Monday, March 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 26 2018

Dr Pilar Madero Custom genetics director and genetics expert at CNUFADN Member of medmesafe Scientific and Ethics committee

What is genetics?

Genetics is a scientific discipline that studies the genetic material of living beings.

Hereditary material, as well in animals, as in vegetables as, of course, in humans.

The knowledge of the numerous researchers and the technology that has been generated in recent years,

they have made possible the knowledge of what is the genetic basis, what the genetic determinants are

so that the human species is the best known at this time of all species.

Obviously, this knowledge makes this science can devote a part of that knowledge to the sanitary aspect

the predisposition of diseases, the diagnosis of diseases,

the prognosis of what is going to be its evolution, and even, at this moment, help the therapies.

to solve rare or less rare diseases. In any case, we have to insist that

genetics is not only sanitary or clinical, there is a genetic branch meaning, the forensic, the anthropological

that is, even in any field of living beings.

Where are the genes?

Well, genes are at the core of all cells

in humans and, from now on we are going to talk about the characteristics of human genes,

they are in the nucleus of all the cells as I said, and specifically in the mitochondria,

usually the most important are those that are in the nucleus of the cells with the exception of

the red blood cells, which do not contain DNA.

And besides, the genes are arranged on the chromosomes, that is, they integrate the chromosomes

As we know, in each of the nucleus there are 46 chromosomes in the human species

22 pairs of autosomes and the sex chromosomes, which are what define sex,

XX in women, XY in men, and there, we can always find genes.

Each gene is always, in a certain position, unique and exclusive of that gene,

and on a given chromosome.

Why are they like this? It is clear that one of the functions of genes is to pass on to the next generation

Therefore,, they need to be arranged as a package, a way that that step through the generations

be very accurate, with little or no variation, because that's where the problems would come from.

So what they do is to compress themselves into chromosomes, so that passing one being is easier than passing many small ones

and the chromosomes are those that exert that enormous and difficult step of genes from generation to generation.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué es la genética y dónde están nuestros genes? - Duration: 3:48.


Cinco claves del arresto de Carles Puigdemont y la crisis catalana - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Cinco claves del arresto de Carles Puigdemont y la crisis catalana - Duration: 5:34.


Beneficios de conocer nuestra predisposición genética - Duration: 2:02.

Dr Dolores Saveedra Genetics and endocrinilogy specialized Member of medmesafe Scientific and Ethics committee

What is the benefit of these analyses?

Knowing that there is a genetic basis and, sometimes epigenetic in the cause of the

obesity, gives the patient much more relief, remove guilt because

humans are special in blaming others of our problems

and I've seen many patients that said to others , "you are like that because you want",

or do not lose weight because you do not diet", and despises and the patient is losing

self-confidence, its safety is undermined. The moment the patient understands that there is a

biological basis that they cannot control by themselves

the feeling of guilt, the depression decreases and they can meet

much better treatment. In second place as I said, helps us understand

the mechanism. Itis not the same a person who has a defect in the mechanism of

satiety, or a person who has a defect in metabolism, in the burning of

calories or that has an ancestral gene that there are foods that cannot process.

The diet will be personalized depending on the genetic study and in

some cases we will even get to prescribe medicines that are

indicated for the genes involved. Then the patient also understands

why a normal diet does not work for you or Thins and regain weight and lose weight

and go back to put on weight, or why you have some diseases such as hypertension or sleep apnea.

For more infomation >> Beneficios de conocer nuestra predisposición genética - Duration: 2:02.


¿Sabes cuáles son los mejores antibióticos naturales? - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> ¿Sabes cuáles son los mejores antibióticos naturales? - Duration: 8:17.


DO U WANNA FCK ME??!!?!!11 - Duration: 0:05.

For more infomation >> DO U WANNA FCK ME??!!?!!11 - Duration: 0:05.


Body parts || Latest Nursery Rhymes for Children || 3d Animation || Hurray toons - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Body parts || Latest Nursery Rhymes for Children || 3d Animation || Hurray toons - Duration: 0:54.


Dog Carrier Fashion Pets Handbag - Duration: 3:10.

Pet Products

For more infomation >> Dog Carrier Fashion Pets Handbag - Duration: 3:10.


How To Remove Skin Tags | Home Remedies To Remove Skin Tags Easily - Duration: 3:16.

welcome to natural remedies cures the day I will share using natural oils and

homemade mixtures for removal skin tags easily remove skin tags home remedies to

remove skin tags easily formula number 1 apply oregano oil oregano oil is thought

to have antiseptic and antispasmodic properties apply five to six drops of

oregano oil directly to a clean cotton swab into and apply it on your skin tag

three times a day you should see the tag gradually dry up this process usually

takes about a month formula number to apply tea tree oil this oil is well

known for its antifungal properties get out a clean cotton ball dip it into

clean water and then place three drops of tea tree oil on to the ball wash the

area of the skin tag and the skin one inch around it using the cotton ball

repeat three times a day this is an effective way to dry up your tackk as

long as you are consistent with oil applications formula number three rub on

aloe vera you can either snip off a piece of an

aloe vera plant or squeeze it to get the gel where you can purchase a bottle of

aloe vera gel at a store get a cotton swab and dip it in the gel wipe it on

your tag as often as you like this method relies on the natural curative

properties of aloe vera and its effectiveness is hit or miss formula

number four use a castor oil paste in a small bowl mix castor oil and baking

soda until it reaches a thicker consistency get a cotton swab dip in the

paste and apply it to your tag apply as often as desired although watch

for skin irritation the effectiveness of this method is widely acknowledged among

natural remedy practitioners formula number 5 put on a garlic paste get a

fresh garlic clove and grind it into a paste in a small bowl take a cotton swab

dip it in the paste and place a small amount on top of your skin tag cover the

tag with a bandage you can do this once a day formula number 6 treat with apple

cider vinegar get a cotton ball and soak it in apple cider vinegar until it is

totally saturated place the cotton ball on your skin tag and hold for a few

minutes you can move the ball in a circular motion on the skin to increase

absorption if you like repeat this process three times per day until your

skin tag falls off this method is usually quite effective depending on

your skin the vinegar may not be as effective so you can try using apple

cider by itself thank you for watching my video if you choice to my video so

please like comment share and subscribe to my channel also click to beel icon for Notification

For more infomation >> How To Remove Skin Tags | Home Remedies To Remove Skin Tags Easily - Duration: 3:16.


Migos Type Beat

For more infomation >> Migos Type Beat


My First Deal I Made $5K - Duration: 10:27.

My name is Armond Wright.

I'm from Toledo, Ohio.

I originally heard about Joe from a YouTube, just surfing YouTube and found a couple of

his videos and decided to give him a call.

I had some properties that I was looking to wholesale and throughout the conversation

he mentioned to me the For Rent Method.

And I was quite interested in the For Rent Method.

And based off the information, the conversation, I decided to get involved with his program.

For Rent Method is just another way of saying assignable lease option deals.

So, for example, you find a property, put it under contract, then you assign it over

and that's what we call the For Rent Method.

I think any time where you can help a seller sell their house relatively quickly, then

you help a buyer who traditionally couldn't buy a home, it's always a good situation.

So I really can't highlight what would be the best deal.

Of course, I can highlight that I made the most money off of, but just the happiness

that you see in the sellers and the buyers when the transaction comes together it's

just a wonderful feeling.

One particular deal was a Viet Nam veteran and he was looking to relocate from Indiana

to Florida and he had a house where he couldn't sell.

And I was able to sell that house within three weeks and then the guy was so happy, I mean,

he started, almost started tearing up on the video, and that was kind of a shocker and

he just thanked me, just, you know, over and over again.

Just a wonderful feeling to help people out and it's just a wonderful feeling to see

the happy and the joy within the buyers and sellers, it's pretty awesome.

Well, this year I'm on track to have the best year.

Let's just say it looks like it's going to be six digits this year.

It's going along pretty well.

And that's without adding any improvements that I'm looking to add relatively soon,

like, within the next few days.

Starting tomorrow, I'm going to bring on another additional person.

I have one person that works for me now, well, actually, a VA service and one person that

works for me now.

I'm looking to add another VA and then just kind of take an analysis of the situation

once I bring the other person on and then just strategically add more people to help

expand the business.

What is a VA service?

The VA stands for "virtual assistant."

Basically, someone that works for you that's not in your area, so that's the reason why

you call them virtual.

So, virtual assistant.

My first deal I made $5,000 on it.

Doesn't take that long for you to actually do a deal, if you actually follow the instructions

and do what you're supposed to do.

You know, life gets in the way, creativity gets in the way and once I got around to doing

it, it didn't take long at all.

My goals is to help expand the business, bring on more people, add more automation.

I do some teaching and I want to grow that because I'm pretty passionate about the


And just ultimately one of my main goals, is one of my main focus, I wrote down some

goals actually yesterday, is to help people.

And that's one of the things I want to come across is always want to come across as to

help someone.

Whether you're monetizing it or not, because I've got enough skill level where I can,

you know, I can drum up the money, but I think at the end of the day it's all about helping


And I really appreciate you know, Joe helping me by him putting all this together.

I mean, this business really changed my life and I share with my kids and my youngest daughter

seemed like she's grasped ahold of it the most, but I just, at the end of the day, I

just want to help as many people as I possibly can.

Automation, for me, is utilizing Automarketer as well as bringing on people to handle a

lot of the work load.

The Automarketer helps you get leads from craigslist.

That's what I mainly use it for, craigslist.

But if a person was in a position where they can't afford the Automarketer, you can obviously

do it manually.

But the Automarketer's just tool that's to help make your job a little easier.

For me, personally, I have pretty high goals as far as financial goals and the reason being,

you know, you have, I feel you have more money, more people you can help, but you can, you

have choices of how you want to live.

Like, say for example, if a person wanted to live like, a leisurely life style, mainly

do deals and kind of relax, you can do that.

Or if a person wanted to go out here and try to make as you know, much money as you possibly

can, I mean, you've got a vehicle that can make money relatively – shouldn't use

the word "easily" – but, you can make money relatively without using a lot of your


So you can really maximize that by doubling down and putting more time into the business

to really you know, maximize the amount of money that you can make using these strategies

as well as have other vehicles where you can make money as well.

All that combined, I mean, you can have a really amazing life style.

It's where you look at things just quite differently.

Like, I commented on my youngest daughter, I'm pretty proud of her.

She puts together deals and helps me out.

And for her, it's just, by her being so young, she started, she did her first deal

when she was fourteen.

Now she's seventeen, so her future is bright, I mean, as far as work the business part time,

or full time, and you know, go to college.

I mean, her future is really, really bright.

So I'm just, that's, you know, without this, or without this knowledge, you know,

that wouldn't be there.

So that's just a beautiful thing and then as far as me, personally, just the way I go

about doing the business as far as with the lease options, land contracts, just, it's

just better, more, a more secure, safer way of doing real estate investing.

Well, my current situation, I work this full time and the economy right now is doing really

well and my background degree, my background is in engineering.

I have an MBA, and what they call a Six Sigma black belt.

So, currently, I do this full time.

And I also work a job.

So, like I said, you're making like, a double income plus you have like, rental you know,

rental properties.

It's just, it's really a special situation.

And then adding on, and another thing, it's like, you know, I'm working for money but

another thing, too, for me, when I work this just full time, that automation piece doesn't

really get there and I just haven't put all the pieces together, so by holding down

a job, it's kind of forcing me to automate and run the business because the time is not


So, it's like an experiment, but I'm getting paid pretty good to do through it.

One piece that I have automated is handling of the buyers.

I have kind of like, a buyer finder.

And that person takes the calls, helps coordinate the showings of the properties.

So I have the buyer side automated.

And then also I utilize the Automarketer as far as getting seller leads so that's like,

a program, so that part's a given.

That's automated.

And as well as the direct mail campaigns.

I have a virtual assistant that takes the first shot as far as interviewing the sellers

and extracting information from them for, as of right now, for me to follow up on.

One thing I would, advice I can give, just, you know, don't give up.

I mean, it's anything worth having is not easy to obtain.

So, I just, you know, don't give up.

Work the business diligently.

Set goals, so, you know, set reasonable, what we call it's like, a smart goal where smart,

specific, measurable, attainable.

Make it realistic and time bound.

So say, for example, I'm going to make fifty calls this week.

That'll be your goal for this week, so how are we going to make fifty calls this week?

So break that down to a daily goal and then from daily, you know, what hours in the day

are we making those calls?

And then track your performance.

And either you hit the goal or not, you know?

And then from there, once you, say you're making fifty calls, increase that.

And just track your performance and constantly continue learning the business.

Like, say, you know, I learned a great deal from Joe, but also I learned bits and pieces

from other people but by far Joe's material is the best and how I can say that, and continually

say, because I've looked at other peoples' material and it doesn't even compare.

The advice I would give for a new person, and that's really the meat of this, because

mostly the people probably watching the video are new folks.

I would say you know, just, you know, don't give up.

Just get involved and work the business and diligently work the business.

Meaning that, you're supposed to make the phone calls, make your phone calls, talk to

the sellers, and just keep going, keep working the business and it works.

I mean, it's a good system.

The system is, in my opinion, Joe's system is the best.

And if you work the business you will see the benefits.

And then once you start having some small wins, you can you know, tweak different things

and to expand your performance.

But the main thing is just, you know, don't give up and just keep working the business.

For more infomation >> My First Deal I Made $5K - Duration: 10:27.


I Do, I Do - Duration: 44:06.

For more infomation >> I Do, I Do - Duration: 44:06.


I'm away for three months, what do I do about infusion treatment supplies - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> I'm away for three months, what do I do about infusion treatment supplies - Duration: 2:47.


What should I do with my injectable treatment supply whilst away? - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> What should I do with my injectable treatment supply whilst away? - Duration: 4:23.


Ant and Dec set to be AXED from I'm A Celebrity - Duration: 4:58.

Ant and Dec set to be AXED from I'm A Celebrity

Staff on the hit I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here show had feared the next run would be scrapped without Ant and Dec both on screen.

  A show insider said: "There's a very real possibility that Ant won't be available to present the next series of the jungle.

"Production staff who work on the show were worried that meant it may not go ahead and they'd be out of a job.

A lot of crew members were in tears.

"But bosses have reassured everyone it will go ahead no matter what.

"There's a very real possibility that Ant won't be available to present the next series of the jungle" Show insider While Ant and Dec are a big part of the show, they aren't bigger than the show.

They are confident it would still work without them.

"If their return is going to be a problem, producers aren't afraid to axe them from the format and get new presenters in." But ITV execs have said it can continue with new presenters when it kicks off in November.

It means bosses are not convinced that Dec can hold the fort as a lone presenter.

Troubled Ant McPartlin, 42, has put his telly career on hold to enter rehab to tackle booze issues.

It means he is unlikely to be ready to return to work in time for the next series.

But we can reveal celeb bookers and production staff already working on it have been told: "Carry on as normal." Declan Donnelly last week announced he will now present without Ant – despite previously making a pact to only ever work together.

He will front the remaining two episodes of Saturday Night Takeaway on his own as well as the Britain's Got Talent live shows.

But as I'm A Celebrity doesn't kick off for eight months, ITV bosses have time to bring in new hosts.

Our source said: "When it comes to the jungle they don't want to have Dec presenting it on his own.

"They know people love Ant and Dec, but if they can't have both of them fronting the series, they'd rather have neither." Fans have called for jungle chiefs to bring in stars including Holly Willoughby and Dermot O'Leary.

Discussions over which celebs will be picked for the new series have continued over the past week.

And stars keen to be jungle campmates are said to be "relieved" the show will continue regardless of whether Ant and Dec can both front it.

Corrie actors including Mikey North and Michael Le Vell are among those said to be eyeing a spot on the show.

Ant and Dec have been Britain's biggest telly stars more than a decade.

But their future is hanging in the balance because industry insiders fear recent events has tarnished their brand beyond repair.

Ant's life was left in tatters last Sunday when he crashed into two cars while over the limit in Richmond, west London.

He has since been charged with drink-driving and is due before Wimbledon Magistrates' Court on April 4.

Car firm Suzuki has announced it will axe both Ant and Dec from their telly ads after scrapping their £20milion deal.


For more infomation >> Ant and Dec set to be AXED from I'm A Celebrity - Duration: 4:58.


Wesołych świąt! | Happy Easter! | Colliers International - Poland - Duration: 1:05.

We've been waiting for this moment for months.

Through the window, we have seen how hard it is for spring to arrive.

That's why we decided to help it along.

In anticipation of the moment, when nature is reborn in all its glory,

we have sowed seeds.

In the hope that spring will bring more strength, harmony and beauty into our lives.

And you know what?

Our hopes have sprouted and grown.

With this symbolic gesture, we have given ourselves courage,

because after winter, spring always follows.

This magic always works!

That is why, we wish you lots of joy and enthusiasm for Easter.

Fill each new day with energy,

achieve your plans and projects, make your dreams come true!

We wish you happiness with loved ones and holiday relaxation.

Happy Easter!

For more infomation >> Wesołych świąt! | Happy Easter! | Colliers International - Poland - Duration: 1:05.


Unikke rammer for forskning åbner i 2019 - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Unikke rammer for forskning åbner i 2019 - Duration: 1:28.


最新突发消息!这次轮到对付敦马夫人了!可恶的烂政府!对付敦马就算了,就连一个手无寸铁,90岁的老婆婆都不放过!快看!警方用这种理由刁难她! - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 最新突发消息!这次轮到对付敦马夫人了!可恶的烂政府!对付敦马就算了,就连一个手无寸铁,90岁的老婆婆都不放过!快看!警方用这种理由刁难她! - Duration: 3:38.


Trump Announces Who He's Pardoning… Hillary is Going to Lose it - Duration: 14:38.

Trump Announces Who He's Pardoning…

Hillary is Going to Lose it

President Donald Trump issued the second exonerate of his administration today when he absolved

previous Navy mariner Kristian Saucier.

Amid his battle, Trump specified Saucier a great deal, expressing that his whole life

was "demolished" despite the fact that what he did was no where close as awful as

things that Hillary Clinton has done.

At the point when Saucier was 22 years of age, he accepted photographs while his atomic


For his activities, he lost his whole vocation in the Navy and put in a year in jail.

Saucier's attorney summoned Hillary Clinton amid his trial.

He made the contention that Saucier shouldn't be held to a higher standard than Hillary

Clinton when he did significantly less than she.

The Washington Examiner announced:

The photographs Saucier, now 31, took inside the sub were esteemed "secret," which

means the most reduced level of characterization, despite the fact that some delineated the

vessel's atomic reactor.

Clinton, by difference, sent and got all the more exceedingly ordered data on a private

and uncertain email server.

Saucier told the Washington Examiner not long ago that a lawful offense conviction made

it elusive work.

He filled in as a junk jockey to help his better half and youthful little girl.

His family's autos were repossessed while he was in jail and his Vermont home is in


Saucier has a while left of wearing a lower leg screen.

Saucier's significant other clarified that she couldn't have been more joyful with

President Trump's choice to exonerate her better half.

She clarified that her significant other was driving a dump truck when the news came in.

She clarified, "I can't trust it happened, it's as yet soaking in.

He messaged me back, 'what' with a shout point."

She went ahead to state, "I am exceptionally appreciative.

It will be an enormous reality when probation calls and the lower leg screen falls off."

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders helped America to remember the previous

Navy SEAL's generally estimable record amid his chance serving in the United States Navy.

She expressed, "The president is energetic about Mr. Saucier's support of the nation."

Clearly what Saucier did was not legitimate and wasn't right, but rather he has languished

enough over his mix-up.

We have individuals like Hillary Clinton circling doing whatever she damn well satisfies while

her activities are getting Americans murdered.

I haven't seen her rebuffed for anything that she has done.

It's incredible news that Saucier is at last being exonerated, and now he can at last

move on.

For more infomation >> Trump Announces Who He's Pardoning… Hillary is Going to Lose it - Duration: 14:38.


Powerfix vs Biltema calipers - Duration: 8:35.

I just bought this caliper because I wanted to see the difference between it

and the one I already had.

I assumed this one is a higher quality, so I really

wanted to know how this one, this cheaper one, compares to this.

First of all the packaging.

The power fix caliper has a very nice box with seals on both ends.

With no information regarding to the precision of it, it just says that it

turns on/off measures in millimeters/inch and the approximate maximum size.

There's no information regarding the error rate.

Considering Biltema

You have the information here.

The Biltema box is just the cardboard around the plastic box.

The Biltema box has a plastic box that has a wood like texture.

A single hinge on the whole box.

I've added this cardboard to keep the manual here.

On the inside of the box you have these two holders that hold down the caliper while the box is closed.

I've added some extra batteries to have here whenever I need.

This cushion is very hard.

The Powerfix caliper has a huge manual.

It's very big but it does come in a few languages.

This box has a more mechanical aspect to it.

And you definitely need two hands to open it because you have to lift this and this

and only then you can open it.

It has these two stoppers that keep the caliper down.

And as you can see it's just plastic all around.

You can pull up the caliper.

And this is a very very soft sponge.

And something harder at the ends

that keep the caliper in place.

Also you have this place which I believe is for a

pen or a pencil.

This is actually a nice addition if your pen fits in there

If you look at the ends, you can see that the Biltema end cap is straight and parallel

with the end but the Powerfix is slightly crooked.

The Biltema caliper gives you some information on the back,

regarding sizes and measurements.

On the other side the Powerfix gives you only

the brand and manufacturer information.

The Biltema when you open it,

it slides very fine.

You can feel that these two pieces are meant to slide easily.

When on the other hand the Powerfix, when you try to open it:

you need to put more force in

and you can feel like there's a lot of gunk stuck in between.

And you can also see over here

that is not perfectly clean.

It's like this one wasn't finished enough.

Also a notable difference

the Biltema when you open it, it doesn't turn on.

But if you turn it on

it actually measured what you did.

And the Powerfix when you open it it immediately turns on.

They use different batteries.

The Biltema uses an AF76.

Also this cap goes in very hard.

You have to push on the battery,

and then you can slide it in.

The power fix it uses a classic CR2032 coin battery.

And it comes with it in the packaging.

Also this cap can very easily be slid in.

The bolt on the top you can not remove it completely.

You can just unscrew it or screw it in.

Which holds it in place.

I am putting some force here.

On the Biltema I can remove it completely (and loose it).

Then put it back in.

I am putting some force here.

And as you can see it doesn't move at all.

Another notable difference is this:

The Powerfix, I zero it

open it

Lost the zero.

This happens every time.

The Biltema, I zero it

still zero, minus.

They both have these fine-tune wheels.

The Powerfix feels like it has more hold.

So when you press it and pull it it feels like it holds better.

When on the Biltema when you press and pull,

it feels like it's gonna slip any moment.

But it doesn't.

It's actually holding very well.

The Biltema if you open it, close it, you can see the tip they close perfectly.

Also the front tips they are symmetrical.

When Powerfix you can see there's a slight gap.

And the front tip they're asymmetrical.

As you can see this one is slightly longer and bigger than the one in the back.

The Biltema caliper also has this option.

Which I can barely open.

You have a serial port which you can connect

to your computer and you can snapshot the current measurement on the computer.

Regarding the version of these two calipers

On the Biltema the only identifying thing I have

is the article number 16-105.

And on the Powerfix the only thing I have is on the manual.

Which says: I guess January 291710

I'm gonna stick with the Biltema, even though I wanted to change it at the

beginning because when I bring it back home it doesn't always stop at exactly

zero and sometimes it goes to 0.01 or -0.01.

It doesn't always go to zero when I bring it back home.

But in comparison the Powerfix

First of all it slides very very difficult.

And when I bring it back home the error is bigger. Significantly.

What I've noticed is if I open and close it fast

the error drops.

And on the Biltema

The error is pretty much the same

It keeps the accuracy no matter how fast I move it.

But how this one (Powerfix) opens, listen:

In comparison to this one (Biltema):

You can barely hear this one.

So there there clearly is some resistance when you move this one.

It's not as fine-tuned as the Biltema.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Powerfix vs Biltema calipers - Duration: 8:35.


Oracle JET 4.x - Lesson 3 - Part 7: Testing and Debugging - Duration: 4:09.

Hello and welcome to part 7 of the third of the three weekly lessons about Oracle

JET. In this part, we focus on testing and debugging, testing and debugging JET

applications using your favorite testing and debugging tools for client-side

JavaScript applications. You can use a similar process to debug hybrid mobile

applications when run in the browser and you can also test and debug hybrid

mobile applications on the simulator emulator or device we will take a brief

look at the testing facilities related to jet briefly we will look at the

support for Q unit selenium webdriver the local web browser emulator or

simulator and attached devices and the jet components themselves the important

point is that any tools and technologies relating to testing and debugging that

you've been using before in the context of JavaScript you can use as well with

oracle jet q unit is a javascript unit testing framework that's able to test

any generic javascript code and it's used by a number of libraries that are

used by jet such as jQuery and jQuery UI as well as the jquery mobile project you

need to configure a number of different parts of your HTML code and your

javascript as described in the developer guide to make use of key unit the

selenium webdriver takes a different approach the selenium webdriver makes

direct calls to the browser using each browsers native support for automation

you are advised to examine both kun unit and the selenium webdriver and consider

which of the two is maybe the best approach for projects that you are

working on making use of jet when you are doing test automation and you want

to wait for an animation to complete a jet page to load or a data fetch to

complete be aware that there is the urge a busy context API the purpose of the

urgent busy context API is to accommodate sequential dependencies of

asynchronous operations take a look in the developer guide and you will learn

about wait scenarios about determining the busy context scope

determining the ready state and creating wait conditions similar to when you are

testing when debugging you can also use the tools that you are already familiar

with in the context of JavaScript development for example when you are

using the Google Chrome browser you can extend it by adding the knockout J's

context debugger extension and the window resize her extension the knockout

J's context debugger extension lets you examine the knockout context while the

window research our extension that you change the browser resolution to match

the platform to which you want to deploy the application furthermore there are

also of course the chrome developer tools CDT and you can do normal

debugging including setting breakpoints and inspecting the CSS using the chrome

inspector to do so finally what is also really useful is being able to debug the

network sometimes you may be expecting to see certain jet components in the

page and then I haven't been loaded yet the way to check that is to look in a

network monitor jet is a modular library based solution therefore being aware of

which are the libraries and which of the individual JavaScript files have been

loaded into the network can be extremely useful the more complicated georgette

application becomes the more critical a network monitor will turn out to be in

this part of the course on oracle jets we've explored a range of different

testing frameworks and debugging tools for your homework explore the features

available in the tools that you are already using and maybe explore a few

others become familiar with the facility is available for testing and debugging

your jet applications and as always thank you very much for participating in

the course on the oracle jet and see you in the next part

For more infomation >> Oracle JET 4.x - Lesson 3 - Part 7: Testing and Debugging - Duration: 4:09.


Pillow Talks | Spoken Poetry - Duration: 4:10.



This is my new bed it holds no memories or sentimental value.

Why? You ask;

Because no childhood friend watched thrillers with me on it.

And no brother, nor sister held me when I was crying my eyes out on it.

And no mother tucked me in when I was pretending to be sick to miss school.

And no boy changed the aroma of these sheets.

They're brand new.

Oh, and those pillows don't have dry tears on them or

Any sign of last night's makeup on them.

Well, my old duvet cover had colorful elegant

flowers on it.

I guess they haven't bloomed on this one yet,

it's not the season anyway

And what I've noticed is

my new detergent smells like

insomnia nights and

peculiar dreams about people I used to remember,

but I don't anymore.

And now I position myself in the center.

I don't make space for anyone to join in.

Well, I guess, I can't afford to change those sheets again.

This is my new bed, I'll be seeing a lot of it.

For more infomation >> Pillow Talks | Spoken Poetry - Duration: 4:10.


Darkness Of Eternity ♮ Amberian Dawn cover feat. Salem Vocals - Duration: 3:19.

I hear the gasp of dying light

And feel the calmness coming night

I know it's time to say goodbye

to all the stories for bedtime

Oh, I try so hard to stop the tears from falling...

The days of sun no more to come

The tears like pearls lead their way to run

I feel alive, my work is done

Something different has begun...

Come, and dance a waltz with me!

So softly, so shying

Darkness of Eternity

All quarters are blending

Come, and dance a waltz with me!

So softly, so gently

One, two, three echoes on the sealed walls

The night has come, the afterlife

When morning comes I need to hide

I feel the cold I'm not that weak

I feel the power of missing beat

Oh, I try so hard not to hear the darkness call

This night I died or so they think

I am not dead nor a living thing

The gasp of light no more to be

Another story will begin

Come, and dance a waltz with me!

So softly, so shying

Darkness of Eternity

All quarters are blending

Come, and dance a waltz with me!

So softly, so gently

One, two, three, you hear my silent...


The night has come the afterlife

I feel the calmness, coming night

I hear the gasp of dying light

I know it's time to say goodbye

Oh one, two, three echoes on these sealed....


For more infomation >> Darkness Of Eternity ♮ Amberian Dawn cover feat. Salem Vocals - Duration: 3:19.


Ucho Prezesa - S03E02 - zwiastun - Duration: 1:06.

Watch now on

Who the hell is it?

Ryszard? - May I?


Good afternoon, Mrs Beata. - Good afternoon

May I? - Please...

Good afternoon

Am I interrupting?

Mr Chairman!

What a surprise. Please, come in!

I'm here just for a moment

I'm sorry, could I perhaps also...

I know the voters liked you, but

you know, in turn, that

we adjust people for tasks

It just had to be done. Do you blame me for that? - No

For me, the most important thing is our white and red team

I had my stage, now it's time for Mateusz

We are one peloton

First, I was leading - now he is

Premieres on Thursday on YouTube

Watch now on

For more infomation >> Ucho Prezesa - S03E02 - zwiastun - Duration: 1:06.


English tenses - Stative Verbs | Learn all non continuous verbs | verbs having no -ing form |tense - Duration: 17:09.

English tenses - Stative Verbs | Learn all non continuous verbs | verbs having no -ing form |tense

For more infomation >> English tenses - Stative Verbs | Learn all non continuous verbs | verbs having no -ing form |tense - Duration: 17:09.


San Diego to Whidbey Island - Duration: 21:45.

For more infomation >> San Diego to Whidbey Island - Duration: 21:45.


Fulfilling a Dream on St. John - Duration: 21:45.

For more infomation >> Fulfilling a Dream on St. John - Duration: 21:45.


Faustão desmente fake news divulgada por cantora, ao vivo, e faz pronunciamento - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Faustão desmente fake news divulgada por cantora, ao vivo, e faz pronunciamento - Duration: 4:23.


EGYPT 2018: THE MARKET. PIZZA AND PERSONAL ARCHIVE (English subtitles) - Duration: 11:43.

We already had the first pizza. We already have the second pizza.

And we have pizza today. Dany went to buy a pizza. Malak: We bought pizza. Yes, we have pizza today. Did Dany buy pizza?

Show what kind of pizza. Pizza Margarita. Now we will cut it. Wait, I'll just cut it now.

We love pizza Margarita, without any fillers at all. But always order extra cheese. That there was more cheese.

We love very cheese. Malak already prepared a plate and Aya and Dany, too. Everyone is already sitting with prepared plates.

Now I'll cut it. You can take everything by yourself. Malak: To me.

Dany: And I'll put it to you. I do not need. I'll set myself, you take yourself. Malak: I'll be 2 pieces. You will be 2, eat 2.

There's still pizza. We have another pizza in the kitchen there. All? Let's pour Pepsi now. Someone has already opened the bottle.

By the way, Pepsi looks like this in Egypt. It is written in Arabic BiBSI. Since there is no letter "P" in Arabic.

There is a letter "B". And very often you can hear, instead of PEPSY, BEBSI. What other words with the "P", which the Egyptians pronounce as "B"?

Dany: "BEN". And, instead of English PEN, the Egyptians say BEN.

And, the Egyptians say the Apple -EBBL.

Malak: And MANGO, MANGO. Mango is good.

This is about the letter "P". The letters "P" are not in Arabic.

Just like in the Arabic language there are letters "HA" and "HHA" we do not hear the difference.

We do not catch this difference. And the Arabs have different letters. Therefore, when you say out loud, they often laugh.

In Arabic there is the word NACHLIA. It means a palm tree. Another FALSE with another letter "H" means a bee.

And there is a name by the way female is Nahlya. So I remember when I worked in the kindergarten, the girls laughed at me.

Because I called someone's name NAHLYA somehow wrong. I do not catch this letter "H". And the Arabs hear well.

Just like we are merged when the Arabs say instead of PEPSY, BEBSI. Or instead of PEN, they say BEN.

And instead of Apple, they say EBBL. Bon Appetit.

And instead of Apple, they say EBBL. Bon Appetit.

The cat is also waiting for her pizza to be given. She certainly will not. Well, so for the company, hang out.

We already had the first pizza. We already have the second pizza.

Take the box away. And proceed to the second pizza. Dany: Ketchup still does not eat.

We love pizza to eat with barbecue sauce. Malak: I really love.

Are you fool? Malak: No, it's not. Will you still? Malak: Yes. Well, eat it.

Aya, how are you? Aya: Very delicious. Delicious! At the end of the word, the letter "O" is delicious.

Malak: I know delicious in Arabic HELVA. And in English? Malyak: GAMIL (Arab beautiful).

In English, testy. Malak: Testy, yes. Eeyore: And we have not done it yet.

Bon Appetit.

Here is the place where they sell the chicken and immediately when you are slaughtered and cleaned.

Also the Egyptians eat rabbits. We found such a pretty rabbit. The sympathy.

He was shy. But this white rabbit is not shy. Hi Hi. Oh, what a good one.

He does not want to go out. Mom: You can certainly get it. Go look what a good one.

Oh, what a fool. Nice one. Oh, this one fell, but this one is sitting.

Mom: See, they're grouped and sleeping. They are warm, they are heated about each other.

That's how they sell here. Immediately here they are hammered and give you a purified chicken or such small, beautiful rabbits.

What a pity. Chickens in cabbage soup. And you, too, need. And you, what is so unhappy? Are you defending everyone?

Dissatisfied. Okay, we will not touch your family. And here's another one.

It specifically protects. Little such handsome man. Beauty. Very fluffy. The glaze.

And all of them await the inevitable death. Mom: Death is waiting for all of us. In fact, yes, everyone is waiting for death.

You're so cute. Lovely, you're so cute.

Fresh eggs are sold here. Another place with chickens. Also there rabbits are sitting. This is the market.

Here you can find everything very inexpensive. There's a wedding right there. They are born, get married and die. All in one place.

Here you can buy slippers. Eggs fresh from under the chicken 17 egypt. pounds 10 eggs. But eggs for 13 egypt.pounds 10 eggs.

Salts are all kinds. All sorts of shops with rags. Well, this is the Egyptian market.

That's such a cute guy. The owner apparently went there. Well, where are we going?

Also there are workshops with glasses. Go glass cut.

There are children barefoot running around. There are children playing soccer. Mom: The garbage will be removed now.

There are such small shops. Here you can buy cheese, milk, and sweet.

Sweets they do not even bother to spread out of boxes.

For more infomation >> EGYPT 2018: THE MARKET. PIZZA AND PERSONAL ARCHIVE (English subtitles) - Duration: 11:43.


Acquisti Giochi da Tavolo (Febbraio - Marzo 2018) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Acquisti Giochi da Tavolo (Febbraio - Marzo 2018) - Duration: 3:00.


The Last O.G. Premiere

For more infomation >> The Last O.G. Premiere


Ucho Prezesa - S03E02 - zwiastun - Duration: 1:06.

Watch now on

Who the hell is it?

Ryszard? - May I?


Good afternoon, Mrs Beata. - Good afternoon

May I? - Please...

Good afternoon

Am I interrupting?

Mr Chairman!

What a surprise. Please, come in!

I'm here just for a moment

I'm sorry, could I perhaps also...

I know the voters liked you, but

you know, in turn, that

we adjust people for tasks

It just had to be done. Do you blame me for that? - No

For me, the most important thing is our white and red team

I had my stage, now it's time for Mateusz

We are one peloton

First, I was leading - now he is

Premieres on Thursday on YouTube

Watch now on

For more infomation >> Ucho Prezesa - S03E02 - zwiastun - Duration: 1:06.


M jak miłość, odcinek 1362: Iza panikuje, bo jej kłamstwo wyjdzie na jaw - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> M jak miłość, odcinek 1362: Iza panikuje, bo jej kłamstwo wyjdzie na jaw - Duration: 3:15.


Vaciar Kodi en Linux - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Vaciar Kodi en Linux - Duration: 5:17.


Құран Кәрім | 101 - Қари'а сүресі | 5 тілде субтитр | © - Duration: 1:41. ұсынады

Qurani Kerim | 101 - Al-Qari'a

English: Yusuf Ali

In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful

(1) The (Day) of Noise and Clamour:

(2) What is the (Day) of Noise and Clamour?

(3) And what will explain to thee what the (Day) of Noise and Clamour is?

(4) (It is) a Day whereon men will be like moths scattered about,

(5) And the mountains will be like carded wool.

(6) Then, he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) heavy,

(7) Will be in a life of good pleasure and satisfaction.

(8) But he whose balance (of good deeds) will be (found) light,-

(9) Will have his home in a (bottomless) Pit.

(10) And what will explain to thee what this is?

(11) (It is) a Fire Blazing fiercely!

For more infomation >> Құран Кәрім | 101 - Қари'а сүресі | 5 тілде субтитр | © - Duration: 1:41.


Body parts || Latest Nursery Rhymes for Children || 3d Animation || Hurray toons - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Body parts || Latest Nursery Rhymes for Children || 3d Animation || Hurray toons - Duration: 0:54.


Soluciones para una sociedad longeva | Takanori Shibata - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Soluciones para una sociedad longeva | Takanori Shibata - Duration: 2:21.


Cruzar el Genil, como hiciera Boabdil. Granada - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Cruzar el Genil, como hiciera Boabdil. Granada - Duration: 1:03.


Acquisti Giochi da Tavolo (Febbraio - Marzo 2018) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Acquisti Giochi da Tavolo (Febbraio - Marzo 2018) - Duration: 3:00.


Revenire ŞOC în politică: Îşi face partid după ce a ieşit din puşcărie - 'lucrez, am o bază de date' - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Revenire ŞOC în politică: Îşi face partid după ce a ieşit din puşcărie - 'lucrez, am o bază de date' - Duration: 3:10.


Beneficios de conocer nuestra predisposición genética - Duration: 2:02.

Dr Dolores Saveedra Genetics and endocrinilogy specialized Member of medmesafe Scientific and Ethics committee

What is the benefit of these analyses?

Knowing that there is a genetic basis and, sometimes epigenetic in the cause of the

obesity, gives the patient much more relief, remove guilt because

humans are special in blaming others of our problems

and I've seen many patients that said to others , "you are like that because you want",

or do not lose weight because you do not diet", and despises and the patient is losing

self-confidence, its safety is undermined. The moment the patient understands that there is a

biological basis that they cannot control by themselves

the feeling of guilt, the depression decreases and they can meet

much better treatment. In second place as I said, helps us understand

the mechanism. Itis not the same a person who has a defect in the mechanism of

satiety, or a person who has a defect in metabolism, in the burning of

calories or that has an ancestral gene that there are foods that cannot process.

The diet will be personalized depending on the genetic study and in

some cases we will even get to prescribe medicines that are

indicated for the genes involved. Then the patient also understands

why a normal diet does not work for you or Thins and regain weight and lose weight

and go back to put on weight, or why you have some diseases such as hypertension or sleep apnea.

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