Waddinxveen Triangel
Waddinxveen Noord
Boskoop Snijdelwijk
Alphen Aan Den Rijn
Filipina British Life in UK:HOME SWET HOME+Bakit Wala Pa Kayong Anak? - Duration: 11:48.good morning mga palangga(my loves) so we are
getting ready to go to the airport
The time here is 11:30 am
Our time flight time is...
3:25 pm our flight time...
And I am wearing the same clothes
The one that I wore when we went to Manchester to Bulguria
same jeans, top top, same sandals but not same underwear lol
And this are all washes so please don't bash me for wearing same clothes
cuz what my plan is to buy a top here so I can wear when going back but
and I bought two top but without thinking my jeans is blue and the other top is green and the other one is too sexy to the airport..so I have to wear what I got
Anyways we are just waiting for Vinny..he'll pick up us
We are still waiting for the taxi(Vinny)
and time here is 12:35 in the afternoon
And Sammy our care taker he give me a flower because we are going..so sweet of him
Its beautiful and freshly picked from his garden
Hello mga palangga so we are through we are just waiting for our boarding...
our boarding time is 3:40 in the afternoon(delayed)
and time here is..20 minutes to 3
We're just gonna chill and wait for our boarding
Thanks God we are here now in
Manchester Airport...waiting for our luggage
I did not film inside the plane because there's so much turbulence and it lost my appetite to vlog(I'm nervous)
We are now in the car park
Home sweet home!
We're home
Look at the dog how excited they are oh... I missed them two
OMG! Our dog is now chubby..
It is nice to be away but it's good to be home
hmm home sweet home so so we are going to my garden
OMG we still have a lot of tomatoes!
There are still more tomatoesI thought its all gone
see we still have a lot of tomatoes you
I really thought they ate it all
And my chilli plants.. has a lot as well
and there is one ready here
and the parsley is so bushy again so it needs haircut
oh no!..my strawberries are full of weeds
oh dear!
but look they have loads of runners
There's loads..
and the cabbage, cauliflower and etc.They are full f weeds as well!
This cabbage is massive!
that's our cauliflower
That's bad isn't it?
Some fo cauliflower are bad
I thought our plum will be ready but not yet
When we're in Bulgaria John's son texted that the wall collapsed
but its not sorted and fixed..we just want to check it
oh..its cold!
My skin is so morena(brown) I love it!
There you are..you that new stones? Thats the one that collapse
Cuz like this oh it's leaning over
Jesus... anyway it's sorted
Right, will do it tomorrow let's relax
Look how happy the dogs are
The time here is..half past eight in the evening
I will just sort our luggage and i will see you tomorrow bye
Hi mga palangga(my loves) good morning so this second part of this
video is like a sit-down video cuz
I've been reading a lot of comments
Asking or saying why you don't have a baby?
Are you planning to have a baby?
Go to the doctor get check if see everything is all right
All I can say or answer this question is..
I wish I know the answer cuz I really don't know when
We have serious talked about this
I really ask John if he gonna give me a baby or not
because I really want to become a parent..I want to be a mother
Cuz if you only asked me if I am ready I feel like I am ready but some
I feel like I am ready but in some part
part of me saying that I am NOT ready
Cuz when I asked John he said its not the right time
His reason why and said..what if will have a baby now? What if something happens to me? What will happen to you and our baby? Your not settle in UK he said
I don't want you to be in that position that you cannot support yourself and our baby (he added)
And in some point he is right
so I really don't know when but you know
I am trying to build myself here in UK
get settled
Cuz to have a baby is a lifetime responsibility and I understand where he's coming from because we are in an age gap as well
Because he said will have a baby when you are more settle..but I cannot give you an answer when
It's up to you.. you need to build yourself up
You need to get settled here in UK so that's
what I have to do and
I know I get jealous to my friends who has kids
I feel so envious that they are saying they are trying to have a baby
It's so nice to hear that they are trying to have a baby
and in my mind when I hear it..they back of my mind saying I wish are trying as well
But we are not trying to have a baby
I hope the right time will come that's all I can say
I am looking forward to the future
L25:Web Technology,CSS,Cascading Style Sheets,Internal CSS,External CSS,Selector in CSS in hindi - Duration: 19:13.
Kids and Coca Cola. Sister and Brothers Playing in Cafe - Duration: 2:32.(Tasted Coca Cola)
What is your opinion about Coca Cola?
When you take it into you mouth
in the first second it has no taste.
And later it is like this
What does it resemble?
Well, there are bubbles
and it is so sour.
Is it tasty?
Not very tasty.
Nastya, what will happen if you put Mentos into Coca Cola?
Please order Mentos.
I want Sh-sh-sh.
Denis is drawing something.
Denis, you are drawing so nice.
All right. And now we are choosing green color.
We'll draw a leaf.
It's a usual tablet PC which is hang.
Dip potato into Coke.
Like tea.
What will happen if you dip French fries into Coca Cola?
Like tea.
Nothing will happen.
Is it tasty?
I will catch you.
I'm going to do cartwheel
Almost done.
Hi, I'm from future.
Hi. I'm too.
I have a small chair.
Small chair?
Let us give the chair to a girl?
Opel Astra 1.4 Edition / RIJKLAARPRIJS / AIRCO / CRUISE / TREKHAAK / 5DRS - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Matteo Salvini, parte il piano contro vu cumprà e abusivi: la svolta sulle spiagge italiane - Duration: 1:57.Più fondi alle forze dell'ordine per pattugliare le spiagge affollate nel periodo estivo, controlli a tappeto su commercianti abusivi e più sicurezza per i bagnanti e i vacanzieri
Il piano del ministero dell'Interno entra nel vivo con uno stanziamento di 2,5 milioni di euro a sostegno delle forze dell'ordine che coinvolgerà 54 comuni della costa italiana a vocazione turistica
È il piano Spiagge sicure 2018 rilanciato da Matteo Salvini che aveva promesso più stabilizzazioni per il personale delle polizie locali, oltre al riconoscimento degli straordinari, più mezzi e attrezzature a servizio dei comuni, in prima fila per il contrasto all'abusivismo sulle spiagge italiane
15 comuni beneficiari si trovano al Nord, 23 al Centro e 16 al Sud. I requisiti indicati prevedevano che ad accedere ai fondi fossero i comuni costieri a vocazione turistica, non capoluogo di provincia, con una popolazione non superiore a 50mila abitanti e con un indicatore di affollamento nelle strutture ricettive non inferiore a 500mila presenze annue, secondo i dati Istat
72 rispondevano a queste caratteristiche e di questi solo 61 avrebbero potuto accedere ai fondi tenuto conto del vincolo che prevedeva potessero essere finanziati non più di tre comuni per provincia
Le proposte progettuali sono state presentate in prefettura e approvate dai comitati provinciali per l'ordine e la sicurezza pubblica: 54 i progetti ritenuti validi e destinatari dei fondi per un massimo finanziabile di 50mila euro
I comuni: VENEZIA 3 (Cavallino – Treporti, Iesolo e San Michele al Tagliamento); RIMINI 3 ( Riccione, Bellaria - Igea Marina e Cattolica); RAVENNA 1 (Cervia); FORLI' CESENA 2 ( Cesenatico e Gatteo); NAPOLI 3 (Sorrento, Ischia e Forio); FERRARA 1 (Comacchio); FOGGIA 2 (Vieste e Peschici); GROSSETO 2 (Castiglion della Pescaia e Follonica); SASSARI 2 (Arzachena e Alghero); LIVORNO 3 (Bibbona, Capolivieri e San Vincenzo); LUCCA 2 (Pietrasanta e Camaiore); ROVIGO 1 (Rosolina); ASCOLI PICENO 1 (San Benedetto del Tronto); ANCONA 2 (Senigallia e Numana); MESSINA 2 (Taormina e Giardini Naxos); SAVONA 3 (Alassio,Finale Ligure e Loano); LECCE 3 (Ugento, Otranto e Gallipoli); NUORO 3 (Orosei,Budoni e San Teodoro); SALERNO 2 (Camerota e Capaccio); CAGLIARI 2 (Muravera e Villasimius); IMPERIA 1 (Diano Marina); COSENZA 1 (Cassano all'Ionio); PALERMO 1 (Cefalù); PESARO URBINO 1 (Gabicce Mare); BRINDISI 1 (Fasano); TERAMO 2 (Tortoreto e Giulianova); LATINA 1 (Fondi); FERMO 1 (Porto Sant'Elpidio); TRAPANI 1 (San Vito Lo Capo); MACERATA 1 (Porto Recanati)
Citroën C4 1.2 e-THP 131pk Business - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
Citroën DS3 1.6 e-HDi So Chic - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
EVでも「世界で最も美しいクルマ」。名車「ジャガーEタイプ」がレストア&EV化されて復活! - 日産物語 - Duration: 4:39.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 308 1.6 E-HDI SW 6-Bak Blue-Lease Executive Active - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Torna 'Uomini e donne', tutte le anticipazioni: data, tronisti, corteggiatori e news - Duration: 2:45.Torna in onda da lunedì 10 settembre 'Uomini e donne', il talk pomeridiano condotto da Maria De Filippi su Canale 5, dal lunedì al venerdì alle 14,45
Giunto alla 23esima edizione, il programma mantiene al centro i sentimenti e le emozioni dei protagonisti in cerca dell'anima gemella, passando il tempo a dialogare, divertirsi e ballare
I due Troni Confermate le due tipologie di trono: quello Classico, dove i giovani protagonisti si mettono alla prova per trovare il grande amore, l'amore della vita; quello Over, che facilita nelle relazioni le persone adulte dandogli l'opportunità di fare nuove e divertenti amicizie con cui frequentarsi anche fuori dallo studio tv e spesso innamorarsi
Gli opinionisti Riconfermati alcuni dei volti più noti del programma, come gli opinionisti Tina Cipollari e Gianni Sperti delle novità sarebbero in arrivo
Trono tradizionale, i nuovi tronisti I primi nomi sono quelli di Luigi Mastroianni e Lorenzo Riccardi, "rivali" perché entrambi già corteggiatori di Sara Affi Fella che poi ha scelto Luigi, con cui la storia è stata brevissima
Direttamente dall'ultima edizione di Temptation Island, poi, sarebbero pronte ad occupare il trono Lara Zorzetto, la tentatrice Teresa Langella che si era avvicinata molto ad Andrea Celentano, e Gianpaolo Quarta, uscito dal programma senza la sua Martina Sebastiani che ha iniziato una frequentazione con Andrea Dal Corso
Trono Over, Dame e Cavalieri Ignote al momento le dinamiche a proposito di Dame e Cavalieri
Di certa c'è l'assenza di Giorgio Manetti, che si è ufficialmente "dimesso" dal programma dopo tre anni di onorata carriera da play boy e tanti cuori infranti (in primis quello della povera Gemma Galgani
La produzione 'Uomini e Donne' è prodotto da Fascino P.g.t. per Mediaset. Caporedattore Over Lucia Chiorrini, caporedattore trono Classico Raffaella Mennoia
In regia Laura Basile e Paolo Carcano.
Migranti, lo schiaffo a Matteo Salvini: "Persona non gradita a Maiorca", lo zampino della Open Arms - Duration: 1:25.Il ministro Matteo Salvini è "persona non gradita" e quindi bandita. Impossibile, per il leader della Lega nonché vicepremier italiano, recarsi sull'isola spagnola di Maiorca
A deciderlo è stato il governo della più grande isola delle Baleari, in Spagna, condannando in modo simbolico la linea dura di Salvini sui migranti e la chiusura dei porti italiani alle navi delle Ong
L'iniziativa è partito dai populisti di sinistra di Podemos, secondo cui il leghista è espressione di "gravissima ed inquietante xenofobia" e avrebbe dimostrato "un evidente disprezzo nei confronti della vita e della dignità umana"
Non è un caso che la settimana scorsa sia stata Palma, la principale città di Maiorca, ad accogliere la nave della Ong Open Arms a cui il governo italiano aveva chiuso le porte
Kids and Coca Cola. Sister and Brothers Playing in Cafe - Duration: 2:32.(Tasted Coca Cola)
What is your opinion about Coca Cola?
When you take it into you mouth
in the first second it has no taste.
And later it is like this
What does it resemble?
Well, there are bubbles
and it is so sour.
Is it tasty?
Not very tasty.
Nastya, what will happen if you put Mentos into Coca Cola?
Please order Mentos.
I want Sh-sh-sh.
Denis is drawing something.
Denis, you are drawing so nice.
All right. And now we are choosing green color.
We'll draw a leaf.
It's a usual tablet PC which is hang.
Dip potato into Coke.
Like tea.
What will happen if you dip French fries into Coca Cola?
Like tea.
Nothing will happen.
Is it tasty?
I will catch you.
I'm going to do cartwheel
Almost done.
Hi, I'm from future.
Hi. I'm too.
I have a small chair.
Small chair?
Let us give the chair to a girl?
Spa Water 好用吗? All in one essence IS GOOD OR BAD? - Duration: 5:21.Hello everyone, I'm Sylvia
Welcome back to my Youtube channel
Today I want to show you a beauty product
Water Spa from its coll
Suitable for Asian skin
Very moisture
This is all in one essence
Makeup Base
If you don't have all these
and you want to buy each of them
This product is for you
This is all in one essence
You can save money
It has 50ml
This is gel type
A little bit of cream type too
Non greasy
Very moisture
Actually this brand is quite popular now
You can smell lavender
Smell so nice
Everyone love lavender
Ingredient is
Oryza Sativa (Rice) Extract
Portulaca Oleracea Extract
Sakura extract
Lavender Angustifolia oil
If you have skin problem
Skin aging problem
Acne skin
Uneven skin tone
Acne skin + small wound
Sensitive skin
Pores problem
How to apply?
Wash face -> Dry your face with clean towel -> Apply Spa Water to entire face (Face and neck)
Very moisture
I will use spa water to maintain my skin moisture
My face become very smooth
Skin moisture is very important
No matter you are a boy or girl
By the way, I will added my moisturizer to my liquid foundation
Your makeup can stay all day long
Look at my makeup. My liquid foundation mixed with moiturizer
This is the result
This product is suitable for sensitive skin too
Sensitive skin will be like skin start peeling, itch and redness.
You can try spa water
If you like the smell of lavender
This is totally for you
Since I try this product for months already
I quite satisfy with this product
I create this video and show you guys
No matter you are boy or girl
You all must take good care of your skin
If you want to purchase Spa Water
Please add her Wechat: May0385 by via Wechat
Ask her if you want to know the price
Ask her if you want to know the postage
If you have any problem, you can ask her
By the way, if you try this product before
If you have any opinions and thoughts
You can share your opinions and thought in the comment section below
That's all for today
See you next time
Love you always
Big thanks for watching my youtube videos
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I must see you next time
First day of Sansar! - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
Korean sashimi for three dollars !!! Shock!!! - Korean street food - Duration: 13:43.Hello
This is Busan of Korea
I'm going to introduce Sashimi to Por
Busan is famous for Sashim
It is chewy
so sweet
It is delicious if you eat it in the Chogocoojang
It is fantastic to eat with vegetables
Busan is famous for Sashimi but expensive.
But Busan people know how to eat cheaply.
If you eat at a famous tourist destination, it costs over 100,000 won.
But today, three people will eat at 30,000 won.
Today rose late.
The weather is dark today.
It's raining.
I'm going to eat sashimi now.
WON said this place was really cheap.
I will try my own favorite food.
I really like sashimi.
30,000 won
Exit 5 of Busanjin Station
I'm Won
I'm Por
Today's food is sashimi.
And I'm going to eat Busan's food.
Besides sashimi, there's a lot to eat.
with bean
soup with 'ssuk'
There is a similar soup in Thailand.
I'll let you know how to eat.
this is 'ssam'
This souce is delicious
I wish my mom ate with me.
Do you want to eat that sauce?
Did you eat so much?
it was tasty?
Kimchi was really good.
It was the first time I ate sashimi with vegetables and sauce
but it was really harmonious.
the best
The Thai people will love it.
Eat more
Press subscription and likes
Supertyphoon JEBI - category 5 - Japan prepares its arrival - Langosto - Duration: 1:29.With a huge size and ...
... an eye of 130 kilometers ...
... this monster is headed to ...
... the coasts of Japan.
What could have been another typhoon ...
... like so many others ...
... when passing the Mariana Islands ...
it intensified in such a way ...
... which has become the supertyphoon Jebi ...
... with sustained winds of 278 km / h ... ... and a pressure of 911 hPa ...
and although still very distant from Japanese archipelago the provisions that
will be able to touch earth in japan the next Tuesday or Wednesday and there is concern of
that the power that remains has now can be converted into
the fiercest typhoon of all time in the Japan weather agency has
issued alerts for the regions Westerners to the possibility that
the heavy rains that drag to the typhoon cause new floods and
landslides as happened with the powerful typhoon or jondal and also the
Japanese authorities have opened evacuation centers and have been installed
temporary pumping devices water due to the risk of
Cucumbers Pickled in the Tomato juice ♡ English subtitles - Duration: 6:15.Hello! My name is Elena Bazhenova.
I am glad to welcome you at my kitchen!
Many of my subscribers know that I like easy and tasty canning.
This is especially true when I have 2 buckets of garden tomatoes, 1 bag of sweet pepper and 1 bag of eggplant.
So I want to cook something easy.
Today for you - "Cucumbers pickled in the tomato juice".
For a recipe, we take 2l of small cucumbers.
You can use large cucumbers; they should be cut.
Tomatoes (for 1l of tomato juice), 2 tbsps of salt, 1 clove of garlic and 5 black peppercorns.
You will need a previously sterilized jar with a lid.
The proportion will be per a 2-liter jar.
Put the peppercorns at the bottom of the jar.
Cut the garlic.
You can use 1 or 2 cloves of garlic.
I will put a large cucumbers at the bottom of the jar.
Cut both ends of each.
Put the small cucumbers whole.
Important: cucumbers must first be soaked in cold water for 3 hours!
After that, they should be washed well.
The jar is full of cucumbers.
Pour a boiling water here.
I like to sterilize the canning in a pan.
But this is the other recipe.
We will pour hot water in the jar 2-3 times.
Pour to the top.
Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the tomato juice.
Do it in any convenient way.
I will make tomato juice with a juicer.
After 15 minutes, you can drain the water.
Pour back into a bowl.
Bring to a boil.
Pour the boiling water to the cucumbers again.
Leave to cool for 30-40 minutes.
The jar should become warm, so you can safely take it with your hands.
Cover with the lid.
Drain again.
I recommend 3 pouring water.
Therefore, again bring the water to a boil.
Then pour it into a jar and let it cool for 40-45 minutes.
Pour the boiling water for the third time.
Meanwhile, boil the tomato juice.
Bring the juice to a boil, boil for 10 minutes and remove the foam.
To the boiling tomato juice, add 2 tbsps of salt without a slide.
We will need about 1l of tomato juice for a 2l jar with cucumbers.
The second.
Stir to dissolve the salt.
Boil for 2-3 minutes.
Pour the tomato juice into the jar with cucumbers.
Do not add vinegar here.
Remains the tomato juice a little.
Close the jar with a lid.
Turn the jars over, wrap and left so until completely cooled.
Cooled jars are turned back and stored at room temperature in a conventional pantry.
If you liked this recipe - subscribe to my channel. Do not forget to click on bell, so as not to miss new interesting videos on my channel.
Canning with pleasure and enjoy!
新生一级教练课程 第一期 第一讲 - Duration: 2:21:59.-------------------------------------------
CAT OF THE BABY and 5 ideas of an unusual office for the school. Cat School - BACK TO SCHOOL 2018 - Duration: 9:02.Hello, you on the channel Come on Come on!
And today our fuzzy as well as all students
celebrate the beginning of the educational of the year.
Today we will cook belongings to the school.
But I think everyone has already bought imagine notebooks and pens.
Therefore, we will not buy new, but will improve
what we have.
Well show already that you cooked for us.
At first I suggest improving notebook.
There's that Buffyushka?
Murka how are you?
I did not understand something, but how Is that what you did?
Now I'll tell you.
Here is a picture you will find in our group in VC.
This is a ready-made cover, which you only need to print,
cut and bent in half.
There is already a place for signatures, whose is the notebook.
Picture of a cute Baffy.
And on the reverse side of the hint.
Units of length, area, volume and mass.
And links to the channel and the group, well, so that would not
Of course the size of the cover more than A4, so I
printed it in the nearest polygraphy.
But my notebook is the most usual.
Of course you can stick cover or replace it completely.
But in order not to bother at all You can just use
In my opinion it's fast, convenient and practical.
Now no one in the class there will not be such a notebook,
because in the next store this is definitely not for sale.
Very nice, Who likes it Like it.
Well and further on turn at us phone.
Who wants the most beautiful phone case?
With what cat's ears.
Baby is yours or what?
That's right, Pupsenko.
This is a cover with an image Toddler painted 3D pen.
Wow, the case is manual work.
A baby is like it looks like.
Anh, how did you do it?
We need white or clear case. cut out
piece by sheet cover and mark holes
for the camera.
The whole sheet is covered in white plastic.
There are no special rules. No.
The only desirable do not leave the Prosves
so that the reverse side was as smooth as possible.
So the plastic then it is better to stick to the cover.
Next we need Here is such an image and
On plastic tape is excellent Keeps and if necessary
perfectly removed.
Circle the whole drawing on contour with black plastic.
Then you need to combine all the details together to
a single construction was obtained.
And then I almost forgot.
It is necessary to note the place for the camera.
I did not draw it from the beginning, so that this picture is suitable
under any phone.
But now we can continue coloring.
That the color does not merge В1 an incomprehensible spot is needed
apply in different directions and in different numbers. So
thus creating bulkiness.
Eye Iris I shove green color.
Icon of Youtube and tongue dash in red.
Disconnect the picture from the sheet and can be combined
with the prepared substrate, Adding volume and texture.
that's what ultimately turns out.
If the edges of our islands you or big, you can
use nazhdachka.
I took a small piece for leveling the hole
for the camera.
So it turns out smooth and Extra pieces will not be
Overlap images.
And for the tanks, I took a tough a file for nails.
Time to glue the cover with the workpiece.
In the pantry I found some adhesive "second".
I hope he will manage.
And yes!
Everything worked out.
Everything was stuck together, but I'm confused This.
So I just painted gap between cover
and a suitable plastic drawing colors.
And added the volume on the ears.
Well, How do you like this case?
Very cool, but if u guys there are no 3D pens then such
You can draw a drawing and ears from felt for example
Wow, you thought of it.
Buffus, what do you think?
I think that with such a case we will be the most fashionable in
That's for sure!
Pupsyash, And how are you?
It's certainly all great, but you do something
with my image?
Ofcourse honey.
I have such bookmarks!
Wow, wow.
It's me, baby, Buffy.
Oh, I want a bookmark with Buffy.
Okay, so yours will be with Buffy.
By the way it's not just a bookmark but also a ruler.
So, we will measure how much you Buffushek.
Well, Anh, let me measure it myself.
Here you go.
One, two, five.
Oh, something I lost.
Baby, what do you want, choose.
And what is it you chose me?
But when you will be me get it, I'm for it
take this bookmark And bite her. I'll bite you then.
You have already chosen.
Well, okay.
Murochka Do not be upset. I'll do it again.
And you do not tease the little baby, You're an adult.
That's it, And I'm petty, me can.
No murochka, you too can not tease.
An, And you tell us how did you make these bookmarks-rulers?
Well, of course!
For them we will need Here is a printout.
Everything you need as always there is in VK, in the links.
In order for the bookmark was strong we will need
We lubricate it well glue And from above we impose
our printout.
And definitely good smooth out so as not to
We cut this way, that it was more convenient to paint.
Next, I will show by example Pupsyashi. light first
brown pencil I paint all the fur.
After, I put more dark shadows and places where the fur
It's darker.
I made eyes brown, cute pink bow and
red tongue.
Further I am crouched in black thin mark all lines to
the picture became bright and expressive.
I myself decided to make a bookmark brown
and make pink paws.
But I made the mistake of outlining strokes on the ruler, Now
they are my curves. generally and everything remains to be cut
and can be covered with scotch tape.
But I decided not to.
So, this is how it turned out Pupsia.
A murochka of course we have all white.
I added just a little gray specks and pink
ears, spout, tongue and paws.
Eyes are green.
It turned out very nezhnenko In my opinion.
So, here's this Baffyushka blue-eyed.
I tried to maximize repeat its color.
brown paws, white eyelet.
Although her legs are white.
Well, never mind.
And the last one is our baby.
The most difficult thing was do different black.
That he did not merge as and in the case just applied
different number of layers.
And in my opinion it turned out not bad.
In general, we now have notebook, ruler, bookmark,
and a cover for the phone.
But I have one more surprise.
Is it sausage?
Yum Yum Yum.
Ha ha ha.
Hey, this is not a sausage.
What kind of Rainbow is this?
Murochka is an ordinary wash.
Well, in general, than delete pencil inscriptions from
paper and other surfaces.
Clear cutie?
Of course it is clear, And how are you Did she do it?
Well, I had It's this Eraser.
She's so beautiful, but wrapper
not suitable.
So I drew a drawing and decided on top of the old
apply a new wrapper.
But first of course I need yo-yo decorate.
The background I will serve the cosmic sky.
I think many guessed, that this figure is based on the
Nyan Cat.
Only in the role of our cat murochka.
In general, I thought at first that the cat's body is a loaf
with jam, and then found out that it's a cookie pop-tarts.
In general, I color this, I'll tell for those who do not
Nyan Cat - This is the name of the video from YouTube since 2011, which has become
popular internet meme the point of the video is connected
Japanese pop tune and moving drawing of a cat
with a cookie body flying in space and leaving
followed by a train of rainbows.
That's what happened, I need still circle a thin marker.
And this picture is exactly It is necessary to cover with scotch, after all
for him I will often fight hands.
And I can smear, smudge or something else.
And of course I cut and wrap eraser.
In my opinion Not too It seems, that behind the cat remains a plume
from the rainbow.
Well, that's much better.
Look, Fuzzy, What The dandruff!
Is this Rainbow?
Show me!
Ah, I've already seen it.
This is not a sausage.
Has thought up prikolno.
Buffus, Pupsia, what do you think?
A strange smell.
And Put her here.
Oh, immediately the chicken is painted.
Well, if you like ideas of the office with the image
our fuzzy and you want improve content
portfolio, then let's get 20,000 likes and I'll show you
you have your own new ideas.
I would not refuse to refill portfolio exclusive
And by the way, Those who do not want skip new videos
be sure to subscribe on our channel and click on
But she has everything today, all for now And see you soon!
VEGAN OLALLIEBERRY SYRUP - #IAmACreator - Duration: 11:39.This is two pints of Olallieberry berries 1 cup of water and 1/2
of sugar in the raw also known as Turbinado Sugar
and I'm going to boil it and
Put it through a sieve so that we get the seeds out of it. So our friend who has
Diverticulitis can enjoy it. Welcome to Healthy Vegan Living Channel
Okay, so we're gonna bring it to a boil we're gonna update you as we've made this vegan
Although you say there's a lotta berries for vegan a lot of berries
They're sweeter than blackberries and they have a very nice summer
Mellow tastes to them. They're really truly delicious. I
Love them
And our friend can't eat them anymore cuz he's got an issue
But if we get the seeds out of it, he can have some a la la berry jam
I might have to add more sugar to get it to thicken up enough, but we'll see I
Put in a tad bit of cornstarch just to make sure it thickens up nicely
And one pinch of salt and what does I do
Just one tiny pinch, so we're using a Malayan sea salt
Ancient pink Himalayan sea salt
It's starting to come to a boil now along the edges got to bring it to a full boil
The all the berries are boiling and I have to go find the specialist if I'm in this talking about
Now it's coming to a good boil. You can start your smells of fruit
Oh, it smells like and you see the foamy stuff. That'll come out
When I put it through the sieve the guys throughout the bite
What we're doing here is we're walking the writer so it's nice and fresh but when we put in
alala berries in it a
new stove
the berries are now cooking and
They're getting very soft
And I'm just boiling off some of the excess water to concentrate the flavor and make it into an ice. Jam
They'll be able to go through the sieve and take off the seeds
Upside down drain a little bit
I'll probably do this if you're doing this at home, it's hot and doing a flatter yourself
You want to make sure you have a full adequate size to put it through?
it's not dreaming easily because
So now you just you can see some of the juices come through and then you just turn this handle and
The juice underneath you see has no seeds whatsoever which is the whole point of what we're doing here
See how the pulp is because
gathering to the side
You're going to see that steam. So you need to pick it up a little bit
It doesn't the inch push any of those things all the way down
We've emptied out the rice sir. And this is the pulp that we have left and that whole past season
Which is what we're trying to get out. So what we're going to do is put it through a second sieve thus even finer
To make sure we get rid of all the seeds
then we have to
Get every bit of the goodness and
Then you just take a spoon and you push
Until you feel like you've got all the juice out
Pretty soon this will start to condense down to just a little bit of full with lots and lots of seeds
You can see the seeds already in it
They're the white bits
Allan's gonna have himself some o Oliveri jelly jam jelly
Is without the seeds Jam is with
See how it's very
nicely getting cleared out of
class little bits of goodness and juice that we can add to our and this'll also because a little bit thicker helps thicken up our
Jelly I should say
Always when you do these kind of things that scrape the bottom has stuff will stick to the bottom
And you can see
What's coming off the bottom there? There's no seeds at all. That's absolutely clear of the seeds. Just a nice nice fruit
I'm gonna bring it back to a boil
And I think I am going to add just a little bit of fun starch to its elitism
Thickens up faster for me
Little bit bring it back to the boil. There's not one seed in there
It's just a lotta berry juice with a slight amount of sugar
And you can see there's not one seed in there it's just pure juice of the illallah berry
Here are our chars that we're going to use
Along with berry jelly this pretty one we're going to use for alley
And fill that up first and this other one we're going to use for us
We're not going to sterilize them. This is a small batch and we're just going to keep it in the refrigerator
And I'm gonna first pour it into this measuring cup and then
That will make it easier to get into the jars
So you'll see this sure with absolutely no seeds and this stuff right here is excellent
Taste wonderful
Not a little jar first, I'm going to fill it up and leave just a little Headroom for the steam
And we'll let it cool before we put the cap on
This one
You would be thou on this bigger one keep the pretty one
Anyway, there we go. It's all done and you can see it's already starting to thicken up on my finger
Has it cools it'll get thicker and thicker
I didn't put any thickener other than just a little bit of sugar from the natural pectin in the fruit
Okay, so that's the hollow the berries and thank you very much for watching us
Remember the do you clean up after you've done some jam or in this case what jelly be good?
Do you clean up a point? You can finish with your jelly?
You don't want to get have to cook do this you could volunteer and help out your parents or your level
If you like this channel, please subscribe or give us a thumbs up
Suzuki Ignis - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Jump the Rope as a Boxer: the Alternate Jump | GiuDiCorda - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
LEGO The Incredibles - Mr Incredibles Co-op Elastigirl Part 37 - Duration: 13:11.LEGO The Incredibles - Mr Incredibles Co-op Elastigirl Part 37
Proteste in Chemnitz zeigen die Spaltung der Gesellschaft - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
Filipina British Life in UK:HOME SWET HOME+Bakit Wala Pa Kayong Anak? - Duration: 11:48.good morning mga palangga(my loves) so we are
getting ready to go to the airport
The time here is 11:30 am
Our time flight time is...
3:25 pm our flight time...
And I am wearing the same clothes
The one that I wore when we went to Manchester to Bulguria
same jeans, top top, same sandals but not same underwear lol
And this are all washes so please don't bash me for wearing same clothes
cuz what my plan is to buy a top here so I can wear when going back but
and I bought two top but without thinking my jeans is blue and the other top is green and the other one is too sexy to the airport..so I have to wear what I got
Anyways we are just waiting for Vinny..he'll pick up us
We are still waiting for the taxi(Vinny)
and time here is 12:35 in the afternoon
And Sammy our care taker he give me a flower because we are going..so sweet of him
Its beautiful and freshly picked from his garden
Hello mga palangga so we are through we are just waiting for our boarding...
our boarding time is 3:40 in the afternoon(delayed)
and time here is..20 minutes to 3
We're just gonna chill and wait for our boarding
Thanks God we are here now in
Manchester Airport...waiting for our luggage
I did not film inside the plane because there's so much turbulence and it lost my appetite to vlog(I'm nervous)
We are now in the car park
Home sweet home!
We're home
Look at the dog how excited they are oh... I missed them two
OMG! Our dog is now chubby..
It is nice to be away but it's good to be home
hmm home sweet home so so we are going to my garden
OMG we still have a lot of tomatoes!
There are still more tomatoesI thought its all gone
see we still have a lot of tomatoes you
I really thought they ate it all
And my chilli plants.. has a lot as well
and there is one ready here
and the parsley is so bushy again so it needs haircut
oh no!..my strawberries are full of weeds
oh dear!
but look they have loads of runners
There's loads..
and the cabbage, cauliflower and etc.They are full f weeds as well!
This cabbage is massive!
that's our cauliflower
That's bad isn't it?
Some fo cauliflower are bad
I thought our plum will be ready but not yet
When we're in Bulgaria John's son texted that the wall collapsed
but its not sorted and fixed..we just want to check it
oh..its cold!
My skin is so morena(brown) I love it!
There you are..you that new stones? Thats the one that collapse
Cuz like this oh it's leaning over
Jesus... anyway it's sorted
Right, will do it tomorrow let's relax
Look how happy the dogs are
The time here is..half past eight in the evening
I will just sort our luggage and i will see you tomorrow bye
Hi mga palangga(my loves) good morning so this second part of this
video is like a sit-down video cuz
I've been reading a lot of comments
Asking or saying why you don't have a baby?
Are you planning to have a baby?
Go to the doctor get check if see everything is all right
All I can say or answer this question is..
I wish I know the answer cuz I really don't know when
We have serious talked about this
I really ask John if he gonna give me a baby or not
because I really want to become a parent..I want to be a mother
Cuz if you only asked me if I am ready I feel like I am ready but some
I feel like I am ready but in some part
part of me saying that I am NOT ready
Cuz when I asked John he said its not the right time
His reason why and said..what if will have a baby now? What if something happens to me? What will happen to you and our baby? Your not settle in UK he said
I don't want you to be in that position that you cannot support yourself and our baby (he added)
And in some point he is right
so I really don't know when but you know
I am trying to build myself here in UK
get settled
Cuz to have a baby is a lifetime responsibility and I understand where he's coming from because we are in an age gap as well
Because he said will have a baby when you are more settle..but I cannot give you an answer when
It's up to you.. you need to build yourself up
You need to get settled here in UK so that's
what I have to do and
I know I get jealous to my friends who has kids
I feel so envious that they are saying they are trying to have a baby
It's so nice to hear that they are trying to have a baby
and in my mind when I hear it..they back of my mind saying I wish are trying as well
But we are not trying to have a baby
I hope the right time will come that's all I can say
I am looking forward to the future
Trains Gouda - Alphen Aan Den Rijn NS R-NET Stadler FLIRT-3 #RijnGouweLijn #RNET - Duration: 25:02.Gouda
Waddinxveen Triangel
Waddinxveen Noord
Boskoop Snijdelwijk
Alphen Aan Den Rijn
L25:Web Technology,CSS,Cascading Style Sheets,Internal CSS,External CSS,Selector in CSS in hindi - Duration: 19:13.
Kids and Coca Cola. Sister and Brothers Playing in Cafe - Duration: 2:32.(Tasted Coca Cola)
What is your opinion about Coca Cola?
When you take it into you mouth
in the first second it has no taste.
And later it is like this
What does it resemble?
Well, there are bubbles
and it is so sour.
Is it tasty?
Not very tasty.
Nastya, what will happen if you put Mentos into Coca Cola?
Please order Mentos.
I want Sh-sh-sh.
Denis is drawing something.
Denis, you are drawing so nice.
All right. And now we are choosing green color.
We'll draw a leaf.
It's a usual tablet PC which is hang.
Dip potato into Coke.
Like tea.
What will happen if you dip French fries into Coca Cola?
Like tea.
Nothing will happen.
Is it tasty?
I will catch you.
I'm going to do cartwheel
Almost done.
Hi, I'm from future.
Hi. I'm too.
I have a small chair.
Small chair?
Let us give the chair to a girl?
Opel Astra 1.4 Edition / RIJKLAARPRIJS / AIRCO / CRUISE / TREKHAAK / 5DRS - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Toyota C-HR 1.2T Dynamic+ - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
"한국산 T-50, 펜타곤 차기 훈련기로 채택될 가능성" ➤ 무기의 세계 - Duration: 8:47.-------------------------------------------
Toyota C-HR 1.2T Dynamic+ - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
ТЕХНІКА ВІЙНИ №128. Стрілецькі мішені. САУ "Богдана" vs "МСТА" [ENG SUB] - Duration: 17:15.Anton Duhnovsky translation
For suggestions and remarks on translation, please contact us: TranslatorAnSky@i.ua
TV show "War technologies"
112 billion grivnas needed to our army in 2019. In that number also on armament. By this digit begin 4th season of the program
After moment you will know about these
What is better: wheeled or caterpillar chassis for SPG?
Does the medical Torsus Praetorian serve in Ukraine?
How does look like new summer boots for our army?
Why Americans recreate M48 to IFV-3?
And who developed connection between airplanes and submarines?
For the sake of one or few lucky shots in battle, shooters have to train for years, spending thousands of shots
But one more valuable element in this process is target, which might cost from few coins to thousands of dollars
What now in trend and which progress get shooting ranges, make known our journalist Gennadiy Salivon
From the beginning as the training targets use everything goes: straw dummies, wooden chunks, etc
When firearms became more aimed, appears need to choose best shooters. So classic training target became a paper one with rounds
To all militaries well known training target №4, green figure. On it easy to calculate points, easy to choose a winner. But it doesn't go well for dynamic shooting
For specific tasks are used training targets, which similar to human anatomy
If shooter got task to destroy the enemy, he shoots in zones that bring one-moment lethal exode. If the task is disability or stopping, for these are presented zones, hands, legs
Image at training target depends on task for shooter. Exists targets for high precision shooting, exists for police sniping, etc. Well known instructors develop training targets with their own ideas
It is training target of Australian instructor Ray Mantiny. You might see zones, 4+5. Might see rounds, in which might collect groups
Right and not right muzzle position. Might mark the hits. At acceptations, date, time. This training target often used in private security companies
Disadvantage of paper training targets – they rip fast. For dynamic shooting trainings often used training targets of corrugated cardboard
Anyway, they are also not eternal. Now popular became such-called gongs
Main goal is to hit it. If hit came out specific sound. Human without walking to training target hear that target injured
There gongs that falls after hit, as Byanchi system plates
For more complicated tasks used such-called wood
Horizontal moving to byanchi easy to control by upper body. For vertical need to include hands and pelvis. If hit in white you rapidly will see color changing
This training target called Popper. She constructed to stand still if hit in leg and fall if hit in head
Exists also double variant of Popper
If 2 guys passing by, side one has a right to injure second popper. Injure your half and injure half of an enemy
He doesn't finish exercise. It is higher level. Not simply hit the head, but hit in your half
Exists also gravitation gongs, that after hit falls and then rise by their own selves. And police use gongs that imitate criminal with hostage. Injuring zones they have are flexible
Until now remain discussions about right of gong usage in military preparing
For rifle-men, MG's, … shooting to such training targets are not right … their job goes from 250 m and further
And for sections, that charged in city clearing, objects security, there need to train on such training targets, prepare for work with 2 weapon types. Automatic rifle and then way to hand-gun or reverse
Other way, at high precision shooting competitions. For example, F-class, at range under 1000 yards or 914 meters. There training targets lift down after each shot and mark hitting place
Depending on training area budget, use different types of systems. But high class are systems which automatically get the hitting point and show it on monitor. One of them, made by Kongsberg Tadget Systems used also by American marines
When we use this system, so save 3 minutes on each serie of fire. So shooter might concentrate more on shooting aspects then turn attention away each time when need to examine injured target. Effectiveness of Kongsberg targets system is unbelievable
Target got four microphones on each angle and when bullet hits in target - micro's by sound get where exactly bullet hit
All this information sends to pad and on this monitor show up as marker. Everything going in real time, and at left side in graph at once show up results
«War Technologies» program already told about systems which allows to train in shooting without real shooting. Trainers for ammo saving recommend to practice additionally with «blank ammo»
But human nature is so, that until you see injured target – won't believe in your abilities. According to it target systems will only improve their selves
24th of August on parade to Independence Day of Ukraine take part 250 technique units. From exclusive on Hreschatyk
operation-tactical system «Grim-2», high precision multiple launch system «Vilha», self-propelled howitzer «Bogdana». About the last will remind you in this episode, and yet propose you digest of MIC news for last two months
Malishev factory became more one enterprise, which produce bodies for BTR-4 after owning experimental model of 1700 details
Company «Ukrainian leading microtechnologies» create dynamic protection elements «Contact» for tanks T-64 and T-72
And LimpidArmor presented third version of additional reality system Land Platform Modernization Kit for armored technique
MinDefense bought 3 mobile laboratories for testing food quality. In army arriving laboratories for servicing foreign radio detection systems of USA
And NatGuard bought 3 buses of medical evacuation Torsus Praetorian 4х4 for 6 laying or 20 sitting wounded
That time StateBorderService auto-park added with Bogdan trucks, what is uniting of machines Jack and Hyundai HD-72
On one of testfields with Mi-8MSB-V help was provided state-tests of research example non guided aerial missile with 80-mm caliber Oskol
At Odessa oblast new Ukrainian winged missile successfully injure sea target at 100 km distance
And 152-mm shells from Artem company, which in next year will be produced in amount under 360.000, already decided to supply in armies
HADO company presented new sniper rifle Snipex M100 with automatic case drop out with caliber 12,7х108 mm. Her prototype show in 2016 and from that time model get significant changes
100-centimeters barrel – proudness of developers, because made in Ukraine. Shooting range – 3000 meters, weight of model under 14,3 kg
In Ukraine develop parachute system Sokil for descending with additional weight in 180 kg from height above 7000 meters
Ukrainian Armor created armored-shirt for plate-carrier, what have soft ballistic protection on chest, shoulders and spine
And in 95th brigade passing tests new protected gloves and summer field shoes
Arquus presents video of their many-purpose off-roadster Trappe for different missions. Model with 160-powers engine have payload in 1 tone
And in Internet show up photos of armored wheeled hospitals, which serve in Saudis Arabia. Possibly, them build on basis of Mercedes trucks
Israel presents AV Nemera on Mercava Mc-4 panzer basis with three armament variants
Became known, that on beginning of 2000-ss US army reworked 10 old M48 tanks on movable models of BMP-3 for enemy imitation
And in Indonesia that timed end moving trials of middle tank Kaplan MT, developed with Turks
In Tallinn to part of Estonian police and border-guards include new patrol ship PVL-203 Rau
Italian parliament approved sending to Livia 12 patrol cutters against immigrant's flow to Europe
And newest British aircraft-carrier Queen Elizabeth go to eastern US seaside for providing flying trials, to which involved 138 fighters F-35B
At conference Sigcom-2018 American engineers on example of basin show prototype system of direct connection between submarine and flying machines
She consists from under-water acoustic radiator, which call waves, and also radar, which recognize these weavings, separating with natural. Data transferring speed up to 400 bits per second
Great Britain order in Israel company Raphael 6 systems Drone Dom against unmanneds for 20 million dollars
In internet show up satellite photos of different new Chinese drones models, among which one is a new one
And 75-kilograms unmanned Airbus Zefir-S make a world record, being in sky for almost 26 days
Nearly published video of quite strange military purpose object in dead desert Gobi, which in China. Partially, wide straight lines look like take-off paths
Btw, Lithuania MinDefense build first on near-Baltic republic territories test-field for NATO aviation at distance from Russian border in 60 kilometers
Turkey company TAI present new many-purpose helicopter T-625 for 14 persons crew
Same time Bel Helicopters provided official presentation of their convertiplane V-280 Velor
Iran show first their own 4th generation fighter, which got name Kowsar
And USA congress unfreeze sendings to Turkey F-35 fighters cause of Ankara buying in Russia S-400 systems
For the last month SPG «Bogdana» with NATO caliber call crazy agiotage in informational space of Ukraine and world. And main revelation here became chassis
So on examples of new-one and soviet's howitzer MSTA-S we decide to enlight all advantages and dis-advantages of wheeled and caterpillars bases for SPGs
She might lead fire on 360 degree by horizontal and from -4 to +68 degree by vertical scale. Up to 8 shell per minute, in case of need, will fly to side of enemy technique and objects on distance up to 25 kilometers
For these 2S19 or MSTA-S, means self-propelled, have ammunition load of 50 shells with 152 mm caliber
Sure, this powerful firing device from beginning of Russian aggression was involved to liberation of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Lisichansk, etc. By four years of battles on Donbas this model achieve modernization about control
At battle actions guiding time already using modern tablets, on which installed artillery programs to help faster cannon aim, make task and leave firing position
By itself self-propelled howitzer additionally get newest communication equipments
From Т-72 tank MSTA-S get body geometry, engine, transmission, driving gear, and torsion bars and rollers of running gear here from «eighty»
It is allows to 5 crew members lead fire for sure. Also caterpillar don't have equal competitors at cross-land
42-tones MSTA-S might accelerate to 60 kilometers per hour. 780-power engine of giant can feed by diesel, kerosene or benzine. But power reserve in 500 kilometers costs pricy
For this in fuel tank of 2S19 should be 1300 liters of fuel, means on one kilometer goes over 2,5 liters
In 2015 at «UkrOboronProm» start talks about creating more powerful SPG with Alliance caliber. Basis should become our tank Oplot, tower – from Poland's Crab
And before this year August mythic «Bogdana» imagined like this. But revealed that she may replace tractored MST-B or 2A65
Her crew bigger then in "S" one on 3 fighters and cannon options setting significantly lesser: turning angle from -27 to +28 degrees, and rising angle from -3 to +7
Btw, Russians in their time developed two export modifications of this howitzer with 155-mm caliber, which have marks M-390 and MZ-146-1
But in 2015 Harkiv developers go otherwise, and 20 days ago world know about «Bogdana», created with experience from war at eastern Ukraine under NATO caliber
She drove 1,000 kilometers this day
She very mobile and as example yesterday she passed tests in Pavlograd and today morning she already located, came by herself, at Jytomyr's test-field
This «girl», with comfortable armored-capsule for crew can injure enemy forces on fire range twice bigger then MSTA-S has
Same time ammunition reserve of «Bogdana» in 2,5 times lesser. But she will be cheaper in service and arrive to task location lets say with lower blood cost
Until now battle weight of «SPG Bogdana» unknown. But might presume that 420-power diesel accelerate new-one to 80 kilometers per hour
Power reserve on one fueling consist 1200 kilometers. And, judging from consumption in 37 liters per «hundred», one kilometer by Kraz costs 7 times lesser diesel, then swallow MSTA-S
Howitzer mounted on Kraz-63221 basis, what show in itself lower fuel consumption. Means lower then in caterpillar SPG 2S19
Advantages of wheeled chassis are that she more maneuverable then caterpillar technique and also less noisy
Btw, at 20 of August in internet appeared tests video of Turkey SPG Evuz, 155-mm caliber, which officially presented on international arms exposition IDEF-2017
Her crew also 5 fighters, fire-rate up to 6 shots per minute, ammunition lesser then in «Bogdna» on 2 shells, fire-range also lesser – up to 40 kilometers
Among similar models, developed in world by last two decades, might call French Cesar, Israel Atmos2000 and Slovakian Eva
So, and Ukrainian army might have completely new by its philosophy artillery system. Also even might interest foreign-customer?!
Speak over some qualities of «Bogdana» too early. But achievements of defense industry are well noticeable – it is first of all riffled barrel. Until today in country were not produced barrels with caliber over 30 millimeters
Judging from everything, for last 3 years thanks to buying machine-tools and most important to technologies it is luckily done. Additionally, in last year seen also great progress in powders production and ammunitions
We emphasize many advantages of wheeled chassis over caterpillar for creating SPG
But at way of «Bogdana» test will appear moments which will be needed to correct. And details in best case we will tell you after few months
On the next week you will know about British system SA-80 and how to clean fire arms. Watch us on 24th channel, search in YouTube and join in facebook. Farewell
MYSTERY WHEEL OF TACOS CHALLENGE - DÉGUSTATION TACOS XXL VS GIGATACOS ? 🔥😰 - Duration: 12:57.-------------------------------------------
First day of Sansar! - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
Kids and Coca Cola. Sister and Brothers Playing in Cafe - Duration: 2:32.(Tasted Coca Cola)
What is your opinion about Coca Cola?
When you take it into you mouth
in the first second it has no taste.
And later it is like this
What does it resemble?
Well, there are bubbles
and it is so sour.
Is it tasty?
Not very tasty.
Nastya, what will happen if you put Mentos into Coca Cola?
Please order Mentos.
I want Sh-sh-sh.
Denis is drawing something.
Denis, you are drawing so nice.
All right. And now we are choosing green color.
We'll draw a leaf.
It's a usual tablet PC which is hang.
Dip potato into Coke.
Like tea.
What will happen if you dip French fries into Coca Cola?
Like tea.
Nothing will happen.
Is it tasty?
I will catch you.
I'm going to do cartwheel
Almost done.
Hi, I'm from future.
Hi. I'm too.
I have a small chair.
Small chair?
Let us give the chair to a girl?
Airsoft - Secutor Bellum X world premiere [ENG sub] - Duration: 18:44.Here we are guys
The point of no return
The moment Secutor doesn't have any visual left for their boxes
We're hitting the bottom!
Hi everyone, welcome to the Lair
Of course there's going to be a visual for the Secutor Bellum
But today thanks to 020magazine I've received one of the four available Bellums
It was a very good surprise to get this parcel yesterday
Thanks a lot Marine, thanks a lot 020Magazine
Thanks a lot Secutor, thanks a lot Skyway
Thanks a lot to my parents, thanks a lot to the Academy Awards, I wouldn't be here without them
And above all, thanks a lot Jacquie and Michel!
Here's the picture that'll be on the box
Once again it is about modern-time gladiators
Otherwise it's useless! All the efforts of the last two years would be annihilated!
There's going to be three versions of the Secutor Bellum
The black Bellum X
The dark bronze Bellum V
And the grey Bellum II
MSRP should be around 175/190€
Probably closer to 175€ though
But we won't look at this box for hours, let's see what's inside
Ohlala, a plastic bag!
Well, just by looking at the nozzle I can tell who built the gun
It comes from KJWorks
The M9 KJW is not the worst BB-gun on Earth
It was designed in collaboration with Mr Tanio Koba
Each Bellum will be delivered with two nozzles
A "Winter" nozzle, already inside the gun, and a "Summer" nozzle
As you can see they've used the same system as on the Rudis
A valve narrows down the gas flow to reduce the power
The Bellum will come with a 25BB CO≤ magazine
Gas magazines should be available too
Yes, I'm using the future tense and modal auxiliaries because this gun should be available in September
But as it depends on how long will the cargo ships will take to join Europe
It's a long trip from Taiwan
So if there are typhoons, storms,
Customs inspections, pirates
Customs inspections, storms
Or even Customs inspection
It can delay the release of this Bellum of a few days or even a few weeks
So I'm telling you September, but it is for the best.
Don't be mad if it is released a bit later
So here's the gun, wrapped in a plastic bag
Wow it's heavy!
Let's have a look at it!
Meet the Secutor Bellum X, built on a KJW basis
As I told you before, these M9s are liked by players who don't like Marui plastic guns
It is the same conception though
But they added an adjustable hop-up, which is not the case on old-gen Maruis
And the gun as been designed with Mr Tanio Kobayashi
So if you're allergic to plastic guns, this one is perfect for you!
Here are its dimensions
It's heavy; you really "feel" the gun in your hand
As usual Secutor customized the base gun
There are specific markings here
Look at this! That is a nice idea, engraving the safety lever positions
Pax for safe, Bellum to shoot
The safety is ambidextrous, but it doesn't act as a de-cocking lever
The skeleton-style hammer
It really looks like a combat gun
His is an M9A1 platform
With a threaded barrel, I'll talk about it later
Nice markings here
Si vis pacem para bellum, if you want peace prepare for war
The serial number here
Wow, it's Bellum number 1 of 2018 here
I'm proud guys, this is silly!
The butt panels are very nice too
They've let some smooth areas in case you want to make some stippling
As they did during the latest IWA
If you're a stippling enthusiast, enjoy yourself!
The magazine release here
There's no lanyard ring on this gun, don't lose it on the field!
Thin grooves at the back and front of the butt
The paint looks nice, we'll see if it lasts
Maybe not,
There are traces already
but guns are living creatures, they evolve!
If you want the paint to last long, call AÈrographe Fockeur and make him use Cerakote!
The trigger guard is straight in order to install a flashlight
On the Picatinny rail here
There are serrations at the front and rear of the slide
Of course the slide catch works
When there are no more BBs inside the mag, it locks like this
Insert a fresh mag and release the slide!
Single and double action fire
I'm not fond of M9 triggers
They're too "soft"
And you can't feel the wall
Trigger reset is nice though!
The mock extractor is molded on the slide
So is the front and rear sights
There are no white dots
But aiming is easy
The outer barrel is threaded and there's a steel thread protection
This is a 14mm CCW thread
So you can mount any compatible sound suppressor or tracer unit
He overall look of the Bellum is nice
And the magazine plate is not too big, it is consistent with the look of the pistol
Gas magazines should also be available but if you already own Marui magazines
They're compatible
And if there's gas inside, it shoots!
Recoil won't be as strong as if you use Co2
Remove the magazine plate
Then unscrew the end cap
It's made of metal
What I like doing with brand new guns
Is to put a drop of silicon oils on the tip of the CO2 bulb
So the seal inside the magazine is well lubricated
Always be cautious when manipulating CO2 bulbs
You could get a frost burn
And when replacing the bulb, make sure that the old one is empty
Nice kick!
Not the strongest I've ever felt
But it is crisp
Pull the trigger
Well, you can slightly feel the wall before it breaks
Short reset
It is not scratchy
Velocities are reasonable
You can play everywhere with the Bellum
Whether using the winter nozzle or the summer nozzle
There's always a way of not hurting your pals
Even at close range
Let's see what is inside!
The two Allen keys will be inside the final bundle, as well as the manual
You need one for the CO2 mag and one for the hop-up
Stripping the Bellum is similar to any other M9
Push the side button and rotate the latch
Now remove the slide
There's not much to see here
Even the frame is heavy!
Maybe they inserted metal inserts inside the grip like Marui does
Here's the slide assembly
Hop-up unit, recoil spring, spring guide...
Be aware that the recoil spring is not attached to the spring guide
So it can fly away quite quickly
A small part can is inserted into the hop-up unit
It prevent the guide from flying away as it does on real M9s
Here it flies!
The gun is well lubricated
I don't know if that's because the gun has been used before or if it is some factory lubrication
Well, now remove the thread protection so you can remove the barrel from the slide
The tiny hole here is the spot to insert a small Allen key and adjust the hop-up
These guns use proprietary inner barrels
So it's a bit tricky to upgrade
But the hop-up bucking is a standard Marui VSR-10 type
This is the blowback housing
And the blue nozzle, it can handle gas and CO2
To replace it, remove this small screw
Then there are two solutions
You can remove the metal plate right away
Or remove the two nozzle spring before that
I prefer removing the springs
I don't want them to be damaged
Because sometimes the plate it a bit tough to remove
You could bend a spring
I use a small screwdriver to remove them
One of them is already bent!
Now slide the plate to the rear
Not easy with greasy fingers!
Let's use the screwdriver
Lift the back here
Job's done!
Now I can remove and replace the nozzle
It is up to you to choose which one to install
Summer nozzle on the left, winter nozzle on the right
Since it's summertime let's install the summer nozzle
Insert the plate back
The small screw...
Be advised that the springs are not symmetrical
There's a narrow end and a broad end
The broad end goes against the nozzle
And the narrow end is inserted on the metal plate
Like this
Like that
It is a very simple system
I'm done with stripping the Bellum
Let's put it back together
PAX mode!
I'm quite surprised
Well, not surprised because It's basically a KJW product
But Secutor have chosen a sound basis for their Bellum
Now it's up to you to decide if there's one particular color that you prefer
Black, dark bronze or grey
It is CO2 and gas compatible
Nice butt panels
You can mount a flashlight, a laser, a sound suppressor
Hey, let's do this right now! Thanks to the magic of live video!
This is my tactical Bellum
I can shoot glow-in-the-dark BBs thanks to this Acetech Lighter
And I can play in dark places thanks to my flashlight!
And it is not too heavy
The only tricky thing is to find a holster
But if you use a plain-Jane Bellum, any M9A1 holster will do the job!
Don't hesitate to comment, tell me what you think
Are you eagerly waiting for the release?
Would you buy it or not?
Tell me why
Are you sensitive to the "Gladiator" thing that Secutor brought up?
Don't forget to like the video
Or dislike it
Thanks again to 020Magazine and the whole gang for sending me this gun
This is a nice exclusivity; there are only four guns at the moment
and if just like me you fancy goodies...
well, I wanted to know if we can mount the mag release for lefties
we can...
if you like goodies, insert "I love Secutor goodies" in your comment
and in about a week to ten day I'll draw a couple of winners from the commentary section
and the winners will receive Secutor goodies
meanwhile you can check my news on Facebook
Browse my Instagram for nice pictures
Like the video again, share this video
And of course, www.lantredudingo.com for the written reviews and bonuses!
It's time for a 360
And I'll see you soon in the Lair
Brush Your Teeth | Momo Beats | Kids Songs And Cartoons | Kids Channel - Duration: 2:39.Brush Your Teeth
Teddy Bear Turn Around | Nursery Rhymes For Children | Music For Kids | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:02:09.Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the sky
Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, bead down low
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your toes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, rest your head
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, time for bed
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, reach up high
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the sky
Teddy Bear, Teddy bear, bead down low
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your toes.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, rest your head
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, time for bed
SchloerBITS Ep 2.09 - "Mama Alert" - Duration: 1:36.[Pop Goes The Weasel plays throughout]
Mama: Help!
I have a toddler and I can't get up!
Spokesmama: Every day millions of mamas hit a wall at the end of their day and just can't
find the strength to go on.
That's why I invented Mama Alert.
With just a press of this button mama is instantly connected to a highly trained motivational
specialist who will give her the inspiration she needs to get through the rest of her day.
Operator: Don't worry, mama, I'm here for you.
I've ordered you a pizza for dinner and now I'm remote accessing your TV and putting on
a show for your toddler.
Mama: Oh!
Thank you!
Operator: Oh, and I've also accessed your smart fridge and I see that you have a lovely
bottle of chardonnay chilling.
Mama: Oooooh!
I forgot we had wine!
Operator: That's why I'm here, mama.
Oh, and I see that Netflix has just released the new season of Ozark, so once that toddler
is asleep you can binge watch bad-boy, anti-hero Jason Bateman to your heart's content.
Mama: Oh, I love watching him launder things.
Operator: Right?!
Also, I texted your husband and he said he's gonna come home early and do bedtime.
Mama: Amazing!
Operator: He's also bringing cake.
Mama: Oh my God.
You're a life saver!
Spokesmama: And Mama Alert can save your life, too.
So, please, call the number of your screen now to request your free informational brochure.
Mama: I'm so glad I got Mama Alert.
I'm not sure I would have survived without it.
Spokesmama: Mama Alert: We got ya, mama.
[SchloerBITS Theme]
Rainbow Wheels On The Bus | Nursery Rhymes With Junior Squad by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:01:20.The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
round and round round and round
The wheels on the bus go round and round..
All through the town.
The people on the bus go side to side
Side to side, Side to side
The people on the bus go side to side
All through the town.
The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!
vroom vroom vroom, vroom vroom vroom....
The engine on the bus goes vroom vroom vroom!
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The door on the bus comes open and shut.
Open and shut open and shut
The door on the bus comes open and shut.
All through the town.
The driver on the bus says sit on down..
Sit on down sit on down
The driver on the bus says sit on down..
All through the town.
The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!
Uwah uwah uwah, uwah uwah uwah.
The babies on the bus say uwah uwah uwah!
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The mommies and the daddies say I love you,
I love you I love you
The mommies and the daddies say I love you,
All through the town.
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
The wheels on the bus..
高云翔回国无望近照眼睛红肿含泪,董璇心酸发这样一段话 - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Curious Quail - The Albatross - Duration: 3:21.🎶Facing all these things that we've broken🎶
[Guitars strumming]
🎶Scares you inside-out for a moment🎶
[More guitar because why not]
🎶But deep breath in🎶
🎶Chin up 🎶
🎶We got this far 🎶
[There's a filter but I promise Josh's bass tone is like silk in your ears]
🎶It's time to finish what we all started🎶
[Tambourines, drums and Gameboys have joined the party]
🎶With bruises, bleeding limbs, broken hearted🎶
[There's violin hiding in there too]
🎶But all together now🎶
🎶We got this far🎶
[Why is Gameboy music so heckin cute]
[Morose violin sets the mood with crunchy guitars thumping]
🎶They say that we'll disappear🎶
🎶But the math that they do to get here doesn't check out🎶
🎶They're waiting for the all clear🎶
[Joey's shirt says 'Donut Savant']
🎶From superstitions and fears🎶
[Descending violin blazing forward]
🎶But the weight of it is all is gone from our necks🎶
🎶Blink once or twice and it's over🎶
🎶And sure you're beaten down and feel older🎶
[Bloopity bleep]
🎶But against all odds and reason🎶
🎶Here we are 🎶
[Cacophony of guitar feedback and gameboys]
[Let's bring it down for a moment with the tamby]
🎶They said that we'd disappear 🎶
[Bassline restores your faith in humanity]
🎶And proving them wrong shouldn't feel this good🎶
🎶They're waiting for the all clear 🎶
🎶From superstitions and fears🎶
🎶And the weight of this is all is gone from our necks🎶
[Glockenspiel and Gameboy both start with the letter G]
[Surprise Joey what a twist]
[He's also playing the glockenspiel though so it's not re…]
[Interlude time! This song is not about a bird!]
[Mad shoutouts to the drums, bass and glockenspiel tho]
[It's been a while since he's had a violin solo, he's earned this]
[Violin solo adding implied 80's guitar bends, this rules]
[Gameboy and Glockenspiel play us out]
Ivana Raymonda - I Got You In My Life (Original Song & Official Music Video) - Duration: 3:27.The sun is rising
I wake up
Looking in your eyes
I'm so grateful for your love
You say morning honey
I smile at you
Give you a kiss
And start singing this song to you
You make me sing and dance from happiness
Don't ever change 'cause you are perfect
Come and wrap me in, your strong arms
Keep me safe and warm, you own all of my heart
You own all of my heart
You're the best that ever, happened to me
I won't let you go so come and dance with me
This new day will be wonderful, and so will the night
'Cause baby I got you in my life
You make me sing and dance from happiness
Don't ever change 'cause you are perfect
Come and wrap me in, your strong arms
Keep me safe and warm, you own all of my heart
You own all of my heart
The sun goes down
But I'm still up
Looking in your eyes
I'm so grateful for your love
You say goodnight honey
I smile at you
Give you a kiss
And turn off the lights with you
Tomorrow will be
Another wonderful day
'Cause baby I got you in my life
I hope you want to support me through Patreon, or my own support site
Or buy something in my web shop, like my CD, or DVD
It would help me a lot to keep making music videos ♥♥♥
10 Most Visited Places In The World | Greatest Places For Visiting - Duration: 2:48.Top 10 Most Visited Places in World
US Open umpire investigated for helping Kyrgios into third round - Duration: 5:41.Nick Kyrgios has leapt to the defence of chair umpire Mohamed Lahyani after the official's extraordinary mid-match pep talk fired the volatile Australian into a US Open third-round blockbuster with Roger Federer in New York
Lahyani is under fire for his controversial intervention after Kyrgios rallied from a set and a service break down to pull off a drama-charged 4-6 7-5 6-3 6-0 comeback win over Frenchman Pierre-Hugues Herbert
Kyrgios was trailing 3-0 in the second set, having thrown away the first on a wild second-serve double-fault, when Lahyani left his chair to beg the enigmatic star to start trying for the sake of the paying crowd and to avoid being sanctioned – again – for not giving his best effort
"I want to help you. I want to help you," Lahyani said."I've seen your matches: you're great for tennis," he added
"Nick, I know this is not you."Watch the pep talk below: Seeking some sort of physical treatment, Kyrgios said: "Okay
Just call the trainer to the court and I'll try."But when the trainer arrived and asked what Kyrgios needed treatment for, the Australian said: "I don't know, check my wrist or something … Can you just stay out here for like two minutes?"The umpire's controversial "coaching" was savaged on social media, with fans furious about his perceived bias towards Kyrgios and claiming it was unfair on Herbert
Former Australian umpire and one-time head of the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Accociation
Richard Ings, weighed in."I am racking my brain to think of a situation requiring a chair umpire to speak like that to one player
I umpired thousands of matches. I was ATP head of officiating. I can't think of one," Ings tweeted
US Open organiser the United States Tennis Association, already under siege over a succession of rules blunders this grand slam, was also understood to be unimpressed and is investigating the incident
Kyrgios, though, insisted Lahyani's talking to wasn't the spark for his fightback and said he'd be upset if the respected official was sanctioned in any way
"It's happened in Shanghai before, when we all know I had that moment in Shanghai, where the referee said the same thing: 'It's not good for the integrity of the sport, doesn't have a good look'," Kyrgios said
"It happens in other sports, too. In soccer, if someone is being roughed, they get warned: 'If you keep doing this, you get penalised'
Same sort of thing."It had no effect at all. I was 3-love down, (then) 5-2 down. Obviously, didn't help at all
"Regardless, Kyrgios certainly hauled himself back into the contest after Lahyani's approach, having looked utterly disinterested in the early stages
Yawning one second, Kyrgios delivered a return winner the next to break Herbert to get back on serve at 4-5 in the second before clinching the tiebreaker to draw level
Totally revitalised, Kyrgios dropped just three games in the last two sets, sealing victory after two hours and 47 minutes
Federer later confirmed a Saturday night showstopper with Kyrgios at Arthur Ashe Stadium – world tennis's biggest stage – with a 7-5 6-4 6-4 win over another Frenchman, Benoit Paire
"It's going to be a lot of fun," Kyrgios said."I definitely know that I won't be the favourite, the crowd favourite here
"I go into that match with zero expectation. I do believe I can beat him. I have done it before
周立波再次沉默!他除了对某某的曝料,还提到了这个 - Duration: 5:26.-------------------------------------------
Car Loan Financing Explained - Duration: 7:46.so if you want to get a car loan without
getting totally screwed then watch this
video because I'm gonna teach you
exactly how to get a car loan the right
way financing a car is a big deal
because if you don't do it the right way
you're gonna lose a ton of money and
you're probably gonna end up going
upside down in your car now I bought my
first car when I was 20 years old and I
was so stupid because I got a $20,000
loan for seven years at seventeen
percent interest so please don't do what
I did because I didn't do any research
and I took a really bad advice for my
friends on how to grow my credit and we
all know that bad advice will always
lead to really stupid decisions
now I'm Jason with the honest finance
Channel and I make a lot of videos on
different financial topics so if you are
interested in this type of content feel
free to subscribe to the channel or at
least give this video a like and now on
to the content that you've been waiting
for now I'll start by saying that
financing a car is basically broken into
three different parts but you've got to
understand how these different parts
work in order to not get screwed as the
consumer we'll be looking at the amount
borrowed the interest rate and the
length of the loan those are the three
different parts that you need to
understand these three different numbers
will determine what you can or can't
afford as a monthly car payment so pay
attention and just remember that a
monthly payment doesn't determine what
you can actually afford until you apply
what I'm talking about now starting with
the amount borrowed this will be your
entire car purchase plus any taxes and
fees and any money that's left from a
previous car loan it's basically
everything you need to borrow from the
bank in order to purchase your car now
make sure to do the research on the car
that you're buying so that you can get
the best deal possible and please don't
pay full price for extended warranties
or carpet cleaning anything like that
because those prices are all negotiable
just remember to get the best price
possible on your car purchase and feel
free and watching my car buying
negotiation video if you need help in
this area now as far as the interest
rate goes this is just the amount of
money that you have to pay back the bank
in order to even have your car loan now
in order to get the best interest rates
you've got to have excellent credit or
you've got to have a cosigner that has
excellent credit in order to make it
happen and if you are using a cosigner
make damn sure that you can make your
monthly payments every single month
because if you're late just once you're
gonna hurt their credit score and trust
me they're gonna be pretty pissed when
they go in to get a loan and they
realize that you screwed their credit
score the bottom line here though is
that if you do have bad credit just
stick with the cheap car so that you can
actually make the payments and build
your credit along the way or you could
pay cash and save up like we used to
back in the day you'll also want to have
a down payment of about 10 to 20 percent
to get the best rates and new cars will
typically need about 20 percent down
because of their fast depreciation I
know that 20% down is a lot but you've
got to understand that in order to get
the best rates you got to make a few
sacrifices if you have an existing car
that you can sell just take those
profits and use those towards your down
payment and you'll probably have enough
now if you don't have very much down you
can at least see what the banks will
give you because it's worth a try the
best car loan interest rates are
typically about 3 to 5 percent which
will cost you about 30 to 50 bucks a
year per thousand dollars that you
borrow so if you're financing $20,000
then you're gonna be looking at about
600 to $1,000 a year in interest but
that's on optimal credit and with a good
downpayment and if you are given a rate
that's higher than 5% then I would
highly suggest working on your credit
score or paying cash for the car so that
you don't go completely upside down on
it being upside down in your car means
that you owe more than the car is
actually worth and that is not a good
cars naturally depreciate on their own
which totally sucks but it is normal but
just keep in mind that you don't want to
be paying a ton in interest because you
will go upside down in your car now when
you decide to finance a car I would
stick with just banks and credit unions
because they always have the best rates
just shop around online and I'm sure
that you'll find a bank really quick and
easy and please don't go with your local
bank just because you know who they are
because that doesn't always mean that
they're gonna have the best rates just
always go with whomever has the best
terms because that's gonna save you the
most money on your car loan now as an
example I live in Utah and I actually
financed a car once through a company
Canada because they had the best rates
and it was easy to just pay online
dealers can also get you really good
rates on car loans but just make sure
that they don't get a cut of the
interest rates and if they're not taking
a cut and go ahead and use them because
it's a lot easier and you probably only
have to get your credit for at once and
sometimes car manufacturers will even
offer their own rates which are
typically really good from about 2% to
0% on new car purchases so if you're
looking into a new car and they offer 0%
financing and there's nothing funny
about it
then that is a seriously good deal now
if you've made it this far into the
video please give it a thumbs up to help
me out because it's always much
Thanks and finally let's cover the
length of the loan which is the amount
of time that you're gonna be making
monthly payments until the loan is paid
just remember this the longer the length
of the loan the smaller your car
payments are going to be but just
remember that the longer the loan is the
more that you're gonna pay an interest
and this is what you have to understand
you have to understand this because
banks and dealers will just increase the
length of your loan in order to get your
payment's where you want them so that
you think you're getting a good deal the
monthly payment is only important if
you're following the three parts that
I've been talking about now the length
of the car loan should only be about 24
to 60 months if you go with anything
that's longer than the 60 months you're
gonna see the interest rates increase
and you're guaranteed to waste way too
much money on your car typically the
interest rates will go up about one to
two points for every year you extend
past sixty months and that's also for
the customers with the best credit score
so please don't do anything higher than
five years so let's say that you buy a
car for fifteen thousand dollars at a
four percent interest rate for 60 months
your monthly payment is gonna be about
three hundred bucks a month for the next
five years and you're gonna pay almost
sixteen hundred bucks in interest over
the life of the loan now let's pretend
that we buy the same 15 thousand dollar
car but this time you're gonna pay eight
percent interest over eighty four months
your payments now gonna be two hundred
and thirty three dollars a month which
is better than the two seventy six but
this is all a lie because you're gonna
pay a ton more an interest you'll now be
paying about forty six hundred dollars
in interest for the car loan and you'll
be paying on it for the next seven years
so now can you see why having a longer
is a bad idea it's all a big fat lie
because your monthly payment might look
good on paper but it's actually a total
ripoff and after just a couple years I
guarantee you you're gonna be upside
down in your car and you'll still have
five years to go on the loan did you
know that the average car loan is 68
months long at 4.2 percent interest for
$30,000 borrowed those are really scary
numbers because it proves that most of
us are buying way too much car now I
want to make a quick note here about car
insurance before you go out and buy a
car please call your car insurance to
find out how much the new car is gonna
cost you because if you're looking into
some fancy 7 Series BMW and it costs you
a hundred and fifty bucks more a month
in insurance and it's probably worth
looking into something else so just call
your insurance before you buy a car so
that you know how much more it's gonna
cost and now after all of this
information you know how to finance a
car just make sure to get the best price
for the car the best interest rate and
make sure that you're only keeping a
loan for 24 to 60 months and if you
follow these three parts correctly I
guarantee you you're gonna get the best
financing possible for your car loan I'm
Jason with the honest finance channel
feel free to watch any of my other car
videos if you're interested in this type
of content or at least give this video a
like that's all
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