Monday, March 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 27 2018

If everything I ever dreamed had come true, I'd be hunting Aliens with the Terminator today

== It wasn't just a dream. == And that goes especially for nightmares.

Hey, you two


Oh oh! I'm guessing Charlie's not going to like that.

It was all very real

Carla was in black, our place on the Rhine...

Dreams are catalysts of the subconscious, I read that somewhere

They help us cope with emotion-laden, stressful situations

And if my body rebels against the kidney? If it rejects it?

With every day, that risk rapidly diminishes. Ask your doctor.

And preferably right away

And while you're doing that, he can also check you over. Although, I don't think he's going to find anything.

And so why the examination then?

So you can sleep in peace again

Oh! I thought you were in China, on business.

I checked with the Foreign Travel Office

In the regions where I wanted to go, there's a suspected bird flu

Bird flu? Well, we can really do without that.

Then I guess it's better you stay here

Bird flu?

Your repertoire of excuses is getting ever larger

Yeah, I've been getting lots of practice, in order not to endanger my relationship with Hanna

While she was getting operated on, is when I first realized it - that without Hanna I just wouldn't want to live anymore

You're gonna make it, you two

Come on, let's do something crazy, hm?

Sure, how about sinking a few ships?

Man! You aren't taking me seriously at all!

And Dr. Mallmann isn't either

He can't find anything where there is nothing

Or should he have called in a dream interpreter?

Lars, I had the dream, and it was damn real!

A dream is a dream, and is called that because it doesn't correspond with reality

Well, maybe I'm only dreaming such weird stuff because I'm being totally underchallenged

== Do some crossword puzzles. == Hey, that's enough!

Or you can hang this... up over your bed

A dreamcatcher

Yes. It will keep all the bad dreams away from you.

== When did you get this? == While the doctor was checking you over.

Thank you

It was nothing

You know what I mean

Dearest Carla,

When you read these lines, I will no longer be alive.

I could write you entire books, and still never be able to express how much I love you.

You've made me very happy.

I am endlessly grateful to you for that.

It is incredibly painful to me, knowing that I have to leave you behind in your grief.

I wish from the bottom of my heart that you find new happiness.

[In eternal love.]


Dear Friends,

It is very important to me that you know how much you've meant to me.

Without you I would have had a hard time making it through these last weeks.

You must promise me one thing -

the same way you were always there for me, you must be for each other in the future.

== Hello, Hanna! == Hello.

The little one is totally overwrought! Will you take these shopping bags?

== Yes, sure. == Come here.

Come on, we're going to bed. We're going to bed, hm?

It's going to be okay

You can sleep, hm? Get a little rest. Ohh...

Oh, I...I totally underestimated the effort that a move like this takes

All this bureaucratic running around, it's making me insane, and the baby too

I can believe that, yes

Why can't I just say 'goodbye' and then be gone?

Oh man, don't cry!

Hanna, I'm not falling off the edge of the world

Milan is just a two-hour flight away, hm?

I'm sorry, I'm just... I'm just being kind of sentimental today

I'd love to take all you guys with me, too

Right, you're only saying that because you don't have a babysitter down there yet!


Grandma and Grandpa are the ones we're going to miss the most

Oh, that reminds me, tomorrow morning we have a meeting with the two of them, about the pub

If I drop out of the lease agreement, then we'll all have to find some other solution

Do you have time tomorrow morning?

Yes, sure

I need to talk to you about the pub anyway

You really want to give up the pub?



It was always our pub

By myself it won't be any fun anymore

I'm sorry, I didn't think about that

No, no, it's my own independent decision, really

It's on account of your health, isn't it?

Alone, the pub would be too much for you

And if you looked for a new partner?

Not that anyone could replace me. I'm just saying as an option.

No, that's not the point

Actually, after the operation, I decided I was going to rearrange my life

Wh...what will you do, how will you make a living?

I don't know yet. I want to spend as much time as possible with Carla.

I'm sure that will make her happy

Looks as though a new life is going to begin for both of us, hm?

Well, I think it's really sad that you don't want to carry on with running No Limits anymore

I won't find another dream team like you two anytime soon

Well yeah, I'll stay on for a little bit

Of course I'll help you with the search for a new leaseholder

Oh, you guys are doing things right. More time for each other, with each other.

That should be the motto

Thank you

Oh, I'm going to check on Carolin, okay?

I know I've been asking you guys a lot lately, but could you maybe look after her again today, too?

This afternoon, the meeting with the construction manager... Before, that will work, sure.

== Yes. == Yeah? Oh, thank you, I still have SO much to organize for the move.

You know we're very happy to do it. And the key - we still have that from the last time.

== Hm? == Mhm.

Ah, then we don't want to keep the little caterwauler waiting any longer

== Take care. == Bye. == Ciao. == Bye.

Well, I guess that was it then

Our last day in No Limits

Actually, we should do one last shift here together

I mean, once you've dealt with all your move stuff

Won't that be too much for you?

What do you think of the idea?

I really can't

Sorry, I already don't know how I'm supposed to accomplish everything

No problem

Hello, you two

== Hello. == Well?

It's okay, go ahead and go

I have to take advantage of my baby-free time


Thanks. Ciao.

== Ciao. == Ciao.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm really going to miss Isabell

Mhm, me too

I've gotten so fond of her. It's going to be strange when she isn't here anymore.

Mhm. That's why I wanted to do this last shift with her.

Oh, you guys can make up for that, the next time she comes for a visit

Are you still thinking about that death dream?

My God, Hanna, you can't make yourself crazy over that!

Yeah, my brain says that, too, but not my gut

You had yourself specially examined again. Everything is in great order.


I know things have been bad for you lately

But... but this nightmare, it's finally over

Yes, I should just forget this nonsense

Why are you just sitting around here?

This isn't how I envisioned our last shift

I thought you had things to do?

Yes, and I do, but I can't just leave my best friend in the lurch

How's your move going?

Uh, 'move', ahem... with help I'll get it done

Okay, okay, I'm in

== And I'll take you up on that, Lars. == Well, I certainly hope so.

== Have lots of fun, you two. Bye. == Ciao.

Well good, then let's get going!

== I'll take this, all right? Okay. == Yeah.

== And you go get some sleep, missy. == Oh, talked me into it.

== Then I'll see you this evening. I'll be ready to go again. == Ciao.

== Gimme another ale, please. == Unh-unh.

Just one more!


We have had a good time here, haven't we?

I'm going to miss you

I'll miss you too

I had no idea you collected lead plates

== Have I ever told you about my stone monument collection? == Noo.

I packed things too heavily

Oh, I'm sorry, but SADLY I'm not allowed to lift anything yet

I believe I still have a box of Carolin's stuffed animals, hm?

No, all kidding aside, I wish you both a nice rest of your day

Mhm, it will be. We're going to the Buddhas exhibition.

== Mm, enjoy! == Mhm.

Unfortunately, I can't make it to the exhibition

Shit, I wanted to go with you so badly!

But it's just a postponement. The exhibition will be going on for a quite a while.

Yeah, so? Who knows...

Well, who knows what will happen by then?

Hanna, what is wrong? It's not a big melodrama.

I just want to be with you as much as possible

So do I!

And we have all the time in the world

== Now I really need something to drink. == Sure.

Thank you - nah, it's fine, it's fine like this.

So tell me, where are the rest of the boxes?

They're down in the basement

I have to go back down to the pub and check on things. You can come down later, if you want, okay?

If you're still thirsty, just help yourself, all right? And shhh, Hanna's asleep.

You got it


Why did you leave me?


== Hanna, what's wrong?! == The dream...the dream was back!

=='s all okay. == It was exactly like the last time!

== It's all over, it was only a dream. == Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God.

Calm down, it was only a dream

Oh God, it was only a dream, it was only a dream!

Please, I can't let myself go crazy!

Please, don't get yourself so worked up about it

Yeah, that's so easy to say

When you first told me about the dream ... we went straight to Dr. Mallmann

There's nothing wrong with you!

There probably really is no rational reason to worry

Exactly. You're gonna outlive us all.

Hello! Sorry if I'm gatecrashing, but Isabell let me in.

Carla, I...I thought you were busy?

I turned on the turbo

Aren't these beautiful?

They smiled at me so brightly, I just couldn't pass them by

For me? Thank you.

Do you have a vase?

== Uh, yes, in the kitchen, in the cupboard. == Wait, wait, I'll do it.

You see? Red roses.

Hanna, she doesn't know anything about your dream

And it's going to stay that way, you hear? Or else she'll be in a crappy mood, too.


Well, then I'm gonna go haul some more boxes. Otherwise, Isabell's gonna think I've fallen asleep.

I have something else for you

Romantic hotel

This is for tomorrow!

I told you we would go away for a few days. I took some time off.

It'll be just us, without any interruptions. No cell, no telephone.

Carla, that's the most wonderful present you could give me. Thank you!

For more infomation >> 066 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 16:47.


Islamic Calligraphy Art | Chinese Islamic Calligrapher - Duration: 2:16.

Islamic Calligraphy Art | Chinese Islamic Calligrapher

hajr Dean is a Chinese Muslim he is unique in terms of his katha graphic

skills calligraphy is very important in the central part of the world of Islam

in terms of Arabic calligraphy but calligraphy also of course is very

important in China and East Asia as a leading expression of art and he has

this kind of party piece where he does both at the same time and produced the

things which are meaningful in Arabic but then meaningful in Mandarin as well

and it's a real sort of theatrical occasion in that sense so we're really

pleased to be welcoming him to Edinburgh in a couple of weeks tonight

well there are three events that he's doing one of which which is at the Book

Festival on Saturday the 15th of August where he's going to be speaking about

his work very much in the context of one of their themes this year which is

translation so he's going to reflect on what he does but also demonstrated to an

audience that we hope will involve adults and also schoolchildren as well

he's then going to be doing an event for the just festival where perhaps he'll

reflect a little bit more on some of the spiritual dimensions of his work but

again with demonstration and that's on Sunday the 16th of August and then he's

also going to be doing some work work in the embro central mosque which will

demonstrate clearly his very obviously Muslim credentials including an

exhibition of his work so as well as doing examples of news he will be

bringing with him some of the examples of his work

and people didn't buy them any fish Teja is fired what auntie LAN 30 hunter we

won me be huh move our Monash infants wannabe

For more infomation >> Islamic Calligraphy Art | Chinese Islamic Calligrapher - Duration: 2:16.


Batido de piña y jengibre para perder peso - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Batido de piña y jengibre para perder peso - Duration: 7:57.


9 remedios caseros y naturales para los problemas de la próstata - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> 9 remedios caseros y naturales para los problemas de la próstata - Duration: 9:07.


Cómo hacer crecer un árbol de limón desde la semilla en casa - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Cómo hacer crecer un árbol de limón desde la semilla en casa - Duration: 7:28.


3 recetas deliciosas para una cena romántica - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> 3 recetas deliciosas para una cena romántica - Duration: 9:21.


Caroline de Monaco balance sur les manies du prince Albert -AZ NEWS - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Caroline de Monaco balance sur les manies du prince Albert -AZ NEWS - Duration: 2:28.


L'avocat de Laeticia Hallyday : «aucun Boudou impliqué dans le trust» -AZ NEWS - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> L'avocat de Laeticia Hallyday : «aucun Boudou impliqué dans le trust» -AZ NEWS - Duration: 1:30.


We're bringing back the Hook...

For more infomation >> We're bringing back the Hook...


Benefits of Turmeric and its Side Effects| Natural Health - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Benefits of Turmeric and its Side Effects| Natural Health - Duration: 3:43.


6 Common Signs of Appendicitis You Should Not Ignore - Duration: 12:01.

The most common symptoms of appendicitis

Your appendix is an organ that is considered useless by many people

People without their appendix are more likely to develop colitis

Which is inflammation of the colon caused by bacteria a main reason people have their appendix removed us because of appendicitis

This is a condition where the appendix becomes inflamed

Which causes pain and eventually leading the organ to rupture when the organ ruptures it can poison the body and can even lead to death

people often ignore the warning signs of appendicitis

Until the problem becomes severe it is important to be aware of these signs as addressing the problem early can save you from future complications


You have multiple signs and symptoms of this problem ask your doctor to check your health levels and get the best appendicitis treatment

Here are the top ten signs and isatis

One intense abdominal pain

Intense abdominal pain is a most common symptom of appendicitis

The pain is caused by the appendix itself

And it is a sign that the organ is not well it is said that when you have a ruptured appendix

It feels like you are constantly being stabbed in the stomach and it only gets worse as time goes on in

The early stages of the pain the pain will feel dull and will feel like is in the middle of the stomach it

Is sore in mild but over time it will begin to become more painful, and then quickly turn into intense pain within a few hours

This type of pain is compared to going into labor and the pain is unique

few other conditions produce this type of abdominal pain

needless to say if you experience pain in this manner you should go to the doctor or

emergency room right away and have it examined by medical professional to

Fever and chills

Like many other conditions and sicknesses appendicitis will cause you to run a fever or experience the chills

Often if you are experiencing chills you will come down with a mild fever that will have you sweating or switching between

feeling hot or cold

This symptom is likely to emerge during the early stages of appendicitis

and it will seem like you have the flu as

The fever intensifies your body temperature can easily pass 100 degrees which is a sign that things are not right?

If the fever becomes more intense your other symptoms may also intensify

Your fever and gels could be accompanied by sharp and worsening pain in the abdomen

Lower back and you can even begin to experience rectal pain

These are all symptoms of appendicitis and should be treated immediately

As you should never ignore or underestimate a fever it should be treated as a serious problem

Especially if you are experiencing other symptoms that are listed

3 nausea before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see other useful health videos

You may become nauseated as part of appendicitis even before any pain develops in the abdominal area

You will begin to feel sick for no reason at all and you may even begin to vomit

Not too much longer after this symptom you may begin to feel the abdominal pains

Which could lead to sharp stabbing pain if you find that you are experiencing vomiting and nausea

Which are accompanied by pain in the lower right part of your abdomen it could indicate that you have appendicitis

You will need to see a doctor as soon as possible if this is a case with you if you are only experiencing nausea

Give yourself a day if you do not experience any abdominal pain in the case that you feel that it may not be appendicitis

Consider giving your body time to allow the symptoms to clear up if you are still vomiting

24 hours after the symptom began and felt sick it is recommended that she go to the emergency room

Be cautious when observing your symptoms, and do not hesitate consulting with your physician if you have any questions or concerns

For gas and bloating in

Addition to the abdominal pain and other Penda status related symptoms you may also begin to experience gas and to bloat

The gas and bloating will feel the same as when you have eaten the large meal that you may experience the bloating for a while

The bloating could last much longer than normal blurred and usually does

Before the appendix ruptures the bloating that you are suffering from may last for seven days

This could cause confusion for you

especially if you do not usually have this problem it may be difficult to pass gas even if you need to

Over a few days the symptoms might increasingly get worse, and it could result in constipation and general pain around the abdomen

Most people are not aware of the problem that is taking place in the abdomen until their symptoms intensify and are accompanied by other symptoms

Once nausea and intense abdominal pain begin to affect the person it is then clear that they are suffering from appendicitis


constipation or painful bowel movements if

You are going to the bathroom and your bathroom visits become more painful this could also be a sign of appendicitis

going to the bathroom could become more painful as a result of your stressed abdominal muscles and

Inflamed appendix could inflame so much that the muscles will be affected and the pain signal sent across the body will alert you to an


Like many other symptoms that you are experiencing the pain that you feel when making a bowel movement may not begin as intense pain

However as more time passes from this start of the symptom. You will increasingly find that making bowel movements is painful

Constipation may subside and you could then be experiencing diarrhea

Your diarrhea might contain a lot of mucus in it

And you could also experience lower right side abdominal pain in conjunction with diarrhea if this persists

And you are not able to find relief or you are suffering from some symptoms

It is important that you stop medical attention as soon as possible to be diagnosed sooner and treated for your symptoms

It's not the content provided below and elsewhere on this video is not intended nor should it be construed as providing professional medical or

nutritional advice

Do not rely on information provided on this video for your health problems

instead consult a qualified medical professional for advice


Calling cancer treatment with natural herbs a

Diagnosis of cancer is never the news a patient wants to hear

Colin or colorectal cancer in particular is considered the third most common cancer in America

While you cannot control hereditary and some environmental factors

you can still lower your risk of cancer by making healthy diet and lifestyle choices a

well-planned diet can help prevent many cancers

Here's a list of some of the best foods and herbs to eat if your goal is to prevent and cure colon cancer



Thanks to the nutritional value of broccoli this cruciferous vegetable may be one of the best foods

You can eat if you want to reduce your risk of colon cancer

broccoli contains virtually zero fat and ranks low on the glycemic index

It is a great source of carotenoids and vitamin C. And it also contains some vitamin E

Further broccoli is one of the best dairy free sources calcium

Last but not least broccoli is a great source of indolence

natural compounds that are believed to inhibit cell proliferation of colon cancer cells to

Get the most out of broccolis health benefits choose organically grown plants

To Farley before we continue this video do not forget to subscribe my channel to see if they're useful health videos

the dietary fiber in barley increases bulk softened stool and shortens the transit time of fecal matter

Thereby decreasing the risk of colon cancer in

addition Barney's fiber feeds the friendly bacteria in the large

Intestine helping these bacteria to produce a short chain fatty acid called butyric acid

Which helps maintain a healthy gut and prevent colon cancer

What's more barley is loaded with selenium with a mere cup of cooked barley?

containing more than 50% of the daily value for this trace mineral a

sufficient intake of selenium can greatly reduce your risk of developing colon cancer

Whole grain, or hulled barley the most fiber rich and nutrient-dense type is still relatively difficult to find in regular shops

But it is readily available through online lenders such as these ones

Three meats

Munching on red beets is a great way to reduce your risk of colon cancer

The fiber found in abundance in beet roots reduces a time that still spends in the intestines

Thereby limiting the colons exposure to potential carcinogens

Also, the green leafy tops of beets are edible and high in fiber

So don't throw them away they can be cooked like spinach in

addition several studies have shown that vataj inin a fighter chemical compound

responsible for beeps intense purple color is highly effective at fighting cancer particularly colon cancer

to maximize beets cancer fighting properties

Cook them only lightly

Research suggests their anti-cancer activity is reduced by heat

For organic red peppers

red peppers contain plenty of carotenoids including beta-carotene and lycopene

Which may help reduce the risk of colon cancer, but that's hardly their only calling cancer fighting feature

Red peppers are also a good source of n-acetylcysteine NAC a natural compound that has been found to have anti-cancer properties


Preliminary double-blind placebo-controlled study with 62 participants each of whom had had a colon polyp removed found that those

individuals who were given 800 milligrams NAC daily had more normal cells in the biopsied rectum tissue than those in the placebo group in

addition to carotenoids and NAC bell peppers contain some folate

when buying peppers it is important to choose organically grown produce as

Conventionally grown peppers are at the top of the list of vegetables that contain the highest levels of pesticides and other harmful chemicals

5 blueberries

blueberries contain zero stilbene and extraordinary colon cancer combating compound

Blueberries are one of the greatest health foods of all time and the great anti cancer food

When animal study found that a compound called Toros stilbene and blueberries can help prevent colon cancer in this study?

non rats with colon cancer

Consumed the balanced diet including Toro stilbene and another group of 9 rats with colon cancer were fed a balanced diet with no pterostilbene

after the eight-week study period the group who received the blueberry extract at 57 percent fewer precancerous

lesions in the colon compared to the control group

Also in vitro studies have found blueberries to be effective in inhibiting colon cancer cell proliferation

and inducing cancer cell apoptosis

For more infomation >> 6 Common Signs of Appendicitis You Should Not Ignore - Duration: 12:01.


School Ke_ Love Story (Hit Mix 2018)❤️ |Cute Love Story Video 😍|Best LoveStory Songs💖|Punjabi Song - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> School Ke_ Love Story (Hit Mix 2018)❤️ |Cute Love Story Video 😍|Best LoveStory Songs💖|Punjabi Song - Duration: 4:35.


Pure Attitude Whatsapp Status video | Attitude Whatsapp Status | Attitude Word Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:36.

Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Pure Attitude Whatsapp Status video | Attitude Whatsapp Status | Attitude Word Whatsapp Status Video - Duration: 0:36.


VMHD KIDS || Tell the story of children || Fairy Tales: Two Girls And The Bump - Duration: 16:06.

For more infomation >> VMHD KIDS || Tell the story of children || Fairy Tales: Two Girls And The Bump - Duration: 16:06.


'I Will Not Lose Another Man' Sneak Peek Ep. 103 | The Terror - Duration: 0:55.

It's only eight men, Sir John,

and there is just enough time.

[Indistinct chatter]

I have lost six men on this expedition today -- six.

And you ask me to risk more and doubling that number

tracking over distant ground where you know

I have lost men in years past.

I'll hear no more of this.

I will not lose another man, Francis.

We may lose all our men.

That is what my alarm is ringing now, Sir John.

And I -- I'm at a lost why yours is not.

For more infomation >> 'I Will Not Lose Another Man' Sneak Peek Ep. 103 | The Terror - Duration: 0:55.


Klutch two tier welding cart from northern tool - Duration: 6:38.

well here's my new welding cart the chair let's beat up and it looks like

it's been opened and then taped shut hope it ain't missing any parts and let

me get it out get a look at it this is what it's supposed to look like and

there are no instructions no instructions anywhere and look at the

amount of nuts and bolts so I'm just gonna have to try to make it look like

this picture and there's like three four different sizes lengths of nuts and

bolts so it's gonna be a real real pleasure trying to figure out who goes

where all right well get get to working on it what I like about this is my

welders gonna go up on top and my pleasure my cutter will go under here so

that's gonna free up another cart in my storage room there's a lot of parts here

is a dog the dog is in my way you got to get out of the way okay gotta go away no

I'll tell you this was a this was a little complicated not complicated but

uh I both did these of casters on before I put the side on and then I realized

that I had to put these bolts through the side so I had to take the casters

back off but it's coming together it's all gonna work out well it was a Nuttall

not hard but just time-consuming is when you put things like this together

you can't tighten any of the bolts up until you get it all together and then

you go back and tighten all the bolts up and now this probably took me with all

the interruptions the dog interruptions had a friend drop by that's not a

problem and the dog interruptions aren't a problem but if I were to close the

doors and to have assembled this non-stop without

any interruptions that copy what it took me Oh about an hour hour and a half hour

and a quarter you know what not bad I don't think it would have been any

easier with instructions it's pretty self-explanatory and there's a good

picture on the cover so uh the door down here nice little welding car tomorrow

I'm going to mount my welder and then I'll my plasma cutter and this will stay

on this side of my shop from now on not not over there where I have a wood floor

all right I'll show you what it looks like tomorrow when I get everything

mounted on it all right it's Annette today I'm fixing a mount back up here

but if you'll notice this lip here is about a inch and a quarter deep and this

is about when you take these little nubs that it sets on into account between the

nub and this is about an inch and I need to make sure this door opens so I get to

my wire and everything so I'm gonna cut a piece of a 3/4 and mount that here

first and then put my welder on top of that so the so the door will open pass

this lip all right that's gonna work

so I'm going to screw this to this and then this to this and then I'll put my

plasma cutter down there and we'll be ready to make something

alright got that on I had to take the cabinet apart in order to get to the

inside and bolt it to the car here that's what that looks like now I got my

plasma cutter out here and I'm fixing a problem I don't know if I'm gonna bolt

it down or not I'm gonna set it up there and see how easy it is or hard it is

I'll probably have to take the cabinet off of that too to bolt it down and I'll

see I'm gonna set it up there and see if it slides around yeah I'm not gonna bolt

it down it's heavy enough oh and uh it's got rubber feet so it's not gonna be

sliding around this is a really nice well-built carp it's good and solid mild

on a scale of 1 to 10 as far as pain in the butt to assemble probably a four not

bad that wouldn't have been any problem at all if it had it did have some

instructions but they were microscopic I mean that

the writing was so small you would have had to read them with a magnifying glass

it's pretty self-explanatory it went together pretty easy I made one mistake

the bottom tray there I had it flipped over by mistake so I

had to take the wheels off and put them on the right side that's the only

mistake I made let me turn it around and this is for future reference if somebody

wants to know what this looks like this is the clutch it came from northern

Freight I ordered it it was 80 bucks and I think it was like 28 bucks to ship it

to me

all right I haven't sold my Lincoln yet and I think what I'm gonna do is get out

some metal and do a three-inch pass with my flux core wire welder and this

shielded gas shielding gas why our welder MIG alright thanks for watching

yeah you know you got life by the bullets when you got a dog in your lap a

cup of coffee by your side and your wife is on lawnmower yeah it doesn't get any

good doesn't get any better than that

For more infomation >> Klutch two tier welding cart from northern tool - Duration: 6:38.


GÜRCİSTAN BATUMA GİDİYORUM 1.BÖLÜM / I am going to Georgia Batumi by hitchhiking part one - Duration: 19:42.


I hitchhed one car took me.

Now,I am going to susuz district near kars.They are from susuz yayla village

I will go to susuz district with this car.

I leave the car at the susuz district

I am waiting another car to take me

I am hitchhiking to go Ardahan

I am hitchhiking to go Ardahan

I am going main road

For more infomation >> GÜRCİSTAN BATUMA GİDİYORUM 1.BÖLÜM / I am going to Georgia Batumi by hitchhiking part one - Duration: 19:42.


💎Fantasy Magic Shop Role Play ASMR 🔮(English) - Duration: 30:02.

We have a wide selection,

just let me know.




Welcome to the Magic Shop.

Welcome back!

Thank you for your continued


What items do you need today?


you need many magic items for your adventure.

We have a wide selection,

just let me know.

You mean the magical pillow that helps you fall asleep?


you heard the rumors already?

That was fast!

In fact,

we have a pillow made with dragon scale and leather.

This pillow has a very good neck support,



it's made of dragon scale,

it will last you for years.

It can also relieve stress on your head and neck.

You like it?


Thank you!


Book of Spells and a Pen are a must for a wizard!

We have this

fancy book of spells


elegant quill pen

High quality parchment paper

bound by cover decorated with

blessed gold.


How awesome!


take a look at this quill pen.

I'm certain an adventurer like yourself will love the smooth

and precise nib adorned with a beautiful feather from a thunderbird.

Here, dip it in ink

like this,

What do you think?

Would you like to try to write with it?

Do you like it?

good choice


if you are looking for a Powerstone

that can buff your character,

you can't pass this up!

This is a mysterious stone mined from a lode deep in a cave.

It will boost your Attack and Mana for a short time.

When you hold it in your hands,

you can feel the surge of power.

This purple power stone is not only beautiful,

but also rare.

It will increase your intellect as well as concentration.

I'm so happy you like this too!!

How about a tarot card to read your fortune?

Adventures are full of uncertainties.



and various unexpected situations…

Use this magical deck to read your fortune.

Beautiful illustrations on a luxurious material.

It will definitely aid you in your quest!

Thank you.

We have three different types of potions for your needs.

You can never have enough Health recovery Potions.

Our health potions work fast,


you can drink it while walking or running!

you would like 10?

Here's a mana potion that resembles the bluest ocean.

It is a must have item for a heavy magic user.

10 of them also?

Here you go.

This is a stamina potion to recharge the stamina during a battle.

Your stamina will recover the instant you drink it!

Thank you for your purchase.

This dried flower and herb will remove your status ailment.

If you are poisoned or suffering from potion poisoning,

Try this

Try this rare and mysterious dried herb from the highlands.

Your status will improve right away.

You can also drink it as tea.

Even the smell is wonderful.


would you like to try…?

Thank you, that was a great choice!

Are you looking for leather for armor crafting?


let me show you some samples.



alligator skin are thick and tough

it will raise your defense stats.



pigskin are soft,

offering a comfortable fit and increase your agility.

Dolphin leather(but not real) and dyed leather will be the highlight of your armor design.

What a great choice! Thank you.

If you need gems for your staff…

How about this sapphire, or

a diamond?

Sapphire will reduce your casting time.

Diamond will increase your magic attack.

This little diamond will reduce the mana consumption.

I hope this gem will be a great help to your magic.


we have a very special item today!


it's also very expensive..

I'm not sure if I should recommend it to you or not…



what I've seen of you adventurer,

you are more than worthy of it.

This is a magical hourglass

that can turn back time for 1 FULL MINUTE!

The only drawback is the fact

that you can only use it once per day.

but this is an amazing magical device

that can alter the past!

When you want to turn back time,

just flip the hourglass!

There is nothing more noble than

being able to protect someone precious.

Thank you.

Please use it for good.


You purchased so many items today.

Thank you very much.

To show you my appreciation,

I would like

I would like to cast a spell to increase your luck for a day.

Would you like that?

There you go.

Please be careful during your adventures and

may god bless you.

For more infomation >> 💎Fantasy Magic Shop Role Play ASMR 🔮(English) - Duration: 30:02.


Donnie Darko -The Killing Moon - Duration: 5:40.

Under a Blue Moon

I saw you

So soon

You'll take me

Up in your arms

Too late

To beg you

Or cancel it

Though I know

It must be

The Killing Time

Unwillingly mine


Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait


You give yourself

To him

In Starlit Nights

I saw you

So cruelly

You kissed me

Your lips

A magic world

Your sky

All hung with jewels

The Killing Moon

Will come

Too soon


Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait


You give yourself

To him

Under a Blue Moon

I saw you

So soon

You'll take me

Up in your arms

Too late

To beg you

Or cancel it

Though I know

It must be

The Killing Time

Unwillingly mine


Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait


You give yourself

To him


Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait until

You give yourself

To him

You give yourself

To him


Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait until

You give yourself

To him

You give yourself

To him


Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait


You give


To him


Up against your will

Through the thick and thin

He will wait


You give yourself

To him

For more infomation >> Donnie Darko -The Killing Moon - Duration: 5:40.


Never Talk To Strangers - Traveling Light - Duration: 4:21.

I'm traveling light

It's au revoir (goodbye until we meet again)

My once so bright

My fallen star

I'm running late

They'll close the bar

I used to play

One mean guitar

I guess I'm just

Somebody who

Has given up

On the me and you

I'm not alone

I've met a few

Traveling light like

We used to do



My fallen star

I guess you're right

You always are

I know you're right

About the blues

You live some life

You'd never choose

I'm just a fool

A dreamer who

Forgot to dream

Of the me and you

I'm not alone

I've met a few

Traveling light like

We used to do

Traveling light

It's au revoir (goodbye until we meet again)

My once so bright

My fallen star

I'm running late

They'll close the bar

I used to play

One mean guitar

I guess I'm just

Somebody who

Has given up

On the me and you

I'm not alone

I've met a few

Traveling light like

We used to do

But if the road

Leads back to you

Must I forget

The things I knew

When I was friends

With one or two

Traveling light like

We used to do

I'm traveling light

For more infomation >> Never Talk To Strangers - Traveling Light - Duration: 4:21.


Small Onion cultivation in a pot || ROOFTOP Gardening (with english subtitle) - Duration: 9:07.


In this video I am going to show how to cultivate small onion in a pot

this is a terracotta bonsai pot

I an using bonsai pot because onion doesn't require deep soil

the root doesn't go deeper

the soil I am using consist of

50% normal soil

25% compost

25% wooden dust

these are small onion

I will sown 5 onion seeds only

after 10 days

from now onward we have to apply

liquid organic fertilizer in every 15 days interval

after another 8 days

after another 20 days

after another 15 days

after another 40 days

now the flower started blooming

these green plant are used in cooking

new plants will continue growing for some days

you can use it as required in home

here I am using mustard cake solution

this is one type of liquid organic fertilizer

or you can use dry cow dung solution with water

now the onion has already grown up

now I will pick them up from the soil

I have sown only 4 onion

and I have got this much

the leaves are also green

so the leaves can also be used in cooking

to keep the onion to be used as seeds

the onion need to be pluck from soil when the leaves turn yellow

and they need to be kept in a dry airy and shady place

by this way the onion can be kept for 1 year

and the onion can be used as seeds in the next year

For more infomation >> Small Onion cultivation in a pot || ROOFTOP Gardening (with english subtitle) - Duration: 9:07.


You are Cordially Invited to the Wedding at OOF - Duration: 0:48.

Jeespark:who is the priest?

Mars:Punch *go*

qwert:Um ok den

Jeespark:Will you marry me Sophiiea?


For more infomation >> You are Cordially Invited to the Wedding at OOF - Duration: 0:48.


Earn Money Online $80-$240+ Per Day Online - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> Earn Money Online $80-$240+ Per Day Online - Duration: 6:15.


Duniya Di Tha Tha Tha Dj Remix Song 2018 || Hindi Old DJ Mix Song || Hard Bass DJ || Old Is Gold DJ - Duration: 5:26.

Duniya Di Tha Tha Tha Dj Remix Song 2018 || Hindi Old DJ Mix Song || Hard Bass DJ || Old Is Gold DJ

Duniya Di Tha Tha Tha Dj Remix Song 2018 || Hindi Old DJ Mix Song || Hard Bass DJ || Old Is Gold DJ

Duniya Di Tha Tha Tha Dj Remix Song 2018 || Hindi Old DJ Mix Song || Hard Bass DJ || Old Is Gold DJ

For more infomation >> Duniya Di Tha Tha Tha Dj Remix Song 2018 || Hindi Old DJ Mix Song || Hard Bass DJ || Old Is Gold DJ - Duration: 5:26.


Brooke Annibale - "Hold On" [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:50.

♪ you remind me that there's not enough time ♪

♪ for it to slow down ♪

♪ undefined ♪

♪ we put our flame upon ice ♪

♪ watch it burn out ♪

♪ all I want to do ♪

♪ all I want to do ♪

♪ feel the ache in my hands to hold on to you ♪

♪ Ooh, Oh ♪

♪ Ooh, Oh ♪

♪ winter's gone ♪

♪ wait in the dark before dawn ♪

♪ where we gravitate ♪

♪ who decides whether or not it arrives ♪

♪ and why we delay ♪

♪ all I want to do ♪

♪ all I want to do ♪

♪ feel the ache in my hands to hold on to you ♪

♪ Ooh, oh ♪

♪ Ooh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Ooh, oh ♪

♪ Ooh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ all I want to do ♪

♪ all I want to do ♪

♪ feel the ache in my hands to ♪

♪ hold on to you ♪

♪ feel the ache in my hands to ♪

♪ hold on to you ♪

♪ feel the ache in my hands to hold on ♪

For more infomation >> Brooke Annibale - "Hold On" [Official Audio] - Duration: 3:50.


School Ke_ Love Story (Hit Mix 2018)❤️ |Cute Love Story Video 😍|Best LoveStory Songs💖|Punjabi Song - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> School Ke_ Love Story (Hit Mix 2018)❤️ |Cute Love Story Video 😍|Best LoveStory Songs💖|Punjabi Song - Duration: 4:35.


Kitty! You did this AGAIN? - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> Kitty! You did this AGAIN? - Duration: 6:28.


Businesses prep for NCAA tournament boom - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Businesses prep for NCAA tournament boom - Duration: 1:52.


VLOG #4 | SAY HI TO TWINS LUKE AND LEIA - Duration: 2:00.

Hey guys it's Veronica and I'm on my way

to Luke and Leia's 100 days on earth

It's a big celebration and it's perfect weather too

Like I know that it looks really gloomy and stuff but for me, this is perfect

Overcast skies

are more beautiful to me than blue skies

(GASP) Yes I said it

Anyway I think that I should get some kinda stand for my car because it

can't be safe for me to be holding up one hand and driving around trying to vlog

so yeah if you've got any suggestions please let me know in the comments below

Alright, so some people might think that I'm despicable or disgusting for using

babies in my videos.

Nah. What I'm doing is I'm getting them used to being treated like public property..

Because if you're a twin

you're practically one

I have no idea how many times I have gone out with the twins just for someone to

stop me and be like: "are those twins?!!?!?"

I get that you know? Like people want to be sure

Sometimes (we say) "is it raining?"

We tend to state the obvious but then they'll go

ahead and touch them

I wouldn't even touch someone's dog without asking them

so what makes you think that you can just rock up to some random stranger's baby

and put your hands on it




you get the idea I mean like

seriously I don't know where your hands have been

I don't know if you're sick

You don't know if you're sick

So please

Don't touch people's babies


For more infomation >> VLOG #4 | SAY HI TO TWINS LUKE AND LEIA - Duration: 2:00.


한예리 나이 키 몸매 궁금증 알아보기 - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 한예리 나이 키 몸매 궁금증 알아보기 - Duration: 3:39.


네티즌 깜짝 놀라게 한 윤성빈의 사진 한 장.jpg ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> 네티즌 깜짝 놀라게 한 윤성빈의 사진 한 장.jpg ♥ 오늘의 뉴스 - Duration: 2:37.


Rosa Perrotta 'rosica'? Paola Di Benedetto ne ha per tutti e svela i segreti dell'Isola - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Rosa Perrotta 'rosica'? Paola Di Benedetto ne ha per tutti e svela i segreti dell'Isola - Duration: 3:20.


"황금기는 오늘부터"..워너원, 본격 컴백활동 돌입 - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> "황금기는 오늘부터"..워너원, 본격 컴백활동 돌입 - Duration: 2:32.


Connecting With You and Testing Out a Standing Desk - Duration: 4:54.

and I consider you guys friends so it's just like really cool to like be like

hey what's up that's my friend and she's watching me live right now

hey guys what's up good morning it is Friday and I have no makeup on my face

and I really look like I should probably put something on my face today but

whatever I have been going to the gym I've been working out every day uhm

fasted cardio in the morning and this again I'm kind of getting back into it I

was looking at old videos and I'm like no matter what Greg and I did back in

the day I would make sure I hit the gym in the morning for fasted cardio and

then we would go out and do whatever we had to do then I would probably hit the

gym again in the evening because I was doing two-a-days and it just worked for

me so right now I'm trying to take things a little bit slower it's been a

bit embarrassing because I just cannot lift the weight that I want to lift but

I'm taking it slow so I'm using like five pound weights for basically

everything and when I'm doing like resistance stuff um I'm just really kind

of going through the motions instead of worrying about weight at the moment and

usually I would feel like oh my god people are gonna stare at me this is

gonna be embarrassing the weight then on lifting isn't that heavy but I'm like

you know what nobody really knows how I feel after my workout during my workouts

um what my body's going through right now

and I just need to like embrace that and just kind of deal with it and that's

what I'm doing so yeah and I joined a new gym I also did a live stream last

night you guys which is gonna be like a week ago but I did a live stream on

YouTube for the first time ever I had to figure that whole thing out I had to

download like Obie's something to my computer and then you have to put in

this code that you get from YouTube into this thing so that you can live stream a

zoo here too but it did it and Angie um she wasn't one and she was talking to me

while I was doing the thing which I think it's really cool I think it's so

cool to be like interactive with the people that you talked to and I consider

you guys friends so it's just like really cool to like feel like hey what's

up that's my friend she's watching me live right now

simple things in life my arms killing me oh the other day you guys so I said this

on my livestream but the other day I checked my blood pressure right after

the gym and I was like almost perfection level and I didn't even take any of my

medicine yet in the morning so that was kind of weird and cool and let's say

right now it has 816 so I should probably be heading upstairs it's Friday

I wanted to call out so bad today but I'm gonna do it I'm not gonna do it I

have sick time but I'm gonna use with him sick or what I'm really really

really just can't come into the office so anyway I'm rambling but you guys know

this is daily rambles but what oh I'm speaking of ramble I've been trying to

decide I have two channels I have this daily channel and have a main channel

and I'm like should I move everything together and then I want to do live

streams do I do live streams on my daily channel or do I do it on my main channel

I think I'm gonna keep my main channel different and I think we don't want to

do like the random little like let's make friends or even like weekly wind up

I might just do that I'm here I don't know I'm so confused

I need to figure it out and I'm procrastinating so let me get my booty

upstairs and let's get this day going and I will

see you guys later maybe I'll turn the camera on while I'm working today cuz so

you guys find me typing on the computer entertaining right no maybe not maybe if

I put some cute little music next to it and you just be like yeah I don't know

hey I really don't want to go into the office I am just totally rambling I'm

like what else can i rave all about let's go

me we're the lives I think Who am I without stories that aren't mine what I

did to achieve you gave me I thought I had to I'm untrue

it's not pretty the truth hurts and you stayed on the ground

yes you and I'm going to start keeping one of my

own and I don't know maybe someday somebody will buy it off of like eBay or

whatever is like the cool thing at that time

For more infomation >> Connecting With You and Testing Out a Standing Desk - Duration: 4:54.


Aubrey O'Day Admits To An Affair With Donald Trump Jr. | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:55.































































For more infomation >> Aubrey O'Day Admits To An Affair With Donald Trump Jr. | TMZ TV - Duration: 1:55.


Tajemný muž z roku 2030: Vyrukoval s děsivým proroctvím o dlouhékrvavé válce! - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> Tajemný muž z roku 2030: Vyrukoval s děsivým proroctvím o dlouhékrvavé válce! - Duration: 1:59.


Nick Griffin - Expõe o Plano Kalergi na União Europeia CC - Duration: 2:35.

The godfather of the European Union, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi,

published the plan for a united Europe and the ethnocide of the peoples of Europe, the encouragement of mass non-white immigration was central to the plot.

Since then, an unholy alliance of leftists, capitalists and Zionist supremacists

has schemed to promote immigration and miscegenation with the deliberate aim of breeding us out of existence in our homelands.

As indigenous resistance to this human genetic-modification industry grows,

the criminal elite seeks new ways to camouflage their project.

First, their immigrant pawns were temporary guest workers;

then it was a multiracial experiment;

then they were refugees,

and then the answer to a shrinking population.

Different excuses, different lies,

and asylum is just another one.

But the real aim stays the same:

the biggest genocide in human history,

the final solution to the Christian European problem.

This crime demands a new set of Nuremberg trials, and you people will be in the dock.

Mr. Griffin there is a blue card for you from mrs. Gomez, all right?!

Mrs. Gomes...

Mr. president I'm really ashamed of the racist and xenophobic terms that were used by mr. Griffin

and my only question to him is:

if he's there to make any concrete suggestions and amendments to the legislation,

is your policy serious or used are you just shouting and I hope you will not be re-elected if you seek reelection because it's a shame for this Parliament the kind of statements you have just made

Mr. Griffin...

Mr. Griffin...

it's you that's shouting because obviously the truth hurts.

Yes, i will be seeking real action.

Yes, i hope to return here to speak up for the indigenous Europeans which the founder of this place has deliberately set out to wipe out because that is a crime

I'm telling the truth, i have a constructive suggestion to help those poor asylum seekers from Africa

yes, make it clear they come here

so they don't try to cross the sea and drown in huge numbers

the best way for them is to get the banks off the backs of their countries so they can live in peace in their countries and we Europeans can live in peace in ours, thank you.

Thank you mr. Griffin.

For more infomation >> Nick Griffin - Expõe o Plano Kalergi na União Europeia CC - Duration: 2:35.


7 sinais de que o fígado está intoxicado - Duration: 6:58.

For more infomation >> 7 sinais de que o fígado está intoxicado - Duration: 6:58.


Globo ameaça expulsar Kaysar do BBB após atitude polêmica | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Globo ameaça expulsar Kaysar do BBB após atitude polêmica | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:58.


'BBB18': Participantes ganham Dia da Beleza; confira antes e depois das sisters - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> 'BBB18': Participantes ganham Dia da Beleza; confira antes e depois das sisters - Duration: 4:35.


Após 11 anos, apresentadora é demitida pela RedeTV e fãs lamentam | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> Após 11 anos, apresentadora é demitida pela RedeTV e fãs lamentam | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:27.



For more infomation >> PROGRAMA LANÇAMENTO: ANIVERSARIO DE 40 ANOS - Duration: 2:33.


Os 5 melhores remédios caseiros para a acidez do estômago - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> Os 5 melhores remédios caseiros para a acidez do estômago - Duration: 9:17.


Islamic Calligraphy Art | Chinese Islamic Calligrapher - Duration: 2:16.

Islamic Calligraphy Art | Chinese Islamic Calligrapher

hajr Dean is a Chinese Muslim he is unique in terms of his katha graphic

skills calligraphy is very important in the central part of the world of Islam

in terms of Arabic calligraphy but calligraphy also of course is very

important in China and East Asia as a leading expression of art and he has

this kind of party piece where he does both at the same time and produced the

things which are meaningful in Arabic but then meaningful in Mandarin as well

and it's a real sort of theatrical occasion in that sense so we're really

pleased to be welcoming him to Edinburgh in a couple of weeks tonight

well there are three events that he's doing one of which which is at the Book

Festival on Saturday the 15th of August where he's going to be speaking about

his work very much in the context of one of their themes this year which is

translation so he's going to reflect on what he does but also demonstrated to an

audience that we hope will involve adults and also schoolchildren as well

he's then going to be doing an event for the just festival where perhaps he'll

reflect a little bit more on some of the spiritual dimensions of his work but

again with demonstration and that's on Sunday the 16th of August and then he's

also going to be doing some work work in the embro central mosque which will

demonstrate clearly his very obviously Muslim credentials including an

exhibition of his work so as well as doing examples of news he will be

bringing with him some of the examples of his work

and people didn't buy them any fish Teja is fired what auntie LAN 30 hunter we

won me be huh move our Monash infants wannabe

For more infomation >> Islamic Calligraphy Art | Chinese Islamic Calligrapher - Duration: 2:16.


Recupere seu cabelo com gengibre - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Recupere seu cabelo com gengibre - Duration: 5:06.



For more infomation >> CZY WIESZ, ŻE DA SIĘ SPALAĆ TKANKĘ TŁUSZCZOWĄ W TRAKCIE SNU? - Duration: 2:59.


GÜRCİSTAN BATUMA GİDİYORUM 1.BÖLÜM / I am going to Georgia Batumi by hitchhiking part one - Duration: 19:42.


I hitchhed one car took me.

Now,I am going to susuz district near kars.They are from susuz yayla village

I will go to susuz district with this car.

I leave the car at the susuz district

I am waiting another car to take me

I am hitchhiking to go Ardahan

I am hitchhiking to go Ardahan

I am going main road

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