Monday, March 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 26 2018

From collecting dust bunnies to eating crayons with ketchup, the Planet Dolan Crew re-enacts

some of the best true stories from our subreddit about weird things our family members do.

I'm Pringle/Doopie, and today, I'll be your narrator.

Number 8 was Submitted by Readerweirdo19 Mimi_Up Mimi's little brother collects dust bunnies.

One day when he was 4, he was playing with some action figures when a dust bunny rolled


He instantly put down the toys and picked up the ball of grossness, proceeding to play

with it as if it was one of the action figures he had so readily abandoned.

He is now 17 and has a collection of over 300 dust bunnies.

He added googly eyes to some of them and gives them names like Link and Bulbasaur.

Mimi's mom is completely beside herself and my dad sometimes questions the sanity

of Mimi's brother over a glass of bourbon.

Number 7 was Submitted by Lord_Snax Grgak Grgak's uncle always ate strange things,

or ate normal things in a strange way.

When Grgak would eat an orange or banana, and was about to throw out the peel, his uncle

would say, "Hey!

Don't throw that out!

That's the best part!" and he would take the peelings and eat them.

When Grgak's uncle wanted to eat a hot dog, he would first take a bite of the hot dog,

then follow it with a spoon full of ketchup and a spoon full of mustard.

He also always likes his toast burnt to a blackened crisp.

Grgak has lost count of how many times he set off the smoke detector.

Number 6 was Submitted by Doomshade2292 Dolan Dolan's brother Zaraganba loves Oreos, but

the way he eats them is a bit weird.

Zaraganba doesn't like the cream inside, so he removes it and throws it behind the couch.

Then he puts ketchup and mustard between the two cookie pieces.

After that, he still dunks it in milk before eating it.

Number 5 was Submitted by huggalumpmcwoozle Snewpee

Snewpee's uncle collects Barbie dolls and gives them "accurate" body parts.

He brought his dolls to a family dinner to show the other adults.

But he left them sitting around, and Snewpee and her young cousins found them and started

playing with them.

When Snewpee's mom found them with the dolls, she was pissed.

Snewpee's uncle never brought the dolls to a family gathering again.

Number 4 was Submitted by Arch00Angel SaltySquid SaltySquid's little sister does some pretty

creepy things.

One night, SaltySquid woke up from having a strange dream where a Russian woman was

whispering at him to eat his peas and carrots.

When he woke up, it turned out his little sister had snuck into his room in the middle

of the night and was whispering to him to affect his dreams.

SaltySquid's sister now does this fairly often, and sadly, he does not have a lock

on his door.

Number 3 was Submitted by Vulcan105 JamesShark JamesShark's older brother had an eating

disorder that made him eat bizarre things, like paper dunked in pickle juice or crayons

with ketchup.

He got a job at an auto repair shop, which was great, because he likes cars.

But one day JamesShark went to visit him at work and just saw him going ham on a truck

tire trying to eat it.

He was surrounded by ketchup packs and sugar packs.

JamesShark asked him, "What the hell are you doing?"

His brother responded, "Well, he ain't gonna use it anymore," as if that explained


Several months later, JamesShark's family got a call from his brother's boss, telling

them that the shop was missing a few tires.

His family knew it was JamesShark's brother, and when they went to talk to him about it,

they found him curled over puking his stomach out.

Apparently he thought that since the tire tasted fine, he'd wash it down with gasoline.

Number 2 was Submitted by MacyMirandaC53 Melissa The weirdest thing Melissa's 10-year-old

sister does is bark at everyone and everything.

At the store she will run up to strangers to bark and growl at them.

She won't answer to her real name, so Melissa has to call her by her "dog name," Scarlet.

She uses "Scarlet" the dog, as her username for everything online.

Melissa's sister even barks at Melissa's dog and claims she understands her, then chews


the dog toys.

Number 1 – What's the weirdest thing one of my family members does?

For more infomation >> WEIRD FAMILY MEMBERS #3 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 5:55.


Part 2 for German project - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Part 2 for German project - Duration: 0:16.


Thetahealing® - Vianna Stibal - Gratidão - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Thetahealing® - Vianna Stibal - Gratidão - Duration: 2:38.


RÖMER LUMINALE 2018 Frankfurt Events Lichtinstallation am Römer Tour mit Jürgen Schreiter #Luminale - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> RÖMER LUMINALE 2018 Frankfurt Events Lichtinstallation am Römer Tour mit Jürgen Schreiter #Luminale - Duration: 1:00.


FBI In Hot Water For Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Contempt Of Court - Duration: 15:17.

FBI In Hot Water For Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Contempt Of Court

The FBI may have violated as many as five criminal statutes.

The federal government acted like criminals during the last administration.

Obama and his flunkies abused their power.

Nothing was off the table for these con artists.

They even went as far as spying on American citizens in order to protect their agenda.

In many ways, they acted like Communist dictators.

If you got in their way, they'd crush you.

Even if that meant breaking numerous laws.

Now it looks like some of them will have to face the music.

Top officials from that era might be charged for their criminal actions.

From Washington Examiner:

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., informed the Justice Department

on Thursday that the FBI may have violated criminal statutes when it sought Foreign Intelligence

Surveillance Act warrants to spy on ex-Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page…

In a letter sent to Sessions, Nunes wrote that the apparent use of the controversial

"Trump dossier" to make the case for spying on Page suggests a "clear violation" of

FBI protocols because it contained unverified information.

And such a breach of protocol may have violated five criminal statutes, including conspiracy,

obstruction of justice, and contempt of court…

Nunes is demanding a response by March 8, in exactly one week.

His letter, first obtained by Fox News, shows that FBI Director Christopher Wray and DOJ

Inspector General Michael Horowitz were carbon copied.

The country was stunned by the Nunes memo.

He exposed what the DOJ—under Obama—did to thwart the Trump campaign.

They used a bogus dossier to get fraudulent surveillance warrants.

To boot, they didn't even disclose to the judges that they were using this dossier.

The charges leveled at them by Nunes are not unfounded.

They overstepped their power—limited by law and the Constitution—to go after the

Trump campaign.

The dossier was their only "evidence" of collusion with Russia.

The dossier did not contain any verifiable facts and has been largely discredited by

even liberal journalists.

Yet the FBI and DOJ covered up that inconvenient fact, just to persecute a political rival.

Conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and contempt of court might only be the beginning.

If the current DOJ actually investigates this, we might find much more.

But will Sessions do anything?

Will we have to live through the indignity of Mueller's bogus investigation, while

real criminals go free?

I guess we'll have to wait

and see.

For more infomation >> FBI In Hot Water For Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Contempt Of Court - Duration: 15:17.


New Graphic Griptape

For more infomation >> New Graphic Griptape


Cookies de Aveia, Cacau e Nozes - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Cookies de Aveia, Cacau e Nozes - Duration: 3:05.


NÃO CORTE ESSA PLANTA! Ela é um Poderoso REMÉDIO NATURAL e Muito Rica em Nutrientes! - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> NÃO CORTE ESSA PLANTA! Ela é um Poderoso REMÉDIO NATURAL e Muito Rica em Nutrientes! - Duration: 3:51.


BBB18: Cinema de casais! Wagner e Breno convidam Gleici e Paula para assistir filme - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Cinema de casais! Wagner e Breno convidam Gleici e Paula para assistir filme - Duration: 4:11.


Perfeito - Awakening Music // Worship Sessions - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> Perfeito - Awakening Music // Worship Sessions - Duration: 5:07.


Ex-BBB Patrícia faz show em hotel e a quantidade de pessoas chama atenção - Duration: 5:33.

For more infomation >> Ex-BBB Patrícia faz show em hotel e a quantidade de pessoas chama atenção - Duration: 5:33.


ZULA ENVANTER HACK ZA HACK 1.04.2018 E KADAR 27.03.2018 - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> ZULA ENVANTER HACK ZA HACK 1.04.2018 E KADAR 27.03.2018 - Duration: 3:08.


Fabrizio Frizzi se ne va e lascia un grande vuoto nella tv degli italiani | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi se ne va e lascia un grande vuoto nella tv degli italiani | M.C.G.S - Duration: 4:33.


Fabrizio Frizzi, commozione e reazioni choc sul web per le trasmissioni sospese - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi, commozione e reazioni choc sul web per le trasmissioni sospese - Duration: 4:28.


Fabrizio Frizzi: il cordoglio social di amici e colleghi - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Fabrizio Frizzi: il cordoglio social di amici e colleghi - Duration: 5:00.


Banda Som e Louvor - Usa-Me / ft. Regis Danese (Play Back) - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Banda Som e Louvor - Usa-Me / ft. Regis Danese (Play Back) - Duration: 4:04.


Il rimedio delle donne orientali: Rallentare la crescita dei baffi in modo del tutto naturale - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Il rimedio delle donne orientali: Rallentare la crescita dei baffi in modo del tutto naturale - Duration: 3:09.


SEU CLIENTE LEMBRA DE VOCÊ? Você precisa conhecer isso - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> SEU CLIENTE LEMBRA DE VOCÊ? Você precisa conhecer isso - Duration: 6:18.


Secret Edmonton: The Legacy of Winnifred Stewart - Duration: 12:44.

(dramatic piano music)

- When I think of Winnifred I think of a

powerful woman, a woman who didn't take no for an answer,

a woman who was gonna do whatever she needed to have her

son have a place in this world.

- She was on a mission and nothing

was going to stop her.

- But it's amazing that this can come from

a woman from Edmonton who just wanted to help her kid.

(dramatic violin music)

- I think Winnifred Stewart's lesson is if people tell you

no about your child you're gonna-- you don't always have to

accept the establishment answer of no and sometimes when

you're Winnifred Stewart you're gonna change the world.

(lighthearted piano music)

- Joey shows that there's no reason for people developmental

disabilities to not be included in communities.

- Joey was born in 1963, he was the 12th child.

It would have been overwhelming for my mom to find-

to take care of all the kids as well as to be

concerned about Joey and his future.

Without the Winnifred Stewart Association, Joey would

not have had the education he had so he had 12 years of

education there, which he loved to go every day to,

to participate in.

- [Interviewer] What school did you go to Joey?

- Winnifred School

- Winnifred Stewart.

- Stewart yeah.

- Good.


- Winnifred was born in 1908 in Fernie, B.C., and she

moved to Edmonton, she married her husband Duncan,

and she moved here, she was a Registered Nurse,

and she worked as a nurse for several years,

until her son Parker was born in 1934.

He was born with what we call Down syndrome, we call that

now, back then they called it mongoloid or retarded.

In 1934 and even into the '50's, if your child was born with

Down syndrome, they said it's an idiot, he'll never learn

anything, it's best to institutionalize them and even some

cases in the United States they were also advocating-

allowing the child to die.

At the time Parker was alive and into the '50's and the

'60's he would have been steralized,

cause the government did not want these children to

pass on their genes to future generations.

- If I was in Winnifred's position, being told that your

child had to be institutionalized, I wouldn't let it

happen as a parent, and I think that's why,

one of the reasons why she fought so hard.

- When I worked in an institution that it was a better

environment than most and that's because of the people that

I worked with and who we were and where we were at that

point in time, but we would get children come in to the

institution that I worked in that came from facilities

that didn't have that.

I remember working with two young boys, a four year old and

a six year old, and the first probably week or two that they

were there, I couldn't approach them because there was fear,

there was fear of adults.

- This is what Winnifred Stewart and a lof of parents at the

time were pushing against saying, "no I see my child looks

at me and smiles like any other infant,"

and so they're trying to push against this establishment

saying, "these kids are nothing," but the parents are

going these kids are something.

Winnifred wanted Parker to go to school.

When she went to the school board and said I want to enroll

my son in the school, they immediately said,

"No, we can't teach this boy and we don't have these

children in our school, so you can't do this,

we will not let him come to school."

(light piano music)

- Back in the day people kind of thought that educating

children with developmental disabilities was kind of like

a leaky bucket; knowledge would go in and

pour right out the bottom.

It wasn't until Winnifred had Parker and she was able to see

that it's not a leaky bucket, I can teach Parker things and

he will learn them, it might take a little bit more time,

but there's different techniques and different strategies

that I can use to teach him.

- I knew that learning is memory, and Parker always seemed

to have a wonderful memory, and it was just a pleasure.

I used to work with him for four to five hours every day,

and I found out that he just progressed and

came along like a little house on fire.

- She was ridiculed, I'd have to say,

by a lot of people at the time, who felt that

these children were really not teachable.

- After Parker was 19 or 20, Winnifred Stewart was at

City Hall to meet someone, and she saw two parents rush out

crying and she asked the secretary, "What's going on?"

She said, "Oh they have a retarded child,

there's nothing we can do."

And Winnifred Stewart said, "There's something I can do."

And then they formed a group that all met together and

say we want to start a school for our children.

- And so little by little, through osmosis, she began to

get people coming to her with other challenged children

saying, "please please could you help my child and

could you help my child."

- She was bound and determined to get funding for her child

as well as other children with a developmental disability.

- In 1954, Winnifred Mary Stewart addressed the

Alberta Legislature and by the end of it,

it resulted in an amended bill to the Education Act.

- Alberta was the first province to have legislation that

gave money for children of Down syndrome,

or developmental delays, things like that.

So, she pushed to lead Alberta into the future.

So it's kind of interesting that it went from Alberta was

negative in the '30's and '40's, to actually going,

okay let's help these children.

- [Interviewer] Who is that?

Who's in this picture here? This one.

- Wayne.

- Wayne who?

- Wayne Gretzky.

- Wayne Gretzky's connection to the association

and to children with Down syndrome comes from Joey Moss.

When Wayne was first in Edmonton he dated Joey Moss' sister,

and they were friends, and he brought in Joey Moss

for the Edmonton Oilers.

- He's a celebrity who doesn't

know he's a celebrity.

- [Interviewer] What's your favourite part of your job,

what do you like most?

- Uh, just let me think.

I'm not sure ask Steve.

- Your favourite job- part of the job I think might be your

rest time, when you get to have a little break and a nap

between practice and the game day.

- [Inaudible 00:07:15]

- Cause you know why?

- Why?

- Cause you snore. (snoring)

Yeah see, yeah that's why. (laughing)

- [Interviewer] Do you snore?

- Yeah yeah, (snoring) yeah.


- I'm Madeleine Royer, and this is

my brother, Clarence Roberge.

As a family, we were far too protective of Clarence because

he was challenged, so he never would have learned or

accomplished what he's done had it not been

for The Winnifred Stewart.

They taught him things like being able to take the

Edmonton Transit System on his own, he was able to go

to work, he was able to do so many things that would never

have happened in our little protective circle.

- They didn't teach the children based on chronological age,

you're six you must learn this when you're six,

they taught them based on mental age.

Cause some kids may have been like 10,

but the mentality was like at five.

- I started here November 1st, 1976.

We had probably close to 400 students at that time;

three to four years of age up to young adults.

- Winnifred's school curriculum and her plans for the school,

spread across the country from Edmonton to Montreal,

Grande Prairie to Moscow, everywhere.

- Once children were integrated back into the school system,

1982, and the vote showed that the association should form

to serve adults with developmental disabilities, that's kind

of when things took off in a different direction.

- Okay, you want to take this?

- Right there, all the time.

- We offer services and supports

to over 200 individuals.

- We support them through day services,

day programs, residential services, we support them

throughout volunteer opportunities, work opportunities,

basically we support our clients in whatever they need.

We have individuals who have been in our service since they

were going to school at Winnifred Stewart's School.

We've grown up with them, we've celebrated their 18th

birthday with them, we've supported them when they go out to

work, we've supported these clients when they've been at

home with us, and now we're starting to see we

need to support them as they age.

One of the things that we're starting to see now is

people with developmental disabilities start to suffer from

Alzheimer's or other Dementias much much earlier than the

general population does.

- With his Alzheimer's now he has moved into one of their

facilities that has more 24 hour care,

and that's where we are today.

We feel really blessed that we have grown with Clarence

and it's part of life and as I say, we feel blessed.

(light music)

- I think the lesson of Winnifred's life and the

larger truth is, never give up.

- She knew her own child, and she knew what her child could

do and she just worked as hard as she can to help her child,

and in the end, help other children across the world.

- What's all of those?

- Half Oilers half Eskimos.

She brought together almost like a miracle for

the city for a place for these kids to go.

They get educated to have social development.

- I think for me, being a part of Winnifred Stewart,

one of the coolest things to be a part of is

the Winnifred Stewart Legacy.

To me that Legacy is not just what Winnifred did in 1953,

and it's not what we did in 1982, it's what we're doing now.

And that's supporting our clients and our individuals

in whatever way that might be.

- I think seeing the children progress that of course is the

main thing, that to me was the greatest thrill and of course

being able to get the facilities for them and anything

pertaining to them because they were first and foremost,

and anything else that's happened it evolved through them.

That to me was the greatest satisfaction of all to see a

child talk for the first time and really walk for

the first time and do that sort of thing.

That to me was the greatest.

(light music)

For more infomation >> Secret Edmonton: The Legacy of Winnifred Stewart - Duration: 12:44.


Exportar Dados de Listview para Nova Planilha Excel com VBA - Duration: 20:55.

For more infomation >> Exportar Dados de Listview para Nova Planilha Excel com VBA - Duration: 20:55.


Como aprendi inglês sozinha (legendado!) | heydebee - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Como aprendi inglês sozinha (legendado!) | heydebee - Duration: 7:36.


Soft Watercolored Scene Card - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> Soft Watercolored Scene Card - Duration: 11:09.


Paula afirma que Kaysar não pode vencer o BBB18 por ser sírio e gera revolta - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Paula afirma que Kaysar não pode vencer o BBB18 por ser sírio e gera revolta - Duration: 3:21.


Uma aula de espanhol - Isolamento Térmico da Kombi l Take the Trip - Duration: 16:06.

For more infomation >> Uma aula de espanhol - Isolamento Térmico da Kombi l Take the Trip - Duration: 16:06.


Olheiras: Home Treatments that Lighten Dark Circles Naturally - Duration: 4:35.

Dark circles make our face look old and tired.

Not everyone is prone to this problem, however, when they appear, they can

much with a person's self-esteem.

There are some factors that cause dark circles and "bags" of swelling, such as:

- Fatigue - Insomnia - Stress - Genetics - Allergy - Side effects of

some medicines.

If you do not eliminate the swelling in time, he can only be treated with surgery,

so it is best to take some measures to prevent this situation from getting worse.

There are great natural and homemade recipes to address and prevent this problem:


Sweet Potato Sweet potato starch has properties bleaching agents.

This vegetable has a high water content and can moisturize skin and fight inflammation.

Cut a sweet potato into slices, then light to the refrigerator for ten minutes.

Then, take two slices and put in the eyelids and below the eyes, letting

for 15 minutes.



It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can produce surprising effects when

putting it over your eyes.

All you have to do is cut slices cucumber and put them over your eyes until

that they become lukewarm.

Then replace them with new slices.

Repeat this for 20 minutes and you will notice improvements immediately.


Green tea

Green tea has the ability to prevent fluid retention, eliminate toxins

of the body and prevent inflammation.

What happens is that the region below eyes stores fat and fluids,

to inflammations that develop dark circles.

Therefore, we recommend that you drink two cups of green tea daily - one

morning and another at night.

You can also hydrate two bags of green tea with a little hot water and,

then remove excess water to put them over your eyes.



You should put an apple in the refrigerator and when it is already very cold, peel off

and cut into slices to blend together with a spoon (soup) of oats to form

a thick paste.

Cover your face with this folder and let it act for 15 minutes.

Then rinse with cold water.

The apple has the ability to relax the muscles.

So it will help you relax your tired face and tense after a long day.

Any of these recipes are very good to make your look lighter.

However, some steps need to be taken, as:

- Have a quality sleep and rest well: fatigue is considered as the main cause

of this problem.

- Avoid anything that promotes retention of fluid, such as salt consumption and sedentary lifestyle

(smoking and drinking).

- Drink plenty of water, at least two liters per day.

A body that is well hydrated can eliminate toxins easily, improve skin health

and prevent fluid retention.

- Consume diuretics such as green tea, salsa, pepino, chuchu, etc.

- Protect the face from exposure to the sun.

- Avoiding chemical beauty products in the region eyes, especially those that you

does not know the origin.

- Avoid the habit of rubbing your eyes continuously, as it may irritate and

the delicate tissues around the eyes.

For more infomation >> Olheiras: Home Treatments that Lighten Dark Circles Naturally - Duration: 4:35.



Hello everyone, welcome to another video from my channel!

I'm Thiago Marques, Lara's father, Mirella's Husband and amateur artist

Today's drawing was made over the outline made by my brother Samuel Marques

As usual, the links are in the description Everything you see here has been done.

with using a first-generation Pro iPad 12.9" an apple pencil and the procreate version app


I'm not sponsored, but the links are in the description.

Okay, now before we can go any further, give that thumbs up, subscribe to give me a solid

and let's get this going.

Well guys, that's it for today.

Did you Like it?

Then give me the thumbs up and leave a comment for me to know.

For more videos, do not forget to subscribe, like and share the channel.

Got any questions or have compliments and suggestions to improve the channel?

So leave a comment down below and I'm going to be more than happy to read and to answer the best

way possible, of course.

And if you're looking for me on the internet, the links are also in the description.

Thanks again and see you next week!

For more infomation >> MANGA ELF - DIGITAL ART WITH PROCREATE #19 - Duration: 2:18.


Fake video of Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez goes viral - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> Fake video of Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez goes viral - Duration: 9:27.


WEIRD FAMILY MEMBERS #3 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 5:55.

From collecting dust bunnies to eating crayons with ketchup, the Planet Dolan Crew re-enacts

some of the best true stories from our subreddit about weird things our family members do.

I'm Pringle/Doopie, and today, I'll be your narrator.

Number 8 was Submitted by Readerweirdo19 Mimi_Up Mimi's little brother collects dust bunnies.

One day when he was 4, he was playing with some action figures when a dust bunny rolled


He instantly put down the toys and picked up the ball of grossness, proceeding to play

with it as if it was one of the action figures he had so readily abandoned.

He is now 17 and has a collection of over 300 dust bunnies.

He added googly eyes to some of them and gives them names like Link and Bulbasaur.

Mimi's mom is completely beside herself and my dad sometimes questions the sanity

of Mimi's brother over a glass of bourbon.

Number 7 was Submitted by Lord_Snax Grgak Grgak's uncle always ate strange things,

or ate normal things in a strange way.

When Grgak would eat an orange or banana, and was about to throw out the peel, his uncle

would say, "Hey!

Don't throw that out!

That's the best part!" and he would take the peelings and eat them.

When Grgak's uncle wanted to eat a hot dog, he would first take a bite of the hot dog,

then follow it with a spoon full of ketchup and a spoon full of mustard.

He also always likes his toast burnt to a blackened crisp.

Grgak has lost count of how many times he set off the smoke detector.

Number 6 was Submitted by Doomshade2292 Dolan Dolan's brother Zaraganba loves Oreos, but

the way he eats them is a bit weird.

Zaraganba doesn't like the cream inside, so he removes it and throws it behind the couch.

Then he puts ketchup and mustard between the two cookie pieces.

After that, he still dunks it in milk before eating it.

Number 5 was Submitted by huggalumpmcwoozle Snewpee

Snewpee's uncle collects Barbie dolls and gives them "accurate" body parts.

He brought his dolls to a family dinner to show the other adults.

But he left them sitting around, and Snewpee and her young cousins found them and started

playing with them.

When Snewpee's mom found them with the dolls, she was pissed.

Snewpee's uncle never brought the dolls to a family gathering again.

Number 4 was Submitted by Arch00Angel SaltySquid SaltySquid's little sister does some pretty

creepy things.

One night, SaltySquid woke up from having a strange dream where a Russian woman was

whispering at him to eat his peas and carrots.

When he woke up, it turned out his little sister had snuck into his room in the middle

of the night and was whispering to him to affect his dreams.

SaltySquid's sister now does this fairly often, and sadly, he does not have a lock

on his door.

Number 3 was Submitted by Vulcan105 JamesShark JamesShark's older brother had an eating

disorder that made him eat bizarre things, like paper dunked in pickle juice or crayons

with ketchup.

He got a job at an auto repair shop, which was great, because he likes cars.

But one day JamesShark went to visit him at work and just saw him going ham on a truck

tire trying to eat it.

He was surrounded by ketchup packs and sugar packs.

JamesShark asked him, "What the hell are you doing?"

His brother responded, "Well, he ain't gonna use it anymore," as if that explained


Several months later, JamesShark's family got a call from his brother's boss, telling

them that the shop was missing a few tires.

His family knew it was JamesShark's brother, and when they went to talk to him about it,

they found him curled over puking his stomach out.

Apparently he thought that since the tire tasted fine, he'd wash it down with gasoline.

Number 2 was Submitted by MacyMirandaC53 Melissa The weirdest thing Melissa's 10-year-old

sister does is bark at everyone and everything.

At the store she will run up to strangers to bark and growl at them.

She won't answer to her real name, so Melissa has to call her by her "dog name," Scarlet.

She uses "Scarlet" the dog, as her username for everything online.

Melissa's sister even barks at Melissa's dog and claims she understands her, then chews


the dog toys.

Number 1 – What's the weirdest thing one of my family members does?

For more infomation >> WEIRD FAMILY MEMBERS #3 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 5:55.


RÖMER LUMINALE 2018 Frankfurt Events Lichtinstallation am Römer Tour mit Jürgen Schreiter #Luminale - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> RÖMER LUMINALE 2018 Frankfurt Events Lichtinstallation am Römer Tour mit Jürgen Schreiter #Luminale - Duration: 1:00.


Part 2 for German project - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Part 2 for German project - Duration: 0:16.


Thetahealing® - Vianna Stibal - Gratidão - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Thetahealing® - Vianna Stibal - Gratidão - Duration: 2:38.


FBI In Hot Water For Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Contempt Of Court - Duration: 15:17.

FBI In Hot Water For Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Contempt Of Court

The FBI may have violated as many as five criminal statutes.

The federal government acted like criminals during the last administration.

Obama and his flunkies abused their power.

Nothing was off the table for these con artists.

They even went as far as spying on American citizens in order to protect their agenda.

In many ways, they acted like Communist dictators.

If you got in their way, they'd crush you.

Even if that meant breaking numerous laws.

Now it looks like some of them will have to face the music.

Top officials from that era might be charged for their criminal actions.

From Washington Examiner:

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., informed the Justice Department

on Thursday that the FBI may have violated criminal statutes when it sought Foreign Intelligence

Surveillance Act warrants to spy on ex-Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page…

In a letter sent to Sessions, Nunes wrote that the apparent use of the controversial

"Trump dossier" to make the case for spying on Page suggests a "clear violation" of

FBI protocols because it contained unverified information.

And such a breach of protocol may have violated five criminal statutes, including conspiracy,

obstruction of justice, and contempt of court…

Nunes is demanding a response by March 8, in exactly one week.

His letter, first obtained by Fox News, shows that FBI Director Christopher Wray and DOJ

Inspector General Michael Horowitz were carbon copied.

The country was stunned by the Nunes memo.

He exposed what the DOJ—under Obama—did to thwart the Trump campaign.

They used a bogus dossier to get fraudulent surveillance warrants.

To boot, they didn't even disclose to the judges that they were using this dossier.

The charges leveled at them by Nunes are not unfounded.

They overstepped their power—limited by law and the Constitution—to go after the

Trump campaign.

The dossier was their only "evidence" of collusion with Russia.

The dossier did not contain any verifiable facts and has been largely discredited by

even liberal journalists.

Yet the FBI and DOJ covered up that inconvenient fact, just to persecute a political rival.

Conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and contempt of court might only be the beginning.

If the current DOJ actually investigates this, we might find much more.

But will Sessions do anything?

Will we have to live through the indignity of Mueller's bogus investigation, while

real criminals go free?

I guess we'll have to wait

and see.

For more infomation >> FBI In Hot Water For Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, and Contempt Of Court - Duration: 15:17.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


This Is Where You Can Find All Of The MCU's Infinity Stones - Duration: 7:48.

The entire Marvel Cinematic Universe has pretty much been built around the Infinity Stones.

Often called "Infinity Gems" in the comics, these mystic superpowered baubles have shown

up in almost every Marvel Cinematic Universe film to date — and it's all been leading

to Infinity War.

These powerful little rocks have the power to completely destroy the entire Marvel Cinematic

Universe, and Marvel fans have seen big bad Thanos plotting to get his hands on them since

the first Avengers film.

Everything climaxes in Avengers: Infinity War, when he shows up to just take them all

for himself, as the comics predicted.

But where exactly are the Infinity Stones in the MCU?

We've encountered most of them already, and it isn't hard to surmise where in the Marvel

Universe the rest might be scattered.

Here's the full rundown of where we can find all of the MCU's Infinity Stones leading up

to Avengers: Infinity War.

The Mind Stone

Loki used the Mind Stone in his scepter to great effect in The Avengers, brainwashing

folks to do his bidding along the way.

Earth's Mightiest Heroes spent the early part of Avengers: Age of Ultron tracking it down

from HYDRA's control.

Ultron stole it, embedded it in his potential new body, but his plans went south when that

body was stolen by the good guys.

Finally, team Stark tapped into its power to activate the powerful new hero Vision to

help defeat Ultron.

"It's the Mind Stone.

It's one of the six Infinity Stones.

The greatest powers in the universe unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."

One side effect of that creation process?

The Mind Stone is stuck in Vision's forehead.

It's what gives him his immense power, and there's no way to get it out without something

really, really bad happening.

When last we left Vision at the end of 2016's Captain America: Civil War, he was serving

on the "official" Avengers squad under the leadership of Iron Man.

It stands to reason this will be one of the easiest Stones for Thanos to find once he

lands in the middle of New York City, since it'll be attached to a fist that will be punching

him in the head.

If you need more than that, footage from the film's first trailer shows one of Thanos'

minions making a move to pluck it out of Vision's skull.

No word on exactly what that will mean for Vision, but it's probably not good news.

The Space Stone

The Space Stone has been kicking around the MCU since Captain America: The First Avenger,

when it was being called the Tesseract, and has been used by both the Red Skull and Loki

in their attempts at world domination.

S.H.I.E.L.D. also held it for a while to try and mine its capabilities for super-weapons.

After Thor, Iron Man and the gang defeated Loki in The Avengers, the Tesseract was shipped

back to Asgard for safekeeping inside Odin's vault, which housed all kinds of powerful,

but possibly inauthentic, goodies.

"That's not bad."

That was the last place this particular Infinity Stone was seen, and even though Asgard was

destroyed down to its foundations during Thor: Ragnarok, it stands to reason it survived.

Best guess?

Loki was the last person in the vault, so he almost certainly grabbed it before sparking

the match to burn Asgard to the ground on Thor's order.

The first trailer for Infinity War offers its own clues, showing Loki holding the Tesseract

up for someone — so if nothing else, we know he ends up with it somehow.

The Time Stone

The Time Stone was first introduced to the MCU in Doctor Strange as the Eye of Agamotto,

discovered among the artifacts being held by the Masters of the Mystic Arts.

Strange uses it to create a time loop to save the world from the reality-devouring Dormammu,

outsmarting one of the Marvel Universe's most dangerous entities.

But the stone itself isn't without its dangers.

"Temporal manipulations can create branches in time.

Unstable dimensional openings, spatial paradoxes, time loops!"

Despite the fact that he saved the world, Strange is still learning the ropes when it

comes to the mystic arts, so the Time Stone was put back in the hands of the Masters of

the Mystic Arts and is likely being stored at Kamar-Taj in Kathmandu, Nepal.

When Thanos inevitably attacks, it would make sense for him to either come after the Stone.

Perhaps Doctor Strange will arm up with the Eye as he heads into battle with the Mad Titan.

Regardless, like the Mind Stone, that Infinity Stone is already on Earth and should make

for an easy target for Thanos.

The Reality Stone

The chain of custody on the Reality Stone is a bit harder to track than the rest of

the MCU's Infinity Stones.

First introduced in Thor: The Dark World as the extremely powerful Aether sought after

by Malekith, the Reality Stone was eventually recovered by Thor by the end of the film once

the Dark Elves were vanquished.

After that, the pmid-credits scene in The Dark World revealed the Asgardians decided

to hand the Stone off to the Collector for safekeeping, because of the dangers of keeping

two stones in the same place.

"One down, five to go."

The Collector's home on Knowhere was eventually destroyed in Guardians of the Galaxy, though

it stands to reason he dug the Reality Stone out of the rubble and is still in possession

of it at this point.

That's assuming he hasn't simply sold it off to Thanos in the meantime, of course.

The Power Stone

Most Marvel movies revolve around powerful MacGuffins, but few are as powerful as the

mysterious orb everyone is fighting over in the first Guardians of the Galaxy.

That world-destroying orb is the Power Stone, which Peter Quill tracks down on a planet

during the film's opening scenes.

Ronan the Accuser later attempts to use it to wipe Xandar off the map.

Quill eventually reacquires it, and holds hands with the rest of his team, and uses

its power to take out Ronan once and for all.

Once the battle was won, Quill handed the Power Stone over to the Nova Corps for safekeeping

on Xandar.

Presuming it hasn't wandered off to another spot in the MCU, it Thanos will probably have

to wage war against the entire intergalactic police force to get his hands on this particular

Infinity Stone.

The Soul Stone

The first few phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have done most of the heavy lifting

introducing the majority of the Infinity Stones, but one mystery remains: The Soul Stone.

The mysterious final stone has yet to be formally introduced in the MCU — though there are

a few theories.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 has already planted the seed for Adam Warlock's introduction,

and the Soul Stone is intimately connected to his origin story in the comics.

So if Marvel wanted to bring that character into the fold ahead of Guardians Volume 3,

it'd make for a convenient outlet.

The most likely option, though, seems to be Black Panther.

The land of Wakanda is the most technologically advanced on the planet, and is an extremely

spiritual place, to the point we see Black Panther actually travel to the spirit realm

to confer with his late father.

Looking to the footage we've seen of Infinity War, Wakanda seems to factor in heavily — to

the point we see a full Wakandan army charging into battle.

Could Wakanda be in possession of the final Infinity Stone, and that charge is the nation's

battle to keep it from falling into Thanos' hands?

It'd make a lot of sense, and give Black Panther real stakes in Thanos' assault.

The Gauntlet

All of the MCU's Infinity Stones have to fit together somehow, and that's where the Infinity

Gauntlet comes in.

It's designed to hold them all and give the wearer practically godlike powers, and Thanos

has a leg up on the competition: The post-credits scene of Avengers: Age of Ultron showed Thanos

wearing the Stone-less gauntlet; he only needs to gather the Stones when Infinity War rolls


As keen-eyed fans are likely also aware, the Infinity Gauntlet was previously shown all

the way back in 2011's Thor, when it was featured in the background of Odin's vault.

It created a continuity problem once things started barreling toward an eventual war with

Thanos, so Thor: Ragnarok cleverly retconned that Gauntlet.

"Odin's treasures."


Most of the stuff in here is fake."

It made for a fun joke, but also cleaned up a messy plot thread that had been left dangling

since 2011.

Infinity Stones assembled

Promo art, action figures, and early footage from Avengers: Infinity War shows Thanos in

possession of all the Infinity Stones in the MCU, which doesn't bode well for Earth's Mightiest


If the MCU Gauntlet has a power set similar to the one in the comics, all the heroes in

the MCU will have their hands full stopping Thanos.

It allows the wearer to manipulate time and change the past, manipulate space and matter,

and basically rewrite reality itself on a whim.

The comics version of the gauntlet, when fully powered, can also give the wearer godlike


Which means Thanos is about to make the Avengers and their friends' lives very, very difficult.


"Let's go."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> This Is Where You Can Find All Of The MCU's Infinity Stones - Duration: 7:48.


FREE WHEELS from Custom Offsets! - Duration: 2:43.

- Hey guys, Shawn with Custom Offsets.

Got another give away for you.

We're going to do the Cali Off-Road give away.

So it's going to be any size,

any finish, Cali Off-Road wheels in stock.

We're going to run this for one month. Here's the game.

Come out and get your custom Offsets Cali Off-Road tee.

If you can believe that, it's not a black t-shirt

coming from Custom Offsets, which is just simply

the craziest thing we've ever done in our lives.

It's also not white ink. It's gray ink.

Yeah, we're getting crazy over here.

So one of our favorites so far.

We're actually super pumped about it.

I've been wearing mine for four days.

All you gotta do is come out and get a t-shirt,

and that's going to get your e-mail address entered to win.

That's your only job. So, simple.

Buy a t-shirt, get entered to win any size, any finish.

We are going to do what we do.

We are going to do our Cali Off-Road week,

and bring in different wheels every single day,

every other day, every day, for a week.

And that's going to be April 16th.

So come out and check out Cali Off-Road wheel week

during April 16th, the week of.

And this is going to end April 27th.

So you've only got, you know, about a month

from right now to get your shirt.

And remember, it's limited quantity,

and once they're gone, they're gone.

So you've got to come out and grab one.

If you haven't done one of these before,

what we do is we donate a chunk of the proceeds

to a charity of our choice,

or a charity of the group we're working with's choice.

For this one we're doing St. Jude's.

That's one that I've been donating to personally

for about, I think, like eight years now.

So I've always thought it's a really cool one.

You know, their goal is to have the children come there

and get treatment for cancer treatment

at St.Jude's hospital, and actually leave without a bill.

So they take care of the complete bill.

And they do a ton of research, a ton of clinicals,

and different studies and trials also there,

all dealing with children, so.

St. Jude's is a really big one that I've always followed,

a really big one I've always donated to.

So now we're going to do a big old donation

to St. Jude's children hospital at the end

of this Cali Off-Road give away.

So, check them out, come back, for Cali Off-Road week.

To see the details, the new Recon. My favorite, the Busted.

And some of these other new wheels.

And styles that have been around for a little while. Peace.

(rock music)

For more infomation >> FREE WHEELS from Custom Offsets! - Duration: 2:43.


Soft Watercolored Scene Card - Duration: 11:09.

For more infomation >> Soft Watercolored Scene Card - Duration: 11:09.


Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 350 - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> Funny And Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 350 - Duration: 10:19.


JSW Steel to invest $500 million in new US mill - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> JSW Steel to invest $500 million in new US mill - Duration: 4:50.


FFXIV Monk Quest Level 63 (Patch 4.0) - Duration: 16:33.

and we're back for another episode in this episode we're going to be doing the

level 63 monk quest and as always all over me free so I hit level 63 by every

day doing the roulette and some pvp and stuff like that because I can't progress

through the main story because it's still broken like three days later but

well let's not think about that let's just talk to with our gal who's in

revenant stole yeah 21-7 so let's see what he has to say so

the quest is called return of the monk so indecision is rippling on wind our

girls face so are you ready to depart sister yep so good the professor has

already left he makes for a village called a lagana

there he will take the measure of the land

I would strike out soon as well but no matter troubles me still decreed for a

new fist of ragga we all do respect master but at this rate we'll never get

to Gharib Anya you're right sometimes the answer cannot be forced my hat it

will come to me on the road very well that's a way on route I would make a

stop the place called schism once what's trains there in revisiting the past we

may better walk the future okay I haven't actually got a clue where these

places are so okay so it's right there so let's go

so I don't it seems to be the same sort of distance walking whether you're are

you know going into the fringes going into rogues reached so let's just do it

now reflecting on the expansion so far not being up a lot of people have not

been able to progress through a level 60 quest called

cold steel or and it's already got a bunch of nicknames like robe on extreme

or robe on clicking game and so on and it's basically made early access very

very frustrating for people to play the game I personally have seen several

members of my free company now transfer away from this server and I can't leave

because I have my FC here I've got two houses here I can't just up and leave so

you know because of the technical issues and I said I hate technical issues in

gaming you know I can't just enjoy the game as it was meant to be played which

has really put a dent into the future of my time in fourteen of course I won't

stick around as long as I can I know they'll fix it eventually but the longer

they take to fix it the more damage is being done to the game and it might get

to a point of the thing you know unrepairable or in some cases for some

people it already is unrepairable so I think some people have already quit so

yeah because when we play games we just want to log in and play we don't want

technical issues we don't want any you know to be reminded of failure because

why a lot of times gaming can be the greatest form of escapism let's say and

you just don't want to be reminded of failure so but we'll see we'll see how

it goes hopefully things will be okay anyway so

let's talk to it with our go

so as a child I came to this place we face fearsome themes that we might open

our chakra in returning here I hope there would be a spark inspiration for a

new Creed but it is not so simple hmm the fist once taught that through

the pursuit of strength one can approach the sublimity of raga a teaching our

four bears followed in two that I'm doing and put your strength they sought

the power of rule and by that power they were destroyed our Creed must rise above

that dark past or it cannot light the way on to the future

nay we must find a new path well there's nothing like a journey for finding past

let's keep moving Master something will come to mind before you know it so so I

pray this answer so I pray but yes let's continue on to the peaks east to the

village of Alec Ghana there professor Eric awaits us okay so I hope they don't

ask me to go any further than that because I don't think I've even unlocked

my areas other than that anyway let's go tell the Ghana

thankfully that's one area I actually have unlocked so this can be the problem

if you don't so you see this is the story quest I stopped that so if they

don't fix these sort of issues and I won't even be able to do class quests

which is terrible anyway let's talk them hopefully this will be the last stop

so a lagana when I returned here I remember the day of the temple fist was

raised on that day I was training like all the days before and without warning

we were attacked we all of us fought bravely even little ones like me

desperate to protect our temple our home but it was all in vain one after the

other we felt old awhile the temple burned some few of us managed to flee me

with my closest brother Audrey we stumbled onto the into this village

smoke bellowing behind us but when I looked

around Audrey was not there I never saw him again

so forgive me now it's not the time for sorrowful recollection come let us look

for the professor

go on then join the bloody resistance add to the pile of courses that's the

only difference you're gonna make you're wrong I'm gonna make a real difference

I'm going to train hard and honor Olga and he'll grant me the power the power

couldn't save the temple our home what makes you think is going to save us now

don't be a fool no matter how strong you become you'd still be the one against

the might of the Empire say what you will but my mind's made up

I'm not letting the bastard Imperials take any more from us you just you just

take care of yourself you hear

so it's always crushed a submission the fire in their hearts distinguished so we

can the hope without within such people that must be the purpose of the new fist

so praise be I have it or new Crees to those who have had their home stolen

their loved ones taken nor is more disaster sorry Darius

oh sorry death Souris then strength the strength to protect that which they hold

dear so well well I see you've found your answer and rather more quickly than

I had expected for someone who'd sooner strike rather than think with his head

oh sorry I've got the voice well when I tell you that yeah more quickly than I

had expected of someone who'd rather they sent a strike then think with it

head you know me you know me you know I mean I'm Eric I'm a douchebag with the

other sisters we may consider the question of place I would have to say

however that the old temple grounds are currently occupied by the visitors and

there is no to indicate that they will vacate anytime saying you know man you

know I mean the ones whole symbolic meaning a fitting stage for reviving the

fist ultimately the physical location matters not for our mission lies in the

spiritual realm within people's hearts there we rekindle the faith and all may

know the solace of worship that they say is their spirit now then I shall report

on how most and in the lagoon the Jew first faithful remain even accounting

for those who practice in Syria nor has there been any trace of the sect of

Shadows not since their misguided leader example save for those who came over to

the light it is safe to assume that his ambitions died with him you know I mean

we have a long road ahead that much is plain but we will see our journey

through one step at a time and the first that begins here and now great so what

do we do exactly we hold a demonstration give the people tangible proof proof

that the fist is returned miss we first impressions last and you are the first

among us as such I would entrust this task to you am I gonna have to do like

this random emotes and fun of the people you may leave it to me to my doctor

beggars I hope I up a virtuous dog for the coming spectacle you know mean by

soda Center Otaka take the wooden dummy set it up on the village outskirts and

if we limber up and tell me when you're ready okay am I gonna have to

demonstrate my master skills these arms are very free they're very different to

anyway nominee came for fewer than I had hoped but no less of a show will we give

them for it come sister your performance will mark the arrival of the fist of

Ryoga lead in the inn with a steel peak follow on with a dragon kick and finish

it with the forbidden chakra

Steele peak I don't actually know what a Billy still Creek is i know dragon cake

obviously that's still tea okay done and dragon pick then forbidden chakra

forbidden chakra I'm like the best monk ever I don't even know like standards

abilities for monk the bitterness chakra


ah here we go so they don't shock row was it just not on my boss hang on

deliver note I will post here 250 can only be used while under the effect of

5th chakra the chakra closes upon execution okay do I even have it on my

Bardo oh sorry hang on so the forbidden chakra it must

be the one where you have to do five meditates and then do it that's the one

okay sorry I was like wondering where it was right so hey ain't that the fist of

Roga but I thought all the monks were gone so a good people of a lagana I am

with with our go through crowd son of al amigo and brother of the fist of Roga

all know the sad tale of our order years ago the king of ruin laid our temple to

waste our faith was lost to the people but without faith is people who are lost

for to lose faith is to lose hope but we need hope now in this bleak age more

than ever before so I come before you today and I beseech you join me in

reviving the fifth of Roga let us restore hope to this land you can't fool

us you just want soldiers fodder for the frontlines you're no different from the

accursed masks so so it was in the past our order was seduced by power

so what allegiance to the royal family we monks were little more than tools of

war but that was the fist of old the new fist serves no king a hungry is not for

glory at first not for blood may friends we seek only to protect that which we

hold dear protect 'roger is a destroyer as his

disciples there is but one thing we ought to destroy our own weakness

therein lies the strength to protect therein lies hope I will not lie I am no

great warrior my forbearers would put me to shame but I am not alone

may I have stout comrades beside me well no less dedicated to the cause my

foremost pupil the center and Otaka

and Miffy who supplied skills you just witness

rarrr so Miffy please say a word to the people

might be difficult join us let us begin on you are you

ready for pain No

so to bring you hope we will give our all every ounce of our being this we

solemnly swear cool so we nearly doubled the size of our

monk troop there enough fair enough so my thanks me for your performance

paved the way for my words all present lent there is no if you know if you

opened their hearts already villagers have come seeking to learn of the new

fist the fine first showing our forbearers will doubtless be pleased by

restoring the fist we honor their memory i shall commence the village of training

at once initiate them in the fundamentals of the faith when that is

over we may continue our mission till then proceed to holding your own skills

ear long they will be called upon again cool

so obviously the next quest is now at level 65

epic all right so anyway guys that's it for this episode thank you for watching

and as always good bye from me and good bye from me free I guess

For more infomation >> FFXIV Monk Quest Level 63 (Patch 4.0) - Duration: 16:33.


Matt Roloff Somehow Gets Burned for Amy Roloff BF Photo - Duration: 3:23.

Welp, this is a new one.

As has been proven many times over the past several months, Little People, Big World

are somewhat tribal when it comes to Matt Roloff and Amy Roloff .

Even though this couple got divorced two years ago, fans of their show can't seem to accept

that each has happily moved on to fresh new relationships.

Just last week, for example, Amy shared a pretty basic photo of herself and boyfriend

Chris Marek online...

... only for critics to bash the heck out him for no reason whatsoever .

This is a regular pattern we've noticed, almost every time Amy posts a picture of herself

and Chris enjoying some evening out together.

A few days ago, however, something different happened; something equally baffling and annoying,

but something that made it clear TLC viewers aren't very big fans of Matt Roloff, either.

First, Amy posted the picture above, writing as a caption:

Another wonderful Soup night w/ these lovely people (Dan was here too) I love that Chris

and friends still come over to simply gather, eat and conversations .

Wonderful friends! Menu: Split Pea Soup, Ricotta and roasted tomato bruschetta, pound cake

w/ whip cream and cherry topping. I love Soup Night!

Simple enough, right?

Yet the image somehow led to Matt getting burned to a crisp by various social media


"You know Amy I never saw you put your head on Matt's shoulder with love!!! Chris seems

to love it," someone actually wrote as a comment.

Yes: Matt and Amy were married for over 25 years and have four kids and still get along

very well... but there was no love there at all on Matt's side.

This is clearly an accurate and well-deserved remark.

Others, meanwhile, apparently believe Matt was only ever about "himself" and are glad

Amy has come to this same realization:

Then there was the harsh shade thrown in the direction of Matt's girlfriend, Caryn Chandler


First, this critic slams here as "adulterous," despite no accusations of infidelity ever

having been leveled at Matt.

Then, this same person actually takes Caryn to task for "acting like a grandma," as if

spending time with her boyfriend's grandkids is a bad thing.

Forehead. Slap .

Truth be told, Amy and Matt are both in steady relationships and get along with each other

very well.

Take a look at the photo above.

It was snapped of the former couple in January, just a few weeks ago, and it depicts them

hanging out, playing with their grandchildren, as amicable and relaxed and content as ex-spouses

could ever be.

Why can't Little People, Big World fans just be happy for them and chill the eff out?!?

We really wish we knew.

Roloff Family Photo Album: Little People, Lots of Love!

Start Gallery

For more infomation >> Matt Roloff Somehow Gets Burned for Amy Roloff BF Photo - Duration: 3:23.


Coronation Street spoilers: 2-6 April 2018 - Corrie - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Coronation Street spoilers: 2-6 April 2018 - Corrie - Duration: 1:46.


Im So Sorry Supernatural (Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Im So Sorry Supernatural (Türkçe Altyazı) - Duration: 3:37.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation: Review - Duration: 6:40.

Welcome back to my Dark Corner of This Sick World.

'Something bad's gonna happen, I can feel it'

Whenever we review sequels, there's a temptation to ask; why didn't this work like the original did?

'I assume that that is a rhetorical question'

And, the answer is equally often either; it just copied the original, or, it's nothing like the original.

'You probably didn't know that did you?'

Texas Chainsaw Massacre-The Next Generation manages to do both.

'Wait, I just thought of something so cool.'

The plot follows a group of teens who are dislikeable...

'I told you, I'm a bitch.'

yet self-aware.

'I told you, we're all going to die'

and who have a car accident on their way home from prom and get lost in the dark.

'Great now we can't see jack'

Probably a minor issue but; it's really not that dark.

'Oh right, like you'd know'

One of the teens stays with the car and...

'First I'm gonna kill you'

...meets a young Matthew MacConaughey.

Why are you running down the road? Go into the trees.


And his friends have no more luck as they run into a familiar face.

Maybe I'm mis-remembering but I don't recall Leatherface screaming all through the film.


Director Kim Henkel, who scripted the first film,

recognising that the original had a shock value this could not recapture, introduced black comedy.

'Are you having fun yet?'

Which perhaps explains why the Leatherfaces no longer live in the middle of nowhere.

'Think you got somebody in your trunk'

'That's just somebody I've got tied up back there'

but on the outskirts of a town where no one follows up on anything.

'What you got in the car honey?'

'Oh believe me, you don't want to know'

It's also presumably why MacConaughey has a remote control leg.

The comedy will either work for you or not,

'It's up to you'

As will MacConaughey's turned up to 11 performance...

'Welcome to my world'

Turned up to 12 ...


Infinity plus one...


And Leatherface has clearly watched Silence of the Lambs recently

'Would you do me?'

'I'd do me.'

'I'm not going to put up with any more of your crap.'

'But Henkell also wanted to bring the franchise back to its roots so we have teenagers wandering into danger.

'Hold it right there.'

a girl on a meat hook,

Dinner with the family.

And escape by car.

All the beats are there.

True Rene Zellweger, also at the start of her career,

seems surprisingly in control for someone who's seen her friends tortured and killed.

'You, sit the fuck down.'

Which does take some of the bite out of it .

'Stop, you're scaring me'

But this is still Texas Chainsaw, drawing terror from the randomness of its brutality .

'They've been doing this kind of thing for 1000, 2000 years, I forget which, nobody knows their names.'

Say what now?

'You know how you hear all these stories about these people who run everything?'

Yes, it turns out that cannibal hillbilly attacks only seem random,

they're actually organised by a shadowy organisation like the Illuminati.

'This is appalling'

Yes. And, although I don't think there's any answer that would make me think otherwise; why?

'I want these people to know the meaning or horror.'

How ironic. Not least because he quickly demonstrates the 'meaning of horror' to be elaborate belly button rings...

and licking Rene Zellweger.

This movie is mess but, let's be honest, on paper, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre shouldn't work, so why did it?

'Good question'

because it is utterly uncompromising and offers no explanation.

'Will you please tell me what all this is for'

The Next generation - and if you don't have Patrick Stewart you don't get to use that title -

compromises by spoofing its own set up...

'What's wrong with that?'

Then offers an unnecessary explanation so piss poor, so head-scratching,

so undermining of the original's integrity, that even Ridley Scott would have rejected it.

'It's been an abomination'

And wheeling out original survivor Marilyn Burns, literally.

Only serves as a reminder of how much you'd rather be watching the original.

'You know this isn't the first time something like this has happened'

On the other hand, if you want to a see a six foot, dead faced, Ethel Merman dancing with a chainsaw, then this is the place.

Thanks for watching.

And thanks to patreon shadow Dan D Dotty for recommending this film,

Franchises often fail through vain attempts to recapture the success of the original

But can you think of any entries that actually succeed?

For more infomation >> Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation: Review - Duration: 6:40.


How I Touch Up My Makeup - Edward Avila - Duration: 10:33.

For more infomation >> How I Touch Up My Makeup - Edward Avila - Duration: 10:33.


TUNG goes to Menfluential 2018 - Duration: 6:34.

Hey it's David from TUNG Brush I'm here with Tom and we have just spent a couple

of days at Menfluential 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia

Good stuff. Bunch of men trying to be better men. I'll tell you what we met some

fantastic people, we saw some amazing products, I lost my voice - We've got stuff to


OK the first thing we're gonna tell you about are the shoes. I got a pair -- you

got a pair too -- from Paul Evans / Paul Evans New York. Picking up these shoes

They're amazing! This is a chukka boot -- you got one too -- Mine are kind of a burgundy-

-ish brown like a really nice reddish brown and yours are

they're like oxblood but they're - I don't know they're almost black but here's the

deal: He wore his. I haven't worn mine.

Oh man when you smell these you know it's the real deal. This is Italiano, right here

Really good quality leather - excellent. I know I just braved a lot by smelling mine but you

know what? They still smell like new leather, so that's good. Really well made

and they look good I'm getting compliments all over town, like, "Hey man, I like your

shoes!" Very classy. Very classy good stuff.

So one of the companies we

met was called Chassis: Man Care for Down There. Yep this is not old school.

I hadn't heard of this before but here's what it is. There's a powder, OK what do you have?

We've got a shower primer, and that gets everything started. It's for

down there... so you know... down there. This is uh this is the powder which i

think is kind of the primary thing, like you're supposed to wear this and it's

gonna like -- it's like a finisher. Stay cool and dry. Exactly. And it's going to make you smell pretty

good is this scented? They had like an

unscented... This is not your grandfather's Oldsmobile. This is extreme cream which I

read it prevents chafing. I haven't tried any of this stuff yet, but we're going to. I'm

kinda looking forward to it yeah.

So one of the speakers at Meninfluential hit a

topic that's near dear to my heart. Ryan Michler. He's written a book:

Sovereignty. This is a book that -- if you're a male -- you need own. We got to get

our "male" back. Now we're not talking about machismo, we're just talking about

being gents. We're talking about the masculine male and

really the characteristics that we should be displaying as men. That women want

us to display as men. We need to get it back. This book will tell you how.

One of the

highlights of the event for me was meeting Men's Finest. These are some fantastic

folks: Michael is the designer. MensFinest I got a box of goodies

I upped my pocket square game. Check this out

Lots of colors. I don't even know really quite yet how I'm going to use

this. I think you can fold it different ways and show off the different colors.

That's gonna be fun! I got my first ever bow-tie - it's in two

pieces, so I'm gonna be watching Men's Finest's YouTube channel to figure out how

to tie this, thankfully. It's got like some clips in the back so once I get it

tied I guess I couldn't leave it tied. That's pretty cool. And then I got some

socks. Now I I'm like a black sock kind of a guy -- brown sock kind of a guy -- so I've upped

my sock game quite a bit. We'll see how that turns out.

You know every now and

then you just run across a product and you say, "Oh I gotta have one of those!"

This is one of those: Anson Belt and Buckle. Now this is their koozie. The

reason we don't have a belt is because they just -- they couldn't keep up with it

last year. So you gotta go to their website buy a belt. It's a track belt.

It is the coolest thing you've ever seen. When you see it, when you touch it, you're

gonna go, "Gotta have one." And then you'll have 2. Because you'll want 2.

OK we met some really

creative people and you would be amazed at what some people can do on a YouTube

channel. Jeremy Fragrance is a guy that I met

He's got a YouTube channel -- all he does is focus on smells! So as far as I'm

aware YouTube hasn't figured out a way to transmit smells through the through

the medium, but he's got a whole channel where he will explore everything to do

with smell and I'll tell you what he made me smell amazing at the event!

So guys and gals you know there's always something around the house that we need

to figure out how to get done. You don't want to hire somebody, because

we think -- especially us guys -- we think we can do it ourselves.

Here's where you need to go: a buddy of mine, DIY Pete. Don't forget it

DIY Pete. He's a buddy of mine -- we both live in Bozeman, Montana. That's why we're at

Menfluential! Go to his channel. You want to learn how to do anything

Pete'll show you how to do it. That's the place to go.

So there's so much more we

could talk about with this event. It was outstanding. But there's one thing you

should know: Menfluential 2019 is gonna open for

registration soon. Absolutely and I gotta tell you another thing: ladies, you're

looking for us guys to up our game, and we need to up our game -- you're

absolutely correct. So look for guys who have either been there and if they

haven't been, send them here! These are guys really making an effort to up their

game as men -- across the board, no matter what the topic is. It's excellent stuff. I

mean, everything from hair styling (which I really learned a lot about) As

you saw: fragrance, shoes, style, dress -- How about courage? Courage, professionalism

-- absolutely -- you know, just being a better you. Being a leader. Yeah! So if you're a man

and you feel like you could use some some help in one of those areas or more

or all of them Menfluential 2019: You gonna want to be there. Encouragement -- there's another

one. These guys -- you show up here, they will be by your side, and so you're not

flying alone on this one. I've been to a lot of events over the years: business

events, marketing events, you name it. I've never seen an event with a culture like

this one: welcoming, supportive, encouraging, informative

people teach you stuff you don't know -- yeah it doesn't matter what you do:show

up. You gotta show up. We'll hope to see you at Menfluential 2019.

For more infomation >> TUNG goes to Menfluential 2018 - Duration: 6:34.


PRAI Ageless Eye Tight Uplift Serum Duo - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> PRAI Ageless Eye Tight Uplift Serum Duo - Duration: 2:42.


PRAI Ageless Lip Line Filler Supersize - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> PRAI Ageless Lip Line Filler Supersize - Duration: 4:47.


Trump-Haters Bash POTUS On Tariffs, Shocking Announcement From China Shuts Them Up - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Trump-Haters Bash POTUS On Tariffs, Shocking Announcement From China Shuts Them Up - Duration: 4:21.


MultiGames Livestream - Duration: 2:11:20.

For more infomation >> MultiGames Livestream - Duration: 2:11:20.


Special Report With Bret Baier 03/26/18 6PM | March 26, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:24.

For more infomation >> Special Report With Bret Baier 03/26/18 6PM | March 26, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:24.


JACKERY EXPLORER 500 IN-DEPTH REVIEW 2018 - Duration: 13:59.

welcome to weekend voyagers where we do the reviews you're looking for today

we've got the jakery explorer 500 this thing's a beast this is pretty sick

the jackery company has been around since 2011 but primarily just online actually

so now they're kind of revamping things and they're looking to get in more of

your local retailers stores yeah I mean they're just kind of busting into it now

links will be linked down below guys of where you can actually pick this thing

up and the price for this for the the jackery itself $600 I think that's what

it was $600 and then we've got the panel here this is an 85 watt solar panel they

actually don't sell this one but we're gonna one-up you guys and the one that's

gonna be linked down is the 102 watt and that one is $500 let's talk about if the

price tag is really worth it I mean some of you guys out there might be thinking

Oh guys that's quite a bit I mean I'm almost dropping a grand for all this but

let's talk about the price tag if it's even worth it mm-hmm so we'll start

with the cons here to give you everything right up front

super unbiased so the first thing is it's only a hundred and ten watt AC so

that can't power too much I mean it still can run a mini-fridge I guess

they're saying it can run a mini-fridge for like nine hours charge your phone quite

a few times but it'd be nice yeah to have a little more sometimes you know

yeah I mean maybe we could push it a little bit there the other thing that I

noticed with this was the weight guys this is, we're gonna get into specs in

a little bit but it is a little heavy not the heaviest by far not the heaviest

of what we've seen yeah you're not taking this backpacking if you're hiking

for too far, for real. another thing is the charge time took quite a while so

you don't want to count on using this charging it than using it again if you

need it if you need to you know if you need it for extended use you're gonna want to take two of

them or three of them because it was you know quite a few hours right to know it

take it takes a bit and we'll get into the specs once again where we kind of go

over how long exactly it takes so here's the cons that we found there was only

one 110 AC port the weight that we just mentioned and then the long charge time

yeah yeah. other than that though it's a solid little piece of equipment.

I mean this has saved our butts quite a few times so I mean now we'll kind of talk

about some of these pros here what we have really loved by using this and one

thing that was nice for me is its intuitive so if im under pressure or if

were tired it would have to like spend forever reading a manual yeah we kind of

just kind of picked it up and said okay cool yeah you push the button turn it on

and then you push a button next to what you want to use I mean they literally

sent it to us we got lucky enough to get two to review

and we did an in depth review you'll see some of the footage of all

that but we literally pulled it out of the box we don't have time to read user manuals

so we pull it out of the box plug things

up and began charging it like that and didn't seem to be a problem what we kind

of talked about there Pro and it's kind of funny because we just said the con

was its weight but I'm gonna save it stronger the pro was its light weight

yeah yeah it's still not like you know your little phone packs you know but

it's definitely not like it's a 20 pound gas-powered Honda or anything yeah so

yeah I think that's pretty sick along those lines I mean the size right that's

just overall that's pretty convenient you can fit this pretty much anywhere I

mean we sometimes take out a big van but if we want to throw us in

the small little subaru or even put it in a backpack if you're crazy enough you

probably could yeah I mean I really loved the design of this yeah show them

the side view of that like pretty slim you could seriously fit it in between

car seats at times or yeah down by your feet and it wasn't this huge block

square belong exactly that's what I loved about that you got pure sine wave

technology now I know that sounds like a big word it's like pure sine wave

technology what in the world is that it sounds like one of those things people

just slap onto products to make you buy them but guys this is all

it is all that word means is sine wave technology you'll see this with some

other generators is it's turning this product essentially into a home outlet

which means uninterrupted power flow so when you plug your phone in at home into

your outlet in your wall you have an uninterrupted flow from the power

station all the way to your home all the way into your phone and that's what this

does so when we're charging the devices you

don't catch any interrupted flow you're not worrying about any

power surges so you can really plug in your you know most cared-for

devices and feel confident that this is going to take good care of them for you

um just kind of a nice thing to have because obviously you're out and about

is this LED light I think this was just like the extra little thought they put in

so you push this button here then you've got access to this nice little

LED which that sucker puts out that's right that's pretty bright that's cool

and you honestly wouldn't think that that's a cool feature you're like oh

cool LED light but I'm not gonna tell you how many times that came in handy

walking around a campfire you're like oh I got my charger right here and

light and to put it in the car or what not or to pull stuff out it was

actually helpful surprised another thing if you'll switch that around for

them so they can see it's got a cigarette lighter adapter in there

so you can stick a cigarette lighter adapter right into there now

you're probably not out there smoking if you're hiking but the cool function about that is

you're able to start a fire which can be very handy I mean you've got a tool

now that can give you power and it can start a fire that's that's pretty

powerful I mean It can get you almost everything you need to get done out in

the wild or off the grid. It's just one of those things that you know

you won't miss it till you don't have it and with this guy you've got it you know

that's just pretty sick Another thing that was pretty sick is

that the LCD it's pretty cool so every time you touch this it's

gonna give you a nice readout on how much power you're using what you got

left. just kind of understand what's going on there.

It's nice so you're not guessing saying OK we used it for this long like you know

maybe it will last that's pretty smooth I like that

It's a bright LCD screen it's pretty sharp and it's clear and it's

bright and that's what I loved about that one as well

yeah another cool feature about this is in comparison to some other generators

is its splash proof right so you got to kind of take that with a grain of salt

we took this out to California but out on the beach yeah we got pretty close

down into the water with it being up in the redwoods we had a lot of rain

coming down on us and it withstood all that

surprisingly obviously keep your ports and stuff closed up yeah

you've got these nice little rubber caps you can throw on there so keep the

obviously you don't throw a cup of water in there

It's got the exposed fan on the side there so you don't want to be

dunking this in water by any means it's not waterproof but it can withstand some

light rain hitting it and whatnot definitely definitely one of the things

that was pretty cool kind of my favorite thing about this is

we're weekend voyages so we're out and about right we're not going to easy we

don't let our gear hold us back so it has to be able to keep up right so this

thing is durable I don't know if you can see but it's got it's got a little

loving on her right and if she's still kicking dropped and drug you know

I mean I'm impressed. He's not lying I mean when we haul this thing

around we haul it around chucking it in the back of cars chucking it in our cases it's

taken a few Falls like he said but it's withstood it so it's durability I mean

that's what it's made me a fan of this one yeah is it can take a beating you

betcha yeah and I mean what have we done with

this so far we've gone hiking, gone camping, skiing, snowboarding I mean

out in the desert. there's not really anything you can't do with this

thing. it's got a ton of uses which is cool what he's mentioning here is

if you're into the van life community automotive

lifestyle perfect perfect for you clean energy it's efficient and not a great

price a super great price to be able to do that we're gonna kinda jump into the

specs for you guys now but before we actually do that just kind of want to

mention the solar panels and what was unique about these. we've handled a

lot of different solar companies and you'll see some more as we continue

to put some up for you guys we've got a lot in testing right now one of the best

things we saw about this jackery was check this out I mean this is it's

all in one little thing yeah unfolds massive so that was something to me I

love how we could just fold it up real quick boom boom boom boom snap it up and

go it's it's a tight contained

package not flopping all over feel safe secure like to kind of go back to the

size factor on these is they're not odd shapes you can you can find a place to

put this or a stack them and same with that I can go just about anywhere right

no anywhere like you just slide it down like we said in between seats and

it has a very good build to it the actual panels themselves

I've been very impressed with these panels and how they perform especially

in the rough conditions that we take our equipment to we're not gentle with any

of our equipment and for these reviews we beat this stuff down to a pulp to make

sure it's gonna work for you guys yes we want to make sure that if it's gonna

fail we can tell you in this review before you get out there and your life's

depending on it or you know your your enjoyment of you whatever your trip is

right. All right guys so here's kind of the specs so when it

comes to what we talked about the weight factor it's 12 pounds guys that you

might think that might sound like a little bit it's not that much it's

pretty lightweight it's 5 pounds lighter than the comparable goal zero Yeti 400

while still producing a hundred watt hours more so like what we talked about

earlier it's small it's 12.5 inches tall and about seven inches deep and 10.5

inches wide so super nice slim and sleek design to be able to put this into trunk

spaces into a large backpack or you know in your house somewhere you can tuck

away in a closet when you need it for an emergency situation now when it comes to

the actual cells inside here that power this bad boy it's lithium-ion

cells about 500 watt hours that gets you guys about 40 phone charges which is

quite a bit I mean you can have your whole crew charging up on this it gives

you three to six laptop charges running a laptop from completely dead depending

on you know the laptop you have and whatnot now we didn't test this one out

but they claimed that it can give you three hours of TV that you could pull

three hours of TV on there and you can run small appliances off this

like a mini fridge or a small coffee machine now you can't be throwing

anything massive on there don't be expected to plug in a microwave in there

but small appliances you can get away with that so charging this bad boy it

takes about seven hours to charge it with the solar panel and that's in

optimal sunlight that's like noon bright day no clouds obviously if it's a

cloudy day you're gonna see a longer charge time so just be aware of that and

then plug it into a wall you're gonna get about six hours this thing has a ton

of options for charging your devices so there's a hundred and ten volt or a 300

watt continuous power has a 500 watt peak AC outlet a 12 volt or 120 watt car

socket and then two five volt USB ports for your devices and then two 6

millimeter DC ports as well as you can see you can accommodate pretty much

anything on this thing and the last thing here is the surge protection this

is a big point for me here I mean running our technology off of this our

iPads, laptops, cameras, that's the equipment that we really want to have

taken care of when it comes down to temperature and how this is gonna

perform its operating temperatures are between 14 degrees Fahrenheit to 104

degrees Fahrenheit. The recharging temperature is about 32 degrees to 104

degrees Fahrenheit we haven't tested it out to its max heat yet but we did have

the chance here to kind of we went out to the desert did some camping out there

and to see what it's recharging capability was and we did see

significant drop-off and its ability to recharge your devices below 32

degrees Fahrenheit I mean there's not much you can do about that though right

you can't have it all these are lithium-ion cells and so they

are going to be affected by the temperatures you're going to be using

this for quite a while I wouldn't advise using this product to charge your office

and all that stuff funny thing is we actually did that to see if we could run

our office and all our computers off of it and it worked we were able to run

them off both our Jackerys but the cycle life of these cells is 500 full

charges and depletions so you're gonna get a lot a lot a lot of use out of

these all right Preston with all that with

the cons with the pros with the specs that we've laid out our experience over

the last few months with this product and the solar panels

would you recommend it would you recommend it to our audience I'd say

absolutely for sure I think I think all of us at weekend voyagers can say yes

this is there's something we recommend you pick up for your next expedition

it'll save your life it's got lots of options convenient and the thing is

it'll work when you come home from all your trips and its durable

guys go down in the links below check out the product take a look at it I

honestly do not think this will disappoint you if you're in

this community of outdoor lifestyle think you're gonna love this product and

it's going to perform well for you guys thanks for tuning in and we'll see you

next time

For more infomation >> JACKERY EXPLORER 500 IN-DEPTH REVIEW 2018 - Duration: 13:59.


The Blue Sky at Blue Moon Rising | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> The Blue Sky at Blue Moon Rising | Lovely Tiny House - Duration: 2:51.


Baby gets sad because she can't go camping! - Duration: 0:12.

That moment you get told your not going camping!

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