Sunday, March 25, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 26 2018

I'm regularly surprised by how often writing a video script alters my feelings about a

particular episode.

At first glance, I've Got You Under My Skin might seem like a relatively conventional

Exorcist knockoff.

A bit clunky and rote.

But, borrowing a page from Buffy's first season, the episode uses its structure to

reveal something...far more interesting.

Angel and company are hanging out in his basement.

This is a fun a little scene as they snipe at each other and Angel smiles affectionately,

attempting to keep the peace.

"Cordelia, Doyle…"

OOooooo I love that.

The acknowledgment that Wesley is still new and there are some painful memories not quite

behind everyone.

What a great little scene.

Across town a family is putting their kids to bed with...unusual practices depending

on how you feel about kids I guess but I wondered if the writer of this one might not be a frustrated

parent looking for some wish fulfillment.

Cordy therapizes Angel in another scene I really enjoy.

Cordy digs in on Angel to get him to talk about what he's dealing with over Doyle's


Mid-session Cordy has a vision of children somewhere and their father.

At the house Angel rescues the child from being run over.

The kids parent's run out and seem strangely high anxiety about the whole thing.

Angel uses the word scamp

"Scamp isn't he"

And is invited in for a patch job.

So...because of the wife's exuberance at Angel's presence and the husband's unflinching stare

and desire to get Angel out, the writing is clearly setting up to make it LOOK like the

Dad is abusive/demony.

Which then...just...turns out...not true?

Weird red herring choice.

The mom does seem a bit at the end of her tether as, upon finding out Angel's name:

12:00 "Something's wrong in that house."

I'll say.

Wesley walks the grounds and discovers a residue which suggests that someone in the house is

possessed by a demon.

What is the residue?

13:51 "No one could have said demon poo before I touched it?"

X-Files "Is there any way I can get this off my fingers quickly without betraying my

cool exterior?"

The team decides that an exorcism is in order and Angel sets out to dinner with a dish the

demon will find particularly repellant.

At the table the demon is revealed in an effect I find both a little disturbing and a little


After feeding him the demon brownie the parents attitudes pivot.

Mom now wants Angel to leave.

Dad wants the help.

Back in Angel's bedroom they setup the exorcism but need to get items.

Angel and Wesley head to church and Angel appears nervous.

The nun recognizes Angel for what he is: "You would come into a place of worship?"

This is one of the few episodes where they really dally with religious mythology and

I kind like it.

This bit between them is very Constantine or Supernatural and even though it's not

a direction the writer's took the lore it's fun to watch them toy with it.

Angel inadvertently strikes at Wesley's confidence.

You don't even have sales resistance.

How many thigh masters do you own?

The second one was a free gift.

That's an oddly mean and specific way to cut a guy down.

But maybe it isn't so inadvertent.

Angel clearly likes Wesley but most of his experience with him so far has been with his

inept management of Buffy and his capturing Faith just before Angel might've been able

to get through to her.

The boy taunts the mother across the line.

Well what did you THINK was going to happen.

The horror of the sequence is severely undermined when the telegraph it for 15 minutes.

Angel and Wesley return and as Angel seeks a mythical item to capture the demon, Wesley

performs the initial rites of the ritual.

The demon reaches into his mind to defend itself


30:52 "All those hours under the stairs and you were still not good enough.

Not good enough for Daddy.

Not good enough for the council."

The mention of Wesley's father causes him to lose his place.

Angel performs the rest of the ceremony and Cordy's discount Ethros box breaks in half.

Angel tracks down the demon in corporeal form who reveals a nice twist in the episode.

36:30 "You didn't get that boy's soul."

- "...what soul?"

This is really a nicely delivered little twist.

The boy is devoid of soul and, because of that, actually terrifies a demon.

Unlike the bit of misdirection with the father I really liked this one, and it made the kid

uber terrifying.

I know you bring death.

I do not fear it.

The only thing I fear is in that house.

The rest of the episode is a little rote.

Ryan turns into the Good Son

"If I let you go, do you think you could fly?"

Sets the house on fire.

Angel rescues everyone.

The end.

At first glance this might seem like a relatively pedestrian Exorcist episode but it's actually

executed with some very Buffy style subversiveness which also raises some fun questions about

our protagonist and his new hire.

This is the greatest bit of character development that Wesley has received in his Buffyverse

tenure, and his interactions with the demon are the best parts of the episode.

As I mentioned in Parting Gifts, the fear the demons have of Wesley suggest that he

is more than a capable foe.

And in Expecting Angel demonstrates a surprising amount of confidence in Wesley's abilities,

as he takes him along to fight the baby demon in the opening and sends Wesley in against

the giant demon daddy.

Wesley's issues then are not a lack of training but a total deficit of self-confidence, even

in the face of any of his successes.

He's slapstick dopey at time yes, something I've said kind of sells his character short

and starts to dissipate as the show goes on, but really his crisis is completely internal.

"The council was right to sack me."

And in this episode, as the demon pokes at his vulnerabilities through a psychic scan

we start to get a sense of what happened.

I also love how the demon attempts to dismantle the team by calling out Wesley's plan to

put Angel down.

Angel's reaction turns the reveal into a cute little moment of bonding between them.


36:00 "I know you're not planning to kill me Wesley.

But you're willing to.

And that's good."

As agentm83 on Twitter phrased it, Angel's real friends are the ones willing to take

him down.

Interesting that when the demon's manipulations finally work and Wesley acts out of impulse...he

uhh...gets it in the throat?

The episode is bookended by Angel having to process his own guilt over Doyle's death.

His calling Wesley, Doyle is a heartbreaking little moment that also manages to cleverly

play with each character's issues in one single swoop.

Wesley is put in doubt of his contributions, Cordy is reminded of what might have been,

and Angel's actual suffering is revealed.

Obviously Captain Guilt Complex would make everything his fault, and Cordy therapizing

Angel is a nice dynamic that was setup in Somnambulist.

Within the recovering alcoholic metaphor Cordy has spent the past few episodes in the role

of Angel's sponsor.

And it makes sense that the queen of: "Tact is just not saying true stuff"

Wouldn't stand for people who aren't speaking their feelings, especially not the people

she loves and cares about.

The episode liken's Angel's struggle to keep the team together with Seth's to keep

his family together, in the face of horror and loss.

And Angel is one step closer by the end to understanding that, though the reason he fights

still seems in doubt.

Especially in the face of so much loss.

Ryan the soulless possessed acts as an interesting prism into Angel's own guilt, though I'm

not sure the episode offers any conclusions.

A vampire is a human, soul expelled, inhabited by a demon.

Ryan is a soulless human, inhabited by a demon, and the episode suggests that it is Ryan's

soulless human side that is more terrifying and responsible for his evil than the demon


Which is probably a reflection of how Angel feels for himself.

"It's not the demon in me that needs killing Buffy.

It's the man."

It's easy to look at Angel's journey and say that he has nothing to be ashamed of because

he was without soul as Angelus, but Angel cannot separate himself from the deeds of


He experienced them as though he himself did them, and making matters worse the actions

of the vampire are at least partially dictated by the impulses of the human, free from conscience.

It doesn't really matter whether Angel's pursuit of redemption makes logical sense

from the outside so much as we understand it makes perfect emotional sense to Angel.

Angel's reaching for redemption is his own emotional journey to give his life meaning

- which is the case for many of the character's on Angel the Series

"We all got something to atone for."

In that way, Angel's show might be more about the pursuit of living meaningfully than

Buffy, even Angel's plots occasionally have more thematic contradictions - when the writer's

occasionally write themselves into corners and grapple for way's out.

It's definitely a first season episode.

In fact it feels very much like a blueprint borrowed from the first season of Buffy where

a common horror trope is used to explore various facets of our characters hearts.

The two shows have very different driving mechanisms behind them though.

The monster metaphors in Buffy's first season were all driven by the theme of growing up.

Angel's are mostly a way of exploring his pathology.

You can see the writer's trying to work out what drives him through parallel storytelling.

And I think I like that.

The path to adulthood is inescapable.

Angel's is a more nebulous path and some exploration is necessary.

But the seams are still there.

The dialogue in this one is pretty clunky.

Partially that works in aid of setting up the Dad red herring but even in times where

the oddness fits the context it makes no sense.

"Little scamp" "That was vulgar."

- "Apparently I made my point."

The episodes attempt to subvert its horror trope doesn't quite feel like a subversion

so much as a last minute twist.

In my opinion children are already terrifying enough and don't need to be used as horror


Though, maybe as a manifestation of parental anxiety they're kind of interesting.

Still, I like this one.

After the faceplant in She and Expecting, the focus shifts back to character development

which is the reason I love the Buffyverse as much as I do.

And I've Got You Under My Skin is a nice step in the direction towards the ensemble

masterpiece the show is at its pinnacle.

For more infomation >> I've Got You Under My Skin • S01E14 • TPN's Angel Guide - Duration: 10:18.


words of english newspaper (day-10) with meaning by sheokand sir | Newspaper Vocabulary | vocabs - Duration: 3:28.

words of english newspaper (day-10) with meaning by sheokand sir | Newspaper Vocabulary | vocabs

For more infomation >> words of english newspaper (day-10) with meaning by sheokand sir | Newspaper Vocabulary | vocabs - Duration: 3:28.


Мультики про машинки для детей Супергерои и Цветные Машинки Человек Паук Мультфильмы для детей - Duration: 11:35.

Cartoons about cars for children. Superheroes and Color Cars. Spiderman cartoons For kids

For more infomation >> Мультики про машинки для детей Супергерои и Цветные Машинки Человек Паук Мультфильмы для детей - Duration: 11:35.


なぜ普及しない? 全車に標準装備されるべき秀逸なクルマの装備7選 - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> なぜ普及しない? 全車に標準装備されるべき秀逸なクルマの装備7選 - Duration: 11:53.


LEGO® Ninjago® Ride Ninja ...

For more infomation >> LEGO® Ninjago® Ride Ninja ...


'BBB 18':Kaysar passa dos limites e deixa sua 'cenoura' exposta | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> 'BBB 18':Kaysar passa dos limites e deixa sua 'cenoura' exposta | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:12.


A princesa Jéssica e a luta para não deixar a coroa cair | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> A princesa Jéssica e a luta para não deixar a coroa cair | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:35.


Bebida curativa de canela e gengibre para combater a tosse - Duration: 7:03.

For more infomation >> Bebida curativa de canela e gengibre para combater a tosse - Duration: 7:03.


Incredible Natural Ways to Get Rid of Skin Blemishes - Australia 360 - Duration: 7:45.

Incredible Natural Ways to Get Rid of Skin Blemishes

Sometimes, skin blemishes can be annoying and unsightly.

With the following incredible natural methods, you'll be able to get rid of them in no time.

Take note of them and try them out!.

Rice flour cream.

This first method uses a cream made of rice flour.


3 tbsps. of rice flour 4 tbsps.

of shea butter 2 tbsps.

of orange juice Optional: ½ tbsp.

hydrogen peroxide 5%. Preparation.

Mix the rice flour with the hydrogen peroxide until you get a smooth paste.

Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well until they're well integrated into the paste.

How to use it.

The first thing you need to do now that you've made the cream is to apply it evenly over the areas where you have skin blemishes.

For example, if the blemishes are on your arm, then apply the cream over the whole arm.

Leave it to act for 30 minutes.

Rinse with plenty of water, and then dry yourself and moisturise with a moisturising cream.

Repeat this once or twice a week.

Orange and Lemon Cream. Ingredients.

3 tbsps. of orange juice 2 tbsps.

of honey 1 Lemon 1 tbsp. of sugar.


Put all the ingredients except the lemon in a bowl and mix them well.

Then, cut the lemon in half, put it in the mixture and leave it there a few minutes.

How to use it.

Take a dab of the mixture and spread it over the area you want to clear.

Leave it to act for 5 minutes and then wash the area well with water and dry.

Hydrate your skin with some moisturising cream and repeat these steps twice a week.

Milk and Radish.

By mixing ingredients like milk and radishes you'll end up with the perfect product for your skin.

For example, this can be used it to treat skin blemishes due to a change in the pigmentation of the skin.

To do this, mix together milk and horseradish.

Put the solution on some cotton wool, dampen it, and apply it over the areas where you have marks and blemishes.

To make sure it works well, leave it to act all night and rinse it off the next day.


Yogurt can also be one of the best ingredients for naturally getting rid of marks on your skin.

It has the ability to clean, disinfect and soften your pores.

All of this helps regeneration and keep your skin hydrated.

To apply it, you just use it like any other face mask.

First, wash your face, dry it gently, and spread to yogurt over your face with your fingers.

Leave it act for 15 to 20 minutes and remove it with warm water.

Do this regularly and you'll be sure to notice your skin gradually improving.


Cucumber is another great ingredient for skin care.

It has such a high water content and contains vitamin E and many natural oils.

If you apply it like a face mask, you'll find that it's great for softening the skin and getting with of blemishes and wrinkles.

All you have to do it peel it, remove the seeds and put it in a blender until it forms a paste.

Apply it to your face, leave it to act for 20 minutes and your skin will feel brand new.


Tomatoes are another fantastic ingredient for taking care of your skin.

The juice contains a large amount of important nutrients which are good for the skin, such as vitamin A, C, and proteins.

They're also rich in lycopene, which counteracts the effect of free radicals.

To use it, simply mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with one of tomato juice and apply it with some cotton wool.

You'll be sure to notice the difference.

For more infomation >> Incredible Natural Ways to Get Rid of Skin Blemishes - Australia 360 - Duration: 7:45.


BOMBONIERE fai da te: SCATOLINE portaconfetti fatte a mano | Raccolta #1 - Duration: 6:06.

Today we see easy DIY boxes

to use as favors and as a confetti


For more infomation >> BOMBONIERE fai da te: SCATOLINE portaconfetti fatte a mano | Raccolta #1 - Duration: 6:06.


The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC roadmap, Crypto-dividend partnership? DeepOnion SPAM coin! Bcash - Duration: 18:01.

Hello everyone this is Adam Meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is March the 25th 2018 strong hand long

term thinking bitcoin is the next bitcoin ok people check out the link

section below you will see bitcoin to the moon' calm yes they gave me this

shirt all the way from australia check them out and get this shirt at bitcoin

to the moon calm I've got other links down there come to

hwil calm for traceur léger nano all sorts of affiliate links down below and

of course check out last night's video all the videos of the past week

they've been all late at night so you guys have been missing them and this one

you're gonna probably miss too because it's really late at night here on the

East Coast it's almost almost midnight almost midnight

anyway golden hold have that a Bitcoin conviction people and yeah in life it

really is all about conviction you see all those people out on the streets of

DC you know doing their emotional pleas about guns and it's it's completely

nonsense but they've got the conviction they are getting out there and they're

and they're convincing just the 80% yes we must ban guns so that's a bit that's

an example of using your conviction to get something that's not so cool up

there in the public agenda but if you guys have the Bitcoin conviction you

stick by the Bitcoin it's gonna pay off we're gonna push this thing have

conviction that is how you get your success in life how you push through

things in life the groups with the conviction they do wing they do come out

ahead so and if you oppose this radical gun control I suggest you get some

and go out there in state that you're against radical gun control I'm against

this insane radical gun controlling them using kids I mean it's such it's such an

emotional appeal out there and this is a beauty of Bitcoin I can say whatever the

heck I want to because I'm independent because of Bitcoin and this is where the

big boys play play this is the the free market where I don't have to you know I

don't have to worry about peer pressure and all fitting in and all that stuff so

again that was that commentary should have been stayed until the end of the

show but hey I'm ripping up the format today whatever so uh and yeah ignore

most of that stuff that's gone again it's all the media is so behind it it's

hilarious but it's sad you know I see my parents too like ooh you know they're

falling for it and they're smart people but I mean they're older people too and

my mom's a woman obviously a peel to emotions gonna hit her you know it's

it's sometimes it's frustrating being part of the 20% to see all these 80

percenters yelling and crying about complete nonsense but uh hey that's life

getting the Bitcoin to get into this world where the 20% were rewarded we

don't have to deal with the nonsense and the 80 percenters that come in here

hey they got a play there's no bailouts and if they make mistakes in the long

run it helps the 20 percenters so here is speaking of Bitcoin because that's

what this show is supposed supposed to be all about right

the there's a medium post out there by who is this

well it's linked to below and he talks is a detailed overview of Bitcoin

projects being worked on next and he gives some descriptions of them and some

timelines that he you know everyone's asking well when is it gonna happen when

is it gonna happen when is this gonna happen well he talks a little bit about

that and here's what he talks about snore signatures bulletproof

confidential transactions side change drive chains member Wimble all of those

are developments in future developments the things that are

being worked on right now exciting things in the Bitcoin space that the

smartest developers are working the smartest developers in cryptocurrency

are working on right now so that's a good a good post to check out if you're

at you know you hear there's all these great things going on with bitcoins some

of them might seem a little complex and then you hear about all these all coins

they're supposed to be state-of-the-art but read that and you'll understand that

hey man there's only one Bitcoin so speaking about that there's only one

Bitcoin when I was running today I was thinking about crypto dividends because

all crypto dividends are all coins that you get for free when you hold Bitcoin

okay and there are a lot of crypt of dividends out there and it's confusing

and I was thinking some of these guys they should the elite ones that want to

be elite to jump ahead to help their prices to help their distributions they

should partner up together they should partner up what's wrong you know we

haven't seen it yet coins partnering up I mean we've we've

seen uh Charlie lis talk about deke red and Charlie lis talk about Bitcoin but

that's not like an official partnership with litecoin and and deke red and

litecoin and Bitcoin or whatever but you know what be gold and be private partner

up - to promote each other they're they're both a little different one

deals of privacy one has a it's easier to mine and was the first friendly for

you know let's see some innovation in the marketing of these crypto dividends

just something that I thought of all my seven mile run this this uh this morning

and yeah it started the flurry in Baltimore again today what is up with

that man what is they really want to extend this winter you know they it's

just like you know Adam no you didn't get away for all the winter we're

bringing you the winter in the spring when you get back to Baltimore for the

third for the three weeks that you're in Baltimore we're gonna bring you some

flurries pound that like button if you want it to be spring all over the United

States of America oh yeah we're getting ready for next

week opening day captain yards Thursday Baltimore Orioles vs. who the heck are

they playing the twins I don't even have to play in a twin sir

all right I wouldn't want to be in Minneapolis this time yeah I've been

it's cold less up it gets cold up in minister don't know how you guys deal

with it man I don't know how you deal III like your stadium is very pretty

Stadium though much better than that Metrodome you had oh my god okay so

let's get back here to be to be gold and be private you speaking of guys from uh

you know I haven't heard from what's his face form in that Minnesota lately from

Blake Anderson what's up with Blake Anderson man you watching this darn show

he's up in Minnesota alright so but you know we I I have this written down here

B go LaBrie private should reframe the the argument you know there's all these

be cash people trying to say that they're they're the real Bitcoin and

that they're the best Bitcoin and you know for me I don't I know Bitcoin is

the Bitcoin but if these are it's funny you know in a two-way argument you say

well it's either A or B but to be the be goal and the be private people would be

roading people they can they can frame that they can get in an argument to and

take down B cash from the other side and give much respect to Bitcoin because

those three crypto dividends they're friendly Forks they respect Bitcoin they

there they they admit that they say Bitcoin is the Bitcoin and for that we

Bitcoin people we you guys again who obsess over be cache complete waste of

your time let the be goal to beat the B rhodium the B private people let them

say you know what we're better than B cash we're gonna take on these be cash

people we're the friendly for crypt of dividends we're the ones that you should

be involved with and if don't be involved with the unfriendly for crypto

dividends and I first of all I'm a guy who says you know if you got Fiat only

only use Fiat to get Bitcoin crypto dividends you get for free baby but you

know these these proof of dividends they gotta promote themselves

they gotta encourage people to buy my guess and uh you know they should say

you know we're friendly ignore the unfriendly forks were the friendly fork

and all the Bitcoin people out there we just sit back and let all the Crypt of

dividends fight amongst themselves because peek at be cash is just a crypt

of dividend it really is and there's some there's some nice guys that like to

be cash and stuff I'm just talking about me no because we had this uh engine in

Japan they had this be cash conference and I took a little bit I took a look at

the video for for a second and you know you have people trying to confuse be

cash and Bitcoin which is an unfortunate thing to do really is on for it I mean

they could have their conference in Japan so I link to their conference in

Japan satoshis vision conference edy with it so I want you guys to check out

the link and to take note who was speaking there and who the sponsors were

and you can you know remember who those people are and you can make your own

decisions about them in the future if you you want to do business with them or

wherever you want to do it again what a few they got a few the people there I

mean I know personally and all right there good got ones a real cool dude

definitely I'm not gonna name any names here you do your own research I'd link

to who they are and you know the sponsors they're paying this conference

a lot of money Daniel one of them's Bitcoin calm which is obviously the

Pravda of be cash I mean I mean it's not like the sponsors are surprising it's

not like the speakers are surprising but you should know who they are i link to

that below and you can make your own decisions about them if you want to

boycott them if you want to do whatever you want to do with these dudes who are

talking to be cash and you know it's a free world a man it is a free world let

the best uh let bring on the competition I say but I mean the be cast people got

to be ready also they got to understand that there's people chomping below them

too and if you know if be gold and be private get into the argument and say

you know we're the real we're the real crypto dividend in that will the market

will decide and maybe bring up the prices of B be private and be gold to to

the same as be cash you never know and since we're holders of Bitcoin and thus

we we if we're long-term holders like you should have been you would have

gotten your be gold your be private and you hope that your crypto dividends do

become as valuable as be cash I mean yeah I want my be private to be as

valuable as be cash so good luck to the be private and be gold people you know

get out you know you guys can do daily transactions just like be cash as they

can if anyone's actually doing any regular buying of coffee with

cryptocurrency yet which I do we don't think people are I've said that you know

it's a bitcoin is the world reserve cryptocurrency that's what it's that's

what cryptocurrencies good for now golden freaking hold people pound that

frickin like button okay speaking about altcoins like be cash and be gold and be

private and be rhodium coin market cap people complain about coin we market a

cap a lot they don't like how they they do things over there here's an

alternative live coin watch calm I link to it below check out the links below

for you people who are frustrated with that be in motion Don Cornelius

he has a new video out his first video he's a guy who actually sent me a

donation in the super chat the other day and I thought he had an awesome name Don

Cornelius of the Soul Train of the pound that like button train maybe I should

have a show like a hip hop dance show pound that like button show I come on I

do my dance with my Baltimore people and and Don Cornelius is my host that would

be awesome and this is not making sense anymore this show all right so yeah take

him out all right deep onion these boots I mean this altcoin whatever this darn

thing is there Pete I mentioned this once before they spam my freaking

comment section okay and I found a link that explains why they do that because

they've got this whole set up over there this coin basically is a spam coin and

so what you guys are doing by spamming content creators like me you're not

making us very happy and very welcoming of your core

and people are gonna call you a freakin scam like the steamin article that I

linked to and the steam an article that I linked to explains you know they've

got this whole set up that which rewards people rewards their fans for spamming

channels like mine and dude it's just annoying it's not professional and I'm

calling you out on it I'm not gonna call you guys a scam but I'm gonna call you a

freakin spam coin and I mean that's a that's a new type of all coin against a

spam coin so deep onion you're an innovator in spam coins and you know and

you try to disguise all your messages was like well Manero is a great privacy

coin but check out the Bunyan I mean you see you guys are just using the same

script over and over again so all you newbies are watching this

channel on 80 percenters who foolishly by altcoins don't even run away when you

see the words deep onion run away it's a spam frickin coin people um alright I'll

skip that the mainstream media thing all right when it comes to say all right

here we go I talk about you know shooting for the

year 2020 treating Bitcoin as a savings account you know do not do not convert

your Bitcoin into fiat until at least after 2020 having well how about after

the 2028 having it's funny someone was on some show I think it was ben shapiro

show they were talking yeah ben shapiro was talking in with glenn beck now i'm

not a big fan of glenn beck's but that ben shapiro smart guy and

they're talking about ID nanotechnology and glen beck says that by the year 2030

that there might be nanotechnology that will be able to cure diseases all

diseases in human beings okay dude that would be freakin awesome one day it

diseases would be eliminated so like that's a way of life extension people

would have a lot easier time living past a year 100 and getting to 120 probably

at that at that point they could get rid of all diseases most diseases so if that

really happens by the year let's say 2028 that's a bitcoin having year and

to get these type of technologies at that time is going to it's going to cost

a lot of money they I mean it will be in high demand so it puts it in perspective

of but what savings is all about and what long-term thinking is they're all

about so because you know you guys heard that you know I like that Tesla that you

know I don't like many material things but when I was in Los Angeles and I was

in the Tesla got picked up by the Tesla I really like the Tesla I'm like you

know what when the time comes and I can just trade in a big coin for a Tesla I

would like to get my father you know a Tesla you know maybe in the year 2021

I'd like to get my father a Tesla that would be just something I would like to

do because my dad you know grew up in the 50s and 60s when they were Indy cars

he used to talk about cars and Corvettes the end of a Tesla would be pretty so

cool but what if you think really long term

and you think about your fat what should i instead of getting my dad a Tesla

would it be better to to wait even longer and like reward of my mother with

you know sure every disease in her body with nanotechnology by paying someone

three million dollars in the year 2028 and I think my father would rather me do

that for my mother you know so you know I I just I'm thinking I love technology

I'd love to think about the future I love thinking about savings and what

that really means and and all of these Bitcoin having's and what one Bitcoin is

going to be worth one day and if it's gonna be able to save your life maybe

your extend your life if you hold on into there's a lot of you guys are like

I'll just spend now Adam leave it up first of all I am limited up okay I

travel around all on very low cost of living it's great and I encourage all of

you to be frugal like that so you can range your life is this way we're not

gonna get into that in this video but there are bigger things and just

livin it up for today and partying it up and it's some unimaginable things

perhaps what we're talking like extension nanotechnology stuff and I

hope it all gets combined into one and you know maybe I'll be able to do both I

plan on having lots of Bitcoin in the year 2021 so maybe I'll get dad a Tesla

Ben and get mama some life extension in a

20 and 20 30 anyway I found that like button it everybody i'm adam meister the

bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember subscribe this channel like

this video share this video check out the new section below get that t-shirt

i'll see you guys later bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC roadmap, Crypto-dividend partnership? DeepOnion SPAM coin! Bcash - Duration: 18:01.


100 It's Coming - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> 100 It's Coming - Duration: 8:38.


Isola dei famosi: quale donna ha perso più peso? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Isola dei famosi: quale donna ha perso più peso? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 5:03.


Quais são as principais causas da retenção de líquidos? - Duration: 6:44.

For more infomation >> Quais são as principais causas da retenção de líquidos? - Duration: 6:44.


Prod Ingestion Test for Consumption Team - Movie

For more infomation >> Prod Ingestion Test for Consumption Team - Movie




For more infomation >> MOBILE LEGENDS MOD APK v1.2.57.2552 (NO ROOT, 1 HIT KILL, SKIN HACK, UNLIMITED MONEY) 2018 CHEAT - Duration: 2:50.


#*Best of Songs Medley-2 Love|| Forever 50 ||💓|| beet Song Callection ||March 2018|| - Duration: 16:23.

For more infomation >> #*Best of Songs Medley-2 Love|| Forever 50 ||💓|| beet Song Callection ||March 2018|| - Duration: 16:23.


3/25/18 3:48 PM (617-623 E Empire Ave, Spokane, WA 99207, USA) - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> 3/25/18 3:48 PM (617-623 E Empire Ave, Spokane, WA 99207, USA) - Duration: 4:58.


Come usare Git - Parte 3 - Duration: 17:29.

For more infomation >> Come usare Git - Parte 3 - Duration: 17:29.


I've Got You Under My Skin • S01E14 • TPN's Angel Guide - Duration: 10:18.

I'm regularly surprised by how often writing a video script alters my feelings about a

particular episode.

At first glance, I've Got You Under My Skin might seem like a relatively conventional

Exorcist knockoff.

A bit clunky and rote.

But, borrowing a page from Buffy's first season, the episode uses its structure to

reveal something...far more interesting.

Angel and company are hanging out in his basement.

This is a fun a little scene as they snipe at each other and Angel smiles affectionately,

attempting to keep the peace.

"Cordelia, Doyle…"

OOooooo I love that.

The acknowledgment that Wesley is still new and there are some painful memories not quite

behind everyone.

What a great little scene.

Across town a family is putting their kids to bed with...unusual practices depending

on how you feel about kids I guess but I wondered if the writer of this one might not be a frustrated

parent looking for some wish fulfillment.

Cordy therapizes Angel in another scene I really enjoy.

Cordy digs in on Angel to get him to talk about what he's dealing with over Doyle's


Mid-session Cordy has a vision of children somewhere and their father.

At the house Angel rescues the child from being run over.

The kids parent's run out and seem strangely high anxiety about the whole thing.

Angel uses the word scamp

"Scamp isn't he"

And is invited in for a patch job.

So...because of the wife's exuberance at Angel's presence and the husband's unflinching stare

and desire to get Angel out, the writing is clearly setting up to make it LOOK like the

Dad is abusive/demony.

Which then...just...turns out...not true?

Weird red herring choice.

The mom does seem a bit at the end of her tether as, upon finding out Angel's name:

12:00 "Something's wrong in that house."

I'll say.

Wesley walks the grounds and discovers a residue which suggests that someone in the house is

possessed by a demon.

What is the residue?

13:51 "No one could have said demon poo before I touched it?"

X-Files "Is there any way I can get this off my fingers quickly without betraying my

cool exterior?"

The team decides that an exorcism is in order and Angel sets out to dinner with a dish the

demon will find particularly repellant.

At the table the demon is revealed in an effect I find both a little disturbing and a little


After feeding him the demon brownie the parents attitudes pivot.

Mom now wants Angel to leave.

Dad wants the help.

Back in Angel's bedroom they setup the exorcism but need to get items.

Angel and Wesley head to church and Angel appears nervous.

The nun recognizes Angel for what he is: "You would come into a place of worship?"

This is one of the few episodes where they really dally with religious mythology and

I kind like it.

This bit between them is very Constantine or Supernatural and even though it's not

a direction the writer's took the lore it's fun to watch them toy with it.

Angel inadvertently strikes at Wesley's confidence.

You don't even have sales resistance.

How many thigh masters do you own?

The second one was a free gift.

That's an oddly mean and specific way to cut a guy down.

But maybe it isn't so inadvertent.

Angel clearly likes Wesley but most of his experience with him so far has been with his

inept management of Buffy and his capturing Faith just before Angel might've been able

to get through to her.

The boy taunts the mother across the line.

Well what did you THINK was going to happen.

The horror of the sequence is severely undermined when the telegraph it for 15 minutes.

Angel and Wesley return and as Angel seeks a mythical item to capture the demon, Wesley

performs the initial rites of the ritual.

The demon reaches into his mind to defend itself


30:52 "All those hours under the stairs and you were still not good enough.

Not good enough for Daddy.

Not good enough for the council."

The mention of Wesley's father causes him to lose his place.

Angel performs the rest of the ceremony and Cordy's discount Ethros box breaks in half.

Angel tracks down the demon in corporeal form who reveals a nice twist in the episode.

36:30 "You didn't get that boy's soul."

- "...what soul?"

This is really a nicely delivered little twist.

The boy is devoid of soul and, because of that, actually terrifies a demon.

Unlike the bit of misdirection with the father I really liked this one, and it made the kid

uber terrifying.

I know you bring death.

I do not fear it.

The only thing I fear is in that house.

The rest of the episode is a little rote.

Ryan turns into the Good Son

"If I let you go, do you think you could fly?"

Sets the house on fire.

Angel rescues everyone.

The end.

At first glance this might seem like a relatively pedestrian Exorcist episode but it's actually

executed with some very Buffy style subversiveness which also raises some fun questions about

our protagonist and his new hire.

This is the greatest bit of character development that Wesley has received in his Buffyverse

tenure, and his interactions with the demon are the best parts of the episode.

As I mentioned in Parting Gifts, the fear the demons have of Wesley suggest that he

is more than a capable foe.

And in Expecting Angel demonstrates a surprising amount of confidence in Wesley's abilities,

as he takes him along to fight the baby demon in the opening and sends Wesley in against

the giant demon daddy.

Wesley's issues then are not a lack of training but a total deficit of self-confidence, even

in the face of any of his successes.

He's slapstick dopey at time yes, something I've said kind of sells his character short

and starts to dissipate as the show goes on, but really his crisis is completely internal.

"The council was right to sack me."

And in this episode, as the demon pokes at his vulnerabilities through a psychic scan

we start to get a sense of what happened.

I also love how the demon attempts to dismantle the team by calling out Wesley's plan to

put Angel down.

Angel's reaction turns the reveal into a cute little moment of bonding between them.


36:00 "I know you're not planning to kill me Wesley.

But you're willing to.

And that's good."

As agentm83 on Twitter phrased it, Angel's real friends are the ones willing to take

him down.

Interesting that when the demon's manipulations finally work and Wesley acts out of impulse...he

uhh...gets it in the throat?

The episode is bookended by Angel having to process his own guilt over Doyle's death.

His calling Wesley, Doyle is a heartbreaking little moment that also manages to cleverly

play with each character's issues in one single swoop.

Wesley is put in doubt of his contributions, Cordy is reminded of what might have been,

and Angel's actual suffering is revealed.

Obviously Captain Guilt Complex would make everything his fault, and Cordy therapizing

Angel is a nice dynamic that was setup in Somnambulist.

Within the recovering alcoholic metaphor Cordy has spent the past few episodes in the role

of Angel's sponsor.

And it makes sense that the queen of: "Tact is just not saying true stuff"

Wouldn't stand for people who aren't speaking their feelings, especially not the people

she loves and cares about.

The episode liken's Angel's struggle to keep the team together with Seth's to keep

his family together, in the face of horror and loss.

And Angel is one step closer by the end to understanding that, though the reason he fights

still seems in doubt.

Especially in the face of so much loss.

Ryan the soulless possessed acts as an interesting prism into Angel's own guilt, though I'm

not sure the episode offers any conclusions.

A vampire is a human, soul expelled, inhabited by a demon.

Ryan is a soulless human, inhabited by a demon, and the episode suggests that it is Ryan's

soulless human side that is more terrifying and responsible for his evil than the demon


Which is probably a reflection of how Angel feels for himself.

"It's not the demon in me that needs killing Buffy.

It's the man."

It's easy to look at Angel's journey and say that he has nothing to be ashamed of because

he was without soul as Angelus, but Angel cannot separate himself from the deeds of


He experienced them as though he himself did them, and making matters worse the actions

of the vampire are at least partially dictated by the impulses of the human, free from conscience.

It doesn't really matter whether Angel's pursuit of redemption makes logical sense

from the outside so much as we understand it makes perfect emotional sense to Angel.

Angel's reaching for redemption is his own emotional journey to give his life meaning

- which is the case for many of the character's on Angel the Series

"We all got something to atone for."

In that way, Angel's show might be more about the pursuit of living meaningfully than

Buffy, even Angel's plots occasionally have more thematic contradictions - when the writer's

occasionally write themselves into corners and grapple for way's out.

It's definitely a first season episode.

In fact it feels very much like a blueprint borrowed from the first season of Buffy where

a common horror trope is used to explore various facets of our characters hearts.

The two shows have very different driving mechanisms behind them though.

The monster metaphors in Buffy's first season were all driven by the theme of growing up.

Angel's are mostly a way of exploring his pathology.

You can see the writer's trying to work out what drives him through parallel storytelling.

And I think I like that.

The path to adulthood is inescapable.

Angel's is a more nebulous path and some exploration is necessary.

But the seams are still there.

The dialogue in this one is pretty clunky.

Partially that works in aid of setting up the Dad red herring but even in times where

the oddness fits the context it makes no sense.

"Little scamp" "That was vulgar."

- "Apparently I made my point."

The episodes attempt to subvert its horror trope doesn't quite feel like a subversion

so much as a last minute twist.

In my opinion children are already terrifying enough and don't need to be used as horror


Though, maybe as a manifestation of parental anxiety they're kind of interesting.

Still, I like this one.

After the faceplant in She and Expecting, the focus shifts back to character development

which is the reason I love the Buffyverse as much as I do.

And I've Got You Under My Skin is a nice step in the direction towards the ensemble

masterpiece the show is at its pinnacle.

For more infomation >> I've Got You Under My Skin • S01E14 • TPN's Angel Guide - Duration: 10:18.


words of english newspaper (day-10) with meaning by sheokand sir | Newspaper Vocabulary | vocabs - Duration: 3:28.

words of english newspaper (day-10) with meaning by sheokand sir | Newspaper Vocabulary | vocabs

For more infomation >> words of english newspaper (day-10) with meaning by sheokand sir | Newspaper Vocabulary | vocabs - Duration: 3:28.


Мультики про машинки для детей Супергерои и Цветные Машинки Человек Паук Мультфильмы для детей - Duration: 11:35.

Cartoons about cars for children. Superheroes and Color Cars. Spiderman cartoons For kids

For more infomation >> Мультики про машинки для детей Супергерои и Цветные Машинки Человек Паук Мультфильмы для детей - Duration: 11:35.


なぜ普及しない? 全車に標準装備されるべき秀逸なクルマの装備7選 - Duration: 11:53.

For more infomation >> なぜ普及しない? 全車に標準装備されるべき秀逸なクルマの装備7選 - Duration: 11:53.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


NCIS: Los Angeles - Don't Follow Me - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> NCIS: Los Angeles - Don't Follow Me - Duration: 3:59.


Neil Gorsuch Just Did Something To Bader Ginsburg That Has Rocked The Court - Duration: 14:38.

Neil Gorsuch Just Did Something To Bader-Ginsburg That Has Rocked The Court

The Supreme Court of the United States has entered it's Fall term and already there's

a not so unexpected rivalry brewing in the ranks.

As we all well know, Trump appointed the Honorable Neil Gorsuch as the newest SC Justice, after

Obama failed to get his nominee pushed through on his way out of the White House door.

And that pissed a LOT of Democrats right off.

Let's just say, Ruth Bader Ginsburg (or RGB as she is known) leans so far left she

is barely visible out there.

Justice Gorsuch is a strict Constitutionalist in the vein of the man he replaced, Justice


During a recent oral argument, he said to one attorney "[m]aybe we can just for a

second talk about that arcane matter, the Constitution."

RBG fired at Gorsuch, trying to shut him down, but it didn't work.

He continued asking questions, one coming less than a minute after RBG tried unsuccessfully

to shut him up.

They traded barbs again just a week later during oral argument in another case.

Gorsuch, again, wanting to follow the Constitution.

RBG, on the other hand, noting how the SCOTUS has otherwise interpreted it.

SNL knows:

It could just be a seniority thing; however RGB made it quite clear during the election

what she though of Trump: "I can't imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump

as our president.

For the country, it could be four years.

For the court, it could be –I don't even want to contemplate that."

And this: "He is a faker.

He has no consistency about him.

He says whatever comes into his head at the moment.

He really has an ego.

How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?"

Me thinks RGB may be taking out her feelings on Gorsuch now.

What do you think?



and Share.

For more infomation >> Neil Gorsuch Just Did Something To Bader Ginsburg That Has Rocked The Court - Duration: 14:38.



For more infomation >> LÍ DO BẠN BỊ ĐỨNG TẠ KHI TẬP | DEADLIFT TEST - Duration: 17:47.


Charlie Puth - Change (Lyrics) feat. James Tylor - Duration: 3:36.

this was out of nowhere we

For more infomation >> Charlie Puth - Change (Lyrics) feat. James Tylor - Duration: 3:36.


Man stuck between walls says he thought he wasn't going to make it - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Man stuck between walls says he thought he wasn't going to make it - Duration: 2:42.


甚麼人最適合做護士?-《拉姑娘醫院日常》 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> 甚麼人最適合做護士?-《拉姑娘醫院日常》 - Duration: 2:54.


The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC roadmap, Crypto-dividend partnership? DeepOnion SPAM coin! Bcash - Duration: 18:01.

Hello everyone this is Adam Meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is March the 25th 2018 strong hand long

term thinking bitcoin is the next bitcoin ok people check out the link

section below you will see bitcoin to the moon' calm yes they gave me this

shirt all the way from australia check them out and get this shirt at bitcoin

to the moon calm I've got other links down there come to

hwil calm for traceur léger nano all sorts of affiliate links down below and

of course check out last night's video all the videos of the past week

they've been all late at night so you guys have been missing them and this one

you're gonna probably miss too because it's really late at night here on the

East Coast it's almost almost midnight almost midnight

anyway golden hold have that a Bitcoin conviction people and yeah in life it

really is all about conviction you see all those people out on the streets of

DC you know doing their emotional pleas about guns and it's it's completely

nonsense but they've got the conviction they are getting out there and they're

and they're convincing just the 80% yes we must ban guns so that's a bit that's

an example of using your conviction to get something that's not so cool up

there in the public agenda but if you guys have the Bitcoin conviction you

stick by the Bitcoin it's gonna pay off we're gonna push this thing have

conviction that is how you get your success in life how you push through

things in life the groups with the conviction they do wing they do come out

ahead so and if you oppose this radical gun control I suggest you get some

and go out there in state that you're against radical gun control I'm against

this insane radical gun controlling them using kids I mean it's such it's such an

emotional appeal out there and this is a beauty of Bitcoin I can say whatever the

heck I want to because I'm independent because of Bitcoin and this is where the

big boys play play this is the the free market where I don't have to you know I

don't have to worry about peer pressure and all fitting in and all that stuff so

again that was that commentary should have been stayed until the end of the

show but hey I'm ripping up the format today whatever so uh and yeah ignore

most of that stuff that's gone again it's all the media is so behind it it's

hilarious but it's sad you know I see my parents too like ooh you know they're

falling for it and they're smart people but I mean they're older people too and

my mom's a woman obviously a peel to emotions gonna hit her you know it's

it's sometimes it's frustrating being part of the 20% to see all these 80

percenters yelling and crying about complete nonsense but uh hey that's life

getting the Bitcoin to get into this world where the 20% were rewarded we

don't have to deal with the nonsense and the 80 percenters that come in here

hey they got a play there's no bailouts and if they make mistakes in the long

run it helps the 20 percenters so here is speaking of Bitcoin because that's

what this show is supposed supposed to be all about right

the there's a medium post out there by who is this

well it's linked to below and he talks is a detailed overview of Bitcoin

projects being worked on next and he gives some descriptions of them and some

timelines that he you know everyone's asking well when is it gonna happen when

is it gonna happen when is this gonna happen well he talks a little bit about

that and here's what he talks about snore signatures bulletproof

confidential transactions side change drive chains member Wimble all of those

are developments in future developments the things that are

being worked on right now exciting things in the Bitcoin space that the

smartest developers are working the smartest developers in cryptocurrency

are working on right now so that's a good a good post to check out if you're

at you know you hear there's all these great things going on with bitcoins some

of them might seem a little complex and then you hear about all these all coins

they're supposed to be state-of-the-art but read that and you'll understand that

hey man there's only one Bitcoin so speaking about that there's only one

Bitcoin when I was running today I was thinking about crypto dividends because

all crypto dividends are all coins that you get for free when you hold Bitcoin

okay and there are a lot of crypt of dividends out there and it's confusing

and I was thinking some of these guys they should the elite ones that want to

be elite to jump ahead to help their prices to help their distributions they

should partner up together they should partner up what's wrong you know we

haven't seen it yet coins partnering up I mean we've we've

seen uh Charlie lis talk about deke red and Charlie lis talk about Bitcoin but

that's not like an official partnership with litecoin and and deke red and

litecoin and Bitcoin or whatever but you know what be gold and be private partner

up - to promote each other they're they're both a little different one

deals of privacy one has a it's easier to mine and was the first friendly for

you know let's see some innovation in the marketing of these crypto dividends

just something that I thought of all my seven mile run this this uh this morning

and yeah it started the flurry in Baltimore again today what is up with

that man what is they really want to extend this winter you know they it's

just like you know Adam no you didn't get away for all the winter we're

bringing you the winter in the spring when you get back to Baltimore for the

third for the three weeks that you're in Baltimore we're gonna bring you some

flurries pound that like button if you want it to be spring all over the United

States of America oh yeah we're getting ready for next

week opening day captain yards Thursday Baltimore Orioles vs. who the heck are

they playing the twins I don't even have to play in a twin sir

all right I wouldn't want to be in Minneapolis this time yeah I've been

it's cold less up it gets cold up in minister don't know how you guys deal

with it man I don't know how you deal III like your stadium is very pretty

Stadium though much better than that Metrodome you had oh my god okay so

let's get back here to be to be gold and be private you speaking of guys from uh

you know I haven't heard from what's his face form in that Minnesota lately from

Blake Anderson what's up with Blake Anderson man you watching this darn show

he's up in Minnesota alright so but you know we I I have this written down here

B go LaBrie private should reframe the the argument you know there's all these

be cash people trying to say that they're they're the real Bitcoin and

that they're the best Bitcoin and you know for me I don't I know Bitcoin is

the Bitcoin but if these are it's funny you know in a two-way argument you say

well it's either A or B but to be the be goal and the be private people would be

roading people they can they can frame that they can get in an argument to and

take down B cash from the other side and give much respect to Bitcoin because

those three crypto dividends they're friendly Forks they respect Bitcoin they

there they they admit that they say Bitcoin is the Bitcoin and for that we

Bitcoin people we you guys again who obsess over be cache complete waste of

your time let the be goal to beat the B rhodium the B private people let them

say you know what we're better than B cash we're gonna take on these be cash

people we're the friendly for crypt of dividends we're the ones that you should

be involved with and if don't be involved with the unfriendly for crypto

dividends and I first of all I'm a guy who says you know if you got Fiat only

only use Fiat to get Bitcoin crypto dividends you get for free baby but you

know these these proof of dividends they gotta promote themselves

they gotta encourage people to buy my guess and uh you know they should say

you know we're friendly ignore the unfriendly forks were the friendly fork

and all the Bitcoin people out there we just sit back and let all the Crypt of

dividends fight amongst themselves because peek at be cash is just a crypt

of dividend it really is and there's some there's some nice guys that like to

be cash and stuff I'm just talking about me no because we had this uh engine in

Japan they had this be cash conference and I took a little bit I took a look at

the video for for a second and you know you have people trying to confuse be

cash and Bitcoin which is an unfortunate thing to do really is on for it I mean

they could have their conference in Japan so I link to their conference in

Japan satoshis vision conference edy with it so I want you guys to check out

the link and to take note who was speaking there and who the sponsors were

and you can you know remember who those people are and you can make your own

decisions about them in the future if you you want to do business with them or

wherever you want to do it again what a few they got a few the people there I

mean I know personally and all right there good got ones a real cool dude

definitely I'm not gonna name any names here you do your own research I'd link

to who they are and you know the sponsors they're paying this conference

a lot of money Daniel one of them's Bitcoin calm which is obviously the

Pravda of be cash I mean I mean it's not like the sponsors are surprising it's

not like the speakers are surprising but you should know who they are i link to

that below and you can make your own decisions about them if you want to

boycott them if you want to do whatever you want to do with these dudes who are

talking to be cash and you know it's a free world a man it is a free world let

the best uh let bring on the competition I say but I mean the be cast people got

to be ready also they got to understand that there's people chomping below them

too and if you know if be gold and be private get into the argument and say

you know we're the real we're the real crypto dividend in that will the market

will decide and maybe bring up the prices of B be private and be gold to to

the same as be cash you never know and since we're holders of Bitcoin and thus

we we if we're long-term holders like you should have been you would have

gotten your be gold your be private and you hope that your crypto dividends do

become as valuable as be cash I mean yeah I want my be private to be as

valuable as be cash so good luck to the be private and be gold people you know

get out you know you guys can do daily transactions just like be cash as they

can if anyone's actually doing any regular buying of coffee with

cryptocurrency yet which I do we don't think people are I've said that you know

it's a bitcoin is the world reserve cryptocurrency that's what it's that's

what cryptocurrencies good for now golden freaking hold people pound that

frickin like button okay speaking about altcoins like be cash and be gold and be

private and be rhodium coin market cap people complain about coin we market a

cap a lot they don't like how they they do things over there here's an

alternative live coin watch calm I link to it below check out the links below

for you people who are frustrated with that be in motion Don Cornelius

he has a new video out his first video he's a guy who actually sent me a

donation in the super chat the other day and I thought he had an awesome name Don

Cornelius of the Soul Train of the pound that like button train maybe I should

have a show like a hip hop dance show pound that like button show I come on I

do my dance with my Baltimore people and and Don Cornelius is my host that would

be awesome and this is not making sense anymore this show all right so yeah take

him out all right deep onion these boots I mean this altcoin whatever this darn

thing is there Pete I mentioned this once before they spam my freaking

comment section okay and I found a link that explains why they do that because

they've got this whole set up over there this coin basically is a spam coin and

so what you guys are doing by spamming content creators like me you're not

making us very happy and very welcoming of your core

and people are gonna call you a freakin scam like the steamin article that I

linked to and the steam an article that I linked to explains you know they've

got this whole set up that which rewards people rewards their fans for spamming

channels like mine and dude it's just annoying it's not professional and I'm

calling you out on it I'm not gonna call you guys a scam but I'm gonna call you a

freakin spam coin and I mean that's a that's a new type of all coin against a

spam coin so deep onion you're an innovator in spam coins and you know and

you try to disguise all your messages was like well Manero is a great privacy

coin but check out the Bunyan I mean you see you guys are just using the same

script over and over again so all you newbies are watching this

channel on 80 percenters who foolishly by altcoins don't even run away when you

see the words deep onion run away it's a spam frickin coin people um alright I'll

skip that the mainstream media thing all right when it comes to say all right

here we go I talk about you know shooting for the

year 2020 treating Bitcoin as a savings account you know do not do not convert

your Bitcoin into fiat until at least after 2020 having well how about after

the 2028 having it's funny someone was on some show I think it was ben shapiro

show they were talking yeah ben shapiro was talking in with glenn beck now i'm

not a big fan of glenn beck's but that ben shapiro smart guy and

they're talking about ID nanotechnology and glen beck says that by the year 2030

that there might be nanotechnology that will be able to cure diseases all

diseases in human beings okay dude that would be freakin awesome one day it

diseases would be eliminated so like that's a way of life extension people

would have a lot easier time living past a year 100 and getting to 120 probably

at that at that point they could get rid of all diseases most diseases so if that

really happens by the year let's say 2028 that's a bitcoin having year and

to get these type of technologies at that time is going to it's going to cost

a lot of money they I mean it will be in high demand so it puts it in perspective

of but what savings is all about and what long-term thinking is they're all

about so because you know you guys heard that you know I like that Tesla that you

know I don't like many material things but when I was in Los Angeles and I was

in the Tesla got picked up by the Tesla I really like the Tesla I'm like you

know what when the time comes and I can just trade in a big coin for a Tesla I

would like to get my father you know a Tesla you know maybe in the year 2021

I'd like to get my father a Tesla that would be just something I would like to

do because my dad you know grew up in the 50s and 60s when they were Indy cars

he used to talk about cars and Corvettes the end of a Tesla would be pretty so

cool but what if you think really long term

and you think about your fat what should i instead of getting my dad a Tesla

would it be better to to wait even longer and like reward of my mother with

you know sure every disease in her body with nanotechnology by paying someone

three million dollars in the year 2028 and I think my father would rather me do

that for my mother you know so you know I I just I'm thinking I love technology

I'd love to think about the future I love thinking about savings and what

that really means and and all of these Bitcoin having's and what one Bitcoin is

going to be worth one day and if it's gonna be able to save your life maybe

your extend your life if you hold on into there's a lot of you guys are like

I'll just spend now Adam leave it up first of all I am limited up okay I

travel around all on very low cost of living it's great and I encourage all of

you to be frugal like that so you can range your life is this way we're not

gonna get into that in this video but there are bigger things and just

livin it up for today and partying it up and it's some unimaginable things

perhaps what we're talking like extension nanotechnology stuff and I

hope it all gets combined into one and you know maybe I'll be able to do both I

plan on having lots of Bitcoin in the year 2021 so maybe I'll get dad a Tesla

Ben and get mama some life extension in a

20 and 20 30 anyway I found that like button it everybody i'm adam meister the

bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember subscribe this channel like

this video share this video check out the new section below get that t-shirt

i'll see you guys later bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- BTC roadmap, Crypto-dividend partnership? DeepOnion SPAM coin! Bcash - Duration: 18:01.


The Fifty-Minute Hour - Duration: 22:13.

For more infomation >> The Fifty-Minute Hour - Duration: 22:13.


I Am Back ( Thank You Everyone For Precious Love & Blessings ) - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> I Am Back ( Thank You Everyone For Precious Love & Blessings ) - Duration: 1:00.


I Ain't Got No Buddy - Duration: 23:10.

For more infomation >> I Ain't Got No Buddy - Duration: 23:10.


You Can't Go Home - Duration: 23:06.

For more infomation >> You Can't Go Home - Duration: 23:06.


Khabib Nurmagomedov Will PUNISH Tony Ferguson For Calling Him a B**** says Ali Abdelaziz - Duration: 4:30.

On my last video I stated that 3 Welterweight fights in the top 10 were in the works and

the UFC has officially confirmed 1 of them.

Kamaru Usman vs Santiago Ponzinibbio has been scheduled for UFC Chile on May 19th . Although

this does very little for Usman's ranking as he's fighting an opponent ranked 3 slots

below him, he is getting a headlining event in an untapped market in Chile.

He has a lot of expectations to meet after claiming he was only at 30% vs Emil Meek in

his last competition.

Kevin Iole from Yahoo sports interviewed Khabib Nurmagomedov's Manager Ali abdelaziz.

He asked ali for his thoughts on Tony Ferguson stating that HE broke barboza and that Khabib

didn't fight the same man.

The link to the full interview is in my description box below.

here's what Ali had to say check it out:

"No, he cheated Barboza.

That's what happened.

Check the first round.

He up kicked him.

Barboza should not have continued this fight.

If you go back that round.

He did.

He cheated Rafael Dos Anjos by poking him in the eye.

If you watch it in slow motion his whole finger went in his eye.

Listen, Tony Ferguson is a good fighter but he cheats.

I'm not saying he cheats on purpose.

But, if you go back to the fight, Barboza, was busting him up.

Even, Barboza, who's a stand-up guy was taking him down.

Yeah, he took him down.

Barboza, took him down.

You don't think Khabib is going to take him down and punish him for 5 rounds?

And the whole thing is that he cheated Barboza.

Go back and watch.

He can say whatever he wants but he didn't break Barboza.

I don't think he did.

The only thing I saw he was getting whipped by Kevin Lee and Kevin Lee got tired and that's

the only thing I remember, you know, he was getting whipped and mounted by a guy, by Kevin

Lee, and almost finished, but Kevin Lee got tired because he had a staph infection I believe

he doesn't have the mental Khabib has.

He doesn't have the strength Khabib has.

He doesn't have the technique has.

I'm not going to question his heart because I think he has heart.

I say the truth.

Whatever I say, I say the truth all the time and especially when it comes to a fighter,

I can never question Tony Ferguson's heart.

But, he has skills, but like I say, there's levels to this s***, there's levels to this


Ali also said that he believes Khabib genuinely dislikes Tony after being called a biaaaatch

and he gave his own predictions as to how he believes their fight will go.

"I believe Tony Ferguson is tough.

He has a lot of heart but I think he's delusional.

If he thinks he's gonna go there and do all this Karate S*** with Khabib, he's a

highschool wrestler.

He's going to get taken down.

Khabib is going to let you know what he's going to do.

He's going to take you down and he's going to stay in your half guard, punish you, pass

your guard, talk to you, grab your wrist and talk to Dana and tell him how bad conor is


Honestly khabib never fought someone he didn't like.

But he really doesn't like Tony Ferguson.

No, one of the words you don't say to another man, as a Muslim man, is call him a B****.

I think Tony Ferguson said it so many times that I think it offended Khabib.

Personally, I don't got a problem with Ferguson.

I think he's a good fighter.

People think I have a problem.

I don't because I'm not fighting him.

But I think Khabib does not like him.

I think Khabib is going to punish him for some of the things that he says.

I think It's a little personal with Khabib.

It's business but he's probably going to beat him up.

He's going to break a couple bones in his face like his orbital.

Some of the training he does is designed to cause a lot of damage, facial damage.

I think it's going to happen.

I think after the fight they'll shake hands and everybody goes their separate ways, but

Tony Ferguson will not be the same man.

There is one man that has fought both men and has a unique perspective and that is Michael


He was asked what he thought were the keys to victory for Tony and he said "The key

to beating Khabib is staying off the ground and keeping him off of you and keep it moving.

Tony's got great movement and the cardio to do it, and he's gotta stay long and stay

out of Khabib's range of getting grabbed.

Khabib's gotta put a lot of pressure on him and he's gonna get him down to the ground.

That's what he wants to do to win, everybody knows it, we all train to stop it, yet nobody

has stopped it.

So we're all looking forward to seeing if Tony is gonna be the first one to stop it.

Do I think so?

I don't think he'll stop it, but I definitely think he has the skill and the ability to

stall it out on the ground or work to get back up."

Johnson was also asked if Khabib's grappling is as a good as everyone says it is and he

responded "I could definitely say that the pressure is more than I felt and it's a

different pressure,He feels along the lines of a middleweight or light heavyweight when

he's on top of you.

I don't know if it's technique or just him being that physically strong.

It's probably a little bit of both."

We're only two weeks away from getting all of our questions answered as we are all hoping

the fight happens since Tony and Khabib are attempting to fight for the 4 time now after

their last 3 bout cancellations.

For more infomation >> Khabib Nurmagomedov Will PUNISH Tony Ferguson For Calling Him a B**** says Ali Abdelaziz - Duration: 4:30.


Top 25 Professional 2D Intro Templates 2018 | Fortnite/Roblox/Minecraft 💦 - Duration: 7:41.

All credits in description! :3

For more infomation >> Top 25 Professional 2D Intro Templates 2018 | Fortnite/Roblox/Minecraft 💦 - Duration: 7:41.


15 Thought an Introvert Has at a Party (Re Upload) - Duration: 3:09.

15 Thought an Introvert Has at a Party

Being introverts is not easy especially when it comes to social gathering like parties.

There are so many thoughts on their heads, and these are 15 of thoughts that they usually

have at a party.


We've been talking too long

Even though you just only ask how their day was and whetehr you enjoy the weather, they

will think that it's been hours of talk.

This expression indicates that introverts actually have hard time in talking to others.


How long do I have to stay?

Believe it or not, this question is even raised before entering the venue.

introverts cannot stand too long with people especially those who they rarely talk to.


Is x minute enough?

They calculate everything from talking, drinking, going to bathroom, and walking away from party.

It is to ensure that they actually spend time more on counting instead of enjoying the party.


Ah a friend!

Introverts seek someone they know especially those who invited them at the very first place.

After that, they will be so happy especially if they are accompanied.


Oh no! someone's approaching him or her

When a friend is noticed, introverts may not have a turn to approach him or her.

It's simply because other people are taking a head start.


Maybe, I just have to stand near the person

They want attention from your friend, but he is distracted by more extroverted guy.


What if I walk away?

It seems that universe does not allow introverts to meet other people.

however, it also does not allow introverts to walk away from crowd.


I probably need to take some more time

Introverts take time to think before doing something.

That also includes deciding whether to stay or walk away.


Wait, whats wrong?

While thinking, you may notice something that will you note for change.


It is like forever here

Though it is only 30 minutes, introverts do not like being in a crowd too long.

They do not feel comfortable.


I think I know him

This is the moment when you embrace yourself and start to be more active.


Finally a conversation

It is difficult to start, but this person really can help me stay in a conversation.


What's wrong with me?

You don't know why you feel exhausted, and it is actually introvert hangover.


I'm exhausted but im really proud

Meeting and talking to people are great achievement.



Finally it is almost over

The party is over, and you can recharge yourself.

it is better than anything.

All in all, that's the "15 Thought an Introvert Has at a Party".

So, Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 15 Thought an Introvert Has at a Party (Re Upload) - Duration: 3:09.


(Ep #1) Lets play A Way Out (Ft. Tunenabori as CoOp partner) - Duration: 2:20:09.

For more infomation >> (Ep #1) Lets play A Way Out (Ft. Tunenabori as CoOp partner) - Duration: 2:20:09.


黃鴻升 Alien Huang【我是歌手 Singer】Official Music Video - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 黃鴻升 Alien Huang【我是歌手 Singer】Official Music Video - Duration: 4:56.


Thessaloniki Auto Festival 2018 - Car show vlogging in Greece - Duration: 6:18.

It's Saturday and today I do the shopping of the week

but after that things are a bit nicer

since we're visiting a car show with my dad.

Very nice day today

with fantastic clouds over Chortiatis (mountain)

but unfortunately I do not have all the gear with me to do a proper timelapse

I am also in a hurry to get the chores done

so that we go to the car show in time.

I am wondering, will you be able to hear me or am I speaking to no avail?

And now that we are dressed up and look pretty, we are ready to go to the car show.

Let's see what we will see.

- Again, these silly things? (meaning the vlogging) - Oh, I do not want that!

- Can you fit? - Will they write for us again... in the papers?

Sportswear? Well, you did say in sportswear but ...

- Your mummy didn't get outside... - I checked before, but she didn't...

Where is it, over there?

- We are for the car show ... - Straight ahead, at 13!

- Thank you! - Just straight ahead!

-Didn't he say the first building on your left? - Yes...

16 ... 10 ... 13, that one? 8!

Ah, 13. So we're here.

- Eh, park it! - Eh, I'll park it!

- Bahm! What, doesn't it do? - Bahm??!

How much more, doesn't it have any trunk?

- Turn off the heating, aaah... ooohhh... - Come on, lets go! Good job!

Thessaloniki Auto Festival was held for the two previous weekends

and as we are considering of changing some of our family cars

we decided to visit it and I considered it a good opportunity

to make some videos and use the camera once more!

Ah, yes, since it has this standard thing that the camera can sit there...

- Does it shoot you? - I do not know, let me see...

- Well, you're gonna fill it with a lot of little cameras... - A lot?

What, with just one? Ah nice!

- I'll get it, wrap it up! - Yes? Just one;

While I was filming and I was trying to make some shots

like Haris Theofrastou (Greek TV host and car reviewer)...

I'll think about it! (his motto)

... I found that new cars and mainly their new modern interior design

looked attractive to me and so at some point I left the camera down

and began to look into the cars more like an interested buyer!

And as a family man I always started checking a car from... its back!

I started off from the cargo space to check how big trunk each car had

and if it could eventually be sufficient enough for our trips.

The next one I was looking at was the comfort in the rear seats

and how my little one would fit in the back seat, how easily I could put on her seat belt

These are things I would never think of about 15 years ago

when I was getting under the cars to check the rims, tires and exhaust pipes!

Among the cars I singled out the Skoda Kodiaq mainly for how spacious it looked

and the VW Tiguan primarily for its design.

However, there were no brands like Nissan, Toyota, Opel and Audi

so my options were rather limited.

I also had the plug-in hybrid Mercedes GLCe in mind

but I concluded that with half the money one can get a convenient car

which even if it is thrown away at the end, it will have cost less than a Mercedes.

Think that I bought my SLK for almost €60,000

and now it cannot sell for more than 14, and I might be exaggerating.

So a 30K car will ultimately cost less in the long run

than a 60K Mercedes, even if its value reaches zero.

And I'm not even discussing the maintenance cost.

After all, the extra money is buying the prestige and quality of life

rather than resale value in my opinion.

Our main goal is to reduce recurring monthly costs

such as luxury tax, road taxes and insurance cost

but also to get rid of the cars that we do not use so often anymore.

Less is more!

I don't know what happens with our cars and what we'll decide to do

but this weekend offered a good chance

to find myself in an interesting car show without moving away from home that much.

See you all in the next episode!

For more infomation >> Thessaloniki Auto Festival 2018 - Car show vlogging in Greece - Duration: 6:18.


Being a fractional owner of the Karma Group, you get the best of the resorts | Hardev Singh Bhatty - Duration: 1:41.

hello good morning , my name is Hardev Bhatty and my name is Manjit Bhatty and we

have come from London the fractional owners of the Karma Kandara, for the last five years we

started as fractional owners we've never started to be on the point system, when we first purchase we

purchase fractional ownership straightaway because one doesn't have to wonder and worry about maintenance fee, you get the best of the resorts

you don't have to pay or be bothered by the maintenance fee, year after year, and you get return at the end of 15 years.

in that time, we enjoy the Karma Properties each and every word every property we like it very much

right now we are sitting at Karma Royal Sanur and weather is

beautiful and this is a beautiful space then the staff is so wonderful

well we have been to Karma Kandara most of the last four years and the we got

originally started with Karma Royal Haati Mahal in Goa and last year we took one holiday in Phuket as well

in Karma Boat Lagoon

thank you very much karma group we enjoyed the holidays here and it's

wonderful wonderful, yes staff is very good very good very good

bye bye

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