Monday, March 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 27 2018

Clip to save you will be amazed With couponing crystle hey lovely people

couponing crystal here with my CBS offer this week March see 26 I did a little

coupon in I know I haven't been doing anyhow because I've been preparing for a

Matisse baby shower that is gonna be this weekend this Saturday so my

grandbaby that's coming miss charity her baby shower is this weekend so that's

the reason why I haven't been doing anyhow cuz I haven't been couponing

because I've been making stuff so I will definitely show you lovely people the

baby shower in a video so you can see all the things that I have been making I

don't want to post it early because then amitiel see it won't be a surprise and

that's that so the first thing I did this week at CVS was the soft soap the

soft soap is 349 and you're going to get back $8.75 extra buck and you can

actually do this deal I believe four times you can do this deal four times

now the reason why I did the soft soap because I have quite a bit of salsa but

the reason why I did it because it ends up being free for me after the extra

buttons because I had a two off of six CRT and I used my 75 cent coupons that I

got off for so again it was 349 349 I used a two off of $6 body wash

CRT and I use my two 75 cent coupons which made me have to pay out of pocket

3 dollars and 48 cent but I got back a three dollar and fifty cent extra buck

because I got $2 75 back okay so that was a good deal to me the next thing I

did was the soft soap hand soap I don't have a lot of this so I definitely

wanted to do this deal pretty much I have a

maybe a couple of these maybe I don't have very many the rest of my hand soaps

are from Bath & Body when I do the Bath & Body deal during Christmas so I

definitely wanted to do this because I felt like after extra bucks it's pretty

good deal this is a good ounce this is 11.25 ounce this is the lavender and

chamomile which I feel like it smells pretty good okay this week they weren't

on sale for oh let's see two four five and you're gonna get back a two dollar

and twenty five cents extra buck when you purchase two so I had two of these

75 cent off coupons that was on so that's the reason why I

did it lovely people so after I paid that after I got my dollar fifty off of

my $5 it made it 350 out-of-pocket I got my

two dollar and 25 cents extra buck back which made it be a dollar and 25 cents

for two of these which you know that's a that's a great deal I feel because of

the what's you're painting in the Dollar Tree you're paying a dollar for one of

these and they're smaller than this in the Dom tree that was a good deal them

to me I only went in the store with a five dollar extra buck didn't have many

extra bucks lovely people because I haven't been couponing at CVS and I

actually let some extra bucks expire I know that is fire OH

that's unheard of you know I don't be doing that but I actually had some

chicks fires only had five dollars on my car and then I scan my card to get my

CRTs and I ended up getting a three dollar Beauty bucks that was great so I

had eight dollars to shop with so I had to stretch it so the next deal that I

did was the wet and wild deal and the reason why the red and wild deal this

week is spent in and get five well that's half off right there without even

have any coupons didn't have any wet wild coupons but I did have a four off

of ten wet and wild CR T so that's the reason why I did that lovely people and

I ended up getting the little lip glosses

I ended up getting these because I actually like these this is the color

that I really like I like this color I tend to wear this color sometimes so

these were $2.49 in my store drop them love the people they were to

those at 49 say in my store so of course I just needed to get within 98% of the

$10 in order for it to generate my extra butt back and it did so I got four of

these so that was great so ultimately I ended up paying four dollars and forty

nine sin was my subtotal and the only reason why I did is because I went on

and did the wet and wild and I was trying to get my little extra bucks

feeling a little extra bucks back up okay so I think that was a good deal

because I ended up getting back $5 extra buck $2 and 25-cent extra' bucks just

for the wedding wild the 2025 cent was the hand soaps also and then three

dollars and 50 cent back for the two body wash so that was great that was 5 6

7 8 9 10 10 75 facts so I used 8 but I got 10 75 back so I've made a profit

lovely people and at least I've got at least $10 to shop with when I go back

cuz I need to go back if I can get back throwing my extra bucks lovely people

cuz I used to have 30 and 40 and $50 worth the extra bucks and I'm just like

lint in my pockets when I go to CVS you know I don't wanna spend my money I

almost being cash so I hope this little deal was helpful for you lovely people

if you did some CVS shopping this week let me know in the comments below of

this video they have got a lot of Easter candy on sale and I feel like they got

some good deals I did have a Revlon CRT so I thought about using that on

tomorrow to see what I can get and that's pretty much it lovely people

remember click to save and you will be amazed by by a lovely people make sure

you keep in touch email me at coupon and krystal at or you can see me

on instagram and facebook as coupon and krystal if you'd like this video please

make sure you give it that thumbs up and share it with your other couponing

friends bye bye

For more infomation >> CVS HAUL 3/26/18 deals at CVS this week COUPONING CRYSTLE - Duration: 6:47.


Combatte l'herpes e la candida, contrasta i virus influenzali e i batteri. Scoprite gli ... - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Combatte l'herpes e la candida, contrasta i virus influenzali e i batteri. Scoprite gli ... - Duration: 2:05.


Produção do BBB18 se manifesta e fala em expulsar participantes | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Produção do BBB18 se manifesta e fala em expulsar participantes | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:21.


Che tempo che fa, Roberto Saviano e la guerra in Siria: 'Era la terra dei bambini' - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Che tempo che fa, Roberto Saviano e la guerra in Siria: 'Era la terra dei bambini' - Duration: 3:58.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E200 Automaat AMG Line | Burmester | LED | DAB | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E200 Automaat AMG Line | Burmester | LED | DAB | Panoramadak - Duration: 0:44.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E220D ESTATE Automaat | Panoramadak | Carmera | Airco | LED - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E220D ESTATE Automaat | Panoramadak | Carmera | Airco | LED - Duration: 0:42.


これがポルシェ ミッションE 市販型だ!パワートレイン最新情報も - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> これがポルシェ ミッションE 市販型だ!パワートレイン最新情報も - Duration: 2:36.


#EwangeliarzOP | 27 marca 2018 | (J 13, 21-33. 36-38) - Duration: 1:57.


How to prepare for the experience of these holy three days of our salvation,

when the cascades of grace will flow, when the blood of the Lord will flow and

when we receive the gift of resurrection along with Him, transferred to the sweet lightness of our new life.

How to prepare for it? Today we get the second hint: Be touched, cry over evil,

over the dark secret of evil which has happened in our lives we've lived.

Jesus, knowing Judas would betray Him, was deeply touched. It was His sadness over the mystery of evil and iniquity.

We' ve experienced them in our lives and the evil can shut us down, make us feel the pride of an urge of taking revenge,

or something that will constantly immerse us in such a swamp of remembrance and resentment.

Let' s today cry over the mystery of evil. Let's ask for the gift of tears over the mystery of iniquity crying out for salvation.


For more infomation >> #EwangeliarzOP | 27 marca 2018 | (J 13, 21-33. 36-38) - Duration: 1:57.





Saiba mais sobre a apendicite - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Saiba mais sobre a apendicite - Duration: 5:24.


Lady Gaga: finite on line decine di canzoni inedite - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Lady Gaga: finite on line decine di canzoni inedite - Duration: 2:01.


Inchaços durante a gravidez, como evitá-los? - Duration: 4:57.

For more infomation >> Inchaços durante a gravidez, como evitá-los? - Duration: 4:57.


Стоит ли покупать iPhone 7 Plus в 2018!? ПОЛЬЗУЮСЬ iPHONE 7 PLUS уже ГОД И МНЕ НРАВИТСЯ! - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Стоит ли покупать iPhone 7 Plus в 2018!? ПОЛЬЗУЮСЬ iPHONE 7 PLUS уже ГОД И МНЕ НРАВИТСЯ! - Duration: 3:17.


Jeep Compass eleito melhor SUV compacto - Oriente Médio - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Jeep Compass eleito melhor SUV compacto - Oriente Médio - Duration: 1:35.


Jeep Compass tabela de abril traz aumento de preços - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Jeep Compass tabela de abril traz aumento de preços - Duration: 0:40.


Jeep Renegade Desert Hawk: série especial limitada - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Jeep Renegade Desert Hawk: série especial limitada - Duration: 1:35.


Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk 2018: SUV com 707 cv - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk 2018: SUV com 707 cv - Duration: 1:35.


RANT: Apple, Where are the Touchscreen MacBooks?! - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> RANT: Apple, Where are the Touchscreen MacBooks?! - Duration: 3:40.


Addio a Fabrizio. Morto nella notte per una emorragia cerebrale... - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Addio a Fabrizio. Morto nella notte per una emorragia cerebrale... - Duration: 5:27.


La prova del cuoco, oggi 26 marzo 2018, NON VA IN ONDA - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> La prova del cuoco, oggi 26 marzo 2018, NON VA IN ONDA - Duration: 2:03.


Grey's Anatomy 14x17: ritorno di Teddy e nuovo interesse amoroso per Meredith - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Grey's Anatomy 14x17: ritorno di Teddy e nuovo interesse amoroso per Meredith - Duration: 4:05.


Classical EOQ Model | Dr. Tridib R. Sarma - Duration: 12:20.

For more infomation >> Classical EOQ Model | Dr. Tridib R. Sarma - Duration: 12:20.


Volvo XC60 2.0 T8 TWIN ENGINE AWD R-DESIGN **NIEUW VERKOCHT** - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volvo XC60 2.0 T8 TWIN ENGINE AWD R-DESIGN **NIEUW VERKOCHT** - Duration: 0:54.


LUMINALE 2018 RÖMERBERG - Frankfurt Events Light Show Römer - Guided by Jürgen Schreiter #Luminale - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> LUMINALE 2018 RÖMERBERG - Frankfurt Events Light Show Römer - Guided by Jürgen Schreiter #Luminale - Duration: 1:29.


3月缺錢愁失眠的3大生肖!4月接財,數錢到睡著也數不完! - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> 3月缺錢愁失眠的3大生肖!4月接財,數錢到睡著也數不完! - Duration: 4:04.


CVS HAUL 3/26/18 deals at CVS this week COUPONING CRYSTLE - Duration: 6:47.

Clip to save you will be amazed With couponing crystle hey lovely people

couponing crystal here with my CBS offer this week March see 26 I did a little

coupon in I know I haven't been doing anyhow because I've been preparing for a

Matisse baby shower that is gonna be this weekend this Saturday so my

grandbaby that's coming miss charity her baby shower is this weekend so that's

the reason why I haven't been doing anyhow cuz I haven't been couponing

because I've been making stuff so I will definitely show you lovely people the

baby shower in a video so you can see all the things that I have been making I

don't want to post it early because then amitiel see it won't be a surprise and

that's that so the first thing I did this week at CVS was the soft soap the

soft soap is 349 and you're going to get back $8.75 extra buck and you can

actually do this deal I believe four times you can do this deal four times

now the reason why I did the soft soap because I have quite a bit of salsa but

the reason why I did it because it ends up being free for me after the extra

buttons because I had a two off of six CRT and I used my 75 cent coupons that I

got off for so again it was 349 349 I used a two off of $6 body wash

CRT and I use my two 75 cent coupons which made me have to pay out of pocket

3 dollars and 48 cent but I got back a three dollar and fifty cent extra buck

because I got $2 75 back okay so that was a good deal to me the next thing I

did was the soft soap hand soap I don't have a lot of this so I definitely

wanted to do this deal pretty much I have a

maybe a couple of these maybe I don't have very many the rest of my hand soaps

are from Bath & Body when I do the Bath & Body deal during Christmas so I

definitely wanted to do this because I felt like after extra bucks it's pretty

good deal this is a good ounce this is 11.25 ounce this is the lavender and

chamomile which I feel like it smells pretty good okay this week they weren't

on sale for oh let's see two four five and you're gonna get back a two dollar

and twenty five cents extra buck when you purchase two so I had two of these

75 cent off coupons that was on so that's the reason why I

did it lovely people so after I paid that after I got my dollar fifty off of

my $5 it made it 350 out-of-pocket I got my

two dollar and 25 cents extra buck back which made it be a dollar and 25 cents

for two of these which you know that's a that's a great deal I feel because of

the what's you're painting in the Dollar Tree you're paying a dollar for one of

these and they're smaller than this in the Dom tree that was a good deal them

to me I only went in the store with a five dollar extra buck didn't have many

extra bucks lovely people because I haven't been couponing at CVS and I

actually let some extra bucks expire I know that is fire OH

that's unheard of you know I don't be doing that but I actually had some

chicks fires only had five dollars on my car and then I scan my card to get my

CRTs and I ended up getting a three dollar Beauty bucks that was great so I

had eight dollars to shop with so I had to stretch it so the next deal that I

did was the wet and wild deal and the reason why the red and wild deal this

week is spent in and get five well that's half off right there without even

have any coupons didn't have any wet wild coupons but I did have a four off

of ten wet and wild CR T so that's the reason why I did that lovely people and

I ended up getting the little lip glosses

I ended up getting these because I actually like these this is the color

that I really like I like this color I tend to wear this color sometimes so

these were $2.49 in my store drop them love the people they were to

those at 49 say in my store so of course I just needed to get within 98% of the

$10 in order for it to generate my extra butt back and it did so I got four of

these so that was great so ultimately I ended up paying four dollars and forty

nine sin was my subtotal and the only reason why I did is because I went on

and did the wet and wild and I was trying to get my little extra bucks

feeling a little extra bucks back up okay so I think that was a good deal

because I ended up getting back $5 extra buck $2 and 25-cent extra' bucks just

for the wedding wild the 2025 cent was the hand soaps also and then three

dollars and 50 cent back for the two body wash so that was great that was 5 6

7 8 9 10 10 75 facts so I used 8 but I got 10 75 back so I've made a profit

lovely people and at least I've got at least $10 to shop with when I go back

cuz I need to go back if I can get back throwing my extra bucks lovely people

cuz I used to have 30 and 40 and $50 worth the extra bucks and I'm just like

lint in my pockets when I go to CVS you know I don't wanna spend my money I

almost being cash so I hope this little deal was helpful for you lovely people

if you did some CVS shopping this week let me know in the comments below of

this video they have got a lot of Easter candy on sale and I feel like they got

some good deals I did have a Revlon CRT so I thought about using that on

tomorrow to see what I can get and that's pretty much it lovely people

remember click to save and you will be amazed by by a lovely people make sure

you keep in touch email me at coupon and krystal at or you can see me

on instagram and facebook as coupon and krystal if you'd like this video please

make sure you give it that thumbs up and share it with your other couponing

friends bye bye

For more infomation >> CVS HAUL 3/26/18 deals at CVS this week COUPONING CRYSTLE - Duration: 6:47.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Sh!t Crypto Traders Say - Duration: 2:16.

what coins do you have?

ripple is mooooooning

see this?

That's a lambo


F*** man I would've made like $100,000 by now

when did you get into bitcoin?

dude it crashes all the time, it'll bounce back up

but do your own research

ripple is crashinnnggg

ripple is a bubble

f*** me the markets are bleeding more than my vagina

I would've made like $250,000 by now

okay f*** we should've sold it

oh can you use my referral link?

dude that's a shit coin

it'll bounce back up

Tesla baby

what's a good coin?

f*** I would've been a millionaire by now

John McAfee said it was good

bitcoin 40k easy bro

buy the dip sell the tip

it's good advice from what I hear I've never done it myself

dude crypto is the future

bitcoin is shit

what does that one do again?

do you think I should buy it?


do you think it'll keep going down?

it's probably gonna bounce on the 100 moving average so just check that

the RSI and stochastics are agreeing so I think it's a good time to buy

do you think I should sell it?

don't worry lightning network is coming

of course I've used bitcoin to pay for things DUH

like y'know ethereum and neo and like

you can buy all these other coins

ethereum is gonna be the new bitcoin





sia coin





is the future

aw dude it just broke through the trend line oh my gaw

dude you gotta get into this ICO, John McAfee is an advisor

aw dude it broke through the trend line

yeah I've no idea what I'm saying either, it just sounds cool

USDT tether is a scam

ripple is gonna be the new bitcoin

by the way don't take this as financial advice or anything

should I get a Trezor?

ah shit I gotta renew my passport for the KYC

is it FOMO if I buy it now?

hey have you heard of hashflare?

SUN MINING mine bitcoin and ethereum with us haha

yeah f*** I hate that ad

I use mainly like binance, bittrex, poloniex

and hitbtc

and kucoin

and etherdelta

and OKex

just made $1000 last week

I lost like $1000 last week but y'know it's okay I'll just hold

oh shit..


when lambo?

when moon?

when Tesla?


have you heard of bitconnect?

ah shit India just banned crypto

f*** the transaction fees are high

do you think cryptocurrency is a bubble

oh shit it went down 40%

oh shit it went up 40%

alts are down

yeah I'll probably just chuck an eth in it, I think it's a pretty good ICO

oh it's back up

oh I don't use stop losses

what wallet are you using?

buy it now, it's at 50% Fibonacci retracement level

heterogenous nodes which allows it to form a-

f*** I don't know what I'm saying either but it sounds pretty cool are you gonna invest

in this ico?

oh is it a scam?

f*** there's so many scaaaams

so do you want in?

I can give you my referral link

For more infomation >> Sh!t Crypto Traders Say - Duration: 2:16.


God's Will for You Is Healing - Duration: 22:45.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Today on the Believer's Voice of Victory,

Kenneth Copeland shows you how overcoming unbelief is vital in

order to walk in wholeness, free from doubt and unbelief. God's

will for you is to be completely free, walking in health.

KENNETH: Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This

is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Let's have

a word of prayer. We'll get right into today's Bible lesson.

Father, we thank You today. Oh, my, we praise and bless

You, sir. And we open our hearts and we open our minds

for revelation from heaven, particularly in the healing

ministry of Jesus, most particularly in watching for

faith, faith connection, words and power. We thank You for it.

Oh, glory to God. In Jesus' name, amen. Praise the Lord.

Hello, everybody. AUDIENCE: Hello. KENNETH: Praise God.

Thank You, Jesus. Our studio audience is here today. Isn't

that wonderful? Let's open our Bibles. We looked at this one

last week, but I want to go back to this because this is so

vitally important. The--I've heard--I heard Brother Hagin say

this, I've heard Keith Moore say this and others that I've talked

to about it and discussed it with other--Jesse Duplantis,

Jerry Savelle. Gloria and I have discussed it at length because

Gloria--oh, my, my. She's--shew, man, she knows the healing

ministry. The one thing that holds more Christian people in

bondage concerning healing is not knowing whether it's His

will or not. Now, Hebrews 13:8, you remember what that says?

Let's look at it. Hebrews 13:8, and James, Chapter 1. "Jesus

Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." James 1:17,

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and

cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom there's no

variableness, neither shadow of turning." That means there's no

change. He's--He's unchangeable. Well, of course, if you've seen

Jesus, you've seen the Father, and He's the same yesterday,

today, and forever. So anything He said yesterday is--He is

saying it today. (Audience "Amens") He never changes.

AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: Ever! AUDIENCE: That's right.

Amen. KENNETH: That's good, isn't it? (Audience Agrees) All

right, let's look at this in Matthew 8:2, "Behold, there came

a leper and worshipped him, saying, Lord, if you will," if

it's your will, "you can make me clean." Now, you see what his

problem was? (Audience Agrees) Man, he knew He had the power.

This was--this was no problem to Him. Let--but let's think about

the man a little bit. This is not just anybody. Turn over with

me to Luke 5:12. I want to show you something here. You remember

Luke is a physician? AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: And Luke will give

you information that is--particularly where sickness

and so forth is concerned--that the others didn't mention. Now

notice this. "There came to pass, and in a certain city,

behold a man full of leprosy." He's not just a leper. He's

stage 4. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: This man--this man is moments

from dying. Now, there's more to this than just, "If you will."

This is a man that has been rejected and kicked out and made

to stay away. He's--he's sick, he's about to die. He's got

these stinking, nasty sores all over him. He smells like a

sewer. The clothes he's got on, no telling--I mean, see, "Would

you even heal me?" AUDIENCE: Mm. KENNETH: Can you see it?

(Audience Agrees) "Would you even heal a castaway like me?"

(Sighs) Now, watch it. Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. "--who seeing

Jesus fell on his face, and besought him, saying, Lord, if

he will--you will, you can make me clean." Look what the first

thing Jesus did. It--the first thing wasn't--He didn't speak to

him first. He touched him first. AUDIENCE: Touched him, which is

crazy. KENNETH: Nobody had touched him. Now, I want you to

see, he fell on his face. Isn't that what that said? AUDIENCE:

Yes. KENNETH: He wasn't kneeling. He's--he's flat out on

the ground. I can just see Jesus, not bent over, on his

face, looking him right in the face. AUDIENCE: Mm. Thank You,

Lord. KENNETH: And touched him. AUDIENCE: Thank You, Lord. Yes.

Thank You, Lord. KENNETH: One translation says, "Of course I

will." Isn't that sweet? (Audience Agrees) Love Himself

got down in the dirt with him. Don't make no difference

what--he smelled good to Him. AUDIENCE: Amen. Amen. KENNETH:

Amen. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: He loved him, and He put his

hands on him. And immediately the leprosy left. AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. Praise God. KENNETH: Jesus can--can and will deliver

you like that. AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: Madman of

Gadara, like that. Did you ever think about that madman?

One--this--this ruler of the darkness ruling him. But he had

legions of demons crawling around in his body and messing

with his mind, and he's naked and cutting himself. If there

ever was any human being that Satan could have stopped him

from worshiping Jesus, it would have been him. He couldn't stop

him. AUDIENCE: No. Amen. Amen. KENNETH: He couldn't stop him.

AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: And I'm going to tell you

something, sweetheart. I don't care what's going on with you.

And there's no demon in hell can stop you from getting born

again. There's no nastiness on earth that'll keep Jesus from

getting right in there with you, just--I mean just get in there

with you. Glory to God. Hallelujah! AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. Hallelujah. KENNETH: Deliver you just that quick.

Cancer gone-- AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: --that quick. AUDIENCE:

Amen. Glory. Glory. KENNETH: Nowhere--nowhere in the--in the

whole Bible, but particularly in the New Testament, Jesus didn't

say it, no disciple said it, no apostle said it anywhere in the

whole Bible. Nobody was ever turned down! (Audience Agrees)

No! Nobody ever said you had to keep this. "God's going to teach

you something now." He teaches with His Word, not leprosy!

(Audience "Amens") Hallelujah! (Audience "hallelujahs") Nowhere

did it say you will have to wait a while. (Audience Agrees) If it

isn't in there, quit acting like it is. (Audience Agrees) Whoo!

Glory to God. I might just preach a little while here.

Hallelujah! Whoo-whoo! Hallelujah. Glory, glory, glory,

glory, glory. I wanted you to see--see, once Jesus said,

"I will," that settled it for all men for all time.

(Audience Agrees) If He ever said, "I will" to one

human being, He's no respecter of persons. (Audience "Amens")

There's nothing you can do except not believe it. That's

the only thing that stopped Jesus. Remember where

He "could do no mighty work"? Didn't say He

wouldn't, said, "He couldn't," in Nazareth. They didn't believe

what He preached. They didn't believe it. Well, if

you don't believe it, you can't receive it. (Audience Agrees)

All right. Now then, now--I want to show you again,

Jesus'--ha-ha-ha--willingness-- let's--let's go to Matthew 8.

Say, "I will." AUDIENCE: I will. KENNETH: Matthew, Chapter 8, and

Luke 7:1. Matthew 8:2, "Behold, there came a--" No, excuse me.

Excuse me. Matthew 8:5. Hey, notice this. "And when Jesus was

entered into Capernaum--" Okay, He went home again. Isn't that

rich? Every time you see that now, see, it means something to

your mental concept of what's going on. "When Jesus was

entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion,

beseeching him, saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick

of the palsy, grievously tormented. Jesus saith unto him,

I will come and heal him." He didn't even ask Him yet. "I

will--I will. I will." AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: He said, "I came

not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me."

AUDIENCE: Amen. That's right. KENNETH: That's the Father's

will. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: I will. Say, "I will." AUDIENCE: I

will. KENNETH: He can't change it. He's saying, "I

will" to you. AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: He's

saying it right now. Some of you are thinking, "Well,

you know, I'm just--I'm kind of wondering here.

Nothing's happened. I prayed and asked him to

heal me, and I didn't get anything, so I just figured it

wasn't His will." That's because you didn't believe anything. You

remember the woman with the issue of blood? Jesus said,

"Daughter, your faith has made you whole." What happened? She

believed in her heart. She said, "If I but touch but His clothes,

I shall be made whole." AUDIENCE: Yes. Amen. KENNETH:

Faith in the heart speaks with the mouth. But faith begins

where the will of God is known. You can't have any faith if you

don't know, one way or the other, whether--whether it's

God's will or not. Well, how--how can anybody ever find

out the will of God? Here it is right here. AUDIENCE: That's

right. KENNETH: This is God's first covenant. But the second

covenant is His will and testament. Jesus is the only man

who wrote a will, died, raised from the dead, and probated His

own will. (Audience "Amens") And that's what this is. That's

what--that's what this is. This is the last will and testament

of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. AUDIENCE: That's right. Amen.

KENNETH: And there's nothing in there that said it's not His

will. AUDIENCE: That's right. Amen. KENNETH: Oh, you ought to

be running around the couch right about now. (Laughter) Get

up off that sick bed! You know you shouldn't have been there in

the first place. You've been laying there feeling sorry for

yourself. In the name of Jesus, I'm getting on you because you

need to quit doing that. Stop it. Get your Bible. Look up

these scriptures. Get up from there. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH:

Come on, get up from there. (Audience "Amens") Hey, man, I

said, "Get up from there." AUDIENCE: Amen. Hallelujah.

KENNETH: You don't need to be laying there with the flu.

AUDIENCE: That's right. KENNETH: I rebuke the flu in the name of

the Lord Jesus Christ. I curse it, and I command it, every

symptom to die and come out of your body in Jesus' name.

(Audience Agrees) Shout, "Amen," somebody. (Audience "Amens")

Hallelujah! (Audience "Hallelujahs") Ha-ha-ha. Glory

to God. AUDIENCE: Glory to God. KENNETH: Hallelujah. AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. KENNETH: Thank You, Lord. I get all stirred up and

forgot where I was. (Laughter) Now, I wanted you to see again

here from this Jesus' will. "I will. I will come and heal him.

I will." Well, no, you know, I thought about this, and after

all, you know, you're--you're not even a Jew. I don't--" Now

wait a minute. Wait, whoa. The man knew that. I said, he knew

that. Let's look at it. "The centurion answered and said,

Lord, I'm not worthy that thou should come under my roof." Now,

don't start that "unworthy" business. AUDIENCE: That's

right. KENNETH: Now, if you're not born again, then, yeah,

you're unworthy because you're a heathen. (Laughs) May be

religious, but that doesn't--that doesn't count for

anything. But the moment you make Jesus Christ the Lord of

your life, the Scripture says, very clear, II Corinthians 5:17,

18, 19. Hmm? "Any man," any person--you--you understand when

the Scripture uses the word "man," it's not talking about

gender? It's talking about mankind, men and women both.

AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: "Any person in Christ is a

new creature," new creation. You were created in Christ Jesus.

Now, "Old things have passed away; and, behold, all things

have become new. And all things are of God--" Do you have any

concept of Jesus going to the cross, shedding his blood, going

to hell and suffering more than any man before or since? He

suffered it all so that the Holy Spirit could make an unworthy

new creature? Ain't no way. (Audience Agrees) Now, let me

give you another clue about the will of God. It is ludicrous to

get the idea that Jesus would promise you something in His

Word that wasn't His will. (Audience Agrees) Duh. But now,

see, that comes from religion. Christianity's not a religion.

It's had a religion made out of it-- AUDIENCE: Yes.

KENNETH: --from it. But it is not a religion. It's reality.

Christianity is God and His family. (Audience "Amens") Both

in heaven and--and earth. Glory to God. Amen. That's shouting

ground right there. (Audience "Amens") AUDIENCE: Hallelujah!

KENNETH: When you really realize you're a new creature,

this whole thing belongs to you. AUDIENCE: Yes. KENNETH: You're

family. Whoo! We're family. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH:

Ha-ha-hey-hey! I'm so glad, glory to God. I don't care where

you've come from. I don't care who your mama was or your

grandma or anybody else. Glory to God. God Almighty is your

very own Father, and Jesus is not only your blood brother,

He's your spirit twin. AUDIENCE: Praise God. Hallelujah.

Hallelujah. KENNETH: Because "we were born again not of

corruptible seed, but incorruptible by the Word of God

which lives and abides forever." Glory to God. Hey, can you get

that? (Audience Agrees) That's the same Word that raised Him

from the dead. And He's no longer called the only begotten

Son of God, He's called the firstborn! AUDIENCE: Yes.

KENNETH: The firstborn! Hallelujah! The firstborn!

AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. KENNETH: Firstborn! AUDIENCE: Hallelujah.

Amen. KENNETH: Bringing many sons to glory. (Audience Agrees)

Ha-ha-ha. Hallelujah. You can't get--you can't get happy over

that--(Laughter)--your wood's wet. You know it? (Audience

Agrees) If that don't set you on fire. AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH:

This is the year of the Holy Ghost and fire. (Audience

Agrees) And this is the kind of fire we're talking about here.

AUDIENCE: Amen. Yes. KENNETH: Now, let's go to Chapter 9,

Verse 1. "He entered into a ship--" ha-ha. Ha-ha "--and

passed over, and came into his own city." Say, "His own city."

AUDIENCE: His own city. KENNETH: That would be?

AUDIENCE: Capernaum. KENNETH: Capernaum, yes. Amen. Now, "And,

behold, they brought unto him a man sick of the palsy, lying on

a bed: Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy;

Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee." "Cheer up,"

He said. "And, behold, certain of the scribes said within

themselves, This man blasphemeth. Jesus knowing their

thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts? For

whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be fear given thee; or to

say, Arise, and walk?" But now look at--now get this one.

Get--hey. Da-da-da-da-dah. Get this one. "But that you may know

that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then

saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up your bed,

and go unto thine house. And he arose, and departed to his

house." AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Now then, let's go to the book

of Mark, Chapter 2. Mark 2. Now, each one of these has something

that the others don't have. And we'll see what they are. Mark 2,

Verse 1, "Again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and

it was noised that he was in the house." Do you know that's been

there all the time? (Laughs) He entered into the house.

AUDIENCE: Right. KENNETH: Now, I saw the fact that this was His

house years ago. But the Lord just--just had me just recently

just start tracking that timeline with Capernaum and so

forth, as I said earlier. "Straightway many were gathered

together in--" Now, you know, let's change our attitude about

something here, and you'll--you'll see it. This

house was filled with people that wanted to be there. They're

not antagonistic to Him. AUDIENCE: That's right.

KENNETH: They came there to hear Him. This is in His own

home. AUDIENCE: Yeah. Mm-hmm. KENNETH: So they're

not--they're not trying to interrupt Him. He just

said something they didn't know what to do with.

All right. "Many gathered together, insomuch there's no

room to receive them, no, not so much about

the door: and he preached the word." Now, there's something

that--He preached the Word. AUDIENCE: Amen.

KENNETH: He preached the Word. "Faith cometh by

hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." AUDIENCE: Amen.

Amen. KENNETH: But these men got distracted and weren't

listening. They're thinking religion now, and they're

not hearing what He's saying. "And they came unto him,

bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four.

When they could not come nigh unto him for the press,

they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had

broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the

palsy lay. Jesus saw their faith--" He saw their faith.

Now, it takes faith of the four plus the man. How--hey, you got

the palsy, you want somebody carrying you up on top of a

house in a--in a sheet? (Laughter) I don't think so.

"Boy, he ain't going to take me up there and just fall off that

roof." "He saw their faith, and said to the sick of the palsy,

Son, thy sins be forgiven thee." Now, when--we're going to take

it up here tomorrow. But I want you to see something very, very

vitally important. The same power that forgives heals.

(Audience "Amens") It's not two different powers. AUDIENCE: Yes.

KENNETH: Huh? AUDIENCE: Amen. KENNETH: Say it, "The same--"

(Audience Repeats) "--power that forgives heals." AUDIENCE: Amen.

Praise God. KENNETH: We'll be back in just a moment.

AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. Praise God. (Applause)

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.

For more infomation >> God's Will for You Is Healing - Duration: 22:45.


Gen. Keane: Expulsions won't deter Putin's aggression - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Gen. Keane: Expulsions won't deter Putin's aggression - Duration: 4:32.


#IAmACreator Final Fantasy VI - Duration: 2:26:04.

For more infomation >> #IAmACreator Final Fantasy VI - Duration: 2:26:04.


Make a metre | Classroom activity - Duration: 2:38.

For more infomation >> Make a metre | Classroom activity - Duration: 2:38.


Gene Chizik explains why he went on Spring Break with his 20-year-old daughters - Duration: 1:24.

I have twin daughters that are 20. And...

Um, they uh...they laugh at me a lot

cause they know I'm probably way overprotective.

Um...but, I'm a helicopter dad.

And my daughters...

Lauren Sisler: "Okay what does that even mean?"

That means that I'm hovering over them all the time.

Sisler: "Ah, okay."

And like, I'm just making sure that everything's good.

(Suspenseful Music)

They wanted to go on Spring Break to Mexico.

And I said I don't think that's gonna happen.

And they were on me and on me and on me about

"Dad we want to go, we want to go, we're grown-up, we're grown-up"...

And they are. And I trust them wholeheartedly.

I just don't trust everybody else.

So, I said yeah okay. You guys can go to Spring Break.

And, uh...little did they know that we were going to have a plane flight with them, as well...

and stay at a hotel it was a mile down the road.

So, well...that was part of the deal.

So...Yeah, you can go to Mexico, but...

TADA! Here we are.

Sisler: "What did you think of that foam party?" (laughs)

Yeah, so we tried to stay away from the foam party.

But, I thought I would tweet that out for everybody who's

wondering what their daughters or sons may be doing on Spring Break...

No matter where you are...this is what happens on spring break.

Which is why we were a mile down the road.


I just thought it would be interesting for them to see that.

For more infomation >> Gene Chizik explains why he went on Spring Break with his 20-year-old daughters - Duration: 1:24.


Joe Gomez injury opens the door for Nathaniel Clyne's Liverpool return ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:08.

Young defender facing a spell on the sidelines - but Klopp has decent options.

Nathaniel Clyne stepped up his push for a first-team recall as a depleted Liverpool

squad trained at Melwood on Monday.

The Reds right-back is in contention for Saturday's Premier League trip to Crystal Palace after

Joe Gomez was hurt on international duty.

Gomez is facing a spell on the sidelines after damaging his ankle playing for England in

their friendly against the Netherlands in Amsterdam on Friday night.

That means Trent Alexander-Arnold and Clyne are competing for the right to start at Selhurst


Losing Gomez represents a blow for Jurgen Klopp as the 20-year-old has been in fine

form - clocking up 29 appearances so far this term.

However, his absence could open the door for Clyne, who hasn't played for Liverpool since

the win over Middlesbrough on the final day of last season.

The England international suffered a back injury in pre-season which required surgery

and he embarked on a lengthy rehabilitation programme.

Clyne made his comeback a month ago in Liverpool Under-23s' emphatic 4-0 win over Stoke City

and has been steadily building up his fitness levels since.

Klopp's non-internationals returned to training at Melwood on Monday after being given last

week off.

Clyne trained with the likes of Alberto Moreno, Dejan Lovren, James Milner, Loris Karius,

Danny Ward, Danny Ings and Joel Matip.

The full squad will be reunited on Wednesday - less than 72 hours before the lunchtime


with Palace.

For more infomation >> Joe Gomez injury opens the door for Nathaniel Clyne's Liverpool return ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:08.


RANT: Apple, Where are the Touchscreen MacBooks?! - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> RANT: Apple, Where are the Touchscreen MacBooks?! - Duration: 3:40.


Extending the 'Make a metre' activity | Classroom activity - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Extending the 'Make a metre' activity | Classroom activity - Duration: 3:23.


Shopkins: Wild - Movie - Duration: 1:14:31.

For more infomation >> Shopkins: Wild - Movie - Duration: 1:14:31.


Liberty Chronicles, Ep. 47: The People's Governor - Duration: 25:02.

Anthony Comegna: In Rhode Island 1842, politician Thomas W. Dorr calling himself, the People's

Governor, threaten civil war throughout New England. His main target was the famous colonial

charter issued by King Charles II in 1663. In the 19th century, the document was of world

historical importance, the planets oldest existing written constitution at the time,

and [00:00:30] surely the most liberal in its own day.

Radical Jacksonian and America's first professional historian George Bancroft declared, "Nowhere

in the world have life, liberty, and property been safer than in Rhode Island."

Yet, by 1841 the union smallest state was no longer a republic, and Bancroft was convinced

that America's libertarian destiny required a revolution in Rogues' Island.

[00:01:00] Welcome to Liberty Chronicles, a project of I'm Anthony

Comegna ... Almost since its founding, Rhode Island was a democracy in decline.

Thanks to Roger Williams and Ann Hutchinson's battles with puritans in Massachusets Bay,

the states founding principles were absolute religious liberty, and peaceful cooperative

interactions between peoples. In 1655, some small towns allowed [00:01:30]

as much as 90% of white males to vote. By 1725 to 1776, that shrunk to an average of

75%. When the revolution came most states held constitutional conventions, Rhode Islanders

kept their old charter and still probably had the most democratic government in the

world. It was the last ex-colony to ratify the constitution

in the initial referendum lost by a huge margin. After federalist dominated, Providence threaten

to secede from the state, [00:02:00] the countryside fell in line and join the union.

Throughout the 1790s, entrepreneurs and capitalist introduce industrialization to North America,

first in Rhode Island and a large landless, urban, and immigrant population came with

it. By 1829, so few people owned land that they

were only about 8,400 freemen and over 12,000 non-freemen. Between the 1790s and the 1830s,

every other state [00:02:30] significantly extended voting rights or entirely abolish

land holding requirements. But, in Rhode Island the charter provided

no method of amendment. There literally was no legal way to change the document unless

you happen to have a king handy to issue a new one. And the government stubbornly refused

any change in voting qualifications. By 1841, not even most white men could vote,

and Rhode Island was a republic in name only. Such a serious situation [00:03:00] called

for a hero, but what Rhode Islanders got was Thomas Wilson Dorr.

Dorr was born in Providence on November 5, 1805, to one of the states leading families.

He was a brilliant, privileged young man who studied law and look destined to become governor

one day. But, in a by then crusty conservative state like Rhode Island Dorr had a problem,

he was a radical liberal, a republican revolutionary. From a young age Dorr was captivated with

the liberal, and nationalist movements that [00:03:30] spread across Europe after Napoleon's

empire crashed. There were unification movements in Italy and Germany. Independence movements

in Ireland, Greece, and Poland, and in France's July revolution of 1830.

The Paris masses forced King Charles X to abdicate. Dorr believed that what the American

revolution first started was now spreading around the globe, extinguishing old regimes

with the unstoppable force of destiny. Yet, even if global republicanism was mankind's

[00:04:00] inevitable future, people here and now, today have to choose to make the

future happen. Dorr kept up a lively corespondents with European friends like; railroad engineer

William Bridges Adams who often wrote for the liberal reform press, and was praised

by John Stewart Mill on liberty. When Adams sent Dorr a copy of his 1832 essay

on ethics and politics, Dorr's reply voice support for a wide ranging reforms in britain,

and a liberal politics very nearly approaching modern libertarianism.

Speaker 2: [00:04:30] Thomas Wilson Dorr to Mr. William B. Adams of London, May 28, 1832.

"Dear Sir, we had the news, a few days ago, that the Reform Bill has passed a second reading

in the Lords, and will soon be discussed in committee."

"At this distance, it seems improbable that it can become a law, without essential alterations,

depriving it of much of its vigor, unless the liberal portion of the House of Lords

shall be strongly reinforced." " [00:05:00] Earl Grey seems to have incurred

a great hazard in going to the vote on the second reading, without a new creation of

peers. Had the bill been lost, the disastrous consequences would have been an everlasting

reproach to his memory." "I say memory because his head would probably

have been lost also, unless Englishmen are made of different stuff than what we give

them credit for. It seems most reasonable to presume that he had positive assurance

of a small majority." "If your ministers were [00:05:30] very much

in earnest, would they not make straight, quick work of the bill? There is ground for

suspicion. But, after all that has been said, written, and done out of Parliament by the

people, it is improbable to doubt that a reform equal to the necessities of the nation, will

be had, in some way or other, and that speedily. For the sake of peace and humanity, it is

to be hoped that the wisdom of the House of Lords will not come too late."

"Your Rights of Morality contains many just statements and reflections. [00:06:00] But

I agree with your critics in thinking that you have laid yourself open to a charge of

Agrarianism, and that the class, for whom the book has intended, will understand you

as teaching such a doctrine." "It was doubtless the intention of the beneficent

Creator that all the individuals of the vast human family should subsist by the fruits

of the earth, and there are certainly room enough for all who are sent into this breathing

world. But, fraud, violence, ignorance, accident, and perverse human policy [00:06:30] have

contradicted and postponed the true interests of mankind for ages."

"It rejoices every philanthropic heart that there is now a strong tendency toward the

natural arrangement. The perverse system of which I speak assigns to one man, or to a

few men, vast tracks of land, to a large body only such small portions as barely to suffice

to subsist them." "And to the majority, absolutely no share

at all of the earth surface. [00:07:00] A large part of this majority, of course become

virtually the slaves of the favored few, hewers of wood and drawers of water, feeding upon

remnants, ignorant and corrupt." "These vast estates are accumulated by impolitic

laws of entail and primogeniture. Vested rights of property exist under these laws. They are

bad, and should be repealed, and the evil thus gradually corrected."

"The poor man, who does not now enjoy his share of the fruits of the earth [00:07:30]

according to the benign provision of his maker, will then, in time, receive a portion of the

divided estate of the overgrown proprietor. Comfort, intelligence, and enterprise will

denote that the greatest number has become happy and God meant they should be."

"Now I complain that the poor man maybe led to think, by your book, that he has a present

right to a portion of the great heritage, and may help himself without waiting for the

slow process of legislation." "True, you tell him to be careful lest [00:08:00]

he make his condition worse by attempting to do himself justice. But, his reply will

be, "Concede my right and I will take the risk of the consequences."

Anthony Comegna: The most historians have ignored the fact Thomas Wilson Dorr was also

a Loco-Foco. He was a convert to America's first libertarian movement. The Loco-Focos

fought Tammany Hall for control of democratic parties nominating processes in the mid-1830s.

They won at least a partial [00:08:30] victory and succeeded in creating a more laissez-faire,

more intellectually committed democratic party that emphasized absolute equal rights for

all. The Loco-Foco message was captivating for

young men like Dorr. As early as 1833, he wanted anti-corporate banking reform, prison

and education reforms, and a new state constitution. In 1835, after a Charleston mob burned abolitionist

male, and the administration did nothing in response. New [00:09:00] York Editorialist

William Leggett lashed out at this violation of equal rights.

The democratic party officially ex-communicated Leggett, and people like Dorr took notice.

He became an abolitionist, convinced that the democratic party guided by Loco-Foco philosophy

could effectively deliver universal suffrage to Rhode Islanders.

For a more libertarian Loco-Foco future, Dorr looked back into Rhode Islands legendary founding.

In a letter to America's first professional [00:09:30] historian George Bancroft, Dorr

invoke the life and ideas of Roger Williams as a source for inspiration in the here and


Speaker 2: Thomas Wilson Dorr letter to George Bancroft, November 25, 1835. "As Rhode Island

men, we like the great and liberal views you have taken of the character and life of Roger

Williams. And it gives us pleasure to see the founder of our state in his own time,

[00:10:00] a poor oppress servant of God called by the multitude who cast them out. The heretic

and disturber of the peace in church and state, taking his historical place as the illustrious

advocate of religious and civil liberty." "The writings and aspirations of such a man

are in the nature of prophecy. His just perception of the native and inalienable right of man,

in a gloomy and unpropitious age, was in evidence of the capacity and worthiness not merely

of his own, [00:10:30] but of the human mind to exist in a condition of greater freedom

than was then known in the social state." "And this mind is capable of nothing to which

it does not tend. Every discovery of a principle therefore come formable to the laws of its

nature. He asserted in an age of ignorance and oppression, and combated, and overcome

by the strong hand of prevalent tyranny is a prophecy of the destiny of mankind and better."

"And it may be in remote times to recognize, adopt, [00:11:00] and realize that principle

in its full extent. The prophecy of Williams is now fulfilled in the constitutions of our

states and in that of the United States." "It is being fulfilled in the progress of

equal rights, and republican principles in the country from which he came. The word of

history is that nothing is good for a great and honest mind, in a dark period of the world,

that is not ultimately good for the mind of the race, and that is not promised to its

efforts for light and [00:11:30] emancipation." "The noble conceptions of the great men of

the past are now in course of a rapid fulfillment. They did without the sight, but the present

and generations to come will take care of their memory."

Anthony Comegna: Their anti-slavery tendencies were always a thorny political problem for

the Dorrites. They were smack in the middle of the northern state with the deepest and

darkest ties to southern slavery. Rhode Island was the single greatest source

of slave [00:12:00] trade capital, sailors and shipping during the 18th century. And

this legacy provided the basis of wealth for many of the states great families.

This was a deeply racist society, and while white males may have like Dorr's rhetoric

about universal equal rights, they hardly believed African/Americans were qualified

for the same sort of citizenship as themselves. A strong majority of Rhode Islanders including

Dorrites believe their whiteness by itself elevated them above [00:12:30] black people.

So, all this talk about equal political rights clearly did not apply to them.

Dorrites like Charles Peckham outright refused to even run for office, fearing that his various

heresies, atheism, and abolitionism would set him up as a political punching bag for

both parties to hurt the larger movement.

Speaker 2: Charles Peckham letter to Thomas Wilson Dorr, April 11, 1836. "Friend [00:13:00]

Dorr, I was informed by constitutionalists that my name was placed in the list of Senators,

and while it cannot be but a pleasure to me thus to have the good opinion of the committee

who have placed me on the constitutional ticket, I think it my duty to the committee and to

myself to state the objections, which can be argued against me. So that if it be too

late to substitute another name in my place before the coming elections, and that without

giving me the least offense, it shall be deemed necessary in advancing the general [00:13:30]

good, which we would deserve." "In the first place then, an objection of

the logical heterodoxy might be argued against me by religionists. For after much examination,

and love lost all faith in the supernatural, and as I am one who firmly believes that truth

is a friend, an error of the enemy of man. I have never hesitated to utter the deep convictions

of my heart be the consequences to myself what they might."

"Of course, I have had some cruel wounds inflicted upon me. [00:14:00] The next objection, which

maybe brought against me is my utter [opporence 00:14:04] of negro slavery, and I am in favor

of the free discussion of the whole matter. However much the [despets 00:14:11] peace

maybe disturbed." "My lesson of abolitionism was learnt in a

slave holding state, before a single press had uttered a voice in the north. And I know

from my own seeing that the enormities of slavery are too great to be overlooked. And

the system so forcible as to admit of no palliation." " [00:14:30] I have discovered nothing in

historic or philosophic truth unfavorable to immediate emancipation. And in so far as

it can be brought about by moral means, my whole heart and soul are devoted."

Anthony Comegna: In 1837, Dorr wrote to the Rhode Islands State Anti-slavery Society declaring

his full support for abolitionism. He wanted abolition in Washington DC, repeal of the

gag rule that prevented anti-slavery discussion in congress.

He opposed annex in Texas, [00:15:00] still he agreed with people like Peckham and thought

that anti-slavery politics was best left to the transcendentalists and poetic dreamers.

As proof, he had letters from supporters like C. W. Needham who asked, "And why should we

undertake to settle the question of slavery? We have nothing to do with it."

By 1840, Dorr and most of his suffragists settled in with Martin Van Buren's democrats.

In letters to Boston's resident Loco-Foco intellectual Orestes Brownson, [00:15:30]

and Jacksonian political boss Amos Kendall; Dorr wrote that the wigs had to be fought

because they meant to roll back everything Loco-Foco democrats had gained throughout

the country in recent years. They were the staunch enemies of all things

reform, and any political route to a new state constitution would have to go through the

democratic party. As early as September 1839, in fact, Loco-Foco Levi Slamm join the crusade

for equal rights in Rhode Island. Slamm argued that US [00:16:00] constitution

guaranteed citizens a republican form of government, and the people possessed an absolute right

to alter or abolish their existing governments at will.

On March 27, 1840, Dorrites and abolitionists founded the Rhode Island Suffrage Association.

A little over a year later they called for a People's Constitutional Convention. The

convention met in October and crafted a new constitution for Rhode Island on [00:16:30]

the basis of universal white male suffrage. Race remain the sharpest dividing line at

the People's Convention, with delegates like Dorr opposed to the race qualification and

the majority in favor 46 to 18. The People's Constitution officially affirmed its spontaneous,

popular, revolutionary origins guaranteed by a host of Loco-Foco reforms and provided

for further amendment. The vote took place from the 27th to the 29th

of December 1841. [00:17:00] Voters overwhelmingly approved it, almost 14,000 in favor and a

meager 52 opposed. That even included a majority of freeholders almost 5,000 out of 8,000.

The state assembly responded to the Dorrites irregular, unsanctioned convention with an

authorized one of their own in February 1842. Dorr attended as a delegate and tried to convince

them to abandon their project, and pledge themself to the People's Constitution. [00:17:30]

The land holders bitterly refused. Their proposed constitution agreed to universalized

suffrage for native born white males, but it kept the land holding requirement for naturalized

immigrants. In March, the land holders' constitution loss

8,689 to 8,013. Over 8,000 Dorrites either abstained, or were excluded by the voting

qualifications. The People's Constitution meanwhile called for elections [00:18:00]

in April, and Rhode Islanders divided themselves up into waring camps.

Everywhere, towns and even families violently ruptured into political conflict, none more

so than Dorr's own. In April, his parents wrote to him to express their deepest shame

and regret that their son who is once so promising was now about to plunge their state into civil


Speaker 2: Henry and Lydia Dorr to their son, April 8, 1842. " [00:18:30] We hear with great

pain that you are about publishing a proclamation at the head of which you are named governor

of the state, which is a violation of the lawful authority of the state."

"It grieves us to the heart to know that a son of ours arrived at so mature an age, and

so well versed in the laws of his country should be a participant in acts calculated

to bring the state into destruction." "Arouse passions which you cannot allay, and

which God forbid produce civil strife attended with bloodshed [00:19:00] and murders. We

beseech you. We pray you to pause before you pass the Rubicon and become engulfed in political,

criminal degradation where our feeble prayers will not avail to save you from disgrace and

ruin." "We again beg entreat and pray you to retire

from the strife you are inciting, for the law must prevail or all government is at an

end. If your heart is sensible to the parental anguish we have and now suffer, we pray our

heavenly father will vouchsafe [00:19:30] and awaken in yours a corresponding feeling

for our sufferings. And influence you to renounce the course you are pursuing and restore us

to a peace of mind, which has for a long time been a stranger to us."

"May God in his infinite mercy prompt you to a decision, which only can restore you

to the good opinion of your friends and fellow citizens whose esteem is worth the cultivation.

And preserve our grey hairs from that shame and disgrace, which will attend forever if

successful your present course [00:20:00] and hurry us sorrowing to the grave. Your

affectionate parents and best friends; Sullivan Dorr, Lydia Dorr."

Anthony Comegna: In the 18th of April, people's elections Dorr got 6,604 votes for Governor.

A significant plunge of support from the December vote on the People's Constitution.

Many people thought the assembly was open to negotiation, and actual fighting would

only hurt the people's [00:20:30] case. Dorr still claimed the majority of voters, supported

the People's Constitution and their Governor. Meanwhile, the Charter election puts Samuel

Ward King in office for his fourth term as Rhode Island's Governor. By May 1842, there

were two state governments, can you imagine a worse situation?

Governor King declared the Dorrites treasonous and the assembly passed Acts [criminizing

00:20:54] the people's regime. President Tyler added to the combustible mix by guaranteeing

federal [00:21:00] troops to put down any rebellion.

Dorr and his supporters reacted with a frenzy of networking activity, looking to drum up

support from out of state. Ideally, they could still couple together in national coalition

in congress to recognize their government. He and many others wrote back and forth to

top democrats around the country making their case. By far, Dorr's greatest support came

from New York's Loco-Focos. William [Bouche 00:21:26] pledge military

aid from the city's working men in April. Allen [00:21:30] Sniffen one of the original

Loco-Focos who conspired against Tammany Hall in the military and civic hotel promised full

regiments. Perhaps more importantly, he vowed to champion

the cause openly before Tammany Hall. Smelling rebellion all around him, Governor King declared

Marshall Law in late April, and the Dorrites planned to assault state buildings in response.

The legislature officially requested federal support on the 4th of May, and President Tyler

sent military [00:22:00] advisors. This week display of commitment encourage the suffrages,

but Dorr expected he'd be captured and fled the state.

He sailed into New York City on May 8th, and spent days visiting prominent Loco-Focos like

Levi Slamm, hatching plans for an invasion. He believed that Rhode Island maybe tiny,

and its people weak on their own. But, a struggle built around class divisions could provide

the force necessary to put him in the governor's mansion.

If the common people [00:22:30] were awaken to the fact that a small band of aristocrats

were risking civil war to unjustly hold on to their power, all exploited Americans would

rise up to support their natural allies; the suffragists.

Flurries of letters from New York Loco-Focos convinced him that they were fully behind

the Rhode Islanders.

Speaker 2: Alexander Ming Jr. And Alexander Craston to Thomas Wilson Dorr, May 13, 1842.

" [00:23:00] Dear Sir, several military companies of this city and vicinity having tendered

their services to us to form a military escort to accompany you to Providence, we have the

honor to apprise you of the fact." "This honor, which they so much desire we

hope will meet with your cheerful acceptance. Quarter Master Slamm will await your reply.

With sentiments of the highest respect, we are respectfully, Alexander Ming Jr. Colonel,

13th Regimen, [00:23:30] New York State Artillery. Alexander Craston Lieutenant Colonel of the

236th Regimen, New York Infantry."

Anthony Comegna: In New York City, a park meeting of Loco-Focos elected emissaries to

Rhode Island that would travel back with Dorr. They chose Levi Slamm and several others,

and as quickly as that Dorr left. He did not have a proper army together yet, but he was

certain the moral force of justice was on his side. The People's Governor back [00:24:00]

in Providence ordered his forces to attack and seize that state arsenal on May 19th.

His own father and brother were inside training cannons on their radical relative. The civil

war everyone had been fearing for months was on.

Next week on Liberty Chronicles, we light up those cannons and see what the Dorrites

were really made of. [00:24:30] Liberty Chronicles is a project

of, it is produced by Tess Terrible. If you've enjoyed this episode of

Liberty Chronicles, please rate, review, and subscribe to us on iTunes. For more information

on Liberty Chronicle visit

For more infomation >> Liberty Chronicles, Ep. 47: The People's Governor - Duration: 25:02.


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[ENG INDO FLPN ESP RUS SUB][BANGTAN BOMB] JIMIN's Piano solo showcase - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 2:54.

[JIMIN sitting in front of the piano in the lounge of the MUSIC BANK launch day]

JM: I learned SAVE ME but I forgot what I learned a while ago

JM: I don't like lively

JM: Want to be calm [Compared to the world of lively pursuit of calm JIMIN]

JM: What went?

JM: I forgot to completely forget

JM: Forget it, forget it.

JM: It was like this.

(Is it doll?)

JM: Like this

[Ensemble on the spot]

JM: That's it

JM: I really want to play this kind of piano music

JM: Handsome

(ah ah ah ah ah ~~)

<Ah! I've been watching him too closely!!>

S: What's wrong? <Ah! I've been watching him too closely!!>

<H..Hello...I'm the new grade 1 class 3 transferstudent~>

S: Ah~ you're the transfer student.

S: I'm the music teacher of this school.

S: Do you perhaps know how to play the piano?

<Hm... A little?>

S: Then would you like to try playing this?

<I get to play the piano right next to him... I'm sure i saved the country in my previous life!!!>

<I will try playing this...>

<Jimin who personally makes a piano because he wants to see Suga hyung play>

JM: Does it look like a piano?

JM: Does it not look like a piano?

S: What are you doing?

JM: I'm making this for you, hyung.

S: Why?

JM: huh?

S: Why are you doing this?

JM: Hey-

S: What are you doing?

V: He says he's making you a keyboard

V: Is it a grand piano?

S: I won't play unless it's an 88 key piano? <The piano master's difficulties (feat. grand V-ano, Eight-Syub-Eight keyboard)>

S: But i don't play unless it's an 88 key piano?

JM: Just play

S: It's an F major 7 -

S: No, no, F minor 7, F minor 7

S: C minor 7

JM: Please play I NEED U with that once

JM: Since it doesn't make sound

JM: I can't tell if he's actually playing it or if he's faking it

S: Because it's too crowded-

S: Hey-

JM: Who told you to hold it that hard, all i told you to do was press

JM: He knows how to actually play the piano

JM: I... have lived with him for almost three years but

JM: I saw Suga hyung playing the piano for the first time. I asked him to show me-

JM: He knows how to play a little.

<Hope who started to play the Rhythm Game in the waiting room>

JH: What is this, it won't connect

<Singing to match Hobi hyung's accompaniment>

V: It looks fun

JH: Oh. It's working now, it's working now.

JH: It's easy!

V: (I) could do it with even just one hand!

JH: Oh, did you say that you could do it with one hand?

JH: Play it, with one hand

V: I can do it with one hand

V: Wow, really <He attempted to do it with one hand but he fails right away>

JH: This is a friend who doesn't know music

JH: Do you not know Canon?

JH: You're only remembering the camera Canon, aren't you?

JH: This friend only knows the camera Canon

<A performance by V, who only knows the camera Canon>

V: Don't you have to do it like this, a little slowly?

S: It has Jungkook's solo... <Suga who's talking about the song that he plays during the piano scene in his short film>

S: And my solo... <Suga who's talking about the song that he plays during the piano scene in his short film>

S: Won't it look like i'm playing it well after they do a bunch of different things, and they get it on camere?

<Jungkook's solo (Begin) played by Suga>

S: I forgot Jungook's.

S: I don't know.

JK: There's no sound.

JK: The sound doesn't come out. S: You can't even tune it.

JK: Oh my god, when ARMY's see this ..

JK: They'll go crazy

JK: Are you free-styling hyung?

For more infomation >> [ENG INDO FLPN ESP RUS SUB][BANGTAN BOMB] JIMIN's Piano solo showcase - BTS (방탄소년단) - Duration: 2:54.


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