Sunday, March 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Mar 26 2018

It's everyone's friend, it's Tyler. It's everyone's friend, it's Tyler.

Baltimore, Maryland 2015 is the year I will never forget in my home state. What happened was that a black guy apparently dead at the

hands of a cop and people got sick and tired of the injustice of what happened in Baltimore.

And as soon as the news reached television stations, the reactions were basically like this.

The main reason why I bought up the Baltimore riots is because

this story is very similar to what happened in Baltimore, Maryland.

What happened was that a street vendor was running away from a cop and then all of a sudden the guy collapsed

and he had a heart attack because he was running away from the police officer.

And as soon as the black immigrants heard about this story in Madrid, Spain, they decided to destroy cars and put buildings on fire.

You know, the more I look at footage of people doing riots, they totally don't act like fucking animals

every single time they do that kind of shit.

Seriously. Who's the bright person who thought that destroying shit and putting stuff

on fire is going to solve any sort of issue?

Maybe it's me but putting stuff on fire and destroying stuff will actually grow the tension between police officers and citizens.

Let's just say for the sake of argument that the guy who dead from the heart attack did in fact dead because of the cop.

That is still no excuse to destroy stuff and put stuff on fire.

Wait for the evidence, then ask for justice as soon as you see the evidence of what happened to that person.

Not to mention, there are some people on Twitter who believe that the guy's death was the result of institutionalized racism.

Mame Mbaye Ndiaye's death is not accidental. He's another victim of institutionalized racism.

However based upon the evidence of the autopsy, it shows that the guy's health

was already deteriorating before he had the heart attack. What kind of institutionalized racism requires a person

to have failing health beforehand before dying from running away from the police officer?

In conclusion: violence is not the answer. Destroying shit is not the answer. And if you do in fact think that those things are in fact the answer, well guess what?

Fuck you! It's everyone's friend, Tyler. He's your only black friend, so he's your best black friend!

I wouldn't trade him for another black friend! Because black friends are rare, are you should be aware!

He smiles like Richard Pryor, so just sit and stare. It's everyone's friend, it's Tyler! It's everyone's friend, it's Tyler.

For more infomation >> Rioting Doesn't Solve Anything - Duration: 3:39.


Amaia y Alfred, protagonistas en 'La noche de Cadena 100' - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Amaia y Alfred, protagonistas en 'La noche de Cadena 100' - Duration: 1:46.


El error que puso a un joven soñador en peligro de deportación - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> El error que puso a un joven soñador en peligro de deportación - Duration: 8:58.


SLO Stringer Memorial Ride - Duration: 0:48.

For more infomation >> SLO Stringer Memorial Ride - Duration: 0:48.



For more infomation >> (TEORÍA) ¿REGRESARÁ EL FENÓMENO LAZO AL ANIME DE POKÉMON? [LOQUENDO] - Duration: 12:05.


¿Era necesario?: Kiko Rivera posa semidesnudo para confirmar que ya no es un botijo - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> ¿Era necesario?: Kiko Rivera posa semidesnudo para confirmar que ya no es un botijo - Duration: 1:51.





El nuevo proyecto del Real Madrid, marcado por las dudas - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> El nuevo proyecto del Real Madrid, marcado por las dudas - Duration: 4:56.


spinz io やってみた ioシリーズ - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> spinz io やってみた ioシリーズ - Duration: 1:43.


El independentismo activa el plan b: sangre y muertos para la República catalana - Duration: 8:28.

For more infomation >> El independentismo activa el plan b: sangre y muertos para la República catalana - Duration: 8:28.


¿Cómo hacer tarjetas de regalo bonitas? - Duration: 9:37.

For more infomation >> ¿Cómo hacer tarjetas de regalo bonitas? - Duration: 9:37.


2 formas fáciles de preparar lasaña - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> 2 formas fáciles de preparar lasaña - Duration: 9:11.


Ser amable puede ser un problema al elegir pareja - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> Ser amable puede ser un problema al elegir pareja - Duration: 7:23.


Dirt 3 pasando el rato - Duration: 25:14.

For more infomation >> Dirt 3 pasando el rato - Duration: 25:14.


Cette mère qui accouche trouve que le médecin bizarre. Quand elle voit ses pieds, elle s'effondre - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> Cette mère qui accouche trouve que le médecin bizarre. Quand elle voit ses pieds, elle s'effondre - Duration: 7:11.


The Jesus Film - Audio Xhosa + Subtitles - Duration: 2:07:54.

How great is God,

exalted in power, majestic above all.

The heavens tell of His greatness.

The skies display His awesome craftsmanship.

Day after day they continue to speak.

Night after night they make Him known.

In creating the heavens, God also created the earth

and formed man from the dust of the ground,

and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.

The God of love created man and woman in His own image

to have a relationship with Him.

And so in the beginning, they revered and honored God

and lived in harmony with Him.

This continued until one day Satan tempted the woman

to eat the forbidden fruit

and she gave it to the man who also ate.

In so doing, mankind rebelled against God

and went his own way.

As a result of this sin, mankind was separated from God

and was thrown out of the Garden of Eden.

But God still loved mankind.

It was never His desire to be separate from those He created,

yet how could God be holy and the source of perfect justice

if He did not judge mankind for their sin?

In His Holy Book, God reveals His plan

to save the world from His judgment.

One of the first to see this plan unfold was Abraham.

Abraham was a righteous man whom God promised to bless

and make his descendants as numerous

as the sand of the sea and the stars of the sky.

To test his obedience, God told Abraham

to sacrifice his son as an offering to Him.

Abraham trusted God and sought to obey Him.

But as he raised his knife to kill his son,

the angel of the Lord stopped Him.

He saw that Abraham feared God and was willing to obey Him.

Then Abraham saw a ram caught by its horns in a thicket,

and he sacrificed the ram instead of his son

as an offering to God.

And so God showed Abraham that a lamb or a similar animal

was to be slain as a temporary covering for sin

until God would provide His ultimate sacrifice

to pay for the sins of mankind.

Instead of sin separating man from God,

the sacrifice would restore their relationship.

The Holy Scriptures speak of One who was to come

and be the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world.

As the ram took the place of Abraham's son,

so this One who would come would take man's place

so he could be forgiven.

Some refer to this person as the Messiah,

the One who would come and reconcile the world

back to God once and for all.

The prophets predicted many things in detail about

the Messiah hundreds of years before He appeared.

The prophet Isaiah foretold that His birth

was to be a miraculous one.

A virgin would conceive a child who was to be called,

in a spiritual sense, the Son of God.

The prophet Micah predicted that the Messiah

would be born in Bethlehem,

while the prophet Zechariah foretold

His entry into Jerusalem on a donkey

and His betrayal by Judas, one of His followers.

Isaiah prophesied what the Messiah would do when He came.

The Lord's anointed will preach the Good News to the poor,

bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom

for the captives and proclaim that the time

has come when the Lord will save His people.

So, who was the Messiah?

In the first century, a prophet came called Jesus.

Some thought He was the one the prophet spoke about.

Could this be?

Did His life fulfill what was predicted of Him?

Was Jesus more than a prophet?

What follows is His story, based on eyewitness accounts

as recorded in The Holy Scriptures.

An actor plays the part of Jesus,

and though no actor is worthy of such a role,

it has been done so that we may understand

and benefit from the life of Jesus.

I am writing to you, dear Theophilus;

an orderly account of the things that have taken place among us,

so that you may know the absolute truth about everything.

In the days when Caesar Augustus was emperor of Rome

and when Herod the great was king of Judea,

God sent the angel Gabriel to visit a virgin girl in the city of Nazareth.

And the virgin's name was Mary.

Fear not Mary,

For you have found favor with God.

You will conceive and give birth to a Son

and you will call His name, Jesus.

How can this be? I am a virgin.

The Holy Spirit will come upon you.

For this reason the Holy Child will be called

the Son of the Most High God. His kingdom will never end.

So Mary traveled to a town in Judea

to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was also miraculously with child.


Mary! Cousin Mary!

You are the most blessed of all women.

And blessed is the Child you will bear.

For as soon as I heard your greeting, the baby within me jumped with joy!

My soul magnifies the Lord,

and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

From now on, all generations will call me blessed.

Know all men of Nazareth,

that by command of Caesar Augustus,

there will be conducted a census

of the subject territories of Galilee and Judea.

All men must register forthwith

in the towns and cities of their ancestral birth.

And Mary went to Bethlehem in Judea

to register with Joseph her betrothed.

But there was no room for them in Bethlehem.

And the only lodging they could find was a humble stable.

Now there were some shepherds in that part of the country who were

taking care of their flock at night when an angel of God appeared to them

and the glory of God was shining around them.

This very day in David's town, your Savior was born,

Christ the Lord.

The shepherds hurried to see the newborn Babe in the manger,

and were the first to spread the Good News or Gospel

of the virgin mother and the Savior's birth.

A week later, when the time came for the Baby to be circumcised,

He was given the name Jesus

and Joseph and Mary took the Child to to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord.

In the temple there was a good and devout man

who the Holy Spirit had promised would not die

until he had seen the Christ.

His name was Simeon.

Lord, now You can let me, Thy servant,

depart in peace according to Thy word.

For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation.

This Child is chosen by God.

May you both be blessed.

And when they had completed all their duties

according to the law of Moses,

they left Jerusalem and returned to Nazareth.

When Jesus was twelve years old,

Joseph and Mary took Him to Jerusalem for the passover feast.

But, when they started back home,

thinking that the Boy was with them,

Jesus stayed behind.

They returned to the city looking for Him.

And on the third day found Him in the temple

sitting with the rabbis and the elders.

Whose Child is this who asks such questions?

He's from Nazareth.

We thought He had left with us. Please, forgive Him His zeal.

All who heard Him were amazed.

Son! Why have You done this to us?

Your father and I have been terribly worried trying to find you.

How is it that you looked for Me?

Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?

And He came with them to Nazareth

and increased in wisdom and stature

and in favor with God and with man.





In the fifteenth year of the rule of the emperor Tiberius,

Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea,

and Herod, the ruler of Galilee,

and Annas and Caiaphas the high priests,

The word of God came to John in the desert,

and he came into all the country near the Jordan river,

preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

Turn away from your sins! And be baptized!

And God will forgive your sins!

As it is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah;

Someone is shouting in the desert;

Get the road ready for the Lord!

Make a straight path for Him to travel.

Every valley must be filled up.

Every hill and mountain leveled off!

The winding roads must be made straight.

And the rough paths made smooth,

and all mankind will see God's salvation!

What shall we do?

You brood of vipers!

What do you want us to do?

Whoever has two shirts,

must give one to the man who has none.

And whoever has food must share it!


we are tax collectors.

What shall we do?

Don't collect more than is legal.

And what about us? What are we to do?

Don't take money from anyone by force.

And don't accuse anyone falsely.

Be content with your pay.

Tell us. Are you the Christ?

I baptize you with water.

But Someone is coming who is much greater than I am.

I'm not good enough even to untie His sandals.

He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

He has His grain shovel with Him,

to thresh out all the grain and gather the wheat into His barn.

And the Holy Spirit came down on Jesus in bodily form like a dove.

And a voice from Heaven said;

You are My beloved Son,

in You I am well pleased.

When Jesus began His work, He was about 30 years old.

He returned from the Jordan river full of the Holy Spirit,

and was led by the Spirit into the desert,

where He was tempted by the devil for 40 days.

In all this time, He ate nothing.

The devil said to Him;

If you are God's Son,

order this stone to become bread.

It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone,

but by every word of God.

Then the devil took Him up and showed Him

all the kingdoms of the world.

I will give you all this power and all this wealth.

It has all been handed over to me,

And I can give it to anyone I choose.

All this will be Yours then,

if You worship me.

It is written; You shall worship the Lord your God.

and Him only shall you serve.

Then the devil took Him to Jerusalem

and set him on the highest point of the temple.

If you are God's Son, throw Yourself down from here,

for the Scripture says;

God will order His angels to take good care of You.

It also says they will hold You up with their hands,

so that not even Your feet will be hurt on the stones.

The Scripture says;

You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.

And He came to Nazareth where He had been brought up.



And on the Sabbath day of rest, He went as usual to the synagogue.

And He was called upon to read a portion of the prophet Isaiah.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me.

Because He has chosen Me to bring good news to the poor.

He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives,

and recovery of sight to the blind.

To set at liberty those who are oppressed.

And announce that the time has come when the Lord will save His people.

This Scripture has come true today, as you heard it being read.

The Scripture come true?

But only the Messiah can fulfill that promise!

Doubtless you will quote the proverb to Me, Physician, heal Thyself.

You'll also say to Me, Do the things in Your own home town

that we heard were done in Capernaum.

I tell you this!

No prophet is ever welcome in his hometown!

By these word Jesus identified himself as the Messiah,

God's Anointed, sent to save His people.

These Jews did not accept Him as the Messiah

They meant to throw Him over the cliff.

But He walked through the crowd and went His way.

And Jesus came to Capernaum, a city of Galilee.

The Roman occupation of the nation was in evidence everywhere.

And the people longed for the Messiah,

to free them from the tyranny.

Peace be with you.

And You, Master.

Will your boat bear Me, Simon?

Why not?

He's not going to leave, is He?

Speak to us! Jesus, speak to us!

Once there were two men who went up to the temple to pray.

One was a Pharisee. The other was a tax collector.

The Pharisee stood apart by himself and prayed,

I thank You, God, that I am not

greedy or dishonest or an adulterer like everybody else.

I thank You that I am not like that tax collector over there.

I fast twice a week, and I give You one tenth of all my income.

But the tax collector stood at a distance

and would not even raise his face to heaven.

But beat upon his breast and said,

God, have pity on me, a sinner.

I tell you, the tax collector, not the Pharisee

was in the right with God when he went home.

For the man who exalts himself will be humbled,

and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

Push the boat out further to the deep water.

Then you and your partners let down your nets for a catch.

Oh, Master, we worked hard all night long, and caught nothing.

But if You say so, I'll let down the nets.

James!! John!!

James!! John!! Get your boat over here and give us some help! Hurry!!

We can't, we've got our hands full.

That's Enough!

Go away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man.

Don't be afraid.

From now on you will be catching men.

Come to Me and listen to My words, hear Me, and you shall have life.

Seek the Lord while He may be found call on Him while He is near.

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts

And let him return to the Lord and He will have compassion on him.

For He will abundantly pardon.

You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace.

He's coming! He's here! Look!!

Jesus! Jesus!

I beg you to save my only daughter!

She's only 12 years old, and dying.

Please come with me!

Jairus, I'm sorry. Your daughter has died.

Don't bother the Teacher any longer.

Don't be afraid.

Only believe and she will be well.

Do not weep.

She's not dead, but only sleeping.



Give her something to eat.

I charge you, tell no one what has happened here.

And after this, He saw a tax collector named Matthew Levi,

sitting at the toll gate for the receipt of the customs.

Follow me.

And Jesus went up to the hill to pray,

and spent the whole night there praying to God.

And when day came, He greeted the 12 of them whom He named apostles.

Simon, whom He also named Peter,

and Andrew, his brother,


and John,


and Bartholomew,

and Matthew,

and Thomas,

James, the son of Alphaeus,

and Simon called Zealots,

and Judas, the brother of James,

and Judas Iscariot, who was the traitor.

Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be filled.

Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.

Blessed are you when men hate you and reject you and insult you

and say you are evil, all because of the Son of Man.

Be glad when that happens, and dance for joy,

because a great reward is kept for you in Heaven.

For their ancestors did the same thing to the prophets.

...18, 19,

20. That's all I've got.

What do you mean that's all you've got?!

How terrible for you who are rich now.

You have had your easy life.

He doesn't want to be rich. He must be mad.

How terrible for you who laugh now,

for you shall mourn and weep.

How terrible when all men speak well of you.

For their ancestors said the very same things about the false prophets.

But I tell you who hear Me, love your enemies.

Do good to those who hate you.

Bless those who curse you.

And pray for people who mistreat you.

If anyone hits you on one cheek,

let him hit the other one also.

And if someone takes away your coat,

let him have your shirt as well.

Give to everyone who begs from you.

And if someone takes what is yours,

do not ask for it back again.

Do for others only what you would have others do for you.

If you love only the people who love you,

why should you receive a blessing?

For even sinners love those who love them.

And if you do good to those who do good to you,

why should you receive a blessing?

Even sinners do that.

How could He touch her?

How could He talk to her?


No. Love your enemies, and do good to them.

And lend expecting nothing back.

And then you will have a great reward.

For you will be sons of the Most High God.

For He is good to the ungrateful and to the wicked.

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

Save us, Jesus!

Judge not, and you will not be judged!

Condemn not, and you will not be condemned!

Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Give, and it will be given to you.

For the measure you give will be the measure you get back.

Lead us in Thy path, O Lord!

One blind man cannot lead another!

If he does, they both will fall into a ditch!

Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye

but pay no attention to the log in your own eye?

Guide us, Oh Master!

We need You now, Lord!

How happy is the mother who bore You and nursed You!

Rather how happy are those who hear the word of God, and obey it.

I would like to know this Man.

Do you think He might be, the Messiah?

This Pharisee invited Jesus to have dinner with him.

And Jesus went to his house and sat down to eat.

Come along children, off you go.

You heard me. Go!

They get by with all the mischief they can.

(whispering) What is she doing here?

I don't know.

what is she doing?

If this Man really were a prophet,

He would know who this woman is who is touching Him.

He would know what kind of sinful life she lives.

I know who this woman is, Simon.

Let Me tell you something.

There were two men who owed money to a moneylender.

One owed him 500 silver coins, and the other owed 50.

Neither of them could pay him back,

So he cancelled the debts of both.

Which one then will love him more?

I suppose that it would be the one who was forgiven more.

You are right.

Do you see this woman?

I came into your home.

You gave Me no water for My feet,

yet she has washed My feet with her tears,

and dried them with her hair.

You did not welcome Me with a kiss.

But since I came she has not stopped kissing My feet.

You provided no olive oil for My head.

Yet she has anointed My feet with perfume.

I tell you then, The great love she has shown

proves that her many sins are forgiven.

But whoever is forgiven little,

shows only a little love.

Your sins are forgiven you.

Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.

I... I...

And Jesus traveled, teaching the good news of the Kingdom of God.

And the twelve disciples went with Him.

And so did some women who had been healed of evil spirits;

Mary, who was called Magdalene,

Joanna, whose husband, Chuza, was steward in Herod's court,

and Susanna.

But Herod, the Roman appointed ruler of Galilee, threw John the Baptist

in prison, because he had condemned his marriage to his brother's wife.


As we arrived at the gate of Nain, a funeral procession came out.

The dead was the only son of a widow.

When Jesus saw the widow, His heart was filled with compassion.

He touched the coffin and said, Young man, get up I tell you.

Then, the dead man sat up!

And Jesus gave him back to his mother.

Ask Him, say, Are You the One John said was going to come?

Or should we expect someone else?



John the Baptist sent us to ask

If You are the One who is going to come?

Or should we expect someone else?

Go back and tell John what you have seen and heard.

The blind can see, the lame can walk.

How happy are those who have no doubts about Me.

Please, pick me up.

Onto my shoulder. Can you see now?

I can see Jesus.

A sower went out to sow his seed.

And as he scattered the grain some of it fell by the path

and was trodden on,

And the birds of the air devoured it.

And some fell on rocky ground,

and when the plants sprouted,

they withered away because they had no moisture.

And some seeds fell among thorns.

And the thorns grew up with the plants, and choked them.

And some seeds fell in good soil,

And the plants grew and bore grain, 100 grains each.

Master, why do You speak in parables whenever a crowd is near?

The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God have been given to you.

But to others it comes by means of parables...

So they may look but not see...

And listen but not understand.

This is what the parable means.

The seed is the word of God.

The seeds that fell along the path stand for those who hear.

But the devil comes and takes the message away from their hearts

in order to keep them from believing and being saved.

The seeds that fell on rocky ground

stand for those who hear the message and receive it gladly.

But they have no roots.

They believe only for a while.

And when the time of testing comes, they fall away.

The seeds that fell among the thorns stand for those who hear,

but the worries and riches and pleasures of this life

crowd in and choke them.

And their fruit never ripens.

And the seeds that fell in good soil,

Stand for those who hear the message

and retain it in a good and obedient heart.

And they persist until they bear fruit.

No one lights a lamp and covers it with a bowl,

or puts it under a bed.

Instead, he puts it on the stand

so that people may see the light as they come in.

Whatever is hidden away will be brought out in the open.

And whatever is covered up will be found and brought to light.

Be careful then, how you listen.

Because whoever has will be given more.

But he who has not will have taken away from him

even the little he thinks he has.

Teacher, your mother and brothers are standing outside. They want to see you.

My mother and brothers are those who hear the word of God,

and obey it.

One day Jesus got into a boat with His disciples, and said to them,

Let us go across to the other side of the lake.

And as they were sailing, He fell asleep.

Master! Master!


We are about to die!

The waves are swamping us, We'll all drown!

Save us, Master!

We're going to be saved!

Where is your faith?

And they sailed on over to Gadara,

which is across the lake from Galilee.

Jesus, Son of the Most High God,

what do You want with me?

I beg You, don't punish me.

What is your name?


Lord, we beg you, do not, send us into the abyss.

Let us enter, into the herd, of swine.


Come back!

Stop! Stop!

And the demons went out of the man,

and into the pigs.

Go away from here!

You, magician!

Leave us!

Go away from this place!

Leave us!

Go away from here!

I'll follow You wherever You go.

Let me, come with You.

Go back home, and tell what God has done for you.

Jesus and His disciples withdrew by themselves to Bethsaida.

But multitudes learned about it and followed Him.

Late in the afternoon, Peter said...

Master, send the people away,

so that then they can go to the villages and farms around here,

and find food and lodging.

This is a lonely place.

You yourselves them something to eat.

But all we have are five loaves of bread and two fish.

Blessed are Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe,

Who brings forth bread from the earth.

It's a miracle! Unbelievable!

Who do the crowds say I am?

Some say You are John the Baptist, others say that You are Elijah,

While others say that one of the prophets of long ago,

has come back to life.

What about you? Who do you say that I am?

You are God's Messiah!

You shall tell no man of this.

The Son of Man must suffer much and be rejected.

He will be put to death.

But three days later, He will be raised to life.

Will any of you come with Me?

I will follow You Master.

But first, let me go and say goodbye to my family.

Anyone who starts to plow and then keeps looking back

is of no use for the kingdom of God.

If anyone wants to come with Me,

he must forget himself,

Take up his cross every day and follow me.

For whoever would save his own life will lose it.

and whoever would lose his life for My sake will save it.

What will it profit a man if he gains the whole earth

and loses his own soul?

If any man is ashamed of Me and My teachings,

then the Son of Man will be ashamed of him

when He comes in His glory,

and the glory of the Father and the holy angels.

I assure you

there are some here who will not die

until they have seen the kingdom of God.

Then Jesus took John and James and Peter with Him

and went up the hill to pray.

And while He was praying, His face changed its appearance

and His clothes became shining white.

Suddenly two men were talking with Him.

They were Moses and Elijah, who appeared in heavenly glory.

You will fulfill God's purpose.

You will die in Jerusalem.

As they were leaving, Peter said to Jesus,

Master, how good it is that we are here.

We will make three tents.

One for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

As Peter spoke, a cloud came and covered them,

And the disciples were afraid.

A voice came from the cloud saying,

This is My Son, the 'Chosen One'. Listen to Him.


Teacher! I beg You, look at my son.

Please, please help him! He is my only child.

I begged Your disciples to cast out the evil spirit.

But they could not.

Oh faithless and perverse generation.

How long am I to be with you and bear with you?

Bring your son here.

His face has been healed too! How wonderful!

Teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.

When you pray, say;

Our Father which art in heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us each day our daily bread,

and forgive us our sins,

for we also forgive everyone who has done wrong to us.

And lead us not into temptation.

But deliver us from evil.

Ask, and you will receive.

Seek, and you will find.

Knock, and the door will be opened to you.

For everyone who asks will receive,

and he who seeks will find,

and the door will be opened to anyone who knocks.

Would any of you who are fathers

give a snake to your son when he asks for a fish?

Or give a scorpion when he asks for an egg?

As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children.

How much more, then, would your Heavenly Father

give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.

I tell you this,

Take no thought in your life for what you shall eat.

Nor for your body as to what you shall wear.

For life is more than food,

and the body more than clothing.

Consider the ravens,

They neither sow nor reap,

have neither storehouse or barn,

Yet God feeds them.

Of how much more worth are you than the birds.

Which of you by being anxious, can add to the length of your life?

If you cannot do such a small thing,

why do you worry about the rest?

Look at the lilies, how they grow.

They neither toil nor spin,

Yet King Solomon in all his glory

was not arrayed like a single one of them.

If God,

Who clothes the wild grass today, which tomorrow is thrown onto a fire,

How much more sure is He to clothe you,

Oh you of little faith.

Make our faith greater.

If you had faith as big as a mustard seed,

you could say to this tree; Pull yourself up by the roots

and plant yourself in the sea, and it would obey you.

Temptations to sin will come, but woe to him by whom they come.

It would be better for him

that a stone were put about his neck and he were cast into the sea

than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.

What is the kingdom of God like? It is like this;

A man takes a grain of mustard seed

and plants it in his field.

The plant grows and becomes a tree

and the birds make their nests in its branches.

I'm not sure what He's talking about.

Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and other outcasts?

People who are well do not need a doctor, but only those who are sick.

I have not come to call respectable people to repent,

But outcasts.

Tell us again about the kingdom. Is there anything else?

Do not be afraid, little flock,

for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.

Sell all your belongings and give the money to the poor.

Provide for yourselves purses that don't wear out

and save your riches in heaven, where they will never decrease,

because no thief can steal them, and no moth can destroy them.

For your heart will always be where your riches are.

Woman, you are free from your sickness.

Look! Look! She's cured!

It's a miracle! Look, she's cured! Come and see!

Praise to the Lord!

18 years! God keep you, Rabbi!

There are 6 days in which we should work,

So come on one of those days to be healed,

but not on the Sabbath.

You hypocrites!

Any of you would untie his ox or his donkey

and take it out from the stall to give it water on the Sabbath.

Now, here is this descendant of Abraham

whom Satan has kept in bonds these 18 years.

Should she not be set free on the Sabbath?

Good teacher, what must I do to receive eternal life?

Why do you call Me good?

No one is good save God alone.

You know the commandments;

Do not commit adultery,

do not commit murder, do not accuse anyone falsely.

Respect your mother and father.

Ever since I was young, I have obeyed all these commandments.

There is still one more thing you need to do.

You must sell all you have and give the money to the poor,

And you will have riches in heaven.

Then come and follow Me.

But we are merchants. Wealthy.

How hard it is for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.

It is harder for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God, than for

a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.

Who, then, who can be saved?

What is impossible for man is possible for God.

Exactly where will this be, God's kingdom?

The kingdom of God does not come in such a way as to be seen.

No one will say, Look, there it is, or Here it is.

Because the kingdom of God is within you.

The time will come when you will wish

that you could see one of the days of the Son of Man,

But you will not see it.

As the lightning flashes and lights up the entire sky,

so will the coming of the Son of Man be on His day.

But first I must suffer much and be rejected

by the people of this day.

It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear

than for the smallest detail of the law to be done away with.

For I tell you many prophets and kings

desired to see what you see and did not see it.

And to hear what you hear and did not hear it.

What should we do?

What do the Scriptures say? How do you interpret them?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart,

with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,

and love your neighbor as you love yourself.

You are right. Do this and you will live.

Who is my neighbor?

There once was a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho.

When robbers attacked him, stripped him, beat him,

leaving him half dead.

It so happened that a Jewish priest came that way.

When he saw the man, he walked by on the other side.

In the same way a Levite also came there,

went over and looked at the man,

and then walked by on the other side.

But a Samaritan who was traveling on that road came across the man.

And when he saw him his heart was filled with pity.

He went over to the man,

poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them.

Then he put him on his own animal and took him to an inn,

where he took care of him.

The next day he gave the innkeeper two silver coins.

And he told him to take care of the man.

He said; When I come back,

I will pay you whatever else you spend on him.

Which one of these three men acted like a neighbor

toward the man who was attacked by the robbers?

The one who was kind to him.

You, then, do the same.

Let the little children to come unto Me and do not forbid them.

For of such is the kingdom of God.

Truly I say to you,

if you do not accept the kingdom of God as a little child does,

there is no way you can get in.

Anyone who welcomes this child in My name also welcomes Me.

And anyone who welcomes Me welcomes the One who sent Me.

For the one who is most humble among you all is the greatest.

Hey, what's happening? What's going on?

Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.



Son of David! Have mercy on me!

What do you want Me to do for you?

I want to see again.

Then see.

Your faith has made you well.

I can see!

I can see!!

I can see!!!

As Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem

large crowds met him everywhere.

People were asking Him to show them the way to salvation

and to teach them more about the kingdom of God.

This man really is a prophet.

My Lord and Master, save me!

Oh Lord, save us! Save us!

Praise the Lord!

Show us the true way, Lord!

That's the tax collector!

The people were beginning to accept Him as Lord and Master

In Jericho there was a tax collector named Zacchaeus.

He wanted to see Jesus so much that

he climbed a tree to get above the crowd.

Hurry down, Zacchaeus.

For I must stay in your house today.

My house?

Who'd want to stay in his house?

How does Zacchaeus know Jesus?


I give half of my belongings to the poor,

and if I have cheated anyone,

I will pay him back four times as much!

I don't believe it! A tax collector paying back his taxes! Impossible!

Salvation has come to this house today.

For this man also is a descendent of Abraham!

The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.


We are going to Jerusalem,

where everything the prophets wrote about the Son of Man will come true.

He will be handed over to the Gentiles.

They will mock Him, and treat Him shamefully and spit on Him.

He will be whipped and killed.

But on the third day, He will rise.

And Jesus resolutely took the road for Jerusalem.

Even though Jesus knew He was going to be killed for the sins of mankind,

He took the road to Jerusalem.

Many of the people rejoiced at His coming and proclaimed Him as their King

Rabbi, command your disciples to be quiet.

I tell you that if they were to be quiet,

the stones themselves would begin shouting.

Peace, honor, health!

Jesus came closer to Jerusalem. And when He saw it, He wept over it.

If only,

on this your day you had known

the path for peace, but you have failed to see it.

The days will come when your enemies,

will build ramparts to surround you

and hem you in pressing hard from every side,

and within these walls they will destroy you.

You and your children,

and they will not leave one stone upon another in you,

because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.

The holy temple in Jerusalem had become a center of commerce

rather than a place of worship.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9...

21, 22, 23, 24, 25...

It is written, My house shall be a house of prayer.

But you have turned it into a den of thieves!

He's heading for my animals.

Stop him! Stop him!

Get the guards! Get the guards!

I understand that many have already hailed Him as King.

A King? A King of beggars, whores, and thieves!

We've seen His like before.

They come, they make their claims, they go.

They're forgotten.

Don't be blind.

His following is growing by the day.

The people admire Him...

...And think He is a King.

Let me give you a warning.

If this Man should threaten the peace further,

I shall look to you.

Perhaps he's right.

It's time we confronted the Galilean.

And as the hypocritical section of the scribes and Pharisees

came increasingly under His attack,

So His following among the Jews grew.

And so did the opposition from those He condemned.

While in the temple, Jesus saw a very poor widow

offering two copper coins.

It's very little.

Can't you give more?

I tell you, that this poor widow put in more than all the others.

For the others offered their gifts from what they had to spare of their riches.

But she, poor as she is, put in all the living that she had.

Tell us, what right do You have to say these things?

Who gave You such right?

Now let me ask you a question.

Tell Me, did John's right to baptize come from God or from man?

What shall we say?

If we were to say, From God,

He will say, Why then, don't you believe John?

But if we say, From man, this whole crowd here will stone us.

They're all convinced that John was a prophet.

We don't know where it came from.

Neither will I tell you then by what right I do these things.

There was once a man who planted a vineyard,

Rented it out to some tenants, and then left home for a long time.

When the time came to gather the grapes,

he sent a slave to the tenants,

to receive from them his share of the harvest.

But the tenants beat the slave and sent him back without a thing.

So he sent another slave. but the tenants beat him, too,

treated him shamefully and sent him back without a thing.

Then he sent a third slave.

But the tenants wounded him, too, and threw him out.

Then the owner of the vineyard said to himself,

What shall I do? I will send my own dear son.

Surely they will respect him.

But when the tenants saw him coming,

they said to one another,

This is the owner's son.

Let's kill him and his property will be ours.

Tell us more, Lord!

So they threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him.

What, then, will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants?

He will come and kill those men

and give the vineyard over to other tenants.

What, then, does this Scripture mean?

The stone which the builders rejected as worthless,

Turned out to be the most important stone of all.

Everyone who falls on that stone will be cut to pieces.

And if that stone falls on someone,

it will crush him to dust.

Teacher, we know that what You say and teach is right.

We know that You pay no attention to man's status,

But You teach the truth about God's will for man.

Tell us, is it against our law

for us to pay taxes to the Roman emperor or not?

Show Me a silver coin.

Whose face and name are these on it?


Then give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's,

and give to God the things that are God's.

Now the festival of unleavened bread drew near,

which is called The Passover.

And Jesus sent Simon Peter and John ahead

to prepare the Passover meal.

I have wanted so much

to eat this Passover meal with you before I suffer.

For I tell you,

I will never eat it until it is given its full meaning

in the kingdom of God.

Blessed art Thou, O Lord, our God, King of the universe,

Who brings forth fruit from the vine.

Take this and share it among yourselves.

For I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine

until the kingdom of God comes.

Blessed art Thou, O Lord, our God, King of the universe,

who brings forth bread from the earth.

This is My body which is given for you.

This do in remembrance of Me.

This cup is the new testament in My blood,

which is shed for you.

But behold, the person who will betray Me is here at this table.

And truly the Son of Man must die as God has determined,

But woe unto that man by whom He is betrayed.

It can't be.


Name the traitor, Lord?

The greatest one among you must be like the youngest.

And the leader must be like the servant.

For who is greater?

The one who sits down to eat? Or the one who serves?

The one who sits down, of course.

But I am among you as one who serves.

You have stayed with Me all through My trials.

And just as My Father has given Me the right to rule,

So I will give you the same right.

You will eat and drink at My table in My kingdom.

And you will sit on thrones to rule over the 12 tribes of Israel.

Then there is no traitor.

Simon, Simon, behold,

Satan has desired to test all of you,

to separate the good from the bad

as a farmer separates the wheat from the chaff.

But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail.

And when you have turned back to Me,

you must strengthen your brethren.

Lord, I am ready to go to prison with You,

and to die with You.

I tell you, Peter,

the cock will not crow today before you deny three times that you know Me.

When I sent you out without purse or bag or shoes,

did you lack anything?

No, not a thing.

But now, whoever has a purse or bag must take it.

And whoever has no sword must sell his mantle and buy one.

For I tell you, it is written in the Scriptures,

And He was reckoned among the transgressors.

And what was written about Me is coming true.

Look, Lord, here are two swords.

That is enough.

And the council of the elders met

to see how they might rid themselves of Jesus.

Then entered Satan into Judas, surnamed Iscariot,

who was one of the twelve.

He plotted with the elders to trap Jesus.

Jesus left Jerusalem and went to the Mount of Olives to pray.

Pray that you may not enter into temptation.

Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus for only thirty pieces of silver.

Jesus knew that the hour of His death for the sins of mankind was

fast approaching; and He prayed.

Father, if Thou be willing,

Remove this cup from Me.

Never-the-less, not My will but Thy will be done.

And an angel from heaven appeared to Him to strengthen Him.

And His sweat was as though it were

great drops of blood falling to the ground.

Why are you sleeping?

Get up,

and pray that you do not fall into temptation.


Is it with a kiss that you betray the Son of Man?

Lord, shall we smite with our swords?

Come on, arrest Him.

Enough of this!

(whisper) A miracle!

Did you have to bring swords and clubs as though I were an outlaw?

I was with you every day in the temple

and you did not try to arrest Me.

But this is your hour to act,

when the power of darkness rules.

Arrest Him!

Guard Him well.

The soldiers took Him into the courtyard and mocked Him as King of the Jews.

Here's a cloak worn by a king.

Tell us what's going to happen.

Are you going to save us, Your Majesty?

Are you going to save us?

This man was with Jesus, too.

Woman, I don't even know Him.

I saw them together.

Your humble servants.

How does it feel to look up to somebody?

You are one of them too.

But I am not.

There is no doubt that this man was with Jesus.

Because he is also a Galilean.

I don't know what -- what you're talking about.

Jesus turned and looked straight at Peter.

Then Peter remembered what the Lord had spoken to him.

Before the cock crows this day, you shall deny

that you know me.

Lord, we beseech Thee,

Do as Thou ought.

In accordance with the greatness of Thy power.

Thou, Who did forgive our fathers

when they rebelled against Thy word.

Thou, Who was angry with them, Thou did not destroy them.

Because of Thy love for them and for Thy Covenant's and faithfulness' sake,

Thou did spare them.

Who hit You? Guess.

Prophesy! Who will hit you next?

Stop it! Stop it I said!

Bring Him before the council.


The religious council of elders met to question Jesus.

Tell us, are You the Messiah?

If I tell you, you will not believe Me.

And if I ask you a question, you will not answer Me.

But from now on the Son of Man

will be seated at the right side of Almighty God.

Are You, then, the Son of God?

You say that I am.

Who gives him the authority to say that?


We ourselves have heard what He said.

We will take Him to Pilate.

Yes, yes, away with Him!


And they took Jesus before Pontius Pilate,

the most vicious of all Roman procurators,

alone responsible for the crucifixion of thousands.

And what do you want here, at this hour of the morning?

We caught this Man perverting our people.

He caused an uproar in the temple market.

What will be His punishment?

Sentence Him!

I see no reason to condemn this Man, no reason.

We found Him guilty.

Telling them not to pay taxes to the emperor.

Claiming Himself to be the Messiah, a King!

A King? Are You the King of the Jews?

So you say.

He began in Galilee and now He has come here.

In Galilee? Is this Man a Galilean?

In that case, we'll let Herod deal with Him.

He's still here in Jerusalem, isn't he?

Take Him to Herod!

Who is it that You say You are?

Who are those You call Your disciples?

It is said by many You can perform signs.

Do something for me.

My Lord, He has been corrupting all the people.

He calls Himself, the King.

This man? A King???

Your Majesty.

Mark Him well.

Send Him back to Pilate.

This is his province.

This Man has done nothing to deserve death.

So I will have Him whipped and let Him go.

You are obliged to release one man to us at this festival.

Release to us, Barabbas. And away with this Man.

Crucify Him!

Yes! Crucify Him!

You, you, whip Him.

What are you waiting for, Pilate?

Why do you torment Him so?

Leave Him alone, He's the Messiah!

He has done nothing wrong.

Lift Him up!

Crucify Him. Kill Him.

But they kept on shouting that Jesus should be crucified.

So Pilate passed the Sentence of death on Jesus

He set free Barabbas, who had been put in prison for murder,

and he handed Jesus over to them to be crucified.

Back! Get back! Back! Get away!

Keep away from Him!

Get back! Back! Get away! Make room! Get out!

You, out of the way!

Move, when I tell you!

Get up! Get up!!

You, what's your name?

Simon of Cyrene, sir.

Step over here!

Cut the ropes!

You... carry it. Come on, move!

Move on! Clear the way there.

Back, get back! Get back!

We weep for you, Lord, we weep.

Drink this. Drink. Drink, Lord.

Women of Jerusalem, don't weep for Me,

but weep for yourselves and for your children.

For if things as these take place when the wood is green,

what will happen when it is dry?

God help You.

We will pray for You.

Move! Down here! Come on!

Quicker, quicker!

Now you go!

Go on! Keep up! Quicker! Come on!


Now, move! move!

Now, you go ahead! Come on now.

Get on with it.


Put the peg in!

Stay ropes loose.

Forgive them, Father,

for they do not know what they are doing.

He has saved others. Let Him save Himself.

Yes, save Yourself if You're the Messiah!

Yes! Come down from the cross.

Show us one of Your miracles!

Jesus was crucified between two thieves

in fulfillment of prophesy, as the prophets of God had predicted

hundreds of years before.

This is no ordinary mystic's garment.

Let go. No, don't tear it.

I'll tell you what.

Let's play for this!

Ah, you lucky devil!

What will you do with it now that you've won it?

A sign was placed above His head that read,

This is the King of the Jews.

Save Yourself if You are the King of the Jews.



...the Messiah?



and us.

Don't you fear God?

He received the same sentence, you did,

but He has done nothing wrong.

Remember me, Jesus, when You come as King.

I promise you. Today, you will be in paradise, with Me.

It was about noon

and a darkness fell across the whole land for three hours,

until about 3:00 in the afternoon.

The curtain of the temple was torn right down the middle.

Father, into Thy hands...

I commit,

My spirit.

When the captain of the soldiers saw what had happened, he glorified God saying...

Glory be to God! Certainly, this was a righteous Man.

Joseph of Arimathea, a righteous member of the religious council

who had not consented to this deed, got permission from Pontius Pilate

to lay Jesus' body in a tomb

before the Sabbath began at sundown.

Forgive us. We are following the body of our Lord.

All are welcome. But come, the Sabbath is approaching.

Very early on the Sunday morning they came to the tomb

carrying the spices they had prepared.

They found the stone rolled away from the tomb.

When they entered, the body of the Lord Jesus was gone.

Why do you seek the Living among the dead?

He is not here. He is risen.

Remember what He said to you while He was in Galilee;

The Son of Man will be handed over to sinful men, be crucified,

And on the third day rise again.


The stone was rolled away!

We entered and the body of our Lord was gone!

What? The body of our Lord, gone?

And two men appeared to us...

angels, shining, like the sun. They said to us;

Why do you look for the Living among the dead? It's true!

Believe us. Believe us.

We saw them! Go and see for yourself!

The tomb was empty! Our Lord was gone!

Peter, you must believe us!

Jesus appeared to two of the disciples.

They excitedly came back to the others.

The Lord is risen indeed.

He has appeared to Simon.

We didn't recognize Him, not on the road.

But when He broke bread, then we knew Him.

At Emmaus. How strange He should go there.

Peace be with you.

Why are you troubled?

Why are these doubts coming up in your minds?

Look, my hands and my feet,

and see that it is I, Myself.

Feel Me and you will know.

For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.

These are the very things I told you about,

while I was still with you.

That everything written about Me in the Law of Moses

and the writings of the prophets and the Psalms

had to come true.

This is what is written;

The Messiah must suffer, and rise from the dead on the third day.

And in His name,

the message of repentance and the forgiveness of sins

must be preached to all nations,

beginning in Jerusalem.

You are witnesses of these things.

And I Myself bring the promise of My Father upon you.

But you must wait in the city,

until the power from above comes down upon you.

The Lord bless you and keep you.

All power is given to Me in heaven and in earth.

Go, therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them

in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.

And lo, I am with you always,

even unto the end of the world.


In The Holy Scriptures, God declared the Messiah

would come to be the Savior of the world.

The life of Jesus gives evidence that He is indeed

the One the prophets spoke about.

Isaiah prophesied that, The virgin will conceive a child

and will give birth to a son.

Centuries later, the birth of Jesus

was the fulfillment of that prophecy.

The Holy Scriptures declared that the Holy One to be born

would be called the Son of God.

This means that Jesus was to be called the Son of God

in a spiritual, not a physical sense.

We see this in how he lived His life.

He Healed people from disease, forgave their sins,

turned them back to God and promised them a place

in God's eternal kingdom.

He offered Himself as a sacrifice for sin

in their place and then rose again, conquering death.

Jesus said, No one can take my life from me.

I lay it down of my own accord.

The life of Jesus not only fulfilled the writings

of the prophets, but also confirmed

the truth of God's Holy Word.

The prophets declared, The Word of the Lord is flawless,

Your Word, oh, Lord, is eternal.

Jesus Himself said, Heaven and earth will pass away,

but My words will never pass away.

Jesus came to give us life in all its fullness.

But when man disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden,

he chose to go his own way,

and his actions separated him from the Creator.

The Holy Scriptures declare that all have sinned

and the payment for sin is death,

this means a spiritual death, eternal separation from God.

But just as God provided a ram

to die in place of Abraham's son,

so He sent Jesus the Messiah to die in our place.

His life, death and resurrection restored

the relationship between God and all those

who put their trust in Him.

Now, those who follow Jesus not only have their sins forgiven,

but are saved from God's eternal judgment.

They are assured of paradise and will live with Him forever.

It is this life and freedom from the guilt and power of sin

that Jesus offers each person today.

This does not mean following a religion but choosing to have

faith in Jesus who says, I stand at the door and knock.

If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,

I will come into Him.

This means turning to God and trusting Jesus

to come into our lives, to forgive our sins

and to make us what He wants us to be.

It is not enough to intellectually agree

with His claims,

nor to have an emotional experience.

We receive Him by grace through faith as an act of the will.

When people are ready to become followers of Jesus the Messiah,

they may speak to Him in a simple prayer.

Perhaps you are ready now to open your life to God.

If so, you may join in the following prayer to Him

silently in your heart;

Lord Jesus, I need you.

Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins.

I confess and repent of my sins.

I open the door of my life

and receive You as my Savior and Lord.

Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.

Make me the kind of person you want me to be,

as I become one of your followers.


Jesus said about His followers, My sheep recognize My voice.

I know them, and they follow Me.

In order to experience the abundant life

which Jesus promised, His followers talk to God

each day in prayer and read or listen to His word.

They tell others about Him and meet regularly

with those who love and follow Him.

Remember His wonderful promise.

All power is given to Me in Heaven and in earth.

Low, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.

For more infomation >> The Jesus Film - Audio Xhosa + Subtitles - Duration: 2:07:54.


Nejhodnější kluk bohyně Voříškové: Už chápete, proč u ní jinísamci nemají šanci? - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Nejhodnější kluk bohyně Voříškové: Už chápete, proč u ní jinísamci nemají šanci? - Duration: 2:55.


Life of a Chinese Student (Chinese Drama Parody) - Duration: 4:50.

Hello, my name is Jin

I am currently a grade 12 student

at Shanghai International Academy

I have a lot of good friends, amazing teachers, and a loving sister

But my dad is a little strange

My dad is the CEO of Huawai

A really big company here in China

However, he puts a lot of pressure on my studies

He wants me to go to Tsinghua University

Which is the best university in China

I don't understand why

Because rich kids shouldn't have to worry about these things

They can become whatever they want

If they want to become a singer, they can become a singer

If they want to go overseas, they can also do it

Since they have so much money

My family is also filthy rich

but my life is very different from theirs

China's education system is weird

You're nothing but a number


I am last place in my grade!

I can't get into any university

I study so much, but why am I still this stupid?

My dad forces me to study all day every day

Also, China has a policy

You can only give birth to one child

So all of my dad's attention is on me (Grade Rankings)

I really can't face my dad

Cause I know he is going to roast me

But one day, he got my report card...

and he threatened me

Oh my son is back

What's that in your hands

It's.... my report card

Oh, this is your report card eh?

Why did you place last in your grade again?!?


Why is it last place again?

Holy cow

Sit down, sit down

Didn't your friend Aniekan just get accepted into MIT?

While you can't even get into a bad school

Do you want me to send you overseas to America by yourself?

You are Huawei's CEO

Our family has so much money, can't you just send me to a private school?

Why waste money?

Hurry up and get out of here

I have no clue what my future holds

Because my dad seriously does not support me

He forces me to study all day and night

I'm about to go crazy!

FLASHBACK: You can't even get into a bad school

You are Huawei's CEO, we have so much money, can't you just send me to a private school?

Why waste the money?

Do you want me to ship you over to America?

I have exactly 33 days until Gaokao (SAT on steroids)

I'm afraid my dad will send me off to America alone...

I'm very scared.....

For more infomation >> Life of a Chinese Student (Chinese Drama Parody) - Duration: 4:50.


Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 TFSI 105pk Attraction Pro Line - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 1.2 TFSI 105pk Attraction Pro Line - Duration: 0:59.


The Top 10 Actors Have Terrible Net Worth That You Have Never Known // Stars Story - Duration: 6:32.

If you want more, please SUBSCRIBE, Thank You...!

For more infomation >> The Top 10 Actors Have Terrible Net Worth That You Have Never Known // Stars Story - Duration: 6:32.


Jakkals Vanger - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> Jakkals Vanger - Duration: 1:37.


Best Motivational Lines About Life | Boys Attitude Whatsapp Status | Attitude Status For Boys - Duration: 0:33.

Whatsapp Status Video

For more infomation >> Best Motivational Lines About Life | Boys Attitude Whatsapp Status | Attitude Status For Boys - Duration: 0:33.


Volkswagen Transporter | Dubb. Schuifdeur | Leder | Dubb. Cab | Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter | Dubb. Schuifdeur | Leder | Dubb. Cab | Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.


একাত্তর টিভি আজকের সকালের খবর ২৬ মার্চ ২০১৮ bangladesh news 24 - Duration: 11:31.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> একাত্তর টিভি আজকের সকালের খবর ২৬ মার্চ ২০১৮ bangladesh news 24 - Duration: 11:31.


Jazz Free Internet Code 2018 Jazz Free 4GB Internet Offer - Duration: 3:43.

Jazz Free Internet Code 2018 Jazz Free 4GB Internet Offer

For more infomation >> Jazz Free Internet Code 2018 Jazz Free 4GB Internet Offer - Duration: 3:43.


3/26 今彩539 原創版路分享 獨支專車 祈求順開 ! ! - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> 3/26 今彩539 原創版路分享 獨支專車 祈求順開 ! ! - Duration: 4:36.


Playboi Carti Type Beat 2018

For more infomation >> Playboi Carti Type Beat 2018


'I Wasn't Rampaging, I Was Inspiring' Ep. 2 Official Clip | Billions | Season 3 - Duration: 1:24.

I'm glad I caught you.

You wouldn't have if my fucking car

guy could time his job right.


George Washington had the same problem leaving Trenton.

Wags told you?

Texted me while you were rampaging through the office.

I wasn't rampaging.

I was inspiring.

You know Washington didn't actually stand in the rowboat,


Of course-- structurally unsound and he'd have

made himself a target.

Yet you worry about neither.

It's hard to shut it off, Wen.

I know.

But if you can't, you will lose the battle and the war.

Do you want me to come with you?

Stay here with Taylor.

Need some senior officer for backup.

You're fired.


For more infomation >> 'I Wasn't Rampaging, I Was Inspiring' Ep. 2 Official Clip | Billions | Season 3 - Duration: 1:24.


6 Scary Videos with Unexplainable Events Caught on Camera - Duration: 10:21.

Are you an admirer of the paranormal?

Today we will finally take another look at unexplainable and strange recordings from

all over the world.

Shadow figures, creepy faces, and scary specters are only some of the sightings, that the camcorders

of the following people could capture.

Did you ever come across something paranormal or strange, while you had your recorder ready?

Please share your experiences with me in the comments.

And now, without further ado, here are 6 Scary Videos with Unexplainable Events Caught on


Number 6.

Two friends from Texas were noticing strange activities for the last couple of nights in

the neighboring fields, outside their property.

They were following a suspicious SUV, who was making its way through the grass without

any lights on.

Strange moaning and screams were initially making them aware of an intruder on their


Which is the reason, why they expected a wolf or another feral animal?

But this was quite different.

After waiting for several minutes behind the car, they flip the lights on.. and shortly

after, their camera records this creature.Simply freakout out, they back up their car.

even honking doesn't seem to disturb this creature.

What's your explanation for this?

Number 5.

This recording was captured by a young man who moved into a new place with his girlfriend.

They were in the middle of renovating the apartment since it was in pretty bad shape.

During the last couple of weeks, he noticed strange activity taking place.

Even his friends who were helping them out on the weekends were totally freaked out after

being exposed to mysterious happenings.

Today he simply attempts to document the renovation process for his family.

But it doesn't take long until some loud bangs can be heard and even objects start to fly


It's the perfect chance, to record this phenomenon.

He seems to stay pretty calm, considering the ongoing craziness unfolding in front of

his eyes, in different rooms of his home.

Has he maybe come across paranormal activity before?

Not much is known about it.

His dogs also seem to be freaked out.

Do you think it was real?

Number 4.

A woman in Mexico was noticing strange light anomalies in an apartment of her friend, across

the street.

The strange thing was, that her friend was on vacation at this time, so it was not possible

that anybody could have been in the apartment.

Maybe an intruder?

As the woman keeps filming, a super fast shape seems to swipe through the lit living room.

It turned out, that her friend indeed still was on vacation that day.

They could never explain, what exactly invaded this living room.

But they knew that it could not have been a human intruder.

Number 3.

These 2 explorers from Germany were exploring an abandoned Asylum in the South West.

The place was locked up, therefore a broken window was the only access for them into the

ruins of this huge complex.

They were venturing through different buildings every couple of weeks, and always eager to

capture something unexplainable.

As they are making their way through the old corridors, they get spooked by a small voice

which appears to be whispering.

But this wasn't good enough to scare these two away at this point.

As they walk further down the hallways, the dude with the camera seems to capture something

frightening, lurking through the wood.

Increasing the brightness of the material reveals the face of a young girl.

Was it a spirit?

I bet, anybody would have been scared senseless after seeing such a shape on their camera


The two ran back to their cars and had to take a long break from

their investigations.

Number 2.

This is a

cellphone video, recorded by a young kid in Peru.

He was playing soccer on the street, one late night on a weekend.

There is an Urban Legend about a leprechaun, that many people in all of South America are

believing in.

The kids claimed to have come face to face with the creature in this video.

Could they be right?

Watching the replay reveals, that the creature seems to be running away from the children.Whatever

it was, didn't like the attention of the group it appears.

Number 1.

A dashcam recording from Brazil captured a pretty eerie looking figure, close to a vehicle

in the middle of the night.

A couple of friends were on their way home from a hiking trip which took them far away

from where they normally went adventuring.

Nothing extraordinary happened during the weekend.

But little did they know, that the vehicle on screen was about to be involved in a horrible

accident, which unfortunately cost one of groups members his life.

Was the following shape, maybe the Grim Reaper, who was making his presence known?

Who can say for certain, but it is pretty creepy, to say the least.

Thank you guys for watching today's episode!

I want to give out a big thank you to Cathy, Rob, Julian, David, Norden, and Michael for

your greatly appreciate super chats!

It means a lot to me.

Stay tuned for more paranormal and creepy content.

Stay frosty!

For more infomation >> 6 Scary Videos with Unexplainable Events Caught on Camera - Duration: 10:21.


knowledge Idioms | online idiom classes day -4 | English Idioms on knowledge | idioms for ssc - Duration: 5:25.

knowledge Idioms | online idiom classes day -4 | English Idioms on knowledge |

For more infomation >> knowledge Idioms | online idiom classes day -4 | English Idioms on knowledge | idioms for ssc - Duration: 5:25.


Ames Razorback Shovel Quick Review - Duration: 2:06.

hi guys welcome back to CzrExperiments. We wanted to give a quick

review about the Razorback shovel. We purchased this one about six months ago.

We were building a fence and we needed to dig some holes. My dad had one and he

spoke really highly of it. He uses it around the yard and just basic use. So, we

picked one up and we got it at Home Depot I think around 25 bucks and we

were using it a few weeks ago and this happened! We were digging up some

agapanthus and it twisted and cracked here at the neck. So it's a made in USA

shovel. It says it has a lifetime warranty. So the parent company is Ames,

the Ames company, and I sent them an email I just briefly explained what

happened with the shovel, what we were doing and included photos of the shovel.

And they wrote me back the next day and let me know that they'd be sending me a

free shovel and they didn't require I send back this one at all. So we have a

new brand new Razorback shovel to use. I think that's excellent customer service.

Definitely worth the 25 bucks. It is a good shovel and it has the step on it so,

you know if you're digging, you can step down on the on the shovel works out good

overall. So we'll see how this one does. It's made out of pro grade steel. It has the

little "power step", they call it and a lifetime warranty. Thanks for watching.

Let us know what you think in the comment section. If you like this video

and want to see more CzrExperiments subscribe today!

For more infomation >> Ames Razorback Shovel Quick Review - Duration: 2:06.


Live 3/25 - On "showing up - and how classroom design impacts how you feel about teaching - Duration: 4:44.

Hi everyone! Dr. Tiffany Carr from Joy in Teaching here with our weekly live

video. I am happy to be here with you today. You may detect by the sound of

my voice that I am under the weather. I knocked on wood so many times this

winter that my family was lucky enough to avoid what seemed to be inevitably

going around to everyone. But, lo and behold I caught it. So this week has been

rough. I'm not gonna lie. I'm working on getting the new book out to you and the

companion workbook and everything kind of took a hiatus, but today i am showing

up! And i am happy to be here and I believe that you know, in life and

teaching it's important to show up. Sure we teach for those days that

are like "Man i wish someone was recording that because that was an

amazing lesson and all the students were engaged and motivated!" you know. But those

aren't all the days and those other days... it's important to show up, to do the work,

to build the relationships, to, you know, set that foundation. And so I'm showing

up. I'm here today. I will make it quick so you don't have to listen to this

voice too much because i know it's not the best but I am here. So a

couple of things I want to talk about. The first is that book.

The Joy in Teaching upcoming book and its companion workbook will be out soon.

I'm hoping, hoping, hoping to have a release date for you in the very near

future. I have mentioned before that you can sign up for the first chapter of the

workbook for free but I realized I haven't really talked about what the

workbook is. So here is basically what the the book and the workbook is. So the

new book called Joy in Teaching is going to be a framework for action. So

there's research, there's the reasons that resilience is so important and

should be a priority to teachers and to schools, and then there's a call to

action and then the workbook goes chapter-for-chapter along with the

book and gives you fillable activities, plans for action, areas for notes, all

sorts of different activities to work through the ideas, and reflect on the the

book. So the book can stand alone by itself or it can go with the workbook.

But I'm giving you the workbook's first chapter for free just for signing up for

updates because I know that we're still probably a two or three weeks out for

that release date. So that you can stay up to date. So I have dropped that link

in the description. I'll make sure to put it in the comments as well, if you

haven't checked that out yet. The other thing I want to talk about is the new

article out tomorrow on Joy in Teaching which is about your environment. So

you know when you see those those memes, or not necessarily memes, but like those

viral fillable sheets that teachers fill out that say like, I have worked you know in

this many classrooms, I've taught this many students, you know, I've worked for

this many years. I skip those because I have lost

count. I really honestly have, of the number of classrooms I've taught in, the

number of students that I've taught. Sadly I am its thousands and

classrooms, probably close to 20, and so the article out tomorrow is about how

much your environment, your spatial surroundings, impact how we feel about

our jobs. And I talk a little bit about my experience and how over the years of

switching positions and switching classrooms, how each time I moved in less

and less, and how I feel like that impacted my teaching. I have some ideas

for different ways you can improve on your surroundings and think about them

in new ways and that will be out tomorrow on

I'm gonna go drink some tea, take a rest. I hope you all have a great rest of your

evening, Check out that article tomorrow, sign up

for your free chapter of the workbook and updates for the new book, and have a

great week! Together we will reclaim the joy in

teaching and save the teachers. Bye.

For more infomation >> Live 3/25 - On "showing up - and how classroom design impacts how you feel about teaching - Duration: 4:44.


Beyond Beginner Flute Gaining the Octave Introduction - Duration: 0:52.

Beyond Beginner Flute Gaining the Octave Introduction

In this SECTION, I'm going to teach you

how to gain the octave.

I will give you some specific techniques in order for you to be able to achieve playing

up the octave, using the same fingerings yet getting a higher note.

And then we will review some of your beginner songs up the octave.

So, you really can understand how those songs can sound both in a lower octave and in a

higher octave.

Enjoy gaining the octave!

Beyond Beginner Flute Gaining the 8va Introduction

For more infomation >> Beyond Beginner Flute Gaining the Octave Introduction - Duration: 0:52.


Beyond Beginner Flute Play 5 Songs Up the Octave - Duration: 1:08.

Beyond Beginner Flute Play 5 Songs Up the Octave

Those are the lip slurs that you learned in the last lecture.

And I hope that you've been practicing them.

In the next 5 songs, I'm going to teach you how you can use those lip slurs to gain

that octave.

And then play some of the beginner songs that we learned in the first flute class.

Or if you didn't take it, you'll hear what the songs are.

And you'll play these songs up the octave.

So, you use the same fingering, exactly the same fingering.

But you're now going to play them instead of on a low G, on that high G. Or, on a low

A, you're going to move up to the high A. And I'll give you a few tips and tricks

along the way to just help you really reach that higher octave.

Enjoy working on these songs!

Beyond Beginner Flute Play 5 Songs Up the Octave

For more infomation >> Beyond Beginner Flute Play 5 Songs Up the Octave - Duration: 1:08.


Baaghi 2 | Khanti Berhampuriya Baaghi 2 Odia Movie Funny Trailer | Tiger & Disha Patani || By Aj.. - Duration: 4:06.

Subscribe Berhampur Aj For More Funny Video's...

Thanks to All 110k + Subscrbers Of Berhampur Aj Channel...

For more infomation >> Baaghi 2 | Khanti Berhampuriya Baaghi 2 Odia Movie Funny Trailer | Tiger & Disha Patani || By Aj.. - Duration: 4:06.


Its Palm Sunday an( Epic Catholic Animation ) - Duration: 2:22.

Hey and welcome back today is Palm Sunday

so l that's what we are going to talk about today

( light Music plays)

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy week which has Holy Thursday

Good Friday Holy Saturday And Easter Sunday

on Palm Sunday we remember Jesus coming out of

the desert where he was greeted people who respect and love him they welcomed him with Palm branches and palm leafs

as you enter the church you can pick up Palm

leafs as wall during mass the priest will bless the Palm leafs

during mass they read a very long reading

called the passion with covers when Jesus was Condemned to death

to the moments leading up to his death ( editors Note It Actually covers the moment Jesus dies)

also since this Reading is very sad and very long

feel free you to ask Questions to ether your parents your local Priest if you have any

Questions about this reading

( more music wood tapping)

since Palm Sunday Marks the

beginning of Holy week remember to checkup in the I card if your here during Wednesday in Holy week to look for

for the Holy week video or want for some more information about lent that video will also be up in the I card

Begins what is Called Holy week which goes all the way from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday

with Easter triduum at the end of the week which has Holy Thursday Good Friday and Holy Saturday

alright i am sorry this one ended up really short but than again it is a bonus video

thank you guys so much for watching I will see you guy next time Um.....bye

More music (Note sorry I'm trying something new)

Hey you stuck around to the after end card segment that is awesome

i think one of the greatest mystery's of life would have to be how to fold a Palm cross correctly I have been doing this for many years and still unfolds every

For more infomation >> Its Palm Sunday an( Epic Catholic Animation ) - Duration: 2:22.


BACK AT IT - VLOG #1 Jaz's Sweet 16 - Duration: 3:17.

Watch in 720HD!

For more infomation >> BACK AT IT - VLOG #1 Jaz's Sweet 16 - Duration: 3:17.


콜라겐을 매일 챙겨먹으면 좋은 점 7가지 - Duration: 14:14.

For more infomation >> 콜라겐을 매일 챙겨먹으면 좋은 점 7가지 - Duration: 14:14.


My New Helmet | MT Revenge | Unboxing & Review - Duration: 14:06.

More about MT Revenge Sportive, that is the main particular use for this full face. Curved base, spoiler integrated and big vents make the essential of this helmet ; two shell sizes and low weight make the rest. Can be used like Snowmobile helmet with snow breathguard, snowmobile neck curtain and "double or electric lens". Inner linning anatomical for a better commodity and comfort and washable. Anti-scratch visor with fast removing system. Certifications MT HELMETS has been approved by the most demanding international homologations. DOT CERTIFIED(USA), ECE/ONU 22.05.P (EU) and SNELL USA (USA) cover the most challenging US and European homologation standards.We have also been granted with the NTC 4533 (Colombia) and NBR7471 (Brazil). These homologations are only granted when every single component of the helmets has duly passed an established and exhausted security examination.

hey what's up guys welcome back to the channel today we have the brand new

helmet my brand new helmet the empty revenge in binomial graphics and we're

gonna unbox it right now so let's get it started

alright guys welcome back first I really want to give a massive shout out to mr.

Gargan deep the owner of opened Road Pune for helping me out with this

purchase initially he had gone for a different helmet the Mt

Thunder 3s we with the Sun Visor but then since I already had a different

helmet in mind I decided to switch up to the revenge so I will give you a short

tour of his store I highly recommend if you are looking for good quality riding

gear you should check out his store in Pune so go check that out and leave a

comment about what do you think

alright guys welcome back so I hope you like that little walk-around of open

road now I'll give you a brief look at the box it says that it's an advanced

polycarbonate shell 2 years warranty very very important says full of

security technology design quality and comfort and on this side we got the

manufacturing Tomas which is Spain this is these MT helmets is a Spanish company

you can follow them on their social medias the Twitter handle the Facebook

as well as their Instagram page let me just open this box up obviously I tried

the helmet so ok first things first I have got an extra

smoke wiser because you guys know how much I like tinted visors a wanted the

mirror one but iridium metal one but that wasn't available Spartan as well as

Gotham divas have told me that they will let me know as soon as those in stock so

this is the extra visor that I picked up and this is the helmet itself it comes

in this let me just get it out boom so this is it it comes in this really nice

soft and high-quality dust bag so if you I would say guys always carry this bag

with you because it will your helmet does tend to get scratches when you are

carrying it around see or in a mall or you've gone with your friends to some

restaurant on a Sunday ride or something so it helps to have this bag with you it

doesn't take a lot of space as well so let me just quickly open it up and

reveal the helmet all right here we go hmm wait a minute why is it white and

black that's because it's the binomial guys I told you earlier look at this

it's got this flaming red or orange on one side and it's got white and it's

matte black I love this 3d empty logo right here now let's see what it says on

the wiser now guys this is probably one of the main reasons why I went with this

helmet it's the only helmet that you'll get at this price point which is sharp

five star rated the highest rating by the UK agency I will leave the link down

below if you want to see this now or the other other part that says it's max

vision pin lock ready this is the new pin lock system which covers the maximum

thing now you can see the homo locations for Europe its ECE certified Brazil is

NBR us it's do T Colombia NTC and product is tested by this company I have

no idea about it also guys this is not as narrated I know sometimes people get

confused now it's got a quick release for divisors it's 2.2 mm in thickness

handy scratch obviously and PC lenses means the vision is corrected now you

can see here it's imported by Spartan Pro here in India brand is empty empty

revenge by nami matte black white chloro orange alright that's what it's called

XL and it cost me seven thousand four hundred seventy five that's inclusive of

taxes now let me just run through the main features first of all guys this is

a race share configuration that means it can be used

for track days look at this look at how beautiful the orange black and this

graph it just looks it's already starting to pick up my fingerprints

because it's a matte finish that's what you can this is probably my first matte

helmet so you asked for air intakes guys it has one on the chin two on the top

here which are very easily open and closed and for the exhaust vents that's

got this neat closeable exhaust on the top back four ports here and it's got

two passive exhausts at the rear you can see the weight it says fourteen hundred

and fifty cramps the d-o-t and ECE badging sharp doesn't have a badging but

they've put it on the graphics as for because this guy's that I can see the

quality of these materials is really good it comes with a chin curtain to

help reduce the noise also any bugs that might fly in the double D fasteners

which are the safest hina on the website the empty helmets website it says it has

a micrometric fastener which is a standard in the europe but maybe for

india and for racing use this is what is standard there are some goodies here as

well which i have not opened up as yet now this is a reflective patch guys so

this should help you stay visible at night specifically from vehicles coming

from behind this is the opening mechanism it's really easy guys you just

have to pull down the tab and the Yser pops out so this is what you get inside

the box this is the helmet instructions so i guess should cover all the basics

like that's about storage cleaning and things

like how to tie the d-ring and it's called information and few other

languages as well so really handy most elements do not come with any

instructions whatsoever so thank you empty elements then it comes with this

is world standard so all their greetings are here and this is a sticker I love


Wow a nice rubber empty helmets keychain keyring thank you might come in handy

sometimes might give it away I don't know and it comes with this important 2

year warranty card with a unique number right there

cool 2 years warranty now let's do the grind thing of peeling the sticker I

know everyone loves this final QC pastured says and there we go slowly yes

yay and the helmet has been revealed hit that like button guys if you enjoyed

this video the opening and closing otherwise is only on the left hand side

but that's okay you should be only using your clutch hand anyways even this these

bands can be opened and closed pretty easy ok so let me show you this inside

now really well made really strong it caught hey I don't know if I can show

you the insides here there you go now guys this helmet is ready to ready for

accepting a Bluetooth communication systems so it has the

speaker pockets on both the both the sides where you can mount so that has

been taken care of my previous helmet did not have that so this is definitely

an upgrade and this is it guys I will probably put some footage of me riding

with this helmet and my other gear in a later video so if you enjoyed watching

this video guys do hit that like button also if you're new to the channel please

hit subscribe and make sure you enable those notifications I do a lot of

reviews along with motovlogs and test rides and a lot of random stuff

fun stuff as well because that's what that's why we buy these bikes don't we

so guys thank you for watching and I will see you in the next one

For more infomation >> My New Helmet | MT Revenge | Unboxing & Review - Duration: 14:06.


ARU SHAH AND THE END OF TIME (ARC REVIEW) | *SPOILER-FREE* | xreadingsolacex [CC] - Duration: 8:36.

Hello you gorgeous individuals, it's Kav here and today I'm going to be talking

about Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roshani Chokshi. Aru Shah and the End of

Time is a middle-grade fantasy novel based off of Hindu mythology that

follows the story of a 12-year old girl, Aru Shah, who finds out that she is a

reincarnation of one of the five Pandava brothers and, after finding that out, she

goes on a journey basically to save the world. I was lucky enough to receive an

ARC of this novel for my good friend who got it from the publisher--it's kind of a

long story, but I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this novel--so of

course I read it. It has been a novel I've been anticipating for so long - it

was one of my five most anticipated reads of the year, so I really wanted to

read it, so of course I did. It comes out on March 27th and if you want to know

all of the different reasons you need to get this book, then definitely sit back

and watch this review.

Reading this novel, I basically thought about how

12-year old me might have had a very different experience had I had a novel

like this in my life. If I had seen a book like this talking about me, about

people like me, I may not have grown up ashamed of my heritage and my life and

it's something that still breaks my heart to this day that I ever even had

those feelings, but society told me that being Indian and being Hindu was not

good enough and a book like this would have changed all of that for me, so what

I am most excited for is for the Indian and Hindu kids and teens who are gonna read

this book and realize that they are good enough and realize that their heritage

is pretty cool because it is. But outside of my personal relation to this novel

and how this novel is a very important one, it's also just really good. From the

writing to the characters to the plot to every other aspect of it, it is

really good. So let's kick it off with the characters.

Our main character, Aru Shah, is a 12-year old girl who lies a lot and I really

liked that. I liked the intricate details Roshani wove into all of the

characters in this novel. Aru isn't necessarily our classic heroine, she is

different. She's not like a morally great character,

she is definitely without a doubt good, but as she's twelve, her priorities aren't

necessarily straight. So whereas at her core she is a good person, sometimes she

doesn't go about it the right way because, like I said, she lies a lot and

such. You know, being twelve, her main priority growing up was just to impress the

popular people in her class and because of her wish to do that, she essentially

starts the chaos that takes us on the journey in this book and I like that. I

like that she was a different protagonist than we really get to see

because she's still good, but she's good in a different way. And then we have

another primary character, Mini. She is part-Indian and part-Filipina,

while Aru is all Indian. Mini is much more of a classic heroine, but despite

that, she still has all these intricate details woven into her as well. She is

the type of person who basically thinks about how anything and everything can

kill you - touching that bookshelf can give you germs that could make you die -

that's kind of the type of person she is. Part of that is because of how much she

wants to go into medicine, that's her ultimate goal and it was nice to see

that difference because Aru never really talks about who she wants to be

or what she wants to do, but Mini has this clear set idea of what she wants

the rest of her life to be. And she's also really smart, she's a hella smart

character, much more book smart while Aru is kind of more street smart, so

the dynamics between the two of them were great and they are basically "soul

sisters" which is what they have referred to each other as through the book.

Because of them going on this journey together and because of

them essentially being sisters, what we get to see in this novel is girls

supporting girls. And as you all know, that's something that I love. I love

seeing girls supporting girls and that is what we see so much in this novel.

Throughout the novel it is the two of them fighting together - they are not going

at each other, they are fighting together and they are a team and I love that and

I love the friendship that forms between them because they get brought together

by all these chaotic circumstances, but then they end up being this incredible

team and I love it. And then we have many other supporting characters. We have Boo,

who is essentially their pigeon guardian. Then we have Urvashi and Hanuman, who

are part of a council that they have to kind of meet to prove they are

reincarnations of the five Pandava brothers. And we have all these other

supporting characters - some are good, some are more in line with the villain. All

of them had their own tone to them. All of them had their own personality and that

really showed through the book, so it was obvious that she took the time to really

make them each their own, even the characters they were only interacting

with for one chapter, even those characters had their own personality and

their own characteristics, so every character was different and every

character was themselves and that was one of the best aspects of this book. And

then of course there is the plot of this novel which is a huge part of it and I

loved the plot in this novel. Obviously I can't go too in depth with it as this is

a spoiler-free review, but one of the things that I think really contributed to how

much I love the plot was the pacing. And that's not something I talk about in my

reviews a lot, but it's something I noticed reading this book. It was paced

very, very well and because of that the plot played out well. The timeline of

this novel is done super well, we really get to see them go on their journey and

they have to make all of these different stops along the way in order to reach

their goal of kind of defeating the ultimate antagonist of this book and all

those different stops they make, like I said, they're paced well. They have enough

action in them, but there are enough breaks between them, so

I think that the reader gets a good sense of their journey and really gets

to go on this journey with them and because of how the pacing is done, it

makes the journey so much fun to go on. And speaking of that, all the different

stops they do have to make and the plot itself - it's also good. I love the

different stops they had to make because, like I said, I think those contributed

great action sequences to the book, they contributed high-end adventure and such,

but then they were also the breaks in between and there was also some funny

scenes in the book like because of the dynamics between the characters and such,

there were some really great lines thrown out that made the book funny in a way, so

everything just played out really well throughout the course of the book which

is something I loved. And of course writing wise I enjoyed it. I do think

that the dialogue was done really well. In terms of descriptions, I don't have

too many positives or complaints, but that in itself is a good thing because

oftentimes with the descriptions I do find things lacking, but obviously I

didn't find that here, so I think that in itself is a good thing. And like I said,

the dialogue - because of how each character had their own personality and,

like I mentioned, the funny lines that were thrown from character to character -

I think that the dialogue was done really well in this book. And going back

to plot for a quick minute, I love the way Hindu mythology was incorporated in

this book. It was so nice to read that, to see a story that resonated with me and I

think that this would be a good read for both Hindu readers and for non-Hindu

readers because for me, as a Hindu reader, it was nice to see kind of my culture

represented in this. *Hinduism is a religion, but I'm not necessarily a

religious person, I consider myself a Hindu more by culture, so that's why I'm

referring to it as my culture as opposed to my religion.* But I also think for non-

Hindu readers it can be a nice glimpse of something that may not affect your

personal life. So yeah the mythology, it was incorporated really well and I loved

how that played into the plot and into the fantasy aspects of this novel, so it

was just a really fun read all around. I mean, I have been anticipating this novel

for so long. Literally with every bone in my body I have wanted this novel and I

almost cried when this book was announced, so I have built my

expectations up very high for this novel and

I can say with full certainty it did not disappoint, it exceeded those

expectations. Those are all my thoughts on Aru Shah and the End of Time. I

hope you all enjoyed this video - if you did, please give it a like and subscribe

because that stuff makes me happy and go ahead and comment down below whether or

not you are going to be picking up this book when it comes out on March 27th and

I will leave links to where you can pre-order it in the description below, as

well as my Goodreads review of this novel. As usual, all of my social media

and my Goodreads will be in the description below. Thank you all so much for watching, I

hope you're having a lovely day or night wherever you are. Please remember you're

beautiful and you deserve the world and I will see you soon for a new video,


For more infomation >> ARU SHAH AND THE END OF TIME (ARC REVIEW) | *SPOILER-FREE* | xreadingsolacex [CC] - Duration: 8:36.


South Narrabeen SLSC 95th Anniversary - Duration: 2:55.

Mr Deputy Speaker

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of joining members of the South Narrabeen Surf Lifesaving Club,

as they celebrated their 95th Anniversary.

The club was formed by former members of the North Narrabeen Surf Club; Archie McLean,

Allen McLean and Norman Cox in 1923.

Land was donated to the Club and a new Clubhouse erected on the site with the new club officially

opened on the 15th of December 1923.

Originally the club was to be called Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club but after protest from

North Narrabeen, the name South Narrabeen was adopted.

The sporting newspaper Arrow recorded that in its first years South Narrabeen was affectionately

known as 'the baby club of the metropolis' but that members lost no time in becoming

a part of the surf lifesaving community.

I would like to congratulate everyone on the executive who was part of making Saturday

night so successful including President Martin Hayward, Sarah Oaten, Charles Longley,

Richard Dowling, Rohan Fisher Jake Warner, Kylie Ryder, Marnie Gordon, Mark

Dimento and Zoe Hodge, along with the Life Member and Club Stalwart Tony Haven AM,

who has given so much to the club over the years.

I would especially like to congratulate Chika O'Reilly and Peter Clark on their 70 year service medals

Both Chika and Peter have been stalwarts of the club and their service over so many years

should be an inspiration to all of us.

Yet the service of this club goes far beyond the Northern Beaches.

Since its inception in 2016, Ken Passmore and Jack Cannons AM have worked tirelessly

to raise funds in our community so the Brewarrina community in remote outback NSW can bring

50 aboriginal students and their carers to Narrabeen beach to familiarise them with the

beach and talk about water safety.

The programme aims to encourage school attendance and reward hardworking students with a weekend at the beach.

It creates a bridge between what is too often a disadvantaged present and bleak future,

to a world of possibilities.

Without the support of the South Narrabeen Surf Lifesaving Club and its members,

this remarkable event would not be possible.

Sadly this year's event is under a cloud as the necessary funds to provide transport

from Brewarrina may not be found.

I hope grants and funding will soon be found to allow the event to proceed.

I once again congratulate the South Narrabeen Surf Lifesaving Club on their successful event

and 95th anniversary.

On behalf of the Community I thank you for 95 years of service protecting our beaches.

I have every confidence you will be here long into the future.

For more infomation >> South Narrabeen SLSC 95th Anniversary - Duration: 2:55.


12 Items You Should Add In Your Closet To Get That Korean Fashion Look - Duration: 8:13.

12 Items You Should Add In Your Closet To Get That Korean Fashion Look

Ever thought about wearing jogging pants on a day out with friends? What about wearing sneakers instead of heels on a date? Or trying on an all-pink outfit? These pieces may be completely basic and unimaginable when put together, but Koreans have a way of styling them that makes a whole new modern look out of anything ordinary.

Here are some popular styles you need to try if you're looking for some Korean fashion inspiration:.

Ripped jeans.

Koreans take their ripped denim seriously.

It's the perfect casual wear that can take you from day to night. Unsure on how to keep your tattered look polished? The key is to keep everything simple and make the jeans the highlight of your outfit.

But then again, they are jeans, and there's no concrete rule on how to wear them.

But one thing's for sure, wearing them with confidence will take your look to the next level.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

Dress over blouse.

This trend dominated last Spring/Summer and it seems like its not dying down any time soon.

In Korea, exposing your shoulders or chest area is considered to be quite inappropriate, and most women find it uncomfortable to wear even if the weather is scorching hot, which is why this 90s trend is making a comeback.

K-celebrities also love this look!.


Momo of TWICE. Pastel colors.

Pastel is big in Korean style because light colors are cute, youthful, and easy on the eyes.

It also brightens up any look and matches the Spring season perfectly.

Schoolgirl look.

In Korea, the uniform has transformed from being a daily school wear to a modern every day look.

An A-line skirt is a must, and is paired with a button down shirt or a simple long-sleeved top, beret, and loafers.

From beanies, baseball caps, berets, to bucket hats, and newsboy caps, head gear can complete any outfit, adding a little something extra to top off your look.

,, ,. Over-sized pull-overs.

Whats great about Korean fashion is that its incredibly comfortable.

Most of these essential pieces are non-restrictive and easy to wear.

Over-sized pullovers make for an effortless, casual look.

Modern feminine blouse.

Ruffled and lacy blouses are on trend in Korea because they add a soft, feminine touch to jeans.

If youre not the type who likes to wear dresses but still want to look dressy, then this item is a must in your closet staples.


Korea's fashion trends are mostly inspired by streetwear, and athleisure is every young Koreans first choice when it comes to daily or off-duty looks.

Sweat pants and hoodies can be dressed down or up depending on the occasion.

It's also the perfect go-to outfit for the airport so you can travel comfortably and in style.


If you haven't noticed already, most of these looks come with one essential item: sneakers.

Whether it's a feminine dress or wearable denim, sneakers add that cool Korean style factor to any look.

Casual blazers.

A nicely tailored plaid or black blazer is a good item to have in your wardrobe because you can wear it casually over jeans or bring it just in case you have an important work or school meeting.

Couple dressing.

For Koreans who are in relationships, fashion comes in two.

For those who are unfamiliar with K-fashion, this might look a bit odd, cheesy, or too much.

But for Koreans, this is just another way for lovebirds to show that they're a perfect match while walking around the streets.

All you need to do is wear a similar shirt, bottom, or either sneakers and coordinated colors with your special someone.


Koreans are experts at layering basics, mixing and matching whatevers in their closet.

So once you have these items, play around with basics and statement pieces to create a unique, chic outfit!.

Hey Soompiers! Which Korean Style is your favorite? Tell us in the comments below?.

DP_Kim is an English magazine and online writer and former stylist based in South Korea.

Follow her Korean adventures at

For more infomation >> 12 Items You Should Add In Your Closet To Get That Korean Fashion Look - Duration: 8:13.


W-inds - Dirty Talk Reaction - Duration: 6:17.

안녕!! (Annyeong!!) Hola!! Hello!! Xin Chào!!

こんにちは!! (Kon'nichiwa!!)

Today we're going to be reacting to W-inds, and what is the title of the song?


Beba: I'm not sure Eli: Talk dirty to me?

Talk dirty to me

Dirty talk

"Dirty Talk" by W-inds let's start

It startled me

Eli: Wait let me not scream too much because I'm losing my voice Beba: I know be careful

I'm so into it

Eli: I love that part Beba: I know

When it comes almost to the chorus you think is going to progress but it doesn't

But it's chill

I love that part

Weren't they four members? Did one leave?

I'm not too sure (No one left they are the original members)

I think there're were four members on the other video

I love the part when they kind of breathe in and out

Like that


This is very much my taste and even the style of the video I loved the setting

There was a phosphorescent light

It wasn't too bright

But it was kind of pink or purple

I loved that and the choreo too

I loved that part when they did this

Eli: And you thought it was going to-- Beba: To be a different progression Eli: Yeah

But it was the opposite

Eli: And it was so smooth Beba: I know it's like we almost didn't notice it

I did notice and I liked it

Because I wasn't expecting it

Both: I loved it

We are a bit late, I know

Someone had recommended this song because we had already reacted to

One of their MV's


I know it was requested some time ago but since we have a list of songs

That we try to react to but

Better late than never

Both: We made it

And we loved it

Both: I really loved it Eli: it's my style of music

Eli: It reminded me of the 80's/90's and I think-- Beba: I was going to say that but

Beba: We always say the same thing Eli: I think that

It might have been the direction they were going for

It has a few elements, like the choreo, the music

Eli: I loved it Beba: Me too

Anyways this was all for todays video we hope you guys enjoyed it

If you did don't forget to like, comment, subscribe and follow us on our social media

And we'll see you in our next one bye~ 💚

For more infomation >> W-inds - Dirty Talk Reaction - Duration: 6:17.


How to add a model of yourself to your game!! - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> How to add a model of yourself to your game!! - Duration: 5:13.


변비를 퇴치하는 8가지 천연 완하제 - Duration: 19:46.

For more infomation >> 변비를 퇴치하는 8가지 천연 완하제 - Duration: 19:46.


Story of Every Arranged Marriage - Duration: 2:14.

Story of every arranged marriage

Story of every arranged marriage

Story of every arranged marriage

For more infomation >> Story of Every Arranged Marriage - Duration: 2:14.


天后47歲「莫文蔚」的德國富豪老公「近照曝光」!老公長相讓許多人超羨慕! - Duration: 8:21.

For more infomation >> 天后47歲「莫文蔚」的德國富豪老公「近照曝光」!老公長相讓許多人超羨慕! - Duration: 8:21.


BBB 18: Kaysar não perde tempo com o coração | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> BBB 18: Kaysar não perde tempo com o coração | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:46.


5 exercícios para tratar o esporão de calcâneo - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> 5 exercícios para tratar o esporão de calcâneo - Duration: 6:57.


[Shock] Atala Sarmiento es despedida de Ventaneando por alta traición. Verdadero o sólo un rumor? - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> [Shock] Atala Sarmiento es despedida de Ventaneando por alta traición. Verdadero o sólo un rumor? - Duration: 3:39.


'BBB 18' - Mãe de Paula torce para dê certo seu relacionamento entre ela e Breno - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> 'BBB 18' - Mãe de Paula torce para dê certo seu relacionamento entre ela e Breno - Duration: 4:29.


BBB18: Kaysar é desmascarado por fãs que resgatam vídeo antigo e provam farsa | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Kaysar é desmascarado por fãs que resgatam vídeo antigo e provam farsa | Entretenimento Plus - Duration: 4:18.


What Anthony Fantano and Noam Chomsky have in common - Duration: 10:11.

In the arena of free speech, YouTube is the superdome.

It has led to the rise of some of the world's most qualified and needed voices today.

While this isn't to say that it hasn't also lent an audience to some of the more

foolish among us, crowdsourcing ideas has mostly proven to be a success: most people

want more free speech, not less.

Bad ideas and thinkers are more often than not quarantined.

More broadly, it seems most people want more freedom rather than less.

But to an anointed few, some of the preeminent avatars for this massive movement for free

speech don't deserve our attention.

On YouTube's mentally handicapped internet half-sibling, Twitter, someone shared an exchange

they had with linguist and anarcho-syndicalist social critic Noam Chomsky.

When he was asked how he felt about the work of prominent free speech advocates' Jordan

Peterson and Sam Harris, he responded in a way that's become far too predictable for

intellectuals of all stripes.

Despite their millions of followers and counting, Chomsky decides that they simply aren't

"worthy of consideration."

Chomsky was most recently preceded in the exercise of dismissal and credibility sniping

by fellow academic Ira Wells.

And this urge isn't limited to that class: there is no shortage of those within media

who are willing to echo this sentiment.

One smug Jeet Heer, a writer for The New Republic, is one such example.

His tweet is something similar to another article, which also suggests that Peterson

is what an intellectual looks like to idiots.

To whisk someone away by saying they "aren't worthy of consideration" or to declare that

someone is only appealing to the stupid isn't new or limited to Chomsky, but he represents

a broader group of people who would sooner dismiss them than engage their ideas.

He's joined recently by cultural critic Anthony Fantano, who angrily wrote Peterson

off as "King Clown", which happens to sound like an archetype Peterson himself might

talk about.

Anthony reasons that Peterson must either be a troll or a moron--which is an embarrassing

thing for a music-reviewing YouTuber to say of a tenured professor who has lectured at

institutions like Harvard.

This lack of self-awareness isn't a bug for the too-arrogant opinion-haver, it's

a feature.

The formula goes something like this: you gain notoriety and recognition in one field,

and you think this means you can carry that knowledge into everything you talk about.

Chomsky is a study of a well-esteemed linguist who decided long ago to venture into foreign

policy, becoming one of the largest figures on the political left who consider American

foreign policy the pinnacle of evil today.

Anthony is a man who rose to prominence talking about music and being entertaining while doing

so, and now thinks the light fours he delivers to mediocre hip-hop artists can be dealt just

as confidently and damagingly to people with more brain than the melon has visible scalp.

Every argument should be recognized on its merits and not its speakers' area of specialization,

Chomsky's hypocrisy here should be obvious.

Often those whose rise courtesy of sudden internet virality are seen to have inferior,

or less valuable insight.

Realistically, this just means they're more influential.

Although Peterson's rise has largely been a byproduct of the internet, he can hardly

be faulted for this, and it doesn't undercut the validity of what he says.

It isn't somehow more valuable when Chomsky talks about things outside of his area of

expertise than when Peterson does simply because one embraces the internet while the other

prefers to speak into an academic ether.

Even if Chomsky and his peers choose to diminish those who use the tools of real influence,

a growing number of millions aren't.

Furthermore, almost none of Chomsky's linguistic knowledge has anything to do with foreign

policy, which is what he speaks most publically and authoritatively about.

In fact, shouldn't public intellectuals like Peterson and Harris be celebrated for

revivifying public interest in these great ideas?

For making them not only accessible, but enjoyable?

Isn't this better than allowing a small group of people who think identically to monopolize

them, to be warped and distorted in unchecked view?

If anything, this is one of the greatest triumphs of the internet.

And because these discussions are made easier than ever by this new frontier, why wouldn't

we utilize it every chance we get?

The point is that anyone should be able to talk about anything they want, but they should

take stock of all the things they don't know when they haven't fine-tuned their

attention to one area.

Even if you know everything there is to know about a particular subject, it can hardly

amount to even 1% of what there is to know in total.

Realizing this is the beginning of wisdom.

All men, including Chomsky and Fantano, would do well to remember this reality and enter

conversations of such weight with reluctance and humility.

Sadly, this isn't the way of the intellectual or busy music nerds.

Much more often they choose to theorize loudly, and their big ideas don't have to be applied

practically until they convince enough idealists in government to act them out, often to disastrous


One such example would be in the wake of the catastrophe that was WWI, pacifism became

as fashionable among intellectuals then as it has now following the widely unpopular

Iraq War.

Understandable as this instinct may have been, that strain of simple, monolithic thinking

led to a reluctance to recognize and confront the encroaching threat to western liberalism

that Adolf Hitler posed.

When trends take grip of intellectuals whose only job it is to abstract and think without

bearing responsibility for the end result of their ideas, irresponsible outcomes inevitably


Unlike an engineer or an entrepreneur, professional thinkers don't have to meet the bottom line

of a stable skyscraper or returning a profit to investors: their ideas just need to impress

enough people who think like them, until we're too far along to hit the brakes.

If we stopped to listen to one another calmly, rationally, and carefully, we might be more

willing to approach things pragmatically, rather than scoffing at those who don't

conform to whatever it is you consider one-dimensionally true.

Intellectuals like Chomsky have the luxury of looking at the short-term implications

of their thinking, shielded from the long-term walls they're guaranteed to hit, because

they're met with the external controls of final expectations.

This can partially be avoided by having the courage to test your theories against those

with different perspectives to bring to bear on the debate, an obligation Chomsky seems

to have abandoned.

For men as large in public stature as Chomsky and Fantano, casual dismissals of ideas that

don't sit right with them shouldn't be excused.

Fantano's public, angry tangent was in response to an interview with Peterson about Frozen,

a movie which the professor considers bad political propaganda.

In his emotional flurry, Fantano strawmans Peterson by arguing that art made for the

purpose of political evangelism is fine, not realizing that Peterson didn't say otherwise.

Peterson doesn't dispute that artistic propaganda can be enjoyable, good, or truthful.

He's expressed that he's enjoyed Ayn Rand's novels, for instance, but that they're the

work of an ideologue for the reason that all of the protagonists are one-dimensionally

good and all of the antagonists are one-dimensionally villainous.

Because reality is never that simple and even the best among us are capable of evil, works

of this nature can only be seen as something too simple to reflect anything other than

its ideological ends.

By doing this, Fantano's taking the weasley approach of making his opponent look like

some sort of misunderstood hypocrite, reducing a sensible opinion to absurdity.

Instead of opening a conversation which would undoubtedly educate hundreds of thousands,

he chooses to demean, dismiss and mock the professor, which accomplishes precisely nothing

other than the growth of his ego.

And it's his ego that allows him to misframe and misunderstand Peterson's position: which

isn't that you can't enjoy something if it has a political purpose, but he merely

makes the distinction between entertainment that is outwardly political

and art.

Political propaganda can be beautiful and compelling, but that doesn't make it meaningful.

It lacks depth, it doesn't rise above shortsighted political aims to say something about our


It's shallow and lacks a connection with the human experience.

All of this could have been discussed & debated in a meaningful way, a way that could even

reconcile their differences of opinion.

That can't and won't happen if you imitate the childish antics of too-eager social justice

college students and insult those you disagree with -- ultimately knocking all of the chess

pieces off the board in a Twitter tirade.

Though, maybe that's the reason at the core of his frustration: Fantano doesn't really

believe Peterson and those like him are clowns or morons, and he knows his silly and emotive

rant would be seen as something much less authoritative and much more juvenile if put

to the test in a real-time conversation.

Similarly, when Chomsky waves away two of the most prominent voices for free speech,

the most pressing issue of our time, he's also scoffing at the millions who find great

meaning in what they say.

If you truly believe that their ideas don't even deserve acknowledgement, how in good

conscience could you not explain why?

If you're as vocal as Fantano is, and think Peterson is as damaging to thought as you

say, why would you not use your massive platform to expose him?

Sniping at his credibility without addressing his arguments can't be seen as much more

than cowardice.

You see this cowardice all over the hard left: the answer that you're met with whenever

you question whatever fashionable theory they've rallied around at a given time.

Whether that be discrimination, microagressions, or transgenderism, if you vocalize even the

most modest of skepticisms you can be sure to be told by some unshaven wilderbeast of

unknown origins that xe isn't your gender studies teacher, and therefore it isn't

xir job to educate you.

Respected voices of supposedly reasonable politics like Chomsky and Fantano should be

wiser than to fuel this unwillingness to engage those you disagree with.

In the present time of cutthroat politics and an apparent absence of leftists willing

to sensibly defend their ideas, we need more discussion, not less.

And we ought to expect better of those who position themselves as leaders of thought

than to pretend those who disagree with them are insignificant at best, or clowns at worst.

All of which brings into question, finally, whether or not they are even confident enough

or able to defend their challenges in the first place.

It's one thing to snipe at the person, and another to mount a serious challenge to their


While one frees you from annoyances like thinking and evidence, the other moves us forward,

no matter who "wins" the argument.

Engagement isn't an exercise in point-scoring, it's the willingness to sacrifice what you

now believe to what is true.

That requires the courage of your convictions, and everyone should be unconvinced that there

are many in media, entertainment and academia who have that quality.

For more infomation >> What Anthony Fantano and Noam Chomsky have in common - Duration: 10:11.



For more infomation >> BBB18: KAYSAR, CARUSO OU FAMÍLIA LIMA ESTÃO NO PAREDÃO, QUEM DEVE SAIR? - Duration: 1:01.


เล่นเกมส์#2 (ถึงจะได้น้อยแต่มันอัปนานเคร) - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> เล่นเกมส์#2 (ถึงจะได้น้อยแต่มันอัปนานเคร) - Duration: 3:35.


4 chás caseiros para tratar a prisão de ventre - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> 4 chás caseiros para tratar a prisão de ventre - Duration: 7:47.


Jazz Free Internet Code 2018 Jazz Free 4GB Internet Offer - Duration: 3:43.

Jazz Free Internet Code 2018 Jazz Free 4GB Internet Offer

For more infomation >> Jazz Free Internet Code 2018 Jazz Free 4GB Internet Offer - Duration: 3:43.


Não Deixe Escapar - Maria Thalita de Paula(Vídeo Oficial) - Legendado - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Não Deixe Escapar - Maria Thalita de Paula(Vídeo Oficial) - Legendado - Duration: 3:28.


The Walking Brazilian Dead - 8° Episódio - Parte 2 - Duration: 11:58.

For more infomation >> The Walking Brazilian Dead - 8° Episódio - Parte 2 - Duration: 11:58.


Boat and stream easy tricks || নৌকা ও স্রোতের অংকের সহজ সমাধান - Duration: 10:59.

Math boss

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