Monday, March 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 26 2018

Banana | Strawberry

Cocoa Powder | Oats


For more infomation >> LICUADO DE PLATANO Y FRESA | Banana and Strawberry Smoothie | バナナ、イチゴスムージー | - Duration: 1:07.



Children are our future. I found out about a foundation called "Enciendo Mi Corazon"

that is using a different method to support children in vulnerable situations in lesser-off neighborhoods.

Through yoga and meditation, they are instilling values like

respect, love and non-violence as they are preparing a new generation of leaders.

Alberto, how did you identify the need to create the foundation?

Three years ago when I came to Medellin, I was invited to teach a yoga class

to children in a lesser-off neighborhood and I could see the social-economic difference.

I got to know the personal situations of many of those kids that have dealt with violence,

addiction and abuse and I knew that yoga and meditation

was a great way to be able to improve their lives.

Why is yoga a good activity for children?

The core values of the foundation are love, respect and non-violence;

and these values are passed on to the kids in every class.

This way, they find their inner peace, love themselves and learn to respect others.

Have you noticed a difference in the lives of the kids?

Yes, we have noticed that three months after starting class, they start to feel more love,

they respect their friends and they are more calm.

What does the future look like for the foundation?

It is a non-profit organization, and we work with volunteers.

We invite all professors of yoga for kids to volunteer with the foundation.

The more teachers that we have, the more kids we can reach.

We also invite individuals or businesses to donate to the foundation which are deductible.

Why do you like to practice yoga?

Because I get to learn and they teach me the values of respect and honesty.

I want the world to be a more peaceful place with no more violence.

When I close my eyes, I relax a lot, find my inner peace and I can take big steps forward in my life.

The foundation has 10 volunteers working with organizations with more than

250 kids in 8 lesser-off neighborhoods in Medellin on a weekly basis.

Thanks to foundations like this one, hundreds of kids are more equipped to build a better society!

This is MEDELLIN EN 3!

For more infomation >> YOGA Y MEDITACIÓN EN EL BARRIO - MEDELLIN EN 3 - Duration: 3:01.


El juez dicta orden de detención internacional contra Rovira y Puigdemont - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> El juez dicta orden de detención internacional contra Rovira y Puigdemont - Duration: 3:06.


4 Nuevas Armas Que Epic Games Está Añadiendo a Fortnite: Battle Royale (FN P90, Rifle de Asalto....) - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 4 Nuevas Armas Que Epic Games Está Añadiendo a Fortnite: Battle Royale (FN P90, Rifle de Asalto....) - Duration: 4:18.


Podemos negocia con ERC una traición a España que sería el fin de Pablo Iglesias - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Podemos negocia con ERC una traición a España que sería el fin de Pablo Iglesias - Duration: 5:08.


Eline Snel: "Hay escuelas en Holanda en las que los niños practican 'mindfulness' a diario" - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> Eline Snel: "Hay escuelas en Holanda en las que los niños practican 'mindfulness' a diario" - Duration: 5:41.


BEYBLADES VS KINDER OVO! Batalha de Páscoa - Beyblade Burst Evolution - Duration: 4:42.

ladies and gentlemen this is cyprus

and we are on easter season, so lets do something different

these beys are going to fight those kinder surprise eggs

theres an egg for each bey

one for hasbro odax o2

one for takara xcalius x2

and one for meteo l drago

so let the battles begin

first we need to open it

the kinder egg is ready, lets battle

a draw! and we can see the egg took some furious hits

odax hit very deep, and now opening the kinder surprise egg is way easier now. Lets eat it and go to the next beyblade

the next bey is xeno xcalius x2,lets open the egg

and lets battle. I'm going to use the sword launcher

look! thats a ring out

i think we are almost there!

thats a burst finish! look!

*slow motion*

xcalius hits were way more intense than odax's. Now lets eat it and go for the next bey

for the final bey and for the fans of the old metal fury beyblades, we got meteo L drago vs this pink one. Lets open it and battle

right here, the battle begins

it took a single hit! L drago cracks the egg open with a single strike

*slow motion*

look at the destruction that the beyblades did, this is beautiful and very delicious

now lets see what the surprises are

this one is...

a small car

this one...?

another car? wait, there's 2 and this thing to connect them

and the final one...?

a magical girl ring

thats it guys, thanks for watching! Dont forget to like, comment, subscribe, and suggest other things you want the bey to fight!

For more infomation >> BEYBLADES VS KINDER OVO! Batalha de Páscoa - Beyblade Burst Evolution - Duration: 4:42.


MI DIOS TIENE QUE VER ESTO ➜ Toma Esto Antes De Dormi Usted Dormirá Rápido y Despertará Renovado!!! - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> MI DIOS TIENE QUE VER ESTO ➜ Toma Esto Antes De Dormi Usted Dormirá Rápido y Despertará Renovado!!! - Duration: 3:14.


Sagrada Semana 2017 - Día 3 - 11/04/2017 - Duration: 57:52.

Since 2014, during Easter,

united through the Sacred Passion of the Lord,

devotees and pilgrims

from different parts of the world

congregate in prayer at the Feet of the Master

to meet Him

in all His Splendor and Glory.

For eight days in a row,

Christ presents Himself

and transmits His instructions

through the visionary

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón,

preparing mankind

for His expected Return.

The following video is the record of what happened

in the period from April 9 to 17, 2017,

in the Marian Center of Figueira,

Minas Gerais, Brazil.

This event was documented

in a series of eight chapters

named by the Master himself as:

"Holy Week".

<i>Blessed Sacrament, O! Sacred Monstrance of Light</i>

HOLY WEEK, 8 days with the Master Christ Jesus<i></i>

<i>Blessed Sacrament, redeem everything created</i>

<i>Blessed Sacrament, restore everything damaged</i>

The agonies of the Lord

Day 3

Treads of the Passion

In those days,

Jesus spent most of His time

teaching in the Temple.

Leaving there at the end of the day,

He stayed overnight in Bethany.

Already at dawn,

all the people went to the Temple to listen to Him.

Raising His eyes,

Jesus saw the rich putting their offering

into the treasury of the Temple

and He also saw a poor widow

putting in two small coins.

And He said:

"Truly I tell you, this widow, poor as she is,

has offered more than anyone, for all of them

contributed a part of their surplus,

but she, in her great poverty,

has offered all she had to live on."

When Jesus had finished instructing the multitude,

He said to His disciples:

"In a few days is Easter

and the Son of Man

will be delivered up to be crucified."

Indeed, the chief priests

and the elders of the people

had already gathered together

in the court of the high priest,

who was called Caiaphas,

and had consulted among themselves to set a trap

in order to arrest and kill Jesus.

It was then that one of the twelve apostles,

called Judas Iscariot,

went to the chief priest and said,

"How much are you willing to give me

if I deliver him to you?"

So they fixed

upon thirty pieces of silver,

and from then

Judas watched for

an opportunity to deliver up Jesus.

On Wednesday,

the Master did not go up to the Temple.

On that day, He stayed more withdrawn

with His Divine Mother in Bethany.

On those days before the Passion,

Our Lord addressed with His Most Holy Mother

higher mysteries about human redemption

and the Law of Grace.

It was during those meetings

that Christ guided Mary

on how She should proceed during the Passion.

On the arrival of Thursday,

on the eve of the Passion,

before dawn

Christ called His Holy Mother,

who fell down at His feet as She always did,


"Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening".

Her Son gently raised up His Mother from the ground

where She had prostrated Herself,

and with great love and serenity, said to Her:

"My Mother,

the time has come marked

by the Eternal Wisdom of My Father,

to fulfill the human salvation and redemption

that His Holy Will has entrusted to me.

Give me permission to go and suffer

and die for humankind,

and count it as good, like a true mother,

that I surrender to my enemies

to fulfill that Obedience to the Eternal Father.

Through this same Obedience,

cooperate with Me in the work of eternal salvation,

for from Your virginal womb

I received the form of a mortal man,

in which I may redeem the world

and satisfy Divine Justice".

Mary contemplated Her Son.

She recognized His Divinity in perfections

and attributes manifested

in His humanity of the Divine Word incarnate.

Under the light of this Divine Dignity,

She remembered the obedience

that She had always given Him

when bringing Him up as a mother,

and the favors She had received

through such a long interaction.

Overcoming the painful sorrow,

with a gesture full of nobility,

Mary again prostrated Herself

at the feet of Her Son and Divine Master,

and with sublime reverence, answered Him:

"Lord and Most High God,

creator of all that exists,

I am Your Servant,

even thoughyou are the fruit of My womb,

because Your Ineffable Love

raised Me up from the dust

to the dignity of Your Mother.

In the face of Your Divine Consent,

I offer Myself as resigned

so that in Me and in You,

My Son and Lord, may be fulfilled the Eternal Will

of the Supreme Creator.

That conference having ended,

Jesus blessed His Most Holy Mother,

taking his leave for the last journey

that would end with His Passion and death.

Praises to the King

I am reborn in the Fire of Your Love

Today, I renew my commitment to Christ

Sent from God, Who was among humankind,

performing miracles of healing and conversion.

You brought the New Word,

impulses of love, forgiveness, and redemption.

Christ, I am reborn in the Fire of Your Greater Love.

Master of Love, you assembled disciples and hearts.

In the Holy Supper

you gave Your Body and Your Blood.

You died on the Cross

the greatest sacrifice for the salvation of the world.

Christ, I am reborn in the Fire of Your Greater Love

O Lord, you have risen and returned in glory,

revealing the Power of the Son of God.

You changed the history of the world.

and shaped us eternally with Thy Presence.

Christ, I am reborn in the Fire of Your Greater Love

Today, I renew my commitment to Christ

The Voice of the Master

O my God, I believe, I adore

I wait for and I love Thee.

I ask pardon for those who do not believe,

do not adore,

do not wait for and do not love Thee. Amen

Children of My Father,

listen carefully to what I will tell you:

Here it is present

the testimony of My living Love for you.

Blessed are those who contemplate it from the heart,

for they will deserve eternal life.

Listen, tribes of Israel,

today spread throughout the Earth.

Listen, peoples of the East.

Listen, peoples of the West,

for My Voice resounds

in the four points of the Earth.

Listen to your Lord,

who is declaring for humanity.

the last time of His Mercy

Raise the flags of peace

among all the nations of the Earth.

Light in your hearts.

the flame of peacefulness

Become reconciled between siblings.

Become united between tribes,

and may all be exalted

by the coming of the Son of God.

Here is the testimony of My Love for you,

made Body and Blood,

for the reconciliation of humanity with God.

Happy are those who contemplate it

in Worship and in Communion.

Hear My Voice, tribes of Israel.

The Almighty Lord is sending His Son

a second time.

Happy are those who believe in His Words,

because their eyes will open to see Him

when He comes at the least expected moment,

glorious and sublime among the clouds,

announcing to the world the end of pain

and the resurgence of hope in hearts.

Tribes of Israel, children of David,

stop opposing each other.

Let the nations stop rising one against another;

a lot of innocent blood is being spilled in the world.

Today I come here for My beloved Holy Land,

for Egypt, for Eritrea, for Sudan,

for Syria, for Turkey, and for Greece.

Let humanity listen to the Word of God,

while the angels bow down before the Divinity

of the Son of God.

Accept for those who do not.

Humble yourselves for those who

do not humble themselves before God.

May all hearts hear the Word of God.

May they hear the Word of the Son of the Father,

impregnated by His Divine Mercy

and by His profound Pity.

Let languages and peoples unite.

Let borders and barriers no longer exist.

Let each one welcome their sibling and fellow being,

so that the Kingdom of God may guide them

in this bloody hour of humanity.

May Our Father Abba bless those present.

May those who are not blessed be blessed.

May they receive from the Heart of the Son of God

the encouragement to return to hope,

the pleasure in continuing to live,

the healing to close their deepest wounds.

Now you will hear the Lord without translation.

I want you to hear the voice

of the One Who was among you as a Brother

and Who once again, this week,

returns to pour out His Spiritual Blood

over the world,

so that Divine Justice not descend

upon a large part of humanity.

I would like that today, when your hearts

are before the adoration of My Eucharistic Body,

the universal teraphim

of all expressions of humanity,

you can assume

consciously and with your heart,

the nations of the world, that suffer

their own agony.

In this Holy Week, My friends, offer

My seven agonies

for Egypt, Eritrea, Sudan,

Nigeria, Israel, Greece, and Syria.

In that place I left a treasure for the world,

that many are still searching for,

in their pilgrimage of faith.

But I come here to South America,

to show you

the Omnipresence of the Son of the Most High,

because in His Omnipresence,

He loves His creatures,

in the essence of their spirits and souls,

constituted of the molecule of the Love of God,

from the beginning of their existence.

Today I want you to not only be sincere hearts,

but faithful to My Call.

I am opening the doors

so that you may enter the new schools

that My Heart offers you,

in Its immensity and infinity.

Today seven adorers

of this Order that I have constituted,

will offer their Lord,

their Most Holy Eucharistic Spouse,

the flame of their hearts,

lighting a candle

at the foot of this Blessed Sacrament.

And they will do it for each one of the nations

that I have named,

that suffer terror and the loss

immense of My Divine Mercy.

I wait for them to continue.

Keep your attention

on the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar,

While I wait, intone that song.

And so, I entrust you, dear daughters,

to pray, as do many others,

for each one of the nations that I have named,

which are part of the pain of My Heart,

in this Sacred Passion

that at this time,

I am sharing with all of you.

Relieve the agony of My Heart,

so that, being able to come out of yourself,

you unite with Me, like so many of My servants,

to cry out for this race,

which is losing its project.

But My Divine Mercy overcomes all those things

when your hearts are united with Me

in constancy and faith,

and in spite of what happens,

you respond to My Merciful Heart,

so that I may be Mercy in you

and you may be Mercy in the world

that is suffering so much.

To all My adoring daughters and sons,

today I give you the greatest treasure

of My Consciousness,

which is the spiritual Communion

of your Master and Lord.

Because each time you adore

the Most Holy Lord,

in the silence of your spirits,

you must know that you will be communing fully

with Me every day,

until My Plan of Peace can be fulfilled.

The angels, like you,

creatures similar to God,

have in themselves the potential to divinize things,

when they deeply and trustingly love.

I ask all of My servants,

consecrated or not as adorers,

that each day they dare more and more

to penetrate this mystery,

this teraphim and this symbol,

which will uplift you in humility,

renunciation, and sacrifice, for all

that your Master desires to fulfill in the world.

Today, companions, I will take each one of you

by the hand,

so that you may accompany

your Lord in this agony,

which He sees happening in the world,

day after day, and that does not stop.

But the Power of God

is stronger than all humankind

and all nations.

Woe to those who do evil to their siblings!

Because on the day of My coming to the world,

they will fear Me,

because of so much Love that I will emanate

to the ends of the Earth,

until the new humanity arises.

We stand up.

Children of My Father,

revere that One Who comes among the clouds,

bringing the Love of God and Mercy,

and making it live

in all who trust

in His Most Sacred Heart.

I am here to be close to you

and never move apart,

because what I have for each one is eternal.

Let's sing.

While I prepare the altar,

to bless the water

that will baptize souls in the Holy Spirit,

let us unite in this moment

with the Fount of Love of God,

which is what sanctifies the consciousnesses

that come together

to experience

these sacraments in their essences,

representing many more souls.

The Lord is preparing

to live the most painful moment

of His Passion for humanity.

And you must receive the sacraments,

to be able to accompany Him

on this path

of the incessant search of His Heart.

Lord, exorcise this incense,

so that it may be as sublime

as the angels of Heaven,

who release from the evil forces

all the creatures of the Earth.

Eternal Father, bless this water,

so that it be more chaste and purer,

and be as blessed

as You are in the Universe.

Beloved Father, bless these candles,

so that they may be Divine Light in the world,

just as You made Yourself Light and expansion

of Consciousness in all that is created. Amen.

Lord, Adonai, and Most High Father,

You, Who created water

to generate life in consciousnesses;

You, who caused this element to be born,

so that all may aspire to find

Your sublime chastity;

You, Who has given this element

to all the planets and stars,

so that this water would act

as a Source of healing and remedy

for all the wounds

that Your creatures

would experience through the ages,

have it place Your Love

in those who will receive the sacraments on this day.

Lord, let it,

in its chastity and essence,

purge, purify, and cleanse what is impure,

so that each heart that will be sanctified

may find healing,

renewal, and peace. So be it.

In the name of the Father,

the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Here, at this moment, Adonai,

and through these elements,

which are part of the humble that plow the earth

so that the wheat may be born,

and those who harvest the vine

to nourish their bodies,

today I again surrender to You, Lord,

so small,

humble, and insignificant among Your children,

so that through this transubstantiation,

hearts may find refuge in My Spirit.

I lift up, Lord, this offering,

Adonai, Emmanuel, Abba,

at the foot of Your altar,

so that Your Grace may be poured out on Me,

and My Grace may be in them,

in all those who suffer and endure wars.

So be it.

And today I will also ask for a song, companions,

in order to lift it up to God,

crying out for this Mercy for humanity;

a song that represents the love

of the Word of the Hierarchy,

Universal and Celestial

because My Word is like the water

that quenches thirst.

My Word is living water.

I thank you for being in Me

and for allowing Me to be in you.

Let us pray an Our Father for all the planet.

Our Father, Who is in heaven,

Holy is Your Name;

Your kingdom come,

Your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our sins,

as we forgive those who sin against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

as it was at the beginning,

now and always,

forever and ever. Amen.

In the Name of the Father,

of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you Lord for how much you give us!

In this meeting we honor You, Lord.


It was Your Hand, Lord,

stretched out before me

and Your Words

that cleaned

this clay that I am, My God.

Make of this life

an instrument in Your Hands;

I want to carry Your Presence

in each step that I take.

May this heart

be a source of Your Love

that announces to the whole world

Your saving message.

And I do not tire of saying

that Your Word is living water.

And submerging deep, down,

there You will be, Lord,

And I do not tire of saying

that Word is living water.

And submerging deep, down,

there You will be, Lord, inside me.

For more infomation >> Sagrada Semana 2017 - Día 3 - 11/04/2017 - Duration: 57:52.


Conoce la hora adecuada para consumir alimentos - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Conoce la hora adecuada para consumir alimentos - Duration: 8:01.


El Universo Del Buen Humor con Memo Ríos - Duration: 1:33.

Grupo CVC

We are TV

I am Memo Ríos

and this is

the universe

of good humor

The universe of good humor

is very vast

and comprises

all the boundaries

of our planet

and it has a very special particularity

It only resides

whitin the human body.

Man is a privileged being

because he is the only animal on earth

how enjoys

and who can practice

the good humor.

The good humor is a gift

a gift which showers mankind with joy






happiness and so forth


that are not only states of mind


biochemical features

which help to counteract illnesses

and in many cases to revert them.

This is

The universe of good humor


A laughter and a smile

can change your life

Grupo CVC

We are Tv

For more infomation >> El Universo Del Buen Humor con Memo Ríos - Duration: 1:33.


Facu G - Irresistible ft Pachu y Bomba ( Video con letra) - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Facu G - Irresistible ft Pachu y Bomba ( Video con letra) - Duration: 3:32.


¿Por qué Carles Puigdemont fue detenido por Alemania y no por Bélgica? - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> ¿Por qué Carles Puigdemont fue detenido por Alemania y no por Bélgica? - Duration: 5:26.


Alfred y Amaia inauguran una nueva planta del hospital Niño Jesús en Madrid - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Alfred y Amaia inauguran una nueva planta del hospital Niño Jesús en Madrid - Duration: 1:01.


"Icy Wrist" Migos Type Beat 2...

For more infomation >> "Icy Wrist" Migos Type Beat 2...


Trump Hater "Crazy" Joe Biden Suffers Epic Meltdown When Reporter Asks 1 Question!! - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> Trump Hater "Crazy" Joe Biden Suffers Epic Meltdown When Reporter Asks 1 Question!! - Duration: 4:54.


「超級摯友」孫浩俊、U-Know 允浩 SNS 都追蹤不到十人 其中之一當然有彼此! - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 「超級摯友」孫浩俊、U-Know 允浩 SNS 都追蹤不到十人 其中之一當然有彼此! - Duration: 2:43.


YOU WON'T BELIEVE!! Edward Snowden Explains Deep State's Influence on Presidents Obama, Trump - Duration: 6:31.

For more infomation >> YOU WON'T BELIEVE!! Edward Snowden Explains Deep State's Influence on Presidents Obama, Trump - Duration: 6:31.


IT'S HUGE!! President Trump Shocks Congress… Considers Veto Of 2232 Page Budget Bill!!! - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> IT'S HUGE!! President Trump Shocks Congress… Considers Veto Of 2232 Page Budget Bill!!! - Duration: 3:13.


BOMBSHELL! General Mattis said! I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL! General Mattis said! I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 3:31.


Trump Just Surprised Every Lib In America With What He's Doing Today – Can't Stop Him! - Duration: 5:52.

Trump Just Surprised Every Angry Lib In America With What He's Doing Today – Can't Stop


During President Trump's campaign, he promised Americans that he would begin construction

on a "big beautiful wall" to keep a flood of illegals out of our country.

Of course, the left started to throw one heck of a temper tantrum over the last year, doing

their best to stop the construction of the wall claiming that it was racist and bigoted.

So, for the last several months these liberal politicians have stood in the way of Trump

securing our borders by blocking any potential budgets, that would be used to build a southern

wall, but that has not stopped our president.

Now, today despite the left's objections and constant annoying protests, Trump announced

that construction would begin on the wall which has angered liberals across the nation.

Over this past weekend, there was a lot of commotion between the gun-grabbers protesting

for stricter gun laws, and liberal politicians pushing back against President Trump, and

his plans to secure our nation's borders.

Despite all the chaos and negative publicity, Trump kept his eye on the prize announcing

that this week would be the week that construction on the wall would finally begin, and it is

about time.

Now, last week it seemed that the dream for our southern border to be secured was not

about to happen, but Trump is a man of his word.

On Friday, President Trump tweeted that construction of his promised southern border wall would

start "immediately" after signing the omnibus spending bill, which included $1.6

billion in funding for the wall.

"We're going to be starting work literally on Monday," President Trump said during

a weekend event at the White House.

"We have a lot of money coming to the border."

Now what really shocked libs is when Trump tweeted that he will use funds just allocated

for the military to build the wall.

Trump said that since the wall is part of national defense, that part of the over $700

billion in funding for the military that was in the omnibus bill will be used for the wall.

Trump will pull the $18-25 billion for the wall from military funds!

Fox News reported:

'President Trump hinted over the weekend that newly-approved funding for the military

could be used for building the wall along the Mexican border.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley said Monday he did not want to comment, citing

a possible future announcement by the president on allocating the money.


Libs will Freak when they realize Trump pulled the rug out from under them & got ALL the

money for the wall despite their best efforts to thwart him!!!

Here is more from The Western Journal:

"Despite receiving only a small fraction of the $25 billion he wanted for construction

of a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, President Donald Trump recently announced

the project will begin within days.

During a hastily coordinated news conference Friday, he confirmed his intention to support

a $1.3 trillion omnibus bill funding the nation's government until September — despite the

fact that it included just $1.6 billion for border fencing and repair.

As the Washington Examiner reported, Trump said work on the wall would begin "literally

on Monday," adding that there will be "a lot of money coming to the border."

The decision to support the spending legislation followed a period of vacillation on the issue.

After the White House expressed Trump's intention to sign the bill earlier in the

week, he tweeted Friday morning — just hours before a federal government shutdown was set

to go into effect — that he was considering a presidential veto.

"I am considering a VETO of the Omnibus Spending Bill based on the fact that the 800,000

plus DACA recipients have been totally abandoned by the Democrats (not even mentioned in Bill)

and the BORDER WALL, which is desperately needed for our National Defense, is not fully

funded," he wrote.

Days earlier, he tweeted a more supportive take on the funding, citing "$1.6 Billion

to start Wall on Southern Border" and indicating that the "rest will be forthcoming."

Trump heralded increased military spending in the bill as the main reason to support

the measure.

In his comments Friday, however, he made it clear he was "not happy with the $1.6 billion

for the wall."

Trump went on to suggest that the earmarked spending will be used for the construction

of "some new wall" in addition to "fixing existing walls and existing fences," though

the bill he signed into law reportedly precludes such construction.

According to NBC News, wall construction received no funding in the omnibus bill.

As written, the money can be used to build and repair fencing that has already been approved

and $38 million is set aside for preliminary work including wall design.

Trump called the funding an "initial down payment" on his campaign promise of building

a wall along America's southern border.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, he frequently assured supporters that Mexico

would foot the bill for its construction.

Earlier this year, he indicated that he still believes Mexico will "indirectly" pay

for the wall through renegotiated trade agreements, as reported by CNBC.

"We make a good deal on NAFTA, and, say, I'm going to take a small percentage of

that money and it's going toward the wall," he said.

"Guess what?

Mexico's paying."

If one thing is for sure, President Trump is a man of his word, and if he says that

a wall will begin to be built, it will be created.

The left, of course, will continue to stand in the way and do what they can to stop it

since they know that once the construction of this wall begins they will lose voters

for the next election which is why the left is throwing such a temper tantrum.

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Trump Just Surprised Every Lib In America With What He's Doing Today – Can't Stop Him! - Duration: 5:52.


Trump RUINS Meghan's Big Day, Queen Sends Invites & IGNORES Princess Wishes - Duration: 5:46.

Trump RUINS Meghan's Big Day, Queen Sends Invites & IGNORES Princess Wishes.

Meghan Markle is in meltdown mode after learning that Queen Elizabeth sent out the official

royal wedding invitations and totally ignored her wishes.

President Donald Trump is laughing as the word spreads about who received the gold embossed

invites, and it seems that he has ruined Markle's big day.

The Queen's rank gave her the final say, and royal insiders are reporting that Princess

Pushy is having a tantrum, screaming that the Queen dismissed her "special request."

Meghan Markle is reeling as she realizes that the Queen made adjustments to her celebrity-studded

list for wedding invitations and also decided who would walk Princess Pushy down the aisle.

Markle planned to have her mom Doria Ragland give her away, along with her dream of a who's

who list of Hollywood "A-listers" being invited, including Barack and Michelle Obama.

Well, the Obamas didn't get a gold embossed invite, and Princess Pushy is having a meltdown.

She loved rubbing elbows with the former president and former first lady and had them on top

of her list.

Little did she know her list was trashed.

This is a royal wedding, and the Queen adheres to a set of protocols determining who will

be invited.

Since this royal wedding is not an official state event for the Queen, politicians outside

the United Kingdom aren't included.

But, President Trump was the major factor in the decision to not invite the Obamas.

The Sun reports, "[G]overnment mandarins had pleaded with the couple to change their

minds [about inviting the Obamas] as Britain's relations with Trump's White House sunk

to their lowest ebb since his election last year."

They add, "It won't be a state occasion.

If Mr. Obama was invited, the invitation could look like a snub to Mr. Trump, and His Royal

Highness would not wish to cause a diplomatic row."

The Queen's final decision was hers alone, and she simply doesn't like the Obamas.

Barack arrogantly gave the Queen as a gift an iPod of his speeches in 2011.

This is not exactly the type of official state gift from one nation to another.

But then again, Obama did piss off the Queen when he removed Winston Churchill's bust

from the Oval Office, which was a gift from the United Kingdom.

The former president also screwed up, bloviating at a state dinner as the song "God Save

The Queen" was playing.

He finally shuts his trap as he looks around and everyone else is standing at attention.

Then, there was Michelle "hugging" the Queen, which turned out to be a faux pas.

The Obamas refused to read or didn't care about the "royal protocols" in place when

you interact with the monarch.

We may think that they are archaic protocols, but it's not our country.

Heads of state like the Obamas should have represented America better.

This brings us to the other big shocker to Princess Pushy.

She's having a tantrum, according to royal insiders, as the Queen made a point of inviting

Meghan's father.

Meghan had told friends that she only wanted her mother invited, indicating it would be

her mom walking her down the aisle.

US Weekly reported back in January, "The Suits actress, 36, is breaking tradition and

wants her mom to walk her down the aisle instead of her father, Thomas Markle."

"With the wedding, they [Meghan and Harry] both want to do things their way.

While they will always be mindful of traditions and the views of their elders, the day is

ultimately about them and what they want to do," said the source close to Meghan.

The invitations were sent out last week with Meghan's father receiving one, so it's

safe to say the Queen wasn't amused with bucking the tradition that the bride is given

away by her father or a male family member.

The ancient tradition stems from the authority a father has to give his blessing that his

daughter will now be formally in her husband's family.

It's why women take the last name of their husbands, but in modern times not everyone

adheres to old traditions.

However, this is a royal wedding, and the Queen isn't playing Princess Pushy's games.

So, Thomas Markle is invited and is confirmed to be walking her down the aisle, something

he did not do in her first marriage.

Page Six reports, "There were rumors 73-year-old Thomas Markle Sr. would be blanked after Meghan

decided against asking half-brother Thomas Jr. and half-sister Samantha."

A family friend told The Sun on Sunday, "Thomas Sr. is overjoyed to be beside his little girl

on the day she becomes a princess — even if he has to battle his demons to get there."

The report adds, "He's not exactly thrilled at facing the world's glare.

He lives a reclusive life in Mexico."

From reports of Meghan's early life, her father's Hollywood lighting job afforded

her the luxury of attending the exclusive Immaculate Heart High School in Los Angeles

and introduced her into her career as an actress.

Although she isn't getting her way, it's something she better get used to as she no

longer can do whatever she wants.

The royal couple will honeymoon in Namibia, a place Harry loves for it's hunting.

The only problem is Princess Pushy has forbid him doing any hunting, so it will be interesting

to see how the big romantic honeymoon goes.

I'm sure Prince Harry and Princess Pushy will be in the headlines, despite the Queen

hating all the gossip and controversy this relationship has brought her so far.

God Save The Queen.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Trump RUINS Meghan's Big Day, Queen Sends Invites & IGNORES Princess Wishes - Duration: 5:46.


BREAKING BIG! All Hell Just Broke Loose As Trump Forces Famous Celeb's Mom To Stay LOCKED In Her Hou - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> BREAKING BIG! All Hell Just Broke Loose As Trump Forces Famous Celeb's Mom To Stay LOCKED In Her Hou - Duration: 6:22.


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Danielle Rose Small Things With Great Love Cover Video With Unconditional Love ! - Duration: 3:16.

Not to the learned nor to the kings, But to the little ones you show the mysteries

I rejoice when I am weak, For you will give me all I need

Though l cannot fly, you carry me to heaven.

You have not called me to be successful You have called me to be faithful

I can do small things Small things with great love­

That is enough I can do small things

Small things with great love And make my life something beautiful for God.

One drop in the ocean, One petal in the garden,

One hidden sacrifice, One reason for my life,

One dance before your throne, One child to give a home,

One step towards Calvary, One touch of empathy

You have not called me to be successful You have called me to be faithful

I can do small things Small things with great love­

That is enough I can do small things

Small things with great love And make my life something beautiful for God.

Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow has not yet come.

We have only today­ Let us begin

I can do small things Small things with great love­

I can do small things Small things with great love­

That is enough I can do small things

Small things with great love­ That is enough

I can do small things Small things with great love

And make my life something beautiful for God.

Be faithful in small things, For in them our strength lies.

Be faithful in small things, For in them our strength lies.

Be faithful in small things, For in them our strength lies.

Be faithful in small things, For in them our strength lies.

For more infomation >> Danielle Rose Small Things With Great Love Cover Video With Unconditional Love ! - Duration: 3:16.


Purpose (Music Video)

For more infomation >> Purpose (Music Video)


I'm Sorry - Best Season 1 Guest Star Moments | truTV - Duration: 2:37.

[ Beeps, air rushing ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Rushing stops ]

I'm sorry. It's just summer in the valley...

Why don't you go [bleep]


Uh. Uh.

I just, um...

I was recommending

my gynecologist, Dr. Sapkin.


I think you're

pronouncing that wrong.

I think it's "Sap-kin."

[ Laughs ]

"Dr. Sap-kin, I have a discharge."

"The problem with your vulva..."

[ Laughs ]

I actually have

a serious question for you guys.


Um, is our waiter Rob Reiner?


-Thank you. -You're welcome.

That is Rob [bleep] Reiner.

Wow. Wow.


I'm just trying

to keep it all together.

[ Chuckles ]

If it makes you feel any better,

I did throw my neck out from yawning last week, so...

Uh-huh. That does happen to people at our age.

If your dermatologist,

who just immediately goes from consultation to surgery,

needs you to go under,

call Leon.

Leon's not gonna be around


He'll be around Thursday,

though, right?


Is Leon okay?

Oh, yeah, Leon's fine.

I want to put some sensual photography

up on the walls, you know?

I was wondering if you had any boudoir photos

you'd be comfortable sending to me.

Why do you think this is an okay thing

to be asking your daughter for?

Well, you know, it's something that doesn't show your face.

If not my face, what of me do you want to show?

Dad, what

is happening right now?


Motherless [bleep] [Bleep] that [bleep] hurts!

[ Inhales sharply ] Aah!

[ Sighs ]

To be fair,

it is hard to form a sentence

while getting a huge erection

in your pants.

It's difficult for a man to do two things at...once.

Ooh, did it just go up right then?

Yeah, I just erected.

Excuse me. Problem?

Um, no problem --

we just can't have any food

on this side of the rail,

you know?

They have a sign there.

Could we maybe talk to somebody who's gone through puberty?

Uh, I-I can bring my -- my -- my m-manager.

You have a m-m-manager?

That'd be great.

-Yeah. -Yeah.

How do you for sure know,

by the way,

that you're not gay?

I-I -- Because I'm -- How do you know you're not gay?

Well, 'cause I've been there

a couple times --

it's not for me.

You've "been there"? What does that mean?

Where have you been? -I've been to the vagina store,

and I didn't find anything I wanted to purchase.

You know, siblings get in automatically.

We know. We know.

There's not gonna be a lot of spots.

Oh, my God.

Hi, Sarah. How are you?

Her husband died recently.

[ Gasps ] Oh, my God. Are you serious?

They're definitely getting in.





For more infomation >> I'm Sorry - Best Season 1 Guest Star Moments | truTV - Duration: 2:37.


BOMBSHELL! General Mattis said! I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL! General Mattis said! I'm not sure I can work with John Bolton!! - Duration: 3:31.


Brous Razorback Review. Titanium, D2, Ball Bearings, Pointy. - Duration: 6:51.

Sometime before Santa got here Brous blades was doing a half off blue light special on

their website… so basically I settled on one that was light and and around 3 inches-

so the Razorback.

Sometimes that's all it takes, it's cheap and looks good at the time, and at least 2

beers deep.

Which is how I assume most online shopping is done.

The Razorback aptly named because of the fun pointy parts- I assume.

So let's look at the dimensions like the overall length and weight.

Under 3 ounces is light.

Blade size and cutting edges, of course combined into one measurement for your convenience.

Handle size and grip area.

Spine thickness and handle thickness.

Tallness flipper whatever.

Brous blades are a, sorry is a US based company that makes a lot of their knives here in America.

I think.

The product page for the Razorback and other models I looked at does not have a country

of origin and neither is it clear on the website that they are made here- other than clear

wording "custom knives are hand finished buy Jason Brous."

The Razor back here is a limited to 500 production run knife.

But fear not they currently have a limited run of 250 on the website.

It's perpetually limited!

Order yours while the current supply lasts!

The Razorback's blade is made from satin finished D2 steel in a recurve or weebo tanto

fantasy style featuring a hollow grind.

The edge grinds look good and blade centering is pretty close to perfect.

However the more busier and more recurves a blade has well, in my experience of several

months with the knife that point where the two curves meet inhibits smooth cutting sometimes.

Or a lot of the times.

Remember D2 is more stainable of a stainless steel.

It's not quite a carbon steel but if you want it to stay pretty keep it dry otherwise

it'll discolor or rust.

Blade action is smooth on a Brous Bearing System or BBS.

It's smooth and consistent, and the flipper tab is ok… still not as nice as that Kizer

I reviewed, and now that knife is in a better place.

You know I gave it away on my Instagram right?

You're like I don't follow you because I hate free shit.

Cool so do I.

The tab has no jimping, and is smooth and sticks out far enough, so you get it most

of the time.

The blade is locked into place by a titanium frame lock.

With a hardened steel insert where the frame and the tang touch.

Detent is very strong and I couldn't get it to open while flinging it.

However if the right cop in New York is able to suddenly it's a gravity knife and you're

under arrest.

The handle is an open back design with no backspacers but a few standoffs.

Remember when I used to not know the difference between a backspacer and a standoff.

Thanks for being cool.

You can always go and watch a real knife channel.

The handle is made from 2 pieces of 6AL4V titanium, which means jack shit to me I just

copied it from the product page.

It's comfortable and has no real owie parts, if you're just holding it.

However as you fidget with it and deploy it the butt of the knife which comes to a point…

while not sharp and well finished is poke enough to make you palm owie if you flick

it open.

The handle is short that the butt of the knife pokes into your palm when you deploy it.

When open and using it's not a problem, deployment can be uncomfortable.

The pocket clip.

Another sore spot literally…

It's thin semi rigid and pointy, and it's 3d milled out of titanium.

It really looks nice, however it doesn't give a whole lot and is so tiny and pointy

it has more than once poked under my fingernail in the sweet meet as I put it into the pocket.

It isn't an easy pocket… it's aesthetics over functionality.

Perhaps if it gave more then you wouldn't have to lift.

It isn't deep carry and about a half inch of pointy knife butt sticks out of your pocket.

It's not moveable, tip up blade backward in the right pocket is how I carry it.


I bought the Razorback because it looked cool, although the blade is perhaps a bit too magical

looking for me.

How about a cheaper flipper.

The Razorback retails for about $250, unless you buy a blemished one or get it on sale.

This HX outdoors has a slightly smaller blade, about $100, pretty light, but it's more

comfortable to fidget with.

The pocket clip sucks a little however its better than the Brous because you can lift

it with your finger instead of nail, and it has more give to it.

If I had to keep one it'd be the HX Outdoors.

Ok now the Steel Will Cut Jack.

Bohler M330 steel, a slightly smoother flipper, and sort of uncomfortable flipper tab.

It's an ok knife- retails for about $150.

I'd probably pick this over the Razor back, because of it's less neckbeard blade.

Now the Kershaw Fraction.

This is one of the lightest knives I own, strong detent- almost like it's assisted.

It's only $30 too.

Blade is only slightly shorter.

Great value.

Probably best EDC if you take into consideration price- not for steel snobs, but screw those


How about the Poison?

Remember this one?

Yeah me too…

Close to the price of the brous, titanium more snobby s35vn.

Pocket clip has more give…

I'd buy this one too.

Ontario rat anyone?

Cheap, well regarded, AUS 8, buy this one too.

Ok we're done right?

The Brous isn't a poorly made blade- but it's more of a occasional use pretty looking


It flips nice, QC is good.

However the pocket clip is too small and pointy, the blade shape doesn't lend itself to long

term useful cutting… if you're just opening letters or cutting some string here and there

it's ok- it ain't good if your breaking down a lot of cardboard.

It it ain't fight friendly.

It's one of my lighter 3 inch blades, and for some reason it's been in my pockets

a lot- even though I rarely use it.

If you like the style and don't use your knives much- and like looking at them- and

that's how you choose to spend your money- cool.

It's classy looking.

If you like this review though, subscribe, comment.

Baton that like button.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Brous Razorback Review. Titanium, D2, Ball Bearings, Pointy. - Duration: 6:51.


Was the Austin Bomber a Terrorist? - Duration: 9:33.

For 19 days in the month of March, the city of Austin, TX was on high alert because of

a series of bombings that killed two people and injured several others.

The suspected bomber, Mark Anthony Conditt, killed himself during a standoff with police,

hopefully indicating that this wave of violence has ended.

Although police are remaining vigilant and encouraging Austin residents to do the same,

in case there are more package bombs to be found.

Now most press on this situation that I've seen has not referred to Conditt as a domestic


And the police seem to be hesitant to do so as well.

And many folks on social media are a little perturbed by that.

A common criticism of news media is how white suspects in these kinds of crimes are rarely

referred to as terrorists, while non-white suspects often are.

With white guys, the media often handles them with kid gloves, and sometimes even wants

you sympathize with the killer.

He was a troubled soul, a victim of depression.

He killed two innocent people!

A misunderstood loner.

He literally referred to himself as a psychopath!

No one could have guessed he was capable of.

Are you sure about tha— NO ONE could have guessed!

And they use a nice picture of the suspect all happy and smiling.

With non-white suspects, it's usually a different story.

Sometimes you don't even get backstory.

It's just like, see brown man, brown man bad.

But is Mark Anthony Conditt, in fact a terrorist?

What even is a terrorist?

It's not useful, in my opinion, to define terrorism as any attempt to harm or kill a

lot of people, Because there are often very different motives

and strategies behind these attacks, and it's important to acknowledge those differences

so that we can understand these unique situations and how to deal with them.

Hi, I'm T1J!

(WEIRD VOICE) Follow me!

So this is borderline a semantic debate, and if you know anything about me, you'll know

that that is my least favorite kind of debate.

Because if two people are using the same word, but have different ideas about what that word

means, the discussion is never going to get anywhere.

So we need to decide what the word terrorist actually means, and what separates terrorism

from other kinds of mass violence.

In spite of how simply phrased that was, this is no easy task.

There is no commonly accepted definition of terrorism, and that's definitely not going

to be settled in this video.

It's kind of a bad term to be honest, it's too broad and too emotionally charged.

It has an inherently immoral connotation, unlike a term like 'mass killer' which

is still obviously negative but much more descriptive than judgmental.

Because of the charged nature of the word, people use the word "terrorist" to denounce

any group they oppose.

Everything from the NRA, to vegans.

So for this video we'll discuss what I think about when I hear the word terrorist, and

you can tell me if you agree or disagree.

Because in America, opinions are like guns.

Everyone's entitled to have one, even though most people shouldn't.

The United States Department of Defense describes terrorism as follows:

"the unlawful use of violence or threat of violence to instill fear and coerce governments

or societies.

Terrorism is often motivated by religious, political, or other ideological beliefs and

committed in the pursuit of goals that are usually political."

And I feel like that's a good definition to start with.

But we can look at the characteristics of different terror attacks throughout history

to expand that definition.

As implied by the name, terrorism is usually designed to cause terror and fear in the eyes

of the masses.

Terrorists seem to target individuals or groups that they perceive be guilty of something,

whether it be actions of a government, or simply an individual or society living a lifestyle

they don't approve of.

Terrorism is usually premeditated and involves an organized and detailed plan of attack.

Because of this, terrorists tend to work in secret and avoid detection.

They also usually attempt to avoid being captured or subdued because they usually have political

goals that they are still working towards.

Now of course there are also suicide attacks that have become strongly associated with

terrorism, but I'd argue that these are used because they are particularly terrifying.

So it sort of still fits the goal of causing terror and fear.

Now contrast these characteristics with those of other kinds of mass violence.

Of course I can't read people minds, but I suspect that some kinds of mass killers

are out to make a point or to lash out and are usually driven by personal or psychological

motives rather than political ones.

They often attack people they know or random innocent people, rather than specific targets

they think are guilty.

They generally make no attempt to avoid detection, they do it in public in front of everybody.

And they often commit suicide as soon as or before they are cornered or captured, implying

that the attack was meant as a one off event, rather than an ongoing plan.

So with these definitions in mind, we can categorize different people as terrorists

or non terrorists.

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, was definitely a terrorist.

He had a political goal and he intended to punish people he felt were guilty of something.

Dylan Roof, who killed 9 people at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, also a terrorist.

A clear political motive, designed to strike fear in a community, and targeting people

described as enemies to himself.

Also note that both of these people attempted to evade capture, and neither committed suicide.

On the other hand you have people like Adam Lanza, the perpetrator of the Sandy Hook Elementary

school shooting.

While his motive is still unclear, most of his victims were young children, making it

unlikely he thought they were specifically guilty of anything.

Also, Lanza committed suicide before he was even found by police.

James Holmes, who killed 12 and injured many others at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado,

sent a notebook to his psychiatrist hours before the shooting began.

One of the things he wrote was "Terrorism isn't the message.

The message is, there is no message."

And while Holmes didn't commit suicide, he also made no attempt to evade capture.

He was arrested right outside of the movie theater without any resistance.

A special type of mass killer is a serial killer, who usually kills one person at a

time over a long period.

As far as I can tell, many of these people are sociopaths who just get off on violence

and murder, and they usually go to great lengths to avoid being caught.

Think of people like Ted Bundy or the Zodiac Killer.

And of course it's not all this simple, sometimes there's overlap.

For example Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, is a serial killer but also undeniably a terrorist.

So given all of that, how should we describe Mark Anthony Conditt?

It has been speculated that the bombings were racially motivated because 3 of the people

targeted were non-white, which would make this a pretty clear cut terrorist situation.

However unlike most terrorists, Conditt never made it clear to the public what his motive


It seems to me that this was a violent lashing out because of his own personal problems.

And in fact a person claiming to be the Austin bomber posted several comments on Reddit,

the day before he was cornered by police.

In those posts he denies a racial motivation and says, "I honestly just want to see the

world burn."

And according to the Austin police, a recording was found on Conditt's phone where he confesses

to the bombings but doesn't mention any political or racial motivations.

Which just doesn't fit the profile of a domestic terrorist.

So here's my thing.

At the end of the day, Mark Anthony Conditt was a murderer.

A deranged, cowardly human being who killed innocent people.

And the way the media tries to paint suspects like this in a sympathetic light is not only

offensive, but deeply disrespectful to the victims and their families.

It's also very clear that this delicate treatment is disproportionately afforded to

white criminals.

People have actually done studies on this, but you've probably noticed it yourself

if you're paying attention.

So I don't back the narrative of this poor misunderstood character who just needed a

little attention.

He was a killer.

He was a bad person who deserves no sympathy.

At the same time, I think it's important to understand the different motivations people

can have for committing terrible crimes like this.

Dealing with domestic terrorists who have political motives is an entirely different

ball park than dealing with violent individuals who want to hurt people because they could

never get a date.

So I do think it's important who we call a terrorist, and I'm not sure that the Austin

bomber fits that profile.


What do you think?

For more infomation >> Was the Austin Bomber a Terrorist? - Duration: 9:33.


Should I come back to YouTube? **Not Clickbait** - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Should I come back to YouTube? **Not Clickbait** - Duration: 3:18.


[KOR SUB] REACTION! BTS Are Runway Models - Duration: 9:47.

Hello, everybody, my name is Maggie, and I like to react to K-pop videos on the

Internet. Welcome to my channel, welcome back to my channel, whatever the case is,

I'm just really happy to have you here. So today, I know it is You Decide Monday,

I am fully aware, but the Twitter poll was really really close. And because

we're- there were, I think four options? I'm gonna put those two options up next

to each other, and then we can decide what we want to do. I didn't want to

think, I'm not leaving it out, but at the same time I'm like, I will give you a

fair shot. So today we are going to react to something that I want to see. Kind of. I'm

scared. It is a compilation of BTS catwalk moments, so that is going to be a

thing. Um, we're going to try and do this without the first aid kit.

I do have my friend and yours, Scotty the emotional support bear. Trying to do this

without the ice, because I've got to graduate and become a big girl sometime, right?


All right. I do run the Twitter poll every single week. You decide what I

upload on Mondays, my @ReactionaryMag Twitter handle is up here, hang out, go

vote, and like I said I'll put those other two up there not this week, next week.

And I, I'm, I do know that some of this is going to need to be edited out, because the- I

did see the first kind of splash screen, and it's from something that has copyright

in it so if you hear that the music doesn't sync up with the video that is

why. I'm not a horrible editor. But just wanted to let you know. Okay, I upload

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 3:00 p.m. Mountain Standard time. I upload a ton of

different types of content. If you want to check it out, I would love to have you.

If you like this, please give it a big thumbs up, so I know what content you

want to see. It also helps out with the YouTube new algorithm thing, that's

really shady, that I don't, I don't like it, and nobody's gonna make me like it.

Okay, so this is put together by Kookies And Cream, another one of my very

favorite content creators. I haven't had anything on my channel by Kookies And

Cream for a little bit, but I will link the, their channel up here, and BTS Are

Runway Models. I cannot argue with this title because it's facts.

Uh, last weekend I saw a snippet of a runway, and I swear to God, I don't know what

happened, but Jin bias wrecked me hard, so I'm- we'll see what happens here. All

right, BTS Are Runway Models, Catwalk Compilation. Let's go.

Yes. Oh no.


No, no! You just did that to me! You killed me! That's not nice!

No, (unintelligible)

What? No! Oh, I don't need you, Jin. I don't need you right now. We just talked, we

talked about it.

Yeah, you're coming for me. All right, you're a little young right here

Kookie, little young. Still. Stop it.

The swag is high, sir.

Nobody can wink like him. He's got the wink down. Oh, stop it, stop it, stop it,

stop it, stop!

No, with that!

I mean, I thought we were going to go to a place, but

I wasn't expecting this place so soon. I don't know if that was stupid of me, but I

should have definitely gotten the ice.


What's up, Park Jimin?

Oh, jeez.


Yeah, yeah.

Stop. Okay. That was rough.

These two. God, I love them.



Body rolls on each other, I'm not mad. I'm not mad.

That's- not mad.

You sexy bitch. How? How, how? How, how, how?

Can you- oh god. Yes!

Oh no, the smile. Oh god, I love his smile.

I, I've seen this, I won't lie, but this is

the most spectacular thing on earth, because

I cannot walk like that in stilettos, so he wins.

Oh, yep.

So, so amazing.


Here's your new models, Versace and Gucci. Jesus Christ, Taehyung.

Little young, little young.

Little young.

Doesn't mean that, oh.

I mean, little young. Can't. I cannot with the young. I-

What is J-Hope doing back there? He's just- He's his own party.

Oh, he really is his own party.

Whoa, I can't, I can't look at you right now, Jungkook.

My contact is now in my skull.

No! No! No! Not this! Not this! Okay.


I've seen that piece of it. Okay.

The fear is high.

Stop it, Park Jimin. Nobody said.


Jungkook, I did not expect that out of you.

But you do expect this out of Hoseok, you just do.

He's perfect.


That'll make you stop the laugh.

I don't know what's happening. I'm not mad. I don't even know what just happened.

It's cool. I'm okay with that.

That would be me on the catwalk right there.


Jin stans, come get your boy.


I am so not okay with what Jin is up to right now.

Everybody's a bias wrecker. Think about it though, think about it. Like

you have one bias, and six bias wreckers. How- yes, that is the fact. That is facts.

Oh, how fun is that video? Oh my god! I loved it, loved it, loved it. That was a

blast. If you like this type of video, let me know, and I will keep on trying to

find these really fun compilations, just give me a like. That also helps in the

YouTube algorithms, which are right now insanely, I don't know what's going on.

They're insane. I would love it if you'd subscribe to my channel if you are new

here, we have a ton of fun, we always talk in the comments section, and there's some

amazing, amazing conversations that we get into. So that is one of my very

favorite things about hanging out here on YouTube with you guys. If you also-

please hit the notification bell. There is something going on with YouTube, I hear

it in every YouTube community that I watch, or I'm listening to, or I'm part of

there is something going on. If you don't hit the notification bell, you are not

notified in any way, shape, or form that any of us have uploaded, so do that with

me, do that with your other YouTubers, do that with your favorite peoples, that way

you can stay informed. And yeah, I hope that you had fun, I hope that you have a

fantastic Monday wherever you are, I will put those other two- it was the Puma

video- was it Puma video? Oh crap, now I can't remember right off the top of my head

because Jin just done messed me up. Oh. Yeah. I'll put, I'll put those other two

Twitter polls up not this week, but next week so you can take a look. All right. I

hope that you have a great day. Take care. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> [KOR SUB] REACTION! BTS Are Runway Models - Duration: 9:47.


녹정기2 - 3 I 1992 I 주성치, ㅣ임청하 I 홍콩영화 I 휴머니즘 티비 - Duration: 32:30.

For more infomation >> 녹정기2 - 3 I 1992 I 주성치, ㅣ임청하 I 홍콩영화 I 휴머니즘 티비 - Duration: 32:30.


RAFONIX o GURALU ZBANOWANYM na YouTube! - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> RAFONIX o GURALU ZBANOWANYM na YouTube! - Duration: 2:22.


녹정기2 - 2 I 1992 I 주성치, ㅣ임청하 I 홍콩영화 I 휴머니즘 티비 - Duration: 32:43.

For more infomation >> 녹정기2 - 2 I 1992 I 주성치, ㅣ임청하 I 홍콩영화 I 휴머니즘 티비 - Duration: 32:43.


녹정기2 - 1 I 1992 I 주성치, ㅣ임청하 I 홍콩영화 I 휴머니즘 티비 - Duration: 32:30.

For more infomation >> 녹정기2 - 1 I 1992 I 주성치, ㅣ임청하 I 홍콩영화 I 휴머니즘 티비 - Duration: 32:30.


Liverpool defender Joe Gomez reveals benefiting hugely from working with Virgil Van Dijk ● News #LFC - Duration: 2:15.

England defender Joe Gomez is delighted to have the opportunity to learn from Liverpool

team mate Virgil van Dijk and sees himself as a 'sponge' soaking up lessons from the

world's most expensive defender.

Van Dijk's January move for a reported £75 million from Southampton to Anfield may have

hampered Gomez's long-term ambition of moving from right back to centre half.

However, the youngster insisted that he does not see the Dutch international as an obstacle.

'I didn't see it as blocking my path or anything like that.

It's a great opportunity to learn from him,' the 20-year-old Gomez told British media.

'I am not overly stressing about it or paranoid about other people coming in.

It's great to be in environments where I can learn from players like that.

I am just trying to soak it all up and be the best sponge I can be.

'I think he has a great presence, everyone sees that.

He is very dominant in the way he plays and his body language shows that he has quality

on the ball.'

Gomez received his first England call-up in November and earned praise for putting a commanding

display to nullify the threat of Brazil's Neymar in a 0-0 draw.

He freely admits he is still getting used to taking on the world's best forwards and

is also learning from Liverpool's Mohamed Salah, who has scored 36 goals in all competitions

since arriving at Anfield at the start of the campaign.

'I'm not sure who is better, they're both world class,' Gomez added.

'They're both incredible players and it's a pleasure for me to come up against such


'It has to be a balance of respecting the ability but also understanding that he's your

opponent and you can't be in awe of him, otherwise that might not do you any good.

For more infomation >> Liverpool defender Joe Gomez reveals benefiting hugely from working with Virgil Van Dijk ● News #LFC - Duration: 2:15.


Księżna Kate zdradziła, jak lubią się bawić George i Charlotte [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:28.

Księżna Kate zdradziła, jak lubią się bawić George i Charlotte

Księżna Kate uczy swoje dzieci gotować!Podczas oficjalnej wizyty domu kultury w Islington księżna Kate i książę William wzięli udział w przygotowywaniu posiłku na uroczysty obiad.

W trakcie pracy, ubrana w fartuch Kate wdała się w rozmowę ze stojącą obok kobietą.

Pochodząca z Boliwii Yolanda dowiedziała się od żony następcy, jak spędza ona wolny czas z dwójką swoich małych dzieci:.

Robiłam to z Georgeem i Charlotte – zdradziła księżna.

– Robiliśmy ciasto na pizzę. Oni to uwielbiają, bo mogą pobrudzić sobie ręce.

Jak widać, pomimo swoich książęcych tytułów George i Charlotte zachowują się jak typowe przedszkolaki,.

dla których największą frajdą jest możliwość pobrudzenia sobie rąk.

Jeśli zaś chodzi o zdobywaną przy okazji umiejętność przygotowywania jedzenia,.

trudno nam jest sobie wyobrazić, żeby kiedykolwiek była ona potrzebna pretendentom do brytyjskiego tronu.

For more infomation >> Księżna Kate zdradziła, jak lubią się bawić George i Charlotte [SZOK] || LVTplotki - Duration: 2:28.


Leopold Fitz | IT WAS ME - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> Leopold Fitz | IT WAS ME - Duration: 3:27.


たった3分で癒される動画!おもしろ可愛い癒しハムスターA video eases your mind by Funny hamsters in just 3 minutes! - Duration: 3:08.

Thanks for subscribing to my channel!Please RT!

For more infomation >> たった3分で癒される動画!おもしろ可愛い癒しハムスターA video eases your mind by Funny hamsters in just 3 minutes! - Duration: 3:08.


The Worst Restaurant Experience (NOT GOING BACK) - Duration: 4:52.

okay I really I need a haircut I can't I can't keep doing this how's it going

everybody should boy brown status you ever went to a restaurant where you know

you order something everything goes smooth you get the food that you ordered

the whole night is just splendid right that is what you expect when you go out

so it was my friend's birthday you know when she wanted to go to a restaurant so

we're like okay you know what let's do it you know it's her birthday we'll do

what she wants here is the situation you see one brown

guy and two black girls walking in to a restaurant now I don't know if this was

intended but as soon as we walked in I'm guessing it was like Korean music or

something we saw that music change to hip-hop they like anticipated that they

knew we were coming you know they started bumping like Snoop

Dogg and you know all these like like big hip-hop artists it was weird and we

were talking about it we're like yo this can't be like you know a coincidence

like they clearly turned that music on cuz we walked it all right it took us

almost an hour to find a seat we receive a text message on our phone saying that

our seat is available so we go we notice that everybody else who got seated got

chopsticks it was a pretty standard thing like everybody got chopsticks it

doesn't matter what you ordered an anticipation that you ordered something

that required chopsticks but what did we get

we got forks and knives I don't know if these guys were like stereotyping or

something but I mean yo my friends actually know how to use a chopstick I

don't know how to even hold a chopstick Ari I cannot use chopsticks fYI that's

something that I intend to learn maybe in the near future

so anyways alright we're like fine let's go we sit down right we get seated we're

ready we're like you know whatever we're not gonna let the change of music and

them giving us different utensils change our mood and affect us from having fun

not happen the waitress comes to us and she asks us for our order and we're like

okay fine we ordered my friend ordered noodles the other person order rice and

check in and I ordered chicken noodles and rice right you know cuz you're I

like to eat and this is what happens I'm miss like this this is not what I

ordered I mean maybe you mistake my order for somebody

else's I mean she said no no it's yours it's it's for you you ordered this right

no I did it huh this is no I hear you ordered this no no you ordered it no no

it's no no you ordered this seriously as ask your friends did he not order this

you guys were here listening with did he notice on the menu good and so now my

friends are like the you know in an awkward situation and because I did not

order what she gave me I didn't even know that what she gave me existed on

the menu the menu has a lot of items I didn't check all of them oh I just saw

the first thing that intrigued me and I ordered it we got into an argument and

then she had her supervisor come in why did this situation have to lead up to a

supervisor I mean it's just like what the hell right and so supervisor comes

in and she's like hi how are you doing so um you you ordered this this is the

boneless fried chicken right this is the boneless fried chicken this is not a

mistake we you know I mean if it was a mistake we would own up to it but this

is okay what do you mean it's not bonus why is my chicken green seriously what

the hell happened to that chicken did that chicken get fed extra chemicals or

something because I don't know what the hell that is

and you said boneless I see three bones sticking out of chicken wings so you

guys are lying to me and it's not even the right color which leads me to

believe are you guys food coloring your chicken like what's going on here you

know I don't even know I mean things just got heated so fast it was awkward

cuz you know it was my friend's birthday and we just did not expect this to

happen then she hands me back to the menu and she's like look read at the top

okay so this is the actual menu seriously it says this image may differ

from reality what cuff does that even mean it doesn't

matter what you get I understand that everything doesn't look like the image

100% I understand that right why the heck is my chicken green tell me I

ordered something else but I was like sort of scared cuz I'm like okay yo like

you know they're probably giving me like trashy service now

I'm one of those customers that gave them a hard time so yes that was my

story you know in the moment it wasn't it wasn't really that funny but now we

kind of laugh about it and you know so it's a good time that being said if

you're new to this channel hit that subscribe button what are you doing and

you should know I release videos every week and I don't plan on skipping one

it's your boy Brown status I'll catch you on the next one peace

For more infomation >> The Worst Restaurant Experience (NOT GOING BACK) - Duration: 4:52.


Segment Tree Beats | Advanced | RMQ & LCA - Duration: 17:20.

For more infomation >> Segment Tree Beats | Advanced | RMQ & LCA - Duration: 17:20.


Spotted Crochet Easter Eggs Tutorial Part 1 - Duration: 17:43.

Hey everyone.

I'm Lizfaerie and today I'm going to show you how to make these spotted crochet Easter

eggs inspired by Yoshi eggs.

These are similar to the Easter eggs video I made a while back, but I've improved the

technique and now there's a written pattern available.

This time, I'll be making my eggs using these extra large Easter eggs, so I'll be making

them in a larger size than before.

And the reason for that is, these large eggs actually fit my Baby Yoshi amigurumi doll

that I made last year, so I'm going to make an egg for all of my Yoshi babies.

If you want to see how I made these Baby Yoshis, you can find a link in the description below,

or click the card at the top of the screen.

Some things you're going to need for this tutorial are:

A crochet hook, I'm going to be using a size E (3.5 mm)

A pair of scissors A yarn needle

I'll be using a bobby pin to mark my stitches A glue gun

Some Jumbo plastic Easter eggs And you'll need yarn.

I'll be using "white" from Red Heart Super Saver and "spring green" from Red Heart

Super Saver, but you can use any color yarns you like.

If you'd like a written pattern, you can find one in my Ravelry store.

The link is in the description below.

These are the eggs I made last year.

As you can see, the spots on these eggs pop out a lot more, because I made the spots all

separately and sewed them to the egg shell after it was done.

That method is a lot easier.

If you want to make them in this style, check out that tutorial by clicking the card at

the top of the screen.

For this new method, though, I'm going to make the spots with color changes instead,

so they don't pop out as much.

So I'm going to increase to widen the egg shell, then single crochet for a few rows

to lengthen the egg shell, while at the same time adding spots of green to the shell.

To make extra large spots, do 3 stitches of green in the first row, then 5 stitches in

the 2nd row, then 6 stitches in the 3rd row, then 6 again in the 4th row, then 4 in the

5th row, then 3 in the last row.

For the large spots, do 3 stitches in the first row, then 5, then 5 again, then 4, then

3 in the last row.

For the smaller spots, do 2 stitches in the first row, then 3, then 3 again, then 2 in

the last row.

And for the smallest spots, do 2 stitches in the first row, then 2 stitches in the last


You can add these spots randomly all over the egg shell pieces, or you could follow

along and do all the same color changes I'm doing in this tutorial.

First I'll make the bottom half of the egg.

I'm going to start with my white yarn, and create a double magic circle with 6 stitches

of single crochet.

If you like, you could start with your green yarn, if you want to make a spot at the very


I'll show you how to do that when I make the other half of the egg shell.

So I'm going to pull up a loop.

Then I'm going to chain 1, and that's going to count as my first stitch.

Then I'm going to single crochet 5 more times onto my circle, for a total of 6 stitches.

Now I'm going to close my magic circle.

Now that I've got my circle closed, I'm going to increase every stitch of this next row.

So I'm going to go into that 1st chain that counted as the first stitch, and I'm going

to single crochet twice into that stitch.

And I'm going to mark the first of those stitches as the first stitch of the row.

I want to increase every stitch of this row.

So into the next stitch, I'm going to single crochet 2 times, but on the 2nd stitch of

the increase, I'm going to leave the stitch open and change colors to green.

So I've done the first 4 stitches using white, and left the last stitch open.

Now I'm going to finish that stitch using my green yarn to change colors to green.

So now I've changed colors to green.

I'm going to single crochet 3 times using green, but I'm going to keep increasing every

stitch of this row.

So increase the next stitch using green.

Then single crochet into the next stitch using green, but leave that stitch open and change

colors back to white.

And remember to keep increasing every stitch of this row.

So I'm going to single crochet again into the same stitch, this time with white.

Then I'm going to do 1 more white stitch, then I'm going to change colors back to green.

And single crochet 2 using green.

Then change colors back to white.

And single crochet 1 using white.

Make sure that you increased every stitch of the row.

There should be 12 stitches.

Now I've gotten to the end of the row.

In this next row, I'm going to increase every 2nd stitch while I continue to do my color

changes to make my spots.

So first I'm going to single crochet 5 using white.

Then single crochet 5 using green.

Single crochet 3 using white.

Single crochet 3 using green.

And single crochet 2 using white.

And don't forget to continue to increase.

There should be 18 stitches in this row.

In the next row, I'm going to increase every 3rd stitch while I continue making my spots,

just like I did in the last row; so single crochet 2 using white.

Single crochet 2 using green.

Single crochet 3 using white.

Single crochet 6 using green.

Single crochet 5 using white.

Single crochet 3 using green.

And single crochet 3 using white.

And again, don't forget to increase every 3rd stitch of the row.

There should be 24 stitches.

This is going to be the last row of increase, so in the next rows you won't have to worry

about it.

If you want to make a larger size, you could always keep increasing by the next number,

but the colors of your stitches won't line up if you do.

Just make sure that you're making all the extra large spots with 3 stitches of green

in the first row, then 5 stitches in the 2nd, then 6 stitches, then 6 again, then 4, then

3 in the last row.

For the large spots, do 3 stitches in the first row, then 5, then 5 again, then 4, then

3 in the last row.

For the smaller spots, do 2 stitches in the first row, then 3, then 3 again, then 2 in

the last row.

And for the smallest spots, do 2 stitches in the first row, then 2 stitches in the last


So I've gotten to the end of the rows of increase.

So now I'm going to stop increasing, and I'm going to work single crochets for 6 more rows,

while I finish my color changes.

So in my first row of single crochet, I'll single crochet 2 using white.

Single crochet 2 using green; single crochet 4 using white; single crochet 6 using green;

single crochet 5 using white; single crochet 2 using green; and single crochet 3 using


In my next row, the 2nd row of single crochet, I'll single crochet 9 using white; single

crochet 4 using green; single crochet 3 using white; single crochet 2 using green; and single

crochet 6 using white.

In the 3rd row of single crochet, I'm going to single crochet 5 using white; single crochet

2 using green; single crochet 3 using white; single crochet 3 using green; single crochet

3 using white; single crochet 2 using green; and single crochet 6 using white.

In the 4th row of single crochet, I'm going to single crochet 5 using white; single crochet

3 using green; single crochet 14 using white; single crochet 2 using green.

On the last stitch of the row, change colors to white.

In the 5th row of single crochet, I'm going to single crochet 5 using white; single crochet

3 using green; single crochet 6 using white; single crochet 2 using green; single crochet

6 using white; single crochet 2 using green.

On the last stitch of the row, change colors to white.

And for my last row of single crochet, the 6th row, I'm going to single crochet 6 using

white; single crochet 2 using green; single crochet 6 using white; single crochet 2 using

green; single crochet 8 using white.

Then I'm going to slip stitch to the 1st stitch of the row to end the row.

And I'm going to cut off my yarn, and sew in the ends.

So I've finished with the bottom piece of the egg.

In the next part of the video, I'll show you how to make the top piece.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

If you did, give it a like and share it on social media.

If you like my work and want to support me in making new videos, donate to my Patreon.

Find more information about that at

And if you'd like to see more tutorials like this in the future, subscribe to my channel,

and I'll see you all next time!


For more infomation >> Spotted Crochet Easter Eggs Tutorial Part 1 - Duration: 17:43.


Top 5 Minecraft SHADER PACKS ★ Most Useful and Fun Shaders ★ 2018 - Duration: 11:06.

hey guys I'm AyeselTPW and welcome back to another mod showcase Monday

hey guys and welcome back I AM AyeselTPW and welcome back to another mod

showcase Monday last week I promised you that we would do a macho case on my

favorite shaders for Minecraft so that's what we're going to do today but guys

before we do that it would be awesome if we did like button on this video and for

noona channel why don't you hit that subscribe button

okay before we get into doing these shaders the first thing you will need to

have is Optifine so if you haven't downloaded and installed Optifine for

minecraft then you will need to do that if you want to know how to do that then

go check out the video and link of this subscription down below

it's the Optifine video drive done on how to download and install it once

you're in there you will need to then go into the shaders option in your video

settings and you will see all of the shaders that you have in here

the first one that I'm going to be showing you which is the one that I use

for my mud showcases in my tutorials is silver vibrant shaders

so what shaders do guys is obviously they change the look and feel of

Minecraft you can see the water looks a lot more realistic the Sun as circular

as is the moon and you also get crescent moons so you get full moons you get half

moons etc and it just brings a whole different experience to the whole

Minecraft world you get shadows water looks realistic and it just makes the

whole place look fantastic but I'm not gonna talk about why shaders are good

for Minecraft I'm going to show you the different ones that I think are pretty

neat there's three which I think are very good for the looking feel of

Minecraft and then there's got to fajn ones and I hope that you enjoy those

guys so this is silver vibrant shaders guys this is what I use for my tutorials

and what your cases as I said and I really enjoy it because it doesn't eat

up your frames per second as some of these share packs can eat into your

frames per second and Silver's doesn't do a bad job in maintaining frames per

second I'm currently running at 50 frames per second here at the moment you

can see as well that the sky is blue and has proper looking clouds for you to

have the clouds looking like this you need to turn minecraft clouds off and

just use the shader pack clouds so destler's haters which one are we gonna

show you next well the next one I want to show you is

a soos change and again this is very similar to

cylinders but my frames-per-second has dropped way down to nearly turkey frames

per second so just watch out for that guys some of these shader packs may not

be suitable for your PC the sky is moving which is why it's also dropping

down frames per second the clouds are also still realistic the

Sun is still circular it's very bright and we still got shadows water is

realistic there's more of a hue you can see this kind of a hue around me it's

kind of like very bright and I'm just going to set the time to a little bit of

a an earlier time so you can see what the sunlight looks like when it's coming

up you can see there's definitely a darkness when it's dawn and when the Sun

is setting it's not a very warm feel it's a very realistic feel but it's very

dark and that's why I don't use it for my tutorials macho cases because you get

a really vibrant Sun when you're using cylinders and I really like that for the

tutorials you can see the Sun there setting over the horizon it's very big

and it's very orange and I think that looks absolutely cool so this is soos

I'm going to put a download link for every one of these shader packs in the

description of this video and it's gonna bring you to the download link on the

websites and as soon as come down and you can see how dark it got so quickly

there wow that got really dark let me put up the brightness here this guy's

and that made no effect whatsoever so I'm gonna get out of this shader pack

then next what I'm showing you is mr. meet some leaders I might actually start

using this for my macho cases because it's a really warm feel you don't get

the same kind of rays coming through the trees that you do with cylinders but

it's not too bright either it's really nice it's really soft it has a really

warm feeling to it and I really do enjoy it again the water is realistic and the

sky is very blue there's no clouds in this so frames-per-second are running at

around 45 to 50 as well which is pretty good and as you can see the Sun is

starting to go down but it's not as dramatic

Anasuya days with siller's hence why I like silver so much it definitely has a

warmer field when the Sun does go down you don't get the Stars coming on at

night either will it get as dark as suus let's have a

look this is nice we have we have a huge here for the moon we don't actually have

a moon that we don't have a movie definitely guy next you this is

interesting I really like this guys so I've just turned on the Moon guys and

it's a square moon unfortunately which would be pretty cool to have a circular

moon like the other shader packs this is why I like silver so much look at that

moon look at the way the Rays are beaming off it okay maybe it's a bit

intense but it is stunning so they're the three shader packs that I would

definitely recommend if you want to make minecraft look and feel so much better

than the standard vanilla but there are two others I'm gonna showcase and I

found these and I think they're so much fun and you can have create fun with

these before I do that guys I'm going to switch on my resource pack which is

chroma hills and this can add a whole new effect as well to Minecraft and you

can see that the shaders here have changed the sand looks completely

different it's got some shells and the beach and some seaweed and you can see

here when you've got something lighting up like the lava it really stands out

which is awesome you can see all of the blocks have changed so the mobs have

changed as well which is pretty neat I downloaded this mod pack because I

wanted to use this on my bed Wars and I really like it I really do like it

the trees have changed leaves changed so I'm gonna leave on the resource pack you

guys and I want to show you these two other shaders which I think are friggin

awesome the first one is world curvature and if

you think that minecraft is very square then you need to download this shader

pack because what this does is gives curvature to everything in Minecraft the

blocks are still square obviously with the hole

old world is now circular which is friggin awesome so if you're building

bridges take it over it you could see the whole world is circular now and

let's build some sort of bridge there's something basic and now you can see

there's a curve in it which is also I think this is friggin awesome guys it

probably takes a little bit of getting used to but it just adds something

different to Minecraft and I love it you could see the curve on it there and so

everything's got a curve with this a shader pack and I think that just brings

something some something more a hell of a lot more different to Minecraft I

don't know what I was doing there so that's world curvature which is a very

interesting shader and I think it changes a hell of a lot in Minecraft the

last one this one is the most extreme of the shader packs that I've ever done

ordered and it's the wave shooters you can see the whole world is waving this

is gonna take some getting used to if you wanted to play with this but it's

definitely a lot of fun you can see the whole world is moving around it doesn't

give you the same effects as the other shader packs with the Sun and the

lighting hello mr. creeper it does take a little

bit of getting used to because it can get quite disorienting and you can get

quite dizzy you can see the world there in the background yes coming up I'm

going to do something that I really increase the chunks or the video let's

see what that will do I had to see how it is oh this is weird

this is so weird guys but I love it

this is like Inception the whole world is just waving as if it's on top of

waves as you can see over there you can see my bridges from my practicing I have

pet wars and bridging in bed Wars wow this is so weird

I couldn't end on the tree okay let me go into the sky and let's see what wow

this is inception the whole place is just waving this is crazy this is really

friggin crazy it's awesome though frames per second yeah they're not that bad

around 46 47 oh this is making me t0 all right let me go to the edge over here

again oh this is weird I don't even know it's hard it's hard you don't even know

if you're traveling Wow okay I need to get down this is making me dizzy that's

it for this much okay I really hope that you enjoyed it the five shader packs

that I think are fantastic children's vibrant shaders the Zeus mr. meap's the

wave and world curvature five fantastic shader packs and well done to the

developers and designers of these shaders awesome job I love this and

Silver's is still definitely my favorite and along with this texture pack I think

it looks absolutely superb so guys I really hope that you enjoyed this video

and if you did it would be awesome if you left a like on it and if you're new

in the channel again why don't you hit that subscribe button guys that's it for

this macho case I'm AyeselTP thank you for watching this video and we'll

see you in the next mod showcase bye

For more infomation >> Top 5 Minecraft SHADER PACKS ★ Most Useful and Fun Shaders ★ 2018 - Duration: 11:06.


BACK FROM HELL! Hillary Clinton's SECRET PLAN To MANIPULATE AMERICANS Into Making Her PRESIDENT In 2 - Duration: 12:38.



Hillary Clinton is considering another run for president – and is mulling the idea

of launching a television talk show to soften the ground for 2020.

Clinton would be 73 years old if she were to challenge President Donald Trump – again

– and win the White House the next time around.

Launching a TV program now would make her America's second-oldest female news or talk

show host on the small screen, after only Joy Behar of 'The View.'

Author Ed Klein wrote Wednesday on his blog that according to a Clinton insider, the former

secretary of state is open to the idea.

'She thinks being the host of a popular TV show would energize the Democratic Party

base and her tens of millions of fans,' the unnamed source said, according to Klein.

'It's a way to make a comeback and position herself for another run at the White House

starting in a year or so.'

Clinton, Klein writes, recently told a group of friends gathered at her Washington, D.C.

home: 'I'll be back' – and delivered the line in an Arnold Schwarzenegger 'Terminator'

accent as she raised a glass of wine.

A planned comeback as a presidential candidate for the third time would preclude the idea

of running for mayor of New York City.

It would also take more lucrative opportunities off the table, including corporate boards

and university chancellorships.

But the Clintons are among the nation's richest Democratic politicians, reaping hundreds

of millions of dollars in speaking fees since Bill

Clinton left


White House

in 2001.

For more infomation >> BACK FROM HELL! Hillary Clinton's SECRET PLAN To MANIPULATE AMERICANS Into Making Her PRESIDENT In 2 - Duration: 12:38.


How Powerful Are Rogues? - World of Warcraft Lore - Duration: 10:03.

Hello guys this is Doronsmovies and today I will be talking about the Rogues and how

powerful they are in the lore.

Going through their history, abilities and comparing them to other classes.

So without further ado, let's get into the lore!

Much like the warriors, the rogues are one of the most vague classes in the game.

They can be anything from cutthroats to secret service agents, however typically they're

made up from the dregs of society, robbers, murderers, pirates and other types of criminals.

Rogues have existed since society existed and generally those that shunned honor and

fair combat turned to this business.

They are the ones that would ambush travelers, kill someone from behind in a dark alley or

organize some type of robbery.

Even though skilled in combat, they aren't on a level of a warrior in a duel, but that

isn't what makes them powerful.

Rogues become truly deadly when they focus on their strengths and that is stealth, ambush

and working from the shadows.

Of course not all rogues are criminals and in fact some of them are the complete opposite.

For example the SI:7 is one of the most elite organizations, consisting primarily of rogues.

They work for Stormwind and the Wrynn dynasty and are involved in many missions of serious

risk and danger.

In fact almost every race has their own rogue organization meant for high level threats

and preserving security.

The Shattered Hand is the Horde equivalent, the orc equivalent of the SI:7, mainly built

up from the orcs of the former Shattered Hand Clan.

Deathstalkers are the elite assassins working for Sylvanas, Farstriders also have rogues

in their service in order to protect the blood elven kingdom.

Night elves have some variation of the rogues known as the wardens, used as a special police


So overall rogues definitely are much more than just petty criminals.

Almost every race aside from a few can become a rogue and many of them have unique abilities

that greatly enhance their capacity.

For example the forsaken deathstalkers are one of the best assassins mostly due to their


They don't require food, water or air, they can be submerged underwater forever and even

pose as corpses and remain inside of a casket indefinitely in order to do some inside job.

The night elves are naturally able to blend into darkness and have great knowledge of

their forests and the environment, being able to blend in and ambush their targets.

On the other hand races like the gnomes or the goblins utilize their small stature as

well as many gadgets, bombs and traps.

When it comes to their abilities they can range from a significant variety depending

on many factors such as races, specializations and experience.

In general however there are some standards for the class.

Most rogues are only lightly armored, either wearing cloth or leather, in order to maintain

speed and agility, they also utilize small weapons such as daggers, maces and one handed


For rogues it is not the size of the weapon or the strength of the individual that makes

them deadly but the way they employ it.

They are famous for their poisons which can kill an enemy with a papercut wound.

The main feature of the rogues is obviously stealth which in itself is a very, very unclear

concept within the lore.

Some do manage some form of shadow magic, but in general it is usually superior knowledge

of the environment as well as incredible agility and speed.

Through stealth they ambush, strangle and backstab their foes.

So, with all of these various abilities, how would rogues fare against other classes?

When it comes to warriors this entirely depends on the scenario.

In a straight-out duel an average rogue would definitely lose to an average warrior, however

in the case of an ambush rogues doubtlessly have the upper hand.

With their poison they only need to create a small wound and if a warrior is claded in

very heavy armor, they merely have to find an opening.

In the case of monks, this is definitely a very evenly matched engagement.

Monks, just like the rogues, are extremely fast and agile and this would depend entirely

on the individuals.

Rogues would definitely have the upper hand if fighting with a dagger against fists but

would be at a disadvantage if the monks use a staff or some sort of a longer-range weapon.

Against a hunter, a rogue is definitely at a disadvantage but if he plays to his strengths

he would have an upper hand.

A dagger against a rifle is useless and a pet is a very powerful enemy.

However a hunter can be ambushed and bullets and arrows dodged with great speed and agility.

Versus death knights there would be a significant disadvantage as they are a superior class.

Death knights are undead which means no poison or small stab wounds are going to do any damage.

Generally they're heavily armored, making the small weapons of a rogue very much useless.

Death knights can also swarm their targets with undead minions as well as employ powerful

death magic and shields that would stop anything in its tracks.

So in this scenario a rogue would most likely lose.

Another powerful melee class are the demon hunters.

Rogues would definitely stand a better chance against them than the death knights but the

demon hunters are definitely more agile.

Demon hunters are essentially rogues themselves that have gone through super human rituals

and that use fel magic.

A demon hunter is superior to a rogue in almost every sense, they are faster, stronger and

able to use magic.

Their tracking abilities and inhuman senses also make an ambush extremely unlikely.

When it comes to Druids and shamans it is as is with almost all spellcasters.

Of course the rogues have an advantage in an ambush but any magic is more powerful than

their regular abilities.

Generally the spells of a shaman are slow which means that a rogue might be able to

interrupt them and break the distance however in the case of a druid there is shapeshifting


This means that a druid could just turn into a bird and fly away or into a bear that would

not be so easily stopped by a dagger.

Still these two classes possess significant advantages in battle.

In regards to the paladins and holy priests the scenario is a bit different.

Against the priests rogues possess serious advantages as the priests are very fragile

and are generally focused on support and healing.

Priests also wear cloth which is extremely susceptible to the small but deadly weapons

wielded by the rogues.

However in the case of the paladins this is a completely different scenario.

Not only do paladins wear heavy armor but they are also able to cast shields of Light,

blocking incoming attacks.

This scenario would be more similar to a warrior versus rogue although the Light does give

a significant advantage against poisons, bombs and throwable weapons.

And lastly against warlocks, mages and shadowpriests the rogues would not fare too well.

These classes wield very powerful magic that completely outclasses the rogues or any melee

class in that regard.

Again these casters do wear very light armor and a rogue could ambush them, playing to

his strengths, interrupt their spells and even kill them before they cast a spell, but

strictly power-wise these classes are miles ahead but the entire point of a rogue was

never to be powerful in a conventional sense.

So with all of these abilities and the comparison with other classes how would rogues rank on

the power level scale?

In my opinion they're somewhere in the range of lower to middle.

The problem with ranking them as a class is as I mentioned at the start of the video they're

just kinda too vague.

All of the classes have a million factors when you compare them, but with rogues it's

even extra.

An undead rogue plays a much different role than a gnome one for example.

Also a pirate is technically a rogue or any murderer, but so is a special forces operative

that is trained in an elite way and is skilled even in straight-out combat.

So it is definitely difficult to bundle them into a single class but as I mentioned, the

entire point of a rogue is to not get matched in a duel but instead to use the environment

and his wits to his advantage.

Technically they would be one of the weakest classes in regular combat but taking their

point into consideration they can defeat almost any class.

All in all even though vague and not the most powerful, the rogues are still extremely interesting

as well as one of the most important classes in World of Warcraft.

Alright and that is all I have for this video.

Do leave your thoughts and don't forget to like and subscribe as it really helps out

and keeps all the content going.

Thanks a lot for taking the time out of your day to watch this video and see you next time!

For more infomation >> How Powerful Are Rogues? - World of Warcraft Lore - Duration: 10:03.


The Detour On TBS

For more infomation >> The Detour On TBS


MANDELA CONTRA O APARTHEID│História - Duration: 10:00.

For more infomation >> MANDELA CONTRA O APARTHEID│História - Duration: 10:00.



For more infomation >> TONY ALLYSSON - AUTOR DA VIDA - LIVE SESSION - Duration: 7:11.



For more infomation >> INVESTIR SOZINHO não é INDEPENDÊNCIA! - Duration: 1:57.


#31 IFMS Comunica – TecnoIF 2018 - Duration: 5:41.

For more infomation >> #31 IFMS Comunica – TecnoIF 2018 - Duration: 5:41.


BBB18: Após indicar Kaysar para o paredão, Breno assume liderança do Queridômetro - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Após indicar Kaysar para o paredão, Breno assume liderança do Queridômetro - Duration: 4:39.


Emanuel Moura em conversa com o fadista Luís Filipe Fortunato (Rádio Cister) - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Emanuel Moura em conversa com o fadista Luís Filipe Fortunato (Rádio Cister) - Duration: 5:40.



Hey! What's up?!

Today we are gonna talk about cultural shock

I'm here in Italy, in Naples with my Neapolitan friend

"What's up man? We're going to Salerno to find a spectacular f**k"

Felice is Italian, but he's lived in Brazil for a long time.

I think he's the most Brazilian/Italian I've ever met in my life.

(Brazilian slangs) "It's like...""Pode pá.."

"Send nudes!"

"Today we'll talk about...d**ks"

Tell us your story

I'm Italian, from Naples, and about 4 years ago I decided change my whole life to live in Brazil

then I went there, I had no clue where I'd live, so I lived with a family on the periphery of São Paulo

"All right, bro.."

This family treated me like I was a real member

"So bro" I realised I was Brazilian

then I was in Brazil about 3 years


What was your first impression when you got there?

I already had lived in Germany and from the beginning I saw the culture was too different

In that period I remember I even cried because I couldn't stand living in a such different culture

In Brazil I haven't felt it: "OH my Gosh, what a cultural shock, here it's too different" In Fact it was the opposite

Do you feel like you're in a Brazilian bar?

Totally! - You see, no cultural shock!

I felt there were so many things in common

I saw people wanted to hug me, to know me and my story, so I think the cultural shock in Brazil arrived later on

After a year or 2, you understand that we all are welcoming and seems we all are equals

but after while you understand it's not like that. It's a different culture and a different world

Brazil and Italy are similar ?

I think so, we've a bunch of things in common, especially with Naples and South Italy

So many things are similar, at the least with São Paulo. For me it's not so different because we are messy

He came here to my place and we feed him a lot!

I'm feeling like home over here!

"How do you feel after one more day in Italy?"

"... Fat"

"Hello Brazil, We're gonna eat a lot of candies!"

Brazilian food. Was it a shock for you?

Actually, It was not. I'm a "NeaPaulistano", part Neapolitan and part Paulistano

My mother always made pasta for my family and I was the only one who wanted rice

Dude, How is it possible!? An Italian in Naples with pizza, lasagna, parmigiana..

and I wanted rice and mom made for me!

I always loved beans as well. I eat all kind of grains

So when I got in Brazil I was in paradise!

Neapolitan pizza or pizza from São Paulo?

Neapolitan pizza

Ok guys! Don't tell me you're from São Paulo and you went to Italy and ate pizza in Rome

and Brazilian pizza is better than pizza from Rome

The real pizza is Neapolitan!

This is the Neapolitan pizza!

The way you prepare the dough is different, you put a lot of things on the pizza

It's a different taste, after Neapolitan pizza, the only place I enjoyed the pizza was in São Paulo

Come on guys, I eat a lot of rice and beans, let me at the least eat my pizza!

What did you miss about Italy when you were in Brazil?

In general, Brazilians don't know how to deal with conflicts

For small things it's ok, If you tell me we're gonna eat together and you don't go...

F**k it!

But in serious thing or professionally speaking might be an issue

For example, I had a hard time to get a visa and many people told me they'd help me with that

But nothing happened! They just gave me excuses because no one could tell me they would not do it for me.

Then I decided do it by myself. I know and I can how to take care of myself

but when someone offer help and I'm a foreigner, feeling lonely in a new culture, of course I'll accept that help!

But help me for a god sake!

What did you like the most about Brazil?

I could see on the streets many people from the LGBT community being themselves, walking hand in hand, kissing and so on

It was great for me because it gave an impression that Brazil is a really open and liberal country

where people could be themselves and live the way they want to live

then I saw it wasn't like that when I started dating a guy and we walked hand in hand

and people started us or we were kissing in the subway and people avoided sitting next to us

so I understood it's quite open country, but there are still a strong homophobia in Brazil.

How about Italy?

The main thing is we're mentally closed here in Italy, in my opinion , perhaps because of the influence of the church

I think we are a step back, you know

Ok, in Brazil the LGBT community suffers a lot of prejudices, many people are killed everyday


But you have Pabllo Vittar, a big icon of our community and It's great!

There are other singers as well and I feel represented by them, in Brazil

Once I cried watching a Brazilian music video that two men were making out

and I have this right as well, you know

I grew up watching videos with straight people making out, fairy tales with princes and princess

so in Brazil I feel represented, here in Italy I don't!

You have a youtube channel as well, right?

Yep, It calls Forget about it Felice

I started travelling for a long time then I got I was travelling for 7 years

So I started exploring the "Standstill" that the main thing is "To stay"

and I understood there's a travel we've gotta take to inside of ourselves

I don't wanna be that guy who shows a wonderful life and how my travels are great

It's not like that. Our lives are not always beautiful and we need these moments as well to grow up and to live our lives in a different way.

That's all folks! Sign up for his channel: Forget about it Felice

Subscribe here as well, like and comment the video

Thank you very much Felice!

Kisses!!! 😛

For more infomation >> UM ITALIANO DAS QUEBRADAS? - Duration: 7:10.


Kaysar pede para pintar as unhas de preto no BBB18 e pergunta se dói - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Kaysar pede para pintar as unhas de preto no BBB18 e pergunta se dói - Duration: 5:01.


[WYWIAD] Sennek [Belgia / Eurowizja 2018] (Część Pierwsza) - Duration: 19:41.

For more infomation >> [WYWIAD] Sennek [Belgia / Eurowizja 2018] (Część Pierwsza) - Duration: 19:41.


PORQUE NÃO ME DISSERAM ISSO ANTES?!! Emagreça 6 KG Em 15 Dias!! - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> PORQUE NÃO ME DISSERAM ISSO ANTES?!! Emagreça 6 KG Em 15 Dias!! - Duration: 3:16.


Tratamentos fitoterápicos para ansiedade - DA ANSIEDADE A LIBERDADE - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> Tratamentos fitoterápicos para ansiedade - DA ANSIEDADE A LIBERDADE - Duration: 4:56.


Produção e Criação de Vídeos Animados - - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Produção e Criação de Vídeos Animados - - Duration: 1:31.


VIATA CU AROMA DE CAFEA- BURAK ÖZÇİVİT- Altınyıldız Classics - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> VIATA CU AROMA DE CAFEA- BURAK ÖZÇİVİT- Altınyıldız Classics - Duration: 0:17.


4 Nuevas Armas Que Epic Games Está Añadiendo a Fortnite: Battle Royale (FN P90, Rifle de Asalto....) - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 4 Nuevas Armas Que Epic Games Está Añadiendo a Fortnite: Battle Royale (FN P90, Rifle de Asalto....) - Duration: 4:18.


Conoce la hora adecuada para consumir alimentos - Duration: 8:01.

For more infomation >> Conoce la hora adecuada para consumir alimentos - Duration: 8:01.


MI DIOS TIENE QUE VER ESTO ➜ Toma Esto Antes De Dormi Usted Dormirá Rápido y Despertará Renovado!!! - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> MI DIOS TIENE QUE VER ESTO ➜ Toma Esto Antes De Dormi Usted Dormirá Rápido y Despertará Renovado!!! - Duration: 3:14.


FériasStream. Donation Ás 21:00h ??? - Duration: 1:27:25.

For more infomation >> FériasStream. Donation Ás 21:00h ??? - Duration: 1:27:25.


Çukur 23 Bölüm Sneak Peek Onapio Tv - Duration: 0:59.


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