eyes.

The cream is designed to shrink blood vessels, so it will temporarily take care of those


Draw attention elsewhere

If all else fails, don't forget the cosmetics option to distract people from your deep circles.

"Let's do a makeover."

One way might be to apply white eyeliner to the inner corners of your eyes to give the

illusion of bigger and more awake-looking eyes.

Makeup experts also recommend sticking with cool colors to draw attention away from red

irritation or eye circles, so ditch the black eye pencil and opt for navy blue to brighten

things up a bit, and voila.

You'll look younger and fresher instantaneously without having to invest much time, money,

or pain into the process.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Best Ways To Get Rid Of Those Stubborn Under Eye Circles - Duration: 4:09.


All Hell Just Broke Loose As Trump Forces Famous Celeb's Mom To Stay LOCKED In Her House! - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> All Hell Just Broke Loose As Trump Forces Famous Celeb's Mom To Stay LOCKED In Her House! - Duration: 5:41.


Impact the World: Free Broadcast, March 29, 2018 - Duration: 3:24.

Hello everyone I'm Lee harris and for the

past 14 years I have been a mentor, a mystic,

a messenger,

and bringing my work and self growth and

spirituality to the world.

This Thursday I'm going to do a free broadcast

called Impact The World, sharing the things that I

have learned about how we bring our passion, our

mission to the world. Now I spent my 20's

focused on metaphysics and self growth, and learning

as much as I could about that for myself. I

didn't know that it was gonna end up becoming my

job and

I was focused on a completely different career path,

but it took over and people started asking me to

work with them and so I fell into it, which means,

I spend the last decade learning how to do this

as a business and how to put your work out into

the world in a way that works for others and

works for you.

I will say that, you know, my philosophy is a human

beings we're always trying to find balance. We're

always trying to keep a balance in our lives as

much as we can and isn't easy.

And it's been the same for me as someone running a

business, particularly some who didn't know a

great deal about business 14 years ago.


I want to share with you in Impact The World,

everything that I've learned about how to bring

your work to the world in a way that works for

you and works for the people that you are

serving, because essentially

we are serving people, that's that's really the

core of the job,

but there are certain ways that you can figure

out how to make it easier for you, for the people

that you're serving, and how to present your work

to the world.

Equally, there are things that you go through inside,

the fear of "i'm not good enough," or "why should I be

out there,"

"they're already doing it and I think they do it

much better than me."

We're all needed and that's my philosophy and I

certainly had all of those thoughts and felt all

of those feelings, and occasionally

those trolls on the internet will backup your

worst fear. But what I learned was

the system, of how this works. I understood what

online criticism is about and how to move

through, it. I understood how to move through my

own self-doubt every time I would try and stop

myself from doing. Something I felt a pull toward

but I didn't have enough knowledge or

support, or my fear was just a bit bigger than my


So my training Impact The World is really about

both sides of the equation.

Do you want to know how to make a good direct to

camera video? And what are the components and the

energies that go into that.

Do you want to know how to believe in yourself

better? So we're gonna look at the whole spectrum,

including money and valuing yourself and

the resources for your work and for your business.

I always say that my company, Lee Harris

Energy occasionally people call it my company,

okay I'm the ceo and it's around my work, but I

see it as its own entity,

it's an entity that interfaces between me and the

team who work in it

and those people that we serve. So,

there are lots of things and I

know not all of you can come to the training in

San Diego so this free broadcast is going to

give you some tips and tools so that you can get

started with your work and for those of you who

are curious about whether or not San Diego is

right for you, this broadcast should also answer some

of those questions. Hope to see you there! Big love!

For more infomation >> Impact the World: Free Broadcast, March 29, 2018 - Duration: 3:24.


Conjugating Regular Italian Verbs Ending in -ARE - Duration: 7:09.

Hey it's Professor Dave, let's conjugate some verbs.

We've avoided it thus far, but eventually we have to talk about verbs.

Most students hate conjugating verbs, probably because in English we don't have to do it.

I run, you run, we run, they run, it's all the same.

But in the Romance languages, it doesn't work this way, so we have to learn how to

conjugate verbs.

Don't worry, once you learn the rules, it's pretty easy.

The dictionary form of a verb is called the infinitive.

This is the general form with no person or tense, that simply gives the idea of the action.

In English this would be things like to run, to go, to sleep, to play.

There is no subject, and no information about when the action occurs.

In Italian, verbs fall into three categories, since infinitives can end in ARE like parlare,

ERE like correre, and IRE like dormire, and the category a verb is in will tell you how

to conjugate it into the six forms, first person, second person, and third person, with

both a singular and plural form for each.

Let's start out with the first conjugation, or verbs whose infinitives end in ARE.

First we will conjugate comprare, which means to buy.

Notice the highlighted letters in each form.

For any regular verb ending in ARE, we just change ARE to the highlighted letters for

the form we want to use.

Let's try and do the same for mangiare, which means to eat.

Notice that for the second person singular, we might expect two I's in a row, so instead

we just drop one.

This will be the case for all verbs ending in IARE.

In fact, the first conjugation is generally quite resolute about keeping the same sound

in all forms.

So if the new ending would cause a change of sound, we modify the word to maintain the


For example, with giocare, which means to play, it's a hard C.

When we conjugate, we get io gioco, and then we would get tu gioci.

The I turns the C soft.

So to keep the hard C, we add an H to get tu giochi.

Then it's lui gioca, and then again for noi we need the H, noi giochiamo.

After that it's voi giocate, and loro giocano.

All verbs with a C or G before the ARE will do this.

Let's go through some common verbs ending

in ARE.

With all of these common verbs and our ability to conjugate them, we have greatly expanded

our capacity to form basic sentences.

Let's try a few.

I think you've got the hang of it, so let's check comprehension.

For more infomation >> Conjugating Regular Italian Verbs Ending in -ARE - Duration: 7:09.


EXCLUSIVE: MAJOR New Japan Announcement! INJURED WWE Stars RETURNING?! | WrestleTalk News Mar. 2018 - Duration: 4:26.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.

The Streak Lives!

With everyone praising Asuka's 1,678 match or something unbeaten run, another, possibly

even more impressive accomplishment has gone unnoticed: Curt Hawkins' almost 200 consecutive

losses, which he went one match closer to over the weekend:

"Getting very close to 200.

The Streak: 0-189.

Sorry #WWEBuffalo, I tried."

But the Star Maker has an ingenious plan to turn his fortunes around: become Braun Strowman's

tag team partner at WrestleMania 34.

Hawkins started campaigning to become the mystery reveal over the weekend, by tweeting

his new profile picture 'PICK ME BRAUN' Curt wants those hands… for a tag.

Hall Of Fame Inductions Revealed While Hawkins' losing run is inarguably

the most famous streak in wrestling history, a close second is Goldberg's WCW unbeaten

run in the 90s.

It's just one of the many reasons Bill is headlining this year's Hall of Fame class,

and now WWE have revealed the person who'll be inducting him: his Brock Lesnar feud nemesis

from last year's WrestleMania Paul Heyman.

Several other inductors have also been announced, with Molly Holly inducting her Right To Censor

foe Ivory, and we'll be getting two-thirds of a TLC reunion with Edge and Christian awesomely

inducting the Dudley Boyz.

Injured WWE Stars Returning Soon Looking ahead to after WrestleMania, two previously

injured wrestlers appear to be gearing up for their returns.

Firstly, after he was reportedly backstage at last week's Raw, PWInsider is reporting

Big Cass is telling people he's now been medically cleared to return.

Cass was put out with an ACL tear last August at the worst possible time - right in the

middle of his first main roster singles push, off the back of turning heel on his longtime

tag partner Enzo Amore.

It's similarly looking good for Jason Jordan, who also found himself out with injury during

the largest singles push of his career - being tag team champions with Seth Rollins and seemingly

set to start a feud with his kayfabe dad Kurt Angle.

After undergoing neck surgery back in February, the Wrestling Observer are reporting he's

expected to return in time for WWE's European tour in May.

AJ Styles Injury Update In more positive injury news, after not wrestling

at any house shows last week because of an undisclosed injury, AJ Styles returned to

action during Saturday's SmackDown house show in New Jersey - teaming with all three

members of the New Day in an eight man tag against Rusev, Aiden English, Chad Gable and

Shelton Benjamin.

Styles picked up the win with a Phenomenal Forearm on English.

New Japan US Expansion Plans But the biggest wrestling show of the weekend

was undoubtedly New Japan's Strong Style Evolved event - with its huge Golden Loves

vs The Young Bucks headlining match.

And during that show, New Japan announced the next step in their US expansion - they

will be returning to California with a G1 Special on Saturday 7th July, but this time

in San Francisco's Cow Palace.

The Cow Palace is one of the most famous wrestling venues in the States, hosting Roy Shire's

Big Time Wrestling through the 60s and 70s, and WWE's brilliant No Way Out 2004 pay-per-view,

where Eddie Guerrero won his first WWE Championship.

And that's not all...

Exclusive: New Japan Running First UK Shows! WrestleTalk can exclusively reveal - that's

right, we've got exclusive news now - that the week before New Japan will be running

their first ever UK shows, in Milton Keynes Arena on June 30th and the Altrincham Arena,

Greater Manchester on July 1st.

Presale tickets will be available this Thursday and Friday to subscribers of UK partner Revolution

Pro Wrestling's mailing list (use the link below to sign up for that), and tickets go

on general sale at (link below as well) from next Monday.

With WrestleMania 34 just two weeks away, what about WrestleMania 3?

Watch Wrestling With Wregret's review of the Andre the Giant vs Hulk Hogan headlined

show by clicking the video to the left!

I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.

For more infomation >> EXCLUSIVE: MAJOR New Japan Announcement! INJURED WWE Stars RETURNING?! | WrestleTalk News Mar. 2018 - Duration: 4:26.


What Is Hypoglycemia? (Reverse Hypoglycemia) - Duration: 7:09.

Today we're going to explain some of the basics of hypoglycemia so stay tuned. Hey

I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master health

by understanding how the body really works make sure that you subscribe and

hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything.

What is hypoglycemia? Hypo means low or under and glycemia means glucose in the

blood, sugar in the blood. So hypoglycemia is low blood sugar and

then most people would think well if you've got a low blood sugar then let's

eat a bunch of sugar to get it up and that seems like a tempting idea and

that's what a lot of people do and in the short term that's going to sort of

reset your blood sugar and you feel better for a short time but in the long

run it is the worst thing that you can do and it is the thing that caused the

problem and it's the thing that perpetuates it so let's look a little

bit about the how the system works so blood sugar is measured in milligrams

per deciliter and your body likes it somewhere between eighty to a hundred

and twenty a fasting blood sugar should be eighty to a hundred with a sweet spot

somewhere like eighty five to ninety and with that level of blood sugar your body

can produce stable energy long term no huge peaks

no sudden valleys but we have steady supply that's what the brain likes

that's what your cells like and a hundred milligrams of blood sugar means

that at any given time the average person has about 1 teaspoon of glucose

or sugar circulating in their blood that's their energy supply so to speak

from from blood sugar and that's like a slow drip it's not like throwing a whole

bucket in at all at once so if your system is designed for about one T's

boon of glucose carbs at a time then it doesn't know what to do it's it's an

emergency it's a crisis if we dump a whole lot more than that in at any given

time so processed foods go into the bloodstream very very quickly so when we

say sugar we're not just talking about open up a bag of white sugar and start

spooning it into your mouth it is just as bad your blood sugar rises equally

quick from a number of other things let's take a look a coke will have eight

teaspoons of sugar a bagel 10 teaspoons of sugar fries

12 teaspoons of sugar a muffin 15 teaspoons of sugar and if you go all out

and you have three slices of pizza that's 24 teaspoons of sugar and your

body is designed to have about one teaspoon at a time that's what it knows

how to deal with so let's look at what happens first we have to understand

insulin in relation to blood sugar so when we eat whole foods like meat and

vegetables the blue line here our blood sugar is going to stay within a very

narrow range it's going to rise slowly and it's going to drop slowly and we

only need a little bit of insulin to help that sugar out of the bloodstream

and into the cell but if we eat one of these foods or any processed modern

convenience food then blood sugar is not going to stay in the hundreds it's gonna

go very very quickly in a matter of minutes not hours but minutes it's gonna

get into the 200-300 range sometimes and that's an emergency just like a diabetic

can get a coma from extremely low blood sugar they can get a coma from really

high blood sugar the brain really doesn't like those huge swings so this

is an emergency and the body is going to produce

emergency amount of insulin so you get this huge red spike of insulin to handle

all that excess blood sugar but if the insulin goes this high and it tries to

get that blood sugar out very very quickly the blood sugar is going to drop

very very quickly and do you think that at that sudden drop with that huge

amount of insulin do you think it's going to slow down and just smoothly

taper off at the ideal level no there's too much insulin in the system so it's

gonna overshoot and down here is what's called hypoglycemia and now you get

fatigue you get irritable you get shaky you lose focus you can't concentrate you

get in a bad mood until you can get your hands on some sugar because when you're

really down here when you're really far down that's an emergency too

you can't function down here and your body is screaming give me some blood

sugar and now you go to the vending machine and you have something quick a

candy bar a food bar an energy bar or something a coke chips whatever and now

we get the spike and we're on this eternal blood sugar roller coaster so

what caused the problem of hypoglycemia was the sugar because the processed

sugar creates a rollercoaster the solution even though in the moment the

thing that will be the quickest to make you feel better when you're down here is

sugar again that's the worst thing that you can do in the long run because it

perpetuates the problem the only way to solve this long-term is to stay away

from these foods learn what low glycemic index foods are meat vegetables fat and

teach your body how to get back into this range to where it knows how to

produce stable energy hope that was helpful if you

enjoy content like this make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification

bell and if you know someone who has hypoglycemia or blood sugar issues or

diabetic or insulin resistance make sure that you share this content with them

because it can be life-saving. Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> What Is Hypoglycemia? (Reverse Hypoglycemia) - Duration: 7:09.


Annie In TROUBLE? Female Titan EXPLOSION! Annie Lost Girls Attack on Titan (Shingeki no kyojin) - Duration: 4:11.

Your favorite female Titan is back in kicking some ass! So what's up guys Foxen

here! I had a different video planned for today but this little thing just

dropped. It's the trailer for the second episode for a nice lost girl Annie story.

Link for that below. In case you have no idea what this is it's similar to Levi's

no regrets anime. This time completely focused on Annie. You could think of this

as a murder mystery type of deal. What was Annie up to on the day before she

kidnapped Eren. Anyone who's a fan of Annie is gonna get a real kick out of

this but anyway here's my mini breakdown. On it the first episode for Annie's story

it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger. The stat of this had Annie kind of forced into

taking on this murder mystery. By the end of it she had discovered his dead body

in the shady part of wall Sina. The trailer for part two this starts

right off with this. This time Annie is getting a little bit more of a thorough

examination of what she says is a lost girl's boyfriend.

It's then followed up by Annie and going back to the carriage that she rented but

oh Noes! It's that bastard she was warned about earlier. The guy with the

red eye. dun-dun-dun You then see this minion

stealing any his ring away. Really big mistake. If you were trying to piss her

off mission accomplished. By the way do notice that is the same

ring that Armin unfortunately didn't realize what it was for. Annie's Lost

Girls story is supposed to wrap up with this episode so I wonder if they are

gonna include the specific scene between Annie and Mikasa regarding the ring. You

then have the guy's minion putting the ring on. Come on dude you're just

taunting Annie to crush you. However Annie's own taunting gets this guy to

fall right into her plan this scene of Annie tricking him into stabbing her

freaking well made. That skin puncture it just made me feel it ah. Of course this

leads into Annie transforming into the female Titan. The whole carriage just

explodes. Sorry horsy don't worry Jean will

remember you and then no surprise Annie easily takes down this red-eyed bastard.

She goes on to continue ask him where the lost girl is located and of course

the dude is much more concerned with her being a Titan.

Unfortunately for any two of these guys now know her little secret then BOOM any

shot one pay attention say oh noes annie is

totally dead sorry guys looks like she won't be able to kidnap

Aaron now but ok enough joking around this second episode for Annie's Austral

story comes out on April 9th just think of this as a little spring

attack on Titan appetizer for the main course coming out in summertime I will

be officially living in Japan in April so maybe I'll pick this up now I just

gotta find an actual DVD player hmm anyway this whole Lost Girls story is

based on a novel and manga of the same name I got a feeling more people have

actually checked out the manga this by the way was not drawn by a syama hence a

different art style as for the whole Lost Girls story in enemy form I really

did enjoy seeing the first episode in enemy as he knew it being an enemy asked

more life to these stories you got the addition of a nice voice on

top of this you have the wonderful soundtrack for attack on Titan that

being said I totally understand why but it seems like a lot of Annie's internal

thoughts were cut out or heavily shortened here maybe I'll go ahead and

do a full review on the first episode and get my dunks would anyone want to

see that anyway if you're a big fan of any and also me custom I highly

recommend checking out the original novel each of their stories says like a

hundred pages or so so it's a really quick read for myself after reading

Annie's lost growth story it definitely moved her up to being one my favorite

characters for attack on Titan but anyway let me hear from you question of

the day how much did you enjoy this trailer did you love seeing any go titan

on their asses and what did you think about the first episode for Annie's Lost

Girls story I'm especially curious for those that have not read the manga or

the novel anyway if you enjoyed this video definitely give her a closer

thumbs up and subscribe you can enjoy fire for more anime videos every week

this includes a lot of attack on Titan videos discussing any is always pretty

fun too by the way did you see the anni rescue scene from the Nina attack on

Titan game go ahead and check that out and I'll see you guys in slate

For more infomation >> Annie In TROUBLE? Female Titan EXPLOSION! Annie Lost Girls Attack on Titan (Shingeki no kyojin) - Duration: 4:11.


Shoaib Ibrahim and Dipika Kakar - Love | Haldi | Mehndi | Wedding | After marriage | At a glance - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> Shoaib Ibrahim and Dipika Kakar - Love | Haldi | Mehndi | Wedding | After marriage | At a glance - Duration: 8:31.


BREAKING: Former Top CIA Agent Issues Urgent Warning About What Deep State Is About To Do To TRUMP - Duration: 6:58.

A former Central Intelligence Agency agent known as Kevin Schipp recently spoke out saying

that the deep state was and still is looking to get rid of President Trump.

Something that has been alleged from other agents in the past from the Federal Bureau

of Investigation as well as the CIA.

In recent comments Schipp stated,

"They are terrified, they are terrified right now.

They did not expect Trump to do what he is doing now.

The reason they tried to get him even before he was elected is they knew he was uncontrollable,

and they knew if he got in there, they would not be able to manipulate him, and that is

exactly what's happening.


are some people, and there is no doubt about it,

that are running scared right now.

Donald Trump is questioning the Deep State and the shadow government.

He's rocking that place left and right.

The news media is terrified of that.

Their editors are telling them to attack him just like they are attacking him from the


It's just dirty pool because they want him taken out."

However, Schipp went on to explain the difference between the Deep State and the shadow government


"I differentiate between the 'Deep State' and the shadow government.

The shadow government are the secret intelligence agencies that have such power and secrecy

that they act even without the knowledge of Congress.

There are many things that they do with impunity.

Then there is the 'Deep State,' which is the military industrial complex, all of

the industrial corporations and their lobbyists, and they have all the money, power and greed

that give all the money to the Senators and Congressmen.

It is the shadow government . . . specifically, the CIA, that is going after Donald Trump.

It is terrified that some of its dealings are going to be exposed.

If they are, it could jeopardize the entire organization.

Trump's making tremendous progress despite tremendous resistance.

They have already done a character assassination on him, and I think they could go further

than that… Trump is making progress, and he has them running scared."

BB4 reported,

"Of course, this isn't the first time Deep State operatives have discussed removing

President Trump.

Evangelical pastor Rodney Howard-Browne claimed last summer that a senior Republican lawmaker

told him a plot is in place to "take out" President Trump.

The lawmaker even told Howard-Browne "there's nothing we can do to stop it."

As more former intelligence officials come forward to expose the Deep State, is it any

wonder the President is mulling a plan to build anti-Deep-State communications infrastructure?

As reported by The Intercept, the Trump administration is considering proposals developed by Blackwater

founder Erik Prince and a retired CIA officer in an effort to provide CIA Director Mike

Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network that would go around the

U.S.'s official SWAMP-INFESTED intelligence agencies.

Read more at TGP."

Schipp has had a controversial past with the CIA.

In 1999 he moved from the agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia to Camp Stanley, Texas.

The Schipp family, primarily Kevin himself, alleged that for two years while the family

was housed in Army-owned homes that they were poisoned by mold and bacteria in the walls.

Something which he said caused immense health issues with his family.

As a result, he sued the federal government for years and had his case thrown out.

Ever since, he has spoken out against the CIA and the deep state.

Despite any past experiences with the CIA and the federal government Schipp is not allowing

that to interfere with his ability to speak to the media about perceived injustices perpetrated

by the so-called Deep State.

Schipp expressed support for President Trump's December 2017 announcement regarding his Executive

Order on "Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption" by saying it was smart for the

president to call it a threat to U.S. national security.

The former CIA agent emphasized that the use of the term was effective because it is used

by the U.S. military, intelligence agencies, and domestic law enforcement.

A handful of former intelligence agents who no longer work for their respective agencies

have found a new profession in being media pundits contributing to larger news outlets

such as CNN and Fox News.

Their shtick tends to be that of an anti-government and anti-Deep State mentality.

Many of them have noted they believe the Deep State exists and that those who belong to

it do not want Republicans in office.

Share if you agree the Deep State is biased against Republicans and that they do not want

President Trump in office or his administration in power.

Share if you agree the Deep State wants President Trump to fail and would have preferred for

Hillary Clinton to win.

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