Sunday, March 25, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 25 2018

Trey Gowdy Goes BRUTAL on Obama's Homeland Security Secretary – Got Him to Confess

The Truth About…

Obama's former head of the Department of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, has been grilled

by Senate Intelligence member Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and during that time, Gowdy got Johnson to

admit on the record that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians

over election tampering.

In a succinct display of tearing apart a witness, Gowdy quickly broke down the gist of what

happened and zeroed in for the kill, reports Real Clear Politics.

Gowdy and Johnson both agreed that Russian was a "career offender, they have a history

of cyber-attacks on our country.

We suspected before the November [elections]."

Gowdy then got Johnson to concede an assessment the Dems probably don't like hearing, "At

the time you separated from service in January of 2017, you have seen no evidence that the

Russians were successful at changing voter tallies or voter totals?"

"Correct," replied Johnson.

Gowdy moved to elaborate on this confession.

"At the time you separated from service in January 2017, had you seen any evidence

that Donald Trump or any member of his campaign colluded, conspired or coordinated with the

Russians or anyone else to infiltrate or impact our voter infrastructure?"

Unable to just speak the truth and say "No", Johnson had to try and obfuscate a bit.

"Not beyond what has been out there open-source, and not beyond anything that I'm sure this

committee has already seen and heard before, directly from the intelligence community."

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Goes BRUTAL on Obama's Homeland Security Secretary – Got Him to Confess The Truth About… - Duration: 14:10.


Is It Safe: To Live in Russia - Duration: 7:22.

Today's show is brought to you…because one of our viewers came up with what we thought

was an excellent idea.

If we do our homework well, not only will this be a good way to learn about a country

we might know little about, but perhaps bust some myths regarding stereotypes, and give

our viewers relevant and useful information about a place they might want to travel to


We picked Russia because this is the first example our viewer gave us, and it's certainly

a place that is widely discussed and possibly even mischaracterized.

Today we'll bring you all the latest statistics, see what the media is saying, and look at

what Russians are saying on forums, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Is It Safe:

To Live in Russia?

So, what's the first thing we think about when we visit, or go to live in a country,

regarding safety?

It's usually crime, but as a tourist, it would be crimes against tourists.

As a foreign face living there, you could be mistaken for a tourist.

Some countries have a lot of organized crime, yet on the surface things might seem pretty

safe for a visitor.

Ok, so first we looked at Numbeo, a site that publishes information on the perception of

visitors in certain countries, in this case Russia.

The level of crime overall was stated as "moderate".

It said safety when walking alone in the daylight was good, but only moderate at night.

Just about all crime was said to be moderate, except burglary was low, assaults because

of ethnicity was low, and assault and robbery was low.

However, the murder rate for 2015 was high by global standards at 11.31 per 100,000.

That is higher than the USA.

We looked at the Journal of Socialomics to try and understand this.

Its main conclusion was this, "...alcohol is a major contributor to the homicide rate

in the Russian Federation."

Yes, as you may know from our other shows, Russians drink a lot, especially the men.

You can try and find what governments are saying about travel to or living in Russia.

The US Department of State said violent crime in Moscow is not uncommon, stating that visitors

"drinking alcohol are especially vulnerable to assault and robbery in/around nightclubs

or bars or on their way home."

It also mentioned pickpockets, smash and grabs thefts, mostly happening in busy areas or

on the metro.

It listed some of the worst things to happen recently, which included a Japanese man being

beaten to death, but other than that it only mentioned Russian against Russian violent


That doesn't look too bad, and it seems rates of assaults have seen a dramatic reduction

in the last decade.

The British FCO reports that, "the majority of Russia, from the western fringes of Europe

to the far eastern shores, is safe."

It advises against travelling to Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan and the districts

of Budyonnovsky, Levokumsky, Neftekumsky, Stepnovsky and Kursky in Stavropol Krai.

It said of the 150,000 British tourists that visit Russia, their visit is mostly trouble


Again, it said most crime is petty street crime, or even online dating scams or the

spiking of drinks.

Use common sense it says, and you should be ok.

It added that people of varying ethnicities should not receive any negative attention,

even though Russia has sometimes been maligned for racism.

We then looked at Quora, where Russian nationals answered the question, "How safe is Russia

for foreign visitors?"

Dmitry Pavlov, a resident of St. Petersburg, said the same thing as the US and British

governments: be aware of thieves and pickpockets.

He said it is mostly safe for foreigners, but did add that people should probably stay

away from some of the "bad" neighborhoods.

He called these "bedroom districts" and listed some, but we all know in any city there

are some dodgy looking places we should probably stay away from.

Another man called Sergey Lourie said that in Moscow in some areas, thugs might skulk

around at night, so stay in well-lit places.

As we found on other sites, he said police are everywhere in Moscow and they are usually

helpful and speak some English.

Most people said the same, with one Russian poster concluding, "If you take reasonable

precautions: do not have unprotected sex, do not drink alcohol too much, do not be rude

with strangers and so on - you will be OK."

Lastly, is it ok to be LGBTQ in Russia, given some horror stories we see on the news?

According to websites dealing with the matter, you should be aware that homophobia is common,

but nonetheless you shouldn't have a hard time.

Gay people writing on Quora about the issue, who had visited Russia, said they experienced

no problems.

One Russian said you are safe, "as long as you don't flaunt it," which is kinda

stupid, but what are you gonna do?

Some more statistics.

As of 2018, Russia has 410 people per 100,000 serving time behind bars in prison.

The total number of people behind bars of any sort, even those awaiting trial, was a

little over 602,000 out of 147 million people.

We don't need to tell you that this is much less than those in prison in the U.S., but

it's actually still very high in regard to the rest of the world.

As for that other talked about matter of the moment, gun ownership, in 2016 the Moscow

Times reported that about 9 percent of Russians own a firearm.

In terms of the number of guns in a country, statistics tell us that Russia is not that

"gun obsessed".

Another thing is how safe it is to drive.

This can be an important matter.

A good example is Thailand finding itself at the top of the most dangerous holiday destinations.

While Thailand does have violent crime against tourists, and you don't want to go picking

fights with the local tuk-tuk drivers, you'll find that most of the foreign deaths there,

expat or tourist, are down to Thailand's incredibly dangerous roads.

This is a major safety concern, and visitors should be aware of it.

So, what about Russia, the country where so many crazy crash videos come from?

Well, the latest list we could find didn't put Russia in the top 25 dangerous places

to drive a vehicle.

Still, at 18.9 deaths per 100,000, it's in the fairly high category.

Expatica tells you this about driving in the country: "Russia has a poor road safety

record, though driving in Russia has improved in recent years, with a 14 percent drop in

accidents between 2010 and 2015, and an 11 percent fall in road deaths."

It said roads can be bad, conditions can be difficult, and there are loads of traffic

rules and driving customs you should read up on before getting into a car.

It also said some Russian drivers will weave in and out, drive fast and carelessly, and

ignore road rules.

The article added that this happens less now as Russian cops are not so easy to bribe and

are cracking down on these dangerous drivers.

So, what else could be dangerous when visiting or moving to a new country?

Food poisoning?

'Cos you've got to eat, right.

Well, any world traveler will know there are many countries where you can easily get a

case of an exploding stomach, that's why we have terms such as Delhi belly and Montezuma's

revenge, but Russia doesn't get on any lists for countries where that might happen.

What about the animals, because getting bitten by a spider or a snake or even a mosquito

can end your life in some places.

Well, if you are going to enter the Russian wilderness then yes, there are some animals

you might want to stay away from.

We should add, your chances of going home in a coffin due to meeting one of these is

very, very low.

Watch out for the brown bear (Mishka), tigers, wolves, the common northern viper or a little

spider called the karakurt.

On a more realistic note, you have no risk of getting malaria according to the NHS, and

dengue isn't a problem.

So, you are pretty much good to go in that regard.

All in all, crime in Russia shouldn't make it to you unless you are just plain unlucky,

particularly if you don't go getting really drunk and following a strange man down a dark

alley on the promise of receiving illegal substances.

(been there).

Also, maybe don't drive if you haven't studied the road rules, and don't join political


So, Do you live in Russia or have you ever visited Russia?

Would you say that it's a relatively safe place, contrary to how its portrayed in the


Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Taboos in Other Countries!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Is It Safe: To Live in Russia - Duration: 7:22.


#2. Salagou - Roques - Liausson - 21.5 km - 640 D+ - Duration: 27:29.

For more infomation >> #2. Salagou - Roques - Liausson - 21.5 km - 640 D+ - Duration: 27:29.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol - Duration: 0:58.


What Is A Concept Car? - Duration: 4:42.

Ok, so it's pretty clear from your reactions on social media and elsewhere to our GR Supra

Concept car reveal story that a lot of you may not be totally clear about what a "concept

car" is.

Many acted like what Toyota debuted in Geneva was in fact the final version—the be all

and end all—and either melted down or rejoiced over the unveiling.

But guess what?

The new Supra—or anything in the "concept" stage—is far from finished and ready for

public consumption.

So take a chill pill and read on.

To understand what a concept car is, you kinda have to know where it falls in the process

of taking an automobile from idea to production vehicle—and that's pretty early.

After a car company decides to build the thing—a decision that usually comes after market research

and competitive benchmarking—the automobile is created as a sketch or in a computer, or

both, where designers and engineers can flesh out their visions.

Then company bean counters step in and squash those visions, tempering wild fantasy with

the product's need to generate revenue and (hopefully) profit.Shortly after the car is

generated in two dimensions (or three, as digital modeling goes these days) it becomes

a concept, and for some vehicles there's an in-between step: the model.

Clay models are what most think of, but we've seen them done in high-density foam and other

materials as well.

These can be scaled down versions of what the final form is expected to be, and along

with the sketches and CGI and modeling, concept cars are part of the critical design stage

of automobile development.Concept cars exist to persuade everyone interested—consumers,

manufacturer executives, et al—that mass-producing a real-life rendition is worthwhile.

From the concept stage or even sometimes overlapping the concept stage, prototypes are generated—that

is, actual pre-production drivable iterations of the car, albeit not in finished form—and

after that fine-tuning exercise comes the manufacturing step, when vehicle engineers

take an even bigger role in the process, figuring out all the car's various tech, systems, and

design and how they will synch together.

Engineers also play a large role in figuring out how all the parts should be made and assembled

efficiently.Launching the new vehicle is the last step in car development, and from start

to finish experts seem to generally agree a new car can take about six years to develop

and release, give or take a few years, much of that process out of the public's eye.

For example, Toyota/Subaru seemed to push out their FR-S/86/BRZ pretty quickly, the

first FT-86 concepts emerging in 2009 and FR-S/BRZ production commencing just a couple

years later in late 2011.

For the new Civic Type R, we saw a concept back in 2014 and production versions were

on the market in 2017.

And as for Supra—the FT-1 concept broke in 2014 and we're still waiting for the production

version, which seems likely next year.Is there a way to spot a concept car without having

to constantly read automotive news or follow OEM social media accounts?

There is—kinda.

For one, concept cars are almost always exclusive to major auto shows—think the motor shows

in L.A., Detroit, Tokyo, Geneva, etc.

The cars typically can be pretty futuristic looking, inside and out, meaning dramatic

bodylines, custom wheels, modern head-/tail lights, that sort of thing.

And honestly, a lot of concept cars feature styling cues you would likely never see on

a regular production vehicle, elements like lowered ride heights and crazy aero.

So the next time a car company decides to resurrect your favorite model from the past,

and you have a fit because their first stab at a concept car leaves you totally heartbroken—relax.

It's just an exercise.

Save your scorn for when the production version comes out and totally falls short of your


For more infomation >> What Is A Concept Car? - Duration: 4:42.


Rechazo e indignación tras revelarse un nuevo dato sobre la reina Letizia - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Rechazo e indignación tras revelarse un nuevo dato sobre la reina Letizia - Duration: 3:00.


Caruso e Viegas fazem críticas contra vinheta do "BBB18" - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Caruso e Viegas fazem críticas contra vinheta do "BBB18" - Duration: 1:56.


Gli esperti rivelano: questo è quello che succede al vostro corpo se decidete di mangiare... - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Gli esperti rivelano: questo è quello che succede al vostro corpo se decidete di mangiare... - Duration: 2:28.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 CDI Avantgarde - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse 220 CDI Avantgarde - Duration: 1:01.


5 penteados fáceis e rápidos - Duration: 3:58.

Hello, welcome back to my channel. Today i will show you some easy hairstyles, hope you like it

You going to need ...

So you start by spliting the hair in half.

After that you just take a small piece of hair and slip in two

And it is just like a normal braid but with two.

You just use a elastic to pick up the hair .

Then just do the same on the other side

And it's ready

Now you just going to get extra bits of hair from the back.

And just do space buns on both side. I forgot to put some hair clips so it looks a bit strange.

Now you going to slip the hair in half exactly like on the other hairstyle

Then you make a lock of two, adding pieces of hair till the back of the head

Then you going to add a extra bit and do a normal braid of three.

Do the same thing on the other side


Keeping the top part of the hair, you just going to undo the braid and use a elastic to tighten hair

Other simple and practical hairstyle is doing a bun

With a braid in the back of your head

I hope you liked the video

Dont forget to subscribe, like and leave your comment letting me know what you thought about the video.

If you liked or no. Cause since I have so many ideas for videos it helps me, getting feedback to know what kind of content you prefer.

See you on the next video. Kisses bye bye

For more infomation >> 5 penteados fáceis e rápidos - Duration: 3:58.


Uomini e Donne, Tina Cipollari confessa: ecco come deve essere il mio fidanzato - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, Tina Cipollari confessa: ecco come deve essere il mio fidanzato - Duration: 3:45.


Peugeot 208 1.6 E-HDI 92pk 5drs Blue Lease | Navi | Bluetooth carkit en Audio | Airco | Cruise Contr - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 208 1.6 E-HDI 92pk 5drs Blue Lease | Navi | Bluetooth carkit en Audio | Airco | Cruise Contr - Duration: 0:56.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK 5D FEEL AIRCO - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi 68PK 5D FEEL AIRCO - Duration: 1:01.


Citroën DS4 1.6 E-HDI So Chic Automaat Navigatie - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Citroën DS4 1.6 E-HDI So Chic Automaat Navigatie - Duration: 0:58.


Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 3D Access - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 108 1.0 e-VTi 68pk 3D Access - Duration: 0:49.


TOSSES RESFRIADOS E BRONQUITE? ► Diga Adeus a Tudo Isso Com Esse Poderoso Remédio Caseiro!! - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> TOSSES RESFRIADOS E BRONQUITE? ► Diga Adeus a Tudo Isso Com Esse Poderoso Remédio Caseiro!! - Duration: 2:54.


⭐️❤️Esses são os 4 passos para ter um abdômen sarado depois dos 40 anos - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> ⭐️❤️Esses são os 4 passos para ter um abdômen sarado depois dos 40 anos - Duration: 3:57.


Student's Corner - GOING TO - Plans - Pratique! (legendas - Port. ou Eng. - ) - Duration: 3:43.

Hello! This week we have a big holiday coming, yeah?:

The Easter holiday

So Diego and I decided why not talk about our plans for the holiday, today?

I'm gonna start

I'm going to talk about my plans

On Friday

On Friday I'm going to my beach house

I'm going to walk on the beach

I'm going to build sand castles with my kid

I'm going to relax

On Saturday I'm going to cook octopus for my family

later in the afternoon, my family and I, we are going to play some pool

and in the evening I'm going to do something I really like

I am going to read a good

These are my plans for the holiday!

Let's find out about Diego's plans?

So, Diego, tell us what are you going to do next holiday?

Well, I'm going to the beach.

Where are you going?

I'm going to cook something very special for my family.

Are you going to cook, too?

What are you going to cook?

I'm going to play some pool.

Are you going to play any games?

What are you going to play?

I'm going to read a good book.

Are you going to read too, Diego?

What are you going to read?

Do you have any other special plans for the holidays?

What are you going to do?

Tell us, Diego.

So. Hi! Hi, Marta!

Well... about my plans for the holiday

I'm going to stay home

I'm going to have a barbecue

and I'm going to invite friends over.

I'm going to play online games and...

probably I'm going to play some video games as well.

No, I'm not going to read

but I'm going to watch movies and

and going to watch some TV series as well

So, what about you?

What are you going to do for the holiday?

Where are you going?

What are you going to do?

What are you going to read?

What are you going to eat and drink?

So guys, before we go it's time for a quick review of what we had today

Let us know in the comment section down below your plans for the holiday. Tell us:

What are you going to do?

Remember, guys: Subscribe to our ouTube Channel

Like our page on Facebook

Follow us

Share with your friends

and leave suggestions for the next videos

See you next time!

Bye bye!

For more infomation >> Student's Corner - GOING TO - Plans - Pratique! (legendas - Port. ou Eng. - ) - Duration: 3:43.


¿Es ANDROID una distribución LINUX? - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> ¿Es ANDROID una distribución LINUX? - Duration: 6:32.


Ana Paula Renault diz que Kaysar não vence mais "BBB": "A virada aconteceu" - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Ana Paula Renault diz que Kaysar não vence mais "BBB": "A virada aconteceu" - Duration: 3:12.


Benefici di mangiare 4 spicchi d'aglio al giorno - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> Benefici di mangiare 4 spicchi d'aglio al giorno - Salute 24h - Duration: 7:45.



For more infomation >> DEPOIMENTOS SOBRE QUADRINHOS NACIONAIS - Duration: 3:54.


15 anos "Gabriela Sou da Paz" - Duration: 4:50.

On March 25th, 2003,

Gabriela Prado Maia Ribeiro was the victim of a stray bullet during a confrontation between a police officer and burglars

The young woman entered the metro station of São Francisco Xavier, when she was hit by one of the shots

After 15 years of tragedy, her father, Carlos Santiago, remains struggling so that her story will not be forgotten

15 years later, the feeling is like it was last week

The feeling doesn't change

It's erroneous, it's wrong, it's layman the person who says: "Time helps heal"

Time does not help anything

It was a beautiful day, it was like today

It was about 8:00 in the morning, Gabriela went to her grandmother's house

She calls her mother and says: "I need to buy a dress for the 15th birthday party

Come with me in the square?", Saens Peña Square

Mother said, "Gabriela, I have the car I don't know where I'm busy, something and stuff."

Why did Cleyde do this?

Because Gabriela at the age of 14, she had a thing she craved more than anything in life

Was to go out alone

She even played with me

She said, "Dad, any day I'm going to get on the bus for the wrong place,

If it's through the front, I'm going in the back. You won't let me out."

And she played with it

So, I don't have the slightest doubt that when Cleyde picked up the phone to talk to her. Buy dress don't buy dress

And Cleyde says, "Oh Gabriela Look, You're going to take the subway, you're going down,

Cross with the closed signal, pay attention" All this she knew how to do

I'm sure when she said, "you can go," that this day of Gabriela, the day that happened the tragedy,

It was Gabriela's happiest day

I'm even moved to saying it, because I'm absolutely sure

Because it was something she really wanted. She really wanted to go out on her own

She went down, was having the robbery at the box office, She saw the robbery

We have no doubt of that, because she has returned

She tried to up the stairs again

And when she's going up, a cop comes down the stairs, undercover

And this cop sees the bandit behind her going up running with the money in his hand and with the gun in the other

And decided to pull the gun to face the guy

At the time it pulled, the gunfight

And the shot that killed Gabriela came out of the cop's gun that was coming down the stairs

The movement "Gabriela Sou da Paz", it came naturally

It was something that came up like this, practically the day she died

That people started talking: "Gabriela am from peace, Gabriela am from Peace"

The movement ended it adding up, coming up with people's accessions

Both non-victims, and people who have become victims or who have already been victims of violence

That they were looking for exactly that

They were looking for a change, an explanation, of why things even today, or even that time,

Had not been resolved, cases that continued in impunity

Cases that continued unsolved

The only thing that can alleviate is the answer from who killed

To be arrested, to be condemned

And that when the person has not, I always say, is a pain worse than my

Because we ended, in a certain way, managed to arrest the five people involved in the crime

To arrest and condemn people all

So in a certain way, I had a feedback, I had an answer

Now, 90% of people are not that way. I think this has been reinforcing the movement

People have been seeing this and have been seeing that too prison and sentencing

Of the killers of Gabriela, of the people involved

Also had a large participation of the fruit of the struggle of the people, our battle

We don't get off the street, we give up work

Of us giving up doing the things we wanted

To have this kind of justice

I'm very proud of that, because

It's not a story of mine, it's a story she left

Ended up turning a book

They made a documentary with her that was outside of Brazil.The documentary was awarded

Telling that story. A documentary called "Bala Perdida"

Mayor Cesar Maia gave a street with her name in Tijuca

Her mother died five years later

of a massive stroke. I spent two years drinking without stopping

I had a big problem, then thank God

I mean, we're looking for escape valves, but that's what I promised her

Of you I will not forget, so 15 years later that's it

Homesickness, but it's a lot of cool memories, it's a lot

It's a lot of good story right

Now it is, much homesickness

Homesickness is terrible, homesickness is the worst feeling we can have

It's the only one that really hurts.

For more infomation >> 15 anos "Gabriela Sou da Paz" - Duration: 4:50.


Ana Clara sobre Viegas emparedado: "Se não for agora, vai semana que vem" - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Ana Clara sobre Viegas emparedado: "Se não for agora, vai semana que vem" - Duration: 2:34.


BBB18: Caruso detona Wagner: 'Cara de pau' - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Caruso detona Wagner: 'Cara de pau' - Duration: 3:16.


Trey Gowdy Goes BRUTAL on Obama's Homeland Security Secretary – Got Him to Confess The Truth About… - Duration: 14:10.

Trey Gowdy Goes BRUTAL on Obama's Homeland Security Secretary – Got Him to Confess

The Truth About…

Obama's former head of the Department of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, has been grilled

by Senate Intelligence member Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and during that time, Gowdy got Johnson to

admit on the record that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians

over election tampering.

In a succinct display of tearing apart a witness, Gowdy quickly broke down the gist of what

happened and zeroed in for the kill, reports Real Clear Politics.

Gowdy and Johnson both agreed that Russian was a "career offender, they have a history

of cyber-attacks on our country.

We suspected before the November [elections]."

Gowdy then got Johnson to concede an assessment the Dems probably don't like hearing, "At

the time you separated from service in January of 2017, you have seen no evidence that the

Russians were successful at changing voter tallies or voter totals?"

"Correct," replied Johnson.

Gowdy moved to elaborate on this confession.

"At the time you separated from service in January 2017, had you seen any evidence

that Donald Trump or any member of his campaign colluded, conspired or coordinated with the

Russians or anyone else to infiltrate or impact our voter infrastructure?"

Unable to just speak the truth and say "No", Johnson had to try and obfuscate a bit.

"Not beyond what has been out there open-source, and not beyond anything that I'm sure this

committee has already seen and heard before, directly from the intelligence community."

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Goes BRUTAL on Obama's Homeland Security Secretary – Got Him to Confess The Truth About… - Duration: 14:10.


Is It Safe: To Live in Russia - Duration: 7:22.

Today's show is brought to you…because one of our viewers came up with what we thought

was an excellent idea.

If we do our homework well, not only will this be a good way to learn about a country

we might know little about, but perhaps bust some myths regarding stereotypes, and give

our viewers relevant and useful information about a place they might want to travel to


We picked Russia because this is the first example our viewer gave us, and it's certainly

a place that is widely discussed and possibly even mischaracterized.

Today we'll bring you all the latest statistics, see what the media is saying, and look at

what Russians are saying on forums, in this episode of the Infographics Show, Is It Safe:

To Live in Russia?

So, what's the first thing we think about when we visit, or go to live in a country,

regarding safety?

It's usually crime, but as a tourist, it would be crimes against tourists.

As a foreign face living there, you could be mistaken for a tourist.

Some countries have a lot of organized crime, yet on the surface things might seem pretty

safe for a visitor.

Ok, so first we looked at Numbeo, a site that publishes information on the perception of

visitors in certain countries, in this case Russia.

The level of crime overall was stated as "moderate".

It said safety when walking alone in the daylight was good, but only moderate at night.

Just about all crime was said to be moderate, except burglary was low, assaults because

of ethnicity was low, and assault and robbery was low.

However, the murder rate for 2015 was high by global standards at 11.31 per 100,000.

That is higher than the USA.

We looked at the Journal of Socialomics to try and understand this.

Its main conclusion was this, "...alcohol is a major contributor to the homicide rate

in the Russian Federation."

Yes, as you may know from our other shows, Russians drink a lot, especially the men.

You can try and find what governments are saying about travel to or living in Russia.

The US Department of State said violent crime in Moscow is not uncommon, stating that visitors

"drinking alcohol are especially vulnerable to assault and robbery in/around nightclubs

or bars or on their way home."

It also mentioned pickpockets, smash and grabs thefts, mostly happening in busy areas or

on the metro.

It listed some of the worst things to happen recently, which included a Japanese man being

beaten to death, but other than that it only mentioned Russian against Russian violent


That doesn't look too bad, and it seems rates of assaults have seen a dramatic reduction

in the last decade.

The British FCO reports that, "the majority of Russia, from the western fringes of Europe

to the far eastern shores, is safe."

It advises against travelling to Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan and the districts

of Budyonnovsky, Levokumsky, Neftekumsky, Stepnovsky and Kursky in Stavropol Krai.

It said of the 150,000 British tourists that visit Russia, their visit is mostly trouble


Again, it said most crime is petty street crime, or even online dating scams or the

spiking of drinks.

Use common sense it says, and you should be ok.

It added that people of varying ethnicities should not receive any negative attention,

even though Russia has sometimes been maligned for racism.

We then looked at Quora, where Russian nationals answered the question, "How safe is Russia

for foreign visitors?"

Dmitry Pavlov, a resident of St. Petersburg, said the same thing as the US and British

governments: be aware of thieves and pickpockets.

He said it is mostly safe for foreigners, but did add that people should probably stay

away from some of the "bad" neighborhoods.

He called these "bedroom districts" and listed some, but we all know in any city there

are some dodgy looking places we should probably stay away from.

Another man called Sergey Lourie said that in Moscow in some areas, thugs might skulk

around at night, so stay in well-lit places.

As we found on other sites, he said police are everywhere in Moscow and they are usually

helpful and speak some English.

Most people said the same, with one Russian poster concluding, "If you take reasonable

precautions: do not have unprotected sex, do not drink alcohol too much, do not be rude

with strangers and so on - you will be OK."

Lastly, is it ok to be LGBTQ in Russia, given some horror stories we see on the news?

According to websites dealing with the matter, you should be aware that homophobia is common,

but nonetheless you shouldn't have a hard time.

Gay people writing on Quora about the issue, who had visited Russia, said they experienced

no problems.

One Russian said you are safe, "as long as you don't flaunt it," which is kinda

stupid, but what are you gonna do?

Some more statistics.

As of 2018, Russia has 410 people per 100,000 serving time behind bars in prison.

The total number of people behind bars of any sort, even those awaiting trial, was a

little over 602,000 out of 147 million people.

We don't need to tell you that this is much less than those in prison in the U.S., but

it's actually still very high in regard to the rest of the world.

As for that other talked about matter of the moment, gun ownership, in 2016 the Moscow

Times reported that about 9 percent of Russians own a firearm.

In terms of the number of guns in a country, statistics tell us that Russia is not that

"gun obsessed".

Another thing is how safe it is to drive.

This can be an important matter.

A good example is Thailand finding itself at the top of the most dangerous holiday destinations.

While Thailand does have violent crime against tourists, and you don't want to go picking

fights with the local tuk-tuk drivers, you'll find that most of the foreign deaths there,

expat or tourist, are down to Thailand's incredibly dangerous roads.

This is a major safety concern, and visitors should be aware of it.

So, what about Russia, the country where so many crazy crash videos come from?

Well, the latest list we could find didn't put Russia in the top 25 dangerous places

to drive a vehicle.

Still, at 18.9 deaths per 100,000, it's in the fairly high category.

Expatica tells you this about driving in the country: "Russia has a poor road safety

record, though driving in Russia has improved in recent years, with a 14 percent drop in

accidents between 2010 and 2015, and an 11 percent fall in road deaths."

It said roads can be bad, conditions can be difficult, and there are loads of traffic

rules and driving customs you should read up on before getting into a car.

It also said some Russian drivers will weave in and out, drive fast and carelessly, and

ignore road rules.

The article added that this happens less now as Russian cops are not so easy to bribe and

are cracking down on these dangerous drivers.

So, what else could be dangerous when visiting or moving to a new country?

Food poisoning?

'Cos you've got to eat, right.

Well, any world traveler will know there are many countries where you can easily get a

case of an exploding stomach, that's why we have terms such as Delhi belly and Montezuma's

revenge, but Russia doesn't get on any lists for countries where that might happen.

What about the animals, because getting bitten by a spider or a snake or even a mosquito

can end your life in some places.

Well, if you are going to enter the Russian wilderness then yes, there are some animals

you might want to stay away from.

We should add, your chances of going home in a coffin due to meeting one of these is

very, very low.

Watch out for the brown bear (Mishka), tigers, wolves, the common northern viper or a little

spider called the karakurt.

On a more realistic note, you have no risk of getting malaria according to the NHS, and

dengue isn't a problem.

So, you are pretty much good to go in that regard.

All in all, crime in Russia shouldn't make it to you unless you are just plain unlucky,

particularly if you don't go getting really drunk and following a strange man down a dark

alley on the promise of receiving illegal substances.

(been there).

Also, maybe don't drive if you haven't studied the road rules, and don't join political


So, Do you live in Russia or have you ever visited Russia?

Would you say that it's a relatively safe place, contrary to how its portrayed in the


Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Taboos in Other Countries!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Is It Safe: To Live in Russia - Duration: 7:22.


#2. Salagou - Roques - Liausson - 21.5 km - 640 D+ - Duration: 27:29.

For more infomation >> #2. Salagou - Roques - Liausson - 21.5 km - 640 D+ - Duration: 27:29.


Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Sol - Duration: 0:58.


What Is A Concept Car? - Duration: 4:42.

Ok, so it's pretty clear from your reactions on social media and elsewhere to our GR Supra

Concept car reveal story that a lot of you may not be totally clear about what a "concept

car" is.

Many acted like what Toyota debuted in Geneva was in fact the final version—the be all

and end all—and either melted down or rejoiced over the unveiling.

But guess what?

The new Supra—or anything in the "concept" stage—is far from finished and ready for

public consumption.

So take a chill pill and read on.

To understand what a concept car is, you kinda have to know where it falls in the process

of taking an automobile from idea to production vehicle—and that's pretty early.

After a car company decides to build the thing—a decision that usually comes after market research

and competitive benchmarking—the automobile is created as a sketch or in a computer, or

both, where designers and engineers can flesh out their visions.

Then company bean counters step in and squash those visions, tempering wild fantasy with

the product's need to generate revenue and (hopefully) profit.Shortly after the car is

generated in two dimensions (or three, as digital modeling goes these days) it becomes

a concept, and for some vehicles there's an in-between step: the model.

Clay models are what most think of, but we've seen them done in high-density foam and other

materials as well.

These can be scaled down versions of what the final form is expected to be, and along

with the sketches and CGI and modeling, concept cars are part of the critical design stage

of automobile development.Concept cars exist to persuade everyone interested—consumers,

manufacturer executives, et al—that mass-producing a real-life rendition is worthwhile.

From the concept stage or even sometimes overlapping the concept stage, prototypes are generated—that

is, actual pre-production drivable iterations of the car, albeit not in finished form—and

after that fine-tuning exercise comes the manufacturing step, when vehicle engineers

take an even bigger role in the process, figuring out all the car's various tech, systems, and

design and how they will synch together.

Engineers also play a large role in figuring out how all the parts should be made and assembled

efficiently.Launching the new vehicle is the last step in car development, and from start

to finish experts seem to generally agree a new car can take about six years to develop

and release, give or take a few years, much of that process out of the public's eye.

For example, Toyota/Subaru seemed to push out their FR-S/86/BRZ pretty quickly, the

first FT-86 concepts emerging in 2009 and FR-S/BRZ production commencing just a couple

years later in late 2011.

For the new Civic Type R, we saw a concept back in 2014 and production versions were

on the market in 2017.

And as for Supra—the FT-1 concept broke in 2014 and we're still waiting for the production

version, which seems likely next year.Is there a way to spot a concept car without having

to constantly read automotive news or follow OEM social media accounts?

There is—kinda.

For one, concept cars are almost always exclusive to major auto shows—think the motor shows

in L.A., Detroit, Tokyo, Geneva, etc.

The cars typically can be pretty futuristic looking, inside and out, meaning dramatic

bodylines, custom wheels, modern head-/tail lights, that sort of thing.

And honestly, a lot of concept cars feature styling cues you would likely never see on

a regular production vehicle, elements like lowered ride heights and crazy aero.

So the next time a car company decides to resurrect your favorite model from the past,

and you have a fit because their first stab at a concept car leaves you totally heartbroken—relax.

It's just an exercise.

Save your scorn for when the production version comes out and totally falls short of your


For more infomation >> What Is A Concept Car? - Duration: 4:42.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


T 1 - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> T 1 - Duration: 1:39.


T 2 - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> T 2 - Duration: 1:43.


Derby Days: Sevilla | The Big One - Duration: 22:11.

For more infomation >> Derby Days: Sevilla | The Big One - Duration: 22:11.


Celebrities Who Are In Jail Right Now - Duration: 5:16.

When you're a celebrity, loaded with money, fame and extremely good fortune, it can seem

like the rules of regular life don't apply.

But these stars of pro sports, music, and entertainment, who were once at the top of

their game, are currently on lockdown.

Joe Giudice

In October 2014, Joe and Teresa Giudice were sentenced to prison for various counts of

mail, wire, and bankruptcy fraud.

While Teresa has since completed her stint behind bars, Joe is currently serving his

sentence of 41 months, which began in March 2016.

The harsh sentence, according to People, was because the couple allegedly hid their assets

in the initial bankruptcy filing and, in addition, Joe stood accused of not filing tax returns

from 2004 to 2008.

"Whatever mistakes we made, you paid your debt.

I'm ready to pay my debt.

I'll be fine."

Teresa updated fans, telling E! News her hubby's lost over 35 pounds behind bars, saying,

"He's doing the same thing I did: like, just reading a lot of books, exercising, just keeping

his head focused on doing what he has to do."

Apollo Nida

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Phaedra Parks' estranged husband, Apollo Nida, is

serving an 8-year sentence on mail, wire, and bank fraud charges, according to People.

An attorney for Nida told People,

"Right now he feels remorse.

He thought the judge was fair, and accepts his sentence, although he was hoping it would

be less.

[...] He's OK, and will get through this."

Even while Nida is divorcing Parks, he's found a new woman, while serving his time.

Per Us Weekly, he's engaged to marry Sherien Almufti, who appeared on the fall 2016 season

of Housewives, and who reportedly visits Nida in prison on weekends.

Sam Hurd

Former pro-football star Sam Hurd could have been one of the league's most prized players,

but now, he's serving 15 years behind bars for his role in a drug-distribution hustle,


According to USA Today, Hurd was rounded up during a sting at a Chicago steakhouse.

He reportedly chatted up an undercover cop and attempted to buy 5 to 10 kilograms of

cocaine and 1,000 pounds of marijuana to distribute on the streets.

Hurd told the court,

"I regret not thinking about the consequences.

I made some dumb, very bad decisions."

In 2015, according to ABC 7, Hurd filed a motion to have his sentence reduced from 15

years to nine.

His request was denied.

Phil Spector

Music producer Phil Spector will possibly spend the rest of his life behind bars for

the death of actress Lana Clarkson.

In 2003, Clarkson was discovered dead, sitting in a chair, in Spector's home.

She'd been shot in the mouth.

Spector was sentenced to 19 years to life behind bars on second-degree murder charges

and ordered to pay the victim's funeral costs.

His attorney reportedly forked over a $17,000 check.

Clarkson's mother told the court,

"All of our plans are destroyed.

Now, I can only visit [Lana] at a cemetery."

Oscar Pistorius

South Africa's Oscar Pistorius became one of the world's most renowned athletes when

he sprinted in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London as a double amputee.

But he made headlines of another sort the following year.

In the early hours of February 14, 2013, he reportedly fired four shots into a closed

bathroom door, killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

According to CNN, Pistorius said he thought an intruder was in his home, but the prosecution

claimed he killed Steenkamp after an argument.

Pistorius was convicted of manslaughter in 2014 and sentenced to five years in prison.

He served one year and then was put on house arrest, but his conviction was overturned

and upgraded to murder by a higher court in 2015, according to CNN.

Pistorius was sentenced to six years following the new verdict, with a later verdict increasing

that number further to 15 years.

Rae Carruth

As a promising NFL player in the late '90s, Rae Carruth's career was exploding, but then

he did the unthinkable in 1999.

According to The Charlotte Observer,

"Carruth wanted to kill his on-and-off girlfriend because she was eight months pregnant with

his child and he didn't want to pay child support.

He hired a hitman to pull the trigger."

Cherica Adams was reported gunned down in a drive-by shooting, but her unborn baby survived.

Carruth was sentenced to 18 years and 11 months in prison, according to the Observer.

His son, Chancellor, who suffers from cerebral palsy, is cared for by Adams' mother, Saundra.

Joshua Allen

So You Think You Can Dance Season 4 winner Joshua Allen was sentenced in August 2017

to one year in prison after pleading not guilty to charges of felony domestic violence and

felony assault with a deadly weapon.

Previous reports alleged that Allen attacked his girlfriend twice in two months.

According to Deadline, Allen was also slapped with five years' probation, must complete

52 weeks of domestic violence counseling, and must stay away from his ex for 10 years.

Meek Mill

Rapper Meek Mill is currently serving a two-to-four year sentence at the Pennsylvania State Correctional

Institution after violating his probation from a 2008 gun-related charge.

Mill was arrested twice in 2017–for misdemeanor assault in March, and for reckless endangerment

in August, according to People.

The misdemeanor assault charge was later dropped, and Mill pleaded guilty to reckless driving

for the August incident.

According to People, Mill was also placed under a 90-day house arrest for violating

the terms of his probation in 2016.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Celebrities Who Are In Jail Right Now - Duration: 5:16.


Volkswagen T-ROC STYLE 1.0 TSI Style ECC,NAVIGATIE.Demo - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen T-ROC STYLE 1.0 TSI Style ECC,NAVIGATIE.Demo - Duration: 0:59.


Volvo V40 2.0 T Dynamic Leer Open dak Airco - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Volvo V40 2.0 T Dynamic Leer Open dak Airco - Duration: 1:00.


A Walk Through The Woods With Silver As A Good Bye Present - Duration: 1:01:04.


First find. Pottery.

And there is a can on the surface.

I made this hunt before the coil was repainted.

Let's begin.

I have to increase the volume of the remote.

First signal - something bad.

Aluminum can.

Worms did all the work on this one.

It's already out.

It's a lovely button.

Looks "old" to me.

I'm in a steep area.

It's an abandoned vineyard (not far from the spot with my last button spill).

It's just a stone.

A spoon handle.

It's not the most pleasant area to detect, but...

Probably the rest of the spoon.

Is this a pattern?

It's "nothing".

A piece of foil.

Still in the hole.

A hollow button.

GPS (POI) #2.

Hmm... Something made of zinc.

A pull tab.

Another one.


Another piece.

It sounds bad.

What's this?

A leather pouch.

A plastic band?

Let's see what else is inside.

A piece of iron, or a "1 Pfennig" coin?


There is still something underneath.

These stones are looking like finds.

It's a coin!

"1 Reichspfennig" (1928).

Very good.

I'm spraying it to keep the dirt moist.

That way it should clean up better.

Hardly a signal.


I'm not sure if it's aluminum, or not.

Hmm, an interesting object.

It's a brooch.

The pin was here.

This signal is almost non existent.

Now it's there.

Probably part from a pocket knife.

I'm very happy that I have noticed it.

It's a zipper.

A mysterious capsule.

I wonders what's inside...


Probably from another pocket knife.

I don't know.

Stone again...

Rest from the pocket knife?

Could be another end part.


The noise is coming from a train.

Great, a coin.

Oh no, "50 Pfennig" - I don't like it.

It always mimics an older coin.

Next piece of foil.




I would like to cross this "valley", but it's too steep and too moist...

...I would slide down and get my trousers more dirty.

How would it look like on the train?


It is what it is...

I will move up instead.

Let's find another spot.

Let's see...

Big iron, probably shrapnel.

My goal is not to "cover every inch" of a spot...

I'm just scouting the area.

First reasonable signal.


Is it a medallion?

I still don't know.

Something tells me to move on.


It's a coin.

"5 Reichspfennig" (194x).

It's a button.


A coin.

"1 Kreuzer" (1858).


It's something deeper...

This is the first time, where a shovel would be handy.

It's a key.

This is how iron sounds with "disc" set to "3".

This bullet case is older.

Now you see me detecting a little bit more precise.

The key is to know where to stop.

Hmm, almost every first stab straight into a small hole...

A huge nail :).

They don't sell those nails in the hardware store anymore.

Lots of iron. Something was definitely going on here...

A tiny disc with a hole.

Another piece of iron. I will investigate it.

Nothing interesting.


I have no idea...

A nice buckle.

I was able to clean it at home. Please wait for pictures at the end.

A small hole again... I really don't know why this is happening.

I think it "could" be WWII related, I will better put it back...

I decided to leave the spot (maybe I will revisit it some day with a different coil).

And also expand the search.


Iron in this section is probably "new" (it changes quickly).

I will still detect a little bit on my way back to the train.

That's disgusting. I don't know what this white stuff was...

It's a coin.

"10 Pfennig" (1948-2001).

I'm thinking about packing, or detecting the last section to the path.

Just dirt.

It's already out.


I think, it's a brooch.

A tennis racket :).

"800" silver stamp.

A nice gesture from metal detecting Gods.

I should really replace this spray-bottle.

That's a good moment to quit.

It was not the easiest hunt, but...

"50 Pfennig" coin (don't like it).

A rusty "10 Pfennig" coin (1948-2001).




A pocket knife?

Could be aluminum too.

"5 Reichspfennig" coin (194x).

A key.

A medallion?

The mysterious capsule.

The weird pouch.

"1 Reichspfennig" coin (1928).

"1 Kreuzer" coin (1858).

This is as "clean" as it gets.


The brooch.

With flower design.

The second brooch.

The buckle.

My favorite button.


And treasure - detecting time: 2h:52min

For more infomation >> A Walk Through The Woods With Silver As A Good Bye Present - Duration: 1:01:04.



Moe is going to teach you how to build a play rail. Ola YouTube my name is ricardo

Lino over aka Bob the Builder today I'm with Bob the Builder number

two we can do it again Bob Bob Fisher oh the Builder anyway I don't really

know the name but I do know that Moe is going to teach you how to build a

playroom no I like to call it a step on because

you can step on it now you shall be stepping now you should jump on to it

you should be stepping into the rail you should just go for it go for it then

with speed always the downhill skater and two days ago most kidded in our

playroom that one there for the first time and at first it could only do back

sides by the end of the day how many grounds could you do I think it was like

12 or 13 often our you learn not to soul mizu

acid pornstar Macchio backside switch backside and then you learn all the top

side ones and then even learn how to stall in the kind runs so you learned

you can also learn and that's why today we're gonna teach you how to build one

of these play rails so that you can learn faster yeah so mo what do we need

to do this playroom okay so what is a little baton I think this is a 2 by 4 1

2 1 healthy and she's here in America and also need a nice piece of PVC so 2

inch PVC around 5 centimeters around 5 centimeters and this one is about I

would say 35 which is about 1/2 inch per inch

ok so there you got it that's what we need and then also you're going to need

some flat pieces of wood to basically make a base for our 2x4 to get on and

get fixed on today and then of course our PVC pipe you get it too complicated

more I made one of these to be the base and then these want to be the structure

on top of the base which is this one and then the other two will be the walls of

the rail and the basement is the main structure basically the one that is

going to be the structure the skeleton is going on top of the base here and

then you want to show the other two what we're going to do with the other two and

then what do we create on top we create a little bad for what do you have to say

about that little later that's all really basic but now we need to fix it

are we gonna fix this the first thing that we're gonna do is check these you

put you put the skeleton down and the base on top

you gonna Center it just like that and you're gonna squish from the top Moe's

gonna do it right now and you can see it

so Moe just said yet is with working skills are not the best like see with

the PVC I just had to say so basically now we're gonna open a hole on the top

of the PVC yeah just three this is a two point four meter rail which is about I'm

sorry I don't know in feet anyway two point four meter rail we all needed

three holes

I think Moe is more of a PVC guy

okay now basically in the top layer about PVC which is created L with a nice

big drill bit so we can force our screw straight through there and into the

bottom part of the PVC so we can screw it down onto a structure which is both

so as you guys can see over here that the screw it doesn't really fit through

but that is done intentionally so we can actually just what we're gonna do it is

more so this little player L was actually made for the USD kids if you

guys remember Michael and Elijah they like known as the super grams in

aggressive skating down in Cape Town and just once for them yeah basically

they're grinding game which is perfectly normal because they're super young it's

still super basic they've been doing like front sides and back sides on ran

with these you're gonna learn how to get more tech so we're gonna give them this

rail you're gonna see us giving these rails to them and then probably in the

next videos you're gonna be you're gonna check some more tech tricks from Elijah

and Michael stay tuned let's wait for them to come now

go get it it's one two of you okay

dramas window to another side window next time I see you I want to see what

you do Grimes and that's how you make two kids happy I hope you learned

something today I hope you now know how to make a play rail and I want to see

her play rails let me know if you learn it if there was if do you have any

doubts about it and something I can help you with and other than that if you like

this you to give me some thumbs up if you didn't like it thumbs down but let

me know what you didn't like about this video what did me are morally wrong in

this video and like I always say the most important thing is to not forget

what we all started skating because it's fun

cheers guys see you soon

For more infomation >> HOW TO BUILD A PVC SKATING PLAY RAIL WITH LESS THEN 15 DOLLARS - Duration: 7:34.


NEW iBlinds Smart Window Blinds Z-wave Plus Controller Review - Duration: 8:12.

- Looking for a low-cost solution to automate your blinds?

Today, we're going to review iBlinds,

a Z-Wave-enabled horizontal blind motor.

I'll also be covering some useful troubleshooting tips,

so stay tuned.

(upbeat techno music)

Hi again, John Stone, the DIY Smart Home Guy

on the channel that's all about providing

tips, tricks, and reviews for your affordable smart home.

If you're a home automation nut like me,

you've no doubt been looking for an affordable solution

for controlling your window treatments.

The problem is, most automated blind solutions

are expensive, difficult to install, or require

some good old-fashioned, build-it-yourself tinkering.

In some cases, you can't even get a price

unless you schedule an in-home consultation,

which, of course, requires you to hand over

your email address and phone number.

Lucky for us, there's new players entering this market

all the time, and they promise to make the entire process

less painful and more affordable.

It just so happens that iBlinds is one of those players

and they've recently released a smart, Z-Wave motor

that integrates with smart hubs, like Vera,

SmartThings, and Wink Hub 2.

The folks over at iBlinds were kind enough

to send over this demo unit for me to check out.

So, in this video, we'll look at the installation process,

cover some troubleshooting tricks,

as well as talk about some home automation tips.

Just so you have a proper introduction,

iBlinds is a product of HAB Home Intelligence, LLC,

which is a startup located in Arlington, Texas.

- You are Hammond, of Texas.

- They also have an Indiegogo campaign.

If you're interested in supporting projects like these,

there's a link in the video description below.

And before you accuse me of being on the payroll,

this video is not a paid endorsement

and I received no compensation for making this video.

All products in the description below

are affiliate links and I may receive commissions

if you purchase products from these links.

So products shown in the video were provided

to me for free from the manufacturer.

However, the video should not be considered

an endorsement for any of these products.

HAB Home Intelligence is a company with a vision

that's centered around expanding

the smart home window covering ecosystem.

Basically they feel that if our locks, lights,

and thermostats are smart,

then shouldn't our window coverings be smart also?

Well, um, yeah.

And, as I mentioned, iBlinds is Z-Wave,

which means in can integrate straight into your smart hub.

When you buy the kit, which normally sells for 99 bucks,

you'll get the iBlind motor, the power connector,

a battery, plus the tilt rod adapters and a height adapter.

The kit also includes the basic power package,

which consists of a USB adapter and a USB charging cable.

You can purchase an optional solar panel charger

- Solar Power

(upbeat music)

that'll help you make sure that you won't need to worry

about leaving power cables hanging around your window

or accessing the unit to give it a charge.

- To see more videos like these,

now's a good time to subscribe.

You'll also wanna spank that bell icon

to be notified when new videos are released

or if I stream a live broadcast.

The other thing worth noting is that they have units

that operate on different Z-Wave frequencies,

which means you can use them

in countries all over the world.

But you wanna make sure that you tell them

which country you plan to use the motor in,

when you place your order, just to make sure

that you get the right frequency for your country.

Now, one limitation that I see is that they currently

only support two- to two-and-a-half-inch horizontal shades,

which are basically your standard Venetian blinds.

Don't get me wrong, this is a nice place to start.

But I'm looking forward to options

for motorized vertical blinds, as well.

Hint, hint.

Hint, hint.

Looking at the installation from the top down,

you'll see the motor, the charging port, and the battery.

The battery has this on/off switch,

which will be important in a few minutes.

And, if you're wondering how long the battery lasts,

iBlind boasts an impressive six months, on average.

(flames extinguished)

During the installation, you'll be removing the tilt rod

and putting a USB charging port in its place.

I left a link to a nice install video

in the description below.

You can also find a video on the iBlinds website.

So, here's how they work.

When you activate the motor from your smartphone

or Z-Wave remote, the motor turns

this connecting rod to tilt the blinds.

Another drawback that I see is that the unit

isn't able to raise and lower the blinds,

but, according to iBlinds, they're working on it.

And, in my opinion, with the proper amount of automation,

tilt really is all you need.

And, since this connects into your Smart Hub,

you have access to voice commands

if you're using a voice controller.

Computer, set blinds to 50%.

Now, before we take a look at this inside the Vera,

Wink, and SmartThings hubs,

let's cover a few troubleshooting tips just real quick.

First, when you get ready to pair this thing,

make sure that the power has been on

for at least 60 seconds.

Then, when you put your hub into Inclusion mode,

press the Include/Exclude button once.

Don't press this more than once,

or you're gonna run into problems.

If you pressed it three or more times,

I'll let you know how to recover from this in just a minute.

After your hub responds, you're gonna wanna wait,

and I mean wait.

The motor is going to go through an internal setup routine,

which could take a few minutes.

So you're gonna wanna be patient.

You'll know it's finished doing its thing

when it runs through this calibration mode.

During this cycle, the motor will open and close the blinds

as it figures out where the max limits are.

And, that's pretty much it.

You're done.

Now, if you got a little click-happy

and pressed that Include button more than three times,

I've created a set of troubleshooting instructions

that I've left over my website, in the how-to section,

so you'll wanna check that out.

On the control side, let's start with the Wink.

When you pair this in with the Wink,

you'll bring this in as a generic Z-Wave switch.

The downside here is that the Wink Hub 2

only supports full open and full close.

However, iBlinds is working with Wink

to open up the remaining features.

Okay, so let's gets this thing into the SmartThings Hub.

As usual, you're just gonna go

straight into your SmartThings app,

and you're gonna hit that little plus sign.

And then, we're gonna go back to the iBlinds unit there

and we're going to hit the Include button.

Okay, now SmartThings has detected it.

Just a quick rename.

Do the same thing as last time, Lab Blinds.

Done and save.

Okay, now we're gonna wait a couple of minutes,

and we're gonna let that do its autocalibration.

Sometimes if you're waiting a little bit too long

for this to go through its autocalibration mode,

you might want to give it a helping hand

by hitting that On or Off button,

and that's gonna get that thing started.

It's a beautiful thing.

To get full functionality within the SmartThings Hub,

you'll need to install the iBlinds Device Handler.

For those of you that don't already know,

a device handler is a custom piece of software

that allows the manufacturer to expose

additional functionality to the hub.

In the case of SmartThings, this will be the battery level

and the variable tilt settings.

I've left a link to the device handler

and how to install them in the description below.

Now, on the Vera side, it's pretty straightforward.

Full functionality straightaway,

no device handlers, no muss, no fuss.

When you bring in the device, you'll set it up

as a generic Z-Wave device.

It came in smoothly and it has all the features available.

You can see the full up, full down battery indicator

and the percent slider.

Using the Open and Close options

allows you to start the motion and then stop it.

There's also a link to my review of the VeraSecure

in the description below.

And, since this is now paired with my home automation hub,

we can create all sorts of cool scenes.

For example, tilt it to 75% in the morning

to let the light in, but I don't want the direct sunlight.

After noon, when the sun's out of the way,

you can open it up to 50% to let in more light.

And, at night, you can automatically close the blinds

30 minutes after sunset to keep

the neighbors from peeking in,

because that's how your neighbors are, right?

Overall, I think the folks over at iBlinds

hit a home run with this device.

I like the fact that it has the optional solar panel

and that it connects directly to my smart hubs.

And, since you're still here,

I'd like to take a moment to talk about Patreon.

Every little bit helps, and all the support goes directly

into making these videos for viewers like you.

I'm also making my DIY Smart Home Guy shirts

available over at LogoSportswear.

There's a link to my store in the description below.

Over time, I'll be making more options available.

So, keep checking it out.

You might just find something you like.

For more reviews, tips, and DIY videos, visit

Thanks for watching.

Don't forget to subscribe, and don't forget to click Like.

Over here are a couple of other videos that you might enjoy.

Until next time, cheers.

We're expanding the smart window covering

eco eco eco eco eco.

Two and a half-inch (mumbles).

For more infomation >> NEW iBlinds Smart Window Blinds Z-wave Plus Controller Review - Duration: 8:12.


Самое важно о Grundfos Scala2 за 5 минут - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> Самое важно о Grundfos Scala2 за 5 минут - Duration: 5:46.


Diabetes treatment | 5 Tips to Control Diabetes | Natural Health - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Diabetes treatment | 5 Tips to Control Diabetes | Natural Health - Duration: 3:28.


( US News ) Trump Threatens To Pull Aid To Palestinians If They Don't Pursue Peace - Duration: 8:21.

Trump Threatens To Pull Aid To Palestinians If They Don't Pursue Peace

2k   160.

DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - U.S.

President Donald Trump threatened on Thursday to withhold aid to the Palestinians if they did not pursue peace with Israel, saying they had snubbed the United States by not meeting Vice President Mike Pence during a recent visit.

Trump, speaking after a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the World Economic Forum, said he wanted peace.

However, his remarks could further frustrate the aim of reviving long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian talks.

Palestinians shunned Pence's visit to the region this month after Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and vowed to begin moving the U.S.

embassy to the city, whose status is at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Trump's endorsement in December of Israel's claim to Jerusalem as its capital drew universal condemnation from Arab leaders and criticism around the world.

It also broke with decades of U.S.

policy that the city's status must be decided in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

"When they disrespected us a week ago by not allowing our great vice president to see them, and we give them hundreds of millions of dollars in aid and support, tremendous numbers, numbers that nobody understands ― that money is on the table and that money is not going to them unless they sit down and negotiate peace," Trump said.

The United States said this month it would withhold $65 million of $125 million it had planned to send to the U.N.

agency that helps Palestinian refugees.

The UNRWA agency is funded almost entirely by voluntary contributions from U.N.

states and the United states is the largest contributor.

A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the United States had taken itself "off the table" as a peace mediator since it recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

"Palestinian rights are not up to any bargain and Jerusalem is not for sale.

The United States can't have any role unless it retreats its decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital," spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah told Reuters by phone from Jordan.

Abbas has called Trump's Jerusalem declaration a "slap in the face" and has rejected Washington as an honest broker in any future talks with Israel.

Abbas left for an overseas visit before Pence arrived.

Abbas has said he would only accept a broad, internationally backed panel to broker any peace talks with Israel.

The U.S.

Ambassador to the U.N., Nikki Haley also criticized Abbas.

Israel's government regards Jerusalem as the eternal and indivisible capital of the country, although that is not recognized internationally. Palestinians see East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state.

Speaking in Davos, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said only the United States could broker a peace deal.

"I think there's no substitute for the United States.

As the honest broker, as a facilitator, there's no other international body that would do it," Netanyahu said.

Trump said Palestinians had to come to the negotiating table.

"Because I can tell you that Israel does want to make peace and they're going to have to want to make peace too or we're going to have nothing to do with them any longer," Trump said.

Trump said his administration had a peace proposal in the works that was a "great proposal forPalestinians" which covers "a lot of the things that were over the years discussed or agreed on", without providing specifics.

Trump said his declaration on Jerusalem took it off the negotiating table "and Israel will pay for that", adding "they'll do something that will be a very good thing" without elaborating.

Earlier at the World Economic Forum, Jordanian King Abdullah said Jerusalem had to be part of a comprehensive solution.

He said Trump's decision had created a backlash, frustrating Palestinians who felt there was no honest broker.

But he added: "I'd like to reserve judgment because we're still waiting for the Americans to come out with their plan." King Abdullah's Hashemite dynasty is the custodian of the Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem, making Jordan particularly sensitive to any changes of status there.

The last talks collapsed in 2014, partly due to Israel's opposition to an attempted unity pact between Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas, and because of Israeli settlement building on occupied land that Palestinians seek for a state, among other factors.

Palestinians want the West Bank for a future state, along with East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.

Most countries consider as illegal the Israeli settlements built in the territory which Israel captured in the 1967 Middle East war.

Israel denies its settlements are illegal and says their future should be determined in peace talks.

The United States has said it would support a two-state solution if the Israelis and Palestiniansagreed to it.

  (Additional reporting by Ali Sawafta in RAMALLAH, Ari Rabinovitch in JERUSALEM, Michelle Nichols at the UNITED NATIONS and Noah Barkin and Dmitry Zhdannikov in DAVOS; Writing by Yara Bayoumy; Editing by Mark Bendeich)      .

For more infomation >> ( US News ) Trump Threatens To Pull Aid To Palestinians If They Don't Pursue Peace - Duration: 8:21.


How to make buffalo cauliflower bites - make cauliflower buffalo wings for quick party appetizers - Duration: 4:53.

learn how to make baked Buffalo cauliflower bites they're one of the

most easy and tasty cauliflower recipes known to man plus it's one of those

recipes for quick and easy dinner meals Buffalo cauliflower wings are great

quick appetizers for parties and gameday events like Super Bowl and March Madness

hi I'm Jenna from sip bite go and today I'm sharing with you how to make buffalo

bites they're baked in the oven you can serve

them with blue cheese and if you don't look at them when you're eating them you

might just think you're eating chicken which makes absolutely no sense but my

point is that they taste delicious so I'm about to jump right into the

ingredients and the step by step guide but before I do don't forget to

subscribe to the sip bite go YouTube channel

so even if you've never learned how to make cauliflower in the oven these tasty

cauliflower bites will be a success on your first try I basically guarantee it

I used to think many cauliflower dinner ideas were boring but this version of

cauliflower of Buffalo bites is one of the most tasty cauliflower recipes

because it includes Frank's hot red wing sauce this version is different than

other baked Buffalo cauliflower bite recipes because it includes red onions

if you don't like onions then just leave them out of your Buffalo cauliflower

wings they'll taste delicious either way adding red onion is like a little

surprise it's really easy to dice up and throw into the bowl this wouldn't be a

true chicken wings alternative if it didn't include the good old blue cheese

and cilantro on top you can also serve it with carrots and celery if you want

to go for the whole buffalo chicken effect

line a baking sheet with parchment paper so you don't have to deal with the mess

later preheat oven to 450 degrees in a bowl mixed together the cauliflower

onion garlic salt butter cilantro and Frank's hot sauce so they're evenly

spread throughout spread the mixture onto a sheet pan and bake in the oven

for 20 minutes for the first round after the Buffalo bites cook for 20 minutes

take them out of the oven add the remaining 1/4 cup of Frank's hot sauce

stir up the mixture so it all is evenly coated and stick the mix back in the

oven for 10 minutes you'll know that cauliflower bites are ready when Wham

you'll know the cauliflower bites are ready when you can stick a fork in them

and they are no longer raw it's nice when they still have a little crisp bite

to them you don't want them completely mushy either serve the cauliflower bites

with blue cheese and a sprinkle of greens like cilantro

I really can't take how difficult it is to eat chicken wings there's so much

picking that goes on by the time you get down to the meat of it there's barely

anything to eat I like these cauliflower bites because

they're so easy to make and they're really easy to eat and you still get to

enjoy them with buffalo sauce and blue cheese it's the best of every world

possible I hope you enjoy making these cauliflower bites for your next game day

event there's such an easy recipe and so much easier to eat than wings you can

find the step-by-step directions at I'll also leave a link under

this video if you have any requests for me feel free to send them my way and I

hope whatever team you root for wins because I don't really care who wins

most of the time anyway hope you have a wonderful day


I think green herbs look good on every food possible so that's why I say to

throw in some cilantro I've also used basil and parsley when in a pinch these

vegetarian cauliflower bites can be made vegan by leaving out the bleu cheese


you can make these bites for football games or basketball games


For more infomation >> How to make buffalo cauliflower bites - make cauliflower buffalo wings for quick party appetizers - Duration: 4:53.


The Story Of The Wealthy Heir Who May Have Been Eaten By Cannibals Is Almost Too Weird To Be Tru - Duration: 7:16.

The story of the wealthy heir who may have been eaten by cannibals is almost too weird to be true

When you're the son of a governor the great-grandson of the world's richest man and the heir to a massive fortune

You don't really need to lift too many fingers to get by in life

Nonetheless plenty of wealthy heirs attempted to carve out their own legacy, but it doesn't always end well

Set to someday inherit a piece of the rockefeller fortune

Michael Rockefeller could have taken a role on the Standard Oil Board of Directors and raked in cash

But he wanted more instead

He took a non-oil related role pursuing a different passion all the way to the ends of the earth and lost everything including

His life

Realistically speaking Michael Rockefeller had the good life laid out before him inherit part of the family fortune

Managed family assets on the board of Standard Oil work hard and grow old, but he had greater ambitions

And they would end up costing him his life

despite being the fifth son of Nelson Rockefeller the then Governor of New York as well as the

great-grandson of the robber baron john d rockefeller

Michael was more of a camera and paint guy than a pen and tie guy in other words

He pursued art instead of business for politics

Just before Michael graduated from Harvard in 1960 his father an avid art collector

Launched the museum of primitive art. It featured works from non-western artists like the Aztecs and Mayans and this enthralled Michael

Determined how the Sun follow his passions Nelson placed Michael on the museum's board of directors the young Rockefeller seize the opportunity

But this still wasn't enough for him

According to a Harvard classmate Michael wanted to do something that hadn't been done before and to bring a major collection to New York

He knew just where to look for it to then Dutch

New Guinea a portion of the Papua region of Indonesia the 23 year old contacted the Dutch national museum of anthology and

taking their advice organized a team to visit study and collect art in the regions as Matt tribe as

He soon discovered in detail this journey would be a far cry from the wealthy life of man

after arriving in the village of ox Jenna Michael was met with hesitation

Well the Asmat had interactions with outsiders in the past interactions Michael may have wished she studied those meetings were rare

Still while visiting he did his best to fit in and assembly and for the most part

He managed to do so he obtained wooden masks shields Spears and other artifacts from the locals and all seemed well

The differences in backgrounds though couldn't be ignored

Michael observed that in asmat culture it was the norm to engage in rituals that involved

drinking urine and eating the remains of your wartime enemies

Engaged with the people and their culture. He didn't notice these sidelong glances some of the Asmat cast towards him

Michael left the island

But he wasn't finished with his work there the visit to oxygen ebb had been as culturally enriching as he'd hoped

So he made a plan to return the following year, and that's where it all went haywire

It was November

1961 when Michael and his team returned to oxygen up or at least they tried to

They were just 12 miles from the shore when their ship capsized

Michael treading water saw the shore of the horizon and decided to swim for it

That was the last anyone saw Michael Rockefeller at least no one from America in

The wake of his son's sudden disappearance Nelson sent airplanes and ships

Looking for him and even flew to New Guinea to help search for him

Eventually however the Dutch Interior Minister called off the search. There's no longer any hope of finding Michael, Rockefeller alive

He announced the official cause of death drowning

Still some weren't so sure about that

The media ran wild with the story of the governor's son a rockefeller heir going missing

Talking heads post theories on his disappearance that ranged from shark attacks to him living secretly wealth free on the island as a member of

the tribe the truth remained hidden for decades

But years later

National Geographic reporter Karl Hoffman wanted the truth although he was just a year old when Michael disappeared

He had long been fascinated by the infamous mystery so Karl travelled the oxygen up himself and began to uncover the truth

Claiming to be studying Asmat culture Karl overheard through his interpreter Islanders discussing an American tourist

Who'd been killed decades earlier on the island Karl asked who the tourist was?

Interestingly enough the Islanders were eager to spill the beans with little prodding they told Karl all about the day an American washed ashore

The day they killed Michael Rockefeller in fairness the Asmat claimed the killing was justified to understand

Why they offered some context three years before Michael first visited them Dutch officials had invaded

Astana in order to quell a tribal civil war that it erupted on the island it didn't go well

Due to a misunderstanding these Dutch colonists ended up firing on the Asmat tribe killing four of their leaders in the process

Years later when Michael washed ashore exhausted guess who he first encountered

When Michael reached the shore of oxigen F. He'd come face to face with the sons of the war leaders murdered by the Dutch soldiers

Whether it was fear or anger that drove these as mats to kill Michael. They wouldn't let the chance for revenge pass

The aftermath as Karl Hoffman described in a book he wrote on the subject was brutal the Asmat scalped him ate his brain raw

Cooked his flesh and used his bones for tools

They drenched themselves in his blood as they thought they had restored balance to the world

Still the Asmat had seen guns. Thanks to the Dutch colonists. They'd seen helicopters

Thanks to the Americans had word of their killing gotten out the tribe feared they would have been wiped out

So they resolved to keep Michaels killing silent

Whether the story happened like this is difficult to know most of the Islanders told Karl

They'd heard this one passed down for years, but it remains unconfirmed

Some have suggested that it was a fictional tale created decades ago to make the Asmat seem tougher in the face of impeding Outsiders

still one tribe leader claimed to have Michaels skull amid his collection and

When asked what Michael had been wearing the day?

He died the leader described the outfit perfectly so what became of Michael's artistic visions

Most of the artifacts he collected on his initial visit to oxygen ended up in the aptly named Michael C

Rockefeller collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City they're still there to this day

It's a shame Michael Rockefeller met an untimely demise pursuing what he loved

Luckily, thanks to the museum exhibit. He can shares interests and passions with the rest of the world

Share this bizarre story with your friends below

For more infomation >> The Story Of The Wealthy Heir Who May Have Been Eaten By Cannibals Is Almost Too Weird To Be Tru - Duration: 7:16.


15 anos "Gabriela Sou da Paz" - Duration: 4:50.

On March 25th, 2003,

Gabriela Prado Maia Ribeiro was the victim of a stray bullet during a confrontation between a police officer and burglars

The young woman entered the metro station of São Francisco Xavier, when she was hit by one of the shots

After 15 years of tragedy, her father, Carlos Santiago, remains struggling so that her story will not be forgotten

15 years later, the feeling is like it was last week

The feeling doesn't change

It's erroneous, it's wrong, it's layman the person who says: "Time helps heal"

Time does not help anything

It was a beautiful day, it was like today

It was about 8:00 in the morning, Gabriela went to her grandmother's house

She calls her mother and says: "I need to buy a dress for the 15th birthday party

Come with me in the square?", Saens Peña Square

Mother said, "Gabriela, I have the car I don't know where I'm busy, something and stuff."

Why did Cleyde do this?

Because Gabriela at the age of 14, she had a thing she craved more than anything in life

Was to go out alone

She even played with me

She said, "Dad, any day I'm going to get on the bus for the wrong place,

If it's through the front, I'm going in the back. You won't let me out."

And she played with it

So, I don't have the slightest doubt that when Cleyde picked up the phone to talk to her. Buy dress don't buy dress

And Cleyde says, "Oh Gabriela Look, You're going to take the subway, you're going down,

Cross with the closed signal, pay attention" All this she knew how to do

I'm sure when she said, "you can go," that this day of Gabriela, the day that happened the tragedy,

It was Gabriela's happiest day

I'm even moved to saying it, because I'm absolutely sure

Because it was something she really wanted. She really wanted to go out on her own

She went down, was having the robbery at the box office, She saw the robbery

We have no doubt of that, because she has returned

She tried to up the stairs again

And when she's going up, a cop comes down the stairs, undercover

And this cop sees the bandit behind her going up running with the money in his hand and with the gun in the other

And decided to pull the gun to face the guy

At the time it pulled, the gunfight

And the shot that killed Gabriela came out of the cop's gun that was coming down the stairs

The movement "Gabriela Sou da Paz", it came naturally

It was something that came up like this, practically the day she died

That people started talking: "Gabriela am from peace, Gabriela am from Peace"

The movement ended it adding up, coming up with people's accessions

Both non-victims, and people who have become victims or who have already been victims of violence

That they were looking for exactly that

They were looking for a change, an explanation, of why things even today, or even that time,

Had not been resolved, cases that continued in impunity

Cases that continued unsolved

The only thing that can alleviate is the answer from who killed

To be arrested, to be condemned

And that when the person has not, I always say, is a pain worse than my

Because we ended, in a certain way, managed to arrest the five people involved in the crime

To arrest and condemn people all

So in a certain way, I had a feedback, I had an answer

Now, 90% of people are not that way. I think this has been reinforcing the movement

People have been seeing this and have been seeing that too prison and sentencing

Of the killers of Gabriela, of the people involved

Also had a large participation of the fruit of the struggle of the people, our battle

We don't get off the street, we give up work

Of us giving up doing the things we wanted

To have this kind of justice

I'm very proud of that, because

It's not a story of mine, it's a story she left

Ended up turning a book

They made a documentary with her that was outside of Brazil.The documentary was awarded

Telling that story. A documentary called "Bala Perdida"

Mayor Cesar Maia gave a street with her name in Tijuca

Her mother died five years later

of a massive stroke. I spent two years drinking without stopping

I had a big problem, then thank God

I mean, we're looking for escape valves, but that's what I promised her

Of you I will not forget, so 15 years later that's it

Homesickness, but it's a lot of cool memories, it's a lot

It's a lot of good story right

Now it is, much homesickness

Homesickness is terrible, homesickness is the worst feeling we can have

It's the only one that really hurts.

For more infomation >> 15 anos "Gabriela Sou da Paz" - Duration: 4:50.


Clary & Isabelle | Can we still be friends? [AU] +3x01 - Duration: 1:06.

Isabelle: I love you.

Isabelle: I'll be home soon.

For more infomation >> Clary & Isabelle | Can we still be friends? [AU] +3x01 - Duration: 1:06.


America's News HQ 03/25/18 4PM | March 25, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:49.

For more infomation >> America's News HQ 03/25/18 4PM | March 25, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 35:49.


Night-time Shower Routine For Guys - Haircare & Cosmetics - Duration: 4:35.

- Hello, and welcome to this video.

My name's Thomas if you're brand new here,

and in just a minute, I'm going to be taking you

into the shower with me to show you

my during and after shower routine.

Now, it is about 5:30 here in Australia right now,

and I usually knock off work at about 5:00pm.

And because I'm an internet kid,

I'm always on the computer, always staring at a screen.

I am always sitting still and I get very fidgety

and restless.

So, I find a workout at the end of my day

really helps boost my endorphins,

get me feeling a bit happier.

And then I have a special routine that I do

to wind down from the day and get me back to normal.

So I'm going to show you that.

But before we get into the routine,

I have to go put these guys in the fridge.

These are a special little gadget that I'll be using today.

And, yeah, let's get on with this routine.

I'll see you in the shower.


And alrighty, holy hell, I'm naked.

It's time for shower.

So, like any normal human being, I just turn the taps on

and I wet my hair a bit.

Do a little dance, and then I get straight into my routine.

Now, this routine is actually very quick.

I keep my showers to a minimum.

If I'm washing my hair,

I'll wash my hair and then scrub my body.

If I'm not washing my hair, I'll just scrub my body

and get out.

But as far as shampoo goes in this routine,

I'm using Bhave Scalp,

because my dandruff has been playing up.

And for conditioner, I'm using Bhave Rescue,

which helps repair my hair from any damage.

Once I've put the conditioner in my hair,

it's time to...

Oh my God, I hate it when the shower gel runs out, ugh.

I just scrub my pits and my other smelly bits.

After that, I just rinse everything off and 3, 2, 1,

I am done.

Alright, so the next step is to clean my face thoroughly.

So I do this with a spin brush and a basic face wash,

and I pretty much go over my face a couple of times

to get all that dirt and crap from the day off.

And then it's time for my new favourite thing, eye masks.

I don't know if you guys have seen

in a few of my other posts,

but I've been wearing eye masks a lot lately

to help dull down the soreness from looking at a screen

all the time, and especially to help me not feel so gross

when I have a hangover.

I'm currently using these Zeatar ones.

They're medical grade, cruelty free, vegan and eco friendly,

like, look at me being all earthy.

No but seriously, these guys take eye masks

to the next level, and their number one goal

is to make the best solutions for screen addicts, like me.

Which, I think is good and much needed.

You can get these eye masks in packs of five,

and they've got really, really nice ingredients in them.

They've got aloe vera for hydrating, green tea for firming,

bit of ginger for moisturising and brightening,

and you've also got magnesium ascorbyl phosphate

for lightening.

Now, remember in the start of the video,

I put some of these in the fridge.

Well we're gonna go get them now, and I'm gonna show you

how to put them on your face.

So like I said before, there is instructions

and sweet little tips on the inside of this thing,

but if you want to take my word for it to apply the masks,

you just tear open the sash,

peel them to externalise the mask, and then gently apply it

underneath your eye.

Tilting your head on the left or the right,

whichever way you're doing it,

will make it sit better on your face, and then, ta da.

You do that twice and you're done.

In terms of usage time with these eye masks,

you can either like pop them on for 15 minutes,

do your hair routine and brush your teeth like I do,

or you can leave them on for an extended period,

and you can even sleep with them on.

I also forgot to mention, after I put the eye patches on,

I just use my Sanctum moisturiser.

It's a water based one, good for oily skin types like mine.

It stops it from getting too oily,

and yeah I really like it.

And for any of you that are curious

about the products I was using in my hair just back there

a little bit, all I use for this routine

for the end of the day is just a bit of Right Control oil

from Bhave, a bit of Supernova, and also,

my beloved leave in cream.

All these products are really good

for moisturising the hair, and as you guys all know,

I have really thick, coarse, dry hair so, yeah.

I just tuck a bit of that in and then I'm off.

And then after I put my hair products in,

I pretty much just wait 'til the 15 minutes is up

for these guys, and then slide them off,

which is exactly right now.

Woop, woop.

And after you take them off as well,

just kind of like pat the rest of the solution

into the under eyes and yeah, they go all nice and clear

and beautiful.

I actually have really noticed a difference

since using eye masks so, yeah.

I really hope you enjoyed this video and my routine.

Please leave any comments that you have just down below

and give this video a thumbs up.

I'm gonna leave the links to Zeatar

and all the other products in the description box below

for you, so you can go and check them out.

And, I hope you have a lovely week.

I don't really have anything else for you.

Please, if you are growing your hair out

or want some hairstyle advice and tips,

make sure you go and visit my Facebook page,

Hairstyles In Action.

There will be a link for that in the description box below,

and I hope you have a good week.

See ya later, bye.

For more infomation >> Night-time Shower Routine For Guys - Haircare & Cosmetics - Duration: 4:35.


xxx - catch prod. xxx - Duration: 2:56.

She came to fuck, it was picture perfect

Different person when she texting, guess her heart was hurting

She need attention I'm guessing I didn't get the message

She told me "Bae, I know you miss me, why you still pretending?"

Louie loafers, Fendi, and different colors matching

She leave her house like she winning a fucking beauty pageant

And when she older, she told me she wanted to be actress

Keep that spray in that condo in case a nigga actin'

She got some issues she told me her daddy beat her 50

And she tried to do stripping but I guess it wasn't fittin'

Now she fucks with these fuckers, she just want the dollar bills

Fuck it when this shit is real, bitch you know it's real

Yeah, never caught them to save a ten

Never be inside a court like it's a fucking journey

Damn, call Diamond, Downy and Guapo

20 and that Henny in case a nigga could Chapo

They like Similac and milk in that baby bottle

Bumpin' that Metro Boomin say "fuck it" just let the shots roll

Fuck it just let the shots roll

Momma wouldn't stand that baby going to jail

Momma always wanted her baby going to Yale

40 in that fanny she hit me straight for ya tail

She don't need a tutor for paying the baby bail

Yeah, why selling the MacBook

Better tuck his chain if the nigga don't want his neck took

And for all my niggas who chilling who have my back bruh

Sitting with that fanny just waiting for you to act up

Fuck it just let the shots roll

Tired of these bitches and nigga do want the top though

Catch a nigga slipping and nigga it ain't even my dough

Nigga talking funny, said "fuck it" just left his jaw broke

Case it, I law and order

Tell you a nigga like you never fuck with my daughter

Nino on the Yachty, that honor bitty my side(y)

Homie fuck the rapping, we pulling up with the shotty

Yeah, aye rock like Biggie and Pac did

Tell you what that Nina with Rio, Bria in Bel-Air

Always miss my uncle, a gamble just like casinos

Lately I been chilling, I been chilling, I hit up my nigga Chino

Hush, fuck it just let the shots roll

Looking like Khalifa and Yeezy mixed with a Pac, oh

"Who you favorite artist?" I tell these niggas "I don't know"

Bitch you love my music so where the pussy and Guapo

Could it be the way that I will catch up?

Could it be the way that I will catch up?

Could it be the way that I will catch up?

Could it be the way that I will catch up?

Could it be that way that I-

For more infomation >> xxx - catch prod. xxx - Duration: 2:56.


REVIEW: "Brooklyn" (Colm Tóibín), Hiatus and the CPE Writing Exam - Duration: 5:46.

*Mumbling in Spanish bookseller*


... That was a seagull...

Hello everybody and welcome to The Paper Booklight

My name is Laura Munoz and I have to say I'm really, really glad to be back

So, after a short hiatus where I had to take my English exams

As you might've seen in my social media accounts, I am applying for a MA in Translation so I needed these exams.

I am back!!

So, today's book is "Brooklyn" by Colm Tóibín

this is one of the set texts for the 2018 sessions of the Cambridge Proficiency Exam

(it) is published by Penguin, and in Spain you can find it under the same name

but published by Lumen, which is an imprint of Penguin Spain.

This book was the winner of the Costa Novel Award in 2009

This is the story of Eilis, she's

a young lady from Ireland who emigrates to Brooklyn in order to have a better future.

So, at the beginning of the book we see her working in a grocery store

then her sister Rose who plays golf on weekends then she meets this priest who

helps her (Eilis) to move to Brooklyn

The book is divided in four parts. Throughout

these four parts we see how she's establishing herself, like how she got

there, because it is not like now that if you're homesick and you've got the means

you just get in a plane and you're there in three hours see? She was like... (for) a week on

the boat, the conditions weren't really good at all you know?

She starts working

for a department store called Bertucci's;

How she is adapting to Brooklyn, how

she's starting her studies, how she meets Tony and develops a loving relationship

with him

And also, after a really unexpected event, she has to go back to

Ireland immediately. She is with this dilemma of "should I stay or should I go

back to Brooklyn where I have my life?" "should I leave my mother or what should I do?

especially as a young lady, it is like "should I follow my sense of duty, or just you know, stay there?"

and I have to say that

as a young emigrant, I felt really connected to this book because when you

arrive to a new country you kind of start growing your own roots

you leave what you've got behind, you know, and you start a new life basically

This is something that you can see throughout the book, that American

society was changing, she was new to the town, you know? She was growing her roots

As I mentioned before, this is one of the set texts for the 2018

sessions of the Cambridge Proficiency exams. They will ask you to take into account

certain aspects of the book and write either a review or an article... In my case

it was a letter, and I had to highlight a very important aspect of this book which

are letters.

Unlike nowadays that you just you know call your parents or do

a Skype session, her main via of communications was letters, which

take time you know and it was very interesting to see like different

nuances that these letters had.

For instance, Eilis and Rose were communicating

through these letters but she was sending them to her office because they were talking

about like sensitive questions that maybe her mother wouldn't understand she

had some older brothers that emigrated to England.

At first you know when she's

receiving these letters she starts to feel like really homesick they kind of

trigger this anxiety that she has because she wants to be there she's not

able to go back soon, so she's feeling like really guilty as well because she

feels like she's leaving behind and kind of not be trying but she's charging all

this responsibility to an older sister who is full of life as well and she

wants to get married and... and... you know get out of the house

Then there's the mother who's a widow ...

The letters that she... she's writing to Tony

Nowadays, relationships of all sorts are more immediate, so seeing this kind of you

know, "expectation/ no expectation" when it comes to snail mail... That's a really

interesting point to take into account

Well, I have to say that to me this was a

really enjoyable read. With or without the pressure of sitting these exams you know

It is short in the sense of you can read it in a couple of days, it is not too complex

and in my opinion, it's got so many layers because, you know; the unexpected event, I have to

say that it was really unexpected for me and if you read the book again, you start

asking yourself so many questions, 'cause at the beginning there is this sort of

foreshadowing where it's building you the expectation that that thing is going to

happen to that person in specific

This is something that we were

commenting as well that these plot twists, it was really unexpected...

Were the intentions of this deceased character pure in the beginning or apparently they

knew that this was going to happen and therefore they were, like, building the

path for this person who is Eilis?

You know, so it's really interesting and it's

got many layers

And to be honest I felt that I need a little bit more closure

towards the end, because it left me with so many questions I was like "okay but

what's gonna happen afterwards?"

If you've got any questions about the Cambridge

Proficiency exams don't hesitate to leave me a comment, I will also leave

some of the materials that I was using to study.

The other set text for the 2018

sessions is "The light between oceans" by M.L. Stedman

which is also published by Penguin and you can find it in Spanish under the

name of "La luz entre los océanos" published by Salamandra.

So if you liked this video don't forget to subscribe, give me a thumbs up.

Have a look to my other videos as well as my social media accounts which i am leaving

you here. And if you're gonna sit the same exams just leave me a comment also

if you read the book or "the light between oceans" leave me a comment as well

and we can have a wee debate

So see you soon!

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