Monday, March 26, 2018

Youtube daily report w Mar 26 2018

You know, I've noticed that devices with Velocity-style posts are gone somewhere

There's some new designs appear here and there. And I start missing that good old Velocity posts

I have a question for you - do you still use devices with Velocity-style posts?

Leave a comment - do you still like it or you use some more convenient posts?

What posts you like the most? Leave a comment

And we're starting. We have an RDA as our guest.

Let's roll. Intro

Yohohoyeshki! Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

And today our guest is Templar RDA by Augvape

This company is pretty famous, which is at the moment released a whole lot of different devices. Even a box mod - here it is, we'll do a review on it later

And today we'll devote our time to Templar RDA with Velocity-style posts aka improved Velocity posts with the shadow of Petri24

I think I intrigued you enough, so let's dive down and disassemble it, assemble back and launch it. Let's go

Okay, here we have a standard tube body packaging from Augvape which says that this is Templar RDA, Velocity clamp system and social media information

As well as scratch code and certificates, logo and link to the official site

And yes, Augvape have official store at Aliexpress - you are free to visit

Under the cover we are immediately greeted by the RDA

And in-depth, under the foam we have a bag with spares

First thing is plastic top cap with top airflow - we'll see how it looks on RDA a little bit later

And a bag with spares which includes a set of spare o-rings, gold-plated BF pin, 510 drip tip adapter and single coil plug

Templar RDA is made out of 304SS and available in 2 colors - SS and sort of Gun Metal, though both of them have gold-plated deck

It have a slot for fitting 810 drip tips and 510 drip tip adapter and comes with plastic top cap

This RDA have adjustable side airflow for dual coils and for single coil with the plug

But the most interesting is the deck - rethinked Velocity deck with a hint on Petri24

Also this RDA can work with squonk mods. Its diameter is 24mm, height without drip tip is 21mm, height with drip tip is 26.7mm and juice well is 4.7mm deep

But let's get a detailed look on this RDA. And as always we start from the top and in order, where we have thin black delrin 810 drip tip

It's a standard non-o-ring 810 drip tip and I don't like it from the beginning, since it's thin and low

So I will strongly recommend using your own 810 drip tips, which is fit great in here

Moving forward we can see the top cap, which is besides it is top cap, works as airflow adjustment

It have a logo with the name of RDA and slight notches for convenient airflow adjustment

Airflow adjustment works like so - by turning top part you gradually start to open airflow slots. First goes lower hole, then middle and after - upper hole

I must say doing it is inconvenient and sometimes painful, especially when o-rings are dry. We opened it and I'm really hurt

Inside airflow adjustment itself look like so - it have 4 kinda steps and spherical shape machining

It's held by single o-ring

Next part is the barrel - it have a logo of the RDA, airflow holes on both sides and on the top it have a bevel which is holding top cap

Also it have 2 cutouts for this barrel to sit on the deck

And last thing we're going to talk about is the deck and the posts

As you can see it's single post with one screw in the center

The screw is seems to be Titanium or heat-treated SS. And It's both flat head and Phillips head

By unscrewing this screw the post is rising - there is no spring or magnet, it rises just because of the screw

After you done unscrewing 4 holes are opened - 2 on the bottom and 2 on the top

This is negative post and this post is positive. Insulator in the center and BF slot is seen

Also, on the sides of the deck we have a keys for fixating the barrel and juice well

Also on the side we have 2 o-rings that is holding the barrel and on the bottom we have information about manufacturer

And I want to draw your attention to a very important factor, for which I will give this RDA a con - a pin is not protruding enough and I'm NOT recommending to use this RDA on mechanical mods with hybrid connection

Overall, friends, that's mostly it. Let's see how this plug works - simply insert it in one side of the juice well

After this put on the barrel and you can see that one side is blocked

Though some air will pass through anyway, because it's not hermetic sealed. So be prepared to it

Also this plug is decrease capacity of the juice well in half

As I said before we have a plastic top cap in the kit

It works the same. Put it on the deck - important moment - you need to match the cutout with the keys on the deck

And as result the RDA will look like so. Honestly - it's weird

All those things are wonderful, but it's time to install the coils. Let's go

Well, friends, it's done. RDA is ready for tests

So I think it's time to get back to face-time and speak of its pros and cons

Thanks for your attention in close up

Let's roll

Moderately tight, moderately airy airflow...I got this type of draw with that coil installation. And I have to say, that this RDA due to its side have a nice flavor

But anyway, I found some cons in this RDA, which we are going to discuss right now

First con to this RDA I'll give for weakly protruding pin. Yeah, I'm NOT recommending to use this RDA on mechanical mods with hybrid connection, because there is a high probability of getting short circuit (This problem will be fixed in the release version!)

So, Augvape, please do the pin longer so it will protrude enough (This problem will be fixed in the release version!)

Next con to this RDA I'll give for drip tip. Honestly, this drip tip is garbage - it's thin, it's low and it's uncomfortable, with all those sharp edges

You need to do something about it. You need to do this drip tip more enjoyable. People take it in their mouths and they should enjoy it. No matter how it sounds :D

My next complaint is shallow juice well. I don't even know where to put this complaint - to a cons or to a nitpicks. The juice well is really small - 4.7mm, the liquid capacity is low. But, on the other hand, because of that that height of RDA is decreased

And because of that flavor production is increased. So it's up to you to decide - is the juice capacity important for you or not

Let's move on. Second nitpick goes for airflow adjustment. I was hurt. This ring is pretty thin and grip of it is inconvenient. Besides it have sharp edges

But in defense I'll say - most of you adjust the airflow from the beginning and don't adjust it anymore in the future, so you won't be turning that ring very often

But since this ring hurt me I will mention it as a nitpick

Next nitpick goes to a single coil option realization. It's weird. I don't like those plugs and I will tell you why

The thing is - when you insert that plug you are cutting the juice well capacity. This juice well isn't that deep and after insertion of that plug it's reduced in half

And aside from that - this plug isn't blocking airflow completely, some air will go through anyway. So it's kinda weird single coil solution and I don't like it very much

But it's there. Okay. Not many gonna use this RDA in single coil mode, so it's a nitpick

And now we're going to talk about pros

First pro I'll give for a good quality of manufacturing. It's made good, guys know what they are doing. Augvape has long been in the market and they released a lot of products

Second pro I'll give for convenient coil installation. First - it's the good old Velocity-style posts. Second - you're tighten the leads with the single screw. So it's definitely a pro

Anyway, I want to give it a pro for airflow adjustment. In here adjustment have 3 steps, which gives you have a lot of options. And for that versatility I'll give it a pro

A pro for option of using your own 810 drip tips. Especially because stock drip tip is so-so

And that's all regarding the pros, let's talk about price

The price of this RDA on 3fvape is 28.90$. Overall it's 29$ if we round it. It is average price for RDA in the internet. It's not that high nor that low - it's average. And this price is fine for RDA like this

Okay friends, it's time to finalize at this point

Aaaaahmm...I didn't tell you about the flavor

The flavor is there. And it's good. But it's all depends on coil installation. If you raise your coils above the airflow a little bit, you will get pseudo-bottom airflow

And this RDA is pretty short in height, so due to that the flavor is good. I like this RDA in terms of flavor and I will give it a major pro for that

And now we can finalize this review

I want to say big thanks to Augvape for sending me this RDA for this review

I wanna thank YOU for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)

Leave a comment - what do you think about Augvape products? Do you use their products? What do you like and dislike about it?

And subscribe to my channel, hit that Like button if you liked my review

And share this video with your friends and don't forget to tell them to turn on the subtitles. Also press that Bell button to not miss new videos and live-streams on my channel

And stay good

Alex from VapersMD was with you

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Vsem poka poka

For more infomation >> Templar RDA l by Augvape l ВЕЛОСИТИ ИЗ БЭК l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:42.


The SOCial - Live and Local, March 2018 - Duration: 1:59.

Hi, my name's Peter Russell I'm President the Social. We'd like to talk to you about the future of our club.

Please take a moment to watch the video

Hey you guys you know what I like about working at the SOC?

Saturday afternoons, love 'em. Come in, watching the mug punters do their thing...

some of those blokes haven't picked a winner in three years! You know, good banter, I like it.

So good. I personally love the vibe on a Friday night. Especially when I'm up there shaking cocktails

Yeah, well actually I love the food.

I really like to see the smile on the face on the customers when they have their first bite of the freshly cooked meals.


Very happy with the club, we've never seen such a change in all the time that we've been here.

It's been unbelievable - and they said it was impossible, but it wasn't!

They said "if you build it, they will come," and they came.

Hah! And more will come too now...

Great place. Great place, we just love it here and so will you.


We moved here about twelve months ago - found this place hidden deep in suburbia.

It's great for the kids, they love it here. Food's great...

staff's great. We're just really comfortable.


These are indeed exciting times for us people from the Caravan Club.

We've been welcomed so warmly by all the community in Oakleigh,

And we feel so committed to delivering you a venue that needs to be really proud of - the best venue in Australia...

So thanks very much.


Members your voice deserves to be heard. Your vote counts.

Click the link, take 30 seconds to have your say...

Don't miss out.

For more infomation >> The SOCial - Live and Local, March 2018 - Duration: 1:59.


Мини Пранк Снимаю Молча Турист В Парке Коломенское - Duration: 10:09.

Young man

We have a protection

To you where? In the museum?

I listen to you

What did you want?

That wanted I ask!

With the head not normally perhaps at you?

I address you

On an exit

On an exit!

You what hasn't understood perhaps?

Morons бля


And you where?

Young man

Ticket please

* Walk *

Hello, that you wanted? Than to help?

Than to help you?

Sorry, that you wanted?

Removes us

At us in an office don't go

In an office at us it is impossible what you wanted?

No, in general as in Russian

Hello, you to whom?

You to whom?

Inadequate some visitor at us

Though I have removed earphones that

There it is closed, there it is impossible now

You to whom?

Remove ears

It is impossible to remove

You from where have come in general? From here?

There is a technical zone, leave please.



Do you to talk isn't present?

The man, you what you don't hear?

What that removes

Earphones should be removed

We will remove him?

Call the administrator


I haven't understood

The ticket is? Well any tickets

Do you hear?

Call the administrator and everything, call the squad (police) take away

What to play the fool to stand

Here please pass vessels

It with you?


Isn't present here look, behind

* cheese *

we are removed

it is reality such

What it is necessary to you?

The ticket is?

Go away

Yes, he

Call the squad Sasha

Do you hear the silly person?

You to whom?

Tickets please

To the forty first, forty fourth

He has again come, call the squad please

In total guys, on it all

I will go from here, the police hasn't got yet

All good luck, for now, until new meetings

For more infomation >> Мини Пранк Снимаю Молча Турист В Парке Коломенское - Duration: 10:09.


人間の子どもに混じって仲良く遊ぶワンコ。順番は守るワン!ウォータースライダーは楽しいワン!【癒される】 - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> 人間の子どもに混じって仲良く遊ぶワンコ。順番は守るワン!ウォータースライダーは楽しいワン!【癒される】 - Duration: 1:27.


【PC】シージ てけとーに配信 - Duration: 1:34:35.

For more infomation >> 【PC】シージ てけとーに配信 - Duration: 1:34:35.


學好「停車心法」就不怕變三寶!5大步驟讓新手也能10秒看懂 - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> 學好「停車心法」就不怕變三寶!5大步驟讓新手也能10秒看懂 - Duration: 2:20.


Johny Johny Yes Papa

For more infomation >> Johny Johny Yes Papa


One Layer Card for CRAFTY FRIENDS - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> One Layer Card for CRAFTY FRIENDS - Duration: 3:49.


BBB18: Kaysar é desmascarado por fãs que resgatam vídeo antigo e provam farsa - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> BBB18: Kaysar é desmascarado por fãs que resgatam vídeo antigo e provam farsa - Duration: 3:51.


Demitido? Seu Madruga faz desabafo no Altas horas e surpreende Serginho Groisman - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Demitido? Seu Madruga faz desabafo no Altas horas e surpreende Serginho Groisman - Duration: 4:38.


Templar RDA l by Augvape l ВЕЛОСИТИ ИЗ БЭК l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:42.

You know, I've noticed that devices with Velocity-style posts are gone somewhere

There's some new designs appear here and there. And I start missing that good old Velocity posts

I have a question for you - do you still use devices with Velocity-style posts?

Leave a comment - do you still like it or you use some more convenient posts?

What posts you like the most? Leave a comment

And we're starting. We have an RDA as our guest.

Let's roll. Intro

Yohohoyeshki! Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

And today our guest is Templar RDA by Augvape

This company is pretty famous, which is at the moment released a whole lot of different devices. Even a box mod - here it is, we'll do a review on it later

And today we'll devote our time to Templar RDA with Velocity-style posts aka improved Velocity posts with the shadow of Petri24

I think I intrigued you enough, so let's dive down and disassemble it, assemble back and launch it. Let's go

Okay, here we have a standard tube body packaging from Augvape which says that this is Templar RDA, Velocity clamp system and social media information

As well as scratch code and certificates, logo and link to the official site

And yes, Augvape have official store at Aliexpress - you are free to visit

Under the cover we are immediately greeted by the RDA

And in-depth, under the foam we have a bag with spares

First thing is plastic top cap with top airflow - we'll see how it looks on RDA a little bit later

And a bag with spares which includes a set of spare o-rings, gold-plated BF pin, 510 drip tip adapter and single coil plug

Templar RDA is made out of 304SS and available in 2 colors - SS and sort of Gun Metal, though both of them have gold-plated deck

It have a slot for fitting 810 drip tips and 510 drip tip adapter and comes with plastic top cap

This RDA have adjustable side airflow for dual coils and for single coil with the plug

But the most interesting is the deck - rethinked Velocity deck with a hint on Petri24

Also this RDA can work with squonk mods. Its diameter is 24mm, height without drip tip is 21mm, height with drip tip is 26.7mm and juice well is 4.7mm deep

But let's get a detailed look on this RDA. And as always we start from the top and in order, where we have thin black delrin 810 drip tip

It's a standard non-o-ring 810 drip tip and I don't like it from the beginning, since it's thin and low

So I will strongly recommend using your own 810 drip tips, which is fit great in here

Moving forward we can see the top cap, which is besides it is top cap, works as airflow adjustment

It have a logo with the name of RDA and slight notches for convenient airflow adjustment

Airflow adjustment works like so - by turning top part you gradually start to open airflow slots. First goes lower hole, then middle and after - upper hole

I must say doing it is inconvenient and sometimes painful, especially when o-rings are dry. We opened it and I'm really hurt

Inside airflow adjustment itself look like so - it have 4 kinda steps and spherical shape machining

It's held by single o-ring

Next part is the barrel - it have a logo of the RDA, airflow holes on both sides and on the top it have a bevel which is holding top cap

Also it have 2 cutouts for this barrel to sit on the deck

And last thing we're going to talk about is the deck and the posts

As you can see it's single post with one screw in the center

The screw is seems to be Titanium or heat-treated SS. And It's both flat head and Phillips head

By unscrewing this screw the post is rising - there is no spring or magnet, it rises just because of the screw

After you done unscrewing 4 holes are opened - 2 on the bottom and 2 on the top

This is negative post and this post is positive. Insulator in the center and BF slot is seen

Also, on the sides of the deck we have a keys for fixating the barrel and juice well

Also on the side we have 2 o-rings that is holding the barrel and on the bottom we have information about manufacturer

And I want to draw your attention to a very important factor, for which I will give this RDA a con - a pin is not protruding enough and I'm NOT recommending to use this RDA on mechanical mods with hybrid connection

Overall, friends, that's mostly it. Let's see how this plug works - simply insert it in one side of the juice well

After this put on the barrel and you can see that one side is blocked

Though some air will pass through anyway, because it's not hermetic sealed. So be prepared to it

Also this plug is decrease capacity of the juice well in half

As I said before we have a plastic top cap in the kit

It works the same. Put it on the deck - important moment - you need to match the cutout with the keys on the deck

And as result the RDA will look like so. Honestly - it's weird

All those things are wonderful, but it's time to install the coils. Let's go

Well, friends, it's done. RDA is ready for tests

So I think it's time to get back to face-time and speak of its pros and cons

Thanks for your attention in close up

Let's roll

Moderately tight, moderately airy airflow...I got this type of draw with that coil installation. And I have to say, that this RDA due to its side have a nice flavor

But anyway, I found some cons in this RDA, which we are going to discuss right now

First con to this RDA I'll give for weakly protruding pin. Yeah, I'm NOT recommending to use this RDA on mechanical mods with hybrid connection, because there is a high probability of getting short circuit (This problem will be fixed in the release version!)

So, Augvape, please do the pin longer so it will protrude enough (This problem will be fixed in the release version!)

Next con to this RDA I'll give for drip tip. Honestly, this drip tip is garbage - it's thin, it's low and it's uncomfortable, with all those sharp edges

You need to do something about it. You need to do this drip tip more enjoyable. People take it in their mouths and they should enjoy it. No matter how it sounds :D

My next complaint is shallow juice well. I don't even know where to put this complaint - to a cons or to a nitpicks. The juice well is really small - 4.7mm, the liquid capacity is low. But, on the other hand, because of that that height of RDA is decreased

And because of that flavor production is increased. So it's up to you to decide - is the juice capacity important for you or not

Let's move on. Second nitpick goes for airflow adjustment. I was hurt. This ring is pretty thin and grip of it is inconvenient. Besides it have sharp edges

But in defense I'll say - most of you adjust the airflow from the beginning and don't adjust it anymore in the future, so you won't be turning that ring very often

But since this ring hurt me I will mention it as a nitpick

Next nitpick goes to a single coil option realization. It's weird. I don't like those plugs and I will tell you why

The thing is - when you insert that plug you are cutting the juice well capacity. This juice well isn't that deep and after insertion of that plug it's reduced in half

And aside from that - this plug isn't blocking airflow completely, some air will go through anyway. So it's kinda weird single coil solution and I don't like it very much

But it's there. Okay. Not many gonna use this RDA in single coil mode, so it's a nitpick

And now we're going to talk about pros

First pro I'll give for a good quality of manufacturing. It's made good, guys know what they are doing. Augvape has long been in the market and they released a lot of products

Second pro I'll give for convenient coil installation. First - it's the good old Velocity-style posts. Second - you're tighten the leads with the single screw. So it's definitely a pro

Anyway, I want to give it a pro for airflow adjustment. In here adjustment have 3 steps, which gives you have a lot of options. And for that versatility I'll give it a pro

A pro for option of using your own 810 drip tips. Especially because stock drip tip is so-so

And that's all regarding the pros, let's talk about price

The price of this RDA on 3fvape is 28.90$. Overall it's 29$ if we round it. It is average price for RDA in the internet. It's not that high nor that low - it's average. And this price is fine for RDA like this

Okay friends, it's time to finalize at this point

Aaaaahmm...I didn't tell you about the flavor

The flavor is there. And it's good. But it's all depends on coil installation. If you raise your coils above the airflow a little bit, you will get pseudo-bottom airflow

And this RDA is pretty short in height, so due to that the flavor is good. I like this RDA in terms of flavor and I will give it a major pro for that

And now we can finalize this review

I want to say big thanks to Augvape for sending me this RDA for this review

I wanna thank YOU for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)

Leave a comment - what do you think about Augvape products? Do you use their products? What do you like and dislike about it?

And subscribe to my channel, hit that Like button if you liked my review

And share this video with your friends and don't forget to tell them to turn on the subtitles. Also press that Bell button to not miss new videos and live-streams on my channel

And stay good

Alex from VapersMD was with you

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Vsem poka poka

For more infomation >> Templar RDA l by Augvape l ВЕЛОСИТИ ИЗ БЭК l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:42.


Bolo Guirlanda de Páscoa - Easter Wreath Cake (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) - Duration: 12:31.

Two 20cm/8inches round cakes


Italian meringue buttercream. For this cake I made 2 recipes of my Italian buttercream.

Passion fruit filling

Long straight spatula

Crumb coat



Chill again.

Divide the reamining cream into 5 bowls.

Gel food colouring Pink

Gel food colouring Golden Yellow

Gel food colouring Purple/Violet

A bit of Pink.

Gel food colouring Sky Blue

Sky Blue

Golden Yellow

We are going to need 5 piping bags and a few russian nozzles and leaf tips.

Russian nozzle n.º 61

Russian nozzle n.º 55

Russian nozzle n.º 6

Russian nozzle n.º 105 L Nifty Nozzles Tulip

Prepare your piping bags.


Piping tip n.º 68

Russian nozzle n.º 105 L Nifty Nozzles Tulip

Russian nozzle n.º 61

I realised that I didn't like this flower with the others so I changed the nozzle.

To do that just remove the flowers with a spatula.

Russian nozzle n.º 16

Russian nozzle n.º 6

Back to the piping bag with the leaf tip.

Piping tip n.º 340

Piping tip n.º 2

Piping tip n.º 66

These are "Amêndoas da Páscoa" or Easter Almonds, but you can use chocolate eggs instead.

Decoration birds

Thank you for watching.




A happy Easter to all.

For more infomation >> Bolo Guirlanda de Páscoa - Easter Wreath Cake (ENGLISH SUBTITLES) - Duration: 12:31.


Michela di Portogruaro afferma che "la mia vita è cambiata" [apparecchi acustici] - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Michela di Portogruaro afferma che "la mia vita è cambiata" [apparecchi acustici] - Duration: 0:55.


Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - OBRA DA LEI - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Alvorada com Omar Nascimento - OBRA DA LEI - Duration: 2:07.


나다린 산부인과 신생아실 취직하다?! 대구 리틀소시움 신생아실 아기 돌보기 직업 체험!(나린더빙)ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 5:52.

For more infomation >> 나다린 산부인과 신생아실 취직하다?! 대구 리틀소시움 신생아실 아기 돌보기 직업 체험!(나린더빙)ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 5:52.


【MUKBANG】 [Malaysia] Luxury!! Roti Prata [Looks Like Crispy Crepe BY Using Curry..Etc] 3Kg [Use CC] - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Malaysia] Luxury!! Roti Prata [Looks Like Crispy Crepe BY Using Curry..Etc] 3Kg [Use CC] - Duration: 11:10.


What is the Best and Healthiest Cooking Oil? | PlayEven English - Duration: 5:15.

which oil is really healthiest among many cooking oils it can be difficult to

make sense of the latest health headlines about dietary fat in general

all cooking oils are composed of three different types of fatty acids

monounsaturated fats polyunsaturated fats and saturated fats each oil is

categorized based on which type of fatty acid is the most prominent in it

avocado oil avocado oil is rich in monounsaturated fat and it has one of

the highest levels of monounsaturated fat among cooking oils like olive oil

avocado oil is also low in polyunsaturated fats 10% of the fats in

the oil or polyunsaturated compared with other visible aisles of akkad of oil has

higher saturated fat content but this percentage is much smaller than the

percentage of saturated fat in butter Lord our tropical oils such as coconut

or palm oils avocado oil is a fine oil to use although it tends to be more

expensive than other oils are maybe harder to find canola oil canola oil

also has a relatively high monounsaturated fat content but although

it contains a higher proportion of monounsaturated fat canola oil is also a

good source of polyunsaturated fat in addition canola oil has the lowest level

of saturated fat among cooking oils it is also one of the

few oils that contain a good plant-based source of omega-3 fats a beneficial type

of polyunsaturated fat Kennan oil is a versatile unpractical cooking oil that's

not very expensive and can be used in a variety of ways

coconut oil made from the fruit of the coconut palm tree coconut oil has been

promoted as a better alternative to butter it is a white solid at room

temperature with a consistency resembling that of butter or shortening

rather than liquid oil nutrition experts in contrast noted that coconut oil is

high in saturated fat and recommended using it only sparingly in fact coconut

oil has more saturated fat than the same amount of butter or lard peanut oil

among cooking oils peanut oil has the highest

monounsaturated fat content about half that he is 49% peanut oil has a similar

percentage of polyunsaturated fat that is 33% to canola oil another mostly

monounsaturated fat its percentage of saturated fat is higher than that of

other visible oils but not to the point that it's a concern for heart health and

it still has less saturated fat than coconut or palm oils sysem oil since oil

is a good mix of polyunsaturated fat and monounsaturated fat it's not usually

used as a cooking fat and is used more for its intense flavoring season while

lends a nutty flavor to any dish especially toasted sesame oil which has

a darker color and bolder flavor sunflower oil sunflower oil has one of

the highest concentrations of polyunsaturated fat among cooking oils

it supplies some monounsaturated fat and is low in saturated fat making it an

overall heart-healthy option sunflower oil is a good all-purpose oil because it

can withstand high cooking temperatures studies have compared the hot health

effects of the diet rich in conventional sunflower oil a polyunsaturated fat with

a diet rich in canola oil which has more monounsaturated fat the researchers

concluded that sunflower oil and canola oil had similar effects both reduced

people's level of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol vegetable oil

historically vegetable oil has typically been soybean oil but these days the term

also may be used for a blend of different oils soy bean oil is primarily

polyunsaturated oil that is 61% of polyunsaturated fat 24 monounsaturated

fat and 15% saturated fat soybean oil contains some omega-3 fats which are

heart-healthy fats often found in salman and sardines but

are less common in plant-based sources all-fours grapeseed oil grapeseed oil

has a high percentage of polyunsaturated fat that is 71% fully unsaturated 17%

mono unsaturated 12% saturated with a similar fatty acid profile to soybean

oil 61% Upali and such at fat 24% mono-unsaturated 15%

saturated this versatile cooking oil is extracted from grape seeds left over

from winemaking according to the Academy of Nutrition a favorite of chefs and

foodies grape seed oil has a mild flavor that can be combined with other strong

flavors it is considered a good all-purpose oil that can be used for

sorting and roasting or in salad dressings thank you for watching this

video like and subscribe for more videos


For more infomation >> What is the Best and Healthiest Cooking Oil? | PlayEven English - Duration: 5:15.


아빠 치킨 그만 먹어요!!! 리원이와 아빠의 폭소 먹방 사탕 아이스크림 먹방!! 장난감 놀이 Funny chicken eating show. 리원세상 RIWORLD - Duration: 5:23.


Who is this?

fried chicken delivery


Here it is

Thank you

Daddy! Fried chicken

It looks delicious

I won.

Oh my chicken

Which do I want to eat?

That is orange candy

Oh no~

Let's eat jelly

Oh no~

He will never find me

Oh no~

For more infomation >> 아빠 치킨 그만 먹어요!!! 리원이와 아빠의 폭소 먹방 사탕 아이스크림 먹방!! 장난감 놀이 Funny chicken eating show. 리원세상 RIWORLD - Duration: 5:23.


Colitis ulcerosa, síntomas y diagnóstico - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Colitis ulcerosa, síntomas y diagnóstico - Duration: 5:38.


Curso de Conserto de Celular 2019 - Aula Grátis Urgente Essa Profissão Não Tem Crise - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Curso de Conserto de Celular 2019 - Aula Grátis Urgente Essa Profissão Não Tem Crise - Duration: 1:02.


Uomini e Donne: la paura di Marta Pasqualato - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: la paura di Marta Pasqualato - Duration: 4:03.


C'è posta per te: una mamma rinnega il primogenito e umilia la conduttrice - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> C'è posta per te: una mamma rinnega il primogenito e umilia la conduttrice - Duration: 4:29.


Nadia Rinaldi balla sotto ipnosi di Giucas e mostra le mutandine - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Nadia Rinaldi balla sotto ipnosi di Giucas e mostra le mutandine - Duration: 4:00.


9 alimenti da mangiare a cena per avere un ventre piatto - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> 9 alimenti da mangiare a cena per avere un ventre piatto - Duration: 8:03.


Come preparare l'acqua di zenzero per dimagrire - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Come preparare l'acqua di zenzero per dimagrire - Duration: 7:13.


Templar RDA l by Augvape l ВЕЛОСИТИ ИЗ БЭК l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:42.

You know, I've noticed that devices with Velocity-style posts are gone somewhere

There's some new designs appear here and there. And I start missing that good old Velocity posts

I have a question for you - do you still use devices with Velocity-style posts?

Leave a comment - do you still like it or you use some more convenient posts?

What posts you like the most? Leave a comment

And we're starting. We have an RDA as our guest.

Let's roll. Intro

Yohohoyeshki! Hello everyone! Alex from VapersMD is here

And i'm glad to welcome you on my channel

And today our guest is Templar RDA by Augvape

This company is pretty famous, which is at the moment released a whole lot of different devices. Even a box mod - here it is, we'll do a review on it later

And today we'll devote our time to Templar RDA with Velocity-style posts aka improved Velocity posts with the shadow of Petri24

I think I intrigued you enough, so let's dive down and disassemble it, assemble back and launch it. Let's go

Okay, here we have a standard tube body packaging from Augvape which says that this is Templar RDA, Velocity clamp system and social media information

As well as scratch code and certificates, logo and link to the official site

And yes, Augvape have official store at Aliexpress - you are free to visit

Under the cover we are immediately greeted by the RDA

And in-depth, under the foam we have a bag with spares

First thing is plastic top cap with top airflow - we'll see how it looks on RDA a little bit later

And a bag with spares which includes a set of spare o-rings, gold-plated BF pin, 510 drip tip adapter and single coil plug

Templar RDA is made out of 304SS and available in 2 colors - SS and sort of Gun Metal, though both of them have gold-plated deck

It have a slot for fitting 810 drip tips and 510 drip tip adapter and comes with plastic top cap

This RDA have adjustable side airflow for dual coils and for single coil with the plug

But the most interesting is the deck - rethinked Velocity deck with a hint on Petri24

Also this RDA can work with squonk mods. Its diameter is 24mm, height without drip tip is 21mm, height with drip tip is 26.7mm and juice well is 4.7mm deep

But let's get a detailed look on this RDA. And as always we start from the top and in order, where we have thin black delrin 810 drip tip

It's a standard non-o-ring 810 drip tip and I don't like it from the beginning, since it's thin and low

So I will strongly recommend using your own 810 drip tips, which is fit great in here

Moving forward we can see the top cap, which is besides it is top cap, works as airflow adjustment

It have a logo with the name of RDA and slight notches for convenient airflow adjustment

Airflow adjustment works like so - by turning top part you gradually start to open airflow slots. First goes lower hole, then middle and after - upper hole

I must say doing it is inconvenient and sometimes painful, especially when o-rings are dry. We opened it and I'm really hurt

Inside airflow adjustment itself look like so - it have 4 kinda steps and spherical shape machining

It's held by single o-ring

Next part is the barrel - it have a logo of the RDA, airflow holes on both sides and on the top it have a bevel which is holding top cap

Also it have 2 cutouts for this barrel to sit on the deck

And last thing we're going to talk about is the deck and the posts

As you can see it's single post with one screw in the center

The screw is seems to be Titanium or heat-treated SS. And It's both flat head and Phillips head

By unscrewing this screw the post is rising - there is no spring or magnet, it rises just because of the screw

After you done unscrewing 4 holes are opened - 2 on the bottom and 2 on the top

This is negative post and this post is positive. Insulator in the center and BF slot is seen

Also, on the sides of the deck we have a keys for fixating the barrel and juice well

Also on the side we have 2 o-rings that is holding the barrel and on the bottom we have information about manufacturer

And I want to draw your attention to a very important factor, for which I will give this RDA a con - a pin is not protruding enough and I'm NOT recommending to use this RDA on mechanical mods with hybrid connection

Overall, friends, that's mostly it. Let's see how this plug works - simply insert it in one side of the juice well

After this put on the barrel and you can see that one side is blocked

Though some air will pass through anyway, because it's not hermetic sealed. So be prepared to it

Also this plug is decrease capacity of the juice well in half

As I said before we have a plastic top cap in the kit

It works the same. Put it on the deck - important moment - you need to match the cutout with the keys on the deck

And as result the RDA will look like so. Honestly - it's weird

All those things are wonderful, but it's time to install the coils. Let's go

Well, friends, it's done. RDA is ready for tests

So I think it's time to get back to face-time and speak of its pros and cons

Thanks for your attention in close up

Let's roll

Moderately tight, moderately airy airflow...I got this type of draw with that coil installation. And I have to say, that this RDA due to its side have a nice flavor

But anyway, I found some cons in this RDA, which we are going to discuss right now

First con to this RDA I'll give for weakly protruding pin. Yeah, I'm NOT recommending to use this RDA on mechanical mods with hybrid connection, because there is a high probability of getting short circuit (This problem will be fixed in the release version!)

So, Augvape, please do the pin longer so it will protrude enough (This problem will be fixed in the release version!)

Next con to this RDA I'll give for drip tip. Honestly, this drip tip is garbage - it's thin, it's low and it's uncomfortable, with all those sharp edges

You need to do something about it. You need to do this drip tip more enjoyable. People take it in their mouths and they should enjoy it. No matter how it sounds :D

My next complaint is shallow juice well. I don't even know where to put this complaint - to a cons or to a nitpicks. The juice well is really small - 4.7mm, the liquid capacity is low. But, on the other hand, because of that that height of RDA is decreased

And because of that flavor production is increased. So it's up to you to decide - is the juice capacity important for you or not

Let's move on. Second nitpick goes for airflow adjustment. I was hurt. This ring is pretty thin and grip of it is inconvenient. Besides it have sharp edges

But in defense I'll say - most of you adjust the airflow from the beginning and don't adjust it anymore in the future, so you won't be turning that ring very often

But since this ring hurt me I will mention it as a nitpick

Next nitpick goes to a single coil option realization. It's weird. I don't like those plugs and I will tell you why

The thing is - when you insert that plug you are cutting the juice well capacity. This juice well isn't that deep and after insertion of that plug it's reduced in half

And aside from that - this plug isn't blocking airflow completely, some air will go through anyway. So it's kinda weird single coil solution and I don't like it very much

But it's there. Okay. Not many gonna use this RDA in single coil mode, so it's a nitpick

And now we're going to talk about pros

First pro I'll give for a good quality of manufacturing. It's made good, guys know what they are doing. Augvape has long been in the market and they released a lot of products

Second pro I'll give for convenient coil installation. First - it's the good old Velocity-style posts. Second - you're tighten the leads with the single screw. So it's definitely a pro

Anyway, I want to give it a pro for airflow adjustment. In here adjustment have 3 steps, which gives you have a lot of options. And for that versatility I'll give it a pro

A pro for option of using your own 810 drip tips. Especially because stock drip tip is so-so

And that's all regarding the pros, let's talk about price

The price of this RDA on 3fvape is 28.90$. Overall it's 29$ if we round it. It is average price for RDA in the internet. It's not that high nor that low - it's average. And this price is fine for RDA like this

Okay friends, it's time to finalize at this point

Aaaaahmm...I didn't tell you about the flavor

The flavor is there. And it's good. But it's all depends on coil installation. If you raise your coils above the airflow a little bit, you will get pseudo-bottom airflow

And this RDA is pretty short in height, so due to that the flavor is good. I like this RDA in terms of flavor and I will give it a major pro for that

And now we can finalize this review

I want to say big thanks to Augvape for sending me this RDA for this review

I wanna thank YOU for your attention

Don't forget - in this corner we have a voting going - do you like this device or no(да-yes/нет-no)

Leave a comment - what do you think about Augvape products? Do you use their products? What do you like and dislike about it?

And subscribe to my channel, hit that Like button if you liked my review

And share this video with your friends and don't forget to tell them to turn on the subtitles. Also press that Bell button to not miss new videos and live-streams on my channel

And stay good

Alex from VapersMD was with you

I wish you a delicious vape and let the vaping come into your life and stays there for long

Take care of yourself and your mods

Vsem poka poka

For more infomation >> Templar RDA l by Augvape l ВЕЛОСИТИ ИЗ БЭК l ENG SUBS l Alex VapersMD review 🚭🔞 - Duration: 11:42.


The SOCial - Live and Local, March 2018 - Duration: 1:59.

Hi, my name's Peter Russell I'm President the Social. We'd like to talk to you about the future of our club.

Please take a moment to watch the video

Hey you guys you know what I like about working at the SOC?

Saturday afternoons, love 'em. Come in, watching the mug punters do their thing...

some of those blokes haven't picked a winner in three years! You know, good banter, I like it.

So good. I personally love the vibe on a Friday night. Especially when I'm up there shaking cocktails

Yeah, well actually I love the food.

I really like to see the smile on the face on the customers when they have their first bite of the freshly cooked meals.


Very happy with the club, we've never seen such a change in all the time that we've been here.

It's been unbelievable - and they said it was impossible, but it wasn't!

They said "if you build it, they will come," and they came.

Hah! And more will come too now...

Great place. Great place, we just love it here and so will you.


We moved here about twelve months ago - found this place hidden deep in suburbia.

It's great for the kids, they love it here. Food's great...

staff's great. We're just really comfortable.


These are indeed exciting times for us people from the Caravan Club.

We've been welcomed so warmly by all the community in Oakleigh,

And we feel so committed to delivering you a venue that needs to be really proud of - the best venue in Australia...

So thanks very much.


Members your voice deserves to be heard. Your vote counts.

Click the link, take 30 seconds to have your say...

Don't miss out.

For more infomation >> The SOCial - Live and Local, March 2018 - Duration: 1:59.


Мини Пранк Снимаю Молча Турист В Парке Коломенское - Duration: 10:09.

Young man

We have a protection

To you where? In the museum?

I listen to you

What did you want?

That wanted I ask!

With the head not normally perhaps at you?

I address you

On an exit

On an exit!

You what hasn't understood perhaps?

Morons бля


And you where?

Young man

Ticket please

* Walk *

Hello, that you wanted? Than to help?

Than to help you?

Sorry, that you wanted?

Removes us

At us in an office don't go

In an office at us it is impossible what you wanted?

No, in general as in Russian

Hello, you to whom?

You to whom?

Inadequate some visitor at us

Though I have removed earphones that

There it is closed, there it is impossible now

You to whom?

Remove ears

It is impossible to remove

You from where have come in general? From here?

There is a technical zone, leave please.



Do you to talk isn't present?

The man, you what you don't hear?

What that removes

Earphones should be removed

We will remove him?

Call the administrator


I haven't understood

The ticket is? Well any tickets

Do you hear?

Call the administrator and everything, call the squad (police) take away

What to play the fool to stand

Here please pass vessels

It with you?


Isn't present here look, behind

* cheese *

we are removed

it is reality such

What it is necessary to you?

The ticket is?

Go away

Yes, he

Call the squad Sasha

Do you hear the silly person?

You to whom?

Tickets please

To the forty first, forty fourth

He has again come, call the squad please

In total guys, on it all

I will go from here, the police hasn't got yet

All good luck, for now, until new meetings

For more infomation >> Мини Пранк Снимаю Молча Турист В Парке Коломенское - Duration: 10:09.


人間の子どもに混じって仲良く遊ぶワンコ。順番は守るワン!ウォータースライダーは楽しいワン!【癒される】 - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> 人間の子どもに混じって仲良く遊ぶワンコ。順番は守るワン!ウォータースライダーは楽しいワン!【癒される】 - Duration: 1:27.


【PC】シージ てけとーに配信 - Duration: 1:34:35.

For more infomation >> 【PC】シージ てけとーに配信 - Duration: 1:34:35.


學好「停車心法」就不怕變三寶!5大步驟讓新手也能10秒看懂 - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> 學好「停車心法」就不怕變三寶!5大步驟讓新手也能10秒看懂 - Duration: 2:20.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


Blacks in Power Don't Empower Blacks - Duration: 5:52.

Since 1965, the number of black elected officials has exploded.

Between 1970 and 2012, it grew from fewer than 1,500 to more than 10,000.

And, oh, yes—a black man was elected president.


Conventional wisdom would suggest that all these political gains would lead to economic gains.

But that has not proven to be the case.

In fact, during an era of growing black political influence, blacks as a group progressed at

a slower rate than whites, and the black poor actually lost ground.

Why was the conventional wisdom wrong?

Because it was based on the incorrect assumption that politics was the pathway to black progress.

Only black politicians, so the thinking went, could properly understand and address the

challenges facing black Americans.

It wasn't stable families, hard work, or education that would lift blacks into the

middle class; it was more black city councilmen, congressmen and senators.

But the evidence, even according to liberal social scientists like Gary Orfield, "indicates

that there may be little relationship between the success of . . . black leaders and the

opportunities of typical black families."

So, while black politicians, from Tom Bradley and Marion Barry to Maxine Waters and John

Conyers, achieved considerable personal success, their constituents did not.

Yet this calculus—political success is a pre-requisite to a better life—remains progressive

orthodoxy today.

When Michael Brown was shot dead after assaulting a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014,

much was made over the racial composition of the police department and city leaders.

But if black representation among law enforcement and city officials is so critically important,

how do you explain the rioting in Baltimore the following year after a black suspect there

died in police custody?

At the time, 40 percent of Baltimore's police officers were black.

The Baltimore police commissioner was also black, along with the mayor and a majority

of the city council.

What can be said of Baltimore is also true of Cleveland, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta,

New Orleans and Washington, D.C., where black mayors and police chiefs and city councilmen

and school superintendents have been in office for decades.

But to what end?

As I document in my book, False Black Power?, when blacks had little political power,

they nevertheless made significant economic progress.

In the 1940s and '50s, black labor-participation rates exceeded those of whites, black incomes

grew much faster than white incomes, and the black poverty rate fell by 40 percentage points.

Between 1940 and 1970—that is, during the Jim Crow era, with its racist laws— and

before any affirmative action, the number of blacks in middle-class professions quadrupled.

In other words, racial gaps were steadily narrowing without any special treatment for blacks.

And then came the War on Poverty in the mid-sixties.

This was supposed to close the gap once and for all.

Yet, despite billions of dollars of government assistance in the form of welfare payments,

housing projects and enforced hiring programs like affirmative action, black poverty rates

remained unchanged relative to white poverty rates.

In fact, a strong case can be made that to the extent that a social program, however

well-meaning, interferes with a group's self-development, it does more harm than good.

Government policies that discourage marriage and undermine the work ethic

—open-ended welfare benefits, for example—help keep poor people poor.

No wonder, then, that more black politicians bringing home more government aid has done

so little to improve rates of black employment, homeownership, and academic achievement.

As economist Thomas Sowell explains, "The relationship between political success and

economic success has been more nearly inverse than direct."

The history of Germans, Jews, and Italians in America support Sowell's observation.

Each of these groups made significant economic gains before ever attaining

significant political power.

Asians are the most recent example.

How many prominent Asian politicians can you name?

On the other hand, the Irish—whose rise from poverty in the 19th century was especially

slow—were very politically successful.

Irish-run political organizations in places like Boston and Philadelphia

dominated local government.

In the US, the Irish had more political success than any other ethnic minority group.

"Yet the Irish were," according to Sowell, "the slowest rising of all European immigrants

to America."

The black experience in America is of course different from the experience of the Irish

—or any other ethnic minority—but that doesn't undermine the obvious conclusion: Human capital

is far more important than political capital.

And the formula for prosperity is the same across the human spectrum: Traditional values

such as marriage, stable families, education and hard work are immeasurably more important

than the color of your congressman—or senator, or police chief, or president.

I'm Jason Riley of The Manhattan Institute for Prager University.

For more infomation >> Blacks in Power Don't Empower Blacks - Duration: 5:52.


The SOCial - Live and Local, March 2018 - Duration: 1:59.

Hi, my name's Peter Russell I'm President the Social. We'd like to talk to you about the future of our club.

Please take a moment to watch the video

Hey you guys you know what I like about working at the SOC?

Saturday afternoons, love 'em. Come in, watching the mug punters do their thing...

some of those blokes haven't picked a winner in three years! You know, good banter, I like it.

So good. I personally love the vibe on a Friday night. Especially when I'm up there shaking cocktails

Yeah, well actually I love the food.

I really like to see the smile on the face on the customers when they have their first bite of the freshly cooked meals.


Very happy with the club, we've never seen such a change in all the time that we've been here.

It's been unbelievable - and they said it was impossible, but it wasn't!

They said "if you build it, they will come," and they came.

Hah! And more will come too now...

Great place. Great place, we just love it here and so will you.


We moved here about twelve months ago - found this place hidden deep in suburbia.

It's great for the kids, they love it here. Food's great...

staff's great. We're just really comfortable.


These are indeed exciting times for us people from the Caravan Club.

We've been welcomed so warmly by all the community in Oakleigh,

And we feel so committed to delivering you a venue that needs to be really proud of - the best venue in Australia...

So thanks very much.


Members your voice deserves to be heard. Your vote counts.

Click the link, take 30 seconds to have your say...

Don't miss out.

For more infomation >> The SOCial - Live and Local, March 2018 - Duration: 1:59.


Loveleen Kaur Sasan Engagement Party - Saath Nibhaana Saathiya Actress "Lovey" Engagement Pictures - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Loveleen Kaur Sasan Engagement Party - Saath Nibhaana Saathiya Actress "Lovey" Engagement Pictures - Duration: 2:45.


Ball Tampering: Cricket's metoo Moment? - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Ball Tampering: Cricket's metoo Moment? - Duration: 2:23.


सिर्फ 2 Mins में कैसे पाएं यह खूबसूरत DIY Ombre Lips? - Makeup Tutorial for Beginners | Anaysa - Duration: 3:10.

Hii friends !!! welcome to ANAYSA

today i am gonna show you how to put lipstick in a different way


creating ombre lips shade is not tough

i will show you how to put ombre lipstick in right and easy way

let's get started with today's video

if you want to buy them link in the description box

before putting lipstick we put lip balm on our lips

with the help of beauty blender

put bb cream around your lips

as per this we will get perfect lip color

put shade 20 in the center of your lips

make sure the color be on center

blend the color as shown in video

now outline your lips with shade no. 9

if you are not able to do outline with wand

so you can use angular brush too

fill on your outer corner with shade 9

fold your lips 2-3 times as shown in video

so both colors get merge perfectly

here we done with our first ombre shade

for 2nd ombre shade

i am putting shade 1 on center of my lips

blend it well on your lips

for outline i am using shade 7

for ombre shade we take 1 dark color and another light

as per this we get ombre effect

here we done with 2nd look

for 3rd ombre shade

i am using shade 12 in center of my lips

now blend it well too

now with shade 13 ( orange ) i am giving outline

now blend it well

as you can see orange and pink looking pretty together

for 4th ombre shade

i am putting bb cream in center of lips

and blend it well

now with shade 3 i am creating outline

and fill left space

now blend bb cream and lipstick well

here we done with 4th shade

that's it for today's video

if you like the video

hit on like button and share the video

if you hadn't subscribe channel yet

then must subscribe ANAYSA

don't forget to press on bell icon

so you will get notification

that we have posted a new video

so as soon as you can see the video

me ANISHKA will meet you in my next video

till then take care and buh byeee

For more infomation >> सिर्फ 2 Mins में कैसे पाएं यह खूबसूरत DIY Ombre Lips? - Makeup Tutorial for Beginners | Anaysa - Duration: 3:10.


10 Signs an Introvert Is Interested In Dating You - Duration: 4:17.

10 Signs an Introvert Is Interested In Dating You

Introverts are unpredictable creature, and they sometimes have things in mind that others

do not know.

One of the things that people may not realize is that introverts are into someone.

Indeed, introverts can love someone deeply without them expressing it to that very person.

If you have an introverted friends, you actually can help them expressing their feeling if

you see these signs.

You also can detect if introverts actually fall in love with you after watching this


So, let's check it out!

#1 - Opening up

We all know introverts put so much effort to keep their life private.

They have solid boundaries that others cannot break even with brute force.

That is why there is something special if introverts start to open up.

They feel that they can trust the person they are talking to, and it is one of the obvious

signs that they are interested in dating you.

#2 - Knowing more about you

People may think introverts are creepy.

That makes sense because introverts are really great for researching information pretty much

about anything.

That includes yourself as someone they love.

The introverts will know more than average people just because they are interested in


They want you to be their partner, and that is why they find information that can help

them to achieve that goal.

#3 - Active

In this world of social media, there is one thing that introverts can do to make them


It is simply by being active in social media to give comments and likes.

You probably will also get likes from old post, and that is because they have scrolled

that far just for knowing you.

#4 - They watch you always

However, introverts will not stare at you.

Instead, they will look at you in form the corner of their eyes.

They really cannot stare at you because that will be creepy and obvious.

They just do not want to do that because it just does not feel good for them.

#5 - They laugh nervously

Introverts are sometimes weird especially when they laugh.

It is not just their best to laugh because they are pushed away from their comfort zones.

Their usually calm nature is bypassed because of your presence and charming attitude.

#6 - Writing love letter

The best thing for introvert is always writing instead of saying things.

That is why they probably send you love letter instead of expressing it directly.

However, the confusing part is that the letter is usually anonymous.

#7 - They answer call

Introverts always have a bad time with verbal communication even though it is through cell


However, it is important to know that they are eager to receive and make calls when it

comes to someone they adore most.

#8 - Inviting you

The next obvious thing that introverts like you is asking you out into a special place

that they like.

Be it café, beach, food court, park, or anything, they invite you for a reason.

They only ask people that they can trust, and one of them is you.

#9 - Share their preference

Another thing that indicates introverts to love you is sharing their ideas, preference,

and creation.

They really have skills, and they want you to give some comments.

They usually do not do that because of afraid, shy, or awkward.

However, they really step out of their comfort zone to get to know you.

#10 - Stepping out from comfort zone

It is the most difficult above all, but the introverts really can do that for the sake

of you.

Therefore, you definitely need to know the struggle that they have done for you to know


Well, at least that's all the ten signs to know if an introvert is interested in dating


Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share

your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Signs an Introvert Is Interested In Dating You - Duration: 4:17.


【MUKBANG】 [Malaysia] Luxury!! Roti Prata [Looks Like Crispy Crepe BY Using Curry..Etc] 3Kg [Use CC] - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 [Malaysia] Luxury!! Roti Prata [Looks Like Crispy Crepe BY Using Curry..Etc] 3Kg [Use CC] - Duration: 11:10.


Best Remixes Of Popular Songs 2018 l Mash Up Bootleg Dance Mix l Melbourne Bounce Charts - Duration: 1:27:17.

Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!

For more infomation >> Best Remixes Of Popular Songs 2018 l Mash Up Bootleg Dance Mix l Melbourne Bounce Charts - Duration: 1:27:17.


MAGIC GLOW Tooth Fairy Jar - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> MAGIC GLOW Tooth Fairy Jar - Duration: 1:29.


How To Make A Sequin Design On A Shirt | Meow sequin shirt - Duration: 2:20.

Hi everyone, so here's a quick tutorial on how to turn your plain shirt into a sequin masterpiece

So first we're going to cut out a stencil you can find this specific stencil on my blog

or just write whatever comes to mind and print it out

Then just place the stencil on the shirt and fill in the design with a piece of chalk

Get some sequins, a matching thread and we're ready to sew on some shininess

Don't worry if this is the first time you're sewing on sequins because at the end of this you're gonna be an expert

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie it's gonna take some time, so make sure to put on your favorite audio book or sing a song

And that is the finished result

I'm just kidding

I hope you enjoyed this video, if you did leave a like and I'll see you soon - bye :)

For more infomation >> How To Make A Sequin Design On A Shirt | Meow sequin shirt - Duration: 2:20.


Fox and Friends First 03/26/18 4AM | March 26, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 26:38.

For more infomation >> Fox and Friends First 03/26/18 4AM | March 26, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 26:38.


How Much Custom Duty on LED TV (32/42/47/55 Inches), We Have to Pay at Pakistani Airport - Duration: 16:20.

How Much Custom Duty on LED TV (32/42/47/55 Inches), We Have to Pay at Pakistani Airport

How Much Custom Duty on LED TV (32/42/47/55 Inches), We Have to Pay at Pakistani Airport

How Much Custom Duty on LED TV (32/42/47/55 Inches), We Have to Pay at Pakistani Airport

How Much Custom Duty on LED TV (32/42/47/55 Inches), We Have to Pay at Pakistani Airport

How Much Custom Duty on LED TV (32/42/47/55 Inches), We Have to Pay at Pakistani Airport

For more infomation >> How Much Custom Duty on LED TV (32/42/47/55 Inches), We Have to Pay at Pakistani Airport - Duration: 16:20.


Street Prize Winners - DH8 7QX in Leadgate on 24/03/2018 - People's Postcode Lottery - Duration: 1:33.

"Hey there, welcome to this Street Prize which is part of the draw promoted by

Dog's Trust. I'm very excited because we're in the place that I grew up - Leadgate -

can't wait to meet the winner. Hello, how are you?" "I'm alright, are you?" "I'm good - good to see you, can I have you outside a second?

Today you've won..." "OH! £30,000, oh my god, I feel sick" "Oh, in a good way I hope!" "That's brilliant, thank you so much!"

"£30,000." "That's brilliant! I'm just excited, really excited.

It's the uber holiday for me and Richard, in Rome, can't wait. It's so easy, so easy.

Put your details in - send - and that's it, all done.

So there you go, I'm £30,000 richer. My daughter wants to buy a house, so she wants a down payment

for that, so I'll help her with that, save some and that's it. I'm getting my teeth done, so,

there you go - that's definite. A holiday and my teeth done - what more can you want?"

"So, as you can see Elizabeth was absolutely over the moon with her win. If

you'd like to feel like that, here are all the details. Sign up today. We never

have a rollover at People's Postcode Lottery, and that means somebody always

wins. So, if it's going to be you - you need to sign up. Here are all the details, and

hopefully we'll be knocking on your door very soon."

For more infomation >> Street Prize Winners - DH8 7QX in Leadgate on 24/03/2018 - People's Postcode Lottery - Duration: 1:33.


Nu Drama - Feel It RMX - Duration: 3:59.

I'm levitating on the street,

there are some voices that tell me to go up

and to annihilate the voices that don't fulfill me,

(buy something)

above all, even if they ask you for help,

I have to get to the top, I'd better hurry up.

A dices throw, the ceiling flies and falls down,

there are aerodynamic birds, I should sign a Faust's pact

in order to be a grey eagle, float like samples from eevee,

the Queen of Sheba will give me a carpet, it flies like the peace of the pipe. (Lakota)

I become an airplant, I unhook myself,

I lose contact with rubber sole,

last toe that touches the brick,

I gather momentum, I say goodbye to the paving, I leave. (let's go)

Inuit's necklace, it finds souls where they felt they would be,

(Inuit's necklace)

man, that's so for real, the inuk invokes the spirits so that he can hunt,

man, that's so for real, if he can get in touch with them he will raise from the ice,

hunting rites in the igloos passes down from parents to children, so for real.

Open doors in the attic,

I break chains and hooks,

I see ants and I pity them,

they are just plastic limits,

a voice that totally fulfilled me told me: (listen up)

You saw them, make like those ships

from the outerspace,

the window is open and there's a candle,

there's still a little flame,

it told me to scape this asylum,

to leave everything and to go up,

to drink from the fountain and to go up,

to go out of myself and to go up.

To go up.

Come on, feel it.

Now I'm open, no more ceilings, don't come back, don't give up,

break it down,

no metal,

wild horse,


I want him to advise me, the teacher told me I don't need to suffer,

in a little house in the middle of an ethereal lake,

seasons pass and they make me wake up,

I'll get in touch with the magnetic field,

I've seen a flock and it tells me to join them, (join us, join us!)

I feel ready,

another environment,

a cricket ball from New Delhi

is rising as it was a satellite,

energy that is not mine,

I waited for it with my hands open,

I was whistling and I was alert,

I was whistling and I heart the voice that told me:

You saw them, make like those ships

from the outerspace,

the window is open and there's a candle,

there's still a little flame,

it told me to scape this asylum,

to leave everything and to go up,

to drink from the fountain and to go up,

to go out of myself and to go up.

To leave everything and to go up,

to drink from the fountain and to go up,

to go out of myself and to go up.

For more infomation >> Nu Drama - Feel It RMX - Duration: 3:59.


Street Prize Winners - S65 4LW in Ravenfield on 25/03/2018 - People's Postcode Lottery - Duration: 3:09.

"Today, I'm here in a little cul-de-sac in Ravenfield, South Yorkshire and today's

Street Prize is promoted by the Dogs Trust. Let's go and find the winner. Hello sir!

You've won £30,000. Congratulations!" "Thank you. The elation in

it is twofold. Because Jill's in hospital, I want her

out. But now having that money, we can buy, either the right sort of vehicle to get

the wheelchair in, and we've just had to cancel a months holiday in Torremolinos.

So hopefully with this, when she's better, it can be used to put back something

that we've lost. You don't think it could happen to you, but it can and it does and

it has, and for £10 a month there can't be anything better, because, if you

don't win, somebody else wins and the charities win. So, it's a win-win all the

way round. She has no idea how much we've won. Hopefully it's something to

help her recover and to feel better. Sliding that money out of that envelope

could probably be one of the best medicines that she could get."


"Hi Jill"

"This is the best doorbell I've ever rung. Lou, you wasn't peeking was you?"

"No you know what it was?" "Promise?" "I promise!" "Put your hands on that. Are you

ready?" "Yeah" "Congratulations Lou, you have won..." "Wow! Thank you!" "How's that?" "Wow"

"Thank you so much! At the moment I don't think it's sunk in, just yet.

Till you see it in your bank, I suppose. It means the world and it can do so much.

My little boy wants his own PS4. His brother has got an Xbox, he wants a PS4.

Yeah, that's their orders. I used to put money into buckets in the supermarket

and things like that but I just find that I know directly where it's going

when I do it this way, and there's a chance that I'll win as well, so there's

everybody wins."

"So thanks to today's Street Prize in Ravenfield, South Yorkshire, I've had

the pleasure of meeting Lou and Chris, two wonderful winners of £30,000 each.

And just think it could have been all your neighbours guys that also were

holding those cheques as well. Sadly, it wasn't, so if you want to be the neighbour

holding a cheque, and not the one looking out the window, the details of how you

can get involved, are at the bottom of the screen. You know what to do."

"You can't buy that, though, can you? The telephone call coming through in the middle of doing this!"

For more infomation >> Street Prize Winners - S65 4LW in Ravenfield on 25/03/2018 - People's Postcode Lottery - Duration: 3:09.


What Is The Terror & Why Airing During The Walking Dead? | | SML TV - Duration: 5:16.

What Is The Terror & Why Airing During The Walking Dead? |

If you were excited about watching a two-hour episode of The Walking Dead for Season 8 Episode 13, then you're likely going to be disappointed when you realize the episode isn't really two hours long.

Instead, DVRs are picking up a sneak peek of a new series on AMC called The Terror.

And some fans won't be too happy about The Walking Dead ending earlier than they expected.

But The Terror sounds intriguing, so you might want to check it out.

Every now and then, AMC and other channels do this to pick up viewers for a new series.

They'll secretly add a premiere episode instead of an extra hour of a popular show, with the hope that when fans see they've accidentally recorded a new show, they'll stick around and watch it.

Sometimes this works, and sometimes fans just get mad and disappointed about the whole thing.

So what is The Terror and why is AMC pushing it so hard? Well, The Terror's executive producers are Ridley Scott, David Kajganich, and Soo Hugh.

The show is actually a fictional historical series that follows a British Royal Naval expedition as they look for the Northwest Passage.

They face limited resources and dangerous conditions, with attacks from a mysterious predator.

It's not completely based on a true story though.

It's speculative fiction based on a crew of 120 who mysteriously disappeared. The series itself is an adaption of the bestselling 2007 novel by Dan Simmons.

Here are some historical facts about the ship, The Terror.

These likely won't be spoilers for the show itself, since the show is speculative fiction.

The HMS Terror was a war ship with the Royal Navy constructed in 1813.

She was lost in 1845 during an expedition to the Northwest Passage, when she was last scene sailing with the Erebus into Baffin Bay.

Both ships were abandoned by their crew, and everyone in both crews died of exposure and starvation.

There were also reports that rations might have been tainted by lead or botulism.

The crews' expeditions were still shrouded in mystery.

The ship was found in September 2016, off the cost of King William Island, about 92 km south of the location where the ship was reported abandoned.

The exact location was withheld to avoid looting.

Because the ship was located nearly 100 km south of where historians thought it was, it called into question the idea that the crew died trying to walk out of the Arctic to the nearest trading post.

In fact, some signs point to the idea that at least some crew members may had tried to re-man the ship and set sail again.

Reviews have said that this 10-episode series is dark — very dark.

Maybe that's why it's being shown after The Walking Dead, since producers might think that fans of The Walking Dead would also like The Terror for its dark, survivalist story.

When the show officially debuts on Monday, March 26, AMC Premiere customers will have access to all 10 episodes immediately.

AMC Premiere is available to Comcast Xfinity subscribers for $4.99/month.

Non-premiere viewers will have to wait to see the episodes on a weekly basis.

Do you plan to watch the new series on AMC?.

For more infomation >> What Is The Terror & Why Airing During The Walking Dead? | | SML TV - Duration: 5:16.


虽然吴亦凡身高让人佩服,但是能做到穿衣显瘦脱衣有肉的人只有他 | hk Miner Jin - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> 虽然吴亦凡身高让人佩服,但是能做到穿衣显瘦脱衣有肉的人只有他 | hk Miner Jin - Duration: 2:57.


5 Methods of Holding pencil | Best Shading Technique - Duration: 4:31.

Hello guys Welcome back to another video

In this video m gonna show you 5 different methods of holding pencils

And in the end of this video i'll show you which method is best for shading

so our first method is paint brush grip

In this method you just have to hold your pencil

like a paint brush

as you can see in the video

lets try some shading with this method

so that we can compare it with

other methods later

you just have to align your fingers

parallel with the pencil and hold it with your thumb

just like this

so our second method is drum stick grip

as you can get an idea from its name that you just

have to hold it like a drum stick

I don't know why its entitled a Drum stick Grip

Though its much more similar to Crayon Grip

i've seen many children holding their crayons like this

Anyways you can call this whatever you want

Lets just focus on our main goal which is

learning the technique

and i hope you got an idea about this method

lets do some shading with this method

here you go

moving on to our third technique

as you can get an idea from my hand

this technique is called Tip heavy overhead grip

this one is somewhat similar to the drumstick grip

you just have to put some extra pressure on the tip

Fourth one is Traditional Grip

and in this grip you have to put your pencil

between you fingers

just like this

and hold it with your thumb, That's it !

here you go !

i am sorry if you can't see these shadings clearly

but my lighting system is a bit dull in this case

anyways, lets concentrate on our fifth method

which is Tripod Grip

and let me tell you

that i've been using this grip since i've started my sketching career

reason behind its awesomeness is

you have full control on your shading tones

you can switch b/w two tones

just by sliding your pencil b/w you fingers

just like this

if you want a lighter shade, just grab

you pencil from the end

and if your want a Darker shade

just grab your pencil from the tip

and you will get your desired shading

lets compare all these shadings

so that you get to know whats the difference

between all of them

as you can see in this lighter shading the texture

is somewhat similar to the paint brush grip

and the darker shade is similar to both the

heavy tip & traditional grip

so it means you can get all these textures & shadings

through one grip, one method !

okay lets compare it with drum stick

and as you can see here, we have a boundary line

around this shading and i think its a drawback

of this drum stick method, bcz you don't have

full control on you pencil, in this grip

and the drawback of paint brush grip is that you

get the texture & shapes in your shading

even on a smooth paper

and as you can see i'm using a smooth paper

for my tutorials but i'm still getting these textures

so i think this Tripod method is best among all

because you don't have to worry about textures

and barriers in your shading

you can do whatever you want, with this tripod grip

I Hope you enjoyed this video

so let me know in the comments

which one of these methods you like the most

and don't forget to let me know in the comments

what you'd like to see in my next video

so if you like what you just saw plz share it with

your friends & subscribe to my channel for more

upcoming tips & tutorial videos

See you in my next video !

For more infomation >> 5 Methods of Holding pencil | Best Shading Technique - Duration: 4:31.


Amazing Cookies Art Decorating Compilation 2018 | Most Satisfying Cake Decorating Videos - Duration: 0:58.

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

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