Monday, March 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 26 2018

traveling to Israel, I visited Jaffa one of the most ancient cities

Israel this ancient city fortress Today it is part of Tel-Aviv and

one of the main attractions city ​​compares the name of the coastal

cities of Israel, I can safely call one of the most colorful and

interesting because of the huge number of legends and legends enveloping the city

historical and cultural sights that are here

meet at every step and amazing atmosphere of the port in this city

speaking in one of the many legends connected with Jaffa

It is necessary to note the traditions about the fact that the city was formed by one of the sons of Noah

but remember the ancient Greek myth of Beautiful Andromeda chained to the rock and

given to the terrible sea monster

yes yes this legend is also associated with jaffa and it is here that the brave Perseus

defeated the sea monster freed beloved and took her to wife today

walking along the old jaffa you can even see the ancient breakaway stones

from the famous Andromeda rocks and reached to the present day

However, we leave the legends and move on to The true story of this beautiful

the city the first mention of Jaffa dates from the times of ancient Egypt

when the soldiers of Pharaoh Thutmose 3 captured city

making him a part of the great the ancient Egyptian kingdom

during the reign of the Romans city developed and flourished by

one of the most important trade economic objects of the Roman Empire

during the Jewish War the city was destroyed to the ground for a while

lay in the ruins of the Middle Ages as it was captured by the Arabs and gradually lost

status of a commercial city first crusades when the city came under

authority of the Knights Templar order changing jafo is transformed from a port

an important strategic trading city and

kingdom of the Crusaders but after a while The city is again under the power

Muslims who destroy it before only a few centuries later

the city is in the possession of Napoleon 1950, I though Tel Aviv

unite in the same way No less affected the originality and uniqueness

suit today's historical part

is a huge tourist and cultural object

numerous monuments of history and culture of bygone days that

perfectly coexists in the neighborhood modern hotel restaurants and

art galleries by the way walk in the port can be one of the

twelve lanes each of which dedicated to a certain sign of the zodiac

these lanes have long been chosen by artists and masters of the arts

the most iconic object for Christians is the church of St. Peter

the present building of which is nineteenth century Franciscans on the

The place where in the time of the Crusaders stood fortress

The port of Jaffa is the oldest in Israel its history is more than 3000 years old

the first mention of the port is found The Book of John the period of Turkish rule

it was through this port that the first Jewish immigrants from Europe in the 19th century

The Yaffa port served more than one world shipping company took more than 5

passenger liners weekly start 20th century

port reconstructed built breakwaters telegraph lines

warehouses and a lighthouse by the way the lighthouse is located right from the pores there on the rock andromeda

Today port I function as a small fishing port and recreation areas with

many different cafes and restaurants which you can enjoy

delicious dishes from the seafood and so as the jaffa is located directly on

the territory of Tel Aviv to reach it it will not be difficult from the city center

Tel Aviv you can walk a couple

kilometers along the coast direction port for me hardy you

you can do the same on rented car or taxi

the fare will cost about 25 shekels although if the day was not very hot and

sunny then a 30-minute walk to Jaffa will be

excellent pastime bus Route number 46 will take you to one of the

streets Jaffa travel costs six shekels

at the highest point of the old city a composition of biblical

motifs of the gates of faith on two pillars The scenes and life of the patriarchs are depicted

Abraham's willingness to sacrifice His son Isaac and Jacob's dream

which God promises the holy land of his descendants on the pillars are sculptural

block symbolizing the taking of Jericho as fulfillment of this supreme promise

I invite you to visit the wish bridge amazing stone bridge with figurines

12 Signs of the Zodiac according to the ancient tradition, every

I'll have to touch my hands to sculpture

his zodiac and looking at the sea make the most cherished desire that

it's bound to come true by the way here soon come not only to

Make a wish The bridge is very popular among the newlyweds

say if the young couple in front of the ceremony of marriage will come to the bridge

together they never part

on this our journey is not end

I really hope that my videos about Israel time will be useful for you

planning your trip to Israel even more I hope that thanks to my

video, you make the right decision and will spend your next vacation in Israel

subscribe to our channel ask questions leave comments to you all

good before new meetings

For more infomation >> 🇮🇱 СТАРЫЙ ГОРОД ЯФФО (Jaffa Old City) ИЗРАИЛЬ ТЕЛЬ-АВИВ - Duration: 8:45.


Body parts || Latest Nursery Rhymes for Children || 3d Animation || Hurray toons - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Body parts || Latest Nursery Rhymes for Children || 3d Animation || Hurray toons - Duration: 0:54.


Vaciar Kodi en Linux - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Vaciar Kodi en Linux - Duration: 5:17.


Con Đàn Bà - Skyler - video Lyric - Rap Việt - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Con Đàn Bà - Skyler - video Lyric - Rap Việt - Duration: 3:32.


Rest. el Arriate, El Puerto de Santa María. Cádiz - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Rest. el Arriate, El Puerto de Santa María. Cádiz - Duration: 1:06.


Doctor Foster, S:2, E:1, Episode 2 - Duration: 57:47.

For more infomation >> Doctor Foster, S:2, E:1, Episode 2 - Duration: 57:47.


3/25/18 3:53 PM (1414 E Mission Ave, Spokane, WA 99202, USA) - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> 3/25/18 3:53 PM (1414 E Mission Ave, Spokane, WA 99202, USA) - Duration: 4:55.


9 consigli per ottenere il corpo che desiderate - Duration: 9:02.

For more infomation >> 9 consigli per ottenere il corpo che desiderate - Duration: 9:02.


47歲「莫文蔚」的德國富豪老公「近照曝光」!老公長相讓許多人超羨慕的啊! - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> 47歲「莫文蔚」的德國富豪老公「近照曝光」!老公長相讓許多人超羨慕的啊! - Duration: 9:49.


Com ares místicos, cantora norueguesa Aurora mostra seu pop melódico - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Com ares místicos, cantora norueguesa Aurora mostra seu pop melódico - Duration: 2:19.


วันรับปริญญาที่อเมริกาของติน่า 👩🏻‍🎓🎉 | Tina Academy Ep.50 - Duration: 15:38.

For more infomation >> วันรับปริญญาที่อเมริกาของติน่า 👩🏻‍🎓🎉 | Tina Academy Ep.50 - Duration: 15:38.


Body parts || Latest Nursery Rhymes for Children || 3d Animation || Hurray toons - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Body parts || Latest Nursery Rhymes for Children || 3d Animation || Hurray toons - Duration: 0:54.


Vaciar Kodi en Linux - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Vaciar Kodi en Linux - Duration: 5:17.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Now You See Them, Now You Don't! - Duration: 21:17.

For more infomation >> Now You See Them, Now You Don't! - Duration: 21:17.


New Discoveries About Down Syndrome May Open Up Treatment Options - Duration: 4:05.

New Discoveries About Down Syndrome May Open Up Treatment Options

as a parent of a 10 year old with down syndrome

I don't know how to respond to news of new research related to the brain function of people with pennies condition penny and many of the

other people I know with down syndrome the the happy fulfilling lives

when he is not suffering

nor are the majority of

children with down syndrome I know nevertheless

research continues on how the presence of a third 21st chromosome affects the body's

brains and behaviors of people with down syndrome

that research could lead to drug interventions to improve cognition

which could potentially better the lives of sin individuals with down syndrome

recently Dr. Tara Kader of the Boston university school of medicine and Dr. Man obsessed on of the Yale school of medicine published a

paper explaining the results of their groundbreaking research into way down

syndrome affects the brains of children and adults

Dr. Haider explained by phone that they took 15 brains from deceased patients with down syndrome

ranging from the littlest babies and toddlers to adolescents and adults

they also found compare a Bulgaria News from among the typical population

then they isolated a few areas of these brains and compared the two groups the researchers discovered a few things

one true some 821 affects all ago den died differentiation and Mila nation I had to look those words up in order to understand them

and I put myself through a little morality crash course

here goes the brain consists of neurons

your odds are connected to one another through accents fastens are protected by something called the myelin sheath

so envision the court that connects your desk lamp to the outlet in the wall

inside the plastic covering is the actual wire that transmits electricity from wall to light bulb outside is the protective covering

it's kind of like that in our brains

where the new runs communicate with one another and with the central nervous system

and the mile and protects them

Haider and says Tom demonstrated that the presence of that additional 21st chromosome reduces the production of the protective mile

and to the differences between a brain with down syndrome and a typical brain do not only occur prenatal a but the route life

according to Dr. Haider this research demonstrates different windows of opportunity

for intervention for people with down syndrome at prenatal

toddler or even the teenaged stage of development

moreover researchers working on diseases like multiple sclerosis are developing medications

that focuses on Mila nation some of which are already in clinical trials

in other words these drugs meant to increase the production of my line may be available in a relatively short amount of time

if and when these drug interventions become a veil a bowl parents and individuals with down

syndrome have another set of questions to answer

as Dr. Haider himself reflected

20 of family's will say why would I want to change my child

that there are some children with down syndrome who suffer more I want to develop something that provides families and people

with down syndrome with a decision about whether they want to improve cognition

I just want to provide an auction

teeter and says Don have demonstrated with greater clarity than ever before the way in which down syndrome affects the brains of

those with a condition for some people with down syndrome it could lead to the tensions

that make a measurable positive difference in their lives

For more infomation >> New Discoveries About Down Syndrome May Open Up Treatment Options - Duration: 4:05.


My First Deal I Made $5K - Duration: 10:27.

My name is Armond Wright.

I'm from Toledo, Ohio.

I originally heard about Joe from a YouTube, just surfing YouTube and found a couple of

his videos and decided to give him a call.

I had some properties that I was looking to wholesale and throughout the conversation

he mentioned to me the For Rent Method.

And I was quite interested in the For Rent Method.

And based off the information, the conversation, I decided to get involved with his program.

For Rent Method is just another way of saying assignable lease option deals.

So, for example, you find a property, put it under contract, then you assign it over

and that's what we call the For Rent Method.

I think any time where you can help a seller sell their house relatively quickly, then

you help a buyer who traditionally couldn't buy a home, it's always a good situation.

So I really can't highlight what would be the best deal.

Of course, I can highlight that I made the most money off of, but just the happiness

that you see in the sellers and the buyers when the transaction comes together it's

just a wonderful feeling.

One particular deal was a Viet Nam veteran and he was looking to relocate from Indiana

to Florida and he had a house where he couldn't sell.

And I was able to sell that house within three weeks and then the guy was so happy, I mean,

he started, almost started tearing up on the video, and that was kind of a shocker and

he just thanked me, just, you know, over and over again.

Just a wonderful feeling to help people out and it's just a wonderful feeling to see

the happy and the joy within the buyers and sellers, it's pretty awesome.

Well, this year I'm on track to have the best year.

Let's just say it looks like it's going to be six digits this year.

It's going along pretty well.

And that's without adding any improvements that I'm looking to add relatively soon,

like, within the next few days.

Starting tomorrow, I'm going to bring on another additional person.

I have one person that works for me now, well, actually, a VA service and one person that

works for me now.

I'm looking to add another VA and then just kind of take an analysis of the situation

once I bring the other person on and then just strategically add more people to help

expand the business.

What is a VA service?

The VA stands for "virtual assistant."

Basically, someone that works for you that's not in your area, so that's the reason why

you call them virtual.

So, virtual assistant.

My first deal I made $5,000 on it.

Doesn't take that long for you to actually do a deal, if you actually follow the instructions

and do what you're supposed to do.

You know, life gets in the way, creativity gets in the way and once I got around to doing

it, it didn't take long at all.

My goals is to help expand the business, bring on more people, add more automation.

I do some teaching and I want to grow that because I'm pretty passionate about the


And just ultimately one of my main goals, is one of my main focus, I wrote down some

goals actually yesterday, is to help people.

And that's one of the things I want to come across is always want to come across as to

help someone.

Whether you're monetizing it or not, because I've got enough skill level where I can,

you know, I can drum up the money, but I think at the end of the day it's all about helping


And I really appreciate you know, Joe helping me by him putting all this together.

I mean, this business really changed my life and I share with my kids and my youngest daughter

seemed like she's grasped ahold of it the most, but I just, at the end of the day, I

just want to help as many people as I possibly can.

Automation, for me, is utilizing Automarketer as well as bringing on people to handle a

lot of the work load.

The Automarketer helps you get leads from craigslist.

That's what I mainly use it for, craigslist.

But if a person was in a position where they can't afford the Automarketer, you can obviously

do it manually.

But the Automarketer's just tool that's to help make your job a little easier.

For me, personally, I have pretty high goals as far as financial goals and the reason being,

you know, you have, I feel you have more money, more people you can help, but you can, you

have choices of how you want to live.

Like, say for example, if a person wanted to live like, a leisurely life style, mainly

do deals and kind of relax, you can do that.

Or if a person wanted to go out here and try to make as you know, much money as you possibly

can, I mean, you've got a vehicle that can make money relatively – shouldn't use

the word "easily" – but, you can make money relatively without using a lot of your


So you can really maximize that by doubling down and putting more time into the business

to really you know, maximize the amount of money that you can make using these strategies

as well as have other vehicles where you can make money as well.

All that combined, I mean, you can have a really amazing life style.

It's where you look at things just quite differently.

Like, I commented on my youngest daughter, I'm pretty proud of her.

She puts together deals and helps me out.

And for her, it's just, by her being so young, she started, she did her first deal

when she was fourteen.

Now she's seventeen, so her future is bright, I mean, as far as work the business part time,

or full time, and you know, go to college.

I mean, her future is really, really bright.

So I'm just, that's, you know, without this, or without this knowledge, you know,

that wouldn't be there.

So that's just a beautiful thing and then as far as me, personally, just the way I go

about doing the business as far as with the lease options, land contracts, just, it's

just better, more, a more secure, safer way of doing real estate investing.

Well, my current situation, I work this full time and the economy right now is doing really

well and my background degree, my background is in engineering.

I have an MBA, and what they call a Six Sigma black belt.

So, currently, I do this full time.

And I also work a job.

So, like I said, you're making like, a double income plus you have like, rental you know,

rental properties.

It's just, it's really a special situation.

And then adding on, and another thing, it's like, you know, I'm working for money but

another thing, too, for me, when I work this just full time, that automation piece doesn't

really get there and I just haven't put all the pieces together, so by holding down

a job, it's kind of forcing me to automate and run the business because the time is not


So, it's like an experiment, but I'm getting paid pretty good to do through it.

One piece that I have automated is handling of the buyers.

I have kind of like, a buyer finder.

And that person takes the calls, helps coordinate the showings of the properties.

So I have the buyer side automated.

And then also I utilize the Automarketer as far as getting seller leads so that's like,

a program, so that part's a given.

That's automated.

And as well as the direct mail campaigns.

I have a virtual assistant that takes the first shot as far as interviewing the sellers

and extracting information from them for, as of right now, for me to follow up on.

One thing I would, advice I can give, just, you know, don't give up.

I mean, it's anything worth having is not easy to obtain.

So, I just, you know, don't give up.

Work the business diligently.

Set goals, so, you know, set reasonable, what we call it's like, a smart goal where smart,

specific, measurable, attainable.

Make it realistic and time bound.

So say, for example, I'm going to make fifty calls this week.

That'll be your goal for this week, so how are we going to make fifty calls this week?

So break that down to a daily goal and then from daily, you know, what hours in the day

are we making those calls?

And then track your performance.

And either you hit the goal or not, you know?

And then from there, once you, say you're making fifty calls, increase that.

And just track your performance and constantly continue learning the business.

Like, say, you know, I learned a great deal from Joe, but also I learned bits and pieces

from other people but by far Joe's material is the best and how I can say that, and continually

say, because I've looked at other peoples' material and it doesn't even compare.

The advice I would give for a new person, and that's really the meat of this, because

mostly the people probably watching the video are new folks.

I would say you know, just, you know, don't give up.

Just get involved and work the business and diligently work the business.

Meaning that, you're supposed to make the phone calls, make your phone calls, talk to

the sellers, and just keep going, keep working the business and it works.

I mean, it's a good system.

The system is, in my opinion, Joe's system is the best.

And if you work the business you will see the benefits.

And then once you start having some small wins, you can you know, tweak different things

and to expand your performance.

But the main thing is just, you know, don't give up and just keep working the business.

For more infomation >> My First Deal I Made $5K - Duration: 10:27.


Trump Announces Who He's Pardoning… Hillary is Going to Lose it - Duration: 14:38.

Trump Announces Who He's Pardoning…

Hillary is Going to Lose it

President Donald Trump issued the second exonerate of his administration today when he absolved

previous Navy mariner Kristian Saucier.

Amid his battle, Trump specified Saucier a great deal, expressing that his whole life

was "demolished" despite the fact that what he did was no where close as awful as

things that Hillary Clinton has done.

At the point when Saucier was 22 years of age, he accepted photographs while his atomic


For his activities, he lost his whole vocation in the Navy and put in a year in jail.

Saucier's attorney summoned Hillary Clinton amid his trial.

He made the contention that Saucier shouldn't be held to a higher standard than Hillary

Clinton when he did significantly less than she.

The Washington Examiner announced:

The photographs Saucier, now 31, took inside the sub were esteemed "secret," which

means the most reduced level of characterization, despite the fact that some delineated the

vessel's atomic reactor.

Clinton, by difference, sent and got all the more exceedingly ordered data on a private

and uncertain email server.

Saucier told the Washington Examiner not long ago that a lawful offense conviction made

it elusive work.

He filled in as a junk jockey to help his better half and youthful little girl.

His family's autos were repossessed while he was in jail and his Vermont home is in


Saucier has a while left of wearing a lower leg screen.

Saucier's significant other clarified that she couldn't have been more joyful with

President Trump's choice to exonerate her better half.

She clarified that her significant other was driving a dump truck when the news came in.

She clarified, "I can't trust it happened, it's as yet soaking in.

He messaged me back, 'what' with a shout point."

She went ahead to state, "I am exceptionally appreciative.

It will be an enormous reality when probation calls and the lower leg screen falls off."

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders helped America to remember the previous

Navy SEAL's generally estimable record amid his chance serving in the United States Navy.

She expressed, "The president is energetic about Mr. Saucier's support of the nation."

Clearly what Saucier did was not legitimate and wasn't right, but rather he has languished

enough over his mix-up.

We have individuals like Hillary Clinton circling doing whatever she damn well satisfies while

her activities are getting Americans murdered.

I haven't seen her rebuffed for anything that she has done.

It's incredible news that Saucier is at last being exonerated, and now he can at last

move on.

For more infomation >> Trump Announces Who He's Pardoning… Hillary is Going to Lose it - Duration: 14:38.



Why, what?

Don't know meh?

You'll laosai and die if you eat instant noodles without cooking them first

See la, never subscribe to Goody Feed's YouTube channel

that's why you believe this kind of old wive's tale

Here, watch this

To many of us, instant noodles are a lifesaver

We have it when we must work late

We have it when we are Netflixing

We have it everywhere just to save time

But how much do you know about it?

For example, do you know that it takes hours for the noodles

to be digested in your stomach?

Or that there is actually a reason why it takes 3 minutes to cook it?

Here are 10 facts about instant noodles you have got to know

We have all heard stories about how unhealthy instant noodles are

And, most of them would be about the MSG or the empty calories

While these are worrying, what's worse is actually the sodium content

Which is this

While it depends on the brand of the instant noodles,

most of them have very high sodium content

Let's use example X

This small packaging itself has over 1.8k mg of sodium

And it's recommended that a person has less than 2.3k mg of sodium

So, this package itself is actually more than half

of the recommended daily sodium intake one should have

But here's something even worse

There are packages that has over 2.8k mg of sodium

That's like more than the recommended sodium intake

a person should take each day

You see, consuming too much sodium increases your risk of heart failure,

osteoporosis, stroke, high blood pressure and heart disease

So next time you have a bowl of instant noodles...

You're actually doing this

The definition of a viral video in Singapore is this

I very angry!


I haven't order finish

You money money money!

What is this?!

Or this

But do you know about this global viral video?

Somebody actually put a small camera inside the stomach

and it turns out that it takes 2 hours for instant noodles to be digested

This isn't some scientific breakthrough,

but it has created a big hoo-ha on the internet

Just imagine this

This plastic looking thing is still in your stomach intact if you had it just hours ago

Scary right?

Anyone who has been through NS would have heard of this before


Never eat your instant noodles without cooking them when you all are at outfield

If I see anyone of you do that

I'll give you one times good one

Seven weekend confinements, 14 extras and 1-month SOL


Yes sergeant CB!

So, can we eat them like this?

Technically, instant noodles are already cooked, so you can

it just doesn't taste that good la

According to a top instant noodles manufacturer website, they state:

Some people have found that they enjoyed *censored* as a snack,

much like potato chips

The noodles are broken up and eaten straight from the package

or sprinkled on top on the salads

Since the noodles are already cooked, it is totally safe to eat this way

So it's okay to eat them raw

Damn hard to earn money sia

Okay, we all know how unhealthy it is, but what are the consequences?

Studies have shown that having way too much instant noodles

increases the chances of metabolic syndrome

Which, generally speaking, include heart disease, diabetes and stroke

The study, published in The Journal of Nutrition, shows that if one

has two or more servings of instant noodles per week, the chances would increase

Now, how many of you have instant noodles more than twice a week?

Okay, you all better start to order Foodpanda now man

Here's one interesting takeaway: instant noodles are sexist

No we're not talking about the color of the packaging

that seems to appeal to only one gender

But the long term effects it has

You see, according to a Harvard University Study, women have a

68% higher risk of metabolic syndrome if they have instant noodles twice a week

But not men

Scientists aren't certain why that is so

But some of them think that the results could be due to the female subjects

reporting their diet more accurately or they count the servings more precisely

So, I can eat more of these than you ladies

I don't know why anyone would do this, but here's something interesting

If you makan instant noodles for every single meal for one year

It'll just cost you about USD$140

Which is about SGD$184

But of course, medical fees not included

We Singaporeans like to call this cup noodles

Although this is obviously a bowl

It's because in 1971, Nissin invented this, and it's called Cup Noodles

Other manufacturers started to change the shape, but the name 'Cup Noodles' stuck

So, I presume even when there's no such packaging like this

We're still going to call them cup noodles

Unless you are high SES la, then you call them something like instant noodles

or something else

Watch on

Some people call this instant noodles, some call it instant ramen

While Singaporeans and Malaysians, we call it Maggi Mee

You see, this is actually all about linguistics

Here, we have Ms Nicole Lee, who is a language major, to explain

Languages aren't affected by low SES or high SES

It's affected by usage

So the more people use it, the more 'correct' it is

In other regions, people seldom use English

so it's not easy to determine what it's called in English

In the US, they call it 'Instant Ramen' because it looks like Japanese ramen

Though technically, it's not Japanese ramen

In Singapore and Malaysia, we call it 'Maggi Mee',

even if the brand is otherwise, because the older generation calls it that way

But of course, if you want to pretend to be high SES, call it instant noodles

Like him

Ya I high SES

You where not happy?

Many of us have this misconception

Since it's instant noodles, it can last forever in our cabinet

Well that's wrong

Their shelf life is actually just 4 to 12 months

So, if there's a zombie apocalypse...

What the heck, zombies also need to do NS?


it's actually better to stock up on canned food instead of instant noodles

After all, at least canned food is healthier

Slightly la

Or, you can stock up on a housewife

Though you might need to install cooking.exe and delete the nagging.exe

Okay, this is purely a rumour but when you think about it,

it kind of makes perfect sense

Have you ever wondered why it takes three minutes

to cook a pack of instant noodles?

Heck, it's the same for cup noodles, when the water is just hot and not boiling

Doesn't make sense, right?

I mean, it's invented in 1958,

so there must have been many R&D to lower the cooking time

Well, it's because they allegedly didn't want to

You see, rumours have it that companies once did an experiment

They had a 1 minute instant noodles, and because it's so fast,

people didn't buy it as they somehow didn't feel hungry seeing it

3 minutes is the perfect timing as it makes the person hungry during that 3 minutes

You see, that 3 minutes isn't for you to cook the noodles

It's for you to get hungry even if you're not

I don't know about you, but that sure makes this conspiracy theory

as dark as low SES people pretending to be high SES

So, there you have it, ten facts about instant noodles

Now, we're not trying to tell you not to have instant noodles

but to have them in moderation

Because anything in excess is not good for you

Even this

Like our video and subscribe to our YouTube channel

And uh

Hit the notification button

And check out the two videos up above

Can ah? Can ah?

For more infomation >> 10 SHOCKING INSTANT NOODLES (RAMEN) FACTS YOU WON'T WANT TO KNOW! - Duration: 7:27.


Hickory Dickory Dock | Song For Kids | Kindergarten Video For Babies - Duration: 16:39.

Let's meet the Hickory Dickory mouse.

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ The mouse ran up the clock ♪

♪ The clock struck one ♪

♪ The mouse ran down ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock ,tick tock ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ The mouse ran up the clock ♪

♪ The clock struck two ♪

♪ And down he flew ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock ,tick tock ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ The mouse ran up the clock ♪

♪ The clock struck three ♪

♪ And he did flee ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock ,tick tock ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ The mouse ran up the clock ♪

♪ The clock struck four ♪

♪ He hit the floor ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock ,tick tock ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ The mouse ran up the clock ♪

♪ The clock struck five ♪

♪ The mouse took a dive ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock ,tick tock ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

♪ The mouse ran up the clock ♪

♪ The clock struck six ♪

♪ That mouse he split ♪

♪ Hickory Dickory dock ♪

For more infomation >> Hickory Dickory Dock | Song For Kids | Kindergarten Video For Babies - Duration: 16:39.


Speed Up Your Metabolism and Lose Weight Easily - Australia 360 - Duration: 7:22.

Speed Up Your Metabolism and Lose Weight Easily

Its likely that youve heard of the metabolism on many occasions.

But, maybe you dont know exactly what it is.

The metabolism is a set of physical and chemical processes in our body that are related to the use of energy and so also to other functions like digestion, breathing, temperature and circulation.

In this article we will explain why speeding up your metabolism can help you lose weight more easily, as well as how to achieve this with simple, natural remedies.

Metabolism and weight loss.

Our base metabolism is that which regulates the burning of calories in our body.

Therefore, when it doesnt work correctly it can make us put on or lose weight more easily, independently of what we eat.

This explains the fact that some people gain weight despite eating very little, while others always still slim even when eating large quantities.

The good news is that some natural remedies and advice can help us to balance the metabolism without altering the rest of the functions of the body, which will have effects on our weight, temperature, digestion, etc.

It will also help us to prevent metabolic illnesses like thyroid disorders or diabetes.

How to speed up your metabolism.

Drink water.

This simple habit, which all doctors recommend and we often find so hard to achieve, is an excellent metabolism accelerator.

Drinking small, repeated sips of water throughout the day, from when you get up, on an empty stomach, to when you go to bed, will help maintain a stable metabolism in your body.

It will also help you cleanse toxins and prevent the accumulation of liquids.

If you find it difficult to drink water you can add a little lemon juice and some drops of stevia, and drink it hot or cold depending on what you feel like.

Put the bottle next to you and this way you wont forget.

Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.

The worst enemy of our metabolism is being sedentary, which sinks our body into a continuous passive state.

Office jobs and the hours we spend in front of the TV or computer have made this situation worse.

Set yourself the goal of getting up from your chair every 30 to 40 minutes for a couple of minutes to do some stretches or an errand.

Although it may seem insignificant, this will have general positive effects on your metabolism and on your health in general.

We also mustnt forget to do medium or high intensity exercise two or three times a week.

Rest well.

During the day, we should keep active and in movement.

At night the time comes to lie down. We need enough nighttime, high-quality rest.

Our body follows some biorhythms defined by sunlight.

So, our rhythm should slow down from sunset to then reactivate at dawn.

If you suffer from insomnia or you wake up tired in the mornings, you should do relaxation or meditation practices.

Plan these at least an hour before going to bed.

Try to distance yourself from all kinds of electronic devices.

After all, these alter the nervous system and make nighttime rest difficult.

Eat several times a day.

Many nutritionists recommend eating smaller quantities several times a day.

Although this recommendation isnt necessarily right for everyone, people who suffer from slow base metabolism can benefit from this piece of advice.

Have 5 meals a day, with nutritious and satisfying foods, but without getting over-full.

These foods, together with the water we should be drinking on an empty stomach, will keep our metabolism constant over the course of the day.

Condiment your food with spices.

Culinary spices are excellent natural metabolism activators, as well as having many other properties.

We recommend eating the following spices every day:.

Cayenne pepper: one of the best remedies to stimulate the body, it promotes the production of gastric juices, and helps generate body heat and burn more calories.

You should start eating cayenne pepper little by little so that it doesnt irritate the digestive tract.

Start with a pinch and build up the quantity progressively.

Ginger: stimulant, diuretic and good for the digestion. It is ideal for seasoning meats, fish and desserts, as well as smoothies and lemonade.

Cinnamon: the most medicinal variety is ceylon cinnamon.

It is a stimulant and aphrodisiac, it is good for the digestion and it improves the circulation.

For more infomation >> Speed Up Your Metabolism and Lose Weight Easily - Australia 360 - Duration: 7:22.


Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace 03/26/18 2AM | March 26, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 15:18.

For more infomation >> Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace 03/26/18 2AM | March 26, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 15:18.


Simple Simon | Junior Squad Videos | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:05:22.

Simple Simon

For more infomation >> Simple Simon | Junior Squad Videos | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:05:22.


The Origin Of Road Rangers | Car Cartoons For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:33.

The Origin Of Road Rangers

For more infomation >> The Origin Of Road Rangers | Car Cartoons For Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:00:33.


I Do, I Do - Duration: 44:06.

For more infomation >> I Do, I Do - Duration: 44:06.


How to Faux Freckles | Samya - Duration: 7:42.

Hey guys it's Samya again what's up? if you're new here welcome and if it's not

your first time thanks for coming back and you might've noticed this new setup I have

going on I was really feeling a change and wanted something a little bit more casual

so this is it I hope you like it

a few days ago I was playing around with faux freckles and posted a photo on my Instagram

and a few of you asked to see a tutorial on this I've always loved freckles not the

sun damaged kind where your skin looks all blotchy but the really glowy really healthy

skin and have those natural freckles I just think they give that sun-kissed look without

necessarily being tanned and you know me I'm all about that sun-kissed glow it just makes

your skin looks so much healthier that is the look I'm going for and what I'm going

to show you so let's do it!

I'm actually going to skip the foundation just because I don't want that super polished

look but I am gonna apply some strobe cream to get the glow underneath and I'm going

for the MAC one

As you can tell I already have my mascara on I just decided to skip that step now I'm

just gonna play some concealer my under eye bags today are just not pretty just hide those

and some red blemishes now whatever is left on the beauty blender I'm just gonna run

over my lids to hide those veins

so before I start to put on the freckles I just wanna fill in my eyebrows real quick

now for the look I posted on Instagram I was kind of trying out the brushed up eyebrows

that look really doesn't work for me but somehow when I was doing it then it kind of

worked but I'm not really sure it will this time so I'm just gonna try it out my eyebrows

are just way too coarse for it to be that predictable yeah see they're super curly today

I don't think it's gonna work out okay well I'm just gonna fill them in anyway

and maybe try this again

I'm just going to use my Sephora collection retractable eyeliner in soft charcoal

so on to the freckles it's actually quite simple you just have to use the right pencil

and know how to place them so for my skin tone I decided to go for this black/brown

pencil and this one is from CoverGirl I believe this is an eyeliner go for a pencil that you

can sharpen because you don't want to tip to be too wide

I'm going to start off by just kind of putting it all over my nose and what I'm doing is

I'm interchanging the pressure I apply so I'm going for some light ones and for some

darker ones by applying more pressure and I'm even twisting my hand to get some bigger

freckles than others now once you've covered the whole area you want to cover for me I

don't want to apply it all over my face I just wanna it around my eyes and nose so

I'm pretty happy with this

now what you're gonna do is lightly kind of fade them out with your fingers like so because

essentially what I'm trying to do is layer them so these will be kind of the faded ones

and then I'm going to apply another layer where they're going to be more prominent

and that's just how they're gonna look natural because natural freckles don't all have

the same colour but you don't really need to use more than one pencil to achieve that

I'm gonna do the same thing again

I'm going for maybe three layers so I'm going to fade this one out a little bit not

as much as the other one and this is a close-up of this one

now for the final layer don't go too heavy-handed with this one because we're not gonna fade

them out but if you do you can just fade out the individual freckle

I like some darker ones - this one is too dark - on my nose

I feel like your nose usually has more freckles because it gets more sun

I'm not even following my own advice with the fading just because I'm being a little


another tip is don't try to spread them out too much because natural freckles just

tend to cluster

so now I'm just going to complete that whole kind of fresh glow by applying some Vaseline

on my brow bone

I'm just gonna apply it on my eyelids as well

I love this glossy look but I don't know why I think a gloss is too much at least for

the look that I'm going for but if you like that then go ahead and do it because Vaseline

will be absorbed by your skin eventually and won't last as long

so if you want it to last go ahead and do that and also use a make up setting spray

for the freckles just so they won't fade

now for the last step of this super simple work I'm gonna go for some bold red lips

and I'm going to use this amazing lipstick from NYX I recently discovered these they're

the Powder Puff Lippie and this one is in the shade PopQuiz No. 6 now one note about

this I know you're thinking is she colourblind this isn't red but the tube and the packaging

is so off the actual formula is a lot more red maybe because I layer it a little bit

so this lipstick actually works a lot like a stain because it's so pigmented and it

won't just rub off like a little liquid lipstick would but it has a matte finish which

is so cool because you don't actually get the cracked lips that a matte lipstick would

give you

look at this

I actually bought these in almost all the shades they come in because I love it so much

I'm actually thinking about doing a review video of them and maybe even show you the

swatches since the colours don't match so I don't know do you guys wanna see that?

let me know

how great is this?

okay I haven't forgotten about the eyebrows what do you guys think should I.. you guys

can't tell me why am I asking

I'm just gonna try to brush them up I don't know how it worked when I took the picture

I don't know I thought it worked maybe it looks just as horrible there as it does now

and I'm just over here thinking it looked good

okay I think I'm just gonna brush out the ends

so this is where you can apply some setting spray and you are ready to go!

that's it guys that is my tutorial on faux freckles I hope you guys enjoyed it

if you did don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel if you haven't


thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you in the next one :)

For more infomation >> How to Faux Freckles | Samya - Duration: 7:42.


Body parts || Latest Nursery Rhymes for Children || 3d Animation || Hurray toons - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Body parts || Latest Nursery Rhymes for Children || 3d Animation || Hurray toons - Duration: 0:54.


Victor Lopez, Anderson Cooper's Rumored Boyfriend | | SML TV - Duration: 8:22.

Victor Lopez, Anderson Cooper's Rumored Boyfriend |

Anderson Cooper recently ended his relationship with his longtime partner, Benjamin Maisani, and is said to be dating Victor Lopez.

Although their relationship hasn't been confirmed, the two men have been seen together on several occasions over the past few months.

Lopez was born on February 16, 1985.

He grew up in Texas, where he still lives today.

He currently works as a radiologist at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas.

Here's what you need to know:.

He Is a Radiologist in Dallas, Texas.

Lopez is a board-certified radiologist.

"A radiologist is a physician who is also an imaging expert with specialized training in obtaining and interpreting medical images obtained by using x-rays (radiographs, CT, fluoroscopy) or radioactive substances (nuclear medicine) or by other means such as sound waves (ultrasound) or the body's natural magnetism (MRI)," according to Radiology Info for Patients.

Lopez has worked as a radiologist for the past eight years and is currently affiliated with Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Texas, according to WebMD.

"Dr. Victor O.

Lopez affiliates with Methodist Dallas Medical Center, and cooperates with other doctors and specialists in many medical groups including The University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center At Dallas, Methodist-cdi," reads his bio on the Health Care for People website.

He Graduated from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in 2010.

Lopez obtained his degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio back in 2010.

According to his bio on the Radiology Associates of North Texas website, Lopez graduated with honors.

From 2011 through 2015, he completed his residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, working in diagnostic radiology.

The following year, he did a fellowship in neuroradiology at the same location.

He & Cooper Are Sort-of Instagram Official, But Haven't Confirmed Their Suspected Relationship.

Cooper is notoriously private when it comes to his personal life.

In fact, he rarely talked about his relationship with Maisani, and didn't even confirm they were an item until sometime in 2015.

According to Bravo, it's entirely possible that Cooper and Lopez are "just friends.".

Lopez has shared pictures of himself with Cooper on Instagram.

Although he never confirmed that the two were in a romantic relationship, he has shared a couple of memories that he's made with Cooper, like the one in the photo above.

According to the Daily Mail, that photo was taken when Cooper was in Dallas to celebrate Lopez's birthday.

Although it is unclear when the two men met, they have been spotted together on a few occasions over the past four months.

According to the Daily Mail, Cooper was seen in Dallas before Christmas, "staying at a luxury hotel" in the area.

After the holidays and his annual New Year's Eve hosting gig, he flew back to Texas, according to the outlet.

On January 15, Cooper and Lopez were seen together in New Orleans.

Two weeks later, Cooper was back in Dallas and was spotted grabbing a bite with his rumored new beau.

In February, the two took were spotted together in Boston.

His Instagram Was Made Private Shortly After Relationship Rumors Started to Swirl.

Lopez had been fairly active on social media and even shared a couple of photos of himself with Cooper before making his account private.

Now, however, it appears as though Lopez has completely deleted his Instagram account.

Interestingly, his Instagram handle used to be "Victoro360," perhaps a nod to Cooper's show on CNN, Anderson 360. After getting some initial attention, Lopez changed his Instagram handle to Victoro001.

Now, it appears as though his account either changed handles again or has been removed from the platform completely.

Lopez does have a Facebook account, on which he shares a select few photos and updates with the public but, for the most part, the page is private.

Cooper Is Still Living With Maisani in New York.

  He is the art expert….

Im the complainer who wants to take naps.

A post shared by andersoncooper (@andersoncooper) on May 27, 2017 at 2:52pm PDT.

Earlier in March, Cooper announced that he and Maisani had decided to part ways.

Cooper released a statement about the split, saying that the two men ended their nine-year relationship "some time ago.".

"Benjamin and I separated as boyfriends some time ago.

We are still family to each other, and love each other very much.

We remain the best of friends, and will continue to share much of our lives together," the statement read.

Despite their split, Cooper and Maisani have decided to continue living together.

The two share a home in the Greenwich Village. The former couple purchased the home in 2009 for approximately $4.3 million, according to The Daily Mail.

For more infomation >> Victor Lopez, Anderson Cooper's Rumored Boyfriend | | SML TV - Duration: 8:22.


How Long Should Your Pitch To Investors & Customers Last? FAQ #2 Video - Duration: 2:17.

A frequently asked question I receive is: Andrew how long should my pitch be? To

which my normal answer is 15 minutes but there are other things to consider if

you have only 30 seconds, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, you're in a pitch competition

most likely and then you have no choice about how long a pitch should be but it

is possible that you go to a prospective client and they give you half an hour or

even an hour - indeed I've had four hours given to me by a prospective client in

that situation how long should you pitch? My sense is that 15

minutes, just like TED Talks is about as long as you can

realistically look to hold your audience's attention

that being said, actually the fundamental question is not around how long have you

got the real question is what is your audience like - for example if your

audience are dead against you and they want to throw tomatoes or even rocks at you

they're angry, they hate you, they don't want you or your solution, you're

probably going to need longer to pitch to convert them, if however

they love it, they love you, they love your solution and, all they

really want to do is run up to the front and hug you, in that situation all you're

doing is soaking up lots of love - then you should look to make your pitch

shorter. So if you have the option of how long your pitch should be

ask the question first what is the disposition of my audience if they're

against me make the pitch longer, if they're for me make it shorter.

For more infomation >> How Long Should Your Pitch To Investors & Customers Last? FAQ #2 Video - Duration: 2:17.


少女时代允儿《孝利家民宿》冷静回复一句话,朴宝剑进入傻笑模式 - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 少女时代允儿《孝利家民宿》冷静回复一句话,朴宝剑进入傻笑模式 - Duration: 3:39.


Strawberry Cheesecake- summer dessert and it only takes minutes to make with no baking required - Duration: 2:16.

Hello friends welcome to Nalini Ki Rasoi

Today I am going to make cheesecake

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So that you get instant notification of all my upcoming and new recipes

Let's get started and look at the ingredients first

18 digestive biscuits crushed

100 grams melted butter

Approximately 200 grams white chocolate

150 grams grated cheese

75 ml condensed milk

And strawberries for garnishing

First in the bowl put crushed biscuit, butter and mix well and prepare base for the cheesecake

Then in the cake mould spread butter all around it and lay the butter paper around it then again spread butter over it

Then put the to prepared mixture in it and tap it with the hand to make it firm

Then keep the mould in the fridge at least 10 to 15 minutes to set

Then in a boiler put chocolate bowl and keep it until chocolate melts

Then mash cheese with hands and make it creamy

Then add cheese in the melted chocolate and mix well

Then put condensed milk and mix well until there are no lumps

The cheesecake base has firmed well, then pour prepared mixture over it

And spread well. Then again keep the mould in the fridge for 2-3 hours to set

The Cheesecake is ready now

Garnish it with strawberries

You can use any seasonal fruit according to your choice

Delicious cheesecake is ready to serve

I hope you liked my recipe

And if you're not already subscribed

Don't forget to click the subscribe button on this side

The link of my other recipes are displayed on the side for you to click and see

I'll be back soon with many more new interesting tasty and delicious recipes

Take very good care of yourself and your family

Stay healthy, happy and fit

Thank you for watching Nalini Ki Rasoi

For more infomation >> Strawberry Cheesecake- summer dessert and it only takes minutes to make with no baking required - Duration: 2:16.


[IOPE] Cho Jung Seok Essence - Duration: 0:17.

Get smooth skin with Bio Essence

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For more infomation >> [IOPE] Cho Jung Seok Essence - Duration: 0:17.


Chae Soo Bin Tutorial | April Skin - Duration: 0:24.

Get as pretty as Chae Soo Bin with Magic Snow Cushion!

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